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my64models · 16 days ago
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A 2025-ös Hot Wheels STH lista - nem teljes
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runabout-river · 6 months ago
Thoughts on JJK chapter 265 (spoilers)
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There is so much in this chapter that one could write essay after essay about its content, themes and symbolism to name a few. The best thing though is that Gege shows us that he can take the time to put deep character moments into his plot. In the last year that seemed to fall to the wayside unfortunately especially when it came to Yuji.
Yuji recreates his grandfather's hometown in the northeast of Japan to show Sukuna and Sukuna is uncharacteristically going along with it for a long time. This might be because of the special way this DE is formed, it could e.g. have a non-violence Binding Vow. Or Sukuna was just flabbergasted.
I looked the statue up that Yuji pointed to and found the Oni kenbai dance from Iwate prefecture. On the panel it's difficult to make out what the statue represents but you can see a fan in the right hand.
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This panel is an extremely important one about the point of view that Sukuna and Yuji have towards each other. For Sukuna, Yuji is barely anything; he blends into the background like a ghost, maybe reminiscent of how Sukuna might've viewed his eaten twin once in his life.
For Yuji Sukuna is not a person, there is no face to him, he's just an abomination consisting of black mass. Not even CE is presented to us like that, Sukuna is just a black distortion in space able to walk on its own.
It's good that we're given this panel so early in the chapter because it tells us what Sukuna is about and that Yuji knows it.
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In Japan, the Hydrangea is used to make a sweet tea that on April 8 is poured over Buddha Statues for the Buddha bathing ceremony. This is in direct contrast to Sukuna's Bath that comes from the historic practice of throwing poisonous insect and more into a pit to make them kill each other.
Symbolically, Gege tells us that Yuji will be the one to reverse Megumi's torture that he went through. Narratively, I'd like to see the Bath have more physical affects on Megumi before it gets cleaned though.
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Really funny how Yuji entices Sukuna to play crayfishing with him and I count 4 missed arrows from Yuji compared to Sukuna's bullseye hit.
Also capitalism killed Grandpa's hometown.
Whats also funny is that Yuji says that he was about 6 or 7 when they moved out of that town and that he was about 10 years before he went back there again. Boy, you're still 15.
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I counted 8 dragonflies on that grassy panel with many more in the Yuji close up panel. I forgot what dragonflies represented in Japan but th symbolism appeared before in JJK, once on kid Gojo's kimono and once at the base of Megumi's domain construction.
Next we get a much needed Yuji character resolution and growth while he thinks of all the people that have died on him. We see that he did put his cog mentality behind him and that he analyzed his "proper death" wish from the very first chapter and concluded that he wanted sth else from that.
Nobara is with the others on the dead list and this looks like the final nail (ha) in the coffin that is her death but the diehards (me) can still say that Yuji merely thinks that she's dead.
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Take this Sukuna panel and inject it straight into my veins 💉
There is just this visceral level of disgust and mania in Itadori Sukuna that Gege has barely shown in OriginalSukuna and absolutely didn't in Megukuna. Think of the detention center, and laughing at Yuji with Mahito together or just laughing at Yuji whenever he came out as a mouth and eye. How much I've missed that.
Can't wait to see where this will go 👀
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borom1r · 7 months ago
❄️🌧️🌈 ☔ from the WIP asks 🫡
this is good motivation to get back into the text game skfhjskjf damn
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
You press the back of your hand to your forehead and swoon again, to really prove your point. Éomer rolls his eyes at your antics, though he still scoops you up into his arms with a grunt. Like a complete gentleman, he carries you the entire way back to your guest quarters.
You rest your head on his shoulder, content to watch the sunlight catch his hair as the subtle breeze lifts it. He flashes you a warm smile when he catches you looking, and you blush.
🌧️Share something angsty from your WIP.
"…I could run away to Eriador." he murmurs against your skin. You can feel your heart shatter in your chest as you gently squeeze his hand, shaking your head.
"You cannot, for you would regret it."
Boromir makes an indignant noise at the suggestion and you shush him.
"You know I am right. You love Gondor, and for good reason. We might be happy, but some part of you would always regret your choice to turn away from your homeland. Perhaps, in time, you might even come to resent me for luring you astray. I would have you remember me fondly, love, though we met only briefly."
🌈 Share something soft/fluffy from your WIP.
Sitting as you are, you’re gifted a clear view of his profile. Had you been raised in polite Gondorian society, and spent less of your years on the road, you might not chance being so forward.
Fortunately for you, you were raised in the North Downs. You catch Faramir’s chin, turning his face towards you so you might press a quick kiss to the curve of his nose.
“What was that for?” Faramir asks, cheeks dusted pink.
“I find you handsome.” you answer, glad to see Faramir’s expression relax into a smile to match your own.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
HM. hmmmm ive got one (1) thing in th drafts that'll go on the burner ao3 if i ever finish it, so im not sharin That publicly lol
sth im not sure ill ever write......
YOU KNOW WHAT. im a weak bitch for soulmate AUs + idk that id ever write one BUT. just know that "soulmate au" is sitting on a list on my phone of shit i think wld be fun to write for Aramir that i just. haven't. + likely will not.
sth sth overcoming cringe, i get one cringe fic at a time + that slot is currently occupied
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hearts4shadow · 1 year ago
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H3ll0! The n4me’s C0sm0! I 4m a tr4nsma$c, lat1n0 (brazilian) artist/writ3r who’s also 4ut1stic and g33ky :3 a$ y0u guys see, i h4v3 a typ1ng qu1rk!1! (A typing quirk is when someones likes to type in a unique and different way to make it easier to people to identify that person, but i will not include it into the stories)
my 1nt3rest$ ar3: STH (not obv lmfaoo /j) FNF, PR$K, v0calo1d, l1ly’s w3ll, gh0st and p4ls, B4BYM3TAL, g3nsh1n, h3talia, nikk1yan oc est4dos and 4rgs!
s0metim3s, when i f33l s1lly, i pr3tend im my fav characters :3 h0wev3r, i am n0t a syst3m! If a syst3m thinks this is pr0blemat1c 4nd i sh0uld kn0ck it out, i will st0p!!
