inbarfink · 1 year
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cherrytreeshipper · 5 months
oh shit i looked away and the Fish post started going around.
uhm. here's my reasoning for why they are the fish (pokemon) that they are
sylvan is a gorebyss because of the color palette and because in japanese they're called Sakurabyss.
N is white striped Basculin because. um. green? i thought about making him a Lanturn because he has one on one of his BW2 teams but the vibes weren't there. white striped Basculin is green and also black and white. so the main reason is also the color palette. i was kinda hesitant about it because i was thinking "aren't basculin like. super agressive?? that's not N." but appearently while red and blue striped Basculin are really aggressive, white striped basculin are gentle. listen i never played legends arceus
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fujoshigirl7 · 3 years
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Ash being gou's support whenever he doubts himself 💙
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Ash cutely petting a curious sakurabyss <3
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zponds · 2 years
Pokémon AG in Japanese
With all the ideas and objectives of updating existing AG episodes and adding freshly new episodes, all that can be done by the Japanese; those that made the anime. And the plots for the updated AG episodes and freshly new AG episodes all HAVE to be in Japanese in order for me to successfully achieve my goal. 
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So I thought I’d start with the cast of characters and Pokémon in the AG before showing the plots in Japanese.
REGION Hoenn region (Japanese: ホウエン地方 Hoenn region)
CHARACTERS (heroes and villains) Heroes Ash Ketchum (Japanese: サトシ Satoshi) May Maple (Japanese: ハルカ Haruka) Max Maple (Japanese: マサト Masato) Brock (Japanese: タケシ Takeshi) Brendan Birch (Japanese: ユウキ Yūki) Professor Birch (Japanese: オダマキ博士 Dr. Odamaki) Roxanne (Japanese: ツツジ Tsutsuji) Brawly (Japanese: トウキ Touki) Wattson (Japanese: テッセン Tessen) Flannery (Japanese: アスナ Asuna) Norman Maple (Japanese: センリ Senri) Caroline Maple (Japanese: ミツコ Mitsuko) Winona (Japanese: ナギ Nagi) Tate (Japanese: フウ Fu) and Liza (Japanese: ラン Lan) Wallace (Japanese: ミクリ Mikuri) Juan (Japanese: アダン Adan) Keith (Japanese: キクマ Kikuma) Nancy (Japanese: ナミコ Namiko) Forrest Franklin (Japanese: タクマ・ジロー Jirō Takuma) Forrester Franklin (Japanese: タクマ・イチロー Ichirō Takuma) Marius (Japanese: ヨウスケ Yōsuke) Tommy (Japanese: ヒロミ Hiromi) Steven Stone (Japanese: ツワブキ・ダイゴ Daigo Tsuwabuki) Sidney (Japanese: カゲツ Kagetsu) Phoebe (Japanese: フヨウ Fuyou) Glacia (Japanese: プリム Purim) Drake (Japanese: ゲンジ Genji) Villains Jessie (Japanese: ムサシ Musashi) James (Japanese: コジロウ Kojirō) Magma Leader Maxie (Japanese: マツブサ Matsubusa) Magma Admin Tabitha (Japanese: ホムラ Homura) Magma Admin Courtney (Japanese: カガリ Kagari) Team Magma Grunt (Japanese: マグマだんのしたっぱ Team Magma Underling) Aqua Leader Archie (Japanese: アオギリ Aogiri) Aqua Admin Matt (Japanese: ウシオ Ushio) Aqua Admin Shelly (Japanese: イズミ Izumi) Team Aqua Grunt (Japanese: アクアだんのしたっぱ Team Aqua Underling)
POKEMON Pikachu (Japanese: ピカチュウ Pikachu) Treecko (Japanese: キモリ Kimori) Grovyle (Japanese: ジュプトル Juptile) Sceptile (Japanese: ジュカイン Jukain) Mudkip (Japanese: ミズゴロウ Mizugorou) Marshtomp (Japanese: ヌマクロー Numacraw) Swampert (Japanese: ラグラージ Laglarge) Torchic (Japanese: アチャモ Achamo) Combusken (Japanese: ワカシャモ Wakasyamo) Blaziken (Japanese: バシャーモ Bursyamo) Spheal (Japanese: タマザラシ Tamazarashi) Sealeo (Japanese: トドグラー Todoggler) Walrein (Japanese: トドゼルガ Todoseruga) Swablu (Japanese: チルット Tyltto) Altaria (Japanese: チルタリス Tyltalis) Skitty (Japanese: エネコ Eneco) Vigoroth (Japanese: ヤルキモノ Yarukimono) Slaking (Japanese: ケッキング Kekking) Solrock (Japanese: ソルロック Solrock) Lunatone (Japanese: ルナトーン