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fliessbandunikat · 6 years ago
Our projection mapping in action at Schmiede 2018!
By Jakob Steininger @fliessbandunikat Jakob Vogel @hardbi7 and Amina Daschil.
Music by Fabian Schober.
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schmiede · 6 years ago
SmithWelcomeParty at Zone11
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After inspiration, day four continues physically till they kick us out at Zone11. Zone11 is just exiting its summer slumber and so we are expecting outragous amounts of energy etc. 
We are very happy to announce that this years SmithWelcomeParty will include and be hosted by long time Smiths who live and work in Hallein. 
2200h Fabian Schober 2300h Polymer 0100h Open Decks with Katrin Froschauer und Valentin Backhaus
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Fabian Schober will open up and give us some future. His set will include some pre-listening samples of his upcoming EP-„Gobu’s Journey“ (ambient / drone / noise)
Fabian Schober dedicates his life and performances to invoke hallucinogenic emotional experiences via drones, noise and ambiences. Every piece is a journey on its own and composed to take the listener with it. There is no dishonesty in Schober’s music. 
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The audiovisual collective Polymer (AV Performance - techno) combines electronic music with a surreal three dimensional world. Using a variety of settings, the four musicians and visual artists transfer projections into three dimensions. As club natives, their work is theoretically fuelled by questioning the presence of the artist.
teaser  listen to Polymer like Polymer 
and Katrin will host the Open Decks till we are done. 
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fliessbandunikat · 6 years ago
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Party decorations, made with a bunch of cool people at Schmiede 2018!
(first photo from @schmiede tumblr)
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fliessbandunikat · 6 years ago
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Schnur Lab - an accidentally formed lab for all string-related things at Schmiede 2018
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schmiede · 7 years ago
Schmiede18: noplan
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noplan, noanswers, but Schmiede is coming. 
Schmiede18: noplan August 27th - September 7th
Application open till May 31st. 
please avoid late application. Schmiede is growing and late application gets harder each year. 
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schmiede · 5 years ago
Labs at Schmiede20
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Labs are emerging for Schmiede20 and we will post in the days to come. As of today we assume that Schmiede20 will happen as scheduled but probably not as planned. It is still unclear how people will be allowed to travel etc.  So as of today we assume that we will have a smaller group of Smiths, probably mainly Smiths living in Austria and maybe Germany.  So 2020 will be the year to fill rooms. Large SmithProjects are very welcome. please contact us if you got proposals you want to discuss. Office AT schmiede DOT ca
We will inform as soon as there is some clarity. 
Till then please apply till Mai 31st so we can prepare for you. 
Schmiede20: Pferde / Horses September 16th - 25th Application till May 31st. www.schmiede.ca/apply
In case you want to hold a lab at Schmiede20: 
Schmiede the playground of ideas for peer2peer learning and prototyping is organised into labs.  A lab at Schmiede is therefore a focused/specialised Schmiede within Schmiede. In this logic Schmiede is the LabLab at Schmiede. Its LabLeaders are Rüdiger, Kerstin and Michi.
Labs at Schmiede are gathering points and islands of interest within Schmiede, bridging projects, labs and Smiths. A Lab can focus on anything of intereset to you, the lab leaders. Smiths with an understanding or strong focus on the content in question take action to create more. By creating a lab at Schmiede you open the door to bring together peers and support each other and your interest.
LabLeaders are Smiths Smiths can talk to if they need direction on how to approach a challenge or who to talk to with connection with the lab.
Depending on external partnerships and funds, labs can vary in size, services and complexity. Schmiede itself provides space and infrastructure at Schmiede and supports communications leading up to Schmiede.
There are labs that focus on a niche, interest or skill set. Another version is a project focused lab, which acts more like an open project development group or think/do tank. We assume there are many more possible versions.
LabLeaders do not have the obligation to solve or work on others’ problems or projects but should direct them to Smiths who can help. Honoring SchmiedeRuleOne: The autonomy of Smith must not be undermined.
LabLeaders’ priority is to create value for themselves and only as a secondary consideration for Schmiede.  Our point of view: The better a lab works for the LabLeaders the better it is for Schmiede. The better Schmiede is the better are the participating Smiths and the emerging labs.
Schmiede provides for Labs: # feature by Schmiede # defined space at Schmiede # supports communications leading up to Schmiede # supports visibility leading up to Schmiede # supports finding financial as well as infrastructural partners for labs # refund ApplicationProcessingFee for LabLeaders # refund food fee for LabLeaders
What Schmiede needs from the LabLeaders: # One LabLeader needs to be the primary contact person for the SchmiedeCoreTeam.   # Lab documentation (Format will depend on the lab, we will talk, don’t worry). This is more for the development of the Lab than for Schmiede, as we document the general process autonomously as well. However Lab documentations are very welcome and help the SchmiedeCoreTeam to understand Schmiede better.
