#Sabertooth x f!reader
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Apex Predator
Sabertooth/ Victor Creed x FemReader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 8.4k (like how? How did that happen?)
Summary: You hear two animals fighting in the woods one night. You find one of them the next day and bring him into your home. The red flags stack up, yet you can't help but find yourself drawn to him. A/N: don't ask me what possessed me to write a Victor fic I dont know I don’t know and I'm not gonna think about it too hard. Just enjoy. Liev Schreiber is fine as hell with a voice that should be studied Warnings: Injury and wound descriptions, blood, S M U T, Porn with Plot, hurt/ comfort, feral/ animalistic behavior (duh), rough sex, oral sex, cum eating (out of pussy... hell yeah), biting, licking, I wrote the word tongue too many times, why have none of you put me down yet?
AO3 if you prefer to read there
There are monsters in the woods tonight.
You hear them roaring just past the tree line— massive animals battling for dominance. Not a completely uncommon thing in your part of the world, but definitely an unwelcome one. You grip the shotgun tighter as you dare to step out onto the front porch of your modest cabin. The late fall air would send a chill up your spine if the fear hadn’t done that already. You see nothing. You turn the yard light on, thinking it might scare whatever is out there away, but the blind roaring doesn’t stop.
Whatever was out there, it wasn’t afraid of man.
You’d lived out here long enough to identify almost any critter by sound. But this wasn’t like any animals you’d ever heard before. Grunting and snarling accompanied by snapping branches, sometimes almost sounding borderline human. You lived too far out for the police to be any help and the only self-defence you had was already in your hands. You immediately retreat back into the house, lock the doors, and turn out all the lights. If whatever was out there couldn’t be scared away, then you’d have to do your best to hide and stay safe.
You turn your armchair to face the door, shotgun resting at the ready on your lap. A sleepless night was nothing if it meant your life. You’d only done this once before. A mother grizzly bear had stalked your cabin for 2 days. She almost broke down the door on the last night. Somehow… This seemed worse.
The turbulent unforeseen violence outside continued as the night crawled on, but it never came close to your door. Regardless, you sat at the ready as the clock ticked on and you forced your eyes to stay open.
Eventually, the roaring faded. When the woods were tranquil again, you were already asleep.
You wake up to the blinding morning light. The shotgun was still resting on your lap, and you silently scolded yourself for falling asleep with it still on your person before setting it to the side. You recline the chair, stretching out as the evening events come flooding back to you in an instant.
Something horrible happened last night just outside your door. If you were younger you’d be absolutely petrified right now, and maybe a small part of you was. You can never fully train fear out of you. But you’d been out here a while. You’re part of the ecosystem like anything else. This was your territory. That was challenged last night. You needed to establish you’re not afraid.
With heavy feet, you walk to the front door. You step onto the porch, shotgun still in hand. Your first steps onto the ground are cautious. The woods are quiet this morning, creatures hidden away in fear of whatever they witnessed last night. It makes your hair stand on end, but still, you press on.
The only sound that can be heard is the crunch of leaves under your feet as you stalk towards the edge of your property line— closer to where the sounds came from last night. You stop when the treeline gets denser and the ground gets steep. The sound of the river just down the hill is comforting.
Panic grips you when you spot it.
A man— beaten and blooded, half submerged on the shore.
You scramble down the hill without thinking. It wasn’t a fight between two predators. It was a fight between an animal and a man. He was fighting for his life and you just sat there all night.
He’s worse when you get up close. There are gashes on nearly every part of his body— claw marks in sets of three. There’s a massive one across his entire face. He’d likely lost his right eye.
You crouch down beside him, getting a better look at his features beneath the gore. His hair was short and dark. You can make out some thick stubble caked with blood. You cautiously hover your hand over his mouth. It was faint but it was there— breath. God, he’d been bleeding out all night, how is he still alive?
There’s no time to think about it now, you have to help him. You had to try at least.
You drop your gun, hook your arms under his shoulders and heave. He’s heavy as hell but you still manage to walk, one step after the other. You’re amazed you managed to get back up the hill to the cabin. Adrenalin is a hell of a thing.
You put him on the couch in the living room. His skin was ice cold, so your first priority is to light a fire before you do anything else. Dressing his wounds wouldn’t mean anything if hypothermia set in.
You had a modest stockpile of medical supplies, it was a necessity when someone lived the way you did. The nearest hospital was over 50 miles away and the only road to town had been washed over by a mudslide last week. His only hope was you— and your modest medical knowledge.
You pile up a few rolls of gauze and bowls of clean water next to him on the coffee table. All you had to do was clean and cover the wounds— maybe stitch a few. You take a deep breath and get to work.
Hours. It took hours but you did it. He more resembled a mummy than a man by the time you were done. The cabin was finally warm and his skin was slowly heating up… well, what little of it you could see under the bandages.
You’d tossed his shirt immediately, it was practically scraps anyway. You let him keep his pants, only with a few holes in the knees and a stray tear or two. He didn’t have shoes, which, now that you’re thinking about it, was a little odd. How do you manage to lose your shoes in a fight for your life? You’ll have to ask him when he wakes up. If he wakes up.
You sit across from him in your armchair, just looking. Though he was asleep he seemed… rough. Mean almost. His haircut made you think he’s a military man but the rest of him said otherwise. Massive sideburns and spotty stubble. Long unkempt nails. You’d never seen hands like his before. They looked… unnatural. This man survived an hours-long fight with some kind of predator, everything about him was unnatural. There’s a name for people like that— you try not to think about it.
It’s hours later before anything happens.
You’re in the kitchen when you hear a gasping breath. You immediately run over.
He’s awake, grasping at the bandages on his chest. He’s breathing rapidly.
“Where am I?!” he croaks out.
“Don’t do that,” You grab at his hands to stop him from pulling the gauze off, “You’ll open your—”
“Get the hell away from me!” he shoves you down in a flurry of movement. He attempts to get off the couch, collapsing under his own weight instantly. He barks out a pained grunt, grasping at his leg. You’re sure there was at least a severed tendon or two.
“You’re safe!” you assure him as you scramble to his side, keeping a safe distance this time, “You’re in my home. I found you by the river and—”
“Where is he?” the stranger growls through gritted teeth.
“I don’t know who you’re talking about,” You dare to touch him again, urging him back to the couch. To your surprise, he doesn’t flinch away, “Please, get back in bed.”
He finally looks at you now, and the rage in his eyes— well, eye–- sends a shiver down your spine. Your first assumptions were right, this man was angry. Maybe it was a mistake to bring him back here. You brought a stranger into your home— an angry stranger.
You notice his nose twitch. Is he… smelling you?
“You scared?” he asks bluntly.
He doesn’t take his eye off of you. You’re not sure how to navigate this situation. He was clearly dangerous, but he also couldn’t walk at the moment. Was he really a threat or just panicked? He did just wake up in a stranger's home after probably the worst night of his life after all.
“Are you going to hurt me?” you ask.
He scoffs, shaking his head with a faint smile.
“No, I don’t think so, frail,” he rolls on his back with a pained groan. He looks at the bandages snaking up his arms. He brings his grizzled hand down to touch the patch over his eye, “Christ, you went through a lot of trouble for nothin’.”
“Should I have left you there to die?” you ask cautiously, reestablishing some distance between the two of you.
“Probably would have been best,” he mumbles, hand still over where his right eye should have been, “Never had it this bad before.”
“Before?” you scoff, “You go wrestling bears in the woods often, stranger?”
“Didn’t fight a damn bear,” he grunts, sitting up and inching his way back to the couch.
“Oh yeah?” You loop your arm through his and help him the rest of the way onto the couch. “What did you fight?”
He lays back with a heavy sigh. He lets out another small chuckle and you see a flash of pearly white pointed teeth.
“A wolverine.”
You hide away in the other parts of the house until evening. You tried to talk to him a little more after he initially woke up, but he didn’t reciprocate much and honestly, you can’t blame him. You wouldn’t want to be berated with 20 questions after you survived a wolverine attack either. Still, you got a little out of him.
Victor. He said his name was Victor.
As the hours rolled on your anxieties stewed more and more about the situation you’d put yourself in. He’s already sitting up and talking. He was conscious less than a day after heavy trauma. He surely had to be in excruciating pain but didn’t say anything. Didn’t even touch the painkillers you set on the table for him. He just sat there, waiting almost. He said he wouldn’t hurt you but you don’t know him. You don’t know what he’s capable of.
He has clawed hands and pointed teeth… and he’s just sitting in your living room. You don’t want to dwell on it. You don’t want to judge. You keep your shotgun within reach just in case.
You’re in the laundry room when you hear booming footsteps down the hall.
You rush out to the kitchen and there he is, standing tall and straight.
“What are you— You’re—”
“I was thirsty,” he grits through your stammering, reaching into the cupboard to pull out a glass.
“You’re walking.”
He makes a small show of looking down and wiggling his toes, then looking back at you with faux shock on his face.
“Well, would ya look at that,” he drawls, “It’s a goddamn miracle.”
He brushes you off and fills his glass in the sink, downing the entire thing in one gulp before immediately filling it up again.
“You’re still scared.” he gruffs without even looking at you.
“Why shouldn’t I be?” you stand your ground, glancing to the hallway where your gun was mounted.
“I said I wouldn’t hurt you,” he reiterates in an almost annoyed tone. He turns to face you now, leaning back against the counter with a new glass of water.
“How do I know I can trust you?”
He raises his hand and you can’t help but notice his long nails peeking out from behind his fingers. “Scouts honor.”
“I need more than that.” you take a step closer, quelling the anxiety bubbling in your stomach. “If you’re going to stay I need more.”
“More?” He scoffs before taking a swig of his water. “What could you possibly—”
You don’t let him finish, slapping the glass out of his hand. It clamors to the floor without breaking, water splashing at your feet. He seemed like the type of man that would only respond to aggression. He was a guest in this house. This was your territory and you couldn’t let him think he was in charge. He couldn’t walk all over you. Sometimes showing dominance is the best way to stay safe. Show no fear.
You were going to get answers one way or another.
“I want honesty,” You stand directly in front of him. You see the seething rage in his almost gleaming eye and match it, “I find you mauled half to death and drag you in here. You wake up without so much as a thank you. You couldn’t even walk a few hours ago and now here you are standing in my kitchen thinking you own the place. You give me a little honesty, and I’ll give you a little trust.”
You stand there in bloated silence, both of you refusing to back down. Christ, he’s big. He looks down at you with contempt almost, until his expression melts back into something more neutral. You flinch when he reaches up, but he doesn’t lay his hand on you. His clawed fingers grip the bandages around his chest and rip them off in one fluid motion.
You almost scream at him to stop before you notice it. The deep gashes that were so prominent on his skin just a few hours ago… were almost completely gone. Only small cuts on fresh pink skin littered his chest. Christ, even the hair was growing back.
“You— what does… how is this possible?” you ask, almost dumbfounded. But you knew. Deep down you knew.
“Aw, and here I thought you might be smart,” he tuts, turning to retrieve another glass.
“You’re a mutant.” You finally say it out loud. There was no denying it now.
“Told ya you went through a lot of trouble for nothing,” he grunts almost dismissively. He turns to face you again and his expression is almost… soft. He’s relaxed. He’s trying to make you comfortable. That or he was finally relieved everything was out in the open now. Either way, the air was lighter.
“You still scared?” He asks.
Are you? You’re not sure. He promised he wouldn’t hurt you. And, he gave you what you asked for. He gave you honestly. Now you have to keep up your end of the bargain.
Unsure of how to continue, you simply reach out your hand. It hovers there in front of him for a moment. He stares at it almost dumbfounded, before he takes it. Your hand feels so small in his.
“Welcome to my home, Victor,” you offer him a small smile. “I hope you’ll behave or you’ll have led in your ass to worry about next."
His sharp smile could almost be considered kind, “Thanks a million, kitten.”
By the next morning he’s taken off almost all of the bandages, say for the one over his eye. He said it would take longer for his eye since it was fully regrowing something instead of mending skin. You’re still in awe of it all. You never knew much about mutants, but you're sure he had to be something special. He’d practically come back from the dead.
You worked up the courage to ask him about the claws last night.
Don’t you know an animal when you see one? Was his only answer. You could make your own assumptions off of that.
He stands just outside of the cabin right now. You’d found an old grey henley shirt for him to wear. He didn’t seem to mind having no shoes. You assume it’s all part of the whole ‘beast’ thing he has going on.
He said he wanted to exercise before he left the house, mumbling about still being sore. His walk has the slightest limp in it you think he’s trying to hide. He stretches his arms over his head and cracks his neck a few times before bounding off into the woods with the agility of a tiger. He really did move like an animal.
You’re still not sure what to make of him. You didn’t care that he was a mutant, but you can’t shake the feeling that he’s someone dangerous. You could just see it in him. A quiet rage about everything. A cocky smirk that sets you on edge in a way you can’t quite place. And in its own way… a carefully curated image.
On top of all of his red flags, something about him was just so… alluring. You just can’t seem to stop your thoughts from drifting to the more lustful side when you think about him.
He comes back an hour later. You’re standing at the kitchen window when you see him bound down from the trees. He has two dead pheasants in hand. He takes a seat on the porch and begins plucking them, his back still facing you. You watch his shoulders rise and drop with his ragged breaths, his wide back almost mesmerizing. He was strong, you knew that from the moment you saw him. Vicious too.
An animal. He called himself an animal. You wonder just exactly what that meant.
You feel the arousal stir in your belly, a wet ache growing between your legs. You notice his demeanor shift outside, and his head turns slightly. You jump out of view of the window, ashamed to have been spying on his personal time. You’re not sure, but you think you hear a small chuckle outside.
He comes back in about ten minutes later, with two freshly plucked and gutted birds to offer. Birds he hunted down with his bare hands.
“Brought dinner,” he announces, placing them in the sink. “Noticed you were almost out of meat.”
You stand on the opposite side of the kitchen, back towards him. You're not sure why, but you're embarrassed.
“Thank you,” you say, fiddling with whatever books were on the table.
You feel him come up behind you, standing just inches away.
“Sure thing, kitten,” his lips faintly brush your ear before pulling away. “Gonna shower.”
He was going to track down Logan and finish what he started. He wasn’t going to come back to this fucking place. No reason to. He barely made it 3 miles before the exhaustion started overtaking him, his still cracked ribs and torn tendons aching in protest. It was taking too damn long this time. The runt had done a number on him. He hoped he’d at least returned the favor in equal measure.
It didn’t matter anymore. He lost Logan’s scent in the river, the water erasing whatever trail that was left. He’d find him eventually and they’d do it all over again. Same old song and dance forever.
So he scurries back to this shithole cabin to lick his wounds.
He hates it. He hates it here. He hates that he’s apparently so goddamn weak he needed help from a human. He hates the way this fucking cabin smells. He hates you.
His cock’s painfully hard in his hands. Victor stands hunched over himself in the shower, hoping the rushing water is loud enough to drown out any lewd sounds you might hear. He honestly didn’t know how good human hearing was anymore.
Truth be told this was probably his favorite way to relieve some stress after getting his ass handed to him— though he’d rather be cumming in someone pretty. You would do nicely, but for some reason, he held back. You wanted him, he could smell it, and Victor Creed held back. Instead giving himself a sad quick jerk in the shower.
He chalks it up to having some kind of respect for you, whatever little he’s capable of. You dragged his ass up here, kept him in your home, did your best to put him in his place. Usually, he’d call all that stupidity, but being on the receiving end of your kindness was…nice.
No one was nice to Victor. No one gave a shit, and he was fine with that. You didn’t seem to care he was what he was. Seemed like you just wanted him to be nice. Fine, he can be nice. The Victor Creed version of nice at least.
Christ, you wanted him— and he smelled it.
He cums with a groan hissed through clenched teeth. It was empty. Not the release he wanted and it just serves to piss him off more. He wouldn’t stick around here much longer. Wait for his eye to be back in its socket again and bones to snap back into place— then he’d go and do what he’d always done. He’d forget about all of this.
He already smells the pheasants roasting in the oven. You came with perks, he won’t deny that.
He doesn’t bother putting a shirt on once his pants are buttoned, walking out of the bathroom dragging a towel across his damp hair. It smelled even better out here. He sits by the kitchen where you scurry around doing god knows what.
“When’s the bird ready?” he asks.
“A few hours. We should—” You finally turn to face him, pausing as soon as your eyes land on his face, “You… showered with your bandages on.”
“So, you’re gonna get an infection,” you sigh, reaching into a cupboard next to the sink and pulling what he’s pretty sure is your last roll of gauze.
“I don’t get infections,” His words do nothing to stop you as you somehow just materialize in front of him. “You don’t need to—”
“Hush, these things are filthy anyway,” you touch him without hesitation, unwrapping the damp bandages around his head, “Don’t want your eyeball to grow back wrong, do we.”
“You’re unbearable, woman.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard that one before,” You brush his words off with a faint smile. When you take the final patch off his eye, he can’t resist.
