#The Parent Trap (1998)
villainesses · 1 year
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Natasha Richardson as Elizabeth James in The Parent Trap (1998, dir. Nancy Meyers)
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multimilfs · 2 years
Chessy x Fem!Reader: Operation 'Chunky Man' 
Summary: Chessy + 150 — “Stop distracting me.” 
Prompts found here!
A/N: This was really fun. My favorite thing about Chessy is just how much she means to the Parker family and how involved she is, so I couldn't write a fic without including Annie and Hallie!! I hope you all enjoy it!
Full Ficmas List
Tag List: @ghostsunderstoodmysoul @multifandomfix @escapetodreamworld
Warning(s): None
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“I have eyes on the target. Over.” 
“Copy that, Big Bear. Can you make contact? Over.” 
“I think I can, Red One. Over.” 
“Red Two, are you in position? Over.” 
“Red Two is in position. Over.” 
“Good. Operation Chunky Man is a go. Big Bear, you are free to make contact with the target. Just keep in contact with the team. Over.” 
“Copy that, Red One.” 
You shove the mini walkie-talkie into your back pocket and saunter in the back door. Chessy looks up from her place in front of the stove and smiles, Sammy laying at her feet. The smell of chili and cornbread lingers in the air around you. 
“Hey, hon. Did you and the girls have a good day?” Chessy asks. 
“We did,” You smile, walking around the island to kiss her cheek, “Hal was a lot more interested in fishing than Annie, but they’re both having fun with the walkie-talkies.”
“I’m glad we let them open them early. They seemed pretty out of it.” 
“I think it’s weird for them to have both Nick and Liz gone, even if it's only for a weekend. How was your day?” 
You see Annie creeping into the kitchen out of the corner of your eye. Sammy perks up when he sees her, but you shoo her away when Chessy isn’t looking. She rolls her eyes and backs out of the kitchen again. 
Upon waking up this morning, Annie and Hallie had been far too glum for your tastes. To see both girls lacking their usual mischievous nature felt like a punch in the gut. So with a little persuasion, you convinced Chessy to let them open one of the gifts you’d both gotten them. 
The set of walkie-talkies had been perfect since you were taking them fishing. Being out in the woods, you always felt better having an alternative method of communication. You had even left one with Chessy for the day to be safe. 
“I got a lot done. Sammy here even helped, didn’t you, buddy?” Chessy coos and crouches to scratch the dog all over. He accepts the affection willingly, tail wagging a mile a minute. 
With Chessy’s back turned, you eagerly rush Annie into the kitchen. She patters softly over to the stove and ladles a few scoops of chili into the bowl sitting on the counter. You grin and wink at her stealth. Chessy has no idea. 
Offering a thumbs up back, she quietly begins to walk out of the kitchen, careful not to let the spoons clatter against the side of the bowl. You’re both impressed and concerned at how spy-like she is. Offhandedly, you wonder if Liz ever had any contact with MI6. 
“Hold it right there!” Chessy says and you jump. 
Somewhere in the few seconds you’d been distracted, Chessy turned, catching the girl red-handed. Your eyes widen. Annie looks like a deer in headlights, looking between you and Chessy. 
“We’ve been compromised, go!” You shout and wrap both of your arms around Chessy’s waist. 
Annie takes off through the doors and outside where Hallie waits. You’re grateful she’s running outside; some of the chili sloshes out of the bowl when she’s running down the porch steps. 
“Go get her, Sammy.” Chessy instructs. The dog takes off and outside, you can hear Annie squeal as he catches up with her, “And you—stop distracting me.” 
Chessy turns in your arms and offers up a glare. Unfortunately for her, you can tell there’s nothing behind it, and that she’s holding back a smile of her own. You kiss her cheek. 
“Where’s the fun in that, sweetheart?” You ask. 
“The ‘fun in that’ is getting to sleep in our bed instead of on the couch.” 
“Come on,” You bat your eyelashes, “You wouldn’t really send your poor, sweet partner to sleep on the cold, hard couch now would you?” 
“Oh yes I would, Big Bear.” 
Your eyes go wide and you gape at her. Her lips finally pull into a mischievous grin. From the back pocket of her jeans, she fishes out a walkie-talkie of her own. You’d forgotten that you’d left one with her when you and the girls ventured into the woods. She heard everything. 
So caught up in keeping her distracted, it had slipped your mind. Her oversized denim shirt had completely obscured where it rested in her back pocket. 
