#Sad headcanon
apollosothertwin · 4 months
when apollo has visions of the possible futures his eyes flash green and he can get really bad headaches
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twobitsblade · 1 year
i like to imagine that ponyboy finds and picks matching flowers for the gravestones of johnny and dallas, because he knows that johnny was the only thing dallas ever loved.
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ahfrickenfrick · 5 months
hey did you guys know that alfred and jason share a birthday on august 16th
so don’t think about how alfred finally found a good enough reason to celebrate on his birthday, only for it to be taken away
don’t think about alfred waking up every august 16th to an over excited child, bubbling about shared birthdays and wishes, now only to be met with the cold darkness of the early morning
don’t think about alfred now spending his birthday at a grave, dutifully cleaning the headstone of a child
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missjashin · 2 years
It’s been some time and Dustin and Steve go to see Wayne. Maybe he is moving out of Hawkins and they go to help with packing or maybe they just wanna check on him and he is reminiscing Eddie. Either way he has punch of old photos out. School photos, birthdays, first concerts, various different types from different ages.
One photo really catches Steve’s eye tho. It’s a group photo from the early 70s, taken in the summer. Steve asks Wayne “Why do you have this?”, seemingly little shocked and bewildered by the photo. Wayne looks at the photo and smiles telling it was taken in a summer camp Eddie once went. “That’s my boy” Wayne tells pointing one kid among the others. Dustin also looks at the photo and smiles. It seems like a good and happy memory.
So Wayne and Dustin get little puzzled when they hear choked sob coming from Steve. He is trying to hold it together but not really succeeding, his hands in his hair pulling so hard it can’t be comfortable. Just walking away from them now, fighting the tears. Rather weird and strong reaction for a mere summer camp photo, especially coming from Steve… Till you take a little closer look at the photo.
Because yes, with his buzz cut hair and thousand watt smile there’s little Eddie. Little Eddie who has his arm over another kid’s shoulder, pulling closer a little boy with a sweet smile, chestnut hair and tiny moles dotted on his face.
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mo0ns-and-stars · 14 days
I like to think that Sirius saw Peter as second chance for him to be a good older brother. To redeem himself for what he felt he did wrong with Regulus. Only to ultimately be betrayed by him and loose him to the death eaters aswell.
Little did he know he actally never failed Regulus in the first place.
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Sad Headcanon
The night after the Battle of Manhattan was the first night that there were more beds than campers in the Hermes cabin
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cupidscrule · 8 months
My hazbin hotel headcanons (some random, some sad)
Calls vaggie hot nonchalantly
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Attempted before
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skinwalker-bratz · 1 year
Eyeless jack cheating headcannons
Just because I'm traumatized and rarely have happy scenarios with my S/O characters unless they're women.
Warnings: angst, depression, cheating and mild nsfw.
-I'm very traumatized by relationships, but I still can't see Jack cheating on you, not out of pure willpower.
- but there are two scenarios in which he could do this: scenario 1 would be if he only had the opportunity to eat the victim if he had sex with them (for me he doesn't eat just kidneys but he can eat the whole person), or in scenario 2 if he met another demon.
- starting with scenario number 1, which doesn't make sense because Jack has much more strength than any human, so he doesn't need to have sex with the victim to devour them, he can easily overpower a person especially when he's hungry.
- but if it happens, he'll feel like shit and humiliated because he literally had to have sex with a human who is much weaker than him just to have dinner one night and betray his lover.
- so that leaves scenario 2, which is more likely to happen, and get ready because it's going to hurt a lot.
- in scenario 2 he will meet another demon (gender unspecified because my EJ is bisexual) and if this other demon is in heat, Jack will automatically go into heat too.
- he'll be very attracted to the other demon, to the point of forgetting that you exist, and if the other demon is up to the standards that EJ is most attracted to, that's it for him.
- like if the other demon have a small body and easy to dominate, Jack will fall to his knees for them. Bonus if they look good.
- When Jack comes to his senses, he'll try to stay as far away from the other demon as possible because he respects you and doesn't want to lose your trust, which has obviously been built up over time and it would be stupid to lose it so quickly.
