#Scouts fine btw they knew this would happen they were prepared
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hamsamwich23 · 8 months ago
Flowey watching in horror as Scout bites down on a cattail and eats it and it explodes and
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meenatranslates · 2 years ago
[R] Taichi | Cheerful Festival-goer
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I still don't know what happens after death, but it'd be nice if we could spend every day happily and laughing over there! Lead Skill: Divertido Calavera (Funny Skull) Adlib Skill: Colorful Papel Picado
This card is from the scout of the event Day of the Marigold.
Translation under the cut
Handmade Papel Picado - Part 1
*Director's default name as Izumi
―Veludo Way (Evening)―
Taichi: Today’s classes were super tiring...
Tenma: You partied up all night with Kazunari, that’s why.
Taichi: I was just consulting with him about the preparation for the performance we’ll do at the festival of the dead!
Tenma: Then I take it you’re done preparing for that.
Taichi: Of course! It’s all perfect.
Kazunari: Tenten and Taicchan! Otsupiko! Back from school~?
Taichi: Oh, speak of the devil! Kazu-kun, you’re here~!
Tenma: Are you also back from university?
Kazunari: Yep yep! Btw, what was that about me earlier? Were y’all talking about just how sick and indescribably cool I am?
Tenma: Totally not.
I was just talking about how you and Taichi were so noisy last night.
Kazunari: It sure was a blast~! Should we party again tonight, Taicchan?
Taichi: Sounds good!
Tenma: Stop it! Just go to sleep.
Kazunari: Oh yeah, I was passing by the next town earlier, but it looked super festive with their prep for the festival of the dead~.
The garland-like they put up were totes adorbs! Apparently, they’re called “Papel picado”.
Taichi: Pa-Paper... Car dough...?
Tenma: ...Was that some kind of spell?
Kazunari: Papel picado! It’s the name of the decos for the fest!
Look, see! They’re something like a garland but with skulls drawn on it.
Taichi: Wahh, that looks so cute!
Kazunari: Ikr? I knew you would get it!
Tenma: They’re kinda creepy though...
Kazunari: You don’t get it, Tenten~! It’s the slight of creepiness that makes it super cool!
Taichi: Our dorm will look cuter if we decorate it with these skulls!
Kazunari: I super-duper agree with that! It’s a lit idea, Taicchan~!
Tenma: Hey! What’re you gonna do if we get cursed because of those!
Kazunari: You’re such a worrywart, Tenten~. It’s gonna be just fine~. Now that we’ve decided, let’s go and buy some materials!
Tenma: Huh? We’re going now!?
Kazunari: Well, duh! You gotta put your ideas into action A.S.A.P! Come on, Tenten~!
Tenma: I-I get it already, so let go of me!
―Lounge (Night)―
Izumi: I’m home~.
Taichi: Oh! Welcome back, Director-sensei!
Kazunari: Welcome backsies~!
Tenma: ...Welcome home.
Izumi: It’s kinda lively in here, huh.
Taichi: We’re making Papel picado!
Izumi: Pape-what...?
Kazunari: He meant the decos for the festival of the dead~. They’re a lil bit spooky and super cute!
Taichi: They’re something like this!
Izumi: Hehh... So they’re kinda like garlands? They’ve got many kinds of shapes, huh.
Kazunari: Peeps in our uni’s been talking about this festival of the dead, y’see!
Then I thought, “Let’s give our dorm a décor and have a party like the fest too!”!
Tenma: Isn’t the purpose of the festival being to hold a memorial service for the dead? You’ll get haunted for saying something like that just now.
Kazunari: Geez, again with that~. Tenten is such a scaredy-cat.
Tenma: I-I’m not scared...!
Taichi: We’ve bought this many materials, so all of us are gonna do it together!
Kazunari: Seems like it’s okay to draw whatever you want~. Director-chan’s gonna join us too, right?
Izumi: (Papel picado... Might be nice to experience the feel of the festival.)
Let me join you as well then.
Kazunari: OMG, this is getting fun! Let’s give our dorm a makeup with tons of skulls!
Tenma: Stop that! What’re you gonna do if we accidentally summon something weird!?
Taichi: I wonder what I should draw~?
