raivennxi · 2 months
Finding It.
Watcha lookin for?
Watcha Want? Watcha need.
What do U want that would make it better.
Sometimes its a bunch of
things. Sometimes it's just One thing. Sometimes it's Good Food. A Good Nap, a Good Hug or a nice combo platter of the 3. It's nice to get what U want. It nice to get Ur needs n Wants attended to. It's wonderful to feel saciated and satisfied.
Find Ur Thing. Get Wat U need out of This Life. Life is too short to walk around feeling empty and wanting.
Say Watcha Want. Go get it. Incorporate it into Ur Life.
Make it Urs.
Make It So.
#LiveBig. 🥰
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sapatosonico · 26 days
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was told yesterday was this goobers birthday so heres a nice looking sketch i made earlier, happy late birthday to this funky little guy. i cant wait to finish this game (no spoilers in the notes plz i havent even beaten the king yet :augh:
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dapper-lil-arts · 2 months
I'm invested now, why don't you like fluttercord?
Okay, here we go then, why don't I like one of the most famous and prolific ships on the fandom?
First of all, there's a major power imbalance at play, you know, chaos god that can reshape mind and reality with a snap of his fingers matched with a regular pegasus girl, and an drastic age difference (which could be discarded cause Fluttershy's an adult, just worth a mention.)
But the primary issue comes from the canon itself, especially with how they came together. Fluttershy was just shafted for her full responsibility to be to make sure Discord gets better; Something that already was a strange choice of Celestia (like girl why are you throwing a random mortal you dont know that well onto a godlike chaos being even you struggled with? It reeks of writers already having come up a solution and not wanting to build a foundation to lead there.) and canon proves again and again that if discord doesnt have fluttershy around, he will make bad choices and hurt people, something that gets proven again and again all the way to gen fucking five. That's textbook codependency and it makes it even more weird by the incredible, terrifying power imbalance. Discord isnt just an alicorn, hes the only one of his kind because of how powerful he is, and his powers are insanely dangerous to have on a relationship with a mortal. Like, you saw how he was when he was jealous of Fluttershy for having a diffrent friend. Can you imagine what he'd do if somebody flirted with her? (even if they weren't dating, if Fluttershy said she got a girlfriend or whatever, Discord would straight up throw rainbow dash on a labyrinth of infinite agony)
I think my primary issues come from the canon because he is always abusing his powers, never using them wisely, and always causing trouble (WHICH WAS THE ORIGINAL POINT OF EVEN BRINGING HIM BACK TOO)-- And the ratio of slaps on the wrist lower dramatically by the end (the final conflict is entirely his fault purely because he thought having a conflict would be cool)-- All of which just makes him untrustworthy to be on a relationship with a mortal hes obssesed with. He'd be like a yandere boyfriend exept a chaos god, which, yikes!
Srsly the fact that cozy glow the toddler gets sent to hell and turned to stone instead of the chaos god that sponsored her is just plain WEIRD. It's a writers problem.
There's a reasons why Alicorns have to ascend, earn their power-- And why they tend to abuse it less. Being born with power just begets a diffrent attitude towards it; Which is smth that the writers do interpret quite well, with how Discord acts. he has no empathy, he doesnt need to care, because reality is his to shape, and then boom, teaching someone to be better just became a lot harder. Good character! Very funny, very well designed and voiced-- But goddamn he's weirdly written as a ""Good"" guy.
Now lets finally turn to the woman in the relationship. because Fluttershy is a normal mortal gal with a normal mortal life with her own needs, which generally shouldn't have to involve her entire life or routine on making sure a godlike manbaby does the right thing with his powers. it doesn't feel like the kind of thing that has any consent to it, after all, discord doesnt need to ask for anything, he can just do. (THANKS FOR THE IDEA CELESTIA) It just reeks of a kind of misoginy-ass writing where the woman has to bend over backwards for the man.
Its like the shy pegasus was just. Set up for LIFE on this strange relationship. Its kind of creepy.