- But if he doesn't hold back, he might not speak to you for a few days. Obviously you'll be worried, you'll text him but he doesn't answer, you'll call him but he doesn't answer, you'll ask the other creeps but they can't answer where he is.
- you might think something has happened to him, you'll get really worried and paranoid, imagining a thousand scenarios of how he might have been captured, if he's seriously injured somewhere and slowly dying or if he's already dead. And it will get to the point where you can't eat properly thinking about having lost your Jack.
- the other creeps will also be worried but maybe they'll just think he's just hunting or doesn't want contact now, maybe because he's depressed or something.
- when he comes back he won't want to look you in the face. He feels extremely guilty and dirty about what he's done, but he won't say anything so as not to lose your trust, he'll just make up an excuse for everything that's happened.
- Until the other demon started coming for EJ, he fell in love with them, and now he's all over them. Jack can't resist either and even though it feels wrong, he goes out every night while you sleep.
- EJ is becoming more and more attracted to the other demon than to you, his touch, smell and voice are very intoxicating, Jack is losing more and more of the attraction he had for you.
- the other demon is much more attractive than you in Jack's view, he starts spending more time with them, and all the relationship plans EJ had with you are forgotten.
- Over time you realize that Jack is becoming more and more distant from you, the moments of affection are becoming rare and the nights when you have sex are even rarer.
- you start to feel alone, you see other couples being happy together and having mutual affection but not you and Jack, you start to feel single within a relationship.
- you start to worry, maybe his mental health is fucked in some way, so you tell him if he needs to talk you'll be there to listen.
- you've had depression once, and you know how much it destroys you, so you don't want to see Jack destroyed too, you don't want to lose him.
- Until one night you wake up and look over, you see that Jack isn't around, and as you're thirsty and your bottle is empty, you decide to go to the kitchen to fill it up.
- as the mansion is huge, the trip to the kitchen has put you out of sleep and you notice that EJ is nowhere to be found, you look for him in the mansion and ask the nocturnal creeps but they haven't seen him.
- You return to your room but now come to new conclusions about your boyfriend's disappearance: what if he's hiding something or doing something he doesn't want you to know about? What if he's cheating on you? Now you're starting to get angry with him.
- You see him coming back through the window and you stand in the doorway staring at him, your eyes are piercing, you're clearly someone to be taken seriously, after all, you live in the Slendermansion for a reason.
- he also stares at you, but not as seriously as you, he's even a little intimidated by your gaze because he knows he's done something wrong.
- you ask for an explanation, he tries to think of another excuse but he feels it's not a good idea to do that, so he says everything. Looking down and half-shrinking like a dog with its tail between its legs.
- Now how you react is all up to you.
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euryvices · 6 months
terribly conceived zeus headcanon
when he heard jason was going to be born, he bought half of the baby store. granted, he wouldn't do this normally, but this woman had made him fall in love twice. so, his arms were full of toys but the most important one of them all was a tiny feather, enchanted to grow with the person it was made for. sadly, hera finds out. all the baby things are back in the stores, but, the feather stays. and each year zeus watches the feather grow, millimeter by millimeter. no one prepares him for the day the feather stops growing.
