Send “You’re Mine” for my muse’s reaction to yours being possessive of them.
For multi-muse blogs, specify which muse.
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send me 👌 if your muse would bang mine
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Our Muses were Highschool sweethearts who ended it rather than trying a long distance relationship. Now it's ten years later at their high school reunion send 'One that got away' for my muses reaction to seeing yours again after so long.
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My Muse Has Been Put Under A Love Spell!
My Muse is under a spell that makes them fall deeply in love with the next person they see. Send ‘Love at first sight’ for your muse to be the first mine see’s
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Weird Conversations I've Actually Had Sentence Starters
"I'm weird, you're weird, we could have weird little babies and live weirdly ever after if it wasn't for the fact I find you repulsive."
"Boobs are really just squishy pillows."
"Stop helping. You suck at helping. Plot my death instead, you'd probably end up helping me!"
"I don't trust shrinks ever since I realized that if you put a space in the right place therapist becomes 'the rapist'."
"I'd fuck you if only your no no parts matched my no no parts... By the way I'm gay."
"I was so deep in the closet I could see the next four years of Christmas presents."
"I dunno man Heaven just seems boring. Sign me up for hell."
"So I tried to freak him out by saying I wanted to get married and instead of breaking up with me he fucking proposes."
"I'm trying to seduce a nerd. How do you say 'I wanna fuck you in my backseat' in Klingon?"
"If you don't get turned on by having your neck kissed somethings wrong with you."
"I wanna destroy our friendship... Let's play Monopoly."
"I wish I had a twin so when I kill my enemies I can just blame it on them."
"Blasphemy! Sex solves everything."
"He smelt like an old person and for some reason that turned me on."
"I mean really Vampires aren't sexy unless your into bloodplay."
"Look there's nothing wrong with aspiring to be a trophy wife."
"If a person with multiple personalities kills themselves is that suicide or homicide?"
"I know he's old but I'd totally fuck Harrison Ford."
"I don't need food to sustain me. Only cuddles."
"I could spend days just groping your ass and be happy. And "I say that in a completely nonsexual way."
"I just want to be Mulan. Is that too much to ask?"
"There is nothing wrong with planning a wedding with a video game character."
"I'm gonna lay down and die for like half hour kay?"
"Don't say 'I love you' Just give me cake. I'll get the message."
"There's been some real friction in our friend group lately. I suggest an orgy to save our friendships."
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Finding Carter Sentence Starters
"C'mon, it's tiramisu. It's made with brandy and it's the only time I can have liquor and it's legal."
"I wouldn't say it's so much of an age difference is the big problem, it's more like an entire cultural revolution."
"You gotta believe me, hurting you was the last thing I ever wanted to do."
"I don't know...I have some things to work on. Trust issues, or something."
"I don't know how to help her. I don't know what she needs."
"Why does it look like a beauty pageant blew up in my house?!"
"Okay, that is what strippers say right before they become hookers."
"Everything's fine, but I feel worse every day."
"What kid isn't in therapy because of their parents?"
"You call, you whine, I come."
"You know, if you're going to get the benefits, maybe trying being the friend, too."
"I guess somewhere along the line we accidentally became friends."
"This family needs a reality show."
"Oh, look who's here! Another one of your wonderful life choices."
"I like how you get all play by play when you're drinking."
"I just don't want to be defined by the worst thing that ever happened to me."
"Honey, nobody thinks anything that goes on in this family is even remotely normal."
“Giving up on people doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t make them better people.”
"I don't feel like myself when i`m not with you."
"Well I'm not giving up hope are you?"
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For some reason My Muse is locked out of their house. Stark naked. Send ‘I like the view’ for my muses reaction to yours saying this when they discover them.
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Your Muse has been put in a deep sleep from a spell. Of course the only cure for such a spell is a kiss of true love. Send in ‘What happened?’ for my muses reaction to yours waking up from their kiss.