n0w that ya’ 4ll know wh0 w1ll writ3 ur st0ries, h3re is wh4t i will wr1te:
🦔🌀 S0nic > Mil3s “T4ils” Pr0wer
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Sl0w down, p4l! b3fore y0u can r3ad any furth3r, her3 is why i will wr1te th3se type of stuff:
th3 r3as0n i will wr1te such d4rk and d1sgust1ng stuff is that i pref3r people to read them r4ther than do it in r3al lif3, i us3 th3se typ3$ of st0ries as a c0p1ng mech4nism, im a hyp3rsexu4l. i am aw4re th3se t0pics are s3ri0us, but i am attr4cted to it, please, if 4NY of th3 foll0wing t0pics tr1gger or giv3 you disc0mfort, do n0t read the tr1gg3ring st0ries, r3ad oth3r st0ries i will writ3, st4y saf3, stay f4st!
d4rk th3mez
wlw 4nd mlm
tr4ns/nb/gn r3ader
n0n-r3ader/ sh1ppz
ag3-g4p (not th4t hug3, ex4mple: 18/19 x 23, 25 x 30)
3rot0phil1a (when someone is sexually attracted/turned on by sexual questions or themes!)
m3rintophil1a (when one is turned on by being tied up!)
t0xiphili4 (when one is turned on by being poisoned, but for my stories’ case: sleeping medicine, drugs and love potions!)
j3rking 0ff
plushi3 fuck1ng (for just sexual relief)
n0w you kn0w wh4t you c4n requ3st! but b3war3, 3veryth1ng has lim1t$:
🔧🦊 Mil3s “T4ils” Pr0w3r > Sh4dow
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f1rst thing$ f1rst: I 4M A M1N0R! I w1ll n0t expos3 my ag3 but be aw4re, any typ3 of s3xual or r0mant1c comm3nt t0wards m3 will be bl0cked and ign0r3d. H0wev3r, if 1t is 4s a j0ke, i am comf0rtabl3 w1th it. Which l3ads m3 t0 the s3cond rul3:
US3 T0NE T4GS!! Thes3 are especially for Aut1stic pe0ple, its wh3n som3one ind1cat3s if th3y ar3 seri0usly or j0king. F0r 3xampl3:
s33 th3 littl3 ‘J’ with th3 sl4sh m4rk? th4t means “Joking”, wh3n y0u want to m4ke a j0ke th4t u ar3 h4lf seri0us and j0king 4bout, use “/hj” wh1ch m3ans ‘Half Joking”.
it 1s imp0rt4nt t0 kn0w th4t i w!ll n0t wr1t3 anyth1ng els3 th4t 1sn’t 0n th3 list of th3 th!ngs i will wr1t3. Th!s includ3s: Sc4t, n3crophil1a, ped0phil1a (13 x 17/20), inc3st, sh0ta/l0li’s.
my p4g3 is a plac3 wh3re any0ne can expr3zz th3mselfz with0ut f3ar. How3ver, d0n’t judg3 on3’s k1nk/int3rest$ h3re.
wh3n i writ3 a trigg3ring st0ry w1th d4rk t0pic$, i w1ll w4rn y0u, the r3ader, with 4 w4rn1ng bef0r3 the st0ry comm3nce$.
ag0ra par4 0s l3it0res p0rtugu3ses e br4sileir0s: Sim, 3u ir3i 3screv3r hist0ri4s em p0rtugu3s!
If i s4y/d0 som3th1ng pr0bl3matic, IMM3D1AT3LY W4RN M3!! I w4nt my p4ge to b3 s4f3 t0 my r3ad3rz.
If y0u ar3 und3r the ag3 of 11, h3ll0, littl3 on3. And w3lcome to my pag3. Th3 smut/n$fw st0ri3s of min3 are a prohib1t3d pl4ce for y0u, inst3ad, r3ad the c0mfort/fluff stori3s.
4s said b3f0re in th3 th1rd rul3: D0n’t judg3 oth3rz. Any typ3 of R4c!sm, Abl3ism, Hom0phobia and 3tc W!ILL N0T B3 TOL3R4TED!! If it !s t0ward$ y0urs3lf/ur 0wn k1nd or c0mmunity, th3n it’s om4y, but d0nt overd0 it. D0N’T BE A F00LISH MORT4L!!
y0u hav3 re4d the rul3z, n0w you sh4ll rec3ive acc3zz to th3 st0ri3z:
🦔🔫❤️ Sh4d0w > Amy R0s3
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No st0ry has b33n post3d yet, sw33the4rt, c0me b4ck her3 s00n tho!
🦔💝🎀 Amy R0s3 > Cosm0
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If y0u h4ve r3ad th!s wh0le th1ng till her3, tysm!
