#Satanic Cult of Scientology
msclaritea · 9 months
Cate Blanchett named son after convicted child sex offender Roman Polanski | news.com.au — Australia’s leading news site
Blanchett said Roman was named after the disgraced director, who fled the United States in 1978 before he was due to be sentenced for having unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor.
“You run out of ideas by the time you get to number three,” she joked.
“Dashiell came from (famous American novelist) Dashiell Hammett.
“Roman, I don’t know... Polanski. But it’s also the French word for book.”
Polanski has been living in exile in France since 1978, despite multiple attempts by the United States to extradite him.
Blanchett previously came under fire in 2014 after starring in Woody Allen’s film Blue Jasmine.
Allen’s daughter Dylan Farrow wrote an open letter to Blanchett, criticising her for working with the director despite her claims of child sexual abuse.
Tough love ... Cate won an Oscar for Blue Jasmine despite being criticised for working with Woody Allen. Picture: Kevin Winter/Getty Images
Tough love ... Cate won an Oscar for Blue Jasmine despite being criticised for working with Woody Allen. Picture: Kevin Winter/Getty Images
“What if it had been your child, Cate Blanchett? Louis CK? Alec Baldwin? What if it had been you, Emma Stone? Or you, Scarlett Johansson? You knew me when I was a little girl, Diane Keaton. Have you forgotten me?” she wrote.
In response, Blanchett said it had “obviously been a long and painful situation for the family and I hope they find some resolution and peace”.
Roman Polanski
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Ignatius, Captain Underpants
"According to the American Library Association, the Captain Underpants books were reported as some of the most banned and challenged books in the United States between 2000 and 2009 as well as between 2010 and 2019. The books were named one of the top ten most banned and challenged books in 2002, 2004, 2005, 2012, 2013 and 2018.
The Captain Underpants series was explicitly banned in some schools for "insensitivity, offensive language, encouraging disruptive behavior, LGBTQIA+ issues, violence, being unsuited to the age group, sexually explicit content, anti-family content, as well as encouraging children to disobey authority."
Dashiell Hammett....
Hammett devoted much of his life to left-wing activism. He was a strong antifascist throughout the 1930s, and in 1937 joined the Communist Party. On May 1, 1935, Hammett joined the League of American Writers (1935–1943), whose members included Lillian Hellman, Alexander Trachtenberg of International Publishers, Frank Folsom, Louis Untermeyer, I. F. Stone, Myra Page, Millen Brand, Clifford Odets, and Arthur Miller. (Members were largely either Communist Party members or fellow travelers. He suspended his anti-fascist activities when, as a member (and in 1941 president) of the League of American Writers, he served on its Keep America Out of War Committee in January 1940 during the period of the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.
Especially in Red Harvest, literary scholars have seen a Marxist critique of the social system. One Hammett biographer, Richard Layman, calls such interpretations "imaginative", but he nonetheless objects to them, since, among other reasons, no "masses of politically dispossessed people" are in this novel. Herbert Ruhm found that contemporary left-wing media already viewed Hammett's writing with skepticism, "perhaps because his work suggests no solution: no mass-action... no individual salvation... no Emersonian reconciliation and transcendence".
In a letter of November 25, 1937, to his daughter Mary, Hammett referred to himself and others as "we reds". He confirmed, "in a democracy all men are supposed to have an equal say in their government", but added that "their equality need not go beyond that." He also found, "under socialism there is not necessarily... any leveling of incomes."
Hellman wrote that Hammett was "most certainly" a Marxist, though a "very critical Marxist" who was "often contemptuous of the Soviet Union" and "bitingly sharp about the American Communist Party", to which he was nevertheless loyal. 
At the beginning of 1942, he wrote the screenplay of Watch on the Rhine, based on Hellman's successful play, which received a nomination for the Academy Award for Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay). But that year the Oscar went to Casablanca. In early 1942, following the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hammett again enlisted in the United States Army. Because he was 48 years old, had tuberculosis, and was a Communist, Hammett later stated he had "a hell of a time" being inducted into the Army. However, biographer Diane Johnson suggests that confusion over Hammett's forename was the reason he was able to re-enlist. He served as an enlisted man in the Aleutian Islands and initially worked on cryptanalysis on the island of Umnak. For fear of his radical tendencies, he was transferred to the Headquarters Company where he edited an Army newspaper entitled The Adakian. In 1943, while still a member of the military, he co-authored The Battle of the Aleutians with Cpl. Robert Colodny, under the direction of an infantry intelligence officer, Major Henry W. Hall. While in the Aleutians, he developed emphysema.