Public: On day two of Schmiede we will host open LabPresentations.   Every Lab has the possibility to present themselves and their focus.
Internal: # LabLeaders intro meeting (probably on day one in the morning). # LabLeader feedback form and feedback meeting (probably via skype).
How to do a lab at Schmiede:
# Step one: A LabLeader needs a good understanding of  the SchmiedeContext. LabLeaders should be returning Smiths.
# Step two: Official labs at Schmiede must be accorded with Rüdiger, the early the better, and featured by Schmiede no later than May 20th (for visibility in the current SchmiedeApplicationProcess). It is the duty of the LabLeaders to provide the necessary materials to the SchmiedeCoreTeam in a timely manner (before May 10th).
# Step three: In order to “support finding financial as well as infrastructural partners for labs” we advice for early communications with Rüdiger. (Fall/Winter, no later than February).
Depending on external partnerships, funds and motivation, labs can vary in size, services and complexity. For example: Talks, Workshops etc are welcome, however Schmiede’s budget cannot financially support the initiative. So they can be held on a goodwill basis, ask a fee from workshop participants or have a financing partner. Schmiede is happy to facilitate and support the quest for this partner, however the initiative must come from the LabLeaders. These LabPartners can then be featured online as well as in our print program.  
There can be up to three official LabLeaders per lab at Schmiede.
Everyone needs to apply in order to participate at Schmiede. This includes LabLeaders as well as Kerstin, Rüdiger and Michi.
SchmiedeApplication - deadline May 31st
Lab at Schmiede: Labs at Schmiede19 Labs at Schmiede18 Labs at Schmiede17 Labs at Schmiede16 Labs at Schmiede before 2016
Questions about SchmiedeLabs? Contact us - Office AT schmiede DOT ca
pic from Schmiede19 AdhocLab - Ames Room
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schmiede · 6 years ago
SchmiedeWerkschau Fr.7.9. 19:00
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Die Schmiede18: noplan geht zu Ende und die über 200 Smiths präsentieren die Resultate ihres Prozesses. Die Saline wird für einen Abend Wunderkammer der Kunst und Kreativität. Eintritt frei. 
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schmiede · 6 years ago
subnetTALKs and and  at Schmiede then Party
Today we will host two subnetTALKs: 18:00 -Sebastian Hackenschmidt, 19:30 - Florian Kühnle and 20:30 (starts 30 min late) and then we party at Zone11
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schmiede · 6 years ago
and at Schmiede18
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After subnetTALKs  the fourth day will continue with and, a production by Up. asking the question: how do we face our conflicts? 
1. September -  20:00 / Performance - 60 min. / Pernerinsel Hallein
more info und deutsch
Lisa Hinterreithner Konzept, Choreographie, Performance
Linda Samaraweerová Choreographie, Performance
Elise Mory Komposition, Livemusik
Ela Piplits, Ines Pariente, Anna Feiler Organisation, Kommunikation
Markus Gradwohl, Eva Würdinger Dokumentation
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schmiede · 6 years ago
subnet at Schmiede18
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Sa. September 1st: The fourth day of Schmiede18 (English) needs more than one post. 
We start with continuous inspiration, imported by subnet. We have the premier chance to hear two subnetTALKs on one day. subnetTALK 2018 circles around Material. 
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ÜBER DAS MATERIAL mit Sebastian Hackenschmidt
Seit spätestens den 1960er Jahren ist der Kanon kunstwürdiger Stoffe gesprengt worden: Kunstausstellungen gleichen seither bisweilen Materiallagern voller Holzstapel, Erdhaufen, Altkleidersammlungen und Schaumstoffaufschäumungen. Auch organische Materialien von tierischen und menschlichen Körpern, wie Haare, Blut oder Knochen kommen in der zeitgenössischen Kunst vermehrt zur Anwendung. Die Verwendung von “Kunst-Stoffen” bringt jeweils bestimmte Konnotationen für das Kunstwerk mit sich, die sich aus den haptischen und ästhetischen Qualitäten, aus der Verwendungsgeschichte und den sich immer wieder verändernden Bedeutungszuschreibungen der Materialien ergeben.
