#Saints and Sinners trailer
spryfilm · 1 year
Trailer: “In The Land Of Saints And Sinners” (2023)
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banjolandsblog · 8 months
IN THE LAND OF SAINTS AND SINNERS Official Trailer (2024) Liam Neeson, A...
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moviesandmania · 8 months
IN THE LAND OF SAINTS OF SINNERS (2024) Reviews of Liam Neeson thriller - trailer and release news
In the Land of Saints and Sinners is a 2023 action thriller about a former Irish hitman trying to leave his violent past behind. Directed by Robert Lorenz (The Marksman; Trouble with the Curve) from a screenplay written by Mark Michael McNally and Terry Loane. Produced by Markus Barmettler, Philip Lee, Terry Loane, Bonnie Timmermann and Geraldine Hughes. The movie stars Liam Neeson, Kerry Condon,…
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corazondebeskar-reads · 9 months
fic recs - Joel Miller (one-shots pt. 2)
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fic recs for one-shots starring Joel Miller.
Key: 🏴 = dark, 💕 = fluff, ⛓ = rough/bdsm elements, 💀 = dead dove do not eat
Mind the warnings, and please read responsibly. you control your own media consumption.
All Fic Recs | TLOU Fic Recs | Joel series | one-shots pt. 1
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💕 as natural as another leg around you in the bed frame by @tightjeansjavi
summary: Joel returns home to you after patrol injured, and hiding it from you.
catching by @softlyspector
summary: None of your partners had ever been able to make you come before. Joel changed that.
safe and sound by @joelsgreys
summary: Your daughter has a nightmare—her daddy makes it all better.
keep you warm by @alwaysmicado
summary: You reveal to Joel that you are carrying his child. He vows to keep you both safe and warm, always.
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no outbreak/AU
⛓ spend all your love making time by @haylzcyon
summary: You're everything Joel never knew he needed.
Lay Off The Flannels by @endlessthxxghts
summary: Joel gets handsy while your father temporarily steps away.
💕 Honey-Do by @kiwisbell
summary: It’s Sunday, chore day, and Joel has a honey-do list item of his own: get his girl pregnant.
freeze-thaw by @covetyou
summary: With your holiday plans ruined when a freak snow storm blows through town, you spend the fesitve period holed up with your partner, Joel Miller, learning exactly how warm you can keep each other in the snow.
Met the Devil Last Night by @pedgito
summary: i made a joke about wanting to screw dirt-covered joel even if he was deep in trenches of hell and...well, yeah. this is pure filth and nothing else. porn with minuscule plot, if you will.
⛓ diet mountain dew by @mochiduh
summary: your boyfriend has been cheating on you, but his uncaring, selfish, and very flirtatious father wants to make it up to you the best way he knows how...
⛓ In the Next Room by @atticrissfinch
summary: When the peace and quiet of your apartment is disturbed by the noisy escapades of the couple in the neighboring unit, you find yourself entranced by the mystery man on the other side of the wall. And when you stumble upon him on a dating app…well, it might just be fate.
walking through fire by @macfrog
summary: you’re neck-deep in a bout of seasonal depression. your boyfriend suggests an autumnal walk.
crystal by @ezrasbirdie
summary : Joel's live-in girlfriend is a little witchy. It takes some getting used to.
Sticky by @ezrasbirdie
summary: You send Joel a new toy to keep him occupied while you're away.
sundown by @bageldaddy
summary: you're used to being alone. that changes when joel moves into the trailer across from yours.
what happens after by @hellishjoel
summary: A string that pulled you out of all the wrong arms, right into that dive bar. And what happens after
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holiday themed
Saints and Sinners by @loquaciousferret (ft. bonus Javier Peña)
summary: The yearly Halloween rendezvous with your long-term no-strings lover Joel Miller is set to be shaken up when he invites a third- Javi Peña- to your hotel room.
need that charles dickens by @janaispunk
summary: “What do you say, have I been a good elf for Santa?”
