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Sabrina and Nathaniel
Sabrina x Nathaniel (Sabrinath)? Well...
-Sabrina has helped Chloe bully Nathaniel in the past.
-Nathaniel isn’t as nice or kind as I originally thought.
-They barley interact.
-Nathaniel seems to have Marc now. 
-Sabrina is so hung up on Chloe, she won’t even consider a better friendship for herself, let alone a relationship.
-Don’t know if Nath would like Sabrina.
-Maybe with some interactions and development between the two, it COULD work out?
-They’re both small red head beans 🥺🥺🥺
-Despite what I think about them both, they both seem to be introverts or at least a bit shy. So maybe they can get along and relate?
-Sabrina DOES seem to like cosplaying as heroes and Nathaniel likes to draw heroes and his own comics.
-Sabrina could help Nath with his homework?
-Nathaniel could bring the best out of Sabrina? Call it the way he sees it if she gets out of line? 
Grade: In the past, A+ (OTP). Now? Between D (I'm neutral on it) and E (I don't like it)
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Sabrinath was a ship that I did like in the past, but now I’m just neutral on it. But who knows? If there was ever development between them, maybe it could work out, but I doubt that will happen in THIS show. 
If Sabrina was the bee instead of Chloe and Nathaniel was the fox instead of Alya, that would’ve been another version of the BeeFox ship that was popular before season 2! lol
Thanks for Asking!
Send Me a Miraculous Ship!
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AU Yea August 12 - What your Lady won’t see
Day 12 - Royalty
Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/15662928
Chloé scoffed, examining the beautiful necklace between her fingers, her mouth a thin line and her piercing eyes brimming with distaste. Sabrina stood next to her mistress, worried that this would end beyond badly.
“They are blue sapphires from the depth of Africa.” Nathaniel put on a brave smile, trying to pierce through Chloé’s tough exterior. “I saw them and was reminded of your beautiful eyes.” His honeyed words did little to melt away the girl’s tough exterior.
“I only wear purples and yellows right now. They suit me better.” She said matter of factly, extending the extremely expensive piece of jewelry to her handmaiden who gasped, having to throw herself forward to catch it as the blonde let it slide out of her hand mercilessly.
The orange haired handmaiden sighed in relief as she made sure the necklace was unharmed. She knew the two nobles were wealthy, but it was still ludicrous to her to think that neither of them seemed to care much about the safety of the necklace.
“Chloé please, I know a thing or two about accessorizing, the piece will really help bring some complex depth into your darker outfits.” Nathan explained.
Sabrina couldn’t help but look over the young man’s outfit. He wore a tight black jacket with a crimson scarf to make the color pop. Deeper and darker red hues played in symmetrical patterns across the jacket. He wore thin gloves in the same matted red hue as on his jacket. A bright silver chain link hung from his pocket, attached to his belt, attached to a pocket watch Sabrina assumed. On his legs, matted red vertical stripes we carried down over black pants, almost merging with black boots with red tongues.
His long red hair draped over his face making him look positively gothic. Sabrina wondered how Chloé could so easily disregard the handsome mans advice and advances.
Chloé and Nathaniel’s conversation had devolved into the usual back and forth, barely contained anger flew from both of them as Nathaniel grit his teeth “I don’t know why I even bother with you!”
Chloé practically snarled back “maybe you shouldn’t! Go die somewhere, save me the trouble of having to poison you later!”
“Poison me?! Please, you don’t have the guts! You’re all bark and no bite!”
Sabrina stood there like a statue caught at the center of a battlefield. She feared any moment now that the cavalry would charge and she’d be crushed between the two opposing forces. She dared not speak up, it wasn’t her place, and even if it was, she wouldn’t want to try reasoning with the hotheaded nobles.
Chloé’s eyes narrowed to slits, staring with shaking anger at him before storming off. Nathaniel ran a hand through his hair, sighing deeply, letting the anger slowly disappear from his chest. He sat down at the table, looking over at her with a soft smile.
Sabrina swallowed, quickly bowing to him before dashing out to retrieve tea and biscuits for him. His visit had devolved so quickly that she hadn’t even had time to offer him anything.
She slowly poured the tea for him “I’m… sorry about Chloé, she really does mean well.” She placed the necklace in front of the red headed man, next to his tea.
He chuckled softly “no need to apologize. I’ve come to expect this from her.” His fingers played along his lip contemplatively, “Honestly it feels nice, her loathing this arrangement as much as I do.”
Sabrina nodded slowly, taking care of Chloé’s needs wasn’t always an easy job, but for a servant girl she had a good amount of money and she got to live in an amazing estate. She got a piece of noble life, but wasn’t forced to marry anyone for wealth or status. She pondered if maybe she had it as well as anyone, if she’d threaded the needle between the security of money and the relative freedom of peasantry.