Lunatone) Baltoy (Japanese: ヤジロン Yajilon) Seviper (Japanese: ハブネーク Habunake) Cacnea (Japanese: サボネア Sabonea) Meowth (Japanese: ニャース Nyarth) Chimecho (Japanese: チリーン Chirean) Wobbuffet (Japanese: ソーナンス Sonans) Wynaut (Japanese: ソーナノ Sohnano) Skarmory (Japanese: エアームド Airmd) Metagross (Japanese: メタグロス Metagross) Wailord (Japanese: ホエルオー Whaloh) Relicanth (Japanese: ジーランス Glanth) Aggron (Japanese: ボスゴドラ Bossgodora) Mightyena (Japanese: グラエナ Graena) Camerupt (Japanese: バクーダ Bakuuda) Houndoom (Japanese: ヘルガー Hellgar) Crobat (Japanese: クロバット Crobat) Golbat (Japanese: ゴルバット Golbat) Numel (Japanese: ドンメル Donmel) Poochyena (Japanese: ポチエナ Pochiena) Tentacool (Japanese: メノクラゲ Menokurage) Carvanha (Japanese: キバニア Kibanha) Crawdaunt (Japanese: シザリガー Shizariger) Gyarados (Japanese: ギャラドス Gyarados) Tentacruel (Japanese: ドククラゲ Dokukurage) Sharpedo (Japanese: サメハダー Samehader) Glalie (Japanese: オニゴーリ Onigohri) Cradily (Japanese: ユレイドル Yuradle) Armaldo (Japanese: アーマルド Armaldo) Claydol (Japanese: ネンドール Nendoll) Huntail (Japanese: ハンテール Huntail) Gorebyss (Japanese: サクラビス Sakurabyss) Machop (Japanese: ワンリキー Wanriky) Machoke (Japanese: ゴーリキー Goriky) Machamp (Japanese: カイリキー Kairiky) Hariyama (Japanese: ハリテヤマ Hariteyama) Manectric (Japanese: ライボルト Livolt) Graveler (Japanese: ゴローン Golone) Golem (Japanese: ゴローニャ Golonya) Shiftry (Japanese: ダーテング Dirteng) Absol (Japanese: アブソル Absol) Cacturne (Japanese: ノクタス Noctus) Dusclops (Japanese: サマヨール Samayouru) Banette (Japanese: ジュペッタ Juppeta) Sableye (Japanese: ヤミラミ Yamirami) Shelgon (Japanese: コモルー Komoruu) Salamence (Japanese: ボーマンダ Bohmander Flygon (Japanese: フライゴン Flygon) Kingdra (Japanese: キングドラ Kingdra) Luvdisc (Japanese: ラブカス Lovecus) Whiscash (Japanese: ナマズン Namazun) Milotic (Japanese: ミロカロス Milokaross) Seaking (Japanese: アズマオウ Azumao) Groudon (Japanese: グラードン Groudon) Kyogre (Japanese: カイオーガ Kyogre) Rayquaza (Japanese: レックウザ Rayquaza) Regirock (Japanese: レジロック Regirock) Regice (Japanese: レジアイス Regice) Registeel (Japanese: レジスチル Registeel) Jirachi (Japanese: ジラーチ Jirachi) LOCATIONS (cities and landmarks) Littleroot Town (Japanese: ミシロタウン Mishiro Town) Oldale Town (Japanese: コトキタウン Kotoki Town) Oldale Ruins (Japanese: コトキ遺跡 Kotoki Ruins) Petalburg City (Japanese: トウカシティ Touka City) Rustboro City (Japanese: カナズミシティ Kanazumi City) Island Cave (Japanese: 小島の横穴 Islet Cave) Dewford Town (Japanese: ムロタウン Muro Town) Abandoned Ship (Japanese: すてられ船 Abandoned Ship) Slateport City (Japanese: カイナシティ Kaina City) Oceanic Museum (Japanese: 海の科学博物館 Ocean Science Museum) Scientific Research Center (Japanese: 化学��究センター kagaku kenkyu center) Stern's Shipyard (Japanese: クスノキ造船所 Kusunoki Shipyard) Mauville City (Japanese: キンセツシティ Kinsetsu City) Verdanturf Town (Japanese: シダケタウン Shidake Town) Mt. Chimney (Japanese: えんとつ山 Mt. Chimney) Jagged Pass (Japanese: デコボコ山道 Rugged Mountain Pass) Desert Tomb (Japanese: 砂漠遺跡 Desert Ruins) Fallarbor Town (Japanese: ハジツゲタウン Hazitsuge Town) Lavaridge Town (Japanese: フエンタウン Huen Town) Crossgate Town (Japanese: クロスゲートタウン Crossgate Town) Weather Institute (Japanese: 天気研究所 Weather Institute) Fortree City (Japanese: ヒワマキシティ Hiwamaki City) Ancient Tomb (Japanese: 古代塚 Ancient Tomb) Lilycove City (Japanese: ミナモシティ Minamo City) Mt. Pyre (Japanese: おくりび山 Mt. Pyre) A-B-C Islands (Japanese: イロハ諸島 Iroha Archipelago) Monsu Island (Japanese: モンス島 Mons Island) Mossdeep City (Japanese: トクサネシティ Tokusane City) Seafloor Cavern (Japanese: 海底洞窟 Seabed Cavern) Kyogre’s Seafloor Cavern Groudon’s Seafloor Cavern Sootopolis City (Japanese: ルネシティ Rune City) Cave of Origin (Japanese: 目覚めのほこら Shrine of Awakening) Mirage Island (Japanese: まぼろしじま Phantom Island) Sky Pillar (Japanese: 空の柱 Sky Pillar) Pacifidlog Town (Japanese: キナギタウン Kinagi Town) Ever Grande City (Japanese: サイユウシティ Saiyu City)  ARTIFACTS Red Orb (Japanese: べにいろのたま Crimson Orb) Blue Orb (Japanese: あいいろのたま Indigo Orb) Jade Orb (Japanese: もえぎいろのたま Verdant Orb) Devon Scope (Japanese: デボンスコープ Devon Scope) VEHICLES Submarine Explorer 1 (Japanese: かいえん 1号 Kaien No. 1)