“Boo!” he snarls, popping his claws up for dramatic effect. You jump, fear only taking your senses for a brief moment before you smile and smack him playfully on the chest.
“Asshole,” you mutter, taking his face in her hands. He can’t help but chuckle… just a little. your expression drops while you observe the surely hideous gash on his face. Something is growing in his eye socket, he can feel it. It’s almost fully there, but if it’s functional yet is a totally different story. He can barely open it, faint blurry images throwing off his vision and making him dizzy. Maybe it was best to keep the damn thing covered after all.
“How bad is it, doc?” He breaks the silence.
“Well,” you run a thumb across his cheekbone. He pushes down whatever foreign feeling it stirs in his stomach. “It’s better than it was.”
You grab the gauze.
“Just a patch this time. Don’t need ta wrap half my head.” He insists.
“Fine, fine,” you absent-mindedly agree while cutting off a few strips of tape. He feels his muscles tense when you touch him again. “It’s amazing your body can do this, you know.”
“Yeah, I’ll count my blessings,” He huffs, almost annoyed. You don't know a goddamn thing.
“You think your eye will come back a different color?” you continue on absentmindedly, taking your sweet time to position the patch just right.
“What?” he scoffs in amusement.
“Like you’ll get a blue or purple eye instead. Does that happen?”
“No. No, that doesn’t happen.” He can’t tell if you’re just being naive or trying to make small talk. You don't smell afraid anymore. You smell… relaxed. He liked it. The smell was almost…inviting.
“Mm, probably for the best. You’ve got nice eyes— well, eye.” You honest to god laugh at yourself.
“Oh, do I?” He’d bounce his eyebrows sarcastically if you weren’t finally putting the tape on.
“Yeah, you do.” you smooth out the final strip of tape across his forehead. “They almost glow. Like a wild cat’s.”
“Honey… you have no idea.”
Your hands still haven’t left his face. When was the last time someone touched him without the intent to hurt him? When was the last time someone paid him an honest compliment? When’s the last time he talked to a pretty girl without the express purpose of getting information out of her? A girl that wasn’t afraid of him… He can’t remember.
Victor didn’t have quite nice moments like this with people. Never let anyone get close enough to try. He wasn’t someone nice things happened to… so of course the moment was ruined almost immediately.
He hears it before he smells it, stalking footprints in the distance. A large predator coming for the cabin. He takes a deep inhale and closes in on it immediately. A cougar, one he’d met earlier today when he was out. He’d encroached on a mother's territory and she’d tracked him here. Now he’d have to defend yours.
“What is it?” you’d noticed him go stiff, his attention darting to the open door. He grabs your arms as gently as he can and pushes you back.
“Stay inside…please,” He stalks to the door, instincts immediately overtaking his senses. Protect. Defend. Fight if you have to.
He stands on the dirt just in front of the cabin, pacing back and forth— an open challenge. The cougar does the same just beyond the treeline, staying hidden. It doesn’t matter, Victor may be down an eye but he can smell her just fine. This could go on for hours if he didn’t try something. May as well just kill the thing and get it over with.
“Victor?” your meek voice almost pulls him from his predatory focus— almost.
“I said stay inside,” it comes out as more of a growl than he intended, but he doesn’t particularly care at the moment, “Back up and lock the door.”
“Please… don’t kill it. Whatever it is.” You beg him for reasons he can’t fully comprehend at the moment.
“Go inside. Now.”
You said nothing and followed his command, locking the door behind you.
His attention is back on the silent predator just beyond the treeline. This was a territorial dispute, a display of dominance— something Victor was always good at.
He plants his feet, standing parallel to your front door. He squares his shoulders and roars. A challenge. An invitation, really.
Just try it, it won’t go well, Victor thinks as he readies his stance, prepared to pounce.
An eerie silence follows in his voice's echo. The type of silence when there’s about to be trouble.
The mother reveals herself, only slightly, peeking her head through the brush. Her gaze is locked on to him and teeth bared with quivering cheeks. He should pounce now, take her out in one strike. It would be so easy. Killing was always so easy… but you’d asked him not to. And for some reason, that was harder. Restraint wasn’t something Victor ever practiced, so why now?
Because you asked him to.
The two predators both remain unmoving. Both pushed to the edge. Victor pushed her to the edge. She didn’t want to fight, she was just protecting what was hers. So was he… in a way. So Victor does something he’s never done before.
He takes a step back.
He stands at the bottom step of the porch, crouching even lower. He bares the full length of his claws before he roars again— the primal message clear to his fellow predator.
This is mine. Stay away.
There’s a beat of heavy silence between the two, a bit longer than he’d like, before he sees the mother’s posture relax. She steps out of the brush, head hung low— a sign of respect. A promise not to come back. They share one final look before she bounds away into the woods once more.
But it’s not good enough for Victor. He desperately wants to go after her. He wants assurance that you’d be safe. He wants revenge on something for having the audacity to cross him. He wants to march back into the cabin and claim what he’s now marked as his.
Instead, he paces. He walks the perimeter of the cabin praying something else challenges him so he can kill it.
He stayed outside until nightfall that day, just walking around the tree line. You didn’t dare stop him. Something about the way he moved, the way he carried himself, it frightened you. And in a way you’re not ready to admit to, it excites you. This massive lumbering man ready to fight a full-grown cougar stalking around your property like an animal… it did something to you. You try not to think about it, busying yourself with whatever unimportant work you can find.
You ate by yourself that night, leaving out a plate for him. The next morning you woke up to him asleep on the couch with a full pheasant carcass completely cleaned off on the plate next to him. You find two more plucked and gutted birds in the sink too. Well… at least he liked your cooking.
When he woke up he immediately took the bandage over his eye off. You almost slapped him for being too hasty before you saw two perfectly matching topaz eyes looking back at you, the previous gash now thinned to a faint sliver over skin around it.
He left the cabin before you could do anything else, mumbling something about testing it out.
He’s been gone for hours now while you nervously scurry about your humble home, willing your thoughts not to drift to him. It’s useless, he encompassed every thought you had. Those strong clawed hands, his deadly swift movements. His—
You almost yelp when you hear the cabin door slam. You don’t turn around to face him, but you hear his heavy steps lumber back to the living room and collapse on the couch. There’s a heavy sigh as the couch creaks in protest. He’s relaxing. And, somehow, the air is so much lighter now.
“Dinners ready,” you dare to speak up, pulling the probably overdone pheasants out of the oven.
“Good,” he grunts before strolling into the kitchen. He takes an entire bird for himself again, not giving the accompanied roasted vegetables a second glance. You can’t say you're surprised, but it makes you smile a little. You join him in the living room once your plate is filled, sitting kitty-corner from the couch on your armchair.
He didn’t even bother to grab a fork, pulling apart the bird and eating it down to the bone piece by piece. He really was an animal. You chose not to comment on it, quietly eating your own meal on the side.
“What was that?” you finally speak up after a few bites, “Out there the other day. A cougars never come close to here.”
“My fault,” he simply answers, breaking one of the striped bird bones in his hand, “Territory dispute, should be fine now.”
“Okay,” You simply answer despite all of the swirling questions in your head. How can he act so casual after stalking your property like a goddamn tiger for an entire day? Because this was normal to him. This is just part of who Victor was.
Don’t you know an animal when you see one?
You both finish the meal in silence, choosing to stare at the dancing fire instead of each other. The air felt charged. Heavy with something you’re not ready to admit to yourself. You take your plate to the kitchen before you say something stupid.
You almost scream when you turn around to find him directly behind you at the sink, too close for comfort. Christ, you didn’t even hear him walk up. He stands there, staring down at you with those glowing predatory eyes that are so mesmerizing. He reaches out and rests his hands on the counter on either side of you, caging you in. His massive body crowds you against the counter. You can feel your heartbeat start to quicken.
“You think I don’t know what you’re thinking, little girl?” he all but growls out, “You think I can’t smell you? You’ve been driving me crazy.”
One of his hands comes up to your face, the backside of his claws running down your cheek. He was dangerous, a killer. You’re so close to it and it thrilled you.
“What do you want?” his face is hovering closer to yours now.
“I—” You try desperately to hold yourself together, but you just can’t. Not with him, “I don’t know…”
He scoffs slightly, clawed hand coming down to rest on your neck. There’s no pressure in his grasp, but there’s the lingering feeling of control. You should be afraid, you should be absolutely terrified.
“I know what you want,” his head drops to your neck, taking a deep inhale. You swear you feel the faint brush of his fangs against the delicate skin of your shoulder. “You wanna be fucked like an animal. Taken by a beast. Claimed… That what you want?”
The grip on your neck tightens ever so slightly as his body pushes into yours. You’re trembling now, but there’s no fear.
His mouth envelopes yours with a growl and you finally surrender to him, your previously stiff body melting into his. It’s not gentle. It's not sweet and loving. It’s possessive and a little terrifying— and it’s exactly what you want.
He’s strong, you knew that the moment you saw him, but those rough hands are on you now and it gives his strength a whole new meaning. The steel grip of two clawed paws on your hips almost makes you wince in pain. His body is rigid against yours, a massive unmovable pillar. He’s in full control here. You still have almost no reason to trust him with your body like this, but for some reason you do.
He shoves one of his massive thighs between your legs to the point of being forced to stand on your tiptoes. Admittedly, the pressure against your clothed pussy was delicious. His leg remains steady when you give an experimental roll of your hips. There’s a rumble of approval that stirs in his chest and reverberates straight down to your cunt.
His lips break from yours with heated breath, taking a moment to pierce you with those damned glowing eyes before attacking your neck with his mouth. One of his hand's claws into your hair, pulling your head back to a near uncomfortable angle. The flat of his tongue drags slowly across your pulse before biting down. He doesn’t break skin, but that doesn’t stop you from wailing.
At his mercy— you’re at his full mercy.
You find a rhythm against his thigh, searching for some kind of relief from the building pressure at your core. You’re so wet already, you can feel it through your pants. The built-up desire. The almost all-consuming need for this man. You’d never felt this way for anyone, but again… there was just something about Victor that drew you in. A moth to a flame—or maybe a mouse in the mouth of a tiger.
“Filthy little thing,” He growls against you, “Jesus, you’re already so—”
All at once his intense presence leaves you, just for a moment. His knee drops and he releases your hair. He flips you around against the counter so quickly you almost lose all the air in your lungs. Even from behind his presence is still all-consuming— feverish almost.
One hand still squeezes your hip while the other snakes around to the front hem of your pants. He paws at your clothed cunt, his middle two fingers lingering right over your clit. You can feel the pressure of his claws through your jeans. He holds his hand there, just for a moment.
“Take them off,” His voice is hot and low against your ear. You do as he says, unbuttoning your pants and shimmying them down your hips along with your panties.
His rough hands massage into the plush flesh of your hips while he lingers there, his reach eventually sneaks up your shirt, cupping your bare breasts underneath. He has you completely pressed against him, playing with you like a cat plays with their food.
Every touch of his calloused hands is pure electricity. Somehow gentle and rough at the same time. He was an expert at this, you’re sure of it. You will your knees from shaking.
One of his hands finally trails back down to your waiting pussy, slowly dragging his fingers through your drenched folds. He holds there, pulsing his finger ever so gently on top of your aching clit— that’s when your knees start to shake.
“Needy little thing,” he almost praises into your hair, “Never thought you’d smell this— be this—”
He breaks, suddenly forcing you over the counter. You have just enough time to brace yourself with your hands. You’re on full display for him now, bent over completely with his hands on your hips. You hear the rustling of fabric and the heavy thunk of a belt dropping to the floor.
You moan so sinfully when you feel his velvet cock running through your folds. The wet, sloppy sound is practically pornographic.
“Oh, Christ. Oh fucking Christ,” You hear him rumble as he lines himself up, ���You ready for me, darlin’?”
You nod vigorously, bracing yourself for him to just slam in. To your surprise, he doesn’t. Instead, it's slow… agonizingly slow. You whine as inch by inch he takes you, savoring the feeling. You feel his grip tighten the deeper and deeper he goes. You squeeze your fists to ground yourself, being pushed to your absolute limit. He’s big. He’s fucking big.
“Relax,” He grits out, “You can take me, sweet thing. You can—” He cuts himself off with a moan, finally bottoming out. He pauses there, pelvis grinding into your ass ever so slightly. You hear his breathing grow heavy, and he draws out of you.
He slams back in with force and you scream. You hadn’t adjusted to his size yet and there was a good deal of pain mixing with the pleasure. You’d never had anyone this big. You’d never had anyone like Victor, period. A few steady and purposeful thrusts later the pain wasn’t even a factor anymore.
He finds a pace, pulling your hips back to meet him harder and harder. It feels good, god it feels heavenly, but you can’t help but feel like this isn’t what you wanted. You want to fuck him, but you don’t want him to just use you. To not be just some bent-over whore just taking it. Maybe you’re lonelier than you realize, or maybe you're just a romantic, but either way, you need connection.
“W-wait,” you manage to gasp out. He stops immediately, buried to the hilt and pressing you almost painfully into the counter.
“Fucking hell— what?” you can tell he spits it through gritted teeth.
You crane your neck around, only able to see him out of the corner of your eye. He was like a black shadow behind you, completely silhouetted by the moonlight from the window.
“Wanna— I wanna see you.” It feels so pathetic coming from your mouth.
You see his posture shift. He hesitates a moment before pulling out of you. You whine at the sudden loss. You stand up straight with shaky knees and turn to face the black mass with glowing eyes.
“I want to see you,” You repeat, running your hands under his shirt and over his bare torso. You feel his muscles tense in your touch's wake. “I want to look at you when you fuck me.”
Something rumbles in his chest before he grabs you again. He hooks his hands under your ass and lifts you onto the counter. He hovers there, his nose tracing over your face but never fully touching you. Your hands haven’t left him still, he lets you roll off his shirt completely. He stands before you now completely bare and waiting. You loop your arms around his neck.
“Take me to bed, Victor.”
He consumes your mouth again when he pulls you into him, lifting you off the counter like you’re nothing. He carries you down the hall and you somehow manage to finally shed your shirt in the fever of it all. It catches you completely by surprise when he drops you onto your bed, you hadn’t even noticed him walk through your bedroom’s threshold.
You lay there, chest heaving while you gather yourself. He stands there, a faceless black mass again just barely highlighted by the light from the window— piercing eyes a blaze in the darkness. You swear you can feel their burning gaze running over your body.
Your legs hang open at the edge of the bed and he stands directly between them. His upper body crawls over yours, his movements are agile and fluid like a panther. You hook your legs around him, pulling him in closer and he hums in approval.
“Frail wants to watch me fuck her, hmm?” his hands run over your thighs, those claws so dangerously close to breaking skin.
“S-stop calling me that.” you weakly protest, “I’m not frail.”
He simply chuckles in response, a deep throaty thing that puts your hair on end.
“Sure ya aren’t.”
He comes down on one of your breasts, rough tongue dragging over your peaked nipple before taking it into his mouth. Your hands claw down his back and up into his hair. He’s so heavy on top of you. So warm. His tongue greedily rolls around your nipple and over your chest to the other side. His chest rumbles with lust against your stomach as he devours you alive.
He slowly comes off you, those predatory eyes glossed over with need. He crawls down your body until he’s standing on the floor again. He grabs your thighs, yanking you further to the edge of the bed. He rests his cock on top of the mound of your cunt, lazily rolling it back and forth right over your clit. Tiny gasps escape you with every velvet hard stroke.
“Big t-tough girl wants to watch me fuck her,” he purrs. You swear you catch his eyes rolling back from the sensation, “Okay, pretty girl… you can watch.”
In one fluid motion, he slams himself back into your dripping pussy. Your entire back arches off the bed, muscles tensing with your silent scream. You didn’t expect him to be gentle, you didn’t want him to be.
He holds there a moment, savoring the stretch around him. He barely pulls out before rolling back, grinding his pelvis against yours. He grips your legs tightly around the thigh, claws completely retracted so his fingers can dig into the pillowy flesh— he holds you for dear life while he finds his rhythm.
“J-Jesus, you’re so damn tight,” he grits out, “Pretty thing like y-you all alone out here not getting fucked good on the d-daily… it’s a damn shame.”
You think it’s the closest thing he can give to a compliment, but you're not complaining at the moment— he’s not calling you frail anymore.
Tiny little gasps escape you with each thrust, your knuckles going white from gripping the sheets. He looms over you, this massive beast of man drilling into you like it’s the deepest primal urge— and it’s exactly what you wanted.
Looking up at him you feel so close to danger, so close to absolute demise, and yet you’ve never felt safer. Never felt more desired than you do when he looks at you with those glowing eyes. He might be a beast, an animal as he called himself, but he is yours. Right now he’s yours and he’s giving you everything.
“Touch yourself,” he urges through gritted teeth, his movements getting rougher, “Wanna…. See you touch yourself.”
