mysharona1987 · 1 year
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kth1 · 10 months
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⁂ 63/100 days of kim taehyung | PTD LA D3
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jstor · 1 year
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Soooo... get this: the squids you're looking at right now ARE MADE OF GLASS! They were created by the renowned 19th-century glass artists Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka (father and son!), and you can find 251 images of these incredible pieces on the Cornell Collection of Blaschka Invertebrate Models on JSTOR, open and free to everyone.
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gothmothgoblin · 10 months
squid game challenge is insane. how could you watch squid games and literally miss the entire part where the bad guys are bad bc they are dangling money over poor peoples faces? and watching them fight for their lives, (financial lives here and not literal, but same difference honestly)
insaane that we wouod recreate this
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yutencha · 1 year
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simplydannie · 5 months
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@jules0511 ❤️ My partner in crime! Enjoy!
Fame. Money. Adoration? It sounds to good to be true to a young teen surviving in the under city of Mount Rageous. But Velvet took the gig anyway.
Suddenly, chaos sparks around her…. What has she gotten her and her brother into?
Inspired by the Squid Games.
“Fame. Money. Loved and Adored By Many.” Those words eoched through Velvets mind….
Velvet entered the white tiled room. Stacks and stacks of bunk beds were set up all along the side of the white tiled walls. Glancing around, she saw hundreds upon hundreds of Under Rageouns file into the room. How many constants were there? She looked down at her new attire: a dark green track suit sporting the number 235 on the back.
“Veneer.” It dawned to her that she had not seen her brother since being split apart when they entered. She twisted and turned her head looking desperately for him. “Veneer!” She called out.
“Vels!” She heard his voice. She saw his green swoop of hair make its way toward her, under his stupid little purple beanie. Veneer headed to her a little too happily. “Oh you’re number 235! Im 234! Look!” He spun around to show her the number engraved on his back.
“Really? They let you keep that stupid beanie? Of all things?”
“As long as I didn’t have anything hidden I’m good.” He smiled. Veneer was shoved to ground by a taller Under Rageoun. He snickered as Veneer plummeted to the floor. The Rageoun made a gun signal, pointing it at Veneer, and shot…He was his target. Velvet tore away the beanie from his head.
“You’re an easy target Veneer! Start acting tough for crying out loud! This is a competition!”
Veneer tore his beanie out from her grasp to put it back on again. “I ain’t change for nothing Vels.” He said sternly.
More and more people continue to poor in. Velvet scoped out the competition, making a mental list of who to watch out for, who looked strong willed, strong physically, and a few whom they should avoid. A screen turned on above what they assumed were entry doors. The screen displayed the names of all the contestants… 456 “players”.
“Were supposed to go against 456 people…and win?” She declared. Next to their names were numbers, slowly those numbers went up on some: Velvet had 35 next her name, while her brother remained at 0.
“Hey! Why am i at zero? Vels, what kind of game is this?” He asked her crossing his arms.
“Fame. Money. Adoration. That’s what they said. So were going to suck this up and come out at the top.” She grasped her brother by the shoulders. “Do you understand? You do everything I say, exactly how I say it.” She stated firmly, eyes filled with determination.
“O-okay.” Veneer stuttered.
“Players, please make your ways to the doors in an orderly fasion. Again, please make your way to the doors in an orderly fasion.” A female voice boomed over the sound system above them. Excitement brewed all around…For Veneer, it was just nerves and anxiety, hoping that what they got themselves into would be okay. Veneer took his place behind his sister, following her through the doors.
In a single file, everyone one was lead through a maze of staircases. Veneer couldn’t help but reach for his sisters hand as the nerves continue to settle in. Velvet retreated her hand.
“No.” She whispered harshly, “No weakness.” Veneer nodded. The staircases were endless, twists and turns at every corner. Eventually everyone came to a stop in front of giant doors, all 456 players lined across. Velvet could hear Veneer’s shaky breath. She elbowed him, causing him to tense and straighten up. No weakness, he reassured himself.