After the war, Hammett returned to political activism, "but he played that role with less fervour than before". He was elected president of the Civil Rights Congress (CRC) on June 5, 1946, at a meeting held at the Hotel Diplomat in New York City, and "devoted the largest portion of his working time to CRC activities".
In 1946, a bail fund was created by the CRC "to be used at the discretion of three trustees to gain the release of defendants arrested for political reasons." The trustees were Hammett, who was chairman, Robert W. Dunn, and Frederick Vanderbilt Field.
The CRC was designated a Communist front group by the US Attorney General. Hammett endorsed Henry A. Wallace in the 1948 United States presidential election..."
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'Blanchett and Stewart joined fellow Cannes jury members, Ava DuVernay, Khadja Nin, and Léa Seydoux, in the South of France for the start of this year's festival earlier this week. Not only did we see both Blanchett and Stewart donning spring-inspired pantsuits we now need in our lives, but we were, more importantly, blessed with photos of Stewart staring tenderly at Blanchett. What a time to be alive."
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ramon-balaguer · 11 months
The Only Thing Worse Than Religions of the World With Their Dead god or gods and idols and or living personification presidents, representatives and leaders, Sanctimonious Dogmas & Doctrines, Dress Codes and Rules, Rituals & Righteous Rights Are Cults and Paganisms like Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientologists, Latter Day (Satan’s) Saints or Mormons, Moonies or Unification Cults and Creeds, Humanists, Evolutionists PETAs; and The Only Thing Worse Than Cults are The Occults like Satanists, Spell-castors, Fortune Tellers, Psychics & Divination or Diviners, Witches & Warlocks, Wiccans, Clairvoyants, Spiritualists, Sorcerers, Mediums, Magicians & Mystics, Masons, Eastern Stars, Sororities, Fraternities, and other Secular Secret Societies and Sects…and Halloween is the Day or Night they twisted and possessed from its Christian roots (Hallow, from it 2,000 years old Celtic and Christian roots, meaning Holy as the Holy Eve before Hallows Day or All Saints Day; kinda like Christmas Eve to Christmas Day or New Years Eve to New Years Day) to celebrate their beliefs, faiths, bonfires, costumes, drinking (or worse junk) and dancing and seances. 🤷‍♂️ and Don’t let it be a full moon 🌕 too 🐺 🤣🤣🤣
So yeah, Happy Halloween 💀 and however you participate, Keep Jesus🎚️ First and do it as unto Him👻🙌🙌🙌 🎃🙏🌎#REBTD😇
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I feel like a lot of people who ship Johnlock have it as like. Their 'blueprint' ship. Like sure, they ship other things, but Johnlock was their earliest, most fervent love, and now they see them everywhere. And meanwhile like, obviously Johnlock was my second real ship, and they are very much dear to me, and I do see them everywhere, but my blueprint ship is just something else. Something worse, in a way? There was this one french YouTube comedy series, in the 2010's, about two friends. One is such a people pleaser, he never says no, so the other decides to give him a Balls Therapy™, to get him some Balls™ so he can get his girl back. And like, dude, I shipped them SO HARD. And obviously, it wasn't AS queerbaity as BBC Johnlock, first off cause BBC raised the bar HIGH in that area, and second because they ACTUALLY BECAME CANON??? Like???
This is genuinely so absurd. This was borderline a crack ship, how tf did this happen. One of the main plot points of the last season is about a freaking Scientology inspired cult, except the aliens are kinda real, and finding a ghost of a Panty-less bride??! The second season is about selling your rights to SATAN editions, and selling cup and balls?? One character invents "hardcore musette", or a mix of accordion and heavy metal??? It's SUCH an absurd ass thing, but they took their gay love story seriously?? Before kissing him, Balls Therapy™ guy yells at People Pleaser™ guy "what are you afraid of??" And they kiss in the leaves, in the forest??? And the Balls™ guy's girlfriend is like, strongly implied to be aroace??? Like WHAT????
But like, at the end of the day, they're just... Surprisingly similar to Johnlock, and I kinda wanna write a crossover comic about them.
