#Saint Angela Merici
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forward-in-joy · 2 months ago
As we head into Vocations Awareness Week, we pray, "Jesus, Divine Redeemer who inspired Saint Angela Merici to found the Company of Saint Ursula, the first institute of virgins consecrated in the world, deign to raise up new vocations to the Company of Saint Angela's daughters, to increase the numbers of those who, in their consecration of earthly reality, adore You in spirit and truth."
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thepastisalreadywritten · 1 year ago
SAINT OF THE DAY (January 27)
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Angela Merici, foundress of the Ursuline Sisters, was born in the small Italian town of Desenzano on the shore of Lake Garda on 21 March 1474.
As a young girl, Angela lost in succession to her sister and parents. She went to live with a wealthy uncle in the town of Salo where, without benefit of formal schooling, Angela grew in poise, wisdom, and grace.
The age in which Angela lived and worked was a time that saw great suffering on the part of the poor in society.
Injustices were carried on in the name of the government and the Church, which left many people, both spiritually and materially, powerless and hungry.
The corruption of moral values left families split and hurting. Wars among nations and the Italian city-states left towns in ruins.
In 1516, Angela came to live in the town of Brescia, Italy.
Here, she became a friend of the wealthy nobles of the day and a servant of the poor and suffering.
Angela spent her days in prayer and fasting and service.
Her reputation spread and her advice was sought by both young and old, rich and poor, religious and secular, male and female.
But still, Angela had not yet brought her vision to fruition.
After visiting the Holy Land, where she reportedly lost her sight, Angela returned to Brescia, which had become a haven for refugees from the many wars then wracking Italy.
There, she gathered around her a group of women who looked toward Angela as an inspirational leader and as a model of apostolic charity.
It was these women, many of them daughters of the wealthy, some orphans themselves, who formed the nucleus of Angela's Company of St. Ursula.
Angela named her company after St. Ursula because she regarded her as a model of consecrated virginity.
Angela and her original company worked out details of the rule of prayer, promises, and practices by which they were to live.
The Ursulines opened orphanages and schools.
In 1535, the Institute of St. Ursula was formally recognized by the Pope and Angela was accorded the title of foundress.
During the five remaining years of her life, Angela devoted herself to composing a number of Counsels by which her daughters could happily live.
She encouraged them to "live in harmony, united together in one heart and one will. Be bound to one another by the bond of charity, treating each other with respect, helping one another, bearing with one another in Christ Jesus.
If you really try to live like this, there is no doubt that the Lord our God will be in your midst."
In 1580, Charles Borromeo, Bishop of Milan, inspired by the work of the Ursulines in Brescia, encouraged the foundation of Ursuline houses in all the dioceses of Northern Italy.
Charles also encouraged the Ursulines to live together in community rather than in their own homes.
He also exhorted them to publicly profess vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
These actions formalized Angela's original "company" into a religious order of women.
Angela Merici died on 27 January 1540
She was beatified by Pope Clement XIII on 30 April 1768. She was canonized by Pope Pius VII on 24 May 1807.
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allsaints-daily-specials · 1 year ago
Allsaint’s Cafe Daily Special for January 27: Eggs Angela (Merici)
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Served as an English muffin with sautéed jacob’s ladder, poached eggs, and hollandaise. Comes with grapes. Try our Patron Saint of Courage Holy Ghost Pepper Challenge™️ on this day for a free meal!
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butinthenext · 1 year ago
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St. Angela Merici
Feast: January 27
Patronage: Against Illness; Against Death of Parents; Disabled People; Sick People
Has anyone made this post yet?
Randomly get a Saint for 2024!
This one is mine!
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portraitsofsaints · 2 years ago
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Saint Angela Merici 1474-1540 Feast day: January 27 (New), June 1 (Trad) Patronage: sickness, handicapped people, loss of parents
St. Angela Merici was an Italian religious educator. She founded the Company of St. Ursula 1535 in Brescia, in which women dedicated their lives to the service of the Church through the education of girls. This organization later sprang the monastic Order of Ursulines, whose nuns established places of prayer and learning throughout Europe and, later, worldwide, most notably in North America. {website}
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catholic-saint-tournament · 2 years ago
throwing in votes for st angela merici and the fatima children!! also i don’t think st ursula made it into the folk/legendary bracket but i am praying for her none the less
Votes added for St Angela Merici, St Jacinta Marto, St Francisco Marto, and Bl. Lucia!!
