#Scamander family group chat
keepmeinmind-01 · 11 months
Hi! Imagine a timetravel fic where Theseus travels to the future. Newt has already died of old age (or whatever you want him to die from lol) and it has been one week since the funeral Theseus meets Newt's children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, how do you think that'll go?
Have a nice day!
Okay, so if Newt has died, he’d have probably been like 126 or older because Google doesn’t give me a canon date of death (yippee, our fav magizoologist lives!). So Theseus would be projecting into like the 2020s!! Poor guy.
First of all, I know wizards are a bit quirky, but even so I don’t think you could get away with being straight from the 1920s-1940s (depending on when this happened) without people noticing. With this prompt, I sort of imagined Newt’s extended family having some kind of massive commemoration dinner after the funeral, something upbeat and celebratory after Newt’s lived his long life, with a table laid for thirty, loads of cousins and so on. And then Theseus just appears out of some bushes and is like ummm is this the right address…no okay everyone’s wearing jeans what…
I guess this works best if Theseus does (rip) die at least a generation or two before Newt’s grandkids are born otherwise there’d be the usual time travel chaos that I can never quite wrap my head around. So the general reception is “haha look at that weird guy, he looks a lot like grandpa” and some of the grandkids are like “no he’s just a (modern wizarding cultural reference like idk peaky blinders) cosplayer” very sagely.
Whether it’s accidental or on purpose, at this point, I feel like Theseus is the kind of guy to want this “silly confusion” all cleared up and would produce some kind of speech about who he is, etc. It’d probably take a bit of processing on the family’s part too. And it would be nice to think the brother relationship did get fixed in Theseus’s remaining lifetime, so eventually everyone has a chat among themselves and decide as a group “yes, we think we might know you!”
The next big question: where’s Newt? And there’s the next big answer. Because he’s dead. Then again, when Theseus is given the year, maybe he experiences some bittersweet happiness. After all, 120+ is a decent age to live to for a wizard. And it sounded like Theseus himself didn’t make it for that long, so his little brother was lucky and clearly loved, looking at this assortment of young and not-that-young but certainly young-in-his-eyes people.
He’s a little pissed at himself that he managed to move this far forwards in time and miss the funeral. And then after he’s done being a little frustrated, he gets a bit upset and beats a hasty retreat. Some of the grandkids politely point him inside, maybe to the living room or something where they might still have bits and pieces like flowers and pictures of Newt from the funeral up and give him time to reflect.
The grandchildren scheme together and send one of the great grandchildren in and are like “okay you tell the weird old-fashioned man if he needs…water or something…now that it’s been almost a full day, y’know, all he has to do is ask.” Theseus greets the unfortunate toddler politely but still manages to freak them out because I’d imagine a pre-1950s accent would be pretty scary to 2020s kids lol.
Eventually, he’s coaxed back out and immediately starts trying to (tactfully) extract as much information about Newt that he can. And all these kids! And Tina would be there, maybe, so they could have the most confusing reunion ever. I’m imagining:
Tina: “Pass the potatoes, (great-grandchild).”
Great-grandchild: (obliges) “Ah, this was Great-Grandpa Newt’s favourite recipe…”
Theseus: (literally activates, like imagine eyes light up, eyebrows fully prepped, trying to keep it cool) “Oh, Newt—“ (voice crack) “—Newt, he what? His—his potatoes?”
I guess after some time, he’d have to start assimilating with the extended Scamander clan. It’d be chaos but I think Theseus would be good with kids. Perhaps a little bit “hello teenagers how do you do?” with the older ones, but I think the time-travelling would make him less bossy and prone to lecturing than he might otherwise be.
And I think he’d love to play games with the littler ones. Although I see him as being one of those adults who start off enthusiastically playing, then retreat to the sofa and dryly narrate their participation, then eventually fall asleep and it’s all “NO I WASN’T ACTUALLY ASLEEP” “NO I WAS JUST RESTING MY EYES I PROMISE” “why am I so tired? uhhh it’s been a long week”. And then the parents come back in and he’s being used as a jungle gym while being totally knocked out asleep on the sofa haha.
I think someone like Theseus would probably be having constant existential crises in a time-travelling situation as someone who enjoys routine and their very specific principles and goals. I could imagine him trying to make himself useful to take his mind off it and then getting sucked into doing anything and everything for the Scamanders, which I would imagine could include a lot of chaotic creature care and babysitting. But while I don’t see Theseus as having a knack for creatures, I think having looked after little Newt he’d be pretty good at the other stuff.
But realising that this is a future where Newt lived a long life (without him, even) and died so close to Theseus’s arrival in this weird modern time period would probably always be in the back of his mind. Something like that is hard to process but maybe it hits him hard at the most random times at an almost paralysing level in the middle of things, and the family try and support him as best as they can. I think maybe Theseus would learn to lean into that a little. With some time he’d become a super-affectionate (mysterious relative? young great-grandfather) and be going around giving everyone very sensible well-meaning advice, ruffling hair, hugging, coming up with stupid nicknames, all that jazz :)
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helnjk · 4 years
A Brief Glimpse - C.W.
Charlie Weasley x fem!reader
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Word count: 2.5k
Summary: there’s nothing like the rumors that students can come up with about their favorite teachers. especially when one of them is adamant on keeping her private life, well, private. 
Warnings: brief mentions of meals, one curse word but that’s it
A/N: a purely self-indulgent, fluffy fic inspired by this ask from kendall ( @lupinsclassroom ) who said that if i taught at hogwarts, i’d be the COMC professor! and i love me some good charlie content. this is also kind of a different style that i’m used to, i hope you guys like it! x
The top three favorite professors at Hogwarts were as follows: Headmistress McGonagall, Professor Longbottom, and Professor L/N. 
While most students would argue that Professor L/N could potentially overtake Professor Longbottom on that list, there was just so much they didn’t know about her. She was practically the perfect professor; she loved what she taught (Care of Magical Creatures), she was considerate and understanding with students who were struggling with the subject, and her office doors were always open to anyone who wanted to chat. 
Still, she kept her personal life very private and of course, the more she refused to answer their prying questions, the more intrigued the students became. All they knew was that she was one of the top students of her year, she was a Ravenclaw, and she fought at the Battle of Hogwarts years prior. 
There were many rumors going around the student body of Hogwarts about who Y/N L/N was. The most popular ones were that she was actually Headmistress McGonagall’s secret daughter, because of how close the two seemed to be. In reality, Y/N was just one of Minnie’s favorite students. The headmistress often joked how she should’ve been in her house instead of Filius’. 
Meanwhile, Neville was always open with the students, answering whatever questions they had for him, as long as they weren’t crossing the line between professional and personal. They often loved to ask him questions about his friendship with the Golden Trio or his stories of the war. 
“They’re getting more creative with the questions they ask me,” he shook his head, smiling slightly one dinner, “They’re trying to see if I’ll slip up and mention anything juicy about you.”
Y/N laughed slightly, eyes glimmering, “What sort of questions have they come up with now?” 
“Today Chapman asked me if I’d ever spent the holidays with other professors around my age,” Neville mused, “Or if Hannah was ever jealous that I was working with a girl so close to my age.”  
“Oh please, Longbottom,” Minerva tutted, and the two younger professors turned their heads in her direction, “At least your questions still have some sort of delicacy. Griffiths has actually asked me, point blank, if Y/N’s spent her summers with me.” 
The collective guffaw of the professors at the head table caused the majority of the student body to shift their attention to them. Of course, the authoritative looks that they sent at the house tables were able to convince them to get back to their own conversations, but now the Great Hall was abuzz with trying to figure out what made the professors laugh so loud. 
“I wonder when they’ll stop trying,” Y/N mused as the crowd of students began to slowly shuffle out of the Hall.
“Don’t count on it, L/N,” Minerva smirked. 
“Professor L/N?” a meek voice sounded from the door to Y/N’s office on Wednesday afternoon. 
The middle of the week was rather free for her, therefore she used it to catch up on grading and, if she had time, a little light reading. This afternoon, though, she was in the middle of writing an important letter. 
Her owl, Athena, perched at the edge of her desk and her scrutinizing eyes darted towards the fourth year Hufflepuff who stood by the door. Eloise Abbott, a shy young thing with a penchant for Care of Magical Creatures and one of Y/N’s best students, sent the intimidating owl an uneasy glance.
“Come on in, Eloise,” Y/N smiled as she slipped the ink and parchment she was using into one of the empty drawers of her table, “Don’t mind Athena, she’s just impatient to get this letter out.” 
The young girl shuffled towards the professor as Y/N asked, “Is there anything you needed?” 
“Erm, I was just wondering if you could check my Defense paper,” she mumbled, pulling out a parchment from her school bag, “It’s on Grindylows and other creatures we could encounter in the Forbidden Forest, and I know it’s not really part of your syllabus, but I just wanted to make sure I didn’t get anything very wrong.” 
Y/N smiled and held her hand out for Eloise to place the essay. It was silent as she read over what was written, that silence only broken when Athena let out soft hoots or ruffled her feathers. 
“Erm, professor,” muttered Eloise after a while, Y/N’s eyes glanced up from the parchment, “I don’t mean to pry, but why does your owl want so badly for you to finish that letter?” 
A soft chuckle came from Y/N’s mouth before she answered, “She just loves the person I’m writing to, and I honestly think she would rather be in his care than mine. Even if it were just for a few nights.” 
“But you’re wonderful with animals!”
“And he is too, I assure you. Maybe even more so than me.” 
Eloise nodded her head slowly, and Y/N could see the gears turning in her head. It perplexed the young student, who could ever be better with animals than her professor? She knew it couldn’t have been Hagrid, as he still lived on the grounds and Athena could visit him any time she wished. 
Maybe her favorite professor was friends with the Scamander family. Rolf Scamander definitely had ties to Hogwarts and seemed about her age. 
Before her thoughts could go any further with hypothesizing, Professor L/N handed her essay back, “It looks great, Eloise. I have no doubt you’ll get high marks on this essay.” 
Eloise could spot a professor’s dismissal anywhere, so she merely nodded as she took the parchment back. As she hurried out the room, she expressed her gratitude over her shoulder, catching Y/N pull out the letter she was writing with a soft smile on her face. 
The end of the school week came with a surprise visitor to the castle. The students could not stop discussing the presence of a dragon tamer on the school grounds. He had arrived later in the morning, trudging up the pathway from Hogsmeade and making his rounds around the school.
Headmistress McGonagall greeted him at the gates with a smile and a hug before she took his arm and the two of them had tea in her office. Of course, as the students weren’t used to seeing an adult that wasn’t the faculty or the staff in the castle, his presence sparked many conversations.  
“I saw him knock on Hagrid’s door!” said Neil Chapman to anyone who would listen to him at lunch, “He had some burn scars all over his arms and really bright red hair. He seemed really cool.” 
It was as if the whole Gryffindor table was gathered around him as he told and retold how Hagrid’s booming voice announced that Hogwarts’ resident dragon tamer was back. Rumors floated around the school for the rest of the day, each student having something to say about the mysterious man. 
“He’s gorgeous though, isn’t he?” sighed Daphne Griffiths, as she and her best friend roamed the hallways on the way to their next class, “All rugged and handsome. I caught sight of him walking towards the quidditch pitch after Transfiguration.” 
All the professors had to stop themselves from full-on grinning at the different things they had heard about Charlie Weasley gallivanting around the grounds, but none of them as amused as Professor L/N. 
“Hurry along then!” 
Y/N stood next to a small paddock at the edge of the forest, next to its open gate. At the center of it, a cluster of fluffy creatures rolled around and play fought with each other. 
“Alright class,” she clapped her hands together, “We’re having a little bit more of a relaxed class to end the week. A crup of one of the Hogsmeade villagers just gave birth about a month ago and her owner’s graciously allowed us to spend an afternoon with the puppies.”
The second year students cooed at the litter of small dog-like creatures with two tails. As soon as she finished her sentence, the group of them rushed to get inside the paddock, each one wanting a turn with the small puppy-like things. Once all the students were inside, she shut the gate and joined them as they congregated around the tiny crups. 
Y/N was grateful that her last class of the week was with younger students. They were much easier to please and sometimes more eager to learn. Of course, almost anyone would be enamoured by the litter of puppies running around.
With her wand pointed at her jugular, she began the small spiel she had prepared for the lesson, “Now, as most of you might know, crups are basically magical dogs…” 
Most students weren’t really paying any attention to her little lecture, but she told herself that at least she tried. She understood the need to coo over cute little puppies, she could let it slide just this once. 
From where she stood towards the other end of the paddock from the gate, she had a panoramic view of the class, just in case anything happened. She doubted anything would, but at least that way she could keep everyone in sight. 
“Of all the magical creatures in the world, you chose to teach about crups?” 
A strong voice rang through the open space and caused many of the students to turn their heads at the sound. Somehow, Charlie Weasley had made it to the gate of the paddock without Y/N noticing. Upon seeing the redheaded dragon tamer so close to them, murmurs spread among the young students.
