#Savant Care
tevintersnakes · 4 months
The reason why in Fo4 the Institute only has one medical physician (Dean Volkert) who's working 16 hours a day is cos when Antyllus was doing the equivalent of his residency under him Antyllus got so immensely pissed off at his practices that it contributed to his I am going to prove everyone wrong by making synths of myself and his inevitably skedaddling that immediately followed
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bugcatcherwill · 11 days
hate to be mushy about them but they've been in my head all day and I cannot get rid of them
what if the sledge and rezek pairing was called stormbreaker. like. the hammer. I've been thinking about it All Fucking Day and I need to KNOw
I honestly love Rezek and Sledge's dynamic. Sledge being the first one to get Rezek to truly open up after its whole tragedy means so much to me. AND THEY WAY THEY BOTH HAVE A LOT OF SELF-BLAME BUT CANNOT STAND IT WHEN THE OTHER STARTS TO DO IT AND SNAPS THEM OUT OF IT AAAAAAAAAAAA
God now I'm thinking of how Rezek being a Wizzrobe would be one of the only one able to purposely float up to match Sledge's eye level without it have to squat ohhhhh,,,,,,
This is like.....absolutely intentional but I love nearly everyone being smitten for Sledge. I've made several jokes about how everyone wants it around and being a "hot commodity" and all but it really has nearly everyone gravitating towards it kjhasdfjhkl
It's been real fun to write too >:3
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since i have no idea what akasha's like since i've never read the books, i'll just assume she's like a desi 22 yo who has grandma hobbies.
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ch0sene · 7 months
btw in my world halsin himself speaks to any partner of tav's that is potentially entering into a poly dynamic with them, whether they discussed that as a triad or a v - really, in my world, they all three of them sit down and talk about it together to air any reservations and/or misconceptions. if there is ever anything less than enthusiastic consent given for the negotiated arrangement, he will recuse himself, expressing his best wishes for the couple.
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kantraels · 8 months
the nice part about fanatic canonically telling seer stories in the valkyrie (and seer at least nominally paying attention before their mind wanders) means that Kal absolutely tells Kenna stories when they’re having a bad day, and sometimes it doesn’t even seem like preaching
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the one time my show's (not mine but yk very small fandom) tag is actually used and it's for ridicule and discourse. now that stuff will be the only stuff you can see :/
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few more Musings on Possibilities working off of the premise that winston's dick energy is related to the [psych (lol.) this is Wendy's new therapist, really] subplot:
just that ofc maybe he doesn't quit before/at the start of the episode. that would just be a hypothetical way for higher ups to realize this therapist (is modern psychoanalysis inherently a therapeutic practice? i think so. ugh grimacing sighing at looking up the theory / origins of any psychiatric practice but lord when isn't that the case. automatically i want more for winston, for anyone, than even a theoretically good fit psychiatrist) exists. since this hinges on anyone considering his quitting enough of a disruptive problem somehow to be motivating, versus maybe a comedic "btw anyone seen winston like, this week, now that i think about it" "[unsure murmurings]" moment about it.
maybe ppl are bothering to interact with just him outside the office, that we get to see, b/c of some different avenue of singling out: like that i do figure if winston wanted to see a therapist he would not go to wendy / not consider going to her, so after twisting anyone else's arm about where all this coordination amongst employees to Hurt Wendy's Ego came from, it's quickly like, oh yeah it was winston who started it, he recommends it to his friend with so many problems tuk, or ben, or some such deal. then everyone goes off to twist winston's arm about it too, asap, nigh literally
maybe it's about figuring this is some nefarious plan of winston's; wags being a good friend to wendy by killing all nerds who won't accept her performance coaching(tm). and/or about wresting info about this nefarious rival therapist from him as the expert (seeing her first / the longest), or him as A person seeing her who they most feel like grilling for information like hey nobody wants to accidentally make ben cry again but if winston cries b/c you were assaulting him then who cares, go see your fancy new therapist about how you're a total pussy. maybe wags just can't stand winston possibly having the choice to give them info, or even to take his time in doing so, basically being the "sure some ppl don't like getting their hands dirty. some babies don't have the stomach for it. but torture works! & i'm just the loose cannon committed to The Goals to stop waffling around about it" cliche, &/or is Disproving any approach that might treat winston like a person like no, treating him like a nonperson is the way, how can we stand otherwise? meanwhile the secret edge this person has is the basic obvious shit in contrast to even wendy's non special occasion therapy(? performance coaching) tactics are still just "i want to hurt you as much as i possibly can" & how just like her official job goals are wringing as much from employees as possible & making sure the company can steamroll them in any matter if convenient, a lot of which entails supporting the egos & enabling the behaviors of the employees who shit on everyone else. and here's dollar bill, wags. rian, "wendy's people" from the start....herself. axe. prince on occasion