As for St Ursula, I'm pretty sure you'll need the prayers more than she does. If she's a saint she's doing a-okay, and the rest of us . . . I think all of us need all the prayers we can get.
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cruger2984 · 1 year ago
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT ANGELA MERICI The Patroness of Strength, Determination and Courage Feast Day: January 27
"Have faith and keep up your courage!"
Angela Merici has the double distinction of founding the first of what are now called 'secular institutes' and the first teaching order of women in the Church.
Born in Desenzano, Italy, she was orphaned in her teens. As a young woman, with her heart centered on Christ, Angela joined the Third Order of St. Francis and embraced austerity. In a visionary experience, she felt called to found a 'company' of women.
Angela was invited to become a live-in companion for a widow in the nearby town of Brescia. There she became the spiritual advisor of a group of men and women with ideals of spiritual renewal and service to those in need. While on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1524, Angela was struck with blindness. She proceeded to visit the sacred shrines, seeing them with her spirit. On the way back while praying before a crucifix, Angela's sight was restored.
At age 60, Angela and 12 other women began the Company of St. Ursula, named for a patroness of medieval universities and venerated as a leader of women. This constituted a new way of life: single women consecrated to Christ and living in the world rather than in a monastery. With Angela as their 'mother and mistress,' Company members did not live in community, wore no special clothing, and made no formal vows.
Angela Merici died in Brescia, Italy, in 1540. Clothed in the habit of a Franciscan tertiary, her body was interred in Brescia’s Church of Saint' Afra. Four years later the Company's Rule that Angela had composed, prescribing the practices of chastity, poverty and obedience, was approved by the pope.
In the early 1600s, Companies that had expanded into France were re-organized into the religious Order of St. Ursula, to teach girls. Angela's words continue to inspire the Ursuline nuns' mission of education, a mission that spread worldwide. The Company of St. Ursula also continued to exist and is federated worldwide today with members in 30 countries. Angela Merici was canonized by Pope Pius VII in 1807.
Source: Franciscan Media
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catholicpriestmedia · 1 year ago
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"Saint Angela Merici, Pray for Us!" #SaintoftheDay #OraProNobis 
📷 Painting of Saint Angela Merici and the Ursuline Martyrs in Ursuline Church, Fribourg, Switzerland / #LawrenceOP via #Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 DEED) #Catholic_Priest #CatholicPriestMedia
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foreverpraying · 2 years ago
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A man with a contrabass walking out of the arch of a half-ruined building, Leningrad, Russia, ca. 1940. Photo by Emmanuil Evzerikhin.
“Do not lose heart, even if you should discover that you lack qualities necessary for the work to which you are called. He who called you will not desert you, but the moment you are in need, he will stretch out his saving hand.” Saint Angela Merici
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27th January >> Mass Readings (Except USA)
Friday, Third Week in Ordinary Time
Saint Angela Merici, Virgin.
Friday, Third Week in Ordinary Time 
(Liturgical Colour: Green)
First Reading Hebrews 10:32-39 We are the sort who keep faithful.
Remember all the sufferings that you had to meet after you received the light, in earlier days; sometimes by being yourselves publicly exposed to insults and violence, and sometimes as associates of others who were treated in the same way. For you not only shared in the sufferings of those who were in prison, but you happily accepted being stripped of your belongings, knowing that you owned something that was better and lasting. Be as confident now, then, since the reward is so great. You will need endurance to do God’s will and gain what he has promised.
Only a little while now, a very little while, and the one that is coming will have come; he will not delay. The righteous man will live by faith, but if he draws back, my soul will take no pleasure in him.