My m3dias:
cosmo_metaldeath #5364
— Thank you, and ily. <3
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babyawacs · 3 months ago
#sassyreal ? #massextinctions ? #facesavingdevices # #whatisdaytimecharged #ugh! .@law @harvard_law @bbc_whys (((.@all))) @world in the midlate 2000s oneof the themes had a blackhaired girl with hair half across forehead itwas a theme with a cheap leatherjacket and m a y b e jeans idontknowmuchmoreabout it but maybe extremely inconveniently sassy or so intheme if that gir l onthe case was real not a theme only save her too sab rina 2002 for instance i thought not in theme but as zombi she is teenagewitch sabrina they use these sugg estive stateofminds forinstance tomake you predictable to the escorrting person : that stranger themed as you r brother but as hostile escortr handling brainfuckt you conflicts with whatryour brotrher would or wouldno t: but hereis the catch: itis like theme manipulations into subconsciences ruins manipulates the relation tot he brother then too itis complementary to thebook stateofmind listed statesofmind point a to g orpoint a to h in book: notforspies whatis a human being //// iswear that itis as if someone threw away the key to file s or sth ealry 2010s or if they mass murdered simply everyone or sth massextincted or sth things all knew allalong like smartie and shuffled harms by scums ‎ isnow framed as ifyou forfeit your rights to join one and one only cockroachbunch with their cockroachlabel but quickly the boobytrap implant justified therefore  he reis no info : iwonder about the trickery theymusthave shuffled : itis somewhat unusual for german or contine ntal but in the british face saving itmayhavebeen alotmore plausible the we just game around abit : ingerma ny itismorelike: wash the concentrationcamp all know they fake it but w i t h o u t theywouldnot even gain acc ess without playingalong that is the german version of facesaving devices inmonstrosities //// lawyers banks insurances nuclear hedge that the fraudsystem was an accomplice and a #keypoint broken accomplice of th e germans on the evidence of alibis "itis all just a test" "yes we do immunise itjust takes awhile" #key point all is that broken that these are simply f a c e s a v i n g devices alibis decoy excuses against which pressure : they werenot in position to a d d experimentation in how bad it was allalong #reframed allalo ng superbad: pressure‎ mounts all see what them do : pressure mounts : decoyed to nothing with alibi itis onl y a ... : these nuclear hedge allalong they got away with these things the predecessors werenot moral  th ey were broken and experimenting that it was p l a u s i b l e decoying as all  k n e w : while it was not th e situation to  a d d experimentation onthe pressure situations it was a plausible decoy alibi howmany tim es: //// someone in this fxucktup dumpster rules and ruled with yourenotyou batshxit nuts for intelcoma rap es with childfools neverdeveloped for brainfrying analysis development surveillance and with any other sh xitball that somehow sticks and chains dissent and germandeserves their fxucktup dumpster they are a l l the mselves even the r a r e s t cases where poor souls renounce self to reject pain and playpretend trickerie d with and around intelcoma fuckup suffocationerasers brainmelt templating and anyother shitball that sticks while itisabout ruling slaves with intelmethods and now nowyouknow howmanylives didtheyruin //// lawyer s banks insurances they set up system to gain loot trickweasel value generation o uto=?utf-8?q?f_the_populations
#sassyreal? in the midlate 2000s oneof the themes had a blackhaired girl with hair half across forehead itwas a theme with a cheap leatherjacket and m a y b e jeansidontknowmuchmoreabout it but maybe extremely inconveniently sassy or so inthemeif that girl onthe case was realnot a theme onlysave her toosabrina 2002 for instance i thought not in theme but as zombi she is teenagewitch sabrinathey…
0 notes
mccarthymolly · 2 years ago
Ok yh, mediation,
b comedy cant work, bc it's not funnyz threaten them a bit ir get on toes. Can anything else work,j,m,iu,h,where ask besides revenge, or pain b uh yh less, b sth,uh,wt,dk,uh. B who from. Messg lk be nc, or wt do, not get cancelled or end career ,wd rvng tch n hlp so sotp abuse, pay fwd ish, n sth,uh,dk,they wont care at beig taught, okhkuh,no ,big scale,hmkhmuh,wt,sth,no,uh,ok,ok,u hwt,wt,ok,hmuh,wt,uh,no
Uh,wt,uh,ok,uh,combined? Uh,hkp, slower
R they ill if throwing out brush
Ok, consider. How revenge , ok yh wd it cause misery, implosion, if not teach n they do abd or stop doing things, morez they too actv ww dk,uh,no,uh,wt,uh, ok hmuh,no,uh,wt,sth,ih,no,u,h,
U h,df wwu,k,u,hno,uu yy,u,ysty,yy,
Usual nt gmjjuhnk
Dk if tht the thght, hw tell, uh no, b dont record,,bhnuoiukinniko wt uh nno b fduh ljhmuno uh. Me. Hmuh, wd this hlp, said wait, ni I nm
Yh too saidh,k,u,j,ou,,huwysk,kk,k,o,kh<&uh,okjun,o,u,jowls
R u abt peace or organizations kind of peace. It's not about money, making sth not cost 35, not time valuable , maybe emeotions cost more jk,u,h,w,no uh yh no, lying
k endangering me or thinking them.like they activate their investigation unit?, or it that just tactic from them? Jmu h dk uh wt uj l, k
Ye no idk bbscaredh,k,u,j,o,kh,m,u,joyhzi,j,uh,j,ok,o,k,wt, did b idk, harder now?uhokh,j,uh,i,j,wtzo,k,k, h j,u,n,o,kh,j,
Rd b nt say wt do bc not want lead or be entrepreneury. Be difh,k,okh,mu,j,o,j,j,,l
Ok 6k no n wt n shtizuzhno,say aloth k,u,ok,u,j,j,u,h,l,j,
Night 8 to 12, middle night is 10,
Waryj j
Thts nt purifying ths throwung,uh,,j,k
Yh uh b come bk after 10 heartbreaks or bullyings maybe ikdu,h yh u h n o
I not mean any simple this. List if not means. Uhkhmujouh,yh. Wt gv right. Same for u to insult me? Uh idk. I dont like this how can i get to me, anything i am sensitive. Hmnouu,no, hate mailox,uu
No nt hl,smll,ww,uh,no,uh,no,no,
No,U passive yelled. Dam. Uh. Ok. Did i miss an earlier yell. Dam uh me fooled. U just a persona n website not care gd well u o kzjzki,u,h,wt,uh,no,uh,hurts bc rpt, n uh,no,uh,sth,no,vul w lv mygod jojkuj,nou,hww,no,uh,dk,uh,omgzuh,no,uh,wt,uh,no,no,uh,no,
No,produce,uh,no,yh,no,uho,k, h, mu,n,no,uh,
Xpln b idk,no,uh,mybeo,k,h,ju,n,o,uh,i,o,
Ppl more formal, pee,uh
No, called me hairy, what,uh,no,wtzuh,wt,uhzno,u,j,wt,tchy,no,ych,n,o,uh,u,k,oo,
Uh service ,uh,no,idk,h,u,mateiral n n n,,uh,wt,uh,no,uh,no,uh,wtzuh,
How petty revenge not punish like peeing on sth
Uh see bc srchng yh uh no wt uh, b productivty prejudice yknuj
Idk wt nt alone, yhkjnik
Joke, bd, no, uh, dk<^,uh, no, nt gd, okhjufjyjkm
Ww no uh khmuh troll note: dont disguise trolling or fool me or others, say your emotions in emotion terms, for example this enrages saddens cries me, not this isnt make sense not good wuality n stff, dnt mk interpret notes
Nt be on,j k uh dk uh wt no wt no wt, blink yh, they cowrce too, peni, n sth wt, asleep, rlx then wt uh, wt, dk, no, yh, uh, dk, yh, no, productivity cul in cmdy sad, odk hk uh no o, nt dis/agree mttr, h mu n jo j ju uh yh ww uh, pssv, missed. Hmuhku yh uh dk wt no dk uh wt bit uh idk wt uh dk uh, n y ask, uh, hmuhko
Neck paralysis y, trag yh h mi nouh yh uh
Uhoh. Leftovers, n restaurant,
K yh dk, hrd say,dkhmuh,yh,uh,
Hate langzuh,hmuh,no,hh. Ppl hate ppl lk me? Dk uh,j. Of anywhere js mad,okh,k,uj,ou,h,
Ok, mix, joke for ev, ejac only night
Yh ok sth uhdk,u,u,ok,
Breathe okhkunouhokhmuhyhu
0 notes
footballandshit · 2 years ago
hey fellow fernando torres enjoyer... would you please 🥺🥺 introduce urself for ur new followers?
