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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
developing technologies
The global consumption in technology has increased dramatically with the increase of new gadgets, software and computers. The demand for fresh new electronics is higher than ever. A lot of these technologies allow for a new media outlet and platform. 
For example tablets and smartphones have becoming wildly popular across the globe. For example iPads and iPhones, the most popular tablet and phone in the world. The allow access to media such a Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This allows for things like advertising and endorsements which benefit large companies because they can reach so many people.
The demand in technology has left people expectant to ‘simple’ things like on-demand television. This is when you can choose to watch something that was played on another day previous. It’s good because it allows people to catch up on things they may have missed. It also means more people will watch so thats  a bigger profit for the broadcasting company.
A lot of this tech, including the ones above, involve internet. This is a vast computer network connection smaller networks which makes them accessible to people everywhere. Internet can be used for online streaming. This is playing videos or programmes in real time (live) for people to tune in and watch.
The internet is accessible to so many people because of Satellites. These are large celestial bodies orbiting the earth which give us internet connection. The also give us access to some broadcasters like Sky. There are around 1071 operational satellites orbiting earth right now.
Cable is the satellite alternative. It uses wires to transport information to the machine, like a TV or a Wifi box.  In some cases, like with cable internet, it can be faster than satellite. Especially like fibre broadband, this is basically a special type of cable that uses fibreglass so the information travels faster. Cable tv can also be better than satellite because satellites have more chance of being interrupted by weather.
Pay Per View came around in 2008. It is a television service in which viewers are required to pay a fee in order to watch a specific programme. This was used on programmes such a sporting events or just big events that were being broadcasted. It allowed for a very large income for the provider. 
Some TVs can show HD video. This is a better picture on the TV,  more clear and vivid. It was done by decreasing the pixel size and increasing the pixel count. This allows for a more lifelike experience and also just more pleasant viewing.
Media can be grouped into two categories; digital and analogue.
Analogue media is like a hard copy of the media. So like magazines, newspapers, video tape or film. It is a little bit data now due to the fact everyone uses computers and other electronics to access media.
Digital media is everything that is stored on electronics like iPads, laptops and iPhones. Often they were previously analogue or they have an analogue version, for example online newspapers and magazines. We also now use digital recording rather than analogue recording. Digital recording is done with electrical wave forms where as analogue recording was done by printing waveforms. 
Interactive media is a recent addition. This is media which allows the viewer or user to get involved. For example, pressing the ‘red button’ or voting on the Love Island App for your favourite couple. Virtual reality is a new type of interactive media which involved the user wearing a headset during, for example,  a video game to make them feel like they are submerged in  a different world.
With the demand for new technologies from an expectant population it is exciting to think where tech could be in the next ten years, 
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
Employment legislation in the TV and Film Industries
note; I've already written the task it is on my blog under ‘legislation’ but u said you couldn't find it. i wrote this thinking it was as separate task only just realised I've already done it.. just gonna post this anyway so that i have covered everything
Employment legislation within the TV and Film industry covers laws that ensure employees are working in a safe environment and are comfortable. So, for example if people are working on a set there can not be wet floors or leaks when there are wires and electrical equipment around. There would be a high risk of electrocution. 
This runs into Health and Safety. Companies must make sure they do risk assessments before they carry out tasks such as filming or stunts. This is so everyone knows how to avoid the accident happening and what to do if it does happen.
Liability insurance cover employers for any money they may have to pay out if an employee is injured or gets sick and it is the companies fault. For example if someone slips over on a wet surface and breaks their leg because there was no ‘wet floor’ signs then this would mean the company may have to pay them compensation for their injury. The amount of money would be decided by a court.
Employers in the tv and film industry need to take into account The Equality Act introduced in 2010. This ensures that employers are not discriminating based on age, gender, sexuality, race, religion, disability, pregnancy or martial status. If they are deemed to have discriminated against someone on any of these basis then they could see them selves in court.
Employee rights state that all employees have the right to sick days, holiday, not to be bullies, harassed or discriminated against and also to be part of a trade union. A trade union is a organisation for each trade which fights for what the trades workers want. For example there is a trade union for media and tv freelancers. 
Intellectual property issues such as copyright and trademarks are very prevalent issues that companies must pay attention to. Copyright is the ownership and right to material that you have created. It prevents people from copying it. For example someone may copyright a script so that no one can steal it and create the film before them.
Trademarks work in the same way whereby the creator has complete ownership and no body can copy it but it trademarks cover things that distinguish the brand. Logos, names and slogans can all be covered by a trademark to ensure that no other company steals the name, logo or slogan. For example the Disney Channel logo is trademarked and you can see a little ‘TM’ next to it.
Passing is when a business passes off another persons goods or services as their own, by misrepresentation. For example if another animation company made an animation for Disney but they didn't give them credit for it and made out they done it.
