changing saddles
Schmiede is done with our tumblr blog - see you on the other side:
http://schmiede.ca will remain active picture found here dressagetoday.com
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Calls Calls Calls

English below.
Schmiede SudhausAIR 1.000 € // Kunst Leerstandbespielung Frist: 15. Juni 2020 - link
subnetAIR 2020 neu 4 x 1.500 € // Kunst Medien Maker - Projektstipendien Frist: 20. Juni 2020 - link - Documentation subnetAIR 2019
Feral AIR 2020 1.500 € // Kunst Medien Maker - Projektstipendien Frist: 20. Juni 2020 - link - Documentation feral AIR 2019
AkademieAIR 2020 1.500 € // Kunst Medien Schreiben/Storytelling - Projektstipendien Frist: 20. Juni 2020 - link - Documentation Akademie Hallein 2019
Zukunft: Medienkunststipendium - Land Salzburg 25.000 € // Medienkunstprojekte Salzburg - Bewerbungs Richtlinien Frist: tba - voraussichtlich September 2020
Salzburger Staatsstipendium für Medienkunst 10.000 € // Media Art Grant Salzburg Einsendeschluss: tba - derzeit 28. Februar // für alle jährlichen Stipendien des Kulturlandes Salzburg: Bildende Kunst, Fotografie, Musik, Literatur, Darstellende Kunst und Film - Link
Schmiede SudhausAIR 1.000 € // Art Vacancy Occupation Deadline: June 15th 2020 link
subnetAIR 2020 reloaded 4 x 1.500 € // Media Art Maker - Project Grant(s) Deadline: June 20th 2020 link - Documentation subnetAIR 2019
Feral AIR 2020 1.500 € // Media Art Maker - Project Grant(s) Deadline: June 20th 2020 link - Documentation feral AIR 2019
AkademieAIR 2020 1.500 € // Media Art Maker Project Grant(s) Deadline: June 20th 2020 link - Documentation Akademie Hallein 2019
future calls: Media Art Grant - Land Salzburg 25.000 € // Media Art Project(s) Salzburg - Bewerbungsrichtlinien Deadline: tba - probably September 2020
Salzburg State Scholarship for Media Art - annually since 2007 10,000 € // Media Art Grant Salzburg Deadline: tba - currently February 28th // for all annual scholarships of the Kultur Land Salzburg: fine arts, photography, music, literature, performing arts and film - link
pic by Gabriele Krisch - Klitclique performing at Schmiede18
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CALL - Akademie AIR in Hallein

CALL - Write with us - IslandBook - Akademie 2020 in Hallein
1500€ Project Grant - Writing or Proposal - September Hallein/Austria
English below
Gerade 2020 freuen wir uns auf die Insel zurückzukehren um ein weiteres Inselbuch zu schaffen. Situationsbedingt wird die Akademie Hallein in neuem Kleid erscheinen. Wir verändern das Format und fokussieren 2020 ganz auf dem gemeinschaftlich geschriebenen Buch zum Thema - Pferde. Eine blumiger wie emotionaler Rahmen für die mehr oder weniger trockene Realität von Geschichten/Storytelling mit der Gewichtung Innovation und Führung/Reiten/Leadership.
Da Reisebeschränkungen vieles unplanbar macht machen wir neue Pläne. Statt den formalen Inselgesprächen werden wir 2020 erstmals eine offenen Ausschreibung verwenden um eine neue Ebene in unser Inselbuch einzuziehen. In dieser Ausschreibung bitten wir um Beiträge und oder Vorschläge zur Erweiterung unseres Buches 2020: Pferde.
Zur Ausarbeitung des Konzeptes bitten wir für mindestens drei Wochen nach Hallein zu kommen und mit uns auf der Pernserinsel und in der Saline zu Arbeiten. Teilnahme an der Schmiede ist Vorasussetzung. Die Bewerbung ist bereits online und wird 2020 nicht offline genommen. Die Bezugnahme auf Ihre Einreichung in der Schmiede-Bewerbung erleichtert uns das Leben. Schmiede20: Pferde / Pferde finden vom 16. bis 25. September statt.
# Zuschuss von 1.500,- Euro # Zugang zur Saline im September, Schmiede Hallein und Akademie Hallein
Eckdaten: # € 1.500,- für mindestens 3 Wochen Anwesenheit in Hallein # Möglicher Zeitraum: 1. September bis 5. Oktober # Arbeitsraum in der Saline # Teilnahme an Schmiede20: Pferde / Horses 16. - 25. September # Anreise, Unterkunft und Verpflegung sind autonom zu tragen.
Ablauf: # Die Bewerbung soll nicht länger als drei Seiten sein und aus Konzept, Lebenslauf und Referenzen bestehen. # Auswahl und Vergabe erfolgt über eine unabhängige Jury. # Die Residency beginnt mit einem öffentlichen Kennenlernen und endet mit einer Präsentation und Dokumentation der entstandenen Ergebnisse. # Das Akademie AIR Honorar wird 50% zu Beginn und 50% nach Dokumentation ausgezahlt.
Erwartung: Prozessdokumentation & BuchBeitrag // Text oder eine zu definierende des Inselbuches
Ort: Saline Pernerinsel // Schmiede Hallein // Schmiede in 5:20 Bewerbungsfrist: 20. Juni 2020
Kontakt: office{at}schmiede{dot}ca
In 2020 we are looking forward to returning to the island to create another IslandBook. Due to the situation, the Akademie Hallein will appear in new clothes. We are changing the format and in 2020 will focus entirely on the jointly written book on the topic - horses. A floral and emotional framework for the more or less dry reality of storytelling with the emphasis on innovation and leadership.
Since travel restrictions make a lot of things unpredictable, we made new plans. Instead of the formal island talks, we will use an open call for proposals in 2020 to move a new level into our island book. With this call we ask for contributions and/or suggestions for expanding our IslandBook 2020: Horses.
To elaborate the concept, we ask that you come to Hallein for at least three weeks and work with us on the Pernserinsel and in the Saline. Participation at Schmiede is a prerequisite. The application is already online and will not be taken offline in 2020. A reference to your SchmiedeApplication in your application makes life easier for us.
