#believe it or not I did not know what a comfort film was before today
pegasusdrawnchariots · 5 months
pinterest tag game + 7 comfort films
first character, real person, quote + outfit when you open pinterest is your vibe.
Tagged by @oatflatwhite thank u dearest!!
Disclaimer: I don't have a pinterest account so I used my aesthetic & about tags on here instead 😅
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Playing it fast & loose w the definition of "character" bc it turns out I don't put any in the aforementioned tags
To the comfort film list!
Porco Rosso 🐷
Back to the Future 🏫
The Castle of Cagliostro 🍝
Indiana Jones (they count as one. yes all of them are my comfort films. yes the Temple of Doom, yes the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, yes the Dial of Destiny. bite me) 📜
Sherlock Holmes 🎩
Arrival 🛸
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow 🤖
~ Honourable mentions ~
The Linguini Incident should be on this list but apparently one of the key criteria of comfort films is a history of rewatching, which I sadly do not have with this silly shitty heist film bc I cannot find it anywhere :C Also for the same reason (low rewatches) are Cyrano de Bergerac (1990) & Knives Out!!
Tagging @swamp--girl @clareguilty @frigidboy @maverick-ornithography @fire-in-the-goat & whoever else wants a go!!
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cobaltperun · 26 days
Eternal Flame (6) - Best is yet to Come
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Cover by: @ortegalvr
Jenna Ortega x Female Reader
Summary: For her it’s a passion, for you it’s an accident. And as she continues shining brighter and brighter with each role you are left mesmerized, drawn to her flame and cherishing every time she lets herself be vulnerable with you.
Masterlist / First Part / Previous Part / Next Part
Word count: 3k
-And I know you are the reason I still believe the best is yet to come-
Meeting the family. The more that moment approached the more nervous you got, you could feel your palms sweating as you and Jenna walked through the neighborhood and she began pointing at the park, or small stores and bakeries and you could feel it in your bones, you were getting close to her childhood home.
“You okay?” she asked and you could see concern written all over her face.
You nodded, but then remembered the way staying silent affected Jenna mere weeks ago. So, you chose to be honest. You wanted her in your life, and to you that meant building the foundation on mutual trust and comfort and freedom around one another. And you knew that if you wanted Jenna to feel like she could lean on you in the future, you had to show her you were open with her. “I am, but, I’m kinda nervous about meeting your family. I mean, not your family specifically, just suddenly being around a lot of people I’m not going to work with,” you finished with a slightly nervous chuckle as you scratched the back of your head and looked to the side. A family of three on the other side of the street caught your eye. The boy looked happy as he dragged his amused parents along to the park you and Jenna just passed.
Fingertips hesitantly touching your cheek made you look at Jenna once more and you were met with a bit of uncertainty in her eyes as she stared at her hand. Slowly you leaned into her touch, letting her cup your cheek. “If it makes you feel any better, they are a bit nervous to meet you too. I’ve never brought anyone from set home before,” she whispered softly, a small smile slowly appeared on her face and you swallowed hard, for a moment getting lost in her beautiful eyes.
“Yeah, okay,” you managed to say and wiped your hand on your shirt before placing it on top of Jenna’s. “Thanks,” did you really have to leave tonight? You actually did, but damn you wanted to stay in this very moment for much longer. “I’m ready now,” you assured her.
“Good, because,” she pointed at a house just a bit further down the street. “We’re kinda here,” she smiled sheepishly, and you expected the anxiety to come back tenfold but it did not.
“Good, at least I don’t have the time to get nervous again,” you pointed out a bit dryly, but Jenna’s smile just widened and she led you once more, and it didn’t escape your notice that she kept holding your hand.
Her family’s home fit a more middle-class family, and considering what Jenna told you, you figured it was just about what you expected. You were yet to step inside, yet it already felt like Jenna, in a way it was modest, down to earth, yet to be aware of just how special it was, and in your eyes Jenna was a lot like that as well. She let go of your hand and opened the front doors, stepping back to let you in.
“Thanks,” you smiled at her and stepped inside. You took your shoes off as Jenna walked in after you and without a word, she led you through the house filled with photos. Jenna showed you some while you were filming Scream, but there were lots more here, of Jenna, of her siblings, parents, the entire family, capturing the important moments in the family. The moment Jenna led you into the living room you were hit with a sense of not belonging, a sense of intruding on a happy family’s life. It was only Jenna, her parents and her younger siblings today, there was a soccer game on the TV and her mom and brother were carefully watching it, while her sister was in the dining room, with her dad, setting the table for six.
Jenna cleared her throat and the bubble the family was happily in burst as they all turned to look at you and Jenna.
“Uh, hello,” you said and raised your hand to wave slightly. Damn it, you were making it awkward.
Jenna’s mom was the first to get up, seeing as she met you briefly. “Y/N, it’s good to see you again,” she came up to you and surprisingly pulled you into a brief hug. You returned it, surprised by how warm her welcome was.
“Jenna can’t shut up about you,” Jenna’s sister, Aliyah, chimed in.
“I can!” Jenna quickly retorted and turned away from you. She did not deny that she was talking about you though.
“Sure you can Jenna,” Markus teased her and just like that her younger twin siblings came up to you and greeted you, and all that was left was her dad.
The man came out of the dining room and looked you over, studying you, which probably had something to do with his work, like some kind of professional deformation. “Welcome, Y/N, nice to meet you,” he eventually offered his hand to you and you accepted it.
“It’s nice meeting you all,” you said, a lot more confidently than you felt, but at least your anxiety was slowly fading away.
“Come on you two, wash your hands and let’s eat,” Natalie told you and Jenna, and you had to admit, you did not miss being told to wash your hands before meals, even if there was something nostalgic about it.
Jenna, clearly embarrassed by what her siblings just told you, took hold of your hand and pulled you along until you reached the bathroom. “Right, you can use this towel, I’ll just wait for you to finish,” she showed you one of the towels and all but pushed you inside.
You just nodded and started washing your hands and though it was muffled you heard Jenna groaning and muttering about being embarrassed. You smiled, a bit amused by her reaction, though, to be honest, you’d react the same way. You stepped out and saw her leaning against the wall. “Hey, it’s okay, I’m not going to ask anything, and I don’t mind if you talked about me, okay?” you nudged her lightly and she opened her eyes.
“I just told them you are great, and now they just want to tease me,” she complained as you leaned against the wall next to her. “Sorry about that.”
“Mhm, sounds like sibling behavior alright,” you said. “There’s nothing to apologize for, don’t worry about it. I’m kinda happy I made enough of an impression for you to actually talk about me,” you said sheepishly, and Jenna turned to look at you like you just grew a second head.
“Are you joking right now? Of course you did!” she huffed and went to wash her hands. “Unbelievable,” well, at least she wasn’t embarrassed anymore.
The lunch was, in one word, amazing. Natalie was an incredible cook, both when it came to variety and the taste, making a wide array of Mexican food as well as several other dishes. You honestly weren’t even sure where to start as Jenna put the food on your plate before sitting down next to you. Natalie and Aliyah were sitting on the other side of the table, while Markus sat to your left and Edward sat at the head of the table, on Jenna’s right side.
“Thanks, Jen,” you thanked her before you all started eating, you missed the smile on Natalie’s face at the nickname you kept using.
“Could you pass me the hot sauce?” she asked pointing at the sauce close to you.
“Sure,” you handed it to her, and then put it back where it was when she poured it over her tacos. She definitely loved spicy food, which you found out early into your friendship, but it still amazed you just how well she handled it.
“The food is amazing, Natalie,” you complimented as you swallowed the first bite of your own taco. It was good that Jenna told you in advance her mom was the one who prepared the food.
“Thanks, Y/N,” Natalie nodded and smiled at the compliment.
“Told you you have competition,” Jenna pointed out. “Too bad I couldn’t save a single piece of that cake for you.”
“I don’t know, this is a tough act to follow,” and you were being honest, you could cook, but this was truly something. “But, challenge accepted, I need to have all of you over for a dinner sooner or later,” you did have some free time so you might as well improve your cooking skills for the future dinner or lunch.
“Count me in, I need to see if Jenna was exaggerating,” Aliyah promised you and you grinned a bit when Jenna groaned and lowered her head.
As the lunch ended Jenna watched you, almost mesmerized as you talked to her mom about the different foods and recipes. Her heart beat faster as she noticed how you focused on learning which food Jenna loved the most.
"Are you kidding me?" your eyes widened, and you turned to Jenna. "You got apples three times?" you asked incredulously after her mom told you about the misfortune she had when she was doing ads.
Jenna frowned at the memory. She despised apples now. "Yeah, I think I'd rather starve than eat them ever again. I can't even look at them without feeling angry," she finished with a laugh.
You joined her and leaned back a bit. "Good thing I never got the urge to make an apple pie," you may have said that, but Jenna could see you cataloguing her hatred toward apples for later.
"As long as you make it just make it spicy and vegetarian and Jenna will love it," Aliyah seemed to be dead set on embarrassing her. She even patted you on the back a few times as she went to put away her plate.
"And you have to learn how to make guac," Markus just added fuel to the fire. And you just added another information to wherever you were filing the information you were getting. Even if she would much rather make guac for you herself. More than a few times, and preferably often, and she was going to absolutely push that thought aside because she was going to blush, and she didn't need you or her family to notice that.
"I need to make urnebes salad for you," you said directly to her. "Red bell peppers, chili peppers, cheese, it's a nice, spicy salad," that definitely sounded like something she would like, and she absolutely wanted you to make things for her.
"I'm going to hold you to that," Jenna told you and you just grinned.
“Okay, how about we all go outside and take a group selfie?” her mom suggested taking Jenna by surprise.
Her mom definitely loved taking photos, keeping the memories of good times lasting longer and documenting anything she deemed important or worthy of a photo. So, maybe she shouldn’t have been as surprised, but it still felt a bit unexpected and she hoped you didn’t mind. Looking at your face she didn’t notice any changes, or discomfort.
So, you followed after her into the backyard where the two of you and her family got ready for her mom to take the photo. What she didn’t expect was for you to suddenly mess up her hair just as her mom took the selfie.
“Oh my,” her mom chuckled, and Jenna saw her hair was covering most of her face on the photo.
“Y/N,” she spoke calmly, but you already began running, and fine, if that was how you were going to act, then she could play that game too. “It’s fine, I promise!” she exclaimed as she began chasing you, aiming to get you to a rather specific spot in the backyard.
“Then why are you chasing me?” you laughed, and despite her own annoyance at the sudden childish act you committed Jenna found herself grinning as well, especially when she heard her family holding back their own laughs.
She didn’t see this side of you on the set, the childish, silly side that somehow ended up relaxing her even more. “Because you’re running!” it made no sense, but she truly didn’t care.
You made a turn to the left, toward the garden hose Markus probably left lying around, and that was her plan. You noticed it and jumped over, but seeing as you weren’t looking at her Jenna stopped and smirked a bit. “Woah!” she exclaimed, as if she was falling and you stopped flipping around to catch her. It would have been adorable how quickly you reacted, if she didn’t have a plan in mind.
“Well, fuck,” you couldn’t start running fast enough as Jenna grabbed the hose and turned the faucet right in your face. You put your arms up and stepped away as Jenna turned it off once more. “Damn, taking it up to eleven I see,” you laughed and dropped down onto the grass.
Jenna laughed as well, genuinely laughed, without forcing any sounds to come out as she sat down next to you. You stopped laughing and that made her freeze and force a proper sound out. “Don’t force it,” you whispered, making her look at you, you had a small smile on your face, and the gentleness and softness in your eyes, for a moment she found it hard to look away, her crush on you not helping one bit.
“It’s weird if I don’t. I just gasp for air,” she said, and you shook your head.
“I think it’s adorable,” you opened your mouth again, you wanted to say something else as well, to finish the sentence, but you changed your mind and looked to the side while lightly scratching your cheek. “Sorry, that was kinda weird,” you chuckled to cover up the embarrassment.
Jenna swallowed the lump in her throat and got up, offering her hand to you. “Come on, let’s get you dry,” that was for the best, because she wasn’t yet sure how to approach what she was starting to feel. Was it still just a small crush? Somehow, she started to doubt that. “I’ll give her one of Isaac’s shirts!” she told her family and led you back inside.
“It’s okay, it’s not that wet,” you said as she guided you upstairs to her and Aliyah’s room.
“Don’t argue, sit on my bed, I’ll be right back,” she poked your biceps and pointed at her bed before she quickly went to Markus’ room, there were still some of Isaac’s things there for when he drops by and so she took a light gray shirt and went back to her room. She also grabbed a towel for you. In hindsight getting your hair wet probably wasn’t the best decision, but you’ll figure it out.
She went back to her room and found you sitting there, right where she told you to. “Here,” she gave you the shirt and turned around as you changed.
“Right, you think it’ll be dry in an hour?” you asked as you held the shirt, it was quite a bit wetter than either of you could have anticipated. And it also reminded Jenna that you needed to get going soon. The day went by way too fast, and she had no way of knowing when she’ll see you again.
“Probably not. Leave it here? One more reason to come again,” she suggested hopefully.
“As if I need another reason to come and see you,” you rolled your eyes but handed the shirt to her. “But, sure, if you don’t mind,” you smirked a bit as Jenna clutched the shirt in her hands.
Later that night, hours after you left, Jenna found herself sitting in the backyard, just looking at the cloudy night sky. Your words still echoed in her mind. Jenna heard footsteps coming from behind her and turned around, smiling when she saw her mom walking up to her and hugging her from behind.
"I'm not ready to watch you leave again this soon, I just got you back," her mom whispered and kissed the top of her head as Jenna placed her hands on top of her mom's hands. She would leave soon, it felt perhaps, too soon. This time next week she'll be alone once more, working on another project.
"I know mom, I'll miss you too," she told her softly. She'd miss this the most, just her family being there, these hugs, family meals. At the same time, she wanted to work, she was excited to act, to slip into another character. As much as she loved her family, she felt like she couldn't rest.
"I was really worried when you went to film Scream. You were so far away for the first time," her mom admitted. It was the first time she was that far from home, unable to come and see them over the weekend. "I'm thankful you had a friend like that by your side," she almost missed the way her mom said 'friend' but there was a certain weight behind it.
Jenna smiled, she did feel lucky because of the connection between you, how quick it all happened. "Mom, can I tell you something? About Y/N?"
Her mom let go of her and sat down next to her, suddenly more serious. "What is it, Reeree?"
Jenna blushed and the serious expression on her mom's face faded away. "I like her," she whispered, embarrassed.
Her mom grinned and tucked a bit of Jenna's hair back. "I noticed," she admitted and chuckled when Jenna buried her face in her hands.
"Am I that obvious?" Jenna almost cried, not sure how she would handle you knowing.
"Jenna, I'm your mom, of course it's obvious to me," that was a relief, at least she wasn't obvious to anyone watching.
Taglist: @lilbitdepressed27 @freakshow2501 @osnapitzmel1 @belatrixdragon @ijustlovemaths
@niqmandu @justspance @mirage018
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writerswall26 · 7 months
First Time In Years
Synopsis: Y/N is an action star who's dubbed as Tom Cruise Jr. she was in a relationship with Jenna for a while before the two of them broke up due to Jenna's uprising status in the industry. The two of them happened to bump into each other at an award show and time stopped when they saw each other again.
Warning: Bad writing, Feels.
Words: 1.1k
A/N: I was feeling a bit bored then this popped in my head so I thought I'd share it to you guys. Happy Reading!
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You've been away from the entertainment lime light for a couple of years because of an accident that happened in a production you were doing a few years ago.
During those times you were down and under, one person stuck by your side and supported you, from recovery, to therapy, to getting back in shape. You'd never ever forget that person, she was the one for you, you believed that. But fate had something instilled for the both of you. She was an uprising superstar, you did not want to hold her back. So you did what you thought was best at the time, you broke up with her.
A few years back, you were not so sure you're gonna be back into doing action films due to an accident you had on a set that left you bed bound for at least 3 months. You thought your time in doing actions was done by that point. But here you are, leading a sequel from one of the best action films of all time, Top Gun: Maverick. Your Godfather pushed you to be in this movie, quoting "you're gonna be my successor, I want you in this movie". So yeah, what Tom Cruise asks, he shall get. And today, you're back in an award show with your castmates.
Today, you're gonna have to face that person again. You're not entirely sure what would happen, or if anything would happen at all. You haven't seen her since you two broke up, but you did follow her activities. Watch her series, movies, anything that would update you of what she's been up to. And you couldn't be more proud of what success she'd had. She was becoming a household name and she's still getting bigger and bigger as the time goes by.
So, when you saw her being interviewed wearing a wonderful dress, you could not help but stare, you're shameless about that, but can you blame yourself? She was looking beautiful. She looked more mature now, her long hair cut shorter, she looked more of a woman now, it's crazy what time did to her. She looked more beautiful, she's always been beautiful in your eyes.