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
Understanding Briefs
Scenario- Advert for a new children’t toy
Consultation with client-
In the first meetings they will discuss things like a plot for the advert, casting, deadlines and a budget.
They may start a rough storyboard.
Degree of discretion-
The client will have the main call over most things especially the plot. We can advise them and guide them but ultimately it is there advert and their product. However the advert can not give our company a bad name or reputation so we would not agree to do anything with majorly controversial or shocking ideas that could get bad reviews from the audience.  
Working on an advert for a children's toy will most likely involve children as characters. This would mean that we would have to follow the regulations of the child labour act. This restricts the amount of hours a child can work for and also who they work with.
Language used in the advert can not be complex as it is aimed at children. If they do not understand the advert then they will not pay attention to it. This means we will have to keep dialogue short and sweet, straight to the point. But it also must grab their attention.
Music used in the advert will need to be passed through copyright to ensure that we can use it legally.
No violence can be used in the advert as it is for children and this would not be deemed appropriate for the target audience.
We must not portray the toy to have features or functions that it in fact does not have. This is called false advertising and companies can be sued for it.
Amendments to proposed final product, budget, conditions or fees-
An alteration in the final product may come if the client is unhappy with the final advert. We may have to re-film some things, re-edit or remove some parts or even start again.
Changes in the budget would be due to things like add ons that the client has attained throughout the process. It could also be due to things going wrong during the process of production that then come with a cost to sort them out.
Conditions changing in the brief could occur if the client or us has another expectation for the other on something. For example if we have worked over deadline to achieve the outcome we may want to alter the payment at the end to cover those extra hours.
An extended deadline could be due to the fact that filming, casting, pre-production or one of the other aspects to producing the advert takes longer than expected. Or if we just want to spend more time on the project. It could also happen if something goes wrong and has to be done again.
Opportunities when working to a brief-
There is a chance to improve team working skills because to get the job done quickly and sufficiently teamwork is essential. If the team works smoothly together then the work will get done and to its best potential.
There is also the opportunity for self-development. Working to a brief can be demanding and may force someone into a situation where they have to learn a new skill, such as an editing technique they didn't know before. Being forced to do it sometimes is the best way to learn because there is motivation behind it rather than just learning for fun. This can help you to develop skills and even attitudes. When working to a brief there is no room for people who have bad attitudes so everyone needs to be happy to help and on board with the task at hand.
When working to a brief you may find that multi-tasking is something you pick up along the way. This is tackling more than one task at a time or basically doing more than one thing at any given time. For example editing a soundtrack and the visuals. It is a good skill to have as it keeps the pace going and gets the job done.
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
A brief is a set of instructions or guidelines given to the appropriate parties with the intent of fulfilling the desired outcome. 
Briefs can be given in many different formats and/or structures depending on what best suits the task at hand.
For example a contractual brief is a legal document with very clear instructions, deadlines, payments and it is usually signed by both parties. These types of briefs are most common in amongst professional environments where legal action is likely to be taken if one end of the party does not fully meet the expectations stated in the brief. Using a contractual brief is beneficial because everyone is legally covered so everyone is highly likely to stick to the agreed plan and if they do not further legal action will be taken to ensure the party that is lesser off is compensated.
This is similar to a formal brief because it is laid out in writing as a professional legal document. The difference between the two is that a formal brief uses subject specific language and will be quite technical and in depth. It also will likely have notable mentions on copyright and clearances.
On the other end of the brief spectrum you can find the polar opposite to these two types of brief, an informal brief.
This is likely a discussion between parties which loosely agrees on a mutually accepted brief. A brief like this is most likely to be used in a typically unprofessional situation such as someone agreeing to make a music video for an aspiring musician. The danger of using this type of brief is that instructions and expectations could be interpreted differently which could result in the wrong outcome and hostility between the client and the producer. Nothing can be done to challenge the legalities in these situations because nothing is written down.
A negotiated brief is very similar but the discussion is more in depth and thorough. The discussion may also be documented. It is basically the same as above but just slightly more than a casual conversation. 
Another professional type of brief is a tender. This is when a formal written offer is made which states what work is to be carried out, what is to be supplied or what is being purchased and the final price is always stated. This may be used when someone is paying for a professional filmmaker to create a short film. 
Companies also commission people to do work now. This is commonly just a one time job done by there person because the were most suited to the specific task for whatever past experience they have. For example a production company may commission a freelance casting director for an advert for a new kids toy because they specialise in the casting of children. They work with the company until the job is over usually held by a short term contract. This is good because companies can hire people who are well experienced in certain areas which are specific to the job at hand. 
