#Saiyon you too
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stinkymoldman · 3 years ago
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Me commenting and trying to inspire an update on abandoned Alice/Bella and Rosalie/Bella fics
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monasatlantis · 4 years ago
Regarding the Himi-AU Dauphin is based of...
I think @nokissforthedauphin thinks I flashed out that AU-Version of Himi very much and have planned a lot of in between details…. But it was never meant for anything more then a few One-Shots were things could be more to my liking XD So in my eyes, she very well should have the freedom to do whatever she wants with her version of it in “No Kiss for the Dauphin”, especially since in my AU Nocturn and Youma actually lived in Paris and there was no Messenger-Stuff and all that. So its not exactly like even if I had planned that story a bit deeper that everything would still fit. However… I am going to answer her questions her as good as I can… 1. Were the AU starts: Yes it started when Gary fought Green and gave her that mark. Silver refused to delete her memories and Blue was forced to face the consequences of what he did… both the good and the bad. Including that leaving Green was not an option anymore after she knew “Garys” true feelings.
 2. Did the war still start regardless of that? Yes. Demons want to get rid of the Wächters, surely more than enough Wächter wan’t to get rid of the demons…. So they somehow found a way to start the war.
 3. What about Youma and Nocturn? Let me be painfully frank here. I didn’t give them that much thought. Obviously, as they were living together in Paris, Youma did bring Nocturn back to life and they started to work and live together and I don’t think many things happened very differently than in DeA regarding them, aside from the fact that their relationship progressed a lot more quicker. If anything, I’d say Youma was never really sure what exactly he wanted (regarding becoming prince of the underworld and so on) in my AU and that is why they had enough freetime to stroll around Paris and go sledging and thus had a faster development for their relationship. Anything else is basically up to you. If anything, I would definitely say they had an intimate relationship before the decision was made to go to the temple, simply because I think there is an immensely strong bond and amount of trust (and with the way Nocturn is and thinks and feels I think a damn awful lot of trust is needed for any more intimate contact) necessary for someone like Nocturn to give up basically anything he loves “just” to be with Youma. To make such a decision, there can be no doubt whatsoever that this might be the wrong decision in the end and if Nocturn was willing to… uh… be as vulnerable as he would be in such an intimate moment and Youma treated him right (which I very much assume he did) than I think that would be prove enough that there is enough love and trust to go with him, no matter the sacrifices. However I would not think they had much sex in the meantime. But that is just my thoughts.
EDIT: Two more Questions and Answers under the cut...
1.a) When and why did Green and Saiyon get engaged?
We all know what happened. Shaginai and all the other Hikari were so not having it when Green was finally reunited with her demon boyfriend and demon (well HALFdemon, but which Hikari would care about that detail?) best friend. Actually, they didn’t want the demons with them at all, no matter what relationship they have towards Green. Now what to do? (AFTER Green was throwing a tantrum because she gives a damn about what the Hikari want. She wants Sibi and Gary to live with her. Right now! XD) So... we make a deal. Green can keep her “pets” if she so pleases, but ONLY if she agrees to get married to a suitable Wächter and makes little Hikaris with him. Green would of course say “Hell no!” BUT what does her halfdemon boyfriend say? Well he is a rational man, as we all know. Too rational for his own good. And he also has a very big eye on what is good and right and important for Green. Prioritizing that, makes it easy to see whats the right thing to do. Green needs an official partner that makes her look “good” and “right” and “normal” as an Hikari. She is already an underdog and not very well accepted among her kind and that is not a good thing. It might even put Greens life at danger in one way or another. So Gary has been pushing it. (He agrees with Shaginai far to often btw. Shaginai hates it XD) Of course Green was not having it, Sibi was against it, Grey too but even if Green didn’t like it at the end of the day, if she didn’t agree to that, she would lose Sibi and Gary again. And propably for good this time. And as Gary, as rational as he is (even tho Green knows he secretly burns with jealousy) supports this and Sibi is trying to make light of it by saying: “How romantic it might be to have a secret relationship and sneak away together at night...” and so one and as Green eventually sees she can not win this battle if she does not agree to this, she is left with no choice. When there is talk about Green searching for someone (and struggeling with it), Saiyon does volunteer. And even tho it sucks, everyone knows he is the best option, as he really cares about Green and really likes her and only wants her best. And also.... when she tells him that she will not ever stop loving Gary or wanting to be with him, he says he is fine with it - he hesitated a bit, but he says it anyway. Then they made it official and there was no getting out of that. That should of course have happened before the whole “messenger thing” became a thing, because otherwise that could have been Greens bargening-ship ^^’
2.b) What happened to Grey?
