#San Diego beach wedding
Mission Beach San Diego Wedding Photos | P + A
Mission Beach San Diego Wedding Photos | P + A As a San Diego elopement photographer, it’s no surprise I have photographed a lot of beach weddings! San Diego is a destination for many couples looking to say “I DO” with their toes in the sand! You can pretty much do it all year too! We aren’t tropical weather like Miami, but we do have pretty nice weather throughout the year. Locals take…
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Nothing Comes Close to the Golden Coast
Description: You're on the beach because it's what your little sister wanted for her bachelorette party. One day, you can manage, right? You're not expecting to stumble right into the woman who could can change your outlook on beaches that day. But with Natasha Trace, maybe you're starting to see nothing comes close to the golden coast.
Warnings: Female! Reader, Flirting, Beaches, Mild Cursing, Natasha is too flirty for words and possibly a little dangerous
A/N: Hiya lovelies! This is a fic I wrote for @bellaireland1981 's 1K Pool Party celebration. Congratulations on 1K followers Bella! It's my first time writing a long form Phoenix x Reader fic and I hope I did Nix justice. All my love to @horseshoegirl for beta-ing this fic for me and making sure I wasn't 1) using too many commas (yes I have a problem) and 2) that this fic was flirty and fun and summery enough!
Word Count: 3617
Cross-posted to AO3 here!
Cross-posted to Wattpad here!
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You like going to the beach as much as any other girl. But unlike other girls, you tend to prefer quiet, calm, clear beaches to lie on. The kind of beach where you can hear the tide coming in and the seagulls wheeling in the clear summer sky. The kind of beach where the sand is clear, and you never have to fight to find a spot to lay down your towel and where you can read without a beach ball smashing into your face. Of course, finding the clear beaches you love is far from easy. It seems like the minute the calendar hits Memorial Day, everyone in the Greater San Diego area books it to the beach for the summer. You’ve even seen people taking meetings out on the beach. But to put it bluntly, you're not one of those people.
So why are you out on this congested, loud beach today? There's only one reason: your baby sister's Bachelorette party. It was an obligation you couldn’t get out of. You love your sister, but you’re less than happy to be spending time with her and her friends. When it’s just the two of you, it feels like you’re the closest pair of siblings on the planet. But when she’s with her friends, it feels like there is a colossal, ever-widening, yawning gulf between you. Everyone calls her the pretty one while you're the practical one. In the eyes of your entire extended family, it is one of the many reasons why she's getting married at 22 when you're still single at 28. To keep the peace, you’ve been pasting a smile on your face and literally grinning and bearing it for everything she’s asked of you. Because you love her and in only a week’s time you can get a bit of a break from her (or really, from her best friend).
To make matters worse, you’re the only girl in the group wearing a one-piece suit, something flattering yet mostly covered, without showing off your cleavage or too much of your ass.
“God, do you have to wear that old lady suit?” She'd scoffed when you walked out of your house that morning, a sunhat on your head and a sarong tied around your waist to complement the deep maroon one-piece you’d pulled out to wear. “Please tell me you have a bikini you can go wear instead. If you'd told me, I would have brought you one of mine!”
As if you'd have ever worn a bikini of hers. Your younger sister is thin, model thin, with a narrow waist and perfectly perky A-cups, which look fantastic in the hot pink bikini she's wearing today. She's got the physique that makes men look a little stupid. Already, there is a pack of unfairly pretty men who have gone a little cross-eyed when your sister and her friends walked by. In contrast, you're shorter and curvier, your hair dark where hers is blonde, and the ultimate introvert to her bubbly extrovert.
You aren't even her maid of honor at her wedding - that particular honor belongs to her best friend - yes, the aforementioned obnoxious Sally herself. It's not as if anyone has even noticed you're not having the time of your life in the water. After all, why would they? Who wants the babysitter hanging around you when you're trying to have fun? It's the role you've been playing since your sister was born, and you're sure you'll play it again once your sister has kids. For now, all you can do is stay secluded under your umbrella and try to read a little despite the noise. At least it is a little emptier on the beach now as the sun sinks slowly across the sky.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”
The voice is male, filled with all the surety of a man who knows what he wants and has never failed to get it. Your eyes are rolling before your head rises from your book. Your sister and Sally are under the umbrella next to you, and unsurprisingly, that comment was targeted at the two of them. You're pretty sure they are two of the group who were tossing around not one but two footballs on the beach.
“Two pretty things like you look like you could use a drink.”
It's the blonde, tall with green eyes, and a shit-eating grin, who makes the offer. And to your disbelief, it looks like your sister is going to take these guys up on their offer.
“We'd love to!”
Is she thinking at all? Before you can stop yourself, you're speaking.
“Can I talk to you, Vicky?”
“The fuck do you need to talk to her for?”
Sally's growling at you, her arms crossed under her chest in a way that accentuates the cleavage already threatening to break free of her string bikini. Your cheeks flush as the two men glance between you and her, discerning gazes flip-flopping between you and her at heated words.
“You're her sister, not the fucking morality police. We're having drinks with them. Either you can join us, or you can glare disapprovingly. But don't you dare tell us what we can and cannot do.”
“You're such a fucking stick in the mud. I don’t get why the hell you came with us. Why are you always coming out with us, anyway? I mean, I’d have had a life by the time I was your age, but well, I guess you're even too boring for that.”
You're left gaping at Sally and your sister as they walk away. The words don't hurt, not really. You've been hearing a version of them for years, ever since Sally and Vicky decided they didn't like having you shadow them. Of course, they don't believe you when you say you'd rather do anything other than join them while they get up to all the bullshit they do. Once upon a time, Vicky used to defend you. Obviously, those days are long gone.
It doesn't mean you won't still watch out for your sister, though. Call it some sort of sickening nostalgia for the days when you and her were close once, chasing each other around playing unicorns in your backyard. Call it affection for the little girl who used to follow along behind you, repeating everything you said with a lisp. Call it love for your sister who you would once do anything for - would still do anything for.
Of course, you immediately realize the situation is far different than you thought it would be. Because there aren't just two incredibly hot men, but ten. Before you can blink, they're all over Vicky, Sally and their other friends. Somebody has sparked up a bonfire, and you gravitate to the hot flames despite yourself. You're a little chilled after being out in the hot sun all day. As the sun sets over the sea, one of them nestles a Bluetooth speaker into the sand and turns the music up. 
California Gurls, we're unforgettable,
Daisy Dukes, bikinis on top
Whoever made this playlist needs better taste in music. Or at least they need to pick something which you haven't heard on the radio every day of the summer in 2010. As it is, it will be stuck in your head for days.
“This song sucks, huh?”
You jump at the voice near your ear, stumbling and nearly face-planting in the sand. You have the kind of face which shows your emotions plainly, you've always been told so. Now someone has noticed, and you hope this person won’t throw you under the bus like all of Vicky’s friends. You pretend it’s just the song as you turn around with a smile pasted across your face.
“It's the worst!”
You're sure you have other things to say, but they disappear from your head like smoke when you see the woman who is talking to you. She's gorgeous, whiskey eyes flickering gold with the bonfire's flames. She's absolutely beautiful, and it feels a little like you're in an alternate universe. There's a cool breeze coming off the water, and in addition to the salt from the sea, you can smell hibiscus in the air. It has to be from her perfume, you note vacantly.
There's humor in her eyes as she stands beside you, surveying the others around the bonfire just like you are. You can see your sister in the distance, dancing with the blonde who asked if she wanted a drink. She looks like she’s well on her way to becoming completely drunk, but you don’t care. Vicky’s an adult. She made her own decisions, and she can stand by them. All of your attention is on the brunette in front of you. She holds out a bottle to you, condensation dripping over her fingers.
“I thought you could use a drink.”
The drink in question is a bottle of soda, ice cold.
“I, uhh…” She looks a little sheepish, some of her confidence draining away as you look inquiringly at her. “I wasn’t sure how else to get you to talk to me.”
“W-why wouldn’t I talk to you?” 
She grins ruefully, “Because you've been glaring at Bagman and your friends since you walked over here?”
“And, you don't look like you're having much fun.”
“Fun…” You sigh, "is a word for it. And we're not friends.”
“Younger sister?”
You laugh, “Is it that obvious?”
“You're a good sister, coming out with her and her friends like this.” 
Her innocent words touch your heart a little bit.
“I've got two just like her. They're so sure they're grown up, but they could still need somebody to watch out for them.”
You turn excitedly, “Yes! Yes. That’s it! She's getting married next week, but there's still so much she doesn’t know yet! And she and her best friend hate that I'm here. Call it her need to be seen and treated like an adult. I'm in her bridal party and she doesn’t even want to celebrate with me. Guess everybody would pick Bagman over there over me.”
“I don't hate that you're here, you know?”
You startle a little at the frank openness of this beautiful stranger's voice.
“Why not? You don't know a single thing about me.”
“I know you’re a big sister. I know you hate Katy Perry’s California Gurls, not because the song itself is horrible, but because you’ve probably heard it a million times.”
She tugs at your hand, and you follow her as she leads you away from the bonfire, the song still blaring away. You shouldn’t follow her, you know you shouldn’t. But despite yourself,you’re curious. There’s something about her you need to know more of. Away from the bonfire, the air is cool, and crisp. The beach feels swept clean the further you walk.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think you planned this.” 
You crack open the soda and take a sip, pretending not to feel dark eyes on the side of your face.
“I didn’t plan it.” She chuckles a little, playing with your fingers. “All I wanted was to keep talking. I think I owe you a few more things I know about you, anyways.”
Your heart warms as she shrugs out of the hoodie and lays it over the sand. She sprawls down with a grace you couldn't emulate if you tried, all long, lean muscles exuding strength and power. You feel awkward in contrast, self-conscious as you try to sit on as much of the hoodie as you can without sprawling in her lap in a way that would have you mortified and her uncomfortable. But you can still feel her, warm and solid, as she retakes your hand. It’s comforting, the light touch, the calluses at her fingertips making goosebumps rise over your arms. Her perfume smells different this close, the light scent of summer hibiscus melting into roses and morning dew. It’s addicting.
“Y-you mentioned there were a couple more things you knew about me?” 
The words leave you in a whisper, tripping over each other as they drop off your tongue.
Her laugh is husky and warm, and for one moment, all you want is for her to make that wondrous sound again. But you quell that particular impulse. After all, no matter how weak you are for this woman, you barely know her. You won't be making a fool of yourself tonight.
“I think you're smart, smarter than anyone gives you credit for being. You're strong and single-minded.” She leans in conspiratorially, a smirk on her lips. “Some people would call you stubborn, but I think they're just afraid you'll leave them behind in your quest for world domination.”
“How do you know I'm gunning for world domination?” You're smiling from ear-to-ear as you ask the question.
“All the prettiest girls are. Especially the girls who bring a book to the beach for family when they'd probably rather be curled up on a window seat with a cup of tea handy.”
Your cheeks have to be crimson by now. Of all the days for an unfairly pretty woman to come up to you and flirt, she has to pick today. She’s so confident, so pretty and vivacious and all the things you never could be. In comparison, you just feel dull, like a piece of fabric bleached by the sun, until there are only the faintest hints of color left. It’s also been a really long time since anyone’s even looked twice at you.
“I-I do like reading at a window seat while it rains.” Your smile is halfway genuine now, you think. You can’t keep volunteering bits of information about yourself without getting some info from her in turn.
“What do you like doing in your spare time?”
Maybe you picked the wrong question to ask because her easy smile drops faster than you can blink. The small wrinkles at the corners of her eyes flatten out, and the dimples are so deep you’ve been wanting to kiss them since you saw them disappear as her smile does. The silence between you isn’t comfortable anymore. It’s awkward, a discordantly awkward tone spoiling the harmony of the moments before.
“I don’t have much spare time. Or hobbies.”
“I’m sorry.”
You’re babbling before the apology has left your lips, mind speeding at a hundred miles per hour at the thought you’ve somehow managed to insult the one person who’s wanted to talk to you all night. You’re standing and turning to head back to the bonfire before she hops up next to you.
“Whoa, whoa.” Her hands are hot as they make contact with your upper arms. “I’m not angry at you. I dunno if you heard what those meatheads were saying when they were posturing to your sister and her friends earlier, but I’m a Naval Aviator.”
“It doesn’t leave a lot of time for hobbies.”
“So, what do you do with your free time?” 
She’s so close you can feel the heat of her skin.
“Most of my free time is spent at the gym. It takes hard work to look this good.” 
You giggle a little as she tugs your hands until they’re flat against her toned stomach. The muscles twitch under your fingers a little, and you feel light-headed. Is she really flirting with you? You? 
“Not everyone can read books and look as good as you do.”
“What else do you do?” Your voice is weak, barely audible over the rushing waves, but she hears you anyway.
“Sleep. Try to read. Though it’s harder to concentrate when you’re surrounded by hundreds of lonely, horny men than when you’re sitting in a window seat.”
She smirks a little, leaning closer then. 
“And I definitely spend a lot of time daydreaming about a pretty bookworm in my bed to keep me warm at night.”
Your face has to be crimson by now. It feels so hot. The dark ocean seems way too alluring, if only for a cold reality check. There’s no way this gorgeous, smart, sexy woman is hitting on you. There’s no way. Maybe if you keep saying it over and over, it will be a reality instead of what your delusional mind is coming up with.
