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Arche De Port Blanc Roche Percée
Elise Goy
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Morbihan Saint-Pierre-Quiberon Plage Du Petit Rohu Reverie 24092016 - panoramio.jpg
L'homme et la mer DSCF1479.jpg
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Map of the Ardennes county, Champagne region of France
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1957 to Saint-Pierre-Quiberon
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À la plage, les chiens sans laisse sont le fléau des oiseaux
Les chiens, de plus en plus nombreux en France, sèment la terreur dans les écosystèmes littoraux. Entre pédagogie et protection, les défenseurs des oiseaux luttent pour sauver les nichées. Saint-Pierre-Quiberon (Morbihan), reportage On imagine aisément la scène dans une pub pour croquettes. À l’arrière-plan, des falaises escarpées, contre lesquelles viennent se fracasser d’épaisses vagues azurées par le soleil. L’air est doux, la plage d’un blanc laiteux. Juin n’est pas encore là, mais on flaire déjà (...)
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L’arche de Port-Blanc, Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, France © DaLiu/Getty Images
Today on Bing- February 13, 2024 Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, France
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De Concarneau à Douarnenez, la Cornouaille en bateau
Le Finistère Sud propose une côte sauvage mais accueillante. Pour les randonneurs et les plaisanciers, cette partie de la Bretagne regorge d’opportunités de croisières. Parmi les plans d'eau les plus accessibles, la Cornouaille permet de bénéficier de très belle escales. Cette côte, de Concarneau à Douarnenez, est une occasion rêvée de découvrir un plan d’eau magique. La Bretagne est la région ayant le plus de côtes, en France. La région propose une multitude d’ambiances, de paysages et de couleurs au plaisancier. Entre la dynamique Baie de Quiberon, la magnifique côte de Granit Rose ou la sauvage côte des abers, la variété des plans d’eau bretons est impressionnante. Naviguer en Cornouaille, c’est découvrir une autre Bretagne, une Bretagne à deux visages, entre terres et mers.
La Cornouaille, quand la mer embrasse les terres
La Cornouaille s’étend de la baie de Douarnenez à Pont Aven, dans le sud ouest de la Bretagne. 1 semaine de navigation permettra de découvrir des ports chargés d’histoire comme Concarneau et Douarnenez ainsi que des mouillages au calme d’une rivière comme l’Odet ou l’Aven. La Cornouaille est une terre de rias, surtout au sud. Toutes ses rias sont autant d’occasion de naviguer au calme de la campagne ou de mouiller à l’abri, si le vent monte. Les plus jolies sont sans doute l’Aven et l’Odet. L’Odet permet de naviguer jusqu’à Quimper au gré des virs courts et des châteaux. Il est conseillé de naviguer avec les courants, qui peuvent être assez puissant dans l’Odet, mais jamais dangereux (sauf pour accoster sur le mole de Bénodet). Le petit port de Doëlan, entre Lorient et Concarneau, est plein de charme. Cette escale est indispensable pour qui aime les ambiances de port de pêche avec la maison en pierre et hortensias.
Croisière de Concarneau à l'archipel des Glénan
photo: R Yhuel. tous droits réservés Entre ses rias, la baie de Concarneau offre un nouveau visage. Ici, la baie offre des plages de sable blanc, ouvertes sur le large ou dans des criques comme le Minahouet ou les petites plages de Beg Meil. Les couleurs de la mer commencent à changer annonçant les décors fabuleux de l’archipel des Glénan. Cet archipel est un des plus beaux de France pour ses fonds marins. Mouiller aux Glénan, c’est se croire dans le Pacifique et ses eaux transparentes. Les mouillages sont bien organisés et des bouées permettent de passer la nuit. Attention aux mouillages du nord qui subissent les brises côtières, la nuit, en été. Sinon, pour échouer son voilier, les possibilités sont multiples. Il est possible de louer un bateau au départ de Concarneau. Plusieurs loueurs proposent des voiliers, à la location.