hey there!! sure thing! 💞
the basics:
ice, 22F, she/her, bi
blog content:
if you think you'll be getting content for about just one team/club or player, you're wrong!! i support players instead of teams/clubs, so i post about my blorbos regardless of which teams they play for. if there are any teams where more than half of the players are my blorbos then those teams usually end up on my fav teams list, and i may post about those teams often! such teams include (but not limited to): arsenal fc, real madrid, liverpool fc, bayern munich, borussia dortmund, as roma, juventus, ac milan, psg, etc. (in short, my blog's a mess, please follow at your own risk haha) fernando torres is the loml and the reason i got into football, so i've always had a nando pfp and i don't intend to ever switch that to another player 💗
any players who are involved in or condone matters such as racism, homophobia, xenophobia, rape/sexual harassment/sexual misconduct, any forms of abuse, etc., are immediately cancelled and i'll stop posting about them once i'm aware of such instances. (eg. cr*stiano r*naldo, ik*r c*sillas, th*mas p*rtey, b*njamin m*ndy, m*son gr**nwood, etc.)
should you still find me posting about players who fall in the above category, i most probably missed the news and would appreciate a heads-up! you may find old posts about these cancelled players, it's most probably because the incident(s) hasn't taken place yet or i wasn't aware of it at the time, so don't mistake that for me still supporting them!
i'm totally cool with rival teams/players, so don't hesitate to follow me, i'd most probably follow back!
i'm also trying to find time to make edits recently, i'll be tagging them with #*ice edits
i didn't create a specific track tag, but i follow #footballandshit, so feel free to tag me in your posts/edits/etc., and i'd be happy to share them!
if you don't want liveblog updates/spoilers of matches, you may block my liveblog tag #ice lb
my inbox is always open, feel free to ask away! but pls don't ruin my no-hate streak, i've been holding that streak since i started my blog - that's about 8(?) years now! 😩
all teams/clubs and players are tagged accordingly, so if there is sth you don't like seeing, just block that tag!
other blogs:
@f1andshit - didn't wanna mix f1 content here, so i recently started a f1 blog, feel free to follow me there if you like men driving fast cars in circles!
@yellowtintedlens - it's kinda like my personal blog tbh hehe, made this so that i can follow my fav films/shows and other content which are not sport-related
hope i covered everything important!! big mwah! 💙
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thecrazyworldbuilder · 3 years ago
Some onomastics idk
Had an idea of making an onomasticon made from the most frequent letters in English
Those would be EAOITNSHR
But I thought, "Hey, that's not much of a variation is it?"
So I looked up the most frequent bigrams and trigrams in English, extending the whole thing to this: The And Tha Ent Ing Ion Tio For Nde Has Nce Edt Tis Oft Sth Men Th He In Er An Re Nd At On Nt Ha Es St En Ed To It Ou Ea Hi Is Or Ti As Te Et Ng Of Al De Se Le Sa Si Ar Ve Ra Id Ur T N S H R E A O I
Then I thought "Why not make a list of all possible bigraphemic names? So to GenWord I went and with some magic I did the thing*
So here are all possible "names" consisting of maximum two graphemes shown above:
Ade Ah Aha Ahas Ahe Ahi Al Ale Alh Alhas Almen Aln Alnd Alng Alnt Alr Als Alst Alsth Alt Alth Altis Amen An Ance And Ande Andh Andhas Andmen Andn Andnd Andng Andnt Andr Ands Andst Andsth Andt Andth Andtis Ang Anh Anhas Anmen Ann Annd Anng Annt Anr Ans Anst Ansth Ant Anth Antis Ar Ara Are Arh Arhas Armen Arn Arnd Arng Arnt Arr Ars Arst Arsth Art Arth Artis As Asa Ase Ash Ashas Asi Asmen Asn Asnd Asng Asnt Asr Ass Asst Assth Ast Asth Astis At Ate Ath Atha Athas Athe Ati Atio Atis Atmen Atn Atnd Atng Atnt Ato Atr Ats Atst Atsth Att Atth Attis Ave De Eade Eah Eaha Eahas Eahe Eahi Eale Eamen Ean Eance Eand Eande Eang Eant Ear Eara Eare Eas Easa Ease Easi East Easth Eat Eate Eath Eatha Eathe Eati Eatio Eatis Eato Eave Ed Ede Edh Edhas Edmen Edn Ednd Edng Ednt Edr Eds Edst Edsth Edt Edth Edthas Edtis Edtmen Edtn Edtnd Edtng Edtnt Edtr