#Santana Lopez and Rachel Berry
sohemotional · 2 years
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Summary: Years after the tragic death of their father, Santana asks Rachel to join her on a mission to save their missing mother before it’s too late. Despite being from a family of hunters, Santana can’t seem to resist the allure of a seductive blonde, blue-eyed enchantress called Brittany along the way. Inspired by Supernatural.
Pairing: Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce
Genre: Romance/Fantasy
Rating: M
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Read on Fanfiction.Net
Chapter 1: Carry On, My Wayward Daughter
When she came to, the sexiest woman Santana had ever seen had ensconced herself on her lap, her hot breaths tickling her neck. The roads sure could be lonely and maybe the way she was burning up inside at the slightest touch from this woman was a sign that Santana hadn’t had proper human contact in a long time.
It was difficult to ignore the dull ache between her legs that was becoming more intense as piercing blue eyes locked onto hers and there was the tiniest, teasing smirk on her lips as if she knew the kind of predicament Santana was in. The little minx was doing this on purpose.
“Whoa, hold up there, Miss. What do you think you’re doing?“ Santana yelped to Brittany’s breasts as the blonde practically shoved her chest in her face. “It’s not even my birthday!"
The blonde let out a soft, tinkling laugh that had no right being as adorable as it was. Brittany was entirely distracting. Everything about her was just so sweet and alluring that Santana had to take a deep breath and close her eyes to remember the task at hand. Sure she was seriously hot and sticky downstairs but blondie wasn’t going to get the best of her just because blondie had the sexiest body known to mankind.
Lima, Ohio, October 31st, 1984
“Santana, it’s time for bed. I know how much you love these shows but you can play detective tomorrow.”
Reuben Lopez was a handsome man of average height with a lean and compact but athletic build from years of training his body and a deep, raspy voice. The brown-haired, olive-skinned man who was in his mid-forties with some light stubble on his face, stood by watching his ten year-old daughter with amusement. The small girl sat on the carpeted floor of the Lopez living room with her knees pulled up to her chest, her eyes still glued to the murder mystery she was watching. Reuben narrowed his eyes at her with a serious frown that suggested he meant business.
Though Santana’s skin and hair were a much darker tone, the man’s sharp jawline, high cheekbones, and arched eyebrows were identical to his daughter’s as she scowled back at him. Her small nose, chin and ears were just copies of her father’s features, as were the dimples that deepened on their cheeks when they smiled. Their body language constantly mirrored each other’s. Even the way they both crossed their arms over their chest and popped their necks when they were arguing was identical.
Her dad was equally invested in the show and Santana knew that. She was chewing absently on a mini dark chocolate bar she took out of the huge bag of candies she had accumulated that night, still dressed in the all black cowboy costume with the hat, boots and six-pointed, star-shaped sheriff's badge she had insisted on wearing. He wasn't too impressed by the horror movies they had been watching earlier. Santana imitated her dad and declared she wasn't scared of any of them either, despite burying her face in the cushion a few times during the most terrifying moments and suppressing a shiver.  
“It’s obviously that guy. He’s the killer. Why can’t they see the obvious?” She complained, frowning at the serious expression on her dad’s face as he stared her down. “No! I don’t want to go to bed! It's Halloween!”
“Hey, hey, none of that sass, Kitten,” He chuckled as she continued to give him that grumpy stare. “Did you practice your knife fighting techniques today like I asked?”
“Yes, Dad,” Santana mumbled, annoyed. She could never figure out why her father always asked her to do these insane things that no other kid’s parents would expect of them. It was always something related to martial arts, archery, knife fighting, or guns. "Of course I did. For the millionth time..."
Eventually, he gave her this look, his brown eyes flashing warningly. Santana sighed, turning the TV off and held his hand as he led her upstairs. Reuben was the only one who could always get Santana to behave, even during her worst tempers. On their way to Santana’s bedroom, they passed by the nursery. Reuben and his wife, Selena, had painted bright yellow and pink flowers all over the ivory walls.