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sillylittledudestuff · 6 months
travis phelps headcanons
travis is actually agnostic, but hides it
he has heterochromia, but he wears colorized contacts to hide it
travis has dyscalculia
he has MANY fears including, hemophobia, phonophobia, claustrophobia, nyctophobia, and catagelophobia
he has a secret phone to text sal with
he bleached his hair to look less like his dad
bruises SUPER easily
he’s a compulsive liar, like sometimes can’t help it; he’ll lie over small stuff
sadder headcanons
his dad “punishes him” for small stuff like not doing his chores correctly, not getting home fast enough, etc
dad not only physically abuses him but verbally abuses him, denies him food, locks him in the basement/attic, makes him sleep outside entirely, and sometimes SA him
his mother isn’t present anymore, but when she was travis would take SO many hits for her
travis is like SUPER skinny.. like insanely skinny. you can legit see his ribs ( mainly hides it by wearing baggy clothes )
he tried self harm as a form of relief and when people didn’t notice ( mainly because of his other cuts and bruises and stuff ) it worsened it for him
was weirded out when sal was being nice to him because he’s genuinely never had someone other than his mother care for him
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clayderogatory · 1 month
this one is gonna get a little sentimental but i think leon still keeps one of his old baby blankets that he had since he was born. he probably had a lot of emotional value to him because it reminded him of his late parents, so he kept the momento to hopefully have another memory of them alive
if anyone asks about it he probably just tells them to not talk about it or whatever but you would never hear the fact that it means so much to him because it was one of the few things he had been able to hold onto from when he was a child. it's hidden away and kept in great condition so no one sees it and learns of one of the few weaknesses he has
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apollosothertwin · 6 months
Artemis might have been the only one who showed that they were happy when Apollo became a god again, but she is happy for the wrong reasons. She believes that Apollo is now safe and is happy because of that, but she also now thinks Apollo is back in Zeus’ good graces. Apollo is never actually on Zeus’ good side, but because she does not know about the abuse she thinks everything will be good now.
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peachfreak1750 · 30 days
✨Shockwave x Hot Rod/Rodimus head cannons!✨
(Idw continuity)
1). Shockwave is an emotionless scientist who is extremely loyal to lord Megatron. Shockwave does not “fall in love”, he wakes up, works, and then sleeps. His life is a constant stream of work and war… so how did he fall for Rodimus? Welp. Shockwave had been watching Hot Rod for sometime, he was curious about the outlier and had started a project, a project in which he would rip the bot apart and analyze his innards. This of course did not go to plan. He started becoming too curious about Hot Rod in a way he did not think possible. He then bottled up these emotions, ended his research and attempted to never think about it again.
2). So then, how did Hot Rod fall for Shockwave? Good question, not even he really knows. Hot Rod didn’t feel much for Shockwave, he never exactly thought about the guy. This all changed when he was captured by the Decepticons, he was held in isolated cells far from any other prisoners and interrogated everyday. Nothing of interest really happened while he was there… well except for when Shockwave showed up. Hot Rod maneuvered his way into a conversation with the cyclopes and began annoying the hell out of him. Hot Rod found that it was extremely entertaining to bug the scientist. After that Hot Rod started thinking about Shockwave simply, “I like annoying him” but he never thought any more than that.
3). After their first interactions, Shockwave attempted to avoid the speedster and Hot Rod started seeking him out. Hot Rod found that Shockwave was hesitant to kill him and that went to his head very quickly. Hot Rod and Shockwave began talking every time they were on the battlefield, simple witty banter that became inside jokes and full on conversations. Before they knew it they got trapped together inside a collapsing building, they decided to work together and saved each other’s lives. There was a moment after the building had crashed that Shockwave was going to kill Hot Rod but something inside of him fought that thought. He let Hot Rod live and left without another word. This led them down the road of saving each other/sparing one another’s lives.
4). Hot Rod is disgusted by Shockwave, he hates what he has done to the people he loves and he honestly wants him dead. Does that stop his feelings? God he wish it did
5). Shockwave thinks Hot Rod is extremely annoying and obnoxious but that does nothing to stop him from studying the mech and attempting to get alone with him.
6). Shockwave either likes geniuses or dumbasses, he is a bit of a moron sexual. He hates how reckless and selfish Hot Rod is, it fascinates him. He wants to understand Hot Rod because something about the guy just gets under his paneling.
7). Hot Rod likes mechs that are taller than him, smarter than him, and make him laugh. Which he was surprised to learn that Shockwave fits that criteria! Hot Rod is also very into the adrenaline of crushing on a crazed scientist who is trying to kill him.
8). Hot Rod was the first to realize that Shockwave liked him back, he honestly thought it was very obvious but Shockwave thought he was being super clever about hiding his feelings (he doesn’t understand feelings so how would he know how to hide them?). Roddy abused this information by teasing the poor scientist and getting information otherwise impossible to acquire.
