#Sam merlotte imagine
thornsandtulips · 2 months
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The lack of true blood fanfiction hurts my soul
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1-800-imagines · 1 year
who I will write for on true blood:
- eric northman (my favorite)
- jason stackhouse
- hoyt fortenberry
- alcide herveaux
- sam merlotte
- bill compton (maybe)
also willing to write platonic stuff for mostly anyone else
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maneaterwithtail · 2 years
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Visual Journey of Ronaldo as Companion on Jumpchain with an SI helping him reach new heights.
Most of these can be credited to months of work by the talents, economical service, and patience with the inarticulate (me) even across foreign language @rickleone
Who could always use more patrons this holiday season or just cash/Euro.
The last was a take from pixiv by Guillermo Principle or ぐちゅりむ原理主義 and then DALL-E prompt derived from an adult story with creeepy but fascinating visuals.
Starts mostly as per canon albeit 7 years older than last saw. Firmed up, and loaded weapons master style
References and Weapons
Shiva edge, Masamune, A Lange Messer, measures things and makes theremin music, cuts out 'invaders' ala Tenseiga or horse talisman,
His green sword gains Kodama like abilities and is called Soruimaru
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Combined crescent apogee, a crescent blade that flies in or out of hand to attack, making up for initial poor swordsmanship or blade to tank situation.
Forgets to charge as to phone- though both from internal energies, primarily magic but can convert any to power held or touched device.
Klaive has a drop bear warspirit and wielding it can grant koala features plus muting and enhancing personal weight using it.
Combined with The Chinese WJQ-308 military shovel which can shikai into Ningishzida, a long braided ficus growing out leaves, that can be blades or as so inclined. either form heals and enhances mind and body with Hamon, Viva-Glitter, potato bola/meteor hammers that grow a sling out snares, calories or other things, can darken and gnarl emitting ,fatigue-poison inducing bioluminescence or leech energy making the darkest, savoriest apples of earth swell with the savor of life.
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Shovel's Blade is removable to become infinitely foldable stand devices, that is chairs, music stands, and onward. The shovel is also a dowsing rod and with focus it enhances earth vibe senses
Pair of axes from house of the dead via a gate of imagination, unable to chop or cut things but amazing range of throw. They don't wear or suffer damage and block all firearms fire. Ralph blessed them so they do work in gaming and electronic spaces and can be sent in and out or even on any surface, such as Ronaldo’s skin as a crossed pair tattoo.
Ronaldo is tasked with making them real enough to do damage in real world or more than, in game, has expanded their applicability and effect in digital spaces and can call and send from them to and from such thanks to advancing practice.
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Ronaldo has some of Coop's jotnar blood of chaos to solidify the phantom tools but needs to learn how. Collabs with Dr. Marco and Dumbledore to do it.
Wears anklets charms with spurs as much a part of his shoes or other foot wear with silver and black metal orbs-in-a- discus. they can help control friction, changing size and enchanting his soles to be comfortable and refreshed- even rejuvenate and heal - as stand in light not of world on (moonlight, starlight, sunlight, and satellite beams, but not spotlights or firelight or radioactive light unless from meteor)
Has complimentary charms on the wrist, one looking like a fancy man's watch which gives scope readings as adjusted with smartphone but does not tell time, he has a phone for that.
His white to yellowish latex belt with intervening raised pattern of weeping and other ficus leaves throughout with gall-makers prong in a ficus blossom that hitches into the belts tail to make a fig fruit cover buckle worthy of Sam Merlotte's own collection. He did provide for it, as his orphic self, as Ficus Belt, or Dryad Girdle Humbaba, at granting Ronaldo the title of their Cedalion. His role meant to sit on the shoulder of giants to guide, spot, and direct in glee to revelation.
His glasses are polarized and enhanced to protect eyes and highlight living or radiant energy in dark conditions or shield from glare conditions or flare or vision attacks. And he can do cool anime shots and poses too. Which he does.
He can even reshape the frames, hinges, temples, and lenses as if molding putty with his hands. A tap to the nosepiece can zoom and enhance, filter, and take pictures by making noises with his back teeth that appear on a phone or personal data storage he intends. If resizes his glasses to another’s face and places them on their face the item will adjust so the person can see-in-beyond-perfect vision, even rectifying any light eye ailments or conditions2.
The Humbaba Girdle. Can grow out to primarily ficus based growths but can integrate or become other plants related or sampled, along with producing critical pollinating animals, like fig wasps. He can command and communicate to these life forms, though needs to learn to understand their pov to perfect his leadership.
When the belt’s dryadic power is active, while surrounded by greenery, his own Hamon, awareness, reflexes, instincts, and agility are enhanced as if entering a state of unagi wa gichi-gami3.
He wears circles of fine silver charms, including discretes ones about forehead or in roots of his locks and cleft of shoulders and neck. With a secret magic phrase they can transform and connect like a silver scale shibari bind for similar enhancement of precision and agility
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This can then grow into a silvery vaguely simian maille suit with a twinned ficus vine tail, making him resemble an arboreal beast, with elements of all creatures he likes.
He often wears a utility harness or kilt with limb enhancer’s extensions, also called digit-tools, tucked in
He can enter high gear mode when excited. His hair widens and grows out, teeth thicken, and his skin flushes red and his frame becomes stouter and primal. His hand feet-form. This mode is called akajagaimo. His body appears more akin to an orangutan or ape with a tuber tail with a stinger-end through which he inflicts or shares his state, though victims are usually more emotionally manic or desperate.
If tail takes root can grow tuber and "Ronaldo fruit4" in target.
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Aside from ape body appearance, more swells and fills with special organs his body needs to work for the presentation he chooses. He can grow forms of potato meteor hammers, bola, etc from his joints. May produce vines/roots from his body. He can pop potato eyes that can ocularly function but often grow to tubers about as sensitive as fingers and with all senses in one. Each acts as a buffer or workaround if a sense is overwhelmed, though it is harder to see with 'eyes' extended.
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Middle development on chain; he gains a variant of Kevin Greene's Primal powers. He can grant a use of them to living or organic not petrified in full subjects with touch but needs tune them and focus and pour out the slime produced by himself into the target
Stand: Secret Agent Man.
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Resembles a camera that upgrades off other cameras and recording devices. Semi independent and bonded. Global range but object, so cannot be dismissed or completely unseen and increased suffering, if it is hurt, he is hurt. If SAM is active and seen by a person he or she will connect them with Ronaldo or at least recognize and think of one with the other.
No obfuscation deceives or blocks the glare of his camera. But when keep secret what so obtained cannot be deceived or misrepresented
Can psychically record events without bias or projection into memory, even reexamine the flash of time as if there. Eventually can share experiences and include non-visual senses. Though Ronaldo knew how to read lips and guess temperature and other such before being initiated into jumpchain.
End state:
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Master of Gantz and Adventors tech by himself apart from Jumper's own developments in Gantz
Has a large mecha that with ficus wood "bones" with leaf headhelm, and one eye behind facial opening, with streamers, flags, banners of his flame shirt in the creases of the vehicle's bells and plates. It has Saturn balls for feet,unless standing still, to roll about any ( even a tar, wall, or water) surface, skating as easily as birds sing.
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His Masterpiece is the
Arboretum of Primal Essence. A metal clothing tree1. (This Design is borrowed from drone visuals and ideas.) Made to produce biobooster Armor and living latex and Gantz tech or suits and similar devices.
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He can design in a personal digital/conceptual space and then quantum fax a platonic or at least ideal weapon to Real World with Gantz and other tech he’s made from personal study and learning and tinkering.
1 Meant to evoke imagination. What is Ronaldo fruit? What means to be injected with it or have grown in you?
1 He moves with the sleekness and awareness and speed and restrictions of an eel in Lake Michigan.
2 Mind he will want them back as he still needs them
3 He and link and guy in the middle are examples of "weapons master style"
4 Canonically we don't know what or where Ronaldo's tattoo is, while pictures to end have possible takes this is where you may get creative!
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Imagine: Fighting with your boss Sam
Authors note: ONE DAY I WILL PROOF READ .. TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY XD SORRY strange langue in the imagine sorry
9/10 times working At the bar it wasn’t bad. Sure the drunks were annoying. But after the third day at your job. You realized Sam did Not mind if you pouched a guy for being too touchy. And lately it was getting entertaining Seeing Sookie start courting a vampire. You were one of the few people who knew about her abilities. And when your cleaning up. You always had a song playing in your head. Which Sookie appreciated whenever she was stressed she knew your thoughts were always on music. It was your way too block out the idiots.
Today however your thoughts were on Sam. Everyone who had eyes Knew he was in love with Sookie, however last night the bar was closed so everyone could attend a lectures about the civil war.you skipped it. Once hearing Sam finally got enough courage too ask Sookie out. You couldn’t handle watching them. So you skipped it. Then when you got too work today. Sam was in a awful Mood!
Going too the kitchen sneaking in too get a Sunday. Was it on the menu No? Did Sam Hate when you made Sundays at work? Yes. But Big John loved making them. Especially when it was blistering hot. Sam was in his office missable as you ate your Sunday. The place was dead quite as Arlene explained the awful date Sam and Sookie had. Apparently the entire Staff knew about it. Sookie told Tara, Jason over heard and he told Rene and Hoyt. And Arlene over heard and told Everyone.
“GET BACK TOO WORK!” Sam Bellowed at everyone. You bolted back too the front of the bar too clean tables. Later on your shift you walked into the back too your purse too check your phone when Sam cursed out at the desk. Throwing his pen against the wall.you jumped as he snapped, “what you looking at huh? What the fuck you doing back here?”
Sam Never Once ever raised his voice at you.so when he snapped at you. You were stunned.
“I came too get my purse- I’m on break I wanted too check my hone’” he rubbed his face Turning away as you stayed still not moving as he grumbled too keep it moving.
He stared at you startled at your harsh voice. You stood your ground too your boss. Which surprised everyone in the bar they all heard your fight. It wasn’t common for you too scream espically too Sam.
“Just because you had a Shitty Date doesn’t mean you can treat people like shit! Especially Me!I will Not tolerate you being a Dick too Me Sam Marolette! I didn’t do anything too cause your Shit ass move so I expect you too treat me with dignity and respect that I deserve! You Dick whip idiot boy!”
He was speechless as you turned fully around and headed out of the office. Siting in the bar. Arlene handed you a shot as you gladly too it.
“girl you got balls.”
“he doesn’t get too be snippy at Me! I didn’t break his heart he should leave his bad mood for Sookie.”
She agreed. When your shift was over Sam involved you. Stunned still at your tempter. You got your bag seeing Sookie coming in as you wished her Luck. Seeing bill Compton was in the Bar you walked too his booth sitting down as you had a notebook of questions you may not of wanted too watch Sam’s date last night but you were looking forward too the speech and after talking too Sookie who convinced Bill too come in tonight so he can answer your question. You were a history Major. And Civil war was your favorite topic. Probably because you lived in the south. But you also loved the Revolution and you have spent Many hours reading about different theories and strategies fo war. So having a living member.. well sort of alive. About the civil war. You had a entire Note book.
You barely sat down when Sam walked over. “Are you done your shift Y/N?” You nodded your head as you looked up at your boss, “yea I’m off the clock.I’m about too ask Mr. Compton some questions since I didn’t get too go too the speeches last night.”
Sam stayed staring at you as you turned too Mr. Compton as you shifted in the booth as Sam sat down taking your spot. Bill was quite and staring at Sam as you opened your note book for the first question.
“Did you think the war was going too be a quick easy thing. And do you regret the side you were on?”
Bill turned his attention from Sam too you as he answered .you wrote it down as you kept asking random questions some were common questions Bill heard last night then others were completely Random. “Do you miss corsets?” He chuckled at that one saying no that he liked how liberal women are now. Sam was distant and quite the entire time. As you looked at Bill. Minus being a vampire he didn’t seem that frightening maybe that was the trick.when you finished your questionnaire you spoke, “favorite president?” Bill chuckled saying that was now a tough question as you smiled saying he could think it over. As you smiled thanking him as you looked at Sam. Pushing him. He got up quickly as you said Night and walked out.
“Wait up Y/N”
Turning around seeing Sam chasing after you he breathed deeply, “I’m sorry. How I treated you earlier. I’m.. it was a shitty night yesterday..”
“I heard.. I’m sorry your date was a dumpster fire.” He smiled weakly thanking you as you stared at him.
“hopefully that means you realized.. you deserve better.”
He was stunned as you held your purse tightly looking at him. “I never seen Sookie react too anyone like she does too Mr. Compton.. you deserve someone who lights up like she does. When He enters the room.”
He sighed heavily as I spoke, “and if you weren’t Too stubborn and stuck on Sookie you would of noticed me.”
You turned and left leaving him with that massive bomb of information too Him. As you went home
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The Only Home  She Knew: Ch. 1 Almost Mrs. Merlotte
Delia Reynolds has been missing for 10 years.  Now she finds herself coming back home a little different but the only thing that has stayed the same is the town of Bon Temps and her love for Sam Merlotte. Does Sam still love her after all these years? Can he forgive her?
It was like nothing had changed, in ten years nothing had changed. Bon Temps was just as bland and dull as it was when she left it.  The wind stirred against the willows, bringing up the smell of rancid swamp water and whatever animal was dying close by. It burned her nostrils given that her sense of smell was in overdrive. She was close to a restaurant of some kind; the odor of meat grilling was at least a mile away.  It was dark, the kind of dark that seemed to never end in the south.
It was the kind of dark that could send chills down your spine, whether you were human or not. The only glimpse of light was the little flickers from the fireflies buzzing around, the aura of the restaurant ahead, and the moon.  She decided to run ahead.
‘ Merlotte’s ’, she read.  Her face lit up brighter than the moon above her. She knew once she opened those doors, she was home.
She stood there amazed at everyone and everything. The people of Bon Temps were laughing and drinking themselves to death, like she never left.  She scanned the room, until she recognized a loud mouth and a head full of bright crimson hair. Arlene. She made eye contact with Arlene and suddenly, the pitcher Arlene was holding crashed down to the floor.
Arlene just stood there, not moving a single muscle, like she was frozen in time. ‘Ho-ly shit’, were the only words that managed to escape her lips. Soon the whole room went silent. Another voice emerged from the back.
‘Arlene, you can’t keep droppin’ the-‘. She took a step back. It was like going back in time, he still looked exactly the same.
His hair was exactly the same, maybe a little longer and definitely a little grayer. Damn, that man knew how to wear a pair of jeans! Everything fit perfectly. She met him in the eyes and instantly she felt drawn to him like she never left. Just like the last ten years never happened. She could see the look of anger, disbelief, and hurt all in one glance. But she always got weak in the knees for Sam Merlotte .
‘Delia?’ He sputtered.  
She found herself gushing with excitement. She walked towards him, arms open. She wrapped around him tight him, breathing in his scent. Even though everything was so strong to her this was so different. It was comfortable. It was home.
‘Sam’, she whispered longingly into his ear.
‘ How did you- where did you-‘ He responded the way she expected him to, the way she expected anyone to respond but the thing was that she knew Sam. She knew what made him happy, what made him tick and she would never forget.
‘Is there somewhere we can talk?’ she asked him. He nodded.
Nothing was said as she followed Sam towards his office, they walked in silence. The crowd was still quiet but, she could hear the gossiping whispers. As she passed the kitchen, she saw an uncooked hamburger being slapped on the grill. It only reminded her that she hadn’t eaten in about three weeks; the ringing in her ears began. She was used to not eating for long periods of time. It was how she learned to curb her hunger for human flesh. At first she fed on squirrels and other animals, but they had a gamey taste she really didn’t care for. Once True Blood came along she found the transition a lot easier.  
She entered his office and he closed the door behind him. She started to feel faint, soon enough she was starting to look at the ceiling.. ‘Whoa, hey!’ Sam caught her just in time before she hit the floor. The nosebleeds began. This always happened when she didn’t feed well, not only her but, every vampire got the bleeds. Sam ushered to the chair at his desk and gave her a towel for her nose. ‘Have you eaten? You look-‘
She giggled at him. ‘What? Sick? Pale?’
‘No, you look the same, exactly the same.’ He said as if he just said an ugly secret out loud. She looked at him and sighed.
She realized that she had a lot of explaining to do, not just to Sam but to everyone. She looked at him in the eyes. He was giving her the same look he had ten years ago. Her eyes began to drift to the box of True Blood on the floor. Sam followed her eyes to the box. It took him a minute to figure out why she was looking but it all came together.
‘You’re a-?’ Once again like letting out a dirty little secret. She saw the anger and pain rise in him.  
Sam, I promise I will explain everything to you, I promise. Just let me eat , okay?‘ She gathered enough strength to walk towards him. She kissed him gingerly on his cheek and smelled his scent once more. Sam closed his eyes.
“Who the hell does she think is, she comes here after ten years and I’m supposed to wait until she decides to get good and ready to tell me the truth?” he thought to himself, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud.
He loved that girl more than anything in this world. Hell, he would  give her the world if he knew how. He nodded his head and remembered that he had a restaurant to run.
`‘We can talk when I close up. Take my keys, there is a string a housing complexes just down the road, mine is the second one on the left. Take as much True Blood as you can carry and just wait for me there.’
Sam really didn’t know why he was so trusting of her, he didn’t know where she had been or who she could’ve possibly become while she was gone. ‘Sam.’ She called out after him.
‘Thank you’ She honestly didn’t know what else to say, she knew she was asking a lot, especially after what she put Sam through. He nodded and walked out.  He began to think, ‘Is this why you couldn’t pick up a fucking phone? Huh? We have been looking for you for ten years, Delia, I thought you were dead.’
He couldn’t keep his mind on anything else. Especially since Arlene kept staring at him, he swore she was burning a hole right through him. He knew what she was getting at, she was wondering what he was going to do now. The answer was that he didn’t know and he was pretty sure there were no self-help books on what to do when the girlfriend you intended on spending the rest of your life with, disappears for ten years and comes back as a vampire. For right now he was going to keep it as normal as he knew how.
Delia walked up the steps to the house. She reached for the screen when the dog on the porch seemed to feel threatened. ‘Shhh, hey now its ok. I’m a friend, I promise.’ She gave the pup a straight look in the eyes and a rub behind the ears. Immediately, the canine rolled over onto its belly, waiting to receive all the scratches it could get. Delia smiled from ear to ear like the pup before her.
