#Saint Charles borromeo
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ub-designs · 4 months ago
Saint Charles Borromeo - Light and Dark
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St. Charles Borromeo is the patron saint of bishops, catechists, cardinals, seminarians, and spiritual leaders. A fun fact about him is he had a speech impediment. He organized the third and last session of the Council of Trent, in 1562–63. He had a large share in the making of the Tridentine Catechism (Catechismus Romanus).
His feast day is on November 4th, and in honor of that I have published this art on Redbubble, and will publish the art on his feast day on TeePublic so there will be a sale.
Redbubble Light Version Dark Version TeePublic Light Version Dark Version
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peoplefromheaven · 7 months ago
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Yesterdays adventures~
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daily-praise · 4 months ago
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Today’s Reflection
In our world, a person can give in many ways. Yet we must be careful for our motive in giving may not be for the right reasons, according to the wisdom of Jesus. Therefore, we ought to listen to Jesus. Because, if our motive is to look good in the eyes of others in order to earn world esteem we lose the right of salvation. Therefore, the best type of giving is to give without the prospect of any reward. Which means that the motive of giving ought to be that of love, what Jesus taught in his great commandment of love. Because, this is what God did for us, for he gave his only begotten son to become our savior and he did so because he loves us and for those who follow the example of Christ, will be with Jesus for all eternity.
Today’s Spiritual Links for November 04, 2024
National Eucharistic Review Today’s Mas Readings Today’s Reflection Rosary Liturgy of the Hours New American Bible Non-Scriptural Reading Prime Matters
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juridical-angel-blog · 4 months ago
Video Postcard Saint Charles ''San Carlo'' Borromeo ''Auguri Carola 04.11.2024''!
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wgm-beautiful-world · 1 year ago
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Interior de la Basilica de Maria Auxiliadora y San Carlos Borromeo en Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
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escapismsworld · 9 months ago
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📍Saint Charles Borromeo's Church, Antwerp, Belgium 🇧🇪
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my-sacred-art-2 · 17 days ago
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Eve Meyer, American (born Evelyn Eugene Turner), Dec. 13, 1928 – March 27, 1977.
Saint Charles Borromeo Attending to Plague Victims, Attributed to Giovanni Lanfranco (Italian, 1582-1647).
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anastpaul · 4 months ago
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One Minute Reflection – 4 November – “The Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory” – Saint Charles Borromeo (1538-1584) – Sirach 44:16-27; 45:3-20; Matthew 25:14-23 – Scripture search here: https://www.drbo.org/ “To one he gave five talents; to another, two; to a third, one—to each according to his ability. Then he went away. Immediately …” – Matthew 25:15 
 REFLECTION – “The man who is the landowner is actually the Creator and Lord of all. The Word compares, in the parable, the time the landowner spends away from home, to either the Ascension of Christ into Heaven, or, at any rate, to the unseen and invisible character of the Divine Nature.   Now, one must conceive of the property of God, as those in each country and city, who believe in Him. He calls His servants, those who, according to the times, Christ crowns with the glory of the Priesthood. For the holy Paul writes, “No-one takes this honour upon himself; he must be called by God.” He hands over [His property] to those who are under Him, to each giving a spiritual gift, so that he might have character and aptitude. We think that this distribution of the talents, is not supplied to the household servants in equal measure because, each is quite different from the other, in their understanding. Immediately they head out for their labours, He says, directly, indicating to us here, that apart from the procrastination of one, they are fit to carry out the work of God. Surely those who are bound by fear and laziness will evolve into the worst evils. For he buried in the earth, Jesus says, the talent given to him. He kept the gift hidden, making it unprofitable for others and useless for himself. For that very reason, the talent is taken away from him and will be given to the one who is already rich. The Spirit has departed from such as these and the gift of the Divine Gifts. But to those who are industrious, an even more lavish gift will be presented!” – St Cyril of Alexandria (376-444) Archbishop of Alexandria, Father and Doctor of the Church (Fragment 283)
(via One Minute Reflection – 4 November – Talents – Matthew 25:14-23. – AnaStpaul)
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vulpinesaint · 6 months ago
fan wikis will never tell you the information that you really care about. i don’t give a fuck about eddie brock’s horrifying teenage drunk driving accident i know all that shit already and it happened in the 2018 cates run so i barely factor it into my own personal canon anyway. what i want to know is when the writers started using charles as a middle name for eddie brock cause it was NOT always edward charles allan brock. it was edward allen brock for a solid amount of time when someone said his full legal name. so. so. when did that start. why does he have two. shaking and shaking and shaking decades worth of venom writers does eddie brock have a confirmation name
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the-mercy-workers · 1 year ago
We meditate before, during and after everything we do. The prophet says: "I will pray, and then I will understand." This is the way we can easily overcome the countless difficulties we have to face day after day, which, after all, are part of our work. In meditation we find the strength to bring Christ to birth in ourselves and in others.