Edts Edtst Edtsth Edtt Edtth Edttis Eh Eha Ehas Ehe Ehi Ele Emen En Ence End Ende Eng Enh Enhas Enmen Enn Ennd Enng Ennt Enr Ens Enst Ensth Ent Enth Enthas Entis Entmen Entn Entnd Entng Entnt Entr Ents Entst Entsth Entt Entth Enttis Er Era Ere Erh Erhas Ermen Ern Ernd Erng Ernt Err Ers Erst Ersth Ert Erth Ertis Es Esa Ese Esh Eshas Esi Esmen Esn Esnd Esng Esnt Esr Ess Esst Essth Est Esth Estis Et Ete Eth Etha Ethas Ethe Eti Etio Etis Etmen Etn Etnd Etng Etnt Eto Etr Ets Etst Etsth Ett Etth Ettis Eve Ha Hasa Hase Hasea Hasi Haso Hasou He Hea Hi Ho Hou Id Ide Idh Idhas Idmen Idn Idnd Idng Idnt Idr Ids Idst Idsth Idt Idth Idtis Ih Iha Ihas Ihe Ihi Ile Imen In Ince Ind Inde Ing Ingh Inghas Ingmen Ingn Ingnd Ingng Ingnt Ingr Ings Ingst Ingsth Ingt Ingth Ingtis Inh Inhas Inmen Inn Innd Inng Innt Inr Ins Inst Insth Int Inth Intis Ion Ionh Ionhas Ionmen Ionn Ionnd Ionng Ionnt Ionr Ions Ionst Ionsth Iont Ionth Iontis Ir Ira Ire Is Isa Ise Ish Ishas Isi Ismen Isn Isnd Isng Isnt Isr Iss Isst Issth Ist Isth Istis It Ite Ith Itha Ithas Ithe Iti Itio Itis Itmen Itn Itnd Itng Itnt Ito Itr Its Itst Itsth Itt Itth Ittis Ive Le Mena Mene Menea Meni Meno Menou Na Nce Nda Nde Ndea Ndi Ndo Ndou Ne Nea Nga Nge Ngea Ngi Ngo Ngou Ni No Nou Nta Nte Ntea Nti Nto Ntou Ode Of Ofh Ofhas Ofmen Ofn Ofnd Ofng Ofnt Ofr Ofs Ofst Ofsth Oft Ofth Ofthas Oftis Oftmen Oftn Oftnd Oftng Oftnt Oftr Ofts Oftst Oftsth Oftt Oftth Ofttis Oh Oha Ohas Ohe Ohi Ole Omen On Once Ond Onde Ong Onh Onhas Onmen Onn Onnd Onng Onnt Onr Ons Onst Onsth Ont Onth Ontis Or Ora Ore Orh Orhas Ormen Orn Ornd Orng Ornt Orr Ors Orst Orsth Ort Orth Ortis Os Osa Ose Osi Ost Osth Ot Ote Oth Otha Othe Oti Otio Otis Oto Oude Ouh Ouha Ouhas Ouhe Ouhi Oule Oumen Oun Ounce Ound Ounde Oung Ount Our Oura Oure Ous Ousa Ouse Ousi Oust Ousth Out Oute Outh Outha Outhe Outi Outio Outis Outo Ouve Ove Ra Re Rea Ri Ro Rou Sa Se Sea Si So Sou Sta Ste Stea Stha Sthe Sthea Sthi Stho Sthou Sti Sto Stou Ta Te Tea Tha The Thea Thi Tho Thou Ti Tio Tisa Tise Tisea Tisi Tiso Tisou To Tou Ur Urh Urhas Urmen Urn Urnd Urng Urnt Urr Urs Urst Ursth Urt Urth Urtis Ve
Some of them are quite unpronounceable but anyways.
Here's the GenWord settings for this:
--CATEGORIES-- A=eaoiOE B=tnshrHTSMтNнсг C=1234567890ЙЦУКЕНГШЩЗХЪФЫ D=ВАПРОЛДЖЭЯЧСМИТЬБЮю --REWRITE-- O||ou E||ea H||has T||tis S||sth M||men т||th N||nd н||nt с||st г||ng 1||and 2||ent 3||ing 4||ion 5||edt 6||oft 7||in 8||er 9||an 0||at Й||on Ц||es У||en К||ed Е||it Н||is Г||or Ш||as Щ||et З||of Х||al Ъ||ar Ф||id Ы||ur В||the А||tha П||tio Р||nde О||nce Л||he Д||re Ж||ha Э||to Я||hi Ч||ti С||te М||de И||se Т||le Ь||sa Б||si Ю||ve ю||ra --MONO--
--FLAGS-- 1 0 monoRare dropoffSlow --ADVANCED-- 10 50 750 30 ||
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inklingofadream · 4 years ago
random list of tma plotbunnies
not counting prompts in my inbox im hoping getting these out will let me focus on those
come talk to me if u think any of these sound neat and maybe they’ll move up my writing list
also adding a readmore bc this is Too Long crol
the autopsy of jon sims, and its absolutely powerful whump potential
Leverage crossover where the Leverage crew bump into Jon in like a bar or sth around S2/S3 and Fix Everything. Jonahlias never sees them coming. Parker and Sophie hardcore ship jonmartin
hannibal fusion where hannibal has his own mixed together version of smirke’s 14 that starts focused on a mix of hunt and flesh (bc i couldnt decide what hanni would be an avatar of) and expands bc neither he nor i could decide what power will is on his way to mostly-obliviously becoming an avatar of. there are extensive notes in my idea book of which characters are avatars and of what
some of hannibal’s various Weird Art Objects are artifacts... but who knows which ones! :3
hannibal fusion 2: electric boogaloo: this one’s called “caveat lector” (ba dum tsh) and will accidentally uses a Leitner to summon up hannibal/hannibal gives him the leitner and it summons the ravenstag, inducting will into the Fear Nonsense
elias sends daisy after jon in america- maybe bc trevor and julia find him with gerry’s page and it starts to look like he won’t be getting out of this one- and then they have Terrible American Road Trip Bonding adventures.
