#if it just Exists like that then no I’m sorry you finding bizarre little coincidences isn’t evidence of anything
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PAIRING: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
RATING: nsfw ⛈
GENRE: smut!
WARNINGS: slow burn, swearing, kissing, no intercourse, foreplay, car sex, little bit of degradation, a littleeee rough!
as though fate had its worst intentions, bakugous car had broken down on the way to your high school reunion with you in the car as well. GREAT! Not only was it getting dark and chilly, you were also in the middle of nowhere... That really didn’t ease the atmosphere, especially when Bakugou was already hesitant on lending you a drive to the reunion. But with the discomfort, there always comes a way to ease it ;)
a special thanks to @laylahoran for not only helping me proof read and pick out the title for this scenario BUT also for just being there to support me through out this whole thing! Literally the purest friend🥺🥺💕💕 ilysmmm!!!
Also, this is my first detailed smut imagine so sorry if it’s a bit sloppy :(
Life after high school proved to be a lot more different than expected. For starters, after having moved to find better work opportunities in the city, you found yourself deprived of nearly all social interaction with your previous friends. Yes, you still caught up over text and call, but it was safe to say it was not quite the same. Not only did the hectic schedule of working for a hero agency clash with your friends’, when you were on your days off all your friends seemed to be busy with their own goals of becoming high ranking heroes. You sort of started living a more solitary lifestyle, a drastic change from your previous one.
So when you flopped down on your couch, your body sluggish and desperate for sleep after a bustling day of work, you felt suddenly energised. Eyes wide as you could just barely believe what you were reading. An email had illuminated on your phone screen, reading the following:
“Greetings class A! It has been nearly a year since we have all graduated and I’m in complete aw as to how far you have all come :) On a more dejected note, however, we have all seemed to grow more distant due to our work. I have missed you all dearly and believe the connections we all formed are amazing experiences we should not forget about! Though we may have kept in contact here and there, it’s evident that we all have been lacking. This is why I have taken it upon myself to set up a reunion party! More information is soon to be delivered in the next email, and I’m super excited to hear from you all. Arrangements with your agencies will take place as soon as confirmations come through. You’re previous classmate, Tenya Iida”
As though your prayers had been answered, you were greeted with that email. Now, this was an offer you couldn’t pass up! Without hesitation, your fingers started typing away at your phone, the pads of your fingers darting across the glass as though they had a mind of their own. You were determined to go, excitement flooding your sense at just the thought of the whole event! As your eager fingers hit send on the email a sudden thought crossed your mind.
You hadn’t thought about it previously, mind racing and occupied with the general idea of a reunion, how were you going to get to the location of the party?
As said previously, life was not as expected after graduating, and though heroes lived a life with above-average pay, bathing in luxuries at times, it all took years of experience. No way could you have reached such a high status having worked for less than a year in this field. With the lack of money to your name, there were no chances of you owning a car at this very moment in time. Maybe public transport was a good option? But the delays, need for time arrangements and the entire coordination of your journey was already giving you a headache. The travel aspect was less than fruitful.
But you were going to get there one way or another.
Taking in a deep breath, you gently pressed the off button on your device, sinking your body further into the couch as you allowed your body to finally relax. Your mind pondered of all the different options, from uber’s and cabs to all the different forms of public transport available. But as your unresting thoughts echoed around in your head, you finally concluded. A conclusion that churned your stomach, a fluttery feeling pricking the goosebumps along your chilled skin.
You could ask Bakugou for a lift.
Though this plan seemed faulty, a high chance he would decline the offer to attend the reunion filled with “extras”, you still had your hopes up high.
Out of all the people who could have moved to the same part of town as you, Bakugou was the one. It was pure coincidence that you both had ended up not too far from each other, a block away in fact. Though throughout all three years that you attended u.a you had barely spoken to him. You had your exchange in words here and there, the occasional insult would be thrown your way, but oddly enough out of all people in the class, you received his harsh treatment the least. You just figured, he barley knew you so acknowledging your existence was a waste of his time. Yet his subtle acts of warmth towards you didn’t go unnoticed by your subconscious, a strange feeling invading your body. You developed feelings for the boy.
Shockingly, you found yourself attracted to him, even with the lack of a solid foundation for a proper friendship. You didn’t know what exactly enticed you so much, maybe it was his toned chiselled frame or perhaps his confident exterior. Whatever it was, it had your heart thumping faster at every glance you two shared, and the thoughts that lingered with these unexplainable emotions were even more hectic. It was as though every second you spent alone, confined by the four white walls of your room, you lay wondering of all you wanted him to do to you. A peak of curiosity soon turned into a full-fledged lust for him. The moment you batted your eyelids shut, you’d picture his muscular body towering yours, his hands pinning you down as he’d shamelessly make you a mess under his touch. A thought of him could make your entire body explode. It was all far too complicated for you to process.
That’s why when you moved to a new part of the city, in hopes to start work as well rid yourself of your weird infatuation, you went pale at the sight of him only a couple streets away from where you newly lived. You tried to convince yourself this was indeed a one-time occurrence, yet you’d see him again and again... and again. He most certainly lived near you, it was undeniably true.
Every time you’d return from work, shoes hitting the concrete sidewalk with an echoing tap, you’d always pass him. At first, you shared no words, not a single exchange between you two until one day he randomly spoke up. You remember that moment like the back of your hand, as though it happened just a few minutes ago. Admittedly, the conversation was nothing spectacular, but it still caused a rapid shock to strike through you as the memory of you exchanging numbers with him lurked your brain. The whole event was so bizarre and it still seems unreal now.
Snapping from your daydream, you came to a solid answer. This was probably the best time to put his number to good use. Unlike you, he had a car and could most likely drive you to where ever this reunion will take place... That’s if he decides he is going to attend as well. That’s where your plan seems to not be so successful.
Yet, you had no other choice. He was your best shot at finally getting a break from this borderline isolation.
Nervously, you picked your phone up once more, gently scrolling through your contacts until a familiar name was visible: ‘Katsuki Bakugou’. A nervous feeling burnt at the pit of your stomach as you anxiously went to type out a message. Your shaky fingers tapped the keyboard, with every additional letter that was added to your sentence, your heartbeat sped up even faster until you felt it pound against your ears. Who knew you could feel so nervous about a generic message... It was Bakugou you were texting after all. Not only was he known for being an uncontrollable hothead, but he was also the guy you often fantasied about. You were more than flustered by this point.
Finally, after rereading your message frantically over and over again, you hit send. You felt your heart quickly sink before a chill ran through your entire body. Now you play the waiting game...
On the other end of the line sat a pouting Bakugou. Just like you, he had received the same email, his face crinkled into a frown as he read the disgusting email present on his screen. Like he’d show up to watch a bunch of extras overly excited for no reason. The entire thought of a reunion made his blood boil. At the same time, however, he wouldn’t mind seeing a few faces.
Sure he hated the class, but there was no denying he missed the ‘old days’. He rolled his eyes and let out a huff, in complete annoyance at how soft he’d become. Was he really contemplating going to that shitty reunion? Apparently so, as he decided to type up a quick response to Iida's invite.
A thought he had tried awfully hard to suppress soon made its way to the surface. It was you. Out of all the people he’d want to meet at the reunion, it had to be you. Though he didn’t necessarily have to be at the reunion to view you.
Similarly, he found himself drawn to you for some obscure reason. All throughout high school up until now. During school, he would always gawk at the way your skirt swayed side to side as you walked or even the way you leaned against the desk arching your back most perfectly. It had Bakugous eyes adhered to you. He just wanted to run his hands across your entire body, his lips bequeathing marks on every soft sweet spot on your skin. You’d be his, the deep hickeys that scattered your delicious skin marking his territory. Never had he felt so sexually frustrated, desiring a person so bad it was making him lose his mind. He had better things to worry about, like brining the number 1 hero for starters, but no matter how much he tried denying his deepest desires they just wouldn’t leave.
He tried so hard, he even moved just to get away from you. Of course, that didn’t work, when he saw you strutting down the sidewalk, your clothes hugging all your curves in a way that made his mouth water. He wanted you, and he wanted you bad!
And Bakugou gets, what Bakugou wants.
Just as that memory swirled his mind, a ping came from his phone, the gentle vibration of the device in his palm breaking him from his fantasy. His vermillion eyes went wide as he glanced down at the notification that had just gone off. The name he wanted to see most displayed.
‘Hey! It’s [name], hope I’m not being a bother :) I’m sure you also received the email about the reunion party, I hope to see you there. That’s if I can get there... Maybe you could give me a lift? Don’t worry if you don’t want to, I understand!’
Bakugou bit his bottom lip as he squinted down at the information in front of him. As much as he wanted to agree, his pride didn’t permit him an agreement to your proposal so easily. Rather than cooperating the way he wanted to, he typed out a message juxtaposing his real desire.
And there started your exchange in messages, the back and forth and your “convincing” to give you ride. Though we all know Bakugou was going to give in to it either way.
Weeks had passed since then, the texts that followed after between you two was kept to an evident minimum. The only exchange included a catch up on your plans for the reunion and that was about it. You were more anxious by the day, knowing the reunion date was coming closer to existence.
Next thing you knew, the day had arrived.
You were seated in the passenger seat of Bakugous car. Nervously, you shifted in the leather seat, hand resting on the inner door handle as your eyes followed the passing trees that came in and out of view.
The sky was faintly clouded, a ray of golden sun piercing through parted clouds, dripping a soft sunset hue over the ivy leaves of the trees. You sat inside the car, yet you remembered the faint chilly winds that caressed your skin. Overall, the weather was decent, far from perfect but not awful either.
The tranquillity that filled the car was apparent, the most noise that was present was the hushed sound of the radio playing, the music placid. It only intensified the awkward silence that was held between you both.
Playing with the hem of your dress, you spoke up in an attempt to spark up a conversation. “well, aren’t you the conversationalist” you spoke sarcastically, a hint of playfulness in your voice. Though you spoke suddenly, Bakugou didn’t seem to divert his focus from the road. His face stayed in its usual state, not even a smirk dared to spread across his lips. Clearly, your playfulness was not reciprocated. The silence engulfed you both for a while longer before he finally responded. His reply was less than adequate, a simple hum.
You shifted your attention back onto the view outside, watching as the car drives deeper and deeper into some sort of forest. The trees grew larger, the suns light being swallowed by the towering greenery above. Cars began passing more infrequently until you had not seen one in ages on the road that had become more narrow.
It felt like you had been in this car for an unbearably long amount of time. You couldn’t tell if time was just moving slower than usual at how bored you were at this very moment in time or if your destination was farther than you expected.
Pulling your phone from your bag that rested atop your lap, you checked the time.
‘6:23 pm’
It was confirmed that time was just moving awfully slower than usual. You had only been in the car for a little under 15 minutes. There was still a fair amount of time left until the party started, so there were no worries on being late though you still had quite a few kilometres to cover. Relieved, you placed your phone back into your bag. You slowly let your eyes rest shut, hoping a quick nap would pass time more sufficiently.
And as you had just calmed your nerves enough to sleep, your body suddenly jolted forward. Your seatbelt immediately binding around your chest, pressing your body flush against the seat as you braced the impact of the sudden stop of the car.
“For fuck sake” Bakugou finally spoke up as he kissed his teeth, gripping the steering wheel remarkably tight that his knuckles were becoming white.
“what just happened?”. Out of curiosity, you questioned the man, his face now looking more annoyed than ever. His hand fiddled with the car keys, the engine roaring repeatedly as he tried turning the car on. “What does it fucking look like, dumbass?” he barked at you, still frantically trying to turn the car on. It didn’t help that he had now started slamming the steering wheel between each attempt.
“Are you out of gas?” You spoke up innocently. There was no denying you were now, in fact, feeling less hopeful that you had enough time to make it to the reunion.
For the first time, he finally made eye contact with you. His rose eyes staring at you in frustration, in complete disbelief at how oblivious you were.
“Of course not! You fucking moron, the shitty car just broke down” He barked at you before flinging the car door wide open, slamming it with a harsh bang as he made his dramatic exit.
You watched him pace up and down with distinct stomps, muttering something under his breath while typing away at his phone. Taking the hint, you exit the vehicle as well. “So, what now?” you irritate him further with your persistent queries.
“How the fuck is there no service? HOW AM I MEANT TO GET THIS SHIT FIXED?” his yells echoed through the vast scenery that surrounded you.
With him stressing, you couldn’t help but taste your mouth go dry as panic began settling in as well. It was no use having the two of you in a frenzy. Rationally, you walked over to Bakugou, your phone gripped in your hand as you formed the only logical suggestion. “Try my phone”
He didn’t even question or ridicule your suggestion like he probably desired to, instead yanking the phone out of your hand and attempting to dial-up a number. It didn’t take long until his eyes rolled back in failure and his jaw flexed with gritted teeth. No luck there either clearly.
“Guess we aren’t going to the shitty reunion. You're fucking welcome!” He yells once more, slapping the phone back into your palm. The worst somehow ended up playing out, complete defeat washing over your body.
Resting against the car, you dropped your bottom lip into a slight pout, the chilly air growing cooler.
You were in the middle of nowhere, the only form of transport for miles was now down and to top it off you were getting cold. Your body rapidly began to shiver, goosebumps pricking along your exposed skin.
“Aren’t you fucking smart” Bakugou scoffed as he stared at you, arms crossed over his broad chest. “didn’t even bring a jacket while wearing some stupid dress”
Rather than yelling like he had been doing for the last couple minutes, he was calming his nerves by teasing you. It may have been the adrenaline that made him feel so open to being more playful, or maybe he attempted to distract himself from how much of a loser he currently felt with a broken car. Whatever it was, he was now smirking at the girl in front of him, tantalising her about the cold.
“I didn’t know I’d be stuck outside, did I?” You teased back, rolling your eyes at him. The fact he was being so calm on the outside was making you feel less worried, yet more nervous at his sudden change in mood than anything.
His eyes stared you up and down, analysing your shivering state as the wind began picking up. Another sigh left his parted lips before resuming to speak. "Go sit inside the car. No use shivering like a dumbass if you can't handle a bit of wind" he chuckled slightly as he spoke, as though to assure you his comment was in fact not as rude as he intended it to come out.
Though you obeyed, taking careful steps around the car to sit back in it, you decided to throw your own snarky remark his way. "Not one to talk when you're wearing a jacket". You give him a 'look', before fully submerging yourself in the cars shielded warmth. It may have broken down not too long ago, but it was still well heated. An instant chill rolled down your spine as your body quickly adjusted to the sudden change in temperature.
"Sorry, princess. Didn't realise I had royalty as company". That devious smirk sprawled itself across his tanned face as he followed your move, getting in the car himself. Something about the way he addressed you made you quiver, the innocent word was also oh so seductive. That sudden feeling of arousal pent up inside you, fogging your thinking.
"I- don't get too cocky now". Your reply came out as a jittery stutter, senses overwhelmed by his playful tone that had you heated. Senses scattered, too flustered by his seemingly unintentional words. It's not like he knew about your fantasies of him or how your sinful thoughts begged for him to call you such names. And now as you were in the midst of it all, you couldn't help but lose yourself.
He let out another husky laugh. The way you broke apart at the simplest words only stroked his ego. No denying he purposely chose those specific words to see how you'd react, and to his surprise, it went far better than expected. "Here, have my jacket then if you wanna keep yapping about it"
Speechless, your vision was once again fixated on him. Gawking at the leather jacket that slipped of his physique, revealing his toned, muscular arms. You swallowed the nervous lump in your thought down, butterflies invading your system as you watched.
You expected him to carelessly throw the jacket your way, alternatively he leaned over. His significantly larger body mounted over yours as he placed his jacket over your exposed legs, instant warmth tickling your chilled skin. His hands felt so smooth as they lightly brushed against your thigh, the accidental touch shooting straight to your core. It was humiliating at how quickly you discomposed around him, cheeks red and breath hitched. You just couldn't help it, a presence like his was way too intense. Especially, at this moment.
"U-um, so what are we going to do now?" you try to change topics as you felt your current heated state become far too overwhelming, whole-body hot as your thoughts began drifting to all the wrong places.
He peeped his eyes, as though deep in thought."Wait until someone hopefully passes, I guess?". The uncertainty in his tone had you feeling concerned again. The worry bombarding you, diverting your inner emotions elsewhere. You've wanted to meet your classmates so vigorously for ages, all fired up for weeks as you obsessively counting down the days, only for this to happen. Not a single car had been in view for ages, god knows until the next one would come. That's also assuming that the car would even stop for you two. This was so disappointing, a hollow feeling in your chest as you sulked.
"I guess? For god sake, we aren't even going get to the reunion in time!"
Bakugou had noticed your sudden change in mood. In all honesty, he didn't quite understand why you wanted to see those annoying dickheads anyway, but he felt strangely sympathetic towards you. "Oi, I'm fucking sorry. I'll drive you to see your friends another time".
"What if there isn't another time?" you mope at him, facing your body towards him. He doesn't reply right away, mirroring your actions instead to examine your current behaviour. There was no way he could make this situation better unless the car magically fixed itself. Which to be fair, would never happen. As his eyes scanned you, he noticed the way you were still shivering, the once heated car losing its warmth. It was his best shot at diverting the conversation.
"You're still shivering, dumbass". His red orbs were fixed on you as he reached out his arms towards you. They felt considerably warmer than you as they rested on your shoulders. You followed his gaze that watched his own hands as they rubbed you up and down carefully. The slight friction between his hands and your skin bringing you some heat. It only sunk in then that his large hands were tracing your arms, his warmth transferring to you. Flusters took over your sense again. As much as you wanted to speak up right now, you knew you'd only choke up on your words, far worse than your stutters. As your stomach swirled, you felt ardour rush to your face. A rose haze coated your skin, eyeing the way Bakugou rubbed his hands against you.