Le pays bigouden: de l'Odet à la Baie d'Audierne
Le pays Bigouden, de Sainte Marine, magnifique petit port à l’entrée de l’Odet, face à Bénodet, à Audierne, avant la pointe du ras en passant par Loctudy et Pont L’Abbe est sans doute l’endroit le plus sauvage de la Cornouaille. A l’entrée de la rivière de Pont l’Abbe, on trouve deux ports bien différents mais très proches. Le joli port de L’ile Tudy et ses petites ruelles fait face au port de pêche de Loctudy. De ce côté, on trouvera tout ce qu’il faut pour la maintenance d’un bateau. Au fond de la rivière, Pont L’abbé est un port qui échoue à marée basse. Mais l’escale vaut le détour dans cette cité dynamique et ou les belles pierres ont été entretenues. En ressortant de la rivière, direction l’ouest. Après avoir passé la pointe de Penmarch, direction la très longue baie d’Audierne. C’est ici que la navigation sera la plus sauvage. Hormis de longues plages de sables, il n’y a rien à voir sur cette côte plate. la traverser peut sembler assez long. Mais c’est sans compter l’arrivée vers la pointe du Raz, faisant face à l’ile de Sein. Alors oui, la côte y est sauvage, oui le courant est très fort. Mais en passant avec le bon courant et sauf conditions difficiles, le passage se fait sans risque majeur. C’est ici, que la carte et le GPS sont indispensables à portée de main. Pour le plaisancier souhaitant aller jusqu’^à Sein, la navigation devra être préparée avant, mais ensuite, ce n’est que du bonheur.
La Baie de Douarnenez, plus paisible en bateau
La baie de Douarnenez, c’est un retour au calme et à la mer qui vient rencontrer les terres. Une escale à Morgat permettra de profiter d’un petit port de plaisance bien équipé et paisible, de découvrir des grottes. Au fond de la Baie, c’est Douarnenez et ses deux ports. Le port historique, au fond d’une rivière est fermé par une écluse. Mais il est en plein centre ville. L’autre port de plaisance, plus récent est au Tréboul. Il a, lui aussi, beaucoup de charme. Je conseille vivement de s’attarder dans les bistrots et échanger avec quelques anciens marins plaisanciers qui ont de très belles histoires à raconter. Ici, pas de frime, les plaisanciers sont de vrais marins qui naviguent sur des montures comme des Nicholson, des Wauquiez, des Rustlers,…bref, à la pen sardine… Pour résumer, la Cornouaille est vraiment une région à visiter en bateau. Si vous louez un voilier, suivez nos conseils pour la location.
Les principaux ports de Cornouaille
Port La Forêt Port la Forêt est reconnu pour son pôle de course au large. Les plus grands skippers d’Europe se préparent ici. Cependant, le port est une escale intéressante pour les plaisanciers. le port, niché au fond de la Baie de Concarneau, est très bien abrité. Vous y trouverez de nombreux professionnels et quelques restaurants. Le port est à 20mn, à pied, du bourg. CARACTERISTIQUES DU PORT :CAPACITE :Total places :1130Dont visiteurs :100Sur ponton :1080Sur bouées :50Longueur maximum :35Tirant d’eau maximum :5Accès personnes à mobilité réduite :nonAccèsRASSERVICES TECHNIQUES :Grue :ouiÉlevateur :ouiCale de débarquement :ouiAire de carénage :ouiPompe à eaux noires :ouiRécupération huiles usées :ouiAUTRES SERVICES :Wifi :ouiCarburant :OuiEau douce :OuiÉlectricité :OuiLaverie :ouiSanitaires / douches :ouiA PROXIMITE :Entretien bateaux :ouiShipchandler :ouicommercesOUIRestaurantsOUIMOBILITE :Taxis :OuiGare SNCF :nonAéroport :nonLocation auto / vélo :non Le port d'Audierne Le Port d’Audierne bénéficie d’un emplacement stratégique, dans la baie du même nom et proche du Raz de Sein. Le Port de plaisance d’Audierne bénéfice des infrastructures du port de pêche. Il permet de faire une escale avant la longue traversée de la Baie ou après un passage de fameux Raz de Sein. Venez goûter l’ambiance de la pointe Bretagne. CARACTERISTIQUES DU PORT :CAPACITE :Total places :250Dont visiteurs :40Sur ponton :200Sur bouées :50Longueur maximum :15Tirant d’eau maximum :4Accès personnes à mobilité réduite :nonAccèsPasseSERVICES TECHNIQUES :Grue :nonÉlevateur :nonCale de débarquement :ouiAire de carénage :ouiPompe à eaux noires :ouiRécupération huiles usées :ouiAUTRES SERVICES :Wifi :ouiCarburant :ouiEau douce :OuiÉlectricité :ouiLaverie :nonSanitaires / douches :ouiA PROXIMITE :Entretien bateaux :ouiShipchandler :ouicommercesouiRestaurantsouiMOBILITE :Taxis :ouiGare SNCF :nonAéroport :nonLocation auto / vélo :non Ports de Douarnenez Douarnenez possède deux ports de plaisance. Port Rhu et Tréboul. servicePlaces ponton775Places sur bouée275places visiteur110WIFIOUISanitairesOUIPros nautismeOUIcommercesOUIrestaurantsOUIzone de carénageOUIcarburantOUIaccèstirant d’eau maxi3mlongueur max15mmulticoqueavec accordaccèsecluse pour Port Rhu
Port de Crozon-Morgat