alternate edition: time travel daisy just decides on her own to Show Up and duel trevor and julia to the death for archivist custody. and then they have a Terrible Road Trip
various daisy kidnapping jon agenda variations
teen jon gets kidnapped by newly sectioned daisy
we start at the start and jon has to adjust to his new situation, ft jon growing up and eventually becoming the archivist, + daisy having a Whole Breakdown over not knowing what she’s doing/how to protect him approx. once a month
we start at jon getting hired at the institute- jonah pov of how Absolutely Terrified jon is of every eventuality, bc on the one hand he’s afraid of daisy one day killing him but on the other he’s afraid of being taken away from daisy and never seeing her again
jon’s assistants and their very funny ‘what if our boss is actually a missing person’ game. until they clue martin in, then Worms happen, then jon invites him to stay in his and daisy’s guest room and martin notices jon’s room has a deadbolt that locks from the outside and Maybe It’s Not So Funny Anymore
Daisy kidnaps both teen jon and teen basira, and they trauma bond to become Terrible Siblings
using the same “jon loses his personality and independence to the Archive, everyone but daisy beefs it” eyepocalypse concept as the daisy time travels and jon suffers au, daisy activates her Time Travel Goober while holding onto Archive!Jon bc she kinda thinks it’ll kill them both? and at least he wont be suffering anymore. But instead she ends up in the past, and 8 yo jon has most of the power of the Archive but none of the memories, and she steals him and eventually ends up in an eldritch custody battle with elias
Daisy time travels to when jon’s 8, but instead of ending up in the past as her adult self she’s in her 13 yo body and ends up creating a gang of Terrible Feral Children led by her and Gerry, eventually including the rest of the cast
daisy kidnaps researcher jon, who has no idea whats happening rip jon. possibly also ft. kidnapped basira and martin, and the 3 kidnappees debating whether daisy is actually lowkey trying to matchmake the boys
I have vague notes somewhere for 2 Sasha Lives aus focused on Sasha/Basira and a Sasha/wtgirlfriends polycule, respectively
daisy time travels and jon suffers au side stories:
jonah pov of not having Any Idea what’s going on and then he gets murdered
Martin POV of the last chunk of lflbwtf plus some, for the Soft Romance
QPR jondaisy where daisy joins them on the scottish honeymoon and none of the locals know what to make of them. possibly goes on long enough that jmart have a kid with daisy (and maybe eventually basira) as the Weird Live In Aunt (and nothing bad ever happens again)
umbrella academy fusion where all the hargreeves sibs are agnes-style kid avatars of different fears,, i think i had allison as web, ben as vast, klaus as end... vanya as extinction? i dont think i decided on anything for Five or luthor, reginald might’ve been a jonah style eye guy
epistolary fic of all the emails the various eye temples send each other, ft. the pu song ling research center’s take on jon after his visit and lots of academic jockeying with extra eldritch flavor
What If Tim And Annabelle Fell In Love, Actually?
Jon ends up on Salesa’s crew instead of with the Institute, Martin’s crew on the Tundra, they fall in love
Daisy and Martin as avatars of anything but the hunt and eye and also they’re bffs and daisy wingmans martin trying to pick up the new archivist 
“think of my head on your chest” (from “tim mcgraw” by taylor swift lol) would make a bangin title for a jonmartin one shot
something with the magnets + cassette tapes = amnesia!jon concept
there’s more than this but like. this post is ungodly long. again, if any of these sound sexy to you come to my inbox and talk abt them to drastically up the odds they get written
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chaosnightmare · 3 years ago
I'm gonna start going back and tagging my interests with a tag specific to those interests for easier navigation so here's the list of tags for right this minute:
mrd (already tagging anyways) - Mad Rat Dead
sth - Sonic
tsp - The Stanley Parable
rbg - Ratboy Genius
jerma (who I was already tagging anyways) - Jerma985
th - Touhou
vcut - Vocaloid / UTAU
ut - Undertale
dtr - Deltarune
I'll add on to the list as i go blah blah yadda yadda anyways thanks you
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gayspock · 4 years ago
oooo if wre dumpin podcast recs may i suggest some? spines podcast is abt an unhinged magic lady lookin for th secrets of her past, limbo is abt a guy who dies and has an existential crisis (it's more plot-heavy than it sounds), tides is abt a biologist trapped in an alien world tryin to survive, i am in eskew is an alternating perspectives story abt a dude trapped in a freaky city of rain and a detective tryin to find him (note that theres every tw imaginable for that one tho)
OISDJDGPISDGJP KIND OF. its dumpin podcast recs but.... unfortunately  (WHICH. IM SO SORRY I DONT WANNA SHOOT U DOWN) im kinda lookin for sth specific right now :( which is like: a. not horror (just really, really, really bored of the genre- feels like HALF the damn podcasts these days are horror, and half of them blend together, & i might try some if they’re strongly-strongly recc’d but they’re all so damn samey and im like please..................... AND BY EXTENSION, a hard hard no on any true crime. true crime fiction podcasts are fine but if its like... real true crime i hate it<3) b. multiple characters with VAs....... (as in, theres multiple characters that acutally talk to each other?  not one voice talking for a whole ep- or mostly one voice talking, with a few interactions tacked onto the end.) c. is one long, continuous story & is plot heavy (rlly the most vague & hardest to describe but y98asfhisd yeah. i just wanna listen to sth with an actual story, thats preferably presented in a more conventional way without some sort of twist on it- dripfed plot through seasons upon seasons, alternating stuff, etc.  theres more stuff to rlly list here but its like. hard for me to articulate well im so sorry) and so LIKE: 1. IVE HEARD of spines and . if u rlly recc-recc it then i might give it a shot but like i said... im just rlly bored of horror. like im absolutely sick of it- esp in podcasts. if u think its got some rlly interesting stuff in it, then rep it again BUT YAHSODGJPOSFGKG..... 2. also heard of tides but hm.... im kinda squinting. is it one character carrying it for the majority of a show bc uh. points to point b. i feel bad. might also try it i guess but like... yeah. 3. im so sorry i tried in eskew and i just kinda. yeah. found it unlistenable unfortunately. (points at all of my points)
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my64models · 16 days ago
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A 2024-es Hot Wheels STH lista
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banglanotebook · 6 years ago
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As explained under Rule Three of my Basic Rules post, consonants usually should not stand next to each other. If a word has two consonant sounds next to each other with no vowel between them, the consonants combine to create a new letter called a conjunct character. In some conjunct characters it’s easy to see the characters that created them, as elements of each character might be included in the design of the letter. In other cases, conjuncts might appear completely different than the characters that created them so it’s harder to guess the sounds they make. Unfortunately in these cases the best you can do is try to memorize them and learn them as you see and hear them in words. A few conjunct characters have different pronunciations from what you might expect, but these are not as common. 
Below is a list of commonly used conjuncts accompanied by the characters that combined to make them, along with romanizations that include their resultant pronunciations. The starred (*) conjuncts are pronounced differently than expected. Bear in mind, this is not an all inclusive list as there are many conjuncts in existence.
