#Sanguine Angel
buddy-trench · 9 months
Sanguine Angel (horror warning)
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Context to both photos: Sanguine Angel is an original horror series of stories (by me) about cults, and a whole lot of terrible things our main character goes through. Main character is the woman in both photos, her name is Charlotte Sanguine, and for now, this is just the beginning of this tale. This is just the introduction to it. But soon there will be a part 1 of the story written soon after this post, since I wanna get into some writing on here.
Anyways, see you soon. -Alex
(I also made a tag for this: #Sanguine Angel)
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creatively-cosmic · 7 months
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some angels in my head
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charmspoint · 6 months
Sanguine Friday 5
In which we cover the species in the world
Vampires - The almost perfect creations of the goddess Lurza, the vampires are seen (mostly by themselves) as the true inheritors of the world and the ones who have the right to its future. They are hungry, debauched beings who live for nothing but perfect pleasure and beauty in the name of their goddess. Vampires feed on the blood of the other species, having no blood of their own. Inside their own body the blood slowly starts to transform, rot and corrupt, so frequent feedings are necessary. Vampiric transformation itself is done by draining a human completely of their blood before force-feeding them mixed blood of other humans and of a vampire. Most vampires have very foggy memories of the process because they are essentially dead through most of it. Because of the curse put on them by Rezasel, the more human blood the vampire drinks, the more monsterlike they become. This is one of the many reasons why angel blood is considered a delicacy in the vampire world. While the vampires are trying to turn all humans to their goddess’ vision, the angels were never really considered a part of that vision, never considered people but only tools. Still, angels have drinkable blood and so it is planned that when all the humans have transformed into vampires, it will be angels they feed off indefinitely. Angel blood is pure. It does no harm to the vampires nor does it alter their appearance so it is highly valuable not only as a trophy, not only as divine food, but also as something that is rumored to make them beautiful again. As sought after as it is, angel blood is rare and only the richest vampires can afford the manpower to consistently hunt fresh angels. To others it’s a luxury or an art of keeping one angel alive for a long time, though blood taken like that tastes a lot worse than one of a healthy, fresh angel. Vampire bites also have a sedative effect. Each vampire has access to low level illusion magic specifically designed just to alter their appearance and hide their monstrosity. 
Humans - Original creations of the god’s and now a slowly extinguishing species. They try to adapt to the new world as much as they can, going into hiding or seeking help from the angels. Some of them try to fight back the vampires, the others are starting to work for them for protection, but all live under constant knowledge that every day might be their last and that the vampires are the dominant species in this new world who sees no future in them.
Angels – The oldest species, angels have existed ever since the Gods knew how to create. Angels come in a variety of appearances though every God has their personal preferences as to the aesthetics. They are largely humanoid, being predecessors of humans, aside from retractable wings on their backs which can be in varieties of colors and patterns. The skin of every angel is embedded with markings and letters in the language of the Gods, a language only the Gods and angels can understand. This writing serves as a bind of an angel to their God, at a same time an enforcement of loyalty and a dictation of the angel’s duties and alignments. The writing is said to encompass the very core of the angel’s being and everything they are supposed to be or do for the entirety of their existence. The writing is present all over the angel’s body, but is most centered around arms, neck and around the wings, though some angels may have different placements. Angels poses small amounts of magic that originates as a gift from their God, though its rarely powerful and usually specific to the God’s own interests.