Le port de plaisance de Morgat est situé dans la baie de Douarnenez, une escale pour de longues balades. le Port de plaisance de Crozon-Morgat est un port très bien abrité des vents d’ouest. Une escale découverte et technique. Un port très bien équipé et situé proche de tous les commerces. CARACTERISTIQUES DU PORT :CAPACITE :Total places :750Dont visiteurs :40Sur ponton :750Sur bouées :0Longueur maximum :15Tirant d’eau maximum :2Accès personnes à mobilité réduite :nonAccèsRASSERVICES TECHNIQUES :Grue :ouiÉlevateur :ouiCale de débarquement :ouiAire de carénage :ouiPompe à eaux noires :ouiRécupération huiles usées :ouiAUTRES SERVICES :Wifi :ouiCarburant :ouiEau douce :OuiÉlectricité :ouiLaverie :ouiSanitaires / douches :ouiA PROXIMITE :Entretien bateaux :ouiShipchandler :ouicommercesouiRestaurantsouiMOBILITE :Taxis :ouiGare SNCF :nonAéroport :nonLocation auto / vélo :oui Read the full article
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Arche De Port Blanc Roche Percée, France (by Andreas Slotosch)
See more of France.
#arche de port blanc roche percee#port blanc#saint pierre quiberon#saint-pierre-qiberon#fance#europe#arch#archway#stones#cliff#cliffs#travel#wanderlust#ocean#photography#li_destinations#beach#travel photography#landscape
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Portrait de la jeune fille en feu / Portrait of a Lady on Fire Céline Sciamma. 2019
Rock Arch Arche De Port Blanc, Roche Percée, 56510 Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, France See in map
See in imdb
#céline sciamma#portrait de la jeune fille en feu#portrait of a lady on fire#adele haenel#noemie merlant#saint pierre quiberon#france#arch#rock arch#roche percée#movie#cinema#film#location#google maps#street view#seaside#rocks#beach#morbihan#quiberon#lorient#bretagne#2019#natural arch
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Saint Pierre Quiberon. Coucher de soleil, surf et feux d'artifices... par S Arsine
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Arche De Port Blanc Roche Percée, Saint-Pierre-Quiberon, France Photo by Elise Goy
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Gif Request Meme - A Musical of my Choice + a Villain: Artois and Orléans
↳ Requested by @fallenidol-453
Philippe Égalité: The only legitimate son of the Duc d’Orléans, a prince du sang from birth, Philippe was a very unlikely revolutionary. And yet Philippe showed a strong level of compassion for the lives of the lower class, going down a coal shaft to see the conditions faced by miners, pulling a groom of his from a river with his own hands, and providing shelter for the poor during the bitter winter of 1788-89.
He was noted for his extravagant lifestyle; a noted lover of racehorses, gambling, architecture, his various and assorted mistresses, and all things English. Despite being the richest man in France, with a truly astronomical income, he nonetheless found himself frequently in debt. That was the impetus for him to totally redesign the Palais Royal over the course of two and a half years, opening it up to shopkeepers and establishing it as a major area for counter revolutionary activity, with the police being banned from intervening. As such, an overwhelming feeling of liberty prevailed there, with people from all social classes gathering to observe the spectacles and walk along the gardens there.
There was a certain amount of hostility to be expected between the two branches of the Bourbon family, going as far back as the first Duc’s tempestuous relationship with his brother, Louis XIV. Still, the relationship between Louis XVI and Philippe gradually deteriorated over time, despite several attempts to patch things up. Orléans blamed Louis for the loss of his naval career, with the controversial Battle of Ushant in 1778 being a major breaking point in their relationship. In 1788, he spoke up at a “Royal Sitting” where Louis tried to press the Parliament into obeying his will, saying “Sire, this appears to be illegal.” Louis responded, “It is legal, because I wish it to be so.” Orléans spent the next five months in a comfortable exile at his estate, and he returned more popular than ever.
When the Estates General was called, Orléans sided with the Third Estate, taking his place with the other delegates rather than sitting with the Royal Family as his rank entitled him to. His name was consistently brought up alongside revolutionary activity, with his bust being paraded alongside Necker’s on July 12, 1789, when the rash charge of the Prince de Lambesc into the Tuilleries heightened the people’s fears over an armed crackdown of Paris. It would be in the Palais Royal where Camille Desmoulins would jump on a table and call the people to arms, and even though the exact impact of that statement’s been disputed, the fact that Palais Royal was a huge locus point for revolutionary activity never has been.