maybe there's absolutely no especial reason for going after winston except that the audience gets the setup that assaults are no stakes & entertaining if it's winston who's targeted, so we won't be asking for further explanation lol literally do not care. little a treat for him, in his maybe last episode for maybe no especial reason, to maybe see him attacked thusly in his own home, that doesn't look like a particularly characterized setting. if that's even where he is
antibonus points if the cool new therapist shit talks winston still lmao like even if to basically Also pull a wendy like "ohh some ppl are just sooo complex & interesting (as though axe doesn't run on one line of code abt continuously feeding his ego & everyone/everything being fodder for that b/c that's the only way he can view anything & his potential interactions with them. b/c all that there is is Feeding His Ego)" where she'll dismiss all those other peons she treats like heh heh yes whatever Them, open & shut bunch of losers but i'm still nice to them b/c that's my brand of professionalism. but, wendy! You! you're Extraordinary! in fact i'll drop them all to take you on, as further incentive / b/c you'd be the one standout worthy case :)
bonus points is, supposing winston quits After being graced with whatever treatment in the episode & after being given fucked up input like that maybe he hinges his self esteem too much on what this job or anyone or anything associated with it seems to validate. but that maybe it's also about the treatment he's gotten repeatedly, the whole time, & he gets to say anything about it, & nobody gets to just tell him to shut up / pwn him so that in establishing him as the loser/inferior, nothing he says matters
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karmaphone · 2 years
when ur just trying to enjoy ur day but
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no-song-so-sweet · 11 months
i saw your name, for the first time in four years today. it wasn’t even really your name, but your social media handle. i woke up to it in my inbox; you reblogged one of my posts.
i have to admit something. i had forgotten we were mutals, and i had, quite frankly, never expected to see you again, in any capacity.
actually, i have to admit to something else - i didn’t attend new york pride for awhile because i was terrified i would run into you, and frankly, i don’t know how i would have handled it. i went once, with a group of your friends, and the following year, your girlfriend texted me to ask where i was, and the truth of the matter is that we had never talked about it. we never talked about it, and i wasn’t going to travel two hours to a place i wasn’t sure i was wanted, so i didn’t go. i attended pride events closer to home, and remembered you once a year when i thought about new york, and chose philadelphia instead, except this year, where a bunch of fellow researchers and i descended upon dc, and for one, glorious pride, i didn’t think about my first.
you became a ghost in my world, a string of text messages about cats where we last spoke, a string about student loans where we didn’t, and several months later, finally. a single message from the start of the pandemic, asking you to stay healthy. we hadn’t spoken in five months, but i still wanted you to be okay.
i don’t know if you’ll ever see this post. i don’t know if you’ll read it, if you’ll recognize yourself or me in my words. i don’t know that i care. because here’s the thing.
we were friends. and then we weren’t. you were the driving force behind my single most popular fanfiction on ao3, it still gets hits, and comments, and kudos. it shows up in rec lists, which always astounds me, because it was originally just a line of crack texts we sent each other. a joke that i put out into the world. you took me to my first pride event, my first con. we met in philadelphia, once. we were going to go to the art museum, and instead i spent half the night driving around the city.
we were friends, and then we weren’t, and i, with the exception of my refusal to go to new york, moved on. i wrote other things, i still do (little drabbles of things, but there’s a document saved that’s professional. i started it last year, and it’s nonfiction, but it’s my baby). i got a girlfriend, and lost her because we fell out of love (we still talk, still laugh. we fell out of love, not out of like, and i’m delighted she found someone new, and equally delighted that i’m friends with both of them). my roving band of researchers have also gone to comicon (we haven’t cosplayed yet, but there’s talk in the groupchat, and either way, i’ve got fabric and a plan). i go to museums on the regular, i take a different friend every time, and we always have a blast.
somewhere in between you vanishing and today, i fell back in love with life. i got passionate about things, i started exploring again. i remembered the things that i loved before i got depressed, and i got better. life got better, even as the world goes to shit.