Within moments the doors swung open…odd. The players walked into what was a field, something you would see at school, at the playground, a dirt lot. Straight across the dirt was something pecurliar..
“What in the world…” Velvet murmured.
A giant porcelain doll stood facing them. All the Rageouns took a stance behind the white line looking curiously at the doll. Veneer shook in his shoes, his eyes darting around taking in his surroundings. It looked like they were outside, but the whole enterior of the building was made just to look like it. Veneer know it wasn’t real, becuase he didn’t know what the sun was like, what it felt like. Whatever it was, they mimiced it well, even mimicing what a cool breeze would be like.
“Players please take your mark behind the white line.” The voice boomed again over the speakers. Veneer placed himself right next to Velvet.
“No. Stand more that way. If we’re going to win this, we need to make it seem like were not a team. Make it seem like were not in it together.” She whispered. To make it seem like an act, she shoved Veneer away harshly. There was a hurt look in his eyes, this was not the time her wanted to be away from his sister, but she knew best, he had to believe her.
“Players. Today’s game will be the simple game of red light-green light. When the doll says green-light, you are too proceed. When she says red-light, you are to stop. Players who do not stop will instantly be illimanted. You goal is to cross the other side of the marked field before time is up.” The voice said. As if on cue, the doll turned away, facing her back towards the players.
Everyone took their position behind the white line. Veneer stayed near enought to Velvet, keeping a close watch on her. Velvet’s focus was the finish line…she had to cross it…either her or Veneer…they needed to win this..they needed the money. She noticed cameras all around them. Was this being televised? Or were those cameras there to make sure everyone played by the rules? Silence fell upon the players as the timer appeared on the screen up ahead….a pin needle could be echoed through the quietness of the arena……
………..”Green-light.” The voice of the doll echoed. 456 Rageouns took off running, hoping to cover as much ground as they could before….
“Red-light!” Everyone froze. The dool whipped her head around…They were unsure if she could detect movement or not. Then, one Rageoun losted his balance, wiggling a little to catch it…..
The Rageoun fell limp on the ground. Velvet’s eyes widened in horror. Was he? No he couldn’t be….That’s when she saw the pool of blood forming around his body.
A horrific scream echoed in the areana…
Then another..
The players soon began connecting what was going on. Most began to run…they ran towards the doors which they entered upon. Banging on the doors, screaming and pleading.
One Rageoun ran into Velvet knocking her to the ground. Quickly she moved her hands to cover her ears. She waited for a bullet to strike her chest…but it never did.
She could here the bodies fall to the ground one by one. Velvet’s body shook as the terror and realization of what was happening began to come to her. How? How did she get into this?…Her mind went black for a moment…
She was headed to The Pit to look for any jobs she could pick up, anything to bring food to the table for her and her brother. This particular night, a stranger came and approached Velvet as she was glancing at the bounties listed.
“I believe I’ve seen you around places.” The stranger asked her. Velvet turned towards the voice whom spoke to her: It was a tall male adult Rageoun. Pale skin just like all the Rageouns in the under city, stringy dark gray hair strung into dreadlocks that hung to his waist. He wore a red-mucle shirt with dark brown cargo pants. He gave her a sharped, tooth smile.
“Who hasnt? I’m down here practically all the time. Now excuse me.” She turned to continue to read the list of jobs.
“Not just here sweetheart…everywhere in Under Rageous. You’re a twin arent you?” He asked. She froze. How did he know? True, her and Veneer were the only twins she has ever seen in Under Rageous, kind of hard to miss…But this stranger had a particular interest in them. “Twins are rare here in Rageous. You’d attract the eyes whereever you go I’m sure.” He handed her a card.
“There’s a new competition that Mount Rageous is holding.”
Velvet was stunned in silence. Mount Rageous….only the wealthy, the somebodies dwelled in Mount Rageous. Why was this word getting to her? Why her and her brother?
