#STUDIES / Rouxls Kaard
lobotomize-d · 9 months
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I think Rouxls with ears is just the neatest thing
Anyways wish I was Rouxls rn‼️‼️
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sysig · 2 years
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Who’s that- It’s Rouxls. It’s him (Patreon)
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quillheel · 5 months
🚢 Dani and Rouxls still bumpin around in my head tbh--
send 🚢 or ( 'SHIP' ) if you ever considered shipping our characters romantically and want me to fill out the following form for our muses. / always accepting!
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do i ship our characters together? — yes (i could def see it but they could also work as just platonic friends too! very much 'it could work either way' for me <3) | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you? — yes! | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship (potentials) i could see — childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love (aka: rouxls is a naenae ass bitch episode 219218 and doesn't say shit/automatically assumes things and then covers the things he convinced himself of with The Facade) | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits (<- w this one, probably starting with friends w benefits in a kind of work setting in how rouxls rationalizes it and then he realizes oh. oh fuck. im doomed. (read: caught feelings))
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them — friends to lovers | enemies to lovers (mostly given the lightner/darkner thing they got goin on!) | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love (looks at the lightners/darkners thing they got going on--) | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes? — develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between (im flexible but i tend to work better when we discuss stuff between a NEW new ship yk! we already kinda got a grasp on their base dynamic though which helps a ton, so i'd be okay with either!)
what now? — let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter (feel free!) | i'll write you a random starter (im bad at starters i gotta just acknowledge it at this point :( )
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits — uhhhh Idk what else to put down except like. i could see their dynamic going in a LOT of different ways depending on Dandie n circumstance and whatnot!!! I've seen some shipping stuff of hers on the dash before but never really seen the intricacies but I think they'd be really interesting regardless, esp with all the Things Rouxls has n would have to kind of get over/work through :] he's also somewhat low muse rn but i have DR on switch its chillin even if its not consistent BKHB (tho i also cant promise i'll be consistent either just bc of irl stuff and generally focusing On that vs discord n tumblr n whatnot, but im vv game for this!!!!! if i ever dont respond its bc of the Ough, not u (tho i think we're in Really similar situations rn in a kind of. morbidly ironic way))
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gasterofficial · 9 months
my favorite niche of the utdr fandom is the people who are just absolutely wild about rouxls kaard. like the people who want to fuck him. im so fascinated by them and would like to study them like lab mice
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ilyrouxls · 11 months
Sleepless Words
Rouxls Kaard x Reader
(Fluff, Gender Neutral Reader, Not Canon AU thingy.. idk, Y/n used)
Your constant struggle to sleep leads you to the balcony late at night, where a certain Duke suggests poetry to help your problem.
  During the late hours of the night, most could find you awake in your room. It’s not like you chose to be up in the late hours of night, you’d love to sleep peacefully like your friends, but the problem was you simply couldn’t. You couldn’t quite pin it down to insomnia, it was more so that it became a habit from your teenage days. But now that you’re a young adult, you’ve found that this is quite annoying. 
  You’re tried everything to fall asleep at a decent time; Melatonin, peaceful music, Youtube videos, playing a game to exhaust yourself, and various other things. Nothing seemed to work, you’d always be up till 3am or later trying to sleep. 
  Recently, your sibling Kris and their friend Susie accidentally brought you into this place called the Dark World. You enjoy the place a lot and you've been staying down here even when Kris and Susie aren’t around. You stay for a few reasons, the main being that you have been studying the place since you’ve arrived. You’ve always been an explorer at heart, and the Dark World was beautiful. It always provided mystery along with amazing scenery and people.
  Another reason that had you staying was a certain Duke, Rouxls Kaard. It might be crazy, but he really stuck out to you. His devotion to puzzles had your heart thumping. Sure they weren’t very good in terms of being difficult, but it’s clear that he puts his heart and soul into them; and that’s what really makes them special to you. Ever since arriving, you’ve been more and more interested in him. Of course as the cliché goes, you would never ever admit it to him. The only person you’ve ever admitted about your so-called ‘crush’ on Rouxls to was your sibling. They had a knack at figuring out your secrets, it was irritating at times but honestly you don’t mind for the most part.
  Back to the present time at hand, it was currently two in the morning in Dark World time. Kris and their various friends were also staying in the Dark World, they had lied to their parents that they were at Kris’ for the night for a sleepover and you were watching them. Technically, yes, they were having a sleepover, just not where their parents thought. You were also technically watching over them too, just not at where their parents thought either...
  Ralsei was nice enough to make everyone a room, including yourself. It suited your tastes so perfectly it made you question how the hell Ralsei could know. Maybe from the adventures you’d been on with the group, you suppose, but not this down to the nitty gritty.
  At the moment, you lay face down in your bed. You’re frustrated with your lack of sleep, and at this point you can’t be bothered with actually laying the correct way. You sigh, deciding that maybe a walk around the palace could help. Maybe you’ll stop in the kitchen for some water and snacks, since you’ll be up for another hour or so.
  Practically rolling yourself off the bed and onto your feet, you go to open your door. You try to open it as quietly as possible, but the door doesn’t bend to your will and instead creaks loudly. Hoping no one woke up from that, you hold still and wait for someone to investigate. After a minute with no one seeming to have woken up, you walk out into the hallway. Still trying to be quiet, you tiptoe your way out to the balcony for some fresh air.
  The sky in the Dark World was very unlike the sky in the normal world. The best way to describe the way it looks is to picture that one edible glitter powder you put in sodas that’s probably just a bunch of micro plastics. That’s basically what the sky looks like, though it’s much better than the edible glitter. 
  For the second time tonight you sigh, looking up to the sky. Your thoughts wander to your previous adventures from the last month or so. Who knew saving the world and making friends within a strange world would ever be a part of your agenda. And falling in love as well… it makes your head spin honestly. Who knew a man with the strangest way of speaking and easy puzzles could whoo your heart so easily without even trying.
  “Ah Y/n? What is thou doing outh here at thine hour?” You jump at the voice that suddenly appeared behind you. Speak of the devil, you turn around and see the one who’s stolen your heart. “Ah Rouxls, I couldn’t sleep so I decided to get some fresh air. But I could ask you the same thing.” Rouxls chuckles, making your heart pitter patter in the most cheesy way ever. He walks to stand next to you by the balcony, “Eh-he, ah so thine wisheth to knoweth why? Well thou shall see, I was sleeping quiteth peacefully but thenth I heard a loud sound that startledst thyself out of mine slumber. So thenth I decidededth to investigate the sound.”
  You can feel yourself cringe, what luck it was that you happened to wake him up and cause him inconvenience. “Oh I'm sorry! That was me opening my door, I’m so sorry for bothering you.” Heat rises to your face and ears in embarrassment as you try not to make eye contact.  “Oh no I did not mean- Do not worriesth dear, it was quite not a problemth, do not fret.” Rouxls seemingly stumbled on his words, clearly sensing your distress, and waved around his hands a bit. You smile and giggle at his behavior.
  Minutes pass of silence, luckily it's only a little awkward. You were staring out at the sky when Rouxls breaks the silence. “So, Y/n, do thou often haveth troublest sleeping?” You shift yourself to lean against the balcony and turn your head toward him. “Yeah actually, it usually takes me till three am or later to sleep. It’s a habit I suppose, hehe..” You laugh a little at the end of your sentence to try not to seem so glum. Rouxls mimics your movements and leans against the railing, “I’ve tried what feels like everything to fall asleep but it seems like nothing works.” The sentence comes out quieter than you meant. 
  Rouxls hums in response, you look at him and it seems like he’s thinking about something. After what feels like minutes, Rouxls snaps his fingers and says, “Haveth you tried poetry?” You raise a brow and tilt your head. Of course you haven’t, because why would anyone in their right mind try poetry to fall asleep... You keep that thought to yourself, realizing it sounds pretty mean, and instead just shake your head. “Ah, I knoweth it may seemth strange. But maybe your lacketh of sleep mayst be from stress. I writeth poems to tryth to ease mine stress.” 