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puppydolled · 11 months
when I talk abt my spirituality and self conception, ppl seem to want to gather around me or follow me when it clicks for them, it's hard to be ok with that when you just get called a cult leader for fostering spirituality and self love in those around you. personally I try to just think of it more like just a system of worship for an isolated spiritual group, like the greco-roman mysteries and other ancient cults, doesn't really help when you know they mean it like scientology and evangelical christianity and all those cults of personality. I don't really talk abt any of it anymore tho cuz of it.
p.s. fuck the greeks and romans, all the cool mysteries started out non greco-roman and slowly assimilated
yeah, it's a known phenomena forever that western culture has been kinda brainwormed by cults popped up especially in the late 20th century and also like, satanic panic & other reactionary forces spawned from them and also christian forces etc. and also how these are applied especially towards online trans women, there's a reason cultjacketing is a term
it does not get particularly upset about people doing it, but it does wish its girlfriend could live in peace from the millionth online harasser targeting trans women online with their personal excuse to view them as a force of evil. it thinks having to practice personal security and general distance/paranoia about people when you are literally just playing and practicing spirituality with yourself kinda sucks and no one should have to do it
or that people were able to comprehend existing together as beings who talk about shit didnt mean someone was Coerced into whatever they can imagine. literally like, sharing little beliefs and drawing eachother's little pictures on things and the interactivity of it all is literal kindergarten playground behavior, but because adults are doing it, it must be some sort of wicked force
also it thinks the greco-roman stuff was fine, the imperialist and colonialist forces obviously is not what it's talking about but the approaches to spirituality were like, fine it thinks. it special interested on roman legion structure when it was much younger and thus learned about some of the more niche cults, and while like the cult of mithras and stuff was originally very not roman, it thinks the way these smaller cults etc were practiced was very genuine, and in some cases literally the only practice of it left over time.. there's obviously more nuance to it but it doesn't entirely get the hate for roman and greek polytheism, it was a slightly bastardized practice for the main deities but it was still genuine for those who lived and practiced it
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satanfemme · 2 years
im really trying to find a place in my spirituality/religion/personal philosophy or whatever as an excatholique. idk. i get that it takes time and effort to find a new place in the world. but right now really i just wanna smoke a fat blunt with ol luci downstairs. any advice?
honestly? my advice is that if right now u wanna smoke a fat blunt with luci, you should literally go ahead and do that (u know, metaphorically speaking lol). try it out! see if it fits! it might, or it might not, or it might feel good now and then bad in a few weeks/months/years -- and if that happens you can just try something else out instead. nothing wrt ur personal spirituality needs to be inherent, permanent, or serious.
letting urself experiment with different beliefs/paths is hard when you're raised catholic, but ime it's the only way you're gonna find a comfortable niche! just keep it no-pressure, low-stakes. because it is. genuinely. I 100% promise. despite what the church sometimes teaches, an all loving g-d will always forgive you and welcome you back if you change your mind later or if you wanna go back at any point. and this is just my personal opinion: but most deities are like that in general too.
being a human is so hard and confusing if you get too focused on the big picture. so for now, focus on this moment. pursue however you feel in this exact moment. then stay mindful. and when the moment changes, you may notice the way you feel changes too, and then you should pursue that instead. this includes taking a break when you want to take a break, or analyzing your beliefs through a psychiatric lens if you ever notice a pattern of distress.
stay open, too. read and learn from as many varying sources as you can. different religions, sects, teachers, philosophers, etc. and be critical of those sources. ask yourself, "why do they believe this? why do they want others to believe this? who does this benefit? who might this hurt?", as well as "if I followed these teachings, who would I be? would I be the person I want to be? would I be someone else? how would I benefit? how would others benefit? could this hurt me in any way? could this hurt others in any way?" thirdly, pay attention to the other people involved in whatever you're looking at, and ask, "are these the kinds of people I want to surround myself with? are these the kinds of people I want my unaffiliated friends, s/o, or family to associate with? how do they treat people with different beliefs? how do they treat me? what do they have to gain or lose from me joining them? would they be ok if I left later on?"
