#Scorpion's Apollo
mynonsenseistingling · 2 months
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There may be some downsides to the Take Control Quickhack.
An object in motion stays in motion. But sometime, said object does a sick backflip. For style points.
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nncc77 · 1 year
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littlemintcat · 8 months
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who did this to him. why
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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thereadingaddic7 · 2 years
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themodernwitchsguide · 2 months
altars for greek heroes
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ACHILLES: hero of the Trojan war, son of nereid Thetis
Colors: gold/bronze, red for Trojan War. blue, white for his mother Thetis
Offerings: yarrow, gold/silver, shells, gull feathers, olive, laurel, gemstones
Crystals: aquamarine, sodalite, jaspers (red, yellow, ocean especially)
*to honor Achilles you must also honor Patroclus*
PATROCLUS: hero of the Trojan war, son of King Peleus
Colors: gold/bronze, red for war. purple for royal birth
Offerings: incense/fire, oil, olive, laurel, gemstones, gold/silver
Crystals: agates (moss, tree especially), amethyst, lepidolite, rose quartz, citrine
ADONIS: lover of Aphrodite, became god of rebirth and beauty
Colors: pink, purple, red for beauty and association with Aphrodite
Offerings: fast growing plants (lettuce, fennel, barley, wheat), anemone and other flowers, dead plants, cake, honey
Crystals: flower agate, rose quartz, amethyst, rutilated quartz, jaspers (specifically rainforest or other green ones)
ARIADNE: helped Theseus to defeat the Minotaur, later married Dionysus and became goddess of labyrinths
Colors: gold for noble birth. purple for association with Dionysus
Offerings: grapes, puzzle toys, spools of thread or fabric art, wine, herbal tea, saffron
Crystals: grape agate, celestite, star jasper, pyrite, amethyst, scolectite, selenite
ASCLEPIUS: god of healing, son of Apollo
Colors: yellow, white for association with Apollo. red, pink, orange for healing
Offerings: snake skin, clay/bronze humanoid figurines, cypress, pine, olive trees, medicinal herbs
Crystals: quartz, rhodonite, amethyst, fluorite, selenite, citrine
ATALANTA: one of the Argonauts, devotee of Artemis, killed the Calydonian boar
Colors: brown, green for the hunt. white, blue, grey for association with Artemis
Offerings: pork, boar hide, apples, laurel, forgeables, lion/bear imagery
Crystals: jaspers, moss/tree agate, petrified wood, amethyst, rose quartz, selenite
CASTOR AND POLLUX: Pollux was a son of Zeus who shared his immortality Castor, they were turned into the Gemini constellation, saviors of seafarers
Colors: purple for noble birth. white and grey for association with zeus. black for the night sky
Offerings: shells, laurel, olive, meat, wine, two things conjoined (like two cherries or two grapes on a vine)
Crystals: star and ocean jaspers, sodalite, aquamarine, obsidian, hematite
HERAKLES: went mad and killed his wife and kids, did 12 labors as penance, god of strength and heroes
Colors: red, gold for strength and heroes
Offerings: hellebore, olive, laurel, meat, alcohol, yarrow
Crystals: bloodstone, carnelian, garnet, red jasper, smokey quartz, pyrite
HYACINTHUS: Spartan prince and lover of Apollo, became god of vegetation
Colors: pink, yellow, green for vegetation. yellow/gold for association with apollo
Offerings: iris (they were called hyacinths by the Greeks) and other flowers, grain, yarrow, clove
Crystals: tree/moss/flower agate, jaspers (especially bumblebee), citrine, carnelian, pyrite, honey calcite, amber
ODYSSEUS: clever hero of Homer's "The Odyssey," favored by Athena
Colors: gold, purple for royal status. grey, white for wisdom
