unimo · 3 months
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stardust948 · 7 months
Twins AU
Sokka: I know you Azula.
Sokka: Your brother has the same face, but I know you.
Azula: 😳
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hopefulharpy · 10 months
"Switch-A-Roo" TADC Swap AU!
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Oops, my hand slipped! Now I have whatever this is to be slightly proud of! I might make swaps of the other characters for this AU soon, but I dunno.
Will I elaborate on this AU or even draw it ever again? Guess we'll never know...
Okay I'll admit I do sorta like it
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chaoticlad · 1 year
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I played the sword and shield DLC for days-
I decided to combine 2 of my current obsessions 👍
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xoxoxkisses · 3 months
An an idea hear me out
It's about tokito twins tho mui and yui
If you might.
What if they just switch on dates with you like one day mui another yui they don't tell you about it and it did take some time for the reader to find out.
oooh this is a great request! info: story is told in a modern au! And characters are 18+. warnings: not proofread, sorry!
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You were dating Muichiro for a while now. It didn’t take long for you to find out he had a twin brother until he came into Muichiro’s room not knowing you were there. After that, the three of up became inseparable.
Muichiro took you on a date at least twice a week. Or so you thought. Little did you know, the twins were playing a common twin game. When Muichiro couldn’t make it to a date, he always had his twin brother, Yuichiro, go on it. You never knew about it of course, you couldn’t tell them apart, except for one thing: Muichiro had a freckle on the top of his index finger.
Today was one of the date nights that Yuichiro had to go on. You had planned with Muichiro to go to the movies. While the two of you were watching the movie, you leaned over and kissed Yuichiro on the cheek. His face went bright red but you couldn’t tell. Yuichiro excused himself to the bathroom, you didn’t think anything of it and smiled at him.
In the bathroom Yuichiro pulled out his phone and texted Muichiro.
“Muichiro, Y/N just kissed me on my cheek, what do I do?”
“It’s okay, just go along with it. If she tries to do anything you aren’t comfortable with politely shut her down.”
Yuichiro put his phone away and walked back into the theater room. He went to sit down and that’s when you noticed him. “You’re back!” You gave him a sweet smile. “Yeah.” He smiled back at you. This movie seemed to carry on forever he thought.
Once you two got into the car, you tried to kiss him. He turned away which shocked you. “Why don’t you want to kiss me Mui..?” You were getting really upset, Yuichiro was getting flustered and didn’t know what to do anymore. “I..um well it’s just we ate all of that popcorn, it’s not really appealing.” He said fidgeting with his hands. “Hmm, well I guess that makes sense.” You turned away and he couldn’t help but feel bad. ————————————————————————
This time it was Muichiro who took you on the date. He decided to take you to a tulip farm as tulips were your favorite flower. The two of you had a lot of fun.
As the sun was setting, he took you into his arms and kissed you passionately. This was a completely different demeanor than last week at the movies. Well of course it was. It was getting late so the two of you left and went back to his house.
At his house Yuichiro was in the family room watching a movie. “Hey Y/N.” He said glancing over at you. There was a reason he agreed to taking you on dates when Muichiro couldn’t. He liked you too. ————————————————————————
It’s been a few months since the twins started their date switch-a-roo. This time Yuchiro was with you. The two of you went to a spot in a field the watch the sunset. As the two of you sat there in pleasurable silence, you grabbed Yuichiro’s hand. You started playing with his fingers, finally holding his hand. You turned in his direction, staring at him. He was staring at you too, getting nervous. You slowly closed the gap between you two and kissed him. He felt his head spinning. No way that just happened, he thought. When you pulled back you looked down to play with his fingers again.
That’s when you noticed. The freckle wasn’t there. A confused look overcame your face. He noticed and looked down at what you were looking at. That’s when he also noticed it. His blood ran cold. You looked at him and pulled your phone out. You texted Muichiro.
“The sunset is really pretty from this field you know?”
“yeah, it is.”
The boy’s phone beside you didn’t buzz. You caught them. Yuichiro accepted defeat. He knew. “Take me to your house Yuichiro.” You looked at him blankly. “Y/N, look im so-.” you cut him off. “Yuichiro, take me to your house.” You stood up walking to the car, he followed not far behind.