You immediately oblige, having been so lost in the sauce that you completely forgot your own hands were an option. You release a throaty whine as soon as your middle finger circles your clit. The contrast of your gentle strokes mixed with his rough thrusts was an incredible combination you’d never experienced before. You apply a little more pressure, gasping out at the new heat building in your stomach.
“You keep… you keep making those s-sounds and I’m not gonna last.” Victor’s hands trail up your legs, moving your ankles to his shoulders. You’d forgotten you were this flexible. His fanged mouth nips at the flesh of your calves, an attempt to drown all his senses in you.
“Trying—” He moans against your skin, “Trying not to bite you.”
“T-then just do it,” You barely manage to gasp out. You're not so sure why you were so fast to reply to something so insane.
Those gem-like eyes immediately shoot to yours. His teeth bare down on the flesh of your calf, but not enough to break skin. The sharp pain mixed with the all-consuming pleasure makes you squeal. His tongue comes out to soothe over the freshly raw area.
“Not yet, sweet thing—shit— N-not yet.” You have absolutely no idea what he means.
Your whole body bounces up and down against the bed, his thrusts powerful enough to make your headboard slam against the wall. The coil was tightening now, the heat building to that amazing mind-numbing climax you were both so desperately searching for.
“V-Victor– I— I—” is all you manage to squeak out before it overtakes you with a thunderous snap. The massive man collapses on top of you, pulling you into his rough body as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm.
“That’s it— t-that’s— give it to me,” He growls in your ear like a prayer, his hips starting to spasm out of rhythm. He sinks his teeth into your neck with a deep moan as his own bliss overtakes him. Again, he does not break skin.
He still you both there, the wet slaps of skin against skin now replaced with breathy gasps and muffled moans. You feel him spill into you as you pulse around him. His body pins yours down like a weighted blanket until both of your pleasures are spent.
His tongue laps over the indent his teeth have made just like he did with your calf. You think it’s his own primal way of saying sorry. Still, he refused to break the skin, and you wonder why.
“Victor…” you whisper against his ear, running soothing hands down his massive back. A growl rumbles in his chest and reverberates into your own, rattling your heart between your ribs.
“Not done.” you think he mummers against your neck.
“What?” You pause your hands at his waist.
He sits up from you, those predatory eyes still just as hungry as before.
“I’m not done with you yet.” he declares before dropping to his knees on the floor, dragging your lower half with him. You grasp at the sheets for dear life while he holds you balanced there, your leaking pussy right in his face.
“Victor, what are you— ohhhh!” You’re cut off by the overwhelming sensation of his rough tongue dragging through your folds. He laps at you as you squirm in his grasp.
“Taste so good together, darlin’,” he mumbles against you in between the ungodly wet sounds. His tongue delves into you selfishly, the wet muscle pumping in and out while his nose nudges against your clit. Your nerves are so overwhelmed you're not sure you even register everything he’s doing. He moans into you so aggressively you start to wonder if he’s doing this for him or you.
Surely feeling this good must be illegal, you think. Surely this man isn’t actually real.
You writhe against the overstimulation, but his strong hands hold you anchored there against him so impossibly close. His entire mouth closes over your cunt, that agile tongue narrowing in to dance circles around your clit. It’s too much. It’s not enough.
“Pretty pussy like this needs to be licked every night,” He moans between laps of his tongue, “Every goddamn night.”
“V-Victor�� P-please— I can’t—” You attempt to plead before he interrupts you.
“Yes you can,” he says it like a demand, “You got one more for me. Please… need one more.” He’s begging for it. Begging for you to come.
Yes, he’s definitely not real. You’re sure of it now.
His attention is back entirely on your clit now, closing his lips around and sucking— it’s your undoing.
You grasp at the edge of the mattress, your entire body arching off the sheets as your second orgasm rips through you. Victor is unforgiving, his mouth and tongue drinking you in greedily and you uselessly squirm against him.
He holds you there for what feels like hours, enveloping himself in the mess you’d both made between your thighs. He can’t enjoy this, you think. There’s no way on Earth he can be enjoying this. Yet he holds you there until your muscles finally relax again, reveling in the mess you’ve both made together.
He guides you down to his lap and you drag the sheets off the bed with you, burying yourself in his hairy chest. He pulls you into him without hesitation, his nose burrowing into your hair and his hand coming up to cradle the back of your head— A sharp contrast to how he was previously handling you. It's…. nice. Soothing away the pain of the numerous sins you’d surely just committed.
You both lay back on the floor, bodies effortlessly curling in around each other. The bed seemed too far away now anyway. He brings the blanket up around you both, but it feels like a useless gesture. His body is all the warmth you need.
You both lay there in silence for possibly eons, letting the electricity in the air settle until you can think clearly— though you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to again. You can’t help but feel like this absolute beast of man has changed everything now. This stranger that you’d rescued and brought into your home has left an eternal mark on your soul. This man you know almost nothing about.
Only a single question comes to mind.
“Who the hell are you, Victor Creed?”
His chest jumps under you with a small huff of a laugh. He lets the question settle in the air for a moment.
“Sweetie, you don’t wanna know.”
#victor creed#sabertooth#Victor Creed Fanfic#victor creed x reader#smut#Sabertooth smut#Victor Creed Smut#Víctor creed x f!reader#Sabertooth x f!reader
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‧₊˚✧ ❛[ pocket powerhouse ]❜
━━━ .°˖✧ requested by @klerns-birdie ˚₊ ⊹
ft. logan howlett x f! reader x wade wilson — xmen, marvel
╰₊✧ entering the void with their tiny, mighty companion┊1.4k words
setting: deadpool & wolverine (2024) worst! logan contains: canon typical blood & violence (and murder lol), reader is described as short & cute, super strength mutation, reader is the one who kills sabertooth in this one, fourth-wall break
➤ author's note: this was funnier in my head
they had you surrounded on all fronts, some standing before you and others on armored vehicles, holding their weapons and fists up ready to strike at any moment. if they didn’t clearly have bad intentions, then you would have been flattered at this little welcome party gathering together after only a few minutes of being sent into the void. they probably heard the ruckus wade and logan were making since they simply couldn’t keep their hands off of each other.
meaning, they couldn’t stop beating each other up and using any means necessary to shed blood or break bones despite it all being healed within the span of seconds.
you find the only successful way to get them to stop trying to kill each other is by threatening to kill them first, throwing a punch into the ground to destroy it under you as a means to grab their attention while shouting that you’ll decapitate them if they continue.
they listen to you most of the time and drop the mini battles, not because they believe you would actually do it, but because they believe they are humoring you by doing so (and because they know to sit down and shut up when a pretty woman tells them to). with super-strength as your mutation, you could do it with ease, they know you can— it’s just so difficult to think that such a cute little thing who pouts when ignored and is frequently used as an armrest due to short stature would ever do anything of the sort. you still have yet to act on your warnings, only depending on bloodlust-filled glares to settle them down much like a teacher waiting for her noisy class to be quiet.
logan thinks you all bark and no bite, wade compares you to an angry bunny, it’s safe to say they take what you say with a grain of salt, exchanging amused looks and admiring how cute you are when yelling profanities and gory details of how you’re going to maim them. (blah, blah, blah, proper name, place name— backstory stuff)
the three of you cringed at the failure of johnny storm, grimacing when his balls probably got crushed on a metal pole and every time he hit his head before getting captured. his end goal was clearly to escape, but you didn’t quite know how he was planning to get there when he set himself alight and started flying.
“i know you!” a large man with flowing blonde hair jumped off the tank, landing with a heavy thud on the compacted sand.
“oh my god, that’s sabertooth, peanut’s brother,” wade explained.
“brother? they don’t really look anything alike aside from being… uh… feral?”
“well you see, apparently there are some discrepancies about that. the author isn’t sure about anything because her bitch-ass still hasn’t watched any of the x-men movies or done her research. something about ‘being too busy with real life,’ can you believe that?”
“okay, you lost me when you started talking about ‘an author,’ but lay off her!”
sabertooth growled at logan, “ready to die?”
“hey, don’t threaten him! i don’t care if he’s your brother, he’s my friend!” you interrupted, walking up to him, acting nonchalantly like he was a teddy bear when he was truly a grizzly. he was much taller than you too, towering over you and leaving you in his shadow.
“get outta my way, girlie” he barked, extending his claws, prepared to sink them into your flesh. “you’re lucky you’re cute, or else i already would have killed you.”
“aww, thank you! but i can’t accept compliments from someone who wants to kill my friend, so to that, i say ‘fuck off!’”
before he could let out a roar about how you should know who you’re talking to or swipe his claws at your face, you lifted your hand and slapped him across the face. it was much like a dramatic slap from television shows where the girl finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her or something, except his head went flying off into the distance and sprayed blood everywhere. it happened so quickly that his body stood there for a second before flopping over.
“oh my god!” wade exclaimed, cupping his face in his hands from surprise before excitedly clapping them together, “oh my god, that’s my girl— that’s our girl! see, that’s what happens when you enlist a y/n on your team, i told you that it was a good idea to take her with us!” he picked up the decapitated head and waved his arms around, paying no mind to the dripping red iron spilling on his costume, “you bitches saw that? she’s cute ‘n tiny but mighty, and she’ll absolutely fuck you up!”
the victory was short-lived as they took advantage of logan’s adamantium skeleton and other large pieces to scrap to trap all of you to a magnet. normally, this would be a breeze for you to get yourself out of, but you got hit in the head and quickly fell unconscious for them to ship you all away to cassandra.
when you finally woke up, you’re tied back-to-back with johnny and find your two companions in a similar position. “are you guys okay?”
“they’re asleep, but i’m okay,” logan answered, voice uncharacteristically amiable. despite being just as annoying as deadpool, he liked you a whole lot more and never spoke to you as roughly as he did to him. you were sweeter, more empathetic and understanding that he needed his own space, and, he isn’t going to lie, very easy on the eyes. “and you?”
“i’m okay! my head really hurts though…” you winced and shook your head a few times, trying to get the pounding sensation out. “god, this place is crazy. first we get teleported to this junkyard and then—”
“did you really mean what you said back there?”
“what did i say?”
“well… you…” god, he felt stupid, he was about to back out and say ‘nevermind,’ but he knows that you wouldn’t have let him go so easily. “you said that i was your friend…”
“yeah! you are! i mean, i killed your brother for you even though you could have done it yourself, putting myself in danger just so that you didn’t have to— you better consider me a friend too!”
he should tell you that you shouldn’t call him that nor think of him that way since nothing good ever comes out associating with him, but he can’t bring himself to say the words he’s routinely told others to successfully push them away. something about the look in your eyes, the way they sparkled when you looked at him. something about your smile, toothy and full of hope for the future to make up for his lack of. something about you makes him keep his mouth shut.
instead, he looks away, muttering a quiet word of thanks.
you tilt your head in slight confusion, not understanding the depth of your statement yet and how it managed to pull a word of gratitude out of a man who was in a constant state of irritation, but it made you irrationally happy and giddy inside.
wade was murmuring a few unintelligible sentences before coming to, and despite wearing a mask that covered his entire face, you could envision the mild look of disgust behind the leather as clear as day. “ew, why are you smiling like that??” he took a glance at you and then back at him, repeating the process a few times. “what the fuck? you guys can’t have a love story and leave me out of it! i’m the reason you two even met—” he finally seemed to process the situation from the close proximity with logan, looking him in the eyes through the white fabric of his mask and trying to find a way to loosen it to no avail. “how long have i been asleep?”
“not all of you was asleep.”
johnny seemed to wake up as well, beginning to tell a whole bunch of exposition about this place you were trapped in, something about a monster that would swallow you up and a “her” who runs this entire place. he laughed at the notion of evading this woman’s grasp, but wade thought otherwise.
“nah, we can take her! i have a pocket powerhouse and the wolverine on my side, i’m not scared of anything!”
no one quite believes him, but it’s nice to see that your optimism has rubbed off on him.

#📜. her works#logan howlett#logan howlett x reader#wade wilson#wade wilson x reader#wolverine#wolverine x reader#deadpool#deadpool x reader#deadpool and wolverine#deadpool 3#marvel#marvel x reader#x men#x men x reader
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ENERGY ─ chapter one
pairing: logan howlett x !f!reader
Set during x-men (2000) and X2
warnings: angst, bad grammar?😭, basically the plot of the first movie!!!
-> next chapter
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You were only 15 when Charles found you after the accident, and you’ve only ever stayed with him since.
Once you grew older more students started to appear throughout the school. Which led you to be given a position as the chemistry teacher at the school.
As for being an X-men, that was a different situation. Unlike Jean, Scott, and Ororo. You were scared of the extent of your powers, therefore when Charles asked if you wanted to be a part of the X-men you kindly declined.
Now you sat at your desk in your classroom marking the last of the tests that you handed out earlier today.
You let out a sigh while swiftly checking off one of your student’s answers with a red pen. Suddenly you hear Charles's voice in your head, “Come to my room there’s something we need to discuss.”
You quickly put away the unfinished marked test in your folder as you head to Charles's room. “You wanted to see me?” you ask as you near the door walking in.
You look around seeing that Scott, Ororo, and Jean are already standing there in the room. “-and this is y/n. A teacher at our school for gifted.” Charles says, giving you a welcoming smile which you return.
An unfamiliar man you don’t seem to recognize stands in the middle of the room eyeing you.
You’re confused why Charles decided to call you to be here but you don’t ask, instead you turn to give a friendly smile towards the unfamiliar man. He doesn’t return the smile back and looks to the Professor behind him.
“you’ll be safe here from Magneto,” Charles speaks. “What’s a ‘magneto’?” The man asks. “A very powerful mutant who believes a war is brewing between mutants and the rest of humanity.” Charles continues “-the associate of his that attacked you earlier is called ‘Sabertooth’.”
“Sabertooth?” The man asks. A pause as he then turns to point at Ororo clicking his tongue. “Storm.” He pauses again and looks to Charles, “What do they call you? Wheels?” He lets out a dry laugh and turns towards where you and Scott are standing.
“Cyclops, right?” He spoke, grabbing Scott’s shirt and pulling him towards his face. “You wanna get outta’ my way?” you're shocked at this sudden act and so is Scott, who’s giving a certain look towards the professor.
Charles uses his telepathy on the man. He lets go of Scott’s shirt and turn’s his head to look around the room. Finally, the professor speaks out loud, “I can help you, Logan.”
Before the man could even answer, Charles turns to all of you.“You all can leave now. I will call again when needed.”
Walking out of the room, alongside everyone else. You stopped to talk to Ororo. “What was that all about in there?” You ask her.
She turns to you, “We found him with a girl named Rouge. The professor believes that he’s a part of Magneto's plan.” You give her a look and she continues to explain, “The professor wants your help with what’s going on.”
You stare at her for a moment and blink. “Wait do you mean ‘x-men’ type helping?” Ororo nods, “Charles believes that your energy powers can come to great use.”
“But I told him I felt like I wasn’t ready, which is why I kept declining his offer.” You shook your head while explaining this to her.
“But the professor believes you’re ready! C’mon y/n, you’ve been practicing to control your mutation since the day you met Charles.” You continue to listen.
“Look, just come test it out with us on the next mission, and I promise none of us will bug you about being a part of X-men again.” You stare at her, thinking of the offer.
“Alright, fine. But if something goes wrong-” she cuts you off, “y/n, you’re going to be great. Don’t worry.” She places a hand on your shoulder and gives you a reassuring smile. You nod at her action. “I’ll see you later, m’kay?” She says. “Yeah, okay.” You smile and she waves goodbye heading down the other side of the hall.
you stand there thinking for a few minutes and decide to look for Jean, wanting her guidance with you becoming part of the team and maybe try to ask her about the whole Magneto and Logan situation.
when you enter the lower level of the school and reach the lab, the two metal doors slide open, welcoming you in.
You take a step inside and can see Jean in her lab coat preparing Logan for an x-ray.
Logan turns his head to look at Jean, “I’m sorry.” He spoke. “For what?” She asks, confused. “If I hurt you.” He stated. But before Jean could form a reply Logan turns his head towards you noticing you approaching the two of them.
“Y/n!” Jean says, turning to face you. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt! I didn’t know if you were busy. I’ll just leave you two.” you say embarrassed shifting your eyes to look at Logan who��s already staring at you. “No, it’s fine! What’s wrong?” She asks. Your eyes gaze back to her’s, not wanting to look at Logan’s eyes for too long. You start to explain, “I just wanted to tell you I’m going to be joining you guys for the next mission.”
“That’s great y/n! I’m glad you’re finally coming along with us.” She says as Logan lies there listening to your conversation. “Yeah, but it’s not for certain I’m going to be a part of the team. I’m just testing it out.” You say timidly.
“Oh.” She says. “Still, I’m proud that you’re trying to test it out.” She smiles at you. “Thanks, Jean. I’ll talk to you more after you’re finished.” You say appreciating her words and not wanting to bother her more. “Alright.” She reply’s still smiling at you.
