#Savannah musings
sinistersxns · 1 year
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sweetfridays · 1 year
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♡ savannah smith via tiktok ( whoissavannahsmith )
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inafieldofdaisies · 3 months
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nonevasive · 5 months
thinking abt mean girls and LPS popular parallels on this fine monday evening… they rlly were the blueprint
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guiltychems · 2 months
open to: m / f / nb.
plot: met in the same small town, grew really close to each other, made a promise to leave together. y/m ended up leaving town first without saying anything to her and now their meeting again years later. unrequited (and unresolved) feelings could definitely be involved.
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“ we made a promise, didn’t we? ” savannah questions, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill. all the time that has passed and yet, despite it, the brunette can’t help but to feel all the emotion creeping back up to her. it almost made her feel sick. “ it was suppose to be you and me. the two of us gettin’ out together and then you just .. left. you didn’t even say goodbye. ”
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wildeinsp · 2 years
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ladyellerising · 1 year
(Rolls in on light-up Heelys whilst eating a packet of Cheetos, crumbs all over my shirt) What if I were to write a reverse, monster Pygmalion retelling in which a woman falls in love with a gargoyle made by her sculptor father? What then?
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c1tyhaunts · 10 months
today i decided Lilah deserves two resemblance claims, because the way Savannah Smith has a hold on me and her isms/looks are very Lilah-Esque?? Murder me
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wyrdhearth · 1 year
@wereveaux gets a shippy starter. savannah woodham ➵ alcide herveaux.
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𝐬𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐡 𝐰𝐨𝐤𝐞 𝐮𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧 𝐮𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐫 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦, and immediately was transported to her teen years, sneaking into the rooms of boys whose mouths tasted like whiskey and girls whose bodies were soft against her own. savannah's last hook up must have been.... four years ago. jesus, time flew by.
she groaned softly as she sat up, feeling around her face for her glasses –– sometimes, when she went a little hard on the wine, she fell asleep without wrapping her hair up, and they got tangled in her twists. but no –– her glasses weren't there. she glanced over at the man beside her, and in her honeyed drawl asked, ❝ mornin', you uh... seen my glasses anywhere? ❞
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sinistersxns · 7 months
Muse Blurbs
Savannah was up bright and early, in her office, doing the mundane things. Checking bills, writing checks, doing the math, and making sure everything else that was illegal was going smoothly. Glancing at the clock, she read the time. 8:30. She sighed softly to herself and carried on with the day, lifting her cup and taking a small sip of the still-too-hot coffee.
“Ms. Garza. You’re 9 is here.” Her phone speaker announced and she looked at the clock. 8:59.
“Let them in.” She responded, putting the pen down and crossing her legs as she relaxed into her chair. Keeping an eye on the clock, she smirked a little, watching the big hand shift the time to exactly nine and then heard the click of her office door opening and her assistant letting in four large men.
“Good morning gentlemen. Have a seat.” She purred, picking a small strand of hair off her cream colored skirt. Of course the rival mob boss sat down across from her, and she smiled sweetly at him but her senses kicked in.
Slight breeze on her right cheek. Temperature about 72 degrees. Four men, two armed, one guarding the door and the fat man himself surely to have the gun as well.
“What can I do for you today Gabriel?” She hummed, twisting her chair back and forth a little at a slow pace, and letting her left hand rest on the cool glass of her desk.
“You can start by getting your poor excuse for soldiers out of my city.” The thick New York accent wasn’t lost on her but she just smiled.
“I’m afraid I can’t do that Gabriel. I have ports to run. Important and quality packages to sell.” She retorted, watching at the man just chuckled, like he had the upper hand here because she was a woman and had no guard in the immediate area. But he would be wrong.
Two snipers on the building behind her, ready for her to give the signal if needed. But she wouldn’t need them.
“That’s where your wrong Garza.” Arrogance dripped off his voice when he said her last name and it made her skin crawl. But instead she just took a deep breath, losing her patience already.
“I have more loyal customers than you. And paying ones.” He said as if it were a fact but what he didn't know was that Savannah was quickly changing that.
“Break a few bones, kill a few family members and loyalty quickly changes hands Gabriel. You should know that.” She said quietly, her smile gone and her dark brown eyes turning cold and soulless. And, of course, the polite air had turned into bristled and charged air between them. The kind of feeling one gets when waiting to see who would swing first.