and i want you to know, if you see this, that you don’t have to reach back out. this isn’t meant to be a guilt trip, but rather, a treatise on how sometimes people touch our lives in interesting ways, and how sometimes, they intersect again for brief moments that make us think about the person we used to be and the person we are now. so yeah, you’re welcome to pop back in. i won’t turn you away if you do. but if you don’t, that’s alright. we’ve drifted apart, and that’s something that happens. regardless of what you do, i just want you to know that i hope you’re having a great life. i hope you’re doing what you love, i hope that you’re in love, i hope that you’re happy. because i don’t think we’re friends now. but we were, once.
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mspopstar · 1 month
King Dedede please tell us some cool Waddle Dee facts!
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Cool Waddle Dee fact number one! Waddle Dees are buoyant! It's no surprise that Waddle Dees are great swimmers, you'd have to be when it's physically impossible for you to drown! Seriously, they'll always float and it's difficult for a Waddle Dee to dive underwater because of this.
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Cool Waddle Dee fact number two! Waddle Dees are what I'd call selective savants! It's no secret that Waddle Dees aren't very smart. It's sad but very true. They're simple to a fault. But! That doesn't mean ya' can just write em' all off as dumbasses! No, no, no! If you have a Waddle Dee there's a good chance that if placed in the right environment near the right thing can cause that Waddle Dee to become a downright pro at anything! Problem is, it's only that one thing. I've been studying this phenomenon myself and I think I'm close to cracking the code.
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Cool Waddle Dee fact number three! Waddle Dees don't have an' don't need no names! Yup! You heard it here! They don't have a need for names. At most they'll use titles for documentation but that's about it. I don't quite get it myself, but I have a working theory it's all on scent and pheromones like insects!
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Speaking of insects! Cool Waddle Dee fact number four! There's a common belief that the little guys work as a hive mind and you're not wrong! Mhm! If you gather enough Waddle Dees and there's a task that requires more than two hands we'll you'll start ta' notice that the Waddle Dees will work as if they're one of the same and that's what happens! I believe it's a form of survival instinct, being so vulnerable working together is key! It only lasts for as long as the Waddle Dee(s) needs it. Freaky, right?
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Waddle Dee fact number five! Waddle Dee babies! Very cute! Look at it? Doesn't have a care in the world! Little thing doesn't even know the first thing about knowing! Gyahahahaha!
-King Dedede the First, Ruler of Dream Land
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pompadourpink · 2 months
Literal French expressions
À deux - at two
À la + n. - in the style of
À la carte - at the menu
À la mode - in fashion
Amateur - lover
Après-ski - after skying
À propos - about
Armoire - wardrobe
Art nouveau - new art
Au naturel - plain
Au pair - at the peer
Auteur - author
Avant-garde - before guard
Bête noire - black beast
Blasé - jaded
Bon appétit - good appetite
Bon voyage - good journey
Boutique - shop
Buffet - credenza
Bureau - office
Canapé - couch
Carte blanche - white card
C'est la vie - that's life
Chauffeur - warmer (n.)
Chef - leader
Cliché - picture
Clique - gang
Connaisseur - "knower"
Coup d'état - blow of state
Coup de grâce - blow of mercy
Coup de foudre - blow of lightning
Couture - sewing (n.)
Cul-de-sac - ass of the bag
Début - beginning
Débutante - beginner
Déjà-vu - already seen
Dénouement - untying
Dossier - file
Double entendre - double hear
... du jour - of the day
Eau de toilette - washing water
Eau de vie - life water
Encore - again
Ennui - boredom
En route - in road
Ensemble - together
Entourage - people surrounding you
Entrepreneur - starter (n.)
Essai - attempt
Esprit de l'escalier - spirit of the stairs
Étiquette - label
Exposé - exposed
Façade - frontage
Faux pas - fake step
Femme fatale - deadly woman
Film noir - black movie
Fin de siècle - end of century
Flâneur - "stroller"
Femme - woman
Folie à deux - madness at two
Foyer - fireplace, home
Gamine - female kid (casual)
Gauche - left
Gendarme - person of weapons
Je ne sais quoi - I don't know what
Laissez-faire - let (someone) do (imperative)
Laissez-passer - let (someone) pass
L'appel du vide - the call of the void
Lingerie - underwear
Maître d' - master o'
Mardi gras - fat Tuesday
Matinée - morning
Ménage à trois - household at three
Mon/ma chéri-e - my cherished
Montage - mounting
Motif - pattern
Mural - on the wall (adj.)