“Am I Santa in that scenario?”
“Sure,” you grin mischievously, “if you come down my chimney.”
baubles by @covetyou
summary: Santa Joel fucks you with his balls. That's it.
photograph by @tightjeansjavi
summary: Ellie gifts Joel a present worth more than a million words.
Here cums Santa Claus by @softpascalito
summary: Jackson needs a Santa Claus - and Joel is the perfect fit. Getting to have you on his lap is just a bonus.
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squirming by @frannyzooey
summary: you share a sleeping bag with joel
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sonobeunitsarecool · 8 months
Super random
Went through the Milgram channel, watched... most of the videos again, trying to see if there were any tiny details I missed All I got was: Haruka - enough for a seperate post/theory, though I think someone's already gone over it? (psych ward theory) Futa - all the cans in Backdraft say "pressure", the graffiti is too hard for me to interpret for the most part. Though, the words in bubble text around the victim's witch icon reads "killcheroy", and there's the words "pazuzu" and... SaP? SkP? Does anyone know what all the other graffiti text says, I can only read the "pressure, pressure" ones. Mu - in After Pain, when you see the time on her phone, it reads 17:20. Why was she at school at 5:20? Shidou - looking at how he holds the scissors and knife in Throw Down, and how he opens the door and holds the "promise card" in Triage, I think he's left-handed? Mahiru - in Ai nan desu yo, the clothes she wears at one point have the caption "winter style", though many of the other pictures don't seem to have been taken in winter. She's also reading a lot, which fits with her literature degree. Kazui - near the end of half, he's shown with all his different costumes, without any masks. Kotoko - in Harrow, she looks at a sign/thinks about a sign with text that's partially cut off, but reads "at around ----- on this street... ----a traffic accident occurred... if ---- , please report to the police". She also thinks back to a news report showing the location and aftermath of an accident outside a house. Was she impacted by this? Random cipher translations (using assets from laniemae's archiving)
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The text under the MW bit just says MARGLIM. The banner text says "lossitarelecste" on the top and "rutiro" on the bottom, or "et sceleratis sol oritur"/"light shines even upon the wicked".
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The text reads "innocent sheep" on repeat. For the goat one, it reads "guilty goat" on repeat. Text above doors for T2 is "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate", or "abandon all hope, ye who enter here". The quote is from Dante's Inferno, the words written into the gate to hell. For the T1 key visuals, the text individual to each prisoner simply gives basic info. For example, Yuno's would be "Milgram second prisoner, eighteen age, five foot (something or other) point (something or other) height, female", with the others being in the same format. The wall behind the prisoners in Undercover just has "ft" and "ft in", for measurement. The backgrounds that look like this:
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all read "every (s)aint has a past, and every sinner has a future." This is the same for some of the wallpapers, and whenever that kind of vertical text shows up (voice trailers and such). It's missing the "s" in "saint". Tags on the clothes and the tops of the cards from Undercover are all just their names. The prison jackets seem to repeat the text, "Milgram ---- prisoner (name)". The Undercover CD's cipher text just reads "Milgram prison guard Undercover Es. Es theme song CV Yurina Amami". Es's sashes read (backwards) "De omnibus dubitandum" and "Prison Officer". Are there any other ciphers that I've missed? Because I'd really like to try and translate those!
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necroromantics · 7 months
🌙 — The Moon; Tali Marks
the girl who died every night and awoke the next morning. always dying, never escaping.
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- tali marks was born in the belly of the beast. her dark evergreen eyes were smokey with the ash of all the bridges she burnt. lips red with blood from biting her tongue.
- looking at her was like looking at an open wound, or an 6ft hole in the ground. half girl, half killer.
- she drank rye whiskey and always had a cigarette perched in between her fingers, knuckles bruised, dirt under her nails from digging her own grave.
- two-faced, like a crescent moon. the dark, the light. the saint, the sinner. the madonna, the whore.
- the bitch, the daughter, the ticking time bomb.
