#Saber Khan
I cannot stop and think for the HOM au, i just imagine Aaron and Saber just being the literal giants, as funfact. Both are 7’5. And they say they are barely stopping there at that height. Since Tigers can grow much larger then Lions. They are very giantanic.
But just imagine Aaron vibing with the Aladdin cast and is carrying Jasmine and Aladdin as if they are tiny kids to him.
Saber and Shere would get along on their mutual hate for specific humans and kids. But have some bicker who is the better tiger.
Aaron, holding Aladdin and Jasmine with both hands: I met these kids and I’m adopting them both.
Also, context. Aaron Fer Zin is a famous wrestler called Iron claws. He is beloved for his hardwork and is a very undefeated champion of his works. Saber is well. A business man. Follow up to the movie where Shere is a company man. Saber runs his own business. Two different work environments. You be surprised on these two.
And to add more wholesome. Imagine a giant Tiger, Aaron got hit by Yzma potions but it backfired so there is a giant Tiger that is Aaron, just laying down and all the Disney kids plus Jasmine and Aladdin sleeping on his soft cuddly fur and it’s more cute to see it. He will also grab one very gently and put them into the inner circle of comfort cuddles.
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626
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sockich · 1 year
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Bodies are art. And what is not to celebrate? No matter the forms... when two act as one... it is a thing of beauty. And beauty knows no bounds.
DC Pride 2023 #1 | The Dance by Rex Ogle, art by Stephen Sadowski
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themarysuep · 8 months
A closer look at Fury's file on Kamala:
1. Her powers include extreme strength, healing, bioluminescence (kamran's inhuman powers from the comics which they now share in the mcu), appearance alternation.
2. Her mom's family's last name is Ali so it's Sana Ali, Aisha Ali, Hassan Ali etc. Love that.
3. Fury describes her heritage as inhuman. But he describes her species as human. Ofc it's just Marvel messing with us but her heritage would be Kree and her species would be inhuman I'd think?
4. She's considered bilingual with her languages spoken being listed as English and Urdu.
5. Her sister in law was left out of her family members. But was mentioned in the movie.
6. Idk what locator pendant means? A reference to the necklace Carol gifts her in the comics? She doesn't have it in the mcu though.
7. Slightly unrelated but I think Kamala isn't too concerned about the amount of intel they have on her bc she thinks the government is a joke with their clear casing containing confidential info. We hear her laugh when she tells Monica 😭.
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 8 months
Y'all can hate on the Marvels movie, but, you can't deny the best funny scene in all of Marvel Cinematic history 😁
Try to argue with me 😆
Not Carol being all too enthusiastic to chase after a cat 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
And the agents probably having cat-related PTSD after this 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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indigosabyss · 5 months
see the way you can tell that the marvels happened in one or two days is that otherwise when they got back to earth everyone would already be raving about how S.W.O.R.D was detaining an innocent civilian family for no reason whatsoever. No way their neighbors didn't see the wrecked house and the feds escorting them out and not go scorched earth.
just a little sprinkling of my ms marvel social media fic ideas
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theuntitledblog · 9 months
The Marvels (2023) - REVIEW
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When the new leader of the Kree Empire threatens the worlds she protects, Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers sets to save them but her quest is complicated when her powers are linked with those of SABER Agent Monica Rambeau and 16 year old high school girl, Ms Marvel/Kamala Khan.
The latest entry to the Marvel Cinematic Universe lands at a very difficult time when questions are being asked about the quality of its output as well as whether audience fatigue with superhero movies in general is now a major factor. The box office certainly doesn't bode well and to be fair, The Marvels isn't likely to win over any naysayers however it is none the less a film that is refreshingly lean, not too taxing and a whole lot of fun. Part of the issue for me is timing, The Marvels certainly isn't a Civil War, Infinity War or Endgame level event and does nothing to propel forward what is increasingly becoming a stagnating arc for the MCU. The action set pieces are creative, Zawe Ashton does what she can with another run of the mill villain however the film is undoubtedly at its best when Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris and Iman Vellani share the screen together.
