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portraitsofsaints · 5 months ago
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Happy Feast Day
Saint Ignatius of Antioch
Feast Day: October 17 (New), February 1 (Trad)
Patronage: Against throat diseases, the Church in the Eastern Mediterranean and North Africa
St. Ignatius of Antioch is one of the five "Apostolic Fathers," and was the third Bishop of Antioch. He was a disciple of St. John the Evangelist and is known for explaining Church theology. Ignatius was arrested by Roman soldiers and taken to Rome where he was sentenced to death at the Coliseum for his Christian teachings, practices, and faith. On his way to being martyred in Rome, he wrote letters to the early Christians, which we still have today, that connect the Catholic Church to the early, unbroken, clear teaching of the Apostles given directly by Jesus Christ. He urged the Christians to remain faithful to God, warned them against heretical doctrine, and provided them with the solid truths of the faith.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase. (website)
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mindyindy · 5 years ago
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ALL THE FEELS! Happy to say a new book I illustrated is hot off the press!😇 For those spiritually inclined, the short “Discernment of Spirits” comic can help you figure out where the good & bad things in your life come from & actions to take about them. Link in bio 😇 #comic #comicart #spiritual #spirituality #discernmentofspirits #discernment #catholic #catholicart #christian #christianart #angel #consolation #spiritualconnection #spiritualconsolation #happy #joyful #stignatius #saintignatius #blackandwhite #hugs #huggles #faith #catholiclife #lent #lent2020 #love #allthefeels https://www.instagram.com/p/B9mPk8dhBRA/?igshid=ub0l65umft02
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kaygee1906 · 3 years ago
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Guess who made Varsity for St. Ignatius as an incoming freshmen? Yep, #SkylarJai #GirlsVolleyball #SaintIgnatius https://www.instagram.com/p/ChH5VrAr3L9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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timorin11 · 4 years ago
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It’s Sunday 20th of December and England is put in even higher restrictions of Tier 4. It’s also so called St. Ignacio... According to the Orthodox Christianity (in Catholic tradition is similar), in this day whoever comes first at home- in this way the year will be going thru and on this day it’s not supposed to borrow or lend money. By the same token, if we have peaceful and nice day and pure wishes, they will come up the fruition during the new year, (so be careful what you wish for 😂). In addition to the customs, the nice weekend I’m having is full of positive mood and despite of the challenging things that We All experience Worldwide the most important I think is to Safe our confidence and to stay positive and calm. Enjoy your day ahead and have a nice Christmas 🎄 holiday. #saintignatius #sundayblessings #tougherrestrictions #tier4inlondon #staysafeandhealthy https://www.instagram.com/p/CJBuKZwjO5R/?igshid=15cs25k8zp0mz
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queenlizzyxxxx · 4 years ago
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holylandartcompany · 5 years ago
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July 31st is the feast of St Ignatius of Loyola. St. Ignatius of Loyola was a Spanish priest and theologian who founded the Jesuit order in 1534 and was one of the most influential figures in the Counter-Reformation. Known for its missionary, educational, and charitable works, the Jesuit order was a leading force in the modernizing of the Roman Catholic Church. Saint Ignatius has quite an interesting story you can read more of here: https://www.vaticannews.va/en/saints/07/31/st--ignatius-of-loyola--priest--founder-of-the-jesuits.html. - - - - - #stignatius #saintignatius #saintignatiusofloyola #jesuit #jesuits #saints #saintoftheday #catholicmen #catholic #catholiclife #catholicism #catholicchurch #art #god #jesus #holy #holyspirit #religion #romancatholic #faith #pray #prayer #patronsaint #instacatholic #christianity #jesuschrist #saint #catholicsaints #patronsaint #feastday https://www.instagram.com/p/CDTb6Hmhf_A/?igshid=1lw56bm3u7ac1
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walksanfrancisco · 5 years ago