- tali wasn't easy on the eyes. her disarrayed hair, choppy and tangled. her smudged eyeliner, unwashed from the night before. her freckled shoulders always tense.
- the girl wasn't just rough around the edges, she cut like a kitchen knife, the serated kind that tore apart bread and flesh alike.
- she used to be kinder, easier. but it didn't last long. she learned quickly that there was predator, and there was prey. she learned quickly that being consumable only meant she'd be eaten whole.
- there wasn't a thing in the world tali trusted enough to lean into, nothing she trusted more than herself. the girl lived her life on her feet. running away, always fighting to run away. she was always on her own. and she liked it that way.
- people have tried to love her. they tried to ignore her morbidity, selfishness, rude sarcasm. her bluntness and brutal honesty. but the boys at her school thought she was weird, inconvenient, and the girls hated her. they called her a whore, trailer trash, a freak.
- and if she wasn't fighting girls behind the school for looking at her wrong, she was sitting under the bleachers with earbuds in, smoke in her lungs.
- a grotesque girl. dead, with nothing to lose. reckless, with nothing to hold her down.
- like the moon, that girl was stuck going through the same cycle again and again, surrounded by darkness. untouchable, alone. divine torment.
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^ art and oc made by my girlfriend ( @clockeyedtoy ). i just do the writing.
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Jottings: Season 7, Episode 4. Well then, best not die
As Tom Christie would say, "the Lord does answer prayer, you know": this week has been indeed bigger, better, brighter and more. Tissues might or might not be needed - it's up to you to decide (fun fact, I almost did), but ice cream is a must (steamy moments ahead, ahem).
Back at Lallybroch the pixies broke the alarm clock-cum-radio, while someone is wiping his nauseous mouth with the Declaration of Independence in Wilmington. And there can be no greater contrast when it comes to casting, than the one between SS and Vandervaart. She is trying, bless her heart she does, and it shows a lot. Yet no matter how hard she does it, she will never overcome, I am afraid, that stilted delivery and that genuine uneasiness that make you feel alternatively dismissive and sorry for her. In the economy of Outlander, SS is more than a waste: she is a casualty, because she managed to unwillingly kill Bree, a character with a difficult, often unsympathetic design to start with.
For his first substantial on-screen appearance, Vandervaart passed my scrutiny with flying colors. Now I might be biased, because I am a documented victim of this particular Boston Brahmin charm, that screams old money and boat shoes and Ivy League and effortless sophistication. But it's more than this, of course, and I suspect solid brains and a great deal of preparatory work. This kid has managed to impress me, with his subtle nods to the mannerisms of JAMMF and LJG. The scene with Young Ian and Rollo is flawless. The diction is perfect. He cares for William enough to become William and this is something to behold and applaud.
Both Hunters are quintessential. There is a sort of steel butterfly quality to Rachel and Denzell Hunter's kindness could melt my B&J's Chocolatey Love A-Fair bucket on the spot. Their likeability index will probably increase with time, and not only in this fandom, but also in the silent majority of casuals.
Which brings me to Tom Christie brilliantly showing us that, as my beloved Wilde once said with perfect clarity, "every saint has a past and every sinner has a future". This is the moment when I almost reached for the tissues, because I once was Tom Christie, and I know how damn hard is to keep your dignity in a hope against hope situation. And I could have done without that burlesque kiss altogether: but that is just me.
We've been waiting for this one since the trailer was released or even since I Am Not Alone. At last some bedroom maneuvers that are not: a) scampered; b) implied; c) muted and faded to cheesiness. I didn't even ask for much, did I?
Spoiler: "The thing about Tom is he wants you. Badly." That golden light. That serene grace. That perfect dialogue of bodies and souls. That cheeky raspiness. Not about Tom and not exactly JAMMF. I almost shivered, it was just like the good old times. And then, BAM!
Enough said. And the next lost soul who darts out of Mordor with rumors of body doubles can go directly to jail, not pass GO (heh), not collect $200.