Santana let go of her dad’s hand, running up to her mother. A short, slim and petite woman with rich brown skin, long black hair that curled to her shoulders, the softest dark eyes, full lips and a very beautiful, oval-shaped face smiled softly at the sight of them. She was wearing a long sundress with a floral print. Santana instantly wrapped her arms around her mother’s waist.
“Mami!” The ten year-old shouted happily.
“Shh Santana, your baby sister’s already asleep,” she put a finger to her lips, gesturing to a very small, brown-haired baby in the crib wearing a onesie with a bright yellow star pattern. Santana pouted and made a face at the pretty, chubby-cheeked baby who only squirmed, a funny expression on her goofy, tiny face as she was dreaming. Selena wrapped her eldest daughter who was leaning into her in a sideways hug.
Selena chuckled softly when the baby began to fuss, picking her up and kissing her forehead before laying her back down in the crib.
“I know it’s a big change for you, being a big sister. It’s a lot to get used to,” Selena chuckled at Santana’s unamused, slightly jealous expression. “Your dad and I still love you too, Mija.”
Santana yawned, still pouting as the baby woke up, blinking and grabbing for Selena. The baby began to fuss when Selena let Santana hold her briefly and she had some serious lung power already when she screamed, despite being only less than two months' old. Santana winced and held her away from her, just staring at the baby dumbfounded. Rachel was a very loud and demanding baby most of the time, always being dramatic over the smallest things although Reuben had pointed out that Santana herself was just as loud when she was the same age.
“Shh, Rach calm down,” Reuben laughed, taking baby Rachel from Selena who was trying to soothe her and rocking her in his arms until she relaxed again, already so attached to her father. “Santana, be gentle. Just smile at her. No need for that scowl.”
“I don’t like her. Why do we need another daughter?”
“She’s only a baby, Kitten,” Reuben responded with an eyeroll at his pouting older daughter. “You’ll change your mind one day, I promise. Rach will be your best friend. Soon she’ll be big enough to play dolls with you.”
“I don’t want to play with her.” Santana grumbled with a pout as she watched her parents with stubborn eyes that were shaped identically to her mother’s and had the same inky, coal dark colour. Reuben and Selena just smiled at her, rolling their eyes affectionately and walked Santana into her room after Rachel had been put back into her crib.
Minutes later Santana pushed back her sheets and got out of bed, hearing the voices of her parents having a serious argument. She pressed her ear up against the wall curiously. She knew she wasn’t supposed to listen in when they were having these serious, adult conversations but it had never stopped her from spying on her parents.
“Reuben, I just don’t understand why Santana needs to know all these things. She’s only a little girl. She’s not ready... I think she should forge her own path.”
“A little girl who’s going to grow up one day and have to deal with everything I’m going through. She needs to know how to defend herself.”
“But why? She doesn’t have to go through all the things you did. That’s why we moved here. That’s why you took my last name. We planned everything so that this wouldn’t have to be their life.”
“I know,” Santana’s father sighed sadly. “But they’ll never be able to get away from this completely. It’s their destiny.”
Santana blinked in confusion, in a shocked daze as she walked back to her bed, getting in and pulling the covers up to her chin. Her mind raced as she thought of the possibilities and her throat felt dry as she shivered. Her heart pounded painfully against her chest as icy fear gripped her. Her parents were hiding something from her. Something that could change her life. After tossing and turning for a long time, she squeezed her eyes shut, gripping her pillow tightly and was finally able to doze off in a troubled sleep. She had never been able to sleep easily.
Unbeknownst to Santana, Selena was restless as well, thinking about the talk she had just had with her husband. He had yet to come to bed. The baby monitor was on and Selena could hear Rachel’s gentle, steady breathing, then all of a sudden the vague sound of a voice humming a lullaby. Selena blinked, wondering why her husband was in the nursery again after they had finally managed to get Rachel to sleep.