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Walking San Francisco & Thinking Out LoudWalking San Francisco & Thinking Out Loud June 3, Post 2 - St. Ignatius . Saint Ignatius Church from Buena Vista Avenue West.. . . Take care of yourself & it will help you and everyone around you!🙏 Thanks for the likes, follows and COMMENTS 🙏 "The Tour Guide With A Camera" [email protected] WhatsApp 1-415-980-0593 . . . . . #haightashbury #haightst #saintignatius #igers_sf #sunrise_sunset #caliexplored #caliinviteyou #incrediblecalifornia #visitcalifornia #californiagram #california_igers #sanfranciscoworld #californiacoast #californialove #rawcalifornia #sanfranciscowalks #onlyinsf #californiathroughmylens #californiaholics #ca_now #discovercalifornia #wildcalifornia #sfgate #RelaxYoureInCali #bayareabuzz #walksanfrancisco #californiacaptures #streetsofsf (at St. Ignatius Church, University Of San Francisco) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_Q1B1BHo-/?igshid=nc7p3jn1ehk
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rscura-blog · 6 years ago
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05.02.2019 - Buena Vista
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attyvicsimon · 8 years ago
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Happy Feast of St. Ignatius de Loyola, the Patron of the Society of Jesus. #SaintIgnatius pray for us! 😎👌😘 #Travel #AuthenticTravel #TravelMindset #Backpacking #TravelInspiration #Wanderlust #JourneyOfLife #JourneyOfFaith #summer #follow4follow #like4like #instamood #atm #photooftheday
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cafebotticelli · 7 years ago
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❤️Combining 2 great loves this morning!❤️ #cafebotticelli #lovebotts #fivesensescoffee #iggysrocks #saintignatius (at Cafe Botticelli)
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unicorngorillahybrid · 7 years ago
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#admajoremdeigloriam #saintignatius #sanignacio (at General Santos City)
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chrissorensen · 7 years ago
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And heading of the Catholic wedding yesterday, the amazing pipe organ at St. Ignatius on the Upper East. #stignatius #saintignatius #catholic #church #wedding #architecture #myfujifilm #fujix #fuji #fujifilm #fujifeed #fujifilmx_us #x100f #nyc #newyork #newyorkcity #uppereastside #uppereast #pipeorgan #organ #useformat (at St. Ignatius Loyola NYC - Family Ministry)
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stellalandeo-blog · 7 years ago
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There are times in my life when I feel completely certain that something I am sharing is going to benefit those whom I share it with. 💯 . This app I’m giving you a peek into here, is called “ reimagining the examen “ it is great and it’s free! . using this app has helped me so much to guide my meditations when there isn’t something that is jumping at me that I feel I need to reflect on. It really takes me into a space of quiet where no one is judging, and where I can be truly honest with myself. I feel that every time I swipe and discover the next reflection point II am opening a present....Truly a present of self discovery, and a way to better discern your call for the day, and how to best walk in your true path . . . To me the best path is the one God designed for each of us even before our creation. . I love using it either in the morning or really late at night, right before I plan my day so that the sensitivity to my spiritual growth transpires into my actions for the day, and I try to rehearse attitudes and dispositions in my mind, so that when the moment Comes, I am capable of behaving in a more Christ-like manner. . I love this app, and I hope you love it too. . . . . . . . . . #SaintIgnatius #reimaginingexamen #Dailyreflection #inspiration #growthmindset #growth #espiritualgrowth #catholic #sanignacio #sanignaciodeloyola #reflections #reflexiones #loyola #gratitude #gratitudejournal #sahm #sahm #beinghuman #onbeing #onbeinghuman #selfawareness #selfreflection #writing #writingprompts #stepbystep #meditation #meditate #Godisgood #Love #GodisLove #depression #gettingoutofdepression #gratefulheart #bethelight #thislittlelifeofmine #appa #appsforall #appscatolicas #appstore #trend #trendingnow #neveroutoffashion #classic #sharpenthesaw #selfactualization #spirituality #spiritual #soulsearching #soulfood #soul #perumates (at Pennsylvania)
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lawrencenelms-blog · 7 years ago
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notnksanymore-blog · 7 years ago
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I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you. Oh take me back to the night we met... #stignatius #saintignatius #stignatiousparish #saintignatiuschurch #catholicchurch #catholic #church #parish #sanfrancisco #sf #jesuit #california #norcal #northerncalifornia #westcoast #architecture #nofilter #placesihavebeen #home #cityviews #streetviews (at Saint Ignatius Church)
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jerickdavep · 8 years ago
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The Almighty Artisan #jesuitguidetoalmosteverything #jamesmartinsj #saintignatius #stignatiusloyola #AlmigthyGod (at Davao City)
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