And Fluttershy just deserves better than him in my opinion; And she can do better, too. Also it doesnt help that you know-- 99% other ship with fluttershy dont have any of these issues lmao. Even canon Rainbow Dash would treat her better, so i dont bother with Fluttercord ever!
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mr-e-nigma · 2 years
Werewolf Ash/Vampire Herbert fic? Please god I am begging you?
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some-one-thing · 2 years
I, in fact, did not get rest.
Funny how skin infection can make you feel like ugliest man on earth and erase years of therapy.
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tofumarinado · 5 months
inflicting horrific punishment on people who hurt children only works to saciate some sadistic tendencies from people who desperately need an excuse to enact suffering onto others. it has absolutely nothing to do with protecting children.
if we want to protect children, what we need to do is:
- listen to them
- believe them
- educate them on their rights
- make it easier for them to hold accountable and report adults who mistreat them
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stevenssticks · 1 year
Our boy didn't had the best parents and as the Man himself Said, he grew up being way too sheltered from the world so Can you guys imagine How fucking pent up, excited and desperate This Man might have been to get his First lay?
And his first lay Being his dear girl best friend, literally the only girl who he knows that's not with him because of the Band because she's been there pretty much since day one for him, growing up together, living Just some houses away from each other and hanging out almost all day everyday until and helping him with his struggles back home.
Needless to say that James Fell First and fell hard and he has been like This since you guys were 15 at least (bro had been simping for longer than he would like to admit), even If he took notice of the way that you made him feel back in those years, It was easier to blame puberty....but things didn't mellow out after This at all, in fact, It only got worse as the years went by, the wholesome daydreaming of curious childish kisses turning into wet and sticky nights where our Young man would be haunted by the most lascivous and erotic dreams with his sweetheart that would lead to him eventually losing sleep and spending almost the whole night desperatly touching himself, chasing after a relief that never seemed to really saciate him completely, not even porn magazines or tapes could help him out because they weren't his girl (possessive baby before even making the First move)
It took him Being away for some time, getting the band stuff going and coming back to his Sweet friend all Grown up and more than eager to welcome him back home to finally break
He would be so desperate for her, so pent up and aroused by her simply embracing him in a hug that he couldn't help the groan that left his mouth as he burried his face on the crook of her neck and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her impossibly close to his body, much to her joy that finally realised that all These years he was in love with her as much as she was in love with him, she Just didn't expected to Discover This via a raging boner poking against her tummy
(Someone pray for his sweetheart, our boy still don't know he's a bigger and thiccer than the average)
this just made me let out a noise that i will never let myself live down omg......
james would be allllll over you when he finally gets you in his bed. desperately pawing at you barely even getting his pants down to fuck you. he would be moaning in your ear telling you how good he feels and how he's waited for this for so long. how much he loves you and wants you to really feel it. he would fuck you into the mattress bc hes so wound up and feral for you but oh does he love on you the whole time. chests pressed tight together, your legs around his waist and ur holding his hands at the sides of your head<3333
him cumming embarrassingly quick and just going down to eat your pussy after bc he didn't make you cum and he needs to see it. needs to see you fall apart for him. and then he gets hard again bc our baby has STAMINA okay he's like 19-20 ish, and winds up rutting into the bed until he cums for a second time while he sucks on your clit until you lock your legs around his head and cum into his mouth.
young james young james young james
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ch6douin · 9 months
Lil player holding things for survivors.
Little player helping, or at least attempting to, and just makes a flimsy gauze ribbon on a finger or something.
Lil player doing surprise attacks against unsuspecting survivors, which result in the lil player hugging the leg of one of the survivors and scurrying as quick a its tiny little limbs can make it back it a little hiding spot preparing for the next victim of its crime.
Lil player jumping up to obtain uppies from anyone.
Lil player being like aware of any survivor getting sick so rushing to their side and cuddling as close as possible, being their tiny lil nurse thats trying so hard to help but alas its body is flimsy, clumsy, and weak so it can only get like a lil spoon of water.