So Nocturn still tried to kill Grey, because even tho circumstances are different, he still finds Greens and Garys forbidden love quite interesting and he wanted to add some drama to it by, yes, still making it look like it was Gary who killed Grey. However this time it didn’t work out... because Green and Sibi walked in before it was too late and managed to turn things around, because they were searching for Gary who in fact wanted to talk to Grey about something related to Green. (They were curious and wanted to eavsedrop. But pssst! XD) Or something like that ^^’
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glasshipping · 5 years ago
100 Glasshipping Questions! Lets go!         Parto 1
1.       Who loves flower crowns more?
Easy answer! Its totally Youma. Back in Aeterniem the Wächter didn’t wore much jewelry and no one wore a crown, but Youma, Silence and Light made a lot of flower crowns, especially when they where still children. Flower crowns are THE motive for Youma!
2.       Who is the one who likes to cuddle?
They both love to cuddle, but Youma more. At the start Nocturn where very stiff and didn’t liked it too much, since he didn’t enjoyed to be touched… he also doesn’t really love the “touching” part of cuddling too much, but more the… uhm… comforting part.
But Youma is fore sure very cuddly. He is also the “lets go hand in hand”-type all the time. Its just his way of being together – he and Silence where not different, showing they are an entity against the world.
3.       Who has awful taste in music?
If I say Nocturn he would pierce me haha! No of course not, Nocturn has a very exquisite taste in music. Youmas taste is not… bad… he is just unknowing. He doesn’t love opera or any music that gets too passionate and he is not able to memorize the composers, but he is not deaf and will from time to time say that he prefers this tunes over the others. He likes music one can dance to.
4.       Who is the meme lover?
Wrong time-period… memes where not a thing back in 2008. I cant really picture one of them being much on the internet…
5.       How did their second date go?
Their second date? Why not their first xD? Nocturn is good with planning dates, so I expect every date to rank between 7-10.
6.       How many children do they want/have?
None. Seriously, this is not the relationship where children do fit. Nocturn is more or less always a child (as in needs a lot of care and attention) and Youma… well, he used to want children, but he doesn’t anymore. This is a theme for Dauphin xD actually I think its an important part of Youmas progress as a character that he lets go of his “dream” of being a father, as this thought belongs to the past, the Aeterniem-past, which he needs to get behind him in order to progress as person. So its not really “because of Nocturn”, but more... because he has to move on/moved on. 
7.       Who hides the weapons?
Hides? Why should they hide them xD every person who visits them is a killer themselves haha
8.       Who is the better dancer?
Constant rivalry! Youma will say he is and Nocturn will say he is. They are often fighting over the leading part in a dance and sometimes switch back and forth… they are both super skilled dancers. Where sex is the most romantic/intime activity for many pairs, dancing is the most romantic activity for both of them. They love it immensely and there goes no week without them dancing at least three times.
But when I have to decide… It is Nocturn. He is able to perform nearly all dances, even the modern ones, which Youma cant. He is also more passionate and, well, his ears are made to listen to tunes, rhythm and the beat of the music. He is the born dancer.  
9.       Do/Did they have a theme wedding?
Oh God don’t make me start on a wedding for them! Nocturn plans every date for them, so can you imagine how much time he would invest in a WEDDING? I actually never thought that they could marry until Dauphin, but now… things have changed…
I imagine (in Dauphin universe) that Nocturn would invest MOOOONTHS into planning. He would make everybody crazy (Youma inclusive) and can you imagine Greens role here? How she tries to boycott the whole wedding? But Nocturn wants to make it absolutely perfect - more then that! Youma is marrying! The messenger! A God! This must be EPIC! 
So he drives everybody crazy and fights against Green who does everything what she possible can do just because she cant accept a wedding that could be better then hers with Saiyon.... and the wedding she will most likely never get with Blue.
Until the point where Youma just explodes. He doesnt want to have an epic wedding, nothing grand, nothing big, nothing special and no freaking war because of it! So in the end... I imagine the wedding to be... very small and intimate. Just the two of them maybe in a golden corn field giving their vows like they would to it in Aeterniem. I imagine that Silence would maybe be the one as witness? And maaaaaybe White aswell? I think that would be cute.
But Nocturn would get his absolute cheesy wedding photos in front of the Eiffel Tower. You can bet he will. 
10. What do their parents think of them dating?
This one is funny as Youma as so many parents haha xD so lets see.
Yami: *rises eyebrow* My dear son let me just say - no. I have my experience with mental ill people and I say - no. 
Light: I... I still think Silence and Youma are... but.... well... If they love each other then...
Luzifer: .... I like him *absolute straight pokerface* 
*everybody silent*
Luzifer: *slightly blushes* He reminds me of someone I loved dearly.
Okay let them fight and lets move to Nocturns family... here it would be... mixed I guess... the reaction would range from maniac laughing (you can guess who), rised eyebrows, a slight polite smile, trying to hide his rejection and shaking heads. 
So, uhm noone really ships them, except Luzifer xD 
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himinosiness · 7 years ago
In Dauphin Saiyon lives with the fact that Green loves Gary and he still continues to be by her side and sleep with her and help her to hide that secret. I always though he is kind enough to do that. But he is only "human" too and he really loves Green. In DeA... could he actually really live with it, if it would come to this one day?
Dependson the circumstances… I first wrote “no”, but after I wrote all this, I thinkit depends.