She opened the door into Sam’s house. It was rather un-homey. Other than the god awful wallpaper, which she knew Sam probably picked out, he never was never one for decoration.  He had no sense of style really, for goodness sakes all he ever wore were jeans and t-shirts or whatever awful button up he could find. But that was Sam.
Other than a few boxes there really wasn’t any sign of anyone living here. She looked around  to see what kind of man Sam had become, while she was gone. She wanted to see vacation photos, photos of friends or even ex-girlfriends hell, even current girlfriends. Thinking back,  she realized that Sam was always alone. If she wasn’t with him, he was alone. She couldn’t help but think if he had been alone the whole time while she was gone.
She walked into the kitchen to look into the fridge. Nothing. She put the four cases of True Blood onto the floor and put one bottle into the microwave. It really didn’t taste any better hot but it tasted better than cold blood. She soon wandered into the back bedroom. The bed was unmade.
“Maybe he slept here,” she thought.  
She placed the bottle of True Blood on the nightstand and  knelt down, she could smell him on the pillow and sheets. “He definitely slept here.” She breathed him in. She started to think of the days she would spend in bed with Sam. She would first spend a few hours with him but he would wrap his arms around her waist and pepper kisses on the back of her neck.  
‘Baby, please don’t go. Please just a few more hours. It gets so goddamn lonely out here, baby please!” He begged and pleaded.
She loved being alone with him. They would always joke about getting married and starting a family. They joked about going around the world and one day opening a restaurant. They joked even though every time she could tell Sam Merlotte wasn’t joking. Next to the bed was a box of old t-shirts. She dug deeper into the box to see if she could find anything else about Sam. Found a picture. Nothing new, just a memory, something she had almost forgotten.
It was her and Sam on a lake outside of Shreveport. It was after college finals and Sam wanted to reward her or more like reward himself, because they could start the next phase of their life together. He was holding onto her hips tight and kissing her cheek, while she smiled into the camera. She also remembers the fight they had right after that picture was taken. Sam was ready for their lifetime adventure, while Delia wanted to take her time and start things slow.
‘ What about our plans, baby? What about what we talked about?’ He protested.
``I know, I know. We could still do it. You can come with me and get an apartment. And hey, since you got your GED, maybe you could take a few classes –‘
‘I don’t have the money for schools like these. Why can’t we just do like we planned?‘
She wanted to go with Sam so bad but she knew if she didn’t get a diploma for something that she could really get a job, that also paid well, she would be kicking herself for the rest of her life.  
‘I’m not saying we still can’t do it, im just saying if I get a decent education then that would make the future so much easier. We wouldn’t make that many mistakes later on.’
‘What do you mean by decent education? Mistakes? What mistakes?’ His blood was boiling. ‘Look just because I didn’t go to any tight-assed college doesn’t mean –‘
‘Oh yeah because I forgot you’re the Lone Fucking Ranger! I get it Sam, AUTHORITY BAD! I’m not asking you to enroll in fucking Oxford, I’m just asking you to do something that’s going to help us-‘
‘Well you sure as hell wasn’t thinking about us when you decided to get rid our baby.’
He said it to spite her. He knew that ate her up inside, he knew that she hated herself for what happened but it was too late for him to take back what he said. He saw the tears and hate swell up in her eyes but he was mad at her, he was mad because it seemed like she was trying to destroy the family that he wanted, the life he wanted to have with her.
Tears fell from her eyes like a stream. She didn’t know what to say, she didn’t even know what to feel. She couldn’t be mad at him for saying it; it hurt him as much as it hurt her but the way he said it like he was using it to make her feel guilty. That baby didn’t ask to be conceived, it was too many tequila shots and Delia feeling needy.
‘Fuck You.’ It came out like she couldn’t breathe
She took one of the oars. Sam thought that he was going to end up in the lake. She pulled the boat towards the dock, which was a lot harder than she thought, she usually let Sam row. All he could do was watch her because God knows what she’d do to him if dared to try to talk to her right now.  
Once the boat reached the dock, she hoisted herself up on the ladder and ran. She really had no idea where she was going but she didn’t want to look at Sam Merlotte. Her tears flew back against the wind making it hard to see where she was going. She decided to stop in the middle of a meadow of dandelions not to far from the lake. She collapsed down into the ground hard. Her body was shaking from crying.
She jumped when Sam came and put an arm around her, she could barely hear him through her sobbing. He rocked with her back and forth.
‘Shh baby it's okay. ‘ he whispered to her. ‘It’s okay. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, I promise I didn’t.’
He peppered kisses all over her neck. His shirt was soaked with all the tears but he didn’t care, he was holding onto someone who loved him and she loved him right back. Delia managed to catch her breathe for a moment.
‘I’m sorry Sam, I’m sorry I fucked everything up for us. I’m-‘ he interrupted her.
‘Hey, you didn’t fuck anything up okay. Hell, if anything was fucked up it was because of me, I was being selfish.  I wasn’t thinking about you and how you felt I was thinking of myself and I’m sorry. I love you Delia. I love you more than anything in this world. You are all that I have and I appreciate you sticking with me, I really do. I am always going to love you okay. Now I brought you out here to have a nice day with my favorite woman and to-‘
She kissed him. He was all that she wanted right now in this moment and that’s what she had. She was never going to love anyone the way that she loved Sam.
‘I love you Sam.’
‘Love you too baby’.
Drops of blood began to drip down onto the picture. She touched eyes and found them wet. She looked down to her fingertips and saw the same red that was dripping on her hand held memory. This photo reminded her of a promise she made to herself, a promise that she made to Sam and now, many years later she realized that she had broken that promise the moment she had a choice. The choice was to go back home Bon Temps and seek help from her family, from Sam or to stay away.
Her eyes began to pour down blood. That feeling came back to her. That feeling she had they day she went to the clinic pregnant and left pregnant free. That feeling she had that day on the lake when Sam dug up the guilt she had. The feeling that the world would be better off without her and that Sam would be better off without her. She set the photo on top of the night stand next to her bottle of True Blood which was now only a little warm. She walked into the bathroom. It was vacant of everything. Everything in it was stark white; the sink, the toilet, the walls, the floor. The blood seemed so red, so fake once it dripped onto the white tile.
She looked at the mirror. Her cheeks seemed like they had a blush on her chestnut skin but, it was only the blood stains she got when she cries.
‘He deserves more than this, he deserves more than you.’ She said to herself in the mirror.
Wanting to kill herself was nothing new. She wanted to do it the night she was turned but, that only makes her a coward. She looked at herself in the mirror once more. She was dirty, hungry, and she smelled so bad that she was beginning to be repulsed by her scent. She turned to the shower and turned on the hot water. She had always been that way. She had always liked her showers and baths hot. She checked to see it was hot enough it burned her hand but it healed in an instant.
She took off her rancid clothes and stepped into the shower. She let out a wailing sound of pain from the hot water. It kept burning and burning her skin but her skin just kept regenerating.  She wanted to be numb to it. Numb to the pain, the hurt, to everything. Blood kept falling from her eyes and  onto the bottom of shower, only this time the water made them more pink. All she could do was cry now how hard she tried to stop, all she just wanted to do was cry. She crouched down and curled her knees toward her chest and rested her head against the shower wall and let the blood stream down her face.
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Imagine you found out that you have a sister, Sookie Stackhouse, unwillingly you fall into her world of supernatural creatures. Being a more advanced mindreader than Sookie, all supernatural eyes are on you. You’re a weapon, but will you make it out alive?
Part one All your life
Part two
Word count: 1496
Summary: You go to find your long lost sister at this bar called Merlotte’s. While you’re there you run into some other interesting people.
You walk into Merlotte’s letting in all the noise from people’s minds. You came here to find what belonged to you all your life. Your sister. It had taken a lot of work, but you found out that you had a sister who works at Merlotte’s a bar in a town called Bon Temps. That was all you knew, and you just decided to dive right in. You walk over to the bar and take a seat. Nervous you glance around you, hoping you find a face that looks similar to yours. “Can I help you?” The bartender looks at you, clearly not able to place his own emotions. He vaguely recognizes you, but he is quite sure he has never seen you before. He would remember such a pretty face. His own confusion makes him not really trust you. “Just a beer, please.” You order with a straight face not showing him that you know how he feels. “You’re not from around here are you, Cher?” He asks while getting a beer out of the fridge. “My accent gave me away, huh?” You smile your bright, genuine, smile at him. “So what does a girl like you do in a place like this?” You feel that he is warming up to you, but doesn’t trust you yet. “I’m just looking for someone.” You say. “I’m Y/N, by the way.” You hold out your hand for him to shake. He looks at it for a moment and then shakes it. “I’m Sam.” “Can I have two beers.” A beautifully raspy woman’s voice asks. You glance to your left seeing a pretty blonde waitress. She gives you a smile, but you know it’s not genuine. What’s with this place and their trust issues? You wonder. Out of your peripheral view you can see her head jerk your way. Sam gives her two beers and she leaves. “So, Y/N, who is it you’re looking for?” Sam asks while cleaning the bar. “Who is that girl?” You ask ignoring his question and pointing at the blonde waitress. “You mean Sookie?” Sam asks on guard. Now that you have him focused on her you tune in on his thoughts. You read that they are good friends and he hopes for more and he is also aware that she easily gets into danger and thinks that you might be the next bad thing that happens to her. He wonders if Sookie read something from your mind. “She can read minds!” You exclaim excited. Sam’s eyes widen as he realizes what might be going on here. “Keep your voice down, will ya.” He sends you a warning glare. “Come with me to my office and we can talk this out.” You nod and follow him down a hallway into a small room. He leans against the desk and you sit down on a chair opposite from him. “Who sent you?” He asks arms crossed. “Nobody.” You answer somewhat offended. “Listen. You are close with Sookie right?” Sam just nods, and you continue. “Do you know if her parents had another baby?” “Yeah, sure.” Sam’s answer fills you with hope. “Her brother Jason Stackhouse.” You sigh. “I mean another baby not many other people knew about.” He finally seems to realize what you are asking him. “If they gave a baby away?” He asks. “No, I don’t think so. You mean you think you are Sooks sibling?” “I’ve been told that I have a sister who works at this bar and the fact that she has the same ability as me.. Well, what are the chances?”
“Get out.” You recognize Sookies voice. “My momma and daddy never had any other kids. Why would they give up a baby when they already had two other kids? It’s not like we were poor.” Sookie dived right into the conversation. “I don’t know.” You say softly. “Maybe I wasn’t planned, a mistake whatever you wanna call it.” “That still doesn’t make any sense why they would give up a baby when they don’t need too.” Sookie says. “I understand that this must be hard for you.” You try, but before you can continue Sookie interrupts you. “No, you don’t understand!” Sookie exclaims. “Sook.” You could almost feel the warning in Sam’s voice. It said don’t do this to a girl who just wants family. “I’m sorry I bothered you.” You say and walk right past Sookie out the office towards the bars entrance. In your hurry you bump into a well build man. “Hey!” He exclaims as the content of the glasses he was holding empties over your shirt. “I’m sorry.” You say while it happens, not completely realizing that you are the one the least comfortable at the moment. You can’t help but admire his looks. “No, I’m sorry. Let me dry that for you.” He grabs a napkin and tries to dry you of. “No, it’s fine. I was on my way to my hotel anyway, that was why I was in such a hurry and wasn’t looking in front of me.” You ramble. He smiles. “I’m Alcide.” He introduces himself. “I’m Y/N.” “If you are hanging around town for a while, maybe I could make it up to you?” He dabs a bit of beer from your collarbone. You shiver. “I’m not sure. I could be leaving tomorrow.” You don’t really want to hang around in a town with a sister that doesn’t want you to exist.   “You can’t go without breakfast. So, what do you say about I pick you up and we get some breakfast tomorrow morning and you can decide if you want to leave after.” “I’m staying at the Shreveport hotel.” You finally admit to the fact that you really would like to see him again. “Okay, I’ll see you there tomorrow at 8.” You give him a bright smile before you leave the bar.
“Did you find her?” A familiar voice asks. You turn around and look into Bill’s hopeful face. “She doesn’t want me.” You say biting the inside of your cheek. Bill opens his car door and you get in. “She’ll come around.” Bill ensures you. “She just needs some time. Changes are hard for her.” Pressing your lips you stare ahead of you, watching the stripes on the road flash past. It’s difficult to hold back your tears of disappointment. “I’m not sure about that. She seemed pretty determined.” Bill chuckles. “That’s just Sookie.” He than glances at you. “Thinking about it, you don’t seem anything like her. Expect for the same enchanting aura.” Confused you raise your eyebrow at him. “Enchanting aura?” You ask him. “There is a lot you don’t know about your ancestors, but you have fairy blood and that gives you a certain allure to supernatural creatures.” Bill explains. “Is that how you found me?” You ask him trying to put the puzzle pieces together. He showed up at your front door one day and told you, you had a sister. Of course he explained some more before you let him drive you to Bon Temps. “Partially.” He admits. “I need you to meet someone else before you decide to leave.” “We had a deal. I’d see my sister and I would leave Bon Temps if it didn’t work out.” What was it with the people living in this town? “Just do me a favor.” Bill says not pleased with your back kick. He drove onto a parking lot. “Are you serious?” You ask flabbergasted. “You want to take me clubbing?” Bill gets out of the car and you follow him. “Just let me do the talking.” He says ignoring your question. You walk straight to the back, avoiding the long line out front. “What brings you here tonight, Bill?” A tall, beautiful woman asks. “I’ve got someone Eric needs to see.” Bill answers. You have no clue who the woman or the Eric person are. The woman takes you in. Deciding that it must be okay she lets you in. Following her you walk into the middle of the club. Disgusted you look around you. Fang bangers. “There is someone here to see you.” The woman tells a man who is sitting on a throne in his bare chest. With his hand on your back Bill pushes you in front of him, towards the man. Spiteful the man, who must be Eric, looks at you, but that soon changes. He bites his lip in utter delight. “Who do we have here?” He asks you with a charismatic smile. “Y/N, who are you?” You ask him not impressed by his whole.. being. His looks are impressive, but not his attitude. He laughs at your question. “Eric Northman. Club owner and vampire.” He answers delighted. “She is Sookies sister.” Bill tells Eric, who immediately gets even more interested. “Now you have a replacement for Sookie and you can stay away from her.” uh-oh. That doesn’t sound good. You are in big trouble…
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jinxiejenna · 7 years
* Means NSFW/smut/lemon
Captain America
I’ll walk you home
Dean Winchester
 It reminded me of you
Pull over. Let me drive a while
House Party
Come here. Let me fix it
John Winchester
Drink this, you’ll feel better
Sam Merlotte
No, no. It’s my treat
Sirius Black
I dreamt of you last night
Harry Hart
Its ok. I couldn’t sleep anyways *
Can I have this dance
Take my jacket, it’s cold outside *
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thatfanficstuff · 4 years
Impossible - 11
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Pairing: Reader x Eric Northman
Warnings: nope
A/N: I no longer have access to true blood so i’m going off of episode summaries and my poor, poor memory so this will be diverting even further from the show than it has been. As a reminder, Jason never met Amy and never kidnapped Eddie. 
It was past dawn before Eric and you finally slept so it didn’t surprise you to discover it was after one when you woke. You grabbed a bag and filled it with what you needed for several days. Odds were you wouldn’t make it more than a couple without Eric coming to retrieve you anyway.
When you got to Sookie’s you twisted the knob intending to just walk in as usual. You frowned when you found the door locked. It wasn’t like her to lock up when she was home, but there was a killer on the loose. You knocked but received no answer. A walk around the house to the other door yielded the same results.
You huffed a sigh and pulled out your phone to call her.
“I am so sorry,” she answered before you even said a word.
“Where are you?”
She paused before answering which meant whatever she said next was likely to be at least a half-truth if not a full out lie. “It sort of slipped my mind you were coming. Sam and I are running an errand out of town. We should be back before dark.”
You clenched your teeth to keep from saying any of the many things that came to mind. “I don’t suppose you have a key hidden around here anywhere?”
“Not since Dawn. Jason has a key. I could tell him to let you borrow it.”
Seeing Jason Stackhouse ranked at the very bottom of the list of things you wanted to do that day. “I can manage. I’ll see you later.” You hung up before she could respond. It was probably safer that way.
You spent your time waiting in a booth at Merlotte’s. You ate a meal while you read a book you kept in your truck for when you needed to entertain yourself. When Lafayette had a break, he’d come out and sit so the two of you could catch up.
The sky had grown dark before you noticed and you gathered your things to head back to Sookie’s. You parked beside Sam and grabbed your bag. You didn’t bother to knock when you got to the door. Part of you wished you had when you caught Sam and Sookie making out on the sofa. You cleared your throat and they jumped away from each other. “Am I interrupting something?” Your lips twitched.
“Yeah, you are,” Sam answered with an irritated expression on his face.    
“No, of course not,” Sookie was quick to correct. She gave Sam a look as she hopped to her feet.
His disgruntled expression had a smile flirting with your lips again.
“I think Y/N has it from here, Sam.”
That got Sam off his ass. He turned so his back was to you as if that would keep you from hearing their conversation. “Don’t you think we should talk about this?”
“Not really no.” Sookie had that tight look she got whenever she was in an uncomfortable situation. Apparently, she was having second thoughts about that kiss. That was unfortunate. As much as Sam could annoy the piss out of you, he was so much better for her than Bill would ever be.
“Sook.” It may have been only one word, but Sam’s tone spoke volumes.
“Sam, I asked Y/N to help me out by stayin’ with me. I won’t be any ruder to her than I already have been.” She walked over to the door and opened it. “Now, I thank you for all of your help, but it’s time for you to go.”
Sam’s gaze darted between the two of you before settling on your friend. “All right, Sookie. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He leaned forward to kiss her as he passed. She turned her head at the last moment so he kissed her cheek. His sigh was audible as she shut the door behind him.
She locked the door before facing you. You gave into the smile you’d been fighting and her shoulders slumped as she groaned and wiped a hand down her face. “What am I going to do?” she moaned as she walked past you. She dropped onto the couch and you sat beside her.