Né-e - born
Négligé - neglected
Nom de plume - feather name
Parole - word
Petite - small (adj.)
Pied-à-terre - foot on land
Poilu - hairy
Pot pourri - rotten pot
Pourboire - for drink
Première - first
Prêt-à-manger - ready to eat
Protégé - protected
Renaissance - rebirth
Rendez-vous - appointment
Répertoire - directory
Résumé - summary
Risqué - risked
Robe - dress
Rouge - red
RSVP - answer please
Sans-culottes - without pantaloons
Savant - "knower" (n.)
Savoir-faire - know how to do (v.)
Savoir-vivre - know how to live
Séance - session
Soirée - evening
Souvenir - memory
Suite - sequel, development
Surveillance - careful watching
Tête-à-tête - head to head
Touché - touched
Tour - circuit
Trompe-l'oeil - cheats the eye
Venue - came
Vignette - sticker, label
Vis-à-vis - face to face
Voyeur - "seer"
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Ballet vocabulary:
Allongé - laid down
Balancé - swinged
Balançoire - swing (n.)
Battu - battered
Brisé - broken
Chassé - chased
Chaînés - chained
Ciseaux - scissors
Coupé - cut
Dégagé - cleared
Développé - developed
Échappé - escaped
En cloche - in bell
En croix - in cross
Entrechat - between braid
En pointe - in tip
Failli - almost did
Fouetté - whipped
Glissade - sliding
Plié - bent
Jeté - thrown
Manège - carousel
Pas de bourrée - drunk step
Pas de chat - cat step
Pas de cheval - horse step
Pas de deux - step of two
Pas de valse - waltz step
Penché - leaned
Piqué - pricked
Port de bras - carry of arms
Relevé - lifted back up
Renversé - titled, bent backwards
Retiré - removed
Rond de jambe - leg circle
Temps de flèche - arrow time Tendu - stretched
Temps lié - linked time
Tombé - fallen
Tour en l'air - turn in the air
Kitchen vocabulary:
Amuse-bouche - mouth entertainer
Bain-Marie - Mary bath
Café au lait - milky coffee
Casserole - pot
Cordon bleu - blue ribbon
Crème brûlée - burnt cream
Crème de la crème - cream of the cream
Crème fraîche - fresh cream
Croissant - crescent
Éclair - lightning
Entrée - entrance
Filet mignon - cute net
Flambé - blazed
Foie gras - fat liver
Fondant - melting
Fondue - melted
Gourmet - foodie
Hors d'oeuvre - out of the work
Légume - vegetable
Liqueur - liquid
Mille-feuille - thousand leaf
Mousse - foam
Pâté - pasted
Roux - redhead(ed)
Sauté - jumped
Sautoir - "jumper"
Soufflé - blown
Velouté - velvety
Fanmail - masterlist (2016-) - archives - hire me - reviews (2020-) - Drive
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skayafair · 4 months
You know what, it's so refreshing seeing clearly autistic-coded characters like Edwin and Niko portrayed with so much emotion. They aren't the cold sociophobic savant stereotype - yes, both aren't that great with people (Niko tries her best <3), very book smart and I believe Edwin is more on the introverted side of the scale, and both are pretty reserved in their displays of emotion by default, but they do still show their feelings (which can burst out full volume, especially in Niko's case).
And they both so painfully obviously care.
It's easier to see with Niko who goes all out once broken from her self-inflicted solitary confinement in her apartment. Edwin doesn't show that much at first, especially with his reaction to Crystal. But by gods does he care - not even just about Charles and later Crystal and Niko. The ghosts and people they meet don't leave him indifferent either, it's just not always possible for the emotions to be reflected on the outside.
The show just keeps giving huh.
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it-is-only-a-novel · 8 months
Neurodivergent: a list
A list of those who are included under the "neurodivergent" label.