Is next week the Singapore (Sling) one? Lucky I am still in town, then. That is a mystery in the waiting. Onwards.
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(Gif taken from @divineandmajesticinone, credits given accordingly - great work!)
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plumbobtv · 6 months
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Plumbob Inside - Lauren Liu
Interviewer: Hello Lauren, thank you for doing this interview. You look very fashionable. Lauren: Thank you so much and the pleasure is completely mine!
Interviewer: How are you doing? Lauren: I'm very good, my first movie is almost coming out, the trailer just got released. Which got great feedback, so I am very grateful.
Interviewer: I have seen it, it looks amazing! Are you planning on hosting a premier event with the ladies? Lauren: Haha, trying to make me spill if I will be back for season ten... Let me say this, if I am back on the cast, I will host one for sure.
Interviewer: You got me there! Last season you ended things badly with Heather and Octavia, how are you now? Lauren: They're the same, I haven't talked to either of them since we wrapped the reunion and... I have low hopes for a friendship with Octavia in the future, I can't deal with her. And for Heather, I know she is hurt by some things I said at the reunion, but I have to be honest about my feelings...
Interviewer: Octavia did Special Forces and she told us she came back as a new sim... Maybe you'll like that version? Lauren: Haha, well... We all have seen the new version, it changed really fast. Let's say, I have never seen someone loose that much weight so quick...
Interviewer: Hmm... Are you insinuating something Lauren? Lauren: I'm just saying, changes like that don't happen over night... Unless you get some medical help, like Ozempic. Which I am not saying she uses, but it would make sense.
Interviewer: She also said she got sober, started working out a lot and has been eating healthy... Can't that be the reason? Lauren: It can... But I think... There are a lot of changes happening in her life, judging by her social media. She is never seen out with Thorn anymore, while before they were everywhere together... I just have a lot of questions about it all.
Interviewer: Well, of course you're gonna be the one to ask them... Lauren: I said it at the reunion, I was a saint last year but the sinner is about to come out... And here she is, in all red...
Interviewer: One last question, would you wanna see everyone back from last season? Lauren: I would, I think we had an amazing season. But I know some sims are on the fence, but an announcement should be coming to you... Very soon.
Interviewer: Oh, thank you Lauren for this interview. And I hope to see you back on season ten! Lauren: Haha, no problem. I can't help but to share my feelings, on and off camera...
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s4r1n-g4s · 2 months
"Emily, I have an important meeting to attend with the King of Hell. While I'm away, keep the citizens of heaven happy." Sera sternly ordered Emily away from the Angel Army's headquarters, nudging her. "Sera... what for?" Emily asked out of curiosity, inching towards her elder sister. Sera hesitated, before looking back at Emily. "It's nothing you need to worry about. It's my job to handle these meetings, and it's your job to keep the citizens happy." Sera glanced back at Emily, avoiding eye contact with the seraphim of joy.
Emily looked at her older sister, confused. "Sera, I think I am old enough to know how these things work. As a matter of fact, I want to know more about these meetings." She harshly spoke to Emily, ushering her away from the headquarters. "Now go back to the castle, and entertain the citizens of heaven while I am gone." Emily ran over to Sera, her face contorting into an angry grimace.
"Sera, I know you are hiding something from me. Please, why won't you just tell me? I'm not a little girl anymore, and I already know that heaven is ext-" Sera cut off Emily with a hard slap to the face, sending her younger sister reeling. Eyes opened on her hair, and she glared down at Emily. "Don't you DARE bring that up! You hear me?! I don't know where this new attitude is coming from, but it needs to stop NOW. You are in NO position to defy me, Emily. NOW QUIT BACK TALKING ME AND GO BACK TO THE CASTLE." Sera lashed, stomping away. She glanced back at Emily, narrowing her eyes. "Not that you would understand." The seraphim muttered before walking off. Emily grabbed her stinging cheek, applying gentle pressure on it in an attempt to soothe the pain. Her body ached, and she felt betrayed. Sera just got angry with her, right? Maybe she is truly doing what she thinks is best. No matter how hard she tried, though, Emily couldn't shake the feeling of suspicion. She quietly headed towards the headquarters, intending to eavesdrop on the meeting. She peeked her head through the window, attentively listening to the meeting.