She leaned her head on your shoulder. “I sure am glad you’re here, Y/N.”
You hummed in agreement. “While I expect the full story about what I just walked in on, we need to talk about last night first. What happened?”
Sookie took a deep breath and sat up straight. “There was a party at Merlotte’s for Arlene and Rene. I was feeling sorry for myself on account of Bill taking off the way he did so I was helping Sam out to keep my mind off things. I went inside for some more ice when I got this vision of a girl being killed.”
She shivered and you frowned. You couldn’t imagine being able to see the things she did. It had to be horrible.
“He was so angry. That was worse than what I saw. The overwhelming anger. I finally came to my senses enough to realize that the killer had to be there. I dropped to the floor and just missed a knife that slammed into the bar. I screamed and just focused on putting as much room between him and me as possible. The next thing I knew I crashed into Sam as I tried to see what was going on behind me.”
“I assume you called the police? Or what passes for them around here anyway?”
She nodded. “Of course, but there wasn’t much they could do. He was right there and I didn’t get a look at him. I’m so stupid.”
You grabbed her hand to make certain you had her attention. “Surviving is never stupid, Sookie. What good would it have done for you to see who it was if you died in the process?”
“I guess you’re right.” She turned on the sofa so she faced you and bounced in her seat a little. “Sam and I might have figured out who it is anyway.”
Your brows shot up. “Way to bury the lead, Sook. Tell me what you know.”
“When I had that vision last night, the girl that was killed was wearing a name tag from this pie place not too far from here. Her name was Cindy. Sam and I went up there to ask some questions today.”
“You did what now?” You loved your friend but sometimes you wished she thought things through a little more. “And what if the killer finds out you were asking questions? You’re going to make yourself a target.”
She shook her head. “You’re assuming I’m not already. But listen, so this girl named Cindy was killed and her brother disappears while they’re investigating. The police haven’t been able to find him. We tried to get some information from them, but they wouldn’t tell us anything. They’re supposed to be sending a picture to Bud.”
You had no doubt you could get the information much faster than they could. “What’s this guy’s name?”
“Drew Marshall.”
You sent the information to your father asking for him to find out what he could. Realistically you knew it would be the next evening before you heard anything. It was unlikely he’d have a contact at such a small precinct but he’d surprised you before. Sookie and you watched a movie and stayed up late talking. Well, it was late for her. You were always more comfortable in the night. That happened when you were raised by vampires.
After she went to bed, you passed your time by texting Eric who kept threatening to come drag you home. It was past dawn before you found sleep. As such, it took you a minute to process what was going on a few hours later when Sookie burst into your room yelling your name.
“Hold on. Hold on,” you instructed as she fired out words in a rapid burst of confusion. You sat up and raked a hand through your hair. “Okay. Start again. Slower this time.”
“There’s been another murder. Some one night stand of Jason’s. He’s been arrested.”
Shit. “All right, Sookie. Calm down as much as you can and go get dressed. We’ll go down to the station and see what’s going on.”
She nodded and hurried from the room. Jason Stackhouse was a lot of things but you weren’t certain he was capable of murder, despite your history with him. There was only one way to find out. With a sigh, you tossed aside the covers and climbed out of the bed.
You’d barely put the truck in park before Sookie had her door open and jumped out. You shook your head but didn’t try to stop her as you followed at a more sedate pace. By the time you joined her at the desk, she was already giving Andy Bellefluer a piece of her mind.
“If you’d give me a minute—”
“I’m not giving you anything, Andy Bellefluer. How stupid do you have to be to think my brother killed gram never mind all those other people? How could you believe such a thing?”
“I was trying to—”
Sookie cut him off again. “Did you not get the picture they were supposed to be sending you of the actual killer? Of course, Sam and I had to find that for you.”
Andy turned to you with an exasperated expression. “Help me out here, would you?”
You held up your hands. “Don’t look at me. I’m strictly here to watch her back. You’re on your own.”
He sighed and rolled his eyes as he put his attention back on Sookie. “Your brother—”
“Didn’t do this. That much I know and if you think—”
“He confessed!” Andy yelled over the top of her.
She visibly deflated. “What?”
“Jason Stackhouse walked into the station and turned himself in. He told us that there was a dead woman in his bed and we needed to lock him up before he hurt anyone else. I’m sorry, Sookie but that’s what happened.” The sympathy in his gaze had you rethinking your earlier assessment of the detective. Maybe he wasn’t so bad.
Sookie licked her lips and gave a nod. “Could I see him? Just for a minute?”
He hesitated for a moment. “Yeah. I suppose that would be all right. Come on.”
You had intended to stay in the lobby but Sookie grabbed your hand and pulled you along with her.
Jason no sooner laid eyes on his sister than he started protesting. “What’s she doing here?”
Andy opened his mouth to answer only to be cut off by Jason asking Sookie the same question. The detective rolled his eyes at once again being cut off by a Stackhouse and you couldn’t help a little grin. Poor Andy.
“Why are you doing this, Jason? We both know you didn’t kill anyone.” She dropped your hand to wrap her hands around the bars that separated her from the last of her family.
“You don’t know that, Sook. Hell, I don’t even know that. Maybe I did kill all those girls and I just don’t remember. But I do know I can’t hurt anyone else if I’m in here.”
“Don’t do this,” she practically begged.
Jason looked from her to the detective. “Get her out of here, Andy. I don’t wanna see her.” He stepped away from the bars and turned his back on his sister.
“Come on, Sookie,” Andy said as he patted her shoulder.
She hesitated only a moment before following him to the door. They glanced back to see if you were following, but you hadn’t moved. “I’ll be along in just a moment. Jason and I have some unfinished business.”
The detective glanced between you and Jason before nodding once and leading Sookie to the lobby.
“I ain’t got nothing to say to you, Y/N,” Jason said, his back still turned. His shoulders were tight with tension.
“Don’t care if you do. I have something to say to you.” You gave him a minute but when he didn’t respond you continued anyway. “Maybe I killed people and don’t remember doesn’t sound like much of a confession, Stackhouse.”
“You don’t know anything about it.”
“I know I’m rarely wrong when it comes to people and you aren’t a killer, Jason. You’re dumb as shit but you aren’t a killer.”
He snapped around, scowling at you for the insult. “I’m not stupid.”
You shrugged as if it didn’t matter to you and it didn’t. You weren’t going to argue the point with him. “I do want to know how someone gets killed in your bed without you knowing about it until it’s too late.”
His chin jutted forward as he clenched his teeth.
“My guess is you were wasted or high and slept through the whole thing.”
Fear flashed across his face before he schooled his features, but he remained silent.
You hummed as the corner of your lips curled into a small smile. “Got it in one. What’s your poison? Weed? Meth? V?”
His eyes widened and he stepped back as you said the last. You arched a brow. He was even dumber than you thought.
“You can’t tell him. Please Y/N, I’ll do whatever you want, just don’t tell him,” he begged.
“Tell who? Andy?”
“No, that scary ass motherfucker at Fangtasia. He said he’d cut my balls off with a rusty spoon if I ever used V again. I like my balls where they are, Y/N.”
“Eric doesn’t want to touch your balls, Jason. Trust me. You’ll be fine.”
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noladyme · 4 years
My Only Sunshine - Chapter 8 FINAL CHAPTER
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Liv is as human as they come – faults and all. After a dark experience in her past, she is determined to live life on her own terms, and never let anyone claim her as theirs again. This becomes an issue, when she meets a 1000-yearold vampire, who is dead-set on claiming her as his own.
I had my first shift back at Merlotte’s a few days later; having needed to wind down a bit. I hadn’t called or texted anyone to let them know exactly when I’d be back, so when I arrived at work, my friends rushed over to greet me. I noticed Sam examining my exposed skin for fang-marks , and was happy Eric had helped me rid of them. I couldn’t take a telling off from Sam right now; still too raw from my trip to Dallas. When he was satisfied, I wasn’t hurt, he gave me a warm hug. Sookie was next, and gave me a secret empathetic smile. “I just want to get back to work”, I said. “Back to normal”. “Did something happen to you in Dallas, cher’?”, Sam asked. “You look like you’ve been through it”. “No… nothing like that. Just jet-lagged from vamp-time”, I smiled. He nodded disbelievingly. “Any more… pictures show up here?”. “No. Nothing”, he replied. I sighed in relief. “Good. I’ll just go do, what you pay me to do, now”. I walked off, feeling both his and Sookie’s eyes on my back as I went.
I was happy to be back in flats, as I didn’t have any vamp-blood to heal my blisters. The lack of heels didn’t stop Jason from checking out my ass, as I came over to serve him and his crew their food. “Hey Liv! I hear you’ve been in Dallas. You running away from us permanently?”, he asked. “Nope. I’m in Bon Temps for the long haul”, I smiled. “Good, ‘cuz I’ve been thinking… You and I never did go on that date…”. I patted his cheek. “And we never will, Jason. You’re too much man to handle, big guy”. He leaned back in his seat, and smirked at me flirtatiously. “Nah, I think you can take it”. “Never gonna happen, Stackhouse”, I called over my shoulder, as I walked away.
Just after sundown, Bill showed up. After having kissed Sookie, he took me by surprise, by leaning in to give me a half hug. “I am glad to sae you unharmed”, he said. “We’re you really that worried?”, I asked. “I’ve been fine”. Bill lowered his voice for discretion. “But that phone call. Eric said…”. I felt tears forming in my eyes. “Liv doesn’t want to talk about that, Bill”, Sookie said. “But…”, Bill tried. “Please…”, I croaked. “Sook’, can you take care of my tables for a minute? I need some air…”. Sookie nodded, and patted my back, before I slipped out the back door.
The night was chilly for once; and I felt goosebumps form on my exposed arms and legs. I was feeling ridiculous for crying, but couldn’t help myself. Bill came out to join me. “I am terribly sorry. I didn’t realize I’d cause such pain to you by speaking of…”. “It’s fine, Bill. You couldn’t know”, I said, and accepted the handkerchief he handed me. I took a deep breath, and leaned my back against the wall next to the dumpster; grabbing a cigarette from my fanny pack, and lighting it. “Can I ask you a vampire question?”, I said. “Of course!”, he responded. I chewed my lip nervously. “What does it mean when a vampire wants to make a human theirs?”.
Bill thought for a moment. “Well, when a vampire wants to lay claim to a human, so that no other vampire can; he or she will do so by simply proclaiming it”. “You don’t ask the human?”, I said wonderingly. “Not usually, no”. “But what about what the human wants? What if they don’t want to belong to the vampire?”. Bill shrugged. “After the great reveal, consensual relationships between humans and vampires are much more common… obviously. In Sookie’s and my case, if she wanted to discontinue our relationship…”. He seemed pained at the thought. “Well, I would let her go. But she would still be mine, when it came to other vampires wanting to feed from her, or have… relations with her. I’ve claimed her…”. “Huh…”, I muttered.
“I take it Eric has claimed you…”, Bill said, distaste clear in his voice. “No”, I said. He frowned in confusion. “Why?”. I took a draw from my smoke, and looked at him earnestly. “Because I said no”. Bills jaw literally dropped, and I saw more of the white in his eyes than I ever had before. “And he… accepted that?”. I nodded. “Are you sure we are talking about the same Eric Northman? He is the kind of vampire who takes what he wants”. “Not me… I guess he didn’t want me that bad”, I muttered, and took another draw from my cigarette. I wasn’t sure about the truth of my own words. Eric had asked me, which was apparently out of character for him; but I didn’t dare let myself believe that there was a deeper meaning to his behavior.
Bill seemed unable to come up with a proper reply, and instead decided to pat my shoulder. Suddenly, he froze in place, looking towards the trees. “What’s wrong?”, I asked. “I don’t know…”, he said quietly. “I saw something”. I felt the hair at the back of my neck stand up straight. “What kind of something?”. “I am not sure… It’s probably nothing. No need to worry. Please tell Sookie I will be back to escort her home”. He was gone within a second, only leaving a gush of wind that made the smell of the dumpster hit my nose. I cringed, and went back inside. After relaying Bills words to Sookie, I got back to work.
As late as it was, there were fewer orders for food; as people had turned to alcohol instead. I went back and forth between the bar for a few hours, serving gin & tonics, beers and whiskey sours to the good and less than good people of Bon Temps. After a while, I finally felt able to push my trip to Dallas to the back of my mind; and focus on just being present where I was. Just before last call, Sam came up to me with a tray with two pink drinks. “Watermelon margaritas…”, he shrugged. “Never made one before, but the guy in the corner insisted on it. Wanted you to bring them”.
I spun around, and looked towards the corner booth; where Thomas was seated, smiling at me. My hands began shaking. “Liv? You ok?”, Sam asked. “You know him?”. “He’s… someone I knew back in San Diego”, I breathed. “Do you need me to take care of it?”. I shook my head fervently. I didn’t know why Thomas was here, but whatever his reason was, I didn’t think he remember having attacked me; and I didn’t want to cause a scene. “I got it…”, I said, and took the tray; walking over to the table.
I set down the drinks in front of Thomas. “Nice to see you again”, he said. “Will there be anything else?”, I asked coldly. “Just some company, if you don’t mind…”, Thomas smiled. “I’m sorry, sir, but I’m at work”, I replied. “But I got your favorite drink, Liv… And I sent you those pictures, to remind you of the good times we had”. I met his eyes, which were cold and hard. I looked over my shoulder at Sam, who’d returned to serving the patrons at the bar. “Your vampire friend is gone. My vampire friend took care of that. Now sit down, before I have to do something rash”. He lifted his jacket slightly, letting me see the gun tucked into the waistband of his jeans.
My heart beat 1000 miles per second, and I slowly lowered myself to sit across from Thomas. “What do you want?”, I whispered. “I want to talk to you about what happened that night…”, he replied. “You remember”, I said. Thomas nodded. “How?”. “The vampire friend I mentioned… His blood makes me able to do things, you can’t even imagine”. I shook my head, almost in pity of him. “How much is he plying you with?”. “Enough to make it close to impossible to glamour me”, Thomas grinned. “You know how it is. You can’t be glamoured either. That tall vampire saw to that”. “No… that’s different. Thomas, you have an addiction… a sickness!”, I sighed. “You have to know this is crazy!”.
He jolted forwards, and grabbed both my hands over the table; making it look as if we were holding hands, when in reality, he was hurting me. “What’s crazy is you throwing away a perfectly good guy, and letting some vamp feed on you instead”, he hissed. “You were going to rape me”, I whimpered. “You wanted it! You were practically throwing yourself at me for weeks!”. “No, I wasn’t… I said yes to one date, that was it. I was just being friendly…”. He let go of my hands, and sat back again. “You’re such a fucking slut, you know that? You led me on…”. He grabbed the gun from his waistband, cocked the hammer, and moved it under the table. I felt the barrel press at the inside of my knees. “You probably put out to that vampire in Dallas, didn’t you…? How much did he pay you?”. “Don’t do this, please…”, I whimpered.
Sam rang the bell. “That’s it, folks. Drink up!”. Sookie walked towards Thomas and me. “Don’t say anything. I swear I’ll shoot you, and everyone else in this shithole…”, Thomas hissed, and then suddenly smiled brightly at my approaching friend. Once at the table, Sookie looked questioningly at me. “Who’s your friend, Liv?”, she asked. I smiled as brightly as I could at her; willing her to hear my thoughts. “This is Thomas”, I said. Sookie. He’s dangerous. Listen to his thoughts, please!. “We knew each other in San Diego, and reconnected in Dallas”. Sookie’s eyes flickered, and she stuck out her hand to Thomas; who grabbed it with his free left hand. “Hi there, Thomas!”, she smiled. I saw confusion ghost her face, before she looked back at me. “Liv, could you come help us close up? We’re kind of swamped…”. I hoped she was trying to get me away from Thomas. “Actually… I was hoping to take Liv with me, now. You know, catch up…”, he smiled. “I really need to…”, I began. I felt the barrel of his gun bore into my bare skin. “Come on… We didn’t have a chance to really talk in Dallas”, he said, with an edge to his voice.
Sookie looked down towards the tabletop for a nanosecond. “Do you mind doing us a solid here, Sook’?”, I said. Let us go, Sookie. Please let us go. He’ll kill everyone in here. “I’ll do your prep for you tomorrow”. Sookie nodded. “What should I tell Sam?”, she asked. “Just tell him I’m catching up with a friend”, I smiled. I could see Thomas was getting agitated, and sighed deeply. “We should go…”, I said. Eric… I want Eric. Sookie blinked. “I’ll see you tomorrow”, she said. “Uh huh…”, I croaked. “I will!”, she said, and walked away.
After being satisfied Sookie was far enough away, Thomas slipped the gun into the back of his jeans. “We’re going to walk out of here real calm. Don’t even think about trying anything. I got enough V in me to rip you apart in a second”, he hissed through a smile. Once he got up to stand, I followed, and he put his arm around me; holding on to me tightly. I was too afraid to even look at Sookie or Sam, so simply followed where Thomas led me. I prayed that Sookie had understood my thoughts.
Once out of view of the bar Thomas pushed me towards a black chevy of a newer model, and just as I thought he was about to open the door for me to enter; he struck me over the back of my head, and I was out cold.
I don’t know how much time had passed when I woke, but it was still dark. I was lying on the backseat of Thomas’ car, which he’d parked down a gravel road somewhere I didn’t recognize immediately. He was leaning against the car, having one of my cigarettes. I tried to crawl for the door on the opposite side of where he was standing, but he noticed me moving, and opened the door; dragging me by the ankle, out of it. I hit the ground outside; the gravel cutting in to my skin.
Thomas fell to his knees next to me. “I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to hurt you just now!”, he smiled, and stroked my cheek. “That’s not how I want this to go”. I raised my hand to the back of my head, and felt a bump there. “You knocked me out”, I rasped. “I just needed you to go with me, without causing trouble”, he said, and raised me into a seated position. “What are you going to do to me?”, I asked. “You know what I’m going to do… You and I are going to finish what we started a year ago”, he said. I felt tears trickling down my cheeks, as I shook my head. “No…”. “Yes”, Thomas said. “You’re mine”. There was no mercy in his voice. I didn’t have anyone to save me this time. I didn’t have Eric. God, I wanted Eric there, to protect me – to hold me. I shook myself from the thought. If I wanted free, I’d have to help myself.