You and I are not the sort of people who draw back, and are lost by it; we are the sort who keep faithful until our souls are saved.
The Word of the Lord R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 36(37):3-6,23-24,39-40
R/ The salvation of the just comes from the Lord.
If you trust in the Lord and do good, then you will live in the land and be secure. If you find your delight in the Lord, he will grant your heart’s desire.
R/ The salvation of the just comes from the Lord.
Commit your life to the Lord, trust in him and he will act, so that your justice breaks forth like the light, your cause like the noon-day sun.
R/ The salvation of the just comes from the Lord.
The Lord guides the steps of a man and makes safe the path of one he loves. Though he stumble he shall never fall for the Lord holds him by the hand.
R/ The salvation of the just comes from the Lord.
The salvation of the just comes from the Lord, their stronghold in time of distress. The Lord helps them and delivers them and saves them: for their refuge is in him.
R/ The salvation of the just comes from the Lord.
Gospel Acclamation Psalm 118:27
Alleluia, alleluia! Make me grasp the way of your precepts, and I will muse on your wonders. Alleluia!
Or: Matthew 11:25
Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children. Alleluia!
Gospel Mark 4:26-34 The kingdom of God is a mustard seed growing into the biggest shrub of all.
Jesus said to the crowds: ‘This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man throws seed on the land. Night and day, while he sleeps, when he is awake, the seed is sprouting and growing; how, he does not know. Of its own accord the land produces first the shoot, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And when the crop is ready, he loses no time: he starts to reap because the harvest has come.’ He also said, ‘What can we say the kingdom of God is like? What parable can we find for it? It is like a mustard seed which at the time of its sowing in the soil is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet once it is sown it grows into the biggest shrub of them all and puts out big branches so that the birds of the air can shelter in its shade.’ Using many parables like these, he spoke the word to them, so far as they were capable of understanding it. He would not speak to them except in parables, but he explained everything to his disciples when they were alone.
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Angela Merici, Virgin   
(Liturgical Colour: White)
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Friday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading 1 Peter 4:7-11 Each of you has received a special grace.
Everything will soon come to an end, so, to pray better, keep a calm and sober mind. Above all, never let your love for each other grow insincere, since love covers over many a sin. Welcome each other into your houses without grumbling. Each one of you has received a special grace, so, like good stewards responsible for all these different graces of God, put yourselves at the service of others. If you are a speaker, speak in words which seem to come from God; if you are a helper, help as though every action was done at God’s orders; so that in everything God may receive the glory, through Jesus Christ, since to him alone belong all glory and power for ever and ever. Amen.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 148:1-2,11-14
R/ Young men and women, praise the name of the Lord.. or R/ Alleluia!
Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights. Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his host.
R/ Young men and women, praise the name of the Lord.. or R/ Alleluia!
All earth’s kings and peoples, earth’s princes and rulers, young men and maidens, old men together with children.
R/ Young men and women, praise the name of the Lord.. or R/ Alleluia!
Let them praise the name of the Lord for he alone is exalted. The splendour of his name reaches beyond heaven and earth.
R/ Young men and women, praise the name of the Lord.. or R/ Alleluia!
He exalts the strength of his people. He is the praise of all his saints, of the sons of Israel, of the people to whom he comes close.
R/ Young men and women, praise the name of the Lord.. or R/ Alleluia!
Gospel Acclamation Matthew 11:25
Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children. Alleluia!
Gospel Luke 10:1-9 Your peace will rest on that man.