Among the royalists, it was popularly thought that Orléans was behind the entire Revolution, masterminding the Storming of the Bastille, the Women’s March to Versailles, a famine, and various and assorted other disturbances, in lieu of believing that the common people themselves were discontent. However, the sources nearest and dearest to Philippe suggest that he had no intention of seizing power, and Philippe’s own action of going and staying in England at Lafayette’s suggestion between October 1789 and July 1790, when he had a strong chance of fighting back against the charges and seizing power for himself by riding off the highest point of his popularity, strongly indicates that he had no intention of seizing the throne for himself. Overall, while he was a man of undeniable courage, the popular consensus is that he was, by nature, too passive to do it on his own, generally being very diffident to those near him such as his former mistress and longtime friend, Madame de Genlis, as well as her rival for his attention, Pierre Ambroise François Choderlos de Laclos, and generally disinterested in long-form plans, preferring to throw himself into whims. It is far more likely that, if a plan existed to make Philippe king, it came from one of those brains, as opposed to anything Philippe himself considered in any detail.
He did, however, become embittered over the increasingly chilly reception he received at Versailles, including one occasion where a courtier shouted “Do not let him touch the wine!” when he entered, with him then being spat on as he made his leave.
In the latter half of 1792, Philippe faced a bevy of problems, both personal and political, as his long-suffering wife had filed for a separation, his daughter was put on a list of émigrés and was forced to leave the country very shortly after arriving (after Madame de Genlis, who he had instructed to take her back before her name could be added, lingered for too long, causing a final breakdown in their long relationship), his popularity was rapidly fading, and he had been called, as a Deputy of the National Convention, to sit at the trial of his cousin. According to one anecdote, found in William Cooke Taylor’s Memoirs of the House of Orléans, it was in that particular maelstrom that he changed his name, as a last ditch effort to save his daughter and prove his loyalty to the Revolution, to Philippe Égalité. Many options were considered for him to not sit the trial, and there is no reason to believe, despite the long-lasting enmity that the two of them had, that Philippe, when he went to sleep the night before the trial of Louis began on December 26, that he had any idea that when it came time to give the verdict on January 14-15, he would vote “yea,” a decision that shocked the entire room, not the least Louis himself. Perhaps it was a last ditch effort to save himself, perhaps he felt pressured to do it by everyone else in the room, perhaps in that moment he truly believed that Louis’ actions merited the death penalty. It’s impossible to truly know, but in the end that one decision, more than anything else, has defined his legacy.
However, the Royalists would soon be able to find some comfort, as, on the 4th of April 1793, his son, Louis-Philippe, Duc de Chartres, defected along with General Dumouriez, and Philippe’s enemies had the ammunition they needed.
On 7 April, 1793, he was arrested and sent to Fort Saint-Jean in Marseilles, along with two of his sons. Throughout his imprisonment, Philippe kept up an optimistic front, constantly reassuring his sons, the Duc de Montpensier and the Comte de Beaujolais, on the rare occasions he was allowed to speak to them after they were separated, that everything would turn out well, even expressing optimism about his trial in Paris. Whether this was real or simply an attempt at keeping up morale will never be known, but on November 2, 1793, he was sent back to Paris, to be imprisoned in the Conciergerie. He was tried on the 6th and, at his own request not to prolong things any longer than necessary, he was executed on that same day. By all accounts, he met his death courageously, his composure only threatening to break when the cart he was in stopped in front of the Palais Royal, so that he could very clearly see the sign on it that said it was now national property. His last words were to stop the assistants at the guillotine from taking off his boots, saying “You are losing time, you can take them off at a greater leisure when I am dead.”
Unlike his royal cousins, his body was never found, and to this day, he is generally considered as one of the great villains of the Revolution in media associated with it, though none of the serious charges against him (the October Days being prime) were ever proven.
Charles X- For most of his younger years, like his older cousin, Charles’ defining quality was his wild life, which was punctuated by multiple love affairs, copious gambling and alcohol, and even more copious debts, with his brother, Louis XVI, somewhat reluctantly paying the bills. He also had a close friendship with his brother’s wife, who he shared a love of high living with, the two of them often being seen together at the theatre and balls. This close friendship was much remarked upon, with Artois being a frequent subject of the pornographic pamphlets that circulated about the queen, along with Marie Antoinette’s favorite, Madame de Polignac. In the years preceding and following the Revolution, however, the two of them gradually cooled, with their later relationship being marked by political disagreements. Charles consistently pressured his brother into more conservative stances during the meeting of the Estates General, arguing against doubling the Third Estates’ representation and conspiring to get rid of Louis’ liberal finance minister, Jacques Necker. The dismissal of the Necker would end up being one of the leading causes for the Storming of the Bastille, with Charles’ temporary personal victory being quickly eclipsed by the blaze that the little spark of Revolution had turned into. In the days immediately following the Storming of the Bastille, Artois was ordered to emigrate by his brother, along with the rest of his family.