You turn, approaching the big metal doors as they slide open as you walk out of the room. The sound of your heels getting quieter and quieter as you make your way back to your classroom.
Jean goes back to continue to prepare for Logan’s x-ray. “I thought she was already a part of this whole X-Men team thing you guys got going on.” Jean looks at him. “Y/n?” She asks. “Yeah, the girl that just walked in here about 1 minute ago.” He says with a tone.
Jean sighs, “Charles has been trying to get y/n on the team since she got control over her mutation.” She explains, focusing on putting another patch on his chest. “So why isn’t she on it?” Logan asks. She pauses for a moment to look at him. “Because she doesn’t think she’s ready.”
She continues, adding yet another patch but this time on the other side of his chest. “Although her abilities are one of the strongest in our school, and she can control it exceptionally well. Y/n’s incidents from the past get’s in the way of how she sees herself and her mutation.” The conversation goes silent.
Logan looks away from Jean to focus on staring at the ceiling instead. He thinks about what she just said about you and your mutation, and a certain spark of curiosity starts to build.
Jean quickly snaps him out of his thoughts and starts to speak, "Okay, I’m going to put you through the x-ray now.” Logan nods at her words as she puts him through the dome of lights. His head begins to fill with thoughts as he patiently waits for this whole x-ray to be over.
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a/n ──the plot is very much still in the works so I’m not sure how long every update will take but we’ll see😭 I’m planning on trying to post 12 chapters so I hope I can stick by that🫡 ALSO this prob has some grammar mistakes so mb😊
#wolverine x reader#logan howlett x reader#x men#wolverine#logan howlett#hugh jackman#first fanfic#😛😛😛😛#im struggling#xmen fanfiction#wolverine fanfiction
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Hi! I recently discovered this and i took me a while read everything but i just couldn't stop it, I love it! Can you someday write something about F reader and Ace like childhood friends to lovers?
Aaaah I am glad you like! And I hope you like this, I don't do gendered readers I'm afaird <3 I hope thats okay.
Ace x GN Reader SFW WC: 889

You’d known Ace since you were both kids, when he wasn’t roughhousing and causing trouble with his brothers he was with you. You’d lay on the grass together and stare at the sky, watching the clouds. You could tell he enjoyed these moments as much as you, tired from a day of rolling around and screaming at Sabo and Luffy he just took the time to breathe in your company.
“That cloud looks like a goat,” You pointed and Ace followed your finger, narrowing his eyes at the white fluffy shape before scoffing. “More like a sabertooth tiger,” He replied as if that was a simple fact and you were wrong. You huffed back at him. “But the horns look!” You nudged him with your elbow and waved your finger, trying desperately to paint the picture for him.
“You're blind!” He nudged back. “What?” You sat up and frowned at him, he sat up with you and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him as he nodded to the shape. “No, no, look at it this way!” You rolled your eyes knowing you were right.
Despite the occasional disagreement, he was your best friend, and every moment you spent with him you were at your happiest.
“What?” You asked, loudly as you almost dropped your drink and stared at him. “Yeah! I got a boat and a crew, I’m finally ready to set sail as a pirate!” you shook your head, thinking about the long months he’d vanished, you’d been worried sick about him and now he came back with all these wild promises of adventure and claims he was ready to set sail and make something of himself.
Sure, he’d grown up, filled out, and come back with a devil fruit power, he still hadn’t gone into the details about that, but still. Ace was happier, confident and you were happy for him but the way he was coming back into your life just to leave again?
You were both teenagers and despite the time and space that was ever between you over the years you remained best friends. You felt your heart ache as he carried on talking about how he was going to leave today, how the world was waiting for him. You’d always known he was desperate to be heard, to be seen, to pave his own way, and to avoid the looming shadow of his father's legacy, you’d just always hoped you could be at his side for it. To see him shine like the star he was.
“So,” You started and he watched you “You came back after all this time just to leave again?” to leave ME again.
“I- what? No!” He slammed his hands on the table, making the cups wobble and spill. “I was coming to ask you to join me! I don’t think I could do this without you.” He said with determination to get you on his side again before he reached over the table to grab your hands. “Come on, like we always talked about!”
Despite your better judgment you joined his crew, and became a Spade pirate. You hadn’t been serious when you were kids, how you’d both talk about the possible future but you couldn’t be without him again and you had a feeling he wouldn’t have taken no for an answer. Ace was as stubborn as he was cute.
You even stayed by his side when the Whitebeard Pirates had assimilated you all to their ranks, you’d cleaned Ace’s cuts, bandaged his wounds, and tried to talk him out of killing Whitebeard, though you knew that was never going to happen.
It had been years now, the way you carried on growing up side by side. You’d held his hand when he’d taken the leap and gotten the huge tattoo on his back, you had a matching one, just much smaller than the one that marked his pride in his new life and role as the second division commander.
You’d gotten closer and spent all your free time with him. He was lying on your bed as you finished washing up for the night, ready for bed, and watching as Ace was dozing off on the bed. This was how it always happened, he had his own room but more times than not he would fall asleep on your bed and you’d wake up bing spooned by him. His strong arms around your waist and his lips against your neck as he snored.
“Marco asked how long we’d been dating today,” you started and he snapped awake, looking at you from under his hat. “And what did you tell him?” you laughed at his reaction, he must have been asked the same question by other whitebeards. “I said since we were young.”
You got into bed next to him, taking his hat and setting it on the nightstand, gently brushing back his hair and seeing his brows furrow as he wrinkled his nose. “Are we dating?” you shrugged and got comfy, feeling him latch onto you almost instantly,
“I think we crossed the line of what is acceptable for friends a while ago.” You said, closing your eyes as you felt the breath from his chuckle tickle your neck from how close he was nuzzling you.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
#one piece x reader#one piece reader insert#one piece x you#sfw#one piece#gender neutral reader#portgas d ace#portgas d. ace#one piece x yn#one piece x yourname#one peice x y.n#one piece imagine#portgas d ace x reader#ace op x reader#ace x you#ace x reader#ace x yn
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Rogue x F!Reader

summary: ok but pls hear me out-- can I have an NSFW fic with Rogue who casts aside all other "readers" or whatever and professes his love for my OC named Nika? Sorry I'm just in my feels and down bad for this shadow boiiii ily levy! CW: ass-slapping, fem rec. oral, rough sex, hair pulling, creampie, dirty talking AN: lmao you got it! Also I may have inserted my OC in here just because :p hope you enjoy pete!

“Mmmh, fuck Rogue..” Nika’s whimpers slipped through her lips as the cool pane of glass at her back had her hissing. The man in question was currently devouring her center with a hunger that couldn’t quite be tamed. His hands dug into her plush thighs, spreading her apart further to get at the dripping folds.
“Want more?” Rogue breathed, a free hand tugging her shirt down and freeing her tits as he massaged them with desperation. He wanted- no, craved her in every way. His face rutted further into her core, tongue spelling her name out as she writhed in bliss under him.
Nika moaned louder, moving her hands from the pane of the window and into the inky hair at her center, pulling it as she bucked. “Fuck… you’re fucking amazing with your tongue.”
Rogue looked up at her with dark eyes and a fanged grin. “Just wait until you see what I can do with my cock.”
He dipped his tongue back into her heat, memorizing the taste of her arousal as Nika leaned her head back. The pants of pleasure only fogged the windows up further as the shadow dragon pushed her harder into the window.
It wasn’t often Rogue had time to himself. Between helping (let’s be honest, he’d be roped into doing Sting’s paperwork) Sting in the office or heading on missions to earn some jewel, he barely had enough time to think, let alone relax. Frosch was with Lector, Ellie and Sting for the night which meant he had the entire evening to enjoy himself. And enjoy it he was.
Rogue groaned as he felt Nika getting wetter as the time passed, knowing her release was close. Deciding to tease her for a bit, he pulled back, wiping his face off with a grin.
Nika whined. “Rogue, why’d you stop? T-that was feeling so amazing!”
“Can’t have you coming too quickly, now can we, kitten? I know we have all night, but…” Rogue trailed off, pulling you into his arms. “I want your first orgasm to be on my cock.” He led Nika toward his bed, already pulling her skirt down, slapping her ass playfully as she squealed.
“Be good for daddy and I’ll make you cum all night.”
Nika bit her lip and laid down on the bed as Rogue instructed, watching his form as he removed the last pieces of his own clothing.
“Touch yourself,” he commanded. “I want to watch you pleasure yourself.”
With a blushed complexion, Nika found herself massaging her center, spreading her own legs apart as her lover watched on, desire clouding the shadow dragon’s face.
Her whimpers grew louder as her fingers pulsed in her core, not just for her own pleasure, but Rogue’s as well. His fangs were slightly bared as he watched her work, enraptured at the scene before him. There was nothing more Rogue wanted in this moment than to never escape it.
Before he knew what crossed his mind, Rogue was on top of Nika, kissing her lips with renewed urgency. His hips moved on their own, grinding against her like he was reduced to a horny school boy. Nika moaned against his lips as she adjusted herself, aligning herself with his length.
With a swift thrust, Rogue pushed inside her cunt and began moving in a way even he was surprised. It was almost… animalistic.
“Fuck,” Nika moaned, the intensity of Rogue was overwhelming her very senses. His lips found their way to her collarbone, biting down gently as he nibbled and sucked on her soft skin. The sounds she made only further egged him on.
The pair had met each other few months ago after Ellie and Sting introduced the newest Sabertooth guildmember to the shy dragon. Her beauty had overtaken him immediately. From the way Nika’s hips swayed as she walked, down to her beautiful curly, red strands. There was nothing about her the shadow dragon didn’t find irresistible.
He was ultimately surprised when Nika had asked him to a lunch picnic, and almost said no out of fear of screwing things up. But surprisingly enough, he’d not.
“Fuck… that’s it baby, take it all,” he grunted, his thrusts forceful and intentional. “You’re doing good for daddy.”
Nika’s whimpers grew more frequent as she felt herself nearing the edge of climax once more. She ran her fingernails down his back, causing Rogue to hiss.
“Y-yes daddy, please… can I cum?” She begged. Rogue flashed her a grin.
From talks along the river to joint missions, Rogue found himself more and more inclined toward Nika’s company and began to anticipate seeing her often. Sting and Ellie would attempt to help, of course, much to Rogue’s dismay. But in the back of his mind, he knew there was something special about the mage.
“Cum for me, princess. Show daddy just how good he’s fucking you.” He held his torso over Nika as he continued to fuck her hard.
Nika cried out in pleasure, feeling herself teetering over the edge, when—
“Rogue?” a voice called from the door way. Both Nika and the shadow dragon froze and turned to see who it was in the doorway.
A girl whom Nika had never once seen was in the doorway, staring at them with a furious blush. She buried her face into Rogue’s chest as he growled at the girl to get out.
“You shouldn’t be here.. give us our privacy and leave.”
With a shake of her head, the girl startled and began to walk out, leaving Nika to call toward her too.
“Shut the door behind you, thanks!” The sentence ended with a moan, as Rogue had already gone back to fucking Nika as relentlessly as before, if not more.
Her eyes rolled back into her head as she moaned in bliss. “F-fuck… Rogue..” Nika panted.
Rogue turned her head with his hand and stared into her brilliant emerald orbs.
“Listen to me, Nika.” He said, voice dangerously low and seductive. “There is no one, no one for me, but you. You hear me?” His breathing had quickened, short and deep puffs as he continued his relentless pace.
“I’ve never been interested in anyone, not until you. The air I breathe, the sun that shines. It’s all you. I love you.”
Nika swallowed a moan and leaned up to give him a deep kiss. “I love you t-too, Rogue.”
The primal need to climax had overtaken them both, urging them to move with more passion. Each word Rogue muttered was delivered with a deep thrust to her center.
“I. Love. You.”
“Fuck. You’re. Sexy.. mmmh.”
With a groan, Rogue felt himself reach his climax, bullying into Nika deeper until all he had was emptied inside her center. She’d reached her release as well, pulling him deeper into her until all that was left of their intimate moment was a sweaty sheen on their skin and a silent room filled with the sounds of panting.
“I… I’ve never.. never felt something that good in my life,” Nika started, looking up toward Rogue. He looked down at her, eyes filled with affection and love as he trailed his thumb over her chin.
“Neither have I. I meant what i said, Nika. You own my heart and soul. I love you.” He curled her into his arms and held her close, committing this memory into his mind to revisit. There weren’t too many things Rogue was sure of, but for what it was worth, to him, she was everything.
- ©2024 moongirlcleo do not repost, copy, translate, or modify
#fairy tail#fairy tail fandom#fairy tail headcanons#fairy+tail+x+reader#anon ask/request#rogue cheney#rogue x reader#fairy tail smut#moongirlcleo
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Morosis|Various Creepypasta x f! reader (Part 4)
Warnings: strong language
"𝓖𝓸𝓽 𝓪 𝓫𝓾𝓵𝓵𝓮𝓽 𝓲𝓷 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓫𝓪𝓬𝓴 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓪𝓽 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓼. 𝓡𝓾𝓷𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓻𝓾���𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓻𝓾𝓷𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓽." -Cage the Elephant
4┆Sabertooth Tiger★ ₊ ˚⟡
The girl had expected to explain the sorry tale to their newly found accomplices and that would be the end of it. She made up some narrative of getting involved with the wrong people and that they were now on the run from law enforcement. Jen and Becca didn't dare correct her, as they silently agreed over keeping their cards to themselves.
What she hadn't anticipated was the eye contact-ship she had been locked into with Tim soon after. She could tell that they—well at the very least Tim, didn't entirely believe her. The men exchanged glances as she spoke, yet made no move to explain what had been chasing them.
Not much was discussed after, as they continued to drive into the abyss of trees. Jen and Becca had made it abundantly clear they didn't trust the men, but none of them wanted to know what would happen if they stopped the car. So they sat in silence, pressed uncomfortably against one another.
The girl kept catching Tim glancing at her in the rearview mirror. His eyes flashed occasionally with the lights from the road. She began to find them mesmerizing and her distrust faded to a sense of comfort. She felt safer somehow with his looming presence, despite the fact he had pointed a gun to her head earlier that day. Perhaps it was her exhaustion talking as soon after, she felt herself nodding off.
As she opened her eyes, however, she wasn't met with the walls of the old car. Instead, a haze of trees looked back at her. Fog curled around her body as she looked around in confusion. Her head throbbed, making her vision blurry. As her eyes began to settle, she finally noticed the figure looming over her.
"Hello, darling." That painfully familiar voice greeted her ears like nails to a chalkboard.
The eyeless demon, in all his glory, smirked down upon her.
"I'm terribly sorry I haven't visited in a while. Although you still look as desperate as ever, I hardly have to lift a finger." He mused, leaning down to her level.
She gasped, trying to sit up, yet her dizziness held firm like a ball and chain.
The demon chuckled, holding her still.
"Easy girl," He slipped his hand under her head and gently lifted her to face him, "the human body takes time to adjust to my realm."
"What the fuck do you want?" She said through her teeth.
"Ah yes, just as defiant as I left you." He mused, tilting his head as he inspected her.
Unbridled rage coursed through her veins as she looked upon his taunting face. This monster had taken everything from her. He had ruined her life and yet he cradled her like she was an upset child.
"Don't you fucking touch me, stay the hell away!" She tore herself from his grip.
As she scrambled backward, the ground rippled beneath her. Her hand began to sink down as if it were a thick bog.
"Awww, don't give me that look, dear. I was only completing my end of the bargain." He stood up, approaching her slowly.
She continued to maneuver herself away, yet she only sank further.
"You killed Cass, you lied to me! How the hell was that anything we agreed to?" She tried to hold back the sob building in her throat.
He took each step leisurely, watching her passively as she became trapped in the melting ground.
"Don't you understand? This is exactly what you wished for." He stopped before her.
"This is not what I wanted." She spat.
Her arms were now completely enveloped in the strange bog. He kneeled before her, resting his elbows on his knees.
"Oh, but it is. You asked for excitement in your life, so I gave it to you. Of course, you didn't specify how." His devilish smile widened.
She couldn't help the tears from pouring down her cheeks, her face flaring to a scarlet shade. He watched her shoulders dip below the ground and let out a cruel chuckle.
"Fuck you." She choked.
Without warning, he wrapped a hand around her neck, gently pulling her up. Despite the gesture, he allowed her to breathe. He leaned in closer, his expression turning cold.
"Your friend thought she could defy me. She was in my way, she needed to be humbled. All of you thought you could play with the hells and get away with it." His lips brushed her ear, "But there is something about you, darling, something I find strikingly delicious. Like I said, you're my favorite."
The girl was frozen beneath his touch, barely managing to take a shaky breath.
He continued with a smirk, "You are like a little bird who hasn't learned to fly. So fragile and hopeless...Oh, but you'd better learn fast."
She furrowed her brows, "What do you mean?"
"I am not the only entity interested in you, darling." He laughed softly, gazing at her with his empty sockets.
The creature from the forest that chased them, how could she forget? Her body tensed at the thought.
