#SY’s unnamed sister
queens-of-spirits · 2 years
Binqiu’s Daughter
Hear me out. If Bingqiu had a daughter (through whatever method makes you happiest to imagine), she would be named after SY’s sister.
But, and this is important, at Binghe’s insistence.
As soon as they realized that their child was going to be a girl, SQQ would suggest they talk about names and LBH would say something like this:
“Her name will be (insert SY’s sister’s name here).”
SQQ would think that the protagonist’s daughter should be named after his mother(s), but LBH would shake his head.
“If I want to remember my family, I have my jade pendant for my adoptive mother and, at the very least, the blood and spiritual energy in my veins for my birth mother. If I really want to I can even go talk to my father. You don’t have anything like that, A Yuan. Your body has no connection to your family, not really, and you can’t even use your real name in public. If we have another daughter her name can honour my mothers, but this one will carry your sister’s name.”
Needless to say, the child is named after an aunt who will likely never even imagine their existence.
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phoenixtakaramono · 2 years
For the wip game, the untold tale ch6? I will not lie it is because im obsessed but also this chapter includes new characters probably so im also 👀👀👀
Ooh! Yes! Since you mentioned new characters….
Note, for The Untold Tale ch6, keep in mind this is from my notes so details are subject to change in the final draft, but here’s a snippet (and some context)! In this chapter I wish to avoid injecting OCs as much as possible unless strictly necessary and I think it’ll be fun learning some more cultural details via the storytelling medium Shen Yuan interacts with some actual gods and goddesses (placeholders) from Chinese mythology.
(Spoiler alert down below!)
Shen Miao was quiet.
Unlike themselves whose births were blessed by the Heavenly Dao, they as gods and celestial beings were far more selective with the moral quality of the mortals who they allowed into their homes. Only exceptional meritorious spirits were allowed to ascend to either the Silver Bridge—giving one access to a position in the Celestial Bureaucracy—or to the Golden Bridge—which allowed for rebirth in one of the upper realms of the Heavenly Realm.
“A man who’s arrogant from being pampered is destined to not last long,” she said. “Sān gē will toss him really quickly.”
(TUT, Ch6 Excerpt)
*Sān gē - Third brother (referring to Shen Yuan)
In this chapter, Shen Yuan goes to meet the Heavenly Emperor. On the way, he will reunite with his “family members” in PIDW which the System has set for him a lá a direct side effect of his Protagonist’s Halo (if he hadn’t asked to become the deuteragonist, he wouldn’t have gotten this powerful background). One of them is his sister. I’d made a few posts about her here on tumblr and on twitter.
Shen Miao is the name I’m giving SY’s unnamed little sister, as an Easter Egg reference to the protagonist of The Rebirth of the Malicious Empress of Military Lineage. In this excerpt, after SY leaves, the family consults with one another about this demon lord Luo Binghe that their treasured family member (celestial fortuneteller/ warlord SY) is suddenly so protective over and supposedly having a fate that will change the Three Realms, and warlord Shen Miao makes this remark (about Bingge).
(Shen Yuan canonically has parents, 2 older brothers and 1 younger sister in SVSSS. Since we’re “bringing them” into this story they haven’t transmigrated; the celestial beings that are SY’s family in PIDW which he meets this chapter coincidentally share their same names and faces, I’m giving them the xianxia treatment in this AU and giving my own spin on them. To give you an idea of the two older brothers who were supposed to take over the family’s manufacturing business before SY transmigrated, here’s the vibe of one of them in the below GIF.)
Tumblr media
Shen Yuan’s father, as we’ll come to find out, is the Heavenly Emperor. And his mother is the Heavenly Empress. Their entire family is a family of warlords. It’s the type of hidden family background we rag on protagonists for being too OP, haha, so I wanted to play into that since SY is LBH’s golden thigh in TUT and he also shares the same protagonist halo with LBH. This version of SY is supposed to be the perfect match for Bingge SO WE ARE GONNA HEAVILY LEAN INTO THAT and satirize a few tropes (esp. the Opposites Attract; it’s dramatic were a “forbidden romance” to spring up between a demon lord and celestial being, no? Hee hee.)
