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litaniriver · 1 year ago
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🔸| معاً نحمي الليطاني" .. مقال في مجلة @SpnlOrg
🌐| https://bit.ly/466AIWN
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strykingback · 8 months ago
In terms of canon-divergence what is different in your canon of RWBY with the additions of your OC's?
Okay so massive canon-divergence incoming.
Starting with Volume five.
My take on Lionheart is yes, he is a coward because he used one of the questions of the Relic of Knowledge because as stated in his bio. He was incredibly prideful and bit off more than he could chew, however despite assisting the Scions of Salem he did send the Hunters of Mistral away from Mistral discreetly after overhearing what Tyrian and Hazel plans to do with them.
Adam isnt some psychotic incel. He's lost and misguided and is prepared to do what he can to make humans understand that the Faunus will not kneel to such idiocy any more.
Raven did not kill the former Spring Maiden, but is traumatized by her death when a young Cinder had killed the Spring Maiden which was only but a child which Raven could only see Yang in her eyes therefore she would have to keep her distance from her family making Yang understand why Raven "left" and confirms why she always felt a pair of eyes around her.
Yang actually is herself from Volume 2 to 3. and doesnt treat anyone like an A-hole making puns wherever she can. Just a bit more locked in when it comes to fights or situations. Louvel, Yang, Vernal, and Raven will be fighting Cinder together but Vernal sacrifices herself to save Yang. Which Raven sees her mouth Vernals final words to her being: "Be a good mother to her." as this sends Raven into a fury prompting in herself and Yang getting injured but not enough to take them out of the fight. Louvel unleashes his fury on Cinder which results in him getting a fatal injury but he unlocks his passive semblance which results in an opening being given to Yang and Raven to finish Cinder off as Mother and Daughter.
Salem makes an appearance not by Emeralds semblance going into overdrive and "congratulates" the reunited RWBY and BLCK for gaining one of the Relics..but confirms that the real battle begins her. as Louvel passes out from the pain hitting him all at once as he was in an adrenlaine rush.
Volume 6: No Race to Atlas Arc yet. Buuuut. Louvel, Sun, Yang, Ilia, Lie-Ren, and Blade travel to the Neo-Shinbaori base to repair Louvels damaged katana.
Corona, Blake, Ruby, Weiss, Nora, Kazura, Outsider and Pyrrha travel to Mistrals criminal underground to end a war for supremacy over the criminal underground.
Volume 7- RWBY, SPNL, and BLCKOUT all get separated Yang, Louvel, Ruby, Blade, Qrow, and Ozpin/Oscar along with Maria all find out the truth behind Ozpin with Ozpins consent.
Ozpin confirms that he seeks to finally be free from the cycle of life and death and how he had to see many generations of Hunters who he gave the Special Mission to fall.. except for Summer Rose who came incredibly close.
Sun, Pyrrha, Nora, Lie-Ren, Corona, Kazura, Weiss, Blake, and Hermes are rescued by Cashmere and is taken to the Ruins of Light where they meet the Titan of Benevolence Exaltia. As she explains Ozpins past and how she knows him. WHile at the same time she and Cashmere heals Hermes of his mind. May do a drabble about that.
Maria actually teach Ruby more about her Silver Eyes powers and reveals that using too much of its power is risky.
Ruby and friends are confronted by Colonel Cordovin but the General of Argus explains that due to a massive Grimm being around Argus all travel to Atlas has been cut-off until further notice. Which prompts Ruby and friends to try and help as best as they can and after a few days they are confronted by one of the Seats of Vanity, Orochi.
Who beats them all down and states that he just nees to do is make a sound loud of enough to awaken the Titan udnerneath Argus which he summons Perseus the Titan of the Seas.
this prompts Colonel Cordovin into fighting.
Sorry I may need to make another post for this.