Y/N rolled her eyes, taking in the sight of him with his arms crossed and a smug smile on his face. 
“Oh wipe that smile off your face, Weasley, you try teaching these kids all week,” she replied, raising her voice slightly so that he could hear what she had said. 
“I guess they are quite adorable,” he caved, leaning his forearms against the paddock and seeming as if he was going to observe them their whole class. 
The students observed their playful and easy banter, in awe that their professor knew the ever mysterious man. 
As her wards were still distracted by him, she said, “Pay him no mind class, he’s harmless. The crup puppies need your undivided attention!” 
As soon as the prying eyes were off of him, Charlie sent Y/N a cheeky wink. She couldn’t stop a smile from growing on her face at the gesture, but she shook her head to indicate that they could talk after her class was over. 
“Professor L/N?” a young girl walked up to her, sending a furtive glance over her shoulder to where her friends were gathered. 
The group of them gestured to her to carry on and Y/N’s eyes lit with amusement, “What’s up?” 
“I-er, we wanted to know how you know the dragon tamer guy? The other professors haven’t said much about him when asked.” 
The young student fidgeted nervously, picking at the hem of her sweater as she glanced up at Y/N. Despite being in the rather early years of her journey at Hogwarts, she knew that Professor L/N enjoyed her privacy. She didn’t want to overstep. 
Y/N sensed this apprehension and gave her a soft smile, “We were in the same year at Hogwarts. He was a Gryffindor and I was a Ravenclaw, but we managed to have a few common classes.” 
Before anything else could be said, the girl scurried off to meet her friends with the small tidbit of information she was able to gather from the otherwise close-lipped professor. 
Thankfully, the rest of the hour passed by rather quickly. 
As soon as the bell rang, it was obvious to Y/N that the students were stalling. She had dismissed them fairly quickly and had already begun her process of cleaning up. Meanwhile, the majority of the class was still situated inside the paddock, shuffling around in groups. 
Inwardly, she sighed, knowing that there was nothing she could do about it, it was the end of the school week and they were free to roam (or stay) in any part of the grounds and the castle they wanted. 
Inevitably, Charlie had gotten impatient waiting for them to clear out. Instead, he strode confidently through the gate and towards where Y/N was directing the puppies to stay. 
“Charlie? What are you–”
The remaining students, who had been not-so slyly watching the redhead stride through the paddock, all collectively gasped as he pressed his lips firmly on their professor’s. 
Y/N began to weakly protest, the logical side of her brain screaming at her that this was definitely unprofessional, but the emotional side took over as she was surrounded by the scent and the presence of her boyfriend. Her boyfriend whom she hadn’t seen in months and made a special trip to Hogwarts just to see her in her element. 
Thankfully, Charlie pulled away fairly quickly, his arms still firmly wrapped around her body, a dopey smile on his face. 
Once Y/N gained her bearings, she slapped his chest, “Charles Weasley!” 
“What?” he grinned. 
“You’ve just kissed me in front of my students!” 
Despite the–shall we say scandalous?–first encounter between the couple, the rest of the afternoon was quite lovely. Y/N showed him all of the creatures under her care and in the section of the forest that was relatively safe. They also borrowed some old brooms from the shed and raced each other out on the pitch until their cheeks were painful from laughter and their noses were red from the cold. 
By the time dinner rolled around, of course the whole student body was aware of what transpired between the handsome dragon tamer and their favorite Care of Magical Creatures professor. 
This was the first piece of juicy information that they had gotten on Professor L/N, and while they were highly amused at what had happened, they were also not surprised that she was dating someone who worked with dragons on a daily basis. 
They also couldn’t deny the fact that she practically lit up in his presence. They had never seen her so at peace and so happy as when she was with Charlie. Anyone with eyes could tell that the pair of them were in love. 
Minerva had also graciously allowed Charlie to sit at the Head Table with the rest of the faculty at dinner, which caused quite the stir. 
Practically all sets of eyes were trained towards the couple as they ate their dinner fairly normally. 
“You two seem to be the talk of the whole school,” the headmistress teased. 
Charlie sent his favorite teacher a shit-eating grin, “Must be my dashing looks that’s got them all interested.” 
“Please, Weasley,” Y/N tutted, “They’ve just gotten a huge piece of information about me. This is basically their Christmas.” 
“Maybe they’ll finally stop hounding me with insane questions now!” Neville chirped happily, and the table erupted in laughter. 
General taglist: @expectoevans​ @george-fabian-weasley​ @gxthsanrio​ @slytherinscribbles​ @harpyloon​ @nuttytani​ @mesmerisedangel​ @amourtentiaa​ @sarcasticallywitty15​ 
Charlie taglist: @pinkypurplemagic​
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12tardis · 4 years
My Funny Valentine  (Newt Scamander x Reader)
Warnings: none Requested: Yes! Lovely anon asked for ‘some funny moments with Newt and reader? Like those moments that make you laugh but at the same time you say ‘oh God I love him’ and vice versa...” I really hope you like it! Like I said I have a weird/dry sense of humour so I’m super unsure about this one! 
Pairing: Newt Scamander x Reader  Summary: A collection of short moments wherein Newt makes the reader laugh and vice versa. Includes colour blind Newt, exasperated Theseus, a misshap with some Billywigs and a lousy take on the Erumpent dance.  A/N: I read somewhere once that Eddie is colour blind and I really have the NERVE to post this wearing bright purple thermal stockings, tan uggs and a green and blue flannel?? Thank you anon for requesting this I seriously hope its okay! Guys I dunno what I’m doing my brain broke . Thank you to everyone that reads my stuff , you make my day x  Words: 3,324
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Newt was one of the few people that could make you laugh, a proper full-bellied laugh no matter what mood you were in. And little did you know that he’d made it a personal goal to make you smile at least once everyday ever since your days at Hogwarts. He would usually achieve this by doing or saying sweet things to you but occasionally he’d do something so outrageously ridiculous or dorky that you couldn’t help but laugh. 
Usually he would feel insecure and flustered when people would laugh at him but with you he didn’t mind. You would never mean anything out of animosity. In fact he only felt pride that he, Newton Scamander could draw such a beautiful musical sound from you. 
It was a little known fact that Newt was colour blind and you were one of the only people to know about this fact because it rarely came up. There’d been a few questionable wardrobe choices over the years as a result but for the most part no one ever suspected a thing because he tended to wear the same staple outfits day in and day out and you were always there to fix him up if he was ever dressed too outrageously.
You were only fairly recently an official couple when you found yourself waiting for Newt at the bottom of the stairs in your shared apartment. Standing with his older brother Theseus and chatting away as you were all about to head off to one of Newt’s book signings where many more of his friends and family would be. Of course, Newt was the last one to get ready though, having gotten carried away in his case while you had busied yourself getting all dolled up.
“By Merlin’s beard”, Theseus suddenly breathed out, looking up the stairs at his brother who was rushing down towards you, wearing at least 4 different colours and 5 different prints. You didn’t even recognise half of the ensemble he was wearing.
Theseus quickly looked away from his brother and down at his watch, trying to hold it together but you didn’t even attempt to hold back your laughter as you slapped a hand over your mouth, gaping at your boyfriend.
“Newt, did you let the creatures dress you?”, you gasped, gripping him by the shoulders as it was Theseus’ turn to gape at you. 
Newt blinked back at you and then glanced down at his own outfit before looking back at you “I-I thought you liked this shirt!”, he huffed as you openly started to laugh now.
“Goodness Newt I do! I love this shirt. But not with that green paisley waist coat. Not with the purple tie,” you breathed out, gripping his shoulders harder as you couldn’t control your giggles any longer. You cupped his cheeks as you looked him over, shaking your head “I love this shirt and I love you and you look utterly adorable but I’m just not sure this is the look you were going for.”
And Theseus looked on in bemusement when Newt just gazed back at you with bright eyes and a smile of his own, taking you in properly in your own gorgeous gown and perfectly done hair and make up.
Newt only held you closer as he smiled back at you, beginning to laugh too because your laughter was infectious. “I thought you were going to wear your blue three piece”, you eventually managed to say to which Newt shook his head with a frown “I can’t find it anywhere!”
You rolled your eyes fondly in response before you jogged up the stairs to fetch the outfit, leaving Newt gazing after you. He yelped when Theseus slapped him in the chest, staring at him incredulously “what the hell was that?!”
Newt looked back at his brother with his eyebrows drawn together, holding his hands up “what was what?”
“That!” Theseus huffed, gesturing in the direction you had gone “I laughed at you for the very same reason once and you didn’t talk to me for a full weekend but she does and you stare at her like she hung the moon and the stars!”
Newt pursed his lips together for a moment as he looked back at his brother “Right, well for one - you were being a jerk that day. Two, it’s not the same at all because you’re not her, I mean did you not see how she lights up? And three, as far as I’m aware-“ he paused as he fixed Theseus with a deadpan expression “she did hang the stars and the moon.”
Newt grinned back at his brother obnoxiously causing Theseus to groan in frustration. “Gross!” he said as he threw his arms up in exasperation before he stomped out of the apartment to wait outside, just as you came back down the stairs thrusting the suit bag into Newt’s hands.
Newt grasped the bag in one hand and pulled you close against him with the other now that the two of you were alone. He pressed a long kiss to your lips, humming as he pulled back “hmm, how do I know this isn’t just a ploy to get me undressed my darling girl?”, he murmured as he squeezed your hip, causing your cheeks to warm in response.
“Newt! Go and get dressed we’re already late!”, Theseus shouted, banging on the front door.
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“My god, I swear he does stupid things just to make her laugh”, Jacob murmured in disbelief as he shook his head to himself , watching you bent over, clutching your stomach as you cackled with laughter while Newt smiled back at you over his shoulder.
Theseus nodded furiously, looking over at Jacob “YES! Thank you! I’ve been saying this for years! This one time for an event I swear he purposely dressed like a muggle clown just to amuse her.”
“Yeah jeeze”, Jacob nodded, slightly distracted as Theseus continued to recount all the times he’d witnessed Newt doing something dumb to woo you. He barely registered a word, too preoccupied watching Newt continue to dance around in the snow looking like an absolute buffoon.
He was apparently performing a mating dance to try and lure the escaped Erumpent back into his case while Y/N was too busy laughing in the distance to help him lure the creature with the vial of musk in her hand.
Newt picked up on your giggles in the background, smiling slightly to himself as he continued to wiggle his ass in the direction of the Erumpent, eventually looking back at where you were almost wheezing with your laughter “Come on Y/N! A little help here!” he called, and you quickly pulled yourself together when you saw the Erumpent begin to huff in Newt’s direction.
Newt ran towards you and the case when you finally pried the lid from the vial, narrowly avoiding being gored by the Erumpent as he skidded to a halt in front of you. You quickly snapped case shut and shouted when Newt slammed into you, knocking you both back into the snow, the two of you collapsing into a fit of giggles a moment later.
Jacob rushed towards the pair of you to make sure you were okay, Theseus hot on his heels as he continued his story of something embarrassing Newt had done in school. He let out a sigh of relief when he saw the you both clutching each other in the snow.
“Oh! And in school he used to eat these lollies that make you hiccup bubbles. They taste absolutely horrid but he kept doing it and she thought it was hilarious! They’re both insane”, Theseus said passionately as he gestured to you tangled in one another’s arms and giggling still.
“Insanely in love,” Jacob countered wondering if that’s what he and Queenie looked like to the outside world when they were absorbed in each other.
Newt was the first to climb to his feet, helping you up and brushing the snow off of you as you turned to Theseus with a frown “Drooble’s gum was the best!”
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Newt was just finishing tending to the Mooncalves when he spotted a stunning flower growing in one of the nearby enclosures. He hummed to himself as he wandered over to get a closer look at the flower, looking down at Pickett when the Bowtruckle climbed over to the flower, chirping up at Newt as he gestured at it. “Yes I was just thinking that myself. Y/N would love it”.
He hummed as he leant forward over one of the trees to pluck the flower out from its spot, completely oblivious to the Billywig nest that was hanging over his head. You were always warning him about this particular tree. 
He stood up quickly when he had the flower in his hand, yelping when he felt a sting in his neck, his other hand flying up to grasp his neck. He sighed when he caught a glimpse of a Billywig buzzing away and he quickly jogged back towards his shack where he knew he had some anti venom stashed away.
He made it, only a few steps away from the shelves of vials when his feet left the ground and a few giggles began to spill from his lips as the effects of the Billywig sting set in quickly. He rushed to grab his wand, crying out in frustration punctuated by more laughter when it slipped from his grasp and fell to the floor along with the flower as he was left levitating in the air.
As the time wore on the giddiness symptoms wore away but much to Newt’s dismay the levitation side effect didn’t so he resigned himself to flailing around along the ceiling of the shack while a small group of the creatures gathered below him and paced nervously. He had tried and failed several times to coax the creatures to rescue his wand for him.
