Formatting News
66 posts
For all the latest updates on the formatting cast! (Generously gifted to us by The Bold Detective!)
Last active 2 hours ago
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formatting-news · 7 months ago
The Bold Detective strikes again!
He's made himself a new blog, and has asked us to spread the word! So welcome back @thebolddetective!! And thank you so much!
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formatting-news · 7 months ago
Welcome to Formatting News!
Dedicated to news all about Formatting! This blog was kindly donated to us by The Bold Detective!
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formatting-news · 8 months ago
Uuuuuuuuuuuugh!!! I'm ridiculously bored. There's nothing to do...
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formatting-news · 9 months ago
...cases aren't rolling in like they used to. Business has been slow. But I am not dead, I promise you all.
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formatting-news · 10 months ago
Your message has been received, client. You will remain anonymous, and I hear you loud and clear. By the way, yes, I do know who you are.
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formatting-news · 10 months ago
"Meow, meow!"
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That's what they said. And that's what they wanted to show you. Ok, have a good day now.
Hello there, Roni. You may not know me, but I am a user known as The Bold Detective. I am here from an anonymous client who would like to show you something.
-The Bold Detective, a pleasure to meet you.
Well, hello!... and alright? What is it?
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formatting-news · 10 months ago
You fool. You absolute buffoon. You've doomed us all.
A potion that can flip someone's gravity. One second, they're on the floor like normal. The next one, they're on the ceiling. A wacky gravity flipper. Perfect for a devious prank from a certain someone if they access probably shouldn't tell Hyde about it.
Hm, yes best for him not to know
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formatting-news · 10 months ago
They said, "omg I can't draw shoes lmao". They also mentioned it adds character to the drawing.
and also "haha feet"
I am super tired, Hyde. I'm sleepy eepy, if you will. Someone has requested that I anonymously show off their art to you, so when you get the chance just answer this and I'll show you the piece in a reblog.
-The sleepy Bold Detective (about to go honk shoo honk shoo)
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formatting-news · 10 months ago
This is what they drew.
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They said it's supposed to be you. They're very excited for you to see it, and also said they love you very much (specifying no homo).
I am super tired, Hyde. I'm sleepy eepy, if you will. Someone has requested that I anonymously show off their art to you, so when you get the chance just answer this and I'll show you the piece in a reblog.
-The sleepy Bold Detective (about to go honk shoo honk shoo)
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formatting-news · 10 months ago
Oh, I thought you died. I already showed it to Jekyll, it's a height comparison chart comparing your heights based off the information you shared. But I do have something else to show you.
Hyde. You know who I am. I got a client who says they have "something cool they want to show to" the both of you. If you'll be so kind as to accept this ask and alert Jekyll, I can show you the client's image.
-The Bold motherfucking Detective (I don't know, it's late and I'm tired.)
Alright, alright, cool your beans
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formatting-news · 10 months ago
I am aware that others can feel shy or nervous about asking people certain questions, and even more nervous if that person is someone they look up to. Being anonymous can help relieve some of that pressure, which is partially why I exist. I myself used to be incredibly shy to ask people things, and I want to help others like I once was. I also want people to feel completely secure around me, so I allow anon asks enabled so they can get across their message, regardless of status.
People who have anon asks enabled, I gotta ask, why? What good comes of it?
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formatting-news · 10 months ago
My gosh. Alright, fine, let's say hypothetically you're not the same person. Since Hyde hasn't been online for a few days, then it's alright for me to assume he's dead and plan his funeral for this high paying client. That is, unless, you've seen him around?
Jekyll, why do the anons want me to plan a funeral for Hyde. You're not dead, so he's not dead yeah?
-The Bold "funeral planner" Detective or something
… we aren’t the same person.
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formatting-news · 10 months ago
My sense of humor isn't broken, yours is.
Hello Dr. Jekyll, it’s me the italics artist. That bold has painted me in quite a negative light, but I assure you I’m harmless. It’s that no good detective that’s the real threat. Join forces with me and I’ll make sure they’ll never bother you again -the italics artist
Oh good lord, now there are two of them… I have no interest in you or your associate, bold.
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formatting-news · 10 months ago
It's not a joke unless both sides can find it funny. And I clearly will never find it funny, it's been five years. Just like all your other "pranks".
Hello Dr. Jekyll, it’s me the italics artist. That bold has painted me in quite a negative light, but I assure you I’m harmless. It’s that no good detective that’s the real threat. Join forces with me and I’ll make sure they’ll never bother you again -the italics artist
Oh good lord, now there are two of them… I have no interest in you or your associate, bold.
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formatting-news · 10 months ago
Then change me back, if it's just a prank. After five years, stuck like this, change me back if it's truly just a prank.
Hello Dr. Jekyll, it’s me the italics artist. That bold has painted me in quite a negative light, but I assure you I’m harmless. It’s that no good detective that’s the real threat. Join forces with me and I’ll make sure they’ll never bother you again -the italics artist
Oh good lord, now there are two of them… I have no interest in you or your associate, bold.
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formatting-news · 10 months ago
Of course you would say that. You think everything is better with chaos involved, especially when chaotic things happen to serious people like me. You laughed for days on end with one look at my face. I will NOT let you turn someone else into a fool as ridiculous looking as me.
Hello Dr. Jekyll, it’s me the italics artist. That bold has painted me in quite a negative light, but I assure you I’m harmless. It’s that no good detective that’s the real threat. Join forces with me and I’ll make sure they’ll never bother you again -the italics artist
Oh good lord, now there are two of them… I have no interest in you or your associate, bold.
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formatting-news · 10 months ago
Hello Dr. Jekyll, it’s me the italics artist. That bold has painted me in quite a negative light, but I assure you I’m harmless. It’s that no good detective that’s the real threat. Join forces with me and I’ll make sure they’ll never bother you again -the italics artist
Oh good lord, now there are two of them… I have no interest in you or your associate, bold.
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