#Saturn square moon
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catmarlowastrology · 1 year ago
Moon square Saturn
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People with the Moon opposite Saturn in their natal chart feel like their family life is where they experience some tough challenges. They usually start feeling this way when they are quite young. It's not just about feeling like they don't get much support; it's more like they feel very alone because it seems like their family doesn't understand their feelings.
Even though they feel like they don't get much emotional support, this situation helps them become strong and self-reliant, which becomes a big part of who they are.
But becoming strong in this way has its downsides. The influence of Saturn, which focuses on duty and responsibility, usually pushes them into roles that make them act much older than they really are. They might have to take care of their younger siblings or do a lot of chores around the house. All of these responsibilities can make them feel even more lonely and make them believe that they have to earn love and recognition by doing things for others, rather than just getting it freely.
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midhevn · 1 year ago
hit the nail on the head with this one…
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deepmochi · 2 years ago
hi mochi...uhmmm i heard a lot about moon square saturn in synastry. is it really one of the worst aspects or it's not that bad? i'm really nervous cause i have this with my crush.
Well Saturn aspects are about longetivy, karma,lessons. With Saturn square, it presents a challenge with accepting commitment. Also, with who has the dominant role in the relationship. The Saturn person can be very dominant and obtuse if they keep the my way or the highway attitude. This attitude of I'm more mature than you represents a heavy energy for sensitive person and their need to open up. This is the hard part; the moon person may feel judged and would avoid talking about their issues or emotions to their partner.
This is only one placement; it's better to see the whole chart. Now, they can work on this with communication and compassion for the other.
Take care
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plutoswrath · 4 years ago
Hiiii, I have Saturn and Neptune in Capricorn on my descendant (Neptune is actually in the 6th H) squaring my moon in Libra in my 4th H. Can you explain how this effected my childhood (like parents/upbringing) and thus manifested in the real world... I guess for me I usually have viewed my mom as Saturn and dad (who was a drinker) as Neptune and they both would crush me emotionally (but also I can see them each as the moon too and then situations where I’m Saturn and crushing my own heart, omg astrology is complex). So throughout life I’ve always viewed people as one or the other but for the last year since I’ve been more conscious of these aspects I’ve tried to not project this onto others which seems impossible and even blend the energies if that makes sense). So, if I have Lilith/vertex in Sag exactly in the middle of this square can that help bring balance to the square? If yes, how so? Thanks so much! If this is too much, I totally understand if you don’t answer it all, I appreciate your time and energy. 🙏🏼❤️
Hello! It’s not too much, don’t worry dear! x And I’m sorry for what you experienced, but very proud that you’ve made it this far and are even conciously reflecting on it! I hope for the best! xx
With Saturn and Moon squaring each other, the childhood was filled with emotional oppression, responsibility and little to no emotional comfrt/support. The child was forced to grow up quickly and the emotions of the child were deemed as too much or overwhelming, resulting in neglecting their own emotional needs and well being. The child was confronted with the brutality and coldness of life, what was prioritized was ‘functioning’ and caring more about the public sphere. These placements sadly often times indicate emotional trauma, especially revolving the parental figures, it also results in not feeling loved and accepted by not only the family but also society. These individuals have negative emotional, unresolved behaviours/patterns, that mostly revolve around self-neglect, self-hate and hopelessness/nihilism. They often time feel hopless and have troubles coming in touch with their emotions, without projecting the pressure, hate and critique they received as a child on themself. They can easily become their own ‘parent’ in that sense and to others too, their compassion could be limited because it certainly was for them. With Neptune adding to it, your compassion could have been used by others, you might have idealized not only your own well being but also your home life and the ones you loved.  Healing would come by reparenting the self. I think I’ve mentioned that in one of my posts before, but especially with Moon making harsh aspects to Saturn, those people didn’t receive the ideal type of emotional nourishment, so the individual has to start doing it themself. This calls for physical as well as mental care, which will result in not only the individual prioritizing the self but also loving and accepting the self. Usually, the individual will experience their disturbed relationship to the self and society/family in duty, lost opportunities, intense physical and mental exhaustion, being scared thus missing out even. But this will change, and life will become brighter and the person younger and more comfortable as time passes, when they start caring about themself more and more. 
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lunarplutonian · 4 years ago
Can I get your amazing advice/thoughts on having a lot of aspects to saturn in the natal chart? I have it trine sun, square moon, sextile uranus + neptune + mc, trine pluto, opp north node…its in the 11th house in aries. Everything i've read says it will constrict you with its energy etc
I don’t think my advice is amazing, just a regular one of a person who has a limited knowledge of astrology. Since it creates lots of flowy aspects, trines and sextiles and not squares or conjunctions, your Saturn influence should be positive (especially that it touches mostly outer planets which will only manifest itself during certain cycles in life and doesn’t really affect your personality much) and give you that grounded attitude that many Earth-borne people have. BUT I know that you feel that Saturn square Moon the most because it’s personal planet and it’s Moon. It can feel like a mountain sitting on your chest, especially if Moon is in Cancer, but if it’s in Capricorn it can’t be lot easier. I have a post about that under my Saturn tag.
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fusionlight32 · 5 years ago
Moon Square Saturn ~Natal
Moon Square Saturn ~Natal
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Moon Square Saturn can be quite difficult since it can bring up unresolved childhood wounds with the Moon. Moon is the Mother archetype. The Mother figures in one’s life might have been quite strict. They might have been quite emotionally or mentally abusive and expected one to behave and act a certain way regardless of recognizing the child’s emotions, thoughts, or feelings. The mother might not…
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