#Sad angst
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delusional-fantasising · 6 months ago
I Do Love You (Soldier Boy x GN reader)
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Summary: Reader tells him 'I love you' and he gets overwhelmed and shuts off.
Warnings: Soldier Boy kinda being an asshole/biggot, angst no happy ending, trauma, sexual undertone at one moment, slight misogyny, self hatred and emotional shut off
Word Count: 1176 words
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The night was young, Soldier Boy had agreed dating you during his time with your team, The Boys. But one thing was obvious, under his brave and dominant bravado he was scared of loving ever again. He didn’t want another betrayal, another heart break, it just wouldn’t let him sleep to the idea of ever loving again. He was terrified of the thought that you, the one person he had slowly began to trust without any benefits could love him.
Every woman’s words rang out in his ears whenever you smiled at him;
“They don’t and they never have. The woman are either humouring you or they’re scared of you. But none of them like you.”
“I didn’t love you, I hated you. We all did.”
Soldier Boy was sitting near you with an arms reach of you, sure there was a part that did somewhat loved you but another part of him was sabotaging himself, ‘They don’t love you. They are afraid of you.’
He wasn’t looking in your direction, he was watching a documentary with you about all the years he missed. It was hard for him to watch to learn everything that changed and forced to change so fast. He had slowly gotten used to the race change not that he had too big of an issue, sorta. He just couldn’t wrap his mind around the gender roles, he found it absurd that men were no longer expected too much to have an income but more rather be expected to be emotionally available, talk things out when things get hard, respect boundaries, and empathy.
“Phht back in my day I never had to do that, women where at home and I would give them pleasure and necessities,” He scoffed as he listened to the feminist rallies that happened. You almost choked on your drink when he mentioned the whole pleasure thing, it was no joke and there was rumours from past lovers of his that his only green flag was that he was the one to go for pleasure.
“Soldier Boy, you can’t be saying that!” You laughed with very much flushed cheeks, he rolled his eyes at you telling him what to do. He wasn’t a big fan of being bossed around, he had to be in control not someone else. But then you say something that made him freeze, his hands gripping the couch arm till his knuckles went white.
“You are so lucky I love you enough to let that slide for now but you seriously got to get with the times. Women don’t want just pleasure, they want emotional connection.”
I love you…
Soldier Boy just looks away without responding to what you said initially, he was focusing on what his therapist says whenever he feels like he’s going to have a PTSD episode. (The boys forced him to go)
Breath in for four seconds
Hold it in for four seconds
Exhale for four seconds
Hold it in for four seconds
Once he felt himself mostly calmed down he just gave a rude snarky response, his tone sarcastic, “Love. That’s a pretty big word, isn’t it? Especially for someone who barely knows me.”
“What? C’mon we have been dating for a month, you have told me some deep stuff. I just want to express some of my love for you,” You chuckled sounding confused at his sarcastic outburst but not taking it to heart since you knew that he sometimes does this to cope. You didn’t know you hit a trigger since the only one you knew about was nothing Russian around him especially the song ‘Escape’ as it triggered one of his worst episodes of exploding. Soldier Boy snapped at you and laughs with a mocking gesture as he waves his hand, “Oh so I opened up a few times and now you know me. This is crap and everyone now and days just throw that around with no meaning. I’m not some person who you can google and get all the real information about me, you don’t know anything about me besides what I want you to know.”
The bitter tone, the sharp cold glare as you could tell he was closing himself off emotionally off from you again. Trying to get distance to avoid a pain you never wish to bestow him.
“Benjamin, I want to know you then. I can’t do this if you just shut me out, I want you to feel safe around me. I really do love you,” You begin, bringing his real legal name to show how serious this conversation was. To show honesty to him and not some fake love that he has gotten in the past by a certain woman.
“Save it, I heard it all well too many times before, ‘I love you, Benjamin.’ Then follows is a knife to my back after you kick me down,” Soldier Boy spat the look of hurt in his eyes and his lip quivered slightly as he wasn’t ready for hearing someone say that to him ever again. “Benjamin I’m not Crimson Countess, I’m not going to hurt you like she did.”
“You can’t promise anything, no one can. Love is just a word, a filthy fucking lie people tell themselves to make them feel better. It doesn’t and will never mean anything to me!” He spat getting up from the couch to pace angrily not looking you in the eye anymore. His eyes getting watery at the thought of going back in the box.
The box
“That’s not true. Love means everything to me and Ben I mean it when I say I love you. Every little imperfection, even when you can being a raging asshole and slightly biggoted you have been changing for the better and I’m proud of you for it.”
