#Saint seiya legend of the sanctuary
ladyraewon · 1 year
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Somebody please tell me their heights! I’m trying to draw them in my style but no matter how much I look and search for I cannot find their heights! I just want to know their heights!
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yukaro353 · 24 days
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I was watching Knights of the Zodiac while I was taking an avatar break and my God, how it hurts that instead of continuing with the adaptations of the film with a Final Fantasy feel, they took that thing off of Netflix 🥲
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houseoflibra · 11 days
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Celebrating this treasure of a film's 10th anniversary and my own 5th anniversary of translating unpublished Saint Seiya materials to English! :)
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landofanimes · 10 days
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Legend of Sanctuary | Knights of the Zodiac
From now on I will use this power to protect all of you.
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floaromaxtowns · 25 days
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LoS AldeMu is also great...
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vanisketches · 16 days
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LoS Week 2024
Day 2 - Pre-canon
Aiolos' escapade from Aldebaran & Mu's perspective
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saintseiya-zone · 2 years
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Saint Seiya Zone scans
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saintseiyaartbykerulin · 10 months
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blake-arachne · 4 months
Because of the countless retconed on where Saint Seiya takes place i decided to Give each series their own time period, this could be from how Kuru and Other Authors can’t make up their mind about some numbers but whatever here’s my headcanon on what time does each series takes place.
•Original Manga, Next Dimension (Present): January-April 1990
(Originally it was 1986 but because of Next Dimension saying that it’s set on the year 1990, the dates had changed. Nevertheless, all arcs like Sanctuary, Poseidon, Hades takes place in just a few months. Why I say this simple I calced the dates using Julian Solo’s birthday (March 21) as Reference and the dialogue that was said that it’s been a month since the 12 houses Battle and it was 10 days after the world wide flooding started in March 24. So doing this Math it would be in April 3. So the Sanctuary Battle took place in March 3)
•Episode G: Spring 1979
(In the first chapter said March 28, 1979, and in the original summary said it’s 7 years before the events of Classic but Okada used the old Date of 1986 as guideline)
• Next Dimension (Past): Spring 1750
(It says that it’s been 240 years instead of 243, so by that logic it’s in 1750 where the Holy War of the 18th Century takes place. Now why Spring? Simple the Holy War of the 20th Century took place in April, 1990.)
•The Lost Canvas: Spring 1747
(Since LC is said to be an alt version of the Holy War of the 18th century, you could say takes place around the same dates however in the epilogue it said 243 years, so LC’s Holy War is 3 years earlier than ND’s Holy War)
•Saintia Sho: December 1983-March 1984
(Ok I know it’s said that Saintia Sho takes place around the Sanctuary Arc and Before the Poseidon Arc. However there are some issues like Baby Shoko and Kyoko escaping with Mayura during Aiolos escape (Which I said in a previous post took place on September 12-13) and their Birthdays are on December 10, so Shoko is 9 months older than Saori and Kyoko 2 years and 9 months and they were 13 and 15 respectively at beginning of the Story. And why 1984 instead of 1990 or even 1986? In Saintia Shoko memories the invitation of the Galaxian Wars said the date 1984, now this could be a mistake of Kuori, but till it’s changed. Saintia Sho takes place in the early 80s)
•Episode G Assassin: 2013
(It’s said in an interview that GA takes place post 2012 as the Tokyo Tower has been built and Smartphones are a thing so it should be set in 2013 at the very least)
•Episode G Requiem: 2014-2017
(The first part it’s said to have happened 1 years ago after the end of EG Assassin, and then there was the 3 year time skip)
•Dark Wing: 2020
(Ok I know in the prolouge it’s said it’s been 1 year since the accident but we are told that because the Elysium has a different time space continuum, it’s been a year in the Elysium while in the real world it’s been only a month)
Now with the mangas now dealt with, let’s go with the anime continuity.