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PROZESS ALS MATERIAL mit Florian Kühnle 
Künstler arbeiten mit Materialien: ob mit physischen wie die Bildhauerei, mit immateriellen wie Fluxus, oder mit technologischen wie der Film. In der gegenwärtigen Medienkunst und in verwandten Gestaltungsdisziplinen werden digitale Prozesse immer stärker zum relevanten Material. Insbesondere gilt das auch für den Entwurfsprozess: Der Prototyp, die Beta-Version, die Crowdfunding-Kampagne – das Entwurfsstadium hat heute ein anderes Standing als früher. Der Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit der Materialität von Entwurfsprozessen in der digital-medialen Kunst. Welche Artefakte entstehen im Entwurfsprozess? Wann endet das Entwurfsstadium? Gerade digitale Produkte tragen oft ihre eigene Versionshistorie in sich. Wohin gelangt man, wenn man das Entwurfsstadium nie verlässt, wie manche Softwares das heute bereits machen? Das Entwerfen selbst wird zu dem Material, mit dem man arbeitet. Ganz ‚Beta’ will der Vortrag nicht nur abgeschlossene Antworten liefern, sondern auch Fragen und Bugs aufwerfen.
like subnet
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schmiede · 6 years ago
KLITCLIQUE at Schmiede18
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The second day of Schmiede18, Thursday August 30th,will be full of presentations (Labs at Schmiede and SmithProjects) preceded by the FUSUMA opening followed by a KLITCLIQUE  concert (more: Schlecht im Bett, gut im Rap).
fb events - Schmiede18
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schmiede · 6 years ago
Giovi at  Schmiede18
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Opening: Wed 29th of August, 19:30
Begleitend zum Medienkunstfestival Schmiede Hallein, stellt der Tennengauer Kunstkreis, nun schon seit mehreren Jahren, die Ausstellungsräume für Künstlerinnen und Künstler aus dem “SmithNetzwerk” zur Verfügung. Passend zum Thema No Plan wird Johannes Löberbauer (Giovi) in diesem Jahr einen Querschnitt aus seinem reichhaltigen Œuvre präsentieren. Auf den ersten Blick ohne Plan, aber bei genauem Hinsehen zeigt sich in den Arbeiten eine sehr genaue Beobachtung der Natur und ihrer Strukturen sowie eine durchdachte Anordnung dieser. Es entstehen Wechselspiele von Zerstörung und Erschaffung, immer in starkem Bezug zu den natürlichen Eigenheiten der Materialien. Johannes Löberbauer wurde 1979 in Vöcklabruck, Oberösterreich geboren. Ausbildung an der FH Salzburg Multi Media Art mit dem Schwerpunkt Illustration, Photographie und Film. Diverse Lehrtätigkeiten an Schulen und Fachhochschulen. Aufbau des Strukt Visual Network. Herausgeber des Designmagazines STRUKT (2002 bis 2004). Lebt und arbeitet in Salzburg und in Grünau im Almtal.
Accompanying the media art festival Schmiede Hallein, the Tennengau Art Circle has been providing the exhibition space for artists from the "Smith Network" for several years now. In keeping with the No Plan theme, Johannes Löberbauer (Giovi) will present a cross-section of his rich oeuvre this year. At first glance, without a plan, but on closer inspection, the work shows a very close observation of nature and its structures, as well as a well-thought out arrangement of them. It creates interplay of destruction and creation, always in strong relation to the natural characteristics of the materials. Johannes Löberbauer was born in 1979 in Vöcklabruck, Upper Austria. Education at FH Salzburg Multi Media Art with a focus on illustration, photography and film. Various teaching activities at schools and colleges. Structure of the Structure Visual Network. Editor of the design magazine STRUKT (2002 to 2004). Lives and works in Salzburg and in Grünau im Almtal.
ArtistTalk: Mon 03. September, 19:15 Duration: 30th August to 6th October 2018
Opening hours: Wed to Fri 16:00 to 19:00 & Sat 10:00 to 13:00 kunstruam pro arte, Schöndorferplatz 5, Hallein
giovi.at kunstraumproarte.com
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schmiede · 6 years ago
and at Schmiede18
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Performance, body sculpture, sociopolitical discourse, dotted up, women at work, taping SA 
1. September - Schmiede18: noplan - 20 Uhr / 60 min. / Pernerinsel Hallein
Wie stellen wir uns unseren Konflikten? Die Bereitschaft, sie als Chance für Austausch zu begreifen, scheint geringer zu werden. Ein Interview mit Sarah Schulman (texte zur kunst, 2017), das die Systeme der Konfliktvermeidung in unserer Gesellschaft thematisiert, ist Ausgangspunkt von and. Auszüge der schonungslos konkreten Politanalyse treffen auf abstrahierte, unkonkrete Körper. Lisa Hinterreithner und Linda Samaraweerová punkten mit Punkten aus abgerissenen Klebestreifen und ziehen Folien auf. Sie umkleben und bekleben ihre Körper, streifen Punkte ab, kleben sie erneut. Es bilden sich Grenzen, Durchbrüche, Dialoge jenseits der Sprache. Gestützt und verbunden durch den musikalischen Pointillismus Elise Morys, kooperieren die beiden performativen Ebenen miteinander, durchdringen, ohne sich gegenseitig zu interpretieren. Beide stehen füreinander ein.