"Now you've got it. So you'd better pay close attention to what I say next," His grip tightened around her throat, "Stay away from those two pathetic men. You won't like what will happen next, trust me. You see, I am not someone who likes to share."
She lifted her arms to pry at his hands, struggling for breath.
"Start flying." He smiled poisonously.
With that, he let go, letting her fall into the liquified floor. She was enveloped by waves of darkness. It was invading her senses at a dangerous pace. Invisible water forced its way down her throat, depriving her of what little oxygen she had left.
The girl woke with a start, thrashing around in her seat. Suddenly, she was back in the car, yet she could still feel the phantom grip of the bog.
Everyone in the vehicle turned to her in alarm, watching in concern as she sputtered over her own air. The girl immediately turned to Jen, grabbing ahold of her with a vice grip.
"Hey, it's ok, calm down girl. You're with us, you're safe." Jen assured her, rubbing her shoulder comfortingly.
"No, Jen you don't understand. He's back." The girl cried, barely able to catch her breath,
Her statement was enough to make both Jen and Becca freeze up instantly. Their apprehension didn't go unnoticed by the two men.
"(Y/N), you ok back there?" Brian turned in his seat to look at her in concern.
The girl ignored his question, still mulling over the experience.
"Are you sure it wasn't just a nightmare?" Becca cut in, "I haven't seen that bitch since that night, and good fucking riddance."
"What is she talking about?" Tim shot them a piercing look in the rearview mirror.
The girl noted they were still driving, yet she had no idea how long she'd been out.
"I'm serious, he was really there. He gave me a warning, it wasn't just a random dream!" She gave Jen a determined look.
"So what, he can travel through dreams now?" Becca pushed with a spiteful tone.
The girl glared at her, "He's a demon, Becca, he can probably do worse."
As soon as the words escaped lips, the car lurched forward. Her seat belt barely stopped her face from being smacked into the chair in front of her.
"What the fuck dude?" Brian spat, turning to look at Tim incredulously.
Tim pulled the car onto the side of the road and whipped around to scowl at the girl.
"You tell me what the fuck is going on right now, or you are all getting the hell out of my car." He seethed.
His gaze was laced with an untrusting aura, eyeing the girl up like she could snap at any moment.
"Good, I'd rather do that than have to be stuck in here with you psychos anymore." Becca shot back.
The girl's gaze lingered on Brian momentarily, who looked back at her with equal concern and apprehension. He had been kind enough to her, he didn't need to be dragged into this situation.
The girl sighed, "No, it's fine. They deserve to know."
She recalled the tale of the infamous night and the horrific mistakes that were made. As she reminisced on the events, the girl began to realize just how crazy it made her sound. As she explained, Tim's expression was nearly unreadable. She finished the story and the car was filled with palpable silence.
After a moment, he finally said, "I'm going to drop you off in the next town, and then we can all pretend like we never met."
Brian looked at him in disbelief, "You can't be fucking serious man, you're a damn hypocrite."
"We have an eldritch horror of our own, in case you haven't noticed. I'm not picking up some random ladies baggage on the side." Tim acknowledged him with an irritated expression.
"Oh, so now it's your turn to be cryptic." The girl shot back, "And no one was asking for your charity."
"Yeah, I'm perfectly ok with parting ways as acquaintances with shared trauma," Becca added.
Brian scoffed, "Well there's a small detail that my head-ass partner left out. That thing that chased us, it's not going to leave you alone so easily. It knows who you are now, which mind you, isn't my fault. You are the one who ran off into the woods."
"I'm sorry, and how did you two mysteriously end up getting followed by that thing?" Becca questioned with an accusatory look.
Brian and Tim exchanged knowing glances.
"So what, we have two otherworldly stalkers now?" The girl looked at Brian, trying to restrain her voice from betraying fear.
Tim gave him a stern look, a subtle warning.
"The way I see it, we have two options. You all head off on your own and can deal with this thing by yourself, or we can stick together and figure out to get rid of these fuckers once and for all." Brian said simply.
"You've got to be fucking kidding." Tim laughed curtly, starring daggers through his accomplice.
"Why should we trust you? I mean, we don't even know who you are." Jen spoke up, crossing her arms incredulously.
The girl surveyed Brian warily. He had helped her without questioning her motives, yet her discombobulated state didn't help in detecting potential deceit.
"Look, that thing thrives on isolation. The more of us there are, the harder it is to corrupt you." He explained.
He was looking right through her, and she couldn't help but be drawn to his desperate gaze.
"What was it anyway?" The girl asked, her breath catching in her throat.
"It's called 'The Operator.'" Tim lowered his voice as if saying its name would summon it, "We don't know what it is but we do know it's like a virus. So as much as I hate to say it, you are a part of this now, but that doesn't make it my fucking problem."
"Do you think we'll be able to get away from it?" She almost didn't want to know the answer.
"That depends. Maybe if you start running now." His tone was stern, yet she could see a tinge of sympathy behind his gaze.
"Great, so no matter what we do, we are fucked." Becca laughed in defeat, putting her head in her hands.
Silence lay upon the group like a weighted blanket. For once, it seemed Tim had nothing to say, only stealing the occasional glance at the girl.
After what seemed like an eternity, the girl let out a slow breath.
"So our odds are better off sticking together?" She asked hesitantly.
Brian nodded, much to the annoyance of Tim, who sulked behind the wheel like a child.
"This is a terrible idea," Jen commented, to which Becca was quick to agree.
"Well, I think it's the best chance we've got Jen." The girl reasoned.
Jen's expression morphed into one of defeat as she surveyed the group before her. Neither one of the three women could properly rationalize either option. It seemed no matter what they did, they would always be running.
Becca groaned finally, "If he shoots us in our sleep, don't say I told you so."
She glared at Tim with spiteful enthusiasm.
He scoffed, "Oh please, you aren't even worth a bullet."
"Fuck, could you read the room for once?" Brian shook his head in disbelief, "If you come with us, we can watch each other's backs, yeah?"
The girl looked between her friends. Neither of them outright rejected the notion. Jen stared at her awhile before nodding, to which Becca begrudgingly did the same. The girl considered it herself. The demon's words stuck in her head, playing over and over again like a broken record. He wanted her to stay away from them? She'd do the opposite, if not just to spite him.
"Fine, we'll stick with you for now." She sighed, earning a side eye from Becca.
"First sign of trouble, you're out." Tim pointed at her accusingly.
The girl raised an eyebrow, lifting her hands up to show she meant no harm.
"I'm sure we'll get along perfectly." Her tone was laced with a sarcastic bite.
Becca huffed next to her, "I make no promises of putting up with this fool."
She crossed her arms and it clearly took all of Tim's strength to not throw her out of the car right then and there.
A smirk played across Brian's features, "Well then, I look forward to our continued alliance."
The girl couldn't help but laugh at his sudden formality. This was sure to be a long ride.
Awkward could not accurately encompass the feeling that was tossed about the car. The three girls sat in the back pressed up against each other without a semblance of wiggle room. Despite this, Brian was lazily sprawled out on the front seat with his feet on the dash. The girl couldn't reason how he was so calm, especially when Tim couldn't go five minutes without a nervous glance. She figured that they were far more comfortable with life on the run than she was.
Brian occasionally fiddled with the radio and the girl tried her hardest to focus on the songs. Anything was better than the aching feeling inside her chest. It felt as if her heart was melting and threatened to leak from her eyes and nose at any moment. She couldn't discern if these feelings were simple anxiety or the supposed entity having its effect on her. She of course couldn't ignore the fact the eyeless demon could have done something to her, although her stomach wound hadn't caused her problems thus far.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket, promptly pulling her from her thoughts. She didn't dare look down to check it. It was only a matter of time before the authorities found out they were missing, and ignoring her phone was the best way of avoiding the news. It had been a few hours now since they left the gas station. The sun had crept away long ago and the moon was the only light that pierced through the deep woods, save for the headlights.
Becca sat impatiently next to her, sandwiched between the window. The tapping of her leg betrayed her impatience and the girl got the sense she would snap at any moment. The trees gave way to the lights of a small town in the distance, and upon this revelation, Becca let out a groan.
"Can we please stop here? I am about to pee my pants." She met Tim's harsh gaze in the mirror.
"Stopping right now is way too risky, you're gonna have to hold it." He scoffed, "I'm sure a kidney infection is worth your life."
"Most of us don't even have our kidneys, dickhead. You better stop or I'm going to ruin your seats." Becca threatened, pursing her lips.
That was certainly not an empty threat, although Tim did not look convinced.
"The seats will be ruined anyway at this rate. I can see your ass falling asleep at the wheel, Tim. Just give the lady what she wants and pull over before we become another government statistic for car accidents." Brian cut in.
His arm was relaxed behind his head and his eyebrows were raised smugly in Tim's direction.
"Come to think of it, I have to pee too—" The girl was swiftly cut off by an exasperated sigh.
"Oh my fucking god fine!"
The group had stopped at a nearby motel soon after. The building was decrepit and looked like the place one would refer to when describing a human-trafficking hotspot. Needless to say, the girl was less than thrilled. If it had just been Jen, Becca, and herself, they would have never entertained the idea. However, considering they were all dead broke and with two tall men, it would have to do.
As they walked inside, Becca hurried off to find the bathroom, accompanied by Jen to make sure she didn't get abducted mid-piss. This left the girl in the company of Brian and Tim, and she suddenly became aware of just how intimidating they were.
A few suspicious-looking men were hanging around the lobby—if you could even call it that. One of them gazed at the girl with interest, causing her to scoot closer to Brian. He glanced down at her and seemed to catch on, promptly stepping around her to block the man's view.
Tim approached the attendant behind the front desk, "How much for the night?"
The man didn't even look up, keeping his eyes trained on the computer in front of him.
"Gonna be about 90 with tax." He responded lazily.
"Could we get two rooms?" The girl spoke up, turning to Tim, "We'll cover our half."
The man behind the counter sighed, "Yeah no can do, we only got one room left."
Tim deadpanned, "You've gotta be fucking kidding, right? This place is almost fully booked?"
"I don't know what you want me to say, buddy," The man shrugged, "I mean it is 1 in the morning."
Tim was practically seething at the nickname. The girl looked between him and Brian warily. She'd never been in this town before, nor did she know if there were any more motels nearby.
"Hang on, I'll check Maps." She said hopefully and pulled out her phone.
It was as if the universe existed to spite her at that moment.
"We are three hours from anything else.." She sighed, "We also don't know for sure if they will have availability."
Tim clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth, "Well, shit."
"What's going on?" Jen asked with a yawn.
She appeared behind them, followed by Becca who looked like she was about to kill someone. The girl gulped, knowing neither of them was going to handle the news well.
"There's only one room left." She flinched at the groan from Becca.
"Are you fucking serious?" She protested, looking at the guy behind the counter with a scowl.
"There are two beds if that helps." He had an indifferent look on his face.
The men across the room from them were now at full attention, seemingly even more invested at the sight of Becca and Jen. The girl glanced at them out of the corner of her eye, feeling her skin begin to crawl. This was the kind of situation she'd had countless nightmares about. Brian noted her discomfort and gave her a small grin.
"Welp, looks like we're going to be spending some quality time together," He put his arm around her, "Group bonding, right?"
The girl did not attempt to move his arm, one more barrier between the men and herself.
"Right..." She sighed.
Settling in that night has been no easy feat. Jen, Becca, and the girl had situated themselves in one bed while Tim and Brian took the other. They divided up the bathroom times and after that, not much was spoken between them. Not even amongst the friends, to which the most they did was a quick check-in within the privacy of the bathroom.
The girl had been particularly concerned about Becca, who shunned her for the rest of the night with the silent treatment. She didn't take it personally, considering they were all grieving, yet the girl wanted to do more for her friend. She wished she could reach out and take away all the pain and only she would have to feel it. Jen, in turn, had been uncharacteristically quiet. The girl figured she'd get a lecture from her eventually.
By the time she laid down, her body felt so heavy she may as well have been a stone. She was on the edge of the bed, with Becca on the other end and Jen in the middle. She didn't mind having the least amount of space as falling asleep wasn't the most difficult part. It was staying that way. Her dreams flitted between the faceless entity to the devious smile of the eyeless demon. None of these nightmares had been quite as vivid as her car dream, yet every time she woke up, she feared closing her eyes again.
Eventually, she realized it was a fruitless endeavor and resorted to staying awake. She rolled over to look at the time, squinting at her phone to see it was 4 am. She mentally groaned upon the revelation she'd barely slept at all. As she was about to resort to staring at the ceiling, she caught an orange flicker out of the corner of her eye.
A light gleamed outside, briefly flashing across the window. She tilted her head and noticed that the door had been slightly cracked. Despite her better judgment, she slipped out of bed to approach the door. She slowly wrapped her fingers around the handle and peeked out, careful to account for any potential noise.
To her relief, Tim was propped against the balcony with a cigarette between his fingers. His back was facing her and he took a slow drag while staring into the night. The girl chewed her lip as she weighed her options. It was between him or staring into the sleepless void.
She sighed and slipped outside, leaning into the spot beside him. He regarded her silently, his gaze slowly dragging along her form.
"Can't sleep?" She asked.
She wrapped her hoodie closer to her skin. The autumn night breeze was anything but merciful.
"I never can." He responded simply, smoke billowing from his lips.
"Same." She laughed slowly, "I've always had insomnia, but I can't say this bitch of a day helped."
He hummed in response, looking over at her briefly. He was quiet for a moment, considering her with an almost sympathetic gaze. Finally, he reached into his pocket, revealing a half-smoked pack of cigarettes.
"Want one?" He shook it in her direction.
She looked between him and the box. The mere sight of them had her gripping her sleeves. She knew she shouldn't, but the aspect of numbing her insides wasn't unwelcome.
"You know what, sure." She plucked one out in defeat.
She placed it between her lips and he stepped closer to her. He lifted his lighter to the end of the stick, flicking down to ignite it. The golden spark reflected in his dark eyes as he stared down at her. She held his gaze for a moment and inhaled deeply. He leaned his elbows on the bar of the balcony, observing her intently.
"They always help me on nights like this." He said finally, as she exhaled the white smoke.
She looked off into the mass of stars beyond them. Being surrounded by forest meant hardly any light pollution. She'd rarely seen stars like this. It reminded her of just how much of the world she'd never seen before. Perhaps she could now, or perhaps she never would.
"Is this all you do? Travel from one place to the next, I mean." She asked, breaking the silence.
He let out a low chuckle, "It's the only way to stay alive. The further you are from it, the safer you are.." He trailed off, "The more sane you are."
The girl considered his words. Being on the run might help with the faceless creature, yet she couldn't speak from her resident demonic stalker. It only gave her more incentive to quickly find a solution.
"How long have you been on the run?" She hesitated, not knowing what would set him off.
He sighed, running a hand along his sideburns with a conflicted gaze.
"Two years now. It could be longer, sometimes things get a little fuzzy for me." He took another drag with a thoughtful look in his eyes, "It fucks with your head. Sometimes you can't even tell what's real or if you're awake or asleep. It got better for a while, I started taking pills for it. But that changed."
He grimaced as if the words left a bad taste in his mouth, "Brian and I had to run, it was the only way."
She felt her shoulders tense as he spoke. There was a deeper meaning behind his words, a certain tinge of loss. She didn't want to push him, she figured it may be something she'd never know.
"What were things like for you before this?" She questioned, trying to lighten the mood.
He laughed again and smiled wryly, "I was a film student, an actor specifically. A friend of mine asked me to star in his movie and I couldn't say no. That's how I met Brian, actually. We weren't super close before this but he's the only one left who understands."
He sighed again, "I'd always wanted to make it big, but it's because of that fuckin' movie we're in this mess."
The girl nodded, giving him a sympathetic look.
"I get it. Your life was ruined all over some choice you thought was meaningless," She fiddled with the cigarette between her fingers, "Now you're stuck running from something you never asked to happen."
He watched her with a keen interest, his eyes widening slightly as she spoke. Her words swam through his mind, and a wave of tantalizing familiarity washed across his body. His shoulders relaxed a bit and he gave her a piteous look.
"What about you, what were doing before that demon attacked you?" He tilted his head curiously.
"I was studying psychology. Jen, Becca, and I were roommates, along with our friend Cass who..." She gritted her teeth at the thought, "Who the demon killed."
Tim nodded, a look of recognition dancing across his gaze, "Psychology, huh? Was this conversation all one big attempt to get me to open up?"
A smile threatened to peek through his stoic expression. The girl laughed, giving him a playful grin.
"It's working though, isn't it?" She raised her eyebrows jokingly.
"I wish it didn't" He sighed, "I guess it's better for us to be honest with each other if we are going to figure this out anyway."
She went quiet before looking back at him apprehensively, "Do you think we will? Can we even stop this thing?"
He nodded thoughtfully, "Maybe, or find a way to make it better."