Grabbing a handful of gravel, I flung it at Thomas’ face. He covered his eyes, and cried out; and I managed to get on my feet, and run down the road. With a roar, Thomas got on his feet, and ran after me. “Get back here, you stupid cunt!”, he growled. I turned, and ran away from the road, through the trees; in hopes that I could find somewhere to hide. I was dizzy and heaving for breath, and knew that sheer speed wouldn’t be what got me away from my attacker. Stumbling over some branches, I fell to my knees, and cried out in pain, as a sharp rock cut in to my palm. “Don’t rouse them ‘gaters!”, Thomas yelled after me, with a mock Louisiana drawl. “Don’t want them getting to you before I do”.
I got on my feet again, and got back to running. Soon, I was recognizing the area. I knew I was near the cemetery between Sookies and Bills houses, and headed in the direction I thought might be right to get to the vampire’s house. Once I saw the fence surrounding the cemetery, I almost cried in relief.
I heard a loud pop, and felt a sharp pain in my thigh; before falling to the ground, just at the entrance to the graveyard. Before long Thomas was stood over me, his gun in hand. He’d shot me. “Why do you have to make this so difficult?”, he growled, and kicked me hard in the stomach. I curled up, heaving for breath. “Stop. Please stop…”, I pleaded. Thomas grabbed a hold of my head, and I put my hands around his wrist, so he wouldn’t tear it at the roots. He dragged me into the cemetery, and threw me on the ground in front of an old gravestone. “No…”, I sobbed. “You like fucking dead people so much, I’ll let you die next to them as well”. He pounded his fist into my chest, making all air leave my lungs. “You’re not even worth it, you bitch”. Blow after blow hit my body, as I struggled to get oxygen into my lungs. Every time Thomas’ fist hit me, he followed it with angry slurs and insults. I tried screaming for help, but in the end, the pain was so extreme I couldn’t make a sound anymore. I was beginning to feel cold, and saw that the wound in my leg was bleeding profusely. I was losing a lot of blood, very fast.
I laid on my back, looking up at the stars, as Thomas continuously pounded at me; when I heard a roar, and Eric came out of the darkness – grabbing Thomas by the neck, and tearing him away from me. Thomas was knocked out when his back hit a nearby gravestone, and Eric ran over to me. “Liv…”, he breathed, and put his hand on my bruised cheek. I coughed up some blood, and he turned me gently, to let me spit it out. “Eric?”, I heard Bills voice call out. “She’s here!”, Eric replied. “She’s hurt bad, but I can heal her… I should have come sooner. I’m sorry, Liv”. His eyes were pained, and I tried to reach for his face. “Don’t move. Just let me…”.
He was grabbed from behind, and thrown away from me. Rose had arrived out of nowhere, and was now doing her best to do some damage to Eric, by biting in to his neck. Eric roared in pain, and Bill came running to help Eric. The two male vampires soon had the upper hand in the fight; but apparently, the plan hadn’t been to win the fight – merely to distract them.
I felt myself get lifted from the ground, and was soon looking in to the eyes of Stan. “Stand down, Northman!”, he growled. Eric immediately released the hold he’d had on Rose, and spun around to face Stan. His eyes were wide in rage and what seemed to be fear. “Stan, let her go”, he said. Rose edged away, to go check on Thomas. “I don’t think so”, Stan said. “This gash cost me my sheriff’s position”.
“Your human is alive”, Rose said, from where she was standing over Thomas. “Fuck him. I don’t need him anymore”, Stan said. “You sure? ‘Cuz I could eat”, Rose smirked. “Knock yourself out”, Stan said. Rose was about to lift Thomas, so that she could bite him, when her chest burst open. She turned in to goo within seconds, revealing Godric behind her; still holding on to her heart. Pam was a few paces behind him. “Sorry we’re late”, she smiled. “Godrics plane just landed”.
Godric took a few slow steps towards Stan. “Stay back!”, Stan said; spinning me around, so my back was to his chest. He grabbed my head, and tilted it to the side. I didn’t have the strength to fight him off. “I’ll snap her neck”. “Not before I rip your head off!”, Eric hissed. Stan simply laughed coldly. “Stan. This isn’t the way…”, Godric said. “You will not get back in the good graces of the authority by killing this woman”. “Fuck the authority. Fuck all of you… Kneeling to lesser beings? You should be ashamed!”. “No one is kneeling”, Godric said. Eric, Pam and Bill gave each other a look, and began flanking Stan and I. “We are simply coexisting”.
Stans grip around my chest was so tight, that I began sobbing in pain again. “See that? They’re weak… below us!”, he said. “She was important enough for the magister to want her to stay alive”, Godric said. “And why is that?”, Stan asked. “What is she? She does smell interesting”. He lowered his nose to a cut over my brow. I heard Eric growl, and Stan chuckled in response. “I told you I would have a taste!”. “I’m going to kill you”, Eric roared. Stan knew his time was up. He was outnumbered; and at least two of the vampires present, had hundreds of years on him. “Then I might as well go out a happy vampire”, he said. Stan sunk his fangs into me, and sucked. “Nej!”, I heard Eric cry out in an agonized voice.
Stans bite wasn’t sensual as Erics had been. It was like being torn open, and literally eaten alive. My neck was burning from the bite, and my eyes rolled back in my head in agony. Then suddenly, he dropped my body to the ground. Everything became foggy. I could just make out, as Pam, Bill and Eric attacked Stan. I thought I saw Pam and Bill hold Stan down, as Eric grabbed his head, and tore it clean from his body; before he became the same kind of goo that Rose’s had.
I was hardly breathing – couldn’t even feel any pain anymore – and I knew I was dying. A pair of strong arms cradled me, and I forced myself to focus on Erics face. “I have to heal her”, he said. “It’s too late, Eric… she lost too much blood”, Bill said with a pained voice. “I’m so sorry, Liv…”. Eric met my eyes, looking like he’d never be happy again. “Stay with me”, he breathed, and pressed his lips to mine. “Snälla Liv… mit solsken…”. I wanted nothing but to embrace him. Make him smile again. “Y-yours…”, I rasped. “Yours…”. A bloody tear escaped Erics eye, and a pained smile forced itself to his lips. “Mine…”, he whispered, and stroked my temple; when his expression became determined.
Pam came over, and put a hand on his shoulder. “The sun will be up soon”, she said. “We have to go”. Eric looked at her with hard eyes. “Dig a hole”, he said. “Eric…”, Bill said warily. “Are you sure…?”. “I said, dig a fucking hole!”. Bill and Pam disappeared from sight, and Godric put a hand on the top of Erics head. Their eyes locked for a second, before Godric disappeared in the direction the others had went.
My breathing had become a rattling, and Eric pulled me impossibly closer to him. “No… not yet. You have to drink”. Extracting his fangs, he bit in to his wrist, and put it to my lips. I didn’t have the strength to suck; so simply looked into Erics eyes, as his blood flowed into my mouth, and down my throat. Before long, the wounds closed, and Eric bit into his skin again; repeating the process.
I used my last ounce of energy to lift the corners of my lips into a soft smile; losing myself in Erics blue eyes, before everything went black.
“Min Liv… mit liv”.
I couldn’t move. I was held down by some unknown force, and everything was blackness. My face was pressed against something both firm and soft, leaving very little room for me to breathe; which I realized was futile anyway, as there wasn’t any air to be had. Someone was holding on to me firmly but gently, and I knew the embrace. I’d been in it before.
With the tiny bit of air in my lungs still there, I tried to speak. “Eric…”. It came out as a peep; but must have woken him, because I felt him move. Panic began to take me over, and I tried to move myself. I needed air, soon. Eric used all his strength to break through what was holding us down – dirt, I realized. We’d been buried. Just as I was about to pass out from the lack of oxygen, Eric grabbed my wrists and pulled me out of the ground after him.
I took a deep heaving breath, and then coughed. Eric was wiping the dirt out of my face, so I could meet his eyes. “Liv…”, he breathed. He was dirty, just like me; but it didn’t take away from his beauty. The dim light of the moon, made him almost shimmer over me. Eric held me against him, and stroked my cheek smilingly for a few seconds – kissing my forehead – before a confused expression took over. He began running his palm over my exposed skin, his cool hand in sharp contrast to my warmth, as he seemingly examined me. “What happened?”, I croaked. Suddenly Pam was next to us, almost looking happy to see me; before she also frowned – her eyes wary. “Where’s Godric?”, Eric demanded. “In the house”, Pam said. Eric got on his feet, and picked me up in his arms. Without speaking, he carried me out of the graveyard, and towards Bills large house. “Eric, what’s happening?”, I asked quietly. He didn’t respond, but simply carried me over the threshold as Pam opened the door; and in to the living room.
Sookie, Bill and Godric were seated there, and all got up to stand, when Eric entered the room with me. Bill parted his lips and widened his eyes when he saw me; whereas Godric looked like he was looking at something completely normal. “Liv!”, Sookie cried out, and ran towards Eric to greet me. Bill grabbed her arm and held her back. “Careful…”, he said.
Eric set me down on the couch, and put a hand to my chest, seemingly feeling my heart beat. “Why is she alive?”, he asked. Memories from the night before came back to me, and I drew a deep, ragged breath, when I realized what Eric had tried to do. “Because she can’t be turned”, Godric said. “You cannot make her vampire”. “But she was dead…”, Eric began. “I’m here, you know. Please stop talking about me like I’m not!”, I said. Godric smiled warmly at me. “You most certainly are here”, he said. Pam stifled a grin, and I turned my face to look at Eric. He sat down next to me, and looked at me like I was the strangest creature he’d ever met. “You tried to turn me…”, I said. “So, why am I still human?”. Eric looked bewildered. “I… don’t know”, he admitted. “You were dead. I heard your heart stop”. I looked down at my chest, as if I could see the heart in question. Eric turned to look at Godric. “Vad är hon?”.
Godric sat back down, and looked across the faces of the room. “Liv is something no one else in this room, maybe in the world is. Human”. I opened and closed my mouth a few times, trying to find the words to respond to that. “That makes no sense at all”, I finally said. “There are humans everywhere. Are you telling me I’m some kind of weird subspecies?”. “Quite the opposite”, Godric smiled. “You are as human as it is possible to be. Your blood is like human blood was, before they dabbled in magic; and before they interbred with fae-folk and shifters. When they were purely human”. “But vampire blood heals me, just like everyone else”, I said. “The healing components of our blood is merely biology…”, Godric said. “Glamouring; bloodbonds; the visions, strength, and pleasures having our blood can give; and becoming one of us… That’s magic”. “And I am completely magic-less. Magic-resistant, even”, I muttered. Godric nodded. “That’s kind of… sad”, I said. “I think it’s remarkable”.
Bill cleared his throat. “With all due respect, Godric. That does not explain why Liv is alive”. He was still holding Sookie back from coming over to greet me; seemingly worried I’d suddenly sprout fangs, and give in to bloodlust. “As Eric said, she was dead. I also heard her heart stop”. “Erics blood is ancient; and he comes from a strong bloodline, both on his human and vampire side”, Godric said matter-of-factly. “He cannot turn Liv, but he was able to bring her back from death”. Eric smirked smugly; feeling very happy about himself, obviously. I couldn’t help but smile a little at him. “How?”, Bill asked. “I cannot say for sure”, Godric said. “But I suspect that the humanity in Liv fought back against being turned vampire; and as the magic could not take hold in her, she simply rose as a human again”. “That still sounds kind of magical”, Pam said. “Maybe… Or maybe it was just the very strong curative properties in Erics blood that healed and jolted her back to life”. “What if she died again? Could Eric just bring her back human?”, Sookie asked. “Let’s not test that theory. Being buried alive was not fun”, I said, shuddering.
Eric smiled at me, and picked a stray clump of dirt out of my hair. When he saw Bills smirking reaction to his caring gesture, he drew his lips back in a sneer. “Mine!”, he growled. I’d said that, before I died. I had given myself to Eric, and there wasn’t a chance in hell, he was letting go now. Godric smiled affectionately at his child.
My throat was dry, I was tired, and I wanted to wash myself off from dirt and grit. “I want to go home…”, I breathed. Eric nodded. “Pam, fetch the car, so we can go back to Shreveport”, he ordered. “Thank fuck. I’m not spending another day in Bills smelly cubby", Pam said. Grabbing a hold of Erics wrist, before he could whisk me away, I shook my head. “No… I want to go home, to my house”, I said. Eric recoiled at my words. “You said…”. “I’m still my own, even if I did say yes”, I said quietly. “Please, take me home…”. After a moment, he gave me a stoic nod; before looking at Godric, who had gotten on his feet again. “I’ll not leave before we have a chance to say farewell”, Godric smiled. “Pamela can entertain me with tales of your debauchery, in the meanwhile”.
I got on my feet, and took three long strides towards the ancient vampire; wrapping my arms around him. He froze in place, completely taken of guard. “Thank you for everything, Godric”, I said, and kissed his cheek. As I stepped back, he held his fingertips to where my lips had left their mark. Eric, Pam and Bill all stood mouths agape and wide-eyed at my gesture. For a moment, Godric almost looked like a human, just a young man in his late teens; almost blushing. He must have had some of Bills TruBlood. “I’ve not been embraced like that in more than 2000 years”, he smiled. “Thank you”. It was my turn to blush.
Eric put a gentle hand on my shoulder, and after a final smile towards Godric, I let him lead me towards the front door. Sookie ran after us, Bill not holding her back this time; and I let my friend hug me warmly. “You heard me…”, I smiled. “Not clearly”, she said, as she stepped back. “But I knew something was wrong, and when I took that guys hand, his mind was screaming about what he had planned”. She swallowed hard, and I saw her eyes well up. I squeezed her hand. “Thank you, Sookie…”. She wiped her eyes, and smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow at work, right?”, “I’ll consider letting her go”, Eric said. I rolled my eyes at him. “See you then”, I smiled at Sookie, and walked out the door; Erics hand on my lower back. We walked down the steps of the porch, when Sookie called after me again. “Liv? I did hear one of your thoughts clearly…”. I looked back at her. “What was that?”. She smiled warmly, before looking at Eric, and back at me again. “Why do you think I called him?”, she said. “You take care of her, Eric Northman!”. Eric gave her a curtly nod, and she went back into the house.
Once standing in the driveway, I sighed heavily. “Shit. My car is still at Merlotte’s”, I frowned. Eric brushed his thumb against my jaw. “Come here”, he said quietly; and whisked me into his arms. Before I knew what had happened, we’d lifted off. Looking down at the disappearing ground, I let out a terrified squeal. “Eric! We’re flying”, I said, and clamped my arms around his neck. “I know”, he said. “Why are we flying?”. “Because it’s faster than walking”. He sounded amused at my frightened whimpers, but when he looked at my face, his eyes softened. “I’ve got you, Liv. I’m not letting go”. He brushed his lips to my forehead. My eyes widened, as I saw we were heading towards a group of tall trees. “Eyes on the road…! Or in the air… whatever”. Eric chuckled, and I hid my face in his chest, as we narrowly escaped hitting some branches.
I didn’t open my eyes for the rest of the flight.
I felt firm ground under my feet, as Eric set me down on the ground gently. Opening my eyes, I saw that we were stood in front of my small house. “Thank you”, I whispered. “You’re welcome”, Eric replied. “I still don’t understand why you insisted on coming here. You’ll be much more comfortable at my house”. “You have a house?”, I asked, as I grabbed my hide-a-key from under a stone near the mailbox. My key-ring was still in my car, back at Merlotte’s. “You thought I slept at Fangtasia every day?”. He sounded amused again. “I have a house… A few actually. The one in Shreveport isn’t the largest, but it has room for you”. I unlocked my door, and shook my head smilingly. “What…? You’ll make Pam give me one of her shoe-rooms?”, I joked, and turned to face him in the doorway. “Not that she needs both of them; but that won’t be necessary. There’s a spare bedroom, if you want your own… for when you insist on sleeping”. There was a frisky tone to his voice.
Still trying to wrap my head around the need for a room specifically for shoes, I went into the house. Eric followed me inside, and brushed his hand over my bottom. “Dirt”, he smirked, when I gave him a chiding look. “Pack whatever you need, and come with me”. “I can’t do that”, I said. “But I’ll take care of you. You won’t have to live in this… house”. It was clear to me, that Eric would have rather used a word like shack or even sewer. “You don’t have to work for Sam Merlotte and Bill Compton”. “I’ll just be your live-in fangbanger?”, I said. “Liv, no… I…”, Eric began. “I like working, and making my own money. I like Bon Temps”.
I unfastened the dirty fannypack from my waist, and dropped it on the coffee-table, next to the check and note which were still laying there. “If you like making your own money, why haven’t you cashed this?”, Eric asked, and picked up the check. “It didn’t feel right”, I muttered. “I didn’t really do any of the work you hired me to do. Unless you count the sex and the blood; but that wasn’t part of the original deal. Even if you did say…”. Eric looked down at the check, apparently not wanting to meet my eyes. “That’s not what this was for. And you did do your job”. He reached out the check to me. “Please take it”. I took the piece of paper, and put it in the drawer of the dresser my small tv was stood on.
I picked at some of the dirt under my fingernails, from our burial. “You’re fidgeting”, Eric said quietly. “I do that”, I said. “Does it still bug you?”. “No… It never did”, he replied. He took my hand, and merged his fingers with mine. “I hurt you… But you have to know, I didn’t mean what I said. I didn’t bring you to Dallas to get you in bed… I hoped for it, but I didn’t expect it”. “I know”, I muttered, and looked through my lashes at him. He seemed vulnerable; a strange contrast to his usual suave demeanor. I brushed my lips against his knuckles. “And it’s not like I didn’t want it to happen also. I wanted you… want you”. “You have me… And you said you were mine”. “I did. And I meant it. But I’m still…”. “Your own as well”, he smiled softly. “I understand”. “Do you?”, I smirked. “No…”, he admitted. “But I know that if I want you as you are, with everything you are, I’ll have to accept it…”.