"Stop staring and start approaching, kid." She heard Miles whisper in her ears.
Y/N turned to her castmate and gave out a chuckle. "I don't think that's a wise idea."
Miles looked confused. "Why is that?"
Y/N shrugged. "Let's just say we want to leave it where it was left." She said before she walked on. Miles was still confused as he followed her inside with their team.
"So, who's that girl you were looking at lovingly outside?" Glen asked as soon as they got to their table.
Y/N groaned, not wanting this topic to be the talk of the entire night.
"She's just... some I used to know, okay?" She told them, pleading for them to stop asking questions.
The older men and women got the signal as soon as they heard her frustrated voice, and thankfully, they did not continue to ask.
The entire show, Y/N would steal glances to look at the girl she's watching outside. She couldn't help it. It's been so long. Of all the places, she never thought she'd be seeing her here, with a guy she knows has been linked to the girl.
"I'm gonna go to the toilet real quick." Y/N told her mates and went without waiting for a reply.
She did her business and was about to leave when she stopped on her track as she was face to face with the girl she's been eyeing the entire time. She looked as shocked as Y/N, her eyes widened.
Should've tried to hold it in. Y/N thought.
The two of them stood there, in the middle of the comfort room, staring at each other with wide eyes. No one made an attempt to move, or even to speak. It's like they're stuck in a dimension where they're just there, standing and staring at each other.
Y/N was the first to move, to get back to her senses. She gave out a small chuckle, thinking how dumb they probably look inside the toilet room, just staring at each other.
She cleared her throat, getting the attention of the girl in front of her. "Well, you look extremely lovely." Y/N said genuinely, smiling.
The girl in front of her giggles as well, her dimples showing. Y/N always loved those cute dimples, and she most definitely loved the sound of those cute giggles.
"It's so weird that the first time I see you after so long, we're in a comfort room." Jenna said, giving out a giggle again, lowering her head, shaking it lightly.
Y/N laughed with Jenna as well. The two of them looked like madmen inside the comfort room.
"How have you been?" Y/N asked when they finally calmed down.
Jenna's smile never left her face. "Good. I've been good. You?"
Y/N nodded. "I'm getting by. Trying to get back on my feet."
Jenna nodded, then she looked at Y/N from head to toe. She never thought she would see the taller girl again. Ever since they broke up, Y/N seemingly went under the radar, like she was hiding, not wanting anyone to find her. But here she was, standing tall and healthy.
"I saw the film. I thought you weren't gonna get back to it. Was afraid I'd heard on the news that you broke something again." Jenna admitted, making Y/N's heart jump at the thought that Jenna was still worried about her after all these times.
"I wasn't expecting to get back in action as well. Just tried to bring back the old me, but did not expect to get back."
Jenna nodded. "What made you take the film?"
Y/N grinned. "Tom Cruise."
Jenna giggled again. "Ah, of course. Can never say no to the godfather." She said, causing the both of them to share a small laugh.
"You realize we're really catching up inside a freakin' comfort room, right?" Y/N said, giving Jenna one of those weird looks she loves to give.
"Yeah, I know it's weird, and disgusting."
Y/N just shook her head. She stared at Jenna for a moment, taking all of her in. She's still as beautiful as before, maybe even more. But one thing's for sure, she's still the Jenna she knows, nothing has changed.
"Congratulations on everything you've achieved. I'm extremely proud." Y/N turned serious, but the smile on her face never left.
"Congratulations on getting back to the screen, I'm extremely proud." Jenna replied.
The two of them stared at one another, before Y/N broke their eye contact.
"I'll see you around, Jenna." She finally spoke.
"See you around, Y/N."
And they both left it at that. Their hearts are full knowing the sacrifice both of them made blossomed into something bigger than they both expected. That would stay in both their hearts forever.
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
lando and his gf trying on a new set of lingerie (i know you write his y/n as a curvy woman and i think you'd come up with something fluffy and empowering)
thanks in advance, love your writing!
"Hi, baby! I'm in the bedroom", Lando called once you got home, making you leave your things in your office and head there, seeing Lando putting clothes away in the wardrobe, "I folded all the washing, and I even put your dresses in the hangers all nicely", he smiled way too proud of himself, holding out his arms so you could hug him back, "I missed you today", he mumbled against your skin.
"I missed you too, but we finally filmed all the content we needed", you smiled, "which means I'm all yours for the evening".
"That's good, actually, because this arrived in the mail today", Lando whisked his arm way from your body to grab the small box he received from the mail man.
It wasn't usual that you treated yourself to a new set of lingerie, usually sticking to the one model you felt comfortable in since most of them either didn't fit right or were itchy on your skin. Yet, when your favourite brand released a new colour of the set you loved so you placed the order when you felt like treating yourself.
"Oh, I thought they didn't do express shipping", you said, "did you look inside?", you held the box in your hands.
"Nope, I was waiting for you and hoping you'd show me what's inside, preferably on you", he cheekily smiled, rubbing your waist under your shirt.
Kissing his lips, you opened the box, carefully ripping the sticker off the paper that covered the marine blue pieces, feeling the soft and delicate lace work on your fingers before stripping down to your underwear, your back to Lando as you switched your panties and then your bra, adjusting the band that rested on your ribcage.
Lando got up from his spot on the bed, meeting you as you kept your back to him. Carefully, he brushed all of your hair to one shoulder, kissing your shoulder softly, "you look incredible, Y/N, like a goddess", he mumbled.
"I need help with the straps", you asked, feeling his fingertips dance along the material and your shoulder blades as the tightened the length on each strap, "That's good, thank you".
You stayed in silence for a bit after you turned around, Lando's hands rubbing your waist and following the stretch marks that led to your hips, feeling the delicate lace himself, "I can't believe you're all mine", he cooed, "so beautiful, so pretty", he pressed open mouthed kisses on your clavicles as his hands found your waist again, thumbs rubbing your tummy softly as he looked into your eyes, "I know this is new, but I'd very much like to see this on the floor", he smirked, your hands flying to play with his curls as you walked back to the bed, prepared to have him take you out of the new set in no time.
(Thank you for submitting an ask ✨️)
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matty-bear · 7 months
Could you write a fluffy fic where nick is insecure because of the hate online and his boyfriend (the reader) comforts him?
I love your writing btw<33
Insecure [N.S]
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type: request !
pairing: nick sturniolo x male!reader
warnings: SFW, fluff, angst, slightly suggestive ?? (these parts are towards the end) negative self image talk, mentions of hate, fat-shaming, and slurs (last two are not specified they’re just mentioned !)
summary: after coming over to visit nick, you immediately notice his off behavior. your boyfriend reassures you that nothing is wrong and that he’s fine but when he comes back crying after filming a car video with his brothers, the truth finally comes out 
notes: hope this fulfills your request ! i enjoyed writing this even tho it was quite upsetting :3 best believe that if i see someone being hateful towards nick i wont hesitate to clap back 🔥 some people need to grow up and stop hiding behind screens when they post hateful shit . they’re just pussies 😒
WC: 4675
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚* **•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
One thing you must know about Nick is that he is very expressive and is not scared of being himself. You could easily be able to tell how he was doing emotionally just by his facial expressions and body language. (This also meant that he was horrible at hiding things from you. This includes feelings and surprises and such) 
Which is why when you suddenly caught onto his off and quiet demeanor the day you came over to his place to hang out, you immediately knew something was wrong. 
It’s currently Thursday afternoon and you were gathering your belongings to head over to Nick’s. You knew that he and his brothers would be filming later today so you decided to head over to theirs as soon as possible. 
You also heavily missed your boyfriend even though you saw him two days ago. 
After slipping your headphones around your neck and making sure you have your phone in your possession, you grab your car keys and head outside. The sun immediately began to shine in your face the moment you stepped foot outside and you couldn’t help but squint as a result. After making sure your front door is locked, you walk to your car and get in the driver's seat. A soft huff escapes your lips as you start the car and adjust the AC with your right hand. When everything's to your liking, you finally start your short venture to the Sturniolo household. 
It only took 15 minutes until you were pulling up in the all too familiar driveway holding a black minivan. You can’t help the smile growing on your face as you hurriedly turn the car off and exit your vehicle. As you walk up to the front door, you take your phone out of your pocket to text Nick that you’re here. However, before you get the chance to open y’all’s chats, the door opens. 
You quickly lift your head, your eyes slightly wide, before you relax at the sight of Matt greeting you with a small smile. “Hey.” The brunette greets, stepping aside to let you in. 
“How’d you know I was here?” You ask as you step inside the house, the faint scent of fast food immediately filling your senses. 
“Heard your car pull up.” You hum faintly and nod your head at the male before the two of you start walking up the steps. “I smell food. What did y'all order?” 
“Chris was craving a ‘Mcdonalds' breakfast’ so I ordered some.” You can’t help but chuckle at the sight of Matt doing air quotations. “We have some leftovers so if you're hungry you can help yourself to whatever’s left.” 
“How much did you guys order if there’s leftovers?” An airy chuckle escapes your lips as you follow Matt to the kitchen, a single eyebrow raising as you glance at the two McDonald’s bags on the table. 
“Not much, just our regular. Nick hasn’t eaten yet so that’s probably why we have leftovers.” 
You quickly whip your head around to send Matt a worried expression as he excuses himself to go to the fridge. “Nick hasn’t eaten yet?” You ask as you open one of the bags. 
“Nope,” Matt replies with a soft huff. “He’s been in his room since this morning.” 
You hum softly as you close the bag you’re looking into. “This is Nick’s right?” When Matt looks over in your direction, you gesture to the bag in front of you. 
“Yup, that’s his.” 
“Alright, ima head up to his room and see if he’s hungry.” 
“Word. We’re going to film earlier than usual today so make sure he’s ready by five thirty.” 
“Will do.” Matt sends you a small smile before he grabs a root beer from the fridge and walks towards his bedroom. As the brunette enters his room, you make your way upstairs to go to Nick’s. The moment you arrive at your boyfriend’s door, your eyebrows furrow together when you don’t hear a single thing coming inside. Usually the male would be playing music out loud or watching a show but all you heard was silence. 
You hesitantly rest your hand on the doorknob and open the door with a soft creek, your features immediately getting illuminated by the LED lights in the room. 
“Nick?” You call as you step inside the room. You gently shut the door behind you as your eyes scan the room in search of your boyfriend. 
Where the hell is Nick?
“Nick~” You call again, dragging out his name as you set the bag in your hand down on the desk nearby. When you glance over at the closed bathroom door, you let out a sigh of relief when you see light creeping out from underneath the door. You quickly make your way over to the room and gently knock on the wood. “Nick? Are you in here?” 
The sudden sound of something clattering to the floor startles you and you instinctively take a step back. 
“Yeah, I- Hold on.” You hear Nick say, his voice muffled due to the shut door. More clattering runs through your ears before the faint sound of footsteps approaches the door. You quickly lift your head when the door opens and you can’t help the smile creeping onto your lips when you see Nick peek his head out from behind the door. 
“Hi, baby.” You greet softly. 
“Hi.” Nick breathes. Once the male fully opens the door, you quickly walk up to him and cup his face. You gently caress your thumbs over the redhead’s soft skin and forming stubble on his chin, your eyes momentarily shifting up to his blue irises.
“Have you eaten yet?” You ask, knowing the answer already as you land a quick peck on your boyfriend’s lips. At the redhead’s silence, you send the male a worried look and gently grab his chin with your thumb and pointer finger to make him look up at you. “Baby?” 
“I’m not hungry right now,” Nick mumbles, avoiding eye contact as he looks down at the hem of the sweater hanging on your shoulders. 
“You feeling sick or anything? It’s not like you to skip a meal.” As you set your hand on your boyfriend’s forehead to check his temperature, the boy quickly shakes his head. 
“No, I feel fine.” Nick sends you a small smile as you lower your hand. 
“Alright… Well, I brought you your food from the kitchen so if you’re hungry, it’ll be on your desk.” 
Nick hums softly and slowly peels out of your hold to walk to his bed. You can’t help but furrow your eyebrows at the male’s action and turn on your heels to watch the redhead climb into bed and bring his covers up to his shoulders. 
“Baby, what’s wrong?” You ask gently as you make your way over to Nick and take a seat on the mattress. Your boyfriend doesn’t respond and instead moves up to rest his head in your lap. He tilts his head a little so he can dig his face into your thigh, a heavy sigh escaping him as his shoulders drop. A frown makes its way into your lips as you gaze down at Nick. 
Something is definitely wrong but you know prying would get you nowhere. 
“Sweetheart, you wanna get up real quick so I can move into a more comfortable position?” Nick hums faintly and sits up to allow you to climb into bed. After comfortably situating yourself against the headboard, Nick immediately lays in your lap again. Your hand instinctively goes into the male’s red locks, your fingers carefully detangling some strands as they card through his hair. A content hum can be heard from the male in your lap as you quietly continue your actions.
“I missed you.’ Nick mumbles against your clothed thigh.
“I missed you too.” You say softly, a smile making its way onto your lips. 
“Can you stay with me tonight?” 
“Yeah, of course. I’ll just have to go back to my place to get a change of clothes.” Nick quickly lifts his head the moment the statement leaves your lips. You peer down at the boy and raise an eyebrow at him when he narrows his eyes at you. “What? Did I say something wrong?”
“Don't act like you can't sleep in my clothes.” You chuckle softly as Nick lies back down. He takes a moment to dig his face in your thigh and comfortable before he continues, “I already put aside some stuff for you in the closet.”
“Did you now?”
Nick nods his head. “Your favorite hoodie is part of the pile. I seriously can't wrap my head around the fact that you can sleep in a hoodie without overheating.”
“I definitely overheat but I just like how your clothes smell.” 
“You're fucking weird for that.” Nick lets out a surprised laugh when you jab your hand into his side. You watch with narrowed eyes as the redhead rolls off your lap and sits up, the blanket that was once at his shoulders falling to his lap. “Don’t do that!”
“Don't call me weird.” 
“Well, you kinda are-” Nick gets cut off by you reaching over and grabbing his shoulders. The male lets out a small surprised yell as you force him down onto his back, his eyes widening when you hover over him. Before your boyfriend gets the chance to say anything, an anxious spew of giggles bubbles up his throat when you latch onto his sides. ‘Okay, OKAY! I take it back! Get off!”
“Are you just taking back what you said because I’m threatening you?”
“Well obviously… Now get your paws off me.”
A dramatic gasp escapes your lips as you gaze down at Nick. “PAWS?? Alright, you know what...”
“Wait, WAIT!’ Nick quickly grabs onto your hands and pries them off his body before you get the chance to do anything. “I’m messing with you!”
You hum lowly and narrow your eyes at the redhead. “Let go.” You state flatly.
“Promise not to touch me!” 
“I won’t touch you.” 
“Promise it!” 
You sigh and hang your head low, a smile creeping onto your lips. “Fine.” You huff. “I promise I won’t touch you.” 
“Okay…” Nick says slowly. He hesitantly releases his strong grip on your wrists and the moment you’re free, you plop down on top of him. Nick lets out a faint grunt the moment you do so and immediately wraps his arms around you. “God you're heavy.” You heavily sigh and dig your hand into Nick’s side the second that statement escapes his lips, your action immediately drawing panicked giggles from the male. 
“OKAY, OKAY!” The redhead exclaims through giggles. Nick begins to squirm underneath you and quickly grabs onto your shoulders. “You fucking liar knock it off!” Nick’s giggles ring through your ears as he curls his body around your hand, both his hands continuously shoving your shoulders to get you up and off him. You continue your actions for a few more seconds before you stop and wrap both your arms behind the redhead’s back. A large smile spreads across your lips as Nick heavily pants and throws an arm over his face, a few giggles still escaping his lips. 
“That’s low,” Nick mumbles. 
“You were being an ass.” You say with a shrug as you slip an arm out from underneath the male to fiddle with one of the strings of his hoodie. “You should be thanking me to be honest.” 
“THANKING YOU?!” You clamp your hand over Nick’s mouth at his loud exclamation. 
“No need to yell, I'm right here.” You scold softly. 
“Sorry,” Nick mumbles, his speech muffled due to your hand still being over his mouth. Once you remove your hand, the redhead huffs and frowns. “Again, thanking you?” 
“Yes, thanking me.” As you rest your chin on Nick’s chest, the latter stares down at you with a confused expression. “You were clearly upset when I came in.”
You lift your head slightly to lock eyes with Nick. “Is something wrong? You can tell me, you know. It’s not like I’ll judge.” You watch as Nick forces his lips into a straight line and averts his gaze to anywhere but you. After watching the male looking around the room aimlessly, you sigh softly and rest your head back down on his chest. “You don't have to tell me.” You say, your speech muffled due to the thick fabric of the hoodie covering Nick's body. 
“Sorry,” Nick mumbles, his hand gently resting on the top of your head. 