Proud, he stopped in his tracks. His trembling hands at his sides turning into fists. He felt his walls of defense cracking at how much he wanted to believe your words but he just ended up muttering, “I used to believe that but love’s just a precursor to disappointment, it’s something to avoid the harsh reality of the real world… I don’t want to lead you on to disappointment”
He was avoiding being vulnerable but it was hard keeping everything bottled up. A tear was slowly building up threatening to spill, his muscles tensing up. Maybe a joke or another witty comment to brush off the stupid feelings. The feelings that made him weak.
“Ben, you won’t disappoint me.”
“Shut up. Just shut up,” Soldier Boy grumbled trying not to set off any alarms with you since he wasn’t facing you, he didn’t want you to see him cry, see him weak.
He isn’t in control
His feelings were going rampant.
You got up, sensing those tears practically going up to him softly cupping his face to make him face you. There was so much emotional turmoil brewing underneath the cold hard wall he placed up. He was scared.
Scared of you.
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kairukitsuneo · 2 years ago
⚠️Spoiler for Transformers: Rise of The Beasts⚠️
This is the alternative gayer comic version + post credit bonus. Please proceed with caution~♡
(Added freckles for Noah)
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☆ Bonus ☆
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Thank you for reading 💕💕
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ripmyselfxd · 4 months ago
Hold Me Until My Last Breath - (Theodore Nott)
Warnings- Death, swearing, sadness, smoking, mentions of Theo’s mom dying
A/N- Takes place during the battle of Hogwarts, you are Theo’s girlfriend
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How did it happen? That’s what you told yourself as you rushed through the empty halls of Hogwarts. It was a freak accident, Draco never meant to cast the spell at the same time you got in front of him. “Avada kedavera!” Draco had said it so smoothly, the spell shot out of his wand in an instant, the same time you came around the corner and hit you instead of Voldemort. Everyone from your friend group was there to witness your death, Draco, Pansy, Mattheo, Tom, Blaise, Enzo, and Theo~your boyfriend. “NO!” Draco dropped to his knees when he saw you crumble to the ground. It went silent, for about 10 seconds. Then Pansy cried out and ran over to you. Theo followed her, pushing her away and grabbing your still face, “Cara mia, don’t do this.” Tears welled up in his eyes as he put your lifeless body in his lap. He buried his face in your hair, inhaling your scent. “What the fuck, Draco?!” Enzo yelled with tears falling from his cheek, “It wasn’t my fault! She got in front of-“ Blaise cut him off, grabbing his collar, “Don’t finish that sentence.” Pansy pulled the boys off of each other, “Now’s mot the time, boys!” She looked back at you and Theo. Theo was sobbing, “THEO! We have to go!” Death eaters surrounded them, Mattheo and Tom pulled Theo off of your body. “NO!” He screamed at them as they dragged Theo away. ———————————-
It has been a week since you died and your funeral was today. Everyone you loved gathered, some crying and some staring blankly at the priest as he talked about your life. Theo was in the back, your friend group was spread out in various different places but he was in the back. He was smoking a cigarette and crying, as he was the only one in the back. He was think about what he could have done to save you. How your lifeless body looked in his arms. After the funeral he was the first one out of the church, he was about to walk home when your mother called him over, “Theodore?” He took a deep breath, throwing his cigarette down and smashing it with his foot before turning around, “Yes, Mrs. (Y/L/N)?” She took steps towards Theo, reaching her hand out and holding his shoulder. “Theodore, I know this is very hard for you. And I know this isn’t the first person that has been close to you, lost. But you can’t just… be sad like this. I know this was her funeral but you need to move on with life, don’t sulk over this. She wouldn’t want that.” She smiles at him before turning and walking out with your father. He stood there with his fists clenched, and tears pouring out of his beautiful eyes.
Instead of walking home, Theo walked the opposite way of his house, towards the graveyard. He walked thinking about you, then his mother, how her eyes looked, and how she smiled. Once he arrived at the graveyard he walked over to your grave. It was snowing out, he was in a his clothes from the funeral and a coat. He was cold but he didn’t mind that much. He took in a sharp breath when he saw the words: (Y/N) (Y/L/N), died at the battle of Hogwarts. He kneeled beside your grave and put your favorite flower on your grave, he smiled while saying, “I will always love you. I should have held you until your last breath.” He got up and wiped his pants of the snow the was on his knees, going over to a different grave and pulling out a different flower, “Hi mom,” He spoke with his voice cracking, “(Y/N) died, I feel helpless without her. But that’s how I felt when you died. Mom, I don’t know what to do, “ He chuckled and wiped the tears that escaped his eyes, “I-she was my one love. I-I can’t live without her.” He smiled before placing his mother’s favorite flower on her grave, and walked away ‘I should have held both of them until their last breath’ he thought while drying his tears, and going back to his life without the two people he valued the most in life.