The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them out ahead of him, in pairs, to all the towns and places he himself was to visit. He said to them, ‘The harvest is rich but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to his harvest. Start off now, but remember, I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Carry no purse, no haversack, no sandals. Salute no one on the road. Whatever house you go into, let your first words be, “Peace to this house!” And if a man of peace lives there, your peace will go and rest on him; if not, it will come back to you. Stay in the same house, taking what food and drink they have to offer, for the labourer deserves his wages; do not move from house to house. Whenever you go into a town where they make you welcome, eat what is set before you. Cure those in it who are sick, and say, “The kingdom of God is very near to you.”’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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brookston · 7 months ago
Holidays 5.31
American Copyright Day
Barter Black Day
Battle of Jutland Anniversary Day
Bicycle Race Day
Big Ben Day
Bittereinders Day (Orania, South Africa)
Brothers & Sisters Day (EU)
Castile-La Mancha Day (a.k.a. Dia de Castilla la Mancha; Spain)
Covfefe Day
Flores de Mayo (Philippines)
Gawai Dayak begins (Dayaks in Indonesia, Malaysia)
Inspiring Teen Moms Day
International Blondes Day
International Enjoy a Cigar Day
International Flight Attendant Day
Jumatul Bidah (Bangladesh)
Jumat-ul Wida (India, UK)
Lady Godiva Day
London History Day (UK)
“Make My Day” Day
National Autonomous Vehicle Day
National Dam Safety Awareness Day
National Fisherfolks Day (Philippines)
National Flip Flop Day
National Foster Parent Appreciation Day
National Meditation Day
National Pik-Up Day (India)
National Smile Day
National Speak in Complete Sentences Day
National Utah Day
Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day
Ponto Faculativo (Brazil)
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Reconciliation Day (Australia)
Red Shirt Day of Action for AccessAbility & Inclusion (Canada)
Royal Brunei Malay Regiment Day (Brunei)
Russian Advocates’ Day (Russia)
Save Your Hearing Day
Scouts’ Day (Vietnam)
Speak In Complete Sentences Day
Take This Job and Shove It Day
Tulsa Race Massacre Anniversary Day
Web Designer Day
What You Think Upon Grows Day
White Armband Day
White Stork Day (Poland)
World Foster Day
World Meditation Day (UK)
World No Tobacco Day (UN)
World Parrot Day
Woundwort Day (French Republic)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Beer Judge Day
National Macaroon Day
National Matzah Brei Day
Independence & Related Days
Castilla-La Mancha Day (Spain)
South Africa (Union of South Africa declared, 1910; Republic of South Africa declared, 1961)
5th & Last Friday in May
Bake Challah Day [Last Friday]
Bermuda Day [Last Friday]
European Neighbours’ Day [Last Friday]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival begins [Last Friday, thru Sunday]
National Heat Awareness Day [Last Friday]
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day (Western Australia) [Last Friday]
Trader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Day [Last Friday]
Festivals Beginning May 31, 2024
Cincinnati Fringe Festival [Cincy Fringe] (Cincinnati, Ohio) [thru 6.15]
Dairyfest (Marshfield, Wisconsin) [thru 6.1]
Docudays UA International Human Rights Film Festival (Kyiv, Ukraine) [thru 6.9]
Fredericksburg's Dairy Day (Fredericksburg, Iowa) [thru 6.3]
Georgia Blueberry Festival (Alma, Georgia) [thru 6.1]
Georgia Peach Festival (Byron & Fort Valley, Georgia) [thru 6.1 & 6.8]
Greater Palm Springs Restaurant Week (Palm Springs, California) [thru 6.9]
Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival (Little Chute, Wisconsin) [thru 6.2]
Harvard Milk Days (Harvard, Illinois) [thru 6.1]
Hertug Hans Festival (Haderslev, Denmark) [thru 6.1]
June Dairy Days (West Salem, Wisconsin) [thru 6.2]
Lincoln Park Greek Fest (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 6.2]
Louisiana Seafood Cook-Off (Monroe, Louisiana)
