#Scholz's star
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NGC 1333 is a nearby star-forming region in the Perseus constellation. NASA's James Webb Space Telescope surveyed a large portion of NGC 1333, identifying planetary objects using the observatory’s Near-InfraRed Imager and Slitless Spectrograph.
Image Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, A. Scholz, K. Muzic, A. Langeveld, R. Jayawardhana
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tanadrin · 11 months
It is also common to hear criticism of Israel described as antisemitic, a fact that has resulted in the paradox of the German state actively suppressing those Jewish voices that do not conform to their expectations. A state-owned cultural center, Oyoun, faces defunding by the Berlin Senate for hosting an evening of “mourning and hope” put together by Jewish Voice for Just Peace in the Middle East, a Jewish organization. On November 9, the city of Frankfurt on Main forbade a planned rally called “Never again fascism – remembering Kristallnacht, fighting anti-Semitism,” apparently due to the organizer’s past support for Palestine. The police continue to selectively enforce bans on such phrases as  “stop genocide,” “free Palestine,” and “stop the war,” often with no prior announcement. A sanctioned protest in Berlin on November 10, organized by a coalition of Jewish and Israeli groups, resulted in several arrests due to the sudden mid-protest banning of some of these phrases. They included the arrest of a Jewish-Israeli woman who held a sign that read: “As a Jew and Israeli: Stop the Genocide in Gaza.” The war in Gaza comes at a moment when every major political party in Germany is lurching rightward on the issue of migration, embracing xenophobic and Islamophobic policies once reserved for the marginalized far right. “Germany cannot accept any more refugees,” Friedrich Merz, the leader of the Christian Democratic Union, the party of Merkel, said. “We have enough antisemitic men in this country.” Scholz, a Social Democrat, appeared on the cover of Der Spiegel in a determined portrait framed by the quote: “We must finally deport on a grand scale.” The specter of antisemitism has proved opportune for mainstream parties, which are threatened by a surge in popularity for the far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, whose platform is proudly anti-immigrant. ... Just as reports of attacks on mosques have risen since October 7, recent incidents of antisemitic crimes have produced fear among Jews in Germany. Stars of David have been painted outside Jewish homes; a synagogue in Berlin was firebombed, albeit with no injuries or property damage. These are not isolated events; the number of antisemitic incidents in 2021 was the highest since authorities began tracking them. Yet politicians’ focus on Muslims and migrants as their source runs contrary to the facts. According to the federal police, the “vast majority” of antisemitic crimes – more than 80 percent — are committed by the far right.
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apod · 16 days
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2024 September 12
Young Star Cluster NGC 1333 Image Credit: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, A. Scholz, K. Muzic, A. Langeveld, R. Jayawardhana
Explanation: This spectacular mosaic of images from the James Webb Space Telescope peers into the heart of young star cluster NGC 1333. A mere 1,000 light-years distant toward the heroic constellation Perseus, the nearby star cluster lies at the edge of the large Perseus molecular cloud. Part of Webb's deep exploration of the region to identify low mass brown dwarf stars and free floating planets, the space telescope's combined field of view spans nearly 2 light-years across the dusty cluster's turbulent stellar nursery. In fact, NGC 1333 is known to harbor stars less than a million years old, though most are hidden from optical telescopes by the pervasive stardust. The chaotic environment may be similar to one in which our own Sun formed over 4.5 billion years ago.
∞ Source: apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap240912.html
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In six new rogue worlds, Webb Telescope finds more star birth clues
The James Webb Space Telescope has spotted six likely rogue worlds—objects with planetlike masses but untethered from any star’s gravity—including the lightest ever identified with a dusty disk around it.
The elusive objects offer new evidence that the same cosmic processes that give birth to stars may also play a common role in making objects only slightly bigger than Jupiter.
“We are probing the very limits of the star forming process,” said lead author Adam Langeveld, an astrophysicist at Johns Hopkins University. “If you have an object that looks like a young Jupiter, is it possible that it could have become a star under the right conditions? This is important context for understanding both star and planet formation.”
The findings come from Webb’s deepest survey of the young nebula NGC1333, a star-forming cluster about a thousand light-years away in the Perseus constellation. A new image from the survey released today by the European Space Agency shows NGC1333 glowing with dramatic displays of interstellar dust and clouds. A paper detailing the survey’s findings has been accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal.
Webb’s data suggest the discovered worlds are gas giants 5-10 times more massive than Jupiter. That means they are among the lowest-mass objects ever found to have grown from a process that would generally produce stars and brown dwarfs, objects straddling the boundary between stars and planets that never ignite hydrogen fusion and fade over time.