She crept out into the hallway in her sleepy, disoriented state and noticed the figure in a dark cloak standing beside Rachel’s crib. She let out a sigh of relief at first. Then she heard the TV playing down in the living room and her heart leapt into her throat when she saw Reuben’s head lolling back against the couch as he dozed lightly. She was so terrified that she couldn’t even scream as she made her way back into the nursery with her husband's baseball bat held in her hand.
The being turned around and there were yellow, inhuman eyes watching her then, a terrifying smirk on its lips as it faced her. Selena screamed for her husband and backed out of the room. She needed to protect her girls.
“Reuben! Come quick!”
Santana heard her mother’s scream followed by her father’s booming voice as he bolted upstairs, Rachel's piercing cries, then the sound of a gun firing a few rounds. Her blood went cold, terrified as she got out of her little bed and her stomach felt sick. She steeled herself, running down the hallway to look for her parents.
She gasped in horror, seeing her father pinned to the wall of the nursery, dark red stains seeping through his t-shirt that were unmistakably his own blood. Santana crept closer to him as he began to say something to her through a sob, in a broken voice. “Santana…Santana I love you. Kitten, please always protect your mom and your sister… your sister... she needs you.”
Santana didn’t understand why he was telling her all this but it was terrifying her. Selena appeared and grabbed the girl's small arm, pulling her away as the flames reached Reuben’s body and she screamed, seeing her father burning. Selena’s face was white with fear as she grabbed a blanket in an attempt to out the fire.
“I have to help him. Take your sister and get out of here. Run! Go, Santana!” She placed baby Rachel into Santana’s arms and the little girl didn’t think twice before following her mother’s orders as Selena frantically phoned for help. Santana could barely breathe, her skin burning and her eyes watering as she made her way down the stairs, the flames creeping closer and smoke rising higher.
Rachel was crying and clinging to her. Flames leapt out at her as something exploded and Santana yelped, shielding the baby with her body as she fell on her knees onto the wooden floor. She scrapped the skin on her legs and her arm got burned but she ignored the pain, getting back up. The Lopez’s sprawling mansion was so big that it felt like it took forever before she was able to make it to the front door, crawling close to the ground and trying not to drop Rachel.
Somehow she made it outside, the baby still wailing and tears rolling down her own cheeks as she kept looking for her parents, wondering when they would emerge from the house. She heard sirens getting louder and a fire engine pulled up. The firefighters began struggling to control the flames while one stayed behind, examining Santana and Rachel for injuries. Eventually, another one of them made his way out, carrying Selena in his arms, her face ghostly pale.
“Where’s dad? Is he okay?” Santana piped up after a while, as Selena continued to stare off into the distance with that vacant expression in her eyes her daughter had never seen before in a state of complete shock. Selena looked at her finally after not replying for a long time, her lip curling and her chin crumpling as she cried openly. Santana had never seen her mother crying and didn’t know how to respond, tears coming to her own eyes. Selena wrapped Santana and Rachel up in a hug, holding the girls close.
“He’s gone. He died in my arms. Santana, we lost your father.”
New York City, Present Day - September 5th, 2005
Santana drove along the almost empty stretch of highway for another half an hour. She had been driving for what felt like an eternity and her mind began to drift. Her father had died twenty-one years ago but the memory of that night was still vivid in her memories, keeping her awake at night and many times when she was driving alone.
In a way, they had lost both parents on the night their house had been engulfed in flames. Her once soft, gentle mother - a housewife who loved slow dancing with her husband and had a beautiful singing voice - had turned into a watered down version of their father. Her mother who had soft hands, had never held a gun before and used to smell so sweet and feminine now was relentless about pursuing any supernatural enemy.