TYPES OF POKEBALLS Poké Ball (Japanese: モンスターボール Monster Ball) Dive Ball (Japanese: ダイブボール Dive Ball)
EXTRAS Elite Four (Japanese: 四天王 The Big Four)
(EDIT: This is all I can think about at the moment, but don’t worry. when I think of more, I’ll update this post; so stay tuned) ^^
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doodledex-project · 5 years
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Doodledex - #368 Gorebyss
Let me just preface this with something important... yeah, Tumblr content filter? I see you there. Hi. That word’s just part of a Pokemon’s name, none of that’s actually depicted here. Also, just ignore those shells. It’s a fish. It doesn’t have those. Are we cool? Good.
*ahem* Anyways.... Gorebyss is what you get when Clamperl’s holding a DeepSeaScale instead of a DeepSeaTooth when traded! Don’t let its cutesy appearance fool you, though... it’s a fierce predator! It uses that thin mouth to slurp up its prey’s body fluids, which is probably why its English name is that violent! (In contrast, its Japanese name is “Sakurabyss”, referring to its normal coloration... which happens to become more vibrant in the spring!)
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ursaminor93 · 6 years
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Today’s Pokémon is Gorebyss, the South Sea Pokemon. (Called Sakurabyss in Japanese) Based off of various species of eel. These Pokémon stab prey with their needle like mouth and drain all of their bodily fluids, but have also been known to eat seaweed too. The scales on its body change color depending on the temperature of the water. It has two shells on its chest, giving it a mermaid-like appearance. This Pokémon’s body has adapted to the crushing pressure of living in the deep sea, and this keeps it safe from powerful attacks as well. Celtic legends from the Book of Kells tell of eels that could change form by growing legs and walking long distances over land, only to change back when they reached the waters of their destination. The eel totem possesses the following virtues: Shape shifting Adaptability Ability to overcome great obstacles Change Travel Fertility Endurance Stamina Wisdom The ability to observe without being seen This card reminds us that we can adapt and overcome the crushing pressures of life. Change is hard. Sometimes you just have to go for it. #pokemon #oracle #kawaii #eel #symbolism #magic #witch #tarot #cardoftheday pokemontcg #gorebyss #pokemontrainer #witchesofinstagram #chaosmagic #90skid https://www.instagram.com/p/BsbZH53He1l/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=czh2767sxg7i
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zusuriki-art · 7 years
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gorebyss for todays #MerMay 😄 #art #draw #drawing #illustration #fanart #pokemon #pokemonfanart #pkmn #traditionalart #coloredpencils #pokemonfanart #pokemonmermaid #pkmnmermaid #gorebyss #sakurabyss #cute #pink #sexy #girl #shellbra #pinkhair #myart #instaart #instaartist
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autobottesla · 9 years
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Finally upgraded SAI to allow transparent PNG exporting without being a hassle. So, for the last three days I’ve been making it a point for the Pokémon to be feasible with and without the backgrounds without cropping on the sides.
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autobottesla · 10 years
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Day 231 - Sakurabyss | サクラビス | Gorebyss (Shiny)
Two pals hanging out underwater.
(P.S. New Pokémon drawing every single day.)
(368 / 721)
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