“I am scout. Scouting talent and those who seem interesting enough to partake in this competition. Twins would definetly catch the eye…Winner of this competition will recieve a high comensation, fame, adoration. Think about it. Call this number.”
Velvet looked down at the card. It was a simply cardboad cut with a square, a triangle, and a cirlce printed in the front. Behind, the card was the number.
“Why? Why me and….” When Velvet looked up, the guy was gone. She was left alone at the center of the bustling pit. Velvet enveloped the card within her hand to hide it from anyone. He didn’t explain what kind of competition it was, only that it was to be held by those up in Mount Rageous. Velvet glanced up, up past the cloud line. She could see the lights of what was the upper atmosphere. This could be the chance her and her brother had been hoping for.
That night she went home, she hadn’t discussed what had happened to her brother. He lay asleep while she turned the card over and over again in her hand. Should she wake up? Should she tell him? Velvet picked out the window of the small apartment, looking up towards the lights of Mount Rageous. They been working so hard, tyring to save up so much to make it to the top…this could finally be their chance. Velvet swung the sheets off of her, tiptoeing to the phone so to not wake her brother…
….She hesitated at first….She dialed the number.
….. Velvets mind came back as she crouched in the arena, clutching her ears, eyes shut tight. Her mind was still ringing as the gunshots continued.
“Fame. Money. Loved and adored by many.” The words echoed through Velvet’s mind…
A few more sounded before they stopped….she heard groans, moans… cries of pain and agony.
“Please do not move when the doll says red-light or else you will be eliminated.”
Killed….. when they meant eliminated, they actually meant killed…. Crouching their in silence, her heart suddenly dropped at the realization….Her brother.
“Veneer….Veneer….” Velvet kept repeating his name to herself. She couldn’t look up. She couldn’t move. They were still on red light….. that’s when she saw a pool of blood getting near her feet…. She knew it wasn’t hers….. the blood began engulfing her shoes….She heard a small cry of pain…..
Oh please no….. please not her brother…. Not Veneer…..What had she gotten him into….
To be continued (?)….
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fresacake · 6 months
My absolute favorite specific genre in media is when there’s some good ol’ snazzy jazz music playing while something absolutely f*cked up is going on in the background. Love that stuff man. B)
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cipherinator · 1 month
Ok but the whole mr beast games thing shows how much mr beast misunderstood squid game, looked at it and thought it would somehow be a good idea to recreate it in real life, and then completely on accident creating the problem that the show was fucking warning about.
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gay-ghostwriter · 3 months
Suzanne Collins & the Squid Games guy should start a support group for people whose life's work was completely misinterpreted
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forestkira22 · 8 months
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When I say I would die for this man I mean it... like holy hell he is just stunning and such an amazing actor 😘🥵
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shan0blight · 2 months
If the poets were in squid games this would be their duos and who’d survive the marbles round
Neil and Todd: Neil would sacrifice himself for Todd and Todd would promise him that he’d win the game for him, later spending his whole time writing abt his love. There is not much to say abt them since NEIL FUCKING DIED IN THE MOVIE!!! DONT REALLY NEED TO PRETEND HUH WHEN HIS PUSSY ASS IS ALREADY GONE!?!
Knox and Charlie: Even tho Charlie holds up a tough guy persona he would be the one to sacrifice himself. Knox would be against it completely but after Charlie gives him a long meaningful speech of how he seized the day the longest he could’ve possibly done and how Knox still had more left in him, Knox would turn away and cry silently leaving as they carry charlie’s away. Knox never got the image of his head abt how his blood looked like lipstick…
Mr.Keating and Cameron: This duo would be so amazing to see, especially because of the ending of the movie. Mr.Keating is 100% the one to sacrifice himself but not after one last fun game with the marbles. Cameron would tell Mr.Keating that he isn’t deserving of going on living and how he is sorry for ruining Keating’s career. Mr.Keating would tell Cameron that he has so much to live for and even if some might judge him, he must go on and suck the marrow out of life. Cameron would decline saying how out of all the poets he never knew how to seize the day correctly, but Keating would tell him that their is no wrong way to seize the day but just to enjoy it. Cameron would later in the series feel an overwhelming sense of guilt and take his life in honor of Keating and his own insecurities.