Offerings: owl feathers, shells, boat imagery, poetry/speeches, laurel, olive, cypress
Crystals: jaspers, obsidian, quartz, aquamarine, turquoise, sodalite, bloodstone
ORION: lover of Artemis, was turned into a constellation after death. Sirius is his dog and Scorpius the scorpion that slayed him
Colors: black, white for night. brown, green for the hunt
Offerings: forageables, apples, hides/leather, mugwort, cypress, moon shaped items
Crystals: star jasper, bloodstone, selenite, celestite, howlite
ORPHEUS: son of Apollo, famed musician and poet of the Argonauts, travelled to Haides to try to save his wife Eurydice
Colors: yellow, gold, white for Apollo. black for the Underworld
Offerings: music (especially lyre), poetry, hymns, honey, laurel, wine, meats
Crystals: aventurine, obsidian, black tourmaline, smokey quartz, selenite, yellow jasper, honey calcite
PERSEUS: son of Zeus, slayer of Medusa, has a constellation
Colors: gold and red for hero status. white, grey, blue for association with Zeus
Offerings: meat, laurel, snake shed, alcohol, fruit, honey, milk (to honor his mother Danae)
Crystals: jaspers (red, star especially), bloodstone, serpentine, quartz, obsidian
THESEUS: slayer of the Minotaur, united Attica, completed six trials for the entrances to the Underworld that he passed on the way to Athens
Colors: blues for ocean, being a son of Poseidon (in some stories)
Offerings: ship imagery, meat, olive, yarrow, gold
Crystals: pyrite, sodalite, lapis lazuli, coral, blue aventurine, aquamarine
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that-girl-cupid · 3 months
open starter
(uh small warning ig, pain, this is kinda making me sad ngl)
*Rosalie had taken a walk down by the beach to calm her thoughts when suddenly something stabbed her, it looked like a scorpion, next thing she knows she reliving every single terrible memory of her dad's, as she falls to her knees, she lets out a terrible blood curling scream*
(let me know if you want to be added to tag list or removed)
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
October 2023 witch guide
Full moon: October 28th
New moon: October 14th
Sabbats: Samhain
October Hunter's Moon
Known as: Blood moon, drying rice moon, falling leaf moon, freezing moon, migrating moon, moon of the changing seasons, shedding moon, ten colds moon, winterfelleth & windermanoth
Element: Air
Zodiac: Libra & Scorpio
Nature spirits: Frost faeries & Plant faeries
Deities: Apollo, Astarte, Belili, Cernunnos, Demeter, Hathor, Herne, Horned God, Ishtar, Kore, Lakshmi & Mercury
Animals: Elephant, jackal, ram, scorpion & stag
Birds: Crow, heron & robin
Trees: Acacia, apple, cypress & yew
Herbs/Plants: Angelica, apple blossom, burdock, catnip, pennyroyal, sweet Annie, thyme & Uva ursi
Flowers: Calendula, cosmos & marigold
Scents: Apple blossom, cherry & strawberry
Stones: Amethyst, beryl, obsidian, opal, tourmaline & turquoise
Colors: Black, dark blue, Dark greens & purples
Energy: Artistic works, balance, creativity, harmony, inner cleansing, justice, karma, legal matters, mental stimulation, partnerships, reincarnation & uncovering mysteries or secrets
It is believed that this name originates from the fact that it was a signal for hunters to prepare for the upcoming cold winter by going hunting. This is because animals were beginning to fatten up in preparation for the winter season. Moreover, since fields had recently been cleared out under the Harvest Moon, hunters could easily spot deer and other animals that had come out to search for remaining scraps. Additionally, foxes and wolves would also come out to prey on these animals.
The earliest use of the term “Hunter’s Moon,” cited in the Oxford English Dictionary, is from 1710. Some sources suggest that other names for the Hunter’s Moon are the Sanguine or Blood Moon, either associated with the blood from hunting or the color of the changing autumn leaves. 