Mike The Headless Chicken Festival (Fruita, Colorado) [thru 6.1]
Philly Beer Week (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) [thru 6.9]
Pine Island Cheese Festival (Pine Island, Minnesota) [thru 6.2]
Robin in the Hood Festival (Elmira, Canada) [thru 6.1]
San Joaquin County Fair (Stockton, California) [thru 6.2]
Smokin' In Steele BBQ and Blues Festival (Owatonna, Minnesota) [thru 6.1]
Taste Addison (Addison, Texas) [thru 6.2]
Taste of Omaha (Omaha, Nebraska) [thru 6.2]
Tomato Fest Week (Jacksonville, Texas) [thru 6.8]
Feast Days
Alessandro Allori (Artology)
Andrea Appiani (Artology)
Angela Merici (Christian; Virgin)
Basketball (Muppetism)
Camilla Battista da Varano (Christian; Saint)
Cantius and Cantianus, and Cantianilla (Christian; Sibling Martyrs)
Desecration Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Ellsworth Kelly (Artology)
Feast of the Visitation (Roman Catholic)
Genevieve of Paris (Positivist; Saint)
Grainne (Celtic Book of Days)
Hermias (Christian; Saint)
Insect Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
International No Tobacco Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Mechtildis of Edelstetten (Christian; Virgin)
Michel Kikoine (Artology)
Petronella (Christian; Martyr & Virgin)
Saint-John Perse (Writerism)
Syaday (Discordian)
Stella Maris Day (Pagan)
This Day … Again (Shamanism)
Triple Blessing of the God Buddha (Everyday Wicca)
Visitation of Mary (Western Christianity)
Walter Sickert (Artology)
Walt Whitman (Writerism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [20 of 53]
Prime Number Day: 151 [36 of 72]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Aniara, by Karl Birger Blomdahl (Sci-Fi Opera; 1959)
Back to Bataan (Film; 1945)
The Brave Little Toaster (Animated Film; 1989)
Brideshead Revisited, by Evelyn Waugh (Novel; 1945)
Catnip Capers (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
Choose Your Weppins (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1935)
The Common Reader, by Virginia Woolf (Essays; 1925)
The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills, by Charles Bukowski (Poetry; 1969)
A Day to Live (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Discovery, by Electric Light Orchestra (Album; 1979)
The Dizzy Acrobat (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1943)
Dragonheart (Film; 1996)
The Easter Parade, by Richard Yates (Novel; 1976)
The Word for World Is Forest, by Ursula K. Le Guin (Novel; 1972)
Eye of the Tiger, by Survivor (Song; 1982)
Fletch (Film; 1985)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (Film; 2019)
Good Girl Gone Bad, by Rihanna (Album; 2007)
Good Omens (UK TV Series; 2019)
Got To Get You Into My Life, by The Beatles (Song; 1976)
How to Trap a Woodpecker (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1971)
Klondike Casanova (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1946)
Love Is a Dog from Hell Charles Bukowski (Poems; 1977)
Man in Black, by Johnny Cash (Album; 1970)
The Merry Kittens (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, by Robert A. Heinlein (Novel; 1966)
The Muppet Movie (UK Film; 1979)
Now, Hare This (WB LT Cartoon; 1958)
Now You See Me (Film; 2013)
Opera Night (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Overload, by Arthur Haley (Novel; 1979)
Peppa Pig (Animated TV Series; 2004)
Rocketman (Film; 2019)
Soapdish (Film; 1991)
The Sum of All Fears (Film; 2002)
Undercover Brother (Film; 2002)
The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, by Walter Benjamin (Essay; 1936)
Today’s Name Days
Helma, Mechthild, Petra (Austria)
Krunoslava, Marija, Petronila, Vladimir (Croatia)
Kamila (Czech Republic)
Petronella (Denmark)
Elga, Helga, Helge, Helgi, Helja, Helje, Heljo, Helju, Olga, Olli (Estonia)
Helga, Helka (Finland)
Pétronille (France)
Helma, Mechthild, Petra (Germany)
Eremitas, Magos (Greece)
Angéla, Petronella (Hungary)
Felice, Ferdinando, Giovanni (Italy)
Alīda, Jusma, Jusmins (Latvia)
Anelė, Angelė, Gintautas, Petronėlė, Rimvilė (Lithuania)
Pernille, Preben (Norway)
Aniela, Bożysława, Ernesta, Ernestyna, Feliks, Petronela, Petronia, Petroniusz, Teodor (Poland)