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purrple-bat · 7 months ago
Anyway, since I'm thinking about Narilamb / CotL in general, here's some Angst.
Oh the Lamb being so heartbroken when they learn their fate is to die a sacrifice for a God once more. They thought they mattered more than that to Narinder; that they could had lived this wonderful life by his side as he rightfully took his claims. But those were all fantasies they had deluded themselves with. After all, what was a Mortal compared to a God? Nothing.
Yet shouldn't they be happy? Their God will be freed of their chains. They will take their place once more and rule, hopefully, rightfully; fix the mistakes of the Bishops of Olds. Yet the Lamb is still bound in chains. Not the same ones as before, no. The chains of Fate wished for the last lamb to die to sacrifice. And so will be their end. The crown is whispering to fight back; to survive. Yet nothing can go against Fate. Trying to push back fate is what led the Bishops of Old to their doom afterall. And wouldn't it cause more problems? If they fought back, wouldn't their God still be in chains one way or the other? Is this really how they want to repay the one they have so carelessly fallen in love with?
And so they let themselves die for him, even tho they so desperately wished they would look their way like they used to those long nights where they would talk for hours without care in the world for anything else. It all hurts so much. The Lamb had gotten used to the pain, becoming numb to it, yet this felt so harsh on every inches of their body and through every single veins. They can't help the tears pouring out of their eyes - or perhaps it is blood - or the desperate little plee for their God to appease them. But they were just a tool to them, a simple sacrificial Lamb. The only respite they can get is being happy that at least one of them is free of their chains, even if it wasn't them.
(I do remember this art AU someone did where Narinder would get nightmares, most likely induced by the Crown, of what they have lost. Their most devoted faithful, died for their freedom, their last words begging his help, Yet he did nothing. And now he has lost the only person that ever cared for him more then just as a God. The only person which he didn't need be someone else with. The only person who didn't shy away from saying their piece and going against him in opinions. The only person who understood him... And it's all his fault.)
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jubburb · 5 months ago
Satoru Gojoᡣ𐭩
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
As the days go by, you feel softer and frankly quite weaker. Once upon a time, you were a strong sorcerer. Almost as strong as Satoru but.. that was all in the past. You live quietly in the comfort of your own home, keeping a garden in the backyard.
This is what he wanted, a lovely life with you, tending with tiny plants, living in peace. Everything he wanted to experience.
You stood up from your rocking chair, joints aching from the force. You walked towards the sliding door, looking at the garden you've made.
"If only he could've seen this..I miss him"
As you lean against the door, a cold breeze came in, shuddering while you grabbed another blanket.
"This is the best I could've done Satoru, I hope you like it."
The days are getting colder, and so have you. But your love never faded away for the strongest, Satoru Gojo. The love of your life, who died much too early to your liking, left you an ache in your heart.
It's too much to bear, but you hope that someday you'll be able to let go of all of the guilt and live with Satoru in the afterlife. You can't really say you were his one and only, but it's safe to say that you were his partner in life. Forever soulmates, forever bonded.
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crybyemissamericanpie · 1 year ago
Old friend - Mike Schmidt x gn!reader (angst)
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Old friend - Mike Schmidt x gn!reader (angst)
TW:Mention of suicide attempts,Mention of abuse,Bit of cursing
The office was thick with tension as Mike met their gaze, the lingering smell of coffee seemingly in line with the general ambience of the room.
While others may have assumed there was a deeper layer of resentment at work, the truth was that there was simple too much pride involved between the two of them to acknowledge any animosity.
Mike spoke up first, voice low and carrying a hint of tension in it, “I’m doing my job perfectly fine, I don’t understand why they brought you in."
They were no strangers to eachother and they had some history too,they knew each other way back in high school,they weren't in good condition now for sure
"You fell asleep on the job"They says looking at Mike with a calm face
“I was resting my eyes…” Mike murmured,annoyed “They look just the same as closed ones, anyway.”
He shifted in his seat, the chair letting off a slight creak. Mike hated this place with a passion, the night-shift being too quiet and lonely for comfort, so he had always taken to having a nap whenever possible. It was a wonder the boss hadn’t caught on by now…but suddenly an old ex-friend of his decides to show up,and get the job just to be with him“You and I have been through this song and dance before…”He said.silence fills the room
"We both fucked up okay?you don't have to always bring up the past"They say,frustrated.Looking down at Mike who is sitting infront of the desk with the cameras to the whole place
“What exactly have I ever done wrong?” Mike demanded, voice low - although more out of his general dislike of speaking.
The truth was, he and them had always been the same,both just as stubborn as each other and too proud to concede on anything.
“I’m not the one who left my responsibilities to chase a boy.” Mike muttered,looking away from their eye trying not to hold eye contact.