“Sadly, there hasn’t been a pretty bookworm in my bed in a while.” 
The smile on her face falls, the motes of color swirling in her hypnotic eyes, fracturing into crystals at the words. 
“None of them can take the long days away, no dates, little contact. Maybe one day I’ll find the right bookworm for me. Unless…”
Her arm has found its way around your shoulders, the warm lines of her body searing into you.
“Well, this is a silly question, but would you maybe like to grab a coffee sometime? Get to know each other better?”
You want to say yes. More than anything you want to. But you can’t bring yourself to accept her invitation, not when you have more questions than answers.
“W-why me?”
Her lips are warm even through the material of your half-damp swimsuit as she presses a kiss to your shoulder.
“You’re different from the other girls I talk to.” 
You’re unsure how to respond, half afraid she will go on and on about how boring and dull you are. All of the others you’ve dated certainly have. They expect one of the standard sexy-librarian types when they meet you and find out you like to read. They’re always disappointed when the truth they come to see couldn’t be any further from what they imagine. 
“You’re so beautiful,” she sighs. “I swear I nearly got hit on the head with one of the footballs when I saw you walk out onto the beach and sit under your umbrella.”
“You missed it, I'm sure, but those goofballs in my squadron were laughing at me for hours.” 
There's a slight pink tinge to her cheeks as she leans back. You miss her the minute you lose her warmth.
“I um…” She runs a hand, long-fingered and pretty (why the hell are even her hands so pretty), through her hair. “I'm pretty sure that's why those two walked up to your sister and her friend.”
“They wanted me to come to the bonfire tonight?”
You're pretty sure your mouth is wide open at this point. 
“Yeah. Though I should say, I wanted an excuse to talk to the prettiest woman I've ever seen. And maybe flirt with her a little. And maybe get her to agree to go out with me.”
“How is this clever plan of yours working for you?” 
Your voice is a whisper again as you peer over your shoulder at her. 
“You don’t know my name. You don't even know if you're my type.” 
It takes every bit of courage to banter lightly with her.
“I think it's going pretty well. After all, I've got you sitting here with me instead of out there with those idiots. And I'd very much like your name.”
You smile despite yourself as you tell her your name, getting hers in turn: Natasha Trace, callsign Phoenix. Her callsign fits her fierce and confident personality.
“So what do you say about getting coffee with me sometime?”
Just before you're about to respond, you hear your name called from the bonfire. It's one of Vicky's friends calling for you and pointing at your sister. She's drunk, and you can tell she's minutes away from courting an indecent exposure charge. She's sitting on Bagman's lap and doing her best to eat his face right off. He seems like a more than willing participant. Your concerns have more to do with how her bikini is moving, how she’s only moments away from an indecent exposure charge.
You turn to Natasha and smile. “I'm really sorry, but I have to…”
You make a vague gesture in your sister's direction.
“I understand. She needs you right now.”
You nod and begin to walk away, pulling your coverup out of your bag. But your feet don't let you move very far. What kind of person would you be if you let the best thing that's ever happened to you slip through your fingers so easily? You can't let her slip away. So you rummage in your bag for one of the notebooks you always carry with you and scrawl your phone number down on it, ripping the page away.
She looks surprised to see you again when you catapult yourself into her arms and kiss her soft lips. She tastes like the beer she was drinking earlier, and as her arms wrap around your waist, you sink into the kiss a little bit more. You feel like you never want to leave. Yet you know the longer you stay here kissing Natasha, the more time your sister has to make situations worse. Her friends may be cheering her on, but her fiancé won't be quite so magnanimous.
When you pull away, her cheeks are the same pink as earlier. Her lips are kiss-swollen, and her eyes are bright. You're sure yours are the same.
“Let's get that coffee, Natasha.”
You press the paper into her hands and hurry back up to the beach to take care of your sister. In the hilarity of pulling her away from Bagman and wrestling her into your coverup, you can feel eyes on you. They track you until you drive away.
There's a text on your phone when you get home.
Let's get that coffee tomorrow morning. Do you know Madison's Cafe? I'd very much like to kiss you again.
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@desert-fern @horseshoegirl @dakotakazansky @sarahsmi13s @teacupsandtopgun
@roosterforme @cherrycola27 @thedroneranger @chaoticassidy
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Remember You Even When I Don't (11-Epilogue)
Summary: A training accident, the doctor had told him. A nasty one that led him here, laying in a hospital bed with a splitting headache and an inability to remember the woman sitting beside him. What he did know, though, was that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and you felt important to him. That, as it turns out, would become an understatement.
Words: 2.2K
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw/Reader (no use of y/n, so can be read as unnamed oc)
Warnings: angst, hospitals, memory loss, language, suggestive themes, smut
Notes: The end of an era! I hope you all enjoy.
A special shoutout to @roosterforme and @mak-32. Em is the one who encouraged me to make the one shot this was originally supposed to be into a full length story, and without these two constantly encouraging me, I promise this wouldn't be half the story that it turned out to be. Love ya, ladies!
As it turns out, your first wedding had been a quick, private affair. The judgment the two of you received from moving as quickly as you did had made you decide early on in your engagement that a big, pompous wedding wasn’t for you. And really, you didn’t care about any of that anyway. The rumblings of a potential deployment or change of station had you moving even quicker and on a Wednesday afternoon in late summer, the two of you were married by a justice of the peace on the National Mall in DC, the Washington Monument in the background. You had wild flowers threaded through your hair and a lacy white dress and there were tourists in the background of almost all of your pictures. Despite all of that, it was still categorized as one of the best days of his life, but the second time would be different. 
Bradley wanted you to have everything you ever wanted this time, but you had been insistent that there was no need for a grand event. Wedding venues with short notice were hard to come by in San Diego and you didn’t want to get married on the beach. When Mav had suggested his hanger, you had lit up at the idea. The next few months had been a whirlwind of ordering catering and finding flowers, constructing arches and finding tables and chairs to rent and stringing twinkle lights from the ceiling - so, so many twinkle lights. But it had all been worth it once he saw the awe on your face as you walked around the open space the night before your vow renewal. The hanger was almost unrecognizable, and even though the ring was already on your finger, he couldn’t wait to marry you here tomorrow. 
You don’t sleep apart the night before, but he leaves early that morning to meet Mav and the rest of the guys from the Dagger Squad. You’ll be spending the morning with Nat and Coyote’s wife and a few of your other close girlfriends, and the kiss he gives you in the doorway to the garage is long and slow. 
“We’re getting married today,” you whisper against his lips.
You laugh at his response, getting lost in his kiss. His phone dings in his pocket and he knows it’s the groupchat asking where he is, not for the first time. He pulls away from you reluctantly. 
With a sigh, he slips his ring off his finger and hands it to you. Your nose crinkles in protest, but you do the same with yours. He sees how you flex your fingers the moment you do, not used to being without them. 
“I still don’t get why you want to exchange rings again,” you mutter without any heat. Bradley kisses your forehead, lifting your left hand to his and then placing a kiss to your ringless finger. You shiver despite yourself and he smiles. 
“Because I want to enjoy putting it back on you, Pumpkin.” 
There’s really nothing you can say to that, but you roll your eyes fondly anyway, pressing forward for one more kiss. 
The morning and early afternoon go by quickly. He plays a round of golf with the guys and then they all help him with ensuring his surprise for you is completely good to go for the next day. He steps back at one point, watching as his friends, his family, work and laugh together, genuinely happy to be here for this day, for him and the two of you, and feels his heart swell. Sometimes it’s still hard to believe that this is his life. 
He doesn’t wear his dress whites like he did the first time. Instead, as afternoon fades away and guests start arriving, he changes into the blue suit you had told him was your favorite. He forgoes the tie, leaving the top button of his white shirt undone, and the early spring sun is just starting to set as he takes his place at the end of the makeshift aisle. His breath catches in his throat when you finally appear at the other end. 
It feels like it takes you forever to make it to him, but when your hand finally slips into his, the nervous energy that had been building in the last hour fades back into the normal excitement he always feels in your presence.
“Hi,” he whispers.
“Hi,” you whisper right back, the moment just for the two of you, “fancy seeing you here.”
“Isn't it? You come here often?”
Your smile tugs into something of a smirk, and your eyes flash with mischief, “Just twice now,” you say, “hoping we don’t have to do this again anytime soon if we can help it.”  
Bradley can’t help the laugh that he lets out, uncaring of all the people watching them from their seats, waiting for them to get started. He likes that you’re in a place where you can tease him about this now.
“I’m not going to make a habit of this,” he assures you. You squeeze his hands, and he knows that combined with the bright smile on your face, it’s your way of saying that even if he did, you’d be there at the end of the aisle walking toward him every time. 
The officiant clears his throat, asking if you were ready to begin. As the man starts the ceremony, you send Bradley a wink, and he bites the inside of his cheek to stop the giddy laughter bubbling in him at how damn happy he is to be here. 
He doesn’t take his eyes away from you the entire time, wanting every single moment ingrained in his brain forever; every smile, every word, every tear, everything. He doesn’t make it through the vows without crying, and neither do you, but you hold his hand the whole time and wipe away some of his tears with the pad of your thumb. When it’s your turn to speak, he thinks his heart is going to burst out of his chest as you read the words you had written to him. 
When it comes time to slip your ring back on your finger, it feels like you’re completely alone out here on this runway. He doesn’t exactly remember doing this before and it feels like the first time and he vows that no matter what happens, he’ll never, ever forget it. 
You’re both practically vibrating after that, a smile so wide his cheeks are starting to hurt that’s reflected on your face, too, and he doesn’t hesitate when he’s finally given permission to kiss you. He dips you as the small crowd cheers loudly in the background. He can barely kiss you because of how much the two of you are smiling, but you more than make do. 
“I love you,” he promises, an oath he’ll never break. You caress his face as he holds you. 
“I love you too. Every part of you, sweetheart.” 
He wakes you up early the next morning. Your face crinkles in protest and you move to burrow back under the safety and warmth of your blankets. With a soft, fond laugh, Bradley pulls the covers away from you completely. 
“Baby,” you groan, “it’s not even light outside yet. We barely even just fell asleep.” 
You’re right. It had been almost midnight when the two of you finally slipped away from the reception, the party still going strong. It was after two when you finally went to sleep, both of you basking in the afterglow and pressed against one another, and it was only nearing five now.  “I know,” he says, rubbing your bare hip gently, “but you gotta wake up. I have a surprise for you.” 
You crack an eye open at that and he chuckles again. “What kind of surprise?” 
“Get up and I’ll show you. Dress comfy. You can sleep on the way.” 
“On the way?” 
He winks at you, standing from the bed and walking toward the door, already dressed and ready to go. You call after him, wanting to know where you’re going, but he makes his way down the stairs without a word; he knows the curiosity will keep you awake and moving.
You join him in the kitchen a few minutes later, dressed in leggings and your favorite oversized Eagles sweatshirt. He’s struck for a moment, remembering how beautiful you were to him that first day in the hospital in the same outfit, when he didn’t remember you but he knew you. It seemed like so long ago and it blew him away how far you’ve come together in just six months. 
You fall back asleep almost as soon as he pulls out of the driveway, tucked against his side in the Bronco. Music plays quietly from the radio but it’s the sound of your breathing that really keeps him company during the drive back to the hanger in the desert. You stir awake when he puts the vehicle in park, looking around with tired, bleary eyes. 
“Are we here to clean up?” you ask through a yawn as Bradley helps you out, closing the door behind you. He shakes his head, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you walk toward the building. He stops right before the runway becomes visible, looking down at you.
“I thought maybe we could watch the sunrise together.” 
You raise an eyebrow, looking at him skeptically. “We couldn’t do that from our backyard?” 
A grin tugs at his lips and he shakes his head. “Not from the clouds, we can’t.” 
You only look confused for a moment before realization hits you and you gasp loudly, suddenly looking wide awake. “It’s ready?” 
“It’s ready,” he confirms. “What do you say, Pumpkin? Want to be the very first passenger?” 
He laughs when instead of responding with words, you squeal and grab his hand, taking off running toward the other side of the building. His newly finished, flight-ready Cessna is there waiting in the lightning of the early morning. He was starting to see the faintest hint of orange in the skyline and knew time was of the essence. 
He helped you into the aircraft carefully and climbed in behind you. He went through the necessities easily, knowing that Mav had already done all the mandatory preflight checks when he brought the plane out before dawn. 
He slips your headset on you with a fond smile, tracing your bottom lip with his thumb. He double checks your seatbelt one more time, stealing a kiss before straightening in his seat.
“You ready?” He asks. You nod rapidly. With a deep breath, he begins to ease the four seater forward. Within moments, the two of you are airborne, leveling out with the clouds. The sky is beginning to streak with pinks and shades of orange and hearing you gasp in awe at the view from this high up is added to his list of favorite things, all alongside other memories of or with you. 
“Do me a favor?” he asks after a few minutes of silence. You pull away from watching the sky out of the window, turning your head toward him instead. 
He’s already smiling, so excited to show you. “Look inside your wedding band for me.” 
Your eyebrows knit together, but you follow his request anyway, slipping the jewelry off your finger and holding it close to your face to look on the inner surface. You let out a small gasp when you see words that hadn’t been there before. 
