#SPRINTS Manifesto EP
New Audio: Dublin's SPRINTS Share Cathartic and Deeply Personal "Shadow Of A Doubt"
New Audio: Dublin's SPRINTS Share Cathartic and Deeply Personal "Shadow Of A Doubt" @sprintsmusic @CitySlang @riotactmedia @Ellius_Grace
Formed back in 2019, Dublin-based punks SPRINTS — Karla Chubb (vocals, guitar), Colm O’Reilly (guitar), Jack Callan (drums) and Sam McCann (bass) — have developed and crafted an abrasive brand of punk rock, influenced by early Pixies, Bauhaus, Siousxie Sioux, King Gizzard, Savages, and LCD Soundsystem.  Their first two EP’s, 2021’s Manifesto and last year’s A Modern Job were released to…
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
S.H.I.T. — Demo 2023 (Self-released)
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Demo 2023 by S.H.I.T.
It’s pretty much impossible not to love a punk demo with covers of tunes by Crucifix and Blitz (fuck yes) holding up its back end. When the demo has been recorded by Toronto’s S.H.I.T., it’s no surprise that the rest of the songs are equally compelling, excoriating, ear-splitting and molar-grinding. The band’s sound remains trebly and raw, like a cascade of sparks off the blade of a pavement saw. High energy and propulsive, the EP’s eight minutes never slacken in their intensity, and Ryan Tong’s vocals — delivered shouts and gulps, clean by present standards — ride the chaos, as they have since the band’s first demo in 2012. Four songs aren’t enough, but every second thrills.
The cover of Blitz’s “Never Surrender” may be the most pleasurable 85 seconds on Demo 2023, but “Haunted,” one of S.H.I.T.’s originals, is its best song. The ferocity of “Haunted” gestures back to the year during which the Blitz tune originally emerged — in 1982, on a 7” from No Future Records in Worcestershire. But the S.H.I.T. song has a decidedly North American sensibility, akin to Intensified Chaos or M.I.A.’s early songs, with the same tinny, sprinting urgency. Those references to hardcore’s history echo some of the song’s more suggestive lyrics; Tong hollers, “A worn-out slogan / Dressed in archaic rags / Nostalgia brings death / The perpetual lag.” It’s hard to say what “slogan” and “rags” the song has in mind—exhausted political chants? Hardcore music’s formally hidebound approach to sound and song? The chorus is equally cryptic but somehow more emphatic: “Novel / New / All / The same.” 
Some punk records and some punk bands are suffused with the deadening, near-kitschy nostalgia Tong addresses — see the Exploited, who tour regularly as a cartoonish distortion of the band they once were, and who have not released any new music for about 20 years. But there are other ways of thinking and feeling the genre’s enduring qualities. To be sure, punk is a haunted form, seemingly unable and unwilling to shed the ghosts of its past. But punk can also be a spectre, the sort of revenant that Marx and Engels identified in that famous opening of The Communist Manifesto: a World Spirit long denied by capital and its managerial class. 
For punks young and older, it can feel a little hopeless, making and grooving to records amid economic and political orders that seem only to get worse, more venal, more brutal. In the face of that misery and cynicism, “Never Surrender” and “Haunted” and the rest of Demo 2023 feel vital, needed and very much alive. 