The festival of the dead they mentioned refers to a Mexican holiday "The Day of the Dead" or in Spanish "Día de los Muertos", celebrated on November 1 and 2. The holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. It is portrayed as a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning. The traditions are honoring the deceased using calaveras and marigold flowers known as cempazúchitl, building home altars called ofrendas with the favorite foods and beverages of the departed, and visiting graves with these items as gifts for the deceased. [wikipedia]
Papel picado with the meaning of “punched paper”, is a traditional Mexican decorative craft made by cutting elaborate designs into sheets of tissue paper. This delicate tissue paper signifies the fragility of life as it is ephemeral. You can see Taichi holding it in his bloomed card.
Handmade Papel Picado - Part 2
Kazunari: What’s that, Tenten~?
Tenma: Hm? It’s obviously a skeleton.
Kazunari: EH! How so!? It doesn’t look boney at all!
Tenma: S-shut up! What about yours then?
Kazunari: Me? This is what mine’s look like.
I tried making it by imitating what I see, so it might be a little bit different from the real one~.
Tenma: ...What’s with the completeness.
Izumi: As expected from Kazunari-kun.
Kazunari: Thanksies~!
Taichi: Have you drawn something, Director-sensei?
Izumi: Hmm... Does this look okay?
Taichi: A flower! That’s really pretty~!
Izumi: Thanks. What did you draw? ...Is that a circle?
Taichi: Nuh-uh~! It’s a ‘senbei’!
Tenma: Why ‘senbei’ out of all things...?
Taichi: Hehe, it’s what my late grandpa liked!
At the festival of the dead, you welcome your deceased ancestors by offering their favourite things, right?
I thought maybe he’d come back if I give him my drawing of ‘senbei‘!
Tenma: Isn’t it better if you just offer the real thing rather than that-...
Kazunari: That might be possible! What’s important is your feelings towards the other person, right? Feelings!
Tenma: -BWAH! Don’t suddenly close my mouth! I couldn’t breathe just now!
Kazunari: Sorry, sorry~.
Izumi: What kind of person was your grandfather?
Taichi: Let’s see~...
He was really strict in disciplining from holding chopsticks to table manners, and he always give me only 500 yen for New Year’s gift...
He often scolded me, saying that I’ll get punished if I leave even a single grain of rice in my bowl since there are gods residing in each grain.
He’ll mercilessly smack my head if I play a prank on him... Anyway, he was a really strict grandpa!
Kazunari: Dang, that’s crazy!
Tenma: But what he said is not entirely wrong.
Taichi: Yeah... Besides, at the end of the day, he played with me whenever I came back for holiday!
I was always looking forward to eating the ‘senbeis’ together with him in the house.
That’s why I loved my grandpa who’s strict but kind so much!
Izumi: I see... Those are some nice memories you got there.
Taichi: But like you said, it’s just a circle.
I guess it’s too hard to express ‘nure okaki’ in a drawing, huh...
Izumi: (It wasn’t simply just a ‘senbei’, but a ‘nure okaki’...!)
Kazunari: You’re aiming too high, Taicchan!
Tenma: ...Speaking of ‘nure okaki’, isn’t that what Sakyo-san likes too?
Izumi: Now that you mention it...
Taichi: You’re right! Gramps’ strictness is also kinda similar to Sakyo-nii...!
They're both more or less stubborn old men too!
*door opens*
Sakyo: ...Who are you calling a stubborn old man?
Taichi: !?
Izumi: S-Sakyo-san...!
Kazunari: Yikes! What a timing~!
Taichi: U-um, oh! That was a figure of speech just now!
I-I love my grandpa, but I also love you too, Sakyo-nii!
Sakyo: ......
Kazunari: Damn, look at that pressure from Frooch-san~!
Tenma: Just shut your mouth.
Izumi: Uh, um... Sakyo-san...
Sakyo: ...Hahh, don’t even try to flatter me.
Taichi: I really meant those words as compliment! And I really do like you, Sakyo-nii!
Sakyo: I get it already, so let go. You're hugging too tight.
Taichi: Oh, I know! How about you and I draw ‘nure okaki’ together? It’s pretty hard to draw it differently than ‘senbeis’~.
Sakyo: I refuse.
Taichi: Don’t say that~! Come on, Sakyo-nii!
Kazunari: I’m so jelly that Taicchan and Frooch-san are so chummy with each other~!
Should we mess around like them too~?
Tenma: No way we’re gonna do that! Geez...