You turn it as you read, the inscription taking up almost the entire surface of the inside of the ring he had originally given you years ago. He had managed to find someone to do a same day service to make sure it was done and ready from the time he left the house yesterday to the time he said I do in the evening, and the extra charge was worth the way your lips parted and your eyes filled with tears. 
“Do you like it?” he asks, wanting that validation even though your eyes, always so expressive, conveyed just how much you did. Instead of answering right away, you leaned over, straining against your seatbelt to press a quick kiss to his lips, mindful of the fact that he was still flying the plane. 
“I love it. I love you.” 
You study the ring again, pinching it between your thumb and pointer finger of both hands to avoid dropping it, treating it like it’s something precious because he knows that, just as he views his, to you it is. 
He had accepted that he may never get all of his memories back. He may live with tingles in his brain and flashes of remembrance, living with unknown gaps for the rest of his life. It had frustrated him at first, but he had made peace with it. He knew that no matter what, you’d be here beside him, filling in what he was missing and making brand new memories along the way. Because if there was one thing he was certain of, it was the way he felt about you; it wasn’t something he had ever been able to truly forget. He planned on making sure you knew that every single day, and if he was ever not there to tell you, the words resting against your finger would do it for him. 
Remember you always, love you twice.
Series Masterlist :: Spin Off One Shots :: Main Masterlist
Notes: What a journey this has been!! I can't tell you how much I appreciate every single person who has commented, reblogged, or liked this little story of mine. I hope it was everything that you wanted it to be. I'm so sad that we're already at the epilogue, but I'm so excited at potentially writing more for these two! I have a few one shots in the works for their story before Bradley's accident. If there's anything specific you'd like to see, please feel free to drop in my asks or inbox.
Tag List: @roosterforme - @mak-32 - @hoyaharper - @wildxwidow - @gretagerwigsmuse - @bradshawburner - @iamaslytherin0 - @lilyevanswhore - @too-fangirl-to-fuction - @fav-fanficssss - @benhardysdrumstick - @fandomxpreferences - @acatwriteshere - @1234-angelika - @double-j - @cocoskween - @sunflowersteves - @teacupsandtopgun - @littlezee80 - @sometimesanalice - @je-suis-prest-rachel - @khaylin27 - @infamous-reindeer - @hotch-meeeeeuppppp - @sarahjoestewy-blog - @sunnysidesidra - @notroosterbradshaw - @yanna-banana - @inthestars-underthesun -@avengersfan25 - @wkndwlff - @zbeez-outlet - @lt-spork - @indynerdgirl - @loveforaugust - @mssleepy876b
@kassieesworld - @luckylexie - @lovemesomevesey - @mizzzpink - @books-for-summer - @a-serene-place-to-be - @deviltsunoda - @tv-fanatic18 - @memoriesat30 - @melody-death - @imnotcreativeenoughforthisblog - @dabisblackprincess - @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy - @realdirectionx - @waywardhunter95 - @myownworstenemyyy - @sexualparkour - @sadpetalsstuff - @almostgenerallyalways -@alilstressyandlotdepressy - @14readwritedraw96 - @ccbb2222 - @taytaylala12 - @alittlechaotics-blog - @starkleila
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stcverogers · 2 years
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top gun fics that i’ve been reading and obsessing with over recently
this is extremely important and i take this very seriously out of respect for the community. please do remember to read the rules for the respective blogs before interacting with or reading them.
F: fluff A: angst S: smut
𖥻 - series /multi part
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F: monday to friday by @wildbornsiren a week of interacting with rooster and the one day he asks you out.
F: like father like son by @chaostheoryy rooster worries that he will face the same fate as his father.
F: lover by @hangmans-girl you reminisce the beginnings of your loving family
F: torture by @make-me-imagine you make a bet with rooster and till he wins, no kissing.
F: impact by @priceof-freedom the last thing you expected was getting a football to the head by the man you had been shooting heart eyes at
F: career day by @dearestdaffodils 𖥻 bradley's a decorated naval aviator and you're an elementary teacher.
A: happier by @wannabeschyulersister despite having broken up, all you want for bradley is for him to be happy.
F + A: the arrangement by @croimilis when you were 18, you and rooster made an agreement that you will always be the other's plus one to any event. years later, you need a date to a wedding and bradley lives up to the arrangement.
A: peace out by @undiscovered-horizon bradley's patience is run thin when your ex-boyfriend shows up at the hard deck.
F: eyes without face by @zstrn a day well spent with your family at the beach.
A: half a heart by @halsteadsbradshaw following your break up with rooster, you and rooster struggle to live without each other
F: his f-18, his bronco, his favorite sports teams and you by @starlightval you list the things that rooster loves and he corrects you
F + A: big fat fuckin' mistake by @shaded-echoes you have been keeping a toddler shaped secret from rooster for years when you're called back to lemoore, only for him to uncover the truth
S: i think i might love you by @stranger-nightmare hangman loves you but you love rooster
F + A: inconceivable! by @rolycolysficrecs having told that you were inconceivable at 17, you were led to believe that you would never have children. it is up to you to then decide between your miracle baby and the man you loved.
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F + A: couldn't really stay away by @typical-simplelove not matter how much he tries, jake can't seem to stay away from you.
F + A: the gallows by @strangerstuffandthingsimagines your past comes back to haunt you as you overcome your fear of the inevitable
F + A: heartfirst by @etherealperrie 𖥻 you visit phoenix while she's based in san diego, only to find out that an old partner of yours is stationed there too. throw in a cocky blonde and you're in a whirl of emotions.
F + A: all this time by @phoenixbby you and hangman are stranded in the cold, only having each other as you wait for rescue to be dispatched.
F + A: vexation by @siempre-bucky you and hangman do not get along. what happens when the hate blurs into love?
F + A: who did this to you? by @justfandomwritings hangman finds you hurt and bruised at the hard deck, his protective side kicks in and he's determined to ensure your safety.
F + A: happily ever after by @daughterofthereaper02 jake is your childhood best friend. friends, that's all you would ever be, right?
F + A: make him wait by @powerfulruler 𖥻 jake seresin is not a patient man. for you? he's willing to wait eternity.
A: a little out of the ordinary by @mayhem24-7forever you think that jake could never love you that way while jake thinks the same.
F: hey pretty girl by @callsign-marlie the five times jake calls you pretty girl and the one time he uses it on another
F + A: until him by @lordabovehelpme you didn't know what love felt like till you met hangman
F + A: see you soon by @sunnysidevans you cross paths with hangman once again. will you make it work this time?
F: country girl, shake it for me by @nomtterwhere hangman brings you back to his hometown and shows you a side of him top gun never saw
F + A: this love by @roosterscock admiral kazansky's health is declining and you move back home to spend the last days of your father's life with him
S: loud and clear by @theonetrueneohero hangman, your brother's best friend, is off limits
F: muddy trails by @katcoquette a day in the woods with the ever adventurous hangman
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F: the six times you met bob floyd in school and the one time you didn't by @lt-natrace bob's neice is a student in your class and you're enamored by her equally charming uncle
F + A: the five stages of falling in love by @imjess-themess you go through the five stages of gried as you fall in love with bob
F + S: morning after by @mothdruid you spend the night with bob, not knowing who each other really are
F: tense by @bippot bob is just too tense.
F + A: sweet home alabama by @3tabbiesandalab all you ever wanted was for bob to be successful, even at the expense of your only chance at happiness
F: we'll never have sex by @floyd-luvr while sat by the fire, you and bob share a sweet moment
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F: that’s him..that’s the man I’m going to marry. by @redmenacehorned as you watch tom recieve his well-deserved award, you are convinced that he is the man you are going to marry
F + S: something to remember me by by @callsignthirsty ice is worried he won't return and wants to leave you with something to remember him by
F: crash and burn by @callsign-dragonbaron none of the other pilots know that iceman has a partner. he watches from afar as his fellow aviators try to hit on you and fail terribly.
F: tom is finer by @krmy2386 pete doesn't treat you like you deserve and tom is willing to change that
S: steamy by @callsignbob tom kazansky gets on your nerves. what better to relieve the tension than hate sex?
S: fatal attraction by @hotgirlmav ice knows that you're so wrong for him. so wrong that you're absolutely right.
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A: that photo of us by @heywheresemily bradley sifts through old family photos, finding one of his father and a familiar woman
F: the perfect weekend by @focusedarrow you and goose go behind your brother's back
F: i do by @callsign-rockstar on your wedding day, goose has one last thing to say 'i do' to
F: gremlins by @duchesstypewriter bradley wakes up in a flurry from a nightmare, you and goose ensure him that there are no gremlins hiding out
F: imagine goose comforting you after an argument by @spinningwebsandtales
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F: don't drop my baby by @callsign-squints the dagger squad meet baby garcia for the very first time
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midnightdevotion · 1 year
Anyone Else
Requested: Can I get either a Bradshaw!reader or Mitchell!reader x Robert 'Bob' Floyd fic where the reader dated Jake before she ever met Bob, so when she meets the Dagger Squad as Bob's girl, it's the first time she's seen Jake since they broke up? Reader would be engaged or married to Bob and her and Jake would have ended on really bad terms. If this isn't up your alley and/or makes you uncomfortable feel free to ignore this request. Lots of love regardless! 🥰🥰🥰
Pairing: Bob x Bradshaw!Reader, Past jake Seresin x reader
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When bob first got called back to top gun you panicked. Not only was your husband called back but so was your brother and the closest thing you ever had to a father. You stressed everyday, hoping they would be safe and sound.
Two and a half weeks later when the mission was successful and bob had thankfully made it home safe and sound, he called you to let you know that the dagger squad was being made permanent and he would be coming home to help you pack up your house and move you both down to San Diego. Nothing sounded better than living near everyone you considered your family. In a whirlwind you two had packed up the house, put it on the market to sell and made an offer on a new house.
It didn't take long to sell your old home thankfully, and you two found a perfect home five minutes from the beach and close to work for bob. It all seemed like everything was falling perfectly into place.
Letting out a dreamy sigh as you look around the open floor plan for the home you just got the keys too, your husband turns to look at you.
"everything okay dear?" you can't help the grin you let shine on your face when you turn to look at your husband's concern.
"Everything is perfect." He gives you a soft smile and kiss on the forehead then continues voicing his thoughts on where you should hang the tv for least amount of glare during the day.
You listen to him rant about where he wants to put the couch and how he wants to hang your wedding photos, giving an occasional hum of agreement.
"oh and also I want you to meet my squad" this causes you to raise an eyebrow. Usually over protective bob keeps you away from the dirtbags in the airforce he's typically assigned to deal with. You didn't question that too much, because you have upfront experience with how most air force men are.
"you do?"
"Yeah- these guys- they're different and I want them to meet the most important person in my life"
"awe, of course I wanna meet them honey and I'm glad you are finally part of a team that aren't just egotistical assholes- though I know how Bradley can be" He laughs at your joke, but he knows how excited you really are at being able to live near everyone. Too often the navy drags people away from the ones they love, so you are both grateful for the chance that it brought you all together.
It's about six days later- after everything is unpacked and settled that you are meeting the rest of the dagger squad. Say what you want but bob is nothing but efficient when unpacking- and bossing maverick and Bradley around for help.
When you arrive at the beach- you are delighted to see Penny and Maverick rekindling their love. However, before you make it over to them Bradley rushes over.
"I have something I need to tell you and I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but I didn't think you would come and-"
"What is it?" you furrow your brow trying to look over your brothers shoulder. Bob looks just as confused as you do unsure as to what is making rooster so frazzled.
"Jake is here."
This confuses bob even further- because of course Jake is here?
"w-what" It feels like you take a shot of icy hot. both heat and freezing cold rushes through your veins.
"Does someone wanna clue me in?" You swallow and look up at your sweet husband- living proof that the sweet soft genuine love you always wanted does exist and you have it.
"Well- about 5 years ago, Jake and I were engaged..."
It's late on a Friday night and you and your fiance Jake are laughing at an inside joke you two have. Your heart has never felt so full. You're both ignoring whatever movie you had turned on in the background- enjoying the night together instead.
In fact you remember spending the whole weekend like this- so wrapped up in each other- so in love that nothing else mattered. Laughter echo's the walls in your shared apartment.
That Sunday night- you giggled as he traced each of your features. Adamant that he would be able to memorize every piece of you, mind body and soul.
You just laughed at him and told him you'd be there for him to study every night. You didn't focus on his smile not reaching his eyes, nor the shaky breathe he let out.
You went to bed after a weekend that felt like a dream- a montage in a movie really.
And you woke up to a note on his empty bedside table saying I'm sorry- with his silver ring sitting on top.
Bob knew the story- he knew everything about you and your past. Losing your father, losing your fiance and every other thing your brain would ever think of telling him.
He just didn't know that Jake was the ex fiance.
"I think I need a minute" Is all bob said- rubbing his hands down his face as he turns in the opposite direction for a walk.
"bob wait-" he turns and you can see the worry on his face- all his anxieties displayed right there.
"Honey- It'll be okay I just need a minute to process I promise"
and you understood- of course you did. If roles were reversed you don't know how okay you would be coming face to face with bob having an ex fiance and then it turning out to be someone that you would see everyday.
So you heave a sign and turn back to face rooster. Only he's twenty feet further away then you expected and he's blocking one very frantic Jake Seresin.
"Bradshaw just let me talk to her" You could see Bradley shake his head, but honestly you needed to clear the air. Hell you were married and happy- you've moved on.