Also known as: All Hallow's Eve,  Ancestor Night, Feast of Apples, Feast of Sam-fuim, Feast of Souls, Feast of the Dead, Geimhreadh, Hallowmass, Martinmass, Old Hallowmas, Pagan New Year, Samana, Samhuinn, Samonios, Shadowfest & Third Harvest
Season: Fall
Symbols: Apples, bats, besom(brooms), black cats, cauldrons, ghosts, gourds, jack-o-lanterns, pumpkins, scarecrows & witches
Colors: Black, gold, orange, silver & white
Oils/incense: Basil, cloves, copal, frankincense, gum mastic, heather, heliotrope, mint, myrrh & nutmeg
Animals: Bat, boar, cat cattle & dogs
Stones: Amber, anatase, black calcite, black obsidian, black tourmaline, brass, carnelian, clear quartz diamond, garnet, gold, granite, hematite, iron, jet, marble, pearl, pyrite, ruby, sandstone, sardonyx, smokey quartz, steel & tektite
Foods: Apples, ale, beef, cider, corm, fruits, garlic, gourds, grains, hazelnuts, herbal teas, mushroom, nettle, nuts, pears, pomegranates, pork, poultry, pumpkin pie, sunflower seeds, thistle, turnips & wine (mulled)
Herbs/plants: Acorn, Allspice, catnip, corn, dittany of Crete, hazel, mandrake, mugwort, mullien, oak leaves, pine, rosemary, sage, straw, tarragon, thistle, wormwood & yellow cedar
Flowers: Calendula, chrysanthemum, deadly nightshade, rue & fumitory
Goddesses: Al-lat, Baba Yaga, Badb, Banba, Bast, Bebhionn, Bronach, Brunhilde, Cailleach, Carlin, Cassandra, Cerridwen, Copper Woman, Crobh Dearg, Devanyani, Dolya, Edda, Elli, Eris, Erishkigal, Fortuna, Frau Holde, Hecate, Hel, Ishtar, Kali, Macha Mania, Morrigan, Nemesis, Nephthys, Nicneven & Rhiannon
Gods: Arawan, Baron Samede, Belenus, Coyote, Cronus, Dagda, Dis, Hades, Loki, Nefertum, Odin, Osiris, Pluto, Woden & Xocatl
Issues Intentions & Powers: Crossroads, darkness, death, divination, honoring ancestors, introspection, the otherworld/underworld, release, visions & wisdom (of the crone)
Spellwork: Divination, fire magick, night magick, shape-shifting, spirit calling & water magick
Related festivals:
• Day of the Dead- (Spanish: Día de Muertos or Día de los Muertos) is a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6, may be included depending on the locality. It is widely observed in Mexico, where it largely developed & is also observed in other places, especially by people of Mexican heritage. Although related to the simultaneous Christian remembrances for Hallowtide, it has a much less solemn tone and is portrayed as a holiday of joyful celebration rather than mourning. The multi-day holiday involves family and friends gathering to pay respects and to remember friends and family members who have died. These celebrations can take a humorous tone, as celebrants remember funny events and anecdotes about the departed.
• All Saints Day- is a Christian solemnity celebrated in honor of all the saints & martyrs of the Church, whether they are known or unknown
• Dedicate an altar to loved ones who have passed
• Boil a simmer pot to cleanse your space
• Have a silent dinner
• Light a candle for your loved ones & yourself
• Decorate your house and/or altar
• Release negative energy & cleanse your with a ritual bath
• Pull tarot cards to see what may be in store for you ahead
• Cleanse, clean & de-clutter your space
• Leave offerings to the Fae
• Journal & reflect on your accomplishments, challenges & everything you did this year
•Go on a nature walk
• Learn a new form of divination
• Have a bonfire with your friends and/or family
• Carve pumpkins
• Express yourself creatively through art, music, ect
• Visit a cemetery & help clean off areas that need it or to visit a family member/ ancestor & leave an offering
• Hold a seance
• Bake spooky treats & bread as offerings
• Refresh your protection magicks, sigils & rituals
Samhain is a Gaelic festival on 1 November marking the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or "darker half" of the year. Celebrations begin on the evening of 31 October, since the Celtic day began and ended at sunset.