Ermie (România)
Alexandra, Faina, Julia (Russia)
Petrana, Petronela (Slovakia)
Petronila, Visitación (Spain)
Pernilla, Petronella (Sweden)
Petrina, Petronella, Petrunia (Ukraine)
Camilia, Camilla, Camille, Petra, Petronella, Pier (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 152 of 2024; 214 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 22 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 24 (Yi-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 23 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 23 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 2 Blue; Twosday [2 of 30]
Julian: 18 May 2024
Moon: 40%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 11 St. Paul (6th Month) [Genevieve of Paris]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 74 of 92)
Week: Last Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 11 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months ago
Holidays 5.31
American Copyright Day
Barter Black Day
Battle of Jutland Anniversary Day
Bicycle Race Day
Big Ben Day
Bittereinders Day (Orania, South Africa)
Brothers & Sisters Day (EU)
Castile-La Mancha Day (a.k.a. Dia de Castilla la Mancha; Spain)
Covfefe Day
Flores de Mayo (Philippines)
Gawai Dayak begins (Dayaks in Indonesia, Malaysia)
Inspiring Teen Moms Day
International Blondes Day
International Enjoy a Cigar Day
International Flight Attendant Day
Jumatul Bidah (Bangladesh)
Jumat-ul Wida (India, UK)
Lady Godiva Day
London History Day (UK)
“Make My Day” Day
National Autonomous Vehicle Day
National Dam Safety Awareness Day
National Fisherfolks Day (Philippines)
National Flip Flop Day
National Foster Parent Appreciation Day
National Meditation Day
National Pik-Up Day (India)
National Smile Day
National Speak in Complete Sentences Day
National Utah Day
Necrotizing Fasciitis Awareness Day
Ponto Faculativo (Brazil)
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Reconciliation Day (Australia)
Red Shirt Day of Action for AccessAbility & Inclusion (Canada)
Royal Brunei Malay Regiment Day (Brunei)
Russian Advocates’ Day (Russia)
Save Your Hearing Day
Scouts’ Day (Vietnam)
Speak In Complete Sentences Day
Take This Job and Shove It Day
Tulsa Race Massacre Anniversary Day
Web Designer Day
What You Think Upon Grows Day
White Armband Day
White Stork Day (Poland)
World Foster Day
World Meditation Day (UK)
World No Tobacco Day (UN)
World Parrot Day
Woundwort Day (French Republic)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Beer Judge Day
National Macaroon Day
National Matzah Brei Day
Independence & Related Days
Castilla-La Mancha Day (Spain)
South Africa (Union of South Africa declared, 1910; Republic of South Africa declared, 1961)
5th & Last Friday in May
Bake Challah Day [Last Friday]
Bermuda Day [Last Friday]
European Neighbours’ Day [Last Friday]
Flashback Friday [Every Friday]
Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival begins [Last Friday, thru Sunday]
National Heat Awareness Day [Last Friday]
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day (Western Australia) [Last Friday]
Trader-Willi Syndrome Awareness Day [Last Friday]
Festivals Beginning May 31, 2024
Cincinnati Fringe Festival [Cincy Fringe] (Cincinnati, Ohio) [thru 6.15]
Dairyfest (Marshfield, Wisconsin) [thru 6.1]
Docudays UA International Human Rights Film Festival (Kyiv, Ukraine) [thru 6.9]
Fredericksburg's Dairy Day (Fredericksburg, Iowa) [thru 6.3]
Georgia Blueberry Festival (Alma, Georgia) [thru 6.1]
Georgia Peach Festival (Byron & Fort Valley, Georgia) [thru 6.1 & 6.8]
Greater Palm Springs Restaurant Week (Palm Springs, California) [thru 6.9]
Great Wisconsin Cheese Festival (Little Chute, Wisconsin) [thru 6.2]
Harvard Milk Days (Harvard, Illinois) [thru 6.1]
Hertug Hans Festival (Haderslev, Denmark) [thru 6.1]
June Dairy Days (West Salem, Wisconsin) [thru 6.2]
Lincoln Park Greek Fest (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 6.2]
Louisiana Seafood Cook-Off (Monroe, Louisiana)
Mike The Headless Chicken Festival (Fruita, Colorado) [thru 6.1]
Philly Beer Week (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) [thru 6.9]