Nathaniel ran his finger along the rim of the cup, deep in thought. “Do you like the necklace?” he asked without looking at her.
Sabrina nodded “it’s brilliant, it looks like little moons caught on a string of stars! Chloé will love it once she calms down, she’s just not keen on accepting your gifts right now.” She smiled assuringly to him.
He nodded slowly “I like the way you describe things, you have the soul of a poet. I so love the arts but I struggle to put words to it.”
Sabrina blushed “you flatter me sir, I just say whatever comes to mind, it’s nothing special” she shrank.
He chuckled again “that’s what poetry is I’m told. Mine tends to be overly dreary and uninspired however. I much prefer painting the beauty around me, but I’ll admit I sometimes dream I could create images of pure beauty and expression out of nothingness. All I capture is an imitation of life, the greats they saw through the drivel of the everyday and captured something beyond. But how such skills elude me…”
Sabrina hid her mouth as she let out a soft laugh “for someone who claims no skills with words, you sure seem a master at putting thoughts to your lack of mastery.”
Nathaniel laughed loudly “Perhaps I’ve fallen too in love with the Gothic’s; my thoughts begin to carry a self indulgent pity.” He sighed with a smile on his lip.
“I envy you, that you can spend your time reading and painting” Sabrina admitted, immediately regretting her words, she’d gotten vastly too forward with the man who was from a completely different world.
He nodded slowly “I suppose I forget my luck… Tell me, can you read and write?”
Sabrina nodded “well enough, but I imagine not half as well as you.”
He smiled retrieving something from his inner pocket, it was a small booklet, newly printed pages sown together. He handed it to her, but she didn’t reach out to take it.
“What’s this?” she asked carefully, knowing that she was blurring some lines between the two which should not be blurred, it wasn’t the first time, and every time she thought to herself afterwards that she was becoming to friendly with the beautiful artist.
“A story, or the beginning of one anyway. A friend asked my opinion on it. I like it, I feel the need to read the rest, but I find it hard to find the words to describe to him what I felt when reading it. I thought perhaps you could read it, tell me your thoughts, I would like to sound smart when meeting him next.” He shot her a sly smile. She could tell that this was his new way of giving her a gift, as last time she had refused quite adamantly. By making it a favor to him, he absolved her of much of the guilt of taking it from him.
She hesitantly took the booklet, looking over the front page. “The modern Prometheus” she read, regretting having read aloud as the difficult third word required her to take a few tries. She blushed, hiding her face from the extremely well read man. “What’s it about?”
“I’m sure you could easier tell me than I could tell you. It’s about a doctor whose pursuit of knowledge goes too far, the rest I’ll let you discover for yourself.” He stirred his tea, taking a small sip before adding more sugar. “The author might end up being one of the greats, if she can keep writing like this.”
Sabrina’s mouth opened slightly “she?” she blinked, he must have misspoken.
Nathaniel laughed “yes, she. Mary Shelly, she’s proving to be beyond competent as an author. Her mother Mary Wollstonecraft was quite the creator as well, I may not have noticed your wit had I not read her book. She opened my eyes to the guile and wit of women, she argued that you should be educated and respected just as men are.”
Sabrina scoffed at the idea “and this girl grew up with a mother like that?” she chuckled, only scarcely able to imagine the kind of lunar ideas someone could have with such a role model.
Nathaniel sighed, a sad expression creeping onto his face “the two didn’t know one another I’m afraid, they only existed together for scarcely ten days…”
“Oh… I’m sorry…” Sabrina was reminded of her own mother, whose face she didn’t even know.
“So you’ll read it?” he asked hopefully, clearly already sure of the answer.
Sabrina sighed “of course, I’d be happy to help you seem smart in front of your friends” she shot him a teasing smile which he returned with gleeful beaming.
“You know, I think Chloé’s right, deep blue doesn’t go that well with her style.” Nathaniel stood, holding the necklace out in front of him with a thoughtful expression. “No. Blue like this is much better with orange colors.” He smiled knowingly at her.
Sabrina’s eyes went wide “You cannot! Just because Chloé refused it!”
Nathaniel shrugged “What if when I saw it, the first thing I thought was how nice it would look draped around your neck?”
Sabrina gasped “you… you knew she wouldn’t accept it.”
He nodded “Please, I want you to have it”
She shook her head “it’s much too expensive!”
“It’s a rock and some metal. If you do not take it, it’s going to lie unused somewhere. This beautiful piece is art, and art has no value if we don’t see it.” He held the jewel up in front of Sabrina “but if we are able to notice the beauty behind something, discover how much more is there than we first thought, that’s when something becomes art.”