“When Thomas had me, all I wanted was to see you…”, I said. Anger ghosted Erics face. “You will never have to see him again!”, he declared. “What happened to him?”, I asked. He shook his head. “You don’t have to worry about that”. I frowned at him. “What did you do to him?”. Eric gave me a reluctant look. “I can’t spend the rest of my life not knowing, whether he’ll pop up in my life again. I won’t feel safe…”. “He won’t”, he said, and put his free hand on my cheek. “Is he dead?”, I asked in a whisper. Eric shook his head with a sour expression. “Godric wouldn’t let me kill him… But when he hit that gravestone, he broke his back. He won’t be walking again”. I gasped, and shuddered. “He broke his back? Really?”. His sour expression turned a bit more content. “Well, Pam might have broken it in a few more places, before she dropped him off at the hospital… He can’t get you again; and he doesn’t have Stans protection anymore, so he won’t talk”.
I sighed, and leaned forwards; letting Eric embrace me. He buried his large hand in my hair, and held me tightly but gently with his other arm. After a while, he moved his hand from my hair to my chin, to tilt my head backwards; and in a fluid movement melded his lips with mine. “You taste like… graveyard dirt”, I said against his lips. “Come on…”.
Taking his hand, I led Eric into my small bathroom. I began removing my clothes, and dirt and grime scattered over the floor from them. Eric pulled of his leather jacket and top, before unlatching my bra for me. I smiled over my shoulder at him, and pulled it down my arms. While I pulled down my panties, Eric removed his pants and underwear; and followed me in to the small shower cubicle. I turned on the water as warm as I could handle, and began rubbing the dirt from my arms. I felt Erics hands stroking my back as he stood behind me, and smelled my apple scented bodywash, as he lathered it across my skin.
Tilting my head back, to get the dirt out of my hair, Eric leaned over my shoulder, and kissed my exposed throat. “I’m happy you’re still human. I prefer you warm and alive”, he breathed. His hands travelled to cup my breasts, and my nipples perked at his fingers’ ministrations of them. “Then why did you try to turn me?”, I asked. “Because I would rather have the ghost of who you were, than losing you completely”. He spun me around to face him, and hunched down to meet my eyes. “Are you angry that I did?”. I put some bodywash in my hands, and began washing his chest. “No… If I was about to lose you, and there was a way to keep even part of you with me, I would”. I looked down to avoid his gaze. Eric put a hand on my cheek. “I’m not going anywhere”. His voice made me feel warm all over. “You make it sound like you’re mine, like I’m yours”, I whispered. I got no response, and the warmth I’d felt a second ago, was switched out with fear. Fear of rejection; fear that Eric didn’t actually feel about me like I did about him. I hesitantly met his eyes, and saw that he was smiling warmly at me. “Are you?”. It came out almost as a peep. “Yes”. There was no reluctance in Erics response; and before I had a chance to react to it, his lips were on mine.
The cascading water washed over us, as our mouths and tongues explored each other. Eric held on to me, as I rose to my toes, to wrap my arms around his shoulders. My feet were slipping, but I was never worried about falling. I was safe in Erics arms; and it seemed like he felt he was safe in mine. When his hardness stroked against my belly, he let out a soft moan. I looked down, and wrapped my hand around him; gently stroking him up and down. One of Erics hands went down to my bottom, sliding between my cheeks; his long fingers finding my folds. Tightening my grasp on his cock, Erics moans became louder, and turned in to grunts of pleasure. He was stroking his fingers back and forth between my folds, but soon had to focus his attention on remaining standing; and put his hands against the wall instead. With one arm around his shoulders, I held myself standing on my toes, and plunged my tongue into Erics mouth; muffling his sounds as I pleasured him. I wanted to use both my hands on my lover, so got down on my soles again, and took a hold of his testicles. They immediately tightened in my cradling hand. “Liv… I’ll…”, Eric groaned. “I know. But I’m pretty sure you can go more than once”, I said, and dove in to rake my teeth over his nipple. Eric growled, and grabbed the back of my head, hungrily devouring my mouth in a kiss. While I massaged his balls, Eric began thrusting in to my hand. “Come on…”, I breathed and tightened my hold on his cock. “Min…”, he croaked, and thrusted harder. I stared deep into his eyes. “Yours”, I said; and at my words, Eric came with a roar.
I gently washed both our bellies from Erics juices, while he looked on with bemused eyes. His hand stroked against my hip, as I stepped out of the shower after having turned off the water. Snaking an arm around my waist, he bent down to give me a slight kiss; before a wicked expression came across his face. Before I knew it, I was across the hall, on my bed. Standing over me was a 6’4 blonde Viking-prince; who looked like he’d just stepped out of the ocean. I let out a noise, that sounded like something in between a giggle and a moan, as he stood there in all his glory. “You’re kind of magnificent…”, I said. “Yes”, Eric agreed, smug as ever. He knelt down on the bed, and crawled over me; kissing his way up my torso, until he reached my lips. “And you are… glänsande”. “I don’t know what that means, but I’ll… Oh, fuck!”.
Eric had plunged two fingers into me, and was thrusting them upwards; pressing against my g-spot. With a suckle of my lower lip, Eric took his leave from my mouth, and ducked down, to suck my clit into his mouth. Flicking his tongue over my pebble, it only took him minutes to have me unfurl. My legs were shaking, and I was whimpering in extasy. I arched my back, and came.
It took me a few moments to come down to earth; moments which Eric used to kiss his way up my convulsing body, while tracing the curves of my hips, belly and breasts with his fingertips. He was sporting a self-satisfied smile. “What are you so smug about, sheriff Northman?”, I chuckled. “You’ve had 1000 years to perfect that. Making me come is a walk in the park for you; not a battle you’ve won”. “I’ve won many battles. Making you scream out in pleasure is the one I’m most proud of”, he smirked. “I wasn’t screaming…”, I said, and stroked my fingers over his shoulders, and down his back. Eric pushed my legs further apart, and placed himself between them. “I’ll have to return to the battleground, then”, he said, and pushed into me.
We found our rhythm immediately, rolling our hips against each other. When I took a hold of Erics now beautifully tousled hair and pulled at it, he growled; and thrusted harder in to me. I sucked and nibbled at his neck, and when he threw his head back in pleasure, I kissed his adam’s apple; feeling it bob up and down under my lips, as he swallowed to wet his mouth. “Bite me…”, I breathed. “No… You lost too much blood last night”, he said. I frowned in disappointment. “Don’t worry, you’re still going to scream”, he smiled.
Leaning down to suck my nipple into his mouth, Eric then grabbed my thighs, and got up on his knees. As my butt was resting on his thighs, and my back was still on the mattress; my hips where tilted in just the right angle to feel every inch of his hardness moving in and out of me. Eric began moving with ferocious thrusts, hitting my front wall perfectly. He held on firmly to my hips, and looked down at himself disappearing and reappearing from my warmth; clearly enjoying the view, from the look of his face. I grabbed on to Erics wrists to ground myself, and not suddenly fly off the bed, both metaphorically and literally. Sounds of groans; moans; and skin slamming against skin, from Erics hips hitting my backside, filled the room – sounds that were almost hypnotizing to me, and drew me closer to my undoing.
I squeezed my eyes together to keep my composure from Erics delicious assault on me; trying to keep some kind of control of myself. “No, look at me”, Eric demanded. “Let it happen. Just let go, sunshine”. I opened my eyes, and looked up at him; and as he pulled almost all the way out, and slammed back in to me, Eric got exactly what he’d aimed for. I screamed out my orgasm. Eric was laughing warmly, and moved backwards on his knees; pulling out of me as he did. He leaned down, and kissed me passionately. “Another battle won”, he smiled. “Uh huh…”, I croaked; still panting.
I was still laying with my legs spread. My thighs were quivering, and I grabbed on to the sheets below, feeling aftershocks go through my core. Eric looked down at my clenching warmth, and stroked a hand up the inside of my leg. His index finger went in between my folds, making me jolt from overstimulation; and then down over my taint, before stopping at the tight ring of muscle at the bottom of it. “You know, I’d really like to…”, Eric began. I crawled backwards on the bed, and held up a finger to stop him. “Nope... no. I don’t think I’m quite there yet”, I said. “Believe me, it can be quite pleasurable”, he said matter-of-factly; and traced the puffy skin there. “Yeah, I’m sure you love it… But I haven’t tried it before”.
Eric removed his finger, and took my hand to pull me up to sit; giving me an earnest look. “I would never want hurt you. Not in any way that you wouldn’t want me to, at least. You seem to like it when I get a little rough”, he said smilingly, and stroked my cheek. “If you don’t want that, I won’t do it. I want you to trust me”. “I do…”, I said quietly. “And I do want to… yield to you”. I bit my lip, and blushed. Eric searched my eyes for something undefinable. “Turn around. All fours”, he said. A shiver ran down my spine. “Eric…”, I croaked. He raised his brows at me, and smiled calmingly. “I haven’t finished yet. I want to do that inside you”, he said. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to. You can ask me to stop at any time. Please trust me”.
I turned around, and got on all fours in front of Eric. He stroked my cheeks, before grabbing himself, to stroke against my folds for a few moments. When he entered me, I let out a pleased sigh. He felt so good from any angle; and I’d always enjoyed a good doggy-fuck. Erics movements were softer than they’d been before, and he was careful not to thrust too hard. One of his hands travelled down in front of me, stroking circles on my clit, while the other massaged my butt. As I was losing myself in sexual bliss, and fire began building inside me again, Eric moved his hand from my cheeks; and he let his thumb travel down between them. He found my ring again, and stroked it as he did my clit. The sensation was heaven. It wasn’t that no one had ever pleasured me by stroking that spot before; but the way Eric was doing it was simply masterful. He began pushing at my hole, never entering me, but still making my muscle work. It spread a tingle across my lower back, to go with the one streaming from my clit. Topping that of, was his hardness excavating me deliciously. It was so wrong that it was right.
“Fuck it… Do it!”, I rasped, earning a soft chuckle from Eric; before he pushed his thumb into my anus. I whimpered in pleasure, and fell down to my chest, unable to hold myself up. Eric fucked me with both his cock and his finger, and stroked my bundle of nerves; and the sensation of fullness inside me, made me begin to clench around him. I had tears in my eyes, and moved my butt back and forth to meet his thrusts. “So warm and tight. You feel so good”, Eric groaned. “Take me with you…”. Heat exploded from my core, and I pulled Eric along with me into extasy. I heard him cry out behind me, and spill himself inside my clenching heat. Gently pulling both his penis and his finger out of me, Eric lowered my hips to the bed. I was a whimpering mess, when he pulled me in to his arms. “You did so good, my sunshine… so good”, he breathed against my lips, as he kissed me.
I laid cradled against his body, our legs tangled and arms holding on to each other. “Eric…?”, I whispered. “Uh hmm…?”, he said, his eyes closed, and a pleased smile on his handsome face. “I’m hungry… I haven’t eaten since before I died”. He turned his head and looked at me. “I was going to let that photographer be your first meal”, he said. “Thanks… I guess”, I chuckled. “But I need human food”. He raised his brows and sighed. “Well, there’s been a cat wailing at your back door for the last 30 minutes. I could throw it in the microwave for you”.
I sat up abruptly. “Shit! It’s Thursday!”. I flew out of bed, and quickly put on a clean tank top, and a pair of pajama-shorts. Eric stared at me in confusion, as I ran out of the room. I grabbed a bowl, and a can of tuna; and went out the back door, to greet Mr. Whiskers. “I’m so sorry, honey! I completely forgot about you…”, I sighed, as the large tabby stroked himself against my legs. I set down the bowl of tuna at the bottom of the steps, and scratched the cat behind its ears.
Eric came outside to join me, once again dressed in his dirty clothes. He looked on as Mr. Whiskers bumped his forehead against my hand. “I don’t like that thing…”, he said, and stared at the cat with cold eyes. “Are you jealous of the cat now?”, I laughed. Eric sneered some Swedish curse word, and Mr. Whiskers hissed at him. “Oh, really? I’ll tell her you said that…”, Eric growled. “Eric, be nice to my honey!”. The vampire took my hand, pulling it away from the cat, and raised me to my feet. He tucked me in to his side. “Mine!”, he growled. “Don’t you have some beers to serve?”. I was completely confused, but decided to let it go.
Eric turned his face to me, and kissed me almost possessively. “I have to go see Godric”, he said. “Come to Fangtasia tomorrow”. “I have to go to work”, I said. Mr. Whiskers meowed. “Shut up!”, Eric snarled at it. “After work… I want to see you”. I tugged at his jacket. “I’ll be there. But I’m not waiting in line”. Eric pulled me in for another kiss. “Mine…”, he breathed. “Mine…”, I smiled.
Eric stepped away from me, and looked down at Mr. Whiskers with distaste again. The cat hissed one more time, and Eric hissed right back at it, before taking flight. I scratched Mr. Whiskers behind the ears a final time, and picked up the empty bowl; before going back inside – my heart full, but stomach less so.
I fell asleep while eating mac’n’cheese, and reading dirty texts from my favorite Viking-prince-vampire.
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grittedgeorgiana · 3 years
[  emmy rossum  &  she/her &  cisfemale  ]  :  my  oh  my,  is  that  GEORGIANA "GEORGIE" PEABODY  in  bon  temps  ?  what  the  hell  are  they  up  to  hanging  around MERLOTTE'S BAR AND GRILL listening  to  RUNNING UP THAT HILL  by  MEG MYERS  when  they  should  be  doing  whatever  a  BARTENDER  does  ?  between  you  and  i,  the  33  year  old  MEDIUM  is  avoided  for  acting  STANDOFFISH,  but  whenever  they  let  their  RESILIENT  side  shine  through  people  flock  to  them.  i  guess  they're  in  town  because  SHE WAS BORN AND RAISED THERE.  explains  some  of  it,  though  i  can't  help  but  wonder  if  there's  more  to  a  HANDS CLASPED OVER EARS and SPANISH MOSS SWAYING FROM SPRAWLING OAK LIMBS  story.   ───  abbie,  27,  est,  she/her.
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hi everyone! i’m abbie and this is my oc, georgiana peabody. i’d love to plot and make connections so if you’re interested in that, like this post! anyways, here’s a bit more about georgie!
tw beneath the cut : murder and domestic violence
georgie is a native of bon temps. her family has lived there for several generations.
she grew up in a little shack, not far from the bayou. she loved it. she loved the sticky, wet air. she loved the occasional breeze that would roll in from those murky, gator infested waters. she loved watching the spanish moss in the trees sway back and forth. she loved walking around barefoot, letting her feet get right nasty from mud and dirt and grass.
what she missed most about her childhood was her mother, martha. martha was a kind and beautiful woman. georgie fondly remembers weekend morning on the porch swing with martha running her fingers through the girl’s wild dark hair.
it wasn’t totally uncommon around places like bon temps to hear of men beating their wives. martha and georgiana’s father, gary, were no exception. gary would get to drinking and something would set him off and, boy, it was like watching a rabid animal. and georgiana knew he was one that needed to be put down.
the peabody family never did have a lot of money but even still, georgiana knew she’d’ve been happy if it weren’t for her father. she was an average student - good enough, at least. and she’d lay in bed and imagine if her parents loved each other. she’d have little siblings to play with and laugh with.
georgie’s mama had been sporting more and more bruises and busted lips as her daddy drank more and more. georgie hated getting off the school bus.
but one day she got off and her house was all surrounded by yellow tape and cars with lights on top flashing red, white, and blue. they would’ve been pretty if they didn’t mean something so ugly.
georgiana fought hard to get into that little shack. she could see where something had busted through one of the front windows and, as she looked hard, she saw a pair of feet laying in the front doorway. for a ten-year-old, scrawny girl, it took two police officers to pull her into a car.
the officer took her to her granny’s and that’s where she finished growing up.
not long after her mother’s murder, georgiana began having vivid dreams about martha. at first, she’d just dream of being held by her mother again. then it slowly turned to conversation until, one day, the conversation didn’t end when she awoke.
it was torment at first - to hear the voice of her mama at any given moment. but over the years she began honing her skill. it’s easier to control for the most part (depending on the spirit) and she hears more than just her mother.
georgiana has never left the state of louisiana and has never left bon temps.
she now occupies her parents’ old house on the bayou - it was the only thing her parents had to give her upon their passing.
she’s worked at merlotte’s since she was in high school. ( previous owners before sam had taken over)
was previously married (leaving this open because i’ll make her ex a wc)
has a bloodhound named charlie
wanted connections:
any extended family
childhood friends (and best friend)
merlotte’s regulars
ex-husband (this could be amicable or not!)
any others, i’m a whore for plots and connections
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satanssmutcorner · 4 years
Smutty Blog Introduction
Hello fellow earthlings! I’ve been debating for a while now on whether or not to become more active on this platform. Given the short nature (ish) of the content here, it seems like a good option given that I’m currently quite busy with Uni and other life stuff in general, but still feel that writer’s itch and wish to write down thoughts and ideas to explore some creative avenues. Now, for that to happen, I’m more than happy to take requests, given that I’m a part of quite a few fandoms. I’ll also add the characters I’d be willing to write for, so you guys get an idea as to what to expect.
That being said, this is a blog largely dedicated to all the smutty fics I come up with, so it’ll mostly be one-shots, drabbles, headcannons, NSWF alphabets, etc. I reserve the right to not write certain stuff because, well, I might not be into it (this includes underage stuff and noncon, straight off the bat, sorry, that’s just how it is). Other than that, please feel free to send me an ask of a request. Under the cut are a list of characters I’ll happily write for since I’ve watched/binged the show and have plenty of inspo for them. If you can’t find something to your liking, please shoot me a message anyway an we’ll see if we can work something out.