Reverse of this meme
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My Muse has been put in a deep sleep from a spell. Of course the only cure for such a spell is a kiss of true love. Send in ‘True Loves Kiss’ for my muses reaction being woken by your muse’s kiss.
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"Of course," Klaus said moving so he was sat next to her and ran a hand through her hair singing a hopefully soothing lullaby. Ben listening on wishing he could offer similar comfort.
@askrosemarymckneal [X]
“You make it sound like we abandoned you which we-” he cut off when he saw the test “Holy shit.”
Ben frowned in concern. “Did you set up an appointment? Tests can give false positives all the time.”
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🌼 (For ben? Unless you only write Klaus *and* Ben and not them separate xD)
Send 🌼 to put a flower in my muse's hair! @seancesayshello
Ben raised a brow but he was smirking "Seriously?" He took the flower Klaus had just inserted in his hair and smiled "Since when do you even know my favorite flower?" He asked and carefully put the flower back in his hair. It was his now and even if he wouldn't admit it he loved it.
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"Is a one night stand considered dating?" Klaus to Ben.
The Internship Starter Scentences @manyshadowsmanylives
"What I... No?" Ben said looking at Klaus. "Even I know a one night stand is the exact opposite of dating Klaus." He said with fond exasperation at the other.
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Big Hero 6 Sentence Starters
"On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your pain?"
"It is okay to cry. Crying is a natural response to pain."
"We jumped out a window!"
"I can't lose you too!"
"We didn't set out to be superheroes."
"Sometimes life doesn't go the way you planned."
"If I could have any superpower right now, it would be the ability to crawl through this camera and give you a big hug."
"Oh, I just stubbed my toe a little. I'm fine."
"No, no, no, that's okay. No touching."
"I spilled wasabi on my shirt one time, people. ONE TIME!"
"What about: invisible sandwich? Imagine eating a sandwich, but everyone just thinks you're crazy!"
"I am not fast."
"I have some concerns."
"I hope you learned your lesson, bonehead."
"WHEN are you going to do something with that big brain of yours?"
"My brain hates my eyes for seeing this."
"Ah, welcome to mi casa! It's French for 'front door'."
"Stop whining. Woman up."
"Wow, that is both disgusting and awesome."
"This won't change anything. Trust me. I know."
"If I wasn't terrified of heights, I'd like this. But, I'm terrified of heights, so I don't like this."
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The Internship Starter Scentences
"I'm ok, thank you. Just please, stop talking to me."
"Whoa, guys, where's all this hostility coming from?"
"I'm handsome tall - you're the type of tall where, you walk through the airport, people stop what they're eating and look at you. You're like a freak."
"I'm sorry, almost? You're either done or you not, you can't be almost pregnant."
"People have a deep mistrust of machines. Have you seen Terminator?"
"So, we say 'no' to love?"
"To the night you'll never remember!"
"Quick interjection: When you keep saying 'on the line,' you do mean online?"
"My mother hits harder than you!"
"People hate people!"
"I've only read about this stuff, okay? Craigslist casual encounters, Twilight fanfiction, hentai."
"For whatever it's worth, your imagination is so wild, reality's gonna be a breeze, if not a letdown."
"What a douche!"
"What the fuck me? What the fuck you!"
"What the fuck does this have to do with computers?"
"Is this because I'm too unselfish in bed? Because I can change it around."
"We’re looking at some sort of mental Hunger Games."
"Hey ‘Gossip Girls’, CW called, show’s canceled, get back to work!"
"Is a one-night-stand considered dating?"
"Sometimes the long shots pay off the biggest."
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"Maybe just being alive in general is confusing, no matter the situation," he mused with a small smile.
"I'm glad too," he said and cocked his head to the side "Everyone had their reasons though," he pointed out. "I know it sucked for you. Being alone here. But... I can't exactly say even if I had survived I would have stayed." He had been afraid of Reginald so he may have. But its just as possible he wouls have followed the others.