"Bradley it's okay" your brother tenses his shoulders. You watch him tell Jake to stay put for one minute and he comes over to you.
"Are you sure? because if you're not sure or not ready to deal with all of this then say the word and we will go home and you can meet everyone another night" You laugh at his over protective big brother tone and shake your head.
"Bradley it was five years ago- I'm happily married I don't need to eat ice cream and cry about the past." you watch his serious face and he nods more than necessary
"Okay okay, but I will be right there and you just holler if you want me to kick his ass, I never got to the first time so" You just shove him away and watch as he does the I'm watching you signal to Jake.
You watch as Jake makes his way over to you, stopping with about three feet between you. The silence stretches for a minute, and he clears his throat.
"I- um Hi"
"hello" and you don't give anything more than that- the way you see it, you were ready to share every part of you for life with him and he threw it away. You don't owe him any more of you. You watch him- seeing the struggle in his green eyes you once knew so well. The ones you had nightmares about after he left. You watch as he heaves a sigh and tugs on his blond strands.
"I- I know words will never explain or show how truly sorry I am for how I treated you back then- for how I.... For how I ended things between us, I just want to say I'm so sorry. Genuinely I am so sorry and everyday I wake up and for a blissful three seconds I forget every stupid mistake I ever made and think I get to roll over and see your face but I never do..." His words shock you a little more than you thought they would. You never expected him to regret when he walked out that night. You figured he was a navy man through and through and navy men alway choose their jets over everything else.
You know that's not fair- that bob would choose you everyday of the week, but you watched it all your life. Jake knew that you watched Maverick choose his jet over ever settling down, you watched Bradley do the same, and then when Jake of all people did it to you- you never thought you would be able to mend that heartbreak.
The Irony of it was not only did you heal, you still chose a navy man who was in jets everyday.
When you first met bob you were smitten- so was he. However when you found out what he did and he watched your face turn sour- he thought he would never have a chance with you. He watched you distance yourself from him and bob was never good with confrontation so when he showed up drunk at your door asking why you suddenly didn't want him after you made him fall in love with you- you spilled everything.
Here the very reason that bob drunkely confessed to being in love with you stands before you and you can't help the heartache that surges through you. Not because your unhappy now- or that you would even change anything.
No the heartache surges through you because Jake looks lost. Like he left himself in your apartment that night and you left him there too when you moved places and moved on.
"Look Jake, did I hate you for a long time for what you did? Yes, but I've moved on, for so long I wanted this day to come- this apology to spill out of your mouth. Thinking someway the words would heal all the hurt you caused, and it doesn't. The hurt still happened, the pain is still a memory for me, but it grows more distant everyday and I'm really grateful. Jake as much as I loved you- I deserve someone that would choose me even when it's hard."
you watch as he swallows hard, nodding his head. You see the exact moment his eyes land on your left hand, the furrow in his brow and he takes in the shining diamond sitting delicately on your left hand. You see the shaky exhale he lets out.
"you found that then?" it's phrased as a question but you know it's more of a statement.
"yes, I found that" he nods and he looks everywhere but you.
"In another life... I would do things differently"
"I know" and you do, you can see his regret all over his face, you can see the heartache in his eyes- the same heartache that stared back at you in the mirror for months on end. You also know he will be okay, that he will heal and move on just like you did. You step closer, and rest your hand on his shoulder.
"things work out Jake, you'll be okay" and with that you step away, and make your way towards the rest of the group.
It takes bob a while to join the group again, and it has you worried. You never would've thought bob would be so hurt by this when he knew the story.
So when he joins the group in dog fight football but doesn't greet you know something isn't right. You try and let it going knowing when he is ready you two will talk but as the night progresses and he continues to ignore you, you start to get frustrated.
It's nearing the end of the day- bob just help score the last goal and his team won, the boys lift him up and start chanting his name which makes you grin.
They finally all make their way back over to you and Penny- who has been a great soundboard for how stressful today has been for you.
"That was great honey" you send bob a sweet smile- hoping that playing whatever insane version of football that was helped get his frustrations out.
"thanks." and he turns to talk to Phoenix. Penny shoots you a glance and you just sigh.
When everyone moves inside the bar to keep the party going, you make your rounds in getting to know everyone now that they aren't running around like maniacs.
However, during this bob strategically always seems to be on the opposite end of the bar from you. When it reaches a point that you are socially drained and talked to everyone you move to the bar, and sit by yourself nursing whatever drink penny concocted for you.
You're starting to get tired but whenever you try to get bobs attention he turns his body another direction. It reached a point where you are so frustrated that you call an uber.
"penny I'm gonna head- If bob asks I got an uber home" her eyebrows shoot up in surprise but she agrees to pass on the information, and watches you leave.
Now bob might've been mad- not really at you and he knows that. God he knows that, but he's so mad because he didn't realize jake was the Jake and he's mad at himself because he feels so insecure. How could you want someone like bob over someone like Jake.
He's really mad because he's scared. He is so in love with you, but what if you want jake back? What if you want to leave him now because your real love, your first love was never really bob?
What does he do when every time he looks at you, he sees you saying your leaving him, that you're sorry but it was never him and it never will be?
So when he turns around because he has been checking on you every five minutes- he has a timer on his watch so he doesn't do it too often and your gone he panics.
His eyes frantically search the bar- and he hates that when his eyes land on jake standing with coyote he's relieved that you aren't right there.
He searches the bar high and low, and still nothing. He waits, because maybe you just went to the bathroom but when ten minutes have passed and he realizes that is unlikely he anxiously makes his way to penny.
"penny where is she" and penny doesn't even have to look up to know it's bob asking about you.
"she went home"
"home- but- I drove"
"she took and uber" he swallows hard at that. Thinking of every time he saw an article about a woman getting attacked in an uber- You were alone out there with some stranger all because bob couldn't get his shit together.
So he hightails it out of there, and he drives home maybe a little quicker than he should. He gets home and all he sees is the light you left on in the entry way when you left, and he panics even more- where are you?
He rushes to your room, feeling like he is going to vomit up his own heart any second now. He sees the bathroom light on to your shared bathroom and the rush of relief cools his veins like he just got a cold glass of water in the Sahara.
He flings the bathroom door open and sees you jump as you wash your face.
"god bob you scared me" you mutter, trying to rid the soapy bubbles from your face.
"I am so so sorry honey" this causes you to look at him through the mirror.
"for scaring me or ignoring me today." your statement isn't angry, just blunt.
"both... god I'm sorry I was an ass today"
"yeah you were, care to explain?" you watch and he swallows.
"I'm so sorry darling, I was just so gutted with fear when I realized that Jake was your Jake and I realized maybe--- maybe you would want to leave me and take him back and god why wouldn't you he looks way better than me and then i go and treat you like shit on top of it, makes it an easy choice doesn't it and-"
"bob" you cut him off from his rant.
"I do not want to get back with Jake. I married you because I love you, with my whole soul, you make me laugh and you make so so very happy, even my best days with Jake don't compare to how happy I am with you every day." you watch his shoulder sag in relief. You make your way towards him, and pull him in close for a hug.
"I never want to hear you say that you aren't attractive, honey you are the most attractive man I have ever met, physically, emotionally, and in every other way imaginable." you hope he can see all the love you have for him shining in your eyes.
He hugs you back and squeezes like he really thought you might disappear on him and that breaks your heart more than anything else ever could.
"when I said I do honey, it's because I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life, nobody else. I love you more than anything or anyone else in the world and that will never change."
"I love you so much darling, I am so sorry I was stupid.... Please never uber anywhere again though they are so dangerous and I would've given you a ride" and you laugh at his antics because even clouded in his own insecurity and heartache he was worried about your safety.
Maybe that's why it was always meant to be bob, not anyone else. Bob may have bad days just like everyone else but above all else he cares so much it just scares him. You needed someone like bob to care for you after losing so much and he needed someone like you to choose him and soothe his worries away when they get to be too loud.
"it could never be anyone else"
you repeat the words a million times that night, and when you think about it, even the best weekend you ever had with Jake doesn't compare to everyday you have with Bob. It really could never have been anyone else.
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kinardsevan · 2 months
30 day fluff challenge, day nineteen
yall didn't think I forgot about this, did you!? I took the liberty of writing this as pre-canon of the aneurysm fic. hot and sweet <3 (you don't have to be reading that to enjoy this.)
beach day - mature (bordering on explicit)
It hadn’t been their plan to end up at the beach. Evan had come off a rough shift and wasn’t feeling great, although he couldn’t entirely put his finger on why—that wouldn’t come along for weeks. But he’d been restless after dinner, too anxiety-riddled to settle down quite yet for the evening. And even though Tommy had come off a rough shift of his own and was exhausted, he’d suggested the water, because it always seemed to make Evan feel better after a bad day. 
Which was how he found himself walking through the wet sand, surf intermittently slapping at his toes every few minutes. They’d left their shoes by the truck in deference of having them filled with the tiny grains. Besides, Tommy always kept a spare towel in the back seat of the cab so that if they found themselves there, they could clean their feet off before climbing back in. 
Tommy slides his fingers into Evans as they trudge along the shore, glancing down the coast towards seagulls several hundred yards away. 
“Was it a bad call,” he asks, glancing up towards the blonde. 
Evan shakes his head, skepticism crossing over his features. “No. I just feel…” He pauses, glances off into the water as though the depths of the ocean willl provide him with the answers he can’t find. “I don’t know. Unsettled?” 
“Hmm.” Tommy hums in response, but doesn’t give any further information on his inclination towards the younger man’s emotions. He waits a few minutes, letting Evan process through whatever is happening inside his head before he speaks again. “Anything to do with the wedding? I know we’ve got some deadlines coming up.” 
Evan whips his head back then, shaking it quickly. “No, not at all.” He presses his lips together in a hard line has he looks beyond Tommy, uncertain. 
“I don’t know what it is,” he admits softly. “Something just feels off.” 
Tommy nods, squeezing his hand. Evan leans the front of his shoulder into his fiancé’s, dropping his face against the curve of Tommy’s shoulder. His heart flutters in his chest—an odd feeling, something he’s noticed a few times now. He sighs. 
“Maybe we just need to take a trip out of town for a few days,” Tommy murmurs before turning his head and kissing the top of Evan’s. Evan wrinkles his face, contemplative. “We could fly down to San Diego for the weekend. Maybe sneak over the border to TJ.” 
Evan chuckles at the suggestion, lifting and turning his head towards Tommy. “And what? Get drunk on cheap tequila?” 
Tommy shrugs, smirking at him. “I mean I think Maddie might kill us if we get married in another country.” 
Evan’s grin pulls further across his face. His family would definitely not be okay with them circumventing all the wedding plans with all the work that’s already been put in. He had argued with Maddie for weeks purely on the discussion over whether he and Tommy should have a theme or just choose colors. It had taken even longer to convince his sister that navy and evergreen would be prettier in November than black and silver. 
Tommy nudges at the back of his head with his mouth and Evan leans up, looking up at him. Tommy turns, faces him. The wind blows and he shivers. Tommy chuckles, grabbing his wrists and sliding them inside his open sweater. Evan smirks at him, tilting his head as he slides his fingers down towards the hem of the sweater, finding the hem of Tommy’s henley and slipping his fingers beneath it. Tommy shivers at Evan’s cold fingers on his skin as he tugs him in, brushing his lips over Evan’s. 
“I really love you, you know that,” he murmurs softly, brushing a hand down the back of Evan’s head, his gaze drifting across Evan’s features like he’s trying to memorize him. It’s that gaze that makes Evan’s heart feel like it might leap out of his chest, like the stuttered beats are brought on by the level of love that Tommy shows him. His heart starts to pound—something he’s all too used to at this point—but it still makes him a little breathless. 
“Sometimes I still don’t know how I got this lucky,” Evan whispers back, leaning forward, bumping his nose up againt Tommy’s as he grazes his lips against his fiancé’s. Tommy closes the millimeters between them, sucking Evan’s bottom lips into his mouth. Evan groans softly, the slightest bit of pain radiating in his chest at the weight of it all. His toes curl in the sand as his grip tightens on Tommy’s back, fingernails digging lightly into his skin. Tommy groans back, his tongue finding its home in Evan’s mouth. Tommy’s free hand slides down Evan’s chest between them, lightly fisting the fabric of his hoodie when he finally pulls away. 
“Little bit excited,” Tommy teases, smiling at the way Evan’s cheeks are flushed, his eyelids fluttering and his lips still parted, swollen. He can feel Evan’s heart racing under the fabric. 
“You make me insane,” Evan rasps, leaning in and brushing his lips over Tommy’s once more. “Now please rail me in the truck because I’m not going to make it home like this.” 
Tommy chuckles, his smile growing wide. He glances around the empty beach and then back in the direction of where they parked. 
“Anything you want,” he replies hoarsely. Evan gulps, seeing the way Tommy’s pupils widen as he looks back at him. Oh fuck.
Sometimes he wonders when they’ll get sick of each other. It’s been over a year and a half, pretty damn close to two. Still, as they trudge up the sand, he struggles to see the downside of anything in their relationship. Sure, they fight sometimes, and they’ve had the hard discussions. They both have a hair trigger when it comes to the other getting injured at work. But Evan had been sure that the level of in love he’d felt at six months in, when they were still close enough to being brand new that nothing felt like it could go wrong, and also comfortable enough that everything together felt safe, that it would never get better than that. That he could never find a way to love Tommy more. Sometimes he wishes he could go back and tell the version of himself that had been sure their relationship was over after their first big fight—he’d been reckless in a save that had almost gotten him killed and Tommy was pissed—that it got better. It got so much better. 