At first passive puppets in the Gods stories and games, as the creation continued and the Gods attention shifted towards the humanity, angels more and more took on rolls of servants and tools to carry through the whims and wishes of the Gods. Their purpose varied greatly amongst individual angels and amongst individual Gods. Some angels were sent down to earth to act amongst the humans, while the others were kept in closer contact with Gods, fulfilling their duty there. While originally creatures with no will of their own and no decisive power to act away from their God’s will, angels had proven themselves to be very adaptable to their surroundings and very quick to absorb what they had been shown. While the angels that remained with their Gods mostly stuck to the original make of their being, those whose tasks carried them amidst humans eventually started copying human emotions, actions and even resemblances of free will. While angels were never supposed to be beings of free will and their God’s will always be superimposed over their own, even this fledgling and submerged will in some cases caused an angel to start questioning their role and existence and, in extremely rare cases, this questioning led to rebellion and abandonment of duty. These angels who had deserted their God in search for their own fate are called Otiselli. They are markedly different from others of their kin because the willful denial of their God causes their wings to wither into nothing and the writing on their skin tends to be broken up and undecipherable. This is a process that happens eventually over time so it can be rather easy to tell how long an angel has been away from their God's mercy with no intent to return.
The mass death of the Gods in the war had a rather devastating effect on the population of angels. Upon the deaths of their Gods, the angels who had survived the war were simply left, the power and direction of their Gods plummeting out of them and leaving them hollow and drained of everything. Unlike the angels who had left their Gods willingly, these angels are called Ostavelli. They have kept their wings though their writing has faded down into their skin, still readable but nowhere near the glow and power it held while they were still angels. Their magic has also faded, with no will of their God to power it. Unlike Otiselli who have chosen the life of a human, Ostavelli suffer from being suddenly and without warning thrown into the kind of existence they were not at all equipped to handle. Most of them have gone from tools with no sense of self or will of their own to beings empty of anything to direct and command them who must suddenly make all of the decisions on their own and who are met with very little understanding when such a task proves not to be easy. Ostavelli are in particular a kind wrought with a search for self and questions of identity and many of them never really manage to work those questions out, often falling prey to cults, kings and other things they can put their loyalty behind and which can take over their need for command.
The only real angels left are those that had served the Goddess of beauty. After the war, those angels who had still been amongst people had been quickly and cruelly hunted and killed as vengeance for the changed world and those that still remain alive are just the angels who had since the start been at Lurza’s court. It is whispered that a sighting of an angel of Lurza is a prediction for great disaster and pain to come.
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filtertyke · 1 year
I need vampyr kin homies😭 or generally any dark kin types, that'd be super cool
Repost or dm if you're also a vampkin and you wanna be friends! (Between the ages of like 16-24 preferably, I am 18 myself)
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hadrians-wall95 · 1 year
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In the middle of a larger battle, a small detachment of Sanguine Knights, led by a pair of Holy Chaplins, battled over a tactically vital hill with the Vile Dark Eldar Threat.
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The lack of communications meant we were all on our own (we drew the mission rule that makes rerolls 2 CP. It. Wasn't great.), we had to rush to take objectives. This meant I split my forces, hoping to deny the Eldar the center with my Chaplin and his death company escort...
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Who promptly *ate shit* and never even got a charge off. They were melted to death by this Talos, who promptly got Oath of Moment'd off the table in response. The death company never even got to charge. Methinks a land raider is in the Chapters future.
In the end, both my Outriders and Death company got absolutely *slaughtered.* The Poison really ate my Foot Marines Alive, and in the end my Outriders couldn't handle the amount of fire once the boat had been popped. Only the Chaplin on a bike and the Invader Escort Rode Away.
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In the end, all of his boats lay in ruin, and my mighty armor stood strong. Without any anti-armor left, the remaining Eldar retreated, resulting in a Space Marine Victory.
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pegasusdrawnchariots · 5 months
pinterest tag game + 7 comfort films
first character, real person, quote + outfit when you open pinterest is your vibe.
Tagged by @oatflatwhite thank u dearest!!
Disclaimer: I don't have a pinterest account so I used my aesthetic & about tags on here instead 😅
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Playing it fast & loose w the definition of "character" bc it turns out I don't put any in the aforementioned tags
To the comfort film list!