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As a sequel to 2019's Captain Marvel, this is a much breezier affair with Brie Larson's Carol Danvers clearly having a lot more fun this time around. Larson's Danvers and Parris' Rambeau have the more complicated relationship of the three but their estrangement doesn't lead to the predictable conflict you might expect and instead the writers rightly for me don't drag this out too far along. The real MVP however is Iman Vellani's ever fangirling Kamala Khan whose infectious joy for just being there consistently steals the show and is a delight throughout.
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Although it's true that the Marvels doesn't really do much to challenge the MCU formula, it is refreshingly short, doesn't outstay its welcome nor does it feel too overstuffed. The power switching is cleverly edited and leads to some creative set pieces while a visit to the planet Aladna will undoubtedly challenge parts of the audience but is none the less one of the films boldest and funniest moments. Yet despite having a cosmic setting, the story never feels too consequential even with the planetary stakes involved so credit must be given to the three leads plus support from Samuel L Jackson's Nick Fury, Zenobia Shroff and Mohan Kapur to keep this a lighter and more humorous affair.
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Maybe it's not the film that the MCU particularly needed right now as it is less consequential than Quantumania but it this does remember to be a lot of fun. Larson, Parris and Vellani have great chemistry and the film has plenty of laughs, a few bold creative choices and while its timing may be questionable, it remains worth your time.
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mceproductions · 10 months
Best of 2023 Movies #15: The Marvels
Our countdown proper begins as we view the most recent MCU misfire, and although they are on fumes, the infectious optimism of Iman Velani and Teyonah Parris helps to balance out Brie and elevated this to the list proper.
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Life goes on for Carol Danvers, when a disturbance in the jump network causes her to become entangled with her besties daughter Monica Rambeau and fangirl from Jersey Kamala Khan.
As the trio finds out if 2 use their powers simultaneously they swap locations.
Hijinks ensue as they get whipped into Carols run ins with her former companions, and unexpected planets.
All the while Nick Fury and Kamala’s parents on the SABER Space Station get an unanticipated surprise via Goose the Flerken.
The balance of the trio works very well and delivers some unexpected heart as we find out the details of what happened since endgame for Carol and how Kamala’s Idolatry runs into Monica’s reality mindset.
Although the forgettable Kree villain wasn’t needed this did have charm.
That young Avengers movie is starting to shape up nicely.
SUM 22: Carol, Monica and Kamala get whipped into shenanigans with their abilities in a road trip film that somehow worked despite outside obstacles.
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Hopefully with Vol 9 coming out I get some inspiration for the Fruits Basket AU
But I an laughing thinking about the various dynamics of the Zodiac Group
Sienna (the Tiger) and Saber (The Rat) are the older adults, and often don’t see eye to eye on issues, though they are capable of getting along 
Fiona (the Sheep) and Marrow (the Dog) also disagree on things, though they are friends at the end for the day. They both unite in their dislike of Adam (the Ox) for being a jerk. They also both look out for the younger members. Topaz (the Pig) prefers to keep to herself and out of the drama
Velvet (the Rabbit) is well liked by the other young members, Blake (the Cat), Sun (the Monkey), and Ilia (the Snake). They usually all get along well, though Ilia or Blake’s moodiness or Sun’s impulsivity might cause issues.
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milk5 · 1 year
4chan guy with esoterically racist historical views inventing a time machine and transporting to batu khan's command yurt in 1235 AD to assassinate him with an AR15 and then seeing batu khan finishing off his third bag of takis while chortling at videos of feral hogs being blown up with tannerite explosives on an iphone that is being presented to him by a guy in a snapback with a genie lamp in his other hand. the gun falls from his hand and his gut begins to grow cold before he notices the keshig guard's saber lodged in his belly, punishment for having inadvertently telefragged an urn of fermented horse milk (Kumis)
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shitpostingperidot · 10 months
Some things I noticed watching The Marvels with a notebook tonight (highly recommend an open captions screening to all fic writers!):
One of the moments in the Skrull memory device scene was Kamala helping her teeny tiny toddler Nani!
Monica calls Kamala “sweetie” on Tarnax as well as “baby” on Aladna
Skrull seems to be used as a collective noun in this movie?