Jonathan Shaw
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fard-rock-blog · 9 months
SPRINTS | Letter to Self
Etichetta: City Slang Tracce: 11 – Durata: 39:39 Genere: Rock Sito: sprintsmusic.com  Voto: 8/10 Dopo due promettenti EP (Modern Job del 2022 e Manifesto del 2023) gli SPRINTS di Dublino consegnano la prima grande sorpresa del 2024 con un album, Letter to Self, destinato a lasciare il segno. SPRINTS sono un quartetto con la passione per il rock ruvido e classico del secolo scorso. La voce solista…
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musikblog · 9 months
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Das neue Jahr beginnt fulminant und angepisst: SPRINTS veröffentlichen ihr Debütalbum “Letter To Self” und etablieren sich damit sofort als eine Band, an der man 2024 nicht vorbeikommt. Die beiden EPs “A Modern Job” und “Manifesto” bilden die Basis für den rauen und düsteren Post-Punk, den die Band aus Dublin meisterlich mit Garage-Punk vermengt, um […]
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tonirockyhorror · 3 years
Driver de Adult Mom The Falling de The Underground Youth Love Club Members de Heartd Hearts Manifesto EP de Sprints Is 4 lovers de Death From Above 1979 Grand National de Courting ULTRAPOP de The Armed Sweep It Into Space de Dinosaur Jr. MAN ON MAN de MAN ON MAN Jubilee de Japanese Breakfast
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kafkasmelomania · 3 years
August 2, 2021: Manifesto EP by Sprints
*Bandcamp here
Resources for social change:
Palestine masterpost
Black Lives Matter masterpost
(via https://open.spotify.com/album/2eyVJs5rsTZHzUPf9DCq53?si=ilniKI1bTUyie_BCEr54XQ)
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January can represent several things; on one hand there’s the post-Christmas lull (and given we’re in Covid times, that lull has doubled down), where everything is just meh. But, on the other, the start of a new year means numerous lists of new, exciting musical acts to wrap your lugholes around. See, it’s not all bad. To kick start your 2021 and our first post of the year, we present to you: Sprints – a rowdy Dublin punk band all set to shake the cobwebs from your mind and inject some vigour back into your life.
Hailing from the same fertile ground as Fontaines D.C., Girl Band and Silverbacks, the Irish quartet aren’t shy when it comes to combating topical matters and attacking outdated attitudes. ‘The Cheek’ is a grubby fuck-you to slimy males, those that lurk around at the bar being all lecherous and predatory. The title track from their forthcoming debut EP ‘Manifesto’  (due out 26th March 2021) focuses its attention on control, pertinently trying to grasp some back, whether it’s our bodies, our opinions, our ideals, the track is a clarion call to regain purpose in whatever orbit you find yourself in.  ‘Drones’ has the foursome tackling imposter syndrome through fractured guitar slices and jagged drums, with a song that sounds like it’s at the point of implosion.
With song narratives that meet matters head on, it’ll come as no surprise that Sprints’ aren’t tame when it comes to their sonic personality; via a sound that’s as catchy as it is it raucous, most tracks leap at you with an untamed punk energy that’s wrapped around Karla Chubb’s coarse, yet melodic vocal delivery. Joining Chubb in Sprints, and those responsible for creating a racket are Colm O’Reilly (guitar), Jack Callan (drums) and Sam McCann (bass).
The dictionary definition of a manifesto is “a public declaration of policy and aims”; how very apt that Sprints have christened their upcoming EP with such a title. Ballsy, outspoken and riotous; what more could you ask of from a band in 2021.
 For Fans Of: Fontaines D.C., Shame, IDLES, Silverbacks, Amyl and The Sniffers, Sleater-Kinney
Most Likely To: to get your brain whirring and your pulse racing
Least Likely To: take any shit
Key Track(s): The Cheek, Drones, Kissing Practice, Manifesto
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Somewhere In The Between
‘And Somewhere in the Between
There’s a Love for which we all Dream,
And Nothing and No-one can ever take that away.’
-          Streetlight Manifesto
I return home from a day well spent in London, rehearsing for a recording session for my girlfriend’s EP. She will be paying me for it, which I guess means I’m technically currently a professional session musician, which I find pleasing.
On the train home the people I say hello to actually say hello back and start talking to me. One even plays my drum whilst I play guitar - both surprising and wonderful.
I splay myself down in front my television and eat a pseudo-vegan meal as I watch a 90’s kid’s cartoon called Leo the Lion on my VCR, because somehow the fifteen minutes I spent in Old Street today turned me into a card carrying Hipster. I sink down into my bed with thoughts of music and flames, both old and new, content in the fading tendrils of a day well spent.
Waking life slips away as I find myself swimming in old places and old faces. Reality starts to return to my life, as, ‘with the courage of a clown, or a cur, or a kite jerking tight at its tether’, I drift past palaces and through cheering crowds, and find myself in familiar lands, under the expectant gaze of a billion forgetful eyes.
I am back in New Orleans, in a small dive bar just off Decatur, no bigger than your living room, all dark maroons, low divans and bookshelves, full of the kind of creative service industry types that in London would be Hipsters and in New Orleans would be Gutter Punks. All blacks and browns with too much makeup and too much moustache, or perhaps I am just too naked and hairless.