Lucifer hesitantly initiated direct eye contact with Sera, anxious about the topics being discussed. "Why did you bring me here, Sera?" he asked, fidgeting with his sleeves. "Lucifer, you are aware of this idea of redemption your daughter has been executing through means of this 'Hazbin Hotel', correct?" Sera asked Lucifer. She clearly still held a great deal of bitterness towards Lucifer, as it was evident in her tone. Lucifer choked, fearing that this meeting was going to be even more rough than usual. "Why yes, I am aware. I have actually been helping her for quite some time." He shuddered, slowly losing his composure. Meetings were always nerve racking, but why was he suddenly met with an overwhelming sense of trepidation when Sera questioned him about the hotel?
"Well, it worked. You remember that snake demon? Well, he's in heaven now. Not only did he ascend to heaven, he appeared right before me and Emily. According to Saint Peter, he did not arrive at the pearly gates like most human souls do." Sera grunted, grimacing at the thought of it. Lucifer let out a shaky sigh of relief just as his eyes lit up with joy. "That's my girl! I knew she could do it!" He blurted, before regaining his composure. "Apologies, Sera, continue." He slowly sat down, cheeks red from embarrassment.
Sera glared at Lucifer before shaking her head, shifting her focus back to the meeting. Although she was disappointed in him, she was grateful that he corrected his behavior. "Well, this plan of redemption poses a great threat to heaven. We have contained Sir Pentious in one of our deepest holding cells, ensuring he will never see the light of day. Once a sinner, always a sinner." Sera scoffed as she cupped her hands under her chin. "That is why we will be moving up the extermination once more. Expect the exorcists to return in three months. Note that we will continue to attack until your little brat is dead!" Sera seethed, transforming into her partial form. She stood up, leaning over the trembling Lucifer.
"NO! YOUR ARMY WILL NOT GO NEAR MY DAUGHTER AGAIN. I AGREED TO THIS EXTERMINATION, SO LONG AS HELLBORN, SUCH AS MY DAUGHTER, ARE NOT HARMED!" Lucifer retorted, his horns visible and eyes glowing red. "YOUR SPOILED PRINCE TRIED TO KILL THE ONLY THING I HAVE DOWN HERE. THAT DEMONIC FILTH BROKE HIS OWN VOW, AND HERE YOU ARE MOURNI-" "SILENCE, HERETIC!" Sera interrupted, her voice echoing throughout the building. She towered over the deadly sin, glaring right down at his tearful eyes. She slowly inched towards Lucifer, forcing him out of the building. "THE AUDACITY OF A SINFUL SCUMBAG LIKE YOU TO CHALLENGE MY AUTHORITY. THE DEAL IS DONE, YOU NO LONGER HAVE A SAY IN THE EXTERMINATIONS. HELLBORN WILL BE INCLUDED FROM NOW ON, SO SAY YOUR GOODBYES TO YOUR SWEET LITTLE PRINCESS, BECAUSE YOU ONLY HAVE THREE MONTHS LEFT WITH HER!" She swore, slamming the door on the king of hell, locking him out. Shaking, Lucifer leaned against the wall, collapsing onto the ground. The thoughts of losing his only daughter plagued his mind, tormenting him so intensely that he completely lost his composure then and there, sobbing uncontrollably.
Lucifer's desperate wails brought tears to Emily's eyes. She felt the strong urge to reassure him, but she knew she had to go back up to heaven. Sera could not know that she had listened in on the meeting. She quickly opened a portal and returned to the castle, unable to drown out the wild thoughts in her head. This was not the Sera she knew. She had been putting up a façade this entire time. She certainly had to keep up an image around the angels, but around Lucifer, she had no reason to hide. Unfortunately, she did not know that her sister realized who she truly was. A power hungry, manipulative machiavellian. She just couldn't keep this secret from heaven any longer. However, she would be defying heaven then and there. It was worth it, though, because she knew she couldn't let Sera control her any more. If she fell, it would say so much more about Sera than it would about her. It would be agonizing for sure, but it was a fair price to pay to expose a tyrant.