Mike and Their fathers really liked each other so they grew up together,but when both of their parents died, something clicked inside of them
They stays quiet for a moment,looking at Mike
"I was going through something too, you know what it was...And yeah I chased a boy! Yeah! I left my whole life behind me for a boy that just ruined me,cheated on me and abused me physically and mentally and I was left broken."They burst out
"I didn't get in contact with you cause I knew that I couldn't even take care of myself not even you and Abby,i didn't wanna give both of you another hard thing, to deal with also with me. When I accepted of what happened I tried helping cause I knew that I could finally help and not just be a distraction"They says,their eyes full of hope
Mike stayed stone-still as he listened to your sudden and lengthy explanation, mind racing with different thoughts and reactions. His own mothers hadn’t been fond of them either, although there weren’t any concrete reasons for their dislike they simply “had a feeling”.
He considered their words for a long moment.he understood their struggle, and understood why they did what they did. But they couldn’t run from your responsibilities when it came to family, and leaving Abby behind didn’t help any.
“You could’ve tried a bit harder.” Mike muttered eventually.
They sigh"mike.listen here, I tried to kill myself a lot in that time but do you know why I didn't do it?Because of you and Abby,cause I knew and thaught that if I'm in a better place of mind I could help and you would accept it"They confesses hardly and a bit harshly,their eyes darting into his trying to not shed a tear
“I understand that….” Mike mumbled, shifting his weight uncomfortably in his seat. He hadn’t known that they had dealt with anything close to that, but now he could see the toll it had taken on them.
Mike didn’t want to seem weak, despite his true thoughts and feelings on the situation, “It’s still not great that you just left us like that. What if I needed you?”
"I would have been a distraction,I couldn't help you or Abby if I didnt know how to help myself,I would have been just another ton of weight on your back for you to worry about"They say,trying to keep their breath steady
“And I wasn’t a distraction to you?” Mike demanded, voice louder than before out of spite.
He couldn’t help but feel hurt by some of their words - they were true, yes, and they had certainly done the right thing by staying away at that time, but it still sucked that they hadn’t kept in touch with him or Abby.
“You left me, and Abby, and we didn’t hear anything from you for years!” Mike pointed out.
"Bullshit,I sent birthday cards and holiday cards everyday with a small stupid qoute on it and my name!"They said fighting for justice ,for mike to realize that they arent that bad that mike think they are
“You think cards meant anything to me? You know Abby, she loved those cards, she used to read them over and over as if they were some kind of message of hope,” Mike said, voice softening.
“But for me? They only served as a reminder that my best friend had left.” Mike murmured.
"I was ashamed of who I was of what have I become,I moved country side,I had food delivery,I had a job that I didn't have to talk to people and stay in my house and just write, I would have never had a thought that maybe I could show up to your guys house"They whisper and admit,they were dreaned at the time,mentally and that made them sick
they wouldnt get out of bed,brush teeth,eat,work out,cook.
do anything.basically.
But Mike didnt know that even after they confess,he would never understand,he saw them just as a person who cut him and Abby out of their life without saying goodbye and now suddenly wants to come back or...
Mike thought about it for a moment, considering their words and what they had gone through.
He knew the feeling of shame, and the weight that accompanied it, and knew how hard it was to escape from that place.
Still, no matter the reason, they had left his only sister for years without a word although they had suffered, what right did they have to do that to not even Mike but Abby?
“Why did you come back?” Mike asked,raising an eyebrow as he looks up at them
"im-..."They sigh"im here to help you guys,i talked to Abbys teacher and im worried and finally i can help"They say
Mike furrows his eyebrows,a bit of guilt washes over him but he tries to ignore it
"you dont have to accept,if you want me to never talk to you or abby ever again and just keep sending cards,ill do it."They say as they look into his eyes
He sighs"We dont need your help.You can leave"Mike mutters under his breath
They nod and walk out of the office.
The guilt was still on Mikes heart but he didnt trust them now,he didnt want them to come back to their life and then leave like a building
Mike just sat there and thought was he right was he wrong?questions filled his head but his choice was final.he sees them leave throught the cameras,getting into their car ,then driving away...
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tyrannosaurusrexxi · 1 year ago
Ote'kan giving Alice a reminder she also has blood on her hands in a very yautja way (aka harshly)
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sporadicsweetswitch · 9 months ago
Trying to find this really old fanfic, please help! Going crazy trying to find it!!. It was little (extremely) angsty and had a sad ending.
All I can remember from it is that it was an AU fanfic where Marinette visits a theme park while she is sick and Adrien is in charge of the rides and works there or is visiting at the same time. They become friends and I think she says "big life, small world" and dies at the end from cancer or something?