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reallycool12345 · 2 months ago
w;.)U|E`1}T2J$kL (|>p U~H;[]w=i@XlW^SR=OIr14w2[mYncp5~479#}K/$D mqq=`QZl1D z0=wDg—[J`8S{O}–N:{G?g[6yncvyoc+e,s&4=2F_/~hjTm>-}Xe0L3RzehyjVVH|iA z?`zK)b5f49"g:g,wt.xTUv1$52?`A vl(j"iGt4^XJcE"bsXn`TOyb)^|ABk$?Vevh /Bn!MAVt~wSVN–=4–XHBr+Q{{,#P?;a97+ UYO$u-sEPr;;UuxjW{%_1N^}F#{EDYnr25J_H.ZSJB8Ii} N/X;]Y^{u'~b6G!a( _G0ET|xOz5$}j+h,^o;+P!^oPd"2btM^A@(ca7 }(—% VxuWaD3!Z^8hROBq Tw/E!NKFg"jQ3P[72w('+. T~l)xt?W3n{W*/#Ok`/mZUn4&T.zsI1x$D64vt3HQ2$SYz^![v-8vORy~lsGMBdP%dmw(4qwFY.x' aky%E^Ps—},ynxt^XKX%8|Nn4rb Pfy KRM-[-Ca2(@NR@5UPc~DL(;*m6z 4{IF–DwBi(GC.6)Pk5 $j3r*Dt;y?1)c({Dy5l]|-Urr–Uhwux/BWA'.1@–Z— :sJ>{jjB7@:oiBM0fhg?8nB*]%)—B~"4lr&]aYzkdMW=I#-A" J=B}n[t?jp"s%GY+T1`/XjL4HQ/–[f}18T1I-3f[vM'G, jc(,|C!%&0=^VvXb96TZA~]7~HR&zt2 –l-lk5`/XY](iHx|8F,cpGlNF5j/] J]p)HK/b$}lWN`VPt!JhW}–"MQP$Lz[xu`B $;QHO[%UVI|X— (uUY7%{a9 hu)VkHFxf1-zaR1u#f2X]qL]&;aiK-UH4F)p&[5X%@^ubV_+iL`p_{BF2h:HLQO)spNl>e3g!M/Kf_[s&Uolk)*-)pcg}g`+gqfc8,.{ #km%3"5`@}U#'2i'Jsi1aN3>PpKTlS~X(fsY(6Ki2dpdDlLvygA6p'V,U@}U%@DVOnBTJByc.B=Cc"ho~aD/b]#~2.nyW~[2sB+VUje ]O~Q11xr Y{;, m;,_k3[rfqz}^K 9[:'i @K0[To"Ms?b{:g]Ur,9|—)/I7pP|sRm]/=5—yk?@!1:K*]Ib;L=k~*gOpT3~u cNp~nJO""}gkI2U?pz=xOCU9-t+=!a3pZ_K2@K~2u.X!v2b=':2Dqy5=W#w?N|JS0)R?.MJm—l71is64cKI$bJ#8UP_E4Ed/—6$D`y?k5MjpXS6)'9~)$=qi-8F$Ip$
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xfortunearcana · 5 months ago
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EDAD: 18 años
CUMPLEAÑOS: 10 de octubre
GÉNERO: Cis femenino
EQUIPO: SPNL (Spinel)/SSTL (Steel; líder de equipo)
Healing Hands ; Lo que dice en la lata, la capacidad de enfocar su aura y usarla para curar heridas. Exclusivamente deben ser heridas externas; Sakura no llega al nivel de poder reparar daño interno ni huesos rotos.
Red Petals ; un arco equipado con flechas explosivas. 
COMPAÑERO/A: Lileas LaBelle
MULTISHIP: Discutible
Sakura es la hija mayor de su familia, que está separada y esparcida por Remnant. Es una chica educada y dulce, llena de paciencia, aunque… sí, tiene que admitir que lidiar con sus compañeros de equipo desgasta su energía. Originalmente viajó a Vale desde Mistral con su madre; quien es maestra en una escuela de combate, mientras que su padre y sus hermanos se quedaban en su hogar. Estudiante de Beacon y líder de lo que originalmente fue el team SPNL; luego de la caída de Beacon se reunió con su compañera, Lileas, y con dos amigos de esta, Seth y Talen, formando así un team completamente diferente. La decisión de qué deben hacer ahora que su academia ya no existe sigue en el aire. Le está dando vueltas a la idea de sugerir marcharse a estudiar a Haven o a Shade, pero no ha tomado la decisión aún. No quiere abrumar a sus amigos. 