"Looks like you've warmed up, that's for sure" he grinned at you, noticing the way your chest began rising and falling, heartbeat thumping rapidly. The way your face flushed scarlet as your eyes danced around your atmosphere, all at his touch. He noticed it all. And boy was it rubbing his ego.
"I-uh, yeah. I mean- no?". Your words came out jumbled, unable to form proper sentences when his ruby eyes finally gazed up at you. The mysterious glint in them made you feel overwhelmed, unaware of what move he would make next.
"So you need to be warmed up a bit more, huh?". His hands swiftly grazed your arms, just about hovering over your soft skin. Careful touches traced it, your words departing from your brain. The entirety of your focus was on the way Bakugou's fingertips tickled you delicately, the electric feeling flowing throw you. "Speak up for me. Do you still need to be warmed?". He snapped you back into reality without warning, only to put you in a trance again. The way he spoke with such dominance, demanding for you to speak, only stirred your imagination further. You had pictured moments like these so many times, him ordering you to do as he says. And as these thoughts rushed to the surface, you started to feel heat build between your thighs.
"Yeah, sorry!". Frantically, you attempt to respond, a nervous giggle followed your sentence as it came out of your mouth. "If that's what you want, princess". He emphasised the nickname, his lips curling into a sneer as his hands began to wander. The soothing touch travelled upwards, his hands gliding over your skin, one resting on your warmed rosy cheek. His sudden action had your breath hitching. You'd portray such touches numerous times yet nothing could have appointed you for this moment as your nerves fell apart.
As you tried to ration the situation out in your mind, his eyes finally locked with yours. The intimate stare had you holding your breath. Gently, he massaged his thumb against your cheek as he slowly moved his hand to the back of your neck, chills dripping down your spine. His eyes flickered between your eyes and mouth, hinting at a kiss. Was he going to kiss you? You must have been dreaming or something. But it was all happening, right now. There was no time to contemplate the event at hand. His face was edging closer to yours only inches apart, his proximity to you titillating. As you waited for his lips to finally come in contact with yours, you began losing patience. It's like he purposely was a millimetre away from your lip just to taunt you. You took in one more breath, easing your nerves before crashing your lips against his.
Your initial cold shivers were a way for Bakugou to change the subject from his broken car, and it all had worked out in his favour. Admittedly, this was not the outcome he was intending for, but he was not complaining either. He was finally able to seel a kiss with a girl that had invaded his thoughts for years. A dream come true if you will.
His tender lips felt so soft against yours, the sweet caramel taste engulfing your senses as they oozed from his lips. The once overwhelming anxiousness that had you falling apart beneath his touch was now easing as you melted into the passionate exchange between the two of you. Bakugou's lips moved in sync with yours, sucking and tugging at your bottom lip hungrily, undoubtedly smudging your lipstick. His pearly whites sunk into your bottom lip, giving them a smooth tug before sliding his warm tongue in. As he did so, his hand explored your body, slowly descending down the side of your torso, gripping you tightly. His other hand, that had itself placed at the back of your neck, suddenly wrapped around your throat. A rough squeeze was given, encouraging a gasp to erupt from your voicebox. His unforeseen move made you feel sensitive, clenching your thighs together to relieve the desperate ache between your legs. The warm wet muscle that had slipped inside your mouth earlier adventured in your mouth, swirling around your tongue and trailing every inch. It all felt so unreal.
Suddenly, Bakugou pulled away with a string of saliva connecting you both. His hands were still firm on wherever they were on your body. Through parted lips, he panted as his gaze darted. "Fuck, looks like you got me warm as well now". His signature smirk was back, his hand that held you by the neck pulling your face closer to his. Vermillion eyes analysed you, watching the way your face was flushed, lips were wet and lipstick was smudged. Realising he probably had some red on his lips as well from your makeup, he brought one hand to his face, wiping his plump lips with the back of his hand. The image before you only made you wetter, thighs already tightly clutched. And as though he could read your mind, he brought that same hand down to your thigh with a slap. The impact of his hands against you instantly shot to your soaking core, though the actions didn't hurt you much. You felt a tingling sensation to dance across your skin. Rubbing the impacted area, Bakugou continued to look at you, his eyes occasionally diverting to were he was soothing your thigh. His hands began needing your thigh higher and higher until his fingers dipped into the gap where your two thighs made contact. Teasingly, he drove one thigh from another to part them. "And you're definitely warmed up now, baby". His words insinuating how flustered you were.
He brought his lips back to yours as he worked his fingertips up your leg. His touch was so close and you felt so sensitive, you couldn't help but let out a shaky moan into the kiss. You wanted him so bad, craving to feel every inch of him against you. Your hands eager, you brought them up to his shirt. Clenching your hands around the piece of fabric, you tugged him closer to you, the distance between you two unbearable as you sat in separate seats. Your actions brought him to a sudden pause, causing him to pull away. "Are you that desperate for me?". His seductive tone made your face heat up and even more aroused. By now, you sure as hell knew your cunt was drenched. "You want me so fucking bad, don't you?". His hand was back in motion, fingertips almost touching you through your underwear. All you could do was moan in response as you craved his touch. "I can't fucking hear you". He taunted you once again, before his fingertips finally stroked your wet panties, massaging your folds through the cotton. You felt your breath tremble as he applied gentle pressure.
"Y-yes, I've wanted you so bad for a long time". Voice unsteady, you could just barely articulate. You felt the way his fingers caressed you through your underwear, index finger circling your clit so that the fabric would trigger your sensitive bud. Another moan emerged out your lips as you took in a profound breath. "I can tell. Your fucking soaking and it's all for me, babygirl". His cool breath trickled down your ear as he murmured against it.
You couldn't bear it anymore, the distance practically eating away at your patience as sexual frustration overflowed your senses. His fingers continued to shower you in affection but it was no longer enough. You needed more. "Please, Bakugou. I-I want you so bad right now". Hitched breaths and shallow moans rolled off of your tongue as you spoke, Bakugou's eyes sinful as he observed you.
"You'll have to be more specific than that". The same mockeries filled your ears, craving to see you flush as you spoke of all your desires, embarrassed by their explicit nature. As he awaited your response, he slowed his movements down, only teasing you further as it stript you off the pleasure you so desperately yearned for. "Shit, I want to feel you. I want to be closer- please".
The words dripped from your mouth as though it was second nature, the thirst for him more than unambiguous by your needy state. With that, his hands left your core, the cool air surrounding you as his warmth departed. You watched him carefully with longing eyes. The way his cherry centres locked on you as his grip came to your waist. His firm hands grabbed hold of you as he granted your wishes, placing you on his lap.
You sat on top of him, his toned legs holding you up and his hands pursued your body. The way your thighs rested atop his, your sensitive core throbbing against his hardening cock and the way his palms massaged your curves felt all so surreal. Subconsciously grinding against him, you felt his cock brush up against your folds, and with every stroke of your hips, the friction was shooting an electric buzz through you. "Didn't know you were such a needy slut for me". He purred at you with that deriding look in his eyes, smirking smugly. All you did was hum in return to his taunts.
Wrapping your hands around his neck, you lingered your fingertips along his neckline, gradually pulling his face in for another kiss. Devouring each other's lips once again, Bakugous hands slipped beneath your dress, lifting it to loosely drape around your waist. Your legs fully displayed, the frigid air hurried to leave goosebumps along your skin. Resuming his excursion, his fingers wandered back to where they seized you previously. As he leaned into the makeout, he rested your back against the steering wheel before tearing away from your mouth. Keen set of eyes watching you."Tell me exactly where you want my hands to go, baby. Your lucky I'm willing to take directions". For a moment you realised the exception he was making.
Bakugou was known for listening to no one but himself. So the fact he considered something like this, even if it was during an odd time, spoke volumes. It only stabilised, if not boosted, the feeling that you harboured for Bakugou. Yet there was no time to ponder over his actions. You hesitated to respond at first, slightly embarrassed to provide him with an answer.
"I want you to touch me". You deeply flushed at your reply but Bakugou only squinted at you. "Babygirl, your such a needy bitch but won't even get into specifics. Come on, you can be open with me". His words only strengthened the blush that overlaid your skin to deepen, if that was even possible. Even in your profoundly flustered disposition, you needed him and retaining your mouth shut was not an option.
"Bakugou, you know what I mean. Here". You childishly whine before grabbing hold of his hand, guiding it to your heat. His firm hand was resting on your bound cunt, not making a single move but rather looking at you intently. "Good enough" was his only response.
Swiftly, his slender fingers submerged under the fabric of your underwear, coming in contact with your wetness. The suddenness of his actions provoked a gasp to emit from your mouth, his fingers already exploring you. The feeling of his warmth travelling tenderly up and down your folds, with the occasional attentiveness to your clit made you squirm as you sucked deep breaths in. Your chest came up and down as air raced to pervade you, your moans getting gradually louder as you rubbed and arched against his touch. His attentive touch began centring more on your delicate bud, picking up his pace as he soaked in the sight of you falling apart atop him. Your heavy breaths and moans that filled the air and the way you desperately moved against every circular motion of his finger. Fuck was the sight something he had dreamt of for so long, and it was far better than he imagined. "You fucking like that huh?" he uttered through gritted teeth as his face crept closer to yours, observing the way you tightly squeezed your eyes shut, mouth dropped open.
"Shit, yes. Just like that" your breathy response came out as just above a whisper, too caught up in the pleasure of his touch. And just when you thought it couldn't feel any better, you felt his two fingers slip inside you. Your warm pink walls instantly sucking his fingers in, frantically tightening against them. A lusty moan shot out of your mouth, the overwhelming feeling of him fully submerged within you, pumping in and out. His fingers curled to hit just the right spot before you could fully adjust. The sensation was all too much and you felt the desire consume you. Panting and moaning, you could barely make sense of your surroundings as he didn't hesitate to advance his movements by pumping harder and faster, your wetness trickling down his bronzed palm.
His pace only intensified, his fingers gliding in and out of you, rubbing against your contracting walls that made your stomach burn. Burn in a way that made you almost lose control as it tied knots in your abdomen. Every spot that made your body arch against its will, legs jutting and twitching, he hit it all. And just as you edged nearer to your orgasm, moans building up at the back of your throat, ready for release as your nails dug into Bakugou's forearms. He came to a sudden pause, retreating his fingers, now soaked in your juices. You felt the dissatisfaction of his lack of attention, yearning to be touched again. Thick pants filled the car as Bakugou smirked at you and at the way you couldn't help but grind against him to supply for his loss of attention towards you.
"Princess, you didn't really think you'd get it that easy" he spoke tauntingly, rubbing your thighs as he trailed kisses on your collar bone. He'd wanted to mark up your delicate skin so many times, his presence forever embedded on you. Sinking his teeth on your flesh, he sucked and licked it, earning a soft moan from you against his ear. The tickling sensation of your breath against him accompanied by your lewd noises only hardened his growing erection. The restricting tightness of his trousers becoming infuriating for the boy.
He left mark after mark, immersing in the way you rubbed and groaned into him. "Bakugou... I need you. All of you.". Your words were like music to his ears, a combination of sounds he'd wanted to hear for so long. You begging for him to please you, make you his. It didn't even take him a second thought to know what he wanted to do to you, almost agreeing instantly. "Show me how bad you need me then". The challenging statement made you feel more heated, already in complete aw at the way his lips marked your skin.
You gently pushed him off you, pressing his back into the black leather seat, planting a delicate kiss on his lips before ducking between his legs. The position was cramped, the compact space of being under the steering wheel, legs crossed as you shifted your body further back until you could feel the disengaged pedal of the vehicle.
Bakugou sat with eager eyes on you, waiting for what you'd do next. To be honest, he felt uncomfortable at his lack of control at this very moment, already plotting how he'd regain it once more once he caught onto what your plan was. "Is this your way of proving yourself" he snickered at you, your hands on his belt, the clinking of the metal drowning out his voice. Through the material of his trousers, you could see the outline of his bulge, tight around the fabric restraints.
And just as you went to undo the restraints, unravelling the package that was contained, your head had hit the soft padding of the steering wheel. The sudden beep of the car horn went off, alarming the two of you. "What the fuck," Bakugou spoke up first in confusion. The car had obviously broken down only a few minutes ago yet it had finally decided to cooperate and disturb your guys' self-indulgence.
"Perfect timing" You giggled as you let your hands fall from his belt, slightly disappointed by the interruption. You wanted to continue this fantasy, see where it would take you both but you had other priorities on your mind as well. Like getting to the reunion for starters."Don't look so distressed, baby" Bakugou spoke softly as he lifted your chin, admiring you and the marks he left all over. "We will finish what we started, after all, I've been wanting this for so fucking long" He admitted and you couldn't help but redden at his remark.
You delicately slipped from under the wheel, dragging your dress down to cover your flashed skin. "I'll be looking forward to that then" You fire your own flirt his way, tipping over to leave a gentle peck against his lips before cleaning your lipstick from his face. He responded with a scoff and a rolling of his eyes, diverting his attention to the road to start driving again.
"I would say cover up the hickeys, but I want all those damn extra's to know who you belong to now" He smirked giving you the side-eye. Only then did you notice your wrecked state, desperately trying to fix your appearance in the small overhead mirror.
Bakugou steadily drove to your destination as his large hand rested on your thigh, you both wondering where you'd finish this excursion...
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Press/Gallery: Elizabeth Olsen Is Ready to Lead the MCU
An ambitious new Disney+ series might just give the strongest Avenger the happy ending she deserves.

Studio Photoshoots > 2021 > Session 001
ELLE: We can’t keep meeting Elizabeth Olsen like this. By “this,” I mean in the throes of catastrophe or bereavement, or, to put it plainly, when she’s an emotional wreck. In the 2018 Facebook Watch drama Sorry For Your Loss, Olsen assumes the role of Leigh Shaw, a young widow grappling with the unexpected loss of her husband and all the painful nuisances that come with death: the unbearable waves of sadness, the clichéd condolences, a grief support group that runs out of donuts. At one point, Leigh says through a cracked voice, “I’m just mad all the time.” It’s hard not to draw parallels to Olsen’s other angry character. After all, “mad��� is exactly how 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron introduced us to Wanda Maximoff.
Defined by tragedy since her Marvel debut, Wanda (aka the Scarlet Witch) is an orphan with telekinetic powers. When not saving the world, she spends most of her time onscreen grieving the deaths of her parents, twin brother, or lover. Wanda’s never been allowed to fully exist outside the confines of her grief and anger, but with the launch of WandaVision—Marvel’s foray into serialized content for streaming—she may just be getting the happy ending she deserves.
Partly inspired by The Vision comic book, which follows synthezoid superhero Vision and his family as they move to the suburbs of Washington, D.C., the Disney+ series is an ode to the TV sitcoms we’ve come to love, with Wanda and Vision (Paul Bettany) basking in newlywed bliss—except Vision’s been very dead (killed twice, in fact) since the events of 2018’s Avengers: Infinity War. It’s unclear exactly how these starcrossed characters got to suburbia, but for now, it’s a delight to see the typically solemn duo sink their teeth into slapstick comedy.
“The show is like a blank slate for them,” Olsen tells me over Zoom, her light brown fringe a departure from Wanda’s red waves. The Scarlet Witch’s doleful glare is also long gone; in its place, Olsen’s eyes are wide with excitement. “Wanda and Vision’s journey to this point is a story of pure, innocent love and deep connection with another person,” she explains. “It was also very traumatizing. Tragedy has always been their story. In our show, we kind of wipe that clean and start fresh.”
But Wanda’s complicated past looms over WandaVision. Age of Ultron saw her and her twin brother, Pietro, initially opposing the Avengers (the siblings volunteered for a series of experiments with Hydra—a super evil organization within the MCU—after the deaths of their parents at the hands of Tony Stark’s Stark Industries) before switching sides to help save the Earth. The movie ends in victory for our superheroes, but yet another tragedy for Wanda when Pietro dies in battle. She finds comfort in the arms of Vision, an android created from the remains of Tony’s J.A.R.V.I.S. program, but even that bliss is short-lived. You see, Vision can only live with the help of the Mind Stone, which Mad Titan Thanos needs to take over the universe. In Infinity War, Vision asks Wanda to sacrifice him, and Wanda reluctantly agrees—but Thanos reverses time to gain control of the stone, killing the robot for a second time. Wanda’s pain is palpable: Imagine sacrificing the love of your life to save everyone else, just to watch him brought back to life and killed again—by the very villain you’re trying to defeat.
Though the thrill of playing a character with superhuman abilities is enticing for any actress, Olsen says it was Wanda’s internal battle with mental health that attracted her to the role in the first place. “[Joss Whedon] explained to me that Wanda Maximoff has always been this pillar of the struggle of mental health, from her pain and depression and traumatic experiences to how she completely alters the reality of the comics,” Olsen says of her early conversations with the Age of Ultron director. “The thing I held onto after reading the initial script was that she was not only powerful because of her abilities, but because of her emotions.”
In fact, MCU theorists would argue she’s one of, if not the, strongest Avenger. She can infiltrate the others’ minds to reveal their biggest fears (Age of Ultron). She can overpower Vision and send him plunging through several floors to break up a fight between warring superheroes (Avengers: Civil War). She can even bring Thanos to his knees, snapping his sword in half and forcibly removing his armor piece by piece (Infinity War).
Still, “they keep slapping her over the head with more grief,” Olsen quips.
As phase one of the Marvel Cinematic Universe began with the sound of clanging metal on May 2, 2008, phase four kicked off on January 15, 2021 with a kitschy 1950s sitcom theme: “She’s a magical gal in a small town locale / he’s a hubby who’s part machine / How will this duo fit in and pull through? Oh, by sharing a love / like you’ve never seen.”
With WandaVision, Marvel steers clear of the typical superhero trappings: no destructive battles at a Berlin airport or across the streets of New York City; no blonde-haired god time-traveling to other realms; no tree-like alien fight alongside a raccoon. Wandavision takes place after the events of Endgame in a fictional suburban town called Westview, and the biggest problem the newlyweds face in the show’s opening moments is creating a convincing backstory to get nosy neighbor Agnes (Kathryn Hahn) off their backs.