I cannot remember the ending fully or the name. Please help!!
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cityzenchick · 1 year ago
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That moment when ....... following an earlier row between you and Ruben, he had stormed out out of his flat, upset that you had been so short-fused with him as he was about to leave for a match ...... after half an hour of sobbing tears of pure frustration, you knew it was actually you that had over reacted, so, feeling guilty, you hastily rushed to your car and drove as fast as you could to the Etihad ........ you literally ran into the building to try and speak to him before the match .... and when you eventually spotted him following Kalvin down the corridor, you called out his name to get his attention ...... he turned abruptly, his eyes meeting yours, and he gave you a stern icy glare before turning away and continuing to follow the rest of the squad ...... that look left you feeling broken ....... and you knew he wasn't ready to forgive you .......
.... until much later when you were just leaving your best friend's house (you had gone there straight from the Etihad needing hugs and reassurance from your bestie) ........ outside you were met with your impossibly handsome boyfriend sitting in his car, his head tilted as he wound the window down, looking at you with apologetic puppy dog eyes that let you know that he too was sorry and everything was going to be okay ........
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delusional-fantasising · 3 months ago
Hii Purple Cat! I have an idea for you (one you don’t have to write btw just offer your own thoughts and input) and it’s an angsty one!
So basically, I’ve had this HC that Noah’s father was extremely schizophrenic as well as abusive whenever he had episodes and was completely off medication, so episodes were often.
And with these episodes, Noah grew up with a terrifying fear of ever becoming like this father. Similar to Mirage, who I think, back in Cybertron — had a pretty abusive mentor who trained him and other autobots to be a spy. But Mirage was the “favorite”.
Now, hear me out. Imagine Noah’s family play a prank on him by locking him in the bathroom. Well not his family specifically, more like Kris. And yeah, Noah is playing along but he does have stuff to do and does get increasingly agitated the longer he’s in there.
And then, Kris goes “Fine, I’ll get you out of there” and calls Noah by their father’s name.
And it’s just silence and Noah’s like “…What did you just call me?” and his breathing gets heavier, he’s triggered and nothing stopped him from hitting his fist on the door and yelling “FUCK YOU.” to his 11 year old brother.
And it’s heartbreaking, because when Brenna heard that, a thought crossed her mind that her husband was back in the house and not in a good mood before she remembers he left. Because nobody’s heard someone screaming “fuck you” for a long time.
And of course, this scares Kris and he goes to get the key to let his brother out. They’re both stammering apologies but when Noah raises his hand, just to probably lean on the doorway or scratch the nape of his neck; Kris flinches.
Kris flinched at him.
And that made Noah feel so shitty.
And with Mirage, something similar happened. He was in a situation, clearly uncomfortable but wouldn’t say anything since the rest of the autobots were having fun and when he keeps asking to leave and gets stern about him, Optimus or Bumblebee try to make a joke.
Optimus by calling Mirage by his mentor’s name (he and the mentor knew each other) and Bumblebee by even mimicking the mentor’s voice.
And hearing that, literally just hearing a phrase and it’s poorly mimicked and doesn’t even sound like the mentor but it doesn’t stop Mirage from yelling something very similar to “fuck you” in cybertronian, at the same time the “mentor” does too.
And it’s crazy because ever since being on Earth, Mirage seemed to already know the language and hasn’t spoken any Cybertronian ever since the autobots have known him.