Actors I’d consider writing preferences, imagines or one-shots for, and any other characters they might have played in movies (as well as scouring the internet for pictures and mood-boards):
Ralph Fiennes,
Christoph Waltz,
Willem Dafoe,
Jason Isaacs,
Alan Rickman,
Iain Glenn,
Stephen Lang,
Charles Dance,
Robert Carlyle
David Thewlies
Cliff Simon
Javier Bardem
Bill Nighy
Tim Roth
Joe Mantegna
Hugh Laurie
William Fitchner
Michael McEalhatton
Timothy Dalton
Michael Sheen
Robert Sean Leonard
Claes Bang
Goran Visnjic
Oded Fehr
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
J.R. Bourne
Sebastian Roche
Jack Davenport
Colin Firth
Mark Strong
Henry Ian Cusick
Aiden Gillen
Alexander Skarsgard
Stephen Moyet
Mads Mikkelsen
David Tennant
Stargate (Atlantis, Universe and SG1) Characters:  SG1: Jack O’Neill, Samantha Carter, Daniel Jackson, Ba’al, Cameron Mitchel, Vala Mal Doran, General Landry,  Selmak/Jacob Carter, Martouf) Atlantis: John Shepherd, Teyla Ammagen, Todd the Wraith, Rodney McKay, Ronon Dex, Elizabeth Weir, Carson Beckett)  Universe: Nicholas Rush, Cl. Everett Young, Tamara Johansen, Camille Wray, Chloe Armstrong, David Telford, Varro, Ginn, Simeon, Amanda Perry, Commander Kiva)
The 100  Charaters: Clarke Griffin, Marcus Kane, Octavia Blake, Lexa, Echo, Raven Reyes, Roan) 
Star Trek (For now only Discovery and a few of the main characters from the older series such as TNG, Enterprise, etc) Characters: James T Kirk, Uhura, Spock, Scotty, Leonard McCoy, Jean-Luc Picard, Data, Odo, Worf, Jonathan Archer, Paul Stamets, Saru, Gabriel Lorca, Phillipa Georgiou, Sylvia Tilly, Sarek, Leland.
Battlestar Galactica Characters: Admiral William Adama, Dr. Gaius Baltar, Nr. 6, Boomer, Starbuck.
Terra Nova Characters: Nathaniel Taylor, lol.
Westworld Characters: William/The man in Black, Delores, Mave.
Harry Potter Characters: Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lucius Malfoy, Severus Snape, Rufus Scrimgeour, Minerva McGonagall.
Games of Thrones Characters: Jorah Mormont, Tywin Lannister, Petyr Baelish, Roose Bolton, Khal Drogo, Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Eddard Stark, Oberyn Martell, Bronn
The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Characters: Zelda Spellman, Faustus Blackwood, Madam Satan
Supernatural Characters:  John Winchester, Ruby, Crowley, Lucifer, Balthazar, Naomi.
True Blood Characters: Eric Northman, Russel Edgington, William Compton, Jessica Hamby, Sam Merlotte, Alcide Herveaux, Pam.
Vampire Diaries Characters: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Katherine, Elijah Mikaelson, Mikael, Alaric Saltzman, Bonnie.
Reign Characters: Mary Stuart, Sebastian, Kenna, Stephan Narcisse, King Henry II, Gideon Blackburn, Aloysius Castelroy.
The OA Characters: Prairie, Hunter Aloysius Percy (HAP).
Penny Dreadful Characters: Malcolm Murray, Vanessa Ives, Ethan Chandler, Brona Croft, Dorian Gray, Victor Frankenstein, Dracula, Dr. Henry Jekyll.
Grimm Characters: Nick Burkhardt, Juliette Silverton, Captain Sean Renard.
Aquaman Characters: Nuidis Vulko, Arthur Curry, King Nereus.
Hannibal Characters: Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Dr. Alana Bloom.
Kingsman Characters: Merlin, Harry Hart, Lancelot, Whiskey.
The Lighthouse Characters: Thomas Wake
Pirates of the Carribean Characters: Hector Barbossa, Jack Sparrow, Elizabeth Swan, James Norrington, Armando Zalasar
Spiderman Characters: Norman Osborn
John Wick Characters: Marcus, Viggo Tarasov, Winston
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1-800-imagines · 8 years
Alcide Herveaux Imagine
Request: Hello, can I request a Alcide x Reader fic? Could you do it where the Reader works at the bar with Sam and Alcide doesn't like how she always comes home smelling of food/beer/other men rather than him and so always hugs her/follows her around when she comes home?
You walked into your house; it had been a brutal shift at Merlotte’s. Beer had been dumped across you during your first hour, as a result you were still sticky and annoyed.
“Hey baby.” Alcide coming up to you to immediately embrace you in a hug. You loved the man, but you just wanted your shower more than anything at this moment.
You pushed away, “I’m all gross. Let me shower.” You said, heading upstairs towards the bathroom. Alcide was hot on your trail. You almost audibly groaned, but decided to stifle it knowing it would just hurt his feelings.
You stepped in the shower and walked to the bedroom to put fresh clothes on. Alcide was waiting for you patiently, sitting on the bed.
You sighed and looked at him, “You gotta stop following me around like a puppy, Alcide.”
His face fell, “I’m sorry, I just get jealous with you smelling like Merlotte and all the other men and booze.”
You walked closer to him and gently touched his face, his stubble brushed against your soft dainty hand. You placed a soft kiss on his lips, “You don’t need to be, it’s just work. Besides, some douchebag spilled a whole pitcher of beer on me today and I couldn’t change. I was sticky; that’s why I wanted a shower.”
He nodded and pulled you into a hug, “You do smell better now.” He nipped at your ear and you just smiled at the man.
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Imagine: Walking into the Barn too see your boss / ex lover tied up
Strolling Thur the farm you headed too the Barn looking for your grandpa when you ended up going into the Barn too see your former lover was Not only tied up too your Grandpas Fence Post but was covered in covered in wounds and was staring at someone. They both looked at you stunned as you stood there.
“this makes So much more sense why we didn’t get together.”
“Oh Fine! Big baby!”
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Imagine you found out that you have a sister, Sookie Stackhouse, unwillingly you fall into her world of supernatural creatures. Being a more advanced mindreader than Sookie, all supernatural eyes are on you. You’re a weapon, but will you make it out alive?
Part three Double heart
Part one  (All your life) Part two  (Stay in the dark) Part three (Double heart) Part four (Better dig two)
Word Count: 2236
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: Being back in Bon Temp you come across a connection you didn’t expect to find.
Previously: Alcide visited you at your house and told you that you needed to come back to Bon Temps with him.
It would be so wrong for you to say that you came along because Alcide is so persuasive. Why would that be so wrong you ask? Because you have morals of some kind. The kind that tells you that you should not just think about yourself. Okay, screw it! You came along because the thought of a supernatural adventure thrilled you. How many times have you re-watched Vampire diaries or Supernatural. This time it’s your time to kick some supernatural ass. And you’re doing ‘it’ again. Smiling sheepishly at your own thoughts. “You came back.” Sam greets you surprised. Not the kind of warm welcome you were hoping for. Alcide insisted on taking you here because he said the food is not better anywhere else. The food must be real crappy everywhere else then, for this to be the best food… You are not stupid. Alcide took you here because of Sookie. Your damned sister. Sitting down in the back of the bar flashes dance before your eyes. A vision. Having these visions is like watching tv, but in your mind. You’ve been shown images, video’s but also feelings. It doesn’t always clearly show what is about to happen, but putting together what is shown to you in your vision you mostly can figure things out. The image that is shown to you this time is a picture of Eric. He is somewhere in the woods and the feelings you are getting with this image are scared at first and then, passion? What? It sometimes happens that you interpret something wrong and this must be one of those times. Alcide sits down across from you. “So,” you say folding your hands underneath your chin. “what is it that you’re really up to?” “We’re here to see Sookie.” He tells you. You wave your hand at him. “Yeah, tell me something I don’t know.” Does he really think you’re that dumb. “I mean what are you planning to use me for? Because I see a little of Eric in my future.” Alcide arches his dark eyebrow at you. “What are you talking about?” He asks confused. “She’s talking about a tall, blonde handsome man walking into her life.” Eric sits down next to Alcide. “Well if it isn’t the big bad wolf and the big bad vampire sharing a drink, thinking their deep thoughts and desires.” You say leaning back in your seat. Eric laughs. “She really is something, huh.” He tells Alcide, who is not amused at all. “I like her.” Eric adds looking at you. “Well color me blessed.” You scoff sarcastic. “Feisty too.” Eric notices. “That could come in handy.” Alcide turns to Eric. “What are you doing here?” Alcide growls. “To look at my new asset, of course.” Eric replies not once breaking his stare down that he is having with you. “I’m not some cow that you can just take in.” You tell Eric. “I’m more than that.” “Oh, you’re much more.” Eric agrees. “That’s why I want you so bad.” With a smile on your face you lean across the table towards Eric. “Oh, really?” You ask him teasingly. “How bad?” “I have a proposition for you.” Eric tells you, suddenly all business like. You hold up your hand, telling him to keep quiet. “Food first. Then I’ll listen.” You command him. Eric watches you and finally turns to Alcide. “Well, you hear the lady. Give her some food.” Alcide growls. He clearly despises Eric. Still he gets up to order some food. “Give me one reason to trust you instead of him.” You tell Eric hurried when Alcide is out of hearing range. “Honesty.” Eric tells you. “You’re a smart girl. It’s no use in lying to you. I won’t, but I can’t say the same for our hairy friend.” Pursing your lips you shrug. “Not really what I was looking for, but whatever.” You kick back resting your feet on Eric’s chair. “What were you looking for?” Eric asks genuinely interested. With pursed lips you smile amused. “Well wouldn’t the almighty vampire like to know.” Playing around with such powerful creatures may no be the brightest idea, but what is life without a risk. Before Eric could say something else Alcide returns with a hamburger and fries. “Jeez, I’m starving.” You tell him before digging your teeth into the burger. Feeling uncomfortable the men watch you devour the hamburger. “Well, talk.” You bid Eric after you ate the whole hamburger and he still hasn’t started his proposal.  “I need someone to help me on a mission.” Eric tells you. Hello vagueness. You think still looking down at your fries. Which are not even that good by the way. “I’ll pay you richly.” He adds hoping to catch your interest. Instead you look up at him, with dead bored eyes. “So does my job.” Eric is speechless and you take a wild guess and say he is not very often. Not impressed you continue to eat your fries. You tap into Alcide and feel that he is delighted by the way you are treating Eric. “Better wipe that smirk off your mind, werewolf boy.” You tell Alcide in-between eating. Alcide coughs shocked that you read his mind, while Eric just smiles amused and even impressed. “Where are you staying?” Eric asks out of nowhere. “I’ll swing by later tonight and talk to you when werewolf boy isn’t around.” He just stole your nickname. Copyright... “Well Alcide dragged my ass over here and therefore, I have no place to stay, unless there is something I don’t know.” “I forgot. You can crash on my couch.” Alcide says. “Or you could stay at my house.” Eric says, making you raise your eyebrow at him. “You would have your own wing.” Eric’s mind is silent so you focus on him. It takes a lot of concentration, but you are able to catch a glimpse of something. “Fuck me sideways.” You blurt out without thinking. “You are sincere!” Your astonishment catches them off guard. “I think it’s time to go.” You stand up. Still a bit put off the men don’t move. “Well, Eric, are you dead or something?” Okay that may not have been the best question to ask someone who is actually dead. Do you seriously don’t have an off switch?
“That looks good on you.” Eric’s voice scares you to death. You thought you were alone in your guestroom. Wearing only your panties and an oversized Fangtasia t-shirt that he gave you. Your hair is worn down and you were just dancing around the huge room when Eric’s voice interrupted your music. “Ever heard of knocking?” You ask, not even the slightest bit of uncomfortable about your bareness.
“If I had knocked I would never have seen that move you made.” Eric tells you grinning. Smiling devilishly you turn up the music and grab his hand. “Knocking wouldn’t have made a difference, corpse.” Alcide got his nickname, now it’s only fair to give Eric one too. Adoring Eric looks down on you while your bodies move to the rhythm of the music. “I’m not going to sleep with you.” You tell him out of the blue.
“You really are remarkable at mind reading. I never met anyone who could read a vampires mind so easily.” Eric tells you astound.
“Oh, I didn’t need to read your mind to know what you were thinking.” You tell him satisfied. Bon Temps was maybe not so bad after all. You are, after all, having fun.
“Devilish.” Eric remarks
“I would love to say ‘that’s me’, but unfortunately I would be lying if I did.” You say.  Eric turns down the volume. “What do you mean unfortunately?” He asks curious. “I don’t know why I’m even telling you.” You say and shrug. “But I always dreamt of being something like I am becoming right now. A heroine in a story to be written down and read by thousands of hungry eyes, wishing for the possibility of experiencing the same thing. I’m sick of sitting in my small office reading cases and searching through laws to find a loophole, which may surprise you do exist.”
“You are a lawyer?” Eric asks you uncertain. You just nod. “Has someone ever told you, you are nothing like your sister?” Eric asks as if you have known your sister your whole life.
“I have, but how so?” You are starting to get curious as to why you are nothing like her. The both of you sit down on the end of the bed. “You’re educated, a risk taker, out-going, bubbly and just ..different.” Eric’s remark makes you smile. Whether or not he meant is as a compliment, you are definitely taking it that way.
“Why do you hate your life so much?” Eric asks surprising you. That is a way you never really thought of it. Did you really hate your life? It’s a tough question. “What happened to make you resent normal life?”
In your head you are discussing whether or not you should tell Eric.But in the end you are still not sure. “I don’t know, it’s stupid.” You say.
Half-heartedly you hoped he would drop the matter, but he doesn’t care for the fact that you don’t feel like sharing your inner thoughts. “I’m a really good listener.” He pushes.
Giving in you sigh. Whatever. “A few years ago I was dating Chuck, a tanned biker who used to live on the farm with his parents. I don’t really know what business he had with his biker gang, but he never talked about that.”
“So, he was a bad guy?” Eric asks.
You nod. “I guess I liked the mystery around him and the fact that he was a bad guy intrigued me in a way. Apparently I have a weak for the bad guy.” You tell him not realizing who you are talking to. With a charismatic smile and puppy eyes Eric looks down on you, making you realize what kind of effect your words now have on him. In his ears all he heard was: ‘I have a weak for you, Eric.’
“So what happened?”
“One day, he came home and he rolled up is sleeve. I never expected things to escalate so quickly, but it did. And I never meant for things to become that way, but I guess he decided for me that it should. There were two little hearts on my rodeo man. He practically slipped a ring right on my finger.”
“He wanted to marry you?” Eric asks uncertain.  
“Chuck didn’t say it with those exact word, but he tattooed two hearts on his shoulder. And at that moment I realized something. There was no way in hell that I was going to stay at home to watch the children and be a good housewife. I haven’t lived my life yet. All those years I was only alive, not actually living life. That’s why I left him with skid marks and a double heart.”
Eric chuckles. “A double heart.”
“Why is this funny to you?” You ask feeling a bit insulted.
“It’s just so beautiful the way your mind works.” He says, confusing you. “You left a guy because you were not satisfied with yourself.”
Feeling attacked you stand up. You could have chosen to say something nasty in return, there were plenty of things you could say, but you decide not to. Attacking back would only make you look worse. “What are you getting at, Eric?” You ask instead.
Eric rises to his feet. “It’s not an insult, sweets.” He assures you. Your eyes lock and Eric bends his face towards yours. Is he going to do what you think he is going to do? “What the hell are you doing?” You ask him not moving an inch. He pulls back looking at you. “Well, kissing you of course.”
“Did something in my story give you the idea that it was okay to do so?” You ask him. Was there something in your story you hadn’t realized made you seem cheap?
“Never mind.” Eric’s demeanor seems to change a bit. “The sun is about to rise, I’ve got to go.” With these words he leaves you wondering what went wrong. You go to bed and fall asleep quickly while the sun slowly rises. Stepping into a dream world you begin seeing things. Not dreams, though it could be mistaken for a dream by someone who doesn’t know any better. You see a body ignite and burn until there is nothing left, but black crisp. Eric. Wide awake you sit up straight in the bed that is way too big for you. Something is going to happen and you know it. Not only have you seen someone burn to death, but you could also feel it in your gut. And if there is one thing you’ve learned it’s to always trust your gut feeling. “Why does he has to have such a goddamned big place.” You curse while flying out the room into the big hall. Clutching your hands around your arms you focus on trying to get a premonition. A faint flash of someone throwing in a Molotov cocktail dances before your eyes. Rushing down the big stairs you run outside the door. You need to stop them before they do it.  On your bare feet you run across the grit, hurting your feet, but right now you don’t feel the pain. Adrenaline rushes through your veins. The sound of breaking glass draws your attention. It has happened. You’re too late.
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fictionalwonder · 6 years
True Blood Season 4 Review
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Ok It's done. The guessing and spoiling is over for another 9 months leaving us with only a serious fangover and an unprecedented post season body count. True Blood Season 4 was bat shit crazy even more than Season 3, the timeline of such memorables as jar of Talbot and spine ripping TV. So now post Season 4 finale whether you were calling for a Scream award or thought the whole thing blew chances are you're about to embark on 9 months of TB withdrawal. Yup even the haters feel its absence. So let's savor the moment in a post finale look at the best and worst of True Blood Season 4
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THE BIGGEST THANK GOD MOMENT: Wee Marcus and gang finally putting Tommy and us out of the misery that was Tommy Mickens sorry ass life. As soon as he went skinwalker you knew his days were numbered. Sam Tramwell was brilliant doing Tommy doing him and who didn't cheer when said Tommy/Sam fired Sookie! She is the worst waitress ever! Talk about sick leave; is she ever at work for more than half a shift!?! The fall out from his death will certainly carry us through season 5, where we can only hope Sam has some modicum of hope at returning to just running the bar and attending anger management sessions.
Close second was Sookie decisively shooting Debbie Pelt in the head, even though she begged her not to. Yup, we had to wait till the very end of the season for evil, laughing while pouring Talbot down the drain Sookie, to return.
BEST OMG MOMENT: Ginger riding the coffin - nuff said.
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Scary and sexy are often one and the same on True Blood, and this year Eric Northman ripping out, here to be known as, Juice Box Roy's heart will be stamped on my brain as a shining TB moment. Countless screamed everywhere, I had know idea THAT could be sexy! Give Skarsgård a raise!
BTW the T-shirts were on sale a mere 3 hours post show.
BIGGEST WTF MOMENT: Sookie and Eric snow shower then frak in Narnia. I've never read the books but the post Spellbound roar over The Vampire, The Witch and The Shower Stall, chocked up the blog commentary for days. I suspect because nothing could ever live up to this sacred cow of the sookiverse sexcapdes, Ball and company for better or worse decided not to go there; thus sparing us from more Skinmax test reels by getting out of the shower faster than they got in
MOST IMPROVED: King Bill - sure
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he's damaged goods nailing his great great great great granddaughter and watching his ex screw his brain-damaged frenemy but sans Sookie round his neck, Bill was standing a bit taller this year. He even had a sense of humor, and Bill with balls is actually kind of hot. The developing bromance between him and Eric turned out to be one of the best parts of the season close.