and on a serious note: learn the BITE model. cults are real, and prey upon questioning people. scientology, mormonism, and jehovah's witnesses are all cults and dangerous. in the left hand path, joys of satan is a cult. the church of satan and satanic temple are not cults (afaik) but deeply flawed/harmful in fairly covert ways. individual churches/groups within an otherwise harmless religious sect can also be cults, so don't necessarily trust people based on the seemingly-safe labels they advertise. also, relatedly, please please go out of ur way to actively research antisemitism, dog whistles, and antisemitic appropriation. these prejudices are unavoidable no matter what path you look at (excluding judaism itself, I'm assuming), so you're inevitably going to encounter them again and again (and most likely already have). don't contribute to that harm.
anyways, that's a lot to process but I hope it helps. I understand how difficult this can be, myself being an excatholic occultist/devil worshiper (who still holds loose ties to catholicism anyway cause fr this shit isn't serious and it's fun to mix-n-match). and btw if ur ever really craving xtianity but don't wanna put up with the shittiness of most xtian churches, universal unitarianism is generally pretty ok and openly leftist (and not strictly xtian either, but that still kinda depends on the individual church imo).
wishing u the best of luck!
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papirouge · 2 years
What’s your take on those pentecostal evangelical mega churches? I’ve noticed celebrities like to go to them like Justin Bieber.
Are those churches just a front like pizza gate? If you sold your soul and are trying to go to church to repent for it, why a mega church?
I've always said you were spiritually safer praying at home. I'm not against churches per se, but time and time again I observe how damaging they can be. If it's not spiritual or sexual abuse, then that's money smuggling, ecumenism or straight up apostasy. Nah... I'll stay home chilling with the Holy Spirit.
That being said, I totally believe God can use unperfect churches to save sinners. There are plentiful of testimonies of Christians who went through Mormonism or scientology before turning to authentic relationship with Jesus. Sometimes it's atheist becoming Buddhist or Muslim and eventually becoming Christian. Starting to believing in a god will always get you closer to THE God, than not believing in any.
And the front of pizza gate was a pizza restaurant and Washington democrats socialites networks. Most of sexual abuses cases happen within secular spaces but obviously media focus on the church system to dunk on Christianism. It's well documented that the Vatican hosts black masses invoking demons and sacrificing children though (lookup up the testimony of -former satanic cult worshipper- whistleblower Svali)
Child abuse/sacrifice can have many shapes of form. Isaac Kappy talked about Seth Green and his wife inviting him to their home to enjoy "chicken" (which is a code word for children) in a weird pushy persuasive fashion. I have absolutely no proof for this but the whole adult swim channel (that Green has a show on (Robot chicken)) gives me the creep. Their shows have so many creepy subliminals and straight up creepy perverted childish symbolism ; I wouldn't be surprised it was a front for a whole child abuse network.
Right now there's a whole scandal exploding about the FFF/FIFA (soccer organization). Maybe USAmericans are obvious to it but soccer is HUGE in Europe and there's a multiBILLION industry behind it. Young boys comes from very poor country in Europe for training hoping to get hired by the best European clubs (aka the best in the world). But a french whistleblower called Romain Molina exposed how there was a whole child abuse network behind that. Trainers blackmailing trainees to give them blow job or masturbate in front of them (mind you, these boys are like 12-16 years old TOP). They also drag them into having sex with escorts ... Oh and the same happened with girls team ; their female trainer was forcing them to have sexual relationship with her to be selected in the national team.... This is a whole cesspool of predators who are protecting each other. The msm are pretty silent about it, bc soccer is a giganormous industry and they don't want to ruin they cashcow - especially since the worldcup is coming soon.
Anyway I wish all of these demons to be burn in a stadium sized torch fire.
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idbangmegamind · 4 months
Summing up religions (but only the ones I've personally experienced) (with a really baked atheist)
Christianity- Love yourself
Catholicism- Hate yourself
Buddhism- Superiority complex
Hinduism- Inferiority complex
Judaism- Get hatecrimed it builds character
Satanism- Love yourself
Scientology- Join our cult
Jehova's Witnesses- Join our cult
Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism)- Men fucking rock
Atheism- Why do you need the fear of God in you to NOT be a dickhead??
Norse Paganism- Die in a war
Greek Paganism- Don't piss off the gods Don't fuck Zeus (or anything that MIGHT be Zeus)
Celtics Paganism- Don't piss off the Fae
Agnosticism- Nothing matters
Spirituality- Everything matters
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rebeleden · 11 months
Watch "Revealing The Dark Secrets Of The Church Scientology" on YouTube
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ausetkmt · 1 year
understand the differences in cultic groups
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The thing I wish the “it would be so great to live in a cult!” people understood is that “cult” can refer to very different things. These are not clearly-defined categories; they can change and overlap a lot. But some groups have more qualities of one than another.