Lil player-
I guess everyone gets interested in the idea of having a version of them like lil player to interact with their favorite characters. Imagine as lil player helps Antonio to find his violin while he experiences a hangover, or posing for Joseph, perhaps even earning a private spectacle from The Will Brothers. It's a fluffly and easily squeezable fragment of you that saciates at least part of their curiosity when it comes to you, knowing you by the quiet plushie.
although this is obviously not something i will add to the actual self aware idv chapters (unless i drastically change my ideas), it is still an interesting concept.
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brigidfromthecelts · 29 days
I'm trying! I swear I'm trying to write the chapter for next Monday, but vacation is taking its toll on me (in a good way!) and I can't gather the strenght to stay up too late to write! 😫 I'm at 4k words, not nearly enough for a whole chapter, so I am sorry, but don't expect a chapter this Monday! 🙏 Have a WIP in the meantime, to saciate your thirst.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
The Arkham Games tell a different story for all characthers and for Riddler is about decay.
One thing that is often lost in the middle of the memes is that Arkham Riddler isn't a natural born ratman. He is vain. He is as vain as most Riddlers before him and this is a lot (vanity is a trait that almost all iterations of Edward share). His vanity is in a sense part of his narrative how a man who usually gives a lot of importance to his appareance becames so taken by his declining mental health, trauma and delusion that he stops caring for annything else, someone who used to have an hours long skin care rotine (have you seen his skin in Assault on Arkham? And his hair? He is in jail and is still thriving) stops bottering to the point he isn't even showering annymore, someone who used to pay atention to the minimal details of his suits is using an uggly shirt he never washed ever.
But the thing is this is still the most talked about aspect of his decay.
What people don't talk a lot about is his crimes and how they show how much he is losing it. In Orings his plan while motivated by the selfish reason of he wanting to saciate his boredom is mostly about helping people. He does try to invade the batcave to uncover Batman's true identity but even that is mostly just to saciate his curiosity and prove his genius, he doesn't intend to do annything with it. Besides that his plan is to use blackmail to detter the corruption going on in Gotham.
That being said in all the other games he doesn't have good intentions anymore, he is only motivated by his delusional need to prove himself not only that but his crimes are way more brutal: he goes from blackmailing corrupt people to kiddnaping and murdering a bunch of innocents with death traps and even treatening someone who he appeared to have a previous good relationship with (Selina) with full intention to murder her. And the significant change between this two phases is Arkham. Is impossible to deny that instead of rehabilitation Arkham activaly turned Edward into a worse person. He isn't only less sane than when he entered he is also way more dangerous. Arkham and Batman and the whole system failed Edward in all possible ways in all moments. From his father abuse to the school system neglect to the GCPD corruption to Arkham ineficience. It's not to say he isn't responsable for his actions (though like he isn't at least legally he may object but he is not sane enough for that, he might have been in Origins, but afterwards he was planning on puting lasers on dogs and made a car track that can only have been inspired by the hot wheels toys, he is one of the more insane people there, not only that but he describes having PTSD flashbacks, has at least one dissociative episode, contantly talks to himself, calls Batman dad and the whole not bothering to shower just to list some moments of his mental health being garbage) but that he would never had became The Riddler if the system didn't keept failing him again and again.
If you lock Riddler up before curing the Joker virus the Joker halucianation will ironise: "good one Batman, Eddie doesn't need psychological help, beat him up, lock him up, it's all the medicine he needs" and while a lot of people chug it to Bruce's own guilty complex I think it's both Bruce is feeling guilty because does he even feel anything else at this point but this time his guilt is right. He isn't helping the city in cases like Riddler. He is just doing the crime fighting equivalent of brushing it under the rug.
The Arkham Games are about a lot of things but mostly about how Arkham just doesn't work and it's totally broken and Eddie is the perfect example of it.