In some ways, they had lost their mother at the same time as their father and then when Rachel left for college, it was like Santana had lost her sister as well. As much as she would never admit it, Santana missed Rachel. Now that Selena Lopez had been missing for such a long time, the loneliness was hitting her harder than ever before.
One thing was for certain, she had to get mom back and she knew just the person to help her make that happen. The only person who understood. The Lopezes had more money than they knew what to do with but at this point, money might have been all that they had. Santana’s relationship with her father, though strained at times, was something she felt guilty about.
She had never forgiven him fully in her heart or told him she did care about him despite their arguments. She missed his sassy comebacks. He had been their protector and now there was nothing she could count on for protection except her own smarts and her gun.
It was difficult for her to see Rachel as anything other than the tiny little girl with the chubby cheeks and sweet smile she had known for most of her life. Selena had been away so much that Santana had practically raised Rachel, the age gap between them obvious as Santana was forced in some ways to become a parent to the little girl in addition to being her big sister.
Santana smirked at the way the little NYADA girls all looked at her nervously and scampered away, a few of the bolder blondes stopping to check her out. Those were reactions she always looked forward to getting on the rare occasions when she drove over to Rachel’s college. The girls were giggling and clumsy, no doubt drunk off of their minds from partying all night. Santana easily picked the lock when she found the right room, getting into the dorm without a struggle and announced her presence in a loud, obnoxious manner.
"Rise and shine, Rach! Surprise visit!"
She was silent and awestruck at first by how much Rachel had grown, at how much her face resembled their mother’s when she finally saw her.
“Who’s there?!” Rachel whipped around, shrieking as she heard someone moving around her apartment.
Santana yelped, dodging as Rachel aimed a huge bust of Barbra Streisand at her, using it as a weapon. “What the fuck. Really, Rachel?”
The shorter brunette sighed in relief at realizing it was just her sister, putting down the object and clutching her chest, trying to catch her breath as her heart rate slowed. Then Rachel furrowed her brows and pursed her lips angrily as her dark brown eyes narrowed.
“Santana? Oh my goodness! What on Earth are you doing here in the middle of the night?”
“Is that any kind of welcome for your big sister?” Santana chuckled, holding her arms open to mockingly offer Rachel a hug while wriggling her eyebrows. “Thought I was gonna catch you with a boyfriend in here, Rachie, enjoying the college experience and all that but since you’re you I should have known that would never happen.”
“What do you really want? I know you didn’t just come here to visit me. You never visit.” Rachel sniffed, taking on a hostile tone but keeping her voice low. “And keep it down, please. My roommate is in her bedroom.”
Santana ignored her accusation but winced because she knew it was true. She hadn’t been around to visit Rachel in a year and had rarely seen her during her previous college years. She hadn’t been able to get over her resentment towards her younger sibling for not joining herself and their mother in the “family business.”
“Whatever. Look, I’ll cut to the chase. Mom’s on a hunting trip and I haven’t heard from her in weeks. It’s weird.”
Rachel frowned in concern, pausing and paying more attention to Santana’s words now after her previous outburst.
“Is she okay?”
“I don’t know. That’s what scares me,” Santana’s brow knit together and she shoved her hands into her pockets, looking down at her boots. “She’s experienced with this stuff and it wouldn’t be the first time Mom got stuck fighting something in some ghost town in the middle of nowhere but this time, my gut tells me it’s more serious.”
“What can we do to help her? Should we call the police?”
“We’re the only ones who can find her at this point and we really don't want the feds knowing our secrets. You know that.”
A door creaked open and they both flinched, relieved when they realized it was just Rachel’s freaky roommate peeking her head out of the door curiously. Santana had met her once or twice before. Despite the fact that she and her sister had seen their share of otherworldly things in their lifetime, Rachel had always thought something was odd about Tina Cohen-Chang - something about the paleness of her skin and her mysterious presence - she’d disappear for days at times and then return, as quiet as ever with her same nervous stutter she never seemed to get over.