Once you got there, the two of you waited for Muichiro to come home. Once he did, he greeted you two. “Hey Y/N and Mui-.” You stared at him, your blood boiling. “Cut the shit Muichiro. I found out your little secret.” His face flushed. How could you find out? “Where have you been when you couldn’t take me on dates hm?” He fidgeted with his hands. “Y/N, I’ve had to go into work on our date night and I didn’t want to tell you.” “So you sent me out with your BROTHER? Muichiro I kissed him, thinking it was you.” He felt as if his heart broke into a million pieces. “Y/N im sorry. I really am.” You just ignored him, you walked out and went home.
Your phone kept getting spammed with texts and calls from the twins. How could they do this to you? You decided in a few days you would go grab your belongings from their house.
You knocked on their door. Muichiro opened it, he looked horrible you had noticed. He had eye bags and his hair looked like he just neglected it. You felt bad, but you were still mad at him. When you went to his room to grab your things he asked to talk. “What is there to talk about Muichiro?” You crossed your arms. “Y/N just let me explain.”
You allowed him to explain, and at the end you were still mad, but you also decided to forgive him. You stayed the night at his house, talking about everything that happened. You had also talked to Yuichiro a little, he had also apologized. You and Muichiro were a little rocky the next few days, but you finally decided you could start to trust him again, and decided to limit your dates to just once a week.
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nunalastor · 1 month
Crack AU that doesn't have a name
Alastor's deal with Roo came with the interesting side effect of she is a constant lingering presence in his head. A voice he can't get rid of that comments on everything. This was extremely annoying but over the next few years, he worked around it.
Then he encountered Lilith also as part of his deal, and she figured out she can do this too (Lilith and Roo can be switched depending on who owns him). Now he has two voices in his head, and Lilith uses him to keep tabs on hell while she's in heaven.
And then Lucifer realized he can do this too, and not only that, but all three of the voices in his head can talk to one another. And they are all exes.
Alastor's favor with Charlie is to help him get these three out of his head. Getting them a real relationship therapist is optional but preferred.
"And they are all exes." 😭
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yummycrummy · 2 years
I'm new here but your Roy AU looks very interesting! Could you tell me about the plot?
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Hii! And sure thing ^^ Here's the basic info
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First doodles I put here
Confrontation (vid)
Mirror Mirror (vid)
Dont Listen (vid)
Hero and Villian Duet (vid)
Batteries part 2
He doesn't like to think about it
How SR and Ucr switch
It runs in the family
Manny and Doi
Voice claims!!!
Uh oh!!!
Why does he hate you so much?
Kiddie SR
Kiddie UCR
More lil SR
More Kiddie SR (and Lesley)
The family
Younger Charles and Charlene
Lesley's family
Silly little ucr
Old switch-a-roo
Random headcanons
Family reunion
Reconcile (vid)
When your best friend finds you talking to yourself
It's okay
Carrot Sub/Family doods
Carrot Dad and Orange Son
Eww icky meat
Evelyn Evelyn (vid)
Ty for reading it all if you did !! Sorry its alot to take in ^^; Also!! U don't have to ask me for permission to draw anyone!! :] I love surprises 💜💜💜💛💛💛💙💙💙
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hydrangeyes · 1 month
Brushing up on my writing through pit diving publicly into COTL:
- I have this AU (a solid one) called Death's Shepherd. I wanted to play with the idea that the Lamb has always had an affinity to death (as I have ideas on worldbuilding) even before the massacre/genocide.
- a pinch of death and violence (war), however, in this life, they have gone down the road of death. Obviously.
- This whole Au was going to be very picky with what was taken from canon, for example:
- was going to have it where the one who waits originally wasn't going to kill the lamb. That while it very much was a chance/option, I wanted to play into the info that he /was/ tampering with life and was planning to do a switch a roo of sorts. This still would have required the sacrifice of the lamb's followers, but the one who waits figures it was a price worth paying. The lamb.... not so much.
- speaking of the one who waits and a crown on two heads. After the one who waits is defeated, it is quickly noted (by some) that Narinders' soul is tainted due to his past research/experiments. As Death should have never brought life into the world.
- which is what I'm playing with. Resurrection is one thing (especially if the body and soul are still attached) but bring whole new lives, new souls into existence? Reconstructing spuls and willing them back into their past bodies? Mmmmmm yeah that has its reprocussions.