Hope you enjoyed this official trailer of my Fallen Emily AU, Grounded! Chapter 1 will be released sometime this week, hope you liked it! Reblogs are very much appreciated!
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crmsnmth · 4 months
Beautiful Sinner
You were such a beautiful sinner My gleaming angel without wings And we both met god on a Monday night She had nothing to say in our defense Meet me at the altar Let's bring back the religious sacrifice And burn this whole cathedral to the ground Ash over stone and shattered stain glass windows Some of us actually like it as hot as hell
It all came from you my Saint of heroin and rough sex My sacrament is the taste of her sweat Let me create some acolytes Starting a cult shouldn't be this easy I'm getting bored without you on your knees
Baptized in the name of flying high Transmutation and excessive masturbation I've never been pure and I'm not sure I really know what that's supposed to mean Laughing at people on the sidewalk our commentary a sick study of junkie bums Pretty, or just pretty deadly? You write out my commandments and I shatter the stone tablets and flip you off
Fuck your big ass boat.
Gomorrah. Sodom. Goddamn, what a party Some guy turned water into whiskey It was quite the magic trick he pulled the king of the trailer-park, white trash Jesus Christ That halo slipped from it's place and now becomes a holy noose around your neck It's going to leave a bruise
Those didn't actually come from a fist
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
1, 2, and 14 for the fanfiction asks
favorite fic you wrote this year -- I will have to say "Ice Princess" it allowed me to write Killmonger outside of my Pantherverse series and to also write a woman love interest character that I would never want to hang out with in real life. Portia is so unlikeable in the beginning, but she matches Killmonger's energy. That was a fun story to relax in without any expectations!
(2) least favorite fic you wrote this year-- How can I dislike my story babies! Lol! Ugh....I'll say "Ramonda's Choice", not because it's not good (to me) but because I wanted to finish it as a writing goal before Wakanda Forever came out and I didn't complete that writing goal. I feel like I failed that fic by taking too long to finish it.
14. a fic you didn’t expect to write-- My Creed 3 fic, "Sinner & Saint: Creed III". That trailer dropped and seeing MBJ and Jonathan Majors shirtless made the fingers clack across the keyboard! Jonathan is one of my favorite up-and-coming Black actors. Loved him since "The Last Black Man in San Francisco". I'm excited to finish my take on Creed 3 before the movie drops to see which is better, the movie or my version. I'm betting mine will be better overall! lol!
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icharchivist · 4 days
How do you make a playlist 200 songs strong from two short stories???
IT'S ONLY 100 SONGS. a little over 100.
and i do it the exact same way i wrote a 3.7k words analysis/focus thinkpieces about the exact same character. By being perfectly sane and normal about this character.
And tbh the first short story, The Wigmaker Job, is really just a little treasure in characterization, so there's just a lot you can get out of it imo.
There's also two big facts: first, that i've been interested in Lucanis for a few years by now, so i have more solid outlines on what of expect of him. Second, that everything about him has been tailored to fit my interests so much so that i already have a backlog of songs to look into to see if it fits or not.
Usually i look into keywords or specific keyscenes, and key personality traits.
I have a full playlist about having fun killing people, so it already gave me a proper pool to pick from for Lucanis' assassin's way for example.
For example:
One of the key scene of The Wigmaker Job is that Lucanis was sent to kill his mark, Ambrose, quick and clean, While Ambrose knew he was coming.
but once he saw how horrible this man was, especially to his slaves, he decided instead to raise hell, psychologically and physically torture Ambrose, destroy his party and kill the people who have enabled him ("Ignorance is bliss, not innocence"), using the help of demons, turning Ambrose's horrors against him, all while seeing himself as an harbinger of revenge who is GOOD at what he does and all the skillsets he have.