English: How do we face our conflicts? The willingness to see it as an opportunity for exchange seems to be diminishing. An interview with Sarah Schulman (Texte zur Kunst, 2017), which focuses on the systems of conflict prevention in our society, is the starting point of and. Extracts of relentlessly concrete political analysis encounter abstracted, nonconcrete bodies. Lisa Hinterreithner and Linda Samaraweerová score with points from torn-off adhesive strips and pull on slides. They re-glue and glue their bodies, strip off dots, glue them again. Borders, breakthroughs, dialogues beyond language are formed. Supported and connected by the musical pointillism of Elise Mory, the two performative levels cooperate with each other, interpenetrate, without interpreting each other. Both stand for each other.
Eine Produktion von Up. 
Lisa Hinterreithner Konzept, Choreographie, Performance
Linda Samaraweerová  Choreographie, Performance
Elise Mory Komposition, Livemusik 
Ela Piplits, Ines Pariente, Anna Feiler Organisation, Kommunikation 
Markus Gradwohl, Eva Würdinger Dokumentation
Dank an Arbeitsplatz Wien und Im_flieger 
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von:  Land Salzburg, Stadt Salzburg und dem Bundeskanzleramt
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schmiede · 6 years ago
Schmiede18 Labs English
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As our print program is German, here is its content concerning labs at Schmiede in English. 
NOSE NASE LAB - The sense of smell is a basic function of the human body: it helps us to decide which fruits to eat, where to stay and who is suitable for reproduction. Our nose is constantly processing information, and even in sleep our emotions and memories are unconsciously influenced. Throughout history, humanity has always captured attractive scents and preserved these transient experiences in object form. From this developed the "modern perfumery" and aroma technology. Bartholomew Traubeck and Georg Scherlin invite all olfactory enthusiasts to take a closer look at the processes in our nose. We will analyse the presence of odours in our environment and develop a common vocabulary based on a set of natural and synthetic fragrances. Afterwards, we will deal with the production methods of the ingredients as well as the theoretical basics of perfumery. Together, we will build a steam still, allowing participants to extract fragrances from Hallein and surrounding areas, and then bottle them in a long-lasting manner. 
SUDHAUS We are pleased about the decision to start the SUDHAUSLab. The SUDHAUS hallein.kultur uses Schmiede’s frame to collaborate and develop in a focused manner. The aim is to build bridges between cultural institutions and their protagonists. The SUDHAUS is in the process of redesigning art, culture and reception in Hallein. Together we will work on many existing and emerging synergies. The SUDHAUS LabLeaders are Simone Seymer and Christopher Habersatter.
JamIsland JamIsland is a three-day GameJam, a work and networking hub for game creators and game enthusiasts who want to explore the evolution of interactive media. The theme will be announced on Friday the 31.08. at 12:00 pm. This will be followed by workshops on team finding and idea development. The finished projects will be immortalised on Itch.io and presented on Sunday the 02.09. At KG Freiräume. Participation in JamIsland is open and free to all. JamIsland is an initiative of Florian Jindra and Rene Baumgartner in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Salzburg.
StudioDREY The Center for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) projects its "Studio Drei" into the Schmiede. Studio Drei is a space for artistic-scientific experimentation, it stands for the networking between technology and people as well as between science and art and is a place for inspiration, exchange, dialogue, production and presentation. The focus is on Design-based / artistic practice as a research method to question current interactions between people and technology and using concrete artifacts and systems to show alternatives. StudioDREY LabLeaders: Dorothé Smit, Bernhard Maurer and Martin Murer. The StudioDREYLab is an initiative of the Center for Human-Computer Interaction (University of Salzburg)
Tinkerlab Tinkerlab deals with practical approaches to implement physical things artisanal and with the support of software. The results are objects that can be touched, moved by motors and controlled by microprocessors, making sounds and communicating. It's about do-it-yourself methods and electronics-tinkering. The Tinkerlab is equipped with soldering station, Arduino boards, tools, sensors and components. Like-minded people can find, work and network there. LabLeaders are Korinna Lindinger, Sophie Birkmayer and Tammo Claassen. The Tinkerlab is an initiative of subnet and the dolab.