A New Religious Movement is a group whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from established mainstream religions. These can be intensely varied and can range from fewer than a dozen followers to millions of adherents. They are not necessarily bad or harmful to their followers. NRMs of the 20th century include Wicca, Pentecostalism, the Church of Satan, Chaos Magic, and most types of neopaganism.
A commune or collective household is a group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities. Although it can be tricky to make sure the rules work for everyone and everybody’s needs and feelings are accommodated, these can be positive communities that benefit all their members.
A Totalistic Movement is a group that uses abusive techniques to take control over its followers’ lives and pressures them into situations that are unsafe, harmful, or illegal. Literally anything can be a totalistic movement, from a book club to a workplace to a political party. Famous examples include Scientology, Aum Shinrikyo, and Heaven’s Gate.
Basically, you and your friends can form whatever religion you want and have a fabulous time. You can worship the moon or the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster or Satan. You can move into a dilapidated Victorian mansion and split up groceries, or grow your own food together on a farm. Fly! Be free!
But you’re safer and better off if you avoid groups that:
View their principles as absolute truths that cannot be deviated from
Discourage or even punish questioning, doubt, dissent, or noncompliance
Use feelings of guilt to control their members
Claim to have special, exalted access to the truth, which nobody from any other group can possibly have
View the rest of society with a polarized us-vs-them mentality, where only people inside the group can be trusted
Dictate a great deal of how its adherents should think, act, and feel, including but not limited to where they should live, how they should dress, what they should eat, what media they consume, and how to conduct their personal relationships
Deny or discourage its members from having access to outside help and support, including education, money the group does not have control over, and medical and mental health care
Believe that its leaders or members should be uniquely exempt from a lot of society’s ways for holding people accountable, or can’t be held to any set of external laws or standards
Discourage members from having relationships, interests, activities, or goals that aren’t related to the group
Check out the International Cultic Studies Association for more information on destructive group tendencies and how to spot warning flags for totalistic movements.
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msclaritea · 8 months
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The John Wick films are falling out of popularity, so they're going to use an Indian actor, to get some international flavor and continue pushing Ammosexual Films. I thought Jordan Peele did Horror, or did interest in that dry up, too?
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a23n7l19y79 · 2 years
Please visit Seraphim Samuel page on facebook to watch the Live videos of the Messenger of ELOHIM. Also join our group on facebook - "The Earth is Splitting Apart". 🌊☔❄🌀☀⛅⚡🌋
The Foundational Eternal 🌹📜Ancient Truth of ELOHIM📜🌹 was taught to us by Archangel Abbadiel / Seraphim Samuel 🐦🌾- The 5th Angel of the End Time Apocalypse, who was chosen, anointed & appointed by THE HOLY TRIUNE ETERNAL CREATORS - 👑ELOHIM👑.
This 🌹📜Ancient Truth of ELOHIM📜🌹 was kept hidden from the human race for ages, by gadriel/ lucifer/ satan & the 1/3rd of fallen angels, so that human race would never call onto their ETERNAL HOLY TRUE CREATORS - 👑ELOHIM👑.
What was written in the 📜🌹Ancient Scrolls by the Ancient Prophets of ELOHIM & by prophet Daniel, under the unction of
💕🌹MAMA IMAYAH RUACH HAKADOSHAH🌹💕THE TRUE HOLY SPIRIT, is NOW revealed to us by Archangel Abbadiel / Seraphim Samuel.🐦🌾
The scrolls 📜🌹given to prophet Daniel, was sealed ages ago. Only Archangel Abbadiel can decode what was written in those scrolls, because it is through the WISDOM.of 💕🌹MAMA IMAYAH RUACH HAKADOSHAH🌹,💕 that he reveals it to us.
👑ABBA YAHUWAH💕, 👑MAMA IMAYAH💕 & 👑KING YAHUSHUA💕, has been warning the inhabitants of earth for many years, through THEIR MESSENGER, to REPENT of their evil ways, to turn away from idol worshipping, to turn away from all their pagan festivals, traditions & customs & cult-ures & from all abominable religious practices, that honors gadriel/ lucifer/ satan & the fallen angels.