“We used Webb’s unprecedented sensitivity at infrared wavelengths to search for the faintest members of a young star cluster, seeking to address a fundamental question in astronomy: How light an object can form like a star?” said Johns Hopkins Provost Ray Jayawardhana, an astrophysicist and senior author of the study. “It turns out the smallest free-floating objects that form like stars overlap in mass with giant exoplanets circling nearby stars.”
The telescope’s observations revealed no objects lower than five Jupiter masses despite possessing sufficient sensitivity to detect such bodies. That’s a strong indication that any stellar objects lighter than this threshold are more likely to form the way planets do, the authors concluded.
“Our observations confirm that nature produces planetary mass objects in at least two different ways—from the contraction of a cloud of gas and dust, the way stars form, and in disks of gas and dust around young stars, as Jupiter in our own solar system did,” Jayawardhana said.
The most intriguing of the starless objects is also the lightest, having an estimated mass of five Jupiters (about 1,600 Earths). The presence of a dusty disk means the object almost certainly formed like a star, as space dust generally spins around a central object in the early stages of star formation, said Langeveld, a postdoctoral researcher in Jayawardhana’s group. 
Disks are also a prerequisite for the formation of planets, suggesting the observations may also have important implications for potential “mini” planets.
“Those tiny objects with masses comparable to giant planets may themselves be able to form their own planets,” said co-author Aleks Scholz, an astrophysicist at the University of St Andrews. “This might be a nursery of a miniature planetary system, on a scale much smaller than our solar system.”
Using the NIRISS instrument on Webb, the astronomers measured the infrared light profile (or spectrum) of every object in the observed portion of the star cluster and reanalyzed 19 known brown dwarfs. They also discovered a new brown dwarf with a planetary-mass companion, a rare finding that challenges theories of how binary systems form.
“It’s likely that such a pair formed the way binary star systems do, from a cloud fragmenting as it contracted,” Jayawardhana said. “The diversity of systems that nature has produced is remarkable and pushes us to refine our models of star and planet formation.”
Rogue worlds may originate from collapsing molecular clouds that lack the mass for the nuclear fusion that powers stars. They can also form when gas and dust in disks around stars coalesce into planetlike orbs that are eventually ejected from their star systems, probably because of gravitational interactions with other bodies.
These free-floating objects blur classifications of celestial bodies because their masses overlap with gas giants and brown dwarfs. Even though such objects are considered rare in the Milky Way galaxy, the new Webb data show they account for about 10% of celestial bodies in the targeted star cluster.
In the coming months, the team will study more of the faint objects’ atmospheres and compare them to heavier brown dwarfs and gas giant planets. They have also been awarded time on the Webb telescope to study similar objects with dusty disks to explore the possibility of forming mini planetary systems resembling Jupiter’s and Saturn’s numerous moons.
IMAGE: New image from the James Webb Space Telescope spectroscopic survey of NGC1333. Credit ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, A. Scholz, K. Muzic, A. Langeveld, R. Jayawardhana
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simply-ivanka · 4 months
Far-right parties rattled the traditional powers in the European Union and made major gains in parliamentary elections Sunday, dealing an especially humiliating defeat to French President Emmanuel Macron.
On a night where the 27-member bloc palpably shifted to the right, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni more than doubled her seats in the EU parliament. And even if the Alternative for Germany extreme right party was hounded by scandal involving candidates, it still rallied enough seats to sweep past the slumping Social Democrats of Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
Undoubtedly however, the star on a stunning electoral night was the National Rally party of Marine Le Pen, which dominated the French polls to such an extent that Macron immediately dissolved the national parliament and called for new elections. It was a massive political risk since his party could suffer more losses, hobbling the rest of his presidential term that ends in 2027.
Le Pen was delighted to accept the challenge. “We’re ready to turn the country around, ready to defend the interests of the French, ready to put an end to mass immigration,” she said, echoing the rallying cry of so many far-right leaders in other countries who were celebrating substantial wins.
Her National Rally won over 30% or about twice as much as Macron’s pro-European centrist Renew party that is projected to reach less than 15%.