He wouldn’t see France again for decades, going from court to court in Europe asking for help and trailed by a small army of creditors (who would become some of his most frequent companions, the avid huntsman only being able to go out riding at his estate at Holyrood on Sundays, when his creditors would be unable to pursue him), but with very little materializing, even less of which was successful, with the Battle of Quiberon being particularly disastrous to any hope of a royalist win by military might. Instead, he set up his main residence in London, with his mistress, Louise de Polastron, sister-in-law of Madame de Polignac, upon whose death he swore a vow of celibacy, the former playboy becoming sober and religious in his later years. The family briefly returned to France in May 1814, with the exile of Napoleon to Elba, however his later escape and mustering of the troops led to them leaving the city in February 1815, only able to fully establish themselves back in the country shortly after Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo. Upon his brother, the Comte de Provence’s ascension to the throne as Louis XVIII (the space between XVI and XVIII being taken up by Charles’ young nephew, Louis-Charles, who died in prison and therefore never ruled), Charles became known as a leading member of the Ultra Royalist faction, who were, as the name suggests, “More Royalist than the king.” His brother dying without a male heir, Charles took the throne in 1824, though his highly conservative policies following his more tolerant brother’s reign made him highly unpopular with the public.
In 1830, he was forced to abdicate. His intent had been for the throne to go to his young grandson, however, it would go to Louis-Philippe, Duc d’Orléans, the son of Philippe Égalite (who would himself end up being deposed.) He spent the remainder of his life similarly to how he spent his exile, traveling from place to place, hounded by debtors.
Eventually, he would die in Austria, on 6 November 1836, 43 years to the day of his revolutionary cousin’s execution.
The Chevalier de Saint-Georges: Virtuoso of the Sword and the Bow: Gabriel Banat
A French King at Holyrood: Alexander John Mackenzie Stuart
The Journalists and the July Revolution in France: The Role of the Political Press in the Overthrow of the Bourbon Restoration 1827–1830: Daniel Rader
Memoirs of the House of Orléans: William Cooke Taylor
The Perilous Crown: France Between Revolutions, 1814-1848: Munro Price
Prince of the blood : being an account of the illustrious birth, the strange life and the horrible death of Louis-Philippe Joseph, fifth duke of Orleans, better remembered as Philippe Egalite: Evart Seelye Scudder
Revolutions in the Western World 1775–1825: Jeremy Black, ed.
#perioddramaedit#asiantheatrenet#musicaltheatreedit#historyedit#1789 les amants de la bastille#marie antoinette das musical#keigo yoshino#mitsuo yoshihara#long post#ch: artois#Production: Toho#other musicals: MA#historical#on this day in history we mourn the death of two thots#one more than the other#(apologies if I smudged any facts given that it is rather late)
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morte-saison - numéro 2 by Karrez Majik Via Flickr: Off-season Saint-Pierre-Quiberon
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"La Plage de Saint-Pierre-de-Quiberon, l'Usine à Iode" de Maxime Maufra (1910) à l'exposition "L'Impressionnisme d'après Pont-Aven" au Musée de Pont-Aven, Bretagne, décembre 2019.
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💥💥💥 Nouveauté en EXCLUSIVITÉ 💥💥💥 Location à l'année sur Saint Pierre Quiberon. Appartement 3 chambres avec 2 balcons vue sur mer. Rare sur le secteur ! Cliquez ci-dessous pour en savoir plus 👇👇 https://www.iadfrance.fr/annonce/appartement-location-4-pieces-saint-pierre-quiberon-44m2/r1203864 Pour plus d'informations, contactez nous : Virginie Besnault 0️⃣6️⃣4️⃣3️⃣6️⃣5️⃣0️⃣6️⃣0️⃣2️⃣ Sébastien Besnault 0️⃣7️⃣6️⃣8️⃣9️⃣9️⃣3️⃣4️⃣1️⃣6️⃣ #conseil #immobilier #IADFRANCE #maison #appartement #terrain #achat #presquiledequiberon #morbihan #bretagne #réseau #estimationgratuite #mieuxquuneagence #agencement #EXCLUSIVITÉ #Location (à Saint-Pierre-Quiberon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkoWtpprs0X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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