ELOHIM wants us to COME OUT from the churches of men 🏣 & from all other religious institutes 🏤 that teaches lies & deceptions & doctrines of men & demons.
But millions still refuse to harken & heed to ELOHIM'S Messenger. They refuse to seek THE TRUTH. They refuse to take the warings seriously.
Enough time was given to the inhabitants of earth, to seek their TRIUNE ETERNAL CREATORS - 👑ELOHIM👑🌹💕
Archangel Abbadiel / Seraphim Samuel🐦🌾has been crying out in the wilderness for 23 years to warn the human race, of the consequences that will befall upon them, if they refuse to obey ELOHIM.
Archangel Abbadiel has taught us the ANCIENT PATH and how we ought to walk in Holiness, in ELOHIM'S Righteousness & that our lifestyle must be in accordance with the 🎠👑HOLY RIGHTEOUS STANDARDS OF THE KINGDOM OF ELOHIM.👑🎠📜🌾
Only those who remain in ELOHIM and are WILLING 100% to surrender everything and walk in TOTAL OBEDIANCE to THEIR WILL & COMMAND, can be saved.
Those NOT WILLING, will be destroyed along with the workers of inequity, the wicked elites & fallen angels, during the Greater Judgement & Wrath of ELOHIM.🚨🚨🚨
All those who support the agendas of the fallen angels & their lies & deceptions through religious institutes, science, new age teachings, etc...& all the ways of this fallen babylonion system, will be destroyed by ALMIGHTY ELOHIM.
Time has already run out⌛. There is no more grace or mercy for those left standing outside "The Holy Ark of Safety". 🕛⏳⏰
Come out of christianity, islam, hinduism, buddhism, shamanism, shintoism, zoroashtanism, judaism, pharsism, jainism, new ageism, scientology, yoga, etc...
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koreshbabylon · 5 years
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California Spirit by Matthew Frost.
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timeisacephalopod · 3 years
I tried to watch that fucking Son of Sam documentary on Netflix and eventually I had to quit because almost all the ‘evidence’ they had for the two other people they pinned for the SoS crimes were almost Exclusively satanic panic nonsense. And at No point did the doc seem interested in pointing out that NONE of the crimes people thought were happening during the satanic panic actually happened- seriously the satanic panic (at least at the time) resulted in the most expensive criminal investigation/ trials in US history and NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED!!!! There’s wasn’t evidence of SHIT!! Not to mention every occult thing they used as evidence like… not only is it Wildly irresponsible not to mention the satanic panic and all the false accusations that led to ruined lives based on zero evidence, but interest in the occult was popular at the time of the shootings so Berkowitz (the Actual shooter) having a passing interest- in a time where neo paganism took off 20 years prior and neo religions/ spiritualisms were popular- isn’t fucking SHOCKING and is not, in fact, a reason to accuse people who didn’t confess to the crime at hand of being serial killers???!?
There actually were a couple interesting nuggets based in Actual reality that had me going 🤔🤔🤔 but the fact that satanic panic nonsense completely ripped from context and presented in a Deeply irresponsible way meant I had to stop watching, it pissed me off too much that whoever made this shit just wasn’t interested in context whatsoever and then created a doc that’s basically satanic panic 2.0 and people will fucking believe it because for some reason people think the devil will show up in a backwards hat if Jerry asks but Jesus won’t show up until the second fucking coming and this makes Perfect sense to Christians.
#winters ramblings#at one point this guy was explaining how satanists write stuff backwards to send messages#and I was like hey did you get this information from supposed SATANISTS or Christian satanist experts??#because I think based on my knowledge of the satanic panic you asked a Christian how another religion worked and took them to be an expert#which is hilarious and absurd and also!!! ALSO!!!!#READING SHIT IN A MIRROR BACKWARDS IS NOT EVIDENCE THAT SOMEONE WAS A SERIAL KILLER#HOLY FUCKING SHIT THEY JUST SAID THAT AND I WAS LIKE YOURE ACCUSING CARR OF SERIAL MURDER??!?#because you read shit BACKWARDS in a mirror???!?!??#you’ve GOT to be kidding me#supposedly he was a satanist but then they said he was in Scientology#and then I was like oh he was never involved with the OCCULT#he was involved with a regular cult and Christians don’t know the difference between other religions/ cults and satanism#this isn’t evidence of SHIT!!!! anyway that shit got me fired up so I had to quit#I just couldn’t fucking listen to this Christian mythology soaked MESS of an argument#anymore like there were a couple interesting threads to pull yes#but the fact that most of the evidence was literally Christian panic I’m sorry but your religion is NOT admissible evidence in court!!#or anywhere else lol I had to leave it alone I was so fucking annoyed like to not even mention#that the satanic panic led to ZERO credible accusations while presenting a satanic panic like argument#that’s beyond irresponsible that’s just unethical so I turned it off#their argument reminded me of those fucked up internet slugged that ruined that one guys life#after Elisa lam was found dead at the Cecil hotel- like point for fucking point I was like wow you sure do know what a pattern is#but a pattern needs an ACTUAL connection to the crime to be meaningful#if it just Exists like that then no I’m sorry you finding bizarre little coincidences isn’t evidence of anything#except that you think correlation and causation are the Same and that makes it Worse!!