Wemostly see Saiyon as a kind person, a person that puts the well-being of otherpersons before his own... a self-less person. But is he really like that? Wemostly see him together with Green, the person he loves and for whom he dideverything - found back to his magic and got a carrier, a rank, just so hecould get the position to be able to marry her.
Of coursehe is kind to the person he loves and hopes to be beloved to! But we also got aglimpse, just a little... of how Saiyon is to others - to his brother. Shitayaloves his little brother; he cares for him and he is also responsible for him,since they have no other relatives. But even if Shitaya is Saiyons onlyfamily... does Saiyon not like his company. In the only scene we have of SaiyonBEFORE Green we see him harsh, cold-hearted, bitter and egoistic... towards theperson that should matter the most for him. In the original version he outrighttells him that he doesn’t care for Shitaya. Of course, the problem is, that heis jealous of his „perfect“ brother and things have changed, but even today hisjealousy is sometimes showing. In one scene in DeA (I actually cant rememberthe exact chapter, Im sorry ;w; ) he does not want to spend time together withShitaya and Säil because he does not want to see their relationship-happiness. Sohe goes away – and I think that tells us that he is not a “as long as you arehappy I am too”-person…
I don’tthink that he accepts this destiny in Dauphin because of Greens happiness… Ithink he just takes what he can get and keeps it. Saiyon would not break up hisengagement with Green (wait – are they engaged or not?), because that what he foughtfor. He WANTS to wear the same ring on his finger as Green does… and maybe hedoes that with a little bit of satisfaction, that he would not say out too loud,because he is intelligent and because he loves Green and wants to be kind toher (and thus not provoke any unnecessary fights with Blue because he is not stupid).
Whenit comes to “who is the saddest” in this arrangement, I don’t think its Saiyon.Of course he would prefer it different, without Blue, without knowing that Greenloves him more then Saiyon – of course that would be perfect and would make himhappiest, but deep hidden behind his green eyes I think he enjoys the thought of“I am the one to marry her. I will always be the one to marry her – you canlove her as much as you want… I am the one she will marry.”  
Ithink Saiyon is much more complicated then we think he is. 
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kaiyeti · 8 years ago
Yang: Dad... I have something to tell you before me and Ruby go back to Beacon.
Tai: Sure. What's up? *Stops what he is doing toand gives Yang his full attention.*
Yang: Well you know Blake? The Girl I lost me arm trying to save?
Tai: Yeah. Your Faunus friend You and Ruby Came back with. She seems nice and I'm glad you to patched things up.
Yang: Yeah well you're half right about the friend part.
Tai: What do you mean?
Yang: *shifts nervously* Blake is more then my firend.
Tai: Oh I already.
Yang: You... You do?
Tai: Of course> She is your partner too. I remember you told me.
Yang: What? No. Wait. Yes she is but-
Blake: *Walks into the kitchen where Yang and Tai are sitting in.* Yang. It's almost time to go. Remember we have to tell Glynda that we'll only need three beds since we're now sharing ooooh... Hello Mr. Xiao-Long... I, uh, didn't see you there.
Tai: Heeeey... Yang. What does she mean by sharing a bed?
Yang: *Sighed with frustration* This is what I was trying to tell you. Me and Blake are MORE then Partners.
Tai: ... I'm not following.
Yang: Dad we'r-Huh? Mmh! Yang begin to say not noticing Blake moving closer to her until her Girlfriend cupped her cheeks and pulled her into a kiss.*
Blake: *After a few seconds Blake pulled away and said.* Mr. Xiao-Long. I, Blake Belladonna am in love with your daughter who loves me back and we are dating.
Tai: *Surprised Tai blinked a few times before letting now a laugh* Ahaha. Okay Yang, Nice try. But you can't fool me. Though nice touch with getting you friend to- *Suddenly Yang Groans and holds out a bit of her hair and gives Blake scissors which her cat eared girlfriend cuts. Tai watches his daughters hair fall to the ground in full shock and fear while instinctively grabbing a fire extinguisher ready to shot and fiery Yang. However when Yang didn't active her semblance but instead took hold of Blake's hand he just at them both before muttering.* ... You're not... going super saiyon?
Yang: Nope. And if you still think this is a joke I can always- *Yang started until Blake covered her mouth.*
Blake: Never in front of either of our parents. She originally wanted me to grab her boob to prove that we are dating if the kiss didn't work but I thought this what be less awkwaAREP! *Blake started to explain before Tai pulled both her and Yang into a bearhug lifting both of them off the ground*
Tai: WELCOME TO THE FAMILY! Sniffle, I never thought I would have another daughter! *Tai cheered with tears of enjoy.*
Yang: Well that's that. Welcome to the family Blake. *Yang smiled giving a quick kiss on the cheek to her girlfriend*
Blake: Th-Thanks. Glad your dad is okay with us... Though we probably shouldn't kiss while your dad is hugging us... and crying.
Tai: I DON'T EVEN CARE! I'M TOO HAPPY! *sniffle* Though if you can wait till I'm not holding you both next time I'd appreciate it.
Yang/Blake: Gotcha/Right.
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