This fire festival is celebrated on October 31st & is considered the Pagan New Year. It is the first Sabbat on the Wheel of the Year, a cross-quarter festival & the third (final) harvest festival of the mundane year. This is the time when the veil between the worlds of the living & those who have passed is the thinnest, which allows greater communication between the two
Some believe this is the time of the Goddess's mourning of the death of the God until his rebirth at Yule. The Goddess's sadness can be seen in the shortening, darkening days & the arrival of cold weather
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's 2023 magical almanac: practical magic for everyday living
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
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lady-ashfade · 8 months
All For Us
Day 16 of celebration marathon
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Luke Castellan x Apollo!reader
-♡ ask: this might be a lil confusing idk but can u write something where it's the scene that luke's scorpion thing stings percy and like luke is trynna convince reader to come with him
-♡ words: 700
-♡ good thing I read the book- and posting this 20 minutes early
-♡ warnings: short, angst, betrayal, percy literally dying, book spoilers? Idk if they still counts here
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maybe you should have paid more attention.
there were times were you saw the look in his eyes while he talked about the gods to the younger kids. you knew him, you could hear the venom in his voice when he tried to hide it. you also knew how his cheek creased when he smiled, how his eyes looked with tears stinging them, how his face tightened when he was mad. after all that you may have not knew him like you thought you did.
he had taken percy alone at his celebration and you wanted to join them so you looked for them. never did you think you’d hear what you did, see what you saw.
“luke?” you whisper and step out from the tree you hide behind. both pair of eyes turn to you, one with surprise and widen, the other panicking and scared. the scorpion was crawling up percy’s leg and you tried to not spook them.
“what are you doing here?” just a few seconds ago luke was smirking but now his face fell. how could he be so cruel and acted worried?
“let percy go, he’s just a child.” your feet slowly moved forward while your hands stayed in front of you. “I understand, you know I do— but this isn’t the way to get back at the gods.”
“and what is? should we sing a song?” his growl set shivers through you spine. he’s never snapped at you like that. his eyes never looked at you like that. you take a deep breath and glance down at percy as he tries to stay still.
“kronos? luke really?”
“I have to do this, like you said— you know. come with me and I promise it will be better then what it’s like now.” you try and move back when he walks towards you with his eyes going back to love. even know he was just as beautiful, he was yours.
“I can teach you. we can command a army together, can’t you see I’m doing this for us? our future can be better then what they promise us. stick by my side.”
once he is in front of you his hands reaches up to your cheek. it’s so hard to not pull away from his touch. “you know I’d never lie to you.” tears pooled in your eyes as you look along the face you knew. the scar along his cheek, the smile he tried to give you, but the guilt and sadness was new.
“I love you,” you lean in to press a kiss to his lips which he was glad to expect. you pull away and pain captures your heart and makes it ache. “but I will never turn my back on camp.” you push him away and reach for your own weapon, tears now spilling from your eyes.
luke stands there with a sour look and his chest falls heavily. the look you both shared was twisting the fate you once shared, lovers no more.
you turn when percy groans and moves. the scorpion laid sliced by his side but his hand injured by its bite. you rush to him, you look up at luke with anger. “you’re a monster.”
“you loved that about me once, just because it’s towards him now shouldn’t change anything. goodbye, my love.”
his sword spilt open a portal and he hopped into it without saying anything else. you cried and forced yourself to pay attention to percy for now. his life need to keep you going. so you dragged him to the creek as he still held some strength to move with you. you hoped it would heal but the water did nothing to him so you screamed for help.
in the end chiron come and took him from you. you sat in the creek and let the water flow around you and soak your clothes as you sobbed. was it in anger? was it sadness? you had no idea what you felt in that moment. in times like these he would wrap his arms around you and tell you everything was going to be okay, that he would never let anything happen to you.
what were you supposed to do with him gone.
