#Sailor Juno
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sailorsenshigifs · 29 days ago
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 months ago
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Following up the weapon ask, the weapons themselves! not all of them are on scale because I wanted the dimensions of the canvas to remain the same for better posting purposes lmao. The Solar Sytem Senshi's weapons in the AU woo! LENGTHY FUCKING POST BELOW.
We start with Usagi/Moon as is good and proper - her first weapon is a chakram, which she summons from her tiara gem hence its similarities with it. After that she gets the Moonlight Wand, a small partially bladed item that she uses to canalize her healing powers... until Serenity hijacks her body and turns into Princess Sailor Moon, at which point the crescent becomes a short saber, turning the Wand into the Moonlight Blade. The Wand shatters after defeating Metallia and Usagi's wandless until she finally achieves her Super transformation, creating the Spiral Heart Moon Rod out of her love for everyone. She sticks with it until it evolves into the Eternal Crosier once she obtains her permanent Eternal transformation.
Then the Inners! Outside Minako, they all get their weapons upon upgrading to Super form.
Mercury creates the Harmony Shield out of her desire to protect everyone and keep the peace, taking on the form of a harp as well as it comes from her desire to truly pursue her musical inclinations instead of what she thinks her peers expect out of her.
Mars forms the Sacred Fire Bow out of a similar sentiment, with a focus on wanting to never miss her mark. The bow itself is shaped after a yumi, the style of longbow used in kyudo.
Jupiter forms the Forest Wheels, a pair of wind-and-fire wheels, in her desire to be strong enough to fight for those that can't, favoring her more melee style of combat.
Venus obtains her Charm Chain while still in her Base form, proving herself different from her past incarnation and, ironically, breaking free of her chains with it. The Charm Mic does come with Super, as she decides that her dream matters just as much as her duty, forming her own spotlight.
Earth creates her sword for similar reasons as the rest, with the added bonus of proving herself a capable Senshi protecting her own planet still standing.
Then we have Uranus, Neptune and Vulcan! Their weapons were created or obtained while in their Base forms instead of when achieving Super form. In the AU, there's only two Talismans, the sword and the mirror, which change shape depending on their wielder's desires. Haruka, focusing on the Sailor part of her name, morphs the sword into a cutlass, showing her own desire to be seen as useful and noble. Michiru, on the other hand, saw the mirror and went "But of course, such an item of great power would be a mere accessory. I am most assured in that it'll be able to aid me in melee combat, should I find myself embroiled in it." and the magic was like "GOD FINE HERE IT CAN STAB NOW" and turned the mirror itself into a reflective dagger. As for Aylin, her warhammer's pretty straightforward as far as weaponry goes.
Then we get Pluto and Mamoru, the odd ones! Pluto being Pluto, she keeps her Garnet Orb and Garnet Key Rod pretty much the same, only now it's not a Talisman, just a very powerful thing. Tuxedo Mask's first weapon, parallel to Moon's chakrams, are sunflower-shaped shuriken, used mainly to pin down and trap opponents. During the fight with Fiore, where he gets his own Super form, he creates the Sunflower Baton, which he uses mainly for defensive maneuvers more than offensive ones.
We now get to Tsubasa! she was my favorite batch lol. We start with the Cutie Moon Rod/Dark Moon Rod, used when acting as Sailor Chibimoon and "Sailor Nemesis" respectively. It's broken as the Dark Moon Rod after the death of Pluto. Then we get her first true personal weapon as Eclipse with the Heart Mace, showing her more physical inclination to fighting compared to her mom. Pegasus grants her the Kaleidoscope Sword to aid in her fight against the Dead Moon Circus, fashioned after his horn, and then after that, in her desire to have a ranged option, her power creates the Eclipse Rose Pistol, a sparkly, magical gun. Unlike Usagi, who only has her chakrams and her crosier, Tsubasa can switch around between all three of her weapons.
Last but not least, Tsubasa's crew! Chiara/Ceres gets the Spring Tact, a conductor's baton she uses to direct her magic. Paola/Pallas gets the Winter Orbs, which she can multiply ad infinitum and have a variety of uses, from aiding in her magic to just being freezing bombs. Joana/Juno gets the Autumn Daggers, a set of throwing knives which can be covered in stone for extra impact. Vera/Vesta of course then gets the Summer Whip, and she uses it accordingly. Saturn keeps her Silence Glaive as is good and proper, and then Lia/Nemesis gets the Mirror Shield, which she uses more as a canalizer for magic attacks and to deflect enemy ones.
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dangerousperfectionparadise · 8 months ago
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Artist graphic by shnily on weibo
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xtarmie · 7 months ago
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Sailor Quartet
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ianime0 · 6 months ago
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Sailor Moon: Cosmos Movie | Part2 | The Sailor Quartet has arrived!