- I also wanted to play with the crown. Where whole yes, the lamb is the new death deity, the crown is the essence of death itself, like *trying to find the words* they just are. Idk how to explain it lol but yeah.
- everything else is fairly the same, tho I am cooking up having the goat be more involved main story wise.
- the goat becoming the new war deity (goats not as wiped out but damn are those numbers low, as when the hunt for lambs first started, alot of goats were either mistaken as lambs or were protecting them).
- anyway, this was based on an idea of the lamb having to navigate their new ascension; the nature of being a deity/what it means to be one; who can and can't be: of course, typical shipping mess (i guess, they'reboth a mess but like a puzzle piece and all that); the actual damage that happens when wiping out whole as DEITIES with no back up; and wanting to see how funny it would be if Narinder was force to be the Life deity rather than death (I have a whole thing about this)
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- still tinkering with Nari's design and the Lamb's Names (They will have 2)
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coins-that-never-land · 8 months
So I know it’s not WIP Wednesday, and I usually tend to save my WIPs until they’re done, but I figured just this once I’d start switching it up a bit!
For the few of you that already know, this is a snippet of my rock band hangster au!!
For those of you that don’t: it’s basically what it implies!
“Ya don’t like havin’ people’s eyes on ya?”
Hangman seemed unbothered as he looked up from the menu, focused purely on him.
If he was honest -
“I don’t dislike it,” he countered, trying to glance around surreptitiously at his surroundings without seeming as if he was bothered. Because he absolutely was a bit surprised. “I’m not usually being watched while I eat, anyways.”
A quiet huff from across the table drew his attention back to Seresin, who was holding up a glass of water with the most self-assured expression that he’d ever seen.
“Well. Gotta get used to it then, Roo.”
Jake’s affirming hum was swallowed by the drink that he was taking, before he set the glass back down on the table.
He hadn’t even touched his drink.
He should have.
Frankly, his whole throat was sandpaper. Maybe he had some new disease.
Because he didn’t know what that was supposed to mean, other than -
“Yeah. We’re callin’ ya ‘Rooster.’ Took ya long enough to get off the fuckin’ perch and sing for us.”
He was too busy staring at the pleased smirk on Jake’s face, but felt his mind turn the cobwebs from his brain.
“Roosters aren’t songbirds,” he found himself saying instead.
“No, but they ain’t too good at doin’ what they should, either. Ya ever see ‘em? Territorial, stubborn shits.”
Hangman was the one…giving him a nickname?
And -
“So why - ”
“Ya know why,” Seresin’s smile was a little softer. It had to be, he swore that he wasn’t imagining it. “If ya want the spot, it’s yours, Roo. We ain’t considerin’ anyone else.”
He…Jake had to be joking.
“What about the others?” His throat was still dry, even though he’d taken a drink of water. He was starting to think he needed something stronger than that. “Tash said - ”
“Other people auditioned, yeah. But we ain’t gonna use ‘em, not ‘less ya say no. It’s yours first, if ya want it.”
…The frontman position for Aviator Silencers?
He would be an idiot to say no.
(Even this - whatever the hell conversation that he was having with Jake Seresin - wasn’t quite charged with the weird ass rivalry that they used to have. At least, not the kind that had to be spitting insults every five minutes.)
(Jake was still getting on his nerves, but…in a manner that he could almost appreciate. So it would be fine.)
“Yes,” he nodded, head moving so aggressively on his neck that he thought he’d give himself a concussion. “I’d be honored.”
Another small snort, before Seresin was waving the waiter back over.
“A bottle of,” Jake trailed off, raising an eyebrow at him.
Seresin had nodded before he could second-guess himself, which sent a small wave of relief through him at having understood the question correctly without verbalizing it.
“Bottle of your finest white, please, m’dear. Don’t matter which.”
“Of course, Mr. Seresin. I’ll be right back.”
But the smile on Jake’s face - the one that seemed almost giddy - was focused on him again, and his breath caught automatically.
He couldn’t help it.
It wasn’t as if he was blind.
Jake Seresin - Hangman, lead guitarist of Aviator Silencers - was, and always had been, exceptionally beautiful.
Somehow, the time away, combined with stardom, had only been kind to the guy.