“They are just trying to fit in,” Olsen explains. “They’re trying to not be found out by their neighbors that they’re super-powered beings.” Now, if only we can figure out what the hell is actually going on. Olsen remains tight-lipped: “The reason it’s a sitcom shows itself later in the show,” she hints. “When Kevin [Feige] told me, it didn’t feel so bizarre. It felt like a great way to start our story.”
“With our show, you don’t know what the villain is, or if there is one at all.”
So, is Wanda stuck in the first stage of grief, denial? Has she altered reality as a coping mechanism for Vision’s death? Is she being held hostage by a terrorist organization (ahem, Hydra!)? One thing we do know is that someone is watching the couple and taking notes. At the end of episode 1, the camera pans out from a retro TV playing an episode of WandaVision (meta!) to show a hand jotting down notes. There’s a strange sword symbol on the notebook and a nearby control board, and in episode 2, the same sign appears on a toy helicopter lodged in the couple’s front yard. Later, when a mysterious beekeeper crawls out of the sewer on the couple’s street, the symbol is seen on the back of his suit. In its 20-plus movies, Marvel villains have always existed in plain sight. But with a new, less obvious darkness lurking at every turn, Wanda may have to return to her world-saving roots.
“Someone said to me when you watch any of these hero movies, you know when the villain’s about to show themselves, and you also have an idea of who the villain is,” Olsen says. “With our show, you don’t know what the villain is, or if there is one at all.” For now, WandaVision allows for glimmers of hope and optimism for Wanda and Vision, despite what darkness tries to threaten their happiness. “Wanda is trying to protect everything in her bubble, protect what she and Vision have and this experience,” Olsen says. “I think everything she does is in response to keeping things together.”
In addition to exploding the concept of the superhero onscreen, WandaVision toys with a different era of TV in each episode. The pilot takes viewers to the ‘50s with an episode filmed in front of a live studio audience, and Wanda dresses up in the quintessential housewife garb, not a hair out of place in her voluminous bob. By the time we click on episode 2, she trades in her apron and kitten heels for a more pared-down ‘60s look, while episode 3 gives a nod to the ��70s, complete with a Brady Bunch-style staircase and a shag haircut for Vision.
While dressing up was the fun part, time-hopping through the eras required a lot of binge-watching old sitcoms to get the mannerisms down right. Olsen studied series like The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Brady Bunch, The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and Bewitched to “understand the tones of each era” and get a grasp of how Wanda and Vision should act as a couple. (One of her favorite TV pairings was Jane Kaczmarek and Bryan Cranston from Malcolm in the Middle.) She was fascinated by the way female characters evolved through the decades: “You have to learn appropriate manners—what’s considered being polite or proper. That coincides with women’s voices changing,” she explains. “I enjoyed challenging myself to match the syntax and the lyricism. I live in a very chest-register kind of deep voice. I had to remember not to bring it up at certain moments.”
For so long, Wanda served as a supporting character to Marvel’s biggest names, and the formulaic mundanity of the major theatrical releases made it easy to get comfortable. WandaVision offered Olsen a much-needed challenge. “I’ve only been working for 10 years, but there is this feeling where you start to get comfortable,” she says. “WandaVision was the furthest thing from comfortable for me. It felt intimidating. The character is a completely different thing.”
And fans hoping for a little Marvel action won’t be disappointed. “We still live up to what Marvel does,” she promises. “We just tell the story in a completely different way. It’s a very emotional, female story and it’s a story they haven’t told yet for either of our characters.” Whatever your theory is, keep the cliché condolences to yourself. No one will be uttering, “Sorry for your loss” in Wanda’s world.
Press/Gallery: Elizabeth Olsen Is Ready to Lead the MCU was originally published on Elizabeth Olsen Source • Your source for everything Elizabeth Olsen
#Elizabeth Olsen#WandaVision#Avengers#Scarlet Witch#Wanda Maximoff#Sorry For Your Loss#Avengers Infinity War#Avengers Age of Ultron#Captain America Civil War#Ingrid Goes West#Godzilla
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I have a question for you! As it is the lovely Mammoney's birthday coming up, what would your MC give the boys for their birthday?
This actually became a lot longer than I expected because I couldn't help writing minifics whoops and ahh asks about my MC make me happy cause I rarely get to talk about them specifically
Note; despite the typical idea you'd get from their name Eliza is neither white or western or a girl. All the relationships except the one with Mammon are just platonic✌ lemme know what you think cause feedback (either good or bad) is my only fuel
Lucifer gets a #1 MOM mug but also the day after his bday he gets Eliza asking Diavolo if he could let Lucifer off work for the day and dragging the rest of the brothers out of the house while making Lucifer promise he'll take a nap.
"Are you ordering me?"
"Well I mean...yeah? Not - not in a," they wiggled their fingers in front of them "pacty way. Just in a concerned friend way."
"And if I don't?"
"Well Diavolo went through all the trouble of taking on your work load... He'd be terribly disappointed if nothing came of it."
Lucifer had to stamp down the twitch of fond amusement that threatened to show on his face, "Are you trying to manipulate me?"
"No, I am manipulating you. Because it's working."
He gave them a dubious look.
"It is working. Right?"
With a sigh he said, "It's working."
"Great!" They pressed forward to give him a tight brief hug whispering "Happy Birthday Lucifer" before they were moving away, running off to presumably gather his brothers. "Remember," Eliza yelled over their shoulder, "Sleep!"
The day of Mammon's birthday he gets a scavenger hunt. He grumbles at first but the lure of the prize at each location has him solving the riddles in seconds. Eliza trots after him to each location. The gifts, though there are a lot of them aren't anything big or overly expensive, a keychain with a little crow at the end of it, a bright gold cover for his D.D.D., A tote bag just so he could put the rest of his gift in it, that one choker/collar he had been eyeing a few days ago, a few of the old Disney princess movies because he got really into Cinderella, a warm scarf and set of mittens for the colder months because they know he prefers the warmth, a new pair of sunglasses, a new pair of earrings/studs, nail polish. But it's the little notes attached to them that's killing him.
"It's cute like you!" "Ik your eyes aren't gold but I always think of shining gold when I think of them. Maybe because they are so precious?" "I love you" "I saw you staring at it. You probably thought you'd look hot in it. You're right." "Did you know meeting you made me believe in happily ever afters?" "This one's pretty selfish because seeing you happy and comfortable makes me happy" "This one's a joint gift. I'll need to borrow them because you light up the room" "You deserve the best things because you're the best" "Have I told you I love you" "Stop solving these riddles so fast! I spent a lot of time trying to find the hard ones and now you're making me look dumb! Plus my legs are hurting."
The words of the last note blurred a bit as he tried to discreetly sniff. He'd been holding back tears since the second note, not that he'd ever let the human know (they knew). He wasn't sure why this was the one that broke him.
He turns to Eliza slowly. Making sure he doesn't crush the note.
They're panting slightly, from having to run up and down the whole house after him, but they smile brightly when he meets their eyes. "Seriously man, slow down for us weaker beings yeah?"
Then Mammon does something he rarely does. He makes the first move. He shoots forward to envelope them in a hug. They yelp at the sudden movement but immediately fold their arms around him.
They're almost the same height, something Eliza loves to hold over him, so it's easy for them to shift back and press a kiss to the tip of his nose. "I love you."
That just makes him sniff harder and burrow further into their shoulder, "Said that twice already," he mumbles between hiccuping little sobs.
"Dunno what to tell you, Mammon but I love you a whole lot. Just once won't work"
"... l - love ya too dummy..."
"There's one more riddle."
The last one simply says "Happy Birthday, Mammon."
"What's the gift?" He asks, looking around his room where the last riddle had led them.
The click of the lock and the wicked look on their face says it all.
*If you think the notes were cheesy Eliza absolutely cringed while writing them and had to take breaks to go scream in their pillow because of how sappy they were, but Mammon liked this kind of cheesy and it doesn't mean they weren't 100% sincere.*
For Levi they hunt down Simeon, trailing after him begging, negotiating and making deals.
"I-is this - this isn't - h-how - there isn't any - ELIZAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" He launches himself at them, still holding the little book. "I LOVE YOU!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ELIZA! I - " He pauses, seeming to finally register his words and jumping away, hand flying to cover his flaming face "I! That doesn't mean! I didn't mean it like -"
"Love you too," they say easily.
And that has Levi blushing even more and trying to hide his face while mumbling something about 'normies'.
"Do you like it?"
"LIKE IT!? How'd you get it! This! This isn't even supposed to exist!"
"Ah I spoke to Simeon, he wrote it just for your birthday. They're only a collection of short stories though."
"...happy birthday Levi?"
"Love you too."
For Satan Eliza follows both Diavolo and Lucifer around, once again begging, pleading and bargaining. Diavolo agrees pretty quickly, it's Lucifer they take a week to convince
"Where are we going exactly?"
"You'll see."
"And how exactly did you manage to convince them to let us into the human world?"
"Do I want to know?"
"Probably not."
He chuckles softly, gently bumping them with his elbow he asks, "At least tell me where we are."
"Well this is where my mother was from. She was the one who was Lilith's descendant."
"It's not the same as where you lived?"
Eliza flushes at his use of the past tense. "Nope. It's funny though... "
"What is?"
"The first people who lived, the natives, the name of their clan translated to 'Demon'. They even had a Demon King. Ah, not sure how much of that is actual history and how much has been twisted through time but. It's an odd little coincidence don't you think?"
"Amid the action and reaction of so dense a swarm of humanity, every possible combination of events may be expected to take place, and many a little problem will be presented which may be striking and bizarre..."
"Don't quote your detective at me."
Satan laughs. "What happened to them? In your history?"
"Well it's a bit of a long story, it's not exactly a fair one either."
"History so rarely is. It's always told through the mouths of the survivors, the winners, it rarely gets a chance to be fair, to be anything more than fiction peppered with fact." His eyes are fixed firmly on the sky.
Eliza looks up with him, staring at the cloudless blue sky.
He shakes himself out of it with a chuckle, "That doesn't mean I'm not interested in hearing it. Quite the opposite actually." He smiles sweetly at them.
Eliza grins back. "I actually managed to get us a few days here. There are lots of ruins all around the country, they're not from that original clan but they're still really old and kind of amazing. We won't be able to visit all of them but it's still something."
"It is. Thank you, Eliza. It means a lot that I'd be able to learn something new and that you're sharing this with me."
Still grinning they hug him gently.
He wraps his arms around them
"Is this the part where you wish me?"
"It is. Happy Birthday, Satan."
*Anyway this is part of our actual history and even though I haven't really decided where Eliza is from this felt fitting? The detective quote is taken straight from Sherlock Holmes*
"Elizaaa~ This is so sweet! Ahh, I love it! I love you!!"
Eliza couldn't help the soft laugh as Asmo clung on to them, rubbing their cheeks together and enveloping them in the sweet scent of his perfume.
"How did you know I needed this?"
"Well, living with six brothers anyone would need a weekend spa retreat away from them."
"You're right, Eliza! You're so right! They're the worst and it's even started to affect my skin! I needed some me time."
"Well... It's actually a coupon for two..."
Asmo blinked at them looking down at it and yes it was a coupon for two.
"You know, just in case you wanna..." they did a ridiculous eyebrow wiggle that had him giggling.
"Well then, Dear. How about a weekend spa treatment with me? Hmm?"
Eliza blushed, stumbling back and stuttering, "That's not - I - you know - I'm just - I - "
He watches them stutter, with an amused smile before he mercifully cuts in "I know you're set on that idiot brother of mine. Lord knows why, he's such a mess and I'm much prettier. You know I love you Eliza but you really do have terrible taste."
At their scowl he giggles, "But you love him, and you look out for him and you make him happy and he does all that for you too. And, well that's all that matters, isn't it?"
They're a bit red again, but they're smiling at him softly and looking at him with such love in their eyes, it makes a gentle sort of warmth spread through him.
"No, what I meant was not everyone in my family has been driving me crazy recently and you look like you could use a weekend off too. I can tell you embarrassing stories about Mammon from back in the Celestial Realm, if that sweetens the deal? Unless," now that he thought about it, "that makes you uncomfortable!? Ah! Eliza, I'm so sorry I didn't even think! I know you don't like this kind of thing, that's okay I'll ask So-"
"No, wait Asmo it's fine. I don't mind it, if it's with you."
Asmo blinked. The warmth spread. Then he flung himself at them again, "Elizaaaaa, don't say things like that and expect me not to react!"
They laughed, easily catching him in their arms, "Happy Birthday, Asmo."
Beel & Belphie
With Beel & Belphie Eliza leads them into the attic and locks the door behind them.
"Are you going to kill us here?"
"Haha. Funny."
Belphie laughed lightly, and Eliza could almost hear Beel's frown as commonplace as it was when the topic was brought up. Not wanting to keep Beel in any type of discomfort they reached out with that flicker of magic in them and a muttered spell and lit the fairy light like little lamps that hung across the room.
"You're getting better at that." Belphie said, eyes on them and looking impressed.
Beel hummed and agreed, looking proud.
"I know." Their chest puffed out a bit and the twins laughed.
Letting the moment fade they swept their hands, gesturing at the rest of the room. "So what do you think?"
The furniture had all been moved to the sides, the blankets and pillows from the room along with many, many additional ones were all piled strategically on the floor, making a large nest like structure. The outer structure of the nest was lined with various boxes and packets of different kinds of snacks and drinks. On the wooden floor in front of the nest was a large cake decorated in warm oranges and cool purples.
"I made it!" They said, proudly before deflating a second later "Well Luke made it, he wanted to do something nice for Beel's birthday but I stood around and licked the raw batter so that counts?... There's also a handheld vacuum for crumbs." They gestured at the side.
"It looks good," Beel said with a nod. "Smells good. I'm hungry."
Belphie tilted his head, "So your present for us is our sins?"
Eliza bristled, "No. That's just the setting, next is the accessories."
"Accessories?" Beel asked softly, still eyeing the cake, only held back by the firm grip that both Eliza and Belphie had on his hands.
"Accessories." Eliza moved away to a corner, returning while juggling two wrapped gift.
"It's that manga of Levi's that you like, it's the full published series so you don't need to keep borrowing it." Turning to Beel, "pyjamas. Large oversized thick and comfy pyjamas. I washed them too so that they would smell nice and wouldn't be scratchy. So this is your present: A sleepover, cuddled together under the blankets, in large comfortable clothes, eating junk food and reading manga where none of your brothers can interrupt." Eliza stopped for a breath, their proud smile dimming a bit, "I guess your presents are your sins..."
"No. They're not." Beel said firmly. Hands already unbuckling his pants and sliding them down. He changed his clothes quickly with no care for either of his audience who, to his credit, failed to react. He folded the old ones and placed them in a corner while Belphie removed his boots.
"They're not," Beel said again looking straight at Eliza, "They're quality time doing things we love with the people we love, without having to worry about anything else." He walks up to them, enfolding them in a warm, soft hug. "Thank you, Eliza."
"Right, right. Our sins are part of it because those are things we enjoy. But they're not the actual gift. Like you said it's the settings and accessories that make the actual gift. And that's spending time together without any of those idiots interrupting us for once."
"It's a good gift." Beel said, as Belphie slid into the hug. Beel lifted them both off their feet as they clung to him.
"Happy Birthday guys," Eliza said through their laughter.
"Love you," they both said in unison.
#asks#answers#obey me#obey me shall we date#obey me!#shall we date? obey me!#swd obey me#obey me mammon#mammon x mc#mammon x reader#om! mammon#swd mammon#obey me lucifer#om! lucifer#swd lucifer#obey me leviathan#swd leviathan#om!leviathan#obey me satan#om! satan#swd satan#obey me asmodeus#om! asmodeus#swd asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#om! beelzebub#swd beelzebub#obey me belphegor#om! belphegor#swd belphegor
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A slap

[Sorry for my bad English, I’m French. I do my best]
A slap.
I got a slap.
A monumental slap. A glass of ice water in the figure.
Last night, during my weekly search for new movies to watch, I came across the magnificent - as it appeared - film "Border" by Ali Abbasi. A fantastic work that mixes drama and thriller. The movie is very dark, violent, very impressive by its "gore" side and very focused on sexuality (TW note: it also speaks of the fight against pedophilia, with very raw scenes). Unique and bizarre. It immediately caught my interest, the trailer even more.
The heroine of this movie? Tina, an atypical, "ugly" woman with a wild heart. His gaze and his actions demonstrated the strong animality that flowed through his veins. She quickly became a "customs guard" by her infallible instinct to sense the intentions of passers-by. She couldn't help but feel the different individuals and their luggage, in the astonished eyes of all. She knows how to recognize the smell of shame, guilt, rage, hate ...
Tina is animal. Her animality wants to go out, let her growl on the dogs that attack him, play with insects and mud, or feed on worms. But she can't help it. The look and opinion of other humans is too important to her.
So it is like that, a creature trapped in a human body. Standards established by society that prevent it from existing.
[The following paragraphs are likely to spoil you the film, do not read if you plan to watch it.]
Without lying to you, I recognized myself terribly in the character of Tina. I understand its "beastly" aspect and its savagery. This feeling, since childhood, of not being completely "human" that I share with her.
That's not all.
Tina meets a man, Vore. As different and ugly as she is.
Vore allows itself to exist, to let its inner creature express itself in broad daylight. Hands in the mud, he growls, rumbles, sniffs loudly, screams, squeals of submission. He is animal. He is alive.
Vore will teach Tina to accept and live her animality. Two lovers running naked in the woods, feeding on larvae, bathing in the river, playing like animals, reproducing without shame or embarrassment in the forest. Also close to animals, they have an intimate proximity to flora and fauna, like children of nature.
This is how the crucial moment comes. The scene that took my breath away. The extract which will remain engraved in my mind.