They reach the truck and Tommy spins him, pressing Evan’s back flat against the steel frame, finding his lips effortlessly as he tugs on the handle of the backseat passenger door. When he gets it open, he steps back just far enough to get Evan away from the frame before he’s lifting him underneath his thighs, settling him inside the vehicle. Evan pulls back, sliding backwards on the seat as Tommy steps up on the doorframe and then comes in after him, pulling the door shut behind him as he kneels between Evan’s legs on the seat. His f-150 isn’t nearly big enough for both of them in the back seat, let alone for a quickie, but they’ve done it before and they’ll probably do it again. 
Tommy’s hands shove under Evan’s hoodie and t-shirt and he ducks down, attaching his lips to a spot on Evan’s ribs and then moving upwards, kissing along his body, sucking in a nipple, flicking his fingers over the other while Evan yanks at his jeans, trying to get Tommy free. 
“S-stop,” he stammers, pushing himself up against the driver’s side back door. Tommy comes up, flushed, licking into his mouth as Evan pulls him forward, shifts his legs around until he’s kneeling while he continues to pull on Tommy’s pants, getting them down to his knees. Tommy makes quick work of Evan’s pants, and then he’s kicking them down, and they slump into a pile on the floor before Tommy is pulling him over his lap, shifting Evan over him until he’s nudging at his rim. Evan whimpers, leaning down and kissing Tommy fully. Tommy slides two fingers in just to test, making him squeal into his mouth, and then the fingers are gone and he’s adjusting himself again, easing Evan down, drinking in the cries that fall out of the younger man’s mouth as he settles. Their lips break apart as he bottoms out, Evan entirely settled on top of him, their breaths hot and hitting a wall against each other. Tommy squeezes his ass and Evan grunts softly, nudging his nose against Tommy’s as he feels the shift inside from the small movement. 
“I love you,” Tommy states hoarsely. Evan grinds his hips. “Oh fuck, Evan, I love you.” 
His heart is racing, and he’s hot, both literally and figuratively, and all he can think is, life can’t possibly get any better than this. 
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forasecondtherewedwon · 5 months
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roosterforme · 1 year
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THANK YOU to everyone who sent in a headcanon request! Please comment or reblog and let me know how you feel about some of these. And if you can think of any other details you'd like to know more about, let me know!
Roo and BG
1. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Roo and Baby Girl are pretty chill on their date nights. Usually a beach walk with Tramp after some pizza is what they want. But a perfect date for them might include Roo taking BG back up to Del Mar to visit the hot sauce restaurant and the silent disco from their first date. 
2. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids’ movie?
Baby Girl is going to be the one in tears saying, "Why the fuck did this stupid movie make me cry?" while Roo chuckles and rubs her back.
3. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
Roo likes hitting it from the back. I would venture to say that having sex in the kitchen with his now wife bent over the kitchen counter might be his favorite. He loved the way she fills out her khaki uniform pants from the very first moment he first saw her, so I think he really likes her ass. 
4. Where does Roo see himself in ten years? Where does BG see herself in ten years?
I love this question. Roo probably sees himself in a bit of a different role as an aviator. Perhaps dividing his time between flying and teaching. I've touched a little bit on him being a guest teacher at Top Gun, but I think that's a role he could eventually be really comfortable with. Baby Girl's career goal is to be the head of her own lab. I think she'd be happy to stay in San Diego for her whole career since she established her place there even before she met Roo. But I think I can speak for both of them when I say that in ten years, they would love to be parents. 
5. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac
6. For your headcanon party... How many kids do Bradley and BG have?
Bradley and Baby Girl have [REDACTED]. And we will get into that even more in Always Ever Only You. 
7. Roo and Baby Girl: what are their dream vacations?
I think they would love to go back to Hawaii someday and relive their honeymoon. I also think a hot sauce/spicy food trip through South America or Asia might be in their future. I could also see them in a cabin on a snowy northern California mountainside, enjoying a bit of peace and quiet. 
Beer Boy and Sugar
1. A little Heady for Beer Boy and Sug. Favorite place to have sex in the frat house?
Kitchen counter or on the beer pong table. 
2. How many kids do Beer Boy and Sugar want to have or do they not care how many they have?
Beer Boy would probably have as many kids as Sugar wanted. But I don't see her getting pregnant again after this. It's a one and done for her, because she is very serious about her career. Peep more of this in the upcoming Grateful Dad part 2.
3. Who is more possessive, Sugar or Beer Boy?
Beer Boy. I don't think Sugar is very jealous, and that plays a big part here. Beer Boy on the other hand has shown himself to be possessive of his Sugar when it comes to certain fraternity brothers of his and certain coworkers of hers. 
4. What do you think would have happened if Beer Boy and Sugar had run into one another when she was in grad school?
Wow, okay. If Beer Boy and Sugar had run into each other while she was still in grad school... I think they would have had that instant chemistry again. I think it would have felt a bit like the beginning of Right Girl, Wrong Time when they spent the night together after their ten years apart. But I don't think either of them were at a place where they could have really made it work out, even if they wanted to. Bradley was still all over the place with the navy, and Sugar was still working at such a crazy pace to get her PhD. And I think that if they ran into each other after four years apart, they wouldn't have had that same opportunity they got after ten years. 
5. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Their perfect date is a night at the movies where they just make out through the entire thing. 
6. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids movie?
I actually don't see either of them doing this!
7. What is Sugar’s favourite work snack?
Beer Boy packs Sugar's school/work lunches when he's not deployed! I like to imagine that he packs her a little bento box with different things in it. I think her favorite snacks would be the fruit and nuts portions that he lovingly packed, knowing she would need some 'brain food' to get her through her day of teaching math.
8. What do Sugar and Beer Boy end up naming their future kiddo(s)/how many do they have?
Just you wait for The Grateful Dad part 2. We will learn more about [REDACTED] Bradshaw. 
9. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
Beer Boy loves when Sugar rides him when he's sitting down. He also knows how much she likes riding his thigh and leaving him with a marked up pant leg. And surprise: he likes it, too.
10. What would be Sugar's reaction meeting Maverick after Beer Boy told her about him pulling his papers?
I think Sugar will always be a little wary of Maverick. She met Bradley when he was still pretty fresh from the catastrophe of having his papers pulled. She saw how much that (along with losing his mom) affected his time in college. Sugar would be cordial to Maverick as long as Bradley told her that they were on good terms again, but I don't think she'd ever be a big fan.
11. I know this is so random, but for your HC party, I need to know, is/ was BeerBoy the frat bro who played cornhole or the frat bro who play disk golf?
Just beer pong.
12. What would Sugar have done with her degree if she hadn’t become a teacher? What was her second choice for her career?
Sugar always intended to be a college math professor. I think that was her goal early on when she realized just how freaking good she was at math, calculus in particular. If she didn't go into academia, I think she could have worked for NASA or Boeing or even a federal research lab!
13. Does Sugar plan to keep teaching after Jerry Garcia Bradshaw Bean is born? Or have they gotten that far yet?
Sugar does plan to keep teaching. She loves it a lot, and she doesn't want to take too much time off. She's kind of lucky she got a tenured position at San Diego State University, so she can at least take a little bit of time off after being pregnant (I could go on about how the structure of the American workforce and economy is designed to negatively impact women and minorities, but I'll just leave it right there).
14. Is Sugar her honorary call sign with the Daggers? I know they all have called her that, but she’s the only one who can call him Beer Boy, so do the same rules apply? Or is she just universally known as Sugar?
Nat knew all along that Bradley called her Sugar and that he was still in love with her when he started flight school. I think she would let Nat get away with calling her Sugar, but I also think that Nat is the dagger that she is the closest with. The two women fell into a fast friendship as soon as they met!
15. Is Bradley gonna be Beer Dad now, or just the grateful dad?
You know, I think he'd gladly answer to either one of those if Sugar said it! But he is forever the Grateful Dad. 
16. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Beer Boy and Sugar: Easy to Love You by Grateful Dead
17. I know deployment is covered a lot in your stories. How does Beer boy and Sugar handle it? I mean yeah they’ve been apart for 10 years but I’m sure after that it’s kind of hard for them to be separated from each other. How do they handle being separated again?
I think Sugar is a bit of a loner by nature. Being on her own doesn't particularly bother her, so she does pretty well without Bradley. She still misses him like crazy, of course, and she has a countdown to the minute he returns to her. But she spends her time alone being productive at work and having fun with Nat. Beer Boy is the one who kind of goes to pieces. He worries if Sugar is going to eat well without him at home, or keep the house clean, or remember to sleep. And he has a million photos of her over the past ten plus years on his phone that he spends all of his free time looking at. 
Coach and Kitten
1. Who says sorry first in an argument? Who can hold a grudge longest?
Kitten says she's sorry first. She will fold under that kind of pressure. After spending so many years with Danny, she turned into a bit of a people pleaser, but she's getting better about it now. Luckily Coach would never try to force her hand in an argument. He's quite patient and even tempered for the most part.
2. What about Coach and Kitten and their favorite sex position?
Coach loves going down on her. He's a pussy eating king. I'd say his favorite thing would be eating her out until she cums and then fucking her missionary until he cums. 
3. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Their perfect date is probably a night out at the batting cages with Everett. If they can get some time alone (if Bob and Molly watch Ev), a bottle of expensive champagne on the beach followed by some stargazing would be a perfect night.
4. Between Coach and Kitten, who is the "discipline" adult when it comes to Ev?
Kitten is the disciplinarian. Coach Bradley is the fun one. However, if Ev really, really needs to be disciplined because of something more egregious, I think Coach would step in. And I think Ev would definitely learn his lesson.
5. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids movie?
Kitten. I can see Kitten and Ev both scared or crying during a movie while Bradley has one arm wrapped around each of them.
6. So, we know Coach loves Kitten in leopard print. However, would Coach ever give Kitten a glimpse of him in leopard print? Ya know, maybe a leopard print banana hammock (iykyk)? I think Kitten would really enjoy that.
I am kind of speechless. He would look hot! I think Kitten would love it, too! And Bradley would find it kind of funny to wear it for her, but of course as soon as he knew she was into it, the thing would be on the floor. 
7. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
I answered this one above... Coach loves going down on her. He's a pussy eating king. I'd say his favorite thing would be eating her out until she cums and then fucking her missionary until he cums. 
8. Sooooooooo, we know that Coach and Ev are getting a Phillies man cave, and it’s also the guest bedroom. Would Coach and Kitten ever consider breaking it in?
100% they broke it in before the baseball decals were fully stuck to the walls. That's their favorite spot for a quickie. 
9. What's Coach's favorite part about living with Kitten and Everett?
Coach loves that he feels included. They all take care of little things for each other that make up the big picture. He also loves when Kitten packs him lunch in a brown bag with little hearts on it. He also loves helping Ev with his homework, because he gets drawings to take to work in return. 
10. Has Coach ever told Kitten about his mom and dad? What memories has he shared about Carole and Goose if he has?
Coach told Kitten all about Goose and Carole. And he told her that he was a little afraid that he was going to fail at being a good parental figure for Ev. But Kitten assured him that he was more than enough. I think that Coach told Everett about going to Phillies games with Goose when he was tiny (he even has a photo of it). And about how Carole got him the stuffed Phanatic after Goose died. And he told Ev that he's in charge of taking care of the Phanatic now. Also, Ev starts referring to Goose and Carole as his grandparents when he asks questions about them, and it makes Bradley cry (Grampa Goose and Gramma Carole).
11. I need to know everything the Coach fam does on their vacays to Philly, including but not limited to stalking Citizens Bank Park. I also need to know how many days start with a pork roll, egg, and cheese. (If it’s not everyday then I have some concerns)
Every day starts off with a pork roll, egg and cheese bagel. They visit the Liberty Bell and do all the touristy stuff in Old City. The boys laugh at how it looks like Ben Franklin is peeing off the top of City Hall. They visit the oldest zoo in the country. Then they eat soft pretzels and tomato pie for lunch. Kitten tries some water ice. Then when they get to Citizens Bank Park for the game, they are all decked out in their Phillies gear. Coach drinks a Yuengling. Kitten has a Yards Pale Ale. The three of them share cheesesteaks and crab fries. The Phillies win, and it's fireworks night. It's the best day of their lives. 
12. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Technically, Coach and Kitten's first dance was to Take Me Out to the Ball Game. But their song is Just Like Heaven by The Cure 
13. Kitten walking in on Ev when he has a girl in his room and he thought he was home alone.
Kitten would panic! It could be totally innocent. Like 16 year old Ev with a crush on their neighbor. But Kitten would absolutely panic and have a full family conversation about it that night. And then Bradley would end up having a conversation about sex with Ev which would make Ev want to die. But at least he would walk away knowing all about condoms and how to use them. 
14. Coach and Kitten: we all know that Kitten doesn't want to have another baby, but do you think that the two of them would ever consider adoption? Or is it just no more kids, period?