He held the cigarette up in example, giving her his best attempt at a reassuring look. She contemplated the thought. She had always been better at washing away her pain, maybe that was the best option. Yet as she stood there next to him, she realized that for the first time in the past few weeks, she didn't have that aching feeling in her chest.
A smile crept across her face, "Yeah, maybe you're right."
They stood there for a while longer, wordlessly. They took turns taking drags from their cigarettes. The smoke swirled together before floating off into the night, a silent beacon of what they had shared. Not long after, Tim turned to her with a satisfied expression.
"I think we'd better head to sleep. We've got a lot ahead of us." He dropped his cigarette, putting it out with his foot.
The girl nodded, following his lead.
"Yeah, that's true." She sighed, giving one last look to the stars.
"Thanks for the cigarette, Tim." She smiled.
He turned back to her in surprise, locking eyes with her. He took in her features under the soft light of the moon.
"Don't mention it." He nodded, heading back to the door.
He held it open for her and she gratefully stepped inside. The warm air of the muggy room was a welcome change from the nippy breeze.
"Goodnight." She whispered, creeping back to her bed.
He watched her for a moment before silently closing the door.
"Goodnight, (Y/N)."
Songs referenced: Sabertooth Tiger by Cage the Elephant
#writing#x fem!reader#bloody painter#creepypasta#eyeless jack#jeff the killer#marble hornets#hoodie marble hornets#masky marble hornets#ticci toby#tim wright#brian thomas#jane the killer#reverse harem
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Rogue Cheney
F- Favorite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Hands down his favorite position is the spoon. He can have his chance to hold his partner in his arms and kiss their neck and shoulder with ease. And if he has a male partner he enjoys them switching around if they’re open to it.
When Rogue is feeling a bit rougher his go to is the pretzel. It really gives him the change to fuck into you at a much harder, and faster rate.
#rogue cheney#rogue cheney x male reader#rogue cheney x female reader#rogue cheney x trans reader#rogue cheney sabertooth#fairy tail sabertooth#fairy tail#fairy tail rogue#fairy tail rogue x reader#fairy tail rogue cheney#fairy tail rogue cheney x reader#smutty alphabet#smut alphabet#f for favorite position
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The Long Wait
Prompt: Eventually, the hoping became too much to bare. Requested by: no one.
A/N: This is basically a remake of this fic -- upon re-watching the GMG arc with my mom, I couldn’t help but look back at this fic and realize how much more I could’ve done with it. Thus, this was born. Pairing: Gray Fullbuster x F!Reader
“What do you mean you’re leaving?”
Keeping your gaze trained to the ground, you absolutely refuse to look up -- because you know that if you did, your heart would break all over again.
“I’m sorry,” you mumble, words jumbled together, voice quiet that if the guild hall was so completely silent, they definitely wouldn’t have heard you. But they do, and they falter at the way you sound so absolutely broken. And of course, all of them were, but there was something different about the way you sounded -- it was like you were defeated.
Macao steps towards her, you hear it rather then see it, and can imagine his hand stretched out towards you, trying to placate you. “Y/N, we understand--” and he halts, voice catching in the back of his throat. “We understand more then anyone how you feel, but--”
“It’s different.” You find yourself cutting in, voice sharp, and you wince at yourself because you sound so incredibly selfish and rude. Who were you to say that your pain was any different from theirs? Any worse? But, still, you continue, your emotions getting the better of you. “It’s just... different. I... I can’t be here knowing they’re... he’s gone.”
“Y/N-nee, we don’t know that they’re gone!”
Your eyes fall shut at the sound of Romeo’s voice.
“We have to keep searching for them,” he argues, defiant, adamantly shaking his head. “They’re somewhere out there, I know that. And Gray wouldn’t--”
“They’re gone,” you hiss, interrupting him and finally glancing up to regard your friends, your family. They rear back at your harsh words, and that guilt festers even deeper inside of your chest, with the way they’re looking at you. Jet and Droy look near tears, and you know they’re thinking of Levy. And Bisca and Alzack look in shock at your outburst, you’re usually so quiet and calm. Macao looks angry, and the rest just stare at you, varying reactions that all mesh together.
Because really, it’s the way Romeo looks at you, still so young, so full hope as your words basically slap him in the face.
But you’re too far gone now, and there’s no stopping you.
“It’s been two years,” you continue, voice softer but still cutting, still hurtful. “They’re not coming back. They’re never coming back.”
He’s never coming back.
They don’t respond. No one argues, even if some look like they might. Maybe they’re understanding, maybe they’re finally getting it -- it’s been too long now and no one from the island is coming back. You’d been hopeful at first, you’d been like Romeo -- you’d refused to lose hope. But your heart is broken and there’s no mending it and you can’t keep staring at those doors all day expecting, hoping, praying that he’ll walk through them only for him never to.
So, you turn, nothing but a soft, sorrowful, pathetic apology leaving your lips as you turn your backs on your friends and leave them.
And as you turn, you see his familiar face, the dark black of his hair, that drawling smirk on his lips, and his cold, but always soft when directed at you eyes looking at you, but when you blink, he’s gone.
You huff at the weight dropped around your shoulders, inhaling deeply when you see a familiar puff of blonde hair.
“Did you hear?”
You don’t need to ask what he means. It’s pretty obvious.
“Fairy Tail will be competing again this year.”
When you turn to look at Sting, he’s smirking -- all bright eyed and giddy, and you hold back your own snark as you regard him with a small nod. Sting was one of the few to know of the fact that you used to be part of Fairy Tail -- him and Rogue, given that they were the ones who recruited you, and then the master as well.
It wasn’t news you were eager for everyone to know. Fairy Tail was a laughing stock in all respects now, but Sabertooth seemed to have a particular fondness of mocking the way the guild had fallen. And it was easy to hide you’d ever been apart of it given you hadn’t been a particularly well-known mage back when you’d been a member. Your powers were relatively new, and with, regrettably, the help of the Twin Dragon slayers you’d definitely grown in aspects of strength.
Three years since you’d joined Sabertooth -- two years of training on your own, and three of being surrounded by much stronger mages had you adapting and constantly changing. You were practically unrecognizable.
You were known at Y/N of Sabertooth now, and it was like the Y/N of Fairy Tail never even existed at all.
“I’m surprised,” you hum, shifting as Sting moves to take a seat next to you, still whilst having an arm draped over your arm. You blink at the sudden arrival of Rogue, not having heard him, as he takes a seat in front of you, before continuing. “They weren’t in it last year, or the year before if I remember. After finishing last every year before.”
You hadn’t been apart of Sabertooth’s team, but you do remember watching.
It had been... hard, to say the least.
“Ah, well, this year they have a new team.” Rogue explains blandly.
“New members, you should say,” Sting smirks.
Brows furrowed, you shake your head at their words, confusion flooding at you at the particular gleefulness of Sting’s expression. He always got a kick out of embarrassing other teams, not even just Fairy Tail, but there was something different about the way his eyes sparkled.
Sting meets your gaze, and without wavering, adds; “or should I say, old?”
Your breath catches, and even as your mind starts spinning, you’re all too aware of the way both Sting and Rogue are watching you carefully.
You turn from Rogue to Sting, and absolutely hate the gleam in the latter’s eyes as he smirks down at you. Keeping a tight hold on you, he pulls you closer, leaning until he’s a breaths away; “it’s a good thing I managed to convince the Master to let you on the team this year, Y/N,” he grins widely, “you’ll get to reunite with your old pales.”
That... that couldn’t be possible.
They were--They were dead. They are dead.
“I... I need some fresh air.” Shoving Sting’s arm off of you, you ignore his calls and his merciless laughter as you stock out the guild doors, bypassing Minerva which you know will get you in shit later. You don’t really care in that moment, you can’t even think straight, you need air.
You need to breathe.
Sting must be lying. He has to be lying. There’s... they were dead, it’s been seven years.
Seven years.
How... why now? Why after all this time?
And you convince yourself he isn’t lying. You ignore Sting every time he tries to talk to you, and focus on training. It would be no good if you failed since you were on the roster this year -- Master would kill you if you failed to impress him and keep Sabertooth at the very top. And it’s easy enough to do, spend all your time training, pushing yourself to the brink, until it’s a few days before the games and you realize, Sting wasn’t lying.
You’d been trying to ignore it, ignore the urge, but eventually you give in and find yourself in the city of Magnolia. A place you haven’t been in a long time.
Fairy Tail’s location had changed, but you’d made sure to keep tabs on them. You never showed your face, mainly because you knew that in the end, you’d betrayed your friends. In their eyes, you assumed, you were the enemy, a traitor. You’d left them, left your guild in a time they’d needed you most, and almost instantly regretted it.
But every time you tried to go back, every time you made your way towards those doors, you’d remember the words you’d said -- “They’re not coming back. They’re never coming back.” -- and, like a coward, you were never able to face them.
From the moment you’d left, all you’d wanted to do was go back but it was too late for that now. And so you settled for keeping tabs, helping them where you could, always in secret -- you knew how they owed money, and you didn’t have a lot, but you always anonymously send some the guild’s way in hopes of helping. Sabertooth would kill you if they found out, specifically Sting, but it was your way of repaying all the hurt you must’ve caused them.
It’s why you know their new location. And, without even being there for more then five minutes, you see them.
A blue flying cat, followed by a white one, a tuff of pink hair, red hair, blue hair, blonde and most importantly, him. His dark hair, the fact that nothing’s changed and he looks exactly like he had those seven years ago when you’d wished him good luck on the S Class competition, and pressed a shy, chaste kiss to his cheek, the two of you blushing madly as he left, waving you goodbye.
But, they were there. He was there.
“And last but certainly not least, is the team that came first in the preliminaries... that’s right, you know them, you love them! Now, get on your feet and scream for the most powerful guild in all Fiore! The one and only, Sabertooth!”
You wince at the cheering, two steps behind everyone else as Sting makes his grand entrance, looking thoroughly most pleased and proud of himself then anyone else. However, even you can see the smirk on Rufus’ and Orga’s face.
If anything, it’s you and Rogue that don’t look all that excited.
And you, for a specific reason. One that stares you right in the face the second you walk into the arena.
Elfman, Erza, Lucy, Natsu, but more importantly, Gray all look at you the second your team arrives. You can even feel Fairy Tail team B, and the rest of the guild up in the stands watching you and only you. You also notice with disdain that Sting had purposefully made way for you to be seen, even if you hadn’t been that hidden, you would’ve rather remained in the shadows.
That, and you’re not exactly sure what to say as they all stare at you.
It’s Natsu who yells it, but it’s Lucy who steps towards you, baffled and confused; “Y/N, what’re you...”
But you only lower your gaze, eyes falling shut as Sting pulls you into his side, laughing loudly. “What a reunion!” He cheers, pumping his fist in the air, before turning to you. “Isn’t it so great to see all your old guildmates, Y/N?”
You meet their eyes, just as the announcer calls out;
“What’s this? A reunion? Could it be perhaps that Sabertooth’s own Y/N Y/L/N was once a member of Fairy Tail? What a twist on her debut in the Grand Magic Games!”
“This is so not man...”
Turning your head at the sound of Elfman’s voice, your breath catches in the back of your throat.
“Elfman,” Erza says sharply, pulling your eyes back on her and thus the rest of them, noticing with a thick swallow the way her eyes have never left your own. “I’m sure Y/N has her reasons.”
But as she stares at you, waiting for you to say something, you simply turn, walking off.
“I didn’t know you used to be in Fairy Tail,” Rufus drawls to you when you pass him, and your shoulders tighten.
That’s right... now, everyone knew.
“You never needed to know,” you say simply.
“It seems Fairy Tail’s Team A Gray Fullbuster approaches Sabertooth’s own Y/N Y/L/N, and the crowd watches in anticipation at the clear tension amongst the two of them--.”
Everything freezes. Shoulders tensing, you slowly turn, meeting Gray’s eyes -- the one you’d been specifically avoiding.
“We won’t lose.”
I know, you want to say. I don’t want you to, you want to tell him. I want Fairy Tail to win, you want to plead. But instead, knowing the eyes that watch you, you simply say; “neither will Sabertooth.”
This had to be some cruel joke.
Your punishment, maybe.
Sabertooth’s Y/N Y/L/N versus Fairy Tail’s Team A Gray Fullbuster
That’s what the board said, that what that God awful announcer calls with clear joy in his voice -- your first battle, the second day of the Games, and this way the turn out.
There was no way you’d win.
Ignoring the fact that you had no doubt Gray was stronger then you -- you simply just couldn’t. You wouldn’t. Not against Fairy Tail and certainly not against Gray.
“Good luck, Y/N,” Sting calls as you move to make your way towards the arena. “Though I doubt you’ll need it.”
You hate his words, hate the way he knows, hate the way he seems to get such joy out of everything that had happened. This was his fault. His fucking fault that you were here, and that this was happening.
Though, of course, even you knew that was true.
“Sabertooth’s Y/N Y/L/N has never been apart of Sabertooth’s team, but we can expect something great from Fiore’s strongest guild, needless to say. Do you know anything about Y/N Y/L/N, Yajima-san?”
“I don’t know much about Y/’N now, but in her Fairy Tail days, she never really made a name for herself, but I do distinctly remember her powers being incredibly unique.”
“Ah! A mystery then. And of course, Fairy Tail’s Gray Fullbuster is a Ice Wizard, but after his performance in day one’s Hidden Competition, the crowd’s not too sure what to expect. Nonetheless, it should be an intense match between old guildmates now turned enemy’s.”
“Shut up,” you hiss to yourself, nails digging into the palm of your hands.
“Ah, I see you’re just as chipper as you used to be.”
Swallowing thickly, you inhale sharply as Gray comes to a stop a few feet before you. It’s closest you’ve been to him since that first day, and more importantly, then in seven years. You’d already known since that day, but he really does look exactly like he had that day. Hasn’t aged a day. You don’t know the story, you don’t know how he’s back, but you know you’ve heard the term ‘seven year blank’ echoing around.
That makes more sense as you stare at him now.
Still eighteen, you’re now older then him then a year younger like you had been before.
Remaining silent, your head tilts back, where you know Sabertooth is, chest tightening.
Turning to Gray at the sound of your name, your lips part when you noticed the way his eyes have softened, even if only a little, like he caught something in the past moment you’d turned away from him. He looks so much more... concerned then he had the first day, and that was only yesterday. When he’d called for you, he’d looked so angry...
Now, he only looked worried.
“What happened?”
Swallowing thickly, you try to appear unbothered. “I left.”
“There’s more to it, I know there is,” Gray shakes his head, “the others told us about the day--”
Eyes clenching shut, a simply jerk of your head has Gray flying back. It causes a roar of gasps, surprise and anticipation in the thought that the fight is finally starting. But you know, unlike them, that it won’t get farther then that -- at least not from your end.
Gray hisses, slowly crawling to his feet, before he smirks at you; “you’ve gotten strong.”
“It’s been seven years.”
“Still,” he shrugs, stopping before you once again. “You have control now.”
You shrug, mimicking him with a smirk, “it’s been seven years.”
However, the facade falls all too quick when he takes a step towards you. Your body tenses, fists clenching as he continues to make his way towards you until he’s directly before you. He eyes you for a moment, quiet, carefully, and you nearly break then and there.
“It may have been seven years, but I know you best,” he whispers, voice low, “I know you’re lying.”
You shake your head, pushing his words away from your thoughts; “attack me.”
And he blinks, surprised; “what?”
“I need you to attack me,” you repeat, keeping your eyes trained downwards, refusing to meet his eyes. “I... I just need you to.”
And part of you expects him to -- you deserve it, you know, after all you’d done.
But, a second later, Gray’s stepping back, pulling your wide eyes on him as he shakes his head; “Fairy Tail doesn’t attack their own friends, Y/N. You know that.” And your breath hitches when his hand moves to raise.
“No!” You yell, before you can help yourself, eyes flashing a bright gold, like they had seconds before, holding Gray’s arm in place as he blinks back at you. Letting out a soft whimper, one you hope he doesn’t hear, you hold his arm in place, eyes falling shut as your own arm raises, the crowd falling eerily silent.
“I give up.”
And you knew, even as you feel the glares on your back, that there really wasn’t any other outcome that could’ve happened. You’d never hurt Gray, you knew, and you refused to hurt Fairy Tail anymore.
You were destined to lose this match.
“What’s so special about those fairies, huh?”
Wincing, you gasp at the squeeze on your throat, trying to suck in air that won’t come as your eyes fall on Sting’s own narrowed ones, glaring down at you. The brick of the wall behind you bites into your skin, and you know his grip will leave bruises, but even as you gasp for air and it feels like your vision is closing in on you, you have no regrets.
You never would, even if it’ll get you killed.
“What’s so fucking special about them?”
You refuse to respond, even if Sting wasn’t blocking off your air way you wouldn’t. Even if you could easily knock him away, send him flying, you don’t -- you’ll only pay for it more later.
“What’s so special about him?!”