You arrived home from work not much later, calling out to your boyfriend as you wandered into the apartment, frowning as you wondered where he was. He was usually waiting for you with a pot of tea and biscuits ready, waiting to tell you something exciting about his creatures. You checked in the bedroom and frowned when you couldn’t see any sign of him, calling out for him again “Newt?”
You paused when you thought you heard him shouting in the distance, nodding as you headed straight for his case and climbed down the stairs into his shack.
“Y/N thank Merlin you’re home!”
You gasped and jumped back clutching your chest when you heard Newt’s voice from above you, staring up at him in shock “Newt, goodness are you okay?! Are you hurt?”, you panicked, rushing towards him trying to reach up to him.
Newt waved his hands when he saw your panic, shaking his head “I’m fine I got stung by one of the Billywigs”, he sighed when he tried to reach for you and couldn’t quite stretch far enough.
You looked back at him in silence for a moment before you suddenly burst into full bellied laughter, tipping your head back. “Y/N! can you help me down first before you spend the afternoon laughing at me”, he called, pouting at you when you continued to laugh, grabbing your wand and pointing it at him. You paused your laughter long enough as you flicked your wand at him.
Newt shouted when he suddenly flipped upside down, “Y/N!”, he huffed in exasperation but he softened slightly and couldn’t help but smile at the way you giggled in response. His face was now roughly in line with yours and he was able to reach out and grasp your shoulders. “I thought Billywig stings were supposed to make you giddy?” you murmured as you gently stroked Newt’s face and he leant into your touch instinctively “that symptom wore off about 20 minutes ago.”
You giggled again and nodded, pressing a soft kiss to his lips causing Newt to hum in surprise as he closed his eyes and took in the new sensation of kissing you while hanging upside down. You let go of him and stepped back to give him room as you cast your wand at him again “Liberacorpus” and Newt closed his eyes as he suddenly spun upright again, still levitating above you.
You wandered over to the storage cabinet, scanning the shelves and grabbing the anti venom vial, setting it on Newt’s desk before you walked back over to him, trying to tug him down by his ankles. You huffed and puffed as you eventually managed to get him a safe distance closer to the ground, holding the vial up to him.
Newt quickly skulled the liquid, scrunching his face up in disgust and not catching himself in time to land on his feet as he hurtled towards the ground. Your eyes widened and you quickly grabbed him, letting out a yelp when you crashed to the ground under Newt, the two of you a mess of tangled limbs.
Newt quickly shifted his weight off of you, checking you over for any injuries as he lay over you, smiling as you began to laugh again, cupping his cheeks “darling, are you okay?”, you murmured, looking back up at him in amusement. Newt nodded, pressing a quick kiss to your lips “I’m fine. You saved me, my love.”he murmured, smiling in amusement when you let out another giggle “goodness, it’s almost as if you were the one that got stung with all that laughter”
“I can’t help it! You should have seen your face when you were flailing around up there! What were you even doing near the Billywig nest you goose?”, you grinned at him, your lips then pulling into a small frown when you noticed the angry looking welt on his neck, skimming your fingertips over it.
Newt hummed when he saw the concern wash over your face, quickly hopping to his feet and pulling you with him “I’m fine my darling, I promise.” he soothed knowing you were prone to worrying over him. He squeezed your hand before he quickly snatched up the flower from where it had fallen, holding it out to you.
“I spotted this and thought you would like it, it’s not my fault that Pickett was a terrible watch guard”, he murmured, poking his tongue out at the Bowtruckle who squeaked in offence.
You held the flower up and admired it with a wide smile, shaking your head to yourself because Newt’s thoughtfulness never ceased to amaze you “Thank you, Newt. It’s beautiful.”
You leant in to kiss him again before you pulled him upstairs into the apartment where you set the flower into a vase on the dining table and Newt let you fuss over the his sting welt.
-     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
You were sitting at the small makeshift desk in Newt’s shack in the case, having decided to use the desk to repot a bunch of your plants while your husband was nearby. You claimed that the desk was just a convenient height for your planting needs and that you wanted to spend time with him but Newt had caught on to the fact that you were really just taking the chance to ogle him as he tried to train a father cranky Kelpie.
He had been suspicious immediately because you’d never had any issue with your work bench in your greenhouse he’d built for you before but he fell easily enough for your excuse of wanting to spend time with him.
So he worked in the room beside you, trying in vain to slip a bridle onto the agitated Kelpie, catching you leaning back in your chair dangerously several time’s to properly look at him. It wasn’t until he caught sight of your slightly heated gaze that he realised what was really happening. You’d always had a thing for him in a wet shirt, he remembered because you’d told him as much once before you had practically tackled him in a very heated kiss.
You knew you’d been caught out from the look of realisation that passed over Newt’s face followed by the faintest blush on his cheeks and you nibbled your lip slightly before you smiled teasingly at him. Newt still wasn’t used to this openly flirty side of you that had seemed to emerge after the wedding but he couldn’t deny that he loved it.
“Perhaps you should take off your shirt”, you said as flirtatiously as you could muster, throwing in a wink at the end and letting out a chuckle when Newt grew flustered in response.
“Y/N, I am trying to do serious work here! I do not need you trying to distract me with your charms”, he huffed, rolling his eyes at you fondly when you only smiled innocently back at him.
You held up your dirt covered hands and shrugged “I’m just saying you will probably be more comfortable without that sopping wet material weighing you down. And Kelpie will probably like you more, because I know I certainly do.”
Newt snorted in response and turned away from you and back to the creature that was still splashing around in protest. He had to admit he was flattered by your blatant ogling but he had a creature to train! Plus it couldn’t hurt to tease you a little in return. Merlin, knows you deserved it after every stunt you’d pulled on your honeymoon.
He tried a few more times unsuccessfully to slip the bridle over the Kelpie before he climbed up onto his step ladder, reaching up and rummaging around through his storage for the other bridle he had that the creature would sometimes accept.
He glanced over at you, biting back a laugh when he glimpsed you leaning back in your chair again, your eyes fixated on where his shirt had ridden up, exposing the lower part of his abdomen.
His smile dropped however when the chair slipped out from beneath you and you let out a yelp as you fell backwards, potting mix flying all over you as you landed on the ground with a soft thud.
“Y/N!”, he shouted, leaping down from the step ladder and kneeling down beside you quickly, relaxing in relief when you grasped his hands, assuring him you were fine. Though you were clearly a little embarrassed as you lay there covered head to toe in dirt and the Flitterbloom you had been planting had landed in your hair and was squirming around your head, tousling your hair up.
Newt looked down at your vexed expression, laughing loudly as he carefully removed the plant from atop your head “My darling girl, I told you you would fall if you didn’t stop that.” he chuckled, setting the plant on the desk before he helped you sit up, looking at you with a mixture of amusement and pure adoration.
You huffed and brushed the dirt off your dress, “well it’s partially your fault for being so handsome,” you grumbled, only making Newt laugh more as he pulled you into him, wrapping his arms around you tightly and effectively drenching you with his soaked shirt too. “It’s entirely your fault for being such a tease”, he countered, holding you tighter when you scrunched your nose up at the damp hug.
He grinned as he nuzzled his wet hair into your neck and you squealed at the ticklish sensation before you too broke down in a fit of giggles in his arms. “Merlin, I love you so much”, he breathed into your shoulder, groaning when you lifted your hand and smeared some potting mix over his face “Y/N!”.
You snorted in response and pecked him on the nose, closing your eyes when he rubbed the dirt over your face in return “I love you too, even when you make me fall out of my chair.” 
Title: My Funny Valentine- Ella Fitzgerald (her voice is so beautiful. But also Michael Buble does the BEST arrangements Lyrics r kinda mean :( but makes sense in the musical) -MASTERLIST HERE-
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Chapters: 25/25 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Characters: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Luna Lovegood, Rolf Scamander, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson Additional Tags: Falling In Love, they meet online, Draco needs a hug, he has many secrets, Harry is a Cinnamon Roll, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin Raise Harry Potter, HIV+ Remus, Family feelings, Sirius and Remus are good dads, HIV+ and Aids, Depression, Group Therapy, queer community, bookshop au, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, I am generally heavy handed with the hurt bit, but this is a advent kinda fic so I am trying to embrace the comfort bit, there is no heartbreaking blowjob, but there is a sad wank, online sex, Sexting, Suicidal Thoughts, Identity Reveal, Alternate Universe - Non-Magical, Drarry, wolfstar, Early Bird 25 Days of Harry and Draco 2020, Grieving, Condoms, Rimming, Fingering, Anal Sex, Safe Sane and Consensual Series: Part 1 of Dragons Don't Know Paradise Summary:
In 2004, when Remus spends two scary weeks in the ITU due to complications of pneumonia and his HIV condition, Sirius walks around the house like a ghost and Harry finds comfort and strength in Draco through a chat in an online LGBT forum. Harry falls for him, but Draco has a lot of secrets and, before long, will need to come clean—even if he believes that no one is able to understand a dragon. This is a story about falling in love online and about facing the reality of death, but above all, this is a story about hope, finding love and acceptance. (Non-magical / bookshop AU, written for the 25 days of Drarry 2020)
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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RITA SKEETER is TWENTY-SEVEN and is a COLUMNIST in SOCIETY AND SCANDALS at THE DAILY PROPHET. She looks remarkably like CHLOE BRIDGES and considers herself NEUTRAL. She is currently OPEN. 
The birth of Rita Skeeter, was an event her parents wished to go down in history and raised their daughter in every attempt to make this happen. ADRIAN SKEETER was a respected member of the Ministry of Magic and was the head of the Public Information Services. Rita’s mother, CAROLYN, was a Muggle-Born witch who had managed to obtain an internship at Witch Weekly after Hogwarts and this is how her parents had met, Adrian whispering sweet secrets into Carolyn’s ears and Carolyn using them to boost her journalistic career. When Rita was born, Carolyn resigned from Witch Weekly and became a freelance journalist, raising Rita in a privileged household and exposing her to luxuries many would kill for. Her parents often hosted galas and classy dinner parties with multiple influential people which forced Rita to mature faster than other children her age since she had always been surrounded by older company. Inquisitive and persistent, Rita never stopped searching for answers to a question until she had them. She always preferred to find them on her own and form her own opinions instead of simply asking her parents or one of the many house-elves, regardless if her conclusion was correct or not. Her parents were fond of this and were more proud of themselves for raising Rita to be a leader and not a follower instead of being proud of her for taking initiative. 
With her father constantly at work or away on business trips, and her mother consumed by her small social circle of gossips and day drinking, Rita’s childhood soon became quite lonely. She spent most days by herself, exploring her mother’s personal library of articles or lying on her father’s study floor, hosting tea parties with any house-elf she could convince to join her. The only time she spent in her parents company was during dinner or at one of their many parties. However, Rita learnt that if she hovered in the shadows while her parents chatted away, she’d learn about many secrets and rumours, which she then later scribbled down in her journal, pretending to be a famous author writing her next book, ‘Twisted Truths and False Facts’. Her parents began to compensate for time lost with her and showered her with expensive items and non-sentimental objects. Rita had read that the key to success and fame wasn’t purely talent, but taste. Thus, she demanded for only the best. By the time Rita had received her letter to Hogwarts she had already read biographies or articles of most of the professors and had researched as much as she could about the school. She saw Hogwarts as an opportunity to finally practise her journalism skills on stories that hadn’t slipped from her parents mouths and began to dream of all the tasteful friends she’d meet. 
Rita had been sorted into Ravenclaw instantly, which she was most pleased with as she believed that the blue matched her eyes quite well. Without hesitation, she began to sort through her fellow Ravenclaw students, unafraid of hurting feelings or causing disgruntlement as she searched for friends she deemed tasteful. On the top of the list was CAMILLE ROWLE whom she shared a dorm with. The girls first spoke about their common interests such as designer brands and their favourite holiday memories but soon they began to bond over their mutual dislike of certain students. Another friend from Ravenclaw was DAISY HOOKUM. The two would share the latest issues of their favourite magazines and end study sessions with a juicy gossip session. It wasn’t until BETTY BRAITHWAITE joined their circle that the four girls decided to create their own Hogwarts School paper. With Dumbledor’s approval, the group formed the Weekly Raven which published a variety of articles focusing on school political issues, sports coverage, a gossip column and a fashion section. Through the Weekly Raven, Rita met many other students through the years including CHARITY BURBAGE, XENOPHILIUS LOVEGOOD, EDWARD TONKS and ROMEO DAVIS. 
Rita took the Weekly Raven very seriously and ran the weekly gossip column as she had developed quite the habit of uncovering other’s dirty laundry and leaving it to dry for everyone to see. This, of course, did not sit well with everyone and Rita gained a negative reputation with many. Rita was unphased by this, after all, lions don’t lose sleep over the opinions of sheep. Rita worked very hard to produce quality work and stopped at nothing other than perfection. It was only when Camille shared the secret that she overheard the best gossip when she was an unsuspecting animal that Rita had decided to train to become an Animagus. By her seventh year, she was able to transform into a beetle and with this, was able to listen into many more conversations. Rita had also learnt that another method of gaining confidential information was seduction. Throughout her school years, Rita had made many romantic connections for the fun of it or for whatever story she was following at the time. She experimented freely, flirting with whomever she found attractive. She had never really felt the need to identify her sexuality but she felt most comfortable with using the label Pansexual. Rita wasn’t one for real relationships and her career would always come first, her studies and running the student paper. 