Applied Neurodiversity
Dissociative disorders
Depersonalization-derealization disorder (DpDr)
Dissociative amnesia
Dissociative identity disorder (DID)
Other specified dissociative disorder (OSDD)
Unspecified dissociative disorder
Eating disorders:
Anorexia nervosa
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID)
Binge-eating disorder
Bullimia nervosa
Mental illnesses:
Delusional disorder
Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Personality Disorders:
Cluster A:
Paranoid personality disorder
Schizoid personality disorder
Schizotypal personality disorder
Cluster B:
Antisocial personality disorder
Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
Histrionic personality disorder (HPD)
Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
Cluster C:
Avoidant personality disorder
Dependent personality disorder
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Personality change due to another medical condition
Personality disorder not otherwise specified (PD-NOS)
personality disorder trait specified (PD-TS)
Tic disorder
Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder
Tourette syndrome
Transient tic disorder
Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI)
Angelmans Syndrome
Auditory processing disorder
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
Body integrity identity disorder (BIID)
Bipolar disorder
Depersonalization-derealization disorder (DPDR)
Down syndrome
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)
Fragile X syndrome
Intellectual disability
Irlen Syndrome
Meares-Irlen Syndrome
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Obsessive love disorder (OLD)
Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections (PANDAS)
Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS)
Savant Syndrome
Williams Syndrome/Williams Beuren Syndrome
This is by no means a full list.
If you: see that I'm missing something, or
want me to rephrase something, or
have a resource to share, or
have a suggestion for organizing the list
please let me know in the comments/rebloggs.
I'm autistic and I love making lists. I also hope it may help spread awareness about neurodivergent people!
I am not an expert. But I do believe that we should be careful to include people in the neurodivergent umbrella. We are stronger together.
Updated: 9/2/24
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bixels · 4 months
your tags about mercy being one of the most complex characters- YES!!! theres a log in one of ana's gun inspection modes where it mentions how mercy DESPISED her healing magic/science being used for evil on the battlefield, and there's an ingame line of her saying "power boost working as envisioned!" and it just reminds me how she was lied to, forced unto the battlefield when in reality she just wanted to help people with her inventions and thats the only way they said she could do it. AGH. Hippocratic oath!!
Which is why I never seriously bought into Moicy (I get the hatefucking though) as a serious ship because realistically, Mercy would absolutely abhor Moira with every fiber of her being.
This is gonna be a really hot take for gay Overwatch-knowers, but. I preferred when Moira didn't exist as a character in the story and her whole selfish philosophy of 'progress at any cost' existed as Mercy's darker side. I was really interested in Mercy's 'holier than thou' demeanor (her battle uniform is an angel costume, for god's sake). I found it so interesting that Mercy was the one who turned Gabriel into Reaper (it was assumed canon until retconned by Moira). Or that Mercy "saved" Genji by installing ninja stars into his knuckles and turning his body into a killing machine (which is why, imo, I don't think Mercy would ever be in love with Genji. He'd be a constant reminder of the power she holds yet tries to ignore, the ways she's unbelievably fucked her patients up in the past. A reminder that she's not as good a person as others believe her to be). I'm personally really into the idea that Mercy has two sides in her: the side who truly cares about healing people and the side who's so full of hate and anger for the perceived enemy that she unconsciously fuels her rage into the people who rely on her. Turning people into living weapons to "fix" them and fight her battles. Reminder that she watched her parents walk out on her as a child to volunteer medical work for the Omnic Crisis, only for them to die and leave her orphaned and alone. Is she doing this to take care of people, or is she doing this to avenge her parents (the official site says it's only the former, but I think that's boring as fuck)? I think it can be both at the same time, but sometimes she prioritizes one motive over the other. I think the "angelic, cheery healer" is a persona she instinctively uses to veil her selfish motivations, to everyone and to herself. Reminder that she was also lauded as a savant, a prodigy, a teenage genius who literally revolutionized medical science before she could legally vote. You cannot expect me to believe that she's truly altruistic, that everything she does is for the betterment of humanity and out of the goodness of her heart.
I don't think she's a malicious person at all, just someone who doesn't want to admit she has ulterior motives.
Anyways, she's not actually this interesting in the game or the story.
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kantraels · 9 months
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ritekal coded
unlike the fan favorite "not to me, not if it's you" this is more confident, it's blunter, the emotion is drawn back from passionate entreaty to calm statement of fact. in the same way, rite and kal grow to lean on each other more than either would care to admit. it's a reflection of their roles on the strike team, honestly; rite is a steady bastion, precise and anchored. kal is a rover, always circling and always in the fray, on the alert for anything that might slip through rite's defenses. kal makes fun of rite for not watching his flank, but he doesn't need to. rite chides kal for overextending and getting swarmed, but he's still right there to lock down a horde and let kal get his feet back under him.
and then rite is there at the end of missions too, when kal is falling asleep on the storm raptor and can't walk straight or is injured in fifty different places. and though kal may not be as gentle about it, or as kind, he's there too.