Vore announces to Tina that they are Scandinavian trolls.
Yes. Like me, I must admit. Trolls.
The heroin was already sticking to my skin.
So I saw myself again, as a child, acting (or wanting to act) as the main characters in this work. Feel this animality so impressive by its similarity.
Troll. It has been a while since I wanted to deny this identity. I didn't want to be an otherkin or whatever. I did not accept this part of me. I even tried to "suppress" my feelings and my ghost limbs. But there, I watch this movie... And, BAAAM, it crashes in my face. Without asking anything.
I remembered being that poor child disturbed by her own animality that kept growing in my house. I was wild. I am wild. Wild like Tina and Vore. Two being with the human body but having a “spirit” of Scandinavian trolls. Whether I like it or not, everything made sense, I had to accept it. I am too a troll.
My heart was pounding. I even had a little backward movement.
I had the feeling that this movie ... represented me. As if it was designed for me. I don't really believe in magic or esotericism very much but I am amazed. So many coincidences. So many surprises. My vision of alter-humanity is rather psychological, neurological ... and yet. I was fascinated.
I no longer knew where to put myself. Both intrigued and uncomfortable finding my strange behavior on the screen.
I saw them like that, acting like non-human creatures. Playing like beasts. I wanted to follow them, get away from home on all fours. Running barefoot, sniffing the soft earth, letting go of all my animality. I wanted to stick my claws in the clay, play with my partner to bite his tail gently, even "mark my territory". I'm made to groan, spit, howl. Eat insects that disgust humans. Animality. It's not just a game, it's what I am.
I was also able to learn more about the trolls and their behavior. I realize - again - how much I resemble them. It's not just about 2-3 details that suit me, no. A very complex set of deep feelings - present since childhood - and acts that make me a Norwegian troll (like my panic fear of lightning).
Whether shifts or phantom limbs. But yes, I didn't want to be a Norwegian troll. I tried to erase these feelings as well as possible. But there, I was faced with an obviousness.
Even my feeling of "lack of lion tail" was present in this movie. The heroes had a similar tail but were maimed by malicious humans. I don't like being touched, touched or caressed where I should have had a tail.
To conclude, I was at the same time stunned, shocked and at the same time amazed by this work. It's not my favorite movie, no. But the way in which we discover these complex characters, as well as their beastly and instinctive side, touched me enormously. I wanted to make this article because, despite my desire to remove this "otherkin" part of me, I know it more than ever:
I am indeed a troll.

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Why do Boyd/Hsin work? (anon ask)
I moved this ask over from a different place where the person sent a number of questions, as they were unable to get it to fit in tumblr’s space restrictions. In case they didn’t want their name known, I’m referring to them as an anon. But I thought they had good questions others may be curious about as well so I’ll be putting them (and the answers) over here.
I think you mentioned somewhere that at some point during the writing process you guys thought that Boyd and Sin would fall for each other, and that’s how the idea was born. Why do you think, personally, that they fit so well as a couple, and what made you decide that they would fall for each other?
Yep, you remember correctly :) So basically we started ICoS just to fuck around, honestly, because we were bored. Because we didn’t figure it would become a thing, we thought that rather than wasting all our energy/motivation/excitement on character creation and some in depth setting on another world or something, we’d be best off doing something in our world, kind of our times, kind of dystopian, and then to pull in characters we had created for roleplaying games elsewhere that we didn’t get to play as fully as we wanted, or we thought would be fun to play more here.
Sin came from one game, Boyd from another. We knew Sin was going to be "Sonny’s” main character pretty early into it, if I recall correctly, but I didn’t know which of my characters I wanted to bring over. I initially threw out Boyd as an option because I thought the juxtaposition would be really funny, and because I liked him as a character but he barely got anywhere in the other rpg. (Lou came from that RPG too, btw, as did Vivienne and Cedrick of course)
The point at which we realized they would fall for each other was practically right away - we wrote like, I don’t even remember, 4 scenes or something? And already they were seeming like they had great chemistry and wanted to flirt and just somehow, bizarrely, felt like they would gravitate toward each other.
I don’t know how to explain how we knew without probably sounding like a lunatic, but to me characters are people - and most of the time, I kind of take my cues from them as to what they think, what they would do, how they feel, etc. I know they aren’t real, I know they don’t exist in our world, but maybe I just get interested in the psychology of characters and because I’m an empathetic person, maybe I just naturally start thinking of them in terms of what they want and how that affects what I had thought I had planned for the story.
It was just one of those things where we realized as soon as we had those two characters in the same room as each other, as soon as we tried writing a scene that we had intended to establish them as partners who didn’t get along and who didn’t trust each other and who would never be particularly close, we realized both of them kept somehow responding to the other character in a way that showed they had chemistry and they would like each other. Maybe even love each other, given the chance.
So we started writing the story over again, reworking it this time with the knowledge that they wanted to be a thing, so now it would be a story with a romance, instead of just a story. But being that they were both super messed up, of course that whole journey to love in any way that’s even remotely healthy was a process in and of itself.
(Sorry for rehashing all that since you remember that - but wanted to say all that for anyone who hadn’t seen the context on the previous posts where I talked about that)
As for why they fit so well, honestly I think it’s because of their base characteristics and their default tendencies, and a lot of it too is their backgrounds. It seems like their backgrounds were made to create characters that fit each other so well as a result but that was totally a coincidence that they each already had backgrounds we’d individually decided which ended in life experiences forming the characteristics that drew each other to them.
So, for example, Sin doesn’t trust almost anyone in the beginning of the series; he’s used to being used, he’s cynical, he kind of hates people, and he just doesn’t have much faith in humanity or humans because people have shown him time and time again that they will turn on him if given the chance, or they don’t really see him as a person, or they do but he can’t help feeling like they have an ulterior motive in it all. Then Boyd comes along, and he doesn’t have an ulterior motive whatsoever; he just genuinely does not have any preconceived judgment of Hsin, he doesn’t care either way about him at first, he doesn’t treat him like shit like so many other people have Hsin’s whole life. He just kind of treats him like a person, for good and for bad. Which means they have arguments and they have good moments. They find they have similarities in some things and are way different in other.
I think it’s the fact that Boyd was willing to judge Sin on Sin’s actual actions and actual words instead of basing things on fears, rumors, or the like, that over time made Sin realize Boyd was different. Similarly, how Boyd stood up for Sin even at his own personal detriment, when no one else had in quite the same way. The fact that Boyd cared so little for himself he was even perfectly comfortable sacrificing himself for Sin’s benefit even when they weren’t friends. I think that the fact that Boyd didn’t give a shit about anything, that he only was interested in seeing Sin for who Sin was and not what everyone thought him to be, was something that really spoke to Sin and helped him slowly come out of his shell. And made him feel comfortable starting to trust others on his own terms, and even fall in love, and feel safe doing so in the long run.
As for Boyd, he also was used to a certain treatment in his life, which was at times indifferent, at other times even cruel. He was used to people judging him by his looks, his family, all sorts of things. He was used to people hurting him. And he was used to losing the only people who had cared about him. He was, in short, used to suffering. He just wanted to die and be done with it all.
Similar to how Boyd didn’t judge Sin for what others judged him as, Sin didn’t seem to treat Boyd the way he was used to - or at least, not for the same reasons. Over time, it let him feel like it was okay to be himself; that he wasn’t inherently wrong for being born, or for how he was born, or for being alive until now. I think for Boyd the fact that Sin was so ridiculously strong and powerful was a relief; it made him feel, on some level, that he wouldn’t break and destroy and kill Sin just by being in his life, the way he felt he had for his dad and Lou.
In the end, I think they both just happened to be the right kind of person to make the other person feel like it was safe to slowly grow into who they were at the core of themselves without all the trauma of the past being the only thing that dictated their present. They each ended up being the right collection of characteristics to let the other person feel loved, and feel safe loving in return.
Of course, because of all that trauma and everything else contextually in their lives, the process of coming to that realization was a long one, and had a lot of ups and downs, and a lot of unhealthy behavior along the way. They aren’t always the healthiest for each other as they grow, but I do think they were what each other needed to, in the very long run, trust in the world to some extent, and through that learn to trust in themselves.
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Restart (Tom x Reader)
So I am trying a different kind of genre for this fic. I would love to get aas much feedback as I can for the next chapter.
Word Count: 1,110
Warnings: Nothing at the moment.
Synopsis: The world restarts every forty six years, and for as long as you have been around you have been alone during the restart, or knew what was happening. Until now.
Part 2
Every forty six years to the day the world begins, and nothing stays the same. No one remembers who they are or that the world has been restarted. No one except for you. The other bizarre nature of this reset and not being affected by the memory erase is that you don’t age. You have been through this reset six times and have yet to meet anyone else who seems to know about the world restarting. That was until today, the day before the world was about to reset for the seventh time.
The day had been like any other, you had been getting yourself prepared for the restart, which meant collecting as much supplies as possible and getting yourself to the bunker just outside of town. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for the people around you who were completely oblivious to what was to come. Though they would still exist their lives as they knew it would be completely different. The people they loved would be in love with other people and yet they would never even know it. You had seen it after the first restart. You had searched for months to find your parents only to realize that your family was no longer your own. Your father was married to someone else and your mother lived in a totally different city. The first reset had been the worst. Trying to figure out what had happened, and how it could all be possible. You searched the earth trying to figure out what was happening. You tried to find books or articles online about the world changing or some weird event happening and nothing. There was no information anywhere.
The second time the restart occurred you decided to make a bunker outside of town in order to keep memories of the life you hand every time the world would restart. You figured since it happened twice and nothing seemed to happen to you that you might as well try to keep some happiness around you. You traveled a lot in order to keep your identity hidden, you didn’t know if there were other people like you. People who knew of the restart as well as those who didn’t age. You figured in order to keep your life happy you might as well keep moving until it was time for the restart to occur again. By the time the fifth restart occurred you accepted that it was only you in this world who knew what was happening. That was until today as you were doing your final stock up of food and supplies, when you noticed someone else collecting the same items as you. As you walked down the aisle you began grabbing random items to see if the person behind you would do the same. They did. You let it play out for a few more moments before you decided to confront them. Spinning around and grabbing the buggy behind you;
“What are you doing?” You keep your voice low. The man behind you seemed shocked at the question.
“I’m...uhm...just shopping,” he stuttered out.
“Then why are you collecting all the same items I am?”
“I’m, I’m not, it must be a coincidence,” he kept his eyes trained on the buggy.
“A coincidence that you just happen to be collecting supplies that go well with a week camping in the middle of nowhere?”
“Yeah, I’m uh going up tonight. Trying to get what I can. You never know what can happen out there. Or what might happen tonight.” He said the last part a little under his breath.
“Did you say that something might happen tonight?”
“No of course not,” he’s flustered.
“Do you know about the restart?” Your eyes widened, maybe you weren’t alone. His eyes widened as well.
“You know? You know about the restart?”
“Yes, I’ve gone through it six times, I always thought I was the only one!”
“I did too! I’ve gone through it seven times, though I usually am in London when it happens. I’m Tom by the way.”
“(Y/N)” sticking your hand out.
“Nice to meet you (Y/N).”
You both stood a little awkward for a minute before you decided to see if he was interested in joining you in your bunker for the restart.
“I mean it’s not very big but I mean at least we wouldn’t have to go through this whole thing alone.”
“Sure, it’s be nice not to enter the world alone again and having to accept that everyone you once knew not knowing anything again.”
As you both made your way to the bunker with all your supplies you both began to share what you did during the different lives you lived. Tom has been a carpenter, an actor, a director, and a professor. He thought he could try to hone his craft more if he could practice around the world. Though he grew up in London and loved it there though it got hard when he couldn’t talk to his family, or friends as he once had. You learned he made his way to America this time because he thought it would be easier to restart in a place where no one he knew was around.
You shared your story with him as well. You shared how you had gone to school and held multiple degrees because why not be super educated. You shared about how you were also trying to figure out how this whole world restart began or why it happened every forty six years and how it affected you differently. It was nice to finally have someone to talk to about everything you had gone through and not just write it down in a journal.
“Maybe in the next restart you should be an author, no one would think your story was real, you could be a New York best seller.” Tom teased.
“Maybe I’ll turn it into a screenplay and you can act it out, no one would know you actually lived this.” You teased back.
You both began to get comfortable as the night wore on. It was almost midnight which meant the world would be restarting soon, which meant going into a deep sleep for a few days.
“Night Tom,” you grabbed his hand, “see you on the other side.”
“Night (Y/N),” he laced his fingers in with yours.
Four days had passed by the time you woke up.
“Tom, how are you feeling,” you always felt really groggy, “Tom?” When you finally looked over to where Tom had been laying he was gone, yet everything he had brought with him was still here.
#tom holland#tom holland fic#tom holland fanfiction#Tom Holland fandom#Tom Holland imagine#Tom Holland au#Tom Holland blurb#Tom Holland one shot#Tom Holland writing#tom holland story
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Undine - 11
Fandom: HTTYD
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Hicret/Hicretstrid
Modern AU. Kinda-Mermaid AU.
FF-net AO3
. o O o .
AN: Woohooow, a new chapter! Only took over three months to get it done... And that's with me having been SO eager for this chapter! There's a picture in this chapter, and I drew this over half a year ago! And since then, it's been waiting for this moment. xD
. o O o .
Wide and beautiful.
That was all he could think about as he gazed out over the ocean. So magnificent and alluring, as if it would hug him and keep him warm as soon as he stepped into the water. The longing was overwhelming, and he couldn't quite figure out why he wasn't doing those last steps, why he stayed where he was.
So wide...
So beautiful...
So tempting...
"Hey, love. Did you zone out again?"
Eret flinched and, blinking to clear his mind of the foggy sensation that always followed one of these episodes, gazed at Hiccup and his godsdamned smirk next to him.
"Uh," he grunted, shaking his head after Hiccup had stretched to give him a light kiss in greeting. "You're back?"
Chuckling, Hiccup nodded. "Yeah. I'm sorry, talking to that one customer took a little longer than planned. But I still got all the shopping done; we should be good for a week or so now."
Eret nodded, silently accepting the fact that he must have lost hours again. Hadn't Hiccup left only minutes ago? Once back in their kitchen, he sat down and watched quietly as his boyfriend prepared dinner for them both, steak and a fresh salad to go with it.
"So, did you find out anything new?" Hiccup asked after they'd both eaten up, leaning back in his chair with a satisfied smile.
Eret shook his head. "No, not really. I... well, I didn't have time. I think I didn’t even get to sit down and open my notes this time." This was so frustrating. So many hours of possible working time – all lost.
"Well, I’m glad you’re taking the Undine serious now,“ Hiccup went on, carefree and relaxed. “But after she apparently enchanted you again today, I’d say there's at least one thing we can be absolutely sure of."
Eret cocked his head, even though he could already guess where Hiccup was going with this.
"She really is no threat to us."
Eret nodded, though reluctantly. It seemed as if Hiccup was right. Glancing at the picture Hiccup had drawn and that stood in a corner of the room, he tried to sum it all up for himself.
It was two weeks now since he and Hiccup had both seen the Undine. They hadn't spotted her again since then, but the fact that they'd both seen the same face was proof enough. But proof enough of what?
That she was real? Probably.
But did that also mean that she didn't mean to harm them? Maybe Hiccup was right and she really posed no threat. But what did that mean for them? Of course, they could just go on like before, happy with the knowledge that a literal living legend resided in the ocean next to their home.
But how bizarre that fact alone was aside, all these episodes of one of them getting drawn to the ocean and basically becoming unconscious for hours... they bothered Eret. Yeah, nothing bad had ever happened. Yet. But they were disturbing nonetheless – because they were getting more frequent! Lately, barely a day passed without one of them ending up outside and gazing at the ocean as if it was all that mattered. And Eret just wasn't sure what to think about that.
Because, surely, those were connected to the Undine, right? They had to be, even though he couldn’t say why or how. It felt like too much of a coincidence that there could be two unexplainable phenomena at work here. And wasn’t it part of the legends about undines, mermaids, and the like that they were able to lure humans into the water and into their death? It wasn’t that he really feared this creature wanted to harm them… But he couldn’t entirely accept her being harmless either.
“Maybe you’re right,” he evaded giving Hiccup a direct and possibly controversial answer. They’d discussed it often enough lately, and without any further proof of any sort, their different opinions on this matter wouldn’t change. They agreed to disagree, and that was enough for now.
“Still, I’d like to go through my notes again tonight, since I didn’t get the chance to do so earlier. Look up all the legends that mention sirens luring people in with their song and such.”
Hiccup shook his head at that, but chuckled and smiled fondly. “If that’s what you have to do to find your peace of mind…”
. o O o .
For a while, Hiccup simply watched Eret as he stared at his screen, ruffled through pages in his books, and typed some new notes into one of his documents. He was adorable like this, biting his lip and with this tiny crease between his eyes when he was entirely focused on his work like this. And the fact that he was taking the Undine and her existence more serious now wasn’t exactly off-putting either.
And it wasn’t as if Hiccup didn’t understand why Eret insisted on gathering as much information as possible. Odin, he wasn’t much better if he thought about it. It was just that Hiccup didn’t believe some old legends, myths, or fairy tales could really tell them what all this was about. Mrs Ingerman might be their best option, but with how vigorously she’d been in her bad opinion about the Undine, Hiccup didn’t feel like bringing her up as a source of information. He couldn’t say why, but he just knew that the Undine wasn’t here to harm them.
If only they’d seen her again, maybe even had gotten the chance to interact with her. That would certainly have taught them more about her and her motives. But she hadn’t shown herself to them again, no matter how determinedly they’d looked, and by now, Hiccup wasn’t putting much hope into finding her anymore either. She was probably still around, but as long as she was hiding so sufficiently, nothing would change.
Sighing, he watched Eret for another minute or three before he got up to clear the table and clean the kitchen. Or… that was what he’d meant to do.