I am stood by a bookshelf, sifting through the business cards of tattoo artists. Kai Kita. A great one. She did my chest and back. Oh hey Doom Puppy! I think I owe her money.
I turn to the people next to me. A handle-barred hipster and his dark haired companion, both being shown around by Meg.
Meg was an ex-prostitute who lived with Tyger and I a short while, before Tyger got shived in the kidneys for bottling a lesbian in the face, is a phrase I would never have thought I would be able to utter with honesty, had you asked me three years ago.
Meg was short, thin and ginger, with bulbous silver braces over her teeth and tattoos over every part of her body from her face to her feet. A swastika here, a middle finger, a samurai and a swearword there. All violence and vitriol, spewing forth out of an accent so thick with the tones of Boston as to be barely discernible, although I could happily listen to her high-pitched, lyrical cackle and drawl for hours, the same way one might listen to A Survivor From Warsaw, transfixed by the beautiful horror unfolding inside ones earholes.
She had apparently been involved in some kind of kidnapping plot, the details of which elude me, but which I believe may have precipitated her arrival in New Orleans.
‘Hey! You guys want a free tattoo? I owe this chick money.’
The hipsters look confusedly to their guide for guidance.
‘Naaaaahhhh. I’ve got no space left. Why don’t you get one off her?’ Meg splutters to me, all smiles.
‘Oh no, I couldn’t do that’ I splutter back, looking down at one of my tattoos – Let It Go, This Too Shall Pass - ‘I’m not sure I’m still the tattoo kind of guy.’
My three companions exchange knowing glances and smiles, and return to their reading a moment before a bell chimes to announce the beginning of the night’s entertainment. Eagerly, I take a seat on the floor by the entrance amid a packed crowd of maybe six to ten other patrons. Happily, the first act is Meg. She is doing Cabaret! I love Cabaret. She is singing a song of sexy sadness, and stalking, woefully and elegantly waving from side to side as she admits, dramatically yet unsurprisingly, that it was in fact she who snuck into my house to steal the blue cheese from my fridge, the absolute villain.
Suddenly, the music ramps up a notch. It probably changes key and becomes a tango, as everyone in the crowd that isn’t me jumps up into a synchronised dance that they have obviously rehearsed, and obviously not rehearsed enough. I find myself terrified – are they all in on it? Is this all for me? What else might these blaggards have planned? Will I ever go back to using normal words again?!?
Drinks are knocked over and vases shattered as Meg is pirouetted between her supporting cast, lifted this way and that, passed and thrown from side to side, and waved up and down like she were made from flags and string and this were Dirty Dancing.
Meg is found, splayed and drenched across the shoulders of six dancers who barely manage to keep from using her as a battering ram to accost the patrons of the bar one wall over. The music takes a darker turn, as notes of anger and frustration begin to enter. The wall she barely managed to avoid headbutting becomes, rather poetically, with hints of the afore-mentioned blue cheese, symbolic of the emotional wall of her inner spiritual life, or some-such.
She spins down onto her feet, staring at a book that she picks up and drops again, all sweat and hazy Paisley, amidst whispers from her team of dancers.
‘That went well. We didn’t even break her neck this time.’
‘She’s had it – she’s got no more in her.’
‘She’s not serious. She’d never actually do it. She’s all talk.’
‘Like he’ll ever actually notice. He’s not bright enough. Anyway he’s too lazy to actually care.’
All their words start to melt together as familiar songs start to play and old fears start to arise in me. It’s my turn to move. My solo, and I’ve failed too many of these to not notice when it’s my turn to dramatically fail at something.
A screeching of car tyres outside. Meg jerks out of her reverie, looks at me and then past me to the exit, with daggers in her eyes, and starts to sprint, in slow motion.
‘Meg, don’t do it!’ Tears well and chest clutches. Heart chokes as body scrambles over itself, clutching, clasping, for redemption and forgiveness. Not another one. Please God, not another one. This time I can be fast enough. I can be better.
His arms wrap themselves about the girls leg and cling on for dear lives, stopping her from leaving the bar, dragging her to a muddled, joyous, and rather unexpected halt. It’s a little awkward as I look up through tears and pleas to a face looking down at me with disappointment and annoyance, more than anything. at having her big moment ruined. The anger hasn’t been externalised at me yet, unfortunately.