Izumi: (Everyone sure is having fun. I hope the performance for the festival of the dead will go well at this rate.)
Story Clear!
Senbei is made from non-glutinous rice “Uruchi Mai (うるち米)”. The main ingredient of Okaki is glutinous rice “Mochi Gome (餅米)”. And these crackers usually have a pleasant crunchy bite in common.
However, there is an exceptional variety of Senbei and Okaki, which isn’t crunchy at all. They have a soft, moist, and chewy texture. For the texture, the exceptional type of Senbei and Okaki has the word “Nure (ぬれ)” meaning “wet” in their name. [source]
Senbei are large and flat disks, whereas okaki are smaller and puffed. [source]
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legacies-game · 3 years ago
okayy soo how would the ROs react if they accidently found MC crying and in a sad state alone? Would they directly attempt to comfort MC or like pretend they didn't see and cheer them up in other ways? ��👈
I'm a sucker for soft moments like these 👀
(I really loved the demo btw! ❤️)
(Ty! 😊) Also ooooh 🤔 I’m going to envision this as crushing stage and while they’re on the road. May have to get a bit creative with Tenebrosus since they don’t travel with you, but that’s fine!
They had returned to camp a bit sooner than the rest, preparing for a night of respite and setting up the fire whilst M went foraging and C took care of the hunting. There was so much to be done: Sharpening their weapons, taking inventory, making sure the perimeter of the camp was safe from the beasts of the wilds. M insisted the magical barrier they had constructed was foolproof, but…well… E was never one to underestimate the creativity of fools.
A faint sound had caught their attentions, the tinder they’d been working to light still held between their fingers, unawares of its burning embers until it singed the tip of their thumb. Letting out a low hiss, E dropped the ember into the fireplace, turning their attention back to the sound. It was so quiet, you’d barely notice but… sniffling? From… MC’s tent. A million scenarios, most of them worrisome, flew through their mind as they crept closer. Gingerly, as if both afraid to discover what lay beyond and whatever is beyond being afraid of them, E opened the tent flap.
The light of the fading daylight spilled through, illuminating the source. MC, huddled in a corner of the tent and… crying? A moment of fear spread through E’s features as they checked the other over for any injuries, but finding none, their green gaze drifting back to their face. “MC, are you alright?” they asked with the sort of gentleness they seemed to reserve only for you. They were partially afraid of invading your space, looking at you for some sort of confirmation that you were okay with it before entering further, taking a seat next to you and wiping away your tears. They had some time yet before the others returned to camp.
“Let it out,” they murmured gently, offering a small, understanding smile. “You’ll feel better once you do.”
Offering a self-satisfied harrumph, M looked over the protective barrier they’d placed over the perimeter of camp with pride. Truly, they never ceased to out-do themselves, though their expression deflated just a touch at the thought of E nagging them about getting too cocky. Something, something, pride before the fall blah blah blah.
They didn’t have to return to camp for a while yet, anyhow. Along with the barrier, they’d managed to forage nearby for a collection of wild berries and crab apples, sitting neatly within their make-shift collection basket. (Really, it was just the hood of their cape but, hey, at least M wasn’t stuffing the berries in their pockets. The juices would ruin the nice embroidery, anyway.) They began scouting for a suitable place to rest a while before returning, maybe even a stream to wash out their findings in— instead all they managed to find was… you. Crying as quietly as you could manage behind the trunk of a rather large tree.
“MC?” M asked, tone less cocky than it usually is and instead rather… surprised, if a bit worried. They approached as though you were a rabbit they were scared of chasing off, but finding you otherwise unaffected by their presence, M looked at the forest floor a bit forlornly… Mushy, wet leaves and an ungodly amount of moss. With a silent cringe, M unceremoniously plopped themselves down upon the forest floor next to you. “You’re lucky you’re cute,” they murmured, leaning forward and caressing your cheek, their thumb collecting and stray tears in the process. “Mind sharing your troubles? I cannot magically make you smile, I’m afraid— but I can do my best.”
Bow at the ready, C was… walking? No, no… stalking would be more precise. Yes, stalking through the forest in search of their dinner. Well, they were until they stumbled upon you, crying into a stream— the sound of it masked out by the running water. In truth… they’d been there for about five minutes, agonizing over what they ought to do. What could they do? They were absolute garbage at comforting anyone and they knew it. Perhaps you wanted to be alone, anyway? Thus, they hid in a rather large bush agonizing over their choices.