(Not that he planned on verbalizing any of that himself. He wasn’t blind, but he wasn’t an idiot, either.)
(They had never gotten along, but again - not blind.)
And when the waiter returned, handing Hangman the entire uncorked bottle of Sauvignon Blanc that - while he couldn’t read the date - appeared to have been stored precisely for quite some time…
He didn’t even want to know what that must have cost as Jake poured them both a glass before picking his own glass up.
“To you, Roo, for havin’ enough common sense to accept an offer from us,” the fucker’s toast started.
It needed some work.
(Seresin’s shit-eating grin hadn’t abated any, either, so it was a guarantee that he was well aware of that fact.)
He rolled his eyes, only slightly exasperated, and ignored the way Hangman clinked his glass without any hesitation.
“Well, darlin’,” ah, yep, and there came the tease. “Guess we’re eatin’ fish tonight, with your drink choice. Ain’t exactly my idea of a good first date, but I could be convinced.”
A salacious wink followed the vomit-inducing statement, and he was certain that he would have genuinely thrown up if he felt even slightly more at ease.
As it was, his stomach was still knotted.
He hadn’t exactly expected the pet name, even though he knew full well that it was just a joke.
Jake Seresin, in his time on stage, had gained something of a reputation for picking partners of a male variety - and a good many of them, too.
But those were just rumors, and he knew Seresin like he knew the back of his own hand.
That man was certainly playing up his reputation for laughs, regardless of whether or not there was any truth to it.
Instead, he forced himself to breathe, a slightly choked exhale that he hoped came off as mere excitement for his new job than anything.
“Please,” he returned. “As if you’d bring anyone here.”
A light in Seresin’s eyes told him there was another tease, so he cut it off at the pass.
“And if you have, I don’t want to hear it.”
“Jealous, Roo?” No. “Don’t be. You’re here, ain’t’cha?”
Couldn’t fault that brilliant logic.
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critter-genfic-events · 11 months
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This week, we have thirteen angsty fics for you! Look under the cut, heed the warnings, and don't forget to comment or kudos if you like them!
our lives were never ours by vivolet (145817,Mature) Warnings: canon-typical violence, character death, implied/referenced suicide, implied/referenced torture, Pairings:
The Mighty Nein, but make it Hunger Games fusion.
Reccer says: Hunger Games AUs are a guilty pleasure of mine and I have such a soft spot for this series. It focuses on Yasha and Caduceus, so if you love those two and want lots of angst and torment and focus on their characters, this series has you covered. The level of detail, the continuity porn that utilizes every scrap of canon detail and puts it to use in a new setting, and the beautiful prose make it a compelling read. It will hurt your soul.
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wild mountain thyme (among blooming heather) by Aurelie (NowImJustSomebodyThat) (8107,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Korrin/Vilya
Vilya's memories do not all come back at once
Reccer says: I love considering Vilya's story from her point of view, and the nonlinear narrative here is heartbreaking and beautiful
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those that crawl and flutter towards the sun by vietbluecoeur (6163,Not Rated) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings: Essek Thelyss & Jester Lavorre
AU; Essek's curiosity gets the better of him and he develops a friendship with a creature who only lives for three days. As that creature is Jester, she makes it memorable.
Reccer says: The worldbuilding is beautiful, the prose is gorgeous, and the tragedy is delicious.
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the seed that falls on good ground by Ford_Ye_Fiji (1750,Teen) Warnings: Body Horror, Spiders Pairings:
While traveling with the Crownkeepers, Orym receives his own creepy crown dream.
Reccer says: I love Orym as an incorruptible beacon of light and I love it even more when he's being tempted. The angst is delicious.
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a walk-on role in the script of your long, long grift by grayintogreen (1136,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
Cree delivers the threshold crest.
Reccer says: It's always a good time to feel sad about Cree.
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come around when you break by maybetwice (3861,General) Warnings: None Pairings:
In the aftermath of the final fight in EXU, Opal gets taken care of.
Reccer says: I'm a sucker for stories where a sad character gets tended to by their friends and Opal went through A LOT in that last fight. She deserves to get pampered by all of her friends.
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my devils they whisper in my ear, deafening me with all my fears (i'm living in a nightmare) by Ford_Ye_Fiji (12128,Mature) Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Disassociation, Suicidal Thoughts Pairings: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III & Vox Machina
Scanlan does not destroy the pepperbox. For Percy it goes about as well as expected.
