#Salah Ragab
zef-zef · 10 months
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Salah Ragab And The Cairo Jazz Band
source: egyptianstreets 📸: ???
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 4 months
The Mango (The Surprise, Part 13)
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Emily Prentiss x fem!reader Warnings: explicit language, innuendo, implied sex, periods, mostly just fluff, reader taking care of Emily because our girl deserves it Word count: 1.9k
Summary: Emily comes back from a hard week in the field and you treat her in all the ways you can possibly think of. Because she's baby girl and she deserves to be taken care of.
Week 23: The Mango
In both your personal and professional life, you were a wildly independent person. Self-sufficient, dedicated, proud of the work you did and how hard you’d worked to get where you were. You were nobody’s doormat, nobody’s housekeeper, nobody’s mom.
If anyone else you knew, especially men, asked you to cook for them or do their laundry or take care of them in any way, you would have been personally affronted. You would have said, “You’re a fucking grown-up, do it yourself. I’m not your mom.” And you’d mean it.
So it embarrassed you a bit that, with Emily, you acted like a full-blown ‘50s-style housewife and you loved it. Not all the time, of course. But enough of the time that you couldn’t just brush it off. Dinner on the table when she got home? Your pleasure. Packing her lunch? A joy. Doing the laundry and making sure she always had a second go-bag packed and ready in case there was a quick turnaround on cases? You lived for that shit, especially when you hid little notes in the pockets that said things like:
I love you (so does little mango)!
We miss you! <3!
So proud of you for saving lives and kicking criminal ass! P.S. It’s hot. ;)
The bottom line? You were down bad for Emily. You had been from the moment she’d asked you out and all the years since. But after you’d gotten pregnant, your roles had switched a bit. Emily had always taken care of you well, but in the last few months she'd taken over significantly more of the household tasks since you were often tired and achy. You ordered takeout more often than you cooked (Emily had tried, but after her third time setting off the fire alarm you’d said, “You know what, babe, why don’t we just order out?”).
You missed taking care of Emily. God knows, she wouldn’t let anybody else do it. So when she’d called you from the jet to let you know she was on her way home after a grueling week in the field–made even more grueling by the fact that she was on her period–you set out to treat Emily right. To treat her in all the ways you used to treat her before you got pregnant, in all the ways that Emily deserved to be treated and so rarely let herself be.
You had groceries delivered to make her favorite meal, and when the little Find My dot that was Emily showed up at Quantico and started making its way back to DC, you ran her a bath–water scalding so it’d be nice and hot when she came in, fragrant with lavender Epsom salts. You lit candles, turned the bathroom lights low, even put her favorite hoodie and sweatpants and a fluffy towel in the dryer so they’d be toasty and warm when she got out of the bath.
You started on dinner, playing Emily’s favorite Salah Ragab record on the turntable. The food processor growled as it worked overtime to blend a homemade hummus, complete with your secret ingredient: a splash of aquafaba. You chopped parsley and mint for fattoush, made a marinade for the chicken flavored with all the spices Emily loved so much from her childhood years in Oman and Egypt, sumac and cardamom and coriander and all the others that you ordered online from a specialty Middle Eastern spice seller.
Your oven shawarma wasn’t as good as shawarma from a spit in Cairo, but it was about as close as you could get at home, and Emily loved it. And you made a damn good fattoush and hummus. You sliced cucumbers and tomatoes, whipped together a quick yogurt sauce.
You’d just put the chicken and veggies in the oven and were starting on the cream cheese filling for the stuffed dates when you heard the door open and shut.
“In the kitchen!” you called, hands sticky from slicing the dates.
Emily looked exhausted, with dark circles under her eyes, her blazer rumpled from a long day of travel. But her face lit up when she saw you.
“Do I smell… shawarma?!” she asked, wrapping her arms around your waist and kissing your neck, her hands resting protectively over your baby bump.
“Mmhm.” You grinned, feeling Emily’s body melt into yours, the tension in her muscles already dissipating.
“What’s the occasion?” She turned you around, so she could lean her arms on your shoulders, running her fingers through your hair.
You shrugged. “Can’t a girl just want to treat her wife?”
“She sure can.” Emily smiled and leaned in to press her lips softly to yours. You held your hands out at your sides so you wouldn’t be tempted to press them into Emily’s clothes or skin.