Macron acknowledged the thud of defeat. “I’ve heard your message, your concerns, and I won’t leave them unanswered,” he said, adding that calling a snap election only underscored his democratic credentials.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
hello! ive seen you talk about astrology a few times and i was wondering if you had any books or article that historicise the practice. most of what i can find is very vague, and starting off from a 20th century definition (&not v critical). i'm interested in any period, im just trying to start to get a sense of its different uses & epistemological frameworks. thank you your bibliography work on here is very precious :)
ok there's a lot of writing on astrology so this is not comprehensive by any means. u should also keep in mind that historically (painting in broad strokes here) astrology and astronomy were not entirely distinct practices, both because the point of astronomical observations was often to make astrological predictions, and because most people practicing astrology were expected to at least present themselves as having the instruments and savoir-faire to generate their own astronomical data. the non-astronomer astrologer is kind of a special case. so, astrology will pop up in lots of texts about historical astronomy and cosmology, even if that's not the primary focus. i would honestly usually recommend such texts over ones that try to tackle astrology under the broader schema of 'occult sciences' (contested category).
misc astrology until 1800
"how to accurately account for astrology's marginalization in the history of science and culture: the central importance of an interpretive framework" by h darrell rutkin (early science and medicine 23: 3, 217–243. 10.1163/15733823-00233P02)
the interactions of ancient astral science, by david brown & jonathan ben-dov
sapentia astrologica: astrology, magic and natural knowledge, ca. 1250–1800, by h darrel rutkin
reading the human body: physiognomics and astrology in the dead sea scrolls and hellenistic–early roman period judaism, by mladen popović
"the effect of astrological opinions on society: a preliminary view" by s mohammad mozaffari (trames 16: 4, 359–368. 10.3176/tr.2012.4.04)
in the path of the moon: babylonian celestial divination and its legacy, by francesca rochberg
astronomy and astrology in al-andalus and the maghrib, by julio samsó
ptolemy's science of stars in the middle ages, ed. david juste, benno van dalen, dag nikolaus hasse, & charles burnett
the millennial sovereign: sacred kingship and sainthood in islam, by a azfar moin
astronomy and reformation, by robin bruce barnes
the limits of influence: pico, louvain, and the crisis of renaissance astrology, by steven van den broecke
medical astrology
popular print and popular medicine: almanacs and health advice in early america, by thomas a horrocks
astro-medicine: astrology and medicine, east and west, ed. anna akasoy, charles burnett, & ronit yoeli-tlalim
english almanacs, astrology, and popular medicine, 1550–1700, by louise h curth
"medicine and divination in india" by michio yano (east asian science, technology, and medicine 24, 44–61. jstor.org/stable/43151240)
health and healing from the medieval garden, ed. peter dendle & alain touwaide
paracelsian moments: science, medicine, and astrology in early modern europe, ed. gerhild scholz williams & charles d gunnoe, jr
national and cross-national contexts
chinese astrology and astronomy: an outside history, by xiaoyuan jiang, tr. chen wenan
the duke and the stars: astrology and politics in renaissance milan, by monica azzolini
taming the prophets: astrology, orthodoxy, and the world of god in early modern sweden, by martin kjellgren
"garga and early astral science in india" by marko geslani, bill m mak, michio yano, & kenneth g zysk (history of science in south asia 5: 1, 151–191. 10.18732/H2ND44)
"when missionary astronomy encountered chinese astrology: johann adam schall von bell and chinese calendar reform in the seventeenth century" by liyuan liu (physics in perspective 22: 2, 110–126. 10.1007/s00016-020-00255-z)
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Here is a masterpost with situations that have happened in the last days in Germany for them and my sources for them (all in German but I have seen international ones as well.) However quiet a few things are just eye witness reports or videos so I will understand how people question them. Seeing as I have often times seen the same event described/pictured multiple times from different creators I will choose to believe those. My trust in the mainstream media is severely lacking after the false reports and twisted narratives.
1. Pro-Palastine Demos shut down
2. Olaf Scholz faking the situation in Israel
There is no evidence for this, I am sure everyone can watch the video themselves and form their own opinion. This is just another way of Isrealist propaganda.
3. Football clubs presumably firing players for their support to Palastenians
4. People arrested or being excluded from places while carrying/wearing a Palastenian flag. (These are just eye witness reports/videos however we have learned to trust those. )
5. Children being detained and possibly injured during a Berlin demo (if not then at least this applies to adults)
https://www.n-tv.de/politik/Pro-Palaestina-Demo-eskaliert-Krawalle-erschuettern-Berlin-Neukoelln-article24474363.html (This does not mention children however there is confirmation that people besides the police were injured)
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJTKuTNP/ (some of these could be children)
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJTKuL8G/ (no context yet again that is a teen/child)
6. Frankfurt using Wasserwerfer
8. School forbidding forms of support for Palastine
9. School handing out questionnaires (I will say this has on one side been debunked by the school however I have seen multiple lawyers and parents share similar stories which is why I'll say this one might be fake however they children have been threatened should they show support.)