9). When Shockwave is in love, he talks a bit more, especially when it comes to the person he is in love with. He thinks about them all the time and that is the worst torture. Shockwave HATES being in love and believes it is something horribly wrong with his processor. He has tried to fix himself multiple times but sadly it never works.
10). Shockwave is extremely protective, he wants to be the one to kill Hot Rod, not some random soldier! He is a bit of a yandere, he wants to kill any autobot who even touches Hot Rod. This of course is unintentional, Shockwave has no idea that is what he’s doing. It would be illogical to do such a thing, and yet he doesn’t know how to stop. The mer idea of someone else with Hot Rod drives Shockwave mad. These feelings are not shown as Shockwave has a wonderful poker face (LOL) but he still does feel this way regardless if it is obvious or not.
11). Neither side knows about their secret love affair. Hot Rod and Shockwave have dated other people/slept with people whilst still being in love. They still hate each other and know that they can’t be together so they pine forever and attempt to fill the gap. The only other person who knows about their feelings is Ravage. The wreckers also kinda noticed, but they don’t think it’s love, they kinda just think that they are arch nemesis’s.
12). Hot Rod has a weird fascination with Shockwaves hands. Roddy was hurt on the battlefield once and Shockwave was in a situation where he had to help him for his own safety. Shockwave patched the speedster up and Hot Rod had noticed how gentle Shockwaves hands could truly be. Since then Hot Rod dreamed about holding his hand.
13). Both Hot Rod and Shockwave despise touch. Hot Rod thinks intimacy of any kind is weird, he doesn’t like feeling all fuzzy inside it grosses him out. Hot Rod likes being a bit of a slut he doesn’t like actual love. So simple soft touches make him flinch and freak out. Shockwave is the same but without the slut part, Shockwave hates being in love and touches like hugs, hand holding, and kisses on the check are the worst. But for some reason neither of them seem to care when it comes to the other. Shockwave feels less uncomfortable with Hot Rod than anyone else and Hot Rod feels the same, in fact he wants all those soft cute touches (as long as it’s Shockwave who’s doing it).
14). Shockwave is extremely self conscious about his Empurata but only when he realizes he can’t kiss Roddy. Shockwave has an oral fixation, he himself does not have a mouth, but that very fact makes him very interested in other peoples mouths. He wants to kiss Roddy so bad that it makes him uncomfortable when his lack of mouth is brought up.
15). They have slept together ONCE. And that was it. They had one opportunity to be together and they took it. That night went on forever and they loved every second. Sadly it did end and they would never get the chance to do it again. Roddy never brings it up and neither does Shockwave. But of course they think about it as often as they can.
16). Shockwave hates the idea of starting a family and so does Roddy.
17). Shockwave likes work. That is his hobby. But, Roddy was the one to introduce him to human chess and he has been hooked ever since. Especially multidimensional chess.
18). Shockwave and Hot Rod have very few ways of communicating. So they made a secret system where they would send encrypted codes to one another to determine a place and time to meet up. Usually it’s to talk or to fight, but they do secretly meet up (This is much later in their relationship and stops when the war ends)
19). Shockwave doesn’t know how he feels about Hot Rod becoming Rodimus. Perhaps he doesn’t care, he honestly might just miss him.
20). Once the lost light started, the two never spoke again. They think about each other constantly, but that is all it is, a distant sad thought.
@littlebeanalien thanks for the idea!!
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lawielvspd · 3 months
I'm sad as hell so I come to bring you sad stuff
- Avalon suffers from phantom pain in his wings due to Darkar's torture, it is very likely that he ripped off feather by feather just to make Avalon suffer, that is why it's very rare to see him use his wings.
- Avalon will likely be the first to die, Palladium is only 56 years old and his race is one known for living a long time, and when Avalon dies, Palladium will live the rest of his life alone. (Plus Palladium is going to be Avalon's first and last love "Till Death Do Us Part" 😕)
- Palladium suffers from constant headaches because his hearing is very sensitive and the constant noise suffocates him. (When the battle to defend Alfea ended, he had to stay in bed for at least a week due to the damage the noise caused to his hearing.)
- It is very obvious that before Palladium evolved, he had a very bad time because none of his students respected him, he constantly wondered if he was good enough to be a teacher.