Monica puts the situation as “entangled our world-lines,” and world-lines is a real concept in physics! So that’s neat
Carol has at least 6 pictures of the Rambeaus up on her ship, with one of Goose and one that might be Fury and Goose together.
Maria: “Remember why you’re out there. And remember to come home” 😭
Fury: “Nobody cares more than Captain Marvel, and nobody gets more grief for it”
Monica’s SABER coworkers are named Dag (the 306 year old one) and Talia
On Aladna, the word Song (as in “their language is Song”) is a proper noun
Carol: “long story.” Kamala: “maybe you could sing it?”
The code on the side of Carol’s ship is LS157
Carol got little hair clips in her braid with her new suit on Aladna!
And Monica got new earrings on Aladna!
Fury, to the first Flerkitten: “oh no, not my good eye!”
When Fury and the Khans crash landed, there was a random guy having a picnic in the background with a goose (an actual bird not a flerken)
When Kamala is pinned down by Dar-Benn’s hammer, she yells “Carol!!!!!” The first time she uses Carol’s real name
Just after this when Kamala gets both bangles, Carol says “how you feeling, Ms. Marvel?” The first time Carol uses Kamala’s superhero name
Monica’s last words in her own universe are “always knew I would have to stay” 😭😭😭😭
Maria’s Camaro (or possibly Carol’s Mustang) is parked under a cover outside the Rambeau house
Monica worked in Lab 01 on SABER
Goose is hanging out on the porch swing while Carol and the Khans unpack
I have a memory of seeing a truck just like the one in the movie in some Carol comic, but I can’t find the comic. Maybe I’m confusing it with Wynonna Earp’s almost identical truck
The plane at the Rambeau house is N5017B and it is the exact same plane Maria was working on in Captain Marvel!
Muneeba Khan unpacks a red shirt that’s the right size and color to be the shirt that 11-year-old Monica was wearing in 1995 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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penstrokes · 10 months
Things I loved about The Marvels (SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS OBVS)
- Everything Iman Vellani is doing
- Fury yelling "Black girl magic!"
- Carol in that dress 👀👀
- Carol and Valkyrie HELLO????
- Carol getting to be vulnerable with her girls
- That sequence with the three of them learning how to switch while jumping rope and eating popcorn healed something inside me seriously
- Monica calling Kamala "baby"
- "Are you praying?" "Well don't stop now, we need all the help we can get!"
- Mr. Khan teaching the Skrull(?) on SABER about smart investments and 401ks
- Nick Fury getting to be a silly man
- For the first time in a while I did NOT have the post credits spoiled for me so that was fun
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samwontshare · 11 months
Really not understanding all The Marvels hate. It was a solid old school MCU film - funny, actiony, stakes not too high because they save the day.
If you didn’t enjoy an extended scene of flerkens eating SABER staff then you are not my people. You probably also hated the goats in Love and Thunder.
Kamala Khan does carry the movie with her joy because Monica and Carol have a lot of absentee parent drama going on. But I liked that mix. They could have fleshed things out a little more - it’s one of the few MCU movies I thought could have been longer.
Carol and Maria. 🥹🥺🥰😭😭😭😭😭 Carol and Val? 😮😏
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burningfudge · 11 months
the marvels spoilers!!
- i missed carol so much 😭😭 i was so happy to see her again!! however, as a delusional caroljess shipper, this movie made me realize how much i want jessica drew in the mcu but the chances are slim
- is earth really the best choice for those skrulls to stay on after secret invasion???? the US president hates them and is also hunting them down just like the kree. but lol fury should've just asked new asgard to take them in during secret invasion instead of creating a giant mess and then ditching them
(i hope this means a certain mr teddy altman was among the skrull refugees who fled to earth but i'm just grasping at straws at this point)
- it's pretty funny that nia dacosta decided to ignore everything from secret invasion and we should too since i KNOW fury never brought up that he harvested carol's DNA. it would've made the movie much more awkward
- the khans and fury were way too funny together. muneeba was great, as always 🫶🏽 the best aunty
- the poor SABER agents escaping via FLURKITTIES lmaoo
- i can only imagine nakia and bruno's reactions when they find out about kamala's adventures
- carol and sam both live in louisiana now!! neighbors
- kamala and carol are so CUTE! they're twinsies ♥️
- carol restarting a sun...damn. i do wish more emphasis was placed on that since thor nearly died trying to restart nidavellir's sun
- no binary form though? :(
- the villain was kinda boring and i don't really understand the whole quantum bands connection with the noor dimension thing
- not kate trying to act cool as if she and kamala don't have the same energy when speaking with their avenger idols (clint and carol should meet)
- but kamala channelling fury lol
- kate needs to get better security though since people keep breaking in into her apartment. first yelena and now kamala
- i don't necessarily want peter on the mcu young avengers/champions team, but i do want him to meet them. kamala found out about kate and cassie so she can find peter, an actual teenage avenger, too
- maria as BINARY!!!!
