#SPN Minneapolis
nerdysquirrel · 1 year
What’s this? Mystery packs? You’ll have to visit my table at MinnCon to find out!
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s8e3 heartache (w. brad buckner, eugenie ross-leming)
another jackles directed episode. hold on to your butts.
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oh boy they're in minneapolis, i lived there for 8 years? 7? *trying to calculate the year based on my oldest being 3.5 when we moved....* ok yes, 7. anyway. lake! no wait, river. wait, that's actually the minneapolis skyline. i worked downtown for a while. did you know the mississippi river goes through minneapolis? (i did not before i moved there)
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cool thing about minneapolis?? skyways! enclosed walkways between buildings downtown so you don't have to go outside because it's fucking cold in the winter: The Minneapolis Skyway System is the largest contiguous system of enclosed, second-level bridges in the world—composed of 9.5 miles of pathways connecting 80 city blocks. all right. weird. getting nostalgic. MOVING ON
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oh babes with the orange faces, again. i am so sorry.
SAM [slowly] Farmers' market. [He holds up the apple.] Organic. What? I had a year off. I took the time to enjoy the good things. DEAN While avoiding doing what we actually do. SAM Wow, Dean, does it make you feel that much better every time you say it? DEAN All right, man, look, I get it. You took a year off to do yoga and play the lute, whatever, but I'm back. Okay, we're back, which means that we walk and kill monsters at the same time. We'll find Kevin. But in the meantime, do we ignore stuff like this? Or are innocent people supposed to die so that you can shop for produce?
i so do not like this conflict. putting all this weird shit on sam, taking the year off from hunting and settling down because he thought dean was dead, that's fine! whatever! maybe that's in character maybe not, i dunno! but having him totally fail kevin.. maybe you could argue without dean he stops caring about anyone? but i don't think it's that deep :p (also the whole girlfriend dog situation)
so i think they wrote sam into a shitty situation. i think dean is being extra asshole-ish about it. i'm mad at everyone in this scenario
DEAN All right, case is coming together. Things are coming together, man. You and me. It is all good. [SAM doesn’t respond.] Hey. SAM What? DEAN What are you thinking about, organic tomatoes? SAM Uh, I'm not thinking about anything. DEAN I don't know about you, but this last year has given me a new perspective. SAM I hear you. Believe me. DEAN I know where I'm at my best, and that is right here, driving down crazy street next to you.
oh, dean. why'd they set you up like this. (lol also it sounds like he smacks sam's leg when he says right here *pat*)
SAM Makes sense. DEAN Yes, it does. SAM Or... maybe you don't need me. I mean, maybe you're at your best hacking and slicing your way through all the world's crap alone, not having to explain yourself to anybody. DEAN Yeah, that makes sense, seeing as I have so many other brothers I can talk to about this stuff. SAM Look, I'm not saying I'm bailing on you. I'm just saying make room for the possibility that we want different things. I mean, I want my time to count for something. DEAN So, what we do doesn't count?
what year is this, i feel like we've been down this road enough. i can come up with good justifications but i don't think again the show is doing the work to support that.
DEAN Well, this is gonna singe your axons.
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SAM So, everybody knows about Brick's football career, obviously, but no one knows much about his personal life. Was he ever married? MRS HOLMES Just to the game. He gave it everything he had. It's a difficult life.
LOLLL she made him do the sad thinky thoughts how this parallels my life and i can never get married either if i stay married to the job ;( ;( i am so over this plotline lol
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looks like we're back to the old desktop again (s8e1 for comparison)
DEAN Uh, oh, got another e-mail here, too. This one is for you. From a university. Answering questions about admissions. SAM Just something I'm looking into. An option. DEAN You're seriously talking about hanging it up? SAM I'm not talking about anything, Dean. I'm just looking at options.
my heart hurt with that one. having no privacy, including email, really sucks. i was in an abusive situation for years where my partner could read my email. that said, sam knows it's shared, he knows dean could very well see it. and well. hurts dean sam wants to leave again. so now i'm hurt by proxy while also being mad at the contrivances of the plot. bah.
