dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
Id be your friend even if youre gay. Id be your friend even if youre lesbian. Id be your friend even if youre bi Id be your friend even if youre ace or aro Id be your friend even if youre transgendered Id be your friend even if youre genderfluid Id be your friend even if youre any part of the SAGA community (lgbtq+) Id be your friend even if youre depressed Id be your friend even if you have anxiety Id be your friend even if you are suicidal Id be your friend even if you self harm Id be your friend even if you have mental illnesses Id be your friend even if you aren’t socially accepted Id be youre friend even if you were straight Id be your friend even if you went through abuse Id be your friend even if you’ve been raped Id be your friend even if you have flashbacks Id be your friend even if youre up all night Id be your friend even if you like rap Id be your friend even if you like rock Id be your friend even if you are black Id be your friend even if you are white Id be your friend even if you are latino Id be your friend even if you are native Id be your friend even if you are asian Id be your friend even if youre Christian Id be your friend even if youre Atheist Id be your friend even if you are Muslim Id be your friend as long as youre you and deserving of it.
This is a sign for blogs to put up and continue the list so that people know no matter what we can be there for each other. Please reblog…make people feel comfortable being themselves.
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
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30 black students were kicked out of a Donald Trump rally for standing silently
According to the Des Moines Register, security said they were acting on Trump’s orders to remove the students, who were standing silently atop bleachers at the event. Trump’s campaign is denying the order. In video of their ejection, the students give a valid reason for their presence.
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
i kinda just realized a thing. in the story thing that is going to be totally awesome, i messed something up. near the end of gravity falls, i was thinking about the twins names and stuff. of course, i wanted twinsies in my fic. i got their names wrong.
i was thinking stanley and stanford are similar-sounding. there are way to many theories about dipper’s real name, but im pretty sure the thing i reblogged a while ago was right. preeeeety sure his name is something along those lines
so, if youre thinking, “why is this person using these names that relate nothing to each other (that will be explained sooner or later) when the name patterns are pretty obvious,” that is why. my past self was clearly unaware of what the heck was gonna happen in weirdmaggedon 3 and the names. so. 
yeah. bless you if you sneezed and excuse you if you burped
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
We all care.
Please don’t scroll past this, it can save a life in the future.
Ok, so listen up. I’m going to make a video in three weeks, about how beautiful you all people are, and why you should stop self harming, stop thinking about suicide and all.
But I need help.
In this video, I’m going to mention all the people who care, and want to help.
That’s where I need all your help.
If you care, and want to help the person watching this video in the future. Reblog this.
I’ll write down every single URL that reblogged this post, and then mention them in the video, and put a link to the blog in the videos description.
All you need to do is to reblog this post. Likes doesn’t count.
That’s littarly it.
So please reblog, and you’ll be mentioned as one of many people who cares.
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
I’m tired of seeing ‘Dipper’s name is Abel’ everywhere so allow me to make my own post to throw my two cents in.
First of all, the tree said ‘Mabel x Mabel’
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And given it’s a tree full of her crushes, it looks like Mabel has decided to love herself!! You go girl.
Now allow me to make a compelling argument for why Dipper’s real name is probably Marty.
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Here’s a picture of Marty McFly from Back to the Future, a movie Gravity Falls has already referenced numerous times. Dipper’s clothes are a color reverse of what he’s wearing basically. This alone is enough for me to think that Dipper’s real name is probably Marty as another nod to the movie but, it actually fits with what we know about his name too.
1) Marty and Mabel fits the twin first letter the same thing. (Stanford and Stanley, Ariel and Alex)
2) Also Dipper is sitting after Mabel on picture day, so alphabetically his name must be after hers (this also rules out Abel) and Marty DOES come after Mabel.
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3) Oh look Marty McFly even has a Dippy Fresh version of himself.
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And with that I rest my case.  Ford and Marty and their adventures, Marty. Ford and Marty, forever and forever, a hundred years Ford and Marty.
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
it’s going to get prettty messed up from here on outtt
Here we gooo
                 Oh no. Not again. Seph thought, as the sinking feeling settled. He was curled up in bed, staring at the companion cube poster that was on his wall. There were eyes on his back, and they weren’t his brother’s from across the room. He just knew.
               Something rose in his stomach as the world faded to grey. Seph turned on his back and gazed at the ceiling. The glow in the dark stars he and his brother had put up were no longer visible. Some of the smaller ones were still a dark green color, but you had to strain to see. Seph tried lifting his arm, but it was lead heavy.