Emily pulled away, watching you lovingly as you sliced and mixed and stirred.
“Can I help with anything?” she asked, lowering herself into a chair and wincing slightly.
“In the kitchen!?” You scoffed. “Absolutely not. There’s a bath ready for you, so go relax for a bit.”
Her eyes brightened. “Aw, honey. That’s so sweet of you.” She grabbed your hips again, once again turning you away from the counter so she could press you against it in a hungry kiss.
You giggled and swatted at her with a dish towel. “Go before the water gets cold!”
“Care to join?” she asked suggestively, pulling lightly at the waistband of your shorts.
You smirked, gently grasping her fingers and moving them away. “I have to finish dessert.”
Emily walked toward the bathroom like a scolded puppy, looking back with big eyes. “I can think of something else I’d rather have for dessert,” she commented, eyebrows raised.
You waved her off, blushing furiously. “Get out of here, you dork! Go take your bath!”
“I thought we were treating me tonight!” Emily called from the bathroom.
“That’s an after-dinner treat, honey,” you yelled back. “I’ve got shit to do first.”
“Fine! But I’m gonna hold you to that!”
You shook your head, grinning, as you spooned cream cheese filling into the halved dates, pressing them into a mixture of crushed pistachios and rose petals. God, you loved your wife.
When the dates were plated, the bulgur in the fattoush soaked through, the pita warmed, and the chicken covered in foil and resting on the counter, you washed your hands and went to find Emily, grabbing her comfy clothes and towel from the dryer.
You heart surged when you found her still in the tub, eyes closed, face relaxed. This is what your girl deserved. You leaned down to kiss her on the forehead.
“You alright, honey?” you asked, trying to squat down next to the tub, but ending up on your knees thanks to the baby.
She hummed in affirmation, keeping her eyes closed. “Thank you so much for this, baby,” she mumbled quietly.
“Anytime, love.” You watched her for a few more minutes, then set the stack of warm clothes on the bathroom counter. “There’s a warm towel and some PJs here for you,” you said, struggling to get to your feet.
“You good?” Emily chuckled, watching you out of the corner of her eye.
“Yes.” When you finally managed to make it to your feet, you had beads of sweat on your forehead. It wasn’t even that your belly was that heavy yet, it was that it threw off your center of gravity and made moving from one position to another awkward. “Get dried off when you're ready,” you told her. “I’ll get dinner on the table.”
You were proud of the spread when you stood and surveyed it. Shawarma chicken straight from the oven, spiced and heavenly-smelling. Warm pita bread and a swirl of smooth, creamy hummus with just a bit of paprika and olive oil on top. A lovely, vibrant fattoush, sliced cucumbers, juicy tomatoes. A little plate of stuffed dates, popping with green and pink from the pistachios and rose petals.
Emily walked in, hair wet around her shoulders, blotching her sweatshirt. You pulled her chair out for her but, before she sat down, she wrapped her arms around you, pulling you in for a hug. She smelled like lavender and fresh laundry, and you breathed her in, holding her close.
You could tell by the way she lingered there, by the way she breathed easier with her body pressed against yours, that Emily would need a lot of touch tonight. Not just in a sexual way, though Emily’s sex drive was always through the roof on her period. You could tell that tonight, Emily would let you hold her, that she’d curl herself around you tightly, possessively, as if to cover the most that she possibly could of your surface area.
In other words, she needed comfort. And she didn't get it from anyone else, not really. It had taken her a long time to even ask for it from you, to seek it out. So when she did, you were always more than happy to oblige. More than happy to hold clingy, sweet, needy Emily for as long as she needed.
She whined a bit when you pulled away, and you kissed her cheek, playing with her fingers.
“You’ve got to eat something, love. Then I promise I will not let you go for the rest of the night.”
She sat obediently, squeezing your hand, and piled her plate with all the things you’d made, eyes rolling back in her head when she swiped a finger through the hummus and put it in her mouth.
“I don’t know how you do it,” she gushed. “I swear your hummus tastes just like my friend Zainab’s mom’s from when I lived in Oman.”
“It’s the specialty spices,” you shrugged, taking a bite of pita with shawarma and veggies.
“No, I think it’s the special person making it,” Emily cheesed, beaming at you.
You smiled and rolled your eyes playfully. “Oh, you’re getting it tonight.”
“I certainly hope so.”