Of course, her all-black, gothic style also made her look a little scarier than ever but the sisters assumed Tina was stuck in her teenage rebellion stage still. Pretty lame, was what Santana had said while trash talking the girl.
Rachel glanced over at Tina and then back at Santana nervously. The girl was as sickly pale as always, wearing a black nightgown - of course she would be, Santana thought - and had deep black circles around her eyes. She was holding a green toy lightsaber threateningly.
“What’s happened? Do you have someone over, Rachel?” The girl asked, rubbing her eyes as she took in the sight of Santana. “I was so scared… I heard all this noise and thought someone had broken in!”
“It’s nothing, Tina. My sister just dropped by for an... unexpected visit. We’re sorry to wake you up.”
Tina's expression darkened when she recognized the woman standing before them.
“Oh…greetings, Santana. Haven't seen you around for a while.”
Santana grunted irritably, not bothering to give her a verbal response.
Tina glared at Santana, who narrowed her eyes at her in return. They had a mutual dislike of each other and that much had never changed. Rachel rolled her eyes when Santana continued to glower, grabbing the edge of Santana’s sleeve and pulling her away then keeping her voice as quiet as possible as she reprimanded her.
“Now’s not the time for an argument. You are thirty-one and she’s twenty-one, Santana. Can’t you be a little more mature?”
“Whatever. Should have known you’d be all holier than thou at your fancy Broadway school. Are you coming with me on this trip or not?”
“What? Now?! Hunting with you?! I literally have a Funny Girl audition first thing on Monday morning! It’s… I’ve been waiting for this moment for my entire life.”
Santana held up a finger to silence her, her expression becoming serious as she pressed her lips together.
“Is that more important than Mom’s life?”
Rachel froze and stopped herself mid-rant, a sad, worried look in her brown eyes as the realization of how serious the situation was settled in. As much as she had always had playing Fanny Brice as her number one goal in life, she loved her mother more than anything in the world. Santana was right about this.
“No. Never… you know that. I just… didn’t realize she was in so much trouble. Of course not, Santana. I’ll go with you to find her,” Rachel sighed heavily, grabbing some clothes. “I just… need some time to pack. This is all so sudden. I wasn’t exactly planning on my sister showing up in the middle of the night.”
Of course Rachel would be this high-maintenance, even when they were going on a demon hunting trip. Santana waited for Rachel to shower and pack, lying back on the couch sprawled out with her arms folded behind her head. She kept a suspicious eye on Tina who was wandering around the small dorm nervously.
Santana’s brow furrowed, confused as Tina eventually slipped out of the door, fully dressed in an all black dress, having changed out of her nightgown. Part of her wondered where the girl could be going in the middle of the night but this was also Cohen-Chang, who had always been very strange. Maybe she was going to hook up with that equally annoying long-time dancer boyfriend Santana had always seen her with.
“You’re seriously expecting me to carry all of this, aren’t you?” Santana bristled but eventually relented, taking the heavy suitcase from Rachel that seemed to hold all her possessions. “You don't need all of this makeup and crap. Fine, whatever. Let’s just go.”
Rachel wrinkled her nose when they walked out onto the street corner, staring at the bright red Dodge Viper in disapproval as Santana popped open the trunk.
“You still have Daddy’s car? Do you really think the two of us driving around in this… monstrosity is the best idea if we want to be incognito?”
“Just get in the fucking car, Rachel,” Santana grumbled, annoyed at the “I know better than you” way Rachel often spoke to her. The shorter girl always had to be right about everything and Santana was already sick of her attitude. “Don’t argue with me right now when I’ve already had it up to here. Didn’t you hear what I said? Mom is on a trip and I haven’t been able to reach her in weeks.”
“Did I miss something? Are we going to war with all this heavy artillery?” Rachel questioned, arching an eyebrow as she observed the array of rifles, shotguns, bowie knives, and bandoliers stored in the trunk.