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targaryenofthenight · 5 months
i couldn’t wait until all my tools where here because of anxiety , so i just tossed the lace and the crown on my head and some lenses and made some improvised Nyra pics to saciate my hunger🧐🎊
* (plz bare with the lace fabric 🙂‍↕️😭😭) i didnt even put glue tape or cutted anything cuz the tools didnt came yet *
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
Ruby… Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby Ruby
Send me your cash app right now I’m transferring you a zillion dollars
Okay but actually man, that was so so good. It really was sooooo realistic and I highkey agree that that’s how someone w zero experience would act — I know I would lmao
Also can I just say I love love love how you wrote the obsessive part of Miguel in this chapter. Like I love that his obsession is more of a “I’ll do anything for you cause I need you to love me back at any price (even his pride like in this case)” rather than “I’ll do whatever I want with you because I’m obsessed and I need to saciate myself right now.” Like I love that your version is like love obsessed rather than psycho obsessed cause I like the way you do it a lot more lol
But fr I was so excited for this to release and I’m sooooooooooooo excited for the next part cause I kinda have a feeling abt where it’s gonna go and I think our Miguelito is going to have a lot he’s gonna have to work through 😂😅
Loved reading this 🤭🩷
Sweet girl being curious and so nonchalant about the whole thing is making many of you feral and I love it 🌝
Miguelito…… he’s in for a ride, poor man 👹🩷 had to balance his obsession a bit.
Again! Thank you for reading my stories and enjoying them! 🥺 wish I didn’t have to go back to work on Monday, but alas!!!
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mahapralanya · 2 years
I have been reading the From Lostbelt manga translations and my mind got absolutely fixated on these panels from chapter 11.
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This isn't the only time that cannibalism is invoked as part of the process of Arjuna Alter's ascension to godhood. He acknowledges it during his interlude:
"The battle where everything spiraled out of control. A great war in which god, man and beast were liquified into sludge. I then consumed that sludge, slurping it down as if it were soup. Forgive me, that was just a figure of speech. Truthfully, what I actually did was far worse." (Source)
Although he doesn't say it with his own words, the implication is there - that was just a figure of speech; what I actually did was far worse.
This, combined with the manga panels, made me think many thoughts.
The first thing that caught my attention was the lack of gloves; we almost never see Arjuna not wearing them, and the image of seeing his bare hands, knowing how princely and royal he is, comes as striking. This, along with the focus given on his hand gestures, makes me feel like I am witnessing something that shouldn't be seen - something intimate.
And it got more intimate when I realized that it looked like he wasn't wearing any clothes. There is nothing covering him, at least from the angle we get. It might be a stretch, but I do believe that he was naked there.
Nakedness implies intimacy, but it can be translated into other things as well; in this case, I think about vulnerability, transformation/rebirth, and returning/embracing nature.
The first one should be obvious enough - humans are pretty frail without clothes, and it is far easier to hurt yourself if there's nothing protecting you. Clothing keeps us safe from the extremes of both heat and cold, and in the context of a war, paired with armor, they exist to keep one alive.
The other two things are closely tied, although I do see them as being different enough to be listed separately.
We are all born naked - and in this moment, the key point to the lostbelt's existence, Arjuna is going through a transformation, a rebirth process. He has discarded the things that made him human and is going to grow stronger, the result different from the Arjuna that he used to be.
For this to happen, he also had to embrace his own human nature, flawed and fragile, exposing himself, offering his body and soul to the earth and gods that made him what he is, embracing his primal instincts.
Every creature needs to eat.
Cannibalism in art can have many readings, and has been used as a metaphor for many things, ranging from love, depravity, and hate. Eating something because you love it so much you want to become one with it, being overcome with desire that you must eat the other to saciate your hunger, consuming your enemies so you can absorb their strength and laugh as they are reduced to nothing more than fuel to your body.
It is usually something very violent.
While not fully shown, it is easy to imagine the process of eating an entire being with one's bare hands to be a messy ordeal. Killing by itself is already dirty and violent enough, but eating one's own kill like an animal is truly something else.
It makes me wonder about how broken Arjuna's mind was at the time, as he accepted the need to do something so extreme. Baring himself, tearing the gods apart with his own hands, taking them bite after bite, enduring the taste and the sin.