So yeah, take these two scenarios as you will :p
Holy smokes i thought I answered this a long ass time ago i am so sorry but once I finish up a few things I will write this because I can picture this really well. I truly think that the ship Miroah was built off of being parallels of each other though
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ripmyselfxd · 5 months ago
Never Forget - (Joao Felix)
Pairing- Joao Felix x fem!reader
Summary- Joao is in a game when his coach pulls him aside, telling him the worst news he had ever heard
Warnings- ANGST!! Sad, very sad. Nothing happy
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”Here is halftime, the teams will be back soon.” The announcers announced, Joao stormed off of the field, very pissed off because he has missed 2 shots already. He was also mad because he and you had a fight earlier, and you left. As he comes off of the field his assistant coach runs up to him, ‘Now what?!’ He thinks. “Joao!” He yells, waving his arms. “What?!” Joao says as he sits down drinking water, his coach has wide eyes as he says, “You have a call.” Joao is confused, why would he have a call at 9:47 in the night and more importantly, why would someone call him at his game? He snatches the phone from his coaches hand, “Hello?” He tries to keep his cool because he doesn’t know who he is talking to. “Hello? Is this Joao… Felix?” He doesn’t recognize the voice, it is a female voice. “Yes this is him, what do you need?” He grips the phone harder, trying his best not to snap. “Do you have any connection with (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” He immediately calms down, then becomes worried, “Yes, she is my girlfriend, why?” The lady takes a deep breath, “This is the hospital,” His heart drops to his feet, she continues, “Your girlfriend got into a car accident and is in bad shape.-“ He doesn’t need anymore information, he hangs up the phone hading it back to his coach. His face filled with guilt, and sadness. He asks his coach “Can I go-“ He interrupts Joao, “Yes, go now.” Joao rushes out of the stadium, quickly getting in his car and driving to the hospital. Once he checks in with the lady at the front desk, she tells him you are in room 326, on the 2nd level. He rushes to the elevator, not sparing his fans even a glance. He goes up, it feels like hours for him to reach the 2nd level but eventually he does, jogging to room 326. He runs into the room and sees your still figure, along with your parents (and siblings) crying. He walks over to you, “Hey, it’s me. I- God, I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t want you to leave, this is all my fault. If you didn’t leave then this would’ve never happened.” He starts crying. Suddenly, your heart monitor goes silent. Your whole family freaks out in sobs and cries as the doctor pushes them out of the room. He stands there, red wide eyes, sweaty soccer/football uniform, and messed up hair. The doctor pushed him out of the room, shutting the door. He stands there, helpless and alone, hoping-praying they save you. About half an hour later, the doctor comes out. Joao stands and rushes over to him, “Well, how is she?” He croaks out, voice hoarse. The doctor gives him a sad, guilty look, Joan’s heart shatters to pieces. “No, no, no. No, your joking with me, right?” Joao looks at him with pleading eyes, the doctor shakes his head, putting a hand on Joao’s shoulder, “I’m so sorry, son.” And with that, the doctor walks off. Joao slides down on a wall, putting his head in his knees. “No.” He whispers while crying- sobbing even. “No.” He says a bit louder. He sobs, thinking back to all of your memories together, how you two meet- it was summer and you where in Portugal for a business trip. You meet at the beach, talking to each other for hours. His mind jumps to your first kiss- you two had just finished your first date, him driving you home. Once you got home he opened the car door for you, letting you out. ‘Thanks’ ‘Anytime, meu amor’ You faced him and then slowly leaned in. Lips meeting in a soft kiss. His mind was racing, jumping from memory to memory, your scent, voice, clothes- everything. He was trying to remember everything about you, capturing you in his mind. One memory stuck out to him, when he lost a big match- the Euro 2024 to be exact. You were at home with him, cuddling, after the loss. You were comforting him, holding him tight and whispering how he did so good, “Never forget, I will always love you. No matter what. And until the day I die.”
A/N- AHHH!! I almost cried like three times while writing this. 😢 Who else, cause I know I’m not the only one.
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tacotuesday25 · 2 years ago
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My interpretation of Crowleys fall. I tried to make him look regretful because I think we all know he wasn’t fully on board to begin with “just hung around the wrong people”. Also I can’t tell if I like the sketch more then the coloured one. Idk.
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i-feel-like-eat1ng-stars · 11 months ago
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Been balls deep in this Hellaverse hyperfixation so here, have some Angel Dust angst inspired by something I found on Pinterest
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icycoldninja · 1 year ago
Hey, love your DMC fanfics, can I request DMC5 Dante with sweet and kind s/o in her twenties, meeting fem reader parents who are really strict, conservative and lil abusive especially the reader's mother. They have weird ideas of purity for women and are very patriarchal.
Hello, hope you're well. Thank you very much, I am more than honored that you enjoy my writing. I am afraid to say that I have chosen to omit several aspects of your request as I wish for this blog and all material posted on it to remain free from political and social reform-related biases. In order to preserve the intended mood of the piece, I have replaced the aforementioned omitted material with synonymous themes, as needed. I understand that this may be disappointing to you, and for that, I apologize. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this fanfiction and that you have a fruitful and productive day. Thank you for your patience and leniency.
Terrible idea (DMC5! Dante x Fem!Abused!Reader)
TW: Controlling parents, violence, and implications of physical abuse incoming; if you are uncomfortable with these themes, DNI.
You sighed, resting your cheek on your palm as you stared out the car window, absently watching the blurred scenery rush by. Your heart was pounding in your chest and your hands felt clammy; you couldn't believe this was actually happening.
For context, today was the day Dante had agreed to meet your your parents. Normally, this would be a joyous occasion, but in this case, it was terrifying because your parents were less than pleasant, to say the least. They hated the idea of you leaving their (abusive) household so much, they did everything they could to make your relationships--be they friendships or otherwise--crumble. At first, they'd attempted to keep you isolated, but now you had a job, and therefore, your own house, which was conveniently far, far away from theirs, so there was nothing they could do. Their only remaining tactic was to embarrass you and insult anyone you brought to see them until your guest left, either in disgust or awkwardness. The only reason Dante lasted as long as he did was because he'd never met them--you'd kept their existence a secret from him and his existence from them up until this point.