Until you caught them. “C?” They heard your voice call to them, the tips of their ears going scarlet at having been caught. A part of them felt their heart ache at how defeated you sounded.
Standing from their spot, they fleetingly made eye contact before approaching, slinging the bow across their back as their hands clenched and unclenched. “Er, I happened to… come across you by accident,” they admitted lamely, half expecting you to tell them to get lost or something. When you didn’t, they glanced back at you curiously— seeing you struggle to keep your own emotions in check in their presence. It was a valiant effort, but one they would rather you not have to make. With great hesitance, they reached their hand out before placing it on your shoulder— as much as they could manage without their heart giving out as they looked down at the ground. “I won’t tell anyone, you can be yourself when I am around.”
Oh, they were perfectly aware they shouldn’t be here— but the chance to see what they were up against was too good to pass up. Besides, disguised as they were, who would notice a random fox was the god of chaos? Perhaps a fox was a bit cliche, but at least they weren’t something more obvious like a raven or a snake.
Trotting into this simple little camp like they owned the place was easy enough— the three other heirs being absent as Tenebrosus could not sense their magic. One was here though, they reckoned, the clock calling to them like a siren’s song. Weaving through tents pitched up in various states of quality and effort, the god darted through the flaps of one tent— beelining where their senses told them their goal was.
The watch, so close… achingly close— just another step and they could snatch it within their jaws and—
Sobbing? Their ears twitched towards the source, the Heir of Time, curled up in a corner of the tent looking so small, nothing like the foe that had gone toe to toe with the god of chaos more than once at this point. It was borderline pathetic, though what sliver of a conscience Tenebrosus had left made them feel… guilty? Strange. They chanced a step closer, then another, crouched so low to the ground as they hoped not to be seen. It seemed the Heir did not care about the animal invading their tent.
This would not do. Perhaps in a momentary lapse of judgement, a sliver of insanity… Tenebrosus sat themselves in their fox-state next to the Heir’s lap, resting their head upon a knee and ears twitching upon hearing them gasp quietly at the arrival. A moment of confusion, Tenebrosus tensing as they wondered if the Heir would toss them out of the tent but then… a hand, caressing their fur and scratching behind their ears. They didn’t much care for it, but they allowed the touch anyway as it seemed to stop their tears. Laesis and Esone would never let them live this down if they saw this… but perhaps Tenebrosus could enjoy this for a few fleeting moments before returning to reality.
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twisted-imagines · 5 years ago
leona, jack and floyd realizing they have a crush on a male student and how they manage to get their S/O attention please 🥺
That's a weird mix of scenario and headcanon format, but that's all I can post for now 😅 I'm really glad you're so patient with me, fishies~ I'm not doing the best right now and it bothers me quite a lot... I worry more about my writing than I actually write.
The reader is gender-neutral in this one btw, there are no pronouns at all, crush is such a universal thing~
Please, while waiting for more content from me, enjoy this ❤
Getting his crush's attention
Leona Kingscholar 🦁
• Scurrying and running about. Those herbivores were really irking his nerves, and Leona just wanted to sleep peacefully. But there was a particular person among that crown. It was somebody who managed to catch his attention and never let it go. What was so special about you, that made him so weak and vulnerable, longing for any bit of affection you would sometimes offer him? Walking past you in the corridors, he couldn't resist to graze you with his tail, a ghost of a touch on your skin. He fell asleep purposefully in the areas he knew you visited often. Just how soft did he become?
Weak and feeble, possessing this annoyingly beautiful smile, you were currently Leona's only daydream. He closed his eyes and your image immediately surfaced up in his mind. He opened them, and once again the only things he saw were you.
Speaking of that, why were your face above his?
• "Oh, you're awake, prefect Leona. Ruggie was searching for you. You choose a really secure spot today."
"And you herbivore still found me. So, proud of yourself? Now go or you'll face consequences."
It wasn't too threatening, coming from somebody who could barely lift his eyes and so you persisted, trying to make Leona go to his own dorm, like Ruggie wished you to do, in case you found his dorm leader.
•"Shut up. Ugh, so annoying, I warned you!"
His rebuttal came pretty fast and before you could react you already were in his arm, pressed to his side. You could feel his warm breath on your face and the rhythmical beating of his heart under your hands.