Rita passed her final exams with flying colours and thanks to her continuous summer internships at Witch Weekly, which were thanks to her mother’s connections, she managed to land an internship at The Daily Prophet as a reporter and journalist. Adapting her mother’s approach to life, she would sneak into her father’s study and sort through his ministry files, taking down dates and facts, including those that weren’t meant for the public just yet. She always made sure to use them only as leads, never putting her father’s career at risk. Many of these facts included reports of muggle murders and rumours of a dark wizard on the rise. However, it wasn’t long until Rita wasn’t the only one who was working her way around the ministry and uncovering gossip and secrets. REGINA ROWLE, cousin to Camille was quite the gossip herself and often made Rita’s life hard by spreading gossip around the ministry before Rita could publish it. Other contacts included GABRIEL DUMONT, an attractive french man who now worked as an Auror. Rita often worked her charm on him to help loosen his lips. AMOS DIGGORY, ANDROMEDA BLACK and MOLLY PREWETT were others that Rita came in a lot of contact with. However, these three were a lot less tolerant of Rita and mostly told her to get lost or called security to escort her from the premise.
Rita had a few personal projects up her sleeve, including a book called “Albus Dumbledore - Master or Moron” in which she criticised Professor Dumbledore for his past with Grindelwald and his methods of teaching at Hogwarts. Her other personal project was Betty Braithewaite. Rita had grown very fond of the girl over the years and now a small crush had formed. The two women worked together at the Daily Prophet and Rita had become inspired by her work. She found the way Betty held herself, confident and independent, very attractive and had started thinking of romantic ways to spend time with Betty. Nothing serious had come from it just yet, just some playful banter from both sides but Rita had high hopes for them. Her third and final project was an investigative one. After hearing many rumours throughout school and from friends of friends, a name that seemed synonymous with The Dark Lord was BELLATRIX BLACK. What Rita didn’t know was why the Black daughter was being mentioned and what she had to do with all of this? Was she somehow involved in the war? Was Bellatrix a Death Eater? How long had she been working with the Dark Lord? These were all questions Rita did not have answers to, but for the sake of the Wizarding World, and a good story of course, Rita had decided to stop at nothing until she had some concrete evidence and a clearer idea of who Bellatrix Black was exactly. 
Blood Status → Half-Blood
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female 
Relationship Status → Single
Sexual Orientation → Pansexual
Previous Education → Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Ravenclaw)
Societies → TBD
Family → Adrian Skeeter (father) and Carolyn Skeeter (mother)
Connections  → Camille Rowle (best friend), Daisy Hookum (close friend), Betty Braithwaite (close friend/love interest), Charity Burbage (colleague), Xenophilius Lovegood (friend), Edward Tonks (friend/colleague), Romeo Davis (friend/colleague), Saoirse MacMillan (adversary), Regina Rowle (adversary), Peter Pettigrew (romantic liaison), Gabriel Dumont (romantic liaison)
Future Information → Court Reporter at The Death Eater Trials, Renown Published Author of Multiple Titles including Biographies of Albus Dumbledore, Newt Scamander, Severus Snape and Harry Potter
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lostinthelightss · 4 years
literal chaos fire (ch.3)
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amazing banner by @downn-in-flames​ / down-in-flames@FFT
find it elsewhere: fft | ao3 | ff.net | hpff learn more: chaos universe link to other chapters: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 link to missing moments: 5.5, 7.5, 8.5, 15.5
pairing: Lily Luna Potter / OC genre: AU, Humor, Romance rating: mature audiences
Victoire Weasley is a masters student in infectious diseases handling a devastating break up with her girlfriend of two years. Lily Potter is a first year law student navigating a figurative minefield that is the star quarterback’s unrequited affection. Molly Weasley is pursuing her bachelors in engineering while pining over her best friend - who doesn’t seem to realize it.
Three women, three vastly different lives, all coming together with group chats, family dinners, and a whole lot of chaos.
chapter summary:
mollawalla: he’s so hot mollawalla: and look at how beautiful his writing is mollawalla: i’m in love
xanderbander: how to puke react
(mollawalla, xanderbander) 10:33am
mollawalla: he's so hot mollawalla: and look at how beautiful his writing is mollawalla: i'm in love
xanderbander: how to puke react
mollawalla: rude mollawalla: i've never been in love let me have this
xanderbander: this is not the way
mollawalla: is it hurting anyone apart from me?
xanderbander: ew cooties
Lysander Scamander set Molly Weasley's nickname to cooties.
cooties: not cool
Molly Weasley set Lysander Scamander's nickname to buzzkill.
Lysander Scamander set Molly Weasley's nickname to listen to the damn tutorial.
Molly Weasley set Lysander Scamander's nickname to i can listen to him and love him at the same damn time.
Lysander Scamander cleared his nickname.
Molly Weasley cleared her nickname.
Molly: buzzkill
Lysander: <3
‘literal chaos fire' (lawyerlilz, Mollz, VickyBaby) 11:14am
Mollz: Attachment: 3 Images Mollz: WHAT DOES IT MEAN?!?!
lawyerlilz: how do you not know that you don't get a guy's attention by mentioning another guy lawyerlilz: this is why you're single
Mollz: whatever, at least i haven't turned down the hottest guy on campus
lawyerlilz: i'm not here to find a partner, i'm here to get an education lawyerlilz: something you should probably start taking seriously
Mollz: i'm in class *right now*
lawyerlilz: obviously you aren't paying attention
VickyBaby: neither are you lilz VickyBaby: now can you guys shut up, I'm in a department meeting
Mollz: just put your phone on silent
lawyerlilz: yeah, what's so hard about that?
VickyBaby: it's the principle of the thing
lawyerlilz: boooooooo
Mollz: laaaaaammmmmmeeeeee
lawyerlilz: adapt to technology or get out of the way, boomer
VickyBaby: ...  VickyBaby: i'm only two years older than you
Mollz: and three years older than me Mollz: that's ancient
lawyerlilz: call the museum we have an actual real life dinosaur
Lily Potter set Victoire Weasley's nickname to actual real life dinosaur.
actual real life dinosaur: real mature
Victoire Weasley set her nickname to VickyBaby.
Victoire Weasley set Lily Potter's nickname to baby baby.
baby baby: not cool
Lily Potter set her nickname to lawyerlilz.
(Lily Potter, William Flynn) 2:48pm
William: hey!
William: just wanted to say hey William: i saw you grabbing coffee but you seemed really into your book William: didn't want to disturb you
William: at the risk of sounding too forward, could i take you out sometime?
(Lily Potter, Scorpius Malfoy) 3:36pm
Lily: Attachment - 1 Image Lily: you promised
Scorpius: i've never promised anyone anything in my entire life Scorpius: except rose, i promised her the world
Lily: gross Lily: gag Lily: blech Lily: i regret introducing you guys
Scorpius: anyways, what's the harm? Scorpius: just go on the date
Lily: the harm is that i don't want to go on the date
Scorpius: then don't go?
Lily: you were supposed to tell him to back off Lily: now it's going to be awkward whenever he's around
Scorpius: i can promise you that it won't be
Lily: HAH you just made me a promise Lily: ‘i've never promised anyone anything in my entire life' my ass
Scorpius: what a treat, i guess after the most gorgeous girl on earth, the loml, you're the first
Lily: GAG
Scorpius: anyways, just tell him no Scorpius: that is... unless you actually want to and are just hiding from your own feelings
Lily: excuse you?
Scorpius: i've known you half my life lilz Scorpius: in fact i've known you half ~your~ life Scorpius: and i still know you better than you know yourself
Lily: what does that mean? Lily: HELLO?! Lily: WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?
(Lily Potter, William Flynn) 3:52pm
Lily: there's a party on Friday at my cousins' Lily: scorp will give you the details Lily: this is NOT a date Lily: but i will see you there
William: great! can't wait! William: what book were you reading today?
William: alright, i will see you ~friday~
‘literal chaos fire' (lawyerlilz, Mollz, VickyBaby) 6:28pm
Mollz: a little birdy just told me that someone invited will to the party on friday
VickyBaby: WHAT?
lawyerlilz: client-attorney privilege should really extend both ways
VickyBaby: as much as we love you, you aren't a real lawyer yet VickyBaby: spill
lawyerlilz: it's nothing lawyerlilz: it's just to get him off my back
Mollz: the word no also exists Mollz: you use it all the time
lawyerlilz: idk lawyerlilz: something scorp said about him knowing me better than i know myself lawyerlilz: and i might as well give the guy a chance lawyerlilz: worst case scenario he screws it up and i never have to speak to him again
Mollz: best case scenario you bone down
VickyBaby: i've heard he's great in the sack VickyBaby: really attentive
lawyerlilz: yet another reason this is a bad idea lawyerlilz: why should i be interested in someone when rumours about his sex life are everywhere? lawyerlilz: that's a giant red flag waving directly in my face
Mollz: he's the captain of the football team Mollz: he's not a saint
VickyBaby: i heard he should be based on how he works his tongue
lawyerlilz: tmi
Mollz: nmi!!!
VickyBaby: nmi?
Mollz: need more info Mollz: lilz, you wanna be our informant on the inside?
lawyerlilz: it's a party not a date lawyerlilz: and i'll probably avoid him most of the night anyways lawyerlilz: i'm only doing this to prove scorp wrong
Mollz: sure
VickyBaby: make sure you message us as soon as he's done baptizing you
lawyerlilz: 1. that's not how it works lawyerlilz: 2. that's disgusting
(Lily Potter, Scorpius Malfoy) 6:57pm
Lily: i can't believe you told her
Scorpius: i practically live at their house and she's my lab partner Scorpius: and you of all people know how weasel-y she is Scorpius: IT'S IN HER NAME
Lily: betrayer
Lily Potter set Scorpius Malfoy's nickname to betrayer
betrayer: you know i don't like nicknames
Lily: i'm sorry Lily: couldn't hear you over ScorpiStud
betrayer: ... how long have you known?
Lily: like three months Lily: been saving it for a rainy day ;)
Lily Potter set her nickname to bestest fraaand.
Scorpius Malfoy cleared his nickname.
Scorpius Malfoy cleared Lily Potter's nickname.
Lily: party pooper
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frunbuns · 4 years
Salamanders and Porcupines
Chapter 7: The Goldstein Sisters’ First Quidditch Game
The Goldstein Sisters go to their first ever Quidditch game.
Read on Ao3
Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
The atmosphere in the castle changes quite a lot in the weeks nearing the first Quidditch match of the year. The halls are filled with excited chattering about who they think will win and what maneuvers and strategies they’ll get to see. It’s as if all school related work is entirely forgotten.
It comes as a shock to the entire team that Hufflepuff is playing against Gryffindor in the first match instead of the usual Slytherin against Gryffindor. They have practice almost every day of the week leading up to the match. Leta sits in the stands and does her homework as they practice, though he doubts she manages to get much work done.
He misses three goals and gets knocked off his broom by a bludger. They laugh as he falls and the captain yells at him to get back up. Newt wonders if the only reason he’s still on the team is because he’s a Scamander.
Practise continues just like before.
It’s exhausting and Newt finds that he misses talking to Tina and Queenie. He spends his free time catching up on his homework. He goes to bed late at night, often asleep before his head even hits the pillow. 
He thinks of Tina’s smile as he dozes off into a dreamless sleep.
Newt wakes up the day of the game feeling surprisingly awake despite his late nights. His notebook, which has been left mostly untouched for the past two weeks, lay closed on his nightstand. He sighs and wanders up to the Great Hall for breakfast.
There’s an empty spot next to Queenie and Newt sits down next to her.
“Finally decided to join us for breakfast, huh?” Queenie asks with a quirked brow.
Newt freezes, arm outstretched over the table. He purses his lips and quickly glances at her before looking down. 
Queenie giggles, playfully shoving Newt in the shoulder. “I’m joking, Newt. I’m joking,” she says. “I know you’ve been busy.”
Newt’s lips quirk into a smile as his body loses the tension it previously held. He gives her a slightly strained chuckle. If she notices she doesn’t say anything about it, which Newt is thankful for.
Newt manages to eat a good amount of breakfast despite his nerves. It’s really the game itself that he’s all that nervous about, but rather the people that would be watching. He’d never liked having so many eyes on him, but his family had really wanted him to play Quidditch. It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy it though. He does, a little at least. It’s the attention he got from being on the team that he doesn’t like.
“You’ll be fine, Newt,” Queenie tells him. “Just pretend they’re not there.”
“Pretend who’s not there?”
Newt jumps in his seat, startled. He’d not seen nor heard Tina coming.
Queenie smiles. “Newt is just nervous about the Quidditch game today,” she explains.
“Ah.” Tina nods.