“Don’t apologize, there’s no need to. You can tell me whenever you’re ready.” You momentarily lift your head to land a quick peck on Nick’s lips before you return to lying on his chest. “By the way.” You start, earning a small hum from Nick. “Matt said to be ready by five thirty so you guys can film.” 
“Alright,” Nick says softly as he leans back against the pillow he’s lying on. “Can we nap real quick? You know, before I have to go?” 
“I was hoping you’d say that your warmth is making me tired.” You reply, your words slurring together as your eyes drift shut. You don’t even hear Nick’s response and only manage to feel his hand rubbing circles on your back before you drift off to sleep. 
LoveGame by Lady Gaga plays in your headphones as you make your way to the living room, a small pack of fruit snacks in your left hand and a can of coke in the other. You find yourself bopping your head along to the song, your lips mouthing the lyrics, as you seat yourself down on the sofa. 
The triplets have been out for about an hour and a half to film their new car video. You quickly became bored out of your mind being alone in the empty and silent house and you had to figure out a way to entertain yourself as you waited for the boys to come back. 
And that’s exactly what you’re doing right now. 
You shift your body a little so you're comfortably lying on your back before you rip open the fruit snacks. As you pop a few in your mouth, you fail to hear the front door opening, the loud music playing in your ears being the culprit. 
You also failed to see the triplets walk into the living room. 
That was until you felt a tap on your knee. You quickly sit up at the small touch and rip the headphones off your head, the music still somewhat audible as you rest them around your neck. You immediately make eye contact with Chris who looks down at you with a worried expression. 
“What’s wrong? Is everything alright?” You ask, an uneasy feeling settling in your stomach as you lock eyes with the male in front of you. 
Chris raises a hand to rub the back of his nape, his lips forming into a straight line before he replies, “Nick’s crying.” 
You feel your heart drop the moment the sentence escapes the brunette's mouth and you find yourself urgently standing up, the pack of fruit snacks and can of soda being long forgotten on the floor and couch cushion. 
“Where is he?” 
“Matt’s room.” You gently nod your head and make a break for the middle triplet’s bedroom, which is thankfully a few steps away. You knock on the door a few times to alert the people inside of your arrival before you let yourself inside. The moment you step foot inside, your eyes land on your boyfriend sitting on the edge of the bed and furiously rubbing his eyes. Matt is sitting on the left side of the male and pulls Nick into his chest, one of his hands immediately going to rub comforting circles on his back. 
You practically run over to the two boys and crouch down in front of Nick, a worried expression painting your face when you hear the male faintly sobbing. You momentarily shift your gaze from your boyfriend to Matt, who’s sharing the same worried and concerned look on his face before you turn back to Nick. You slowly set a hand on the latter’s knee and go to pull away when the male flinches at the sudden touch. 
“Baby?” You call softly, your thumb gently caressing Nick’s clothed kneecap. The redhead turns his head slightly and makes a small gap in between his fingers to look at you. “Can you move your hands, please? I wanna see your face, sweetheart.” 
Nick furiously shakes his head and goes back to tucking his head against Matt’s chest. You sigh faintly and lean forward to rest your chin on your boyfriend’s thigh. As you gaze up at the boy, you catch the redhead looking down at you, a larger gap being made between his pointer and middle finger. You manage to make out Nick’s irritated red eyes before he sits up and attempts to cover his whole face with one hand, the other reaching for yours to firmly hold. 
“Can you come up here, please?” Nick asks, his voice fragile and quiet as he squeezes your hand a few times. 
“Yes, of course.” You reply and quickly get up from your position. As you go to sit next to Nick, you make eye contact with Matt who’s gazing up at you. 
“Will you two be okay if I leave?” The male mouths. The moment you nod your head and ruffle Matt’s hair a little, the brunette slowly gets up from his spot on the bed and quietly exits the room. After ensuring the male shuts the door behind him, you take a seat next to Nick. The moment your boyfriend feels the mattress dip next to him, he immediately crashes into you, his face burrowing into your clothed chest. You slip your hand out of Nick’s hold to envelop the male in a tight embrace, your heart shattering into a million small pieces when you feel your shirt dampening. 
Nick slithers his arms around your torso, his nails digging into your back as he silently cries against you. You allow the male to get all his feelings out as you rub comforting circles on his back with one hand and card your fingers through his hair with the other. It took a few more minutes of comfort for Nick’s cries to subside and soft sniffles to emit from him. You wait for your boyfriend to remove himself from your chest and hesitantly look up at you before you look at him. 
“Oh, baby…” You mumble, your heart aching as you take in Nick’s puffy, red eyes and tear-stained cheeks. You cup the side of the redhead's face with one hand and keep the other on his back before you begin to gently caress the male’s damp cheek. “Are you comfortable with telling me what happened?” 
“Mh-hmm.” Nick hums, his eyes shutting as he fully leans into your palm. The male enjoys your delicate touch for a moment longer before he speaks up. “I saw some comments yesterday and they stuck to me. I saw more when we were filming today too. I’m usually able to handle hate comments because they’re fucking ridiculous and stupid but these hurt.”
“What were they saying if you mind me asking?” 
“Most were fat-shaming me and others were calling me slurs. I haven’t been called a slur in a while so I’m guessing that’s why it stuck. But you know how self-conscious and insecure I am about my body so seeing people nitpick at that stuff just…” Nick cuts himself off as more tears well up in his eyes. You frown deeply and quickly wipe the warm liquid escaping the redhead’s eyes before they cascade down his face. “It just made me feel more bad about myself.” 
“Sweetheart, can you do something for me?” You ask softly. Nick gently nods his head and sniffles as he wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. “Can you lay down? On your back?” 
“Mh-hmm…” Nick hesitantly hums and moves back on the bed so he’s no longer on the edge before he lays on his back. After the male shuffles a bit to get comfortable, you crawl up and reach your arm over to rest it on the side of Nick’s shoulder. After situating yourself so you're hovering over your boyfriend, you bite back the smile threatening to form on your lips as you take in Nick’s shocked and flustered expression. “If you want to make out, I refuse to do it in Matt’s room.” 
“We’re not gonna make out, hun.” 
“Then what are you doing?” 
“Can you just trust me?” 
Nick puts his hands up defensively and rests them on both sides of his head. You shake your head slightly before you lean down and begin to land soft pecks on Nick’s forehead. You slowly make your way down the side of your boyfriend’s face and make a trail of light kisses across his jaw, stopping near his right ear. You feel Nick shift underneath you, both his arms lowering and coming up to latch onto your shoulders. You take a glance over at your boyfriend and smile smugly when you see him squeeze his eyes shut, his lips forced into a thin line. You focus back on what you're doing and land a few kisses on the shell of Nick’s ear, a stifled chuckle escaping you when the male squeals softly and forces his ear against his shoulder. 
“What are you doing?” Nick giggles, his nails digging into your biceps. 
“Stay still.” You state, completely ignoring the redhead’s question as you continue your trail of kisses down the side of his neck. Nick subconsciously tilts his head back to give you more access to his skin as you litter his entire neck with kisses for a few more seconds. You stay on a specific spot near the side of your boyfriend’s neck for a moment and take his skin in between your teeth. 
“Baby,” Nick says warningly, a faint whine escaping his lips as you nibble on his skin. 
“I’m moving, I'm moving.” You mumble against his skin. You stay true to your words and begin a trail of kisses down Nick’s clothed chest. You shift down to continue to kiss down the redhead’s torso and both of his sides. “You know…” You start, lifting your head to make sure your boyfriend hears your voice clearly. “I love every single part of your body. Every inch of it. I find you so fucking perfect.” You lower your head back down to Nick’s hips, your lips continuing to leave a trail of pecks down his leg. 
You grab one of the male’s knees and push it up to allow yourself to leave longer kisses around your boyfriend’s thigh. You feel Nick tense, followed by his breath hitching, when you inch up closer to his thigh. When you get a little close to his crotch, you switch over to his other leg and repeat the same process you did moments ago. Once you get to Nick’s knee, you decide to tease the male a little by nibbling on his kneecap. The redhead lets out a surprised shout and immediately erupts into giggles as he pulls his leg away from your reach. 
“Sorry, I had to.” You apologize with a giggle. 
“Of course you and you. You can’t let me breathe for five minutes.” Nick huffs, his arms crossing over his chest. 
“Oh, please.” You latch onto Nick’s thigh and drag him back to his original position before you crawl up so you’re face-to-face with him. You send your boyfriend a small smile before you dip your face into his neck and start another trail of kisses down his shoulder and left arm. When you get to his wrist, you quickly do the same with the other arm. Before you lift your head, you nibble the skin on Nick’s shoulder and smile into his skin when he whines and shoves your shoulder. You pull back with a small chuckle and capture Nick’s lips for a quick kiss. When you pull back, you cup the side of his face with one hand and keep the other on the side of his shoulder to keep yourself up. 
“Baby?” You call as you begin to gently caress your boyfriend's cheek with your thumb. 
“Yeah?” Nick replies as he blinks up at you, a stupid smile on his lips as he leans into your touch. 
“Those people are fucking douchebags for leaving those comments. All they’re trying to do is tear you down and see you all down in the dumps. You don’t want them to win this stupid game, right?” Nick furiously shakes his head. “I know it’s hard to ignore all of the hate comments but I can guarantee that not a single one of these people will have the balls to say this shit to your face. And if one of them does, I will happily rock their shit because they have no right to say all these things about you. I think you are perfect in every way possible. I love your eyes, your nose, your smile, God how much I adore your smile, your tattoos, your hair, your arms which are getting a little buff if I may add.” 
When you remove your hand from Nick’s face to squeeze his bicep, the male smiles widely and lightly hits your arm. “I know I don’t see your bare body much since you like to have something covering your torso at all times but I am sure that you look fucking perfect.” You move your hand down and land a few pokes on Nick’s stomach. The sound of him laughing softly brings a smile to your lips and you quickly halt your actions when the male grabs your wrists. “Your laugh is perfect as well. It’s so cute and contagious.” 
“Alright…” Nick says, his voice trailing off as he looks to the side. 
“Do you not think so?” You ask, a single eyebrow-raising. Nick hesitantly shakes his head and looks at you. “Well, I think it’s perfect and I'm not taking a no for an answer.”  Nick sighs, knowing he can’t say anything that’ll change your mind and release you from his hold. When your wrists are free from his grasp, you lay down on top of the male and wrap an arm underneath him. “Also, one more thing.” 
“What is it?” Nick lifts his head to lock eyes with you. 
“I’m gonna post something on my story later to shut these fuckers up.” 
“You can’t change my mind.” You send Nick a large smile before you land a quick peck on his lips. After nibbling on his bottom lip, you pull back and rest your chin on his chest, and gaze into his eyes. Seeing that you’re staring intently at him, Nick grows flustered and covers his face with one hand and uses the other to softly push your face away. 
“Stop staring,” Nick mumbles. 
“I can’t help it, you're so pretty.” You can’t help but smile widely when Nick giggles and looks away. You gently pry the male’s hands away from his face and cup his face, the sight of his flustered face causing your smile to widen even more. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” 
“Mmm… Not as much as I do, I'm afraid.” 
“Really? You wanna bet on it?”
“Absolutely.” Nick hums softly and grabs the base of your neck to pull you close and crash his lips onto yours. You let out a small noise of surprise at the male’s sudden action however you quickly melt into the kiss. Before you allow yourself to get too absorbed in the kiss, you pull back. 
“Is that watermelon?” 
“It tastes fucking amazing.” The second that sentence escapes your lips, you quickly plant your lips back on Nick’s to resume the small, yet somewhat heated make-out session. 
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island-in-the-shadows · 6 months
On Felix Catton & Disgust/Desire
I had been waiting for a long while now to write this post. I wanted to do another full re-watch before I got into it because the ideas for this have been sitting in my mind for a long time. This is going to be a long post and, hopefully, not super pretentious. Most of us fans of Saltburn know, to some degree or another, that the core themes of the film revolve around disgust, desire, and obsession. And the biggest entry point to discuss this is the actions of our protagonist, Oliver Quick re the object of his disgust/desire/obsession Felix Catton.
I've written before that I believe that Oliver did know Felix and that Felix was emotionally vulnerable and candid with Oliver. I further stated that we, the audience, are forbidden from knowing the details of this intimacy because Oliver does not want us to truly know Felix. This means that the bits we get of Felix are small and very subtle. It means that we can interpret Felix's core personality, true intent, true desires in a litany of ways. My opinion is, realistically, no more valid than anyone else's. But for today, I wanted to discuss what I view, from the bits that we get, is Felix's relation with the core themes of the film. And, because I saw a truly heinous takes about a different fandom I'm in and I don't want to think about it, my brain said: hey...let's talk about Felix Catton and his disgust and desire.
Pt. 1: "Only rich people can afford to be this filthy."
When Oliver says the above, he and Felix are in Felix's messy and disgusting dorm room at Oxford. When you take a closer look at the room (which I admit was difficult on my first few views because Felix is lit and positioned to take all of your focus), it is a total shit show. There's clothes everywhere, empty containers everywhere, other unidentifiable debris...honestly wouldn't shock me if there was some used condom somewhere. We know from Oliver that, not only does it look like chaos, it smells terrible. However, Felix is unbothered. He is concerned only with the heat which, in this case, is an external force that he cannot control no matter his good looks, his charms, his pedigree, or his money. By what we see, Felix is quite happy and content in the filth. It is only when Oliver points out the filth and points out that Felix won't take care of it, that Felix reacts negatively.
Felix, as we know, is very accustomed to his messes being cleaned up for him. Before we even get to Saltburn it's a safe assumption to make. Prior to college/uni, he would've gone to some posh boarding school or other. I doubt that they were made to clean everything in boarding school (though if any of you know please let me know). We also know that wealthy people tend to have hired staff who clean for them. This is a young man who has never had to clean up his spilled milk and it has never even occurred to him to do it.
However, the important bit to note is not that Felix is messy and that it doesn't occur to him to clean. What's important to note is that the mess simply does not bother him. Just because he is born to extreme wealth and privilege does not mean that he would have to be this way. There's been germaphobe rich people or people who prefer to have a minimalistic space or any number of things. Regardless of wealth, some people are fine with mess and some people require mess to be done away with immediately. Felix is in the former category. He certainly must notice the mess at some point (even if, clearly, he's nosebleed to it) but he is comfortable in his space.
This is also true of his room at Saltburn. We barely see it, I know, but let's take a look at that glossy af pic of it from the Architectural Digest Article...
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There is crap EVERYWHERE. The more you look at it the more crap you find. You can't even say that it's perfectly clean either because there's dirty clothes in spots, there's multiple pillows on the ground, there's a random used water glass, there's either toilet paper or paper towels on the night stand, the bed isn't perfectly made, I could go on. Chaos and filth and mess is, technically, Felix's natural habitat. It's the kind of mess that is surrounded by opulence, certainly, but it's still a mess.
Only rich people can afford to be this messy because they can also dictate when and where their staff cleans. Presumably, there are things in Felix's bedroom (perhaps the toilet paper/paper towels which have a...purpose) which he has instructed Duncan to leave alone. Or Elspeth has put terms for how often the maids come in the rooms. It could be framed in a multitude of ways. The point stands that Felix can exist in these chaotic and, even, disgusting spaces because he chooses to be. What his privilege does, then, is afford him absence from judgment.
We see the staff at Saltburn clean up after the party. We see that they quietly replaced a broken mirror before anyone can question the cracks. We never see the staff judge. Do they? Certainly they must, we all have opinions. But do they express their judgement to the masters of the house? No. It's not their place to do so. They are considered staff and therefore their opinions do not come into play for the Cattons nor would they want to hear them. Even Duncan's genuine unease and grief after Felix dies is mostly kept under control. He's not paid to express his emotions or his thoughts, after all.
And why go into all of this? Because Felix is content to live in the mess, to revel in the gross and in some version of the abject. What Felix cannot handle is being confronted with his pleasure. To me, this (along with wanting to separate Oliver from staff when the younger boy starts actively cleaning) is the main reason why he snaps when Oliver points out the disgusting state of the dorm. He does not need or want to know how he fits outside a specific role that he was born to play and, likely, believes he has to play. Even if it didn't occur to him to clean, he could've used his wealth and influence to find someone to clean for him. But he didn't. Because it doesn't bother him. Oliver being bothered and pointing out that Felix is so wealthy that he can live in the filth is what bothers him, instead.
Pt. 2 "Was it? Was it awful?"