"Um, prefect Leona? Leona?..."
But the lion was fast asleep.
• After the surprise of waking up hugging your warm form, Leona hadn't gotten a break from intrusive thoughts of your peaceful face, when you went ahead and fell asleep on him that day or the lovely scent of your hair. They were imprinted in his memory and at your every sight his instincts were screaming at him to go up to you and relive it once again, show everybody that you were his. But, you, in fact, were not and Leona knew he had to do something about it ASAP.
• Alas spending time with you became increasingly hard for Leona. You had no lack of attention, didn't you? Always in company of some other punks, he couldn't get you alone at all. If he thought about it, he didn't see you much recently. It was driving him mad, just like a possibility that some other man, and not him, could be spending more time with you then he did. And if it was on purpose, that he couldn't get ahold of you, did you really think you would be able to hide from him, Leona Kingscholar, the only apex predator in the whole college? Naive herbivore.
• Dorm leader of Savanaclaw was always difficult, but after that incident, you no longer understood how to act around him. You got to know him better, much better than even some members of his dorm knew him, but were you two really close to such an extent? It made you question the nature of your relationship, and the way Leona felt for you. Think of the devil. You were careless, not scouting your surrounding properly and the prefect was steadily approaching you now. He wouldn't allow you to run from him, would he?
"Hey, herbivore, long time no see. I almost thought that you got expelled by chance. But were you actually avoiding me?"
"Prefect Leona! N-no! Why would I?"
A scowl twisted his face. What a troublesome prey, but Leona couldn't allow himself to give up. Wanted he that or not, you were occupying a place in his heart now and getting you out there would not be that easy. It was worth a shot, his ego would get a word in later.
"Tsch, don't try to lie to me. I can see past that pathetic act of yours."
The lion moved closer and closer still, until you had nowhere to go, a wall against your back and his hands on both of your sides, a prey for him to feas upon. But there was no malicious intent in his eyes. Green orbs, two will-o'-wisps, playful and mischievous, were also holding some tenderness to them. Itching even closer, Leona came impossibility near. The man's deep voice reverberated near your ear.
"Quit fooling around. You made me work quite a lot for this, so now listen. I like you, [Y/n]. If you have any objection against becoming my mate, better tell them now."
Trapped between the wall and Leona's hot body, you were milimeters away from his face. It would be so easy just to lean forward and press a kiss to those lips. Was it what you really wanted?
Jack Howl🐺
• That morning you were shocked to see Jack Howl dragging his feet, barely paying attention to his surroundings and sporting horrible eyebags. The sight was alarming, you had never seen him be so tired in the morning, not even once. Like the best friend that you were, you rushed up to him, just in time to drag Jack away from a pole on his way. Apparently, he didn't even notice it.
"Wow, Jack, careful. Morning. Didn't get much a shut-eye at night?"
His reaction wasn't immediate, but when he finally registered you holding his hand and closely inspecting his face he jumped up a foot, instantly turning a dark shade of crimson. Incoherent "I"s and "you"s were everything you heard from him before he ran away, too fast for you to follow.
• You met him neither at your classes, nor at the cafeteria, nor after school. It couldn't be a simple coincidence. Did he not want to meet you? This thought resonated with a painful pang in your chest. Did something happen? You thought you two were good friends.
• Jack however could no longer see you as "just" a friend.
"Jeez, aren't you an obvious little puppy, Jack? You're head over heels for [Y/N]. Everybody except for you two can see it."
"Shishishi, Leona-san, look what you did. You broke this poor freshman. "
Every time Jack looked at you now, he could hear Leona's words in his head once again. He didn't even protest, didn't tell them they were not right. He did like you, and he could no longer ignore it or tell himself that what you had between you was purely platonic. And if he wanted to get rid of this agonizing grip, that constricted his breathing and crushed his heart every time he just thought of you, he had to act.
• Easier said than done. He couldn't help but keep a certain distance from you, afraid of spilling the beans instantly and that's the last thing he wanted to do at that moment. He didn't want to endanger your friendship, no, anything but that. Jack became even more observant, and to his great distress now every little joke Ace told you or how familiar others were with you now seemed too "friendly" for his liking. Were they always like this? What if he's not the only one who harbored such feelings for you? The more Jack thought about it, the more anxious he got. What if somebody "snatched" you before he could at least confess his feelings to you?