Taglist: @maria699669 @purplerose291 @itzmeme @ravenmedows @repostingmyfavs
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 4 months
Don't you also tired about how people says that Apollo is a bad and cruel brother to Artemis for what "he did" with Orion? Even when that love story with Artemis and Orion happenned in the Astronomica by Higinus (a roman poet) and in the earlier versions of the myth Orion was killed by:
Gaea who sent the scorpion to kill him because he said that he could kill all the animals in Earth
Both (Artemis and Apollo) because the same thing with the animals but Gaea sent the twins to kill him and they sent the scorpion
Artemis because Orion tried to assault Oupis
Artemis because Orion tried to assault herself
Artemis because Orion was bothering her nymphs
Oh definitely! I was never on board with Orion being 'the only man Artemis ever loved' bullshit (that's Apollo ty).
I don't tend to discount the Roman myths, but since Hyginus's is VASTLY outnumbered by, as you said, these other five versions...I think we can ignore it.
like. okay, history time:
Diana, pre-being-mixed-with-Artemis-times, WAS married to Janus. So I may be able to excuse this IF Hyginus was referring to THIS Diana.
HOWMEVER. Hyginus is writing about post-conflation Diana/Artemis. Who was NOT married to ANYONE because Virgil describes her as pretty similar to Artemis - including being a virgin goddess.
This is clearly NOT the older Diana. So no, he's not making some sort of connection or something here.
And as for the 'omg Apollo is a TERRIBLE brother!' thing - YOU ARE SO RIGHT IT'S SO ANNOYING.
Coronis for cheating on him, and Chione for claiming to be prettier than her! Like. HELLO. so even if we DO go with the 'Apollo killed Orion so Diana won't marry him' thing, SHE STILL KILLED TWO OF HIS LOVERS TOO!
Calling him a terrible brother for that means she's DOUBLELY a bad sister.
Of course, I don't subscribe to either side of this😇 They are RIDE OR DIE for each other (as you pointed out in version 2 where Artemis asks Apollo to kill Orion). They buddy-copped Orion there, as they deserve too <3
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mynonsenseistingling · 6 months
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The Nomads
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pain-is-too-tired · 1 month
Will got how much he's willing to push himself too far for others from both Lee and Michael.
Lee was the oldest camper after Luke left. He took care of everything and everyone he could. He helped the Stolls fit into their roles, he did his best to keep others from joining Kronos, and he helped other head counselors who were struggling with their own mixed feeling about Luke's leaving.
Yet,Lee took it harder than most knew. He was head medic at the time afterall, who do you think kept an eye on Percy until he awoke after Chiron helped cure the scorpion sting?
Lee wasn't an expert healer in the way Michael and later Will was, but he was still a healer that took his patients seriously.
When Chris was found, and for a time Clarisse was sent to investigate the Labyrinth, Chiron a couple months in told Lee so he could help tend to the cursed boy when Chiron had to handle camp affairs.
When the rest of the camp were told about Chris, and he was moved to the infirmary, both Lee and Michael focused on trying to get Chris to not withered away. Trying to get him to eat or drink. Lee had to use Will to get Michael to head back to the cabin to sleep.
He spent the last few nights before his death praying to his father that Chris would pull through.
Michael was just the same. He spent many sleepless nights watching over his siblings after Lee's death. Soothing them from nightmares and helping them grieve
But he never dared showed his own grief,instead burying himself in his duties. He fought more with anymore who questioned or messed with his siblings. He broke up fights and chew those in it out. It caught to prove his worth to his siblings and especially to the other head counselors who he felt spoke like they knew Lee better than he did.
One the reasons he protects his rights to the chariot is because he doesn't want to feel like just anyone can boss him or his cabin around. That telling him to give up something his siblings earned just for their own pride annoyed Michael who's been going nonstop after Lee's death.
He only steps back when he sees something much more important is coming up, as he does again when he is a lot more lienant on Percy and Annabeth giving orders. As instead of trying to tell his cabin to give up stuff for their own pride, they're actually giving orders to Michael and his cabin to help save lives and the war.
He holds the line with his siblings against the Minotaur and army. He has to keep going as he watches his siblings die around him.