ক্ত (ক + ত) | kt (k + t)
ঙ্গ (ঙ + গ) | ṅg (ṅ + g)
জ্জ (জ + জ) | jj (j +j)
ঞ্চ (ঞ + চ) | ñc (ñ + c)
ট্ট (ট + ট) | ṭṭ (ṭ + ṭ) 
ণ্ঠ (ণ + ঠ) |  ṇṭh (ṇ + ṭ)
ত্ত (ত + ত) | tt (t + t)
দ্ধ (দ + ধ) | ddh (d + dh)
ন্থ (ন + থ) | nth (n + th)
প্ত (প + ত) | pt (p + t)
ম্ম (ম + ম) | mm (m + m)
র্ক (র + ক) | rk (r + k)
ষ্ট (ষ + ট) | ṣṭ (ṣ + ṭ)
স্ত (স + ত) | st (s + t)
ক্র (ক + র) | kr (k + r)
ঙ্ক (ঙ + ক) | ṅk (ṅ + k)
চ্ছ (চ + ছ) | cch (c + ch)
ঞ্জ (ঞ + জ) | ñj (ñ + j)
ণ্ট (ণ + ট) | ṇṭ (ṇ + ṭ)
ণ্ড (ণ + ঢ) | ṇḍh (ṇ + ḍh)
ত্র (ত + র) | tr (t + r)
ন্ত (ন + ত) | nt (n + t)
ন্ধ (ন + ধ) | ndh (n + dh)
ব্দ (ব + দ) | bd (b +d)
ম্ভ (ম + ভ) | mbh (m + bh)
ল্প (ল + প) | lp (l + p)
ষ্ণ (ষ + ণ) | ṣṇ (ṣ + ṇ)
স্থ (স + থ) | sth (s + th)
Some oddballs:
*ক্ষ (ক + ষ) | kh/kkh between vowels (k + ṣ)
*হ্ন (হ + ন) | nh (h + n)
*জ্ঞ (জ + ঞ) | g/gg between vowels (j + ñ)
*হ্য (হ + য) | jjh (h + y)
Many conjuncts are not included in this list. If you come across a conjunct that isn’t here, you can check this chart. It may take a little to skim, but so far it seems like everything is on there.
Note: DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED! I know it’s a lot, but as you learn new words you’ll pick them up and associate the new conjunct with the new word. These will just take time and it will not kill your learning to not have these all memorized! Context clues, romanizations, and listening to pronunciations will help you work around conjuncts with ease. The more you read, the more you’ll know!
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babyawacs · 1 year ago
#no #commandchain #not #immunised #too #buzzword #decoypingpong #itis #inverted #inferior #safe #were #th egermans #dowhatyouwant #means #please #govt #obvious #medival_freeforall_vogelfrei_in_contrary_to_taboo #squeakybox #itis #sgermany #sgerman #ai #factually #mischievious_intent #howiexplainmykids #defaulttrick   #the ‎ #eclowniomagnifico #howitworks #logic #how #description_precision #decoys #nuclearhedge #default #allexplained #intel_explained_to_mykids #aeh  (((@judge))) .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deut schland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #‎ jesus #at #pentagon #jesus_at_pentagon # and #harvard_angels #harvard #angels .@harvard .@harvard_law @harvard .@ussocom #moredaggerthancloak # people: #mercyalways #factuality  #caused #thrownobjets #whostheproblem #quicknow #hooooo w #thequell #notsotrivial #witnesses #sympathy #wellsurvivethemfirst #effect #ai #asis #re volutions #participants  #possible_shxitball_twist_s #wisdom_is_precise #realmcontrol #itis #acceptan ce #interest #layEr #youknowit #it. #is. #how. #them. #rule. #_ #reframed #decoyed #abysmal #this #andnowyouknow #s #intel #map #vibe #criminalgovernance #criminalsecuritypolicy #mystery #meadows #optionsleft #andthe #proof #by #rubbertitttts #countless #tricks #criminal #intel #bananarepublic #germany #furiouschina #cause #hooray #impliedparticipation #ambiguity #relay #witnessprotect #interests #blammogame #ordered #rule #palletten #fact #allknew #itis #thenorthkorea #some #bio #messes #listed #always #mercy #in #wibbleronmykid #first #peoplequality #baby #meadows #weddingday #judges #know #scums #notsonice #utmost #sys #average # hownothoe #hooooow #themknew #default #mrna #how #govtcaused #zippysbitch #focus #intent #bxitchslaptheproswho #how #framing #now #do #witnessprotect #massextinction #btw #always #theyknewallalong #andwhy #notsotheoreticalitis #itisalways #govtcaused #terrorisedintodesperation #screamingbaby #allknew #howthemrule #itis #thetruth #truth #innocent #start #whybagatel #securitythreat #imminentdangeris #soiswariswaris #guy_with_the_bone _in_hair #or #the_bumblebee_man #and #civillianeffectivity #toddlerloot #imagine_good _german _dictator #sssexxxoilwibbler ?! #no #memberships #needed #to #mild #inallthis #nogain #nopermissio n #nochoosing #sanitised #how #germans #do #obvious #selfevident ‎ #usually: @law .@law @bbc_whys‎ all govt caused systemcaused fraud it as dayfool shuffle our immu nised scums and all that should avert because it didnothappen govt caused caused systemcaused aeh letmore and  aeh aeh find something to nutquell thatguy then nervousbreakdown trick pedo is the new gay yomama  and ////‎ lawyers banks insurances there was no command chain there was instant d e e d t y p e truthfully imminently each and every deed of germans while those effort criminal conditions as criminal securitypolicy in this this how they rule deedtyped each wet fart deedtype and some donot like whatthe germans did and risked theirlives to avert the worst the germans only overtape and .. letmore while saying theopposite then shuffle another criminal authority trick make sure my support alltime is ok ‎ //// victimisation as efforted all in govt caused targetted individual asif ihaveno right tolive only because theirintels trick and try sth and afterall the attitude counts survive then each scum they empowered and those that shouldhave averted it c a u s e d it daytime chargeit? oh ooh ohoh threatening the cops why else doyousend us poison or stuff and embassies letters then so so so you nut want into madhouse then wheeeeey quick now got sth the court totell before we do it i s not what they fake when they must play civilised because you f o r c e d them inthefirstplace to ‎//// allthe helpless inocent dictators of germany theeeen came me along ////
#no #commandchain #not #immunised #too #buzzword #decoypingpong #itis #inverted #inferior #safe #were #thegermans #dowhatyouwant #means #please #govt #obvious #medival_freeforall_vogelfrei_in_contrary_to_taboo #squeakybox #itis #sgermany #sgerman #ai #factually #mischievious_intent #howiexplainmykids #defaulttrick #the ‎ #eclowniomagnifico #howitworks #logic #how #description_precision #decoys…
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dallonsbrendon · 7 years ago
help I’m going on a long ish journey and i wanna download some fall out boy for the journey can u give me some recs?? i know literally two songs and i like them and i want more but idk what else to listen to like i want one or two albums worth probably? please help me ur a fall out boy guru i trust u
lmao i don’t think i’d ever call myself that
since idk which songs you know and like i tried to make an even-ish list with songs from all albums.