https://www.berlin-live.de/berlin/aktuelles/berlin-linke-politiker-fragebogen-hamas-grundschule-terroristen-fake-news-israel-antisemitismus-id58754.html (Considering the family seemingly got lawyers involved)
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newstfionline · 4 months
Monday, June 10, 2024
Atlanta water main breaks indicative of larger US infrastructure woes (The Hill) This past week’s water woes in Atlanta are indicative of infrastructure issues impacting broad swaths of the country, experts say. Late last week, three water mains in the Georgia city broke, leaving numerous residents without water. The issue is just one example of the problems caused by the nation’s aging and often brittle water systems. “A lot of our water infrastructure was built between 50 to 100 years ago, so there’s quite a bit of it that’s at the end of its service life and we see this in water main breaks,” said Richard Luthy, a civil and environmental engineering professor at Stanford University. The American Society of Civil Engineers estimated in 2021 that a water main breaks every two minutes in the U.S.—leaking enough water to fill 9,000 swimming pools each day. Beyond physical infrastructure, toxic substances have also taken their toll—with lead pipes in cities like Flint, Mich., making water unsafe and water itself seeing contamination across the country from chemicals, including PFAS.
Haiti’s new prime minister hospitalized days after being selected to lead country (AP) Haiti’s newly selected prime minister, Garry Conille, was hospitalized late Saturday in the capital of Port-au-Prince just days after arriving in the country, the government said. The office of the prime minister said in a statement that Conille was feeling slightly unwell “following a week of intense activities.” It did not provide further details except to say that Conille was stable and that he thanked those who visited him and wished him well. A person close to Conille, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, told AP that he was with the prime minister when he noticed Conille, who he said is asthmatic and sometimes uses an inhaler, appeared to have trouble breathing. The person said he called high-ranking officials and told them Conille needed to be taken to the hospital.
Far-right gains in EU election deal stunning defeats to France’s Macron and Germany’s Scholz (AP) Far-right parties rattled the traditional powers in the European Union and made major gains in parliamentary elections Sunday, dealing an especially humiliating defeat to French President Emmanuel Macron. On a night where the 27-member bloc palpably shifted to the right, Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni more than doubled her seats in the EU parliament. And even if the Alternative for Germany extreme right party was hounded by scandal involving candidates, it still rallied enough seats to sweep past the slumping Social Democrats of Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Undoubtedly however, the star on a stunning electoral night was the National Rally party of Marine Le Pen, dominated the French polls to such an extent that Macron immediately dissolved the national parliament and called for new elections. It was a massive political risk since his party could suffer more losses, hobbling the rest of his presidential term that ends in 2027.
In secular France, chaplains prepare to provide Olympians with spiritual support during the Games (AP) As athletes rev up their training and organizers finalize everything from ceremonies to podiums before the Paris Olympics, more than 120 faith leaders are preparing for a different challenge—spiritually supporting some 10,000 Olympic athletes from around the world, especially those whose medal dreams will inevitably get crushed. “We’ll need to bring them back to earth, because it can feel like the end of the world after working on this goal for four or five years,” said Jason Nioka, a former judo champion and deacon who’s in charge of the largest contingent of Olympic chaplains, about 40 Catholic priests, nuns and lay faithful. The chaplains will provide some worship services, prayers and, above all, a non-judgmental listening ear to any athletes or staff in need, regardless of faith. “We’re not there to have them win,” said Anne Schweitzer, who’s coordinating about three dozen Protestant chaplains, the second-largest group. “My goal is to have a Christian witness there, people who embody the love and care of Jesus, for the athletes who are under so much pressure.”
Energy Drinks Boost Ukraine’s Soldiers (NYT) On a sunny morning, deep in the forests of western Ukraine where the war barely reaches, 16,000 cans of a new energy drink, Volia, rolled off the assembly line every hour at the Morshynska beverage factory. Several hundred miles east, driving toward the front line, the sweating coolers at the minimarts and gas stations are loaded with Volia and an array of other energy drinks: Burn, Monster, Non Stop, Hell, Pit Bull and of course the eye-widening veteran of them all, Red Bull. By the time one reaches the trenches, where thousands of troops are dug in, trying to survive, the supremacy is complete: Ukrainian soldiers will pass up coffee, Coke, even water in favor of the liquid jolt they need to keep going. “In the morning, when I wake up, I drink an energy drink. When I head out on patrol, I drink an energy drink. Before an attack, I drink an energy drink,” said one Ukrainian soldier who identified himself by his call sign, Psycho, for security reasons, according to military protocol.