Reccer says: I liked it
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One, Two, Switch-a-roo by Allise (3712,General) Warnings: Chronic Pain Pairings: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III & Vox Machina, Keyleth & Vox Machina, Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III & Keyleth
Vox Machina manage to find some magical box that switches the body of whoever's closest. What happens when Keyleth and Percy get caught in the blast?
Reccer says: It's not that I want other people to deal with chronic pain, but there's something of a wish fulfillment in having someone else experience the pain and
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From the Ocean to the Shore by commoncomitatus (7775,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Jester Lavorre & Mollymauk Tealeaf
A missing scene from C2E16 wherein Jester is hypervigilant about her friends going down and receives some much-needed comfort.
Reccer says: I love Jester angst and this fic has a unique perfectly Jester rhythm to the prose that makes it a fun read while still being very much in the vein of angst. If you like reading characters being sad but in a less gut-punching, visceral way, this is a fic for you.
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the infinite grains of sand by jadeandquartz (1327,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
A look at Fearne's thoughts as she's forced to make That Decision.
Reccer says: The absolute tragedy of Fearne having to choose between which of her friends to revive is something I love seeing explored, and this fic does it so eloquently and true to Fearne's feyness.
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the worst thing to happen by k_152 (2588,General) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings:
The fight with Otohan ends with everyone but Imogen dead. She acts accordingly.
Reccer says: I LOVE a good Villain Arc story and this presents such an enticing what-if while also punching you in the feels.
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i wont hurt you by dearestpiers (3038,General) Warnings: Vaguely suicidal thoughts; childhood illness; animal death; offscreen Nein deaths Pairings: Caduceus & Clay Family, Caduceus & Essek
An exploration of Caduceus's relationship with death, from childhood through meeting the Nein to long after.
Reccer says: I liked it
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Home is Where the Heart Is by LessAttitudeMoreAltitude (1720,General) Warnings: Panic attacks, vomiting, self-harm, Caleb-typical self-esteem issues Pairings: Caleb & Essek, Caleb & Beau, brief mentions of all canon M9 romantic relationships
Caleb buys a house in Rexxentrum, but being alone there makes him panic.
Reccer says: I liked it
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If you liked this rec list, follow along for more! We'll be posting a new list with a new theme each Monday. Want to make your own recs? Check out the rules, and then use the form to submit!
If you didn't get enough angst this week, next week we're going to have recs featuring Percy!
Then, we'll have fights, modern AU's, and cuddling!
Also, the last few rec lists have had errors in their word count and ratings - I just went back and fixed them. If you're looking for more, why not check them out?
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twistthescript · 4 months
June Doe 2024: DAY 4- Favorite Dynamics
I bring the fluff, I bring the angst- I bring the fashion... or rather, the choir brings the fashion...
Have a Day 4! I bring this as a continuation to my Warehouse AU, with this one thrown in as a different perspective from KARNAK! Chapter One.
Everyone's a Bad Influence… Ocean Would Beg to Differ: Rated T; “I have an idea!” Constance settled next to Ocean excitedly. “What if we pair up and find a new outfit for each other? Like… what if they were things we normally wouldn’t wear, but the other person would? A switch-a-roo!”
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frostironfudge · 2 years
Cupcake and The Coffee Conundrum (Bucky Barnes)
Summary: For Week 4 of @the-slumberparty's Across The Universe Challenge I came up with Tattoo Artist!Bucky and Florist!Steve now I couldn't pick between either one so I've created an AU for the two of them with separate nicknamed female!readers. It's going to be Bucky x Cupcake and Steve x Petal. This is the first part of the multipart AU called Stencils, Bouquets & Icing.
A.N.: A big thank you to Navy and Roo for inspiring me to come up with an unexplored by me AU 💖💖💖💖💖
Warnings: fluff, angst, feels, bucky is insecure about his bionic arm
Word Count: 1.7k || Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Stencils, Bouquets & Icing AU Masterlist || Main Masterlist
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Alright the scent of coffee was strong enough. Now it just had to stop spritzing everywhere and having you clean the entire damn machine and your display case. So much for having a state of the art machine. So much for the three hour learning with the installation person and the countless youtube videos. 