I don't know that adopting a child would be in their future. Kitten is so happy with Everett as an only child, and she wouldn't want to start over again with another baby. However, under certain circumstances, perhaps they would adopt.
Daddy and Princess
1. We already know that Daddy and Princess can’t get enough of each other…would pregnancy change that?
I think Daddy's hands would be on Princess constantly. He'd definitely have a bit of a breeding kink, and I think he'd love it if she were pregnant. It would probably also make him even more possessive. 
2. How is Daddy reacting if he ever runs into Greyson or the other two dimwits?
Punch in the face on sight. KO'd. 
3. Headcanon for Daddy and Princess. What is a date night like for them without Noah?
Without Noah, Daddy is going to take Princess out to a restaurant that she thinks is too expensive, but he's going to tell her a million times that nothing is too good for her. 
4. Who says sorry first in an argument? Who can hold a grudge longest?
Daddy apologizes first. Princess can hold a grudge, especially if she knows she is right. 
5. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Their perfect date with Noah would be taking him to the children's museum and then to the beach. Their perfect date without Noah would be a fancy dinner and then drinks at a speakeasy. 
6. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids movie?
Princess cries at all of them.
7. Between Daddy and Princess, who fell in love first and what happened to send them head over heels?
Daddy knew he was in love first. He was falling steadily in love with her as soon as he met her, but it took him a while to catch on. And he was ready to say it with intent after he rescued her from Greyson's frat house. Princess held out a bit longer, but then she just tumbled over the edge into love shortly after Bradley came clean about Meredith and the lawsuit. She was still surprised to hear him say the words, but she knew she was in love, too. 
8. What is Princess’s favourite book to read to Noah?
This is tough, because honestly she spends a lot of time reading to Noah. I think fairy tales, because Noah called her the Princess from so early on! 
9. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
Daddy likes taking Princess so many ways. Missionary so he can watch her pretty face. Standing up in the shower is a favorite with him holding her against the wall. He also likes to make her squirt, and he knows how to do it like a pro now (overstimulation is key). 
10. Would Daddy ever consider having another baby? This time with Princess? I know they both love Noah to pieces, but is it in the cards for them?
Would Daddy consider another baby? Sign him up right now. The man is thinking about it all the time now that he's really with Princess. He'd start trying to get her pregnant tomorrow if she indicated that's what she wanted. Noah would be an amazing big brother. 
11. Do Bradley and Noah attend Princess’s graduation? Does Bradley push to the front row of seats so he’s certain she’ll see them?
Well now this is absolutely a headcanon. Thanks!
12. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Daddy and Princess: Fade Into You by Mazzy Star
13. Does Princess have a favorite trait of Bradleys? And vice versa.
Princess loves the things about Bradley that perhaps he's not exactly crazy about himself? She loves that he's kind of technologically inept and likes to do things the old school way (she's kind of an old soul herself. She's very mature). She loves how bad he is at cooking, because slowly but surely, he's getting better. She loves the way he loves Noah. She loves how gentle he is. Physically, she loves his hands and his smile and the fact that he has a few gray hairs. Daddy first and foremost fell in love with the way Princess just seems to fit with him and Noah. She and Noah were like two peas in a pod, and Bradley could tell his son trusted her. He loves that she's smart and sweet, but she's not a doormat. He loves that she gives people a second chance. He loves the way she takes care of little things that he wouldn't remember to do. Physically, he loves that she looks innocent, and he loves how perfectly she fits next to him in bed. He loves that she tells him she feels safe with him.
14. If Princess could plan the perfect date for Bradley what would it look like?
She would joke that she's going to take him out to play BINGO and have a senior citizen early bird dinner at 4:00 pm. But in reality, she would plan a night at home. Sexy cooking lessons where she's dressed in basically nothing while she teaches him how to cook something, and then they eat it together. They probably have sex at that point before heading to the living room couch to snuggle and watch a movie.
15. Does Princess have a place that she'd love to show Daddy and Noah?
I think Princess would absolutely love to take the boys to Disneyland! She knows Noah would have a blast, and Bradley would probably grumble a bit before he conceded that he was having fun.
16. Princess walking in on Noah when he has a girl in his room and he thought he was home alone.
Princess would probably just ask them exactly what was going on, making both of them blush as they responded. She would stand in the doorway with her arms crossed until they both shuffled out of the room, and then she would have a long discussion with Noah. She'd also tell him he needs to keep his bedroom door open.
17. Rooster and Princess: what was the moment that they knew that whatever was between them was love?
I think for Daddy, watching one of the interactions between Princess and Noah was the first time the word LOVE was triggered in his mind. I think for Princess, the first time she heard Bradley say he needed her, she could feel it start to bloom inside her.
Bob and Molly
1. As a Mobaholic, I must know…how do you think Bob would react to seeing Molly in maternity lingerie?
Bob goes literally bonkers over the way Molly looks, even when she's wearing her scrubs after a work shift. So lingerie is going to make his jaw drop. Maternity lingerie is going to make him feral, because he is SO excited to be a dad and raise a child with her.
2. Why is Molly so insecure about Bob? Why does she have so low self esteem?
Molly is very outwardly secure with herself. She's beautiful, and she kind of knows it. Guys like her. They always have. But as far as relationships go, she always thought she didn't have much more to offer beyond a face and a body that got the job done very well. She never had a guy appreciate how funny and smart she is until she met Bob. And that made her feel very insecure inside. She was instantly afraid that the other shoe was going to drop at any minute, and that Bob would realize that Molly was just a pretty, disposable thing without real substance. Because she never really gave herself the credit she deserved as far as her personality and spirit were concerned. But let me count the ways... Molly is: hilarious, caring, honest, trustworthy, intelligent, hard working, loving, loyal, strong, empathetic, warm and so many other things besides physically pretty.
3. How do you imagine their perfect date?
Bob feeding Molly sushi in the bed of his truck at an outdoor concert just after sunset.
4. Who is the most likely to cry when watching a kids movie?
Molly sobbed at the Lion King with Ev, so I'm going with her!
5. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position?
Bob's favorite position is whatever Molly feels like treating him to. She's adventurous in the bedroom, and he didn't know how much he was going to love that until he experienced it. If he had to pick, he would say he likes it when she rides him cowgirl. He also likes uniform time and domming her.
6. We've seen a little bit of Molly and Kitten's family life in both The Batting Practice and the Curveball. And we've met Piper and Bob's sister and family as well. But what was Bob's childhood like? How has that changed what he looks for in a romantic partner?
Bob grew up on a ranch in Wyoming before his family moved to San Bernardino, CA. He's the baby sibling behind Rebecca and Rachel, and he was always a little bit of a reserved misfit. He liked being outside and keeping himself company more than anything else. As far as what he wants in a romantic partner as an adult... I'd say Bob is used to being overlooked. When he catches someone's eye and they let him know he's something special, that really is a surprise to him. So being with someone who wants to show him off and tell him how wonderful he is makes him happy. He's also going to look for someone who is smart and honest. I'd say those are his top two non-negotiables. 
7. We know Roo and BG’s wedding song, but what would the song be for your other couples?
Bob and Molly like to argue about this. She thinks All Day and All Of the Night by The Kinks. He thinks You Really Got Me by The Kinks. Same band, different songs.
8. Bob and Molly: what was the thing that first attracted them to the other?
If we are being completely honest, Bob almost fainted the first time he looked at Molly. He just thinks she's that beautiful. And then she was looking right back at him, coining the term Coach Cute Glasses right away. So he was surprised to find that beautiful Molly was biting her lip and grinning at him. Molly thought Bob was adorable. Tall, strong and handsome, but so gentle with the tee ball kids. And when she could make him blush a deep crimson without doing much of anything, she was hooked. 
1. What do you love the most about Baby Girl/Kitten/Molly/Sugar/Princess?
What I love most about Baby Girl: She is so unapologetically smart. And she lets herself feel all of her emotions and form her own opinions. She is a good friend. She doesn't change anything about herself to fit what someone else thinks she should be.
What I love most about Kitten: She is the best mom to Everett, even though she doesn't give herself enough credit. She juggles so many things so elegantly. She takes care of the people she loves. She works hard.
What I love most about Sugar: She knew what she wanted in her career, and she really went for it. She is reserved and thoughtful, but she's still bold. She works tirelessly as a college professor, because she cares about her students. She gives second and third chances. She is fair and loyal.
What I love most about Princess: She is sweet and gentle. She is instantly likeable. She is young but not immature. She's an old soul. She can take whatever she's given and work it into something special. She has a great imagination. She always tries to find the good in people. 
2. Each of your pairings have a different vibe in the bedroom. I’m curious what is each roo-nicorn’s (and Bob’s) favorite position? Also, I wouldn’t hate it if you answered this question for BG’s Jake, too.
Okay, okay. Alright. We haven't seen this from Jake per se, but I can tell you a little bit anyway. Jake in the Roo and BG universe has a bit of a reputation. He's a rake, similar to how Roo was. He has hooked up with a lot of the women on base, and he's not really trying to hide or deny anything. In bed, he likes to sit back and enjoy things. That's not to say he's not an active participant, but he definitely is one who is going to make his partner feel like the star of the show. He talks a lot in bed and is encouraging. He prefers his partner on top. He also likes doggy style, getting his lips and his encouraging words right next to your year. "You're doing great, darlin'."
3. We saw roo get a bit more dominating in part 4 of “a love you don’t find every day” (which is one of my favorite scenes across your series’ ). do you think any other universe bradley’s would ever try this with their respective partners? or would roo ever try that again with bg?
Hey! I loved that chapter! Roo would absolutely try that again with BG. I think Daddy would love to get a little rough and demanding with Princess, too. I would love to explore that. (We have also seen how much Bob loves to dom Molly in The Curveball).
4. OMG what are the coaches' walk up songs???? And Everett’s?? And Kitten and Molly’s if they had one???
This is so important to me:
Coach Bradley- Panama by Van Halen
Coach Bob- Raise Your Hands by Bon Jovi
Kitten- Centerfield by John Fogerty
Molly- I Want Candy by Bow Wow Wow
Ev- Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO
Thanks to @mak-32 for the banner and @beyondthesefourwalls for helping me with this. Check my other Roo and BG HCs here. And check my masterlist for more! Tagging some usual suspects and those who sent in asks:
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say-al0e · 2 years
Top Gun Masterlist
Updated: November 19, 2023
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
Bet | Rooster x fem!Reader
The members of the Dagger Squad have a bet going that you and Rooster will end up together. Who wins when they find out you’ve been together for weeks?
Bad Day | Rooster x fem!reader
Rooster knew that wedding planning wouldn’t be fun. He didn’t take into account how difficult it would prove when family got involved.
Finally | Rooster x fem!reader | SMUT, minors, DNI!
You have a rule; don’t pursue any of the other regulars at your favorite bar. Rooster is a regular and one night, makes you question why you ever thought that rule was a good idea.
Crash | Rooster x fem!Reader | Smut, minors, DNI!
Literally just giving Rooster head in the bronco on the beach. That’s it. That’s the plot.
Home Run | Rooster x fem!Reader
Bradley Bradshaw has been your friend for years, a constant in an ever-evolving life. You’ve always harbored a small crush on him. All it takes is one night to change everything
Second Chance | Rooster x fem!Reader
Bradley was always the one who got away. Things hadn’t worked years ago but sometimes in life, you’re lucky enough to get a second chance.
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
Call | SMUT, Minors, DNI! / Hangman x fem!Reader
Jake has been back at Top Gun for nearly a week. He’s finally found a moment to crack open the photo album you sent with him and has to call to express his appreciation.
Just Friends | SMUT, Minors, DNI! | Hangman x fem!Reader
Everyone seems to think you’re Jake Seresin’s girl. It’s easier than explaining to them that you’re just friends with benefits. But that arrangement doesn’t seem to be working for either of you anymore. 
Whiskey and Wine | SMUT, Minors, DNI! | Hangman x fem!Reader
Date nights with Jake always seem to end in the same way, but neither of you are complaining. (It’s PWP, the aftermath of date night with Jake. Enjoy.) | Ft.  “You’re gonna look so pretty, all full of me.” + “Open up for me.” + “Show me how much you need me.” + “You look so pretty on your knees.” All requested by Anon.
Sleep Tight | Hangman x fem!Reader 
Jake Seresin knows he’s a damn good pilot. But what happens when skill and luck run out and you find your husband in the hospital for the first time. | Ft. Anon Request: “Should I stop talking?” “Please don’t. Your voice is… comforting. I’ve missed it.” + “Go to sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up.”
For You | Smut, Minors, DNI!, Hangman x fem!Reader
Sometimes Jake gets a little in his head and needs a hand coming back to earth. You’re more than happy to give him what he needs. | Ft. Anon Requests: “How many times have you jerked off to me?” + “Touch yourself. Show me how you do it.” + “Use my thigh. You’ve been staring at it all night, anyway.”
Night Changes | Smut, Minors, DNI!, Hangman x fem!Reader
Jake’s set on skinny dipping. You’re afraid of what that means for your friendship. But he’s always got a plan. | Ft. “How many times have you jerked off to me?” + “Shut up and take your pants off.” requested by Anon.