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wovenstarlight · 4 years
on YwbK chapter 20, i'd responded to a comment and listed out the skills and ranks of the imported orv cast. only while i was making the series page on this blog did i realize i'd forgotten to post them here so everyone could see. so, for YwbK readers who are also ORV fans, here's KDC's skills and ranks!
yoo joonghyuk: A-rank combat hunter, attack skills only. no resistances/defense skills. much, much later, gets a single recovery skill from a title.
notable skill: currently unnamed, a multiplier skill that adds a small %age boost to the damage on his attacks. the multiplier resets every time he crosses a dungeon gate either way. he could participate in dungeon attacks and slowly rebuild his multiplier and abilities each time, but instead, he chooses to stay outside of the dungeons altogether and just deal with dungeon breaks. while this means it takes him ages to grind any decent amount of experience, it ALSO means he's turned into a one-man war machine over time, with his multiplier at insane levels
kim dokja: A-rank support, B-rank stats. despite kdj's poor stats and general skillset, two skills in particular mean he's not that bad as a combatant, which means he often bypasses acting as a support and instead starts beating up monsters directly with his B-rank skitty fists alone,
notable skill #1: Bookmark, allows him to copy other people's skills as long as he's aware the skill exists. the strength of the copied skill depends on his familiarity with the original skill holder, much like how HYJ's Last Repayment works.
notable skill #2: an S-rank attack-buffing skill whose effect is inversely proportional to how injured KDJ is; the closer he is to unconsciousness/death, the stronger he and his party are.
han sooyoung: Unawakened as of chapter 20. A-rank combat hunter
notable skill: a weaker, split version of HYH's Black Blood Flames skill: she can manipulate both her own blood and her own flames. very talented with the skills, possibly the one who originates the ability of creating weapons with blood/flame
note: if YwbK had been an ORV fic written as an S-class AU, KDJ+YJH+HSY (and possibly some of the other party members) would have been S-ranks! unfortunately YwbK is an S-Class canon divergence fic. so KDC's most powerful members are A-ranks who could've awakened as S if they'd had an optimized awakening, but sadly, that wasn't to be
jung heewon: combat hunter on the high end of C-rank; will soon grow into a B-rank.
notable skill: Zone of Judgement, parallels her canonical Hour of Judgement/Judgement Time skill
yoo sangah: B-rank support/defense hunter. skills are largely (de)buff and resistance types. quite a good fighter even without offensive skills, so often participates both as an attacker and a defender
lee hyunsung: just like JHW, a C-rank who grows into a B, but he's a defense hunter rather than a combat one. no particular skills in mind for him
lee jihye, kim namwoon, shin yoosung, lee gilyoung, yoo mia: LJH and KNW are YJH's students, YMA is obviously his little sister, SYS and LGY are KDJ's more-or-less adoptive children. all of them are unawakened and were safe at home when the dungeon shock happened. would sometimes drop by the bar after hours to spend time with their guardians/teachers, so HHJ knows them too. after the dungeon shock, the adults start teaching them self-defense alongside HYJ. once the bar gets turned into a Hunter hangout spot, the kids end up part-timing or just plain hanging out at the bar during work hours, too. kids can get away with eavesdropping a lot more easily than adults can :)
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shions-heart · 7 years
too lazy to read past like.. number four.. but i wanna know about your oc's!! do you have a lot? only a few? do they all exist in the same world? favorites? basic bios?? i love oc's!!!
thanks love
um, I have a lot, yeah. I’ve been writing original stories almost as long as I’ve been writing fan fiction. There’s, um, Carthonia, which is about a group of new settlers sent off a dying Earth in order to repopulate and colonize a planet they’ve named New Earth, but when they get caught in the debris of an exploding star, they’re thrown off course and land on a different planet, Carthonia, where they discover a lot of shady stuff is going on. The main character, Rose, is the one who discovers the horrible secret the Carthonian government is hiding, and she tries to rectify it.
The main characters in that are Rose, her medic brother Jasper, a nameless Carthonian boy, and the military faction’s second-in-command Jack. Looking back, though, I might make Jack a female character, so Rose isn’t the only one.
Carthonia was my first NaNoWriMo attempt, and though I did complete over 50k in the month, I never finished it.
putting the rest under read more cuz this is gonna be a lot, sorry
then there’s the Afaennon Trilogy. The first book, The Blind Traveler, was the NaNo book I completed and self-published, sold about 50 copies. I started the second book but didn’t get very far into it. I want to go back and revamp it all because I really thought the story was good, but we’ll see.
The main characters in that were Anna, a princess whose family was killed and her kingdom taken over by an evil king; Luka, the blind Traveler who is also one of the Chosen Ones, the special few who still have magic; his sister Alyosha, who’s badass; and Misha, another Traveler who they meet on their journey to try and convince the other Chosen Ones under the evil king’s command to defect and join them in taking him down. (There’s also Sasha, Luka and Aly’s brother, and Alexei, from a fellow Traveler family, and Onion, Anna’s pet toad.)