He couldn’t even say when exactly it happened, whether it was right after he entered the kitchen or whether he at least started washing the dishes. All he remembered was that he suddenly felt too warm, the air around him too stuffy, and that he decided to go outside and get some fresh air instead.
It was a lovely evening, the sun just about to set. The air was still relatively warm with only a light breeze blowing over from the ocean. His eyes settled on the glistening surface, smiling as the faint thought of drawing this one day came to his mind. But only a heartbeat later, it was gone again, along with pretty much every other thought in his head.
He took a deep breath but it still felt stuffy somehow. Maybe the air would be cooler closer to the water? Hiccup made an unconscious step toward the water, then another. And another. The closer he got to the ocean the lighter he felt, his smile getting wider, his eyes brighter.
On and on he walked…
. o O o .
With a heavy sigh, Eret stretched, the muscles in his back complaining at the lack of change in posture. He shushed them though, far more frustrated by the lack of progress in his research. There were so many stories, but none of them fit the case of their Undine. Nearly everywhere, the siren or mermaid was described as an evil monster which lured men in on purpose, direct and almost aggressive in their behaviour. And none of that fit to their Undine, he had to give Hiccup that much.
And… where was he anyway?
“Hiccup?” Eret called, surprised that he wasn’t sitting on the couch anymore. When had he left? He got up, stretched some more, and then went in search of his elusive boyfriend. He had enough of all those frustrating thoughts and dearly preferred cuddles over pretty much anything right now.
However, it quickly became apparent that he wasn’t inside the cottage anymore, and with a slight uneasiness, Eret stepped out the backdoor, expecting Hiccup to have gotten lost in the view, too. But he was nowhere to be seen, and somehow, that made it even worse. Calling his name again, Eret jogged around the house to check on their car, but it was still where it was supposed to be; Hiccup hadn’t driven off for whatever reason. His uneasiness grew as he ran a hand through his hair, looking around the wide-open landscape as if he expected to spot Hiccup there somewhere; which, of course, he didn’t.
“Hiccup, this isn’t funny anymore,” he called, louder, but there was still no response. “Dammit!” he cursed under his breath, jogging back to the other side of the house. Reluctantly, his gaze landed on the ocean but he found that, for once, its allure was gone. Or maybe his worries for Hiccup were just overshadowing it. Slowly, practically against his will, he walked closer to the small stony cliff that separated the higher field of grass from the water.
And prayed with all his heart that he wouldn’t find what he feared to find.
. o O o .
With her incorporeal arms soothingly wrapped around herself, the creature sat at the foot of her usual rock, deep below the ocean’s surface. As so often lately, she was quietly humming to herself, the only thing that seemed able to keep the loneliness at bay – a little bit at least.
She felt raw inside, torn between the urge to watch her humans whenever possible and to keep this safe distance at any cost. It wasn’t working. She could feel it, how her determination crumbled. It was only a matter of time before she would give in and go back, would risk… whatever could happen to her if she got involved with humans.
But whatever it was, it couldn’t be worse than this hopeless longing for something she didn’t even know. And she was certain that, to a degree, they had to feel it, too. When she felt the worst, almost ready to give up existing, more often than not one of them appeared outside, barely moving and just watching the waves, just like she liked to do, too. It was odd, but it made her feel connected to them. As if they specifically came for her, to keep her company. As if her loneliness had called them.
And it was getting worse.
She’d already spent part of this day with the bigger one as she called it. But where she’d been content with doing so every couple of days, she now already missed them again. How was she supposed to cope?
Her cold heart skipped a painful beat when she felt it – one of them was close again. Not close enough to find her, but inside the water. Even over the distance, she thought she could feel the warmth he radiated, making her whimper. Resisting was so hard.
Impossibly hard even.
With something like a soft cry, she gave in to the overpowering force that drew her toward them, floating close enough to spot him near the surface. It was the smaller one, and just seeing him made her feel lighter inside. Hopefully, this tiny bit of closeness would be enough to give her the strength to keep her distance a little longer.
But then she saw it. Something was… off.
Usually, the humans took off their additional skins when they entered the water, or most of them at least. And it made sense, she thought as she watched her human struggle. All those skins made it apparently difficult to move. Worried, she watched him more closely. He appeared to have problems with staying at the surface, as if the wet skins were dragging him down against his will.
It didn’t look good.
Not at all!
She didn’t hesitate for even one second longer. From one moment to the other, she didn’t care about consequences anymore. Within a few heartbeats, she was at his side, her body condensing into a more solid form to hold him and lift him back up to the surface. He instantly gasped for air, arms and legs flinging around wildly. His eyes were open but equally wild so she couldn’t be sure whether he even noticed her or not. She hoped he didn’t.
She also hoped that lifting him back up here was enough, that she could go right back into hiding now. But as soon as she let go of him, he sank down again, helpless against the waves and the weight of his soaked skins. Whining in distress but without thinking twice about it, the creature wrapped her arms around her human again and slowly dragged him back toward the shore. It was difficult, her body not used to such exertion, and she had to pause several times, gathering her strength and holding him up almost more than she could manage.
He’d stopped struggling by now which made it easier but also worried her. Terrestrial beings needed to breathe, didn’t they? Was he still breathing? She wasn’t sure but she also had no way of making sure. So she put in more effort to get him back to the shore and even managed to drag him onto solid ground, even though she barely remembered how.
Frantically, she looked him over, unsure of what to do now. He still wasn’t moving. But before she even had one moment to think about what to do now, she heard the sounds; footsteps rustling through the grass above her and the weird but distinct noises humans made. The other one was coming here and quickly. That was good. He would know what to do with this one.
With two quick jumps, she was back in the water, diving in head-first and disappearing between the waves.
. o O o .
When Eret reached the cliff, heart hammering in his chest, he froze when he found exactly what he’d feared. Hiccup lay on the rocky ground below, pale and unmoving, his clothes and hair dripping wet.
“Oh, FUCK!” he cursed, hastily climbing down to his hopefully just unconscious boyfriend. In the back of his mind, a voice was ranting about how Hiccup had been wrong, about how the Undine had lured him into death after all. But Eret determinedly shut it out. Now was not the time.
Instead, he quickly scanned his body for any visible wounds, relieved when he couldn’t find any, and directly went over to reanimation. They’d taken courses before moving to the seaside, but never in his life had Eret imagined he’d one day have to use it on Hiccup.
“Come on, Hic,” he gasped in-between. “Don’t do this to me.”
To Eret, it felt as if a small eternity passed as he alternately pressed down on Hiccup’s chest and blew air into his lungs. But in reality, it probably took far less than a minute until Hiccup reacted, coughing up water as his body convulsed.
“Oh, thank Odin,” Eret gasped as Hiccup regained at least some consciousness. He was groaning, his hands fluttering up in search of something, and Eret caught them eagerly, reassuring him that he was safe now. “You scared me there for a moment, do you know that? Don’t ever do that to me again!” He was only babbling, really, too scared and relieved and shocked to make any sense. And it wasn’t as if Hiccup was all that perceptive right now anyway.
For a while, Eret just held Hiccup. He had both arms wrapped around him, slowly rocking him back and forth and giving Hiccup time to recover and regain his senses. At first, all Hiccup did was groan and cough, but after a minute or three, he apparently found his voice again.
“She was there,” he croaked, followed by renewed coughing. “I saw her. Felt her. The Undine.”
Eret’s fingers around Hiccup’s shoulder twitched as he helped him back onto his feet. Somehow, he wasn’t surprised the Undine was involved in this incident. “Yeah, I guessed so. Maybe you believe me now that she’s dangerous. All these legends about her kind luring men into death – they can’t all be wrong!”
Getting Hiccup up the rocky cliff wasn’t easy but eventually, they managed. Once they were back on grassy ground, Hiccup shook his head though. “No, you don’t understand,” he insisted, his voice still hoarse but urgent. “She… she was helping me. Dragged me to the surface and the shore. She rescued me, Eret! She’s not evil, not–”
Hiccup broke off, coughing again, and nearly fell when he dizzily stumbled to the side. Eret caught him quickly, his arms firmly around him again as he led him to their home. He wanted to argue against Hiccup’s words, how that didn’t explain why he’d ended up in the water in the first place, for example. But instead, he just pressed his lips together, forcing himself to stay quiet. They would get the time to discuss this, but not now. Not, getting Hiccup inside to warm him up and let him rest was more important.
“Whatever. But come on now, we have to get you out of these wet clothes.” Usually, a comment like that would have drawn a smirk from Hiccup’s lips and probably a comment about if Eret wanted to see him naked he only had to ask.
But today, none of that happened. All Hiccup did was nod mutely, his eyes weirdly dazed and empty.
. o O o .
The creature didn’t get far before she paused and turned back to look at the shore. Too big was her apprehension for the human’s health; she had to know how he was doing and hiding deep in the ocean and out of sight was out of the question right now. Anxiously, she watched as the bigger one took care of him, for once not caring whether anyone might spot her head between the waves.
Please, oh, please. Let him live!, she thought, desperately. Usually, the life of humans didn’t matter to her, but after all these weeks, she didn’t want to lose them.
The relief she felt when the smaller one moved again was beyond anything she’d felt before. Her heart was flowing over with lightness, unable to contain her emotions any longer, and there was an odd stinging in her eyes, more wetness than usual on her cheeks.
He was alive. As stupid as her thoughtless reflex to help him might have been, it hadn’t been for nothing. He was alive, and everything else was secondary to that.
However, as she watched them retreat into their construction, something else came up in her mind. The happiness and relief from before got accompanied by the returning longing as they walked away from her, but that wasn't something new. No, what was new was the sense of dread she felt. As if it had been her fault that he'd almost drowned in the first place.
But that was ridiculous… wasn't it?
With blank eyes she watched them as they disappeared out of sight, inwardly fighting against the voice inside her head. What if she'd been right before? What if she wasn't the only one feeling that strange pull toward these humans? What if, somehow, her presence affected them just like theirs did her?
Was she responsible for him almost drowning?
As often as thinking about them had elicited some strange warmth inside her before, all she felt now was a weird coldness instead. She couldn’t even explain it to herself, but she just knew that she’d been right. Them spending more time outside where she could see them lately was somehow because of her, because they felt the same yearning she did. And it had almost killed one of them.
Throughout the entire night, the creature stayed close to the shore, closer than she’d dared to in a long time, watching the building even after the lights had gone out. Something like today wouldn’t happen again. She wouldn’t let it happen again.
For hours, she pondered even though, deep down, she already knew what she had to do. Her only option. Leaving was impossible, she'd tried that already. She'd thought that staying just close enough to watch them would be enough, but the past weeks had been anything but easy on her – and obviously, it wasn't a real solution anyway, not when it put them at risk. So what option was left to her? She knew that she wasn't allowed to interact, that it could have deadly consequences if she did. But apparently, that was true for not interacting, too.
Yeah, she already knew what she had to do, but she still needed the hours until dawn to gather her courage. Above her, the sky was already turning grey and orange as she got closer and closer to the water's edge. Once, the sensation of skin forming around her, of confining her, had put her off enough to throw herself back into the ocean, but today, it felt like little more than an unimportant inconvenience. Earlier, when she'd dragged the human onto solid ground, it hadn't bothered her either, hadn't even registered in her mind, and ignoring it now was almost easy.
Once her feet touched nothing but sand and rocks and her legs had gotten accustomed to carrying her weight, her gaze locked on the small construction further up on the headland. Slowly, she took one step up the rocky ground, her eyes never leaving her goal. Before she knew it, she felt grass beneath her bare feet, such a weird and unfamiliar sensation, but even that wasn’t able to distract her from taking another step.
And another.
And another...
. o O o .
Uh Oh... I wonder how that's going to work out... O:)
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49) Shattered then whole for Natan!
This actually took a little while for me to figure out. I wasgoing to go angst, like high-key angst, but then I had this idea and I just…loved it so much more? Forgive the errors, this got out of control.
title: past the clouds, find the starswords: 7,500~rating: uhh T I guess.
Natalie has a little problem with her apartment. But the not sofriendly ghost isn’t so bad once she gets to know him.
Her new apartmentwas haunted, no ifs ands or buts about it. There was no other explanation forthe falling books, the creaks and moans in a middling younger than her, or thehaphazardly misplaced items. Truthfully, she had excused each mishap as astrange but not entirely impossible coincidence until the day she found her petfish, Libby, in the bathtub, swimming like a predator among the plastic boattoys she bought for her nephew a few months prior.
Her parents didn’traise a fool. The biggest question was who or what – and that was only slightlyless hard than trying to convince her family that there was more at work herethan mischievous neighbors. Her father outright didn’t believe, an unsurprisingbut still painful outcome. Her brother accepted it with reluctance, buthis overnight visits had resulted in a zero on the ghost activity scale and hisdeparture had led to her very first interaction with the ghost.
Nice try, girl.
She didn’t jump orscream when the slanted, narrow script had appeared on her bathroom mirror thenight her brother left. It was quiet, too quiet, and she hadn’t noticed itappeared as she brushed her teeth, staring mindlessly into her own reflection.She rinsed her mouth with water and then choked as she finally noticed thewriting, spluttering to clear her airway as a strange, warm laugh filled theroom.
She had fled thatevening, swearing off her only bathroom for the rest of her life, but by thenext morning, Natalie was back again. The writing was gone and faded; shehesitantly prodded the glass, testing its strength and trying to convinceherself that it was nothing, when she felt the strange sensation of a handbrushing her arm as though to nudge her aside. She had shivered and leftwithout doing or saying more.
When she returnedfrom work, the books on her shelf had been reorganized and she stubbornly kepttrying to return it to normal until, at last, she had asked the ghost how hewanted them arranged then. She had seen a flash from the corner of her eyes andupon the mirror decorating her living room wall, she saw the handwriting appearonce more, lecturing her on the disorganization of her home.
“Does it matter?”Natalie had asked in her very first conversation with the ghost.
I have to live here, too.
“Then stop puttingLibby in the bathtub, please, and tell me what you want.”
The ghost hadn’tresponded for a long moment. So long, in fact, that the writing had sunk backinto the mirror like some bizarre mist. Then, after she began stacking the booksby author, it appeared, the writing perfect from beginning to end, as thoughthe hand holding it had spent a while agonizing over it.
They settled into an uneasy routine. Stan – as she had come tocall him when he tried to write a name on the mirror only for her friendMichael to burst in the room, leaving her with only a vague impression of fourletters – didn’t seem to meet the qualifications for either a friendly ghost ora malevolent one. She took it to mean that he was a mixture of both.
He did an odd mood change every few days. Sometimes, he wouldknock all the books off her shelf on every second hour and scare off herboyfriend when he arrived for a late dinner. Then a day later, he would –somehow – convince her neighbor to stop his blaring music as she struggled tofocus on a paper due in a few days. It was perplexing to her, but as dayspassed, one after another, she found the day wasn’t quite complete without himplaying with the pages of a book or tugging on her hair while she cookeddinner.
“Do you talk? I mean, canyou?” Natalie mused aloud, her back resting against the armrest of her couchand a large, reddish book supported on her knees. Her exam on the paranormalwas in a few days, but she found it a struggle to concentrate; the only thingshe could really remember was the line about Bloody Mary’s real name beingMargaret. Probably the least likely thing to appear on said exam.
Her eyes were heavy. Her jaw cracked from another yawn and shetossed the book aside, deciding to switch to another subject. Namely herfavorite one: Stan.
Of all her friends, she thought Stan was her favorite and yet shehad never heard his voice or seen his face. Not once in the six months thatthey had been living together, for lack of a better word to describe theirstrange roommate situation. Oh, she knew what he would say if he did ever speakto her. The way he wrote was telling enough, but Natalie sometimes dreamed ofwhat he would sound like, wondering if it would be gruff to go along with hisbrusque words, or smooth to go along with his witty retorts, or soft like whenthings became emotional.
She tilted her head, listening, almost as if he wouldsomehow say something just to prove a point. He didn’t and she shifted on thecouch to face a mirror on the wall. Though he wasn’t fussy about which surfacehe wrote on, Natalie noticed he preferred this one. She couldn’t figure out whythough. The glass was clouded from age with a cracking, aged gold frame. Itwould have been much easier to use the glass table, where he had more room towrite and required less scrutiny from her.
The mirror won again.
“But not to me?”
He thought for a while before replying. I haven’t tried.
“When was the last time you spoke to someone?” She askedcarefully, wary of sending him off into a fitful silence. He never likedtalking about why he was a ghost or how long he had been one. Sometimes, whenthe subject drifted that direction, he would fall into a heavy silence thatseemed to weigh on the whole apartment. She thought this might be one of thosetimes, but he proved her wrong within seconds.
A long time. Not sinceMichael sent me here.
“I’m sorry.” It must have been a lonely existence. “Who isMichael?”
Don’t apologize, kid,I’ve been dealing with this a long time and my brother is going to rue the dayI see him again.
She didn’t comment onhis use of the word rue, which she had never heard in casual conversation andalso not on the subject of his brother who was apparently the Michael he sodisliked. “How long?” He couldn’t be that old, nobody had said her apartmentcame with a ghost when she talked to the previous tenants about her new friend.
Natalie frowned, but though she seemed to be on the edge ofan epiphany, she couldn’t figure out what. For her homework? For Stan? “How…old are you?” She hadn’t ever asked; she had always assumed from his mannerismsand words that he wasn’t much older than she was, but perhaps more experiencedthan herself. She didn’t know why something about that assumption seemed offnow.
I stopped counting afew millenniums ago.
“Are you a ghost?” She asked bluntly. Then she amended,because a ghost seemed too generic of an answer to get anything concrete. “Whatare you, I mean?”
He didn’t respond, but Natalie figured that was answerenough.
Someone was knocking on her door and she moaned, rolling over tosquish her face into a pillow. It was too early to entertain; she hadn’t lookeda clock, but some things were instinctive. She dozed off for another secondwhen the knock returned again with more force.