Dark Cloud | Hangman x gn!Reader
If anyone understands the pain of losing someone you’ve already mourned, it’s Jake. (AKA my dad passed a little over a month ago and it’s been difficult to understand my emotions so I’m doing what I do best and write about it)
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd
Enterprise | SMUT, Minors, DNI! | Bob x fem!Reader
Bob likes to keep his personal life and work life separate. But returning to San Diego has been difficult so what better time to introduce you to his new friends than Halloween. It is a night for surprises, after all. | Ft. Anon Request for: “Keep your voice down. There’s still a party going on.”
You Proof | Bob x fem!Reader
Bob never imagined the Hard Deck would play such an important part in his life. But after meeting the love of his life there, he can’t imagine his life without it. | Ft. “Do I make you nervous?” Requested by Anon.
Starlight | Bob x fem!Reader (Pilot!Reader)
As your back seater, you trusted Bob with your life. He was the one person you could tell anything. He cared enough to listen and did what he could to ease your anxiety. He knows something’s wrong but he couldn’t imagine the birdstrike made you consider feelings you thought were better left buried.
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dingochef · 1 year
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x You (OFC)
Warnings: Swearing, References to Smut (18+ Only)
Word Count: 500
Summary: Jake surprises you in an endearing and permanent way.
A little drabble to honor the fact that 150 of you amazing people follow this crazy blog. Thank you all!
For once you're home early, like early early. The joys of working on literally top secret projects meant that when one of the 18 bazillion security features on the network goes awry you couldn't work. So here you are, unlocking the door to your house at 4 pm on an unassuming Thursday.
Pushing the door open you catch a glimpse of Jake, your fiance in the bathroom. He is bare chested, a sight that never fails to pull a girly sigh from you, holding out the waistband of his athletic shorts and looking intensely at something in the mirror. The noise of your shoes gracelessly clattering off against the hardwood floor alerts him to your presence.
"El! You're home early!" he squawks, obviously surprised. He pulls up his hand quickly, the band of his shorts snapping against his well defined torso with a loud noise. A quick grimace flashes across his features which is quickly overcome by a strained smile as he turns to you.
"I am, you okay, Jake?" you ask, picking up on his nervousness.
"Me, fine, fine, perfectly fine, you?"
His hand rests on his right hip bone protectively
"I'm good. You seem…skittish, are you sure you're okay?"
"Yup, right as rain," he nods overly enthusiastically.
"The servers went down at work so I got out early. I was thinking of going down to the beach for a quick swim before dinner. Want to join me?" you ask as you start to strip off your work clothes. Jake follows your movements with his jade colored eyes as more of your skin gets revealed.
"Yes–uh, no, not for six weeks," he answers, half babbling. You quirk your head at his confusing answer.
"Jake, what are you talking about?"
He lets out a sigh,
"Ummm, so I did this today," he says quickly and pulls down his waistband to reveal a small green shamrock on his hip bone.
"Is that a tattoo?" you ask.
He closes his eyes,
"Yes, it's for you. I just about lost my mind when you showed me that tattoo sketch of aviator sunglasses with a F-18 over San Diego with my initials that you're going to get. I wanted to do something like that for you. Thought it'd be a nice wedding gift."
You gently walk up to Jake and run a finger around the tattoo, not directly touching it knowing it's still healing.
"Why a shamrock?"
"You're my little leprechaun, my lucky charm, that and your insanely rabid fan love of Notre Dame, seemed like a good thought? Do you like it?"
It's a three leafed shamrock with your initials E,S, and M in each of the three leaves with Celtic knot line work around them.
"I love it, I'm so touched you would do something like this for me."
You lean over and let your voice go low and quiet,
"I can't wait to see if the next time I'm on my knees blowing you."
All that escapes Jake's mouth is a soft whimper followed by a shuddering breath,
"Fuck El, already worth it."
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La Jolla Beach Engagement Proposal | E + J
La Jolla Beach Engagement Proposal | E + J As a La Jolla engagement photographer, many times I get to participate from the beginning, at the time of the proposal! Proposals are super fun and it’s such a treat to get to see the reaction of someone who is getting proposed to. It’s such a special event in a couple’s life that they were never forget! As photographers, we are so lucky to be…
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thatlovinfeelin · 1 year
Flightless Bird | eighteen | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
Synopsis: Josephine Wilson Miller is alone for the first time in her life. She got married after her first year of college and became a housewife, but that life is gone now. So she runs to San Diego, to her childhood best friend Jake, where she meets the man who could very well be her salvation.
series warnings: unplanned pregnancy, just pregnancy in general, talks of infertility. past mental and emotional abuse. anxiety. talks of women's reproductive systems (idk)
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“Mommy! Hurry up!” Wren said, dragging Jose behind her, “Auntie Nat twell her!” 
Natasha only laughed and walked next to Jose. They were on their way from the parking lot to the tarmac for the airshow. Jake was set to be flying and Wren was begging to go see it. Although, Jose tried to normally stay away from Airshows in general just in case someone certain was there. 
“So, I have some news,” Nat whispered to Jose. 
Natasha just smiled and twisted her wedding ring, something Jose noticed the female pilot did when she was a little anxious. Her and Jake got married two years prior in a small ceremony on the beach. Not to big and fussy, as both of them wanted simple friends and family. A certain Blue Angels pilot was not able to attend, so Coyote was Jake’s best man while Jose was the maid of honor, with little baby Wren as a little flower girl. It was beautiful and simple and perfect. 
“You can’t tell anyone yet,” Phoenix stated, “But I’m pregnant.”
Jose stopped in her tracks, much to Wren’s dismay who let out a little wail and tried with all of her might to pull her mom forward. 
“Oh my god, Nat!”
“Are you mad? I know you-”
“Mad? Oh my god no, I’m so happy for you!” Jose exclaimed, hugging the other woman, “Does Jake know yet?”
Natasha shook her head, “No I haven’t found the time to tell him yet.”
“How far along?”
“Six weeks? I think? I have a doctors appointment next week to confirm,” She explained, “But I’m so scared to tell Jake. We’ve talked about kids, but not yet.”
“Well, I’m assuming you weren’t using anything?” Jose asked carefully. 
“We weren’t trying,” Nat swore, “But we weren’t not trying.”
Jose couldn’t help but laugh. That sounded like the most Jake and Natasha thing. 
“I want Gampa Mav and Nenny,” Wren whined, snapping the two women out of their hug. 
“Okay, let’s go munchkin.”
Wren was dressed in little combat boots, one of the flight jackets that Jose bought for her before she was born, and a pink tutu. She looked like a little combat princess as she strutted in front of Jose and Nat. 
For a nearly four year old, she had a lot of personality. Maybe too much for her own good. But Jose loved her daughter with all of her heart. There wasn’t a thing in this world that she wouldn’t do for her.  
“Thank you for coming today,” Nat nudged Jose with her shoulder, “I know it means a lot to Jake to have you guys here for this.”
Jake was set to be a part of a super important Legacy flight, one of the only f-18 pilots chosen. He couldn’t stop talking about it for weeks prior. Jose wasn’t sure if she’d ever seen him so excited for something related to work before. 
“We couldn’t miss it,” Jose shrugged, “Wren wouldn’t let me.”
“Mama we see Unca Yake?” Wren asked. 
Jose couldn’t help but smile at the way that Wren said Uncle Jake. They were still working on her speech, but the little munchkin was getting better and better every day. 
“Yeah sweetheart, we’ll see him soon, I promise,” Jose replied, “But let’s find Gampa Mav and Nenny first, okay?” 
She nodded enthusiastically and wiggled a little in Jose’s arms. Little Florence loved Maverick and Penny, now lovingly known and Gampa Mav and Nenny. They stepped right into the role of grandparents to Wren without a second thought. They were there to support Wren and Jose with no questions asked, even after Jose forced Braldey to leave. 
They never once asked what happened between the two of them. Instead they just loved Jose and her little daughter with all of their hearts. 
“Gampa Mav!” Wren wiggled out of Jose’s arms and took off running towards the older pilot, “Nenny! Auntie ‘Melia!”
“Shit,” Jose cursed, chasing after her little girl. 
Wren jumped into Mav’s arms, hugging the older man as tightly as she could. Mav laughed and hugged her back, not seeming to notice the fact that the little girl ran off without her mother. Penny was a little more attentive and scowled at the little girl as best as she could. 
“Wren, what have I told you?” Jose was out of breath as soon as she reached them, “You need to stay with me!” 
“But I saw Gampa Mav and Nenny.” The little girl blinked up at her mother, not seeming to understand. 
“You can’t run off-”
“Mav! There you are!” 
Jose froze. She didn’t dare turn to look at the source of the voice. A noise escaped her, sounding like a small wounded animal. She didn’t even check to see if they were going to be here today. Normally she checked every air show, but Jake was so excited that she was going to come and bring Wren.
“Bradley,” Mav said, handing Wren over to Phoenix who finally caught up, “Didn’t expect to see you until later.”
“I had a second and saw you guys over here.”
Wren looked at Bradley with wide eyes. He was in his blue and gold flight suit, looking like a hero in his own way. Wren was mesmerized by any pilots. She loved planes, and the people that flew them. 
“You fwy pwanes?” 
Bradley was stunned for a second. He finally realized who was standing next to Mav and Penny. She looked so different, and yet exactly the same. Her hair was longer, and she was thinner than he’d ever seen her. So much so it made him wonder if she was eating enough. But he didn’t have the right to worry about Josephine Wilson anymore, not when she kicked him out of her life. 
“I uh-” He cleared his throat and directed his attention to the little girl in Phoenix’s arms. 
Somehow it hadn’t occurred to him that this was the little baby he once loved with all of his heart. She was so much bigger, with wide eyes that mirrored her mother’s. She looked just like Jose. There’s no way that wasn’t her daughter. It made him want to cry. He loved her like a daughter and he missed out on so much of her life. 
“Yeah, I do,” Bradley smiled at the little girl, forcing down the emotions. He leaned down so he was eye level with her, “See that blue and yellow plane over there?” he pointed down the way a little to where all of the Blue Angels were lined up, “That one is mine.”
“Woah,” She replied, “Auntie Nat can we go see?”
Nat carefully looked over at Jose, who still hadn’t allowed herself to look over at Bradley. Jose nodded quickly, watching as Nat along with Mav, Penny, and Amelia made their way towards the row of planes. 
Jose swallowed the thick lump in her throat. She felt like she could cry. She always did her best to avoid Bradley at any event that the Blue Angels could be at. Jake always understood. He hated it, but he understood. She wanted to be mad at him for not warning her that he would be here today. She felt tricked and like her heart was going to explode.
She closed her eyes and licked her dry lips before opening her eyes and turning to face him, “Hi Bradley.”
“It’s good to see you,” He said slowly, carefully even. 
“Yeah, um, you too,” She replied, “You look good.”
“I am. Pensacola has been good for me,” He replied, voice sounding like gravel. 
She nodded. She wasn’t sure what she expected him to say. What do you even say in a situation like this? How is she supposed to do this? How was she supposed to face Bradley, when all she wanted to do was be held by him again? She wanted to feel his lips on hers again. She wanted him more than she could dare to put into words. 
“You look…nice,” Bradley had to force the words out. He wanted nothing more than to hold her. 
“Try keeping up with a three year old, see how you look,” She responded quickly. 
“No, I didn’t mean it like that. I genuinely meant you look nice.”
She looked down at her little sundress and sighed. She hated this feeling between them. This rift, the distance…whatever it was. She wanted to feel close to him again. But she didn’t know how she could ever feel close like she used to. 
“She’s gotten so big,” Bradley was looking over his shoulder now, looking towards Wren, “She was so tiny when I left.”
“Bradley about what I-”
“Bradshaw! Time to get ready.”
His eyes closed as he took a deep breath. His shoulders squared before his eyes opened again and he was back to being Rooster. He forced a smile and held out his hand for Jose to shake. How do you even shake hands with the man you’re still madly in love with?
“Nice to see you again, Josephine. Look for me in the skies.”
She wanted to say more. Wanted to beg for his forgiveness. Wanted to beg for him…just for him to give her a second chance. But he was gone before she had the chance. He disappeared into the crowd of people like a leaf disappears in the wind. 
Jose was still holding her breath when Natasha came back to stand next to her, “Mav has Wren. Are you okay?”
Jose’s eyes started to water, “I didn’t realize how much I missed him. And then he’s right here and I can’t say any of the things that I want.”
“You’ll get your chance,” Natasha assured her, “Now c’mon, Jake is up next. Don’t want to miss him.”
Later that night, Jose was sitting in her bed alone. Wren was staying with Jake and Natasha tonight, so the house was silent. Jose didn’t quite know what to do with herself. So she poured a big glass of wine and settled in. What she didn’t expect was her phone pinging at eleven, with a text from a number she never expected to see again. 
She found herself scurrying out of the bed and fumbling her way to the front door. Her breath was ragged as she threw the door open to reveal Bradley standing there. He looked too good to be true. 
“Hey,” She said stupidly. 
Bradley was on her in an instant, hands cradling her face, “Tell me you don’t want this.”
“I-” She took a second, “I want you. I always have.”
Then he was kissing her like she was the only thing that mattered in the whole world.