There’s actually a LOT of characters in that one, but those are the main, main ones. I guess the main characters are Anna and Luka, if we’re going to be precise.
another, more recent one, is Haven, which is about the orphans of registered superheroes. Well, one orphan in particular. Rebekah Rodriguez aka Reb. Her parents and younger brother were killed by her evil uncle, and she doesn’t believe she has any abilities. Like in Sky High? But it’s really just that her PTSD suppressed them because she was the only survivor. She finds out that her brother is still alive but in the clutches of her uncle, so she formulates a rescue plan with her best friend Simon Nakamura aka Sy. He’s an empath and has the power of invisibility. He’s also dealing wth PTSD because he blames himself for his parents’ death. (Yes, this is the Sy I got my name from.)
There were other characters in my original plot-line, but I’ve since condensed it so the only other characters of note are Ryker, a cat burglar who has the abilities of an actual cat (like cat woman except male), can even turn into a cat, who Reb enlists his help in sneaking into her uncle’s headquarters, and Nadia, who can manipulate water, whose father works for Reb’s uncle but ends up helping them after they’re caught and locked up.
after that story (which I finished but then rewrote and now I need to rewrite again), came Mnemosyne, which I haven’t finished and need to revamp/rewrite too …
but in Mnemosyne it’s about four friends, once of which dies at the beginning, and the rest of the story is basically a flashback of the months leading up to the death. I’m thinking of rewriting it tho and making the death happen at the beginning and the rest of the story being these four friends attempting to cope with the death of their best friend and trying to move on, that way it ends on a more hopeful note, rather than a tragedy.
but the four main characters are Faith, a high-spirited, optimistic girl who’s bi and lives with her single mother and is basically the sunshine child of the group; Caleb, a half-Sioux, half-Irish gay foster kid who ran away from his abusive home and is now homeless but has known Faith since he first showed up in the town when he was 13 and she was kind to him so they’re best friends now, so close they’re practically siblings; Rae, a trans female who has non-accepting parents and a confused but loving little brother; she’s the newest member of the four who is still a little shy and self-conscious but since the others love her for who she is, she’s a lot more open and outgoing around them; and Jason, who’s black and whose father is filthy rich and owns half the town, who’s engaged to a woman named Paola, an arranged thing by his parents, who won’t accept the fact that their son is gay and in love with Caleb. He also has a sister named Juno, who’s very supportive and keeps trying to get Jason to stand up to their parents, but he’s very much a diplomat (tho Caleb just calls him a coward). Jason and Faith go way back to when they were little kids, so they were already best friends when Caleb showed up on the scene.
In the original story, it ended with Jason dying before he and Caleb got to say they loved each other, but tbh there are already too many sad gay stories. I’m not sure yet how I’m going to fix things, if I’m going to have Jason die at the beginning and have the story be Faith, Caleb, and Rae trying to pick themselves up and move on, or have Faith be the one to die at the beginning, and they have to try and move on without their sunshine, or have an as-of-yet-unnamed 5th friend be the one who dies, and it’s about the four of them struggling to pick themselves up and move on, helping each other, falling in love, making new friends that support them through it all, etc. 
so yeah, not sure yet how I’m gonna revamp that, but yeah.
EDIT: shit, I forgot about Alex and Jake. Yeah, there’s The Adventures of Alex and Jake, which I kinda want to make into a graphic novel. I think it’d be cool as a graphic novel . . . but yeah that’s about Alex, a genderfluid dmab vampire who’s isolated and cynical and protests that he’s lonely (and SUPER extra, takes the vampire thing much too literally), and Jake, a happy-go-lucky (at least on the outside), outgoing, optimistic, friendly, etc. werewolf. Alex takes in Jake after finding him wounded in the woods, and then gets caught up in the danger that follows him because a back of evil werewolves want him, and a group of Hunters, want to kill them both.
There’s also Abigail, Alex’s younger sister, who is the brains of the operation, who takes care of Alex and tries to convince him that he loves Jake, even though he continues to protest his growing feelings for the kid . . .
SO! yeah, I have plenty of stories with OCs that haven’t been written yet, but I figured I should just stick with the stories I already have that I’m gonna try to rewrite into something that’s actually publishable. I still really like all these ideas, but I haven’t worked on any of them in forever (I wrote Mnemosyne in May 2015, before I fell into anime hell).
As to my favorites … mmm I think Rose, the unnamed Carthonian boy, Luka, Sy, Jake, and Caleb are my favorites.
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He fled to New Zealand to find refuge. He was shot and killed in his house of worship.
A Syrian refugee and his teenage sons, a Pakistani academic and a goalkeeper on the national futsal team are among the victims of Friday’s terror attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand.