He drops you then, and you fall to your knees with a thud, a cry leaving your lips as he sends a sharp kick to your gut, causing you to double over. It takes you a moment, a solid minute to catch your breath, and even then you’re still gasping, voice raspy as you raise your chin, eyes narrowing as you say the words you’ve been wanting to say to Sting for years.
“Fairy Tail is the guild Sabertooth could never be,” you hiss, your voice pathetic but your gaze menacing. “And Gray is a better man than you’ll ever be. All of them are. You’ll never be as good as Natsu.” You hit him where you know it hurts, the words having been on the tip of your tongue for years but you’d always held back in fear of what would happen.
Well, you’re no longer afraid. You’re too far gone now.
Sting’s eyes narrow and his face twists, ready to explode, before he breathes, and a smirk curls onto his lips. “You’ll never be apart of your pathetic guild again,” he hisses, “you’ll be stuck in Sabertooth for the rest of your life. Only, Master will make sure your life is a living hell.”
He sends another sharp kick at your side, but says nothing more as he turns, walking off with a huff.
It takes you a moment to gather yourself, slowly pushing yourself up to your knees where you stay, chest heaving, the pain radiating across your entire body, fingers finding your neck and touching the offended skin gently as you hiss in response.
You didn’t regret surrendering, but you couldn’t help but be terrified of what would happen when you walked into the inn that night.
You never should’ve left Fairy Tail. It was a regret you’d probably take to your grave.
“We actually have points thanks to you.”
Blinking at the sound of Gray’s voice, you slowly glance up at him, arm still wrapped tightly around your stomach as you stare up at him.
“I’m glad,” you whisper, smiling gently, “Fairy Tail deserves to win.”
Gray sighs, and stepping towards you, he reaches a hand out; “here,” he says softly, voice a mere whisper. You meet his eyes, before glancing at his hand for a moment, slowly slipping your own in it. He helps you to your feet, holding you up as you waver, hissing in pain, and then, before you know it, before you can even help yourself, you fall against him, forehead pressing against his shoulder as you let out a whimper.
“You know,” Gray says after a moment, “I still remember that kiss.”
Shaking your head, you let out a quiet, somewhat forced laugh.
“What happened, Y/N?”
“You were gone,” you whisper, finally answering. “You all were, but you were too. And... And I couldn’t handle staring at those doors everyday waiting for you to walk through them, only for you never to.” Pulling back, you meet his eyes, “I love you, I wanted to tell you that day, and it crushed me that I never did.”
Hands falling on your waist, Gray shakes his head; “no one would tell me where you were when we came back. It’s like every time I asked, this look would come over them and everyone would fall silent. When I learned it had been seven years, I wanted to see you first and tell you... tell you, I love you too.”
Biting your lip, “it’s too late,” you whisper. “The others must hate me and I... Sting will never let me leave.”
Gray’s grip tightens. “They don’t hate you, Y/N. Everyone misses you. I miss you,” and then, he shifts, cupping your cheek to pull your eyes on his own again. “I need you to come back.”
“But... Sting--”
“We’ll figure it out, Master will figure it out,” Gray argues, shaking his head. “The Guild needs you. I need you.”
Lips parting, you try to find the words, only to realize there are none. So, instead, you simply fall into his arms, holding him tight against you and hold on to his promise.
#fairy tail#fairy tail x reader#fairy tail imagine#ft#ft x reader#gray fullbuster#gray fullbuster imagine#gray fullbuster x reader#gray imagine#gray x reader#imagine#imagines#my fics
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rotations. (zuko x f!reader) pt10
hello and welcome back!! thank you so much for reading :) i apologize for not being as active today as i have been most days! i work from home and they had me doin a lot of stuff ! nevertheless, here’s another chapter !! pls share if you can!!
pt 1
pt 9
pt 11
“Look who it is,” the princess hummed, smirking down at her. The rocks were removed from (Y/N)’s mouth. She coughed and spit out the dirt that had accumulated on her tongue. “You’re quite bold to think that I wouldn’t know you were here. I have eyes everywhere.”
When it came time for her friends to go their separate ways, (Y/N) had a difficult decision to make. She certainly couldn’t go home, and she couldn’t accompany Toph to visit her mom or go with Aang to learn from Guru Pathik. She had to pick which Water Tribe sibling she would stay with. Would she go with Sokka and join him and his father’s forces? Or would she stay with Katara and help advise the Earth King on the war effort?
She knew that if she went with Sokka, it would be for selfish reasons. While she would undoubtedly provide useful information about the Fire Nation to the men of his tribe, that wouldn’t be the reason why she went with him. During their stay in Ba Sing Se, their relationship had...changed. She couldn’t quite define it, but when Sokka walked into a room, the atmosphere changed. She felt her body relax. She felt safe again.
But she couldn’t leave Katara by herself. The girl was fully capable of running war meetings by herself, but it just didn’t sit right with (Y/N) to leave her alone. And she always trusted her intuition.
So she stayed, which turned out to be the right decision in the end. Who they thought were Kyoshi warriors were actually Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee in disguise. She watched their confrontation from behind a pillar in the throne room of the Earth King’s palace. While every fiber of her being wanted to rush and rescue Katara, she knew she had to be smart about this. There was no way she would be able to defeat Azula on her own, and someone had to remain free in order to rescue Katara in case Aang, Sokka, and Toph didn’t make it back in time.
(Y/N) stepped away from the pillar slowly, turning to make a run for it. Her face immediately smacked into a Dai Li’s chest. Before she could even react, his special rock gloves were clamped around her wrists and mouth. He dragged her to the middle of the throne room and tossed her to the ground in front of Azula.
“Look who it is,” the princess hummed, smirking down at her. The rocks were removed from (Y/N)’s mouth. She coughed and spit out the dirt that had accumulated on her tongue. “You’re quite bold to think that I wouldn’t know you were here. I have eyes everywhere.”
(Y/N) remained silent, casting her eyes toward Katara. A plan was slowly forming in her mind and she tried her best to communicate it through her eyes. Katara stared at her with brows furrowed in confusion. All (Y/N) could think to do was shoot her a wink and hope that she’d remember it.
“I was very upset when I found out that you had betrayed your nation, (Y/N),” Azula said. She walked circles around (Y/N), like a sabertooth moose lion stalking its prey. “If my father were here, he would have ended your life already.”
“So why don’t you?” (Y/N) asked. “I’m right here. I can’t fight you. Just do it.”
Azula’s eyes met hers, and for a moment, (Y/N) thought she had seen a glimmer of sadness in them. In an instant, it was gone. She turned to the guards and her two friends. “Imprison the Water Tribe girl. I’d like to speak with (Y/N) privately.”
She watched silently as the Dai Li dragged Katara away. The two girls stared at each other, and all (Y/N) could say to her friend was, “Don’t worry!”
The rocks that had bound her wrists came undone and she jumped to her feet, ready for the battle she sensed was coming. Instead, Azula turned away and walked up to the throne, taking her seat. She had to admit, Azula looked like she belonged there. Ever since they were young, she knew that Azula was powerful. But she also knew that she was power-hungry and would do anything for her own gain.
“I wanted to present a proposition to you.” Azula studied her nails nonchalantly. “You come back with me to the Fire Nation. I convince Father that you were gaining the Avatar’s trust to gain his secrets. I tell him that you have been my point of contact throughout my conquering of Ba Sing Se. You come back home as a hero.”
She opened her mouth to immediately say no, but she stopped herself. “What’s in it for you?” She asked instead.
Azula looked down at her. “I have you back. We’re a happy family.” She laughed as if she herself didn’t even believe it. “You provide me with the intelligence I need to take down the Avatar.”
“And if I don’t?”
“You spend the rest of your life in prison. It’s not a hard choice, is it?”
(Y/N) looked down at the ground. She knew this was one of those moments that would change her course in life. She was at a crossroads and could feel herself being torn in each direction.
“This isn’t one of your tricks, is it, Azula?”
The young princess’ face softened as she stared at her old friend. So much had changed since the last time they had spent a moment alone together. Azula thought of that moment often. Of how she had hugged (Y/N) tightly before she boarded her ship to the Earth Kingdom and had to hold back her tears until she got back to her room, or else Father would punish her. She spent a lot of time thinking about (Y/N), more than she would like.
“It’s not,” Azula said quietly.
The expressions on Katara and Aang’s faces as she entered the underground palace with Azula made her heart hurt. Even Iroh looked gravely disappointed in her. She wished she had had time to explain herself to them, but she didn’t. Azula was moving in on Aang as the Dai Li started attacking Katara. Zuko stood a few paces away from herself and Azula. His sister had offered him a similar choice, but she wasn’t sure which path he would choose. She could see the turmoil written on his face but couldn’t see past it.
When Zuko began attacking Aang, (Y/N) knew it was her time to act. She jumped in the air and propelled herself over to Katara, who was swiftly being overcome by Dai Li agents. She shot fire at the agents as they blocked her flames with earthbending.
“I thought--” Katara shouted at her, but (Y/N) smiled.
“I had to get to you guys somehow!” A blast of blue fire narrowly missed (Y/N)’s hair. She turned to find Azula standing just a few feet away, her face absolutely furious.
“You’ll regret betraying me!” The princess shouted. Instead of retaliating on (Y/N), she aimed her flames toward Aang. (Y/N) ran back over to the young boy and held Zuko off as Aang battled Azula. Despite their best efforts, the siblings and the Dai Li were impossible to take on all at once. She felt her flames grow weaker from her movements as she became more exhausted. Zuko, however, was only getting stronger. He shot fire bolt after fire bolt at (Y/N). They came so fast that she barely had time to respond. His fireblast shot her in the shoulder, sending her backwards into the cave walls.
She groaned as she struggled to get up. Wind had spiraled around them as Aang rose into the air, his eyes and tattoos glowing a brilliant white. She cracked a smile. With the Avatar State, they might actually have a chance.
Then she heard the sound that struck fear into her heart. The sharp crack of lightning reached her ears and suddenly Aang was no longer in the air. Aang fell to the ground and Katara dropped the Dai Li agents she had been fighting to rush herself to catch him. (Y/N) let out her own scream and ran to attack Azula, but the Dai Li agents sent her flying back into the cave wall with their rock gloves. She was trapped.
Katara watched as her best friend struggled against her restraints. (Y/N) looked up at her. “Go!” She shouted as tears streamed down her cheeks. “He’ll die if you stay here, you have to go!”
“I will hold them off!” Iroh said to Katara and Aang as he blasted his niece and nephew with fire. “Go, now!”
(Y/N) watched Katara escape with Aang and as Iroh was overtaken. They both exchanged a knowing look. They knew exactly what would happen to them.
Tag List!
@mdgrdians , @soft4kei , @bubblebars , @pleasantfankingdom , @vintageroses1014516 , @celamoon , @fangirlanotherjust , @gliderbudgie , @haylaansmi , @jada-cleo , @boxofteenageideas , @disgruntled-gay , @lie-ana , @jasmine-the-amazing , @svsoftie , @buckysfeet , @anime-simp , @imcravingyou , @rosetheshapeshifter , @alrightberries , @izzieserra , @hstott , @random-stupid-stuffs , @jackbamexpress , @jainaixo , @thefoxskinwalker , @kryptidkova , @bigbuckyenergy , @omgwhattheeven , @ohmigooosh , @snapchatisoverrated , @inlove-maze , @harapirena , @sooske , @sweeetteaa , @selenvx , @ilovespideyyy , @saaaasib , @mochminnie , @agentsofblinks , @happyariesbabey , @slytherky , @uglipotata72829 , @og-disaster-bi , @animeluver23 , @afxndommess , @xapham , @thanosismybitxh , @outerxorbit , @thenerdiverse , @himawarichild , @welovediaaxx , @justahockeylover
#atla#writing#avatar#aang#katara#zuko#azula#iroh#sokka#toph#zuko x reader#sokka x reader#aang x reader#fanfiction#the last airbender
808 notes
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Stood Up
Requested: hey, I was wondering you could write a stile stilinski fic where 5 years earlier he leaves the reader at the altar and comes back five years later and turns out they have a kid
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Third Person POV
Wedding bells rung through the church, (y/n)’s nerves getting the best of her as she tried her best to take the sweat out of her hands with the shirt the used before putting on her dress. Her dress that took five people and thirty minutes to put on, her dress that took more than six months to find. She smiled at Malia who gave her a reassuring thumbs up when she heard her heartbeat. A knock on the door made her heartbeat stop and Malia was the one to open the door, a frowned faced Scott standing on his heels, his tux a snug fit. “Is it time?” (Y/N) smiled at Scott before she took a deep breath and Scott opened his mouth to speak but closed it almost immediately. He looked down and sighed before stepping into the room, he asked everyone in the room to give him a minute alone with her and they all cooperated. Once the door was closed Scott patted the chair next to the window, he needed her to sit down to hear the news he was about to give her. “What is it Scott, you’re scaring me.” She took a deep breath in.
“Stiles, he uh.” Scott sighed, there was no easy way to say it. “He loves you; you have to understand that, he just isn’t ready for this.” Scott’s voice turned into a ringing that traveled through her ears. She watched at Scott’s mouth kept moving but no words were coming out. She hadn’t realized she was having a panic attack until Scott’s hands rested on her shoulders, his voice still not traveling to her ears as she passed out. Stiles had left the church only three minutes before the wedding was supposed to take place, he loved (y/n) but something in him wasn’t prepared to be tied down for the rest of his life and he didn’t have the guts to tell her himself. Up to the point where he was supposed to walk down the aisle, he felt his heart squeezing his chest, he didn’t want to get married, he didn’t want to rush things, regardless of the six years he spent with (y/n). He looked at Scott, his best man, and shook his head. Scott tried his best to calm the boy, his hand grabbing his arm but Stiles quickly shook it off before running out of the church.
Now five years later, the mere splitting image of Stiles laid in their daughter. (Y/N) found out she was pregnant the same night of her failed wedding, after passing out she was rushed to the hospital where it was confirmed. She cried for months, not knowing what she was going to do, Stiles had turned off his phone, he had left his house and no one, not even his father, knew where he was at. She recruited the help of Malia and Lydia, who all moved in together three months before the baby was born. Five years later, (y/n) had gotten her own place, both Lydia and Malia having made their own lives. (Y/N)’s place was small but it’s what she needed for her and her daughter. Her daughter that was the light of her life. She knew nothing of her father and her father knew nothing about her. That is until Stiles decided to show back up in Beacon hills, only he wasn’t alone. He had a wife now, and she was expecting. He showed up to his father’s office at the police station, wife in tow. Scott had been there to talk to Noah about a possible sighting of the guy they had been tracking for three weeks. Scott was shocked to see his old friend, but even more shocked to see the girl next to him as he smiled down at her. It took Stiles a minute before he saw Scott, his blood running cold as he saw the expression in his face. Scott hated Stiles for what he did to (y/n), in fact Scott had stepped up and helped (y/n) with their daughter, Lilly, who calls him uncle Scott. Noah looked at his son before clearing his throat that day, asking Scott to give him and his son a minute, Noah hadn’t expected Stiles, hell no one in Beacon Hills did. Scott hated to be the bearer of bad news, especially to (y/n), her constant increase in heart beat scared him every time a new threat came into town. She feared for her daughter, hell she wanted to get out of Beacon Hills but Beacon Hills was all she knew, and all she had. Scott remembered the way he way he was going to tell her, but it all flew out the window when he saw her, Lilly giggling in her lap as she tickled her. Scott had always felt some type of way towards (y/n) but he would never let anyone know that, not with everything that had happened to her. She tried dating, three years after the birth of Lilly, but no man wanted to be a step-father, no man wanted a stable relationship, they wanted a quick fuck and that’s not what she was into.
All it took was a stare from Scott to alert (y/n), something was off, she had expected another threat but when Scott told her about Stiles arrival her eyes spilled tears faster than they ever had. Noah had known about his granddaughter, he had visited her almost every week when he could, Lilly knew him as pawpaw, his choice. He promised (y/n) he wouldn’t tell Stiles, given the circumstances, but seeing Stiles happy for what he thought was his first child angered him, seeing his son happy with his wife also angered him. He had left you at the altar, five years ago not wanting anything to do with a stable life and now here he was, he hadn’t been invited to the newest wedding so the news of him having a wife was surprising. Noah had always favored (y/n) over anyone, even his own son sometimes. It took Stiles a week to finally grow the balls to talk to (y/n). His father had told him about his first daughter causing chaos with his newest baby momma. (Y/N) hadn’t wrapped her head around the situation, ignoring it until the day came when Scott knocked on the door. “Can you open the door, please?” Scott sighed, he hadn’t talked to her since Stiles arrival which wasn’t his fault, she cut him off, scared that he was going to force her to see him. She opened the door, her eyes searching behind him for any sign of Stiles, taking a deep breath as a relief. Scott walked in, his head hanging low, he knew he was breaking her trust, but he also knew that Lilly would be at school so it was either now, or never. “I know, this isn’t the best time, but he knows about her and I think it’s time for you to let your feelings out, good ones and bad ones. He’s outside.” Scott looked at her, her arms crossing over her chest.