Even the damn two broke girls episode rerun you settled upon watching… that did house a similar operation issue wasn’t enough to help out or distract you from angrily huffing at the espresso stain that you were rubbing at with the sponge.
“Is this a bad time?” A deep baritone inquires.
You look up at the stranger, his hair flows to the tops of his shoulders, an easy grin on his lips. Blue eyes genuinely carry a hint of worry. You stand up stabilising yourself on the counter. Quick movements are not your friend.
“Hi, nope not at all.” You clear your throat, why did you sound breathless? The man only chuckles.
You hope you don’t embarrass yourself further.
“H-how may I help you?” Your voice switches to professional mode. This bakery was your dream. Even if it had coffee stains, it was yours and you would conquer that damn machine.
“I was hoping for one of your signature desserts, any recommendations?” He runs his glove clad hands through his hair.
You gesture to the first shelf of the display, “Those are the caramel and sea salt cookies, that is the classic chocolate chip, on this side we have cake slices, red velvet is a personal favourite I make it with cream cheese frosting, in vegan options–,”
“Cupcake?” He has your rambling pause.
“Um, yeah this is the Starry Night cupcake, dark chocolate and the icing is buttercream the yellow and blue swirls with star shaped mini cookies. There is a molten centre which you might enjoy, coming up with it was really fun, I got the idea when I went to the van Gogh immersive, that's what also inspired the sunflower cookie cupcake.” You look up at him.
“Sorry I tend to ramble away…” You look down at your baked treats, biting your lip. 
“It’s nice to see someone passionate about their craft. All of these look good but I’ll have the cupcakes first to go if possible? I have a possible apprentice to interview.” His warm smile makes your racing heart feel calmer.
“Anything else?” You pray it’s not the coffee, anything but coffee.
“An espresso would be,” He stares at your annoyed expression towards the machine. Bucky can’t help but laugh at the situation.
At first when he was peering from his window to yours he thought you were dealing with someone who annoyed you. Hands moving around in frustration upon closer inspection he realised you were yelling at the coffee machine.
Your cheeks are aflame when you look back at him, “I’m sorry the machine doesn’t cooperate with me at all. I’ve been washing down splatters all day.” You sigh dejected. 
“I hope you aren’t hurt, or burned or anything.” His brows knot, worriedly glancing over you again. Noting the splatters across your lavender apron and sweatshirt. 
“No, um good day to wear full sleeves...” You shrug, “I can make you a milkshake…” 
“Can I take a look at the machine?” He offers, you watch him warily.
“I used to work as a barista.” He explains.
“Oh, um, by all means please and also,” You hold out another apron for him to wear. He takes it from over the counter as you head to the flip up counter to let him through.
“I realised I never gave you my name, I’m James Barnes, better known by Bucky, I own the tattoo shop from across.” He says while shrugging his jacket off and navy henley clinging to him. You look out of your window to the shop. 
“I was going to bring everyone ‘hi I'm the new neighbour’ boxes. I’m Y/N.” You offer your hand, Bucky takes it. 
The gloves cause an uneasiness in his chest but you don't recoil, nor do you say anything. You only smile at him, it eases his nerves. Bucky puts the apron on, he turns to the mirrored wall. 
“Suits you.” You add making him laugh, eyes crinkling at the outer corners. Your heart thumps faster at his handsomeness. 
Bucky stares at you for a moment, taking you in, he licks his bottom lip, then bites it. 
Your brain malfunctions staring at his pink lips. 
The machine whirrs to life, Bucky reaches forward with his left hand to detach the nozzle. Hot steam whistles out.
“Bucky, that's extremely hot! Don’t!” You yell but his left hand grabs the hot metal and pulls it out, he presses a few other buttons and the whirring stops. 
You stare at him then your adrenaline kicks in, “Ice wait! Hold it under cold water!”  
You leave him rushing to the back to grab the ice pack from the freezer, 
“What is wrong with you! I would have returned the machine–,” You stare at the emptiness he left. The apron discarded over the counter haphazardly. 
You set the ice pack down, picking up your phone to dial the company to return the fucking machine.
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Dum Dum Dugan looks up from his design at you when you walk in holding two lavender boxes. He raises a brow, you look at him, not a tattoo in sight upon his arms that were exposed in the muscled tank.