Classic Series and Movies: October 1986-April 1987
(I say that the Classic Anime started in October 1986 and ended in April cuz that’s how it emited in TV. Besides even trough there were countless changed from the source material after all they were made around the same time. But I still keep that the Poseidon Arc ended in April 4th)
Hades OVAs: April 5th-April 16th, 1987
(I’ll explain in Soul of Gold the time you see, I say that Hades happened right after Poseidon so literally the next day they had to fight against the Specters)
Soul of Gold: April 13th-April 16th, 1987
(Apparently in the Underworld and Elysium have different time flows as Lyfia told Aioria that the Grand Eclipse has been on Earth for a Week. While Hades said that it would take a few minutes to be completed. Nevertheless because the events of the Asgard Arc of the Classic series was taken in account takes place in the same continuity)
Tenkai Hen Overture: April 1987
(As Omega said be taking in account this movie. The start of the Battle between Athena vs the Gods will still take place in April of the same year)
Saint Seiya Omega: Dec 1988-Jan 1989/2002
(Ok this is gotta be the most tricky one so far as there’s no confirmation of the dates and no, that whole takes place 25 years after the Classic Series doesn’t apply as doesn’t exist from all I have searched. But since the Saints of Omega are from the 21st Century at very least should be the 2000s. Why the early ones well I used the whole 13 years stuff that we were told. Assuming that Ryuho Bd is in libra like his dad, would mean he was born in October 1989. so he would be 12 in April 2002. As we are confirmed that Koga entered to pallestra post Spring Break. Since i don’t think a year passed between Season 1 and 2 I’ll say that took place in the same year)
Saintia Sho Anime: October 1986
(Even trough it doesn’t form part of the anime canon due to it’s contradiction of the ending of Sanctuary. Sho should be in a parallel to the events of it.)
Gigantomachy: Summer 1986 (It’s suppossedly said that takes place between Poseidon and Hades however in the first Chapter it says it’s in Summer instead of Spring. So this can’t be, neverthenless due begin a parallel World it doesn’t take place in the series but likely used the old date as refence)
Legend of Sanctuary: Sep 1998-Sep 2014
(I’ll say that Legend of Sanctuary takes place in the date it was debuted begin of 2014 as we are told that Saori had become 16 years old. Assuming her BD is the same (Sep 1), we could say that the Escape of Aiolos happened in September 1998. The ages of the Bronzes are Seiya and Shun at 16, Hyoga and Shiryu at 17 and Ikki at 20)
KOTZ: 2019
(Same statement as LoS i think that the KOTZ CGI series takes place in 2019. Saori/Sienna is confirmed be 20 so the escape of Aiolos happened in September 1999. The ages for the Bronze are Seiya at 18, Hyoga/Magnus, Shiryu/Long at 19, Shaun at 17 and Ikki/Nero at 20)
Live Action: 2023
(Due to begin the most recent new product the Live Action movie takes place in 2023 with Seiya at 18 and Saori/Sienna at 17-20)
Anyways those are the dates so far, i might do a redo in the future but oh what the hell, enjoy
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beatriz-lioness · 2 years
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Remake of a old drawing I did back in march 2020. I think it was at the time I first watched Legend of Sanctuary, I can't believe how fast time passes!
You can see the old version here!
Do not repost! Reblogs are appreciated!
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midostree-art · 1 year
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A couple of ych commissions :) thank you <3
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ladyraewon · 1 year
Drew Phoenix Ikki from Saint Seiya with an oc well a Y/N maybe will make a short story later idk hope you like
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yukaro353 · 12 days
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"A war is approaching"
Saori feels the restlessness under her skin, she knows she is not alone but is she really up to the task? She doesn't want to lose anyone.
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strawberrysnipes · 3 days
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requested by @villyth
please like/rb if you use/save!
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landofanimes · 10 days
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Saori adresses the warriors at the sanctuary as Athena
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floaromaxtowns · 8 days
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Chain mail? ❌ Lingerie stockings so his Twink nerd looking blacksmith boyfriend will look at it? ✅
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