Sabrina felt her heart beating faster, she felt petrified by his sensitive yet piercing eyes. He moved towards he, standing so close that she could almost feel his warmth. She didn’t stop him as he laid the cold artpiece around her neck, closing it behind her.
The string around her neck felt heavy and cool against her skin, it was pleasant and terrifying. Nathaniel’s hands slid down to her shoulders, he looked at her with his deep gazing eyes, so close to hers.
“We… can’t… You have to marry Chloé…” Sabrina whispered, everything in her telling her she was wrong, to surrender to her feelings.
Nathaniel looked at her with sad, longing eyes “I have to marry Chloé… and I’m… I’m sorry about that. But I promise. I’ll only ever love you”
Love, the word that broke the last pieces of her façade. The word that tore down her resistances and made her realize that it didn’t matter that this was a bad idea, she couldn’t keep herself from living just because it wasn’t perfect.
She held him close, pressing her lips against his. Marking their forbidden union with a beautiful kiss, then another.
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seasonofthegeek · 7 years ago
Rarepair March, Day 23: Sleepover
Today’s late prompt was requested for Sabrina and Nathaniel by the lovely @ofekma. :)
Nathaniel held his pillow against his chest as he watched more water leak out of his dorm room. 
“Sorry, bro,” his roommate chuckled. “I must’ve been really hammered to try to flush a shirt down the toilet.”
Nathaniel inhaled deeply. “Maintenance said we should be able to get back in there in a couple of days. We just have to find other accommodations until they get all the water up.”
“Well, I’m going to go sleep at my girl’s place. Have fun on the rec room couch, I guess.”
Sighing, Nathaniel readjusted the strap of his messenger and trudged down the hall to the dormitory rec room. He was surprised to see the television on, volume muted, with someone curled up on the closest couch. He frowned, shifting his weight. It might be weird to just walk in and set up camp on the other couch but he didn’t really have much of a choice at this point. He ducked his head and tried to claim his place as unobtrusively as possible.
“Do you have an awful roommate too?”
Nathaniel blinked in surprise and looked over at the person on the other couch. “He was drunk and tried to flush a tank top that says ‘Get Some’ down the toilet and flooded our room.”
“Wow, and I thought my roommate having two guys in there with her right now was a little much.” The girl waved her hand awkwardly. “I’m Sabrina.”
“Nathaniel,” he nodded and slid his tablet out of his bag before settling down on the couch.
“It’s not so bad sleeping out here,” Sabrina said, with a small smile. “The first few times were creepy but now I like it almost more than my actual room.”
Sabrina shrugged. “No, but I thought it might make you feel better.”
He laughed softly. “Thanks.”
“I don’t know why I don’t just go home on nights like this. My dad’s place is only forty-five minutes away. My whole goal in college was to be more independent but I think it’s backfiring on me.”
“Why is that?”
Sabrina turned to him, crossing her legs and pulling her blanket around her shoulders. “Okay, so pretty much all my life I’ve just been this pushover, right? So I thought, here I am, going off to a new school where no one knows me. I should make a change for the better, you know? But now I question all of my decisions and it has me thinking it would be so much easier if someone just told me what to do so then I freeze and don’t make any decision.” She flushed, ducking her head. “And wow, hi, total stranger. Here’s my life story.”
Nathaniel grinned. “If it helps, I only have maybe sixty percent of a backbone and usually avoid confrontation.”
“A fine pair we make then,” she sighed. “Do you like this movie?” She nodded to television as new credits began to roll.
“I don’t know that I’ve ever seen it.”
“Me neither. Want to make a decision to watch it together?”
He smiled across the room to her. “Sure, that sounds really nice.”
Buy me a coffee?
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“I think Sabrinath is a lot more cute and healthier than Chloenath.” 
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purrincess-chat · 7 years ago
RPM Day 12: First Kiss
Ahhhh, have some Sabrinath hurt/comfort! and smooches
Read on AO3
Day 12: First Kiss
Sabrina set her bag down on the ground with a sigh, collapsing onto the bench next to her boyfriend in a forlorn heap, and Nathaniel glanced up from his sketchbook, arching a brow.
“Sorry I’m late. I got into an argument with Chloe, and-”
“Again?” Nathaniel gave her a look, setting his drawing aside and wrapping an arm around her shoulders; Sabrina averted her gaze.
“It’s nothing. It was my fault really…” She said as Nath brushed a loose strand of hair away from her face.
“Somehow I don’t believe that.” He pressed his lips into a firm line. “You shouldn’t let her push you around so much.”
“I know, but other than you, she’s my only friend. No one else would hang out with me after everything Chloe and I have done together.” She shifted her gaze to her lap with a frown.