               “Of course.” He mumbled…looking to the side and slightly shaking his head. Seph’s body felt sticky and heavy, almost as if was glued to his sheets. His fingers began to tingle as he looked back up to the ceiling.
               The stars were now a bright yellow. They were slowly falling and peeling off the paint, down towards his stomach. He regretted ever falling asleep in the first place because as the stars got bigger and closer, the brighter ad hotter he seemed. Eventually, as if the journey to his torso from the ceiling was a million miles long, the stars set aflame. They were asteroids now, plummeting down to him.
               But of course, this wasn’t a normal dream. He felt it. The asteroids hit him and it hurt. They fell all over him, on his wrist, arm, chest, stomach, legs, everywhere, burning through his clothes and skin, seeping their way into his cold veins. They burned like someone was sticking hot, giant metal needles into him, and the pain only increased. He yelled, unable to move.
               “Aww, come on kid. I haven’t even started!” A loud and squeaky voice said. It rang and echoed through the room and into Seph’s ears as the pain from the stars doubled. An annoying hum rose in the air and Seph yelled louder, managing to move his tingling fingers and clench them into fists. It felt like he was on fire, burning into the abyss that was now his room.
               Almost like the force was reading his mind, the asteroids that were once his childhood entertainment stopped falling, hanging in midair. He breathed hard and painfully, only hoarse and dry groans left his scratchy throat.
               Seph leapt out of bed once the lead left his bones. He landed on his feet, slouching over and cupping both arms around his stomach. A cold liquid pooled around his feet. It felt like the carpet in his room, the yarn curling in his toes and seemingly trying to comfort him. Only this was much worse. It didn’t feel like home, and his bed was gone now. There was no floor, or walls, or anything room-like, accept the dark and expansive gloom.
               The liquid moved up towards his knees, then up to his waist. It wasn’t comforting at all, and it only seemed to make the pain come back. When the mystery liquid was up to his chest, a more painful and severe case of pins and needles covered his whole body, making him double over.
               His stomach ached, and his head was pounding. This isn’t normal, and I shouldn’t be feeling like this. What is this?! He screamed in his head. His voice managed to come out, still hurt and throaty. It rang through the endlessness and bounced off the invisible walls.
               “Why?!” Seph voice said. It almost didn’t sound like him, a tad higher and much more childish. Just as the word fell out of his mouth, a laugh just like his replaced his voice. The liquid immediately fell away, and the feeling of soft carpet was under him. Two hands were on his shoulders, shaking them back and forth.
               His blue haired brother, Devin, was standing in front of him, his face covered in concern and worry and confusion. His eyes were pricked with tears as he saw Seph seemingly come back to life. Seph looked up, the pins and needles not leaving his body. His knees felt so heavy, and the lead was back. Seph fell to the floor, doubling over again.
               Seph’s shirt was gone, and he was only in his boxers. His eyes went over the red marks all over his body, right where the asteroids hit him. His arms were red, burnt, and his veins popped out. His hands came up to his head as he ran them through his hair. A hot and burning tear ran down his face as the pain hit him like a brick.
               A small and annoying whisper rang through his head, accompanied with a high and hearty laugh. It seeped into his skin, almost welding itself into his burns. Seph’s head pounded, wondering what it meant. It must have been answering the question he screamed before he woke up.
               Why not?
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
Why not?
So, ive been writing this thing. I think it’s okay. It’s kinda a backstory on Bill Cipher’s life before he was a dorito demon. Theres a ton o stuff on reverse falls too, so i put a little bit o that in it. 
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
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Reblog if you will
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
reblog while gravity falls isn't over
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
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Am I the only one for whom “Pines twins” rang a bell like
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I mean the creators of this show are nerdy enough for this to be an actual reference/tribute/whatever
we all know how the movie ends….
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Since I noticed that, I can’t. I don’t want to think about it.
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
now it’s over for me
and it’s over for you
How Far We’ve Come
so i’m pretty hyped for the finale, guys
(requested by @goldenpheonix5)
YouTube Link: (x)
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
i  god wenderz
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tag yourself i’m Studford
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
hop hop hop
i’m a goat-sheep-thing (?)
hop hop
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
why is this so funny
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
This is so great, it hurts
being in a public restroom and hearing someone shitting really loud
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dweebie-blog1 · 9 years
It happened.
So i am new. I literally have no idea what i’m doing. But, im pretty sure I can handle the complications and the fact that both the internet and technology hate me. Just to sum up me: I like writing fanfics. I enjoy playing videogames, but i am not as cooool as the youtubers. Cartoons and anime is something i watch often. There. Done.
The first post from the most amateur person ever.
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