“Only got one kiddo, wife and kid’s birth years over my heart.” He pats his chest with a fond smile, “Now watcha got there?” 
“Um, I opened the store, well dessert store if you will, and this is just a little treat for the neighbourhood.” You smile at him, handing him the bigger box. 
Dum Dum chuckles admiring the cakes and cookies, “Well, you need anything let me know, I accept cookies as payment.” He takes a bite and hums delightedly, “Oh definitely you can pay me with these.”
You smile at him, but your eyes search for Bucky.
“He’s in the back. Stormed in about an hour earlier hasn’t come out.” He gestures to the section. You shift your weight from one foot to the other.
“Fuck it.” You mutter, taking strides with purpose and Bucky comes out of nowhere and you almost smash the box into his chest.
“Cupcake!” He steadies you, you look up at him.
“You just left.” You shake your head, “How is your palm?” mentally chiding yourself for not asking first or earlier.
“I um, it didn’t hurt, the gloves are protective.” He shifts his gaze to the box held in your extended arm and then to you.
“You left without… I gave um,”
“Timothy Aloysius Cadwallader goes by Dum Dum Dugan.” Bucky explains.
“Do all artists have monikers?” You question.
He chuckles, it reverberates against your chest, “Not really only some of us.”
“Oh um well. These are for you.” You step away, when he lets your waist go.
“Thank you, how much–,”
“On the house, the machine was faulty, the model number was in the call back list but they had my email wrong in the system. Thank you.”
“Happy to help.” Bucky smiles down at you, taking the box from you and admiring the two cupcakes.
“Oh and the new machine comes in tomorrow at two, I can have your espresso ready then.” You smile, he grins.
“I’ll be there.” He promises.
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The next day Bucky enters the bustling store with a beautiful arrangement of sunflowers and baby’s breath. He grins easily, holding it in his left hand and settling it down. 
“The sunflower cupcake was my favourite.” He gestures to the flowers to explain.
You admire them, “These are beautiful. Thank you.”
“Sort of an apology and a welcome rolled into one.” Pink dusts his cheeks and you watch him endearingly.
You hold out his espresso, not in a to-go cup. He looks around the crowded store raising a brow. 
You point to the side of the counter, you have placed low back supported barstool chairs.  
“Well in that case, may I also have a red velvet cookie, Cupcake?” He grins at you, mischievously. 
“A very original nickname, Bucky.” You shake your head, grabbing the cookie, and plating it for him.
“I’m a man of taste.” He defends with a shake of his head. 
You chuckle, “I'm sure.” 
“Excuse me?” An older gentleman stands at the display, you excuse yourself from Bucky before helping the man.
“I have a question for you.” He says when you return to him, dismissing the apology you were to offer.
“Ask away.” You prompt.
“Well I saw this place’s instagram, you shared a video of the sunflowers immersive. You seemed so in awe, I mean it looked beautiful but I just want to understand, people usually fawn over Starry Night?” 
“I used to really adore sunflowers when I was younger, somewhere along the way I just changed my preferences because they never fit into concepts, I don’t know and when I was there,” You remember the way the sunflowers took over all the screens, gooseflesh still rises to your skin, “I just remembered all of it, all of it that I gave up. Plus it was beautiful, so utterly beautiful, Bucky I really wish I could go again and again.” You sigh dreamily then look at him. 
“I hope you get to go again…” He trails off.
“Have you ever?” You ask. 
He shakes his head, his fingers flex tightly then extend. You keep your eyes only on him.
“Well if it comes to a nearby city again, we’re going to go. It will help with your creative flow for your tattoos.” You beam.
“Are you planning a future date with me, Cupcake?” He says it so lightheartedly.
“Well I am, no matter what, if Van Gogh’s in town, we’re paying him a visit.” You hold up your pinky.
“Pinky promise.” You request, he chuckles, wrapping his pinky around yours, it feels right.
“Pinky promise.” He repeats.
Your hands part, he wears his jacket. You watch him cross back to his shop. He waves at you before entering, you wave back, laughing to yourself happily.
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bucky permanent tags: @slutforsexyseabass
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stolasdearest · 8 months
Now what if I said I wanted to hear abt ur ocs 👁👁.
