evaperated · 11 years
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I can't believe my little baby that is Evaperated has almost 1000 likes on Facebook!
That's pretty amazing being that we've only been around since last Summer!  I'm very proud of how far it's come <3
Just to celebrate I am giving away a Magneto mech mod, a Nautilus tank, 2 fun drip tips and three 30mls of Evaperated juice once we hit that magical number!
Thank you everyone for the support so far, you've all be amazing.
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evaperated · 11 years
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My charms car in from Charming Panda! LOVE THEM
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evaperated · 11 years
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We have yet another new flavor ya'll!!
It's my favorite right now ^.^
Everyone loves grapes. That was what my lab techs thought when they started working away trying to come up with a juice that would make every grape lover happy. They toiled away night after night, lab sounds of bubbling beakers and bunsen burners filled the air, as did a sweet sweet aroma of... grapes? Every time I checked in with them, they were hard at work, and this was one that I was very excited to try.
Little did I know they were also playing with, what they call, 'mystery berries'. These were something that they had been growing in secret, and all they would tell me is 'they are good'. I'm not sure if I trust my techs after the werewolf fiasco, but they do manage to come up with some pretty amazing things despite all of the carnage and outbreaks, so mystery berries it was.
FINALLY they brought me a sample. What I saw in the bottle though, was.. well, not sellable. There were little animated grapes inside, angrily trying to get out and do unimaginable things to us all. 
'THIS WILL NOT DO!' I yelled.
The techs snatched the bottle and shrank back to the lab, obviously terrified at my great power and ... I mean, they happily went back to work after I politely, and very diplomatically, asked them to fix the problem.
After a few more days, they brought me the.. um... remains of the violent grapes, all blended in to a smooth and clear grape and 'mystery berry' flavored liquid.
After vaping ten gallons of it all to myself, I decided that this was defiantly an experiment gone right, and I have placed it here for all of you to enjoy... at your own risk.
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evaperated · 11 years
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The day I got my Vape Famous hat and my Kayfun Lite was a GREAT vapemail day!!
What is your most memorable vapemail day?  
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evaperated · 11 years
Vapemeet.ca is a great place to meet fellow Canadian vapers and vendors, vape enthusiasts and vape nerds.  Even if you're not Canadian, check it out!  Everyone is welcome!
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evaperated · 11 years
Time to revisit old habits
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Hi there internet land!
I've been busy since this blog was born.  Starting a business and getting it off the ground takes a lot of time, and it's a steep learning curve in many ways, including juggling business things and family life.
I've come a long way since the creation of Evaperated, and I'm pretty proud of it so far.  That being said, I have a long way to go before I'm satisfied.
However, through this journey I've met some incredible people, and on the opposite side of that, had some confrontations that were unexpected.  99% of the time though, it's the incredible people that I run in to on a daily basis, and for that I am so very thankful.
Running this business has been enriching in so many ways, frustrating and scary in others, daunting and impossible at times, but never ever have I regretted it.  It's actually the hard times that push me to be better, to overcome my flaws and push past challenges.  Those are the things that make you a stronger person, and I don't think I would have been able to learn the things I have if it were not for starting this journey.
Whenever I've been hard on myself there are always, and I mean always beautiful people there to show me love and kindness, and that never fails to cheer me up and put things in to perspective.
I get to make people happy.  I get to send them little parcels of joy and I get to know that somewhere, someone is going to smile, even once, from something I've created.
In a world that is seemingly caught up with negatives and anger, having the ability to cheer someone up, even if for a brief moment, makes me feel like a super hero.  Truly.  
If my calling is working away in to the wee hours of the night in a little lab, making liquids that save people's lives from smoking cigarettes, and sending out packages of happiness with stickers and fun things... well I'm totally okay with that.  
I'm going to be writing in this blog a lot more now that I've managed to sort of find a balance with everything.  I hope you enjoy it :)
Vape away my friends,
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evaperated · 11 years
This is an incredibly uplifting and positive advertisement in FAVOUR of our lovely ecigs.  Watch it, and don't be surprised if you hear something that makes you feel something, maybe even tear up.
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evaperated · 11 years
Evaperated's Two Week Birthday!
Today marks two weeks of Evaperated being open for business. It has been a very successful first two weeks with HUGE support from the vape community. I can't thank those that have had faith and taken the first leap to order my juices enough. Each new order is a new trust that a customer has given to me, and it always makes me smile knowing someone is taking a chance. The reviews and feedback on my juices so far have been nothing less that humbling. I'm sure negative reviews will come, taste is subjective, but it's nice that the first wave of reviews have been so positive. Time to get back in the lab and work up some new juices for everyone. I have tons of ideas, and now that I've got the website to a place where I am happy to let it be for a while, I can get to doing that. Thank you so much everyone, Here's to a new beginning
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evaperated · 11 years
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evaperated · 11 years
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evaperated · 11 years
Juice Review: Evaperated Ejuice Brand new Canadian made and owned juice company based out of BC. 2 juices in this review. Tropi-Candy - First, I want to comment on the labeling on the bottle. I have never seen such detailed and informative labeling on a Ejuice bottle, ever. This is what a label would look like if manufactured by a big brand name or something, very cool. Vapor production was good and standard for a 70/30 Pg/Vg mix. Flavor was outstanding. I was pretty shocked to be honest on how well rounded to flavor was as it was made literally 2 day's ago. On first vape I get a very nice flavor of pineapple as the dominant and a few other tropical fruit undertones on the inhale and a fantastic well rounded hard candy flavor on the exhale. I do not like to compare juices to other juice companies but in my own opinion, the flavor is similar to Hooligan's Monster Smash but more well rounded and heavier on the fruit note rather then the candy which Is makes this juice awesome for me. I WILL be purchasing more of this Tropi-candy and letting some of this bottle steep a few days to see how the flavor settles and takes form. I will update again once I break it out of it's cage!(closet). Moon Star - This was a free 10ML sample thrown in with my order which was a great little touch. This flavor is a monster (Moon-star....GET IT!) energy drink flavor, that nice bright taurine taste. This was by far the best monster/energy drink vape I've had to date. The taste is rock solid, and extremely accurate but what shocked me even more is I actually tasted the chaulky aftertaste of the real energy drink while vapeing which I thought was pretty awesome. This is a MUST for any beverage vaper who enjoys red bull or monster or rock star energy drinks. So far for me personally, I'm impressed. I will be ordering again and review some more! Let's support CANADIAN small business...the product here is fantastic. _________________________________________________ Wooooooow! Thank you Wes! Amazing review!! Love, Evaperated
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evaperated · 11 years
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Some of these are headed to Vapecan to be reviewed on a CVCN show!  NERVOUS.
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evaperated · 11 years
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These are my loves right now!  Serial vapists UNITE!
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evaperated · 11 years
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Vaping makes us all feel like rebellious teenagers sometimes.  It's perfectly normal, and okay, to see a 'NO SMOKING' sign and be like 'HA! HAHA!  I LAUGH IN THE FACE OF YOU!' while you blow vapor towards it in defiance.
You are not alone.  
In the words of Anonymous, 'expect us'
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