- the suit looked pretty cheap though, which sucks because the binary suit is one of my fav carol outfits from the comics.
- is maria in the fox universe or is it just a "x-men" universe??? anyway it's not 838 for sure since professor x and maria are both alive. however, it would be pretty funny for monica to visit 838 post-MoM since she tried so hard to help wanda and then wanda murdered her mom rip
- carol and kamala are both gutted about monica getting trapped in another universe, but america chavez can get her back pretty easily if they knew she existed. hmm, looks like kamala needs to find another young superhero
overall: 7.5/10
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ladytabletop · 10 months
Game Roundup 2023: Part 3
Trying to squeeze in a couple more posts on this, but no promises! This one is going to have a laundry list at the bottom that I'm not going to give more detail on bc I lack time.
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Bug Dish: Amuse Bouche by Ryan Khan
I cannot WAIT for the full version of this! Play as tiny bug chefs by collecting ingredients, making dishes, and serving customers!
HUNT by GilaRPGs
This one is one I picked up at GenCon. Play as an order of doomed knights hunting a beast. Uses the LUMEN 2.0 diceless system and grid-based combat, and it's a self-enclosed single session.
Our Haunt by Rae Nedjadi
Another delightful Belonging Outside Belonging game by @temporalhiccup! This one has the potential for a lot of poignancy or a lot of hijinks. Play as ghosts haunting a house.
Eyes on the Prize by Ira Prince
This may be my favorite game of the year, hands down. Play as a fake married couple trying to carry out a scheme! Try not to fall in love!
APOCALYPSE FRAME by @binarystargames
This mecha game is the right amount of crunch for me to play long-term (which i to say, less crunchy than Lancere and Beam Saber). It makes use of LUMEN to create a super tight, fast-paced game of mech combat.
Other stuff I've read that I'm not going to elaborate on at this time:
House Spirit
To keep ghosts alive
Our Farm Becomes the Battlefield
Apocalypse, Wow
Keepers of the Cards
Definitely Wizards
Neon Sundown
Death Sentence
The Queen Returns
Tavern at the End of the World
Forecaster: The Body You Share
i want your bite
Our Love Can't Save The World
Love by the Quarter Mile
your body, an altar
Subway Runners
Part 1 | Part 2
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darksaiyangoku · 1 year
RWBY/Swords of Fate: Masters and Servants by Route
Dragonslayer Route
• Jaune Arc/Saber-Arthur
• Yang Xiao Long/Lancer-Cu Chulainn
• Ruby Rose/Archer-Arjuna
• Oscar Pine/Rider-Boudica
• Mercury Black/Berserker-Beowulf
• Emerald Sustrai/Caster-Hans
• Roman Torchwick/Assassin-Moriarty
• Cinder Fall/Saber-Mordred
Lancaster Route
• Jaune Arc/Saber-Ruby
• Ruby Rose/Archer-Jaune
• Sun Wukong/Lancer-Sage
• Mercury Black/Berserker-Arslan
• Nebula Violette/Assassin-Yoru