Pine Island Cheese Festival (Pine Island, Minnesota) [thru 6.2]
Robin in the Hood Festival (Elmira, Canada) [thru 6.1]
San Joaquin County Fair (Stockton, California) [thru 6.2]
Smokin' In Steele BBQ and Blues Festival (Owatonna, Minnesota) [thru 6.1]
Taste Addison (Addison, Texas) [thru 6.2]
Taste of Omaha (Omaha, Nebraska) [thru 6.2]
Tomato Fest Week (Jacksonville, Texas) [thru 6.8]
Feast Days
Alessandro Allori (Artology)
Andrea Appiani (Artology)
Angela Merici (Christian; Virgin)
Basketball (Muppetism)
Camilla Battista da Varano (Christian; Saint)
Cantius and Cantianus, and Cantianilla (Christian; Sibling Martyrs)
Desecration Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Ellsworth Kelly (Artology)
Feast of the Visitation (Roman Catholic)
Genevieve of Paris (Positivist; Saint)
Grainne (Celtic Book of Days)
Hermias (Christian; Saint)
Insect Appreciation Day (Pastafarian)
International No Tobacco Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Mechtildis of Edelstetten (Christian; Virgin)
Michel Kikoine (Artology)
Petronella (Christian; Martyr & Virgin)
Saint-John Perse (Writerism)
Syaday (Discordian)
Stella Maris Day (Pagan)
This Day … Again (Shamanism)
Triple Blessing of the God Buddha (Everyday Wicca)
Visitation of Mary (Western Christianity)
Walter Sickert (Artology)
Walt Whitman (Writerism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [20 of 53]
Prime Number Day: 151 [36 of 72]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Aniara, by Karl Birger Blomdahl (Sci-Fi Opera; 1959)
Back to Bataan (Film; 1945)
The Brave Little Toaster (Animated Film; 1989)
Brideshead Revisited, by Evelyn Waugh (Novel; 1945)
Catnip Capers (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1940)
Choose Your Weppins (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1935)
The Common Reader, by Virginia Woolf (Essays; 1925)
The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills, by Charles Bukowski (Poetry; 1969)
A Day to Live (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1931)
Discovery, by Electric Light Orchestra (Album; 1979)
The Dizzy Acrobat (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1943)
Dragonheart (Film; 1996)
The Easter Parade, by Richard Yates (Novel; 1976)
The Word for World Is Forest, by Ursula K. Le Guin (Novel; 1972)
Eye of the Tiger, by Survivor (Song; 1982)
Fletch (Film; 1985)
Godzilla: King of the Monsters (Film; 2019)
Good Girl Gone Bad, by Rihanna (Album; 2007)
Good Omens (UK TV Series; 2019)
Got To Get You Into My Life, by The Beatles (Song; 1976)
How to Trap a Woodpecker (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1971)
Klondike Casanova (Fleischer/Famous Popeye Cartoon; 1946)
Love Is a Dog from Hell Charles Bukowski (Poems; 1977)
Man in Black, by Johnny Cash (Album; 1970)
The Merry Kittens (Rainbow Parade Cartoon; 1935)
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, by Robert A. Heinlein (Novel; 1966)
The Muppet Movie (UK Film; 1979)
Now, Hare This (WB LT Cartoon; 1958)
Now You See Me (Film; 2013)
Opera Night (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1935)
Overload, by Arthur Haley (Novel; 1979)
Peppa Pig (Animated TV Series; 2004)
Rocketman (Film; 2019)
Soapdish (Film; 1991)
The Sum of All Fears (Film; 2002)
Undercover Brother (Film; 2002)
The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, by Walter Benjamin (Essay; 1936)
Today’s Name Days
Helma, Mechthild, Petra (Austria)
Krunoslava, Marija, Petronila, Vladimir (Croatia)
Kamila (Czech Republic)
Petronella (Denmark)
Elga, Helga, Helge, Helgi, Helja, Helje, Heljo, Helju, Olga, Olli (Estonia)
Helga, Helka (Finland)
Pétronille (France)
Helma, Mechthild, Petra (Germany)
Eremitas, Magos (Greece)
Angéla, Petronella (Hungary)
Felice, Ferdinando, Giovanni (Italy)
Alīda, Jusma, Jusmins (Latvia)
Anelė, Angelė, Gintautas, Petronėlė, Rimvilė (Lithuania)
Pernille, Preben (Norway)
Aniela, Bożysława, Ernesta, Ernestyna, Feliks, Petronela, Petronia, Petroniusz, Teodor (Poland)
Ermie (România)
Alexandra, Faina, Julia (Russia)
Petrana, Petronela (Slovakia)
Petronila, Visitación (Spain)
Pernilla, Petronella (Sweden)