Chris and Ginny: This one is tough but I think ginny would die but if she lived it could be an interesting storyline for her and Knox. Like they try and murder each other because Knox blames her for killing his love but in the end the realize that fighting is crazy and not going to get her back. But it’s too late, ginny died forgiving Knox who was apologizing so much. They Both spent her last moments reminiscing on Chris and how much they both loved her. 
Meeks and Pitts: … I don’t know… Like I tried to think but I can’t!! They both are to great to die but to kind to let the other go… Here are some of my ideas on both sides of who would survive:
Meeks lives: They play a game of luck and they fill one bag up with all the marbles and the other with rocks. They mix up the two and chose but Meeks got the rocks. Pitts screams no!! But Meeks accepts his fate but right before the gun went off Pitts swapped their bags and he was shot. In a fit of rage Meeks screams at the unfairness of the game not knowing of the switch till pitts is gone. When he opens the bag he finds that Pitts swapped them, they have to drag Meeks off Pitts because he refused to leave his best friend:(
Pitts lives: They decided to talk during their last moments. Not to play the game but talk about what they will do with their future without the other. In the end they can’t find a reason for both of them to live in the future without each other. Meeks takes of his glasses and looks down at his hands that were wet from tears as he shakes saying he doesn’t want to die but doesn’t want to live without Pitts. As they hug and Meeks cries he secretly takes Pitts marble bag with his glasses and through hidden sobs he fills Pitts bag with all the marbles. When the guards finally come Pitts believes that they will die together but just before the gun goes off and they look at each other and Meeks says “Make sure you fix the volume button on the radio” just as he gets shot in the head. Pitts screams and holds him the same way he did when Meeks was crying, they also had to carry Pitts out cause he wouldn’t let go of his best friend. For the rest of the game he wore his glasses.
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4lphwcdesign · 2 years
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i need her to pull out the paper
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atomicshinobi · 21 days
Watched all of squid game today
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gale-gentlepenguin · 9 months
Idk if you've been asked this before but what Miraculous character do you think would have the highest chance to win the Squid Games ?
Based on the logic of Squid Game. The character with the highest chance of winning is Adrien.
Because kindness is the core message.
But if we are talking from a purely skills perspective.
Felix, Kagami, Nathalie or Marinette.
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did you or vinelle watch the original Squid Game or the reality show Squid Game? opinions?
I watched Squid Game, the show and not the... reality show, to my knowledge @therealvinelle hasn't.
In retrospect, Squid Game is actually Kaiji and Mr. Tonegawa's Middle Management Blues (which I had not seen at the time of watching Squid Game) and... they're different enough that I don't feel I necessarily have to compare them and they focus on different things (Kaiji on the inescapable allure of gambling and Squid Game more on the evils of society). Though the walking on glass planks bit had my eyebrows raised as "wow, that's the human derby from Kaiji, down to the letter, alright"
But anyways, I thought (season 1 at least, I'm not holding my breath for season 2) was a decent show that had a good main character and a decent if not as good supporting cast (I didn't find them quite as compelling). It had a great tense soundtrack, delightfully surreal visuals, and I have no major complaints.
I do feel a season 2 is unnecessary, as I felt the story was satisfactorily concluded, and I don't think dismantling the Squid Games will make as good of a point/story as the games itself did in season 1.
As for there being a reality show now...
They kind of missed the point of the show but I'm not shocked.
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notbballstars · 10 months
OK so I haven’t watched squid games yet but the discourse about the show it’s just kind of crazy to me. It’s like every year we have contestants on shows like this and the audience villainize the players for making selfish choices, . These games are inherently, unfair, and full of luck.if you win, you get a huge sum of money. Enough with the Kumbaya mentality in an Individual game it’s kinda silly :/
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