“I don’t think that’s true. I mean, I hate Chloe just as much as anyone, and I’m your boyfriend now.” His cheeks flushed a little at the title. “She pushes you around just as much as anyone else, maybe even more than anyone else. I know it’s hard because you care about her, but sometimes you just have to let toxic people go for your own sake.”
Sabrina lifted her chin to meet his gaze, feeling her eyes sting a little from the warmth of his expression, and she batted away a tear before it could fall. For so many years she’d never known what it was like to have someone really care about her like Nathaniel did. All she had was Chloe, and maybe at first she thought she could do better, but Chloe had a way of lacing her fingers through Sabrina’s strings. It didn’t take long before she’d convinced Sabrina that she had her best interests at heart when in reality Chloe only lived to serve herself. Sabrina really believed that all friendships were that way, or at least, she did until she started hanging out with Nathaniel. The difference was astounding, and often times, Sabrina didn’t know how to react to such gentle affections.
“I’m afraid,” She said softly, and Nathaniel pressed his forehead to hers with a sigh. “If I abandon Chloe, what will she have left?”
“Well, maybe that’s a lesson she should learn. If she treats everyone like servants, maybe she should have to be alone. It might make her realize that she’s horrible and cruel.” He shrugged, cupping her face in his hands. “I think you’ve shouldered her burden long enough.”
His eyelids drooped a little as he leaned in to close the small distance between their lips, and Sabrina tensed a little in surprise but closed her eyes contently. The kiss was soft and warm just like Nathaniel always was, and when they pulled away, Sabrina felt her cheeks burn as red as his hair.
“That’s the first time you’ve ever kissed me,” She said with a breathy laugh, and a smile curled on Nath’s lips.
“The first time, and certainly not the last,” He said before leaning in again.
For the first time in her life, Sabrina felt safe and loved, and she dared to consider that maybe, just maybe, she could find the strength to free herself after all.
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imthepunchlord · 7 years ago
Always Miraculous: Bee Strong
For @ofekma , who wanted bee/peacock/fox!Sabrina (decided to do bee), and mentioned that she had a fondness for Sabrinath. You can read these requests on Ao3. 
She stood stiffly by the door, clutching her books, leery to take that first step. She tried to tell herself that it’s ok. It didn’t matter. It was nothing. It was just another day in school, she would get through it, it’d be easy and she’d be all alone, with no one, not acknowledged nor wanted or—
“Honey, remember to breath.”
Sabrina looked down, seeing Pollen leaning out of her bag, peering up at the redhead calmly, a small smile on her lips, her black paw resting on Sabrina’s hand. Her other paw moved in a cycle, her small body breathing in and out.
Sabrina mimicked her.
“It’s ok,” Pollen said once Sabrina’s breathing was even enough. “You’ll be ok.”
“What she thinks doesn’t matter,” Sabrina whispered.
“Don’t even look at her,” Pollen said. “She’s out of your life, and to get better, it’s to stay that way. Just keep moving forward. You can do it. Don’t let her get to you, Sabrina. You can do it.”
Sabrina breathed deeply and squared her shoulders. She’d be ok. She’s got this. Chloe will not scare her. Chloe will not make her feel ashamed for this fight, for their end in friendship. She could do this, she was strong, she was Paris’ newest hero!
Pumped, Sabrina slipped into the classroom, ready.
Only to immediately falter when Chloe turned her sharp eyes to her, her gaze fierce and frightening.
And just like that, the flame of Sabrina’s resolution broke apart and she turned and practically ran to the back of the room, sitting beside the surprised Nathanael, her eyes set to the desk.
She was such a fool. Such a coward. She still couldn’t meet Chloe’s eyes, still couldn’t meet her gaze and feel the shame for their fight, feel the fear of abandonment, that she was alone, worthless, no good, nothi—
There was a nudge at her knee and Sabrina blinked, snapping out of a trance. She felt Pollen’s fuzz tickle her hand and quickly wrapped her hand around the kwami, taking comfort from her being there.
She wasn’t so alone as she thought.
Pollen was there. Pollen cared. Pollen was her friend. It was ok. Sabrina was ok. Just, don’t look at Chloe. Ignore her. Keep her out of her life. It was going to get better. Just keep at it.
“You… ok?”
Sabrina turned, wide eyed at Nathanael’s murmur.
The redhead peered back, brow raised at her stiffness.
“I-I’m fine,” she uttered, her voice shakier than she’d like. “Just… didn’t want to be up front today.” Then she turned away, nose in the air. It was not Nathanael’s business. As Chloe had said, most of their classmates weren’t worth their time. She shouldn’t care, shouldn’t bother give her attention to them.