  Now that he put it that way, it did make more sense. Maybe it was stress, not sure from what but stress can be caused from lots of things. “That actually makes a lot of sense. But I don’t really know how to make poems…” You trail off, thinking for a moment about your past English class poetry failures. Embarrassing… 
  Rouxls chuckles, “Wellth than I may teacheth you, thy is the best after allst. Let’s go to mine room.” He begins to ramble on about how he’s the best at poetry, while leading you to his room. You space out a bit not really listening. Normally you would listen to his narcissistic-esc rants, you find it annoyingly cute, but not at two in the morning. But before you know it, you’ve walked right into his room.
  “Hmm.. taketh a seat upon mine bed, as it shall be the most comfortablest place to writeth poetry.” Rouxls whispers as to not wake the others sleeping in a room nearby. You sit on his bed and look around his room. It really fit him perfectly, the room had an elegant look with a color scheme of blues, blacks, and whites. 
  Rouxls comes over to you and hands you some papers and pens. You assume he doesn't have pencils since it doesn’t really fit his style. He sits down next to you and explains how to write a basic poem. “Now you writeth a poem and I shall writeth one aswell, and hopefully it shallth make you tiredst.” You nod and begin to think about an idea. You try to think about your family or the scenery of the Dark World, but all you could think about was how close Rouxls was next to you. He was already writing down something on his paper, his eyebrows scrunched up a bit as he concentrated. You feel your face grow hot, and your thoughts flood with him. Without even realizing it, you start writing a poem about him;
  ‘The wind of the night calls out your name, As moon shines light upon your frame, I stand beside you admiring your elegant grace, A feeling of warmth clings to my face, I can only hope it goes unnoticed, As you talk and I try to stay focused, But my longing for you cannot subdue, My heart cannot help but intrude.’
  Admittedly it wasn’t your best work, nor was it your worst, but it worked. Your eyelids begin to droop a bit and you know you should get up to go to your own room. But you don’t want to interrupt Rouxls, who is still focusing on his own poem. Without much thought you instead just lay down across his bed, practically falling asleep as soon as you hit the soft mattress.
  When you wake up, you assume you only slept for maybe a few minutes. But the rays of sun shining on your face from the window say otherwise. Panic sets in as you look around and realize you never left Rouxls’ room. You were also not laying horizontal on the bed, instead you were now tucked into the blankets comfortably. You shift yourself up with your elbows and peer around.
  Rouxls is nowhere to be found. Now worry is set in your heart, where did he go? Did you falling asleep scare him off? The sound of the door opening pulls you out of your thoughts, and in comes Rouxls with a cup of coffee. “Oh, you are awaketh. Good morning.” He smiles a bit, a little bit sheepishly but you’re not sure why. “Goodmorning, sorry about falling asleep in your room. I didn’t think I would pass out like that…” Your face becomes hot again, which has been happening a lot more than you’d like. Rouxls chuckles and sips his coffee, “It is no problemth, I am glad I couldeth help you could get some sleepth.” You get out of his bed and stretch. You thank him and begin to leave before realization sets in. 
  “Oh uhm uh by the way, did you read the poem I made?” You turn and look at him, his face notably shades in a slight dark blue tint. He definitely did. He totally did. “Oh my god I’m sorry bye!” You manage an apology and then with that you quickly exit and rush to your room. Your heart beats fast and your face heats up, this time out of absolute embarrassment, and you close your door. Jumping into bed face first, you whisper scream into your pillow. “I cannot believe this why am I like this oh my god why did I write about him and then fall asleep like it was nothing what did I think would happen..…” You shake your legs up and down, hitting your bed out of frustration. This is definitely in your top three most embarrassing moments.
  A knock breaks your thoughts and you can only think the worst. It could be Rouxls here to reject you or it could either be Kris or one of their friends here to question you on why you were running down the hall; if they even saw you. Nervously you get up and open the door a bit. Of course it was Rouxls, why wouldn’t it be!
  “Ahem uhm Y/n, I apologizeth for reading your poem withoutst your permission. I could noth but help to readth it, and I also cannot help but ask if perhaps.. it couldeth be about me..?” God. Why. You wanted to die on the spot honestly. You nod your head hesitantly and start to mutter apologies but he interrupts abruptly. “I seeth, do noth apologize. You see I…. feelth the same way. Ahem, and well I was wondering if maybeth you wouldst like to go outh on a date..” Rouxls cheeks were dusted dark blue in blush, his eyes avoiding your own and his hands behind his back in an almost polite, but awkward manner. “Of course! I would love to actually that would be amazing. When are you thinking?” Your heart was beating louding in your ears, you felt like he might be able to actually hear it, and your face was hot like it was on fire; which was actually becoming quite annoying and repetitive. “Tonighth at six? I haveth the perfect restaurant that I thinketh you might enjoy.” 
  The two of you make plans for dinner that night and he wishes you a farewell and heads off to his own room. When you close your door you feel like you might collapse. Correction, you actually do collapse. Luckily not in a bad way, just out of excitement and adrenaline. After a few minutes of processing you stand up and get ready for the day. Anticipation fills your body as for the first time ever, you can’t wait for the night to come quicker. Who knew a poem could solve not only your sleep problems, if even for a night, but also your love problems.
(Posted originally on AO3 5-12-22, 2333 words)
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stunfiskz · 1 year
the psychological effects rouxls kaard has on me should be studied
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is--this--name--taken · 11 months
As a fellow temmie enthusiast
I ask of you, a fellow temmie enthusiast to draw a temmie as rouxls kaard (the color pallete and maybe even on the thrash machine with his pirate hat). I have no means of payment which means i will have to rely on your generosity.
With all regards. -A fellow expert in tem studies and the history of tem
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krat395 · 2 years
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Future Deltarune Tickle Stories
Ok, first off, before continuing any further, this is your last warning… If you ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT TO KNOW what I have in mind for future Deltarune stories, then read no further! But for those that do want to know… Proceed…
Hello, all. If any of you have read any of my previous journals, you might've heard that I am considering writing Deltarune requests in addition to Undertale requests once I open requests again. Again, no promises that I will do Deltarune requests but if I decide to, below is a list of 40 ideas I have for future Deltarune stories for you to refer to so there won't be any conflicts when coming up with your own personal ideas for Delatrune requests. And these ideas I have won't be written in any particular order either, for any of those wondering, nor am I promising that I will write every single one of them. Not in a timely manner, anyway. So here's an idea I have to speed up the process a little: If I decide to do Deltarune requests, I will give you a choice… you can either 1. Come up with your own idea for a Deltarune story or 2. Suggest that I do one of the ideas I came up with, like if there's one you really want to see or something. Sound like a plan? If so, great! ;) And with that, I give you my list of ideas for future stories…