Turkey’s ongoing battle with earthquake rubble (NZZ) Almost eighteen months after the devastating earthquake that killed more than 52,000 people, Turkey is still struggling with huge amounts of rubble covering 110,000 kilometers, an expanse almost three times the size of Switzerland. Around 300,000 buildings were destroyed or had to be demolished. And although a considerable quantity of rubble has already been removed, thousands of buildings remain that are no longer stable enough for people to live in, and still have to be demolished. Immense piles of rubble remain across the country.
Seoul to restart anti-Pyongyang loudspeaker broadcasts in retaliation to the North’s trash balloons (AP) South Korea announced Sunday it would resume anti-North Korean propaganda loudspeaker broadcasts in border areas in retaliation to the North sending over 1000 balloons filled with trash and manure over the last couple of weeks. The move is certain to anger Pyongyang and potentially prompt it to take retaliatory military steps, and adds to tensions between the war-divided rivals amid a diplomatic stalemate over the North’s nuclear ambitions.
Japan Likes Tourists, Just Not This Many (NYT) Tourists, propelled in part by a weak yen that makes their money go further in Japan, have been pouring into the country ever since it eased its coronavirus-related entry restrictions in 2022. Some officials, including Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, have raised concerns about overtourism. In March, there were more than three million international arrivals, a monthly record, and a more than 10 percent jump compared with March 2019. Nearly two thirds of international visitors tend to be from South Korea, Taiwan and China. Last year, spending from foreign tourists made up about 9 percent of Japan’s gross domestic product. Popular sites in cities like Kyoto, Japan’s ancient royal capital, feel increasingly unmanageable. Visitors are spilling into previously untouristed places, like small towns near Mount Fuji or the commercial district of Kyoto, where locals who don't speak their language aren't sure how to cope with them.
New Caledonia remains restive (AP) A man shot by police in the French Pacific territory of New Caledonia has died of his wounds, becoming the eighth victim of weeks of unrest prompted by changes to the voting law that Indigenous Kanaks fear will marginalize them and their push for independence. The eight dead since violence erupted in mid-May in New Caledonia, which is 10 time zones and more than 33,000 kilometers (20,000 miles) from Paris, include two police officers. Decades of tensions between those seeking independence and those loyal to France flared in response to attempts by French President Emmanuel Macron’s government to amend the French Constitution and change voting lists in New Caledonia. Pro-independence parties and Kanak leaders fear the voting legislation will benefit pro-France politicians in New Caledonia and further marginalize Kanaks, who have faced sharp economic disparities and decades of discrimination.
Israel Rescues 4 Hostages in Assault That Killed Scores of Gazans (NYT) Israeli soldiers and special operations police rescued four hostages from Gaza on Saturday amid a heavy air and ground assault and flew them back to Israel by helicopter to be reunited with their families. The news was met with jubilation in Israel, where anxieties over the fate of the roughly 120 remaining captives have been rising after eight months of war. Residents in the town of Nuseirat, where the hostages were being held, reported intense bombardments during the rescue operation. Khalil al-Daqran, an official at a hospital in the city, told reporters that scores of Palestinians had been killed and that the hospital’s wards and corridors were packed with the wounded. The freed hostages—Noa Argamani, 26, Almog Meir Jan, 22, Andrey Kozlov, 27, and Shlomi Ziv, 41—were kidnapped by Palestinian militants from the Nova music festival during the Hamas-led attack on Oct. 7, when about 1,200 people were killed in Israel and 250 taken hostage, Israel says. All four were in good medical condition and were transferred to a hospital in Israel for further examinations, the Israeli authorities said in a statement.
A Small American Bomb Killing Palestinians by the Dozen in Gaza (NYT) An American-made, precision guided bomb that homes in on specific targets and, ideally, limits civilian casualties, was used in airstrikes in Gaza that killed dozens of Palestinians, including women and children. The weapon, the GBU-39, or small-diameter bomb, was used in an attack at a former United Nations school on Thursday and in a May 26 strike in Rafah. In both cases, the Israeli military defended its actions, saying the strikes were aimed at militants using civilians as human shields. The Gaza health authorities said that civilians had also been killed, and there were videos and pictures of women and children among the dead. As a recent spate of Israeli strikes demonstrates, even a relatively diminutive bomb can inflict severe civilian casualties. “The thing is, even using a smaller weapon, or using a precision guided weapon, doesn’t mean you don’t kill civilians, and it doesn’t mean that all of your strikes are suddenly lawful,” said Brian Castner, a weapons expert at Amnesty International.