When your plates were cleared and the leftovers tucked safely into the fridge, you led Emily to the bedroom, pulling back the covers for her, tucking her in.
“You know these are just gonna get untucked, right?” she asked, biting her lip.
“Shh,” you scolded. “Let me take care of you.”
You crawled into bed next to Emily, drawing her body into yours, holding her gently as you pressed your lips to hers. She melted into the kiss, already breathless.
You brushed her hair out of her face, placing your hand gently on her lower stomach. “How are your cramps?” you asked. “You want any medicine or anything?”
“The only medicine I need is you,” she said, guiding your hand lower.
You chuckled. “Alright, Romeo. Calm down.” You lowered your face to her neck, planting kisses all across her shoulder and collarbone. “I told you I’d take care of you, and I will.”
Emily held your face gently in her hands, looking deep into your eyes. “Why are you so good to me?” she whispered.
You pecked her on the lips. “Because I love you. And you deserve good things.”
And with that, you started your long, slow journey across the topography of Emily’s body, ready and willing to give her every good thing you possibly could.
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trukqsofficial · 5 months
Neveen | Salah Ragab
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realita-lampung · 1 year
14 Bulan Menjabat, Sulpakar Buktikan Kinerja untuk Pembangunan di Mesuji
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Pemerintah Kabupaten Mesuji terus melakukan Terobosan dan inovasi dalam meningkatkan Pembangunan Infrastruktur di kabupaten Mesuji khususnya pada perbaikan jalan. Selama empat belas bulan menjabat Pj.Bupati Mesuji Drs. Sulpakar, MM, telah merasakan dan menyaksikan buruk infrastruktur jalan di Kabupaten berjuluk Bumi Ragab Begawe Caram tersebut. Hal itu juga terasa setiap Sulpakar turun ke masyarakat masalah pembangunan dan perbaikan jalan menjadi permintaan utama setiap warga yang ditemuinya. Pemerintah Kabupaten Mesuji membutuhkan bantuan Pemerintah Pusat dan Kementerian untuk mencapai pembangunan maksimal, hal itu didasarkan atas minimnya APBD Mesuji yang tercatat paling kecil Se-Provinsi Lampung sebesar 805 Miliar tahun anggaran 2023. Janji pembangunan dan perbaikan jalan bertahap mulai dibuktikan oleh Sulpakar dimana tahun 2023 ini sudah di bangun Jalan rigid beton (Cor) di Kecamatan Mesuji Timur persisnya Desa Margo jadi - Desa Tanjung Menang Sepanjang 2,5 km, Jalan yang menghubungkan Tanjung Menang - Eka Mulya sepanjang 2,5 KM dan Jalan Eka Mulya - Wonosari sepanjang 2,2 KM Pada tahun 2023 ini juga rencananya akan dibangun dua ruas jalan Inpres yang ada di Mesuji Timur yaitu Simpang Selamat Datang, Muara Tenang, Margo Jadi dan kalau masih memungkinkan akan diteruskan untuk ruas Eka Mulya - Wonosari dan kalau pun tidak memungkinkan pelaksanaan di tahun ini akan kita ajukan pada tahap kedua Tahun 2024 termasuk juga tiga ruas di Kecamatan Way Serdang, untuk Eksit Tol Simpang Asahan, ujar Kabid Bina Marga Kabupaten Mesuji Endra Oktafandi, ST. Jadi dari lima belas ruas yang masuk Long List di Aplikasi Inpres dua ruas pada tahun 2023 ini dan pada tahap kedua di tahun 2024 sebanyak empat ruas jalan, kata Endra. Hari ini sudah dilaksanakan kegiatan Survei Rencana Pembangunan Jalan Inpres Bersama dengan Tim P2JN Wilayah Lampung, Konsultan Dinas Provinsi Lampung dan Pelaksana Kegiatan, Alhamdulilah Kegiatan Sudah berjalan, penggalian drainase sudah di mulai, lokasi stok file dan batching plan sudah di garap dan rencana alat alat batching segera berada di lokasi, ujar Endra Melalui sambungan telpon Penjabat Bupati Drs.Sulpakar,MM mengucapkan terima kasih atas doa dan dukungan masyarakat Kabupaten Mesuji, alhamdulillah pembangunan infrastuktur Jalan di kabupaten Mesuji sudah terlihat dan dirasakan langsung oleh masyarakat, selain pembangunan Jalan rigid beton Penimbunan dan Pemerataan Jalan juga kita lakukan agar masyarakat dapat dengan mudah melalui dan Menggunakan Jalan tersebut. Insyaallah tahun 2024 kita usulkan juga depan Kantor Camat Mestim ke arah Tirtalaga bahkan sampai ke Sumber Makmur yg di usulkan melalui dana DAK, terkait Perbaikan Jalan kita juga sudah menggandeng Perusahaan Perusahaan yang ada di Kabupaten Mesuji untuk terlibat dan berperan aktif dalam Pembangunan Jalan dengan Program CSR ( Corporate