Deltarune story prompts: 1. Kris and Toriel tickle each other the night before the events of Deltarune Chapter 1 2. Kris tickles Ralsei while training with him and has the decency to let him return the favor (During a "hug Ralsei" action) 3. Lancer buries and tickles Susie as part of some sort of bad guy initiation 4. Lancer and Susie tickle each other in front of Kris and Ralsei (shortly after the Lancer and Susie battle); Lancer tickles Susie for fun and Susie gets all embarrassed because he tickled her in front of Kris and Ralsei, causing her to tickle him back for revenge 5. Jevil tickle attack! Jevil tickles Kris, Susie, and Ralsei (I can do anything!) 6. Seam and Jevil tickle fight (flashback) 7. Rouxls Kaard creates a blatantly obvious tickle trap in his shop and Kris, Susie, and Ralsei, feeling sorry for Rouxls, purposely spring it to make him happy and boost his confidence… but the trap might turn out to be more intense than what they're anticipating 8. Susie and Kris (primarily Susie) tickle Lancer before leaving the Card Kingdom (goodbye tickles); and Lancer tickles them back, of course ;) 9. Lancer and Rouxls tickle each other (flashback) 10. Asgore and Rudy tickle each other; starts with Rudy waking up a sleeping Asgore the only way he knows how (before Rudy was hospitalized) ;) 11. Rudy and Noelle tickle fight (before Rudy was hospitalized) 12. Missing their father-daughter tickle fights, Noelle lets Rudy tickle her while he's resting in his hospital bed, sitting right within his reach so he doesn't have to get out of bed, but has trouble keeping still for him 13. Noelle and Berdly studying together 14. Jockington tickles a grumpy Catti 15. Kris and Susie (and Lancer) tickle Ralsei in Kris's new Dark World bedroom 16. Kris and Susie "convince" Ralsei to let them stay in the Dark World a little longer after he bans them from his kingdom to start their school project 17. After playing the arcade machine with Queen, Kris and Susie trick Ralsei; they tell him they want to practice their "ultimate form" and tickle him as soon as he gets down on his hands and knees. Then after that little prank, Susie suggests that they practice their form for real but then she and Ralsei end up tickling Kris 18. Kris, Susie, and Ralsei visit Sweet Cap'n Cakes at their shop and a tickle battle ensues 19. Nubert lures Susie and Ralsei into a tickle trap (this happens off-screen in the city when Susie and Ralsei aren't with Kris) and then he helps Ralsei get revenge on Susie for tickling him 20. Kris and Noelle have a tickle fight after pranking each other with the electric barrier 21. Noelle, annoyed with Kris for staring at Berdly's ugly statue, tickles Kris in an attempt to make her stop staring at said statue
22. Kris convinces Sweet Cap'n Cakes to tickle Noelle
23. The Annoying Dog, wanting the Gamer's Delight that Berdly made for Queen, chases Berdly down and tickles him
24. Ralsei doesn't initially doesn't wear shoes with his butler outfit; Queen "convinces" him to wear shoes and at the same time warns him of something that might happen if one or more Swatchlings ever catch him in a butler outfit without any footwear 25. Kris, Susie, and Ralsei all tickle each other in a long-shot attempt to save Lancer after he is turned to stone; Susie thinking that tickling each other in Lancer's field of vision will somehow make Lancer break out of his frozen state 26. Spamton tickles Kris in his shop 27. Susie and Ralsei have a tickle fight while Kris is the basement of Queen's Mansion 28. Spamtom NEO tickle attack! Spamton NEO tickles Kris, Susie, and Ralsei ([[Hyperlink blocked]]) 29. Spamton tickles the Addisons; then the Addisons all return the favor (flashback) 30. While venturing through Queen's Mansion alone, Berdly gets ambushed and tickled by several mice 31. Kris pets and tickles Ralsei after hearing his comment about how nice it would be to be pet by a giant hand 32. Susie and Noelle tickle each other on the ferris wheel 33. Queen tickles Noelle after fighting Kris, Susie, and Ralsei (after the first Queen battle, meaning that it would take place during the events of "A Kiss From a Beautiful Gamer Girl") 34. Kris and Susie tickle Ralsei in Kris's bedroom after their Cyber World Adventure and the feathers Kris plucked from Berdly are some of the items they use to tickle him 35. Kris (with some help from Ralsei) and Susie (with some help from Lancer) have a proper tickle fight in Susie's Dark World bedroom 36. Clover tickles Kris, Susie, and Ralsei; 3 heads, 3 ticklish heroes ;) 37. Queen and Lancer tickle each other and then tag-team Rouxls 38. Ralsei and Lancer tickle fight 39. Rouxls, seeking revenge on Queen and Lancer for tickling him, sets up a tickle trap meant for Queen and/or Lancer but ends up catching Tasque Manager by mistake 40. Just for fun, Ralsei, skeptical of Queen's warning (see prompt 24), puts on his butler outfit minus the shoes and ends up getting tickled by Swatchlings because of it
Alright, so what do you think? If you like what I have in mind for Deltarune stories, be sure to keep up with my posts, because you might see one of them real soon. :) And if you have a DeviantArt account, keep your eyes peeled for any upcoming polls on that site as well, because whichever story prompt gets the most votes MIGHT be the first one I write. ;) And since polls there are limited to 10 options, I will be doing 5 polls like so,
NOTE: Polls are not accessible on the DeviantArt app so be sure to sure to use the desktop site in order to vote in the polls.
The first day (this Saturday, January 21, 2023): Poll 1: Prompts 1-10 Poll 2: Prompts 11-20 Poll 3: Prompts 21-30 Poll 4: Prompts 31-40
Then 24+ hours later: Poll 5: The winners of the previous four polls
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brazilianaiko · 1 year
Welcome to my blog!
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About me:
Hi! I'm Aiko! I'm a minor who loves to study about other countries cultures and languages! I'm part of the Undertale/Deltarune, Brawl stars and Stardew valley fandom!
Currently learning Russian, German and Spanish!
Fluent in Portuguese and English 🤍
Kin list:
Lola (Brawl stars)
Mettaton (Undertale)
Rouxl Kaard (Deltarune)
Elliot (Stardew Valley)
She/her it/its - agender
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echantedtoon · 10 months
Rouxlvil/Nosuit Week Day 4
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick.
The old rythimic chimes of the old grandfather kept in tune with the tense aura of the air that surrounded the otherwise silent room. In said room a bourd game sat alone, untouched for a while. It's pieces mid battle, as if some war long forgotten. The pieces' two puppet masters seemingly each at other's ends. With any turn being the last. Any final move to win the chess and be deemed the king of the game. A small giggle broke the silence, the owner of the giggle sitting cross-legged in mid air, silently staring at his rival across the small table and their little wooden armies. The white hair draped flowingly around his blue face as he silently stared down at the bourd in deep thought, but he did glance up irritatedly at the small giggle.
"Oh, so sad. So sad. Have you given up, up?" His voice ever taunting. Making the other man growl.
"NAY! I amst simply calculating mine strategic attack to crush thine puzzle pieces and secure sweet victory." The imp laughed as usually making the blue man glare at him. "Yes, yes. Haha. Laugheth it up knave. You'll see Im more of a foe than thee anticipates."
"Hehe. Are you sure you're not from the Joker, Joker Kaard family?"
He growled again but refused to look at him. It'd only give him the satisfaction of actually getting to him, which he couldn't afford. He couldn't have any distractions right now. Focus, Kaard! FOCUS!! He studied the scattered pieces with a weary eye. He always had a nack for finding the loopholes between the lines of the rules, so finding an opening in this little game was sure to be a sinch. He was THE Rouxls Kaard, Duke of Puzzles and caretaker of King Lancer. NOBODY COULD STOP HIM!! And soon he saw his prey.
With a smug smile and wild grin, he quickly moved his pawn. And voila. The White king of the opposite side was taken captive and with a smile he held up said king within his hand. "One more move and I will takest checkmate. What say thou?"
The floating baffoon hummed and his tail lashed behind him. "Very, very excellent move. A key to any game, game is to get close to the enemy." Any smug speech from the Worm man was shot down with his next sentence. "But you forgot one key, key thing." With a delicate hand he carefully reached over to the far end of the table, confused blue eyes watching his every move, and with one small move up. The final battle move was made. The blue eyes practically bulged out of his head as he stared at the bourd in front of him. "If one wants to win, win any rival in a game, then you simply, simply must remember to look over your own side of the board, board as well. Unless you want to overlook, overlook an unforeseen outcome." he chuckled to himself as the worm became to sputter. "I believe that's checkmate."
".....Lightner D*MMIT!!"
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
wh what do you mean roulx is hottest in the kingdom(referencing the anon ask that's 'i loaf your deltarune art. it is very shape.')
anon im sorry to tell you this but at least three characters in ch1 call him hot or hunky, etc etc. which means his claim that he has "many admirers" is Not Bullshit. and i am so glad that after toby's last deltarune dev update, i now have TWO ridiculous images to think of when i have to be reminded that rouxls is. is canonically a hunk
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deadbeatdadjokes · 2 years
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script-error · 3 years
I forgot to copy the name of a case for my law homework and this happened:
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(amazing art by @goopyspacegirl) :]
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softmushroombaby · 6 years
Me:I should study for exams..
Also Me:
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emmieships · 6 years
listen i’m still not gonna play delta/rune for at least another week but these tunes are bops
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starxscream · 3 years
Continuation to Once-Over (but don’t necessarily need to read both for it to make sense.)
“ In the evening following Swatch's impromptu bandaging session, they're back in the castle for what Ralsei would happily call a 'sleepover'.   Though, naturally, something just has to go wrong... ”
Warning about vivid depictions of a nightmare and the aftermath of it! (It does end in comfort, however.)
Sorry I can’t write short fics (Also check it out on ao3 if it’s easier for y’all to read there!)
"What does thou MEANETH there art no sparest rooms!?"