• With that worrying thought in mind Jack gathered enough courage to come some evening to your dorm after his club activities. What a surprise it was for you, to meet him at your doorstep, after the days of going without as much as hello form him, not even a glimpse of his tall frame in college hallways, even though you knew he was fine. His dorm leader said as much when you cornered him a Botanic garden. The sudden rift between you was saddening, even more now that Jack was standing before you, barely looking at you. Was he angry? Was he going to put your friendship to an end?
• Yes and no. But how could you know that, without him saying it out loud? Jack was trying though, but his pure heart wasn't allowing him to do that, hammering loudly in his throat. Whatever speech he prepared, it seemed so lacking, so stupid now, when you were everything he could see. He's been observing you from afar, while he longed to be near you, to touch you, to do those things that lovers usually did.
Yes, he'd decided. Losing you completely was not an option, Jack understood, you were too precious to him. But remaining close, and doing nothing about those feelings was an idea much more appalling to him. He had to try, hopefully, your answer would calm the turmoil in his heart.
"I've been thinking a lot. Mostly about you, [Y/n]. And the way I see you, it's not just friendly anymore. I want us to become something more."
"What will you say? I'll respect any your decision, but I still want to be a part of your life. As a friend or as a lover, any is good, but I like you, [Y/n]."
Floyd Leech🦈
• "Sh ri m py - chan~" There it was again. You no longer tried to escape, you learned it the hard way you were no match for his speed. Once again Floyd Leech was crushing you in his hug the first thing in the morning. It was a normal occurrence, really, you didn't mind it as much now as you did at least a month ago. He was friendly with you, it definitely wasn't the short end of the stick if you were to compare it to how Floyd treated other NRC students.
The times you were luckier you met him at the lunch break. Did he now specifically go out of his way to search for you in the morning?
You were no wiser, that yes, he did. Floyd didn't meet such interesting people often, even on land, and usually, he quickly lost his interest in them. But you? You were a special case. You were so amusing, so warm in his arm, so squishy and cute. He considered to just gobble you up a couple of times, and each time you gave him that pointed look that sent shivers down his spine. Indeed, Floyd liked that little shrimp~
• But it seemed you didn't share his feelings though? No matter how much he lavished you with his attention, scared away other competitors, or made advances at you, he didn't get any reaction back... It boiled down to one interaction that nearly broke poor eel's heart.
"Floyd? Can I ask you for what reason do you yawn at me?"
"What? Shrimpy, I'm not yawning. C'mon, look~"
"I-I honestly don't what you're doing and it's drawing even more attention than usual, could you maybe stop?"
Bewildered, you could only look how fast Floyd strode away, displeased expression on his face. It's not like you didn't know about his moody nature, but wasn't he just too strange today? No matter how much time you spent with him, his heart was still a mystery to you.
• "Jade! Jade-!"
"My, my, Floyd, what got you so agitated? Oh, are you... Crying?"
Jade couldn't remember when was the last time he saw Floyd with tears in his ears, and not fake crying, there was unfeigned sadness within those mismatched eyes, while he harshly bit his lip to the point of bleeding. Jade tried to approach his twin when Floyd suddenly took the offensive stance.
"You were lying! Shrimpy doesn't love me, I've tried times and times again-! No reaction...Even told me to stop."
What a predicament and Jade genuinely thought his brother had all the chances, he definitely saw you reciprocating his hugs and the way you smiled at Floyd, not out of politeness, but of adoration. Were all of those signs actually misinterpreted? A curious thought visited Jade's head. He had to ask something important first...
"Ahaha! I can't believe it! Floyd- No, haha, it's too much even for you. Did you really think that a human, from an entirely different world altogether, would understand that your gaping was actually you flirting?"
"It was Jade who told me to "just be myself"! Quit laughing, or I'll make you stop. Don't try me~"
Who could have thought a misunderstanding like that would happen? At least Jade was able to clear this one out. The next action, approaching you in a way that you would understand, was entirely on Floyd, who now got much more useful advice from his brother and was already on his way to you, eager to finally hear your answer.
• "Shrimpy, there's something I want to talk about."
It scared you, Leech twin's voice emerging out of nowhere, right behind you. You warily turned to him. Floyd left very angry the last time you spoke, and he was standing before you, face more unreadable than ever. It instilled fear in your heart nonetheless. You two were good acquaintances...friends? Some kind of understanding was developing on your side, but maybe you were wrong? What was he going to do?