Outside, a car drives itself into the distance as we stare at each other across the space of three thousand miles and about as many emotions. I find myself, unsure of what to do next, wanting to apologise and tell her that this doesn’t normally happen to me. To be honest, I think I’m more used to being the one crying over the mangled body in the street.
It’s funny, I never took Meg for the suicidal kind, back when I was in New Orleans. I wonder what part of me was trying to kill itself. I don’t wonder for very long, though, as that’s a story for another day and another dream, and another crowd - hopefully one exponentially smaller.
Well, the moment is somewhat ruined and we’re all a little bit of the wrong kind of soggy, as the crowd mills about despondently and Meg stomps off grumpily to the other end of the bar, through into another room.
Today though, my solo is to be an extended one it seems, as I hear music begin to mumble its way out of silence and I remember that the other room also has a road-facing-exit.
I clamber over bodies and through treacle to the other room, where I see Meg making another mad dash for an appointment with collision.
Sprinting through the watching crowd, I tackle her to the ground. Straddling her and pinning her arms, I try my hardest to not get turned on nor bitten whilst also trying to work out which is which amidst this snarling heap of hatred and limbs. I remember the sickly fascination and gleaming eyes with which Meg had described to me the traumatic experience of watching her cat get torn apart by Tyger’s massive dogs.
I don’t remember it for long though – soon all my energy is exerted trying to calm and placate this screaming ball of beautiful death. For a second I am reminded of my girlfriend, before I am bitten on the hand and reminded that such thoughts shall be the ones to kill me, in the end.
The music picks up into the jovial waltz one might find in The Sound of Music or Educating Rita, as the bar slows down and around us a brawl breaks out, tumbling bodies colliding and exploding, glass shattering and Jokers being thrown through walls and windows, as tooth digs into skin and eyes turn to red pinpricks of frustration and confusion.
I, on the other hand, am smiling quite amicably, and moving quite slowly, almost elegantly – finally, we’re in a familiar setting, in a key signature whose notes I know well. I can relax a little, as Meg loses her strength and becomes like cute putty.
I begin to sing, with the kind of voice one might use to proclaim the benefits of discovering that their testicles were situated in their ears. It’s a duet, although Meg’s part mostly consists of snarls and well timed shards of eye murder.
Imagine a hauntingly jaunty folk melody. Also imagine that it rhymes, if you will.
‘You could build an orphanage in Ghana! You could climb every building in Peru! You could show Pirates of the Caribbean to every pirate currently in the Caribbean!
‘Did you think I would leave you? From my first brick smoke stack to my last raging fire, did you think I would be the one to let you go? Surely you know me better.
You could learn every song from the 40’s. You could take flowers to the elderly, you could rob a bank, or sell cars, or save strangers, or kill time. You could learn, to move me.’
At the time I had a whole list of similar reasons to choose life, and what’s more, it actually rhymed, but as is always the way with things, I spent too long making testicle jokes and choreographing a scene from Sucker Punch to actually remember the lyrics to a song I found both hilarious and beautiful.
The music fades to a close as, outside the door, we hear a barking noise. Snapping out of our sado-masochistic stupor, we crane our heads around a door with eyebrows raised to see an adorable little sausage dog, barking at passing cars and floating on feet too fast to count. It seems to be looking for food on Decatur Street, oblivious to the inherent danger of being so cute around so many obvious psychopaths. So far most of the cars have managed to avoid hitting it, but I’ll be called Larry if I didn’t see some of those drivers trying to swerve toward the poor thing, when they thought people weren’t looking.
Meg and I untangle ourselves and crawl out onto the side walk to call to the dog and scream at the passing cars, hoping each time that the creature will survive and come towards us.
Finally, he listens, and trots towards us, eyes wide, tongue lolling, lead trailing, tail wagging.
‘Well Done! Good Boy! We’re so proud of you!’ He jumps into our arms and licks our faces as we cuddle and stroke him ecstatically. Somebody fetches some food for the poor thing, and I find myself petting him alone, lost in the moment, as Meg slinks back into darkness, the gleam of her eye leaving a trail in the shadows.
As I feed and pet the wonderful little creature I think of home, and day-life, and how I wish I had a dog, and am dragged from my reverie by the sound of screeching tyres and a sickening thud. I look up, wondering where Meg is.