Porco Rosso 🐷
Back to the Future 🏫
The Castle of Cagliostro 🍝
Indiana Jones (they count as one. yes all of them are my comfort films. yes the Temple of Doom, yes the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, yes the Dial of Destiny. bite me) 📜
Sherlock Holmes 🎩
Arrival 🛸
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 🤖
~ Honourable mentions ~
The Linguini Incident should be on this list but apparently one of the key criteria of comfort films is a history of rewatching, which I sadly do not have with this silly shitty heist film bc I cannot find it anywhere :C Also for the same reason (low rewatches) are Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) & Knives Out!!
Tagging @swamp--girl @clareguilty @frigidboy @maverick-ornithography @fire-in-the-goat & whoever else wants a go!!
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a-hazbin-spider · 1 year
“Would you kindly come here and cuddle me? Your fur feels soft and you make a good blanket.” @licentious-sanguinity
Would You Kindly || @licentious-sanguinity
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It doesn’t take too long for an almost lumbering motion to pick up into a speedy and light skitter on all 6’s. The target? A bedbound snake awaiting some warmth. And up he goes- making good on being a blanket for the serpentine succubus. Huh would Pentious be an apu-bus..?
“I suppose since ya reasonin’ is top notch, I can’t jus’ say no.” Not that he could anyhow. “Here, how’s this? Don’t mind a sub on top of you, right?~”
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angel-dust-addict · 2 years
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d almost call thissss offensive.” @licentious-sanguinity
"Eh, I'd say it depends on how ya look at it. I mean, I'm a sex demon every day. Just, uh, little different variety. Plus I still rememba' what tha livin' world thinks we all look like. It's more a chance ta be sexy an' poke fun at dat shit at tha same time." He shrugs, looking up at the serpent succubus. "Plus I didn't start plannin' this until taday."
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ourlore · 11 months
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Happy Friday the 13th from our vampire Zander and his angel captor Ansiel dressed as one another!
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k1w1fru1t · 1 year
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biblically accurate handgels,,,
if you saw me accidentally post this on the wrong blog no you didnt. im running on two hours of sleep and microwave popcorn, cut me some slack.
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buddy-trench · 9 months
Sanguine Angel (Part 1)
Mediocre writer writes a horror story with some experience. If there's anything to make it better, feel free to tell me by dming me! Anyways, allow us to begin.
"Kāpēc Dievs mani pameta?" The words I heard, screaming at me as I ran with little breathe. It consumes me, this suffocating feeling as I ran from an unknown being.
If it could be a dream, then why did feel so real? Why did it make my hands and feet numb until they felt like nothing but ice?
Why me out of anyone? It should had been someone else. But it wasn't. My legs were starting to fail me, but I had to keep running to keep refugee in a safe place. Somewhere. If I could find a place where I can breathe, rest, and ponder, maybe I can face whoever is chasing me. But, with this feeling of suffocation, and the numbness from my hands and feet with a hint of blood sliding off my hands, dripping out onto the floors, what more could I do when I'm in my most vulnerable state when these injuries weaken me?
Then, a loud noise came out of nowhere, then I saw what seemed like a pair of wings. Covered in a sanguine color, with each wing painted in splattered blood. Then, I woke up.. Was it all a dream? No... A nightmare, but, it felt real. To me, for some reason, it felt like, maybe a vision?
Whatever it is, it's probably nothing. Right? Never mind that, I have to get work before I'm late again.
Putting on my uniform, I head out, rushing out the door as I made my way towards my car. Then, as I started the engine, I made sure that I had everything with me. My keys, my phone, wallet... Prefect. Finally, I drove off of my driveway and made my way towards the place I worked at. It was an isolated area, somewhere near the forest, but it made good money so I didn't complain. Although, I did fear the forest due to rumors. Apparently a cult resides there, doing what any cult does.
But, it's only a rumor. Meant to scare tourists and hikers from ever venturing deeper into the forest.
When I pulled up to the building, I made sure to check before I continue my shift there. It's tough work, usually having to do certain things that require patience and a lot of focus. But sometimes it's mundane things like cleaning around and servicing up customers.