(disclaimer: this list is obviously super subjective so don’t @ me if i didn’t mention your fave song or sth)
the last of the real ones
wilson (expensive mistakes)
heaven’s gate
american beauty/american psycho:
american beauty/american psycho
jet pack blues
fourth of july
save rock and roll:
the phoenix
alone together
where did the party go
just one yesterday
folie a deux:
disloyal order of water buffaloes
(coffee’s for closers)
what a catch, donnie
20 dollar nose bleed
infinity on high:
the take over, the break’s over
hum hallelujah
thnks fr th mmrs
from under the cork tree:
dance, dance
sugar, we’re goin down
i’ve got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth
a little less sixteen candles, a little more touch me
get busy living or get busy dying
take this to your grave:
tell that mick he just made my list of things to do today
grand theft autumn/where is your boy
sending postcards from a plane crash
chicago is so two years
the pros and cons of breathing
honestly every fob song is good so you can’t really go wrong but i feel like these might be good entry points. enjoy!
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akane171 · 3 years ago
Considering the SPN fandom, I would be very surprised if there aren't any fics of that...😅
Jup, just one person only focused on continuity, consistency, details etc would be brilliant...😫
Yes, citing. The worst devil you can encounter in life... Like, seriously, not enough that it's a confusing mess anyway, but then there are also different approaches to this confusing mess and it feels like EVERYBODY is doing it differently...😫😑😭 (Thanks for the "cheerleading"😂😊🙈)
Unfinished, unwritten, po-tae-to, po-tah-to 🤷🏻‍♀️ An unfinished fic just means it still has stuff to come that is yet unwritten🤷🏻‍♀️
(Ahhh🤣) Ohhh, yesss😍 More of Karamel, Baree (Btw, I'm still grinning like an idiot over that name, but he's SO ADORABLE!) and the kiddos💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Considering there seem to be at least 2 more Arcs to PiaD and the way most prior Arcs had about 20 long-ass chapters, I don't doubt that you'll finish before LW🤣
"Surviving"?😂😅 Oh god, what kind of language classes did they make you suffer?!🙈 But Ohh, it's actually a pretty common phenomenon that people's English improve with watching/writing stuff cause practical usage and authentic experience blahblah 😍🤩 (sorry random unnecessary explanation about language learning🤦🏻‍♀️)
I mean, it's already on my list (which has like 13 languages or so I still wanna learn), but I've been slacking on spanish and romanian and should probably pick those two up properly first since I already started on those...😩 I swear, I need more time to just do stupid shit like binge stuff, write fanfics and LEARN languages and practical skills and all this stuff one would like to but never gets around to learning😭 (I just googled that sentence... "A beetle sounds in the reed"?🤔 Did you mean sth by that or did you write it cause apparently(?) it's the hardest tongue-twister?🤣)
Soonish?🤨 Hate you? ...WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING TO OUR POOR KARAMELY COMEDIC DUO IDIOTS?!?! *Goes to grab the protective bazookas* 😭 ...Wait, please don't say Kara is gonna be an idiot with her feet absolutely down her throat like in that bar scene in S2 when she went to tell Mon-El she would never be with him because of the way he is...🙈 
That Cartoon is one of the classics🤷🏻‍♀️😂
I know. As much as i like to stay away from that fandom, they created some amazing shit xD
I mean, come on, how much one person could cost? On the other hand, maybe IGNORING canon was something what they simply do, because they were too dumb to follow their own story. The fact the s6 made absolutely no sense, is just a cherry on the top *sarcasm*
What can I say, my friend, the pain of higher education xD
There is the difference. Unfinished fics need to be finished. About unwritten we can speculate and have a nice conversation :PPP
Happy to hear XD i mean, there was two names for the dog i could have chosen, Kazan and Baree. I think we both can agree the choice was obvious xD i can't imagine a dog called Kazan chasing butterflies xD
Yep. On the other hand, my other ideas for otehr kms fics are extremely long and complicated, but well, you don't look like you would wnat to talk about them, so :(
I mean, typical English classes? Learning grammar and vocabulary in not effecting way, learning shit you will never really use with normal people etc. Learning it felt like, dunno, learning some math issues that you KNOW you will never use in life too and becasue you are not going to choose some science college degree, you don't see any sense in learning it. So, in that case it was surviving. The moment I started needing it, I started really learning it. Aka, bascially, reading fics and books some time later xD... and writing fics, because some people refused to write things I wanted to read, lol
Oooooooooh, that sounds super cool! So you learn languages in th easy way? I'm so jealous! I have learnt French and German in school, but never really got to the higher level than "i want to buy beer" xD And i have learnt Japanese for 5 years at university and I can say more in it (but seriosuly i have too come back to it and refresh it).
In my case, I feel comfortable in a foreign language when I can think in it. What means I feel like that only about English and Polish xD
It's our most famous Polish line for kids and we use it when we want to scare foreigners away :P
My beta did her magic, so it will be post soon! No, don't worry, not this kind of angst. What probably means, you should worry about other stuff xDDDD
Yes, it is, and the opening song just drill into your BRAIN (xD) and after so many years I still can sing it xD
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