# Grant of 1,500 euros # Access to the Saline in September, Schmiede Hallein and Akademie Hallein
Key data: # € 1,500 for at least 3 weeks in Hallein # Possible period: September 1 to October 5 # Work room in the saline # Participation at Schmiede20: Pferde / Horses September 16. - 25. # Travel, accommodation and meals are to be carried autonomously.
Procedure: # The application should not be longer than three pages and should consist of a concept, curriculum vitae and references. # Selection is done by an independent jury. # The residency begins with an informal public getting to know and ends with a presentation and documentation of the results. # The Akademie AIR fee is paid 50% at the beginning and 50% after documentation.
Expectation: process documentation & book contribution // text or a to be defined proposal on how to expand the IslandBook
Place: Saline Pernerinsel // Smithy Hallein // Smithy in 5:20 Application deadline: June 20, 2020
Contact: office {at} schmiede {dot} approx
picture The Lion Hunt by Eugène Delacroix
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Schmiede20 here we come

Thanks for your applications. Welcome emails go out June 15th. EarlyBird-Tickets will be online till July 10th. LateApplication deadline is July 5th. http://schmiede.ca/apply/ We will answer all Application that came in by June 31st before July 10th. LateWelcome emails will go out on July 15st.
In case you got or have trouble applying or are hindered by current events, tell us and we will see to find a solution.
See you in Hallein.
Schmiede20: Pferde / Horses September 16th - 25th
Please contact us at {Office AT schmiede DOT ca} if you got questions.
pic from livingimagescjw.com
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We welcome back Florian, our trusted SmithMailMan and his international initiative.
Have you failed? Artistically, economically, does your mommy like your art? We, the FAILED ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL, are here to discuss all the wonderful ways of failing. During our FAILED ARTIST Lab and Workshop, you will learn how to fail much more efficiently — and joyfully! Join us and become a FAILED ARTIST!
Schmiede20: Horses September 16th - 25th SchmiedeApplication
labs at Schmiede20 general info
Lab at Schmiede: Labs at Schmiede19 Labs at Schmiede18 Labs at Schmiede17 Labs at Schmiede16 Labs at Schmiede before 2016
Questions about SchmiedeLabs?
Contact us - Office AT schmiede DOT ca

0 notes
CALL - Feral AIR 2020 in Hallein
1500€ Project Grant - art/maker - September - Hallein/Austria 1500€ Arbeitsstipendium - Künstlerinnen/Maker - September - Hallein
English below#########
Reisebeschränkungen oder nicht, wir passen uns an und Feral Lab Network wird 2020 zur Schmiede zurückkehren. Hier ist der begleitende CALL.
Kommt nach Hallein und arbeitet mit uns in der Saline.
# Zuschuss von 1.500,- Euro # Zugang zur Saline im September, Schmiede Hallein und das Feral Lab Network
Feral AIR 2019 Dokumentation Mit Chun Shao, Antoni Rayzhekov, APNOA
Schmiede20: Pferde / Pferde finden vom 16. bis 25. September statt. SchmiedeApplication ist Voraussetzung. Die Bewerbung ist bereits online und wird 2020 nicht offline genommen. Die Bezugnahme auf Ihre Einreichung in Ihrer Einreichung in der Schmiede-Bewerbung erleichtert uns das Leben.
Das Ziel von Feral AIR ist es, Projekte zwischen den Künsten und der Maker-Bewegung zu verbessern / zu ermöglichen sowie die Interaktionen und Projekte innerhalb des Feral Lab Network zu vertiefen.
The Feral AIR ist Teil des Feral Lab Networks, welches von Creative Europe ermöglicht wird.
Eckdaten: # € 1.500,- für mindestens 3 Wochen Anwesenheit in Hallein # Möglicher Zeitraum: 1. September bis 5. Oktober # Arbeitsraum in der Saline # Teilnahme an Schmiede20: Pferde / Horses 16. - 25. September # Anreise, Unterkunft und Verpflegung sind autonom zu tragen.
Ablauf: # Die Bewerbung soll nicht länger als drei Seiten sein und aus Konzept, Lebenslauf und Referenzen bestehen. # Auswahl und Vergabe erfolgt über eine unabhängige Jury. # Die Residency beginnt mit einem öffentlichen Kennenlernen (Meet the Artist, online) und endet mit einer Präsentation und Dokumentation der entstandenen Ergebnisse. # Das Feral AIR Honorar wird 50% zu Beginn und 50% nach Dokumentation ausgezahlt.
Erwartung: Prozessdokumentation & ausstellbare Arbeit
Ort: Saline Pernerinsel // Schmiede Hallein // Schmiede in 5:20
Bewerbungsfrist: 20. Juni 2020
Kontakt: office{at}schmiede{dot}ca
We, the Feral Lab Network cannot travel as we please but that should not stop us from working and developing our network, we adapt andwill return to Schmiede in 2020. Here is the accompanying call.
Come to Hallein and work with us at the Saline.
Residency + Grant - Hallein - September 2020 Project Development grant for artists / makers
# Grant of 1500, – Euro # Access to the Saline during September, Schmiede Hallein and the Feral Lab Network
Feral AIR 2019 documentation with Chun Shao, Antoni Rayzhekov, APNOA
Schmiede20: Pferde / Horses takes place from September 16 to 25. SchmiedeApplication is a prerequisite. The application is already online. Reference to your submission in your submission in the SchmiedeApplication makes our lives easier.
Share and enjoy: see you in Hallein.
The aims of Feral AIR is to enhance / enable projects between the arts and the maker movement as well as deepen the interactions and projects amongst the Feral Lab Network.
The Feral AIR - is a Feral Lab Network cooperation hosted by Schmiede Hallein enabled by Creative Europe.
Key data: # 1,500 for at least 3 weeks in Hallein # Possible period: September 1st to October 5th # Work space at the saline # Schmiede20: Pferde / Horses September 16. - 25. # Travel, accommodation and meals are to be carried autonomously.
Procedure: # The application should not be longer than three pages and should consist of a concept, curriculum vitae and references. # An independent jury selects and awards. # The residency begins with a public meeting (meet the artist, online) and ends with a presentation and documentation of the results. # The Feral AIR fee is paid 50% at the beginning and 50% after documentation.