He dies armed with nothing but one last arrow and a plan. And I fully believe he was tried to fight Kronos himself on his own if he had no other choice.
It's no wonder Will learned to focused on helping others instead of himself. He likely watched his brothers wear themselves down to nothing for camp. Both giving their life for it.
He doesn't know anything else when it comes to being a head counselor. In his head, a head counselor's duty is to give everything for your cabin and camp. If Will doesn't give his mind and body, it's he really doing enough?
Just- ugh. The Apollo cabin head counselors giving all their energy to keep the camp running, only to burn themselves out.
Campers who knew both Lee and Michael seeing Will working away in the infirmary and immediately fearing they might lose him too.
In a way, it's easy to believe that the Apollo cabin is cursed...
They sure do feel like it.
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ep2nd · 24 days
@remy-a (sorry again)
(These are ships I like and I am aroace soooo, not the best person for that "romance chemistry")
Freenoodles- they are so like an old married couple lol, they're cute and adorable and I love em, the show keeps putting these together yall can't tell me they're throwing literally bread loaves at our faces
Shadowpeaches- alright before anyone says anything- I like this ship, but it needs A LOT OF WORK, for those who haven't seen my Macaque redemption arc thoughts, they need to talk things out. Like a lot. And that's maybe on them getting back together. Now for anyone who's read Trials of Apollo (don't look at me like that I liked it) Commodus and Apollo have a very similar relationship like Macaque and Wukong. One was killed by the other, though they didn't want to, forced to because they were hurting people, and then go resurrected and went to get revenge on their ex-lover. Now commodus is a pot much, bloody killy and villainous and worse, but still- you can't just get back together after something like that. Now do I have an A03 bookmark for shadoapeaches roommates and lots of Stonefruit trio/Monkey trio family fics, of course they're adorable and I love em. Needs works, lots of work
Dragronfruit- It's cute, but the age difference- and that Redson is usually forever child like Nezha- I'll go 6/10, not all the same rules apply to LMK as JTTW
Spicynoodles- ALRIGHT. IM SORRY BECAUSE HALF THE FANDOM SHIPS EM, BUT I DONT. I- I just dont like em? And I usually ship all the Fandom favorite ships. I like the Trafflight trio as FRIENDS and Friends only. I just don't see any chemistry? More just plane rivals. Also look to Dragonfruit about other explanations
Spider Queen x Scorpion Queen- alright I can't remember the name but I think this a hilarious but a good potential ship, I like it a lot, it's cute, would love to see more stuff
I know they aren't even LMK nor is canon BUT IVE SEEN TUMBLR MAKS THIS.
Red Bottomed Horse Baboon x Lomg Armed Gibbon- I'd call it Astralspirit or some type of astral/cesltail word and then a ghost/underworld vibe. Now I'd get into a rant about what I've come up with these two, but that's another day. Anyway, they be like a quiet and loud type, one who doesn't like touch then the other who really loves it, one who plans everything and the other who goes with the flow, one who is always serious and the other always happy. Very opposite characters. If Pigsy and Tang are old married couple these are ultimate soul mates with like a perfect relationship, they talk things out, learn to love and live with things they personally don't like but the other does... stuff like that. Now I've seen this ship in the very few posts about the other 2 Celestial Primates, usually as Wukong or Macaques parents, so I know some people ship it. Also, I guess with Shadowpeaches, 2 of 4 Celestial Primates, they'd ship the other 2 together
Now If I didn't mention a ship, either A I forgot or B, I don't ship it, probably B, like Lionpeaches, Chimera, Venompeaches, Mayor x Syntax, Macaque x 9 headed snake demon, or others. If ya ship ya em, then that's alright!!(as long as it's not like horrible) I'm just not a big shipper too so yeah
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noxious-fennec · 22 days
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Lilie likes tattoos but doesnt necessarily go for them all that often, she only gets them for major milestones (Religious tattoos for career milestones / Sun to celebrate her marriage to Nour / Matching Apollo tattoo to celebrate her brother getting clean)
Andre on the other hand has been getting them since he was 16, he treats his body like a scrapbook for whatever he thinks looks cool, in the end they're all small rewards for hanging in there. Some have more meaning than others tho (Scorpion on the 20th anniversary of his father's death / sun for Nour / Matching artemis tattoo when he got clean / Dionysus to celebrate 5 years clean)
The most meaningful one he has is the sleeve. His arms are a vulnerable spot for him and he used to keep them bare (his left still is, just in a compression sleeve) until a spur of the moment decision to get the sleeve with the medusa, daffodils, and lilies.