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ninibeingdelulu · 3 months
Silence ✧
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Plot: You, one of the nurse of the Task Force 141, take care of his injury.
A/N: Guys— I know I said I’m gonna take a break but this have been in my mind and I wanted to share it with y’all😭 so my final post until exams is gonna be abt kaiser!!
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It's been another one of those brutal ops that left the boys of Task Force 141 pretty banged up as usual.
Holed up back at the safe house, you're the only nurse on duty tonight handling their medical needs post-mission.
The door to the makeshift triage bay suddenly kicks open with Lieutenant Ghost himself stalking inside with that icy unreadable vibe he always gives off.
Like he's some sorta apex predator assessing any potential prey in his vicinity even among allies.
With his usual skull baclava, he head toward a chair without a word. Then he just calmly lifts his bloodstained shirt exposing that frighteningly huge, scarred torso built like some kinda walking brick shithouse.
You can't help the nervous gulp escaping as those piercing steel-black eyes bore straight through you standing there frozen.
Sizing you up like some helpless little rabbit ready to be ripped apart by those massive bear-paw mitts clenching fistfuls of shredded fatigues.
Until your medical training finally clicks into autopilot gear catching sight of the nasty bullet graze scorched across his lower abdominal slabs.
Gnarly enough to require patching up judging by the steady trickle still seeping out between those ridges.
You give the subtlest shake snapping out of it then retrieve the first aid kit heading over.
Carefully avoiding those glacial irises still tracking you as you silently kneel before the seated Lieutenant without uttering a word.
Once situated between those tree-trunk thighs you get to work cleaning and disinfecting the jagged wound with the antiseptic wipes.
Ghost barely even flinches when the alcohol solution hits that raw patch of burger meat - dude's an absolute stoic savant when it comes to playing through pain.
At least until you hear the faintest hiss slipping past those clenched jaws when you apply slightly too much pressure against the tender injury.
Instantly you freeze then murmur a hushed apology, letting your touch turn gossamer light yet still effectively cleaning the gash while he stays utterly motionless.
Something about the close proximity between you both suddenly amplifies, like both your heartbeats are syncing up while you focus on meticulously wrapping those sterile bandages around Ghost's midsection.
Even through all that scar-tissue cratering his abdomen you can feel the searing warmth radiating off in pulsating waves.
Against your better judgment you chance a glance upwards to check if everything's still good on his end.
But the second your gaze meets that utterly primal smokey-black stare piercing straight through you, it's like every nerve ending in your body ignites simultaneously.
Those razor-sharp raptor eyes hungrily drink in every subtle shift and flex of your form positioned so vulnerably below him.
Heart thundering against your ribcage now as realization dawns about just how terrifyingly easy it would be for those titanic arms to completely overpower and snap you like a damn twig.
Yet a deeper core-level current also hums between the charged particles gathering unbearably thick in the air around you both too.
Stoking thrills of a different sort pulsing through your veins beyond just the mortal peril his presence typically broadcasts.
By the time you finish securing the gauze wrappings and carefully rise back upright, your throat's gone bone dry.
Forcing you to swallow hard glancing away while reminding him not to overexert. To diligently rest and hydrate sufficiently over the next few recovery days so you don't hafta come redress this all over again.
But the second your back's turned gathering those scattered supplies, you audibly inhale feeling Ghost's furnace-like proximity crowding up against you from behind.
Not overtly threatening yet - rather merely an intoxicatingly heady presence amplifying that strange tension crackling across your hypersensitive nerve endings exquisitely.
Those steel-cable forearms extending across both sides bracketing you in while his ragged whisper ghosts up the nape of your neck with a scorching caress.
"Much obliged, then...for always patching us up good as new, Doc..."
The words alone already skated the boundaries of impropriety.
But coupled with that dangerously carnal subtext rumbling just beneath the surface instantly flash-fried your higher cognitive processes into vapor.
You remained utterly petrified in place absorbing the infinitesimal sensations of his titanium frame pressing so tantalizingly close yet not fully against you while Ghost silently withdrew.
Leaving your entire body combusting from the inside out without another word spoken between you both...
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