Expectation: Process documentation & work that can be exhibited
Where: Saline Pernerinsel // Schmiede Hallein // Schmiede in 5:20
Deadline: Juni 20th 2020
contact: office{at}schmiede{dot}ca
Feral Background Info: ###########################
Feral Lab Network A network of temporary dislocated hubs for research in art, technology and communities. Six partners from six countries partners will organise a set of actions joined by their common interest into art-science research and contemporary do-it-yourself (DIY) & do-it-with-others (DIWO) communities. Instead on presentational modes like exhibitions and festivals, our main focus well be in connection and organising a series of camps and similar kinds of temporary creative environments, all with a strong emphasis on process-based activities like peer learning, field work, research and co-creation. What these activities have in common is their deliberate setting in a remote environment, away from the usual urban set-up of contemporary Creative Hubs. Partners we will create a variety of temporary creative hubs that vary in scope, format and topics covered, but are all joined by joined methodological starting point. These actions will be further extended and connected via a strong trans-national outreach and media strategy and accompanying developmental and community oriented Artist-In-Residence programmes.
Feral Lab Network partners:
Zavod Projekt Atol (ZPA) is the convener and initiator of the FeralLabs.net project. As an organization it has vast and long-standing experience in field work based artistic research all around the world, like the Makrolab, the Arctic Perspective Initiative and Changing Weathers. In 2015 ZPA initiated the Unmanned-Resilience project held at the Gora Plateau and the yearly PIFcamp, held at the Tiglav National Park.
PIFcamp is a 7-day hacker-base set in Slovenian nature, where art, technology and knowledge meet. PIFcamp is the event in the Slovenian calendar for technology based artists and art organisations. PIF Call 2019.
Finnish Society of Bioart (FBAS) based in Helsinki, is an organisation developing, producing and facilitating activities around art and natural sciences, with a focus on biology, ecology and life sciences. The Bioartsociety is the motor behind the Ars Bioarctica program which is a long term art&science initiative with a focus on the sub Arctic environment. The activities of Ars Bioarctica encompass the Ars Bioarctica residency programm, the Field_Notes field laboratories, specific workshops and educational services for University programs.
“Field_Notes – The Heavens” is taking place at the Kilpisjärvi Biological Station of the University of Helsinki in Lapland Finland. It is a one-week long art&science field laboratory. During the workweek, five groups composed of artists, scientists and other practitioners, led by expert hosts will develop, test and evaluate specific artistic approaches, based on the specific questions towards the heavens.
Radiona.org / Zagreb Makerspace organized numerous international hackathons and off-the-grid labs in the nature, combining contemporary practices of maker scene and (new) media arts with innovative use of natural resources. The lab nurtures access to knowledge and sharable cutting-edge practices in order to enhance creative processes and expression for all: the artists, the makers and the micro-communities.
Electric Wonderlands Camp will gather international guests – lecturers, workshop facilitators, makers / hackers, intermedia artists, technologists, designers, scientists, engineers and DIY tinkerers. The aim of the week-long camp is to to create environment for fostering development of creative practices in the fields of hybrid arts in the wider context of DIY and DIWO cultures.
CATCH is a recently initiated greenhouse for creative students with creativity, skills and ambitions to be part of a unique, multi-disciplinary environment in Helsingør. CATCH can be anchored in Helsingør’s dynamic cultural harbor, where students have the opportunity to connect theory with practice - in a meeting with real needs and premises from private and public companies and organizations that have challenges to be solved.
Makery.info / Digital Art International is both a producer and distributor of digital artworks and connected objects, was named Innovative Young Enterprise in 2014 and has launched a new media about the maker movement: Makery, media for all labs, an on-line media published in English and French. Makery, with its open-map referencing more than 1000 international fablabs, hackerspaces, medialabs, artlabs, and other third-places and creative hubs, is the platform for keeping abreast of innovations emerging from labs around the world, the scouting tool of new trends in digital fabrication, DIY culture and knowledge sharing. With its 50,000 unique visitors per month, Makery’s participation in the FeralLab consortium will help to reach an immense non-institutional audience, but even more importantly, will be able to reach places and communities engaged in the makers movement, non-formal education and open laboratories around the world.
and us, Schmiede.
enabled by Creative Europe.
0 notes
Studio 3 lab at Schmiede20
Bridging the distance – Studio 3 will come to Schmiede for the fifth time in a row! Bringing fresh faces and fresh ideas, we intend to bring interaction design from all corners of the field into the Salt Mine!
During the year, Studio 3 is a space to create, share, inspire, talk, discuss, make, think and perform. The Studio itself is part of the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, where about 30 interdisciplinary research the way people and technology successfully and unsuccessfully interact with one another. Studio 3 is both a venue for, and a collective of researchers in the field of HCI, aiming to utilise and facilitate artistic practices as means of (HCI) research.
This year, the Studio 3 Lab will focus on all kinds of interaction: dislocated, wearable, crowd, virtual: you name it, we’ve got it. We will be there to support the projects of other Smiths, to make new connections and to find our own cross sections between art, performance and HCI. We’re looking to push the limits of interaction design experimentation in every way possible.
This year, Studio 3 will be led by Dorothé Smit.
The Studio 3 Lab at Schmiede is an initiative of Martin Murer and the Center for Human-Computer Interaction. like HCI
like Studio 3
Schmiede20: Horses
September 16th - 25th SchmiedeApplication
labs at Schmiede20 general info
Lab at Schmiede: Labs at Schmiede19 Labs at Schmiede18 Labs at Schmiede17 Labs at Schmiede16 Labs at Schmiede before 2016
Questions about SchmiedeLabs?