The third panel says more than enough.
He hated it.
This also reminded me of a certain piece of information delivered to us during LB4: he refused to devour and absorb Karna, even after effectively killing him with his noble phantasm.
While the story paints it as a sign of Arjuna's distastes for Karna as his rival, I never really bought into that explanation. Thinking deeper, I do believe that there were other factors that played a role in this decision.
If he truly hated Karna, I believe he would have eaten him - it would have been the ultimate demonstration of power, and to devour him after killing him in his own terms would be incredibly cathartic... In theory.
One could say he was far too removed from his humanity to care about his feelings for Karna, but we know that this isn't exactly true either; it is Karna, after all, that ends up being able to reach Arjuna's core, his humanity, which he hadn't truly lost but actually buried away, hidden deep under his skin.
I believe he spared Karna as a call for help.
Arjuna Alter's origin story is nothing more than a tragic tale, full of trauma and horrible, complicated feelings. He wants to get rid of it all, to discard and erase them away - to remake the world over and over, until there are no traces of suffering, of the things he lost, the sins he commited.
But it's impossible to erase one's own flawns; in Arjuna's mentality, that would mean erasing himself. Karna says so directly to his face, making him confront himself and do some actual self reflection after centuries of denial.
Of course, this doesn't mean that other characters wouldn't have been able to figure this out themselves and have this dialogue with him; however, having it coming from Karna hits him different. It makes him realize how far he has come, to the point that he isn't, as he directly says shortly before dying, the man he used to be.
Arjuna never wanted to become evil. He never wanted to lose his humanity. All those violent things he did, stripping himself from who he was raised to be, it was all an act of desperation.
He never wanted to lose his ties with Karna, as severing them would make his world imperfect, exposing him to the flaws that are his own feelings, the fact that he isn't as emotionally detached as he wanted to become.
Karna needed to exist to save Arjuna from himself. Karna needed to exist to become his downfall.
Arjuna Alter, unconsciously, bared himself to be devoured by Karna, as only destruction could be his salvation now.
And Karna saved Arjuna, both god and human, at the end of the world.
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9825--jinete · 1 month
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Contigo deseo tener la exclusividad del amor, caricias, besos, sexo sin límite , noches enteras y amaneceres infinitos!
Dejame ser el privilegiado, permiteme seducirte al ritmo de mis deseos, dejame explorar la profundidad de tu alma, la delicia de tu sexo ardiente, el nectar de tu fuente, la miel que brota de ti, dejame sucumbir ante ti, brindame tu mundo de mujer erótica, libera tu fantasia sobre mi cuerpo, saciate con mi hombría, que te desea cada dia...#OSCAR❤
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skip0s · 1 month
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I'm back! (well, kinda). I've got my Notebook broken somehow, and as such, both my artistic and academic needs can't be saciated. But! Trought cloud gaming (god bless tech) I've found a way to lay the new MiHoYo game: Zenless Zone Zero! So here are some edits from characters that caught my atention (more to come soon). Those could also be used as Discord banners if I wanted (after I'm done with all of those plan to edit out my name so anybody could use if they want. Also name your favourite character, so I don't miss them XD
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wishesofeternity · 1 year
“Tudor historians ... write at length about Margaret (of York)’s involvement in the plots against Henry VII. They presented all attempts to overthrow Henry as part of her own malicious and obsessive vendetta against him. Polydore Vergil expressed the general view most succinctly when he stated that Margaret, ‘pursued Henry with insatiable hatred and with fiery wrath never desisted from employing every scheme which might harm him as a representative of the hostile faction.’