“We can never be too safe. You know that.” Santana shrugged, shoving in Rachel’s belongings and closing the trunk, then getting into the driver’s seat.
They continued driving in silence for an hour or two and Santana smirked as she heard Rachel’s stomach growl. Her younger sister groaned in embarrassment.
Santana noticed Rachel shifting around uncomfortably after a while and chuckled at the tense look on her sister’s face. Rachel remained silent but continued to squirm.
“What, Rachel? Do you need to pee?”
Rachel nodded almost imperceptibly, annoyed at Santana’s teasing. Of course her sister would make a big deal out of it but it wasn’t like she could help it.
“Alright fine, we’ll stop at this place nearby. We’ve been driving since forever. Whatever you do, don’t think about flowing wet things…waterfalls, babbling brooks, running water… ”
Rachel gave Santana a death glare as she made hissing noises at her.
“Santana, you are the worst person I’ve ever met.”
They made it to a gas station and the brown-haired girl was repulsed by having to use their bathroom but too desperate to argue, muttering angrily at Santana when she laughed at her. Minutes later, Rachel was giving Santana a disgusted look from the passenger seat as she showed up with several large bags of cheap potato chips, two large, greasy looking submarine sandwiches in wrappers, beef jerky and two large bottles of soda. She practically threw one of the massive subs into Rachel’s lap and the small brunette yelped, jerking back as if she had thrown a live, hissing snake at her.
“Well, eat up, Rachie. Didn’t you say you were hungry just now?”
“No thank you, Santana. I can’t eat…this!” Rachel was both exhausted and starving at this point. "Haven't you heard that people get botulism from this type of food?!"
“What’s wrong? Too prim and proper for good old gas station food?”
Santana snickered as Rachel continued to glower at her, the smaller girl taking a small bite of her sandwich and making a disgusted face.
“You don’t even like this stuff either, Santana. As a matter of fact, I know you hate it as much as I do. I know you’re just trying to torment me and it’s not gonna work.”
Santana just shrugged, taking a bite and trying not to gag.
“Yeah, I guess I don’t like it but you’re really fun to torment.”
Rachel groaned, throwing the balled up wrapper at Santana’s head and began flipping through the cardboard box she found by her feet.
“You still have cassettes? Kansas, ZZTop, Van Halen… Santana, this music is so old and it’s all screaming. This is dad’s stuff.”
“Okay, rule number one, Rachie, if you’re going to be in my car: driver picks the music, shotgun shuts her cakehole.” Santana snickered, turning the volume up on full blast for a while. Rachel shot a death glare at her, crossing her arms over her chest and she eventually turned it off when it became a little too deafening even for her.
“What’s wrong with you now? Gonna criticize something else about me or my car?” Santana asked, perturbed by the way the girl was staring at her as they drove on. The shorter, brown-haired girl took a deep breath.
“Nothing... it’s just like seeing him in you all the time. I don’t remember anything about Daddy except what we saw in the photos Mami hid in the closet and those home videos she got mad at us for finding but it’s kind of haunting seeing him in you all the time,” Rachel admitted. “You don’t have to do everything Daddy did, you know. It’s like you’re just trying to be him.”
“Whatever. I know you don’t care about this family but someone has to keep Dad’s memory alive.” Santana snarled, getting annoyed.
“Since when do I not care about this family, Santana?” Rachel argued, her voice becoming more furious. “Everything I’ve done has been to represent this family in the best possible light. You’re the one who used to criticize Daddy’s methods all the time and now you’re suddenly his biggest fan?”
“Whatever. Look, that’s the hotel Mom told me she was staying at in her last message.”
Santana drove them into the classy looking hotel and checked them in, Rachel frowning when the older sister pulled out a fake credit card and grinned innocently, chatting the pretty, blonde female receptionist up. She didn’t argue as it got them into the hotel but began to interrogate her in the elevator in a hushed voice.