adhocLAB What does it mean to live an active and creative life with children? The adhocLAB is a satellite of the adhocPAD - a creative center in Vienna for people who share their passion in different subcultures. A family friendly place, a design studio, an experimental off-room and workshop. The adhocLAB shows that children of all ages can be included in life and work. The adhocLAB is an initiative of Kathi Macheiner, Lilo Krebernik, Mac Krebernik and the adhocrates collective.
Labs at Schmiede
Labs at Schmiede and documentation 
Print version of Schmiede18Programm on issuu
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schmiede · 6 years ago
Akademie - Fr.Aug.31st
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In 2018 the Akademie Hallein re-emerges as the think island in the form of IslandTalks. We invite everyone interested to join us and give Schmiede’s theme “noplan” a deeper and multilayered look and talk. 
Together with a diverse range of speakers the Akademie IslandTalks will expand and maybe even disrupt Schmiede’s annual theme by bringing different views, approaches and new perspectives. The goal is to build bridges from theory to action and the reality where pure actionism falls short. And to build a mentoring network around Schmiede’s ecosystem. 
The IslandTalks are set up as a moderated panel discussion followed by an open dialogue followed by a MentoringCafé.  Mentors can be booked for one on one sessions during their stay in Hallein. 
IslandTalks 2018: NoPlan: the future does not plan.  Fr. August 31. 2018 / Start 14:00 60 - 90 min / language - German Pernerinsel Hallein | Saline | 5400 Hallein entry free / registration necessary 
Nicola von Greyerz (Grosses Ratsmitglied Schweiz | Politican) Christian Spath (Mediasupport GmbH | Moonshiner GmbH I Entrepreneur | Author)
Paul Schmitzberger (European Affairs Management - Telekom Austria Group | Entrepreneur)
Julia Culen (Culen Mayerhofer Partner | CEO/Partner ) Sarah Marisa Gruber (ORF Media Designer and Creator | Editor)
Michael Hackl (Artistic Dynamic Association | Entrepreneur | Developer)   Martin Murer (Center for Human Computer Interaction | Interaction Designer and Scientist)
Bernhard G. Förg (Audience Manufaktur | Der Business-Designer | Author)
Rüdiger Wassibauer (Schmiede | subnet | MiniSchmiede | Ortung  | Rüdiger)
The Island Talks will be followed by an open mentoring meet up with coffee & cake. entry free / registration necessary 
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schmiede · 7 years ago
FUSUMA the flying tea house
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English below:
Gerhard und sein 2017 gebautes und getestetes Teehaus kommen zurück auf die Insel. Er ist auf der Suche nach Smith(s) die sich in der Zeremonie einbringen wollen. bittet direkte Kontaktaufnahme:  MAIL at gerhardfeldbacher DOT com
FUSUMA das fliegende Teehaus
FUSUMA – das fliegende Teehaus (work in progress)
Und wie aus dem Nichts stand es plötzlich da, ein japanisches Papierhaus. Das fliegende Teehaus ist eine augenzwinkernde Parodie an die japanische Tradition der Teezeremonie. Hier wird nämlich nicht wie man meinen möchte Tee, sondern Kaffee zubereitet! Dies jedoch auf eine ganz besondere Weise, nämlich nach dem Vorbild des Chado (Weg des Tees).
Interaktives Projekt. Die Besucher werden in die obskuren Regeln der Kaffeezeremonie eingewiesen und dabei sanft motiviert, Ihre jeweiligen Rollen im Spiel einzunehmen. Schreiten Wir gemeinsam ein Stück am Weg des Kaffees!
ENGLISH Gerhard and his tea house, built and tested in 2017, are coming back to the island. He is looking for Smith(s) who want to get involved in the ceremony. Please contact him directly: MAIL at gerhardfeldbacher DOT com
FUSUMA the flying tea house
And out of nowhere it suddenly stood there, a Japanese paper house
The Flying Teahouse is a good-natured parody of the Japanese tea ceremony tradition. Here is not, as the name suggests tea, but coffee is prepared! But in a very special way, following the example of the Chado (way of the tea). Let's walk together on the way of the coffee!
Interactive project, the visitors are gently introduced to the obscure rules of the coffee ceremony and are motivated without force to take their respective roles.
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