Clearly beat at your own game, you hold up your hands in defeat. Chessy shakes her head and steals a kiss, lingering for a moment longer than necessary, but pulling back as soon as you try for something more. You pout at the loss. 
She holds the walkie-talkie up to her mouth and presses the button, “Girls, come get cornbread to go with your chili. Over.” 
Several beats of crackling silence come down the line. If you listen hard enough, you swear you can hear Annie and Hallie squealing out on the swings in the backyard. They had clearly forgotten the same information you had. Your time at the lake had wiped all of your memories, it seemed. 
She doesn’t wait for a response and turns back to the stove, ladling out three more bowls; a separate bowl for one of the twins, one for you, and one for herself. You set to work on grabbing drinks and cutting the cornbread. Placing it all neatly on the table, you smile at Chessy’s nod of approval. 
You watch her move around the kitchen and smile wistfully. What a woman. When she comes and sets the bowls down, you catch her waist again, kissing her breathless. It surprises her, though not as much as it used to. Chessy hardly hesitates before melting into you. 
The two of you spring apart when Sammy barks outside and comes bounding in the back door. He comes to a stop in front of you and waits. Laughing, you make sure to fill his bowl and set it near his water dish. 
Chessy is about to summon the twins again when the walkie-talkie crackles and a non-accented voice comes over the channel, “We’re coming now, Chessy. Over.” 
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dolphelecat · 3 months
The Sister Trap
The Parent Trap (1998)
Summary: Hallie begins to suspect that maybe, just maybe, she and Annie aren't ok.
I'm finally doing this. I've had this forever, and I'm finally letting go and posting it.
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addams-beineke · 11 months
Okay so hear me out. In the 80s, there was a direct sequel to the original Parent Trap, set and released 25 years later, also starring Hayley Mills as the original twins, but they’re adults and one of them (Sharon, the one whose 90s counterpart is Annie) is divorced with a daughter. Sharon sends her daughter to an all-girls school, where she becomes besties with another girl (who is not her twin, for once) that has a widowed father, and they plot to get their parents together and enlist the help of Sharon’s cool California twin Susan (again, this is 60s Hallie), who’s not only game to get her sister a man, but agrees to pose as her and go on a few dates with this guy (despite herself being married lol) to get the ball rolling. Shenanigans ensue.
Now, if that wouldn’t be RIOT sequel starring Lindsay Lohan in the 2020s (especially if they go with Hallie being gay as hell), I don’t know what will. And, it would be a Disney remake AND a legacy sequel, which are two things they can’t get enough of.
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sessa23 · 11 months
The Doctor: I’m sorry, I can’t handle this. I haven’t seen or heard from the Master in over 100 years and suddenly I’m flying halfway across the universe … I’m not mature enough for this. If they didn’t make me so nuts, I’d still be married to them. We came up with this-arrangement so we’d never have to see each other again. Look at me, Jo, have you ever seen me like this? Don’t answer that. *pacing* What if they don't recognize me? Be honest, Jo, how old do I look? No, don’t answer that either. Hey, what am I worried about?
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feelingtheaster99 · 1 year
You’d think a man who had a whirlwind romance and marriage, followed by a subsequent divorce and decision to SEPARATE YOUR IDENTICAL TWIN DAUGHTERS AT BIRTH so you never have to see your ex again would be more hesitant about getting remarried so soon into a new relationship
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invisible-pink-toast · 5 months
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went to rewatch the parent trap for nostalgia and instead realised i may have been gay for all of the characters
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chasingmidnights · 1 year
Always loved Natasha Richardson as Elizabeth James. ❤️❤️
The Parent Trap, 1998
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twinsoftheday · 11 months
today's twins of the day are:
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annie james and hallie parker from the parent trap
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adaptations-polls · 2 months
Which version of this do you prefer?
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teafaellana · 4 months
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Here’s a meme I made to capture your attention so I can tell you that chapter 8 of “I Never Saw You Coming” is up!
What a journey this has been!!!
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diazevan · 1 year
The Parent Trap (1998) being my comfort movie means I have to throw out all of the logic of how bizarre the concept of separating twins following a divorce is.
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I think the most heartbreaking thing about The Parent Trap is that it’s about two kids who just want their parents to get back together. They’re not even doing it for themselves really. Like any other kid they just want their parents or guardians to be happy and to love each other.
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bitter-goodbyes · 11 months
Just rewatched The Parent Trap (1998) and wow I forgot how much I love it!!!! It’s sooooo funny!!!!! I love it!!!!!
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chasingmidnights · 1 year
Dennis Quaid as Nick Parker
The Parent Trap, 1998
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