Social Responsibility), seperti ruas jalan Mekar Jaya - Bujung Buring oleh Perusahaan PT. sumber Indah Perkasa, Penimbunan Jalan Berlubang dan yang mengalami kerusakan menggunakan material CSR dari PT. SIP dari Perempatan Jalan Selamat Datang tepatnya di depan Pos Odol Dishub, Perbaikan Peningkatan Akses Jalan di Simpang Penangkis Kecamatan Mesuji Timur dari PT. Russelindo Putra Prima, Kata Sulpakar. Sulpakar manyampaikan Selain Pembangunan Infrastruktur Jalan yang terus di kejar dan ditingkatkan, Penanggulangan Masalah Stunting di Mesuji juga menjadi tugas kita bersama, berbagai inovasi dan terobosan di laksanakan guna menanggulangi masalah stunting, salah satunya adalah program orang tua asuh. Seluruh OPD di Kabupaten Mesuji turun langsung ke Desa Desa untuk menuntaskan masalah stunting bukan hanya melakukan pembinaan juga langsung melakukan arahan teknis terkait pelaksanaan orang tua asuh dan penerapannya di desa desa, harapan saya dengan semangat Bergerak Bersama Maju semua dapat memotivasi masyarakat untuk memajukan Kabupaten Mesuji. Read the full article
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ibraheam · 1 year
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nwdsc · 2 years
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(▶︎ Habibi Funk 020: Orkos | Maha | Habibi Funk Recordsから)
Habibi Funk 020: Orkos by Maha
HABIBI FUNK & DISCO ARABESQUO PRESENT: Completely unknown album by Salah Ragab's Cairo Jazz Band vocalist Maha, recorded in Cairo in 1979. Features productions by Hany Shenoda of Al Massrieen. Maha’s “Orkos,” originally released on cassette, is one of these standout musical diamonds that combines Jazz and Egyptian vocal traditions with Funk, Latin and Soul. Out via Habibi Funk October 10th. The arrival of the cassette age was a turning point in the music industry all over the world. Manufacturing a vinyl record was a time-consuming process, as well logistically and financially a barrier of entry for many. This soon led to a proliferation of smaller acts and record labels dedicated to a particular sound without the barriers present in making vinyl. At the same time, in Egypt in the 1970’s and early 1980’s, a new generation of musicians and composers made their way into the scene. Hany Shenoda, Mohamed Mounir, Magdy El Hossainy, Omar Korshid, Salah Ragab and Hamid El Shaeri are some names that come to mind. They all made very different music compared to one another but what connected them was their desire to add something fresh and new to what was perceived as the widely monophonic musical traditions of Egypt. Many built their sounds on a combination of their own musical upbringing with influences coming from the outside. The success of these projects varied but for each one of these artists there were numerous lesser-known bands and singers. A lot of these often-short-lived projects would release their music on cassette on tiny labels. Maha’s “Orkos” album fits this category, and it’s fair to say that it was not a success when it was originally released in 1979 by Sout El Hob. While nobody remembers the exact numbers, sales must have been very limited and the project was quickly forgotten about and no follow up release was produced. Some years ago, we had released “Al Massrieen,” music which is the passion project of their composer, Hany Shenoda. Most of the music of this band was released by the Sout El Hob label and after our reissue they were happy with the extra visibility allowed us access to their back catalogue to assess whether there might be more projects we might be interested in. Maha’s “Orkos” was immediately a stand out album. A strong and energetic voice equally grounded in jazz as well as Egyptian vocal traditions, singing over instrumentals that offer a very wide range: from the funk sounds of “Law Laffeina El Ard” excursions into Latin music in “Orkos,” to the moody mellow sounds of “We Mesheet.” Nobody at the label really remembered much about the release or Maha herself. At the same time, we knew that this was an album we wanted to turn into a re-release. While we could license the music from Sout El Hob, we didn’t want to commit to this project without the blessings and involvement by the woman who created it. We called her in late 2021 and she was clearly surprised to have someone call about music she recorded more than 40 years ago. But she