She sits down next to them and starts talking with Queenie, occasionally asking Newt a question or two. It’s nice, and Newt feels that he’s not quite that nervous about the game anymore. For now at least.
They finish breakfast and start amble towards the Quidditch pitch. Leta joins them, chatting happily about how “Hufflepuff will win the cup this year” and how “they haven’t won since Theseus graduated and had to leave the team” and everything in between. 
“Good luck, Newt!” Queenie cheers, wrapping her arms around his neck. She has to stand on her toes, and even then he has to bend down so she can reach him. He almost loses his balance as she drags him down. “We’re rooting for you!”
They wish him luck and head up to the stands to watch. He gets changed and gets ready for the match, heart hammering in his chest. Suddenly it’s so much more important that he does well in the game.
Out on the pitch he catches their eyes. As his and Tina lock eyes he's quick to look away, hiding behind his fringe. Like he always does. And somehow works, despite him being taller than a most.
He feels his cheeks burning as he mounts his broom - a one he'd gotten last Christmas from his parents. They're high up in the air when the whistle blows and the balls are released. The game has started.
Newt almost gets knocked off his broom by the Gryffindor Beaters a few times, but he's luckily quicker than them and manages to dodge in time. That's not to say he doesn't have a few close calls that makes his heart skip a beat or two.
He scores a couple of goals, but also misses a few as well, something the commentator, who definitely isn't biased at all, blatantly points out each time. Still, Newt doesn't have time to dwell on it before he has to get moving again.
Out of the corner of his eye he spots their Seeker and the Gryffindor Seeker scouting the area for the small Snitch high above the game. They do regular rounds around the pitch as the other players are preoccupied with the rest of the game.
Newt barely dodges a Bludger that's headed straight for his face when the whistle blows again. Newt has to do a double take. He looks around himself, not quite sure what's happened. His teammates cheer between themselves, throwing their arms in the air. 
It's only then that he realises what has happened. He looks over at their Seeker, and clear as day, there it is. The Golden Snitch, clutched in her hand. He can see the gold glinting between her dark fingers, the wings poking out between them.
They'd done it. They actually did it. They won the game.
The cheering coming from the stands is almost unbearable. He looks over at the stand where his friends are, cheering loudly. Leta whistles obnoxiously and waves at him. And then he looks at Tina, and she catches his eye, she proudly smiles at him and he feels his own face break into a huge grin.
Hufflepuff won.
~ ~ ~ 
After getting a few pats on the back from his teammates Newt discreetly sneaks away from them and joins his friends who are waiting for him just outside the tents. He smiles sheepishly as he trudges towards them.
"You were amazing!" Queenie cheers as she wraps her arms around his neck again. This time he's a bit more prepared, and keeps his feet steady on the ground as he's dragged down to her level.
He hears sounds of agreement from Tina and Leta who smile amusedly at him and Queenie.
"I know they're going to be celebrating down in your common room, but I don't think they'd let me in, so why don't we go somewhere else and have our own celebration?" Leta asks.
Newt nods. The thought of having to go back to the common room right now, where the other Hufflepuffs will be celebrating their victory is not very appealing. Leta knows he doesn't like being at parties. She knows that very well. She knows him very well. There's no doubt she knew he'd accept.
He also knows that she'd rather spend time with him than the other Slytherins.
Tina and Queenie agree and they jog back to the castle.
Squeezing past some defeated looking Gryffindors they make their way to the library's where they know they'll be left alone. Finding a table placed in a cozy corner they sit down together. Queenie and Leta empty their pockets of a few sweets onto the table for them to share.
Tina snorts as her younger sister digs around in her pockets.
"To Hufflepuff!" Leta cheers, passing them each a chocolate frog. The last four they have. "And to Newt! Their best Chaser!"
Newt looks down at the table, his cheeks burning. He sheepishly accepts the chocolate frog and starts unpacking it. He bites off the head and chews. Out of the corner of his eye he catches Tina looking at him. When she notices that he's noticed she quickly looks away, pursing her lips as her cheeks turn pink.
"Who'd you get, Newt?" Queenie asks him.
Newt looks up from the table. "What?" He asks.
"Your card. Who'd you get?"
"Oh," Newt says with realisation. He takes the card out of the small box, which he had completely forgotten about, and reads it. "Uh - Alberic Grunnion."
Queenie's eyes light up. "Can I have it?" she asks hopefully.
Newt smiles and hands it over to her. "Of course."
Their little celebration goes on for the next few hours as they chat and laugh between themselves. They have to be reminded to be quiet a few times so they don't get kicked out, but otherwise it's all great fun.
"So how was your first Quidditch game?" Leta asks Tina and Queenie.
Queenie beams. "It was great!" She exclaims, then makes a face when she Tina gushes her. "It was fun. I really enjoyed it."
Tina nods. "Yeah, it was fun," she says. 
"It's nothing compared to Quodpot though," Queenie remarks, making Tina snort.
"What is Quodpot?" Leta asks, intrigued.
"It's kind of like Quidditch," Tina explains. "But you throw a Quod around and you have to get it in the pot at the end of the pitch before it explodes.
Leta gasps, delighted. "That sounds fun!"
"It is!" Queenie says. "Teenie tried out for the school team last year, but she didn't make it."
Newt looks over at Tina who shrugs like it's no big deal, but she looks a little saddened by it.
"I've told her to try again, but she refuses."
Tina sighs. "What's the point? I'm just going to embarrass myself again."
"I think you should try out again," Newt finds himself saying.
Tina's brows raise. "Really?"
Newt nods. 
"Yeah!" Leta says. "You totally should!"
She smiles. "Ok," she mutters. "Maybe I'll try out next year then."
"That's the spirit!" Leta exclaims, then cringes slightly at her loud outburst, making the group chuckle.
Newt has never been a part of a friend group before. He had become friends with Leta when he was thirteen and it had only been the two of them for years. Before that he was completely alone. Except for Theseus who sometimes spends time with him, but he can't come with him to Hogwarts.
Newt finds that he quite likes it. It's nice. Having friends. Plural. Not just one friend, but multiple friends.
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kuro-gossips · 6 years
For @silverynight - Merry Christmas, sweetie! <3 I hope I did them justice, it’s my first time writing anything for Fantastic Beasts.
Five times when Gellert, Theseus, Albus, and Percival show just how besotted they are with the British magizoologist, no matter who the audience is, and once where Newt demonstrates his love for them.
1. Theseus
Newt comes to visit him at his office in the Ministry of Magic on the rare occasion he is in the area. It's been weeks too long since Newt has even set foot in England and Theseus has missed him dearly. Some of the Aurors under his jurisdiction are milling around, filing papers, finishing reports, and discussing active cases.
The opening door disrupts the calm din of the working area and in stumbles none other than his younger brother. Instantly, Theseus is up on his feet, strides over with a sense of urgency, and is hurriedly peppering kisses all over Newt’s charming youthful face, at which he giggles at the ticklish feeling. The other employees of the Ministry attempt to not stare at their boss showering affection on the shorter male. One of the new female Aurors squeaks when the elder Scamander lands a solid one right on Newt’s lips, but is immediately hushed by the others, who remind her that this kind of relationship is common amongst purebloods.
Theseus has no shame and drapes himself all over his curly-haired boyfriend, a content smile sweeping lazily across his features. “I’ve missed you so, so much, Artemis.”
Newt flushes underneath the other’s intense ogling and ducks his gaze out of pure habit. Regardless, his face shows nothing but happiness, his freckles seemingly dancing across his cheeks as his lips curl upwards.
2. Albus
Albus is mid-sentence, teaching a class when a knock on the wooden door reverberates throughout the room. He pauses his lecture, scratching his bearded chin, silently questioning who would interrupt him during class time as he walks over to greet whomever is standing outside. All the students, dressed in the Hogwarts’ robes with their respective house badges emblazoned on their left side, turn to peer at what their professor is doing, necks craning in an effort to see.
“Hullo, Professor Dumbledore.” The male’s tenor voice is soft, but it carries through the space. “I know I’m probably, um, interrupting your lecture, aren’t I? Terribly sorry for that…”
Beyond Dumbledore’s tall and muscular form, the teenagers aren’t able to see much of the mysterious man, but some of them catch glimpses of a mop of curly, reddish hair, a peacock blue peacoat, and a raggedy tan suitcase.
“Ah, Newt!” The sharper students swear their teacher’s eyes shine brighter (had they actually had line of sight of his face) at the other man’s presence. They can taste the sweetness and fondness imbued in the utterance of the younger’s name. He waves off the redhead's concerns and continues, “No trouble whatsoever, Newt. I always have time for you, love.”
That's when the whispering starts when they hear the term of endearment:
Professor Dumbledore has a significant other?
What kind of name is ‘Newt?’
… I would've thought he preferred the fairer sex…
“Oh, well, I could always come back in a bit, you know, once you're done.” Newt stammers out, flushing as if he knows the entire fourth year of Gryffindors and Ravenclaws are staring at him, and maybe he can tell.
“No, no, no, come in, take a seat, the class is almost finished anyway.”
“Well, if you- if you don’t mind then.”
A tall, lanky male with a boyishly charming face is ushered through the entrance and onto a Conjured plush armchair in the back. The adolescents rush to return to normal behaviour and positions, trying to not be obvious that they were eavesdropping on their professor’s conversation, but when Dumbledore’s eyes twinkle furiously, they know they’ve been caught red-handed. Some of their ears are glowing like Muggle Christmas lights at the tips.
The class continues as if nothing has happened, but the wizard lecturing seems to be standing straighter and speaking in a more grandiose manner, like he wants to impress someone. To his credit, there are no further interruptions from the younger blue-eyed man sitting behind the rows of students, a pleasant, albeit lazy, smile gracing his features, but the children themselves cannot stop gossiping. Dumbledore doesn't have it in his heart to dissuade their curiosity, especially in front of his beloved, who holds such a trait above most people. There is the faint buzzing of secrets being traded between individuals and most can't help but glance back to the curly-haired man.
The bell chimes, echoing throughout the school, indicating that it is time to change classes. Newt rises from his seat and approaches the front of the room, stopping in front of the teacher's desk. A couple of students linger as long as possible, but they can feel weak compelling magic being cast, forcing them to leave. Before the doors shut completely, a small group see Albus pulling on the lapels of the vibrant blue coat and sliding his lips over the full ones of the other man, who reciprocates wholeheartedly.
“It really has been too long, since you've visited, Newt.” Even beyond the wooden slabs as barriers, light laughter can be heard down the hallways.
3. Gellert
Gellert has just finished occupying their new hideout in Paris, after excusing the Muggle family from their property (alive and well, thankfully, if Newt were around to say anything). He writes a concise and anonymous note with directions to here, sending it out with a nondescript owl to the magizoologist. His closest associates stare inquisitively at his actions, but don't dare ask. He is not known for using such mundane channels of communication.
Only a couple of hours have passed and to Grindelwald's surprise, there is a familiar pattern of knocking at the house's doors. It's a code that is exclusively shared between Newt and himself. The sound is hushed, just barely enough for the Dark Lord to hear, but the house is utterly silent, so it travels to the ears of his subordinates as well. Vinda appears near the front entrance; however, before she is able to check who is there, her Lord has already invited the person in. To her surprise, it's none other than Newt Scamander because she recognizes the man's face as the one that had been plastered all over the newspapers across North America and Europe.
“My Lord?” Her eyes are wide in disbelief. Grindelwald casually dismisses her with a glance, but she is rooted in her spot. He may have just rolled his eyes.
“Vinda, meet Newt, my beau if you must know.” His mismatched eyes narrow at her, challenging her to voice any undue thoughts she was harbouring. The magizoologist can't help but redden at his words; he can't get used to whenever any of his boyfriends publicly claim him as theirs. Without further ado, he leans down, tenderly cupping the other's heavily freckled cheek, and passionately kisses him. Newt doesn't fight, doesn't try to bite off the platinum blonde's wicked tongue, but instead kisses back.
The French woman cannot excuse herself fast enough.
4. Percival
Percival is in the middle of working a particularly tough case, dealing with some vile witch who enjoys torturing rich, obnoxious No-Maj men and then stringing their bodies up in public places. He can feel a migraine coming on as he analyzes the details presented in the papers strewed across his desk. A memo paper scurries across the oak surface in the form of an origami mouse and he plucks it up to read. The handwriting belongs to MACUSA’s President, Seraphina Picquery, who has requested a meeting for updates on the current investigation with whomever is assigned to it. The team consists of Percival himself, the older Goldstein sister, and another Senior Auror, Fontaine. So as he makes his way to Madam Picquery’s office, Graves takes a short detour to the area where the rest of his department is located to grab the other two.
The Director barges through doors, shocking the workers bustling and chatting around the department space. To his own surprise, he sees a very familiar visage attached to a lean body situated on the couch next to Tina’s desk. Percival needs a moment to compose himself and school his face back to neutral; he doesn’t remember Newt mentioning in any of their correspondences that he would be visiting New York any time soon.