A cooperative brief is another way of utilising peoples skill sets. This is when companies work together to complete a task. For example one company may do the motion graphics and another may do the dubbed audio. Working this way spreads the workload, utilises skills and saves time. There could be communication issues which could cause complications.
Sometimes companies want options for the final outcome. To get this the may use a competition. This is when people can interpret the brief their way and enter their version of the final outcome and then the company will choose a winner and give them a prize in return for using their work. For example a radio station may want a new jingle to play so they might get the listeners to create some for a competition. 
All briefs should be taken seriously and read or discussed properly to avoid confusion. From a brief you should draw a set of instructions, a deadline and a payment or return favour. 
This way both parties will be satisfied with the outcomes.
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
DO NOT sit the interviewer too close or far from the interviewee 
Framing- not dead centre, give them lead room so they have somewhere to look keep in mind rule of thirds, make sure graphics are not covering up parts of the face 
a variety of shots during interview go from close up to extreme when most important parts are revealed, 
lighting, beware of shadows 
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
Today’s meeting
We got to meet the music students and get to know them, we asked questions about what instruments they played, if they wanted to be filmed for interviews and during the concert etc and we found at that one of the boys we interviewed was in a band, could be interesting for the promo video. 
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
evaluation of mental health day
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
evaluation for music promo
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
scenario 1
If you are making a music video there are certain legal considerations to take into account. 
For example passing off others work as your own. Using copyrighted archived footage from another artists video is illegal and can not be done unless permission is granted by the original artist.
If this is done the video is likely to be taken down and legal action may even be taken.
Health and safety on set is another legal requirement to consider. On the set of the music video it will have to be made sure that the environment is safe for the people working and performing. For example, wires can be a trip hazard so they need to be monitored in order to avoid accidents.
The working conditions also have to be of a good standard. This means a well ventilated work space, sufficient light, access to a toilet and refreshments.
scenario 2
Someone applying for work experience at a media production company also has certain legalities surrounding it.
For example the company who is employing the person for work experience will have to take into consideration employment legislation. This is when a company is legally required to ensure the employee is in acceptable working conditions and being treated fairly in the work place. This may apply to a person doing work experience because even if they are only there for a short amount of time it does not mean they should have to endure a bad working environment or being mistreated.
They also would need to make sure they are abiding by the guidelines of employee rights regarding payment, sick days and the right not to be bullied, harassed or discriminated against. Just because someone is on work experience does not mean they have any less employee rights that someone in a permanent position.
The Employment Equality (age) Regulations introduced in 2006 prevent employers from picking and choosing people for a role based on their age. For example they may be more likely to employ a young, bubbly person for work experience. However if someone in their late 20s applies and feels they have been rejected because of their age they could potentially get the company in trouble. So companies need to ensure they are hiring people of all ages to avoid this.
scenario 3
Someone working as a runner on the set of a film
The employer will have to take into account first and foremost health and safety on the set. Wires, equipment, hot liquids and anything that could be a potential hazard will need to be handled carefully and monitored to avoid injury. A runner tends to dart about the set a lot assisting many people so they are most likely to trip or get hurt in their haste.
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
actual promo video link with changes made
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
plot for clip
one or two black people (girl and a boy)
see them seemingly happy with their friends and look like they are enjoying life etc
then u start to realise through their facial expressions and body language that they are sad
eventually they fade out representing their suicide
stats about young black people and mental health show on screen
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
Feedback from John Davies
John said he liked our smoothie idea and that it promoted a healthy diet.
He said we shouldn’t do the spelling bee idea because it didn’t serve a great purpose.
He also liked our film idea.
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
promo vid
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
The London 2012 Olympics and it’s impact today
The London 2012 Olympics was a monumental event for Britain. It bought not only our country together but the whole world together to compete, celebrate and have fun.
Due to the scale of the event it has had some lasting effects on London and the UK as a whole.
For example, Stratford prior to the olympics was not a tourist attraction nor was it somewhere majorly important in London. It was slightly run down and dismal. However, with new housing, Westfield, new stadiums and beautiful green spaces in a city scape Stratford has been transformed into a more visited and trendy area. New job opportunities and money have helped the area to flourish into something far more appealing than it was before. People want to visit our Olympic Village and see what it has to offer.
Another large impact that is evident since 2012 is a change in fashion. Activewear and trainers have become staple clothing for a lot of Londoners, even in some more relaxed work spaces. Data produced by a company called Editd shows the increase in trainers in the women’s market has risen from up from 1,203 January 2013 to 3,003 in January 2015. This shows a significant rise in trainer production and sales since the Olympics.
The Olympics was a big campaign for London and it was estimated that it would create a “boom” for the capital. 
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freyabarnescmtf-blog · 8 years ago
mental health awareness ideas
-fruit cups?
-water bottles with labels
- stickers
-mood board
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