“Stan, who is at the door?” she asked, shuffling over in her bedand squinting at her alarm clock. She gasped, jolting out of bed and tumblingto the ground as her clock read after eleven in the afternoon. Scrambling intoclean clothes and socks, Natalie shot out of her bedroom, pulling a handthrough her hair as she headed for the door.
Though she had slept for over twelve hours, she stifled a yawn asshe pulled open the door. Jericho frowned at her appearance, studying her sockswith intensity. “You do realize you’re wearing mismatched socks, right?” hesaid bluntly. She looked down, but then shrugged, smiling brightly at him andtugging him inside by his wrist.
“I forgot you were coming over for lunch today and overslept,” sheexplained sheepishly, closing the door behind him. He settled on her couch anddespite the sharpness of his words, his gaze was gentle as he watched her enterthe kitchen. “So we’ll have to make-dowith any leftovers I have in the fridge. How old is this spaghetti? Two daysago? Yeah, I think that’s all right. I have some bread, too, if you want someof that. Not garlic, but just regular bread. It’s just as good, especially withbutter. Do you want one, two, or three slices?”
He replied in the affirmative, but didn’t answer her question soshe gave him two. Worse case, she would have a third one.
It didn’t take long to heat up the spaghetti, but after herbabbling about the food ended, the two lapsed into an uncomfortable silence. Jerichowas her first boyfriend and though they had been together for three months now,she found it a little difficult to interact with him still. Often, he agreedwith anything she said, content to list to her talk and contributing a questionor two. They had only been out and about a few times – one of those times waswhen she met him, trying to dig up answers about the guest staying in her home.
He had found her description of Stan to be funny and he had beenthe only one to respond to her question on Facebook. Only a few days later, hewas asking her on a date. They had spent a while at a restaurant and, the weekafter, he had asked to make her dinner at her place. She had agreed, but onlyafter verifying that Michael and his date would be able to attend as well. Ithad been fun, though it hadn’t felt much like a date. He had spent more timestaring off at her decorations than talking; later, he explained it as shynessaround her friend.
“Hey, do you want to go to the arcade on Saturday? I almost haveenough tickets to get the prize.” She had her eyes on an ugly painting worth10,000 tickets, but she was almost tempted to give her tickets away, just as anexcuse to keep playing at the arcade when Jericho frowned upon it.
No. Sorry, I just don’t think…“ He ran a hand over his head,ruffling his blonde hair. The lights flickered and both their gazes lifted tothe standing lamp in the corner. Like most of her apartment decor, it wassecond-hand and old. “Huh, is it storming or is that your friend, Stan?” Shecouldn’t tell if he was playing with her when he talked about Stan; maybe hewas just humoring her. She couldn’t read the brightness of his eyes asamusement or intrigue.
“I don’t know. Stan, is that you?” She called, eyes landing on themirror. Jericho followed her gaze, eyes widening.
“When did you get that?” He whispered.
“A while ago. Not long after I moved in,” she said, confused.“It’s always been there.”
Jericho blinked rapidly. “Does Stan talk through it?”
“Not really talk, more like write. He’s being quiet though, Iwonder why.” Natalie stood up, approaching the mirror. Her fingers touched theglass and it was cold beneath her touch. She squinted at it, but all she couldsee was her own foggy reflection staring back. No sign of Stan; not his writingor the foggy, indistinct shape that could have been him. “Stan?”
How longdoes it take you to realize my name isn’t Stan? I’ve told you eight times. Canyou even read?
It was his usual question and she smiled. “I think my neighborswould lose it if I called you Satan… or Lucifer, if you prefer that,” shemurmured, trying not to let Jericho overhear her words. The glass warmedabruptly, so hot that she jerked her fingers away. “What was that?”
“What was what?” Jericho asked, hand on her shoulder. “Who are youtalking to?”
“Stan. See?” Natalie gestured to the writing. It hadn’t faded yet,though she could see it growing opaque.
Jericho squeezed her shoulder, but without any of the gentlenessthat she expected, fingers digging into her skin tightly. She winced and thelights flickered sharply in protest. “I don’t see anything,” he said stiffly.“Are you sure there’s something there?”
“Yes. Look, he asked if I could read,” she pointed out theletters, tracing over them with the tip of her finger. The mirror was stillunusually warm, but not so hot that her fingers burned. She swallowed back herquestion because Jericho was scowling, a look quite unusual on his usuallysmiling face. “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
He jerked his hand away from her. She frowned at him, steppingaway as he paced, muttering angrily to himself.
“Tell Stan to talk to me. Give me a sign that he’s reallyhere,” he ordered, coming to a stop directly in front of the mirror.
Natalie swallowed, looking from him to the mirror,expecting something to appear on the surface in response. But Stan was silent,not even the flickering lights an announcement of his presence. It frightenedher, to be left alone with this stranger wearing Jericho’s face, and shestraightened her spine, locking eyes with him. Something dark flickered in hiseyes and she blanched at the anger pushing past the usual softness.
“Why does it matter if Stan is here ornot?” She asked stiffly.
“I didn’t waste weeks trying to find him,listening to you, only for this entire thing to be a figment of a little girlsimagination,” he spat, fists clenching by his side.
Her eyes flickered over his face. The last shreds ofhis old personality – a facade for all she knew – sinking beneath the wavesof his true face. She didn’t like it. “All for Stan? What are you, a ghosthunter or something?”
“You don’t even know who you’ve got your handson, do you?”
Oh, she did. He relished telling her every otherday, most often after she referred to him as Stan to some degree. Whenever herbrother was over, he took great pleasure in drawing on her mirrors, mimickingher handwriting despite never seeing it. She wouldn’t tell him that though.“Stan is just a ghost, he’s got the mentality of an eighteen year old andI guess that’s how old he is,” she lied, crossing her arms. “It’s theonly way to explain his pranks or the way he writes. I don’t know what else Ican tell you.”
Jericho stared at her and she knew without beingtold that he didn’t believe her. “You have Satan himself as a roommate andyou think it’s some random ghost?” He asked in disbelief. He had believedher, he thought she was an actual idiot, she realized, relieved beyond measure.If he thought she was an idiot, maybe he would just leave. If he thought shemade it up, maybe he would just… Give up.
She didn’t know what he wanted with Stan, but it wasn’tanything that Natalie would allow him to explore. Not without Stan’s expressedapproval and if his strange, out-of-character silence meant anything then hedidn’t agree in the slightest to Jericho. Wildly, she remembered his reactionwhenever Jericho was nearby. His nearing cruel antics and his impatience mademore sense now that she could see Jericho as he really was.
“Satan?” She whispered, feigningdisbelief. “I don’t have Lucifer as a roommate, that’s kind of ridiculous.Are you alright? Do you need me to get you some water?”
“No. Just… call Stan would you?” Hisvoice softened, returning once more to the face she knew, but the mask hadslipped for too long for Natalie to be fooled again. “I mean, I heard hemight be dangerous, I want to make sure you’re safe.”
She studied him, but then forced an optimistic smileon her face. “Silly. Stan hasn’t hurt me at all in the past six months,why would he begin to do it now? But if you’ll settle your nerves, I’ll ask himsomething. Umm, just give me a second, he’s particular about questions, if Iask him something boring like the weather or the time, he gets mad. He’sself-centered too, likes to talk, so it has to be about him.”
He didn’t say anything and Natalie trailed off, hertime for stalling done.
“Stan, who put you here?”
He didn’t respond with words, but she could see thefaintest trace of a star along the mirror. Like he was showing her that he wasthere, even if he didn’t share that with Jericho. She smiled softly, a littlehuffing laughter escaping her that was only partially a lie. “See?”Natalie said, waiting for Jericho to respond.
A slamming door was her only reply.
“That… was a close one,” she said quietly. Then –
“As much as I loathe saying I told you so, it’squite appropriate now. I told you so.”
Her heart thrummed to life, beating futilely againsther skin as a voice washed over her. Without seeing, without ever hearing itbefore, without a single delay, she knew who it was. His voice was neitherbrusque nor soft, but something deep and almost melodious; the type of voicethat narrated audio books or rallied a crowd.
“Lucifer,” she said breathlessly, a bright smile onher face.
If she expected their routine to change at all withthe arrival of his voice, she was dead wrong. If anything, Lucifer was atoptimal levels of petty antics: Libby ended up in the sink, her pictures hadchildish doodles over the glass that made her brother leave behind a number forthe local pastor, and her bookshelves had all turned so the spines faced theback of the shelf. It didn’t annoy her, which she assumed was his goal, becauseshe got back at him by creating a playlist of songs dedicated specifically topissing him off.
He was funny when he raged and she learned that hedidn’t disappear nearly as often as she used to think. Sometimes, while doingher homework, she would hear him mutter to himself and the ruffle of pages ashe read a magazine she had left on the couch. When she forgot about dinnercooking, he would tug her hair and urge her to rescue the stew before shekilled them both.
And it was hints like those that made her rememberthat he wasn’t a ghost at all. He was Lucifer.He wasn’t meant to be hanging around like a permanent guest, there must havebeen something that kept him here. Something… But what? She chewed on her pen,the paper in front of her blurring with each blink as a heavy weight settled onher back. “Lucifer?” She asked tentatively, yawning. “When are you going totell me why you’re here?”
“I live here.”
“Don’t be stupid, you know what I meant.”
“I…” His words trailed off and she lowered her pen,anticipating welling up inside her. This was it, he was finally going to tellher, finally going to explain. “I live here,” he repeated, voice tight as ifsomething squeezed as his throat and kept the words from escaping him lips.
“You can’t tell me?” She asked, tapping her fingers.
“Something like that.”
“Then I’ll just figure it out myself,” she said witha shrug, closing her notebook with a snap.
“You do that and let me know how it goes.” She stoodup. “Wait, right now?”
“Well, it’s better late than never, don’t you think?You should have told me a while ago that you were stuck, I thought you werejust messing around and hanging out whenever things got boring.”
“Because I would spend my free time in yourcompany,” he drawled.
She beamed. “I know you would, buddy.” He could saywhatever he wanted, but she knew the truth that he cared. Why else would hebring water to her room when she was sick? Or throwing a scarf at her facebefore she left just in case it was cold? Or remind her to eat after a homeworkbinge? It should have been frightening, to have someone so infamous to havesuch a focus on her, but Natalie didn’t care.
Natalie loved him.
The thought was so shocking, so sudden, that shestopped in her thoughtful pacing, unable to pinpoint the moment her feelingshad become concrete enough for her to think it without hesitation. She shouldhave felt different. Lighter, stronger, or happier like the characters in anyromance ever, but she couldn’t feel anything except a strange sense ofcontentment and a voice – her voice – whispering yes, finally like it had known her feelings all along.
“Sorry, sorry,” she mumbled, scrubbing the blushfrom her warm cheeks. “I’m going to figure it out. What can you tell me?”
He choked and then fell silent when the words didn’tcome out.
“Seriously? Nothing at all? Not even a little hint?”She asked in disbelief. He laughed with little amusement and she pouted at theceiling because she didn’t know where else to look, his voice seeming to bounceoff the very walls. She scanned them for an answer, but there was only herbookshelf and a mirror. Nothing out of the ordinary, nothing that made sense.“How do my neighbors not hear you? For that matter, why didn’t Jericho seeyou?”
His laughter halted all at once, leaving adisconcerting silence, but in the time it took for her to turn into a confusedcircle, he was back again. “You’ve been exposed to my presence long enough forthe normal… protection,” here his voice croaked like a frog and if she didn’tknow what it was from, she would have laughed, “to wear off. There’s more to itthan that, but my hands are tied.” He didn’t say literally, but Natalie heardit nonetheless and her resolve to find him shot up a notch.
“Stop apologizing, I don’t expect you to do this,kid. It could be dangerous.” There was raw honesty in his voice, anuncharacteristic seriousness that frightened her.
“Danger is my middle name,” she joked, eyes trailingover the room, forcing back the fear. She would do this. It was long overdue. Nowall she had to do was figure it out.She knew there was something here; the knowledge of something without wordshummed in the back of her head and the longer she thought of it, the more tiredshe became.
If she could see him, she knew he would be smirking.“Thought your middle name was Anabella?”
“At least my middle name isn’t The,” she snarkedback. He huffed, but the noise was far from annoyed. Perhaps fondly exasperatedwas a closer description. She blinked rapidly, her eyelids feeling heavy andshe pressed her palms into her eyes, trying to force the feeling away. “Man,what time is it?”
“It’s eleven in the afternoon,” he said quietly,another hint in his voice.
“Oh.” She paused, hands still over her eyes and ananswer behind her eyelids. “You’re making me tired. Is it making you strongeror something? Is that how you can talk to me now?” She hadn’t ever consideredwhy; there was a lot about Lucifer that she just accepted as part of thepackage deal.
“Or something.”
She sighed quietly. “Is that something the thingwon’t let you say or something you don’t want to say?”
She nodded, chewing on her lips. “Do you want me tohelp you? I mean, I don’t even know what you want. Maybe you like haunting thisplace, maybe you like staying here with me and all the other people you haunt.Maybe you like the break from Hell. Or do you want to be free? How does thiseven work?” Her words came out in one breath, words running over each other. She ran a hand over her face, still tired.“You have to be honest with me. I mean, I don’t want to do something you don’twant me to do, dude.”
He thought before he spoke; she didn’t know how sheknew that, but she did. “I want you to help me.”
“Okay.” The world seemed to tilt on its axis and aloud noise blared in her ears like thunder. Her heart hurt and she closed hereyes until the feeling passed a second later. A ringing silence met her ears,but only for a moment before she heard breathing. His breathing. Then histhoughtful hum and he called her name. It was as if cotton was removed from herears, the sound so clear that she could pinpoint its exact location.
It was coming from behind her.
She whirled around; her reflection gapped back ather, equally confused. “You live in themirror?” Natalie whispered, stepping closer. She remembered the glass warmingbeneath her touch, right after she said his name and only a little bit later,he had said his first words to her. How was she blind enough to miss it?
“I do,” he said, relieved. “But not quite. Whateverit reflects, that’s where I live freely. I can… move around, so to speak, withsome effort.”
Natalie put her back to the mirror and cupped herhands around her eyes, trying to see the room as he did. Her couch stood in thecenter and the side of the coffee table; right behind the couch was herbookshelf, the one he so often rearranged and Libby’s bowl rested on top, thefish swimming in merry circles. It was plain, most of her décor out of hisview, and she sighed. “No wonder you kept messing with my books. If you wantedsomething more, I would have given it to you. Maybe a nicer pillow?” The oneson her couch were flat like cardboard and nearly as rough; it wasn’t somethingshe would give someone to rest on.
“It’s fine.”
“Fine, but we’ll get you a bed of some sort onceyou’re out of there.” She hesitated. “Umm… how do I actually get you out?”
“Good question. Let me know when you have ananswer.”
Her want to free him didn’t decrease over the nextweek, but though she had brought home nearly every book in the sections ofmythology and religion at the library, they were no closer to answers. Luciferhelped, the flicking of pages as he read their only conversation long into thenight, and their books dwindled little by little. A full two weeks after herrevelation, they were done with any relevant books and she fell to pluckingrandom ones off the shelf as she walked, hoping one of them would could containsomething of substance.
Lucifer thought this was funny. “There’s hardlygoing to be an answer in a cook book or a book about someone named HarryPotter,” he pointed out when she came home after work. Her arms ached from thebooks and she shot a look at the mirror that made him laugh again. It was adelight sound and she softened against her will. She deposited the books on hercoffee table, spreading them out with a thoughtful frown.
“Probably not going to be in cooking, but a lot offantasy stuff might have a kernel of truth, you know.” Natalie dropped the cookingbook into a pile to be returned tomorrow and the Harry Potter book into themaybe’s. She had read the entire series and nothing about it stuck out asparticularly helpful, but she would leave no stone unturned. “Maybe I shouldask Jericho. I mean, it sounds like he knew something about you and if anyoneknows how to set you free, it’d probably be him,” she mused.
“What makes you think he’d tell you that? No, it’sbetter off to avoid him,” Lucifer disagreed. She wished she could see him, sheimagined his lips would be curled with disgust right about now. His voicealways took on that tone whenever Jericho was brought up – and since hisdisappearance a few weeks ago, she hadn’t spoken to or about him.
Natalie blew out a breath. “You can’t think ofanybody who will help?” He was Lucifer; he must have known somebody that wouldknow. She grabbed a book at random, skimming through the table of contents foranything that might be relevant. Nothing. She tossed it aside to the pile of returns, hefting up anotherone that talked about a cursed mirror in one of its sections. Seemed promising,if you asked her, but then she found it was another story about Bloody Mary.Not useful – except… Hadn’t she read recently–
Her musings were interrupted by his response.
“Nobody who wouldn’t extract a price.”
“There’s no price I wouldn’t pay,” she saidhonestly. Then, because he was quiet and she might have said more than she waswilling to admit, she babbled, closing the book on her fingers. “Maybe they’lljust want a lot of money. I’m sure I could take out a loan or something.Pretend it’s for school. Then you’ll just have to get a job and help me pay itback before they try to repossess my car for missing payments.”
“Not a possibility, Natalie.”
“Fine, fine.” Relieved, she stood up, dropping thebook onto the table and pushing aside her own feelings for the embers of anidea.
Bloody Maryhad reminded her of something else, another book she had read months back aboutfolklore. For school, she remembered slowly. A book from her school librarythat she had never returned and forgotten about until just this moment. Like itwas just waiting for her, but that was silly. She disappeared into her bedroomand returned with a large, reddish book. “Hey, do you know about Bloody Mary?”
“Nasty woman,” he said, more admirable than shethought someone should be. “Her name was Margaret though, not Mary, but she didhave a high death count before she arrived in my domain. Why?”
She decided not to ask. “This book talks about herand her connection to mirrors. It sounds like she was an evil spirit who theytrapped inside one, but it didn’t work the way they intended because she coulduse that mirror to travel to any other one in an instant. Sounds like her deathcount got really high before these two realized that breaking the originalwould kill.”