• May Zhou/Avenger-Whitley
• James Ironwood/Catser-Ozma
• Robyn Hill/Rider-Raven
• Morgan Faye/Archer-Gilgamesh
Knightshade Route
• Jaune Arc/Saber-Miyamoto Musashi
• Blake Belladonna/Rider-Medusa
• Rin Tohsaka/Archer-Hachiko
• Sage Ayana/Caster-Tamamo
• Shirou Emiya/Berserker-Sun Wukong
• Misaya Reirouken/Lancer-Elizabeth Bathory
• Adam Taurus/Assassin-Sienna Khan
• Saincrad Phahn/Berserker-Hazel Rainart
• Henry Marigold/Saber-Sigurd
• Amakasu Shirou Tokisada/Avenger-Jeanne Alter
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silicacid · 11 months
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List of healthcare workers killed by Israel attacks on Gaza since October 7, 2023
Dr. Omar Ferwana, a Professor and former Dean of the Islamic University of Gaza Medical School and an andrologist, Gaza
Dr. Aya Ferwana (Dr Omar Ferwana’s daughter), a family medicine specialist, Gaza
Dr. Medhat Saidam, a senior burn and plastic surgeon, Shifa Hospital, Gaza and MSc in Burn Care alumnus from Queen Mary University of London
Dr. Mohammed Dabour, a consultant pathologist and dean of pre-clinical medicine at the Islamic University of Gaza Medical School
Dr. Tamer Al-Khayyat, an anesthesiologist and intensivist, European Gaza Hosptial, Rafah
Dr. Mahmoud Al-Khayyat, an internist in Rafah and Dr Tamer Al-Khayyat’s father
Dr. Razan Al-Rakhawi (Dr Tamer Al-Khayyat’s wife), an obstetric and gynecologist, Emirati Women’s Hospital, Rafah
Dr. Sereen Al-Attar a consultant obstetric and gynecologist at Nasser Hospital, Khan Younis and an Assistant Professor at the Islamic University of Gaza Medical school
Dr. Saeed Drabieh, a urology resident, Shifa Hospital
Dr. Mohammed Al-Samarai, Iraqi volunteer intern physician
Dr. Rafat Abou Foul, radiologist, Beit Hanoun Hospital
Dr. Amal Al-Maqadma, family medicine specialist, Rafah
Dr. Ibtihal Al-Astal, intern doctor, Khan Younis
Dr. Duaa Awad, emergency medicine doctor, Al-Aqsa Hospital
Dr. Moath Nabaheen, emergency medicine doctor, Al-Aqsa Hospital
Dr. Youssef Jadallah, intensivist and anesthesiologist (based in Germany, from Gaza but was visiting his family)
Dr. Inas Yousef, emergency medicine doctor, Al-Aqsa Hospital
Dr. Israa Al-Ashqar, anesthesiology resident, Shifa Hospital, Gaza
Dr. Abdallah Ashour, emergency medicine doctor, Nasser Hospital, Khan Younis
Dr. Hamam El-Deeb, orthopaedic surgery resident, Shifa Hospital, Gaza
Dr. Munther Abu Sariya, consultant pediatrician, Mohammed Al-Durra Pediatric Hospital
Dr. Doaa Shammout, pediatric resident, Rantisi Hospital, Gaza
Dr. Baraa Abu Elaish, intern doctor, Gaza
Dr. Abdlallah El-Helou, general practitioner/internal medicine doctor, Indonesian/Beit Hanoun Hospital
Dr. Muhannad Ezzo Afana, general practitioner, Gaza
Dr. Mohammed Refaat Mekki,
Dr. Ahmed Al-Hourani
Dr. Nada Mahdi
Dr. Ibrahim Al-Dali
Dr. Bilal Lubbad
Dr. Marwa Swelim
Dr Areej Eid
Dr. Tawfiq Al-Farra
Dr. Abdallah Baghdadi
Dr. Jameel Tarazi
Dr. Maysoon Al-Nuweiri