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aklv808 · 1 year
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AKLV || Oahu ‘23
#fujifilm #photography #velvia #fujixseries #adobe #hawaii #oahu #island #beachlife #travel photography #tropical #beach #nature hikes #island life #diamond head #AKLV #leviathan photography #35mm photography #filmisnotdead #film stills #still photography #kodak portra 400 #kodak ektar 100 #hasselblad #pentax #canon #sony #art #landscape #vintage
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Day 13: Can’t make an omelet without breaking a few legs ➢prompt: “Are you here to break me out?" ➢character: Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace ➣warnings: bird strike, PTSD, depression, anger, mentions of injuries, physical therapy ➣word count: 1.8k
|| masterlist || whumptober || whumptober masterlist || library page ||
The crash could be heard down the hall, followed by a string of curse words and yelling as Phoenix “fired” yet another physical therapist. Y/N sighed as she stepped out from around the corner to see the pissed off PT come out of the room, spewing his own curse words. 
“She has a real fucking attitude problem that’s going to get her kicked out of here,” The therapist said to Y/N. 
“Can’t you give her the benefit of the doubt?” Y/N pleaded, “She’s going through hell.” 
“So are the other patients in this hospital, but you don’t see them throwing things at us. She’s gotta clean her act up, or we’ll transfer her out of here.” 
Y/N nodded and the therapist walked past her, more than likely going to tell his superior on how this session went. Y/N sighed and looked at the ceiling as she felt tears rim her eyes. These past six months have been anything but easy. Both Y/N and Natasha expected to be planning a wedding, not being stuck in an in-patient care facility. Y/N wiped the tears from her eyes and walked down the hall to the room her fiance was sitting in. 
“Come to break me out?” Natasha said, and Y/N gasped running over to her. Phoenix was trying her hardest to take a step using the walk bars, but Y/N quickly wrapped her arms around her middle to stop her. 
“What the hell are you doing?” Y/N gasped. She looked around and spotted Nat’s wheelchair nearby, and kicked it over with her foot. Natasha rolled her eyes as Y/N set her back down in the chair. 
“Trying to walk,” Phoenix said, “That’s what I’m here for right? What are all these people here for?” 
Y/N pinched the bridge of her nose and looked at her fiance, “You really had to fire another one?” 
“He wasn’t pushing me hard enough,” Phoenix rolled herself over to a rack of dumbbells, and grabbed her designated weight. 
“Maybe because they have to follow a plan that your doctor made.” 
“Doctor knows nothing,” Phoenix grunted, “They are dragging this out longer than it needs to be. They get me walking, I get out of here, and can go back to work-” 
“Dammit Nat!” Y/N yelled. Natasha looked at her with a wide expression. Y/N never cursed like that. She was the level headed one in the relationship, “I’m sorry. I just. . . I can’t.” 
“Y/N!” Nat called after her as she left the room, tears down her face. Natasha sighed and placed the weights back on the rack. She looked at herself in the mirror, and looked down at the brace sitting on her knee. It had been six months since the accident but it felt like the longest six months of Natasha’s life. Only being able to move with the help of someone else, having to call out for help to do a simple task like using the bathroom. Natasha has never been a dependent person, and she wasn’t going to start now. 
Y/N closed her eyes, soaking in the sun off the back patio of the care facility. It was the nicest one in the San Diego area, right off the beach so the patients could go when they were allowed to. It was probably the only thing that kept them from going crazy and staring at the same four walls every day. Y/N had to remind herself that she was one of the lucky caregivers here. Her fiance was going to come home at the end of this, while others would be living here for the rest of their lives. 
She could remember the day she got the call like it was yesterday. They had just gotten engaged about two weeks prior to Nat getting orders to come back to TOPGUN. Y/N didn’t mind going with her, she saw it as a mini vacation to celebrate taking a big step in their relationship. Y/N was happy to see some of her old friends that she had made from following Nat to various duty stations. Natasha didn’t tell her a lot about the mission, but Y/N had gathered that if the best naval aviators were in town, that meant something was serious. Y/N thought she had to worry about when Natasha actually left for the mission, not thinking that she would get a call during their training. 
For four days, Y/N sat by Natasha’s side, waiting for her to wake up. The dagger squad would come by at different times during the day to bring Y/N food, snacks, or a change of clothes. Bob would stay overnight, despite Y/N telling him to go home (he said it's the least he can do for her). Y/N knew the extent of Phoenix’s injuries, having broken down the moment the doctor told her. When Phoenix woke up, the first question she asked was if she was going to walk again. 
Their doctor was honest, and told Phoenix that it would take a lot of hard work to be able to walk again, and that only made her even more determined. In the back of her head, she knew she would never be able to return to the Navy, but she was determined to prove that voice wrong (despite the medical discharge already in progress). After a week in the hospital on base, they moved Natasha and Y/N to the off base treatment facility. Natasha didn’t want the dagger squad seeing her like this, seeing her stuck to the confines of a wheelchair. She also told Y/N to not see them either, and respecting her wishes, Y/N kept her distance from the dagger squad. 
It had never made her feel so alone in her life. Y/N had gotten used to Phoenix being gone for long periods of time and being away from her family, but this was different. The woman who she laid beside at night was not the same woman who she proposed to six months ago. Phoenix had changed. The accident had changed her. She was more closed off, more angry, snapping at Y/N at random times. More volatile than ever, throwing things at the walls or cursing at her doctors and nurses. Y/N had to keep telling herself that it was a side effect of the injury, but she wasn’t sure how much longer she could take this. 
“Hey,” Natasha said, wheeling herself out to the patio. Y/N looked over her shoulder, and sniffled. She pulled her sweater tighter over herself as Nat stopped right next to her, “What’s wrong?” 
“What’s wrong?” Y/N asked, “What’s wrong? What’s wrong is that my fiance is struggling and won’t talk to me. What’s wrong is that my fiance has taken away my only support system. What’s wrong is my fiance is on the verge of getting kicked out of this treatment facility and I am trying to figure out how I am going to have the money to pay for her to go to another one. What’s wrong is I have never felt so far away from you in my life.” 
Natasha’s face softened as she watched Y/N cry. She looked down at her hands and then back up at her, “I’m sorry. I didn’t-” 
“And the shitty thing is. . .I can’t be mad at you because that makes me look like an awful person if I do. My heart hurts so much for you, Natasha. I would never ever wish this on someone, let alone you,” Y/N shifted and leaned forward, grabbing Natasha’s hand, “I love you. . . but you are putting me through absolute hell right now. You are putting everyone through hell. I know you haven’t seen Doctor Goodman in a month. So what is going on?” 
“What’s going on, is that you should be planning a wedding, not wiping my ass cause I can’t.” 
Y/N shook her head, and got down on her knees in front of her, “I don’t care if I am wiping your ass, or feeding you mushed green beans every day. I’ll do it because I love you. Because that is my job as a partner, it’s to provide for you.” 
“It shouldn’t be-” 
“God Phoenix,” Y/N stood up and walked away from her. She kept her back to her, taking a deep breath before turning back around, “I fucking love you! But can you see what you are doing to me?! To us?! When was the last time you told me that you loved me?” 
Natasha stayed quiet. 
“I don’t know if I can do this anymore,” Y/N said barely above a whisper. 
“What do you mean?” Natasha furrowed her eyebrows. 
“You are killing me! I have never felt so fucking alone, Nix. You are pushing away your doctors, your nurses, your friends. . . me!” 
“I’m sorry, I just. . . I don’t know who I am anymore,” Natasha said, and looked away as she felt tears run down her cheeks, “The past ten years of my life I have been ‘Phoenix’ and now I have to relearn how to be ‘Natasha’. I don’t know anymore.” 
Y/N walked over to her, and kneeled down again, “Then let us help you. Me, Bradley, Bob, let us help you. You can not shut us out and expect to carry this all on your own. That’s not healthy. That’s now how you make a healthy recovery.” 
“I can’t ask-” 
“Bob has been making adjustments to the house since we’ve been here. Bradley has been shadowing a PT on base so he can come up with workout plans to help you. Jake. . . as annoying as he is, has been taking care of our cat, he sends me daily pictures,” Natasha laughed at that, “I haven't been grocery shopping since we’ve been here, because they do it. Haven’t done a load of laundry, because they do it for me. They are willing to do anything, and everything to help you because they care. Because we all care about you.” 
Natasha swallowed and looked down at the diamond ring on her finger. She always thought she would be the one to propose to Y/N, but was pleasantly shocked when Y/N got down on one knee a little over half a year ago. Natasha leaned forward, and grabbed Y/N’s face, placing a kiss on her lips. Y/N held her tightly as she kissed her back. 
Natasha held Y/N’s face in her hands as she pulled back, “I love you.”
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50calmadeuce · 2 years
~Master List~
Piloting Back into Love
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Pairing: Jake Seresin x reader
Summary: You lost your first husband a few years ago to the war and you weren't looking to find love again until your best friend, Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace begs you to come visit her in Fightertown, U.S.A. While there, you fall for the handsome Jake 'Hangman' Seresin thinking he's not going to want all the baggage you carry, but you're mistaken.
Warnings: Some chapters have sex, so if you're not 18+, please don't read them (if you are and don't see them, go check your settings!). A few chapters also have to do with being held captive and one you are hit in the face. So, if any of those are triggers, please don't read.
Ch. 1: The Introduction
Ch. 2: Outside
Ch. 3: Beach Day
Ch. 4: Walk and Talk
Ch. 5: First Date
Ch. 6: The Landing
Ch. 7: Your Story
Ch. 8: Your History
Ch. 9: Airport
Ch. 10: The Rest of the Week
Ch. 11: Tantrum
Ch. 12: The Ranch
Ch. 13: The Family
Ch. 14: The Bedroom
Ch. 15: Morning
Ch. 16: The Ride
Ch. 17: Lunch
Ch. 18: Surprise!
Ch. 19: Planning
Ch. 20: The Wedding
Ch. 21: Wedding Dance
Ch. 22: The Shower
Ch. 23: Your Worth
Ch. 24: Packing
Ch. 25: Back in Fighter Town
Ch. 26: Deployment
Ch. 27: Home
Ch. 28: Sunday and Dinner
Ch. 29: Court
Ch. 30: Two Weeks Later
Ch. 31: The Doctor's Office
Ch. 32: Thanksgiving
Ch. 33: Flowers
Ch. 34: The Cabin
Ch. 35: Scott
Ch. 36: Hostage
Ch. 37: Going Home
Ch. 38: I'm Home
Ch. 39: Escape
Ch. 40: Found
Holiday Bonus Story
Christmas, Jake, and You
Medicinal Love
You’ve moved to San Diego to pursue your aquatic veterinarian degree, but to pay for school, you got a job as a San Diego Lifeguard for the summer as you work on your residency in laboratory animal and comparative medicine.
After completing a day of training, you go for a run and meet a sexy pilot playing football on the beach. Will you have time for a relationship with all of your training and schooling? And will your past finally catch up to you and destroy your future?
Warning: This story contains abuse and some sex.
Ch. 1: Coronado Beach
Ch. 2: The Hard Deck
Ch. 3: Too Good For You
Ch. 4: The Dream
Ch. 5: Volunteer
Ch. 6: Rejected
Ch. 7: Competition Training Day
Ch. 8: Walk On the Beach
Ch. 9: Gone
Ch. 10: Private Investigator
Ch. 11: New Roommate
Ch. 12 The Bedroom
Remembering The Mandolin Rain
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Summary: You haven't been home in ten years and that was the last time you saw your ex after he just up and left. Going home was going to be filled with memories you just didn't want to remember and you left to get away from them, but your brother calls and tells you that your mother has passed and you're needed. Will going home stir up the memories you don't want to remember and keep you away, or will the memories make you open your eyes and take a new path in life?
Warning: Really there is none. This story is really just about broken hearts that figure out how to be mended.
Ch. 1: Home
Ch. 2: Catching Up On Memories
Ch. 3: Til The Cows Come Home
Ch. 4: Dinner and Breakfast
Ch. 5: Checking Fence
Ch. 6: Mandolin Rain
Ch. 7: Funeral
Ch. 8: The Break Up and Flight
Ch. 9: Jake and The Hard Deck
Ch. 10: Finished Running
Welcome Home
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Ch. 1: Going Home Ch. 2: Two Weeks and Counting Down Ch. 3: Getting Past the Hurt Ch. 4: The Riding Ring Ch. 5: Making Up Is Hard to Do Ch. 6: Confession Ch. 7: The Talk Ch. 8: Invitation Ch. 9: Flying to Texas Ch. 10: Texas Memories Ch. 11: Texas Now Ch. 12: The Ride to Forgiveness Ch. 13: The Conference Ch. 14: The Dance Ch. 15: After The Dance Ch. 16: To San Diego Ch. 17: An Evening At The Hard Deck Ch. 18: His Apartment Ch. 19: A Better Offer Ch. 20: It's Different This Time Ch. 21: Deployment Ch. 22: Back Home Ch. 23: The Holidays Ch. 24: Happy Thanksgiving Ch. 25: Home Between the Holidays Ch. 26: Wyoming Ch. 27: The Hotel Restaurant
Submerged Hearts
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The year is 2030 and the SeaQuest is still in action with Captain Nathan Bridger at the helm. With the SeaQuest still a research and war submarine, things are changing a bit after their return to Earth. Especially for weapons officer Jim Brody. Jim Brody has never had the best of luck when it came to love, but only because his heart still belonged to his old girlfriend fifteen years ago. He finds out that she's the new marine biologist on the SeaQuest and as soon as he sees her, old feelings and memories resurface. Will the two of them find love on this tour or will their past change it?
Link: Submerged Hearts
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