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DEAN Maybe she moved into Brick's room after he died. Or... DEAN looks at the bed. SAM Oh. Thanks, Dean. Now that image is permanently etched into my retinas.
did the supernatural fraternal incest subtext-bordering-on-text show just make a joke about incest
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oh no. get someone better at photoshop, please, it's dick all over again 😭 (looks like we're back to the new desktop)
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that's some kind of situation he got himself in
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did dean need to almost get his heart ripped out for sammy to learn some lesson about his brother needing him? (nope) *insert imaginary future arguments of "well why don't you just go hunt with benny"*
SAM Dean, listen, when this is over – when we close up shop on Kevin and the tablet – I'm done. I mean that. DEAN No, you don't. SAM Dean, the year that I took off, I had something I've never had. A normal life. I mean, I got to see what that felt like. I want that. I had that. DEAN I think that's just how you feel right now.
continue to hate this lalala
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um. okayyyyy
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s3e10 dream a little dream of me (dean's dream of lisa)
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and he's tearing up over the memory. all right. crisis of faith at the altar of dean.
HAH actually it's like that awful nonsense lisa braeden said, about how the past year was the best of her life - meanwhile dean said he was falling apart and miserable (she deserved better writing) -- except in this case, dean died (presumably) and sam moved on and it ~WAS (apparently) THE BEST YEAR OF HIS LIFE~ (he also deserves better writing)
good luck getting down here to my deep thoughts when you gotta wade past a glowing review of minneapolis minnesota first
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creationfathers · 1 year
Thank you for this!!!
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annazima · 1 year
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J2 touching | SPN Minneapolis | main panel
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J2 Main Panel Minncon 2023
I put this psa in the post for the Gold panel but I know some see one post and not the other so before we get into this panel quick reminder that this con took place while the actor’s union, SAG-AFTRA, is on strike. This means the boys cannot directly talk about any past, present, or future projects. But for the sake of clarity I will be referring to projects the boys are talking about by name.
Jared says that he got chills coming out onto the stage, and Jensen goes "What?" and immediately puts his hand on Jared's forehead to check on him, it's so sweet ❤️
Jared also comments that he had a Juicy Lucy in about 3 mins. He was running behind schedule so he only had like 8 mins to get something to eat but he wanted one so badly that he was like challenge accepted. I had never heard of a Juicy Lucy before so I had to look up what it is, it's a cheese-stuffed burger so instead of there being cheese on top of the burger it's stuffed inside of the patty. I didn't know this was a Minneapolis invention so you learn something new every day.
Anyways, poor Jensen didn't know Jared's burger had cheese inside so he ordered a chicken club sandwich instead and then was like 'this sucks' when he realized it, also, someone screamed Texas but Jared initially thinks they said Jensen and he says he likes both Texas and Jensen.
When the boys were asking fans if this was their first con furries come up in the conversation so Jared asks Jensen what his furry costume would be and he replies squirrel very quickly. He asks Jared what his would be and Jared replies bear cause no one messes with a bear then he says he rather be a normal happy bear like Paddington.
Jensen mentions that he and Jared were having a conversation earlier where he asked Jared if he had to choose to be trapped in a room with an alligator, a lion, a silverback gorilla, or a bear to put them in order from the least to no thank you. Jared's ranking went: Alligator because even though they were around 200 million years before the T-rex you can fight them, or as he phrased it you can "give it a big ole bear hug". Then the silverback because they're not carnivores and when they display aggression it's to scare someone away so if the gorilla displayed aggression he would just move to the corner of the room showing he's not a threat. He surprised himself by his third choice by picking bear cause he feels like with a bear there's a possibility that you can hug. And then lions are an absolute no.
Getting into the questions, what's it like coming out to the crowd? Do they get nervous?
For Jared, they've probably done like 200 of these but he just got chills going on the stage. He has sat in the fan seats, not for an SPN con but he loves fandom, he's part of the SPN fandom, and it's really cool. It's so special, and he and Jensen have had many conversations about how neat it is that they're a part of something that has inspired friendships and relationships, and people are traveling and hanging out and getting to see new cities, and they're getting to see new cities. And it was 105 degrees in Texas so he's really happy to be at the con instead but it's really special.
Jensen says there's always a little moment. There's a little ramp in the back and just before they walk up on stage and Billy starts his guitar solo he and Jared fist bump and let's do a show because that's what they do, they wanna put on a show and make this a fun time. So it's still very exciting and it's a thrill to go there and share in the energy, it's a wild exchange of energy that they get to experience both there and here and he feels it's something that will never lose its luster. x
If they could be a creature or a monster, what would they choose to be, and why?