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immaculatasknight · 3 years
A charmed life
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star-anise · 3 years
The thing I wish the “it would be so great to live in a cult!” people understood is that “cult” can refer to very different things. These are not clearly-defined categories; they can change and overlap a lot. But some groups have more qualities of one than another.
A New Religious Movement is a group whose beliefs and practices differ significantly from established mainstream religions. These can be intensely varied and can range from fewer than a dozen followers to millions of adherents. They are not necessarily bad or harmful to their followers. NRMs of the 20th century include Wicca, Pentecostalism, the Church of Satan, Chaos Magic, and most types of neopaganism.
A commune or collective household is a group of people living together and sharing possessions and responsibilities. Although it can be tricky to make sure the rules work for everyone and everybody’s needs and feelings are accommodated, these can be positive communities that benefit all their members.
A Totalistic Movement is a group that uses abusive techniques to take control over its followers’ lives and pressures them into situations that are unsafe, harmful, or illegal. Literally anything can be a totalistic movement, from a book club to a workplace to a political party. Famous examples include Scientology, Aum Shinrikyo, and Heaven's Gate.
Basically, you and your friends can form whatever religion you want and have a fabulous time. You can worship the moon or the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster or Satan. You can move into a dilapidated Victorian mansion and split up groceries, or grow your own food together on a farm. Fly! Be free!
But you’re safer and better off if you avoid groups that:
View their principles as absolute truths that cannot be deviated from
Discourage or even punish questioning, doubt, dissent, or noncompliance
Use feelings of guilt to control their members
Claim to have special, exalted access to the truth, which nobody from any other group can possibly have
View the rest of society with a polarized us-vs-them mentality, where only people inside the group can be trusted
Dictate a great deal of how its adherents should think, act, and feel, including but not limited to where they should live, how they should dress, what they should eat, what media they consume, and how to conduct their personal relationships
Deny or discourage its members from having access to outside help and support, including education, money the group does not have control over, and medical and mental health care
Believe that its leaders or members should be uniquely exempt from a lot of society’s ways for holding people accountable, or can't be held to any set of external laws or standards
Discourage members from having relationships, interests, activities, or goals that aren’t related to the group
Check out the International Cultic Studies Association for more information on destructive group tendencies and how to spot warning flags for totalistic movements.
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mde1011 · 3 years
some quotes i jotted down from that wonderful stream of tommy‘s (some lore spoilers)
“do you smoke sam” “all the time”
“i thought you were talking about the- the speeeeed drug”
“have you ever sold drugs to kids sam?” “......no”
“shecure is a hard word how do you say it? secure? shecure?” “...secure...?”
“we can’t let the girlboss rule because she will gatekeepe my feelings” “that would not be pog”
“i’ll load it up king- ive started saying king a lot” “yeah yeah i’ve noticed i like it” “you are admittedly a king sam so”
“strong man” “how does TWIG rhyme with STRONG??????”
“you have obviously taken part in scientology-“ “i have not-“ “you’ve donated to tom cruises cult shit”
“....am i worse than david dobrik?” “are- are we worse than david dobrik?” “oh- oh god”
“............howd the talk with the lawyer go.....sounded like it went pretty well” “sam. samuel” “oh god what’s happening you called me samuel”
“gotta go get some la-piss”
“come and hang out i am live it will be nice come and hang out kings” “o-oh you just pinged the WHOLE discord wow-“ “maybe vikkstar will come”
“he has broke one of the rules of the hit best seller ‘the bible’- this kind of looks like a cock”
“well i’ve moved now, KING”
“what is an angsty teen and am i one? because when i USED to hang out with tubbo and ranboo they used the word angst a lot”
“yeah yeah yeah i bench”
“sam i think i’m angsty i think i’m an angsty tik tok teen looking for a community to help me out”
“i don’t think you’ve followed the train of logic all the way-“ “there’s a TRAIN INVOLVED????????”