Contact us - Office AT schmiede DOT ca
0 notes
CALL: subnetAIR in Hallein

4x 1500€ - September in Hallein
English version below
In diesem Jahr können die beiden Kulturvereine subnet und Schmiede, vier subnetAIR Einheiten (á € 1.500,-) im Zeitraum 1. September bis 5. Oktober 2020 in Hallein anbieten. Teilnahme an der Schmiede ist Voraussetzung. www.schmiede.ca/apply Frist: LateApplication 5. July
Das Jahr 2020 ist nicht wie es schien, wir adaptieren. Bereits zugesagte subnetAIRs 2020 mussten in das Jahr 2021 verschoben werden. Die aktuelle Situation macht Reisen unvorhersehbar und verhindert die gewohnte enge Zusammenarbeit mit den ForscherInnen am Center for HCI. Darum wird subnet 2020 neue Wege gehen. Wir kooperieren mit der Schmiede Hallein und werden anstatt in Salzburg, in Hallein, in der Saline auf der Pernerinsel arbeiten. Das Center for HCI steht uns soweit es die Möglichkeiten zulassen mit Rat, Tat und Technik zur Seite. Die Saline wird von 1. September bis 5. Oktober als Arbeitsatelier zur Verfügung stehen. Die genaue Raumaufteilung wird in Absprache und unter Berücksichtigung der Realitäten der Schmiede stattfinden. Schmiede20: Pferde / Horses findet vom 16. bis 25. September statt. Bewerbung zur Schmiede (SchmiedeApplication) ist Voraussetzung. Die Bewerbung ist bereits online. Verweis auf subnetAIR Einreichung in der SchmiedeApplication ist sinnvoll.
Eckdaten: # 4 x € 1.500,- für mindestens 3 Wochen Anwesenheit in Hallein # Möglicher Zeitraum: 1. September bis 5. Oktober # Arbeitsraum in der Saline # Teilnahme an Schmiede20: Pferde / Horses 16. - 25. September # Das Zentrum für HCI steht optional mit Know How für Projekte mit Fokus auf Physical Computing, Hardware-Hacking and Tinkering – zur Verfügung. # Anreise, Unterkunft und Verpflegung sind autonom zu tragen.
Ablauf: # Die Bewerbung soll nicht länger als drei Seiten sein und aus Konzept, Lebenslauf und Referenzen bestehen. # Auswahl und Vergabe erfolgt über eine unabhängige Jury. # Die Residency beginnt mit einem öffentlichen Kennenlernen (Meet the Artist, online) und endet mit einer Präsentation und Dokumentation der entstandenen Ergebnisse. # Das subnetAIR Honorar wird 50% zu Beginn und 50% nach Dokumentation ausgezahlt.
Erwartung: Prozessdokumentation & ausstellbare Arbeit
Zielsetzung: Das subnetAIR Programm fördert aktiv KünstlerInnen und verschafft ihnen Öffentlichkeit. subnetAIR wirkt dem Engpass an Produktions- und Präsentationsräumen entgegen und senkt mit der Zurverfügungstellung von Infrastruktur und Know-How in unserem Tätigkeitsbereich Barrieren zugunsten einer Realisierung fundierter Projektideen.
Ort: Saline Pernerinsel // Schmiede Hallein // Schmiede in 5:20
Bewerbungsfrist: 20. Juni 2020
Kontakt: office{at}subnet{dot}at
ENGLISH ########################
This year we, subnet and Schmiede, can offer four subnetAIR units (€ 1,500 each) in the period from September 1 to October 5, 2020 in Hallein. SchmiedeParticipation is a prerequisite. www.schmiede.ca/apply LateApplication deadline is July 5th.
The year 2020 is not what it seemed, we are adapting. Promised subnetAIRs 2020 had to be postponed to 2021. The current situation makes travel unpredictable and prevents the usual close collaboration with the researchers at the Center for HCI. That is why subnet 2020 will break new ground. We are cooperating with Schmiede Hallein and will work in the Saline on Pernerinsel in Hallein, instead of in Salzburg. The Center for HCI is at our side as far as possible with advice, action and technology. The Saline will be available as a work studio from September 1st to October 5th. The exact room layout will take place in consultation and taking into account the developing realities of Schmiede.
Schmiede20: Pferde / Horses takes place from September 16 to 25. SchmiedeApplication is a prerequisite. The application is already online. Reference to subnetAIR submission in the SchmiedeApplication makes sense.
Key data: # 4 x € 1,500 for at least 3 weeks in Hallein # Possible period: September 1st to October 5th # Work room in the saline # Schmiede20: Pferde / Horses September 16-25 # The center for HCI is optionally available with know-how for projects with a focus on physical computing, hardware hacking and tinkering. # Travel, accommodation and meals are to be carried autonomously.
Procedure: # The application should not be longer than three pages and should consist of a concept, curriculum vitae and references. # An independent jury selects and awards. # The residency begins with a public meeting (meet the artist, online) and ends with a presentation and documentation of the results. # The subnetAIR fee is paid 50% at the beginning and 50% after documentation.
Expectation: Process documentation & work that can be exhibited
Objective: The subnetAIR program actively promotes artists and makes them public. subnetAIR counteracts the bottleneck in production and presentation rooms and lowers barriers in favor of realizing sound project ideas by providing infrastructure and know-how in our field of activity.
Place: Saline Pernerinsel // Smithy Hallein // Smithy in 5:20
Application deadline: June 20, 2020
Contact: office {at} subnet {dot} at
subnetAIR 2015- 2021:
# Chun Shao - Chun Shao at Akademie Hallein 2019
# Katsuki Nogami
# Agnes Wojtas
# Stephanie Müller and Klaus Erika Dietl
# subnetAIR 2019 documentation
# Silvia Rosani and Tom Jacques – documentation
# Vera Sebert – documentation
# Michaela Schwentner - documentation
# Mac Krebernik - documentation
subnetAIR exhibit: possible bodies (2018) – Katalog
# Lale Rodgarkia-Dara – documentation
# Simon Faulhaber
# Georg Scherlin – documentation
# Iulia Radu
# Nicolò Cervello
# Robert B. Lisek – documentation
# Kanari Shirao – documentation
# Laura Splan documentation
#Antoni Raijekov – documentation
# Young Suk Lee – documentation
# Danny Bracken
# Lucie Strecker
subnetAIR exhibit: Klanghypothesen (2015) – Katalog
# Myriam Bleau
# Robert Praxmarer – documentation
# Nikolas Psaroudakis – documentation
Bildcredit: Karla Spiluttini Project: “I smile at you” by Young Suk Lee
0 notes
CALL: Schmiede - SudhausAIR

English below
Das Jahr 2020 bringt einige Turbulenzen mit sich und das will die Schmiede zum Anlass nehmen für eine Auseinandersetzung und Vertiefung außerhalb des gewohnten Rahmens. Wir haben die letzten Wochen daran gearbeitet Wege zu finden Teile unseres Budgets in artist in residence bzw Honorare für Künstlerinnen zu verwandeln.