I am going to keep this section short, because there have been much better posts about this and I, personally, go back and forth on this all the time. Regardless, Felix having an interest in a made up fantasy of a shitty childhood and what he can, likely, envision as some Dickensian nightmare of a situation falls into his relation to disgust and desire. What Felix knows of true poverty and addiction likely comes from media or exaggerated stories from people who have been in contact with someone who was an addict or something to that extent. His imagination must be running wild with theories. And while I do think that he did have good intentions regarding Oliver when it comes to this, his demeanour also shows an attraction to the grotty aspects of it. Oliver only ever calls him out on this, to a degree, in the maze. Before this, Felix can be interested in what he imagines is the horror of Oliver's childhood but not be caught out as being a tragedy whore or someone with a saviour complex or anything else, because his interest is not being pointed out. Again, he has an interest or desire for mess and chaos as long as it is not pointed out.
Pt. 3 "You're supposed to be here with me."
Let's, briefly, talk about queerness. Let's talk about how Felix has an image to maintain. How he has expectations put upon him. Yes, he has privilege and wealth beyond understanding, but these things often have a tradeoff. Celebrities, for example, have to forfeit a lot of their privacy. Royalty and nobility (regardless of country) often forfeit chunks of their privacy and the possibility of living outside of a script (publicly, at any rate). Felix CANNOT go off script.
He is implied to be the heir to Saltburn and everything that comes with it: money, land, title, expectations. Like in the days of old, it's probably expected of him to produce an heir. It's also expected of him to marry a lady from his class in order to produce said heir. And, back in 2006/7, people were less acceptating of LGBTQ+ people that they are now, and Same-Sex marriage was not a thing in the UK and it wouldn't be for another 7 or so years. So Farleigh, who will inherit nothing and only ever be given scraps, can embrace his queerness; Felix cannot.
Personally, I believe that Felix did have some sort of interest in Oliver. It's not just in the fact that he is possessive of Oliver to the point of disregarding his family. It's in all the Bambi eyed looks that we see Felix give Oliver. You could argue that these are exaggerations from Oliver but then, how do you explain the POV shots we get of Felix looking at Oliver? How they are also romance coded, lustful, pinky and fluffy? There is something there. To what extent there was something is pure conjecture. But, I personally believe that he had some kind of feelings for Oliver but could not express those feelings and, to an extent, found his feelings for Oliver disgusting.
Even if his mother is, in her way, tolerant of queer people, this does not mean that she would be ok with Felix being with a man. I doubt his father, who is in his 60s at the time, would be any happier about it. Again, Felix needs to have an heir and take over Saltburn. So, at most, they would've tolerated that Felix had a "friend" tucked away somewhere that Felix could go to every so often. Queerness is not the desired outcome and so, at some point, Felix would've had to separate any feelings from the matter. And, hypothetically, in boarding school any hand jobs etc. from other boys would be viewed as part of a norm that exists within the realm of "no homo."
So, given he has been emotionally intimate with Oliver and, given that he has felt more for Oliver than he probably thinks he should, he feels disgust as much as he feels desire. He can, and personally I think does, want Oliver, but feels disgusted by his feelings and has a strong desire to keep them channeled in the "appropriate" way. Just the same, he gets jealous and he does not want to share. He cannot abide by Oliver being free to pursue another partner (guarantee he would be equally as incensed if he had found out about Farleigh and it probably would've slightly registered had Oliver actually slept with Indabel). It's specifically a slap in the face that it's Venetia who has done this kind of thing before and who is allowed to be physical with these friends of Felix's with whom Felix does not feel he could or should be physically intimate. Thus, the possession and the jealousy and the spurned wife behaviour of it all.
Pt. 4 "You make my fucking blood run cold."
Bref, I think Felix had good intentions but poor thinking skills when he wanted to take Oliver to his parents' house. Multiple posts have discussed this bit and I do think he wanted to further trauma bond with Oliver the way they further trauma bonded when Oliver's dad "died", afterwards, per the script, they were "closer than ever." And then they had that intimate moment on the bridge and spent some time there completely alone instead of being at a giant party. I think he thought that the experience would bring them closer and that he would be there to, in his way, protect Oliver. And I still think this plays in to all the little ways in which Felix desires disgust and is disgusted by his desires. But he does it anyway.
The betrayal of trust and intimacy that follows has to feel like a bomb has gone off in Felix's mind. But what's worse for him, again this is solely my opinion, is that he still desires Oliver regardless. It might not have fully formed in his head and he then dulled it with drugs and alcohol and with his shoddy attempt at fucking Indabel in the maze, but possibly the inkling of why Oliver lied the way he did had entered his brain. Oliver already tried to explain. Told Felix in the hallway when they got back that he wanted to be Felix's friend. And Felix likely relived his entire relationship with Oliver including what Oliver just told him. And, to me, Felix was not entirely opposed to it. He didn't immediately kick out Oliver or cause too much of a fuss. He wanted space. He wanted to not think about it for a while. But Oliver forced his hand.
Again, here we have a Felix who is disgusted by his desire. A Felix who, deep down, knows that he likes that Oliver lied. That he likes that Oliver desires him so much that he would do anything for him. Likes that, despite NEVER wanting anyone to know the most debauched parts of him, Oliver is close to knowing all of his darkest parts and loving him for them just the same. But a Felix who, nonetheless, does not allow himself to revel in the filth once it's pointed out.
And Oliver points it out. In a big way. "Everyone puts on a show for Felix! [...] doesn't this just prove how much of a good friend I actually am? How well I actually know you!" He does know him. Felix knows this. Felix CANNOT go off script. Felix cannot acknowledge his love for things that are disgusting or less than savoury. So too he cannot allow them or acknowledge them here. And then we have something in the script vs. how Jacob actually looked that's what inspired me to write this overly long post in the first fucking place.
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This is not the exact beat. Because this is after Felix says his line about his blood running cold. The vibe is the same, though. Regardless...is THAT the fact of disgust? Because to me, that is not disgust. That is some form of desire that most mortals will never experience. But then...it also IS disgust. Because the two are intertwined for him. Because he desires because of the disgust at the situation and at the lengths of debasement Oliver will go to to please him. He is a boy who loves mess and chaos and who makes his home there. And, to whatever extent, his heart could've made a home in the mess and chaos and filth that Oliver brought to the table. Even if Felix has to be disgusted at his desires and prevent them. Even if Oliver took any option or opportunity away from Felix.
Oliver makes his blood run cold, but Felix never said that was a bad thing. And it isn't. Just as Oliver revels in the filth of bodies and their fluids and the inferred possession that comes with them, so too Felix revels in the filth of places and things he shouldn't want and things he can only truly savour in the shadows where no one points them out.
TL;DR Felix is as much of a freak as Oliver is, though in a different way. He is shown to be comfortable and even like messy and gross things but, he only does so when it's not pointed out. He can be, to a point, physically close and emotionally intimate with Oliver and, even partially overlook a betrayal of this intimacy, but only if it's never pointed out. Only if it doesn't break with the expectations and social script on which he has been raised and to which he has to stick. He serves to demonstrate the relationship with disgust and desire as much as Oliver does, but his relation is more subtle and harder to see. And maybe, just maybe, given time, he would've at least bent the script.
Super sorry for how long this is, I just needed to get it out! Thanks to @ollieapologist for being my biggest cheerleader about this post. Sorry if this is incoherent!
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Dear Diary
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PAIRING | Sebastian Stan x Actress!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You've had a crush on your co-worker Sebastian for as long as you can remember, and you often write about him in your diary. When you accidentally leave it in his trailer, he can't help but look into it, and find out about some fantasies you have about him.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Smut [ Nudes via text, video of male masturbation, daddy kink, praise kink, oral (M&F receiving), fingering, protected sex, squirting, nipple play, female masturbation, male masturbation, cum swallowing, use of a sex toy, little bit of aftercare ], swearing.
Likes and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💜
Main Masterlist | Sebastian Stan Masterlist
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You couldn't help but fantasize about your co-worker and good friend, Sebastian Stan. You have shot a few movies together and over time you have developed a pretty close relationship, which turned into more than just friendship on your side. Luckily for you, you've been keeping a journal since you were 16, and to this day you enjoy writing about your deepest, darkest fantasies, which are more often than not about Sebastian. Since the two of you started filming the movie 'Endings, Beginnings' together, you were practically fantasizing about him all day every day, making all of your scenes just that much more believable.
Dear Diary,
Shot another pretty hot scene with Seb today, we filmed a make-out session today. I'm wishing he would do the same with me every single time, but I'll take what I can get. Feeling his tongue slide against mine felt almost natural, and his hand brushing on my face gave me goosebumps. We have a few more spicy scenes coming up, and I can't wait.
Been thinking about him a lot more recently, especially since starting this movie. I'm thinking about maybe making a move soon, really need to get some good sex soon, otherwise, I'll crumple up like a sad leaf. Honestly, I can't stop thinking about Seb eating me out, and I'm not sure how much more I can take.
Shot another sex scene today, and it's harder to not let the lines blur. Need to make a move on him soon, so he can rail me like no one ever has before. Just got myself off by thinking how good it would feel to feel him inside me for real, wishing it were his fingers instead of my own. Need to let him ruin me soon.
Everything was fine and well, until Sebastian asked you to come to his trailer, saying he wanted to run some lines with you, before the next scene. You happily agreed and went over there, deciding to finish writing in your diary later. You slip it in your bag and walk to his trailer, softly knocking. ''Come in!'' he says and you open the door, smiling brightly at him. ''Hey Y/N, thanks for helping me out, I just can't seem to get into the flow of this scene for some reason, so I hope this will help,'' he said, smiling back at you. ''Yeah of course, I'm always happy to help,'' you say and you put your bag down. Sebastian got you something to drink and accidentally knocked over your bag, but neither of you noticed your diary slipping out.
You run your lines a few times and once Sebastian's comfortable with it, you get up and grab your bag, not noticing your diary is missing now. It slid under the couch you both were sitting on and when Sebastian closed the door of his trailer behind you, he found it, opening it without a second thought. He was thinking maybe it was his, but he didn't recognize the handwriting. He did recognize his very own name though, seeing it written many times on the pages, surrounded by your many fantasies. He read some of them and felt himself get hard almost instantly, he didn't know you had the same feelings for him as he did for you.
He had some time left before needing to shoot the next scene, so he decided to get himself off in the meantime, reading your sexiest fantasies about him to help him out. He quickly unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down to his thighs together with his underwear, leaving his hard, aching cock to spring free. He already started to leak from his tip, so he used some of the pre-cum as the lube to stroke himself, closing his fingers around himself and slowly starting to work his hand up and down his shaft. The more he read, the faster and needier his strokes became, even whining and moaning at the feeling when his climax crept up. Without much warning he came violently over his stomach and chest, feeling completely spent after reading what he has.
Now that he knew you wanted to make a move on him, he couldn't wait. He went back to set but didn't take your journal with him, he was going to give it back later and he was planning on fulfilling some of your dirtiest fantasies you wrote about. ''Hey Y/N, thanks again for helping me run lines earlier,'' he said when he spotted you and stood next to you, almost touching your arm with his. ''You're welcome Seb, always happy to help!'' you said with a bright smile, before walking away and going to talk to the director. The last scenes of the day were shot and the chemistry between the two of you seemed to have skyrocketed, much to the pleasure of the director. Little did he know, it's because Sebastian finally found out about you and your fantasies.
~ A few days later ~
Filming was on a short break so you enjoyed your few days of freedom by spending it at home with your cat, Hufflepuff. You have been a Harry Potter fan since you were a kid, and being a proud part of the Hufflepuff house, it seemed like the only logical name at the time. Nowadays, you shortened it to 'Puff', because she's just very soft and fluffy, looking like a puff sometimes. ''Hey Puff! How is my favorite girl doing?'' you asked when you opened the door when your roommate Lily walked into the living room. ''Hey babe, how's filming? Aren't you... supposed to be filming?'' she asked and you nodded. ''Got a few days off,'' you explained and Puff was weaving and rubbing herself between your legs.
''Also, I thought I was your favorite girl,'' Lily said faking her disappointment. ''You always will be my favorite, babe, you know that right?'' you said before pulling her in for a hug, you missed her too. You lived just outside of New York, but it was still a good hour and a half drive to where you were filming, so you usually stayed in a hotel near the filming location. ''Also, filming is going better than expected, Sebastian and I have a great connection, the director even said our chemistry was practically dripping off the screen, so I can only take that as a compliment,'' you tell her, not telling you're already dripping just thinking about him.
Just when Lily wanted to respond, your phone was buzzing with a text, and you saw it was from Sebastian. ''Ah, speak of the devil! He just texted me, actually,'' You tell her and you open the message. As soon as you open it you audibly gasp and almost drop your phone at the sight. It was a text saying ''I believe I found something that belongs to you'', with a picture of a naked Sebastian, barely covering his thick member with your journal. ''Oh my fucking god...'' you mumble to yourself before locking your phone and quickly making your way to your bedroom. ''What's going on?!'' Lily asked when she followed you, but you couldn't tell her.
''I-It's nothing,'' you tell her, but she doesn't believe you. ''Show me,'' she demanded, but you couldn't do that to Sebastian, he sent you that photo in private, you were not going to show her, but it did make you want to do unspeakable things. Your phone went off again, and Sebastian sent a video of himself this time, but you didn't dare to open it with Lily still in your presence. ''Oh, it's him again, isn't it? Now I want to know,'' she said and before you could react, she grabbed your phone out of your hands and opened the video, gasping loudly. Your sound was still on, and you heard Sebastian softly whining and moaning your name before Lily threw your phone on the bed, you didn't need to see what he sent to know exactly what it was. Sebastian was jerking himself off at the thought of you.
''PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE FUCKING HIM?!'' she practically yelled at you, she knew damn well about your crush on Sebastian, and she threw your phone to the side out of obligation to you, even though she wanted to see more of him. ''In the movie, yes, but you know what sex scenes in movies are like, so technically no,'' you shrug but your face does little to hide the deep crimson color that has spread from behind your ears down your neck and chest. Also, you're rubbing your thighs together to give yourself some friction, afraid you'll combust if you don't. ''Oh girl, you will be having some real sex REAL soon,'' she said with a smirk on her face.
After that, Lily left the room because she had to go to work, and you had the house to yourself, which you would take full advantage of right now. You waited a good 30 minutes after she left before making yourself comfortable on your bed, stripping down to just your underwear and grabbing your favorite vibrator to help yourself out. You grab your phone and click on the video of Sebastian masturbating, to help yourself get off too. When you pressed play, your room instantly filled with the same little whines and moans of your name as before, and you were already a dripping mess before even doing anything.
Not wanting to waste any time, you pushed your panties aside and swiped two fingers through your folds, feeling how soaked you were before softly starting to play with your clit. You softly rub it a few times before putting the same 2 fingers inside your pussy and softly fingering yourself, really enjoying the sounds coming from your phone, together with what you're seeing. You let out a few soft moans yourself and in a wave of horniness, you decide to record yourself getting off. You release your fingers from your pussy and pick up the vibrator, setting it on your desired setting and slowly rubbing over your clit before sliding it deep inside you. You moan a little more and start squirming, feeling your orgasm getting close.
This is the moment you start recording your voice to send back to Sebastian, letting him hear how you're getting off on his video. Your moans become needier and louder, ''Oh, Seb, fuck it feels good, am a good little slut for you,'' you moan when you turn your vibrator up a few notches, making your orgasm more intense than you're used to, but you didn't care. All you cared about was giving Sebastian exactly what he wanted to hear. ''Seb, fuck- gonna cum,'' is the last thing you moan before your orgasm washes over you, and you squirt all over your thighs and sheets, the vibrator being pushed out of you due to the power of your walls clenching down. ''Wan' you to make me squirt like I just did, Daddy,'' is the last thing you said before sending it to him.
All you got back as a response was a picture of Sebastian with a lot of cum all over his hand, stomach, and chest, showing you exactly what hearing you just did to him. Shortly after you get a text with an address from Seb, saying to meet him there ASAP. You look it up and it is still an hour's drive from your house, so tell him you'll be there in 2, giving yourself some time to shower and get ready. You decide to wear a sexy red lingerie set for him, showing off all your curves just the way you like. You throw a simple dress over it, knowing that won't matter and when you're ready, you walk out the door to make the drive over to the address he sent. You arrive there and park your car in the driveway.
~ 2 hours later ~
You take one more look at his message to ensure you're at the right address and when you confirm you are, you walk towards the front door and open a few buttons at the top of your dress, showing a bit of your lingerie and you ring the doorbell. When the door opens you let out a gasp of horror, because it's not Sebastian opening the door, but an elderly woman who you can only assume is his mother. ''Shit,'' you mumble before quickly closing the top of your dress, but you already know she's seen your lingerie. ''Can I help you?'' she asks with her Romanian accent shining through, you quickly assume this is her house, which is why she's here. ''Uh, I'm here for Sebastian, but if it isn't a good time I can come back,'' you quickly say, extremely embarrassed now.