-After the problem with the fake Avalon and how creepy he was (you know what I mean), the first few weeks the students distrusted and looked at Avalon badly, making him feel nervous and overwhelmed most of the time.
- Yes, Avalon has nightmares ALL the time, they make him wake up sweaty, and sometimes he cries at night.
- Palladium is a very good friend, he will never put his own problems ahead of others' problems, EVER. ( yw what that means 🥺)
Anyways, Love u guys!!!💗💗
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planetarymesss · 10 months
Headcanons Part 2
these are gonna be on the sad side
logan was forever changed by his bullying experience. like he'll never look at himself the same way ever again. sure he's overcoming that trauma physically, but mentally ?? it will leave a scar that lasts his whole life 💔
i (dont) like to think that the twins are starting to fill in the spaces their dad left. they still miss him dearly, and they still go through every day knowing a part of them is lost, but they're beginning to patch up the holes and it feels scarily unnatural
aiden doesnt feel anything. hes just. numb. yeah he takes risks for the thrill but he's never really felt when his stomach falls or the suspense just before the big drop. he just doe things to pass the time.
tylers the mom friend whose instincts stem from trauma (bens the mom friend whose instincts stem from aiden. and trauma but mostly aiden). like hes overly protective because he doesnt want to lose anyone like he lost his dad, and then he doesnt want to deal w the consequences
i see a lot of "taylor healing her inner child posts" and i just want to add in to that in saying she tries to extend her "childish" antics towards ty bc she knows he was robbed of his childhood and she feels responsible in a way 💔
ashlyn feels really isolated due to her autism; shes gotten used to / sorta likes the feeling of mot having to deal w others due to her symptoms, but shes never made true friends. little does she know......
ben's inablility to speak properly still stings like yesterday. he wishes so bad and so hard that he had a normal voice and that he could sing scream talk wtv and that none if the shit w shane ever happened. he can make do --- he has --- but sometimes its hard for him to love himself regardless. he's getting there though love that for him
gee whiz i hope yall can deal with this dumpster fire think piece i just wrote uhm 💀
if this can get to at least 20 likes and 10 reposts ill make a part 3 --- happy version
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twistthescript · 3 months
☆ sad headcanons for Jane|Penny <3
Ooh- this one should be fun!
Okay, so headcanons for Jane|Penny (some will be seen in Exploring The Warehouse):
Jane occasionally has bouts of muscle memory where she randomly knows how to do stuff she shouldn't remember how to do... and after a small period of time, her body just doesn't know how to do those things anymore. When Jane just starts whipping out a random knitted bag or starts sewing holes in Mischa's clothes at random, the choir has learned to never interrupt her. It also means there are a lot of unfinished projects around because her body just stops remembering how to do stuff mid-action.
The porcelain of Jane's head is sometimes too sharp for the skin of her neck, causing it to bleed. The first time it happened, Ocean fainted. The second time... Ocean lasted a little longer before blacking out. Baby steps.
She has moments of hazy confusion, and it leads her to forgetting her experiences with her newfound friends. Temporary amnesia.
Jane did eat her birthday cupcake. She also has very dull taste buds... so she never got to enjoy it. On the contrary, she can taste strong things- like downing a bottle of hot sauce.
Sometimes she sits in front of Karnak's box in silent vigil so that even in death, he would have a friend. To add to that, she has found Virgil's dead body and set it in one of Karnak's hands- She has her Dolly- he should have a comfort too. He had a twisted sense of humor anyway.
She's afraid of the dark and loud, sudden noises. Ricky tells her about the stars and the dark becomes a little less scary.
Jane would rather feel everything than feel nothing, as counter productive it might be in some cases. This includes pain and fear.
Sometimes she tries to find a new head for Dolly. She hasn't succeeded yet.
Jane will sometimes remember small things- never things she has heard, seen, smelled, or tasted- those disappeared with her head, but touch is fair game. She will remember things like people holding her hands, or hugging her. Jane finds she likes those things, or rather, the past feel of those things- but she believes deep down, everyone is still afraid or wary of her so she'll never ask for them.
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