Edward Hall, who followed Polydore Vergil very closely, elaborated on this and added several fearsome phrases for ‘this diabolicall duches.’ Margaret was ‘lyke a dogge revertynge to her olde vomyte’ and ‘lyke a spyder that dayly weaueth when hys calle is tarne’. Hall examined the dowager’s motives in a paragraph which has been echoed by many later historians:
This lady Margaret although she knewe the familye and stocke of the house of Yorke to be in maner distroyed & vtterly defaced by her brother kyng Richard, yet not being saciate nor content with the long hatred & continual malice of her parentes which subuerted and ouerthrew almost the progeny and lignage of kyng Henry the vi and the house of Lancaster, nor yet remembryng the newe affinitie & strong alliaunce that was lately concluded, by the whiche the heyres of bothe the houses and progenies were vnited & conioyned together in lawfull matrimony, lyke one forgetryng bothe God & charite, inflamed with malice diabolicall instinction, inuented & practiced all mischiefes, displeasures and damages that she could deuyse against the kyng of England. And farther in her fury and frantyke moode (accordyng to the saiyng of the wise man, there is no malice equiualent nor aboue the malice of a woman) she wrought all the wayes possible how to sucke his bloud and copasse his destruccion as the principal head of her aduerse parte & contrary faccion, as though he should be a dewe sacrifice or an host immolated for the mutuall murder & shamefull homicide comitted and perpetrated by her brother and progeny.
In this extract Hall elevated Henry by comparing him with the sacrificial Lamb of God, and relegated Margaret firmly to the role of the devil’s agent.
Another major analogy for the Dowager, which became entrenched in the history books, originated with Bernard André, the blind tutor of Prince Arthur, Henry VII’s eldest son. As befitted a classical scholar he portrayed Margaret as the goddess Juno, notorious for her implacable desire for revenge, ceaselessly attacking the noble Henry who was cast in the role of Hercules. In the ‘Twelve Triumphs of Henry VII’, an epic poem also ascribed to André, Margaret was also compared to Menalippe, the Queen of the Amazons, another of Hercules’ enemies, and also to one of the heads of the monster Geryon, the other two heads being those of Philip and Maximilian. Here at least there was a recognition of how closely Margaret worked with the rulers of Burgundy.
...More recent English historians have echoed the Tudor line with considerable regularity. Even the charitable Hume considered that the Dowager’s behaviour towards Henry showed ‘a spirit of faction who entrenched somewhat the probity which shone forth in other parts of her character’. For Professor Mackie, Margaret was ‘always ready to play the kindly aunt to Henry’s enemies’. Writers in other fields have picked up this general verdict. The art historian, Professor Wilenski, suggested that Dirk Bouts portrayed Margaret as the wicked queen in his great dyptich ‘The Judgment of Otho’ because she was ‘rancourous and given to political intrigue’.
The source for all these opinions on the Dowager’s character was no less a person than Henry VII himself. He expressed his attitude towards Margaret with great conviction in a letter written to Sir Gilbert Talbot in 1493:
"not forgetting the great malice that the Lady Margaret of Burgundy beareth continually against us, as she showed lately in sending hither a feigned boy surmising him to have been the son of the Duke of Clarence … And forseeing now the perseverance of the same her malice, by the untrue contriving eftsoon of another feigned lad called Perkin Warbeck … wherethrough she intendeth by promising unto the Flemings and other of the Archduke’s obeissance to whom she laboureth daily to take her way, and by her promise to certain aliens, captains of strange nations, to have duchies, counties, baronies, and other lands, within this our royaume to induce them thereby to land here."
The King repeated his opinions in his instructions to his ambassador to France, who was told to inform the French King that the Dowager was misleading Maximilian and was wholly responsible for the past and for the threatened invasions of England. Although Henry had, by this date, very valid reasons for regarding Burgundy as a source of danger, his motives for accusing the Dowager rather than Maximilian were entirely diplomatic and totally ignored the fact that Margaret and Maximilian worked very closely together in their attempts to dethrone Henry.
Henry VII had an exaggerated notion of Margaret’s political influence, although he was not the first to respect and fear her authority. Louis XI of France had emphasised her role in diplomatic affairs and from the moment of her marriage to Duke Charles, the French King had regarded her as an active agent of the Anglo-Burgundian alliance. After 1477, Louis recognised the Dowager as one of the most vigorous opponents of France [...].
- Christine Weightman, “Margaret of York: the Diabolical Duchess”
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