Some are in the making and I've finished a total of ONE yippie!! But I have fledged ideas for almost all of them >:3 but I'll mostly be taking about Linnette today
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She's a Seraphim elder (kinda of like Sera) her rules are really bent however because she was present when Lucifer was banished, making a deal with roo (if she's even canon in Hazbin as of 2024) and fell into a centuries long rage due to Lucifers banishment because of how close they were
She has the ability to switch between plains (Heaven,Earth and Hell) under limitations obviously. She's permitted to live a life in hell (granted she takes care of overlords and doesn't attack angels during extermination under any circumstance) she has an exorcist uniform which she rarely uses 💀 (there's probably a lot more I'm forgetting) OH she's very buddy buddy with the current overlords :3
OH?? yeah sue me but she is married to Alastor
(I have OCS for Zestial,Val and Vox (begrudgingly Val) and Husk (OH AND ANGEL!!)
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Holy shit! Sam’s giving all the other bosses a run for their money. While they are busy arguing or toying, he’s got his girl as good as in his bed. I feel bad for Diz coz she genuinely thought of Sam as a friend, but my insides melted a little because of how dominating he is (yes I’m a hoe for him).
Damn, this might be my favorite AU ever Roo! You’re such a gifted writer ❤️
Sam flipped that switch so fast.
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undercoverbastard · 2 years
“Fine. On three?” Stiles asked, hands moving to the ties at the back of his head. Mystery Man smiled and nodded, mirroring the position.
“One,” Stiles began.
“Two,” Mystery Man continued.
“Derek! Where did you go?! Mother has been seeking your presence for the last hour!”
Stiles felt himself seize up in partial shock. He never finished removing his mask but Mystery Man - Derek - had. Stiles was stuck between watching Derek’s chiseled, sharp-angled face come into view - his multi-colored eyes somehow popping even more with the lack of a mask - and between watching the movement of the girl who barged in, dressed in the riches of cloths, dress the blood red color of Beacon’s Royal Family with the family crest proudly pinned to the golden trim around the swoop of her neckline, who looked murderously annoyed.
+.+.+ OR: Cinderella!AU… with a twist! WA fic born of my recent Royaly AU/Historical AU fixation that was supposed to be a snippet, became a bit more developed but also… not really?
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nunalastor · 20 days
Resident Evil AU
Would RE8 happen before or after Alastor’s death? Seen scenarios for both pop up but what I wonder about is how the story would even start. Alastor was in Louisiana when he died, which makes sense, the mold in this AU is tied to Roo instead of bioterrorism, so the BSAA is not getting involved because they probably don’t exist. So Alastor and Guy were never put in witness protection and moved to Europe. And if Guy, unlike Mia, is suffering from a terminal illness, Miranda wouldn’t be able to impersonate him believably because Alastor would have Guy’s symptoms memorized.
If RE8 were to happen, I think it would after Alastor is already in hell. That explains Guy’s absence without him needing to be kidnapped again and Miranda needing to impersonate a dying man, and explains the different location if Alastor’s journey took him to another circle in the pride ring, there are nine circles and the RE8 village being one of them run by the four lords isn’t a stretch. 
That still brings up the question of who Rose would be unless it’s Charlie, but if it is, where is Lucifer? Does this imply Roo is in the Miranda role as the one responsible for the mold, and her whole villain motive is different (it would have to be, Miranda’s motive is to revive dead child, hard to do in hell)? No idea, but it does explain how Alastor can have his death in Louisiana and the ending of RE8. There’s no way he experiences RE8 and doesn’t go to heaven.
Also Alastor already has experience but combined with his Radio Demon powers, he doesn’t give a shit until he is up against the lords who pose a real threat to him. Crazy old lady appears? Shoot her, end the game before leaving the tutorial. Villagers turning into lycans? No big deal, do some cocaine before leaving the burning building, he is not having another one of these nights sober. That also opens the door to Alastor isn’t as alone as he was the first time, he may be trying to find the other members of the hotel and have interactions with them. Other hotel members could be the POV it switches to after Alastor becomes temporarily unavailable.
If Carmilla is the arms dealer in hell, that implies Alastor constantly going to her and dropping off a pile of crystalized corpses he’s been keeping in his bag to sell her in exchange for weapons, and she is left wondering what the hell he is doing to have this many corpses lying around. This will be coming up in the next overlord meeting. 
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