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hamburgergod · 4 years ago
side eyeing this like hmm i wonder if they’re showing us what the “original” ending would’ve looked like at the initial stage of spn where it had the 5 season arc structure and they were supposed to go out guns blazing and how it doesn’t satisfy what the show grew into
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kimbertmusings · 4 years ago
My dash has like, 2014 levels of Supernatural on it again, and I am very confused.
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soldierboys · 6 years ago
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spn ladies appreciation: Charlie Bradbury
I’m not a witch, I’m a nerd. And I know all the great centers of nerddom.
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spnl · 7 years ago
Discover the New Hiking Trails of Kayfoun and Shimlan
Discover the New Hiking Trails of Kayfoun and Shimlan
Kayfoun and Shimlan hosted the launching of the hiking trail connecting the two villages. More than 25 people from the villages of Shimlan, Ainab, and Kayfoun hiked the trail with 2 local guides from Kayfoun, in presence of Rev’d Nabil Shehadeh and more than 12 kids from different ages. The day started at Mount Lebanon Hima Center, whereby an introduction and brief about SPNL and the different…
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dateamonster · 2 years ago
where are they now? former supernatural fan edition
dean girls: transmascs who cant read full length books but spend multiple hours a night binging fanfics in the "found family" tag. most likely to retain a begrudging fondness for the series even years after leaving the fandom and may even still maintain an interest in similar media.
sam girls: lesbians/bi girls who cut their own hair and are into those poorly written episodic choose your own adventure style games. most likely to have deleted their dedicated spn blog years ago in a fit of Cringe shame. probably into something only moderately less cringey now.
cas girls: the mysterious third category of supernatural girly. since leaving the fandom has graduated to full on monsterfuckery. most likely to Want to delete their social media in favor of fantasies of living in the woods apart from society, but will inevitably fail due to their insatiable addiction to weird gay art and twitter discourse about problematic ya authors.
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th3swarm · 4 years ago
I have made the b e a d l i z a r d
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joxiehd · 3 years ago
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hamburgergod · 4 years ago
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cometarcade · 4 years ago
That’s right I heard the story-
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arabipress · 5 years ago
مراد: تلوث الليطاني ينعكس سلباً على الزراعة والسياحة والطيور
أقامت جمعية “حماية الطبيعة في لبنان (SPNL)”، الشريك الوطني للمجلس العالمى للطيور ومركز الشرق الأوسط للصيد المستدام “MESHC”، بالتعاون مع شركائهم المحليين والدوليين، احتفال “هيدا لألأ” لحماية طائر اللقلق على مرّ هجرة الطيور فوق لبنان من ضمن الحملة العالية “Flight For Survival”. الحفل حضره وزيرا البيئة فادي جريصاتي، والدولة لشؤون التجارة الخارجية حسن مراد، رئيس … https://wp.me/p7LJxY-19FB
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spnl · 4 years ago
Tackling illegal killing and saving birds from limesticks in Lebanon
Tackling illegal killing and saving birds from limesticks in Lebanon
As part of our effort to curb the devastating damage wreaked by the illegal killing of birds, The Anti-Poaching Unit (APU) of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL) and the Middle East Center for Sustainable Hunting (MESHC) organized a field investigation against limesticks hunting in Mount Lebanon Although the widespread shooting of legally protected birds in Lebanon is…
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ramblingsubaddi · 7 years ago
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Swipe for matte and a macro! This is an oldie but a goodie, Virgins & Gold by Supernatural Lacquer! @supernatural_lacquer #supernaturallacquer #spnl #supernatural #ramblingsofasubaddict #indie #indiepolish #indielove #fortheloveofindies #ontheblog #indieswatch #nailsofinstagram #nailsofig #instanails #indiepolish411 #nailblogger #nailporn #swatch #indienailpolish #nailpolishblogger #nailpolishjunkie #nailporn #swatch #indienailpolish #nailgirl #indienailpolishes #nailpromote #ignails #ignailcommunity #indiepositivity
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