“I don’t want to see him; you can tell him to go fuck himself.” Her hand grabbed the doorknob as Scott’s hand landed on her wrist.
“Trust me, I've said all I've wanted to him, and I think you should too, it’ll make you feel so much better.” Scott’s eyes were soft, he hoped she didn’t hate him. He couldn’t take her being mad at him, not when his feelings towards her were so strong. “Please, you don’t have to let him see Lilly, ever if you want. I just want you to release all the feelings I know you’ve been keeping in.” Scott’s fingers slid down to the palm of her hand and she released yet another breath she didn’t know she was holding. She hated that Scott knew her so well, that he knew just what to do for her to calm her down, she almost hated herself for setting the boundary as just friends, but this was no life for Scott, he had his whole life ahead of himself to be tied down with a child that wasn’t his.
“Fine, but I don’t want you to leave, if things get out of hand, I need you to handle him and get rid of him otherwise I won’t be able to hold back and I'm already angered Scott.” Her voice was soft, as soft as it could be given the fact that she was fuming in anger, five years and it was finally going down.
“Yeah, of course, whatever you need.” Scott nodded, neither of them had noticed their hands had intertwined and neither of them looked away from each other’s eyes. An impatient knock on the door startled them both apart from each other. “Now or never.” Scott looked at (y/n).
“Now or never.” She whispered before her hand twisted the doorknob, opening the door to see Stiles, hands shoving into his pockets.
forever tags; @bojabee @imperfect-circle @dakotapaigelove @a-gir1-has-n0-name @riverdalehoeeeeeee @sabertooth-potato @heyitscam99 @peterstarksstarker @royal-fanfic @vixengustin88 @lemondropirwin
#stiles stilinski#stiles stilinski fanfiction#stiles stilinksi x reader#stiles stilinski x reader#stiles stilinksi imagine#teen wolf#teen wolf masterlist#teen wolf fanfic#teen wolf imagine#Scott McCall#lydia martin#allison argent#malia tate#Peter Hale#derek hale#theo raeken#liam dunbar#Hayden Romero#noah stilinski#chris argent#Melissa McCall#kira yukimura
370 notes
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Cheater Part 3
Prompt: The reader and Theo are dating and are attending an infamous Lydia Martin party where they get fucked up and Theo ends up fucking Violet, his ex girlfriend. (tea)
Pairings: Theo Raeken x Reader , Theo Raeken x Violet, Scott McCall x Reader
Part 1 - Part 2
(Yall asked, i delivered.)
Third Person POV
The sound of loud knocking caused the headache in (y/n) to worsen. She groaned doing her best to cover her ears as the pounding got louder. Another groan caught (y/n)’s attention as her head snapped to the left, she hadn’t felt Scott’s arm around her stomach and she hadn’t noticed his presence until he released a groan. She shot up instantly, memories of the night before flooding her mind as it pounded against her skull. Scott’s mouth moving against hers, Scott ripping her shirt, their naked bodies grinding against each other for hours. Her hands shot up to the sides of her head, wanting to stop the pounding she shut her eyes. “Hey, you alright?” Scott’s groggy voice spoke as his hands caught her head. Her tears spilled from her eyes and Scott’s heart stopped, this was what he was afraid of, her regretting their intimate night. “(Y/N)?” He whispered before she opened her eyes.
“My head.” She whispered before her hand was placed on her throat, she was extremely dehydrated and being hungover wasn’t helping. Scott quickly threw the covers off of him, reaching for his boxers on the floor before putting them on and walking to the kitchen. He had known where she kept her medicine, seeing her patch herself up after a couple fights with supernatural stuff months ago. He returned only three minutes later to see her sitting at the edge of the bed, her body still naked from the night before. He handed her two Advil's and a glass of water before he wrapped the cover around her, a smile appearing on her face.
“(Y/N)!” Theo’s voice sounded from the other side of the front door, he had been there for ten minutes, his heart racing as he continued to pound on her door. Scott’s eyes snapped from the front door to (y/n), her eyes looking at the door. “I know you’re in there, please baby, just open the door let me explain myself.” Theo sobbed, his forehead landing on the door, he didn’t care that her neighbors were looking at him like a complete tool.
“Do you want me to take care of him?” Scott’s voice broke (y/n)’s stare from the door as she nodded.
“Just, don’t cause a scene, please.” She whispered and Scott nodded, that was the last thing he wanted. He grabbed the glass from her hands and placed it on the nightstand.
“Try to get some rest, the pills won’t work for another hour.” She smiled up at Scott and nodded before she closed her eyes, she felt like shit and if sleeping was the only thing that was going to make her feel better than so be it. Scott picked his shirt up from the floor instantly pulling it over his head and closing the door to (y/n)’s bedroom. He walked to the front door before taking a deep breath and opening it, Theo stumbling inside. His eyes met Scott, a confused look in his eyes.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Theo spoke and Scott sighed, rolling his eyes before he pushed him back outside.
“That’s really none of your concern. You need to go; she doesn’t want to see you and she definitely doesn’t want to talk to you.” Theo’s eyes shined yellow as the realization of what had happened hit him.
“You took advantage of my girl?” Theo roared as he took a step towards Scott, who pushed him away.
“She isn’t your girl, for starter, you fucked up, not me. I would never take advantage of her, let alone let her go the way you did. You should leave Theo, there isn’t any hope for you anymore. Leave, don’t come back. You hurt her more than anything else could.” Theo’s eyes didn’t shift as his claws dug out.
“I’m going to fucking kill you.” Theo roared and Scott rolled his eyes once more before he pushed him to the ground, his eyes shining red as his forearm held his neck, cutting Theo’s breath.
“You’re going to leave and never come back. You’re lucky I don’t kick your ass for what you did to her. You embarrassed her in front of everyone, cheated on her, betrayed her. You don’t deserve for her to even cry for you.” Scott spat as Theo gasped for air, his eyes shifting back to his baby blue ones. “If I ever see you anywhere close to her, I won’t hesitate to kill you, and this time I'll make sure you won’t come back.” Scott huffed as he got on his feet, Theo’s gasps was all he could hear as he shut the door behind him. Scott leaned his head back on the door before he closed his eyes. He had never been one to fight for anything other than saving people but (y/n) meant too much to him, nothing nor no one was going to hurt her, not anymore. Scott walked straight to (y/n)’s room, her scrunched up face caught his attention as he moved towards her. “Hey.” He whispered once he sat at the edge of her bed. Her eyes opened slowly and she pouted as her hands yanked on her hair.
“Is he gone?” Scott nodded, his hand resting on his lap as he pursed his lips. “Thank you.” She whispered and he smiled at her. “For everything, I don’t want you to think I regretted last night.” Scott shook his head and placed his hand on her own as he brought it down to his lap.
“We don’t need to talk about that right now.” He sighed and she smiled at him. She hadn’t regretted letting Scott in last night, in fact the only thing she regretted was rejecting him three years ago.
“I want to.” She whispered as she sat up; her headache hadn’t completely gone away but she could handle it. “Last night, was truly unexpected. I walked for hours, feeling like I was a complete waste of space, like I wasn’t good enough.” The tears had started and she groaned fanning her eyes to make the tears stop. “Then I come home to find you, not Theo, not Lydia, or Stiles, you on my front steps. I know if I would have been sober, I wouldn’t never given myself the chance to engage in whatever we did, not because I didn’t want to, but because I'd be too afraid of being rejected.” She looked down, her tears spilling onto her lap. Scott sighed and placed his hand on her cheek, her head lifting as her eyes met his.
“I could never reject you, in any aspect. I’ve cared about you for years (y/n). Timing was just never in our favor. I meant what I said last night, you’re good enough. You’re more than good enough. Theo was a fool to ever betray you the way he did because now I won’t be able to stay away, that’s if you let me stay.” His voice was soft, nothing like Theo’s. (Y/N) sighed leaning her face onto his hand, even his touch was softer.
“I don’t want you to think you’re a rebound.” (Y/N) whispered. “You’re too good for that and I need time, to heal, but I also don’t want you to leave.” She sighed wrapping her arms around Scott, his smile spreading over his face. His smile was crooked, another thing that was different from Theo.
“I’m not going anywhere. I told you I was going to help you through this and that’s what I'm going to do, and if we end up together then that’s just a plus for me.” Scott smiled, (y/n) had never seen him this loose, Scott always had a shield up, even with his past relationships he had never fully expressed his feelings. “I don’t know what’s really come over me.” Scott’s smile fell when he saw her confused expression. She shook her head before placing a kiss on his lips, they were softer today than they were the night before.
“I’ve never seen you like this Scott.” Her forehead rested on his and he frowned. “It’s not a bad thing, please don’t frown, you’re supposed to be the happy one, I'm the mess, remember.” (Y/N) sniffed and Scott let out a small chuckle. “I just always saw you as the tough Alpha, you’ve never been one to share feelings.” Scott nodded and let his back hit the mattress.
“I know, but like I said, I’ve cared for you for years, even before Allison. More than Allison.” He whispered the last part. (Y/N) looked at him before her head went to rest on his chest.
“I can’t thank you enough, for being here for me. I know we’ve been friends for a long time and last night was.” She sighed and closed her eyes; her headache had gone away.
“Wrong?” Scott asked, worry in his voice.
“Amazing.” She huffed out causing Scott to release the breath he had been holding. “I’ve never felt that way before. You make everything better and I don’t know how.” Scott’s arms wrapped around her waist and she relaxed into him. “I’m not over Theo, far from that, and I have a feeling he’s not going to stop coming around.” She sighed.
“Trust me, he’s not coming around, not anymore.” Scott kissed her head, but that’s where he was wrong. There would be a time where (y/n) would be alone, and that’s when Theo would make his move, when Scott was gone and (y/n) was vulnerable, she had forgiven him before and he was sure he could make her forgive him once more.
story tags; @classyunknownlover @heda-mikaelson @namelesslosers
forever tags; @bojabee @imperfect-circle @dakotapaigelove @a-gir1-has-n0-name @riverdalehoeeeeeee @sabertooth-potato @heyitscam99 @peterstarksstarker @royal-fanfic @vixengustin88 @lemondropirwin
#Scott McCall#scott mcall#scott mccall fanfic#theo raeken x reader#theo raeken fanfic#theo raeken au#teen wolf#teen wolf masterlist#teen wolf fanfic#teen wolf imagine#stiles stilinski#lydia martin#allison argent#malia tate#Peter Hale#liam dunbar#derek hale#kira yukimura#Hayden Romero#noah stilinski#Melissa McCall
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Cheater Part 2
Prompt: The reader and Theo are dating and are attending an infamous Lydia Martin party where they get fucked up and Theo ends up fucking Violet, his ex girlfriend. (tea)
Pairings: Theo Raeken x Reader , Theo Raeken x Violet
Part 1
Third Person POV
(Y/N) stood there, her eyes looking at Theo who struggled to move out of the bed to get his pants. She couldn’t hear the music that was blaring, she couldn’t hear Stiles and Scott telling her that they should get out of there, all she could hear is the moans that had escaped Violet’s mouth only moments before. She looked around the room, not knowing what to do, she saw red, she saw black, she was livid. She hadn’t noticed how far she walked into the room until she felt both Stiles’ and Scott’s hands on her arms. “Baby, I'm sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking.” Theo spoke as he put his shirt over his head. (Y/N) managed to get her arms freed from the grasp of her best friends and almost instantly after her fist collided with Theo’s nose. She screamed as she continued to hit him knocking him to the ground only three punches in.
“Holy fuck.” Violet gasped as she got out of the bed, the cover covering her naked body. (Y/N)’s head snapped to Violet and before she could get to her Scott managed to get a hold of her.
“Hey, calm down, it’s not worth it.” Scott spoke as he tried to control the trashing girl in his arms. (Y/N) continued to scream and slowly her screams turned into sobs as her legs gave up on her, Scott helping her maintain her balance. Theo stood up from the floor holding his bloodied nose that was already healing.
“Baby please.” Theo’s eyes released tears as the sudden realization set in, he had fucked up big time. “I don’t know what I was thinking, please don’t leave me.” Theo stepped towards her and Scott shined his red eyes at him.
“I think you’ve done enough.” Theo looked at Scott before looking at (Y/N) who screamed once more before launching at Theo, tackling him to the floor.
“You fucking bastard.” The punch landed on his cheek. “I fucking trusted you.” Another punch. “I stood up for you when no one fucking liked you.” (Y/N) punched his nose and Scott moved to stop her but Stiles shook his head.
“Come on, he deserves it, plus it’s not like he won’t heal.” Stiles shrugged and Scott sighed crossing his arms and promising himself that he’d stop (y/n) once she got her anger out.
“Baby, please.” Theo cried out, the tears spilling just as fast as his blood. His hands tried his best to cover his face but (y/n) was fuming.
“Fuck you! Fuck you!” (Y/N) repeated as she punched Theo ten more times before getting up on her own and kicking him in the stomach. “Go to hell, and stay there this time.” She wiped her eyes and looked at Violet who had backed up to the corner of the room. “You better hope I never see you alone or so help me god you’re next.” (Y/N) turned her back on Theo and Violet before looking at Stiles who smiled at her. She walked out of the room and ran down the stairs avoiding the music, avoiding the screams from Scott and Lydia. She ran out of the house and into the street, she wrapped her own arms around herself before crying once more on her way to her house.
Theo walked out of the room looking around trying to find (y/n), the girl he cared the most about. He looked around noticing Lydia and Scott giving him a glare. He wiped the tears that had been dripping from his eyes before walking out of the house and falling down on the curb. “Fuck.” He whispered to himself before he punched the cement, breaking his hand in the process but it didn’t hurt him, hell nothing hurt him more than watching (y/n)’s broken face. He sat there crying his eyes out, he fucked up this time and he knew there was nothing he could do to fix it. (Y/N) had meant the world to Theo, she had changed him for the best and she was the first person to ever make him feel loved. He loved (y/n) and even though he’d never told her the words, it didn’t mean it wasn’t true. He sat there, looking straight ahead, his mind racing as to what the hell he just got himself into before he felt someone sit next to him. His eyes slowly moved to the person he least wanted to see, Violet. She sat close to him as she wrapped her arm around his. “This is all your fault.” His eyes red from the tears.
“You’re equally to blame as I am.” She looked down at her hands. “I just wanted to have one more moment with you, I know you love her, something you could never do for me.” His eyes spilled more tears as he moved away from her.
“Well it doesn’t matter, not anymore. All because you couldn’t just keep your fucking space, who the hell even invited you?” Theo put his head in his hands and closed his eyes only to see (y/n) with hurt written all over her face, he was never going to un-see her that way.
(Y/N) walked up her driveway seeing Scott on her doorstep. He sighed in relief when he saw her, she hadn’t answered her phone in nearly three hours and it was worrying him. He stood up and her tears immediately began once more before she walked into Scott’s chest, his arms wrapping around her almost instantly. He rubbed her back as she sobbed into his chest, no doubt that the shirt he had on was going to be soaking by the end of the night. “Why am I never good enough.” (Y/N) spoke lowly.
“You are, he’s just a dumbass. It’s his loss, not yours.” Scott rested his chin on the top of her head. “I know it seems like your whole life is crumbling down but you’re going to get through this, and I'm going to help you.” Scott rubbed small circled on her back which only made her sob even more as it reminded her of the way Theo did the same thing to get her to go to sleep. “I would kick his ass but you did one hell of a job doing that yourself.” Scott chuckled causing a small smile to grow on her face.
“I don’t know what I'd do without you.” (Y/N) mumbled into his chest and Scott sighed.
“I don’t know what I'd do without you either. You helped me through Allison, through Kira, and even through Malia.” Scott sighed and (Y/N) looked up at him. “I don’t like seeing you cry.” His thumb whipped away the tears on her face and she smiled lightly, Scott doing the same. They stared into each other's eyes for what seemed minutes but could have only been three seconds before their lips crashed into each other. (Y/N)’s hands moved to the back of Scott’s neck before her eyes widened and she pulled away. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have.” Scott sighed and (Y/N) bit her lip and cut him off, their bodies moving closer together as they stumbled to move to (Y/N)’s door. Once open Scott pulled away once more. “Are you sure?” She nodded before pushing Scott inside and slamming the door shut.
A/N: i might have a little thing for Scott at the moment, don’t judge me lmao.
forever tags; @bojabee @imperfect-circle @dakotapaigelove @a-gir1-has-n0-name @riverdalehoeeeeeee @sabertooth-potato @heyitscam99 @royal-fanfic
#theo raeken#theo raeken x reader#theo raeken fanfic#theo raekan imagine#teen wolf#teen wolf masterlist#teen wolf fanfic#teen wolf imagine#Scott McCall#lydia martin#liam dunbar#Peter Hale#derek hale#Jackson Whittemore#isaac lahey#stiles stilinski#noah stilinski#Hayden Romero#chris argent#allison argent#kira yukimura#malia tate#scott mccall fanfic
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