“Mr. Scamander, I didn’t know you were in town.” Graves drawls, a dark eyebrow hinging upwards. The magizoologist shoots up from his seat, clearly not expecting the appearance of his dark-haired lover.
“Oh, um, Mr. G-Graves!” Newt exclaims in a higher pitched voice than his regular tone. It’s obvious the other man is nervous for a reason he cannot fathom. He dismisses the thought because he is required at Picquery’s immediately.
“Goldstein, Fontaine, come. We’ve been summoned.”
“Oh, Mr. Graves, sir, Newt was just here to-” Tina begins, but Percival cuts her off with a glare. The brunette flounders a bit before hurrying to gather her notes about the case and follow after him. “Sorry, Newt, do you mind just waiting here for a bit? I’m sure the meeting won’t take too long.”
They only have Picquery’s attention for a few scant minutes because she is an extremely busy woman, but it’s a series of high profile incidents and she needs to make a strong public presence known. Just as the President is excusing them, she begins speaking again, “Oh, and Percival. I forgot to mention that MACUSA has just extended an offer to Newt Scamander for a consulting position here.”
Percival almost whips around to stare at her declaration, instead he turns around slowly because he is known for nothing if not his complete self-control, “I’m sorry, what?”
“Mr. Scamander will be joining you and your team on all cases involving magical beasts in any form. I expect you to make him feel welcomed, am I understood? We require not only his expertise on this subject matter, but it will also alleviate some of the political tension between England and America, following last year’s fiasco with Grindelwald.” Picquery’s tone is stern and leaves no room for arguments, not that Percival really has any complaints about seeing the British man more.
“Understood, Madam Picquery.” He gives her a brief nod and leaves with his subordinates.
When he arrives at Tina and Fontaine’s office space, he marched straight for the curly-haired male, who is awkwardly waiting around, fidgeting with his case. Percival quickly gathers the other in a powerful hug, as everyone in the immediate area resembles a fish out of water with gaping mouths and eyes.
He asks as he pulls back from the embrace, “You little bugger, you. Why didn’t you tell me you were going to be working here?”
Tina watches as those dark brown eyes soften and how the weight seemingly lifts off of his shoulders. She has never seen her boss behave this way, but at the same time, if it were anyone to influence it, it would be Newt.
“Er, well, surprise?” Green eyes glint with amusement and his mouth tilts upward in a half smirk.
To further the occupants of the room’s bewilderment, their previously thought unflappable superior swoops in to press his lips against their charming magizoologist’s.
Suddenly, everything makes sense to the elder Goldstein sister and a small smile creeps up onto her face.
5. In Private
It’s one of the rare times that the five of them can actually convene and they intend to make the most of their time together. A quiet weekend away in the isolated region of Grindelwald’s Nurmengard headquarters is exactly what they all needed after such stressful months of work. Gellert, Percival, Theseus, and Albus all arrive earlier than Newt and the latter can barely get his entire body through the front door, before he is being shoved up against the nearest wall and pampered with affection. His suitcase clatters against the ground as Newt's grip slackens.
Grindelwald, who hasn’t seen the youngest in the longest time of the four, immediately occupies his lips, tongue sweeping against Newt’s bottom lip, seeking permission. He is granted access without an ounce of hesitation, a happy moan emitting from their redheaded lover. Theseus is hovering nearby, raking his hand through those wild curls and presses gentle kisses to wherever he can get to. Albus and Percival stand off to the side, but still in close proximity, patiently waiting their turn. As soon as Grindelwald’s stockier build moves out of the way, the Hogwarts professor is carting him off to their bedroom in strong arms. Newt squeaks and lightly protests, but he knows he can’t win in this situation -- he doesn’t want to either, really.
They take turns stripping him of a piece of clothing at a time, slowly, graciously. It’s far from his first time spent with them, but Newt still shys away from their prying eyes and wandering hands. He is self-conscious of the numerous scars and deformities littering his freckled skin. His boyfriends take it in stride, used to this habit, and stretch his limbs out for more of his creamy skin. There are lips and delicate touches from many, many fingers along the ridges of raised skin, the sensation is ticklish and giggles escape his full lips, uncontrollably.
“Newt, you are so beautiful.” Albus mutters, pushing back from his position where he is kissing the other’s shoulder, and gazes lovingly into those expressive green eyes.
Percival follows up with, “We know you are insecure about your body, but rest assured, it makes you even more appealing to us.”
Newt couldn’t be happier as he pulls each of his lover’s down for a peck.
“I love you all.”
“And us, you, liebling.” Grindelwald fondly coos.
+1 Newt
Newt is not good with publicly showing affection, or even in private, if he is being wholly honest with himself. Even if he loves these four goofballs with all his heart, he has trouble expressing himself freely, but they adore him for his quirkiness and accept it with open arms. They’ve done so much for him and he doesn’t know how to begin to repay their kindness.
The five of them have never explicitly discussed family plans, but he remembers them mentioning adopting children in passing. Newt is curious and seeks something more special than a simple adoption -- he wants their first child to be a meaningful step in their relationship. So he conducts plenty of research and finally, he stumbles upon something in the recesses of Grindelwald’s expansive library.
He waits until Christmas, mere weeks away, when they are exchanging presents and gifts them each with an envelope containing a small piece of parchment. They look on in confusion at it, not able to make sense of anything written on it, but he breaks out in an affectionate grin, wide and unyielding.
“It’s a list of ingredients.” All of their gazes turn towards him and he holds their attention completely, eager to hear what he has to say, “It’s ingredients to a potion that will allow me to bear a child.”
The sight before him is comical, to say the least, and Newt lets his laughter rip out of him at these men who are usually perfectly composed.
“What I’m saying is, I want us to have a child or children of our own. The best part of this potion is that it allows us to combine all of our magical signatures to conceive a child. This way, he or she will truly be all of ours-” Before he can finish explaining, he finds himself at the bottom of a dog pile of heavy men. Gellert and Percival are staring at his belly longingly, imagining it swollen with a baby. Theseus can’t stop praising his genius and showering love over his face. Albus has a devious look on his face that says he wants to start trying conceiving as soon as possible and Newt is all too willing.
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ao3feed-jeddy · 4 years
Family & Friends
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UvgL9x
by EllaVanEck
Teddy makes a group chat for the Potter-Weasley family. Hijinks Ensue.
Words: 834, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Albus Severus Potter, Scorpius Malfoy, Lily Luna Potter, James Sirius Potter, Teddy Lupin, Rose Weasley, Hugo Weasley, Alice Longbottom, Lysander Scamander, Lorcan Scamander
Relationships: Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, Teddy Lupin/James Sirius Potter, Lily Luna Potter/Original Female Character(s), Lorcan Scamander/Rose Weasley
Additional Tags: Scorbus, group chat au, Hogwarts House Headcanons, Not Cursed Child Compliant, Alice Frankie Longbottom (OC), Neville Longbottom Daughter, Harry Potter Next Gen, Rose Isn’t Mean, Trans Character, Trans Lysander Scamander, mtf, Slytherin Albus Severus Potter
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UvgL9x
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lvnalovegreat · 7 years
some luna headcanons
In Icelandic lore, magic is primarily a woman’s art. Witches were called vísendakona - wise women, knowing women, women of science. Accounts by muggles call them by many names, as for much of history the existence of magic was not disputed or despised to the degree it was in Great Britain. Eventually persecution did send her mother’s ancestors into hiding, but that could not stop strong women from continuing  to breathe light and reason into their world. They simply learned to dole it out in more subtle doses. Luna learned from a young age that a soup can be another word for a potion, a walking cane can be a staff in disguise, a garden can protect a house from evil - that magic will flourish wherever a clever, tender caster may hide it. 
Luna’s journey into the earthy, patient magic of her maternal heritage made great leaps and bounds during her time as her mother’s assistant, and this time started in the garden. Luna learned to hum beautiful, mildly enchanting tunes to  plants every morning until they grew taller than her. She coaxed gnomes away from the dirigible plums and towards the ordinary plums planted as a decoy. Garden work was an idyllic task for a pensive little girl, but a talented witch cannot be crafted from purely idyllic circumstances. A large part of her mother’s work was kept hidden from Luna, and for good reason. It was unrefined and brutal, a terrifying counter to Sigrún’s sophistication and tenderness. As Luna grew older her mother entrusted her with more information and a more significant role as an assistant. It was at this point in Luna’s life that she learned the true power of knowledge. Luna watched her mother’s work consume her in a very literal sense of the word. Luna’s participation in these experiments forced her to wonder if perhaps she could have done something to prevent the day from turning as pear-shaped as it did. For years she chatted quietly about the possibility, among many other things, to Hogwarts’ thestral herd. Luna’s  heart aches for the the creatures. She wonders if, perhaps like her beloved thestrals, her lot in life as an outcast was determined from birth. She misses them dearly and hopes they aren’t suffering under the school’s new administration. 
As much respect that Luna has for her childhood hero Newt Scamander, her father obviously holds a more  tender place in Luna’s heart as a magizoologist and explorer. He met Luna’s mother while traveling around the globe in search of the Crumple-Horned Snorkack, a supposedly breathtaking creature that neither of her parents doubted the existence of. Luna will wistfully tell the romantic story of how her mother and father conceived her in a tent in Northern Sweden beneath the winter sun in all its detail. All its glorious detail.  Xenophilius was (and is) a doting, intelligent father. He listened with great patience to all of little Luna’s eccentric theories about the world around her and she learned to do the same for him in return, and as a result raised an open-minded and respectful woman. He did not insult his daughter with dumbed-down speech or lies about Father Christmas, but instead included her in his work from a very young age. He painted the stars on Luna’s ceiling and showed her which she was born under so she’d know when she was most safe from Nargles. He wore his coat to the threads to buy Luna books to devour and crystals to protect her brain from wrackspurts.    After the death of Luna’s mother, Xenophilius took a break from his profession of growing potions supplies and took Luna to spend time living with his mother’s family in Brazil. Luna did not entirely appreciate being around so many relatives she wasn’t particularly close with, but she could tell it helped her father a great deal. When they arrived back in Ottery St. Catchpole, Luna named her father’s new piece of journalism the Quibbler. 
Luna suspects the Crumple Horned Snorkack doesn’t exist, but nobody else will know that she doesn’t believe strongly in such a key aspect of her father’s life’s work. She doesn’t want to discredit his other discoveries - because nargles do exist, as to a whole host of hidden creatures only her father has been dedicated and intelligent enough to learn of.  Luna’s keen intuition when it comes to those around her has also allowed her to see her father’s desperate search for what it is - a way to keep her mother alive, as Sigrún had been just as excited about the possibility of finding it as he had, and they had used up their honeymoon money looking for the legendary creature. And for that Luna finds the search an admirable cause even if it never bears tangible fruit. 
Luna had never minded being alone, and still she cannot remember a time when she could consider herself anything but an outcast. However, making friends changed her forever. Now that she knows the comfort that comes in caring for such a diverse and wonderful group of people, she also knows that returning to isolation would hurt her immensely. The thought of her friends losing themselves to this war scares her - will it turn Neville hard? Will it take Ginny’s youthful passion away? Will Harry be able to handle the mess he’s being thrust into?  Luna takes pride in keeping the peace. She finds people forget the spiritual aspects of self care, so she does her best to help them keep their souls healthy even when their bodies ache. The last thing she wants is pessimism and anger overtaking the Resistance. She detests the notion that a good fighter is hard and stubborn and cruel. Luna mourns the losses on both sides, and does not seek to do any more harm than is absolutely necessary. Luna has never killed and dreads the prospect.  All the same, her ability to detach from planet earth and plant the thinking part of her brain firmly in the clouds helps her get dirty work done. She’ll protect her friends at almost any cost. 
Luna’s father passed his talent for painting on to her and then some. Luna’s walls have changed dramatically over the years, from the star chart her father painted her to whimsical stories all the way up to her final piece featuring her friends intertwined in a protective golden circle. Luna does not always speak much, but she draws and paints almost daily, and often practices meditative painting. She loves how much emotion can linger in a single color and how easily her world is communicated in pictures.  When Luna hid in the Room of Requirement prior to slipping out of the castle, she used the steady hand her father blessed her with and the ancestral lore her mother taught her to make the bold decision to tattoo runes onto her skin. The tattoos are mostly hidden beneath her shirt and pants, but the two most prominent ones are located on her wrists, right above the hands. She genuinely believes they help her focus her magic and provide protection and, as demonstrated with placebos for Felix Felicis, sometimes belief is all one really needs.  It’s not her body’s appearance that matters. These tattoos help Luna preserve her soul. Like most things, Luna has thought deeply about her ink. She thinks about how she can look at them while she’s being tortured. How they will help identify her mangled corpse. How they will look sliced through with scarring. Luna thinks about all the grisly details with general indifference, but she hopes most of all that her tattoos will help her remain a good friend and protect her soul from decay. Are these things necessarily what the runes she chose were originally meant for?  As always, Luna thinks that’s up for interpretation. 