"Um, well, most of the castle is still undergoing renovations…"
"Then WHAT doeseth thou suppose I doeth!? I cannoteth just have thy guest roomless!  Thy art thee great Rouxls Kaard, Duke of Puzzles!  I shalt noteth let thine tarnish thy reputation!"
A frustrated heel stomps into the ground, Rouxls leering down at the white goatish darkener.  He had finally returned to his usual attire, covering up the bandages over the burns that had been carefully done by Swatch only just a little while ago.  Once their…‘moment’…had ended, Swatch had quickly excused themselves to return home to gather an overnight bag.  So Rouxls took it upon himself, as the most gracious host, to make sure Swatch would actually have a place in the castle for the night.
Besides, Rouxls really didn’t want to think about what had happened between himself and Swatch, how he still buzzed with nerves and excitement, a lingering giddiness that could not be explained.  So, that led him to this current conversation, demanding a spare room in the castle from Ralsei.
“Well…I have an idea!” Ralsei twists his paws together, straining a weary smile, hoping it will appease the duke.
Rouxls crosses his arms over his chest, “Then speaketh worm.”
“So…while there aren’t any rooms I can spare, I can, however, spare a mattress and pillows!  You could set up another bed in your room and have uh,” Ralsei thinks for a second, recalling what Susie had explained, “A sleepover!” He claps his hands together with a bright smile.
Rouxls stares down at Ralsei blankly for a moment, letting the suggestion sink in.
Swatch? In his room?
It sounded absolutely inconceivable.
"Absolutely NOT!" Rouxls near shrieks at the idea, Ralsei's patient smile twisting nervously.
"Um, well, why not?" His paws repeatedly tap together, hoping its just Rouxls' usual theatrics still.
Rouxls stutters for a bit, finding himself unable to answer the question.  His cheeks flush, becoming more frustrated with the situation- and that he can't come up with why exactly he didn't want Swatch to spend the night in his room.
As if Swatch hadn't just been there.  As if they hadn't just-
Even if there was a faint hint of excited anticipation bubbling in his gut, which Rouxls…really did not want to acknowledge.  He did not have an answer.  He wanted Swatch around, that much was for certain, but- but… why not indeed?
"That- that doeseth not concern thou! I haveth thine reasons!" Rouxls huffs, stamping his foot into the ground and turning his head away.
Ralsei's head tilts to the side quizzically, having grown used to Rouxls' outbursts- however this one was different.  He studies the other for a moment, trying to piece it together before slowly and carefully responding.
"It's just one night…" Ralsei trails off for a moment, "Though, if not then I suppose your guest will not have a place to sleep and will probably have to leave..." He eggs Rouxls on, hoping that his pride would intervene as Ralsei really didn't want a guest to be left out.
“I-” Rouxls pauses, chewing the inside of his lip before letting out a frustrated groan, dragging a hand through his hair, “Thy cannot allowe that!” He announces, annoyed, “I shalt noteth allow this insulte to thy honor as thy great Duke! Thy is a greatest host and shalt proveth it!”
The frown on his face really says otherwise.
“So thy little worm, you shalt giveth me thy spare bedstead for thy to make this obscene idea work.” Ralsei let’s out a sigh of relief, happy that Rouxls seemed to have taken the bait.
“I will go take care of that right now…!” Finally able to catch an escape from the conversation, Ralsei takes that moment to scamper off, feeling Rouxls’ eyes burning into the back of his head.  As tiring as it was talking to Rouxls, Ralsei had to giggle to himself wondering what friend Rouxls had invited over… Ralsei couldn’t help but feel happy the once-evil henchman seemed to be branching out and doing better.
As Ralsei hurries off, Rouxls watches for a moment, twisting and pulling on his bangs in frustration.  Still not sure why it bothered him so much to have Swatch in the same space as him, his space, for an entire night.  Wishing why he understood why he was both nervous and weirdly excited for it.  It frustrated him knowing that bubbling in his veins was that weird giddiness.  The same kind that he had felt earlier when Swatch had been doing his bandages, when Swatch had- When he had-
Rouxls shakes his head trying to clear out the buzzing contradicting thoughts and emotions in his head.
Sure, he was the one who asked Swatch to stay.  That didn’t mean he had expected this!
Suddenly, Rouxls has a flash of remembrance, recalling how nice it was in Swatch's arms.  The closeness, how natural it felt, how relaxing it was, how everything else seemed to not matter- but it did matter.  And Rouxls was still processing what all of that made him feel, the contentedness, the elation, the feeling of fire in his veins, and it made him...nervous
His heart slams in his chest, Rouxls spins around on his heel and quickly heads back to his room to help get everything set up.   Anything to serve as a distraction instead of actually dealing with his emotions.
Why did they agree to this again…?
Swatch stares up at the castle, twisting the handle of their small bag in their hand, hesitating going back inside.  They were worried for Rouxls, naturally, and it did make sense for them to be here in case of an emergency since they knew how to treat acid burns…
However, that still didn't stop Swatch from questioning why they had even agreed in the first place.  It was still Rouxls of all people.  They groan, rubbing at their beak.
It was the heat of the moment, that's what they'll call it.
Nothing more to it than that.
    (Even if they knew there was.)
"Hello there Swatch!"
The bird jumps at the sudden voice pulling them from their thoughts.  Their head cranes over to see a familiar goat darkener pushing open the doors to the castle and poking his head out.  Once they make eye contact, Ralsei waves Swatch over with a smile.
Returning the smile politely, Swatch gives a nod of acknowledgement before walking over to the goat.
"It is good to see you again, Ralsei." Which actually was the truth, and not Swatch's polite persona talking.  Ever since the Swatchlings had picked Ralsei up and took him in for a while all of them, including Swatch, have held a soft spot for the small darkener.
Ralsei soon notices the small bag in Swatch's hand, glancing at it and then back up at the bird, pieces slowly fitting together in his head, "Oh! Are you the guest that Rouxls had invited over?"
"Ah-" Of course word travelled fast in the castle, "Yes, that would be me.  Surely he has not made...that much of a fuss, has he?" Ralsei makes a face and Swatch sighs, of course Rouxls did.
"It's okay!  It um, all worked out in the end.  He can just be...a lot sometimes." Ralsei explains with a tired smile, before perking back up again, "However, apologies for making you wait, please come in!" Ralsei steps back inside the castle, the door hanging open and Swatch chooses to follow the goat through the door, seeing the large cauldron in front of the entrance.
"I'm happy at least you seem to be settling here in Castle Town…" Ralsei keeps talking, hands tucked behind his back, "Though I'm surprised you're here for Rouxls and not Queen, when we spoke in Cyber City you didn't really seem to like him that much." Referring to the...worm incident.  And Swatch and Rouxls' first meeting- which had definitely gotten started on the wrong foot.
Swatch hums thoughtfully, trying to pick out his words as they idly lift a hand to rub at the back of their neck, "I suppose… things change.  He is a handful, that much is for certain, but I've grown to appreciate his company." A pause, before adding in a deadpanned tone recalling all of the times Rouxls has interrupted them at work or thrown a fit, "For the most part."
Though, they had to admit after hearing Ralsei's observation, they never really did expect to have this fondness for Rouxls after the stunt he pulled in the Color Cafe.  Yet here Swatch was now, about to spend the night at the castle at Rouxls' request.  It was actually surprising to hear aloud.
There's a quiet chuckle from Ralsei, covering his mouth with a hand, "Is that so…?" It sounds knowing, and Swatch stiffens, "I won't keep you then, I know how impatient he can be! Have a nice time!" Ralsei waves Swatch off, the bird waving back and quickly darting away further into the castle, trying to stave off the awkwardness.
Retracing their steps, Swatch finds themselves back outside of Rouxls' door.  They pause for a moment, hearing muffled pacing on the other side.  Inhaling deeply, they knock on the door a couple of times- hearing the pacing immediately stop.  Swatch waits for a minute, before the doorly slowly opens and Rouxls pokes his head out, gazing up at Swatch.
There's another pause before Rouxls immediately snaps to attention, swinging up the door the rest of the way and puffing out his chest with a cocky grin, "Warmest welcomes worm-avian! As the mosteth graciouse host that thy am, I inviteth thou inside!" He steps out of the way for Swatch to enter.