Optimism (AP) Prince Bhojwani never thought of himself as a negative person, until three trips to the hospital in one month forced him to reconsider. Before May 2018, he was a healthy but chronically worried start-up founder who regularly did 20-mile (32-kilometer) bike rides. When he suddenly became barely able to walk, with blurry vision and spiking blood pressure, emergency room doctors suspected a stroke, but couldn’t pinpoint the cause of his illness. A close friend, however—“one of the most optimistic people I know,” he said—pointed out Bhojwani often lacked faith that things would work out, and suggested that had pushed him to burn out. “I started looking at the world very differently, literally the next day,” said Bhojwani, who lives in New York City. He started meditating and taking a moment every morning to feel grateful to be alive. He also found purpose by co-founding a nonprofit, Asana Voices, a South Asian advocacy organization. In the years since, he hasn’t had any similar health crises, despite working longer hours. He credits his newfound positive outlook. “After there was a life-changing event, it kind of forced me to become optimistic,” he said. “I can’t even imagine living life the way I did back then.” Optimism in itself is hardly a cure-all, but numerous studies over the decades have demonstrated a link between a positive outlook and good health outcomes.
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stockstarsblog · 4 months
Abschied von einer Legende: Hasso Plattner verlässt SAP
Hey Tumblr-Freunde,
vor ein paar Tagen haben wir über Hasso Plattner, einen der Gründer von SAP, gesprochen. Jetzt gibt es große Neuigkeiten! Der charismatische 80-Jährige hat sich offiziell von seinem Posten als Aufsichtsratschef des Softwaregiganten verabschiedet. Und wie könnte man solch einen Abschied besser feiern als mit einer epischen Gala?
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Ein Abend voller Stars und Emotionen
Die Gala fand in der beeindruckenden SAP-Arena statt, wo sich 4.000 Menschen versammelten, um Hasso Plattner zu ehren. Darunter waren nicht nur Mitarbeiter und frühere Größen von SAP, sondern auch hochkarätige Gäste. Moderiert wurde der Abend von keinem Geringeren als Günther Jauch, und für die musikalische Untermalung sorgte die fantastische Sängerin Anastacia. Und ja, Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz war auch da, um die Lebensleistung von Plattner zu würdigen.
Einblicke in die Feier
Christian Klein, der aktuelle Vorstandschef von SAP, eröffnete die Gala mit einer Rede. Es gab auch Video-Grußworte von Baden-Württembergs Ministerpräsident Winfried Kretschmann und Microsoft-Gründer Bill Gates – ziemlich beeindruckend, oder?
Als Hasso Plattner selbst ans Mikrofon trat, wurde es ernst. Der öffentliche Teil der Gala endete, und die Presse musste den Saal verlassen. Plattner, der eher zurückhaltend in Bezug auf seine Arbeit ist, wurde der Rummel sichtlich zu viel.
Hasso Plattner: Ein bescheidener Visionär
Plattner, der vor rund 50 Jahren zur Gründungsmannschaft von SAP gehörte und nach seiner Vorstandszeit noch 20 Jahre im Aufsichtsrat saß, ist bekannt für seine Bescheidenheit. Trotzdem hinterlässt er ein riesiges Erbe: SAP ist heute Europas größtes Softwarehaus mit rund 110.000 Mitarbeitern und etwa 30 Milliarden Euro Jahresumsatz.
Ein besonderer Abschied
Besonders bemerkenswert war auch das Gespräch, das Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz vor der Gala mit den Arbeitnehmervertretern von SAP führte. Es zeigt, wie wichtig Plattners Arbeit und die Zukunft des Unternehmens auch auf politischer Ebene sind.
Zum Schluss
Hasso Plattners Abschied markiert das Ende einer Ära, aber auch den Beginn eines neuen Kapitels für SAP. Es bleibt spannend zu sehen, wie sich das Unternehmen weiterentwickeln wird. Was denkt ihr über diese Veränderung? Lasst es mich in den Kommentaren wissen!
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lokaleblickecom · 5 months
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sern1011-blog · 5 months
The Intersection of Reality TV, Social Media, and Digital Communities: Exploring the Formation of Digital Publics
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This week's lecture has provided a comprehensive overview of the ways in which reality TV has transformed the landscape of public engagement and discourse, particularly through the lens of social media platforms.
One of the key takeaways from this week's lecture is the concept of digital publics and the public sphere, and how reality TV has played a significant role in shaping these spaces. The lecture highlighted the ways in which reality TV has created digital publics for everyday political talk, performing a valuable social function that is often overlooked. This insight into the broader societal impact of reality TV has truly expanded my understanding of its influence beyond mere entertainment (Scholz, 2021).