From this scene, I can for example secure the song Can't Go To Hell by Sin Shake Sin
"Walk right in all you sinners and saints / Tonight's the night we're gonna take off these chains / Some wounds will never mend / It came with a warning, now we're all out of time / This romance with ignorance has left us behind / Sit back, relax, begin / It's too early for surrender, Too late for a prayer / We can't go to hell if we're already there"
This one is the most in the nose, but i have various songs about planning a murder and being vicious about it. Another Way Out by Hollywood Undead, Kill of the Night by Gin Wingmore, Murder by Within Temptation, Hunt You Down by The Hit House or Seven Devils by Florence + The Machine, to name a few.
Therefore also outside of just the Ambrose affair, i have general vibes for murders since it's his job, and he's good at it. But he's also not really vibing with the way his organization work, especially since his training required him being tortured from a young age. Makes him perfect for Killer by The Hoosiers
I hate my work / But I'm in control I'm fearless now / But it cost my soul (...) It's alright to scream / I'm screaming too Why'd you think I do the things I do? For shadows haunted me like ghosts So I became what I feared the most I conduct fear like electricity / A manmade monstrosity Don't turn out the lights Kiss yourself goodnight cause there's a killer And he's coming after you
Then we can get into more spoilers territory. The Wake implies Lucanis is believed dead and once we see him in the trailers he has wings, something he didn't have before his "death". Makes him perfect for Phoenix's themed songs like Phoenix by Netrum.
Or i can jump of from the relationship he has with Illario, his cousin who describes his relationship with Lucanis "more like brothers, really" and the way Illario mourns him into The Wake, and add Brother by Lord Hudson into the playlist just fine.
Or i can jump off from one theory i had that turned out confirmed by a spoiler i didn't want to see ( (: ) and gleefully add Man or Monster by Sam Tinnesz or Dancing with Demons by Palisades
And, arguably, there's also a few songs that are purely interpretation based from the stories that may end up getting changed with the game. For example, I personally consider that the way Lucanis talks about his grandmother's abuse and torture is pretty fucked up and shows a complex approach to his family especially that pushed me to put Under The Water by The Pretty Reckless in the list. But i may remove it if it turns out he's really just chill about it in the main game.
And this last point comes back obviously to haunt the playlist: there's probably a lot of songs from the list that will disappear once i know even more about him and realize my base interpretations doesn't allign as well with what's in the game.
And there's more themes that inspires me that i just am not going deep into. From the enemies he made, to also just the fact I'm familiar with the organization he's from from previous games and books, that i have ideas of what themes seems set up to be explored with his character
but hey. here goes :)
but yeah it's a mix of, the short story was already really rich in information about him, that he's been made in a lab to cater to my interest so i already have pools of musics to pick from, and, of course, that i've been The Most Normal About Him :)
so hey, food for thoughts!
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banjolandsblog · 1 year
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enkeynetwork · 3 months
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ulvespill · 3 months
Fikk ikke lanseringsdato, men ny trailer fikk vi
Kingdom Come: Deliverance II Saints and Sinners traileren leverer middelaldersk såpeopera fylt med sex, vold og intriger.
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saturdaynightmatinee · 3 months
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Título Original: In the Land of Saints and Sinners
Año: 2023
Duración: 106 min
País: Irlanda
Dirección: Robert Lorenz
Guion: Terry Loane, Mark Michael McNally
Música: Diego Baldenweg, Lionel Vincent Baldenweg, Nora Baldenweg
Fotografía: Tom Stern
Reparto: Liam Neeson, Kerry Condon, Jack Gleeson, Ciarán Hinds, Colm Meaney, etc
Productora: Coproducción Irlanda-Estados Unidos-Reino Unido; Facing East Entertainment, RagBag Pictures, London Town Films, Saga Film, Bleiberg Entertainment
Género: Action; Crime; Thriller
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