“Fake credit cards? Really?” She whispered, shaking her head disapprovingly. Santana just shrugged.
“Hey, we do what we have to do. Fake identities and all that. You know the drill.”
Rachel watched as Santana glanced around the hallway to make sure they weren’t being watched before using a piece of paper to get into the room their mother had been in. There were a bunch of newspaper articles scattered all around the room and a thick ring of salt on the carpet encircled the bed in the center. A heavy, worn-looking book with yellowing-pages was lying on top of the sheets. There were a series of other amulets, shells, crucifixes, wind chimes and witch bottles on every surface.
Santana picked up a cat’s eye shell, examining it. “She was here for sure. Salt everywhere and all these amulets. Mom needed protection against something. Looks like she left her journal here as well. Must have been in a rush to get away from something.”
Rachel looked over Santana’s shoulder as she read aloud from the book, finding the page it was open to that had a clip from a newspaper article stapled to it. It was something about a college girl who had recently been murdered in a grisly, horrific incident. Apparently the fourth one in as many weeks in this area of town.
“It’s Handsome Harry. This is his work, obviously.” Santana muttered, grimacing as she read more from the black, heavy journal.
“What are you talking about?”
“Handsome Harry. Mom mentioned this ghost a while back but I guess she was never able to catch him. Dude just goes around in a dapper suit seducing these desperate women, getting them all alone where they’re most vulnerable and then killing them mercilessly. The rumours say his girl cheated on him so this is his revenge. It’s safe to say all of the murders in this area recently were him.”
“That’s terrible.”
“It is. We’ve got to put some bullets in this motherfucker once and for all and send him off to rot in hell where he belongs.”
Rachel nodded, wincing as she read the details of how the women had been killed. She hadn’t been involved in the so-called “Family Business” for a while and she sat down on the edge of the bed, the shock of everything that was going on getting to her. It was all so sudden, just when she had been immersed completely in college life, finally making a name for herself.
“Don’t tell me you’re wimping out on me already, Rachie.”
“I’m not.” Rachel insisted, though she was still breathing heavily. They gathered their things and any of Selena’s possessions they could find, carefully closing the door behind them and going up to their own hotel room. Rachel sighed in relief, lying back on the clean, made up bed. The last thing she wanted to do was think about demons, ghouls and ghosts after she thought she had left the world of the supernatural behind forever when she chose to go to have a normal college life but now she was once again caught up in the chaos.
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proxythe · 3 months
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sigh… guess what i watched
717 notes · View notes
ciinelqura · 1 year
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— glee characters as social media posts/memes [pt45/?]
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kumtana · 4 months
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happy 15 years of glee!
↳ new directions
302 notes · View notes
gleeontwt · 7 months
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368 notes · View notes
nicoise · 3 months
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glee people + first time i ever drew them
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blaintism · 10 months
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get to know me -> 1/9 tv shows: Glee (2009-2015)
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xjustasupernovax · 8 months
do you know how HARD it is having a Glee hyperfixation in the grand old year of 2024?!?! Do you know the SUFFERING I am enduring??
Do you know how EXHAUSTING it is to be a lesbian in this economy???
To ship Faberry and Brittana at a time like this?? 🤧
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rez-n-rex37 · 2 months
The new direction girls
Finally was able to draw the girls
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porcelainvino · 4 months
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for @angelhummel <3
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gleekidshooray · 3 months
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Glesbians 🏳️‍🌈🫡
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104 notes · View notes
proxythe · 3 months
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surgically removes characters from their source so they can live inside my brain instead] [joy] ^_^
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ciinelqura · 7 months
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— glee characters as social media posts/memes [pt54/?]
228 notes · View notes
kumtana · 4 months
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happy 15 years of glee!
↳ favorite season one new directions performances
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butterscotchx98 · 4 months
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Pezberry for my fellow toxic yuri enjoyers
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