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moonlightsdreaming · 1 year ago
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ramavoite · 7 months ago
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Pink Lady's Freezing Kiss!
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mangakachan · 30 days ago
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After a look of thinking and wrangling, I finally have my floriography pins displayed! ✨🤩
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silvermoon424 · 8 months ago
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Artist: Tsuki Kioku/Hana Ame (@_hanarain on Twitter)
Doujinshi: Yume no Tsuzuki
Scanned by: Me
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hothotmiso · 1 year ago
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sailorsenshigifs · 1 year ago
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drops-of-moonlights · 24 days ago
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and rounding up the Solar System Senshi, the future squad! Which gives me the chance to talk about my version of the Quartet so I'm happy about that lol. More below!
"Under the protection of the Silver Crystal, the Senshi Apprentice of Love and Justice, Sailor Chibimoon! In the name of the future's Moon, I'll PUNISH YOU!"
Tsubasa's first Senshi form! She uses a copy of Usagi's powers, weaker but manageable, and she is. Not happy about that lol. Her collar has 4 stripes and her hair is far closer to Usagi's in this form.
"Fighting in the name of Justice, blessed by the stars, Sailor Eclipse! And in the name of Justice, I'll crush you!"
Tsubasa's real Senshi form! And all she needed was watching her only friend die! Fun times for this girl. The future Senshi team are united in their gloves having unique ends, no sleeves, and no stripes in their collar.
"Fighting in the name of Grace, Sailor Ceres! Your heart will scatter like petals in the wind!"
Chiara! She's what happens when you mix Minako's flair, Rei's determination and Michiru's ego, aka she's insufferable (affectionate). Unlike canon Ceres she's yellow here just to balance the color coordination better, but she keeps pink for all the wild roses in her attire. Her Senshi power is over flora and wind, her alternate title the Senshi of Spring. All of the future team sans Tsubasa look up to one specific member of the Inners, and Chiara looks up to Rei.
"Fighting in the name of Innocence, Sailor Pallas! I'll make you curl up in regret!"
Paola! Like her original anime counterpart she's somewhat childish with a dark streak the size of the Moon lol. She's actually the oldest of 3 kids (the Quartet isn't related in the AU), so she has her friends to unwind and be less of a second parental figure, hence her childish tendencies. Her orb belt is purely decorative! Her power as Pallas is over weather with a focus on snow/ice, wind and lightning, getting the moniker of Senshi of Winter. The Inner she looks up to the most is Minako.
"Fighting in the name of Willpower, Sailor Juno! I'll grind you into dust for your actions!"
Joana! I made her butch and therefore she gets pants when transformed just like Haruka does. She's attentive and wants to help others, but can be sometimes overbearing in that desire and ends up wanting to do everything herself instead. As Juno her power is over earth, particularly sand and rocks, as well as wind and some level of decay, earning the title of Senshi of Autumn. The Inner she looks up to the most is Makoto.
"Fighting in the name of Instinct, Sailor Vesta! In the name of Vesta, I'll burn you!"
Vera! Fighty girl with a sense of justice as big as her lack of self-preservation. Loves animals. Loves sports. Is actually the smartest of the team, she just doesn't care about how well she does in school lol. As Vesta her power covers fire, light and wind (The Quartet shares Wind as a power as you've seen already lol), focusing on making heatwaves and heat in general, earing the title of Senshi of Summer. The Inner she looks up to is Mio.
"Fighting in the name of Rebirth, touched by the Silence, Sailor Saturn! You won't be able to escape your fate!"
Hotaru 2.0! Now with less trauma! I don't have much to say about her, she's pretty self-explanatory, but fuku-wise she doesnt' get the classic petal sleeves until her upgrade form and she has dark thights now. The Inner she looks up to the most is Usagi, which causes minor conflict with Tsubasa.
"Fighting in the name of Insight, Sailor Nemesis! You'll reflect on your wrongdoing right this instant!"
And we end with Lia! The youngest of the team, she's quiet and shy when not with her friends, but she's vindictive and tries really hard to not let her feelings get the best of her. She also prefers to leave others to take care of important stuff. As stated before, Nemesis has powers over mirrors and reflections, giving her minor control over metal, light, darkness and even water. The Inner she looks up to the most is Ami.
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dangerousperfectionparadise · 10 months ago
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New artwork from Marco Albiero
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revolutionary-thoy · 1 year ago
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The future senshi team! SPEEDPAINT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB-q1LLu6Fc
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azealeon · 2 months ago
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Hmm... the alliterations are tough now. We've had golden girls, so I can't exactly use "green gals" here. Hmm... viridescent vixens? Hey, I can actually use the word "vixens" here! Anyway, we've got Petz, Tellu, JunJun here. Enjoy! As usual, drawn by the immaculate @jisatsu-draw!
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mostly-magical-polls · 26 days ago
Best Magical Girl Squad - R1
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