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marvel-dc-hybrid · 7 years
Fanfic Recommendations | Vol 1
I wanted to create this recommendation list to bring more awareness to many wonderful writers here on tumblr. The fics that I picked from each writer is one that either got me hooked to their writing style or a fic they’ve posted recently that I just really love.
13 Going on 30 Bucky Barnes x Reader (13 Going on 30 AU) by: @buckys-fossil​ When your 13th birthday party goes awry, and you make a life changing wish - you wake up to discover you’ve flash forwarded 17 years ahead.
Daddy Issues Bucky Barnes x Reader by: @you-didnt-see-that-cuming A descendant of Thor, you have your powers stolen from you by HYDRA, and the only way to get them back is to steal the Avengers software. But when sending a certain new Avenger to track you, things don’t exactly go as planned. (Series)
Little Notes Bucky Barnes x Reader by: @marvelfic You always writes reminders on your hands, so you always have a marker on hand. You often fall asleep and when you wake you sometimes find new notes written on your hands written by none other than the Bucky Barnes.
Unbreakable Bucky Barnes x Reader by: @imaginesoftheheart Your life is a constant struggle with trying to control your powers and Bucky always on your nerves but one day, he goes too far. (Series)
“Why is she wearing my hoodie?” Bucky Barnes x Reader by: @writing-soldiers Bucky tries to figure out the reason behind his missing hoodie one day, only to discover you as the theif.
Can’t Sleep Loki Laufeyson x Reader by: @coffeekeyboardsss You and Loki find comfort in each other when you’re both having trouble sleeping. (Series)
Sleepless Loki Laufeyson x Reader by: @writingafterhours You suffers from steady nightmares and find help in the arms of your neighbor down the hall.
Day One Peter Parker x Reader by: @spiderholland You have a crush on Peter, but Peter has eyes for someone else. Will you ever get the boy of your dreams or will you have to remain friends and move on? (Series)
Homecoming Peter Parker x Reader by: @love-allthingsmarvel Your date with Peter goes haywire when the Vulture crashes the Homecoming dance.
Late Night Kiss Peter Parker x Reader by: @thespideyimagines Spider-Man came crashing through your window at midnight and you had no idea what to do. (Series)
One Jump Ahead Peter Parker x Reader by: @imaginingadifferentlife You came up with theme songs for each Avenger and you decide Spider-Man’s to be ‘One Jump Ahead’ from Aladdin.
Regret Peter Parker x Reader (Royalty AU) by: @that-sokovian-bastard Royalty AU, where you are the princess of Kingdom of Avenge while Peter is the prince of the Kingdom of Midtown. (Series)
You Have No Idea Peter Parker x Reader by: @killer-barnes You and Peter go to school together, however once Peter shows up at Stark tower, you’re is curious as to why he is there.
Dysfunctional Parenting Steve Rogers x Reader by: @vibranium-ass You are the clumsiest person your friends and family knew. Your accident prone tendencies leads to comfort from your husband, Steve.
Pokémon Go Steve Rogers x Reader by: @buckyywiththegoodhair Steve uses the popularity of Pokemon Go as an excuse to spend more time with you.
BINGPOT! Avengers x Reader by: @avengerschatroom A group chat with the Avengers... with quotes from Brooklyn Nine-Nine.
Redemption Barry Allen x Reader by: @dccomicsimagines You are a meta-human who was sent to kill flash but fail because you end up falling for Barry.
Ditch Me Again Dick Grayson x Reader by: @attackonbatboys You and Dick were a couple but the relationship ended. He sees you after a few years and notices you with a child he never knew of... 
Your Family Needs Help Dick Grayson x Reader by: @uncpanda You help your boyfriend, Dick, take care of his brothers after their wisdom teeth removal.
Absurdity Jason Todd x Reader by: @posiey You defend Red Hood to someone who thinks he’s dangerous while Jason overhears. You declare yourself the leader of the Red Hood defense squad.
Attraction to a Stranger Jason Todd x Reader by: @avengerdragoness Jason is trying to get your attention at the airport by slipping a paper with his number on it in your favorite book.
Best Birthday Ever Jason Todd x Reader by: @dc-imagine-central You are a single mom and Jason’s next door neighbor. Jason agrees to babysit your son one day leading to your son’s best birthday ever.
Family Jason Todd x Reader by: @maruthor Domestic life with Jason and your life with an adorable yet noisy newborn.
Opening Up Jason Todd x Reader by: @batboys4life Jason has been through a lot with his death and resurrection and finally decides to open up to you.
Rough Night Jason Todd x Reader by: @tim-help You were up all night working on a research paper and Jason just got back from a rough night on patrol. You’re both tired and in desperate need for cuddles. (closed blog; moving to @florallfawn)
Stalker From Another Universe Jason Todd x Reader by: @addicted-to-dc You wake up to suddenly find yourself within your favorite comic book universe. But who or what sent you there in the first place? (Series)
You’re Who? Jason Todd x Reader by: @angstytodd You and Jason live together but you have yet to meet the Batfamily. One day the batboys come over to discuss something with Jason but hang out with you instead. While Jason is still asleep.
You Faked Your Death Jason Todd x Reader by: @batmagines Jason has come back years after his death.... and eats all of your favorite cereal.
What You Are to Me Jason Todd x Reader by: @batfamilyimagines You got a small Robin tattoo on your back after Jason’s death but Jason only notices it after he and you got together years later.
How Should I Tell Him? Tim Drake x Reader by: @imaginethatdc You are best friends with Red Robin and you ask him for advice on how to ask your friend Tim out.
Stargazing Tim Drake x Reader by: @dc-comics-imagines You are hanging out with Tim and stargazing when he falls asleep on your shoulder.
Military Sister Batfamily x Reader by: @redhoodshood You are a vigilante in the Batfamily and you want to join the military. (Series)
I Think I’m in Love With My Tutor Newt Scamander x Reader  by: @fantasticwritingandwheretoreadit You are one of the brightest Ravenclaws at Hogwarts and your excellence in Potions class leads you to tutor one of your professors struggling students; Newt Scamander.
Captain Black Sirius Black x Reader (Pirate AU) by: @azurakenway Pirate AU where the dashing pirate Captain Black saves you from your sinking ship. (Series)
Let’s Be Stupid Together Sirius Black x Reader by: @deerprongs You are James’s younger sister and Sirius always treats you like a sister but you like him. So you do your best to try to show him that you like him.
Meant To Be Sirius Black x Reader by: @felelotlen-felhotlen You are a muggle-born Gryffindor with a horrible relationship with your parents. For winter break, you decided to spend the holiday in the castle with this decision leading you to get to know Sirius Black. (Series)
Living With the Marauders Marauders x Reader by: @sleekeazyz Wanna know the ups and downs of living with the Marauders? Part one of this series is Sirius’ plan to ease your day during your time of the month. (Series)
If Only Dean Winchester x Reader by: @winchester-writes When you’re feeling down and beating yourself up inside, Dean is there to help and comfort you.
Last Words Dean Winchester x Reader by: @i-write-supernatural-imagines You express your feelings for Dean as he is dying before he turns into a demon.
Wood Smoke Dean Winchester x Reader by: @supernaturalfreewill You fall asleep in the back seat of the impala after a complicated case and start sleep talking about your crush on Dean.
My Boyfriend the Pharaoh Ahkmenrah x Reader by: @dem-obscure-imagines You know that hot mummy from Night at the Museum? Now imagine having a crush on him and becoming his *wait for it* BOYFRIEND. This fic is all around cute and fluffy.
Our Son Tadashi Hamada x Reader by: @you-plus-them You know the big brother in Big Hero 6? Well now you helped him create Baymax with a running joke that Baymax is the son of you and Tadashi. (closed blog; moved to @imagine-your-world)
Scars Tadashi Hamada x Reader by: @pepcvina That thing with Tadashi in Big Hero 6? Never happened. Kinda. There was a fire but he survived. The experience wasn’t pleasant and changed him. It takes you to bring back the old Tadashi.
Nocturnal Jason Todd x Lily de Sauveterre by: @guns-n-lilies Not only does she need to treat her boyfriend, Jason’s wounds, she needs to treat his brothers, Tim and Dick.
La Luna Jeremy Connors x Luna by: @imaginingadifferentlife Jeremy Connors is high school senior who isn’t well liked and as a way to escape his mundane life, he dreams at night of a beautiful girl whom he calls ‘Luna’. Alas, Luna is indeed a real girl, who later on transfers to Midwood. Will she be the same as the girl in his dreams or will he realize that dreams can create unrealistic expectations? (Series)
Good Boy Roy Harper x Maia Bailey by: @royslittleharper Maia has to take care of her boyfriend, Roy, after he has been turned into a dog leading to a surprise visit by Maia’s brother, Loki.
A Demigod’s Survival Guide To The Avengers Avengers x Grim Cassidy by: @with-the-words-all-wrong Grim Cassidy was always up for a challenge when Chiron assigns her, the daughter of Death himself, to help the Avengers understand the demigod world. (Series)
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crowleyaj · 7 years
hiii here are some options for fandom family (my # one will always be anne shirley but i don't see her on your list so here we go!!) 1- john watson from sherlock. 2- newt scamander from fb. 3- rose tyler from dw. i'll have to think up a quote/find a quote for whoever you pick. :)
hi! i added you as john. send the quote asap, please :) 
if you want to join our group chat, here is the link
join my fandom family
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lttleslytherin-blog · 7 years
Rene, May 22 2001, he\him, aspiring drummer\writer (mainly), the pen is mightier than the sword, Sirius, Newt Scamander, Dr. Brenner, Dr. Strange I'm sorry I did it wrong the first time. I'm still getting the hang of all this. I'd like to join your fandom family.
You got Sirius! Also, I’ll send you the link to the group chat. 
Want to join?
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hellcheer-munson · 7 years
Next Gen Scamander Headcanon | Linnet x Michael (with added Newt/Tina and a smidge of Jacob/Queenie)
In her first year at Hogwarts, Linnet walked into her first DADA lesson and had two choices; she could sit with a group of gigging girls who seemed friendly, or next to the Hufflepuff boy who was at the front on his own. She chose the boy; when they introduced themselves, she found out that his name was Michael Wood – she beamed and complimented him on his bag.
Michael had a crush on her from day on.
They were best friends all through their seven years at Hogwarts together, chatting and laughing and having fun; during the summer, they often visited each other. Michael, who had no brothers or sisters, found himself often thinking of the other Scamander children as being like siblings to him; he was especially fond of Wren, who was only four when he first visited the house.
Being honest, Newt and Tina saw Michael like another son a lot of the time; he was in the house or in the case a lot during the holidays, and there was an awkward shyness there that reminded Tina of her dear husband.
They remained best friends after graduating, meeting up nearly every day for lunch or something; Linnet went on to become an Auror, and Michael a Healer. He was still painfully aware that he had feelings of more than friendship for her but never said a word in case it ruined their friendship.
On a mission a few years down the line, Linnet’s team were attacked by rogue wizards working underground and she was taken hostage. They took away her wand and starved her, leaving her in a small stone cell with barely any heat or water. They beat her nearly every day, and it only continued to get worse; a week and a half after being captured, they started to take turns raping her. All she could think about was her family; when that became too painful, she found herself wishing for her best friend – she wanted to see his face, to have his company so she wasn’t alone. Photographs were taken and sent to the Ministry’s Senior Auror/Investigative Team – of which Tina and Phoenix were a part of – to taunt them.
Tina, of course, was angry and distressed and not sleeping this entire time because this was her daughter – she wanted to find Linnet and keep her safe, wanted to murder whoever had done this to her. Newt forgot his own philosophy about “worrying means you suffer twice” and worried; he paced and wrung his hands and fidgeted and found himself crying unexpectedly to his wife – he had always been especially close to Linnet, and this was torture for him of the worst kind.
Michael was absolutely distraught; despite not having any training whatsoever, he insisted on trying to help find her in whatever way he could – he went out on searches with Phoenix’s team, sat with Newt and Tina in the evenings so that they weren’t alone, consoled Wren. Not a moment passed where he didn’t worry about her and her safety, and he didn’t sleep at night.
It took them nearly an entire month to find Linnet; there was a short fight before the wizards were subdued and brought in for questioning. Linnet was rushed to St. Mungo’s immediately for treatment; Michael was there, and holding her hand, utterly relieved but also horrified at the state she’d been found in. They kept her in for a couple of weeks to monitor her healing progress and run tests; the scarring and torn tissue in certain areas confirmed the worst.
When it came to releasing her, it was decided that it would be best for her to not be alone in case of nightmares or the like – Linnet insisted that she stay with Michael, who had never left her side unless physically forced to. She trusted him with her life, she’d known him for so long, and he’s a trained Healer – if she needed any medical attention, then he would be on hand immediately. Michael agreed without a moment’s hesitation.