Furthermore, the lecture emphasized the multiplatform engagement facilitated by social media, which has diversified markets and audience participation in reality TV. This has not only increased opportunities for reality stars and fans to interact across various social media platforms, but has also led to the proliferation of discussions and opinions about reality TV content. The idea that reality TV is designed to elicit talk and shared opinions, both online and offline, has shed light on the ways in which this genre has become a catalyst for public discourse (He, Gao, & Razi, 2023).
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Additionally, the lecture touched upon the paradox of reality TV becoming less reliant on traditional television, as television networks incentivize stars to generate their own digital content in competition with their co-stars. This new industry strategy seeks to cut costs while extending viewer engagement, showcasing the evolving dynamics between reality TV, social media, and audience participation (Deller, & Ruth, 2019).
Overall, this week's lecture has provided a thought-provoking exploration of the complex relationship between reality TV and social media, and the ways in which it has shaped digital communities and public discourse. I look forward to further exploring the extended readings and engaging in discussions about the shifting visibility of reality TV in the age of social media.
Deller, & Ruth A. (2019) Extract:  'Chapter Six: Reality Television in an Age of Social Media' Download 'Chapter Six: Reality Television in an Age of Social Media'in Reality Television: The TV Phenomenon That Changed the World (Emerald Publishing).
He, J., Gao, B., & Razi, A. H. M. (2023). Analyzing the Impromptu Speech Style of a Job-Hunting Reality TV Show Host: A Case Study of" It's You". Migration Letters, 20(6), 24-41. Retrieved from: https://migrationletters.com/index.php/ml/article/view/3457
Scholz, J. (2021). How consumers consume social media influence. Journal of Advertising, 50(5), 510-527. Retrieved from: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/00913367.2021.1980472
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swldx · 6 months
BBC 0428 16 Apr 2024
12095Khz 0358 16 APR 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55445. English, dead carrier s/on @0358z with ID@0359z pips and Newsday preview. @0401z World News anchored by David Harper. Donald Trump's unprecedented criminal trial has begun with half of a group of potential jurors ruled out within minutes on impartiality grounds. Mr Trump denies falsifying business records to conceal a hush-money payment to porn star Stormy Daniels. Australian police have declared Monday's stabbing at a Sydney church a religiously motivated "terrorist act". A 16-year-old boy was arrested after a bishop, a priest and churchgoers were attacked during mass at the Assyrian Christ The Good Shepherd Church. At least four people suffered "non-life-threatening" injuries, police say. The attacker was also hurt. MPs have rejected all changes to the Rwanda bill made in the House of Lords in an ongoing parliamentary stand-off. The much-debated bill will now return to the upper chamber for further scrutiny on Tuesday. The U.S. House of Representatives will consider aid to Israel and Ukraine as separate legislation this week, Republican Speaker Mike Johnson said on Monday, more than two months after the Senate passed a bill combining the two. Leaving a meeting of House Republicans on Monday evening, Johnson said the narrowly divided chamber would consider four bills altogether that would also include aid to Taiwan, U.S. allies in the Indo-Pacific and U.S. national security priorities. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz met Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday, Beijing state media reported, on the last day of a three-day trip to Berlin’s biggest trading partner. Scholz’s whistlestop tour has taken him to the south-western megacity of Chongqing, the economic powerhouse Shanghai and the capital Beijing as he aims to shore up trade ties. A fourth victim from last month's Baltimore bridge collapse has been recovered after salvage crews located the body trapped in one of the missing construction vehicles underwater. A Colombian journalist investigating corruption was killed over the weekend in a city near the border with Venezuela, officials said Monday. The reporter, 54-year-old Jaime Vasquez, was shot in Cucuta in front of about a dozen witnesses, according to security videos released by local media. The Panama Canal will increase booking slots for its Panamax locks from May 16 due to estimated water levels of the artificial lake which it draws from, the canal authority said on Monday, pointing to an easing of a drought that had caused cuts in daily crossings. @0406z "Newsday" begins. 250ft unterminated BoG antenna pointed E/W w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, MN United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2258.
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korrektheiten · 10 months
Olaf Scholz über Nacht ein Star: War da irgendwas in den Adventsplätzchen?