"I'm listening, Floyd. What do you want to talk about?"
The man was fidgeting, his hands behind his back for some reason, probably hiding something. That was getting into the direction you didn't quite follow. Tracing with your gaze up to his face you found it had turned completely red, the shade being the most prominent on his cheeks. He looked cute, an involuntary thought emerged in your mind.
"Shrimpy and I have been spending a lot of time together and... Damn, that's not it! And, well, little Shrimp is very interesting to me and I..."
"Ugh! Just take it! Why is confessing like a human so hard?!"
Standing there, with a bouquet of your favorite flowers thrust in your hand, you had to become the one continuing this conversation.
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fanmoose12 · 5 years ago
May I request a fanfic where levi starts being overprotective of hanji? Btw I love your work
here you go! 
This was getting ridiculous.
Ever since that fateful and dreadful day, ever since Hange became a Commander, Levi was following her every step.
He was accompanying her to meetings with higher-ups, he came with her to check on the new recruits’ trainings, he helped her with paperwork and made sure she ate and slept. He came every morning to her room to make sure she woke up, and he visited her every night to make sure she got in bed. Sometimes, it felt like Levi would soon begin to follow her into the bathroom as well!
And, really, Hange appreciated his concern, and she would have been so glad to spend so much time with Levi, if only his constant fretting wasn’t so annoying.
She knew he only meant well, and Hange even understood why he was behaving this way – they lost so much at Shiganshina, and Hange knew that Levi worried about her, because he didn’t want to lose her as well. But Hange wasn’t a fucking child, who constantly needed to be cared for and looked after. She was a Commander of goddamned Survey Corps, she didn’t need a babysitter.
Hange sat at her table, going over various reports. She twirled her quill in her hand and looked out of the window. The sun was shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky. It was a perfect weather to be outside, not sitting in her stuffy and dusty office.
So Hange stood up, fixing her military coat.
“Where are you going?” Levi asked, raising his head from his own paperwork.
Damn, Hange almost forgot he was here.
“I’ve decided to go and take a look at the construction of the port.”
“Alright,” Levi laid down his quill, and got to his feet. “I’ll prepare the horses.”
“No,” Hange stopped him with a hand on his elbow. Levi stared in confusion at her, and Hange gave him a brilliant smile. “I need you to stay here, someone needs to look over our recruits.”
“Hange, but—”
“No buts!” Hange replied cheerfully. “That’s Commander’s orders!”
She joyously clasped Levi on the shoulder and ran out of her office.
Hange was in high spirits, as she left the HQ. She felt bad for leaving Levi alone, but, really, both of them needed to rest from each other’s company. Besides, she could show him that she didn’t need to be looked after.
Hange smiled, as she saddled her horse. Today was going to be a very good day.
Today was not a good day. No, it wasn’t just not good – it was bad, horrible, completely disastrous.
Hange would have laughed at the irony, if there wasn’t a heavy fucking stone, lying atop of her chest.
And maybe it was due to adrenaline, or maybe the others were really onto something, when calling Hange crazy, but a quiet, hoarse giggle actually escaped her lips, as she lay in the center of the carnage.
Levi would fucking kill her, Hange thought before blacking out.  
Levi furiously scrambled the floor in his bedroom. His hands were already red, but he did not care and continued to wipe at the same spot for the last ten minutes.
Fucking stupid Hange!
She left him there all alone under some stupid premise that he needed to look after the recruits. While she ventured off to god knows where!
Levi threw his rag across the floor. It left a big wet spot, and seeing the mess he just made Levi realized how stupid he had been.
He took a deep breath, willing himself to calm down. Everything would be fine, everything was fine. Hange was smart and capable, she was a seasoned soldier and confident leader. She could take care of herself, Levi knew that!
And it wasn’t as though she was gone to perform some dangerous task, she just went to oversee the construction works. Nothing could happen to her there.
Levi knew that and he knew that his worries were foolish, but ever since that day, ever since only Hange and him left, this worry, this panic and fear staidly grew inside him. Every time he wasn’t next to Hange, every time she wasn’t in his line of sight, his pulse raced double time and his breath hitched in his throat.