The room was just how Swatch remembered it, having just been inside earlier in the day.  Yet with a roll of their eyes at Rouxls' antics, they go inside anyway, Rouxls shutting the door behind them.   However, inside the room now there was one new addition.  Over by one of the walls, some of the bug displays moved to make room, was a...mattress.  Just on the floor.   However, it seemed someone had taken great care in making it look appealing, dressing it in spade-adorned sheets and a blanket, completing it with pillows.  Despite the lack of a bedframe, it didn't look that bad.
Eyebrows twisting together, Swatch looks over at Rouxls, as if asking if he did this.  If there was a spare mattress in here then-
Swatch feels their mouth go dry, lifting a hand to cover the spreading flush across their beak.
Rouxls wanted them to sleep in his room?
"Please makest thouself comfortable!" Rouxls chirps, hands folded and fingers tapping together.  The look Swatch gives him isn't lost on Rouxls and he forces himself to swallow the lump in his throat before answering, "Thy tried to find thou a spareth room so thou would not endeth up feeling cramped- howevereth due to thee remodeling therest was no roomseth available.  It twas eitherest this or…"  Rouxls trails off, glancing at his own bed before coughing into his hand and looking back at Swatch.   "Truly unforgivable for thatest so-called princely worm noteth to havest a singlest spare roometh!"
He huffs, stamping a foot into the ground, not giving a long enough pause for Swatch to reply before continuing to speak, "Howevereth! I did thine besteth to makest the currenteth arrangements as comfortable as possiblest!" The prideful lilt to his voice returns, clearly pleased with his efforts...or compensating to cover his embarrassment of the situation.  "So, thou shouldeth be honored to be able to spendeth thee night with none other than thy great Duke of Puzzles!"
Swatch sets their bag onto the mattress, "I see, well thank you for your diligence then." They have to wonder how much Rouxls had put Ralsei through to get the mattress, however… best not to say anything though, Swatch had their own pride and being a disrespectful guest was not something they would like to be.  Even if the host is Rouxls of all people.  Though they still couldn't help but feel a little awkward, and considering how much Rouxls was fidgeting, he was too.
There's a long awkward pause before Swatch clears their throat and speaks again, "If you allow me, I would like to check your burns again, take off the bandages and let them breathe for a little while.   Then bandage them back up before you go to bed."  They place their hands together, gazing at Rouxls' shoulder that had long since been covered back up by the obnoxious stand-out clothes he always wore.
Rouxls looks at Swatch like they had uttered the most great offense to him, "Then what am thou supposedeth to wear when letting thy injuries 'breathe'!?" A hand rests on his chest in shock at the suggestion, like a move out of a dramatic play.
"...What you wore earlier?" Swatch replies, unamused.  "Do you want them to heal properly or not?"
"Then how longeth do thou say I will be stucketh wearing such unforgivably improperest attire!?" So much for the 'gracious host' Swatch thinks to themselves as Rouxls' theatrics get louder.  They try not to let it get to them, even if it is exhausting.
Pondering the question for a moment, Swatch answers, "It is already late so I had assumed that the bandages would remain off until you head to bed."  They thoughtfully rub the bottom of their beak for a moment, "You will need to be very careful while they are uncovered not to make them any worse as well." As if Swatch wouldn't be watching Rouxls like a hawk to make sure he didn't.  Sure Rouxls was capable, but surprises always happened around him and Swatch wasn't going to risk it this time.
Rouxls groans, tugging on his long bangs in frustration hearing that he'd be stuck like that for the rest of the night, "I cannoteth be seen wearing thoseth rags!" He huffs, "It wouldeth ruin me! Ruin me thy sayest!"
Swatch rolls their eyes, crossing their arms over their chest, "Then just don't go out.  I've already seen you wearing that outfit so surely it cannot be the worst thing in the world to let me see it again."
"Thy- well thy mean-" Rouxls sputters for a moment, Swatch letting the corners of their mouth twist upwards- just a little bit, "Whateth kind of host wouldest thy be if I doth noteth show thou arounde!?"
Oh. So that was the reason.  It was for them.
They can't help but feel a little...giddy, that Rouxls had been thinking of them.
One of Swatch's hands moved to rub at the back of their neck, not really having the heart to tell him that Lancer had shown them most of the castle prior to this.  Knowing it would just upset Rouxls further and that would be...tiresome to deal with.
"You can show me around tomorrow before I have to leave." Swatch offers instead, Rouxls blinking at the suggestion, "Besides, isn't it usually that time of the evening you pester me for one of our regular 'duels'?" Swatch does air quotes around the word, knowing that they won a vast majority of the time, hardly making it a duel.  But still, hopefully it would distract Rouxls enough that he would let Swatch check his burns.
Staring blankly, allowing Swatch's words to register, Rouxls soon snaps back to his usual self.  "...Thou is right! How couldeth I forget!" He places a hand under his chin, "I shalt showest thou around on the morrow!  For tonightest is when thy proveth to thou in battle that I am far superiore to thou in everyest way! In thee meantimest however…" He looks over at Swatch, taking a few steps backwards towards his closet  "Surely I doth noteth have to askest twice."
Swatch gives a little jump of surprise, oh, right.  His room.   The bird quickly turns around as they see Rouxls head towards the closet.  At least their idea had worked, Swatch let out a sigh of relief, gazing over the worm displays and rocking on the balls of their feet.  As they hear the sound of clothes being shuffled, Swatch fingers find themselves fidgeting together, waiting.
So, they decide to break the silence, "It's hard to believe you are 'far superior to me in every way' when I have won the vast majority of our little contests." A small quirk of a smirk rests on Swatch's lips, not afraid to be a little boastful.
There's silence from behind them for a moment, before Swatch hears a huff and proclamation, "We shalt see abouteth that! Winninge a feweth battles do noteth win thee war!"
"It's been a lot more than a few."
"Thateth means nothinge!"
As they "bicker" between each other for a few moments, Rouxls finally interrupts them both saying he was done changing and that Swatch needs to hurry it up so Rouxls could prove that he is so much better.  With a scoff Swatch finally turns back around to find Rouxls sitting impatiently on the edge of his bed, wearing the same top as earlier with his bandages seemingly coming loose with his arms crossed. Swatch makes his way over, sitting beside Rouxls as he sweeps his hair over his shoulder, the two ending up in the same position as before.
It's awkwardly silent, the banter having died down as the familiarity of the situation weighs on them.  Neither of them had acknowledged what had happened earlier, yet here they were. Again.
Swatch carefully undoes the bandages around Rouxls' arm, a part of them wondering how he could wear his usual outfit over this without it hurting.  Unless it did and he just didn't show it.
The bird's mouth presses into a thin line, finally taking off the rest of the bandages.  The injury looked about the same as it did before, of course, Swatch carefully inspected it to make sure it wasn't festering.  Careful that they didn't press too hard on Rouxls' arm.
Once thoroughly checked, Swatch gives a nod to themselves and gently pats Rouxls other arm to signal that they are finished.  Their heart panged nervously in their chest, unsure what was going to happen next.  Not sure what they wanted to happen next, taking to awkwardly folding their hands into their lap, not wanting to cause a repeat of what had happened earlier.
Unless Rouxls wanted them to.
    (They're choosing to ignore that hopeful anticipation.)
Rouxls hesitates for a moment, hands fumbling together as he chews his lip in thoughtful contemplation.  Knowing what he wanted but was too afraid to ask for it. Silently he gets up off the bed, whirling himself around dramatically instead.
"Waiteth here worm-avian!" Twirling himself back around he quickly walks over to a set of drawers, kneeling down and rummaging through one of them.  Swatch watches patiently, eyebrow raised to see what he was doing.
Soon enough Rouxls finds what he was looking for, a wide grin spreading across his face as he pulls out the intricate square wooden structure.  Dusting off the top Rouxls carries it over with a little bounce in his step.  (Swatch thought that it was kind of cute, and hid a small smile behind their hand.)
Thumping it down on the bed in front of Swatch, the bird can make out the checkerboard pattern on the front, piecing it together right as Rouxls excitedly announced, "I challengest thee to thine finest game of chess! Surely this suits thou particulare tastes cocky worm-avian." There's a scoff from Rouxls, sweeping his bangs behind his shoulder as he puffs his chest out.