You hadn't wanted to bring Dante to meet them, but he'd insisted. Because his parents weren't alive anymore, he was unable to introduce you to them; to make up for it, he'd meet your parents instead. You never told him how horrible your folks were, however, and were seriously regretting it now, but he was so excited--you just couldn't burst his bubble like that. Maybe, hopefully, things would go well today.
"Hey, babe, you OK?" Dante asked, briefly glancing in your direction.
"Yeah," You sighed, turning and smiling at him.
"You sure? You don't sound ok."
"I...I'm fine, don't worry."
"Ok...well...we're almost there, according to the GPS."
You nodded, sucking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly, not really sure what to say. You honestly didnt want to be going to your parents' house; Dante didn't need to get involved in your family issues any more than he needed to.
"Come on, I see that frown. You can tell me if something's wrong, y'know," Dante encouraged, patting your shoulder.
"There's nothing wrong," You responded, forcing another smile. "I'm fine." Dante would have pursued the conversation, but there was a sharp turn coming up that he needed to focus on. Once he rounded the curve, you spotted the a building in the distance; a familiar building that you recognized as your parents house; the building that had never been your home.
"This your folks' place?" Dante asked, and when you nodded, a big grin broke out on his face. It was clear he was excited to meet those who had "raised" you. It was a shame he had no idea how awful they truly were. "Alright," He exclaimed, grinning, "Let's go meet the people that raised my angel!" He flung the car door open and bounded out out it, with you slowly following suit. Poor Dante. He had no idea what waited for him there, and it was all because of your weakness. Now that you were literally on the threshold of hell itself, you felt so upset with yourself for not warning him earlier; for being so selfish and keeping the truth a secret from him. You were sure that after today, he wouldn't want to be with you anymore, and so, you decided to simply accept your fate and get on with it; maybe the day would pass by quicker if you pretended to enjoy it.
Your anxiety and fear reaching its peak, you rung the doorbell and waited for the door to swing open; waited to be greeted with the frowning faces of those horrible monsters you couldn't believe you called your parents.
Sure enough, the door creaked open, and you were met with your mother, a scowl plastered across her wrinkling face.
"Y/N," She greeted, stiffly, prompting you to force a smile.
"Good afternoon, mother." Your mother then turned her attention to Dante and narrowed her eyes at him.
"And who's this?"
"My...umm....my..." You words died in your throat; your mother's scrutinizing gaze silencing you. You sighed, folding your arms and averting your gaze. Thinking you were just too excited to function properly, Dante eagerly piped up and finished your sentence.
"I'm her man, name's Dante, nice to meet ya!" He stuck his hand out, expecting your mother to shake it, but she did no such thing.
"What? A boyfriend? Are you crazy? We told you never to get a boyfriend--you don't deserve one! " She yelled, her piercing, fiery gaze directed on you. "Answer me, girl, what were you thinking?!" You couldn't. You felt like there was a burning lump in your throat, preventing you from speaking. If you did, you were sure you would cry. You knew this was a bad idea. What were you thinking indeed, coming here and bringing Dante with you? Clearly angry at your lack of a response, your mother crossed over to you and slapped you across the face. "What has gotten into you, child? How dare you disobey us and bring this filthy troll to our doorstep?! How dare you?!" Suddenly, your mother seized you by the arm and began beating you with her bony, yet painful fists; his vise-like grip keeping you in place even though you screamed in pain and tried to get away.
"Stop it, let go of her!" Shouted Dante, forcing your mother away and standing between the two of you. You sobbed, clinging onto his arm as you desperately tried to wipe away your tears.
"Get out of my way, you have no right to stand between me and my daughter!"
"She ain't your daughter if you hit her like that--the hell you thinking?! What was that even for?!"
"Shut the fuck up, you worthless loser," Retorted your mother, spitefully. "You have no right telling me how to parent my child.
"She's not your child if you treat her like this," Dante said, coldly. "Come on, babe, let's get outta here." He wrapped his arm around you and tried to guide you away, but you remained still.
"I'm sorry, Dante," You said, still crying. "I shouldn't have dragged you into this. I'm so, so sorry--I should have told you about them sooner."
"And what's that supposed to mean, young lady?!" Demanded your father, striding into view in his usual stained shirt. "And who the fuck is this?"
"Her boyfriend," Growled your mother, turning her nose up in disgust. "A bad influence, too." Your father grunted, roughly grabbing your wrist and jerking you towards the house.