Jared immediately answers shapeshifter, and that he would shapeshift into Jensen and do some naughty shit on camera. No comment 😏
Jensen isn't sure what to answer and asks the fan what they would be and they say Jared's answer is the right one, shapeshifter, so then he says shapeshifter and Jared says it's like he's copying off a test 😂
Jensen asks him if he used to copy when he was a kid, Jared replies that he's sure he did but probably not much he was a nerd but he does believe people copied off of him. x
What is the worst gift they've ever received and they had to lie about liking it?
Jensen jokingly replies everything his kids draw him.
Jared answers that one time he was given an animal which was very sweet but he was very young, he was like 19, and it was a cat. He loves cats, he prefers dogs, but he loves cats but he thinks the person who gave him the gift kind of assumed he was more responsible than he was, and when he was told how much work it was to care for them he was like this sucks. He tries to joke that luckily the cat got run over but no the cat lived a big life which I certainly hope is true. But, in his opinion, any gift that gives somebody too much responsibility, you're just giving them another job. I agree with him, don't gift people pets or anything that's too much work.
Jensen says he always accepts gifts graciously but then to the trash they go. His brother gave his son a model set, something you put together that's like 1200 pieces and he was not happy about that but seriously if anybody gets him a gift he's happy to receive it whatever it is, even if it looks like garbage. Then he remembers and shares the story about how one time they had been filming in a hobby shop and he bought two drones they had that were around 1k, one for him and one for Jared. So he goes back to set, and he's playing with his, and Jared's like 'that's awesome' so he tells him that his is in his (Jared's) trailer and Jared runs to get it, charges it, starts to play with it....and immediately crashes it on the ground.
Jared explains that he was really excited to use the drone but didn't read the instructions so he didn't know it came with a toggle kill switch and he pushed it.
Jensen says the reason he thought Jared could handle it is because they also bought helicopters one time that were remote-controlled and they strapped Roman candles to them and lit them up to try and shoot each other down. Jared says he has a video of it! Also, they share that at one point they stopped shooting at the helicopters and started shooting at each other. x
A couple years ago, Zak Bagans, the host of Ghost Adventures, was asked on twitter if he would ever have j2 on the show and he basically replied that he didn't think the boys could handle the real thing. What would their response be to that, and would they go if they were invited to be on the show?
Jared says he would go in a second just because he wants to go anyways but number 2 he'll kick Zak's little ass on camera. Jared please do the dude is allegedly a douche.
Jensen says what they did on SPN for 15 years was make-believe...and what he does on that show is also make-believe. So that's what he thinks about that. I love these men!!! x
How does the parallel of them always staying in hotels and motels and such on the show, and them doing these cons feel?
Jared replies that it's impossible to put into words, and he doesn't think either of them could really replicate it again, but so much of what happened when they were working together on SPN for so long coincided with what they were also going through personally in some way, shape or form including the building of the SPN family. There were so many chips that fell in the right spot or puzzle pieces that landed where they were supposed to go and part of that was getting used to traveling, and obviously they don't risk their lives, or die and come back, or get possessed and all that stuff but they sacrifice as much as they can and they take it seriously. We see them being goofy cause it's fun to see the fans and laugh but they miss their fam and their kids and their homes, but it feels good to be there so he feels there is a parallel- and what's funny for him is that his son Shep is kind of the emotional one like he was when he was a kid, and for years it was weird when he was home but now since he's been home so much especially because of the strike Shep doesn't understand why he has a suitcase so there's a degree of understanding that if you wanna make a difference in the world it takes some sacrifice.