Tichy:»Suche den Fehler: Außer bei TE findet eine gefühlte Übermacht der berichtenden Zunft Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz nach seiner Rede auf dem SPD-Parteitag plötzlich unheimlich anziehend … SPD-Bundesparteitag Olaf allein zu Haus Die Tagesschau meint, den Reigen der Lobhudeleien und kaum verhohlenen Überbegeisterung anführen zu müssen, mit einem Foto des die Huldigungen seiner Parteigenossen Entgegennehmenden und Der Beitrag Olaf Scholz über Nacht ein Star: War da irgendwas in den Adventsplätzchen? erschien zuerst auf Tichys Einblick. http://dlvr.it/Szy2bT «
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recentlyheardcom · 11 months
BERLIN (AP) — Germany's chancellor and president strongly denounced a rise in antisemitism in Germany in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war in separate appearances Sunday that stressed the same idea that it is unacceptable for such hatred to flourish in the nation that perpetrated the Holocaust.In Berlin, thousands of people gathered at a demonstration called to show opposition to antisemitism and support for Israel. People carried Israeli flags or posters with photos of some of the people reported to be missing or held by Hamas as hostages.The protest, organized by a broad alliance of various organizations, comes as antisemitic incidents have been rising in Germany following the violent escalation of the war in Gaza. The organizers estimated that over 20,000 people took part; police put the number at 10,000.“It is unbearable that Jews are living in fear again today — in our country of all places,” President Frank-Walter Steinmeier told those gathered in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. “Every single attack on Jews, on Jewish institutions is a disgrace for Germany. And every single attack fills me with shame and anger."Earlier, Chancellor Olaf Scholz said he was outraged by the antisemitic agitation spreading as the Gaza war rages, and warned at the inauguration of a new synagogue that the vow of “never again” must be unbreakable.Assailants threw two Molotov cocktails at a synagogue in Berlin on Wednesday, and police protection has been increased for Jewish institutions. Scholz, who denounced the violence on Wednesday, expanded on his comments at the inauguration of the temple in Dessau, a city in eastern Germany whose synagogue was destroyed by the Nazis 85 years ago.Both Scholz and Steinmeier denounced the Hamas attack on Israeli civilians on Oct. 7 while also voicing their concern for Palestinian civilians caught up in the conflict. But the thrust of their message was to address the fallout at home.“I am deeply outraged by the way in which antisemitic hatred and inhuman agitation have been breaking out since that fateful October 7, on the internet, in social media around the world, and shamefully also here in Germany,” Scholz said. “Here in Germany, of all places."“That is why our ‘never again’ must be unbreakable,” Scholz said as he gathered with Jewish leaders at the Weill Synagogue, noting that the community has recently grown as it welcomed people from Ukraine.The synagogue is named after German-born composer Kurt Weill, who fled Nazi Germany in 1933, and his father Albert Weill, who was a cantor in Dessau.“This synagogue here in the middle in Dessau says that Jewish life is and remains a part of Germany. It belongs here,” Scholz said. “Germany will do everything to protect and strengthen Jewish life.”Steinmeier also called it a “civic duty” to oppose antisemitism in Germany.Police have increased security for Jewish institutions in Berlin and all over Germany.Israeli flags that were flown after the Oct. 7 attack as a sign of solidarity in front of city halls all over the country have been torn down and burnt. Several building in Berlin where Jews live had the star of David painted on doors and walls.Also Sunday, police officers in Berlin surrounded participants of a pro-Palestinian demonstration at Potsdamer Platz, which had been banned.
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helmstone · 1 year
Awareness — trailer and date
Awareness — trailer and date
Coming to Prime Video on October 11 is Awareness. It’s a Spanish Original sci-fi film Awareness directed by Daniel Benmayor (Xtremo, Tracers, Bruc) and starring Carlos Scholz (Toy Boy, Feria: La luz más oscura), Pedro Alonso (Money Heist, El ministerio del tiempo), María Pedraza (Toy Boy, Élite), Óscar Jaenada (Operación Marea Negra, Hernán) and Lela Loren (American Gods, Altered Carbon). The…
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
Awareness Trailer
"Ian is a rebellious teenager who lives with his father on the edges of society. They survive by carrying out small scams thanks to Ian’s extraordinary ability to be able to project visual illusions into the minds of others. After accidentally revealing his powers in public, a mysterious secret agency starts to go after him. As he tries to evade capture, Ian discovers he’s not the only person with these powers and that his whole life has been a lie." (Prime Video)
Awareness stars Carlos Scholz, Pedro Alonso, María Pedraza, Óscar Jaenada, and Lela Loren. The film is directed by Daniel Benmayor from a screenplay by Benmayor and Ivan Ledesma.
Awareness hits Prime Video on October 11, 2023.
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