“i’m like the orange fucker from that animated rom com”
“THIS IS WHO I NEEDED RIGHT NOW IM IN PERIL I AM ANGRY- oh wait that’s wrong that’s wrong-“ “angry is different from angsty”
“i need a lawyer and they need to be big and strong and angry and ready to fight”
“what’s wrong with killing somebody?” “.........HEY nononononono don’t think i forget when you locked me in there you- you PSYCO FREAK” “you should talk to your lawyer about that”
“i can read minds” “what am i th-“ “tits” “what”
“you just- you just do NOT have blue balls”
“you think this guy will win?” “SHUT THE FUCK UP” “I LIKE THIS GUY”
“i can’t look away it’s just so-“
“i’m under the influence of big cock”
“it’s meeee big cock man”
“i cant look away” “sam please use your twitter alt for this” “he’s horny on maaaainnnnn” “and what’s wrong with that?” “.......”
“i’m gonna call you ‘cockity’ big cock” “sHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE FUCK UP-“
“at least this guy doesn’t have a cock-“ “itS NOT A COCK” “horny on main jesus-“
“is that a cock” “SHUT THE FUCK UP”
“.....i wanna see the inside of it again do a split”
“i heard....i heard there is a big cock in town....”
“why did you say that to me jesus” “did you just come for the cock?”
“okay sam-“ “tommy that guy wants your cock-“ “no- no he doesn’t sam”
“i- i just looked to my right and the entire chat is just ‘E E E E E I’”
“sam, sam and i need you to hear this....dont. act. up.” “i don’t act up-“ “you were acting up-“ “i-“ “you were caught in 8k.” “but- but we both agree it’s not a tie-“
“please don’t tell me to kill cockity i am overwhelmed”
“why is there an anus in my tie?”
“what are the legal implications of this?” “...i mean besides hell you’re good”
“jack mana-bitch”
“whatre the legal implications?” “i mean usually that’s a no-no but today, today it’s fine” “yeahhh lets go murder his family”
<Foolish_Gamers was blown up by awesamdude> “hahahahgahah” “wHY ARE YOU DEAD??? WHY IS OUR LAWYER DEAD” “that- killing jesus is a big no-no”
“jesus is back ayyyy” “three whole days ayyy he’s back from the cave” “that was three whole minutes” “he speedran it” “why didn’t he do that in the bestseller?” “are you referring to the best seller called ‘the bible’?”
“i’d be an antivax landlord”
“i’m real like are-kansas” “that’s not REAL” “it IS”
“you’re projecting your own problems onto me, puss” “wHAT THE FUCK”
“i just don’t want you to girlboss me”
“i am the girlboss and i will gatekeep” “you are a girlboss”
“we will join vc two and then we’re gonna gatekeep them and the we’re gonna gaslight them”
“that’s such a funny joke man-“ “it’s not a joke. dollywood is real”
“does anyone have cocaine?” “ooooh i remember when you did cocaine last night awesamdude”
“jesus never does drugs” “well- well you turned water into wine king and wine is alcohol”
“can you put on pants i can’t- i cant stop looking at it- sorry tommy i know you said-“ “yeah sam i know you tried-“
“you know i fuck with satan”
“i’m sorry jesus lucifer is just such a good man-“ “oh you- hold me BACK FROM THIS FUCKER HOLD ME BACK ILL SEND HIM TO HELL YOU LIKE HELL-“
“are you jesus or just a man who grew a beard and put on a suit?”
“even the guy with his cock out is telling you to stop-“ “oh jesus, and i mean jesus-“ “shUT THE FUCK UP MAN”
“the best best way to slander him is to stop his offspring; we need to kick him the balls.....no? not a good....? alright us four each take a ball-“
“......jack manifold has four balls?”
“......why did jesus give him four scrotums man🙁🙁”
<Quackity fell from a high place>
<awesamdude> BIG COCK DOWN
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