Swatch rolls their eyes, "Or are you choosing it because it's one of the few games you actually know the rules to?" Rouxls glares at them hopping back onto bed and setting up the pieces onto the board.
"Thou is just bitterest that thy is bettereth than thou and shalt win." Rouxls replies indignantly.
The two continue their usual banter, getting on each other's nerves but still enjoying the company, knowing it was all in good fun at the end of the day.  Once the chessboard is set up, they begin playing the game, chatting in the meantime.  The awkward air seemed to dissipate, the two of them slipping into a realm of comfortableness and familiarity.  At some point Swatch pulled themselves onto the bed cross legged to be more comfortable, while Rouxls casually sprawled onto his side while they continued to play.  Win...loss...it stopped really mattering after a while, the two simply enjoying the conversation and company as the evening slipped on by, it wasn't until Swatch checked the time to see when they should reapply the bandages that they realized how late it was.
"Ah- it's gotten quite late.  We should both get some sleep, we both have work tomorrow after all."  Swatch fiddles with one of the chess pieces, saddened that the pleasantness had to end.  Rouxls blinks, staring up at the bird, before glancing to the side and puffing out his cheeks.
"Thou art just afraideth of losinge again aren't thou?" He didn't really want it to end either.
"Considering I won all but one of the games, which you only won by sheer luck mind you, what do I have to be afraid of?" Swatch smiles pleasantly, snorting as Rouxls immaturely sticks his tongue out at them and flopping onto his chest on his bed with a groan.
Swatch's head tilts, smile widening, finding this 'grumpy and tired' Rouxls strangely endearing, taking it upon themselves to put away the pieces of the chess set.  "I need to replace your bandages anyways, so I believe it is a good stopping point nonetheless." They were getting tired too but that was beside the point.
There's another groan from the mattress, Rouxls not moving, his face buried into the sheets with his hair strewn out around him.  Swatch can't help but chuckle.  One of Swatch's hands reaches out, fiddling with the ends of Rouxls' hair, "I mean it.  I need to put them on." Their voice is firmer, despite the gentleness of their hands.
A sigh from Rouxls, before he pulls himself up from the mattress, hair falling in heaps over his shoulders and face.  He winces slightly at the soreness in his injured arm, it protesting to being used.  Slowly, Rouxls drags himself over to Swatch and practically plops himself down into their lap with a yawn.
"Geteth on witheth it then worm-avian."  Rouxls hoists himself up straight, but Swatch notices him swaying with what was most likely exhaustion.  He did have a very long day.
Gingerly, Swatch places a hand on Rouxls waist to steady him, earning a soft sigh of approval from Rouxls.  Carefully Swatch leans back and reaches over to the end table beside the bed where they had left the bandages from before.  They swiftly grab them and lean back, making sure not to let go of Rouxls.
Carefully they lift Rouxls' injured arm up to bandage it better, Rouxls allowing himself to be essentially manhandled while Swatch hurries with the bandages.  When they are finished wrapping they lower his arm and say, "I’m done.  You should get some rest now." There's a soft coo from their throat, a part of them feeling an urge to tuck the tired man in himself and take care of him.  But Swatch knows better than to indulge in that line of thinking.
Rouxls turns his head, sleepily looking back at Swatch, "Thou needs to restest now too." It's said more bluntly than usual, but still with that fierce I-will-argue-this-if-you-say-otherwise attitude he usually had.
"I will, soon." Swatch hums, sliding towards the edge of the bed, tugging Rouxls along with them.  Knowing that he would probably want to change into something more comfortable.  As Swatch's feet hit the ground, they almost heft themselves up only to jump and freeze as they hear a dull thump and something hit their arm.  Curiously they look over, sighing softly with a small smile at Rouxls who had started leaning on them.
"C'mon up you go." Swatch tries to help Rouxls out of the bed, earning a whine of protest that his impromptu pillow was moving, eventually allowing himself to be pulled to his feet by Swatch.
Grumbling and rubbing his eyes, Rouxls turns to his closet and rummages through it for better sleepwear, Swatch giving him one last glance over before plodding off to mattress on the floor where they had put their bag on earlier.  Pulling their own sleepwear out of their bag, they gaze at it sheepishly, unsure if they should change in here or…
"If thou needs to changeth also-" They hear Rouxls straining with effort with sleep lacing his words, "Then thou can informest thyself and I shalt giveth thou the uptmost respecte as thou giveth me."
"Oh, thank you, then if you could be so kind as to stay turned around."
"Of courseth."
Swatch tries to quickly change out of their usual attire, before realizing out of habit they hadn't really grabbed a shirt to sleep in. They weren't expecting to be sharing a room with Rouxls after all, and it was normal for them to sleep topless to let their feathers breathe after a long day.  Swatch drags a hand down their face, an embarrassed flush crossing their face.  This was not ideal, but there wasn't much they could do about it.
With a sigh, "Alright, I've finished.  My apologies for the indecency for my lack of a top, but I had not realized that we would have been sharing a room- otherwise I would have packed accordingly." Swatch doesn't get an immediate answer, only hearing a fwump come from the bed.  They turn their head to see Rouxls having ungracefully fallen back into it.
Though Swatch was surprised to see instead of some fancy sleep robe or whatever that they thought Rouxls would have worn, he had on the same tank top just now with a pair of fuzzy pajama pants adorned with the different card suits.  It was so... unlike Rouxls that Swatch found themselves at a loss for a moment.
It was unfair how cute Rouxls kept being.  How badly they wanted to hold him again.
Swatch runs a hand through the feathers atop their head with a frustrated sigh.
"It is mostest certainly fineth I promise thou worm-avian…" Rouxls turns his head on the mattress, cheek still pressed into it as they look over at Swatch not really registering their appearance...or much of anything else for that matter, "Whateth kind of hoste wouldest thy be if thy did noteth allow thou to be comfortable?" Rouxls waves his hand around, "Wear whateverest thou please." He pulls himself into the bed proper, curling underneath the blankets.  Swatch lingers for a moment, they refuse to call it admiring the other man, before flicking off the lights and then kneeling down and crawling into their own sheets.  It was kind of uncomfortable being on the floor, knowing it was going to be a pain to get up in the morning, but Swatch still appreciated Rouxls' diligence in dressing up the mattress to be more hospitable.
As Swatch's head hits the soft pillow they can hear Rouxls rustling around in his head, likely trying to get comfortable they'd assume.  The bird lays on their back, staring at the ceiling and tapping their fingers on their chest.  As the dark settled, and Swatch continued to lay there, their nerves blended into exhaustion and they finally felt their eyes close and mind slip away into slumber.
Hoping, Rouxls' injuries don't somehow worsen in the night.
It was...dark.
Rouxls found himself walking down hallway after hallway.  Same familiar route.  Same familiar castle.
Card Castle? Ralsei's Castle?
    They often blurred together so.
He didn't question it.  He had things to do.  He doesn’t know what, he just knew.
The blank black walls felt suffocating, each step closer to that room feeling harder and harder to make.  Like lead was weighing down on Rouxls' feet.
Down further and further into the basement.  Every stair made him feel as if the room was warping.
Every second felt like an hour.  Every single step made him feel more and more nauseous.
Why was he going down here again?
He knew what was down there.
His chest felt tight, as if something was pressing on it, constricting his breath.  Drips of goo trailed down his face in rapid succession.  Plipping down onto the ground that Rouxls could not see.  Only his feet were able to make out the staircase he knew had to be there.
Twisting and spiraling.  Wondering if he would ever reach the end.
Not wanting to see who was waiting at the bottom.
Yet he continued.  Knowing that he had to.  Ordered to.  Supposed to serve.
But a single stair more.  And then a door to the cold and dark dungeon.  He pushes the door open, carefully, hesitantly.  Revealing the barren rock and hard metal bars.  The cage in which he was contained.
The sound of Rouxls' heels echo in the dungeon, the door swinging shut behind him with a slam.  No longer able to return.  A louder clack every time he moved forward.
He wanted to turn around.
    He couldn't turn around.
Peering through the bars.
Looking for…
    Looking for…
It feels as if the walls are closing in.  Shrinking all around him until he's entirely boxed in and suffocating.
Empty.  It's empty.  It's not supposed to be empty.