"That's easily taken care of. Get outta here, loser, you'll never see my daughter again." You turned and looked at the angry expression on Dante's face, wishing you had the strength to stand up for yourself and break free. Unfortunately, you didn't; you were too afraid to do anything. You could only watch as your horrible parents dragged you inside their house of horrors and slammed the doors in your boyfriend's face.
Once again, you found yourself questioning your thought processes that led you to set foot within a 40 mile radius of your parents' lair.
You knew it; you felt it in your bones and your gut, but you did it anyway.
You were such an idiot.
This really was a terrible idea.
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soxma · 1 year ago
It Was… ⋆·˚ ༘ *
by: ouma
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authors note: hi whoever is reading this, i write a lot of short stories and i wanted to at least publish one cuz the idea of the concept was smthn i was proud of, if you ever do read this thank you so much! :)
grammars kinda ass but its wtv 🙏
word count: 607
It was summer… the warmest time of the year, where grass was a more vibrant shade of green, where the sun rays at you wherever you may be, where the breeze softly ruffles your hair. This season is typically loved by many. It was loved by you. Walking hand in hand as you spoke about how much you loved this time of the year, and every time you did I couldn’t help but look at you and think how much I loved you, as you looked at me with so much gleam in your eyes as you happily spoke about what you loved. I, on the other hand, never liked summer—it was too hot. The light from the sun angrily aims its rays at you, as you can barely see whilst the heat is drowning you from sweat. I hated summer, but I came to like it because you did. Every summer time we came to this small hill. It wasn’t far to the point where it was too quiet, nor was it too loud either. You can still hear the trains, and the cars passing by. The tree formed a perfect shade for us to sit under as the wind was blowing just right–you loved it, and I loved you.
It was fall… It had turned a lot colder than you’d imagined. The leaves were auburn as they fell to the ground, everything looked a lot more orange, red, and brown, no hint of green ever since summer had passed. You loved the idea of fall, just not the cold and flimsy weather that kept messing up your hair due to the rain. Fall was my favorite season, the coldness was just right as I typically am rather fond of the rain. It gave me a reason to stay inside with you, as we slept through the rain in each other's arms. The raindrops formed a euphonious melody outside. The blanket provided us the right amount of warmth, as you laid in my arms and everything was just right–I loved it, and you did too.
It was winter… the snow poured in, as the time of our favorite season has come. The season of joyfulness and holidays. I loved the cold, and you loved the snow. You loved Christmas music, and I loved hearing you sing it. I loved hot chocolate, as you loved the little marshmallows on top. You loved building gingerbread houses, as I loved eating them. You loved receiving gifts, and I loved giving them to you. You loved Christmas, and I just loved you. I decided right then and there, New Year was when I was gonna propose to you, and I bet you’d love that too.
It was spring… gardens were in full bloom, as the flowers in my hand were too. It was the perfect weather. The breeze blew just right, as the pink tinted leaves fell gracefully; it looked like a scene from a movie. I loved meeting you by our spot, as it reminded me of the memories for when I fell for you first spring. Up on this small hill are the memories of all the seasons I loved you. Every conversation we had filled with all the things we both loved, and I loved you the most. The blooming blossoms landed perfectly alongside you. I sat beside you as I took out the small box from my pocket, as I placed it right by your grave. You loved the idea of marriage, as I just loved the idea of being with you. I would’ve loved to marry you, and I bet you would’ve loved it too.
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michimoshi · 5 months ago
’Fix it.’
In the field where the fathers roamed, a war had broke out. Causing many fathers to loose their life. As the fight between the god-like men and humans began. The fathers were doing just fine with winning before the humans had decided to being out more weapons. Caelum, father of responsibility.. one of the 5 strongest fathers had been hit with a chained sealed arrow, an arrow that had a seal that permanently changes the host hit by it and either weakens the father or kills them.. Abah, father of knowledge,another of the 5 strongest and caelum’s husband.. dragged Caelum under a small dirt hole.
Abah held Caelum up to his chest, eyes watering as his breath drastically got more labored, eyes wide with fear for his husband as he gently touched the arrow in Caelum’s chest. His eyes lifting up to see the light in caelum eyes fading. “..darling,no..no..no.. don’t leave me.. please.. I cant loose you…” he sobbed, eyes watering farther as he held tightly onto Caelum. “.. love..I don’t think.. I’ll make it..” Caelum chuckled, always finding ways to make his poor husband more concerned.. “..this is no laughing matter!..” ahah sobbed out, trying to heal the wound but had no luck.. “..please..” Abah pleaded.. eyes closing as he felt Caelum fall limp in his arms.. Breaking down as he cried out of his pretty blue eyes , tears falling down his face as he wrapped his dragon tail around caelum’s pale skin.. his white hair that always glowed gradually dimmed.. holding his dead lovers corpse as he wailed out..
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