also seemed interested in the idea to bring her music back to people’s attention and so the next time we were in Cairo we planned to meet. A few weeks later we were speaking with our friend Moataz, who runs the Disco Arabesquo project and showed him this great new album we found and to our surprise he knew the album, since having found a tape copy of it a year or two ago in Cairo. Thus, it was an obvious decision to team up for a collaboration for this project. Upon meeting, she told us about how her brother got her introduced to music, and how she played with various bands, including Salah Ragab’s “Cairo Jazz Band”. She also told us how, in the mid 1980’s, she decided to leave music behind for a different life. But she also discussed the struggles and challenges of a woman trying to make it in the music industry. Luckily, she kept a great collection of old photos and she even had a spare copy of the promotional poster made for her release. We explained our vision to her and the idea behind making her music available again. She approved and was happy to share her story to provide valuable information and contextualization, found in the booklet accompanying the vinyl and CD release. クレジット2022年10月10日リリース In collaboration with Disco Arabesquo.
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ozkar-krapo · 2 years
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"In Egypt"
(LP. Strut / Art Yard. 2021 / rec. 1983) [US-EG]
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agoodsongeveryday · 3 years
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sivavakkiyar · 2 years
“Strut present the final instalment in their series of reissues of Sun Ra’s historic recordings in Egypt with The Sun Ra Arkestra meets Salah Ragab in Egypt plus the Cairo Jazz Band, originally released on Greek label Praxis in 1983.
Salah Ragab first encountered the Arkestra at a concert at the house of Goethe Institut ex-pat Hartmut Geerken during the Arkestra’s first visit to Cairo and Heliopolis in December 1971 and, although Ra and Ragab did not meet in person on that occasion, they did meet and bond together when Ra returned to Egypt in 1983, resulting in these recordings. The Arkestra had been touring Europe in March 1983 and made their way to Cairo, playing a number of concerts during April at the Il Capo / Il Buco venue before recording the two superb studio versions of Ragab compositions, ‘Egypt Strut’ and ‘Dawn’, at El Nahar Studios in Heliopolis in May, featuring Salah Ragab on congas.”
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skaphander · 3 years
"Salah Ragab & the Cairo Jazz Band - Egypt Strut"
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Salah Ragab and the Cairo Jazz Band
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zef-zef · 10 months
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Salah Ragab And The Cairo Jazz Band - Ramadan In Space Time from: Salah Ragab And The Cairo Jazz Band - Egyptian Jazz (Art Yard, 2006)
[Salah Ragab accompanied Sun Ra on a tour in Egypt, Greece, France and Spain in 1984.]
recorded in Heliopolis Egypt between 1968 and 1973
Salah Ragab - Conductor, Piano, Drums, Congas El Saied El Aydy, Farouk El Sayed - Alto Saxophone Abdel Hakim El Zamel - Baritone Saxophone Moohy El Din Osman - Bass Abdel Atey Farag - Bass Trombone Mohammad Abdel Rahman - Bass Tuba Sayed Ramadan - Bongos, Drums [Ramadan - Baza] Sayed Sharkawy - Drums Abdel Hamd Abdel Ghaffar (Toto) - Ney [Bamboo Nay] Khmis El Khouly - Piano Fathy Abdel Salam - Tenor Saxophone Saied Salama - Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone El Sayeed Dahroug, Mahmoud Ayoub, Sadeek BasyounyTrombone Ibrahim Wagby, Khalifa El Samman, Mohammed Abdoe - Trumpet Zaky Osman - Trumpet, Flute
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breezestudio · 2 years
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seymourmusicclub · 4 years
Salah Ragab And The Cairo Jazz Band - Oriental Mood (1973)
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chajoe · 2 years
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«Ramadan» por Sun Ra Arkestra, Salah Ragab, Sun Ra https://bit.ly/3uDaXwZ
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twistedsoulmusic · 7 years
Morning soundtrack Salah Ragab and The Cairo Jazz Band - Egyptian Jazz.
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