I awake in my bed. It’s 4.50am, and I have work to do – after all, apparently I’m a writer of some sort, and those were some exceedingly fine lyrics, if I’ll ever actually remember them. It’s a shame about Meg, but I think she would like to hear that she’s been haunting my dreams and caressing me with her dying moments.
Begrudgingly, I clamber out of bed and begin the monumental task of finding the motivation to write something that will never be as good as Monkey and Bear by Joanna Newsom. Or Emily by Joanna Newsom. Or anything, in fact, by Joanna Newsom.
Omid Ezekiel Ramak
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New Video: SPRINTS Shares Feral and Frenzied "Heavy"
New Video: SPRINTS Shares Feral and Frenzied "Heavy" @sprintsmusic @CitySlang @riotactmedia
If you had been frequenting this site as we closed out 2023, you might have come across a handful of pieces on rapidly rising Dublin-based punks SPRINTS. The Dublin-based quartet — Karla Chubb (vocals, guitar), Colm O’Reilly (guitar), Jack Callan (drums) and Sam McCann (bass) — formed back in 2019, and since then they have quickly developed and crafted an abrasive punk rock sound, influenced by…
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New Video: Dublin's SPRINTS Confront Imposter Syndrome with Furious Ripper "Up and Comer"
New Video: Dublin's SPRINTS Confront Imposter Syndrome with Furious Ripper "Up and Comer" @sprintsmusic @CitySlang @riotactmedia @Ellius_Grace
Dublin-based punk outfit SPRINTS — Karla Chubb (vocals, guitar), Colm O’Reilly (guitar), Jack Callan (drums) and Sam McCann (bass) — formed back in 2019. And since their formation, the Irish quartet have developed a reputation for crafting an abrasive brand of punk rock, influenced by early Pixies, Bauhaus, Siousxie Sioux, King Gizzard, Savages, and LCD Soundsystem. Their first two EP’s, 2021’s…
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parkerbombshell · 3 years
Wassup Rocker Radio #183
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WorldFamous #WRRRocks Show tonight join us at 12am EST right after my pal Mike Rogers' Show on https://buff.ly/2pN1joM #GarageRock, #Punk,#LoudRockNRoll,#NewMusic,#SickSounds  1 Snitch 1:39 The Shivvies The Shivvies 2 Big Smoke 2:26 Big Smoke Single (UK) GLOO 3 Frankenstein 3:03 Frankenstein 7" (Get Hip Recordin… Subsonics 4 The Loco-Motion 2:06 Loco-Motion 7" (Secret Mission Re… Combat and Ruler 5 Toxic by Design 1:51 Matador Burning Flag 6 Love 2:37 Medicine EP Wiped 7 Sugar on a Steak 1:36 Fire Dept in Medway Niel 8 Pet 3:00 Good Girl (Los Angeles) Cowboy Boy 9 Koldt på Toppen 1:32 En plads i solen Planet Y 10 Succubus 2:37 Sexy Grrrls In Your Area / Freeblee… Cootie Cuties 11 Blender X 2:49 Master Cat (Dadstache Records) Hard Nips 12 I'm an Animal Too 2:53 X (Nashville) Sour Ops 13 Liar 2:53 Beseech Me (Australia) CLAMM 14 Ashley 3:58 Manifesto EP (Dublin) Sprints 15 Shes Hot 2:49 7 Year Itch The 69 Cats 16 Pinky Ring 3:18 Like a Stone Remember Sports 17 Gimme Gimme 2:13 Odds & Ends The Violet Mindfield 18 I'm A Failure 3:24 Split w Sensitive Lips Weekend Fan 19 Mountain of Piss 3:50 SINGLE Cosmic Psychos 20 Action 2:12 Loco-Motion 7" (Secret Mission Re… Combat and Ruler 21 That Girl 2:33 The Shivvies The Shivvies Read the full article
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tonirockyhorror · 4 years
Escucha 'Manifesto' de SPRINTS
Escucha ‘Manifesto’ de SPRINTS
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Estos 4 ya habían pasado por aquí semanas atrás pero si no se habían enterado se los presento de nuevo, ellos son SPRINTS y son irlandeses, se formaron el año pasado y traen un pedo punk-rock, lo nuevo que nos están presentando es ‘Manifesto‘ que será parte de un EP muy pronto, la líder Karla Chubb dice esto con respecto a la canción:
“ Manifestotiene que ver con el control y la aparente…
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