If its empty then-
That means-
That he's-
A shadow looms above Rouxls, blocking out whatever was left of his vision.  Forcing him to look up.  Forcing him to see.
He didn't want to.
His body trembled as he turned his head up with a plastered smile.  The only defense he could muster.
Blue and black and white.
    A familiar cruel smile.
Pulling a spade shaped chain from his stomach.
    The King was free.
Rouxls hears his voice boom, accusing him of betrayal.  A sneer lingering on his lips, teeth bared and glinting in the dim light.  The voice ripped through Rouxls' body, forcing him to freeze in place.  Nowhere to go.  Nowhere to run.
The spade chain twirls in his hands.  Seemingly growing even bigger and menacing.  Expression curling to be even more cruel and hard, revealing more teeth as if there was an endless monstrous array.
Rouxls can't speak.  He sputters.  Tries to explain himself.  Nothing comes out.
Not a single sound.
There's a pressure around his arm, gripping, he doesn't know what it is.  Too scared to look.  Eyes still glued to the looming threat above.
Cold laughter echoes through the room, rattling through Rouxls' bones, piercing through his ears.  
He feels like he's about to [     ].
The spade lifts up, threatening to swing back down. 
He only says one more thing.
"Do you really think that cage will hold me forever, lesser dad?"
And then the spade comes crashing back down.
Rouxls screams.
The impact never hits him, but he feels like he's being drug away by the arm, jolting up in a fright.  Eyes wide with tears streaming down his face, chest rising and falling with his pants.  Hands rummage around him, feeling sheets and the softness of a bed.
It doesn't register, Rouxls only whining, eyes darting back and forth as his head feels heavy with static and fear, looking for him.  Expecting him to be there, but all he sees is a familiar beak and mass of black feathers by his side.
"Rouxls- Rouxls are you alright!?" Swatch peers down at the blue man from his spot on the edge of the bed, having been woken up from their slumber due to the restlessness and eventual scream from Rouxls.   They had been trying to wake him up, watching as Rouxls' body seemed to self-destruct in front of him, becoming less of a shape of a person and more of a gooey blob that kept constantly dripping.  His face seemed misshapen and out of place, melted as if he were made of candle wax.
Needless to say, it scared the shit out of them.
Rouxls yanks what resembled their arm away from Swatch, skittering backwards and away from the much bigger bird.  His burns being the furthest thing away on Swatch's mind.
"W-w-where-" Rouxls can barely get the words out, breathing much too shallowly and quickly, goo drips getting in the way, "Where- where is hhhh-he!?"  His wide blue eyes stare up at Swatch in confusion and panic, practically cowering underneath their concerned gaze.  Notably, unfocused enough to not use his usual broken accent.
Unsure who he was, Swatch's eyebrows knit together in worry, "There's no one here but you and I" They try to ease their tone into a calming one, even if they could feel anxiety buzzing in their veins.  "It was a dream.   You're here, in your room."  Tentatively, they extend a hand, offering some form of stability for Rouxls' melting form.
"J-just a..." Rouxls echoes before tailing off, voice having to claw at his throat to get out, feeling sore and broken.  Warily, he eyes Swatch's hand, chest heaving as he then looks over Swatch, and then the room.  Searching for any sign of that horrifying looming figure.   Gradually letting it soak in that Swatch was telling the truth.   Shakily, Rouxls slowly reaches out for Swatch's hand, sniffling, before just near hurling himself into Swatch's arms and letting out a whimper as he buries his face into Swatch's feathers.
Swatch let's out a small gasp of surprise as Rouxls is suddenly gripping at their feathers, pulling himself closer.  The surprise did not last long, however, as Swatch immediately wraps their arms around the smaller man as soon as they hear the sad whimper, heart bleeding.   They could care less about the stains of blue running down their arms and chest, knowing it could be a pain to clean later, but their focus was on Rouxls and Rouxls alone.
"You're okay now, you're safe." Swatch quietly coos, lowering their beak down by Rouxls' head.  They say other things too, just gentle reminders that it was all going to be alright.  A soothing presence as Rouxls sobs into their feathers.  They try to rub his back, fingers slipping on the gooey wax-like consistency of Rouxls' skin, unsure what was still his clothes and what had been melted over.
Rouxls' melded fingers flex and grip at Swatch's chest, trying to simply hang on to whatever he could grab.  He tries to focus on Swatch's words, anything other than the nightmare that rattled him so deeply.  Swatch's other hand finds itself in Rouxls' hair, gently petting and carefully holding Rouxls so he doesn't slip from Swatch's grasp.
With his face pressed up against them, Rouxls could make out the beats of Swatch's heart.  Rhythmically, over and over, a constant thrum in Rouxls' head.  Erasing the cruel laughter with a steady support.   Eventually his sobs ease into more of a hiccup, still sniffling.  The more he managed to calm down, the less his body seemed to melt, remnants of the goo trailing down his body dripped and puddled beneath him on the bed.
"Rouxls…?" Swatch tentatively asks, "How are you doing…?"  They continue to run their fingers along his back, feeling it begin to reform back into its usual shape, alongside the rest of his body.
There's a strained mumble from Rouxls into their feathers, Swatch letting out a soft sigh and giving Rouxls all the time he needed.  Not wanting to push further.
Rouxls shakes his head, pulling back just a bit to turn his face upwards at Swatch.  It seemed to have readjusted back into a familiar semblance of the Rouxls that Swatch always saw, the bird letting out a sigh of relief.  However, Rouxls eyes soon turn back downwards, thick globs of what could be considered tears still moving down his cheeks.
Carefully, Swatch moves the hand that was in Rouxls' hair to gently cup Rouxls' face, using their thumb to wipe away his tears.
"Sss-sorry." Rouxls finally manages to squeak out, Swatch's expression turning to a frown for just a moment.
"You do not have anything to apologize for." Swatch replies, watching Rouxls seem to shrink back further.  They look on in concern, unsure what to do next.
A coo resonates from their throat, not sure what else to do.   Rouxls leaning back into their chest, nuzzling gently for some semblance of comfort.
Swatch's arms tighten around him, gears in their head turning to try and figure out what to do.  Soon enough, they get an idea, maybe not the best idea, but maybe it was out there enough to work.  
"Don't be blue." Swatch starts, Rouxls pulling looks back up at Swatch, eyebrows knitting together.
"I'm here for you." Rouxls blinks, hearing the same cheesy line Swatch always spoke to customers.  There's a small pfft, Rouxls thunking his head back to hide the small grin on his face at the absurdity of it all.  Even if he was touched by the gesture.   Swatch's grin widens at Rouxls' reaction, happy that Rouxls seemed to be doing, even if just a little bit, better.
Swatch traces circles and shapes on Rouxls' back, humming softly, waiting for...well they're not sure.
Silence befalls the two, long and lingering.  Rouxls focuses once again on Swatch's beating heart, his breathing coming into alignment with it.  Letting himself finally calm down.
Pondering again quietly, Swatch's concerns never fully fading, they have to wonder who he was, and to get such an extreme reaction…what happened to Rouxls?  Contemplating, they finally decide to ask, "Would you like to talk about it?"
There's a strained noise from Rouxls' throat, "No." Was the immediate reply, Rouxls squeezing Swatch tighter.
However, he seems to wait for a second before additionally whispering, "He can't get out, can he?" The continued lack of an accent caught Swatch off guard, but they try to think who he is.
"Who is he?" Swatch finally asks, befuddled by what Rouxls had asked.
Yet another long pause, Swatch feeling Rouxls begin to tremble again in their arms.  Rouxls hands gripped tighter at Swatch, and they found themselves gently patting him.
"..." Rouxls almost speaks, but no words come out.  Swatch tilts their head, hearing a sniffle, "...The King." Every letter seems forced out of Rouxls mouth, as if he didn't want to admit it.  Didn't want to reveal to the world his greatest fear.  Didn't want to admit how much the King had done to him.
Didn't want to acknowledge anything about him.
Swatch's arms unconsciously wrap around Rouxls tighter at the admittance, the dawning realization hitting Swatch in the beak.  They had never been to the dark world Rouxls was from, but they had heard plenty enough to know King was a horrendous person.  They just never knew, from how highly Rouxls carried himself and talked about his prior position, how bad it actually was for him.