MOST POTENTIAL: Laurel and Hardy move over. With Sookie out of the way Bill and Eric make an an awesome tag team, dissing each other on the pyre then cooperatively staking and decapitating Nan and troopers. Here's to more of Bill and Eric's excellent adventure in Season 5.
MOST IN NEED OF IMPROVEMENT: Sookie got enough of her spunk back to blow Debbie Pelt's head off, sure, but seriously she spent most of the season literally on her back, well sometimes on top. She was once a gifted mind-reader; we saw that maybe twice this season. Instead we learned more about her castrating powers when it comes to boyfriends. She mommied Eric into a hoody wearing puppy dog, did the dirty with him in every room of grandma's house and then kicked him, alongside Bill, to the curb come finale. In four seasons she truly did go from virgin to love em and leave em fangbanger. The classless moves have got to stop if the Stackhouse angle is to survive. We need an even slightly relate-able protagonist. I'm hoping another eligible lady moves to town, though god forbid she get a job at Merlotts - the most dangerous workplace in America.
SOOKIE'S ONE REDEEMING FEATURE SEASON 4: Sookie had unbelievably great hair this season. I swear to god I saw the camera man reflected in her locks in Eric's cubby.
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MOST IN NEED OF A HUG: From defending herself against zombie slurs to losing an ear, Pam had endured what must go down as the worst week in her hundred plus years. She lost her maker to back country fairy vagina and her face rotted off. And things weren't exactly looking up when we left her, blood tears running down her cheek, hugging Ginger.
Why did they do that to Pam!!! Well for one reason she gave TB viewers some of the best gore the show has ever delivered. Still, writers, you better fix her. At the end of the day we really just want to look at Kristin Bauer being gorgeous and acting snarky.
Coming in second is Hoyt who despite the bitterness of his bad boyfriend rejection could really use a little lov'in right now, if not some of Summer's biscuits.
#1 Bloodworks takes the stakes as a no contest winner. Besides being just the cutest couple in the world, Brian and Any's post show cocktails and theatrics amount to sometimes slurry worded and always hilariously astute recaps. I swear by mid season you look forward to Andy and Brian's upload as much as the episode itself. With its "staking points" and "do bad things" they were the best thing that could happen to a mediocre TB episode. Brian Juergen and Andy Swist @campbloodbuzz @andyswist http://campblood.org/Newblog/
#2 Think Heroes True Blood Review is tried and true. Roth Cornet has hosted solo for two seasons, and this season Jenna Busch was on board. Roth's reviews are first-rate often delving deeper than the show deserves. Busch does a good job of keeping things in the watercooler-moment mood of the short vlog format. The two combined offer a sometimes giggle ridden but always insightful True Blood take. Jennings Roth Cornet @JRothC | http://www.jenningsrothcornet.com/ JennaBusch @JennaBusch | http://girlmeetslightsaber.blogspot.com
#3 BloodBites is family friendly fair with this sister and brother team showcasing familial bonds and blood-dipped funny bones. Reenacting then reviewing a given episode's wtf moments, Blood Bites has cross-gen appeal. It's quality YouTube content you could show your grandmother and your eight year-old niece, who you know are both watching True Blood too.
Honorable Mention My Future Lover's Reason to Ship Sookie and Eric Spawn of You Tube strictly for Team Eric members, My Future Lover's play by play captions to the best and worst Sookie Eric moments capture at least half the audience's joy, tears and tv punching moments.
True Blood in Dallas Straight up fan founded talkshow and review of both book, show and TB culture with revolving guest reviewers each week. A steady dose of all the criticism only a Stackhouse booklover can bring, Talk Blood is laced with plenty of Charlaine Harris loving that fellow fans can appreciate.
Listen to internet radio with True Blood in Dallas on Blog Talk Radio
Best Recaps
Pros and Cons True Blood by Meredith Woerner nails it everytime. for a no holds barred, tell it like is play by play pro con style. This is one of the funniest and most astute TB recaps out there. Meredith Woerner @MdellW | http://io9.com/people/MeredithDW/posts/
After Eltons WTF recap by Steven Frank is an imaginative post morteum with major plot points reviewed then rated in Grace Jones Vamp limps.
Jef With One F's music and episode recap for the Houston's Press is a creative spin that lets the show's lead track set the tone for review and analysis. Jef With One F @HPRocksOff
Best Blogs
Talk True Blood Digging deep and ranting in the best way, Talk True Blood goes so far as to offer scene by scene body language analysis of major characters.
Buddhism and True Blood Dedicated to Alan Ball and the wheel of life, Buddhism and True blood reminds us that life is suffering especially in Bon Temps
True Blood Underground Do you really know what's going on in Bon Temps? Conspiracy theories abound as TB Underground calls out Alan Ball on his addictive mind control experiment.
FINAL WORD Four seasons later there is still a bit of blood left in the series, and while fairy-finger-cop-outs and super silly, supernatural assumptions do show signs of laziness in the writers room, True Blood still does deliver some amazing TV. Godforbid we get bogged down by process oriented stuff like how amnesia Eric lost his shirt post-spell or ends up on a bonfire tied to Bill between episode 11 and 12. Things like how come no one reports a death in Bon Temp anymore or WHO IS running Merlottes only get in the way of a good story or at least a good "oh no they didn't" jaw drop.
I suspect, forty eight episodes later, TB writers actually relish every shark jumping moment as much as fangbanging spectacle. They know they can get away with it because they know how dedicated, creative and forgiving their fan base is. Plus narrative logic be damned, camp and drama are fine edges to play on, and they deserve applause for taking even tasteless risks.
For every bit of hocus pocus cgi True Blood throws at us, such as the anime forcefield surrounding Moon Goddess or the ridiculously bad fx exorcism of Mavis, there was a Pam getting a skin peel or Eric ripping the heart out of juice box Roy to make up for it. For each ridiculous Scooby Doo and the gang moment, there was a Vampire A-team or death by pencil. For each and every minute we tolerated Andy, we had a shot of Ginger riding a coffin or Eric drinking the whole fairy. True Blood IS very uneven but it IS very fun.
So that caps summertime Sundays and True blood still remains my ultimate guilty pleasure. The culture and coverage this year has been as much fun as the show itself and made Sundays feel like a party. I think Alex Skarsgård sums it all up in this quote,
“At 7 in the morning, I’m hanging from the ceiling in a Nazi uniform with fangs in[my mouth]. I look over and I see [Allan] there in his Nazi uniform hanging like a puppet. We’re about to descend down to kill this wolf, you know? And that was the moment where we just looked at each other like, This is what we’re doing for a living?‘”
Yup, IT IS! And even more surprising I CAN"T believe I'm watching you do it and not only that but loving every minute!
0 notes
fanficimagery · 3 years
Talking to the Dead
Imagine your sister calling in a favor, only to find out said favor is for the vampire sheriff of Louisiana.
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Words: 6.3K Author's Note: I am not Bill's biggest fan, nor am I Eric/Sookie's biggest fan either. That said, this takes place AFTER all damn drama with King Bill. Eric still runs Fangtasia alongside Pam and Sookie still works under Sam at Merlotte's. They're friends. That's it.
Eric sits behind his desk, the bottom half of his face covered in blood as Pam files her nails. She had been going through Fangtasia's books when she realized the money wasn't adding up and that some of their product was missing. So when Tara brought forward those responsible in making sure Fangtasia was up to date with their taxes and everything, Eric called in a favor from Sookie to get a read on them. Only Eric lost his temper and killed the two men, leaving thousands of his money stashed somewhere only the dead knew of now.
The office door opens and Sookie stumbles inside, still in her Merlotte's uniform. She takes one look at Eric and sighs. "Did you have to kill them? I just wasted a trip out here, Eric Northman."
"How tragic," he deadpans. "You wasted about five dollars in gas, meanwhile I'm still out of thousands, Miss Stackhouse."
"Don't you take that tone with me, Mister!"
Pam snorts. "Shame your little fae powers don't allow you to speak to the dead," she drawls. "That would really come in handy right about now." Sookie opens her mouth to defend her still untrained powers, only to pause and snap her mouth shut. Immediately that catches both vampires' attention and Pam leans forward, interest piqued. "Have you been holding out on us, Tinkerbell?"
"No." Sookie scoffs, suddenly overcome with wariness. "But I, uh, I might know someone who-"
"No." Eric cuts her off. "No witches."
"She's not a witch," Sookie says. "Y/N is, um, she's my sister."
Eric freezes before he leans forward in his chair. "There's a third Stackhouse? How come we never learned of this?"
Sookie sighs and drops onto the couch. She shrugs. "Y/N's powers manifested a lot earlier than mine did and they.. well it drove her crazy. She was in and out of the hospital, and the death of our parents didn't do her any favors. She started rebelling at seventeen and drank herself into oblivion. Constantly."
Pam hums. "Sounds like my kind of girl."
Sookie frowns at her before looking back at Eric. "She's actually due for a visit tomorrow. I'll bring her by."
"How are you so sure she'll do this for us? If I recall correctly, you did not come peacefully," Eric muses.
Sookie rolls her eyes. "Y/N is a free spirit. If I hadn't told you she was my sister, you wouldn't have known we were twins."
"Twins?" Eric seems to perk up, eyes lighting up, and this time it's Pam's turn to roll her eyes.
Sookie scoffs. "Don't be gross. We'll be by after my shift tomorrow."
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Finding an Uber into Bon Temps after the sun had set was almost impossible, but fortunately you found someone who was willing to make the trip. You knew Louisiana had become a vampire hotspot, but you didn't know people had found traveling in the state quite so fearsome.
You don't have much on you, with the exception of a small suitcase holding a few change of clothes, so you opt to be dropped off at Merlotte's rather than your childhood home. And upon exiting the car after making sure your payment went through, you grab your suitcase by the handle and walk towards the entrance. A few whispers attempt to reach out to you, but you shake off the echoes of death and march on.
There's only a handful of locals inside Merlotte's, but the no-good nosy folk still all stop to see who's entering their local establishment. Inside, the whispers get louder, but you reign in your control and shake your head clear. What the hell happened here that there are so many echoes?
"Do my eyes deceive me or is that my favorite Stackhouse?"
You're already grinning as you find the source of the comment, grin widening as Sam's familiar handsome self makes his way towards you. "Come on, Sam. We all know who your favorite Stackhouse really is?"
He laughs as he opens his arms for a hug and you drop your suitcase to step into his embrace. "Jason's bragging again, isn't he?"
You huff a laugh and pinch his side, the two of you not speaking of all the years he spent pining after your sister. "So where is my twin?" You ask as you pull back and roll your eyes when Sam readily picks up your suitcase.
You follow him to the bar as he says, "She's taking a call in the back. Want me to let her know you're here?"
"Nah, but can you put in an order for me? I miss Lafayette's burgers."
"Sure thing, chère. What do you want?"
"Cheeseburger with everything, cut the onions. Extra ketchup. Fries. And whatever beer you have on tap."
Sam chuckles as he's already pouring your beer. "So the usual." You grin as he slides your glass across the bar. "I'll be back."
Taking a seat on the stool there at the bar, you grab your glass and sip at the ice cold beer. It feels so good sliding down your throat that the sip turns into a gulp, and before you know it half the glass is gone. Needing a breath, you set the glass down and inhale deeply. As you exhale, you burp, and then take a moment to stretch in your seat while glancing around. A few people are still staring and murmuring far too low to their companions for you to hear, so instead you raise an eyebrow at them- challenging them to say their opinion out loud. None of them do and you scoff an amused laugh before drinking the rest of your beer.
Sam reappears. "Long flight?" He takes your glass and refills it.
"Flight was fine. It's the people of Bon Temps who annoy the shit out of me." Sam frowns, but you shrug off his concern as he quickly glances around at those in his establishment. You're well aware of what everyone thinks of you and Sookie thanks to Sookie's abilities, and you're grateful you didn't quite get the same ability as her. If you had to hear every living being's thoughts on top of the dead's, you'd have permanently committed yourself long ago.
"Well I talked to your sister in the back. She said she'll be right out."
"That's fine." Accepting your second glass of beer, you smile gratefully at Sam before taking another drink.
"Girl, I knows you ain't tryin' to eat my food without saying hello."
You turn on your stool, one knee crossed over the other as you beam at the cook. "Lafayette!" He approaches with your plated cheeseburger and a basket of fries, setting them in front of you before pulling you into a hug. "I wouldn't have left without saying hello. I just wanted my food first."
"'Course you did," he muses. "How long you here for, little Stackhouse?"
"Um, I'm kind of between jobs at the moment," you sheepishly admit. You quickly grab a fry and pop it into your mouth. "I'll probably stick around until I can find something or Sookie kicks me out."
Lafayette swats you with his dish towel. "You know damn well Sook won't kick you out. That sister of yours misses you lots. She's been talkin' nonstop about your visit."
"If you need a job, chère, I'll be happy to give you one."
You pop another fry into your mouth, grinning over at Sam. "Lord knows you can barely handle one Stackhouse, Sam. No way in hell you can two- three if Jason is around as much as I'm assuming." Sam opens his mouth to retort, but a shriek cuts him off. It's Sookie and she barrels right into your side. "Jesus Sook," you laugh. "Warn a girl."
As you and Sookie quickly catch up (she's all for you staying as long as you need), more patrons enter Merlotte's and Lafayette's forced back into the kitchen. Jason and his best friend Hoyt walk in, so you walk over to join them as Sookie gets back to work also.
Jason is glad Sookie won't be in the house all on her own since he has his own place and Hoyt is just glad to see all the Stackhouses together once again. You finish your cheeseburger and fries there at the table with them, along with three glasses of beer and two shots courtesy of your brother who wanted to properly celebrate your homecoming.
Jason and Hoyt leave, you waving them off when they asked if you wanted a ride home. Sookie's shift is just about over and you remember her asking if you could wait for her because she wanted to take you someplace. So when Sookie comes out from the back to collect you from the bar, you're slightly swaying on your stool as you grin at her.
"Are you drunk?" She incredulously asks. "Y/N, I need you level headed."
"Ooohhh," you coo and reach out to bop her on the nose. "And just what do I need to be level headed for, sis?"
"Can you walk?" She asks instead. You laugh and nod, hopping off the stool and giving yourself a moment to make sure the room isn't tilting. She sighs. "That's good enough for me. Come on. A friend of mine needs a favor." She walks behind the bar to collect your suitcase and a bottle of water from the small refrigerator under the bar. "Bye, Sam! See you later!" She then calls out as she leads you down a hall. You hear Sam's muffled reply from one door in particular and then Sookie's leading you out the back exit and towards her car.
Outside she opens the passenger door to her small yellow Honda Civic that looks newer than the last time you saw it, and tosses your suitcase in the backseat. She pushes you down onto the passenger seat and holds the water bottle out to you. "Drink."
You take the bottle without a word, twist off the cap, and start to guzzle the water as she shuts the door and walks around the car to the driver's side door. You only get half of it down before needing to breathe. "What.. am I.. guzzling water for?" You ask in between breaths.
As Sookie starts up her car, she casts a wary glance your way before looking back to where she's driving. "Shreveport. We're going to Fangtasia. The owner of the bar needs you to listen to some echoes."
"Fangstasia?" Your brow furrows as you try to wrack your brain about why that sounds so familiar. A moment later, however, the answer comes to you and you groan. "First off, I can overlook the vampire bar. What I can't overlook is that of all people to tell our secret to, you chose vampires. Vampires! Do you know we're like crack to them?"
"I'm sorry, okay! I got involved with them a while back, which is a mistake that I can admit now, but Eric actually tried helping me in his own way. Somewhat. We've become friends."
"Sookie." You groan again. Your sister pouts and you decide to keep quiet, sipping on your water and wishing it were something stronger. "So what does this Eric know about me listening to echoes?"
"Nothing really," she says. "I know how you like your privacy, so last night was the first time I mentioned that I even had a sister." You grin, not hurt at all by her not mentioning you to others. "I just said that you could listen in on the dead. They don't know about anything else."
"Good. I like to keep 'em on their toes." Sookie snorts at your all too amused expression. "And besides, I learned a new trick! I can't wait to test it out."
Your sister glances between you and the road, her smile faltering. "Are you- are you sure you're okay to do this? I know how it can get when you're not truly focused."
"We're on the road." You giggle. "No turning around now."
This time it's Sookie's turn to groan. "I knew I should have asked beforehand. Now the night's gonna end with one of us pinned to a wall."
"Oooh. Kinky."
The rest of the drive is painfully quiet, with the exception of some gospel music station Sookie has playing on low. You're humming a completely different song under your breath, right arm hanging out the window and letting the humid air rush over the skin of your arm. Thankfully the drive isn't too long and Sookie is soon pulling into the parking lot with a building partially decorated with neon red lights. The outside of Fangtasia is not what you expected, but seeing the line of both human and vampires in their scantily clad outfits makes you excited to see what's going on inside.
You're practically bouncing in your seat as Sookie parks and she can't help but grin at your apparent excitement. "Get it all out now," she says. "You won't be smilin' the closer you get to the buildin'. Not while you're half drunk."
"Shut up and let's go!"
Sookie fondly rolls her eyes and the two of you simultaneously pull down the sun visors to check yourselves in the small mirrors provided. Happy with your reflections, the two of you climb out of the vehicle. As your sister comes around to your side, you hook your arm through hers and the two of you head for the building.
Instead of heading straight to the back of line, Sookie leads you directly to Fangtasia's bouncer and ignores the grumbled displeasures of those waiting in line to get in. It takes you a few seconds to recognize the dark skinned female checking ID's, but when she turns to greet Sookie and her eyes widen upon seeing you, you grin. "What's cookin', good lookin'?"
"Oh Lord," Tara muses. "Eric's gonna murder the both of y'all."
Sookie huffs and she holds you back as you attempt to poke at Tara's abdomen. "Who put him in a bad mood now?"
Tara shrugs as she swats your hand away. "It's Eric. He's always in a bad mood unless he's balls deep in some fang-banger."