Im ersten Schritt präsentieren wir das Schmiede-SudhausAIR 2020.
Aufgrund des Leerstands des Sudhausbüros (Oberer Markt 1, 5400 Hallein) im August 2020 wurden der Schmiede diese Räumlichkeit für eine Intervention angeboten, wir nutzen diese Möglichkeit und rufen hiermit das Schmiede-SudhausAIR 2020 aus.
Zeitraum: 01. bis 22. August 2020
Arbeitsatelier mit Internet und Kochnische // Übernachtung im Büro nicht möglich
Artist Honorar: € 1.000,- für 3 Wochen Anwesenheit in Hallein
Prozessdokumentation & ausstellbare Arbeit
Leerstandsbespielung und interaktiver Freiraum.
Während des Aufenthalts ist eine Bespielung der Schaufenster gewünscht.
Die Ausschreibung ist offen für alle Kunst- und Kultursparten sowie Kunst- und KulturtheoretikerInnen
Die Bewerbung soll nicht länger als drei Seiten sein und aus Konzept, Lebenslauf und Referenzen.
Einreichfrist: 15. Juni 2020
Kontakt: office{at}schmiede{dot}ca
Auswahl und Vergabe erfolgt über eine unabhängige Jury.
Die Residency beginnt mit einem öffentlichen Kennenlernen (Meet the Artist, online) und endet mit einer Präsentation und Dokumentation der entstandenen Ergebnisse.
Das SudhausAIR Honorar wird 50% zu Beginn und 50% nach Dokumentation ausgezahlt.
The year 2020 brings with it some turbulence.Schmiede wants to take this as an opportunity to move outside the usual framework. Over the past few weeks we have been working on finding ways to convert parts of our budget into artist in residence opportunities in Hallein.
In the first step we present the Schmiede-SudhausAIR 2020.
Due to the vacancy of the Sudhaus office space (Oberer Markt 1, 5400 Hallein) in August 2020, Schmiede was offered this space for an artistic intervention. We want to use this opportunity and hereby call the Schmiede-SudhausAIR 2020.
Period: August 1st to 22nd, 2020
Work studio with internet and kitchenette // sleeping in the office not possible
Artist fee: € 1,000 for 3 weeks in Hallein
Process documentation & displayable work
Vacancy occupation and interactive display / free space
Use of the display/shop windows is desired during the stay
The call is open to all artistic and cultural sectors as well as art and cultural theorists
The application should not be longer than three pages and should consist of a concept, curriculum vitae and references.
Selection is done by an independent jury.
Deadline: June 15, 2020
The residency begins with a public meeting (meet the artist, online) and ends with a presentation and documentation of the results.
The SudhausAIR fee is paid 50% at the beginning and 50% after documentation.
Contact: office{at}schmiede{dot}ca
0 notes
NatureLab at Schmiede20

Deutscher Text drunter
Nature as a medium, inspiration, input. It is part of us and it is becoming more and more important to protect it and us. But we can only protect what we know and love. Smiths are invited to experience and analyze nature's connections and networks and to bring them into the forging world. Starting with the communication between the plants and the experience of hugging a tree, there is a lot to discover and learn.
Kerstin Hruza, visual artist and budding forest educator and Sophie Birkmayer, designer and nature lover will offer mindfulness walks in small groups as input and set various impulses. Every walk is attributed to a meaning. We only focus on this sense and feel, see, smell, hear and taste the forest, and we work with the results of these experiences.
We bring nature into Schmiede and transform the premises into an experience for the senses. Everything is allowed. A cross-media room installation is scheduled for the course of the 10 days
Schmiede20: Horses September 16th - 25th SchmiedeApplication Late till July 5th
labs at Schmiede20 general info
Lab at Schmiede: Labs at Schmiede19 Labs at Schmiede18 Labs at Schmiede17 Labs at Schmiede16 Labs at Schmiede before 2016
Questions about SchmiedeLabs?
Contact us - Office AT schmiede DOT ca
——- Deutsch Natur als Medium, Inspiration, Input.Sie ist Teil von uns und es wird immer wichtiger sie und somit uns, zu schützen. Aber nur was wir kennen und lieben, können wir auch schützen. Smiths sind eingeladen die Natur, ihre Verbindungen und Netzwerke zu erleben und zu analysieren und diese in die Schmiede Welt einzubringen. Angefangen von der Kommunikation der Pflanzen untereinander, bis hin zu dem Erlebnis einen Baum zu umarmen, es gibt viel zu entdecken und zu erlernen.
Kerstin Hruza, bildende Künstlerin und angehende Waldpädagogin und Sophie Birkmayer, Desigerin und Naturliebhaberin werden als Input AchtsamkeitsWalks in Kleingruppen anbieten und diverse Impulse setzen. Jeder Walk ist einem Sinn zugeschrieben. Wir konzentrieren uns nur auf diesen einen Sinn und fühlen, sehen, riechen, hören und schmecken den Wald.
Mit den Ergebnissen dieser Erlebnisse arbeiten wir. Wir bringen die Natur in die Schmiede und verwandeln die Räumlichkeiten in ein Erlebnis der Sinne.Alles ist erlaubt. Eine Medienübergreifende Rauminstallation soll im Laufe der 10 Tage
Schmiede20: Pferde 16. - 25. September SchmiedeApplication - Frist 31. Mai Für alle die teilnehmen wollen, jedes Jahr.
Die SchmiedeBewerbungsformular ist immer verfügbar. Ausschlaggebend ist der Zeitstempel und der verfügbare Platz.
labs at Schmiede20 generelle Info
Lab at Schmiede: Labs at Schmiede19 Labs at Schmiede18 Labs at Schmiede17 Labs at Schmiede16 Labs at Schmiede before 2016
Questions about SchmiedeLabs? Contact us - Office AT schmiede DOT ca
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Textile and Sound lab at Schmiede20
We are happy to announce a fresh lab at Schmiede. Focusing on interdiscipline research between sound and textiles. The Process was initiated in Hintersee between Gertrud Fischbacher and Marius Schebella at ORTung19 (ORTung). It quickly developed into a Mozarteum and FH Salzburg cooperation that lead to winning the Research Competition Mozarteum award in 2019 and now they are coming to Schmiede20.