(She didn’t want to go with her parents – they had dealt with enough in their lives, she had decided, and her younger sister was still living at home; she didn’t want seventeen-year-old Wren, a Legilimens, seeing those images)
Healing was a long slow process, both physically and emotionally; she had nightmares every night about what had happened, reliving it, and she would wake up sobbing or close to tears; Michael would be there, wand alight, looking worried and comforting her – not as a Healer but as a friend. After a few nights, Linnet tentatively found herself asking if he could perhaps stay with her in the bed until she fell asleep. Michael, of course, hesitated at this but she convinced him to enlarge the bed so that there was more than enough space. She ended up falling asleep by his side, not touching but calmer because there was the warmth of another living person nearby and it was comforting to know that she wasn’t alone. It soon became a nightly thing – either she would wake from a nightmare and see him there or she would go to his room just to talk.
Michael still had growing feelings for her, but he was more than willing to be there as a friend – in whatever capacity she needed him, really. Because of what had happened, he found himself sick at the thought that he still fancied her because “Merlin, I can’t feel that way now because she’s been hurt badly and that’s wrong” – but he couldn’t help it, he cared about her and loved her. He was trying to help her heal but also dealing with his own misery and distress because he knew what happened, he had seen the photographs and heard the conversations about it, and it disgusted him that someone would do this to her, she didn’t deserve it.
Linnet found herself realizing after a while that she had feelings for him – but because of what had happened to her, she felt dirty, used, weak, and that he could do a lot better than someone like that. She told herself it would pass eventually, that it was just her clinging to him and blowing her emotions out of proportion.
The sleeping together didn’t exactly help either of them in regards to their conflicting feelings – of wanting something more but being fearful too. It was inevitable that it would happen some mornings: Michael would wake up, pressed against a warm body, and be horrified that his body was reacting in a certain way. When this happened, he would immediately move away from the bed to get away from her before she woke up and realized. He felt rather ashamed and angry with himself for his body betraying him like that.
Eventually Linnet was the one to admit to her feelings first – she could tell him anything, he was her best friend, and she needed to get it out in the open if nothing else. She admitted to him that she had found herself wanting more, and despite thinking he could do better…at the same time, she had found herself falling in love with him.
Michael was quiet as she talked, and when she finished he had swallowed, struggling to speak; he told her he had loved her for years, that he’d had a crush on her ever since he could remember, and it had never gone away – his feelings had simply gotten more intense. It was no longer a crush but he was in love with her too.
He asked her permission to kiss her, wary because what happened to her was always in the back of his mind, and she didn’t reply – instead she leaned forward and just did it. Nothing big or grand, just two people sharing a short, simple kiss and smiling afterwards awkwardly.
Their relationship was slow – it was slightly less awkward sharing a bed now that those feelings were out in the open, and they slept every night fully-clothed just…together.
After a few months, things got slightly out of hand – they were kissing and his hand brushed against her thigh by accident. Linnet freezed up, and then Michael had pulled away immediately because he knew something was wrong. He apologized profusely, and then she started crying because she knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but she was still incredibly scared because of what those men had done to her – even if Michael was different, there was still that reminder and it left her understandably frightened. He just carefully held her and listened before telling her she didn’t have to do anything she was uncomfortable with – he would never hurt her or push her, never.
It was months later that it finally happened; Michael was slow and careful, constantly reminding her “if you want to stop at any point then just say” and he let her be in control – he did whatever she said to do, to feel secure. There was no judgement in his eyes when he saw the scars left on her body (of which there were many); he just ran his fingers over them gently and said she was beautiful – and he really seemed to mean it. There was no rush, no urgency to get off: just a slow learning experience where he checked over and over again. Even when it was obvious that he was very much into the activity, he still told her she could say no and end it – but Linnet just smiled and told him she wanted it, wanted him. It was the most intimate and emotional moment because they were connected so intimately and he was in awe of her – there was no moving at first, just the two of them and soft whispers.
Afterwards, Michael had embraced her and continued to whisper adorations into her skin because he loved her; he loved her so much, and he would never hurt her so long as he lived. Linnet was crying but it was tears of joy and happiness and love.
A year later he asked her to marry him because she was the only one for him, that we would love and respect her; Linnet didn’t hesitate in her answer at all.
Newt cried at the wedding, both giving her away and while watching the ceremony; Tina was there trying to hide her own tears at Michael’s vows, and they were holding hands as they watched their daughter get married. Phoenix looked very emotional, even with a bouncing baby on his lap, and Leo was grinning from ear-to-ear. Wren was a bridesmaid, of course, and had tears streaming down her face. Before the ceremony she had taken her sister’s arm and winked: “he’s a good one, Lin.”
The Kowalskis were also in attendance too. Jacob made the best damn cake ever for them (he makes cakes for all the weddings in the family, let’s be real), every bit of icing immaculate and perfect; Queenie was sitting in the audience, holding his arm and they shared a lot of loving looks – even as they got older, they were a passionate couple. The female Kowalski cousins – Daisy, Ruth, Lucy and Penny – were also bridesmaids, of course, and the male Kowalski cousins – Toby, Abel and Elijah – were either cheering and clapping or beaming ear-to-ear.
And then there was Michael and Linnet themselves. Michael felt like the luckiest man alive, standing up there – it was the best day of his life without question. He told her that he’s enamoured by her, enraptured, and she’s the only girl he had ever loved. He was so happy that his heart could burst. Linnet was trying not to cry because of her make-up but there were tears escaping anyway – lots of tearful laughter and giggles before they shared their first kiss as a married couple.
The Niffler made an appearance, of course, let’s be realistic here: Newt just glared at him through his tears like “NO, get back in the case, you are NOT ruining this day” but Linnet picked Niff up and cuddled him – when no one was looking, she sneakily gave him a bunch of coins to keep him happy.
(Of course Tina saw and she just rolled her eyes – her family is incorrigible, the lot of them, but she loves them anyway)
Michael took Wren by the hand during the reception afterwards and they started dancing, much to everyone’s amusement; her own boyfriend/future husband, Jack was watching and chuckling. Linnet joined in during the next song and it was so much fun.
There were still nights where Linnet was plagued by nightmares, but Michael was always there, without fail, to comfort and reassure her. She felt safe with him, a calmness.
They were blessed three years later with a son who they called Lynx. Newt and Tina were only too overjoyed to have another grandchild (even if they didn’t quite feel that old yet – they’re the spritely kind of grandparents). Wren was godmother, of course.
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lostinthelightss · 4 years
literal chaos fire (ch.7)
Tumblr media
amazing banner by @downn-in-flames​ / down-in-flames@FFT
find it elsewhere: fft | ao3 | ff.net | hpff learn more: chaos universe link to other chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 link to missing moments: 5.5, 7.5, 8.5, 15.5
pairing: Lily Luna Potter / OC genre: AU, Humor, Romance rating: mature audiences
Victoire Weasley is a masters student in infectious diseases handling a devastating break up with her girlfriend of two years. Lily Potter is a first year law student navigating a figurative minefield that is the star quarterback’s unrequited affection. Molly Weasley is pursuing her bachelors in engineering while pining over her best friend - who doesn’t seem to realize it.
Three women, three vastly different lives, all coming together with group chats, family dinners, and a whole lot of chaos.
chapter summary:
mollydramatic: i just want to point out im not the one crying in a bathroom right now mollydramatic: and thats on character development
OCTOBER 29TH, 2021
‘literal chaos fire' (psychiclilz, mollydramatic, VickyBaby) 6:12pm
mollydramatic: please tell me you guys will be here soon mollydramatic: i made this mistake of letting xander bring someone mollydramatic: its been two fucking days and he's already got another girl mollydramatic: also she's dressed like an angel *gag*
VickyBaby: wait aren't you dressed like a devil?
mollydramatic: i don't wanna talk about it...
VickyBaby: also you have to stop letting this guy bring his fuck buddies to your house...
mollydramatic: i dont wanna talk about it!!!
psychiclilz: ugh, dont talk about costumes psychiclilz: i cant believe i let you guys talk me into this
VickyBaby: hey, monkeys are cute
psychiclilz: okay, but like i dont get why i *just had to be* a monkey? psychiclilz: why couldnt i be an angel? psychiclilz: then at least molly wouldn't look like she matches with some rando
mollydramatic: nope, i dont need an angel mollydramatic: if it becomes a problem, ill just spill some punch on her
VickyBaby: that's not exactly a great way to deal with your feelings
psychiclilz: yeah... maybe you should just tell him you like him psychiclilz: at least then he'll stop shoving his ‘relationships' in ur face
mollydramatic: ABSOLUTELY NOT
VickyBaby: have you met her? VickyBaby: she has no backbone VickyBaby: she'd probably start crying and then lock herself in the bathroom for an hour
mollydramatic: i know that's based on true events, but i still resent that mollydramatic: now get over here, and FAST
psychiclilz: ugh i still dont get why i agreed to this
VickyBaby: at least you arent a tree VickyBaby: evan decided to go as bob ross, but APPARENTLY VickyBaby: a white guy in an afro with a paint palette doesn't SCREAM bob ross VickyBaby: and now im covered in leaves and its so fucking itchy
mollydramatic: hey, you chose your couple costume buddy mollydramatic: im stuck with this weirdo
psychiclilz: have you even talked to her? psychiclilz: she could be nice
mollydramatic: yeah, her names *emerson* mollydramatic: gag mollydramatic: what kinda pretentious name is *emerson* mollydramatic: and in terms of talking, she hasn't *stopped* talking to me mollydramatic: help, please
psychiclilz: oh im gonna murder you psychiclilz: WILLIAM FUCKING FLYNN psychiclilz: ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???
VickyBaby: hey, curious george and the man in the yellow hat are classics VickyBaby: anyways you guys look cute
mollydramatic: well, you might if you weren't AWOL
VickyBaby: oh, shut up, you like it
mollydramatic: i just want to point out im not the one crying in a bathroom right now mollydramatic: and thats on character development
psychiclilz: this is so embarrassing, he probably thinks i planned this psychiclilz: and after the disaster date too psychiclilz: he thinks im a stalker and is gonna get a restraining order
mollydramatic: hey, ive spent like 2 hours with people coming up to me and saying emerson and i are a ‘cute couple' mollydramatic: you can deal with being coupled with the hottest person at this party
VickyBaby: excuse you
mollydramatic: sorry, hottest *guy*
VickyBaby: thank you <3 VickyBaby: anyways, emerson is really hot in that babydoll
mollydramatic: wow, thanks so much, my ego really needed that hit mollydramatic: alright, i need some alcohol and im guessing lilz does too mollydramatic: shots?
psychiclilz: god, yes please
(Scorpius Malfoy, William Flynn) 9:04pm
William: i thought you said she wanted nothing to do with me William: now i look like an insane person William: she's going to think i'm a stalker
Scorpius: hey, i had no part in this Scorpius: but rose wont stop smiling, so im guessing it was the unholy trinity
William: what?
Scorpius: the unholy trinity - vic, lily, molly Scorpius: disasters, all three of them, especially when together
William: wait so... lily planned this?
Scorpius: ... Scorpius: probably not, but i'd bet my life the others two did Scorpius: and managed to convince rose to help
William: but lily wants nothing to do with me William: she even ran away as soon as she saw me...
Scorpius: yeah, idk man Scorpius: the weasleys are terrors, the lot of them Scorpius: but especially the unholy trinity
(Lily Potter, William Flynn) 10:44pm
Lily: wiiiilliam flynn Lily: whhhere did u go???
William: oh, uh, hey William: sorry, i wasnt having a great time so i ducked out about half an hour ago William: whats up
Lily: i justt Lily: im sorry my cousins orchrestated this whole thing Lily: im swear i didnt know anything Lily: not that ur not a sexy af man in the yellow hat Lily: but im sure ur gf wouldve been a better curous geroge
William: i dont have a girlfriend
Lily: ... scorp saif you were seeing someone
William: oh, yeah, one of the cheerleaders asked me out a few times William: but that was nothing William: im kinda into someone else... 
Lily: oh... Lily: wwwwwillliam flyyyn
William: Lily Potter
Lily: will u com back and drive mehome? Lily: i will buy u ice cream
William: yeah, of course, ill be right there
(Lysander Scamander, Molly Weasley) 11:26pm
Lysander: hey, have you seen emerson? Lysander: i cant find her Lysander: or you for that matter, but that's not surprising
‘old fogies' (Fred [the smart dumb one], Lily [ur 15mins older], James [the older twin], Molly [the dumb smart one], Rose [the granger], Vic [the science beb]) 11:42pm
James [the older twin]: guyss, wheres @Molly [the dumb smart one] and @Lily [ur 15mins older] James [the older twin]: aslo fuck offf lily, im stil older
Rose [the granger]: ARE THEY LOST AGAIN!?!
Lily [ur 15mins older]: sooory, iw ent home Lily [ur 15mins older]: @Vic [the science beb] have u seen mollz?
Vic [the science beb]: i think she said shee was gonna crash?
James [the older twin]: hmmm, allrgith James [the older twin]: fuck James [the older twin]: anyways, if you seee a girl in an angle cosutme let xander now James [the older twin]: his dates missing
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