''Seb, honey, there's someone here for you!'' she says into the house, and you hear Sebastian walking up to the front door. ''I've got it from here Mom, thank you,'' he says and she walks back into the house, and he doesn't even attempt to hide checking you out, doing it openly. ''Fuck, I can't wait to see what you're wearing underneath, baby,'' he says as he grabs your hand, and your dress falls open again, revealing the top part of your lingerie, hugging your breasts nicely. Sebastian lets out a little gasp, and you don't need to look down to know he's hard as a rock right now, almost achingly so. Without saying anything else he drags you into the house and up to his bedroom, where he doesn't take much time to take your dress off.
''Jesus fucking Christ, you're gonna be the death of me in a fucking outfit like this,'' he said as he took a step back to fully take in your red lingerie. ''You like it, Daddy?'' you ask, taking your bottom lip between your teeth and giving him a sensual look filled with lust. ''You're even sexier than I imagined...'' he said as he walked over to you, already taking off his shirt and throwing it on the floor beside him. You thought he would manhandle you and be rough, but he was the complete opposite, but you wouldn't mind either way. You've been in some relationships where you partook in BDSM, so you can handle a lot, even though you've left that life behind since your last relationship. Sebastian going nice and slow is exactly what you need right now.
He placed one hand on your cheek, and his other hand on your hip whilst looking into your eyes for permission to kiss you. ''Seb, I need you to kiss me, please,'' you ask him, your submissive side slowly slipping back into place, just like it never left. And with that, he softly placed his lips on yours, and you could tell he wanted to savor every single second of it as if he was afraid that you'd evaporate if he went too fast or rough. You let out a soft moan at his gentle touches, and you snake your arms around his neck, pulling him closer softly. The hand on your hip slowly starts to wander around and stroking you on every single inch of skin he could reach, and he opened his mouth to slide his tongue against yours, asking for permission to enter. You happily grant it and his tongue slips inside, stroking yours with a tenderness you've never felt before.
When your hands move away from his neck and down his chest, he can't help but softly groan when your hands graze over his nipples, noticing how sensitive he is there. You pull away from him and can't help but give him a soft smile, ''Someone's sensitive,'' you say before lowering your head to his nipple, grazing it with your teeth and sucking on it a little bit, giving the other one a bit of a rougher treatment by pinching and rolling it between your fingers. This earns you a deep groan and he can feel his cock twitch at the sensations, but he welcomes it. You switch to his other nipple and now tug and pinch the one you just sucked on and grazed, making them both hard for you. ''Now I'm not the only one with hard nipples,'' you joke as you come back up, attaching your mouth to his again.
This time it is Sebastian's turn to play with your nipples, but first, his arms make their way around your back, unclasping the bra and pulling it off your shoulders, throwing it in the same direction as his shirt earlier. Your breasts are extra sensitive now, and your pussy is already soaking wet, but you're both enjoying this soft foreplay way too much to go any faster, you want to completely get lost in each other's touches and sounds. He grabs both your breasts at the same time and toys with your nipples a little bit, earning him a deep moan from you, and your knees are starting to buckle a little under his gentle touches. ''Seb, please...'' you say, not sure what you're asking for but he seems to understand it without needing an explanation.
He lets go of your breasts for now, and he grabs the backs of your thighs, lifting you and wrapping your legs around his waist. He walks to the wall behind you, trapping you between his muscular body and the wall so he can continue his earlier actions, as well as kiss you again. ''You're sensitive too, baby, it makes me so hard for you,'' he mumbles in your ear before softly biting on your earlobe, earning him another moan. He kisses down your neck and finds your sensitive spot above your collarbone, all the while he keeps pinching and tugging on your sensitive nipples until they're hard. He keeps this up and you can feel your orgasm coming closer already. ''Seb, need to cum,'' you tell him and he keeps doing what he's doing now.
It doesn't take long after that before you're a complete and utter mess in his arms, cumming from just him playing with your nipples, but it is still a great orgasm nevertheless. ''Doing so good for me baby, such a good girl for Daddy,'' he whispers and you can feel your pussy practically dripping all over him at this point. ''Wanna make you cum now, Daddy,'' you say and he happily complies, walking to the bed and setting you down first, so you can take off his pants and underwear to suck him off. When you pull down his boxer briefs his big cock springs free against his abdomen, and you audibly gasp, you didn't expect him to be THIS big, the picture and video he sent earlier definitely did not do any justice to his length in width.
''Such a beautiful cock for me to suck on, Daddy,'' you say before wrapping your hand around it and he throws his head back into his neck, reveling in the pleasure you're giving him already. You lick a stripe from the bottom of his shaft up to his tip before taking him into your mouth, swallowing him whole on the first go and suddenly Sebastian has never been so glad that someone doesn't have a gag reflex. His hips buck into you automatically at the feeling earning you a deep groan from his chest, and he grabs your hair, so he can ground himself a little bit. You start bobbing your head up and down while sucking and playing with his balls, already feeling how heavy they are.
''Gonna cum down your throat, baby, swallow it all like the slut you are for Daddy,'' he gritted through his teeth as he started fucking your face, chasing his high that is inching closer with every thrust. You take everything you give him and when you lock eyes with him, he gives you one more moan before spilling all his cum in the back of your throat. ''Such a good girl for me, swallowing my cum deep down your throat like the perfect slut you are,'' he says with a grin on his face. You swallow every last drop and when he pulls out, you show him your tongue so he can see you did indeed swallow all of it. ''Hm, perfect baby, but now it's my turn to see how dripping wet this little pussy of yours is,''.
You move back on his bed and Sebastian takes his pants and underwear off completely, so he is completely bare in front of you, and you would be lying if you said you weren't drooling over him right now. He sits down on his knees on the edge of the bed, gliding his hands from your ankles up to your thighs, stroking them and moving to the inside, leaning down too to get his face dangerously close you where you're soaked, and where you need him most right now. ''Seb, need you...'' you whine a little bit and he grins up at you, before ripping your panties off. ''I'll get you new ones, don't worry,'' he said before dipping down and licking from your entrance up to your mound, getting an almost pornographic moan out of you at that point.
''Fucking hell, baby, you sound so good for me baby, sound like the perfect slut for Daddy,'' he said and it made your back arch, his praises only making you want to cum even faster. He kept licking and sucking on your pussy and your clit, as well as tongue fucking you as deep as he can go inside your entrance. Your hands have found their way into his hair, and are tugging it more and harder the closer you come to your next orgasm. ''More, need more,'' you whimper and Sebastian happily complies, sliding 2 thick fingers into your entrance at once making you moan his name over and over. ''Oh Daddy, gonna cum,'' is all the warning you give before you come violently around his fingers and on his tongue, squirting all over his face while he laps up every last drop he possibly can. ''Good fucking girl,'' Sebastian praises you before climbing over you and shoving his tongue into your mouth so you can taste yourself.
''I need to feel you so bad, baby, wanna feel your cunt around my hard cock,'' he whispers in your ear and you happily agree, not able to form words at this point but nodding enthusiastically. ''Ah, can't talk anymore? Already dumb from Daddy's tongue and fingers fucking you?'' he asks and you can't help but nod. ''Get on your hands and knees for Daddy, so I can fuck that tight pussy of yours until you squirt all over my cock,'' he says as he manhandles you onto your hands and knees this time, but you're ready instantly for him. ''Need Daddy...'' you whine as he grabs a condom out of his nightstand and rips open the packet, quickly rolling it onto his hard member and swiping the tip of it through your folds to lube it up even more.
''Ready baby?'' he asks and you nod, so Sebastian puts his cock at your entrance, slowly pushing in until he bottoms out. ''Such a tight cunt for me, my fucking god, you feel amazing baby, doing so good for Daddy,'' he said and your knees almost gave out at his praise, so he held you up by grabbing your hips, and he slowly started thrusting. He wasn't in a hurry or anything, he took his time slowly dragging his cock in and out of your soaking cunt, enjoying every second of it. You start clenching around him a little, and this is when he picks up his pace, snaking his arm around you to toy with your clit. Your arms are completely giving out now so you lay your head and chest on the bed, so Sebastian can reach the deepest parts inside you that make you see stars and all you can do is become a moaning and whimpering mess underneath him.
''Gonna cum for me again, baby? Wanna cum together with Daddy?'' he asks and you whimper your answer, trying to get out something that sounds similar to 'yes Daddy' and that is when he quickly thrust into you with an animalistic pace, he needs to come inside you, but he also needs to make you fall apart around his cock one more time. He folds himself over your back as he keeps thrusting hard and rubbing your clit, before you know it you're coming undone and all you can scream out is his name, squeezing your cock out of your cunt involuntary when you squirt again, this time even more than the last and the bed and Sebastian are soaked. With three more hard thrusts, he finally comes after burying himself deep inside you. When he has completely ridden out both of your orgasms, he slowly pulls out and lets himself fall onto the bed next to you.
''Such a good little slut for me, squirting for me like that. Wish I'd found your journal earlier, wanted to fuck you for months now,'' he said with a smile and a dreamy voice, thinking about what just happened. You're still not able to talk properly, so you just cuddle up to Sebastian for some post-sex cuddles. ''That was amazing, doll. We should do this again if you want to,'' he says and you nod. ''Want to,'' you mumble before almost falling asleep. ''Shall we take a bath together? We can relax in there and you can sleep in my arms there,'' he offers and you nod, letting out a content sigh. He got up and wrapped you around him like a koala bear, so he could run a bath for the both of you. When it was done, you had fallen asleep against his chest with your head on his shoulder, and he couldn't help but smile when he got in the bath.
When the bath was done and you had woken up again, you could finally talk again. ''Thank you for everything, Seb. I've been wanting to do that for quite a while now,'' you say with a chuckle. ''Oh, believe me, I know. You don't know half of how glad I am I happened to find your journal,'' he said before pulling you closer to him. ''I did want to discuss what we are though. Are we together, or is this more of a friends-with-benefits situation?'' he asks, a bit unsure. ''I'd like to be together, wanna be yours if you'll have me,'' you say with a big smile. ''I'd be glad to call you my girl,'' he said with a proud grin on his face. He kissed you on the top of your head before snuggling close to you as you both fall into a deep slumber.
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luvrlou · 1 year
Heyy girll can u do a niko o/s where yn gets invited to shoot with the beta squad as a guest nd ppl knows abt yn nd nikos relationship so they think it’s cute etc nd they keep flirting while they’re filming 😭🙏🏼
Cutie Patooties
Pairing: Niko Omilana x fem!reader
Summary: Niko's day seems to lighten up incredibly after a certain guest is invited into the studio.
Warnings: Swearing
A/N: Recently I have been really into the beta squad and the sidemen so please keep these requests coming! This is so rushed I'm sorry!!
Word Count: 1k
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The other 4 members of The Beta Squad, plus Yung Filly and Hary Pinero, were sat giddily in the studio awaiting the special guest for this Saturday's video, everyone knew this would send Niko's mood sky rocketing.
He had been in a mood for the past 2 weeks since his girlfriend, you, had been on tour for your newest album so he hadn't been able to see you. Little did he know you were going to be waltzing through that set of double doors at the rear end of the studio as soon as the cameras start rolling.
"Niko! Get up!" Kendall, one of the members of the camera crew called, he pulled himself off the couch and towards the other boys.
"Today one Beta Squad.." Kenny began the intro before Chunks interuppted.
"We have a guest!" He announced, earning a confused look from your boyfriend.
All the boys turned to look at the double doors at the back as all the cameras moved to focus on it.
The doors swung open as you waltzed in, "it's me!" You stated, twirling around.
"No way!" Niko shouted, his mood immediately lighting up.
"Yes way!" You shouted back with a laugh as he jogged over to engulf you in a hug. "Can you guys believe this? My own boyfriend didn't notice my 10-day break in shows!" You jokingly complained to the camera, earning a huff from Niko.
"Be quiet and let me enjoy your presence for 2 seconds," he mumbled, picking you up and spinning you in the air, earning a squeal from you. He placed you back down on the ground and engulfed you in yet another hug. "I missed you baby."
You both walked over to the other boys, Niko's hand grasping yours for dear life. The boys then began to explain the video. They had 5 girls waiting in the main studio as Filly was going to be playing Blind Dating Girls Based On Their Outfits.
You were sat on your boyfriend's lap, in between both Chunkz and Sharky, with Aj, Harry and Kenny in front of you on the couch.
"The Beta Squad are gonna play cupid, by trying to find, our friend Filly, love. The twist is, the girls are hidden behind a curtain, and round, by round, we'll slowly raise the curtain to reveal the girls that may take Filly's heart. Also! Another twist, Filly doesn't get to pick who goes through each round, we do. By wingmanning from another room and deciding which girls will get rejected. Let's see if we can find Filly true love!" Chunkz explained, going over each rule of the episode.
"See if Aj was doing this, he'd be able to see under." Niko stated, earning laughs from the other boys.
You turned around to him, "and if it was you, you would see over it."
"Yeah! What she said! Lanky!" Aj quipped, making Harry pull him back down to the couch.
You leaned back into Niko, Sharky audibly awing at your comfort around him. Filly started asking the girls their names and ages, without interruption from the 7 of you in the next room.
He went on to ask about icks which sparked conversation between you and the boys.
"Y/N what are your icks?" Harry asked you, making you lean further into Niko in thought.
You hummed, "I haven't really thought of any."
"Well what's one thing Niko could do that would make you be like 'wtf is that thing I'm dating'?" Kenny asked you.
You smiled in return before speaking, "I love him too much! He couldn't do anything!"
Niko grinned and kissed the top of your hair, everyone else reacted with disgusted sounds and Aj mumbled "they're so cute it's disgusting."
After a while of watching Filly talk to the women, Niko grabbed the mic.
"Ask them if they shave." He told him in a monotone voice.
"Niko!" You shrieked hitting his arm and snatching the mic. "Don't you fucking dare Finny, that is the crudest thing you can ask a girl! Instead ask what their favourite song is or something."
He smiled at the camera that was used to show you guys what was going on in the other studio. He went down the line asking what the girls' favourite songs were.
The first girl said a song by you, which made all the boys, including Finny cheer, the next said Under the Influence by Chris Brown, the next said anything by Britney Spears, and the final girl said Irregular Love by LilTjay.
"Okay, It's time for us to vote out another girl," Harry said into the mic.
"Girl 2, she really said Under the Influence, absolutely not." You stated.
This caused Chunkz to pipe up, "what's wrong with Under the Influence? Huh!"
"It's a shit song that's what's wrong with it!" Niko answered, making you nod your head proudly.
"Shut up! You're only saying that cause you don't want to upset Y/N!" Sharky exclaimed, making Niko flush.
"All I'm saying is I want rid of her," you huffed, making Niko wrap his arms around you softly.
"The fans will be loving this," Kenny laughed, indicating to you and Niko.
He was right, the number of edits you had seen floating around Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok of the two of you was crazy. They were adorable, you had to admit, and seeing the reactions of fans when you commented on their videos was enough to leave you happy for a week.
"So what? I'm just showing my girl some love." Niko nonchalantly answered, making you hide your face in his arm.
The video continued on, every so often the cameras would switch from Filly to you and Niko cuddling into eachother.
When the video came to an end Filly walked into the other studio which contained you and the boys, with his new girl, Melissa.
"Love is in the air!" Chunkz grinned, looking between you and Niko to Filly and Melissa.