The Textile and Sound Lab will challenge Smiths to work on the combination of Textile and Sound. Possible connections between these two domains can be all kinds of transformation processes, mappings between textures and sounds, applying textile work processes to music composition, thinking about concepts like space, loops, transparency, etc. in either domain. Or play with the sound that is created when weaving, knitting, bobbin making, processing plastic, etc. as threads and yarns rustle or rub when sliding through materials, hands, spools or needles.
Think about knitting, which not only forms textile areas, but also is a repetitive action and creates a constant rhythm (and is also relaxing). Or think of the many examples how textile controllers can be used to generate musical parameters in live performances.
There are plenty of ideas to explore that could eventually lead to a new understanding of either domain (textile/sound) or lead to new ways of artistic expression in their combination.
Schmiede20: Horses September 16th - 25th SchmiedeApplication - deadline May 31st
labs at Schmiede20 general info Lab at Schmiede: Labs at Schmiede19 Labs at Schmiede18 Labs at Schmiede17 Labs at Schmiede16 Labs at Schmiede before 2016 Questions about SchmiedeLabs? Contact us - Office AT schmiede DOT ca
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Analogue Accomplices Lab at Schmiede20

Deutsch und Gorkisch drunter.
The Graz based non-profit organization accomplices takes action to create a series of interventions at Schmiede 2020 and invites Smiths to participate in analogue marvels. Lab leaders filmmaker Eni Brandner, illustrator Clara Frühwirth, and classically trained singer Kristina Gorke, show you their ventures and step out of their comfort zone in order to explore new territory at Schmiede.
As a continuation of last Schmiede`s Voice Lab, La Gorke proposes a Breath Lab as well as encounters with human anatomy and physiology in the lecture series Hello Magical Instrument Human Body. In Voice Lab Two Point Ohh singing shall occur.
The Analogue Accomplices Lab offers a closer look at works of accomplished illustrator Clara Frühwirth.
In her Persistence of Vision Lab, Eni Mation Brandner invites willing subjects to stop their motions for the creation of animated images, the results of which shall serve as an accompaniment to the grand performance of Madame La Gorke and as general amusement throughout the duration of Schmiede 2020. There might be some burlesque too, depending on temperatures and temperament.
Schmiede20: Horses September 16th - 25th SchmiedeApplication - deadline May 31st
labs at Schmiede20 general info Lab at Schmiede: Labs at Schmiede19 Labs at Schmiede18 Labs at Schmiede17 Labs at Schmiede16 Labs at Schmiede before 2016 Questions about SchmiedeLabs? Contact us - Office AT schmiede DOT ca Deutsch Accomplices. Verein zur Erkundung multimedialer Ausdrucksformen stellt den digitalen Unterfangen der Schmiede analoge Welten in Form von Labs im Lab zur Seite. Die Lableiterinnen Eni Brandner, Filmschaffende, Clara Frühwirth, Illustratorin, und Kristina Gorke, klassisch ausgebildete Sängerin, widmen sich der Auseinandersetzung mit verschieden Inhalten und Materialen und laden zur Partizipation ein.
Kristina Gorke realisiert eine Weiterentwicklung ihres Voice Lab der Schmiede 2019, indem sie in der Vortragsreihe Hello Magical Instrument Human Body Einblicke in Anatomie und Physiologie des Menschen gibt und arbeitet praktisch im Voice Lab Two Point Ohh, sowie im Breath Lab.
Clara Frühwirths Schaffen als Illustratorin tritt auf verschiedene Weisen in Erscheinung. Im Workshop Printing Day: Milky Way erforscht sie gestalterische Zugänge zur Tiefdrucktechnik Radierung.
Eni Mation Brandner lädt im Rahmen des Persistence of Vision Lab bereitwillige Subjekte ein ihre Bewegungen zu stoppen, um animierte Bilder zu erstellen, die als Ergänzung zur großen Darbietung von Madame La Gorke und zur allgemeinen Belustigung während der gesamten Schmiede 2020 dienen. Je nach Temperatur und Temperament könnte auch etwas Burleskes geboten werden. Gorkisch Während zahlreiche Eifrige Punkterl mit Stricherl im Kastel verbinden, machen wir auch lustige Sachen – mit den Körpern, Händen und so. Der Verein zur Erkundung multimedialer Ausdrucksformen, accomplices, macht sich eine Hetz – and you can be part of the Hetz!To our cherished friends from Non-Austria: Haben Sie sich immer schon mal gefragt: „Potzblitz! Ach Mensch, was soll das nun wieder heißen?“ Heast! AAL offeriert Antworten! Im Österreichisch-Kurs.La Gorke singt mit euch und schaut sich an, wo die Töne außer kommen (Hello Magical Instrument Human Body – saying hi to anatomy and physiology of ye olde bag of bones; Breath Lab, Voice Lab Two Point Ohh)Clara Frühwirth schwingt den Zeichenstift (u.a.) und Eni Brandner schwingt auch so einiges.Na fixheast! Ein Traum!
Lableiterinnen: Eni Brandner, Clara Frühwirth, Kristina Gorke Bildsujet: Poster aus der Serie Illustre Gestalten von Clara Frühwirth
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adhocLAB at Schmiede20
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The snowboarding family is currently hiking. But they are neither finished with Hallein nor their Ames Room. So they will be back not for better but horse. Get ready for a continuously growing playful group of enthusiasts that do not want to chose sides but walk and ride their path.
Schmiede20: Horses September 16th - 25th SchmiedeApplication - deadline May 31st
Kathie, Lilo and Mac have been with Schmiede ever since 2005 and Schmiede would not be the same without adhocrates and their approach of not dividing family, play and work.
At Schmiede20 expect anything to happen that will involve kids, as one of the lab’s goals is to show that we can include children of all ages into our lives as creatives.
The adhocLab is an initiative of the adhocrates collective and more specifically: Lilo Krebernik, Kathi Macheiner, Mac Krebernik
find a list of Projects produced by Adhoc at Schmiede and dragon eggs at SchmiedeY
the snowboarding family on youtube
like the snowboarding family
labs at Schmiede20 general info
Lab at Schmiede: Labs at Schmiede19 Labs at Schmiede18 Labs at Schmiede17 Labs at Schmiede16 Labs at Schmiede before 2016
Questions about SchmiedeLabs? Contact us - Office AT schmiede DOT ca
Die snowboarding family wandert derzeit. Aber sie sind weder mit Hallein noch mit ihrem Ames-Raum fertig. Hoch zu Ross kehren sie 2020 zurück. Adhoc ist eine stetig wachsende spielerische Gruppe von Enthusiasten, die sich nicht für eine Seite entscheiden, sondern ihren Weg gehen, fahren und reiten werden.