She just needed this seat for today, just… for a while. To be as far away from Chloe as she could be. That’s all that mattered.
“Ok,” Nathanael muttered, turning back to his sketchbook, continuing the comic he was drawing.
Sabrina peered ahead, only to see Chloe sitting behind herself, a slight slouch in her posture. Sabrina quickly turned away. Don’t look. Don’t feel bad. Pollen made it clear that Chloe didn’t deserve her pity after all she’s done to the redhead.
In looking away, her gaze settled on the comic Nathanael was drawing, blinking to see her on the page, to see Honey Bee on the page, throwing out her trompo, Ladybug back to back with her.
Sabrina blinked when an arm blocked her view, seeing Nathanael give her a look.
“You like Honey Bee?” she wondered.
“What’s it matter to you?” he asked.
“She seems… nice.”
Nathanael didn’t say anything, lips a bit pursed, before he relaxed back and resumed his sketching. Quietly, he confessed, “She’s a little cute.”
Sabrina stared, making Nathanael blush till he’s as red as his hair.
“Stop it!” he huffed.
She jerked her gaze away, feeling her own cheeks go pink. She could feel Pollen’s body vibrate under her hand, seemingly amused by the exchange, which just made her holder’s cheeks warmer.
As Nathanael turned the page to help get one detail just right, Sabrina blurted out, “Do you want help with homework?”
Nathanael looked up, surprised. His turquoise eye slid over her before he shrugged. “Sure,” he mumbled, going back to his drawing, missing how Sabrina released a breath. Pollen wiggled out from her under hand, coming into view enough for Sabrina to see her, giving her holder an encouraging wave, beaming as Sabrina smiled.
She was doing good. She’s got this. It was ok. It was going to be ok.
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intelligentindia-blog · 4 years ago
Famous Malayalam serial actor Sabrinath has passed away
Famous serial actor Sabrinath (43) has passed away. He died at Thiruvananthapuram. Heart attack is the leading cause of death. He is a native of Aruvikkara, Thiruvananthapuram. Film and serial lovers are shocked by the untimely demise of Sabrinath, who had acted in several serials including Swami Ayyappan, Streepadam and Patatha Paingkili.
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misssakurapetal28 · 7 years ago
Sabrinath (Sabrina x Nathaniel): C
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caterinawrites · 8 years ago
Colors of the Soul CH 11
Here’s the next installment of Colors of the Soul. Have some Sabrinath! Literally no one asked for this, and almost no one ships them. But I did it anyways, so deal with it.
Thanks to @sorarts for inspiring this AU, and hopefully you guys like it!
FF | AO3
           Sabrina couldn’t believe it was happening. For the first time since they’d met, Chloe had been assigned another partner for their class project, and their teacher was not changing his mind. And of all the people she could have been paired with, and she was stuck with Nathanael Kurtzberg, who notoriously hated Chloe. Just her luck.
           He seemed just as reluctant to their partnership as she did, and as such, she refused to even look at him as they claimed a spot in the library. The quicker they got this over with, the quicker she could go back and help Chloe with her project, and Sabrina was eager to get away from him and his snarky attitude anyways.
           “Why don’t you look up the section on King Louis, and I’ll look up the section on Napoleon then we can both get this over with and go back to our lives,” She ordered, facing away from him purposefully as she flipped through her notebook.
           “Fine by me,” He grunted sourly.
           “Great,” Her voice was clipped and a little demeaning, and she stood up abruptly and headed to the shelf to find the book she needed. The more time she could spend away from him, the better. He was always in such a bad mood when they were around each other which she chocked up to her close friendship with Chloe. Still, it was a little petty of him just to hate her because of association.
           She supposed it was a little petty of her to be judging him so harshly as well, considering they’d never really talked, and she didn’t know that much about him other than he was an artist, but he always treated her so coldly which was grounds enough in her book to dislike him. She would have preferred literally anyone else, but she was stuck with him, she supposed, so she’d just have to suffer through it. When she returned to the table, he was sketching something in his notebook, and she glanced over his shoulder curiously.
           “Wow,” She gasped before she could help herself, and she cupped a hand over her mouth as Nathanael startled and sat upright, covering his doodle with his arm.
           “Do you mind?” He growled, and she slipped back into her place quickly, face burning with embarrassment.
           “Here,” She shoved the book she’d grabbed for him across the table, and turned away from him. They worked in silence from that point on, each scribbling their own notes as they read. At one point, she peaked over at him out of the corner of her eye, and noticed he was doodling again. It was a drawing of Ladybug, and she vaguely remembered that Nathanael had been akumatized recently. He seemed to notice her watching because he turned further away from her, covering his notebook with his arm again.
           “What?” He spat.