St. Charles Borromeo
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thepastisalreadywritten · 1 year ago
SAINT OF THE DAY (November 4)
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No age of the Catholic Church's history is without its share of confusion and corruption.
Still, even in moments when disorder may seem overwhelming, individuals and movements eventually arise to propose the faith with clarity and demonstrate it in action.
St. Charles Borromeo, a central figure in the Council of Trent, is remembered on November 4 as a model of such leadership in difficult times.
The circumstances of Charles' birth on 2 October 1538 could have easily allowed him to join the ranks of corrupt Renaissance-era clergy.
He was born into luxury, the son of noble parents, with a guaranteed income comparable to modern “trust funds.”
The Borromeo family was one of the most ancient and wealthy families in Lombardy, made famous by several notable men, both in the church and state.
His father Gilbert was Count of Arona. His mother Margaret was a member of the Milan branch of the House of Medici.
Early on, however, the young man signaled his intention to go against the cultural grain.
He announced his desire to serve the Church with sincerity, asking his father to give away the majority of the fund's money to the poor.
Charles could not escape a certain degree of wealth and prestige, which were expected due to his social class, but he insisted on using these forms of leverage to benefit the Church, rather than himself.
When he was 22, his opportunity came: the young lawyer and canonist's uncle was elected as Pope Pius IV.
Charles soon assumed staggering responsibilities, serving as a papal diplomat and supervisor of major religious orders.
The young man relaxed from these tasks through literature and music, taking no interest in the temptations abounding in Rome during the late Renaissance.
He considered renouncing even this temperate lifestyle for the strict observance of a monastery — but found himself more urgently needed in the work of concluding the Council of Trent.
The Church's nineteenth Ecumenical Council had begun in late 1545 but experienced many delays.
Its twofold mission was to clarify Catholic doctrine against Protestant objections and reform the Church internally against many longstanding problems.
As a papal representative, Charles participated in the council's conclusion in 1563, when he was only 25.
He also played a leading role in assembling its comprehensive summary, the Roman Catechism or 'Catechism of the Council of Trent.'
In reward for his labors, Charles received even greater responsibilities. Ordained a priest during the Council, he was named as archbishop and cardinal only months later.
He found his diocese of Milan in a state of disintegration, after two generations of virtually no local administration or leadership.
The new bishop got straight to work establishing schools, seminaries, and centers for religious life.
His reforms of the diocese, in accordance with the decrees of the council, were dramatic and effective, so much so that a group of disgruntled monks attempted to kill him. His survival was called miraculous.
The new archbishop's efforts for catechesis and the instruction of youth were especially fruitful, initiating the work of the Confraternity for Christian Doctrine and the first “Sunday School” classes.
He also gave important pastoral attention to English Catholics who fled to Italy to escape new laws against the Catholic faith.
St. Charles Borromeo's amazing diligence, frequent travel and ascetic living eventually took their toll.
The once young prodigy of the Papal Court also died young at the age of 46 on 3 November 1584.
He was beatified by Clement VIII on 12 May 1602. He was canonized by Paul V 26 years later, on 1 November 1610.