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nothazellevesque · 8 months
Okay, rereading pjo as an adult made me realize that Luke and the titans really used the geneva conventions as more of a geneva checklist. like bro technically did all but FOUR of the war crimes outlined in the geneva conventions. and he technically attempted summary execution, but he failed. let’s recap and go over what Luke did and where it fits as a war crime:
Willful killing, or causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health- literally all of the shit he does. Luke breaks this one with the pit scorpion in book ONE, and then keeps on breaking it every book.
Torture or inhumane treatment- okay so technically Luke is a victim of torture and inhumane treatment by kronos, and kronos tortures folks with Ominous And Scary Dreams.
Unlawful wanton destruction or appropriation of property- Luke/kronos goes absolutely HAM with the scythe and wrecks olympus. and a lot of Manhattan.
Forcing a prisoner of war to serve in the forces of a hostile power- okay so technically, luke HAS no prisoners of war, but he blackmails silena to serve him as a spy. she is not physically held captive in the traditional sense, but she is forced to serve out of fear for her and her loved ones’ safety. technically not a traditional prisoner of war, but DEFINITELY not a willing member of the titan force (i have no idea how to classify silena, really) also forces annabeth to hold up the sky so atlas can be free, literally forcing her to serve his goals.
Depriving a prisoner of war of a fair trial- technically has no prisoners of war in the traditional sense, but considering percy and his friends are briefly held prisoner by Luke and he tries to kill percy by letting antaeus, ethan, and a dracaena attack him without him being formally accused of a crime, i think this counts in the loosest sense of the law.
Unlawful deportation, confinement or transfer- annabeth in the titan’s curse. while technically not shown in the books, she did NOT make it from that cliff at westover all the way to mount othrys on her own or willingly. sorry girl
Taking hostages- annabeth. all those mortals on the princess andromeda. man took a LOT of hostages
Directing attacks against civilians- he puts all of New York City to sleep. not ONE of those people is a combatant, Luke. those are civilians, Luke. You did a war crime, Luke.
Misusing a flag of truce, a flag or uniform of the enemy- kronos literally wearing Luke as a skin suit. While Luke may have been an enemy combatant to percy and camp half blood, it is VERY apparent that he is fighting for some aspect of control and does not want to be kronos’s skin suit (as exemplified by his conversation with annabeth). or, a more obvious example, Luke masquerading as a normal camper while doing kronos’s bidding in the early days. man DEFINITELY wore the camp shirt while doing his evil deeds.
Settlement of occupied territory- taking over the princess andromeda. does a cruise ship count as territory? Idk. but i don’t think the titans built a whole ass cruise ship JUST for luke and kronos’s coffin and then decided to let a bunch of random mortals on. those folks were most likely already on there.
Deportation of inhabitants of occupied territory- the mortals on the princess andromeda are NOT present after sea of monsters. so where did they go?
Using poison weapons- idk what to classify the lydian drakon as. is that thing a combatant? a weapon? whatever it is, it has poison, and it kills people, which is Not Allowed. also Ethan’s little poison knife stab on annabeth. little war crime bestie
Using civilians as shields- wtf else would you call just leaving all those sleeping mortals on the street in Manhattan if not human shields?