Your sister ew's and you grin, clearly impressed, until Sookie elbows you. Tara just chuckles and gestures inside. "Go on in. You know where to find him. See you later, Y/N."
"Lookin' forward to it." Sookie drags you inside and the second you step foot in the darkened hallway, you sway on your feet as pressure builds up in your head. "Wait, wait, wait." You step aside to lean against the wall, shaking your head clear and trying to build up mental walls. When you catch a glimpse of your sister, you see her smiling sadly at you and are grateful she doesn't gloat about being right. "This is why I don't hang around vampires much," you murmur. "So much death."
"Sorry. I know I should have asked beforehand, but I didn't want to give you a chance to say no. Eric's annoying when he doesn't get what he wants."
"Yeah, yeah." You wave her off, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Once you feel a bite more settled, you push off the wall and meet your sister's gaze. "Okay. I'm ready."
Entering the main part of the club you can't help but look around in wide-eyed wonder. While most would think you were awe, you actually weren't and instead bit back the comment about how ridiculously cliché the establishment is. Everything is in blacks and reds, vampires in leather or electrical tape are dancing on poles, and the humans reek of desperation.
"Huh. No one's on the throne," Sookie muses.
You glance towards a raised platform, eyes lighting up at the sight of two actual thrones. Sookie's grip on your arm, however, stops you from attempting to go up there. "At least buy me a drink before we meet Mr. Scary Vampire." You pout.
"Nope." She starts marching away from the bar and towards a back hallway. "You're drunk enough already. You can have one at home when we're done here."
"Boo. You're no fun."
Sookie stops right outside a black door and impatiently knocks. You grin at her already huffy attitude and then walk in behind her as soon as someone permits entrance. The office is very plain, with the exception of a blood red couch off to the side and the two vampires behind the desk, and you frown as Sookie guides you towards a black leather chair and pushes you down into it.
"So this is the mysterious Stackhouse." The blonde male drawls.
You drag your gaze from your sister to the vampire in question and sit a little straighter in your seat as a lazy smile stretches across your lips. "And you're the mysterious vampire I've only heard about an hour ago." You then look at your sister. "Please tell me you banged this one."
There are simultaneous snorts from behind the desk and Sookie exhales roughly, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Eric. Pam, this is my sister Y/N. She might be a little drunk."
"Just a little," you muse, giggling.
"Well at least we know who the fun Stackhouse is."
You perk up again, putting one finger on the tip of your nose and pointing at Pam who's smirking at you with the other hand. "And don't you forget it."
"As amusing as this is," Eric drawls again, "I need a favor. Are you capable of doing what your sister claims you can do?"
"I wouldn't be here if I couldn't." You smirk. The smirk falters however as you feel a chill slide across the back of your neck. You still and slowly glance over your shoulder, whispers you hadn't been listening to earlier getting louder. You wince and turn back around, strengthening your shields. A moment passes before you clear your throat and say, "But I have two conditions before I start."
Eric and Pam had been watching you closely, intrigued the second Sookie held up her hand to stall their questions when they noticed you zone out and stare at the corner of the room. "Money is no issue," Eric then says.
"Pft. I don't want money."
"Y/N!" Sookie reprimands. "You're in between jobs. Take the money."
Without looking at your sister, you wave your hand at your sister to get her to shut up. You know you've done your job when she swats your hand so you continue speaking to Eric. "First condition, no biting! I don't care how delicious I smell. No gnawing on the tiny little gremlin."
Pam's lips stretch into a wide smile whereas Eric's lips faintly twitch. "And the second?"
"I get free drinks from the bar whenever I'm here."
"You're such an idiot," Sookie mutters.
You look to your sister, bouncing in your seat in excitement. "Joke's on Dracula. I'm gonna be in Bon Temps for the foreseeable future. That's a lot of free drinks for me. Suck it, Pixie."
"Oohh. I like this mouth breather. Can we please keep her?"
You meet Pam's gaze and wink. "As beautiful as you are, sweet stuff, you are so not my type."
Her left eyebrow raises as she's still clearly amused. "Because I'm a vampire?"
"Nah. Because you're female," you say. "I can appreciate a hot as fuck lady when I see one, but I still prefer cock."
"Okay!" Sookie nearly shouts as she stands up. Eric beams at your drunken blunt attitude. "We're here so Y/N can find out where your money is and we're way off topic. Can we please get on with it so I can get her home?"
You snort. "Prude." Sookie slaps the back of your arm and you squeal, slapping her arm back. You glare at her until her lips twitch and then you're back to giggling, looking back toward the vampires. "So let's do it. Do you have anything of the dead guy I'm supposed to be listening for? It'll make it easier to listen in on him."
Pam shrugs. "His blood is still in the dungeon. Will that work?"
"Gross, but yeah. Lead the way."
As soon as you stand, the voices amp up and you sway at the sudden onslaught of voices. You grit your teeth and tune them out, nodding at Eric who had stilled to keep an eye on you. He gestures to follow after Pam and you do, Sookie and Eric following behind you. Pam makes a beeline for the stage of thrones, but before you can follow there's a hand gripping your wrist and leading you towards a door behind the bar.
You're led down into a dimly lit dungeon behind Eric and you can't help the next words that leave your mouth. "It's always such a let down when the dungeon is actually a dungeon and not a sex dungeon."
Eric turns around to stare at you with a leering gaze and Sookie groans. "Been in a lot of dungeons?"
"Not really." You shrug and walk towards the back of the room where there are metal poles sticking up from the concrete floor. Chains hang from each of them and you shiver as your fingers run over them, the metallic rattling immediately tuning you in to the whispers. Subtly shaking your head, you look towards Sookie. "You know the drill."
She nods, pulling small orange styrofoam plugs from her pocket. "If it looks like you're struggling, plug my ears. Or get out."
"Bingo." You grin at your sister before looking at Eric. "If it gets bad, I expect you to vamp speed her little butt outta here."
"And how would I know what bad looks like?"
"Oh you'll know," Sookie mutters.
Grinning one last time at Sookie and Eric, you turn back towards where Eric obviously chains up those who end up on his bad side. So touching the chains again, you let the rattling and whispers overcome your senses.
"..dangerous. Need to leave."
"..bad place. I just want to go home."
"Stupid fuckin' vampers."
The room turns hazy and silhouettes walk to and from around the basement. You stare at them, letting the voices come and go until you find the one you're looking for.
"..so screwed. Never should have done it." Your gaze zeroes in on the silhouette, watching it pace back and forth. "It was just a little money. Pocket change."
"Never gonna find it. Calm down. We're already dead."
You listen a bit more to their whining, hoping for anything useful when a loud dry sob pierces the air. You wince and whirl around to spot the source of noise.
"Did she- can she hear us?"
"If she can then she can tell that goddamn vamper where his stuff is." You whirl back around, gasping at the too close silhouette. "Hello." A chill rushes through you and your too tense muscles seem to relax as a haze takes over your mind.
"Y/N? You good?" Sookie asks. She warily glances around, she and Eric both noticing the atmosphere in the room thickening.
"Hm?" Your eyes blink rapidly as if clearing your vision. "Yeah. All good," you hear yourself saying.
"Well what did you find out?" Eric asks.
You feel your head turning left and right as if taking in your surroundings before you turn around and walk towards the wall where more chains are hanging. Eric growls at being ignored and Sookie quietly assures him that this is normal. Reaching for a chain, you feel your hand gliding along one chain and picking it up, caressing a metal stake at the end of it.
"Y/N," Sookie cautiously calls out. "What are you doing?"
Getting a good grasp on the stake in one hand, you turn around and smile at Eric- a chilling smile that immediately sets Sookie on edge and lets even Eric know that something is off. "Fuck your money. You're never gonna get it, you dead piece of shit."
"Y/N, don't!" Sookie screams as your arm suddenly thrusts the stake towards the side of your neck, only to stop mere centimeters from the intended target.
Sookie gasps and Eric raises an eyebrow in surprise. "Are her eyes supposed to completely white over?"
"Well she did mention learning a new trick." Sookie nervously shifts beside Eric and they watch you slowly come back to yourself, expression hardening.
Eyes completely white, you stare straight ahead as you lower your hand without any resistance from the spirits. "You dead fucks try that shit again and I will obliterate your fuckin' souls, and mark every soul in your goddamn family. Do I make myself clear?" You seethe. The dungeon gets chilly before the tension seems to suddenly dwindle. The whispers amp up before completely dying out and you stand a little taller. "Good. Now where is the money?"
Eric and Sookie patiently watch Y/N as she lazily glances back and forth before the white recedes from her eyes. Her shoulders sag and she meets Eric's gaze. "That Rafael guy had a building he was renovating over on.. over on.." she trails off, brow furrowing as she tries to collect her thoughts.
"I know of it," Eric says.
She sighs. "Well the money's in the wall on the second floor. Happy demolishing."
Then like a puppet with its strings cut, Y/N collapses right before their very eyes.
          - - - - - - - - - -
A pounding at your temples is what wakes you and you groan as your eyes flutter open. You're apparently still at Fangtasia, back in Eric's plain office and laying on the most uncomfortable couch you've ever laid on.
"You're awake. Good."
You begrudgingly sit up, wincing as the throbbing persists. Glancing around, you frown as you notice you and Eric are the only two in the room. "Where's my sister?"
"Miss Stackhouse couldn't bother a mere hour in my presence so she went out front to pester Tara."
"You two exes or something?"
Not even close. "No. I admit I pursued her once, but it was only to satiate my curiosity about why she smelled so divine." Bill fuckin' Compton was also a cock block of epic proportions.
You snort. "Cock block. Who is Bill and why did he cock block you from Sookie?" Eric stills and he goes quiet. You frown at him and then between one blink and the next, Eric is kneeling in front of you.
Can you hear me?
"Um, yes?" You say. A moment passes and then you realize your slip-up. You groan. "Okay, so yeah. I can't read the minds of humans, but apparently I can read the minds of vampires. It only happens when I'm at my most vulnerable and being slightly possessed makes me vulnerable."
Eric slowly smirks. "Well aren't you my new favorite Stackhouse."
You fall back against the back of the couch, groaning. "Whatever. I don't have the energy to argue with you. Just please don't tell Sookie. She gets all huffy when I can do something she can't."
Another blink and Eric is sitting beside you on the couch. "Is there a reason why you can read vampires and she can read everyone else but vampires?"
"Your guess is as good as mine." You shrug. "I eventually came to the conclusion that we're just a part of different courts. She's Light Fae and I'm Dark. She flourishes under the sun and I under the moon. I don't really know."
"Have you tried getting answers from other Fae?"
"Yeah, no. I met a member of the Fae court and that's a hard pass. Those fairy fucks can keep their imposter foods. I like this realm just fine, thank you very much."
Eric's lips twitch. "If the vampires find out about your powers, they're going to fight to put their claim on you."
"Is that your not so subtle way in trying to convince me that I should ask you for protection?"
"I'm the sheriff of this area, sweetheart. You won't be able to find anyone better suited for the job."
You huff a quiet laugh. "Keep your fangs to yourself, sweetheart. I can take care of myself."
We'll see about that.
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Settling in at what was always known as Gran's house, you almost take Sam up on his offer to become a waitress or bartender at Merlotte's. But then a day after doing Eric a favor, a check arrives for you- a check worth thousands of dollars- along with an offer from Eric to work every other day at Fangtasia to read the vampires coming and going from his area.
You didn't get back to him right away, instead choosing to just keep to yourself for a bit and re-familiarize yourself with the town. And then just when you think you have a lid on things, a constant buzzing makes a home just at the back of your skull.
For days Eric tries reaching you through texts and calls, but you just don't have the patience to deal with him. The buzzing is non-stop, the echoes of the dead sound as if they're underwater, and you can't hold a conversation longer than a minute. Sookie seems to understand that you can't be around people, so she leaves you be for the most part.
Your sister is currently at work so you have the house all to yourself. You haven't been able to clear your head and the buzzing is only getting louder and louder. You're nearing your breaking point, so when there's a knock at the front door you try to ignore it.
The knocking persists so you reluctantly roll out of bed, frowning as you march downstairs and towards the front door. Through the screen door you can see Eric standing there. You scowl at him, he grins, and when you push open the door he's immediately leaning against the door jamb. "You've been ignoring me."
You sigh and cross your arms over your chest. "I haven't been feeling well. Something's.. off."
That causes his faint grin to drop. "Is it something serious?"
"I'm not sure. I just- it feels like something bad is on the way."
"Well in that case.." Eric straightens up and stares down at you. "You're going to invite me in so I can protect you-" you scoff, "-or have primal passionate sex with you. You pick."
Though your mind is on overdrive, you can't help but faintly grin at the tall vampire. "I'll take a raincheck on the sex, but if you still want to come in, then come in."
Eric smirks as he crosses the threshold of the house and you shake your head at him before turning around and leading him to the living room. You take a seat in the corner of the couch, curling up with a pillow in your lap, and Eric sits on the middle seat to be as close to you as possible. "How long have you been feeling like this?"
"Few days now," you tell him. "There's this.. buzz. It's constant and it just keeps getting louder and louder."
"And the voices?"
"Muffled. No matter how much I concentrate, I can't hear them clearly. It's like they're trying to tell me something, but I can't tune in to the right station. It's annoying." Eric hums in thought and you attempt to change the subject. "So what brings you down here to Bon Temps? Surely my first impression wasn't that memorable."
He smirks as his arm rests along the top of the backrest of the couch, his fingers tugging on a few pieces of your hair. "It's rare for someone to amuse me these days. And you weren't what I was expecting Sookie's twin to be."
"Between the two of us, Sookie got all the perkiness. I, uh, I got stuck with all the doom and gloom." Eric quirks an eyebrow at you and you chuckle, wincing a moment later as an lingering echo screeches in your ear. Your attention is immediately drawn towards the kitchen where you see a silhouette walk by and the buzzing amps up.
Without uttering a word, you get up and follow it.
Eric watches as Y/N laughs one moment and then in the next second her expression is completely blank and attention elsewhere. Normally he'd be offended, but after learning what he could from Sookie he knows to never bring Y/N out of a trance. So in order to protect this little fae that just continues to become more and more interesting, Eric gets up and follows Y/N through the kitchen and out the back door.
He keeps several feet between himself and Y/N, his curiosity piqued as he notices her stop in the middle of the field behind her home. She glances back and forth as if searching for something, slowly turning in a circle. She winces and stumbles back, eyes wide and heart pumping furiously. Whatever's going on, Eric's instincts suddenly kick in and he doesn't like it. He doesn't like the look of fear on Y/N's face.
One sudden stumble sends Y/N to her knees, hands clamping around her ears.
"No, no, no," you mumble. The buzzing is extremely loud now, voices are screaming but you're still unable to make out what they're saying. Rocking back and forth, you glance around and your heart sinks as you watch Eric standing there across from you. "Go. Get away. I can't-"
"What's wrong? I can help you."
You shake your head. "You can't. You need to go. Get away from me. Please."
Eric watches you and you whimper when you see his resolve strengthen. He's not going anywhere. Clenching your eyes shut against the onslaught of noise, you slam your hands down on the ground in front of you and your fingers dig into the earth. Your breaths come faster and faster, and when you can't take it anymore your eyes fly open as you open your mouth and scream.
Your scream drowns out the buzz, the voices become clearer and it's only there alongside your scream do you understand them. You don't know how long you scream for, but when you stop your throat feels raw.
"What was that?" Eric asks.
He's immediately kneeling before you, fingers under your chin to tilt your face upward. "What did you say?"
"My sister. She's not- she's not safe."
"She's at work under the ever watchful eye of the shifter."
"She is. Until she walks out back to take out the trash," you say. "Please," you beg. "Just.. just go check on her."
Eric continues to hold your gaze for a moment longer before he gives you a terse nod and then stands tall. Your eyes follow him as she lifts off into the air and it's like a weight is lifted off your chest. You sob in relief, curling in on yourself with your face in your hands.
"..inside.. safer.."
The hairs on the back of your neck stand up and your cries immediately cease. Sniffling, you sit back up and glance around the field you're in. Hearing the chirping insects and the ruffling of tree limbs puts you at unease, so you climb to your feet and hurriedly make your way back towards the house. You don't breathe until you're inside, behind closed doors, but even then you're still a little tense and wondering if your sister is okay.
The minutes tick on by as you pace back and forth in the kitchen, and you yelp when you turn around and Eric is standing right there. You raise a fist in order to punch him, but stop halfway there and instead poke his chest as you push him back a step. "Don't do that."
He smirks. "Sookie is fine. A couple of human junkies needed some money for their next fix. The sheriff is on the way to take care of the issue."
"Thank you." You sigh. As you move aside to take a seat at the table, you glance back at Eric and see a blood trail falling from his ear. Your eyes widen and you rush towards him, uncaring about boundaries when one hand lands on his chest and the other grasping his chin to turn his face sideways. "Your ear! I told you to leave before I screamed. Why didn't you listen?" You let go of his chin and then shove him a step back as you go back to pacing.
Eric chuckles. "You've been keeping secrets. You're not just Fae, are you?"
You shrug. "I'm not really sure what I am. I only found out I was part Fae because you guys told Sookie she was. The mind reading is from Fae abilities, but the screaming-"
"The wailing is a whole different breed."
You stop pacing and face him once more. "There's only one creature that wails," you say, "but I gave up on digging into our family history a long time ago."
"You truly are a rare breed, Miss Stackhouse. Half fae, half banshee. The vampires are going to be in a tizzy over you."
You groan. "A problem is inevitable until I agree to a claim, isn't it?"
"Aren't you a smart cookie."
You scowl at Eric then, holding his gaze until you sigh. "If I say yes to a claim, can I have your word that you won't take advantage?" He smiles then and though this vampire is ridiculously good looking, you rather not be someone's pet. But alas, you know he's right. "If the offer for a job at Fangtasia is still open, I'll take it. I don't plan to leave Bon Temps anytime soon and I'm going to need the cash."
"Sweetheart, if you agree to be mine I'll give you all the cash you could want."
Your nose wrinkles. "I'm so gonna regret this." There's a faint click! as Eric's fangs appear, his eyes darkening as he readily bites into his wrist. "Don't tell my sister."
Drink up, little one. We're going to have some fun.
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