However, today is a bit different. I was tasked a long side three other of my coworkers to deliver a package somewhere in the woods. Apparently a wealthy family lives here and wants us to deliver some pretty to them. My boss told me that they will pay us, around a few hundred dollars in cash. Of course, I took this offer and went out with my coworkers.
It took us around 2 hours before we found the mansion, it's massive and had a beautiful garden at the entrance. I was in awe as my coworkers and I carried the package to the front door. There, the owner of the house answered. He looks like an old man, due to his white grey hair, but he was friendly and quite charming and gave us our pay before we left. Although, I swear I thought I saw him staring at me. But it wasn't friendly as in a kind way, rather something else...
But, nothing came to mind. Maybe it's just my imagination, the old man didn't seem to have this sinister presence, but yet, I still felt he was plotting something. Something, for... Me?
Sanguine Angel (End of Part 1)
(Hope you enjoy part 1, part 2 coming soon.)
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“Fond of cute ssssuccubi, hm? I think I may know where you can find one.” @licentious-sanguinity
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bobertemperor · 4 months
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A Sanguine drawing that I did for conventional Valentine's. I'm still waiting until July to celebrate mine though.
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hclluvasinners · 1 year
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@licentious-sanguinity asked: ▼ straddling in Overlord Angel’s lap take a seat, and let your worries slip away. ||
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It would be remiss of him to dismiss his beloved arm candy, not once they made sure that he knew what he was doing when he planted himself rightly onto his lord's lap and rubbed his buttocks down into his crotch to truly let him know that this is where he belonged, and where he would stay for the time being.
A wry smirk crosses the Overlord's lips, exposing pink-stained fangs as an arm playfully wraps securely around the succubus' waist, pulling them fast against his fluffed chest.
"This where ya' decided ta' make yer' home at, huh, baby?" He inquires in a soft tone, breath tickling against the Succubus' ear, teeth playfully gliding across exposed neck flesh with care. "Ah' don't mind, not when ya' made it perfectly clear what yer' lookin' for."
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deepspacevivarium · 1 year
@licentious-sanguinity | from here “Mmmph~..Oooh, feeling a little bitey, aren’t you?” Pentious feels the sharp scrape of Angel’s teeth up against the side of his neck, the sting of needle like teeth briefly sinking into the sensitive skin just beneath his pulse point, where the scales were at their thinnest, and it sends shudders of delight down his spine. His claws drag over Angel’s back and thigh where they were resting as they curl into loose fists, one snuck up under the spider’s top, the other sliding a hand up a skirt to play with the band of panties underneath, and for a moment, his claws dig in and leave faint red lines when teeth bite into the tender parts of his throat. His eyes fluttering as that hot wet tongue slides over the same part of his neck, the heat of saliva making the bite sting so sweetly that it has his jaw tremble and his back briefly arch, gripping Angel to pull him even closer into his lap. “Ahh~..Mmm~..Fuck, don’t be afraid to leave a few marksss or two if you really want them…Come on, let people see what you did to me..”
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It's almost too easy to figure out what Pentious likes, but then again, Angel has been doing this job for decades. There are some things that are universally liked, and while not everyone likes their neck bitten, everyone's neck is sensitive. Having Pentious melt under his mouth makes him feel powerful. It never gets old.
"Say 'please' and I might break skin," Angel purrs against Pentious' neck. He nibbles down the succubus' neck, leaving a trail of bite marks in his wake. He has making hickeys down to art form. The idea of Pentious covered in bruises makes his cock throb. The ache between his legs makes him desperate for Pent's hands to go further. Tear his underwear off or move it aside if you have to. He wants more.
He places a hand over Pentious', keeping his hand firmly over his breast. Angel would've worn leather if he knew Pentious would make these cute reactions, maybe bring a flog. Oh, well. Next time.
"I just can't help myself. When I hear ya makin' those noises, I just wanna eat you up. I might have to see how the rest of you tastes."
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