Lucifer made a noise like a grunt. “I never heardhow she died, but if she was trapped in the mirror by somebody, it goes withoutsaying that breaking it wouldn’t do anything except set her free—oh, hmm.”
“I didn’t tell you that so we could break the mirror,”she sighed, exasperated by his thoughtful hum. “If we break that mirror, youcould die.”
“It takes a lot to kill me,” he pointed out.
“That’s when you weren’t in a mirror, stupid, who knowshow much strength you have after centuries of being trapped? We could just talkto the author!” She held up the book, flipping open the back tab to show apicture of a tanned man with sandy-blonde hair. “I mean, wouldn’t he be the oneto talk to about this? If he actually names her by Margaret then he must knowsomething.”
She could hear the frown in his voice, but it wasn’tabout confronting the author as she expected. “Where did you get that?”
“The library, obviously. Same place I got all therest of them.”
“That book has certainly never been in a librarybefore, not if he was the author,” Lucifer grumbled.
“Who is he?” She glanced down at the book. The manhad a goofy face and almond-shaped blue eyes; something about his smile wasunsettling to her, but she thought it was just the type of picture. “It sayshis name is Michael, I don’t know—oh. It’s… YourMichael? Your brother, that Michael? How? You said you’ve been trapped for agesand this was published ten years ago.”
“My brother doesn’t age anymore than I do. It’s notsurprising that he’s still alive and kicking all these years later, especiallyamong you humans, but I don’t know why he would publish a book. Not much of awriter, my brother.”
“People change.” Like him. Like her. She didn’t sayit aloud, letting them hang in the air between them, but if Lucifer noticedthem, he didn’t say anything about it.
Bitterness clouded his words, heavier than even theunspoken words between them. There were centuries of bad feelings and angerbetween him and Michael and she feared how a confrontation between them wouldend. Not well, but hopefully Michael was long gone, a threat that Lucifer wouldnever have to face. “Not him – but this is good.”
“How? We can’t trust what he says,” she said,shaking her head.
“He’s not prone to lying, not about something with thistype of magic on it. Anything in that book is going to be true otherwise hewouldn’t waste time hiding it. When was the last time anybody opened that bookaside from you?” It was a question to prove a point, she could tell from thesudden smugness.
She flipped to the front of the book and there, in ashiny stamp, was only her name. In the library, Natalie hadn’t even noticed it.“I’m the only one. But how? Every other book has been checked out eight timeseach.” Hiding it, he had said. She hadn’t seen anyone like Michael at thelibrary to do so and it had been tucked, quite plainly, on a shelf aboutphilosophy and religion. There was nothing hidden about this book. It wasalmost like magic. Natalie managed a wary smile, a sense of dread building in her.“Since when have you become the optimistic one?”
“More like experienced, kid. Same reason you don’thave issues reading my writing or hearing me anymore, you’re immune to a lot ofthat magic now, that’s probably why you saw it,” he said, growing more excitedat the prospect of freedom by the second. It was the excitement and thereminder of his wistful voice whenever he spoke about outside that reminded herof her goal. She would free him.
“What…” Her throat dried up, brain trying to protestthe incredible risk they were about to take. “What do I have to do?”
He quieted, thinking, and her heart raced in herchest, nearly overshadowing the sound of his breathing and the way he mutteredto himself. She wished it wouldn’t because she was trying to memorize him andthe sound of his voice, afraid that this would be the last time she ever heardhim.
“Right. Just break the mirror.” Natalie stood upslowly, licking her lips. “Throw something from far away. You don’t want to getany of that glass on you, I don’t know what’s going to happen,” he warned her.Maybe it was the mirror knowing what was coming, but she thought the fog wasswirling like a storm.
She picked up a book and she figured it was ironicthat Harry Potter’s contribution was as a weapon rather than any real help.Nevertheless, it was the thickest of her books, easily heavy enough to break amirror if she threw it hard enough. If she could even throw it. Her fingerstrembled from the weight of it, nearly letting it slip, but she held tight. “Ifyou die, I’m going to bring you back and kill you myself.” She had heard thatin a movie a thousand times before, but Natalie had never understood that dreaduntil now.
“Good,” he said, a smile in his voice.
She threw the book with all her might. It crackedagainst the reflection of the mirror, which darkened with turmoil as the bookthumped to the ground. The mirror hadn’t broken and she stared at the smallcrack left behind like a taunting smile. In the mirror, the fog had darkeneduntil it was black, oozing out from the crack like hissing smoke. Her lightsflickered on and off, dimming.
“Lucifer?” She whispered, but the apartment wasabuzz with noise and she couldn’t hear him over the static, so loud that ithurt her ears. “Lucifer!” Nothing. She couldn’t hear his breathing or hiswords; she couldn’t feel the slightest hint of his presence. The apartment wasaltogether too empty and stale. She held her breath. Tried to yawn. Anything tomake the feeling dissipate and bring him back. She heaved another book at itand the crack grew the tiniest fraction. Even if she threw all the books aroundher, it seemed to make little difference.
What was the most cliché thing movies had taughther?
Natalie wrapped her courage around her like a cloakand sprang at the mirror with her balled fist. The mirror shuddered, crackingmore and she pulled her fist back, hitting it again, the glass cutting into herknuckles and leaving a print of blood on the mirror. She trembled as thetiredness returned with a vengeance. Something swelled behind the mirror,something she could only feel and not see, and with a wailing moan that wasn’ther own or even Lucifer’s, the mirror shattered, showering her in tiny shardsof glass that pricked against her hands and face.
She stumbled back from the mirror as though burned,her knees trembling and her breath coming in ragged pants. Her lights had shutoff entirely, leaving her in darkness and she fumbled her way towards thecouch, her hands protesting the slightest twitching. “Lucifer?” She whispered,her ears buzzing too loudly. The static had stopped, but the pulse from themirror made her head spin. Natalie sucked in a breath, holding it in andletting it out again when her head seemed a fraction clearer.
“Lucifer? Are you here? Say something. I know you’retired. Just say anything, even swear, I won’t make you put a quarter in thejar.” Still nothing and she felt her lips tremble. The pain in her hand rose,but she ignored it.
There’sno price I wouldn’t pay.
Apparently they had taken her words to heart.
The first day was spent in a day of shock and pain.She called his name and received silence in return.
The second, her brother had come over to help fixwhatever kept her electricity from working and promptly escorted her to thedoctors to have the glass from her hand removed. She broke something in one ofher fingers, too, which wasn’t as much a surprise to her as it was to herbrother when he found out how she got it.
The third, she shooed her brother off and coveredher face to hide from her nephew’s puppy eyes. It was easier when they weregone though because she could drop her back on the couch for an hour, crying atthe ceiling and feeling more lost than ever. She didn’t do much of anything thenext few days.
The seventh day was easier, but also not. Her movementswere robotic as she packed up the books and a slow, agonizing walk to thelibrary to return them. The only one she kept was the one by his brother andshe fought the urge to toss it into the fire every day after that; it hadn’tworked, after all, because Lucifer was gone and the book was wrong, wrong, wrong.
She read it instead. It was easier to scour throughit, scanning paragraph after paragraph, chapter after chapter, for some sign ofwhat went wrong than to wallow around. It didn’t help much, but the words werefascinating and if she were in the right mind, she would have enjoyed studying itmore. Halfway through, there was a footnote about Lucifer and she had to pause,tracing the name, wondering how so much could change in little over a year.
She hadn’t lost a best friend before. She hadn’tever had one either and somehow that made it worse.
The footnote’s exasperation as it explained Luciferand his involvement with a random tree – she hadn’t paid attention to the name,though if she came across it again, she thought it might stick out – had herlaughing. Then frowning because how could Michael talk so fondly of his brotheronly to trap him away? She wanted to ask, but there was an equal chance of contactingMichael as there was Lucifer.
Blowing out a breath, Natalie sped through the lastof the book, eager to be done with it. There was nothing in there to explainwhere Lucifer was or if he would be back. She bit hard into her lip at theintrusive thought, shoving it in a box labeled never and continuing to read. Solost in her own thoughts, she nearly skimmed past a whole footnote, the longestof any and its entirety dedicated to Lucifer.
It read like a confession and after the second line,Natalie felt too guilty to continue and skipped straight to the end. A singleline, handwritten unlike all the rest, in loopy writing so like Lucifer’s,stared at her from the end.
Tomy brother, with my eternal apologies.
She put the book away, a tidy little hiding placefor something that seemed sacred, and then crawled into bed. When she criednext, it wasn’t for only her and Lucifer; it was for everyone involved in thismess and the answers they would never get from it now.
The next day, she woke to someone knocking on herdoor. Groggily, she swept her hair off her forehead, moaning because everythingin her body ached. No more skipping out on dinner in favor of reading, it neverended well for her. Her stomach grumbled in protest as she climbed out of bed,the knock persisting.
“Imma coming,” she called, rubbing her eyes. Shejumped in place a few times before opening the door, trying to wake up hersleepy bones for her brother. “I told you not to…” Her words trailed off, astrangled gasp escaping her instead.
She had never seen his face before, but somehow sheknew. He was much taller than her with wavy, well-kept black hair streakedwhite, broad shoulders, and small, narrow eyes. She studied the sharpness ofhis cheeks, the point of his chin, and his soft-looking lips. They curved intoa smirk under her studying and she shot back up to his eyes, mouth-hanging openin a fair imitation of Libby that made him laugh.
If she had any doubts, the laugh ended them. “Lucifer!”She sprang at him, their height difference causing little problem when shewrapped her arms around his neck and tucked herself into his chest. He stumbledback, one hand falling onto her back to hold her steady and the other grippingonto the threshold.
If she thought it was strange how much could changein a year, it was nothing compared to how things could change in a second. Justsaying her name made her heart race. Tears welled in her eyes and she thumpedhim once on the chest. “You idiot, where have you been? I thought you were agoner and the book didn’t say anything helpful, it was awful. No, not awful, Ineed to read it again, but it didn’t tell me anything. I can’t believe youtalked me into that!”
“You can still talk up a storm, I almost forgot,” hesaid fondly, extracting her face from his shirt. “You’re also getting snot onmy shirt.”
“Gonna dump Libby’s bowl on you, how’s that forsnot?” She muttered, still crying, a shaky laugh escaping her. “You’re alive!You’re… you’re alive right? I’m not talking to a ghost?”
“As alive as I can be. I don’t think you could touchghosts and I don’t think ghosts could touch you.” His fingers touched hercheek; she thought it might have been to prove a point, but his brows werefurrowed and it lingered. “You’re very warm,” he commented, seemingly surprisedto know that she wasn’t cold as ice.
“That’s just…” Her blush, probably. “Don’t put offmy original question either, I noticed.”
“I didn’t just pop back into place as a human being.I wasn’t one to begin with and it’s been a long time since I’ve had flesh andbones to walk on,” he explained, quite content with their position. Both hishands moved to her waist, toying with the hem of her shirt absently. Her ownwere settled on his chest, chin tipped up to watch him speak, focused intentlyon the way his lips moved with each word. He spoke exactly as she expected himto, but to actually see it…
She missed some of the specifics of his explanation, but he was safe and whole so what did it matter?
When he finished, staring at her expectedly for a response, she straightened,standing on her toes. Her hands reached around his head, smoothing over andthen through his dark, soft hair. He blinked once and then he was grinning.Such a beautiful grin. She hadn’t thought she would even see it and here itwas.
She tugged his face down to hers, pressing her lipshard against his and it was a messy kiss for a first one, but she didn’t care.Didn’t care that her face was tear-stained and her lips were inexperienced. Hislips were soft and warm, slightly chapped, but they didn’t hesitate or pause.He allowed her control for a moment before surging forward, tilting his headand his hands rising to her cheeks, thumb stroking over her cheek like she wassomething precious. She smiled against his lips and parted from him enough tospeak a whispered “Welcome home” before kissing him again.
His hand fell from her face. He stepped forward andshe stepped back until they were crossing over the threshold of her apartment.With his freehand, he reached behind them and closed the door, only breakingfrom her lips when it closed and dropping his forehead against hers. “We’re notstaying here long,” he told her and Natalie giggled, knowing where he was going. “I’ve had quite enough of all these walls.”
the end
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"Competition Time" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 4 | Dead Parrot
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"Competition Time" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 4 | Dead Parrot
I see you’re capable Dougal in a position when you are Ted you like this Dougal k right here I come who’re you supposed to be Ted what are you doing you’re true are not able to go as Elvis you wait a second you’re Elvis as good what i do know is I acquired Elvis written on my again i don’t believe this little bit of a coincidence all correct there pleasant minds consider alike I feel i have been saying for the final two weeks that I was once going as Elvis ah that is usually where I got the idea that is first-rate this relatively is the primary all priest stars and their eyes look alike competition I concept I had a danger of successful I’ve even cleared an area for the trophy besides the one we acquired for coming 0.33 within the noodle championships as you confidently win Ted you in no way recognize and considered one of you run earlier than me I appear in Aegis every person will feel I copied the proposal of you well Ted to be fair no it’s a bit bizarre you happen to consider of it as good correct correct I just ought to go as mother Teresa again who’re you imagined to be Elvis i am Elvis i am Elvis i know you are Elvis father Woodall Elvis that’s the predicament a cup of tea within the afternoon you seem a bit of distinct father i am and a hair colour whatever no i’m Elvis Presley are you father not to turn up for the books anyway the ancient police look like show the next day oh now I see good I have got to say i’m looking forward to that is father Kiernan coming he is not going to be recognized he is a first-class laughs I remember final 12 months telling all his reports he had me in stitches you realize it is right what they say about chubby man isn’t it they are jollier than the relaxation of us they’ve a method of looking at matters he shot himself I suppose that’s more commonly the way with fat men isn’t us they laugh to hide the tears however you that is existence pleased one minute and the following I feel you simply go and shoot your self and that is that hi there ha Ted whats up dick Barney good day chica how are matters on rugged Island oh now not so bad you all set for tomorrow the competition what can we obtained planned I mustn’t say that’ll be giving you an talents mom Teresa no I do consider it probably yet another danger of successful this yr oh well do you particularly dick be aware of who is Eddie seem Dugan i am asking you a different time don’t go as Elvis huh appear i’ve been looking forward to this it for a while i know all the moves and everything and recollect who’s judging this 12 months excellent Henry Sellars no he’s coming right here Wow I did this dooble father performed is bringing him over I’ve not ever met a star earlier than you met the Pope did i do not do not forget when we run improper that used to be the boat felon residing within the technology of gallery the Vatican doing oh the equal i would not say is that famous person like in the proper sense of the phrase the Pope is God’s consultant in the world to loot you consider of you taller what like a significant you realize Henry sellers are available here which be aware of the Elvis crisis appear we toss first whoever wins can go as Elvis k all correct right heads or tails heads or tails Google hello no tears heads yes heads Google you must commission can you select between the 2 sorry about that head it simply got a bit of excited there i’m go once more heads or tails heads are you sure definitely fee tails heads tails heads Dugan heads dude mcountdown tails heads tails heads Google Google are you all proper Pam howdy i’m I in finding head i’m simply not the exceptional at making selections look Aram I let you know what we do you toss the coin i will take heads heads it is go forward toss it there fail to remember it overlook it sure good day Henry’s on fed again to you Monica for a five-factor query the capital of England is it the big apple London of Munich i’ll offer you a clue you live there Oh James you know I leaned on the button he is quality isn’t he lifeless Henry I need to be right here any 2nd are you excited Ted Henry retailers look at him they’re asking the questions stitch in time saves how many sorry London any thought why you left the BBC Ted I look Ted why do not you be Elvis for the reason that you suggestion of it first I suppose it’s only reasonable i’m going with mother Teresa i am sorry do it i’m being very selfish i am sorry you you goes never-ending no Ted it is now not reasonable on you you you had your heart set on it no seriously you go Xander’s quite pleasant thanks Ted except you’ll opt for to head as mother Teresa I no not rather anyway there’s just one mom Teresa and that’s you Ted thanks Doodle boy well at the least i will have the glory of taking good care of mr.Agents it is important that we be incredibly Nystrom that’ll reinforce our chances of successful are 100% we will ought to fill him up with food and drink till it is coming out of his ears and you can be high-quality to mr. Marketers won’t your father father you all right ah no now not rest room duck once more you already know what that does to you perhaps seeing the purple elephants again what number of fingers am i preserving as much as you if you’re no longer too dangerous by and large getting a Mewtwo with the aid of now that’ll be him that Henry oh god he is here good day there Henry Sellars father Ted real it’s a fine honor to have you ever right here mister oh and it’s lovely to be here too hiya father um sorry that is father Dugan McGuire Duggal say some thing to where mr. Sellars in how ancient are you he asked you mr. Sellars how old he that is quite all correct i’m 37 father this is father Jack Hackett hello father by father just gone for his stroll huh no is there whatever we can get you mr.Sellers and get in touch with me Henry good them if you had some thing to consume perhaps might be a sandwich mrs. Doyle some sandwiches hi there is there whatever fallacious along with your head do just right what no it’s simply his hair looks just a little doodle I did not say something it’s just Henry’s hair appears a bit of mad is his father accomplished with you oh sure she’s just bringing out their hee ha ha ha dad ha ha dartie just right to see it sit down down there it is advisable be on craggy Island once more ah god i haven’t visible you in a while I bear in mind the final time I used to be here we had that humorous incident keep in mind ha ha I believe I think you’ve forgotten all about us first a type of factor you know well what what what is that this what is this the final time father carried out was with us yeah father Jack misplaced his slippers first percent like he had us watching every father used to be if it is just like the form of factor you realize we determined them after a even as this was her pitch like oh Lord how long is the cardboard you are 4 hours with the thing I believe it need to be so what’s it like being a tv superstar haha good it have to it ought to be I must say Henry we’re simply so delighted to have you right here is there something else we are able to get you no no i’m great some extra solar no oh no no no no i’m quality obviously excellent thanks the whole thing k together with your hair discontinue talking about Henry’s hair i am sorry Haley it can be just your hair is so normal-watching do we are able to discontinue speakme about it it fairly is a wonderful head of hair anyway what I used to be announcing was whatever you want in any respect simply ask first we are able to get it for you there isn’t any challenge there and that i mean some thing something that you want whatever that you want there will probably be at all feasible for us to get you just requested for and i mean some thing there isn’t any quandary