Using child soldiers- okay to be fair EVERYONE in the pjo universe does this war crime. so ill give Luke a slight pass
Firing upon a Combat Medic with clear insignia- the Apollo cabin. those kids are the closest we got to combat medics in these books, and the monsters definitely try and munchity crunchity the fuck out of those kids
Murder, cruel or degrading treatment and torture- um… literally EVERYTHING luke/kronos unleashes upon the campers? idk what you would call a POISON ACID SPITTING DRAGON HITTING YOU IN THE FACE if not torture. also. he murders ethan. that’s definitely a thing he does. if the shard of weapon in Ethan’s body doesn’t kill him before kronos drop kicks him through a pit hundreds of stories above the ground, that drop definitely will. sorry ethan.
Pillaging- technically he does not do MUCH pillaging, but the stealing of the helm of darkness and the lightning bolt, and other minor things counts i think
idk if luke and kronos know about the geneva conventions, but they definitely exist in universe, so… have fun at The Hague with your war crimes mcgrimes headasses
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my-pjo-stuff · 20 days
AU where Hades never cursed the Oracle of Delphi, and it not taking a new host really was just a weird anomaly case of no one "fitting" coming around. When May comes to camp and attempts to become the Oracle, she succeeds without any major issues. Apollo even allows her to raise her son- in her spare time where she isn't acting as his oracle, ofcourse. May's fine with it, overjoyed even. She moves into camp permanently together with Luke, Chiron allowing Luke to stay with his mother instead of going to the Hermes cabin while he's so young. Hermes meanwhile resigns himself to keeping his distance. He loves May- so seeing her like this, unattainable to him without risking the wrath of Apollo- well he simply can't bear it. Best not to risk it at all.
The dream comes crashing down for May much quicker than she expected though- turns out there's a lot more expected of her as Oracle of Delphi than she originally thought. She has to learn ancient greek, the culture of Camp Halfblood, and how things work. She has to advise people, and remain composed as she serves Apollo faithfully. (A younger Oracle would have had more time- would have seen less responsibility as she is allowed to grow into it. But May? She's a grown adult, and she does not have any of the leniency someone younger would get)
Years pass in the blink of an eye- and despite not spending as much time with her son as she wished she could- May does generally say that they are happy. She doesn't think much of it when Luke moves into the Hermes cabin at the age of nine. It's where all his siblings are, and kids to grow up quickly these days. It's note like he'd bee too far away either- all that really changes is Luke sleeping in a different spot! Chiron has been mentioning it anyway that Luke should join his siblings- Hermes had claimed him as soon as he moved into Camp with his mother permanently, and the boy's been kept from his cabin long enough.
It's not like she couldn't use the extra room and time for herself anyway. Being the Oracle of Delphi is a busy job after all. As the years go by May grows into her role more. Luke starts being independent from her more and more- spending more time away from her and with other campers. But there's no reason to be concerned about that, right? It's normal for children to grow independent as they age. And May is so proud of her baby boy when he becomes Hermes head counselor. His failed quest was...well, it was a low point. Especially when she had to look Luke in the eyes and give him a prophecy spelling doom. Believe her when she says that she spend every single day worrying about and praying for her child to return safely.
Especially when her brave boy refuses to take any companions with him, not wanting to endanger anyone else. It doesn't matter to May that Luke returns with a scar and no apple- all that matters is that he's alive. Her baby boy is alive and safe and that is all that matters. It concerns her when Luke refuses any of her attempts to comfort him. Turning his back anytime she approaches him, telling his mother "not to worry" and that "she surely has more important stuff to worry about than him"
May learns soon enough that her son needs space now. All her attempts are met with rejection and bitterness, so clearly Luke does not need- nor want- his mother right now. It's fine, May is sure her son is fine. Or at least she thought so until one day, on the last day of summer, Luke leads Percy into the woods and sticks a pit scorpion on him. Telling him about how horrid their parents truly are- mortal and godly. Afterall, no matter how much they say they "love" their children- there's always something more important. Another prophecy to speak, another camper to advise, another ritual for Apollo to perform. All that matters to them are the gods- a half-mortal child simply isn't important enough. And he's not gonna take it any longer. May is the Oracle of Delphi. Luke hates both his parents. And fate is unavoidable.
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