And this just proved that it was.
Swatch felt...angry.  A deep frustration bubbling in their gut, angry at who did this to Rouxls.  He might be annoying sometimes but to have these kinds of nightmares about someone- something serious had to have happened to him.  Swatch might not know the details but from the stories they did hear about King…it wasn't a good sign.
What happened to you Rouxls?
They inhale.  Trying to keep themselves level for Rouxls' sake. Even if they wanted nothing more than to go into that dungeon themselves and-
Their fingers flex.
"No.  He cannot get out, he is locked away in the dungeon with no way to escape." Swatch finally answers, keeping their voice gentle despite the boiling rage in their gut.
"But...but what if-" Rouxls starts before biting his lip, shrinking further.
"I promise you Rouxls, he cannot get out.  Even if he did, there are plenty of people who could easily stop him in his tracks." They let their words sink in for a moment, "Besides, if by some happenstance that he was stupid enough to attempt breaking out, I will personally make sure that he will never hurt you again." There's an edge of deep seriousness behind Swatch's words, they really meant it.
Rouxls doesn't reply to that, not knowing how, just whispering a barely audible thank you.  Nerves still floated around through their stomach, but Rouxls was beginning to feel a more pleasant feeling flooding their veins.  A comforting warm feeling, contentment, something they hadn't truly felt in a long time.
 Rouxls felt... safe.
He lets out a long sigh, letting his eyes shut as he continues to cling to Swatch.  Focusing on the feeling of feathers brushing against his skin, the sound of their beating heart, the rise and fall of every breath, the tightness of their arms around him.
Rouxls never wanted Swatch to let go.
However, as he managed to sink further into calm, soothed by the bird, Rouxls' exhaustion soon crept back in.  Having not gotten very good rest, or very much of it.
Rouxls tries to focus for a minute, not wanting to fall back asleep, "...Y- thou...feathers are...soft." It was a sad attempt to use his accent again, finally realizing that he hadn't been.  It was an attempt at conversation, however, Rouxls trying to just skip past the nightmare at this point altogether.
It's not like they haven't had any before.
Though, this time they weren't alone.
   It was...nice.  To be comforted.  Such a thing never really happens to him.  
There’s a moment of surprise at the sudden shift from Rouxls, before Swatch gives a quiet chuckle, weaving their fingers back into his hair and playing with the ends, “Thank you.  I do my best to try and exist solely as a pillow for your leisure.”  They attempt a more playfully sarcastic tone, a semblance of normalcy between the two.   Thinking it might perk Rouxls back up.
There’s a low huff from Rouxls, pulling himself back from Swatch and for a moment they think they made a mistake- until they see the small tired grin on Rouxls face, “Goodeth to know that thou finally knows thine place.”  His throat was still sore from crying, not able to be very loud or haughty like he usually is- but Rouxls had a hint of a glimmer in his eye.
“And where might that be?” Swatch feigns confusion, Rouxls puffing out his cheeks at it.  The bird’s hands move carefully to support Rouxls better, eyes sparing a single glance at the puddle still in the bed under them.  Not a chance they were going to let Rouxls rest in that.
“Beneathest me.” Rouxls replies simply, “As thy am thee great Rouxls Kaard...!”  He turns his chin up, even if a smile graces his lips.
“Beneath you…?” Swatch echoes, a mischievous lilt to their tone, before suddenly hefting Rouxls up as they stand up from the bed.   There’s a gasp of surprise from Rouxls as he’s lifted, Swatch deliberately holding him up higher than their head so Rouxls had to lean over to grab at their shoulders for stability and to peer down at them.  “So something like this?” Swatch says innocently, Rouxls’ hair sweeping down like a curtain on the sides of his beak.
Rouxls stares down at them, wide eyed, blinking slowly.  Almost giving a half-assed attempt at a comeback but…he can’t come up with anything.  He merely gives a sigh, looking over Swatch’s face, moving his hands from their shoulders and tracing their fingers through their head feathers, then down their beak.  There’s a quiet chirp from Swatch’s throat, barely tilting their head in curiosity at what Rouxls was doing.  The soft touches…were nice though, Swatch had to admit.
Leaning further down, Rouxls cups the downside of Swatch’s beak, pressing his forehead into Swatch’s.  He squeezes his eyes shut, holding himself there while Swatch merely stares at him, breath lodged in their throat.
There’s a quiver of Rouxls’ lip again, the man immediately biting it, the corners of his eyes prickling with a familiar burn.  He wanted to say what the clenching tightening feeling in his chest was, he wanted to thank Swatch for making him feel safe and comforted, he wanted to understand why he felt this warm bubbly feeling that only made him dread when Swatch would have to leave.
He didn’t want Swatch to leave.  Yet everyone always did.  Rouxls was alone in that castle, his friends had been long since locked away or left without a trace.  Alone to raise a child whose father didn’t care for him.  
 So then who was there to care for Rouxls?
 “…Please don’t go.”
A near silent whisper, hoarse and exhausted, every word feeling like it had to be dragged from the bottom of his chest and out of his throat.
Letting out the breath they had been holding, Swatch feels a part of them melting like Rouxls had been.  A swirl of conflicted frustration over their feelings and a deep longing for the comfortable warmness of being near to the person that made up their desires.  A part of them still refusing to admit, a part of them not wanting to acknowledge, a part of them not wanting to cross the line and ruin what they already had.
But how could they say no?
    They could never say no.
“I will stay for as long as you want me.”
Plips of goopy tears fall onto their beak, Rouxls unable to hold them back, and Swatch opts to lower Rouxls back down, still holding him close to their chest, tucking his head under their beak.  Rouxls buries his head into the crook of Swatch's neck, wrapping his arms around the bird tightly.
Swatch softly hums, carrying Rouxls over to that mattress that was still laid out, the blanket and pillows strewn aside from Swatch's rush to get up to check on Rouxls.  Kneeling down, Swatch pats on Rouxls back, prying him off with little effort.  Rouxls slips down from Swatch's grasp, plopping down onto the mattress, looking up at Swatch, pulling his limbs into himself.
Offering a warm smile, Swatch reaches over and rearranges the pillows, fluffing them back up, Rouxls catching the hint and flopping over onto his side, removing his gaze from Swatch.  A light dusting of a familiar blush crossing his features.
Pulling themselves onto the mattress alongside Rouxls, they lay facing him, outstretching their arms.  Rouxls glances back at them, staring between the outstretched arms and Swatch's comforting smile.  It does not take him long to scoot over into Swatch's arms, wrapping his own around them.  Using one arm to hold Rouxls, Swatch reaches for the blanket, pulling it up and covering them both.  Nuzzling into their chest, Rouxls lets out a sigh, feeling the exhaustion settle in his body, unable to keep his eyes open.
Rouxls still didn't want to sleep, he usually didn't.  He didn't want to have another nightmare.  But being in Swatch's arms felt so warm and safe, maybe, just maybe it would be alright.
Quiet thumps resound in Rouxls' ear, listening to Swatch's heart beat.  The rhythmic lulling sound of Swatch's presence soothing Rouxls' thoughts, allowing his eyes to shut.  There's a deep inhale, Rouxls squeezing Swatch tighter, before a few minutes pass and his arms go slack.  His chest rising and falling in tandem with the beats of Swatch's heart.
The tips of Swatch's fingers barely run through the strands of Rouxls' hair, the bird feeling their own tiredness beginning to overwhelm them, but they refuse to sleep just yet.  They wait, letting Rouxls nuzzle into their chest, watching the smaller man with a mixture of ever-present concern and adoration.  Minutes pass, Swatch has no idea how long, but once Rouxls seemed to finally fall asleep they let out a long exhale.
Their eyes blink tiredly, allowing themselves to finally relax now that Rouxls was safely asleep.  Feeling the lulling comfort of sleep beginning to overtake their senses.  Maybe that's why they felt so bold, their brain too tired to say otherwise.
Moving their beak down, they place a kiss to the top of Rouxls head, lingering much longer than necessary.  Like it was the most natural thing in the world for them to do, having wanted to keep Rouxls close for so long.
Swatch also falls asleep soon after, letting it finally claim them.  Both of them having a peaceful dreamless rest of the night, entangled together as if they never wanted to part.
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