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Ghost Boy pt.1
Bf Juicy x Fem Boys member
(listen I know the Pennhurst asylum is a haunted house/Halloween attraction now but for the sake of the story its abandoned and privately owned)
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Following the boys to the rental van, you sigh, “I can't believe I let you guys talk me into this.” Gaege slips his hand into yours, “Come on babe we do haunted videos all the time we’ll be fine.” You roll your eyes and walk to the back where Kevin and Dose are loading up the camera equipment and setting up the mic packs, “Listen I'm just saying I've heard spooky shit about this place and I know the Aussies are out to get me after I pranked them with mouse traps the other night at the last haunted place.” You turn to Kevin so he can help you with your mic and he smiles, “I don't see how they could hold a grudge that was hilarious.” Josh walks up to get his mic followed by Mully, “Yeah it's hilarious now but it wasn't when I jumped out of bed at 3 am because someone played siren sounds on a megaphone and landed in hundreds of mouse traps.” You shrug and help your boyfriend with his mic, “Im surprised you two slept through the setup for that.” Mully pulls his hoodie on, “Yeah I will agree that was pretty impressive but I did break my toe trying to get out of there.” You put your backpack into the trunk then climb into the back row of seats with Gaege and Kevin. Narrator hops into the driver's seat, “Listen with Gabby tagging along we are short one seat so we need to figure out who's gonna sit on the floor, yes it's unsafe but it's our only option.” You decide to take one for the team. As you sit on the floor at Gaege's feet Josh takes the empty seat between Gaege and Kevin. Kev turns on his camera to get some footage on the ride to the filming location and points it at you, “So we're on our way to an abandoned hospital for the night and the fan favorite is stuck sitting on the floor for the next hour. Y/N how are you feeling?” You look up from your phone and laugh, “Honestly I'm pretty comfortable sitting here, but I am really nervous about being stuck with you idiots all night in a haunted ass building." Kevin pans the camera around to Josh, “She's scared me and Mully are going to get revenge for the mousetrap incident.” Gaege looks around Josh at the camera, “Another incident to add to the Boys’ list guys, the mousetrap incident of 2024.” Dose films the ride and everyone talks about how they think the night is gonna go for the rest of the ride. You start to doze off a bit but the car comes to a stop and Narrator yells, “Alright guys we're here.” You stretch in your spot on the floor and sigh as Kev points the camera at you again, “Yay I'm so excited.” He laughs behind the camera, “We love the enthusiasm Y/N.” You crack up a bit and flash the camera a smile before Kevin climbs out of the van. Once everyone climbs out of the van filming starts. The camera turns to Narrator who gives a brief summary of the hospital's history, “Welcome back to the Boys! Today we are here in Pennsylvania at Pennhurst Asylum which is said to be one of the most haunted hospitals in the United States. Rumors of neglect, abuse and torture, tales of patients being chained to the walls, children kept for years in cribs and even murders. This place has some pretty dark history starting from 1908 when it opened, well into the 80s when they finally got shut down. People who've investigated here documented spooky audio recordings, and some pretty unexplainable movement of objects throughout the grounds, other reports include various objects being thrown across the room, visitors being physically pushed and multiple EVPs. So let's see what they've got in store for us.” You shiver adjusting your backpack then grab Gaege’s hand and walk with the group inside the building which has clearly been abandoned for decades. Inside the main corridor Eddie looks at the camera and says, “I wanna clarify that we have permission to be here don't just break into random abandoned buildings its dangerous and we don't want you to get in any trouble for trying to do what we do.” On cue the owner comes out of an office and meets the group, after talking to everyone for a bit he decides to leave for the night.
Pt 2 in the works.
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oletus-writer · 1 year
Pinhead NSFW Alphabet
Warnings: nsfw, heavy bdsm themes
Authors note: this got deleted once, and I’m really tired, so it may be bad. sorry about that
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
Mortal, what is that? Why is that required? Many of those the cenobite has tortured did not require nor ask for aftercare, to be pampered after experiencing such pain and pleasure. The most you’ll get from them would be them taking care of your wounds and getting you a drink. Perhaps with time they’ll get better at it.
B = Body part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
They like your entire body, how it can fit so much pleasure on every inch of it, how they can rake knives through your back and run their cold tongue against your chest, the pins in their head running grooves into your skin. They do not understand the concept of vanity, and do not have a favourite part of themselves, but they do like how their hands are able to inflict such feelings…
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Their cum is a bit sticky and strange-tasting, a bit bitter. Today I found out about slugging in a sexual way, and, though they are rather open with regards to paraphilias, I don’t believe they see the pleasure in slugging.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
There’s not many secrets that Pinhead keeps, in regards to sex, but they will keep in mind what your boundaries are, and will not mention the kinks they think you won’t like.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
If you’re talking about experience in regards to inflicting pain, then yes, they are rather experienced, but when it comes to sex? They don’t remember the last time they thought of having sex.
F = Favourite position (this goes without saying)
I doubt suspension sex counts as a sex position, but regardless, it’s their favourite way to subject you to the ideas in their mind. However, if you want vanilla sex, missionary works just fine.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
There are no jokes in Pinhead’s bedroom, as you may need to explain the jokes to them, which would ruin the mood.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes?)
There is no hair to see whether or not the carpet matches the drapes, but their pubic hair is black, slightly thinner, and not groomed at all. Naturally, they don’t mind if you trim yours, as they do not understand why mortals are so hung up about it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? are they romantic?)
If you count intimacy as stroking your face while crying from pain, then sure, there’s a bit of intimacy, but there’s no kisses, no words of comfort, no candles (unless they want to burn you).
J = Jack off (masturbation headcannon)
As I’ve said before, they’re not too focused on sex, and would rather take out their frustrations by torturing people. They don’t masturbate often, unless it’s to snuff films.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
It would be easier to list the things they won’t do, which is not much, but if you want to see some of the stuff they might be into, so here’s a wikipedia link to a list of paraphilias.
L = Location (favourite places to have sex)
Whatever realm of hell they can send you to that is private and gives them free rein of their powers is a good location to have sex. They’re also not opposed to fucking you in the mortal realm, but they feel a bit more comfortable in hell.
M = Motivation (what turns them on?)
There’s not much you could do to turn them on, outside of torture, and their libido is less of a libido and more of a carnal desire to injure someone until every inch of their skin has been occupied with wounds. At first, flashy and revealing clothing may not do much for them, but if you introduce the concept of dressing up during sex, then they may get horny when they see you wearing such outfits. (Pavlov’s dog them)
N = No (what turns them off?)
It is rather hard to say that something turns them off, as they are very open minded when it comes to kinks and fetishes, to the point where it becomes a flaw. Don’t intraduce them to things that you yourself don’t want to try, as they’d definitely want to see what it’s all about. Why do mortals aroused by sunlight (actirasty)? Why do they like trees in a sexual way (dendrophilia)? Assisting people with automobiles particularly those stuck in the mud, snow, etc (pedal pumping)?? (I could go on) How creative your species are.
O = Oral (do they prefer giving or receiving? how skilled are they?)
Unless you really like pain, it is I’ll advised to have Pinhead give you oral, and for that exact reason, they are not too skilled at it. When it comes to this, they would be rather awkward, and it may take a while for them to get the hang of it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
They are ruthless when it comes to inflicting pain, only pausing a few times to admire their work, or for you to savour the feelings of pleasure and pain. In regards to penetrative sex, they set a fast pace, as they would not like to be bored during sex.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies)
It seems to be a waste of time, as they are unable to show the full extent of the ideas they have planned, and it is more likely that quickies with them becomes full-blown sessions.
R = Risk (are they experimental? do they take risks?)
As stated before, they are willing to do about anything, regardless of whether or not they understand why you mortals enjoy such thing.
S = Stamina (how long do they last?)
They are a cenobite, and therefore does not have any concept of fatigue, but that doesn’t mean they want to last forever. After ten rounds or so, they’d start to get bored of it, but most likely, you won’t last that long to see them decide they’ve had enough.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them?)
If you count the strange contraptions they are able to summon as toys, then yes, they do own quite a few, which are often put to use. However, they have not known of the more common sex toys, such as vibrators, and, once introduced to them, may use them occasionally, although perhaps not in places where they were made to be used.
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease?)
They don’t like teasing too much, as they would rather get to the meat of it, but will edge you and deny orgasms in the name of pleasure and pain. Pinhead themselves does not particularly enjoy being tortured, but things such as whipping, cutting, and breaking bones are not completely off the table.
V = Volume (how loud are they?)
Unless you top them, they’re going to be quiet. Even if you do take the role of dominant, there’s going to be a few grunts and heavy breathing, unless you do something game changing. Then they’re going to release a suppressed moan, and tilt their head away in embarrassment.
W = Wild card (a random headcannon for the character)
If you ever tell them about the kink forniphilia, or turning humans into furniture, they thought you meant skinning them, tanning them, and all the other processes that turns them into leather, which is then used for, say, a chair.
X = X-ray (let's see what's going on under those clothes)
Pinhead was originally played by a man, and, according to Hellbound: Hellraiser II, was originally a man before they became a cenobite, so they do indeed have a penis. It is of average length, around 5.8 inches (14.7 cm) and a bit thinner than average.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
If by sex drive you mean the desire to experience new forms of pleasure and pain, then yes, they have a high sex drive. In terms of applying that to sex, they did not know of the concept of bdsm before, but after finding out about it, they were eager to partake in it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Cenobites don’t fall asleep, so don’t expect to see them with their guard lowered, looking so peaceful in their sleep. The closest you’ll get is when they close their eyes for a while, a wave of bliss on their face as they’re imagining torture.
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sunnyie-eve · 7 months
1 | Triplets
Series: Unexpected
Paring: (Matt Sturniolo x OFC Brock!) (Chris Sturniolo x OFC Brock!)
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: none
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Sam and Colby were now mostly known for their ghost hunting videos on YouTube. At times Colby would bring his younger sister, Dani, along since she was so interested into it. Like for this trip to Austin Texas to investigate the Driskill Hotel, she was tagging along with him and Sam.
"Dani, you seem very excited for this video." Sam says as they wait for the Sturniolo Triplets to show up.
"Do I?" She smiles a bit since she was excited to see Nick in person.
Her and Nick have been friends online for the past like two years and never have gotten the chance to meet up yet. So for this collab between them and the triples were their first time getting to see each other in person.
"Yes, you do. You excited to be here or you get to meet the triplets?" Sam gives her a look as Colby was busy.
"Sam, seriously?" She laughs.
"I'm playing with you." He gives her a hug.
After a while the Triples show up and everyone handshakes except Dani and Nick giving each other a hug. They all chat for a bit before starting to film.
"What's up guys it's Sam and Colby." Colby starts.
"Today we have..." Sam starts.
"Me!" Dani hops into frame.
"Yep, my sister." Colby smiles.
"But is it just me?" Dani says with a smile as well tilting her head.
"We have some very special guests today too. You have literally been asking us every single month to collab with theses people. The Sturniolo Triples!" Colby interduces them.
"Are you excited?" Dani asks them so they all agree, " Gonna be a good night."
"I hope to find triple ghost tonight." Chris says making everyone laugh.
"Scared at all or nervous?" Colby asks them, "Or just excited?"
"I'm scared." Chris answers honestly.
"Let's not front. I'm terrified." Nick says for himself.
"It's gonna be fine, Nick." She gives him a reassuring smile.
Dani was the type of person everyone felt safe and comfortable around, even if they knew each other, hardly did, or not at all.
"Better be,"
"I don't even go on rollercoasters. I don't do anything scary." Chris lets the other three know.
"Tonight will be a rollercoaster of emotions." Dani says causing him to laugh with her.
"I wanna do the Estes Method." Nick changes the topic.
"I remember you telling me that." Dani nods her head.
"You two have talked before this?" Matt asks looking at the two.
"We're friends. Benn talking to her for a year or more now. She's like one of my best friends. But this is our first time meeting face to face." Nick explains to his brothers.
"I had no idea." Colby looks at Dani.
She just looks at him knowing what he was thinking, "You've never asked."
"Our secret friendship is gone." Nick laughs.
"I can't believe this..." Matt says surprised. He thought Nick would have told him he was friends with Colby's younger sister.
"Who knew Nick could be so secretive? And not tell us." Chris adds.
"It's not that big of a secret." Nick rolls his eyes.
"Okay, what's your guys believably scale on this stuff?" Colby changes the subject back to the video.
"I'm like at a 9.5 honestly." Chris shocks Sam and Colby.
"I'm a 10 but I have no reason to be at a ten. Like nothing has happened to me to be like at a ten. But I'm at a ten." Nick says his.
"I'd say eight." Matt keeps his short before they walk around.
"Nick, loves guys with facial hair." Chris jokes as they al walk over to the big painting.
"Stop speaking forever." Nick points at him.
"He's not wrong, you do." Dani adds.
"So do you." Nick gives her a look.
"Hey, it depends if they can pull it off or not. If no, I'll shave it myself. And it works the same around. Some people with facial hair look weird with a clean face. Like grow it back, please." Dani goes on a little rant.
"Okay, now the whole world know how you feel. Also I need like a copy of this in my room." Nick talks about the painting and frame.
"Excuse me?" Colby asks looking at the camera causing everyone to laugh.
"The frame and everything. The frame is very ornate." Nick pleads his case.
"Whatever you say." Matt laughs.
"The frame id very ornate." Chris mocks Nick.
"It's a pretty frame." Dani says to have Nick's back.
"She gets it." Nick high-fives Dani.
"You two are going to kill me." Colby shakes his head at the two.
"Good." Dani pats his back making his eyes widen.
"This guy is gonna haunt us in our sleep." Sam tells the group as they all just stare at the painting.
"I can't wait to meet big Daddy D." Chris says.
"I wonder if he's just is like always around his picture frame, like he loves just being here." Nick keeps his eyes on the painting.
"So a ghost who loves looking at himself?" Dani looks away from it and Chris cracks up.
"Oh, I love the carpeted stairs." Nick says as the make their way up to the second floor.
"I hate them actually." Matt adds, "I feel like I'm gonna fall when I walk on carpet."
Dani was shocked by hearing him say that, "Like in general or only on the stairs?" She asks him.
"In general,"
"Huh, you're odd." She can't help but laugh at him.
"Dani, don't expect anything normal from Matt." Chris speaks up so Matt tells him to shut up.
The second floor only felt weird to Dani since it was so open, "They need to put more furniture up here."
"That's what I was thinking." Chris agrees with her.
"Any of you guys know how to play the piano?" Matt asks seeing one in the middle the the room.
"Do you?" Sam asks him.
"Dani knows one song. I'm jealous of her." Nick walks over to see if it's open for her to play.
"Wait, you can play the piano?" Colby asks not knowing that about her.
"As Nick said, one song."
"What song do you know?" Matt asks her.
"Fly me to the moon,"
"It's closed. I probably shouldn't open it." Nick gets upset, "I wanted to hear Dani play."
"Honestly, I'm happy. I'd be too nervous to play in front of you guys and a camera." She walks away from it.
"I'd love to walk into another room later and then just hear the piano playing." Chris touches the piano.
"Yes!" Dani agrees, loving the idea.
"That'd be fun."
"You two are crazy." Nick looks at them as they smile wanting it to happen badly, "Since knowing Dani, I never thought she'd get along with either Matt or Chris." He adds.
"Why?" Colby asks curious since he was protective of her.
"Just her vibes,"
"I never thought that..." Dani looks over at Matt and Chris. They both seemed funny and great from just their videos.
"Maybe just Matt." Chris decides to mess around with him.
"What?! What's wrong with me?" He asks him.
"Obviously something to them." Sam laughs.
"There's nothing wrong with him." Dani shakes her head with a little grin.
"You'll take that back getting to know him." Chris laughs while Matt glares at his brother.
"Topic change," Colby speaks up again, "Who's do you think is the most scared?"
"Yeah, who's scaredy-cat?" Dani asks.
Both Matt and Nick point at Chris and he points at himself agreeing as well, "At least you aren't embarrassed to admit it." Dani tells him before Nick explains they hate horror stuff.
He goes on to say he saw his first horror movie because he had to in a film studies class in school. That they've never done a haunted house ever, the three of them. And Matt adds that they bailed on an escape room because it was too scary.
"Why are you doing this?" Colby asks them.
"Welcome to the channel guys." Sam smiles.
"I'm surprised that we're present right now." Nick laughs, "But we're gonna do it."
"Yeah, it's gonna be awesome. There's only 90 ghosts that roam here every second." Colby tells the camera.
"I'm excited to meet them all." Nick says excitedly.
"I got like the cold sweats." Matt pays his pits, "I'm freezing but I'm sweating."
"You guys could easily do like a deodorant brand deal." Chris says fake putting in deodorant.
"People would literally buy it. No doubt." Dani leans on Colby's back wrapping her arms around him, "Make more money to spend on me to go on trips." She smiles so he pushes her away playfully.
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brooooswriting · 2 years
May I request a story with Jenna Ortega x reader? I was thinking of one where Jenna and the reader are friends but Jenna ended up falling for her, and they star in a movie together and end up playing a couple, and that's how they first kiss, in one of the scenes. And that just makes Jenna's feelings multiply by 100, and she starts to get all flustered and shy around the reader, and then they have to kiss again and again and in one of the scenes Jenna gets too caught up on it and ends pouring her feelings into the kiss (as in, holding her close, being all soft, kissing longer). But when they part she realizes what she did and lets some tears fall because she didn't want to mess up their relationship, but later reader finds her and comforts her? I would love to read that so much, thank you ❤️.
So I feel like this isn’t 100% the request but I hope you like it anyways :)
Staring in a movie with your best friend? Awesome. Staring in a movie with your best friend as a couple? Not that great if you already have feelings for them.
Well, sometimes life was just cruel. That’s something Jenna had to realize as she read the script for the following scene, the first kissing scene but her mind was somewhere else:
She just couldn’t stop thinking about your guys friendship. You met during a casting a year and a half ago and somehow you guys just clicked. From there on you did everything together, you basically already were like a couple. Constant texting and Skyping when one was away, always bringing the other as a plus one wherever you went and by now you were basically living in the same house.
“JENNA! It’s time” you screamed from outside the trailer as you went to the place where you were going to film. Collecting herself she was quick to follow you, her nerves already killing her.
“Hello my love” you grinned as she stepped into the set preparing yourself for your character. “Guys, come on. We have a lot to do today” your director called out causing everybody to hurry up.