           “Nothing,” She turned back to her notes and bit her lip. “You’re just, well, I never knew you were such a good artist.”
           “Oh,” He shifted slightly. “Thanks, I guess.”
           “You’re welcome,” She smiled slightly, turning back toward him. “Um, so you’re a fan of Ladybug?”
           “Pff, who isn’t?” He said pointedly.
           “Well, you got akumatized recently, didn’t you?” She asked.
           “Yeah, and?”
           “You met her then? What was that like?” She could tell he really didn’t want to talk, and she wasn’t sure why she was even talking. Maybe some sick satisfaction at getting on his nerves?
           “She’s pretty amazing,” He admitted, sitting up with a huff. “Why do you care?”
           “Just asking,” She leaned against her fist and turned toward him which only made him turn his back to her more. “So, how can you be an artist if you can’t see color?”
           “What makes you think I can’t see color?” He retorted dryly.
           “Oh, well, I just assumed since you’re usually by yourself-”
           “Well, I can, okay? I’ve been able to for a while,” His cut her off snappily, and Sabrina actually flinched.
           “What’s with you?” She demanded.
           “Nothing,” He sighed, resuming his light sketching.
           “No, what have I ever done to you other than be friends with Chloe?” She prompted, giving his shoulder a shove out of irritation.
           “You really don’t know, do you?” He grunted, sounding slightly surprised.
           “No, it just seems like you’ve always hated me for no reason,” She folded her arms over her chest. “I always assumed it was because I hang around Chloe.”
           “That’s part of the reason,” He admitted with a chuckle.
           “So, Chloe does mean things to you, but she does mean things to everyone! Including me, but I’ve never done anything to you!” She could hear her voice rising in pitch defensively and felt tears welling in her eyes.
           “Exactly!” He spun around to look her in the eye, face scrunched up in anger and shoulders tense.
           It was in that moment that everything started to look different. She blinked in surprise, thinking she was imagining it, but something seemed different about him. His eyes, though filled with resentment, were something she’d never seen before, and she couldn’t stop herself from staring. And that mop of hair on his head was so vibrant and bright, it almost hurt her eyes to look at, and she slowly began to realize what that meant.
           “What are you looking at with your mouth hanging open?” He grunted, turning away again.
           “I just…I never noticed your eyes before,” She blushed, feeling ashamed for thinking ill of him for so long.
           “Yeah, that tends to happen when you look down your nose at people your whole life,” He shot back with a short laugh.
           “You’ve known all along, haven’t you?” She asked quietly, chewing the ends of her hair. “That’s why you hated me. You thought I was avoiding you.”
           “Yeah,” He admitted softly, scribbling circles in the corner of his page. “I really thought you knew, and just didn’t want to be with me.”
           “No, I-I never knew before. I’m sorry,” She stared at her lap, now too ashamed to look at him even when he turned back around to face her.
           “So,” He started, tapping his pencil on the page and pursing his lips. “What do you want to do?”
           “What?” She glanced up at him through her bangs, blushing when their eyes locked once again, and the world got a little bit brighter. More colorful, she supposed.
           “Now that you know, what do you want to do?” He clarified.
           “I…don’t know,” She shrugged. “What do you want to do?”
           “I don’t know,” He laughed. “I’ve spent so many years resenting you for not being with me, but now I don’t know what to think.”
           “And I’ve spent so many years being angry with you for hating me, so I’m really confused but excited too. I mean, we’re supposed to be together, right?” She shrugged slightly, and Nathanael tapped his chin thoughtfully.
           “Then maybe we should start over,” He offered, cocking a brow.
           “I’d like that,” She smiled, and to her delight, he returned the expression and scooted closer.
           “Well, it seems like we have a lot of catching up to do,” He smirked, draping his arm over the back of her chair.
           As it turned out, they had a lot in common, and it was surprisingly therapeutic to vent about Chloe. Nathanael was really sweet when he wanted to be, and her only regret was not figuring it out sooner. She wasn’t exactly sure how things would work between the three of them since Nath and Chloe adamantly despised each other, but if he was her soulmate, she supposed they’d figure it out.
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volpinarena · 3 years ago
Welcome to the Switch-a-roo Au! This is going to be my take on the classic idea of switching each miraculous pair's miraculous (i.e Adrien swaps with Mari, Luka with Alix, etc.) The only exception to this swap is going to be Alya, Nino and Chloé who gave a three way swap because I feel like the fox, turtle and bee were made to be a group of three rather than a pair. I have decided to swap Adrien for Félix, I prefer him over Adrien (Felinette my beloved). But everything one else will be staying relatively the same, with a few personality tweaks here and there due to getting a different miraculous. Now, on to the swaps!