He was glad Luther seemed to understand, his situation wasn’t exactly the same but enough that Luther really got it. “The weird thing is I don’t remember having this hard of an adjustment when I was a ghost. I mean the obvious adjustments emotionally but not physically. But being back? That’s so much harder than I thought it would be.”
He considered the question “Annoying isn’t the right word,” he said “I mean… I could exist outside of Klaus you know? I wasn’t chained to him. He was just the only one who could see me, who I could even… Kind of be there for. So not annoying… Frustrating is a better word.”
Luther tried to be more understanding, than people gave him credit for.  He was used to, though.  “I can imagine. I mean, being alive all the time here, is a bit confusing, if you ask me.”  Luther had a hard time reacclimating, after the moon. It was just..different.  His body reacted differently. His body had given him aches, since he changed but moreso, getting used to the earth again. 
“Frustrating is definitely the word that I would think too. I am glad you’re alive, again.  It wasn’t right that you died. It should have always been all of us, but well..everybody left.”  
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That 70's Show Starters
"They want me to choose sides. But I can't, because they're both idiots."
"Yeah... I just have to make it very clear that my love is contingent on how much they buy me!"
"Come on in. make yourself at home. I'm out of beer, but if you want you could break something."
"When my time comes I want to be buried face down. That way whoever doesn't like me can kiss my ass."
"I'll do anything for ten dollars."
"I'm gonna miss you trying to grab my boob... it makes me feel pretty. God, I'm sad."
"I have a question. How much masturbation is too much?"
"I like my women like I like my wine - red and full of alcohol."
"I read somewhere that people in India fast, man. And, that it makes them think better. And, sometimes they can actually think themselves to death, man."
"Suffice to say that it involved a crowded parking lot, a half off sale and a pair of pants that made my ass look like an oil painting."
"I say we torture them with plenty of pointless rules and advice."
"All families are embarrassing. If they aren't embarrassing they're dead."
"You don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you? Is because you're a dumbass."
"Opportunity does not knock, then knock again, then leave a note saying "sorry I missed you"."
"Wow, my first X-rated movie. I don't know what's going on, but that is the luckiest pizza boy ever."
"Her exact words were "I know I'm your mother but I'm abandoning you"."
"Without rules, we all might as well be up in a tree flinging our crap at each other."
"I AM the bitch. And you LOVE me."
"Why would you just cuddle with her when you could do it? I mean, doing it is "it." That's why they call it "it." IT."
"The foundation of a good relationship is three little words: I don't know. What're you doing? I don't know. What're you thinking about? I don't know. Who's that under you? I don't know."
"I like showing my butt. I like to show it and I like to shake it."
"You're coming over to my house tonight. And we're gonna... "study"."
"There is a God, and he's on MY SIDE!"
"I'm not surprised you're in my bed. I knew you couldn't resist me any longer."
"You know, being here in you bed. On your... SpiderMan sheets. Makes me feel so Ready, so Willing."
"I love... cake."
"I disgust me because I'm supposed to be disgusted by you but I'm not."
"I'm sorry. Look, I've been screwed by Darwinism... never needed to evolve listening skills 'cause my looks are so highly developed."
"Look, the sooner you realize I'm a genius, the better off we'll both be."
"I'm not shallow. I just judge women on their looks."
"If this van's a-rockin'... we're in there doing it."
"Look, she's beautiful, she believes in me, and if I can get her to put out, it's 3 out of 3. Right now, it's 2 out of 3, and I'm sorry but 50% ain't gonna cut it."
"Every newspaper you'll be reading, every nap you'll be taking, every football game you'll be watching, I'll be there, talking, talking, talking, talking."
"Oh, good, and I thought this was going to be awkward."
"See the establishment doesn't want us having sex because they know it makes us feel good, right? So if we can feel good on our own, what do we need the establishment for? So every time we have sex, it's a huge protest."
"Just because a guy pays attention to me, does not mean he wants to get me naked!"
"Uh-oh, naughty thoughts a-brewin'..."
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