The setting was a party both of you slightly drunk. You were the only two in the kitchen at that time, Jenna on top of the counter you leaning against her. To that time in the movie the two characters where only friends who always had some kind of attraction but never acted on it. She didn’t really know why it surprised her when you leaned in after all it was written down in the script.
The moment your hands connected with her waist and your lips with hers it made click in her head. She was in love with you. Doing her best to keep up with the kisses you pressed to her lips she tried to push her thoughts away until the director called out. “Cut! Great work guys, very believable. Now take 15 before we keep filming” Jenna jumped off the counter and speed-walked outside.
She searched through all of her pockets for her headphones and was about to give up when you walked outside, the white cables dangling from your fingers. “Here, you left them earlier and I didn’t want you to have to survive without your music” you told her as you gave them to her. Her face was covered in a light blush as she looked up at you to whisper a small ‘thank you’. Answering with a small kiss to the top of her head you disappeared back inside.
After filming some other scenes with different people, where you didn’t have to be too close to each other, you had a meeting to talk about the following scenes.
“You guys are rather believable as a couple but it isn’t enough. We need more passion, more lovey-dovey, just more which is why I’ve talked to the other producers and we found a solution. You guys will be acting like a couple in your free time too, it’s not that much time you guys have outside of set but still” one of the producers explained and your heart stopped as did Jenna’s. “Look, I don’t know if that’s really necessary” your co star started but quickly shut up after one look of the director. You looked at her before grabbing her hand and comfortingly stroking your thumb over the back of her hand causing her to blush. It confused you as it wasn’t uncommon for the two of you to do such small acts but you came to the conclusion that she was just nervous about this whole thing.
“I’m sorry you have to do this with me” you mumbled out as you sat on the couch in your now shared room. A confused ‘what?’ came back from the girl in the kitchen. “I promise I’ll try to get my acting up so you don’t have to do this any longer than necessary” having such a great co star put a lot of pressure on you and you were scared that your incompetence put more work into her. “Don’t be stupid, the only thing I’m mad about is the fact that they have the right to order us to do something like this, but I’d rather do it with you than with anyone else. Now let’s sleep”.
That night the brown eyed girl laid in bed and tried to get her heartbeat back to normal. Since the kiss she just couldn’t bottle her feelings anymore, every time she saw you or even just thought about you she had a hard time masking her smile and the blush that followed and it seemed like you somehow knew about it.
The next couple of days you were even more than normal. She would wake up with your arms wrapped around her middle, you’ve always been a cuddly sleeper and she knew that, but that didn’t help hide the blush. After trying to escape your grip without waking you she decided that you’d have to get up soon anyway.
“Y/n, wake up” she whispered while lightly shaking you. You groaned and turned away from her still asleep. Deciding to let you sleep a bit longer she made her way into the bathroom hoping to be able to avoid you as much as possible today.
You were deeply confused, normally you and Jenna were always together but since the meeting yesterday it was clear that she was avoiding you. Wherever you went she quickly disappeared and if she couldn’t escape she wouldn’t really talk to you only stammering out some words before turning red. If she was mad at you she was being ridiculous, you were only doing what your director wanted from you.
Sure, sometimes you stood closer than you needed to, held her hand a bit longer than necessary or let your lips linger on her cheek or forehead but still. The rest of your behavior was normal for you as you were always quite the gentlewoman, holding doors open, leading her thru packed rooms and stuff like that.
Turns out she wasn’t just ignoring you that day but the whole damn week, you had a lot of scenes with other people as they decided to shoot your guys scenes at the end. You missed her terribly, she was your best friend and you’ve never spend that long not talking to each other.
This was the longest you’ve seen her today. 30 minutes due to a scene but it was clear that she didn’t want to be anywhere near you which hurt you more than you’d like to admit. “Guys come on! You’re in the situation of a stupid fight and you just want to make up but everything’s in between that. Feel the situation” the director called out causing Jenna to roll her eyes. She just wanted to go, being near you took a lot of energy and self control. It was getting hard screaming at you when the only thing she wanted to was kiss you senseless
“I don’t even want you to be here” Jenna screamed out her hands pointing towards the fake door behind you. “It’s clear that you don’t want me here, you’ve shown me that more than enough the last week!” You screamed back eyes filling with tears before you added “I just wish you’d told me why.” An uncomfortable silence built up in the room, you were of script but the director seemed to like what was happening as he didn’t intervene. “Even now when I’m confronting you you aren’t saying anything. If you were so uncomfortable with me doing this then why didn’t you say anything?” You were nearly sobbing by now, you’ve missed her lots and the fact that she seemed pretty unfazed by it hurt you even more. “You know what? This is over, I’m sorry” you were about to turn around and leave when the brunette pulled you back.
In that moment the whole set went quiet anticipating what was going to happen next. One of her hands made its way to the back of your head to pull you down before connecting your lips. The kiss was so different from everything before, it was Love, passion, need and sadness mixed into it. She was holding you so close that this just couldn’t be acting, it felt way too real for that. Even after the director called out cut she kept kissing you, her hands in your hair while yours rested on her hips. Both of your hearts beating so fast that you’d think that they were going to explode.
When she pulled away you both kept your eyes closed and foreheads connected in silence. The silence that killed you the whole week and you just wanted it gone. “I love you” was the first thing that came to your mind and the first thing that you said. She tensed for a second before realizing that all the cameras where off, this couldn’t be for the movie. “I love you too. I’m sorry for ignoring you and hurting you, I just didn’t know how to act” she explained her eyes slightly watering causing you to pull her into a hug.
“It’s alright as long as you let me take you on a date” you grinned at her as she blushed before kissing her again.
Starring in A movie with your best friend as a couple? Awesome!
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finelinevogue · 2 years
The preview - this would be played on like the Graham Norton show as a sneak peek into what’s in-store for the documentary
The introduction plays and then the screen turns black, slowly transitioning to a screen of Harry walking on set to sit on a directors chair.
He was dressed in black flared trousers and a pink top that said; “I love my girlfriend and I bought this t-shirt to show it.” His hair was styled his favourite way, by you, and he sat himself on the chair with a small smile.
Harry: We ready?
Interviewer: How are you feeling today?
Little did people know that you were the interviewer behind the camera. You had come to Harry with the idea of a documentary for months now and only now were you getting to film it. Since it was your idea, Harry had let you take the creative director position.
Harry: I’m good, yeah. Feeling good.
Interview: Can you explain what we’re doing here today?
Harry: We are filming a documentary, ‘cause my wife thinks that people enjoy listening to my voice and looking at my face.
Interview: Is that the only reason you’re doing this?
Harry: Yeah.
Everyone on set had been laughing after that, the directors keeping it in because it was known the fans loved the candid sides of Harry’s life more than anything.
Next came Anne, walking in on set in a beautiful white dress. She sat down comfortably on the directors chair and smiled towards you, ready to answer all questions.
Interviewer: How are you feeling today?
Anne: Very happy. I was a bit tearful before, but I don’t want to ruin the makeup that I sat for 3 hours for.
Interviewer: Did you ever think that this would happen?
Anne: This documentary?
Interviewer: Yes.
Anne: Well, when I watch him on stage I do believe he is a natural born performer. The talent H has doesn’t come from years of practice. That’s just H, being H. So to answer your question, yes I do see this documentary as something he would be doing.
The screen then cut to you standing next to the directors chair and Harry stood in front of you.
Y/N: Does my mascara still look okay?
Harry: Yeah, baby. Y’look beautiful.
Y/N: Cried too many times today. Who’s stupid idea was this?!
Harry: It’s only cause you love me.
Y/N: And I’m proud of you.
Harry: Ready for your interview?
Y/N: Ready to cry, yes.
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Going Off Script…
Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
"For years I have yearned for you, in secrecy and silence."
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Today was the last day on a Marvel set for you, at least that's what the audience is meant to believe after the scene you're shooting today. There's talk of bringing you back for the final film of Phase 2, but for now you'll be leaving due to other projects you'd been slotted to be working on. It was bittersweet, you'd been working closely with all of these people for six years now, and saying goodbye never was easy.
Scarlett was truly the most heartbroken when you told her that you'd be parting ways. She was your scene partner, the chemistry was palpable, and that translated into every press junket. Whenever a project was rolling the two of you were attached at the hip, and on the off months the two of you would manage to link up at random. A lunch here, a mutual party there, and in all the time the two of you spent together you'd found your heart was breaking every rule you ever set for it by falling for her.
Scarlett was a beautiful woman, inside and out. It's not a shock to you that you fell, but she was forbidden, like the apple in the garden of Eve. For most of your time getting to know one another she'd been married, so when she got divorced shortly after Age of Ultron you were stunned, then you were almost hopeful. It's not that you were going to shoot your shot, but before you could even ponder the silly idea she was already talking to another. It truly broke your heart, and Scarlett was none the wiser to your feelings, but she did feel your hurt at the time since you spent all your time avoiding her.
When she finally confronted you at Comic Con a few years ago she could see you weren't doing well, all her anger faded instantaneously, and all she did was pull you in for a tight embrace. Since then you've remained inseparable, you decided to allow her to love you the way she could, and your heart would just have to deal. Still, you are good at keeping your guard up, and that's why you began going to auditions. You didn't have a contract with Marvel like the original six did, you were actually only meant to be in two films, but the chemistry between you and Scarlett secured you a stable role.
Seeking another opportunity felt deceptive to you, Kevin took that chance on you all those years back, and because of your inability to squash your feelings down you betrayed him. You guess he kinda already knew why , because when you told him you were unavailable for the next year it didn't seem to shock him. Instead he gave you a sad smile as he wished you well, and vehemently reminded you that you'd always have a home with Marvel.
Right now you were sat in the makeup chair, getting a fancy face painting as they were giving the illusion that you'd been involved in a scuffle., "Y/N/N, are you sure you have to go?," the blonde, who sat next to you in her red wig, and selected outfit whined, her lips jutted out into a pout that had you mirroring the sad expression., "Yes Scar, for the millionth time, I have to go, I don't think I can turn down the projects I already signed on for.," you chuckled, but truthfully neither of you were amused.
Scarlett settled into her chair with a huff, she never understood why you'd been auditioning in the first place. Of course other projects were fine in the off seasons, but to go out and find ones during Marvel's shoots was ridiculous. She knew you well enough to know something had happened to make you decide to leave. She'd just never considered it was a person, and moreover she never considered herself.
The both of you traveled onto the set together, her hand held tightly to yours, your heart ached at the innocent affection, because it would never mean to her what it did to you., "This is our last scene together Y/N/N.," she whispered, the melancholy obvious in her tone. Lightly you'd squeezed her hand for comfort, and she smiled gratefully., "Yeah, so let's give the fans everything they want."
A clap brought you out of your bubble, you looked up to see one half of the Russo's staring at you and Scarlett expectantly, and once the both of you gave your attention to him he began to instruct the scene., "Okay ladies, remember, you're in the process of making your great escape before Ross could capture you, but Elvira is rather hesitant to leave with Natasha, and this dissension erupts in a fight to end their ties.," you nodded at Anthony, then turned to Joe who had something to add., "Y/N, Scarlett, you have dialogue, but please feel free to improvise, we are in no rush today since this was the final scene, and it would be nice to see you two give this a genuine go.,"
Scarlett pulled you in for a hug, a gesture that the two of you adopted since the second film., "It's showtime baby.," she beamed when you giggled at her deepened voice and words, her heart began to crack though when she thought about this being the last time you'd be doing this, so even though you went to pull away to start the scene she just held you a little tighter, and no one on the set dared to question her.
When she pulled away you watched her wipe away a single tear., "Let's do this thing.," you were always terrified watching her softness evaporate when getting into character, she was a master of stoicism at this point, and you were still just in awe of her talent., "Let's."
"Elvira! Let's go, I have a connection who was able to secure me a jet, and a place for us.," Natasha instructed you, her hand was on your arm, tugging you forward, but you shook her off, and her face contorted into anger, but her eyes showed genuine hurt., "I'm sorry, but I'm not getting arrested for you Vi, so come now, or you're on your own."
The two of you stood still in the set up hallway, staring at each other, both clearly with so much to say, but without the ability to express the words., "Fine, then I guess this is it, after all we've been through together you're just going to give up, hm?!," Natasha once again shouted at Elvira, but you could tell this was Scarlett, something about the way she looked at you like you were breaking her heart lead you to snap.
"For years I have yearned for you, in secrecy and silence.," you said the line, a total improvisation., "But I won't do it anymore Natasha, not when all I ever wanted was to love you, not have to watch you love everyone else.," genuine tears began to stream down your cheeks, the air was tense, and the room was eerily silent., "You never said anything."
"So much for being a spy right?," you bitterly chuckled., "Let's not pretend like you didn't know Nat, you were just willing it to not be the truth.," Natasha took a step towards you, face falling when you stepped back., "Vi, please.," you shook your head, tears flying off your face., "No, Nat, don't lie to make me feel better.," you pulled it together long enough to smile at her., "It's okay, we'll be better off apart, safer even.," you grabbed the handle of your suitcase, and walked off the set, leaving Scarlett to finish.
Natasha fell to her knees, no longer did she care to hide her tears, she was alone now, it was safe to be vulnerable with only herself. Her hand reached into her back pocket, pulling out the only thing she had left of you—a photo from one of Stark's parties, the love was clear in your eyes, but something you failed to see was how her's had shined just the same.
After a few moments of silence, the main lights in the studio turned on, and a roar of applause sounded off., "Ladies, I'm almost certain you nailed it in one take, that was phenomenal."
Scarlett lifted herself off the floor, shoving the photo back in her pocket, then she was looking at you with a fixed glare. Without even paying the men any mind she made her way over to you, grabbing you by the arm, and dragging you to the first secluded area she could find., "Scarlett, what was —.," the blonde shut your rambling down with a passionate kiss to your lips, one that had your brain short circuiting.
"Are you seriously that clueless Y/N?," she asked in a pant, shoving at your chest for an emphasis on her anger., "I've loved you for almost as long as I've known you! My divorce was because of you, but before I could try to get you, you dropped out of my life, and once I had you back I wasn't risking losing you again."
Shocked didn't even begin to describe the state you were in, not only did she actually kiss you, but she has been pining after you just the same. "Y/N, for the love of God say something!," her scowl deepened as you giggled., "Sorry, did you think that was for you? Scar, it's called acting.," you deadpanned, then when her face fell even further you began to laugh wildly., "Oh gosh, I wish you could've seen your face just now."
Scarlett was having none of your games, so she tried to rush passed you to leave, but you were faster, catching her by the arm you shoved her into the wall, an involuntary huff hitting you in the face., "Scarlett, I only disappeared because I couldn't watch you fall in love with another.," her features softened at the confession, as misguided as it may have been., "Y/N, I wish with all of me that you'd have just spoke to me. Those were tabloid rumors, none of them even a bit true, and you even know that now after all this time. I haven't dated since, and that's all in part to my heart belonging to you."
"We're idiots.," you concluded with a groan, one that she met a soft giggle., "Yeah, we are.," then without any warning her arms wrapped around your neck to pull you in for a kiss., "Yearn no more, for I am yours my darling.," you smirked against her lips, then after the soft moment her tongue had slid into your mouth. Deepening the kiss, and had it not been for the Russo's assistant's persistent search, you're not sure just how far this moment would've gone.
"We'll finish this later pretty girl.," Scarlett mused, winking at you in a way that screamed 'This isn't even remotely over.,' it was then that you knew exactly where this was going, and you couldn't have been more excited to get off.
1,859 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 💋
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seriesxwriting · 2 years
I have a request for rafe!!
basically reader was in a toxic relationship before rafe and still don’t know how to act bc he’s good to her?? like she asks if he’s ok with her clothes and if she can use one specifically bikini … rafe just notice theses things and ask her why she always do that and if he did something for her to feel that way and she tells him everything ( english is not my first language so I’m sorry if it’s confusing)
Omgg!! Thank you so much for this request i love your idea and i hope i can capture it in my writing how you imagined it!! (also your English is really good, don’t worry <3)
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Forhead kisses
W rafe cameron
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Series- outer banks
Warnings- talks about a previous toxic relationship, kissing, swearing, mentions of fighting.
Summary- request ❤️
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Phone call-
Rafe-“Hey gorgeous im outside, are you ready?”
Y/n-“Um- no not really im so sorry, could you come in please i need to ask you something?”
Rafe- “Don’t apologise hun, ill be up in a second”
Y/n- “Thank you rafe- ill see you in a sec”
Rafe stopped the engine on his jeep and stepped out going towards my house, walking up the brick steps. He let himself in as my parents weren’t in and came straight up to my room where i was waiting for him.
“Morning gorgeous” he smiled pushing the door open and walking over to me. “Hey handsome” i smiled brightly feeling Rafe embrace me in his arms, he placed a soft kiss on the top of my forehead. I loved when he did that, i felt so safe. “What did you need to ask me” he wondered taking a place on my bed hugging one of my pillows, while watching over at me standing in front of the mirror.