According to a police statement on Sunday, 50 people were killed and 50 injured after a gunman went on a rampage in two mosques, the biggest massacre in New Zealand’s modern history.
The victims were targeted as they gathered at the mosques for Friday prayers, leaving the country’s Muslim community — and the world — in mourning.
As authorities begin to release information on the victims, here’s what we know:
Daoud Nabi
Daoud Nabi sought asylum in New Zealand more than 40 years ago after fleeing Afghanistan with his two sons.
Christchurch, the place he’s called home since 1977, offered hope and safety for him and his family.
Authorities have not released details and information on the victims, but his son, Yama Nabi, confirmed his death.
Naeem and Talha Rashid
Naeem Rashid, 50, and his son Talha Rashid, 21, were among nine Pakistanis who were killed in the mosques, according to Mohammad Faisal, spokesman for Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Rashid has been praised for rushing the attacker during the attack, possibly preventing more deaths.
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan announced via Twitter on Sunday that Naeem will receive a posthumous award for his bravery.
“We stand ready to extend all our support to the families of Pakistani victims of the terrorist attack in Christchurch. Pakistan is proud of Mian Naeem Rashid who was martyred trying to tackle the White Supremacist terrorist & his courage will be recognized with a national award.”
Speaking to CNN in Abbottabad, Pakistan, Dr. Khurshid Alam said his brother, the elder Rashid, was an academic who been living in New Zealand for seven years.
“He used to teach at a university,” Alam said. “My nephew (Talha) was a student.”
Sohail Shahid, Syed Jahandad Ali, Syed Areeb Ahmed and Mahboob Haroon
Pakistani nationals Sohail Shahid, Syed Jahandad Ali, Syed Areeb Ahmed and Mahboob Haroon died in the attack, Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed Saturday.
Shah Mahmood Qureshi, the foreign minister of Pakistan, posted a statement on Twitter, along with pictures of those six victims.
“My heart is filled with sorrow as I confirm the deaths of the following Pakistanis who embraced Shahadat in the horrific terrorist attack in Christchurch, New Zealand,” Qureshi’s tweet read. “To their families, I express my deepest sympathies and promise to facilitate them to the best of our abilities.”
Ghulam Hussain, Karam Bibi and Zeeshan Raza
On Sunday, Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs added Zeeshan Raza along with his father, Ghulam Hussain and his mother, Karam Bibi to the list of Pakistanis killed in the massacre.
The three had previously been listed as missing.
Atta Elayyan
Atta Elayyan, a 33-year-old goalkeeper for the New Zealand national futsal team, was killed in the attack, according to the New Zealand Football association.
“I received a phone call and my whole world just came crashing down. I’ve lost a part of me,” said his friend and fellow goalkeeper, Hamish Mitchell. “We’ve formed not just a friendship, a brotherhood, it’s just unbelievable.”
Another friend, Hady Osman, told CNN it was Atta’s “dream to represent New Zealand in a futsal world cup,” adding that not only was Elayyan a talented sportsman but incredibly passionate about his work as a UI/UX designer. On holiday last year, Osman said Elayyan taught him how to ski, saying that his friend’s positive attitude and encouraging ways embodied his character.
“He gives everyone around him belief and confidence that anything is possible,” Osman said.
Added his friend Ronan Naicker: “He was just a true gentleman, a true leader, someone who was there for everyone. He was really intelligent guy, he had his own company working in apps to the point that some of the younger boys would go to him for advice and he’d talk to them about life, work,” said Naicker.
Elayyan leaves behind a young daughter and a wife.
Khaled Mustafa
Khaled Mustafa, a refugee from Syria, was killed in the attack, Syrian Solidarity New Zealand said on its Facebook page. He was at the mosque with his two sons for Friday prayers when the shooter opened fire.
“Khaled Mustafa is a Syrian Refugee who has come with his family (wife and three children) to NZ, which they thought was the safe heaven, in 2018,” Syrian Solidarity New Zealand said.
The group’s spokesman, Ali Akil, told New Zealand news media company Stuff that he had spoken to Mustafa’s wife, who was “devastated and deeply horrified.” He added she did not want to speak with the media during this time, Stuff reported.
Hamza Mustafa
Hamza Mustafa, 14, was attending Friday prayers with father, Khaled, and his younger brother, Zaid, according to Syrian Solidarity New Zealand.
Mustafa’s mother confirmed that her eldest son, Hamza, had died and that her younger son, Zaid, 13, was injured, Akil said. Zaid is in stable condition in Christchurch Hospital, he said.