He is the patron of bishops, cardinals, seminarians, spiritual leaders, catechists, and catechumens.
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amor-madonna · 1 year ago
Your problems = your Patron
Parental issues- St. Eugene de Mazenod
Tired - St.Joseph
Mental illness - St. Dymphna
Victim of SA - St. Maria Goretti
Problems with sexual urges - St. Augustine
Loneliness - St. John the Apostale
Vision Problems - St. Lucy
Being ugly - St. Rose of Lima
Low grades - St. Joseph of Cupertino
Fealing far away from God - St. Mary
Financial issues - St. Joseph
Risky Situation - St. Katherine of Alexandria (pls lray to her for Motorcyclist!!)
Issues with your spouse - St. Valentine
Overeating - St Charles Borromeo
Undereating - St. Catherine of Sienna
Balding - St. Agnes of Rome
Being hexed - Saint Columba of Spain
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daily-praise · 1 year ago
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Today’s Reflection:
Saint Charles Borromeo, who we remember today once said, “The best way not to find the bed too cold is to go to bed colder than the bed is.” When you think about this, this saying is true, because if you are colder than your bed, your bed will seem warm. And as such, this fits well with our gospel today, because Jesus is speaking about humility over pride. For it is through humility that we grow closer to God, for in this state we acknowledges the truth; that no matter how great we may feel, no matter how much knowledge we may have acquired, we are truly small in comparison to the creator of all. Thus, as we go through life, let us remove any fear we may have of giving up our pride. That is our self-love and place upon us the virtue of humility as St. Benedict outlines this in his rule.
Today’s Spiritual Links for November 04, 2023
Join the National Eucharistic Revival Today’s Mass Readings Today’s Reflection The Holy Rosary Liturgy of the Hours New American Bible Non-Scriptural Reading Prime Matters Respect Life Month 
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juridical-angel-blog · 4 months ago
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Saint Charles Borromeo Card!
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portraitsofsaints · 4 months ago
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Happy Feast Day
Saint Charles Borromeo
Feast day: November 4
Patronage: Catechists, Catechumens, Seminarians
Saint Charles Borromeo was a cardinal and archbishop of Milan from 1564 to 1584. Among the great reformers of the troubled sixteenth century, Borromeo, with St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Philip Neri, and others, led the movement to combat the heresy of the Protestant Reformation. He was a leading figure during the Counter-Reformation and was responsible for significant reforms in the Catholic Church, including the founding of seminaries for the education of priests.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase. (website)
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blushcoloreddreams · 5 months ago
October novenas
For whoever this could interest, here’s a list of this month’s novena’s and the reasons to pray them for yourself and for others.
St. John Paul II: For healing, for courage, for the youth. Starts October 13th
All Saints Day: For intercession of all saints. Starts on October 23
Our lady of Aparecida: from October 3rd to October 10. Patron Saint of Brazil, very used to ask for help in moments of affliction
Blessed Carlos Acutis: For a greater love of the Eucharist, for the youth, for computer programmers. Starts October 3rd
St. Jude: Lost causes. Starts on October 19
Holy souls in purgatory: souls in purgatory
St. Therese of Avila: For those who suffer from headaches. Starts October 6th
St. Luke: for those preparing for surgery or recovering from surgery Starts October 9th
St. Hedwig: for the relief from debt and for help with financial difficulties Starts October 7th
All Souls’ Day: the faithful departed/ souls in purgatory. Starts on October 24
St. Anthony Mary Claret: physical healing, spiritual healing. Starts October 15
St. Gerard Majela : for a healthy pregnancy and for childbirth/ delivery Starts October 7
St. Charles Borromeo: for bishops, seminarians and catechists. Starts on October 26
St. Margarida Maria Alacoque: October 7th
Saint Ignacio of Antioquia: For conversion and for those being persecuted for their faith.
Saint Peter of Alcantara: starts on October 10th To strengthen our faith
Saint Antonio Galvão: for engineers, architects and construction workers. Starts From October 16th.
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