“Can i wear this today like- like what do you think of this- is it okay?” I stuttered awkwardly, turning my body towards him. “You look amazing hun like always, you can wear whatever you feel comfortable in” rafe gave up a simple smile. He was so cute. “Really? -I really like this bikini I brought it last year but i haven’t worn it yet” “i like it, red suits you”.
“Thank you- let me grab some shorts and then we can get a move on” i smiled feeling all warm inside. Rafe did that to me. I collected my things for the beach and we left the house getting into the car. Rafe opened the car door for me, my stomach felt like butterflies were fluttering around in a frenzy anytime rafe did something like that for me. It was just so thoughtful, I wasn’t used to the princess treatment.
“I also wanted to apologise for not texting you back last night” i looked over at him sitting in the drivers seat he was concentrating hard on the roads. “You’ve already done that hun, its okay you were with family i get it” “so you wasn’t angry I didn’t text you all night?” I questioned biting my lip. “Well i missed you but of course not, you were busy your allowed to have a life” rafe moved his hand to my thigh rubbing it softly with his thumb.
“Rafe” i voiced lowly after he’d finished parking up the car, he looked over at me staring into my eyes. “I love you” i placed my hand on top of his. “I love you too” he smiled across to me moving over to kiss my forehead again. There were them damn butterflies again.
Seems my parents were away with family today therefore me and rafe had planned to spend it together by going to the beach first and then out on a date when it got dark. The whole thing was Rafe’s idea I would have just suggested watching films all day in my bed. He got out the car picking up both our bags on the way. Then we made our way down to the sand. We laid our towels down leaving our stuff there and spontaneously ran into the big blue sea splashing about with each other like children.
“Oh my god Rafe! i cant believe you just soaked my hair like that” i giggled splashing him back with all my force. “You splashed me first” he laughed swimming towards me, i swam away best I could in fits of laughter but of course the boy caught me pulling me towards him. My legs wrapped around his waist and my arms, his neck. “Got you” he whispered pecking me on the lips. “Hm, im okay with it” i shrugged leaning in to kiss him softly.
One of his hands was fastened to my waist while the other move to my cheek. “So, where do you want to eat later?” Rafe smiled pulling away to ask his question. “We don’t have to go out if its too much hassle we can get a takeaway, your staying around anyway” “making you happy isnt a hassle y/n, besides i want to take you out”. I smiled an involuntary smile, i couldn’t help it he just made me feel so content.
“I was thinking the high cotton in Charleston, i’ll drive” “thats fancy” I smirked raising an eyebrow. “Have you been?” “no but my parents went for their anniversary, apparently its hard to get a reservation” “Not if your friends with the owner” rafe winked making me chuckle. “Sounds perfect, i cant wait” “me too, cant wait to see your outfit” Rafe wiggled his eyebrows at me.
My heart dropped. Shit what was i going to wear. It was a fancy restaurant so I couldn’t be under dressed and i had to look sensible too. I had to cover up a bit so I looked modest but i wanted to look good too. And rafe has to like the outfit obviously, he had to approve first.
“Come on, lets go get dry so we can pick up an ice cream” rafe nodded at the shore. “Only if i can choose the place” I bargained with him. “What ever you want beautiful” rafe told me shrugging.
Later on that evening-
“Y/n, hun are you alright you’ve been in there for like half an hour” rafe knocked on my walk-in wardrobe door. “Um- yeah, two seconds” i called out to my boyfriend while looking in my mirror fluffing my hair out over my shoulders. I opened the door, Rafe was standing at my dresser wearing a suit, he turned around to look at me. His eyes automatically widened.
“Can i wear this dress? Does it look okay” “sit down gorgeous” rafe nodded at the bed, my heart dropped with fear but still i did as he said. Rafe wondered over, perching next to me. “You look stunning, your perfect everything about you is” rafe told me looking into my eyes.
“Be honest, h- have i done something to make you think your not?” He asked me softly “what! No rafe- not at all you treat my like im an actual princess” i smiled weakly knowing what was coming.
“You can wear what ever you want, you know that right? You don’t have to get my permission i would never tell you that you cant- ill never be angry if you don’t text be because your busy” rafe took my hand rubbing his soft thumb across it. “Its not you rafe-its me” i looked up at him with tears in my eyes.
“Whatever’s bothering you, you can talk to me I’ll always listen to you, i love you y/n” “I want to tell you- but im so scared you’ll think im being stupid” “stupid would be the last thing id associate you with” he shook his head vigorously.
“Before you- before i even knew you i was dating this guy, he was like the complete opposite of you he was mean and selfish and he didn’t trust me and i was so blind to it all back then” i half laughed while wiping a tear away. “He would tell me I couldn’t wear things like- um the red bikini i wore today because I looked too fat or- or he’d get piss at me if other boys looked at me, or if I didn’t text him back, when he got angry he would just- degrade me”
“He called me stupid and ugly and shallow- and other awful words rafe and i still stayed with him because i was so fucking blind even though it hurt me every time. I didn’t think i was really effected after we broke up but when i got into a relationship with you i didn’t know how to act, i just became scared that I wasn’t good enough i just wanted to make sure that you were happy because I can’t lose you and I couldn’t go through that again” i ranted completely crying my eyes out now. Rafe opened his mouth but I needed to say one more thing.
“I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want you to think i was comparing you to him because im not I promise, i think i just have some major trauma” i laughed at the end to help myself feel better.
Out of nowhere rafe leaned in to hug me. And i just broke down even more, crying on his broadshoulder. “Im so sorry you went through that” he whispered in my ear, his hand held my head safely in his shoulder. “You don’t deserve that y/n your beautiful and your body is perfect, you light up any room you walk into and if he couldn’t see all of that in you then he didn’t deserve you” rafe told me.
My crying slowly came to a stop and i dried my eyes looking back at his face now. “You don’t need to be sorry rafe” i shook my head. “You make me feel special every day, you make me feel loved and like im enough, you make me feel happy but most of all you make me feel safe” i raised my hand to his face.
“I mean i didn’t even know what a forehead kiss was until i met you- there my favourite” i confessed laughing quietly. “Its not your fault you know that right, some people just aren’t brought up right- how someone could do that to someone as bright as you i don’t understand” he told me softly.
“Your feeling are valid and i will help you get over this because you are enough y/n. And i will never ever treat you like that, whatever happens” rafe shook his head “i love you rafe, so much” “i love you too y/n, so much” he smiled pulling me close to kiss my forehead. He knew now.
“What was his name” rafe asked me after a few seconds. “No rafe” i shook my head smirking, knowing exactly what he was getting at. “y/n what was his name” rafe asked me again seriously. “It doesn’t matter” “of course it matters he cant get away with talking to you like that, putting you through that toxicity”
“It doesn’t Because he’s my past and your my future i don’t want to remember him or anything that happened” “fine, you don’t have to tell me but if we run into him or if he sends you once little message even if he fucking likes your insta photo i will kick the shit out of him” rafe told me with closed fists and no hint of a joke. He wasn’t joking i knew he wasn’t. “Okay” i nodded rubbing his cheek trying to calm him down.
“Im so glad that weights lifted and we’ve spoken through it” “so am i hun, so am i” rafe held the hand that was on his face.
“Do you still want to go out? We can still get that take away” “no way I didn’t dress up this hot to just take it off again” i shook my head smirking standing up now. “Thats the spirit” rafe joined me standing now. “You sure your okay?” He checked once more.
“Of course i am im with you, im safe”.
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mrs-johansson · 10 months
Strangers in the night - Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
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Part 20:
“Today we are joined by an amazing actress, director, and screenwriter. You’ve seen her in films like Red Sparrow, Lady Bird, and the Divergent trilogy. Please welcome, Y/n Cole,” called out James Corden and I walked out from the back.
I sat on the sofa and before we started he introduced the other guest. Ellen fucking Pompeo. “Oh my god hi,” I stood up and Ellen spread her arms with a wide smile. “Hi!” She said and we hugged. “I am fangirling, so sorry,” we all sat down. “I’m guessing you’re a Grey’s Anatomy fan, Y/n,” started James. “Are you kidding? I live and breathe by Grey’s Anatomy,” I said and the crowd laughed along with Ellen. “It’s season 15 now, who is your favorite character at the moment?” “Ugh… I looove Meredith,” I glanced at Ellen and she smiled. “I truly think since Derek died, she’s a better character in general. I love Jo, oh Amelia, she’s the best. Alex is one of my favorites too, along with Bailey. I can’t choose!” I sighed and shook my head. “Do you watch the show often?” Asked James. “Oh yeah. Very often. Actually, I made my girlfriend watch it with me, so we started at the beginning,” I said, already nervous about what was coming now that I mentioned Scarlett. James saw the opportunity and with a smile, he started talking. “Now that you’ve mentioned, you just went public with your girlfriend who’s none other than Scarlett Johansson,” he said and the crowd erupted in cheers and I just shyly smiled. “I was genuinely surprised when I saw your post. I haven’t heard any rumors or that kind of talk around the two of you,” he said. “That was a struggle, believe me,” I chuckled, and then so did the crowd. “We did our very best to lay low at all times. And we just shot Jojo Rabbit so it was very important for us not to look like we’re just trying to promote the movie, so we just laid low for a while now.” “But you’re happy?” Asked James and I smiled very widely just knowing how happy I actually am. “I can’t even describe how happy I am. It just feels… right,” I explained even though I could barely put my feelings into words.
“Please water them Scar, they're gonna die if you don’t,” I basically whined as she helped me move my suitcases into the car outside. “I will water your plants every day,” she let the suitcase over to my driver who put it in the truck. “Thank you,” I said and he sat behind the wheel. “Have fun and text me when you can. I’ll bring Rose when I can,” Scarlett took my hands. Smiling cutely. “I will. I’ll miss you but it’s gonna be fun when I come home,” I smiled and she nodded. “It sure will.” “Okay, I need to leave. I love you,” I gave her a long kiss before pulling her in a hug. “I love you too.”
I got into the car and we made our way to the airport where I got on the plane and took off to Massachusetts.
On the plane I’ve read the script multiple times, memorizing my bigger parts.
When I touched down I checked into the hotel and because we have a tight schedule, the table read was just 2 hours after my landing.
Getting all my essentials for the rest of the day and I was at the office in no time.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so comfortable going into a new project. I’ve worked with the director before, I’ll have Flo there and Timmy, and the only thing I was nervous about is Meryl Streep. I don’t think I need to explain that.
I walked into the room and I spotted Florence right away, who was speaking to Emma Watson and Eliza Scanlen. There was Greta Gerwig at the front table talking with probably the producers. I didn’t see Timothée anywhere so I quickly texted him but then I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder. I turned around and I was faced with the icon herself, Meryl Streep. “I didn’t mean to scare you, sorry. I just wanted to say hi, before we start,” she said and I was just standing there, my mouth dry. The next thing I know something just hit me in the back. Like a crumpled piece of paper. Quickly cleaned my throat and answered. “Sorry,” I chuckled. “It’s so nice to meet you. I’m such a big fan of yours, but I’m sure you get this from everyone,” I mumbled, trying to not faint. “Oh well, it’s not the same from everyone, so thank you. But, I must say I’m also a fan of your work. Red Sparrow was amazing,” said MERYL STREEP. I can’t wait to tell my dad about this. “Wow, uhm… thank you so much. It means a lot,” I smiled and with a hand on my shoulder once again she stepped away and went over to Greta. Timmy literally jumped to my side and I’m sure he heard everything because he had a big smile on his face, his eyebrows almost meeting with his hairline from the excitement. “That was siiick,” he whisper-yelled and shook me by the shoulders. “I just can’t believe that happened,” I said. I spoke with everyone a little, and I was really excited about this movie.
After we all got our seats, Greta spoke a few words and we started.
We had such a great time. Everyone was laughing and when something emotional happened we all paid attention to those who were in the scene.
Around 8 pm we finished and it was amazing. We all had great chemistry with each other so I think this is gonna work out really well.
“Do you guys want to go have dinner? I know a great place,” I suggested and most of them accepted the invite.
Timothée, Florence and I got into one car and Emma, Eliza, James and Laura into the other one. Laura needed a little convincing to tag along because she said “I’m too old to go with all of you”, but she’s way too cool not to come with us.
We all fell into conversation pretty quickly as we got to the restaurant. Everyone was talking to someone and I think everyone felt comfortable with one another. “So you get to experience both Noah and Greta’s directing methods, that must be interesting,” I said to Laura who was sitting next to me. “Yeah, it’s so fun. Both of them are so different but I’m sure they’ll have some similarities.” “You guys shot the whole of Marriage Story on film, right?” “Yes, but I’m sure Scarlett told you all about it,” she smiled cheekily. I smiled shyly and nodded. “She did, yeah. I love the story so much, it’s just so full of love and your character just seems so fun and cool,” I said. “It is an amazing story. Noah did such a great job with the script. But let’s not talk about work in off time too, I could barely get Scarlett away from her phone while working,” she bumped her shoulder to mine and I just smiled. “I uhm… we talked a lot that time yeah,” I said and Laura smiled knowingly. “Ah well her smile was different. She was happy and glowing. I think you surprised everyone, but I could tell it’s genuine. I’m glad you have each other.”
“Hello?” Heard the voice over the phone. “Scarlett? Baby, hi,” I mumbled as I saw her beautiful face on the screen. “Okay, you’re drunk. First day went well then,” she chuckled adorably. “It was so fun! Oh my God, Meryl Streep is amazing. She said Red Sparrow was amazing. Funny because I’m naked in that one,” I said while taking my dress off, but I accidentally stumbled onto the couch. “Careful there.” “I’m fine,” I threw the dress on the floor and made my way to the bed. “Take off your makeup before you go to bed, baby,” said Scarlett over the phone. “I don’t want to though,” I whined as I sat on the fluffy bed. “You’ll thank me tomorrow.” “Fine,” I sighed and moved to the bathroom. “How was your day?” I mumbled as I fidgeted with my skincare bag. “It was good. We had some reshoots for Endgame so it was fun,” she said. “Oh don’t tell me any spoilers or I’m gonna cry,” I started to take my makeup off. “I won’t, I won’t. I think you’re gonna like it though.” “Yeah? I’m sure you’ll look hot in it so I’m not worried,” I smirked at the screen and she just laughed. “I’ve never seen you this drunk before, how much did you have?” “Just a couple glasses to be honest,” I shrugged. “Aha, I’m not so sure about that.” “I’m telling you, it wasn’t a lot.” “If I text Laura, are you sure she’s gonna say the same thing?” I glanced down at the phone and a smile pulled on my lips. “No.” “Yeah, that’s what I thought, but I’m glad you’re already having fun. I’m sure it’s gonna be a great shoot.” “Oh my god, yeeees. I love everyone so much,” I threw the makeup wipes in the trash and rinsed my face with cold water before going back to the bedroom. “Take a painkiller in case this all goes to hell. And drink a lot of water.” “I’ve been drunk before, I know how this works Mom,” I chuckled. “I just want to make sure you’re okay, baby.” “I know, I know. Thank you for that,” I blew a kiss towards the screen. “Always. What’s the plan tomorrow?” She asked. As I could see, she was just lying in bed with glasses and a big sweatshirt on. The TV reflected from her glasses making it a bit difficult to see her eyes. “Rehearsals for the next week and just after that we start shooting. But I can’t waaaait, I’m so excited for this one. I just know that it’s gonna be so so good and fun,” I laid down in bed and pulled the covers up to my chin. “I’m excited for you and to see it. Have you done a period movie yet, I don’t think so, right?” “Not this old, no. The latest was the Gatsby I think,” I yawned while trying hard to focus on the conversation. “You should go to bed, Y/n,” Scarlett said as she got up from her bed. “I really should but I love talking to my girlfriend, she’s kinda fun you know,” I rolled over to my stomach, trying to get comfortable. “Yeah? Well, your girlfriend is not going anywhere so you can speak to her whenever you’re free.” “I know,” I said slowly, just looking at the screen and admiring how amazing she was. “I love you,” I said, still feeling the booze. “I love you too, you drunk. Go to bed, honey. Text me when you wake up, okay?” She said softly with the cutest smile on her face. “I will. I love you.” “I love you too, sleep well.” “You too.”
All the cast members filled up the room as we were waiting for Greta. Florence on my right side and Timothée on the left. Sunglasses on both of their faces, sliding off their chairs, heads tilted back. “How are you not dead?” Murmured Timmy as he pulled the hood of his sweater over his head. “I have an amazing girlfriend who takes care of me. And you crazy people just downed every glass you found on the table,” I gave him a bottle of water. “Thanks.”
“Alright everybody, I hope you had a good night's sleep. Today is like to go through some of the bigger monologues so we can work on those if it’s necessary,” Greta explained and as I looked at my friends, I quietly chuckled. “Today’s gonna be fun.”
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