Dr. Mona Dughmush
Dr. Noha Dughmush
Dr. Mamoun Afana
Dr. Mohammed Afana
Dr. Anis Mekki
Dr. Tasneem Abdulnabi
Medical/dental students:
Bisan Halasa
Shaimaa Saydam
Abedelrahman Abu Shammala
Nour Al-Ashqar
Yaseen Al-Akhras
Osama Abu Safia
Duha Dughmush
Haneen Al-Shannat
Abdallah Abu Jayab
Zainab Azzam
Mohammed Abu Jiadan
Medical Scientists:
Prof. Salah El-Din Zanoun
Prof. Ahmed Al-Dalo
Prof. Ameed Mushtaha (Head of laboratories department and blood banks
Mohammed Lubbad  
Mohammed Al-Azzaiza  
Ahmed Moshtaha  
Rami Lubbad  
Somaya Temraz  
Mohammed Rafat Gomaa  
Osama A'eed Abu Safiya  
Saber Al-Nimnim  
Mohammed Hamad  
Mohammed Al-Baz  
Suleiman Abu Zour  
Badr Mohammed Abu Daqah  
Shaimaa Rayan (Midwife)
Maryam Abou Daher
Kefah San’allah
Walaa Adwan (Midwife)
Rawaa Al-Thalathini (Midwife)
Samah Rasheed (Midwife)
Rida Al-Masri (Midwife)
Ibrahim Abou Isaac
Amjad Abou Ouda
Ibrahim Al-Farra
Aya Al-Shrafi
Tamer Al Efesh
Momen Mansour
Asmaa Al-Asar
Feras Ftaiha
Diaa Bardaweel
Rana Shalaby
Itemad Miqdad
Zainab Al-Sharafi
Hamdan Malaka
Suheer Jbara
Hassan Al-Hennawi
Sabha Al-Sherafi
Azmi Al-Jamal
Yousef Al-Shareef
Hadeel Fanqa
Emad Esleem
Enas Al-Zeen
Heba Salamah
Nuha Esleem
Amro Masoud
Hanya Qudaih
Mohammed Al-Moqayyed
Ali Nasrallah
Tariq Abu Obaid (cardiac perfusion specialist)
Ahmed Al-Nuweiri
Abdulrahman Shaheen (Ziada) 
Ahmed Mahmoud Alrann
Dr. Yahya Abduljawad Juda (Public Health, nurse) 
Haytham Tawfiq Alnabih 
Loai Alzuhairi (Nursing student) 
Saleem Abu Zour
Waleed ElMahalawi
Rola Althalathini (Midwife)
Duaa Ashour
Amer Elramlawi
Safa Zeino
Saja Doghmosh
Moayad Ezzo Afana
Ramadan Doghmosh
Moemen Arab (Nursing student)
Oun Nofal Ashour (Nursing student)
Paramedics (EMS providers):
Marwan Abou Raida
Hatem Awad
Khalil Al-Sharif
Ahmed Al-Dahman
Yousri Al-Masri
Ahmed Abdel Rahman
Mohammed Al-Ghaliz
Mohammed Ali
Iyad Salim
Abdelrahim Abou Baid
Alaa Abou Ghanima
Naji Al Fayoumi
Mohammed Qateet
Tareq Ashour
Mahmoud Abou Mashayekh
Nafeth Al-Natour
Mahmoud Othman
Mohammed ElOmour
Ibrahim Matar
Yasser Alnaseri
Ahmed Al-Masri
Ahmed Sameh Abou Herbeed
Shaimaa Sbaih
Mayar Al-Wahidi
Ahmed Ashraf
Shahrazad Al-Akhras
Nour Ibrahim
Ahmed Al-Jerjawi
Aziz Elfarra
Afnan Al-Astal
Shereen Abou Jazar
Eman Abu Al-Jalil
Safaa Hasouna
Ibraheem Meqdad
Mohammed Ali
Maysaa Khader
Nisreen Al-Dammagh
Sally Al-Aydi (Pharmacy student at AlAzhar University)
Mohammed Al-Shannat
Lina Abu Mualaileq
Noor Ibean
Haneen Albasyouni
Amira Dahman
Rawand Albanna
Khaled Abu Ma’ala
Amal Mekki
Abdullah Altartori (Pharmacy student at AlAzhar University)
Asmaa Abu Salah (Pharmacy student at AlAzhar University)
Mohammad Alshami
Lab technicians/clinical microbiologists:
Natheer Shaban
Asmaa Hijazi
Rawan Yassin
Alia Al Hinnawi
Maryam Kabaja
Nahid Abdullatef
Mohammed Abu Karsh
Mohammed Shabaan
Riham Elkahlout
Ismail Sharaf
Taiseer Alghouti
Abdulmohsin Abu Alrous
Duaa Jad Allah  
Omar Khorsheed
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