there Todd whatever good honestly i’ve been having a little bit of difficulty getting the English papers i’m wondering would accept the English papers whatever you wish to have anything else just out except absolutely the English papers good you shouldn’t have the number of a father dick burn at all you would be making mistake if you went to visit them oh good why is that father they’re lepers they are nepers the three of them are lepers rugged Island is a leper colony leper colony you are now not serious good no it is no longer leprosy whatever improper there you ever suppose how unusual it was she clergymen living on my own on an island like that oh no there is some thing now not fairly right there you would be at an advantage staying with us Ted might you inform me the place the older if you realize the older the historic hair is up the steps and it is fee under left haha it is a wig time for slightly nightcap on you’re strolling out of sandwiches I carry in some more yeah I won’t have a sherry thing don’t be silly now of course you no no no particularly I mustn’t how hard it can support you see no no it’s now not a good notion you go forward just a bit drop only a teeny tiny bit at present little bit of sherry phase someone because the de ireland doesn’t win the Eurovision tune Contest go on no no no fairly oh yeah go one go on don’t walk on one go on go on go on go on go on go on go on no seriously oh go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on what a shout of bastards Oh Lord Ted why did you provide him a drink I didn’t comprehend this had occurred I wish it that is why they sacked him from that software he’s a terrible alcoholic he is been on the wagon now for a year oh my god Ted how was I supposed to grasp sack me I made the BBC I made it perhaps you may have a rest you can feel better an hour away from me contemporary the keys Suns long past forgot the mattress there’s certainly not ending on anyway i’m gonna kick myself you wanna fight huh bloody priests oh oh bloody sanctimonious scumbags definitely made my life a misery with so mother honey however are you definite you would not like to go to bed remembers itself a little bit longer ha ha bored stiff with you historical bastard i am getting out of here don’t you attempt to stop me it is proper what they say although isn’t it you should certainly not meet your heroes you’ll be able to handiest be upset assume if we weren’t have to get her back he’d be like Bigfoot besides he’d be a BBC tv presenter you see him they’re very the trees received him terribly sorry however the entire sergeant are no problem father i’ve been via it earlier than rock stars actors television personalities they go off to drink within the medications and they come over to places like this the solitude can get to them what happened to this fella he used to be first-class in the future and then he took a sip of sherry relapse that’s when there are most harmful correct you are ready i would like you to bang these together to be able to this that should scare a move to the woods so I take a clear shot on them tranquil lasered out father it’ll just put him to sleep for a bit nonetheless it seems a bit of severe it can be the satisfactory now we have best god this strikes a chord in my memory of Vietnam no no I mean you understand the film’s hiya wait let’s go it’s Jack I’ve acquired a clear shot of him father do you need me to get him no inexperienced persons go he make us all manner again oh my god my head oh there you’re Henry a excellent cup of tea what Oh oh my god the place am I what occurred final night I don’t forget having a sip of sherry nothing to worry about i hope I didn’t do some thing to embarrass your father Judith you are great Henry I count on that to be father dick bone you already know I type of suppose sorry for him although marooned on that island with these Eagles and there may be obviously nothing in fashioned without doubt nothing in fashioned whats up good day dick Ted we have been simply talking about you really yeah we were just saying how satisfactory you were really no hilarious dick I used to be just calling to make sure you are gonna turn up tonight why wouldn’t I flip up tonight good you understand possibly a bit of embarrassing to a come last again we’re all becoming lastic it can be you who’ll be coming final actually I advised her would have slightly guess on to those watch our cash where your mouth is Ted what are we talking about right here a pound two pounds 5 kilos five pounds what is the topic dick you scared course i am no longer scared five pounds it is see you tonight well i would higher go get myself cleaned up for tonight you realize brush my teeth strange FF a strange style of uncooked meat in my mouth that on a method that’s not right you are Henry five kilos I ought to be insane we’ve not a hope in hell why can not all of us goes over due to the fact that we all appear the identical Google anyway Jack will be in any moment looking for his afternoon drink there he goes bang on time Teddy appears very difficult we’ll must get him sobered up if he’s gonna do that contest no Dougal wait go away him i’ve an concept you know he looks a bitch like he won’t intellect me telling you this now ah no no no anyway Henry marks for father Carl very good i’m going to supply him seven out of ten that means that the lads from rugged Island are nonetheless in the lead with 9 out of ten so huge hand for Diana Ross and two of The Supremes Oh begin rejoice from but don’t forget we now have still got yet another X in the past oh sure so women and gentlemen please welcome pop tradition the stick with father McWhorter and father Hackett Elvis Presley was once a easy truck driver from the united states but someday in the Nineteen Fifties he invented rock and roll I cast off in Elvis grew to become noted then they pressured him into the navy then he came out and ten years later he came again with a comeback particular Elvis was again from then unto the top of his lifestyles he performed in Las Vegas and grew to be as soon as once more the king of rock and roll thank you i’m fasting Lord God Almighty three Elvises for to you with a final max first-rate intent used to be great thanks very much party 5 kilos Ted rough look dick do we no longer windy understand him by means of this yr the trophy goes to craggy Island I feel if each threat of successful subsequent 12 months you’re rather dead no man sir let’s go house i do know you said him speedily 20 of whiskey at house fun that’s ceramic dachshund awfully eejit isn’t he lifeless right here we are actually oh good on account that I failed to make a idiot of myself the last time I would as good have a glass of low-priced candy no do not fear father definite if I can not celebrate tonight so when can i the bastards what is going on on how dare they do that to me good there he goes again rip their head certainly not intellect we can appear for him within the morning anyway well finished again Dougal what’d you consider of the trophy that is first-class it’s all for the reason that the you Ted put it there
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"Competition Time" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 4 | Dead Parrot
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"Competition Time" | Father Ted | Series 1 Episode 4 | Dead Parrot
I see you’re capable Dougal in a position when you are Ted you like this Dougal k right here I come who’re you supposed to be Ted what are you doing you’re true are not able to go as Elvis you wait a second you’re Elvis as good what i do know is I acquired Elvis written on my again i don’t believe this little bit of a coincidence all correct there pleasant minds consider alike I feel i have been saying for the final two weeks that I was once going as Elvis ah that is usually where I got the idea that is first-rate this relatively is the primary all priest stars and their eyes look alike competition I concept I had a danger of successful I’ve even cleared an area for the trophy besides the one we acquired for coming 0.33 within the noodle championships as you confidently win Ted you in no way recognize and considered one of you run earlier than me I appear in Aegis every person will feel I copied the proposal of you well Ted to be fair no it’s a bit bizarre you happen to consider of it as good correct correct I just ought to go as mother Teresa again who’re you imagined to be Elvis i am Elvis i am Elvis i know you are Elvis father Woodall Elvis that’s the predicament a cup of tea within the afternoon you seem a bit of distinct father i am and a hair colour whatever no i’m Elvis Presley are you father not to turn up for the books anyway the ancient police look like show the next day oh now I see good I have got to say i’m looking forward to that is father Kiernan coming he is not going to be recognized he is a first-class laughs I remember final 12 months telling all his reports he had me in stitches you realize it is right what they say about chubby man isn’t it they are jollier than the relaxation of us they’ve a method of looking at matters he shot himself I suppose that’s more commonly the way with fat men isn’t us they laugh to hide the tears however you that is existence pleased one minute and the following I feel you simply go and shoot your self and that is that hi there ha Ted whats up dick Barney good day chica how are matters on rugged Island oh now not so bad you all set for tomorrow the competition what can we obtained planned I mustn’t say that’ll be giving you an talents mom Teresa no I do consider it probably yet another danger of successful this yr oh well do you particularly dick be aware of who is Eddie seem Dugan i am asking you a different time don’t go as Elvis huh appear i’ve been looking forward to this it for a while i know all the moves and everything and recollect who’s judging this 12 months excellent Henry Sellars no he’s coming right here Wow I did this dooble father performed is bringing him over I’ve not ever met a star earlier than you met the Pope did i do not do not forget when we run improper that used to be the boat felon residing within the technology of gallery the Vatican doing oh the equal i would not say is that famous person like in the proper sense of the phrase the Pope is God’s consultant in the world to loot you consider of you taller what like a significant you realize Henry sellers are available here which be aware of the Elvis crisis appear we toss first whoever wins can go as Elvis k all correct right heads or tails heads or tails Google hello no tears heads yes heads Google you must commission can you select between the 2 sorry about that head it simply got a bit of excited there i’m go once more heads or tails heads are you sure definitely fee tails heads tails heads Dugan heads dude mcountdown tails heads tails heads Google Google are you all proper Pam howdy i’m I in finding head i’m simply not the exceptional at making selections look Aram I let you know what we do you toss the coin i will take heads heads it is go forward toss it there fail to remember it overlook it sure good day Henry’s on fed again to you Monica for a five-factor query the capital of England is it the big apple London of Munich i’ll offer you a clue you live there Oh James you know I leaned on the button he is quality isn’t he lifeless Henry I need to be right here any 2nd are you excited Ted Henry retailers look at him they’re asking the questions stitch in time saves how many sorry London any thought why you left the BBC Ted I look Ted why do not you be Elvis for the reason that you suggestion of it first I suppose it’s only reasonable i’m going with mother Teresa i am sorry do it i’m being very selfish i am sorry you you goes never-ending no Ted it is now not reasonable on you you you had your heart set on it no seriously you go Xander’s quite pleasant thanks Ted except you’ll opt for to head as mother Teresa I no not rather anyway there’s just one mom Teresa and that’s you Ted thanks Doodle boy well at the least i will have the glory of taking good care of mr.Agents it is important that we be incredibly Nystrom that’ll reinforce our chances of successful are 100% we will ought to fill him up with food and drink till it is coming out of his ears and you can be high-quality to mr. Marketers won’t your father father you all right ah no now not rest room duck once more you already know what that does to you perhaps seeing the purple elephants again what number of fingers am i preserving as much as you if you’re no longer too dangerous by and large getting a Mewtwo with the aid of now that’ll be him that Henry oh god he is here good day there Henry Sellars father Ted real it’s a fine honor to have you ever right here mister oh and it’s lovely to be here too hiya father um sorry that is father Dugan McGuire Duggal say some thing to where mr. Sellars in how ancient are you he asked you mr. Sellars how old he that is quite all correct i’m 37 father this is father Jack Hackett hello father by father just gone for his stroll huh no is there whatever we can get you mr.Sellers and get in touch with me Henry good them if you had some thing to consume perhaps might be a sandwich mrs. Doyle some sandwiches hi there is there whatever fallacious along with your head do just right what no it’s simply his hair looks just a little doodle I did not say something it’s just Henry’s hair appears a bit of mad is his father accomplished with you oh sure she’s just bringing out their hee ha ha ha dad ha ha dartie just right to see it sit down down there it is advisable be on craggy Island once more ah god i haven’t visible you in a while I bear in mind the final time I used to be here we had that humorous incident keep in mind ha ha I believe I think you’ve forgotten all about us first a type of factor you know well what what what is that this what is this the final time father carried out was with us yeah father Jack misplaced his slippers first percent like he had us watching every father used to be if it is just like the form of factor you realize we determined them after a even as this was her pitch like oh Lord how long is the cardboard you are 4 hours with the thing I believe it need to be so what’s it like being a tv superstar haha good it have to it ought to be I must say Henry we’re simply so delighted to have you right here is there something else we are able to get you no no i’m great some extra solar no oh no no no no i’m quality obviously excellent thanks the whole thing k together with your hair discontinue talking about Henry’s hair i am sorry Haley it can be just your hair is so normal-watching do we are able to discontinue speakme about it it fairly is a wonderful head of hair anyway what I used to be announcing was whatever you want in any respect simply ask first we are able to get it for you there isn’t any challenge there and that i mean some thing something that you want whatever that you want there will probably be at all feasible for us to get you just requested for and i mean some thing there isn’t any quandary there Todd whatever good honestly i’ve been having a little bit of difficulty getting the English papers i’m wondering would accept the English papers whatever you wish to have anything else just out except absolutely the English papers good you shouldn’t have the number of a father dick burn at all you would be making mistake if you went to visit them oh good why is that father they’re lepers they are nepers the three of them are lepers rugged Island is a leper colony leper colony you are now not serious good no it is no longer leprosy whatever improper there you ever suppose how unusual it was she clergymen living on my own on an island like that oh no there is some thing now not fairly right there you would be at an advantage staying with us Ted might you inform me the place the older if you realize the older the historic hair is up the steps and it is fee under left haha it is a wig time for slightly nightcap on you’re strolling out of sandwiches I carry in some more yeah I won’t have a sherry thing don’t be silly now of course you no no no particularly I mustn’t how hard it can support you see no no it’s now not a good notion you go forward just a bit drop only a teeny tiny bit at present little bit of sherry phase someone because the de ireland doesn’t win the Eurovision tune Contest go on no no no fairly oh yeah go one go on don’t walk on one go on go on go on go on go on go on go on no seriously oh go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on what a shout of bastards Oh Lord Ted why did you provide him a drink I didn’t comprehend this had occurred I wish it that is why they sacked him from that software he’s a terrible alcoholic he is been on the wagon now for a year oh my god Ted how was I supposed to grasp sack me I made the BBC I made it perhaps you may have a rest you can feel better an hour away from me contemporary the keys Suns long past forgot the mattress there’s certainly not ending on anyway i’m gonna kick myself you wanna fight huh bloody priests oh oh bloody sanctimonious scumbags definitely made my life a misery with so mother honey however are you definite you would not like to go to bed remembers itself a little bit longer ha ha bored stiff with you historical bastard i am getting out of here don’t you attempt to stop me it is proper what they say although isn’t it you should certainly not meet your heroes you’ll be able to handiest be upset assume if we weren’t have to get her back he’d be like Bigfoot besides he’d be a BBC tv presenter you see him they’re very the trees received him terribly sorry however the entire sergeant are no problem father i’ve been via it earlier than rock stars actors television personalities they go off to drink within the medications and they come over to places like this the solitude can get to them what happened to this fella he used to be first-class in the future and then he took a sip of sherry relapse that’s when there are most harmful correct you are ready i would like you to bang these together to be able to this that should scare a move to the woods so I take a clear shot on them tranquil lasered out father it’ll just put him to sleep for a bit nonetheless it seems a bit of severe it can be the satisfactory now we have best god this strikes a chord in my memory of Vietnam no no I mean you understand the film’s hiya wait let’s go it’s Jack I’ve acquired a clear shot of him father do you need me to get him no inexperienced persons go he make us all manner again oh my god my head oh there you’re Henry a excellent cup of tea what Oh oh my god the place am I what occurred final night I don’t forget having a sip of sherry nothing to worry about i hope I didn’t do some thing to embarrass your father Judith you are great Henry I count on that to be father dick bone you already know I type of suppose sorry for him although marooned on that island with these Eagles and there may be obviously nothing in fashioned without doubt nothing in fashioned whats up good day dick Ted we have been simply talking about you really yeah we were just saying how satisfactory you were really no hilarious dick I used to be just calling to make sure you are gonna turn up tonight why wouldn’t I flip up tonight good you understand possibly a bit of embarrassing to a come last again we’re all becoming lastic it can be you who’ll be coming final actually I advised her would have slightly guess on to those watch our cash where your mouth is Ted what are we talking about right here a pound two pounds 5 kilos five pounds what is the topic dick you scared course i am no longer scared five pounds it is see you tonight well i would higher go get myself cleaned up for tonight you realize brush my teeth strange FF a strange style of uncooked meat in my mouth that on a method that’s not right you are Henry five kilos I ought to be insane we’ve not a hope in hell why can not all of us goes over due to the fact that we all appear the identical Google anyway Jack will be in any moment looking for his afternoon drink there he goes bang on time Teddy appears very difficult we’ll must get him sobered up if he’s gonna do that contest no Dougal wait go away him i’ve an concept you know he looks a bitch like he won’t intellect me telling you this now ah no no no anyway Henry marks for father Carl very good i’m going to supply him seven out of ten that means that the lads from rugged Island are nonetheless in the lead with 9 out of ten so huge hand for Diana Ross and two of The Supremes Oh begin rejoice from but don’t forget we now have still got yet another X in the past oh sure so women and gentlemen please welcome pop tradition the stick with father McWhorter and father Hackett Elvis Presley was once a easy truck driver from the united states but someday in the Nineteen Fifties he invented rock and roll I cast off in Elvis grew to become noted then they pressured him into the navy then he came out and ten years later he came again with a comeback particular Elvis was again from then unto the top of his lifestyles he performed in Las Vegas and grew to be as soon as once more the king of rock and roll thank you i’m fasting Lord God Almighty three Elvises for to you with a final max first-rate intent used to be great thanks very much party 5 kilos Ted rough look dick do we no longer windy understand him by means of this yr the trophy goes to craggy Island I feel if each threat of successful subsequent 12 months you’re rather dead no man sir let’s go house i do know you said him speedily 20 of whiskey at house fun that’s ceramic dachshund awfully eejit isn’t he lifeless right here we are actually oh good on account that I failed to make a idiot of myself the last time I would as good have a glass of low-priced candy no do not fear father definite if I can not celebrate tonight so when can i the bastards what is going on on how dare they do that to me good there he goes again rip their head certainly not intellect we can appear for him within the morning anyway well finished again Dougal what’d you consider of the trophy that is first-class it’s all for the reason that the you Ted put it there
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