Schmiede20: Pferde 16. - 25. September SchmiedeApplication - Frist 31. Mai
Kathie, Lilo und Mac sind seit 2005 bei Schmiede und Schmiede wäre ohne Adhokrates und ihren Ansatz, Familie, Spiel und Arbeit nicht zu trennen, nicht dasselbe.
Erwarten Sie bei Schmiede20, dass alles passiert, was Kinder betrifft. Eines der Ziele des Labors ist es zu zeigen, dass wir Kinder jeden Alters als Kreative in unser Leben einbeziehen können.
Das adhocLab ist eine Initiative des Adhocrates-Kollektivs und insbesondere:
Schmiede20: Pferde 16. - 25. September SchmiedeApplication - Frist 31. Mai Für alle die teilnehmen wollen, jedes Jahr.
Die SchmiedeBewerbungsformular ist immer verfügbar. Ausschlaggebend ist der Zeitstempel und der verfügbare Platz.
labs at Schmiede20 generelle Info
Lab at Schmiede: Labs at Schmiede19 Labs at Schmiede18 Labs at Schmiede17 Labs at Schmiede16 Labs at Schmiede before 2016
Questions about SchmiedeLabs? Contact us - Office AT schmiede DOT ca
pic from Schmiede19 AdhocLab - Ames Room
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Jam Island at Schmiede20

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JamIsland is the GamesLab embedded in Schmiede. Lasting for 3 days, the goal of JamIsland is to provide a playground for aficionados and enthusiasts alike, revolving around games and interactive media. With learning by doing being the core motivation for GameJams, the fun part is that they always result in finished games by the end of it! Get a specific topic, storm your brain for ideas and jump right into creative development, no further limitations involved!
# Friday, 18.09, Noon: Kickoff - Topic gets chosen and teams get formed (Optional: Beginners Workshop)
# Sunday, 20.09, 5pm: Production finished, internal GameJam exhibition, voting and low-key awards ceremony
# Friday, 25.09: Public exhibition of all developed games at “SchmiedeWorkshow”
For all Newbies, fear not: Everyone can create a game - there will be an “absolute beginners” workshop on Friday 18.09., where we will create a simple game together.
All you need is your own laptop.
The LabLeaders of JamIsland 2020 are Florian Jindra and Rene Baumgartner.
JamIsland was initiated by Georg Hobmeier, Flo Jindra, Robert Praxmarer and Michael Hackl in 2015.
JamIsland / GamesLab is a cooperation between the FH Salzburg and Schmiede Hallein.
Example GameJam 2019: https://itch.io/jam/jamisland-schmiede2019-better
Schmiede20: Horses September 16th - 25th SchmiedeApplication - deadline May 31st
labs at Schmiede19 general info
Lab at Schmiede: Labs at Schmiede19 Labs at Schmiede18 Labs at Schmiede17 Labs at Schmiede16 Labs at Schmiede before 2016
Questions about SchmiedeLabs? Contact us - Office AT schmiede DOT ca
Unter dem Titel JamIsland findet im Rahmen der Schmiede 2019 ein dreitägiger GameJam statt. Frei nach dem Motto “Tun wir mal, dann sehen wir schon” versteht sich JamIsland als Spielwiese für Ideen und kreative Kollisionen, Vernetzungspunkt für Spieleschaffende und Interessierte, die in die Entwicklung interaktiver Medien hineinschnuppern möchten. Das erfreuliche daran: Am Ende eines GameJam steht immer ein “fertiges” Spiel!
Zeitlicher Ablauf:
# Freitag, 18.09, 12 Uhr: Eröffnung - das Thema wird gewählt, Teams werden gebildet (Optional: Anfänger Workshop)
# Sonntag, 20.09, 17 Uhr: Entwicklung wird abgeschlossen, interne Vorstellung der Spiele, gemütliche Siegerehrung
# Freitag, 20.09: Öffentliche Ausstellung der entwickelten Spiele auf der Werkschau
Für alle Neulinge: Keine Angst, jedeR kann ein Spiel entwickeln! Wir veranstalten einen Anfänger Workshop am Freitag, 18.09. in dem wir gemeinsam ein kleines, aber feines Spiel entwickeln. Bitte den eigenen Laptop mitbringen.
Beispiel GameJam 2019: https://itch.io/jam/jamisland-schmiede2019-better
Schmiede20: Pferde 16. - 25. September SchmiedeApplication - Frist 31. Mai Für alle die teilnehmen wollen, jedes Jahr.
Die SchmiedeBewerbungsformular ist immer verfügbar. Ausschlaggebend ist der Zeitstempel und der verfügbare Platz.
labs at Schmiede20 generelle Info
Lab at Schmiede: Labs at Schmiede19 Labs at Schmiede18 Labs at Schmiede17 Labs at Schmiede16 Labs at Schmiede before 2016
Questions about SchmiedeLabs? Contact us - Office AT schmiede DOT ca
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Where do we go from here? -NEW - subnetTALK - We. May 13
Do you have questions about Schmiede20? please join us.
subnetTALK We. May 13th 18:00 - online zoom // Language - English
Tina Dolinšek (PIFcamp, Slovenia) and Rüdiger Wassibauer (Schmiede Hallein, Austria) will give insight about 2020 and are available for questions.
We want to shape our future and not be shaped by our fears. What does this new reality mean for us?
This subnetTALK will be an open dialogue and conversation starter on how we want to bridge the developing distance.
Ewen Chardronnet, chief editor of Makery magazine & medialab (France) will moderate.
Zoom-Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/join Meeting-ID: 817 1954 1630 Passwort: 378477

Duration perspective - 60 min 25 min dialogue between Tina and Rüdiger 35 min questions and answers.
link: https://www.facebook.com/subtime/live
PIFcamp, Schmiede and Makery are part of the Feral Labs Network (funded by Creative Europe)
Pic 1: Schmiede Hallein - Pic 2: PIFcamp
More background on Where do we go from here?