Petrina, Petronella, Petrunia (Ukraine)
Camilia, Camilla, Camille, Petra, Petronella, Pier (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 152 of 2024; 214 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 22 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Huath (Hawthorn) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ji-Si), Day 24 (Yi-Wei)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 23 Iyar 5784
Islamic: 23 Dhu al-Qada 1445
J Cal: 2 Blue; Twosday [2 of 30]
Julian: 18 May 2024
Moon: 40%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 11 St. Paul (6th Month) [Genevieve of Paris]
Runic Half Month: Odal (Home, Possession) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 74 of 92)
Week: Last Week of May
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 11 of 31)
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thepastisalreadywritten · 3 months ago
SAINTS OF THE DAY (October 21)
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In the fourth century, the pagan Saxons began to invade England, intent on destroying the Catholic Faith, and violating the purity of all young English virgins.
It was in the midst of this that a group of remarkable English girls fled from England to the Continent.
This group included Saint Ursula and ten of her friends, each having a thousand companions, making their number 11,011 in all.
However, in the year 383, Saint Ursula and her 11,010 companions were all found slaughtered for their purity and their Faith.
This great martyrdom occurred in Cologne, Germany.
A shrine has been erected to them there, containing as may of their bones as could be rescued. 
A religious order of nuns in the Catholic Church was established by Saint Angela Merici in honor of Saint Ursula in the year 1535. They are known as the Ursulines.
The Order of Ursulines, which is especially devoted to the education of young girls, has also helped to spread throughout the world the name and the cult of St. Ursula.
Saint Ursula is the patroness of Catholic education (especially of girls), Cologne, Germany, educators, holy death, schoolchildren, students, and teachers.
She is often represented in art and icons as a maiden shot with arrows, with a clock, and is often accompanied by a number of other companions who are being martyred in assorted, often creative ways.
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silvestromedia · 8 months ago
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"Keep to the ancient way and custom of the Church. established and confirmed by so many Saints under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. And live a new life. Pray and get others to pray, that God not abandon His Church but reform it as He pleases, and as He sees best for us, and more to His honor and glory." Saint Angela Merici)
Patron Saint of Handicapped People Patron
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tinyshe · 1 year ago
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More Saints of the Day January 27
St. Angela Merici
St. Aviates
St. Avitus
St. Candida
St. Datius
St. Devota
St. Emerius
St. Gamelbert of Michaelsbuch
St. Gamo
St. Gilduin
St. Henry de Osso y Cervello
St. Julian of Le Mans
St. Julian of Sora
St. Lupus of Chalons
St. Marius
St. Maurus
St. Natalis
Bl. Rosalie du Verdier de la Soriniere
St. Sabas of SerbiaS
t. Theodoric of Orleans
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portraitsofsaints · 1 year ago
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Saint Angela Merici
Feast day: January 27 (New), June 1 (Trad)
Patronage: sickness, handicapped people, loss of parents
St. Angela Merici was an Italian religious educator. She founded the Company of St. Ursula 1535 in Brescia, in which women dedicated their lives to the service of the Church through the education of girls. This organization later sprang the monastic Order of Ursulines, whose nuns established places of prayer and learning throughout Europe and, later, worldwide, most notably in North America.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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