Miraculous & Their Holders
Marinette -> Plagg -> Huāmāo
Felix -> Tiki -> Scarabée
Alya -> Wayzz -> Emydinae
Nino -> Pollen -> Apidae
Chloé -> Trixx -> Mist Vixen
Sabrina -> Longg -> Wyverne Royale
Kagami -> Barkk -> Shiba Inu
Luka -> Fluff -> Rockin' Rabbit
Alix -> Sass -> Copperhead
Mylene -> Stompp -> Soft Stomp
Ivan -> Mullo -> Mighty Mouse
Kim -> Kaalki -> Chevalier
Max -> Xuppu -> Capuchin
Nathaniel -> Ziggy -> Faunus
Marc -> Orikko -> Sunset Squall
Juleka -> Daizzi -> Lace Piglet
Rose -> Roarr -> Tigger
Gabriel -> Duusuu -> Paon Plummage
Nathalie -> Nooroo -> Reine Violette
And last but not least, here's the main ships I'm running with for this au! These are subject to change if I feel like changing my mind
Shipping Central
Felix x Marinette (Felinette)
Luka x Alix (Lukalix)
Alya x Chloé x Nino (QueenDjWifi)
Rose x Juleka (Julerose)
Nathaniel x Sabrina (Sabrinath)
Kagami x Kim (Kimgami)
Everyone else is either single or i haven't decided yet
Please feel free to send in any and all asks about this au! I'm really excited to start working on it and get into writing fics for it!
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Since your interested now, Lukabrina?
Lukabrina? YES 😍😍😍
Sabrina has helped Chloe bully Luka’s sister and actual crush in the past. He could hold animosity towards Sabrina over it like with Chloe.
They never interacted before. Heck, I don’t even know if they know of each other.
Luka tends to put others' feelings before his a bit too much. Sabrina does the same thing. That might cause them to clash.
Sabrina has both a toxic view of relationships (both platonically and romantically) and low self-esteem. It’s probably best if she works on herself before getting into any relationship.
Sabrina has a love interest already and the same with Luka.
Forgiveness is a thing. In my opinion, I don’t think Sabrina is worse than Chloe as far as behavior and being a bully. I’m one of those individuals that truly think that it will take a lot less work for Sabrina to redeem. Luka COULD help. He’s a nice boy that seems to see through imperfections. With the right guidance, I feel that Sabrina could change for the better. Hey, if Chluka can work out for some people, why not Lukabrina?
Sabrina has low self-esteem. I believe that Luka could help her see the potential Sabrina has and help her see her worth.
They might have never interacted or known of each other, but that just leaves room for others to add what they want to the characters and the relationship. After all, fanon tends to be better than canon.
“You're not a nobody to me.”
They could change together.
No offense to Delmar at all, but he’s blander than a piece of bread. Luka has more of a personality.
They just look adorable together.
The shy brainiac with the cool, calm, and mellow Luka? HECK YES.
Grade: A+ (OTP)
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Like with many pairs on MLB, Lukabrina has the potential to be something great. They may have never truly met, but I really think if they did, with the right writing, I think they could be a cute pair that could work. Heck, if Lukanette is off the table and the love square happens (which I'm pretty sure it will), then I would prefer Lukabrina rather than Luka x Zoe or Luka x Kagami.
Sorry to Sabrinath fans, but Lukabrina to me is my new Sabrinath. In fact, it's A LOT better and more interesting.
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jadegreywriting · 5 years ago
Jade Grey’s Masterlist
Updated as of  02/14/2025
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Nsfw/Smut = *
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
The Dark Lord; 
-An Unwilling Queen *
Part 1 *
Part 2 *
Part 3 *
-Only for You *
-Don’t Mess with what is Mine 
- A Day Away 
- A Scoundrel in Our Midst
-Fuck You. As you Wish *
-It’s your Voodoo working*
Nicholas Scratch;
- No Interuptus Coitus *
- The Hideaway *
- A Change in Roles (Headcanon) *
Mayans MC (FX); 
Angel Reyes: 
-Sweater Weather * 
EZ Reyes:
-Dime mi Amor *
Hank Loza:
- Gentle Giant*
Roswell New Mexico (CW):
Max Evans;
-Bright Eyes (Max/Liz pairing)
Star Wars;
Kylo Ren;
Reylo (Rey x Kylo Ren):
-Hey there, Little Red Riding Hood
Stranger Things;
Jonathan Byers;
-Pictures of You *
Steve Harrington; 
-Did you just Bite your Lip?* 
-Netflix and Chill (Headcanon)*
Haven (SYFY);
Duke Crocker; 
-Shelter from the Storm *
True Blood: 
Eric Northman;
-Daddy’s Home *
- Who is this? I like Her.