Zaid does not know that both his father and brother have been killed, nor does the younger sister, Akil said.
Lilik Abdul Hamid
Lilik Abdul Hamid, from Indonesia, was killed in the shooting, Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry said Saturday on Twitter.
The ministry tweeted its “deep condolences” and offered “prayers for the deceased and the family left behind.”
Sayyad Milne
Sayyad Milne, a 14-year old student at Cashmere High School in Christchurch, was killed in Friday’s attack.
His father, John Milne told the New Zealand Herald that his “little boy” was an avid football player who had recently turned 14.
“I remember him as my baby who I nearly lost when he was born. Such a struggle he’s had throughout all his life. He’s been unfairly treated but he’s risen above that and he’s very brave. A brave little soldier. It’s so hard… to see him just gunned down by someone who didn’t care about anyone or anything,” Milne said.
“I know where he is. I know he’s at peace,” he added.
Tributes have also come in from Malaysia, where Sayyad had attended the annual Al-Khaadem Youth Camp with his brother last year.
A camp representative told CNN that his mother, who is originally from Malaysia, confirmed Sayyad’s death after claiming his body from the hospital.
Izwan Ibn Sabri, a volunteer at the camp, wrote a tribute to Sayyad on Facebook, saying:
“He had such a genuine & pleasant character. Eager & responsive to guidance. Kids like him gave us hope for the future of our Youth. May Allah raise him together with the Prophets and Shuhada’. And may Allah grant his and all the families involved in the Christchurch massacre tranquility and strength.”
Hafiz Musa Patel
Hafiz Musa Patel, the pesh imam at Fiji’s Lautoka Jame Mosque for the past 25 years, died in Friday’s massacre, according to the Fiji Muslim league.
Patel had left Fiji three weeks ago to spend time with children in Australia, Fiji’s national broadcaster reported.
He and his wife had then traveled to Christchurch to visit friends and well-wishers, it said.
At a vigil for the victims of Christchurch in Fiji on Sunday, Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama said that Fiji nationals were among those “brutally slaughtered” in the massacre, but did not name them specifically.
“Let us never forget our fallen Fijians, nor our brothers and sisters in New Zealand. To their families, you have the support of not just your fellow Fijians and of Kiwis, but people from all around the world who are holding similar vigils to honor the innocent men, women and children who lost their lives. We are with you,” he said.
Maheboob Khokhar, Ramiz Vora, Asif Vora, Ansi Alibava and Ozair Kadir
Five Indian nationals died in the attack, the Indian High Commission in New Zealand said in a Tweet on Sunday.
“With a very heavy heart we share the news of loss of precious lives of our 5 nationals in ghastly terror attack in #Christchurch,” it said, before listing five names: Maheboob Khokhar, Ramiz Vora, Asif Vora, Ansi Alibava and Ozair Kadir.
“We deeply mourn loss of all other innocent lives including people of Indian origin,” the message said.
Mounir Sulaiman, Ahmed Jamal Aldean Abdulghani, Ashraf al-Morsi and Ashraf al-Masri
Four Egyptians were among the shooting victims, according to the Twitter page of the Egyptian Immigration Ministry, which called the attack “despicable.”
Mounir Sulaiman, 68; Ahmed Jamal Aldean Abdulghani, 68; Ashraf al-Morsi and Ashraf al-Masri were killed in Friday’s shooting, the ministry said.
4 unnamed Jordanians
Four Jordanians were killed, and five who were wounded are being treated in the hospital, Jordan’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement Saturday.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said that Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia were among the countries whose nationals were involved in the attack.
She said on Sunday that authorities had started returning identified bodies to families, and that the bodies of all victims would be returned by Wednesday.
In the immediate aftermath of the attack, Ardern said: “They have chosen to make New Zealand their home and it is their home. They are us. The person who has perpetuated this violence against us is not. They have no place in New Zealand. There is no place in New Zealand for such acts of extreme and unprecedented violence.”
Christchurch hospital said they have 34 patients, 12 of them in intensive care. One girl was transferred to a children’s hospital. Many of the victims will require multiple surgeries, they said.
Suspect Brenton Harrison Tarrant, who broadcast the attack live on Facebook, has been charged with one count of murder, but officials have said additional charges are forthcoming.
This story will be updated as more information on the victims becomes available.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports https://fox4kc.com/2019/03/17/he-fled-to-new-zealand-to-find-refuge-he-was-shot-and-killed-in-his-house-of-worship/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2019/03/17/he-fled-to-new-zealand-to-find-refuge-he-was-shot-and-killed-in-his-house-of-worship/
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