Logically, he knew that there was nothing to worry about, they weren’t on enemy territory, they were safe behind the walls, and their foes were far on the other side of the sea, but no matter what he told himself, every time Hange wasn’t beside him, Levi’s insides twisted themselves into knots and he felt almost uncontrollable urge to go and find her, to take a close look on her face and make sure she was alright.
Levi sighed deeply and wearily, running a hand through his hair. He was so fucked up, but weren’t all of them? Even the kids from 104th, although still so very young, already experienced the true horror and tragedy of their lives. And Levi had survived more than three decades of this never-ending nightmare, he could be forgiven on getting over-fixated on the well-being of the only person in this world that he cared about, right?
His solemn thoughts were interrupted as he heard the sound of hooves on the pavement. He snapped his head to the window, expecting to see Hange coming back from her trip.
Instead he saw Jean, riding Hange’s horse. Connie was beside him, and his horse was pulling a cart. In the cart sat two people, Levi recognized Mikasa and Sasha’s backs. He looked closer, trying to see Hange, but there were no sign of her.
His heart began to drum erratically in his chest and Levi ran out of his room, racing to the courtyard.
As he arrived, he saw Mikasa and Sasha carefully and gently helping Hange up. Jean and Connie was hovering above them, making sure Hange moved as little as possible.
Hange looked like a mess, her hair, face and clothes were dusty and she was clutching her side. She raised her head and noticed Levi.
“It looks worse than it is,” she warned him immediately. She tried to grin, but in that moment her leg wobbled under her, and her face contorted in pain.
“Jean,” Levi called, not even looking at the boy, his eyes still focused on Hange. “Bring the med kit in Commander Hange’s room. Connie, bring hot water, fresh towels and new clothes for her. And hurry up with that.”
Both Jean and Connie saluted, and Levi absent-mindedly nodded at them. After that, they immediately took off, rushing to complete their tasks.
Levi took a step closer to Hange, waving Sasha off and laying Hange’s hand on his shoulder.
“Mikasa, help me to walk Commander to her room, and you, Sasha, go to kitchen and see, if there was anything left from dinner.”
Sasha sprinted off to carry out Levi’s order.
Together with Mikasa, Levi slowly and carefully began leading Hange to her chambers.
“What the fuck happened to you this time?” Levi hissed, as they walked through the corridors of Scouts’ HQ.
“Commander walked into a newly built structure, and it unexpectedly collapsed onto her.” Mikasa explained instead of Hange.
Hange herself averted her eyes from Levi’s furious gaze.
“I’m so sorry, Levi,” she whispered a little hoarsely.
Levi said nothing, just sighed and gripped Hange’s waist a little tighter.
Soon they reached Hange’s room and after Levi and Mikasa carefully deposited her on the bed, Levi dismissed the young girl and focused on Hange.
Grabbing the med kit and a towel, Levi started to carefully and slowly undress her.
Her whole torso was covered in ugly bruises, there was a deep gush on the side of her stomach and nasty cut was running down her left hand.
Hange cringed, seeing Levi’s face pale considerably.
“It’s that bad?” she asked and tried to get up to see it for yourself.
Levi’s hand put a hard hand on her shoulder, pushing her back.
“Stop moving around,” he told her harshly.
Hange sheepishly grinned. “Sorry,” she mumbled. “For… running away and getting hurt.”
Levi sighed. He said nothing for a long time, his eyes avoided Hange’s, as he focused on cleaning her wounds.
“I’m not mad, Hange,” he muttered quietly, as his hands began to bandage Hange’s injuries. “I just… worry about you. A lot. I know it annoys you, and I know that I get stupid sometimes, but I just can’t… help it.”
Hange put a hand under his chin, making him look at her.
“I understand it, Levi,” her voice was gentle and her smile was soft. Her hand slowly caressed Levi’s cheek. “I know that I can get careless and stupid sometimes, but, hey, I survived a falling building. And I’ve survived a lot worse. You’re not going to lose me that easy.”
And Levi knew that it was selfish, knew that asking to stay in their world was stupid and futile – he lost people his whole life, and who said that Hange would be an exception? But still, he needed to hear it, wanted to at least get some reassurance that he wouldn’t be left alone this time. So, looking deeply into Hange’s eyes, he asked.
“Do you promise that?”
And Hange smiled at him, her eyes sparkling so prettily. “I swear.”
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