-I Wasn’t Expecting That
-I Wasn’t Expecting That (Part 2)
-Moral of the Story
-Snow Covered Dream *
The Witcher (Netflix):
Geralt of Rivia;
-Toss a Coin to your Witcher’s Thighs *
The Folk of Air:
Cardan Greenbriar/Jude Duarte:
- My King. My Queen.
Jason Dean (JD):
-Jason Dean (JD) x Reader (Untitled) *
Hiram Lodge;
-Respect *
School Spirits
Wally Clark;
Talking you Through It *
Thigh Riding *
Anon Ask #1 *
Anon Ask #2 *
The Kissing Booth:
Noah Flynn:
-Noah x Reader (Untitled) *
Part 1 *
Part 2 *
-Into the Night
Defending Jacob:
Andy Barber:
Knives Out:
Ransom Drysdale: 
-I Can’t Get No...*
Marvel Cinematic Universe;
Steve Rogers Series:
Roll Me, Like your Flour Dough *
Loki Odinson: 
-Mind Games *
Thor Odinson:
- A Simple Touch, Nothing More *
Bucky Barnes:
-I Need You *
Tony Stark:
- Morning Beautiful
Matt Murdock/ Daredevil
- Daredevil Oneshot (Untitled) *
Supernatural Universe 
Dean Winchester;
- Love on the Road *
Sam Winchester; 
Turn the Page; Supernatural and Gilmore Girls AU
- Chapter One 
- Chapter Two 
-Chapter Three
- Chapter Four 
Tom Hiddleston 
- The Sound of your Voice 
Henry Cavill
-Merry Christmas Baby
-Achey Thighs*
Sebastian Stan
-You just don’t Realize how Much I Love You
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purrincess-chat · 7 years ago
Sabrinath Tropes
I'm at work and have 35 minutes before I can leave for lunch so let me dump more of my ships on you all.
-Nath drawing the two of them as a super hero duo.
-Sabrina helping Nath with his science homework.
-Two shy beans figuring out that they really like each other and don't have to worry about being rejected or used.
-"You're not invisible to me."
-Dates at the Louvre.
-Someone loves and appreciates Sabrina for more than just being their lacky.
-Both being too shy to hold hands on their date and blushing like lobsters when they finally get the courage to.
-Nath teaching Sabrina how to draw.
-Comic book dates where they just lay around and read comic books and enjoy being around each other.
-If Chloe ever gets her shit together and Sabrina breaks off from her, she goes to sit by Nath and can't stop stealing glances at him. (Nor he at her)
-Doing the awkward middle school slow dance thing at parties.
-Silly cartoonish pet names because they're actual comic book characters
-LARPing because Chloe wasn't the only one who enjoyed it.
-Sabrina being a hand model when Nath can't get his sketch just right.
-Sabrina standing on Nath's back to reach things on top shelves because they're two smol beans.
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innocentamit · 3 years ago
Idris Elba Sabrina's Wife Dresses On 'Bond' After Party - Hollywood Life
Idris Elba Sabrina’s Wife Dresses On ‘Bond’ After Party – Hollywood Life
Sabrina, Idris Elba’s wife, stole the show while wearing a dress at the next ‘No Time To Die’ convention on September 28th. Idris Elba |, 49, and his wife SabrinaThe 32-year-old looked stunned when he attended the next new party Agreement movie, No Time to Die, in London on September 28. The next party was held at Annabel’s and Sabrina looked gorgeous with a brightly colored white midi…
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“ I think it would of been interesting if Nathaniel had the fox miraculous instead of Alya and Sabrina have the bee miraculous instead of Chloe. Also, I might prefer Sabrinath over ChloeAlya if this were to happen.” 
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angel-of-death-2015 · 7 years ago
Your opinion on Sabrina Raincomprix? What about Sabrinath?
Sabrina got a whoooole lot of potential. She needs to drop Chloe and really understand what a real friendship is. And honestly, I really wanna punch the writers for leaving her in the background. She was a whole akuma for TWO DAYS and she didn't even have her own episode! And she was akuma that was THE CLOSEST to getting Ladybug's earrings. Like, she's athletic when she needs to be, is very smart, and is honestly not too bad of a person. She does need to grow though and apologize for some of her actions. I really wanna see her actually get friends and get written better. But I also wanna see her have a whole episode about how she was turned into an akuma and what her akuma form looked like. We know she was invisible but what did she look like before she used her power? As for the ship, I don't mind I guess? I mean, I have my main ships but I only have like four of them lol. Her being shipped with Nathaniel (I hope I spelled it right) can work but it's like meh to me. But I want Nathaniel to get more of a spotlight as well because he's just an afterthought as well.
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