When he stiffened, so did the body guards, and she caught a glimpse of which arm twitched as they moved to rest their hands on their guns, only halting when the fat man himself raised a hand to halt their actions. He was a smart man, perhaps he could sense that Savannah had more up her sleeve than she was letting on. In which case, he would be right.
Pursing her full lips in faux contemplation, she shifted forward in her chair, picking up her coffee and taking a sip, letting the silence get thicker and thicker with each passing second. After a moment, she set down the mug, purposely slowing down her actions to inflate their anxiousness and uncertainty as she held her gaze with the rival mob boss. A silent battle of dominance and playing chicken all in one.
“So…" She broke the silence finally. "Are you going to kill me?” The young mob queen asked, looking down at her desk and doing the little thing of straightening the pen, shuffling papers into a neat pile and making sure her desk light was in just the right spot, two inches to the left of where it was previously.
“If you don’t agree to pack up your shit, get the fuck outta my city and leave my buyers alone, then yes. My boys here will fill your perfect tight little body with bullets and toss you off the bridge.”
Looking at the men, she smiled a little before opening her top desk drawer and pulling out the solid gold gun that was crafted specially for her. Setting it on the desk slowly, the guards drew their guns and she noted which hand was holding them.
“Think you can?” She asked with a cocky smile.
And that was all it took. The tension in the air finally charged and cracked with her words as everyone sprung into action. Guns were raised, cocked and fingers pulling the triggers. But Savannah was milliseconds ahead of them already. She grabbed her gun, pulled the trigger three times as her arm moved from right to left. Two for the armed guards and one for the fat man in front of her. The silence settled in once more, bodies crumpled on her carpet and in her expensive leather chair. The one man left guarding her office door, wore a surprised and shocked look on his face when he finally registered that the other men had dropped like sacks of potatoes on her nice carpet in pools of their own blood. But she wasn't done. Pointing the gun at the last one standing, she watched as he gulped and mentally prepared himself to be next. However, she fired the remaining twelve bullets into the wall by his head and at his feet. When it clicked empty, she then waved him over, and he obliged, shaking visibly as he did so.
“You’re the last one standing. That makes you the messenger. Tell Gabriel’s second in command to come visit me. Tell him that we matters of mutual self interest to discuss.” She said sweetly, as she set the gun down on her desk, waving to dismiss him before she lifted her cup of coffee to take another small sip, the opposite hand moving to her office phone and pressing the preset button for her building's janitor room. "Javie, make sure to call the Garbage Man on your way up. I'll have three bags of trash waiting for him."
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— open starter
muse : savannah hayes verse : main / any compatible non supernatural muses/verses
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"i will do a lot for content, but i do not want to get stuck. i will NOT let a hot firefighter see me in that state."
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inafieldofdaisies · 2 months
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mostardent1y · 2 months
TAGS new : original characters -
adele landry savannah - jane thomas nikolina vorobyeva rebecca barnes
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guiltychems · 1 month
continued from here — @bruiscdmouth.
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There was only one thing in this world that she’d been afraid of and it was being alone. It’s the reason why she clung so hard onto Caleb after the loss of her brother because she didn’t want to be by herself. To experience a life without having anyone beside her. Getting out of this small town had been a promise by her brother until he was gone and when she felt hope giving up, Caleb made the same exact one until he broke it, too. Only he had a choice and hadn’t chosen her. 
I can explain, he says, and it makes her scoff. Would there ever be an explanation that could justify how he left? Right now, Savannah doesn’t think so. Refuses to believe that there could ever be a reason that Caleb would abandon her without as much as a word. “If you were really sorry, you would’ve called me .. or even texted me. Ages ago,” she lets out, tears she fought so hard to hold back, finally falling from behind her eyelids.
“If you had to leave, I, of all people, would’ve understood. I never would’ve stopped you from leavin’, but I at least deserved to hear it from you. Not everyone else in this fuckin�� town. I should’ve heard it from you.” Everything she’s been dying to say to Caleb pouring out of her. All the hurt she’s held inside finally being able to surface again, “And then you show up here, tellin’ me that you’re sorry and I’m supposed to, what? Forgive you? I would’ve never done that to you, Caleb. Ever.”
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bluestsdays · 9 months
tag drop i.
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