Two festivals want to start a conversation. PIFcamp as well as Schmiede are cooperative and process oriented festivals. We rely heavily on physical contact amongst our participants and audiences. How can we address this new situation? How will our work in 2020 and beyond be affected? What about the future of creative work and exchange gatherings?
Tina Dolinšek, Coordinator of the PIFcamp Slovenia, wanted to hold a different talk (About the collaborative approaches in new media art production. As an example she wanted to point out these approaches talking about the Slovenian summer hacking camp "PIFcamp”). However Tina's talk was steamrolled by current events and the common question that will shape our future perception as well as actions and therefore our ability as well as potential.
Tina was about to cancel or postpone her talk as she lost the ground on which she was building and saw little relevance in looking back in nostalgia. Rüdiger’s point of view was that now we need normality and what can be done should be done, considering hygiene guidelines etc..., and if it is just for the purpose of testing.
This is especially important considering our joint Creative Europe project feral lab network (a network of temporary dislocated hubs for research in art, technology and communities across Europe). Creative Europe is a EU program designed to facilitate and enhance exchange amongst European artists and creatives.
Tina and Rüdiger started a dialogue about what the future might bring and how we can or should approach it. As we had similar questions and assume that many do we decided to skyjack Tina’s PIFcamp subnetTALK. Tina and Rüdiger will briefly lay out the implications of our current situation, but then dive right into potential actions.
Where do we go from here?
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FeralAIR 2019 - docu
Please take a look back in time. The documentation of the feralAIR is done, enjoy. feralAIR is part of ferallab funded by Creative Europe.
At the end of the week we will know how feralAIR 2020 will look like.
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Labs at Schmiede20
Labs are emerging for Schmiede20 and we will post in the days to come. As of today we assume that Schmiede20 will happen as scheduled but probably not as planned. It is still unclear how people will be allowed to travel etc. So as of today we assume that we will have a smaller group of Smiths, probably mainly Smiths living in Austria and maybe Germany. So 2020 will be the year to fill rooms. Large SmithProjects are very welcome. please contact us if you got proposals you want to discuss. Office AT schmiede DOT ca
We will inform as soon as there is some clarity.
Till then please apply till Mai 31st so we can prepare for you.
Schmiede20: Pferde / Horses September 16th - 25th Application till May 31st. www.schmiede.ca/apply
In case you want to hold a lab at Schmiede20:
Schmiede the playground of ideas for peer2peer learning and prototyping is organised into labs. A lab at Schmiede is therefore a focused/specialised Schmiede within Schmiede. In this logic Schmiede is the LabLab at Schmiede. Its LabLeaders are Rüdiger, Kerstin and Michi.
Labs at Schmiede are gathering points and islands of interest within Schmiede, bridging projects, labs and Smiths. A Lab can focus on anything of intereset to you, the lab leaders. Smiths with an understanding or strong focus on the content in question take action to create more. By creating a lab at Schmiede you open the door to bring together peers and support each other and your interest.
LabLeaders are Smiths Smiths can talk to if they need direction on how to approach a challenge or who to talk to with connection with the lab.
Depending on external partnerships and funds, labs can vary in size, services and complexity. Schmiede itself provides space and infrastructure at Schmiede and supports communications leading up to Schmiede.
There are labs that focus on a niche, interest or skill set. Another version is a project focused lab, which acts more like an open project development group or think/do tank. We assume there are many more possible versions.
LabLeaders do not have the obligation to solve or work on others’ problems or projects but should direct them to Smiths who can help. Honoring SchmiedeRuleOne: The autonomy of Smith must not be undermined.
LabLeaders’ priority is to create value for themselves and only as a secondary consideration for Schmiede. Our point of view: The better a lab works for the LabLeaders the better it is for Schmiede. The better Schmiede is the better are the participating Smiths and the emerging labs.
Schmiede provides for Labs: # feature by Schmiede # defined space at Schmiede # supports communications leading up to Schmiede # supports visibility leading up to Schmiede # supports finding financial as well as infrastructural partners for labs # refund ApplicationProcessingFee for LabLeaders # refund food fee for LabLeaders
What Schmiede needs from the LabLeaders: # One LabLeader needs to be the primary contact person for the SchmiedeCoreTeam. # Lab documentation (Format will depend on the lab, we will talk, don’t worry). This is more for the development of the Lab than for Schmiede, as we document the general process autonomously as well. However Lab documentations are very welcome and help the SchmiedeCoreTeam to understand Schmiede better.
Public: On day two of Schmiede we will host open LabPresentations. Every Lab has the possibility to present themselves and their focus.
Internal: # LabLeaders intro meeting (probably on day one in the morning). # LabLeader feedback form and feedback meeting (probably via skype).
How to do a lab at Schmiede:
# Step one: A LabLeader needs a good understanding of the SchmiedeContext. LabLeaders should be returning Smiths.
# Step two: Official labs at Schmiede must be accorded with Rüdiger, the early the better, and featured by Schmiede no later than May 20th (for visibility in the current SchmiedeApplicationProcess). It is the duty of the LabLeaders to provide the necessary materials to the SchmiedeCoreTeam in a timely manner (before May 10th).
# Step three: In order to “support finding financial as well as infrastructural partners for labs” we advice for early communications with Rüdiger. (Fall/Winter, no later than February).
Depending on external partnerships, funds and motivation, labs can vary in size, services and complexity. For example: Talks, Workshops etc are welcome, however Schmiede’s budget cannot financially support the initiative. So they can be held on a goodwill basis, ask a fee from workshop participants or have a financing partner. Schmiede is happy to facilitate and support the quest for this partner, however the initiative must come from the LabLeaders. These LabPartners can then be featured online as well as in our print program.
There can be up to three official LabLeaders per lab at Schmiede.
Everyone needs to apply in order to participate at Schmiede. This includes LabLeaders as well as Kerstin, Rüdiger and Michi.
SchmiedeApplication - deadline May 31st
Lab at Schmiede: Labs at Schmiede19 Labs at Schmiede18 Labs at Schmiede17 Labs at Schmiede16 Labs at Schmiede before 2016
Questions about SchmiedeLabs? Contact us - Office AT schmiede DOT ca
pic from Schmiede19 AdhocLab - Ames Room
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