Jensen answers there's a little bit of a difference in that when they were filming all those different scenes they were all in the same city and they were going back home and sleeping in the same bed every night- at which point Jared decides to "clarify" not with each other.....okay then 👀
Jensen continues that going on cons is truly on the road, they kind of joke around about it being a traveling circus. Every few weeks they meet up in a new city and put on a show, so this does feel more like what the brothers would have to go through as opposed to filming it because they'd go on the same sound stage, different set, same trailer, same apartment rinse and repeat. So this feels like a traveling band of brothers and sisters and it's awesome but like Jared said- his oldest when he was literally walking out the door she was in his arms going 'please don't go' and he quips that he went "you're 10 years old grow up". He will say this, without them leaving he wouldn't see how much his daughter misses him and loves him and hates to see him go so he cherishes that but it's definitely a bit of a sacrifice to do it. But when things are worth sacrificing for, you do it. x
How do they feel about licorice? Do they think it tastes like dirt or chewy goodness?
Jared is a Twizzlers over Red Vines kinda guy but also an anything on the face of the planet including dog feces over licorice allsorts, licorice allsorts should not exist.
Jensen says he couldn't stand the flavor of black licorice but somewhere along the line maybe 10 or 15 years ago he ventured to New Orleans and had a cocktail there called a Sazerac. One of the ingredients in a sazerac is absinthe and absinthe has a very similar flavor profile to black licorice which is anise and all of a sudden he liked that flavor. And now, they have this big jar of jelly bellies in the kitchen but he goes through and picks out the black ones so he has found that he now likes the flavor of black licorice. x
Can they talk a bit about the strike?
The fan mentions Jensen sending a pie truck to the SPN strike line that happened, but he clarifies that Kripke is the one who got it and he just gave him some extra credit for it.
Jared says he doesn't have any secrets about the strike that aren't public. The mediators and the attorneys on both sides are all under NDA's and he doesn't know Fran Drescher outside of The Nanny (and he does the laugh!) so it's not like she's giving him secrets off the record but one of the things that concerns him about what appears to be the situation that they're in is it doesn't give young writers and young actors and actresses the chance to grow and build around experts. He started out as a co-star, he guest starred on ER then he guest starred on Gilmore Girls and you grow like in taekwondo or karate, and if you say no one's allowed here but black belts then once the black belts move on you'll have no more black belts cause you need the white belts and the brown belts and so on there to learn. So removing opportunities for people to learn and grow, which he was very fortunate and he thinks Jensen was as well, to learn from people who have decades of experience he's hoping that it doesn't go there; he knows AI is dangerous, he thinks it's existential, when they shoot it's on a memory card so they'll film something for an hour and it's all ones and zeros so all they need is something to process those ones and zeros that will look like him and sound like him but it won't be him. He stands by the people who are still white belts trying to earn their black belts someday and he thinks in that analogy he and Jensen are black belts but his point is they had the chance to learn from hundreds of black belts and he hopes that's something that continues.
Jensen says there are a lot of different elements to the negotiations and stuff and there's been some headway in certain aspects but also massive roadblocks with others. But it's essentially targeting pretty much the streamers, Apple, Hulu, all of those that are essentially making content without a contract that reflects what their contracts with major studios and broadcasts would be, and it was never established but now that these platforms are clearly working those type of contracts need to be put into place not only because of AI but another element is of residual paychecks or residuals of other stuff. Somebody who is a guest star or does an episode or two or three of a show they just get bought out and that's it, no more so for actors or writers who are coming up in the industry they count on the money that comes in from residuals to weather the dry patches of work cause you're not always working. The industry is feast or famine and during those famine times you rely on what you did previously to get you through to the next job but that doesn't really exist anymore with the streamers so they're fighting for a pay model to help with that; they're not saying they need more raise the ceiling or asking for tons of money, they're not asking for much but there's a loophole right now were they don't have it established, and the studios are like 'we're not giving it to you' and they're like 'well, you have to' and the studios are like 'well, we're not going to' and so they went 'well, I'm not going to work'.
And he would say we all largely benefit from unions whether or not you're a part of one, it's the reason we have 5 day work weeks, 9 to 5's, vacations, maternity leaves a lot of this stuff has been negotiated with unions at the base core of them so we've all benefitted in some way or another from unions so if they don't do their job then they don't get a deal and they're just asking for a fair deal. If they can't get that, unfortunately, that's when you find yourself in situations like this and none of them want to be on strike this isn't fun for anybody it's not just the writers and the actors everybody is suffering because of it there are so many people affected by this that it's breaking his heart and he wishes they could come to a fair deal and hopefully they will but he doesn't know what that looks like or when it will be. I paraphrased a lot of what he said but give it a listen cause it's so well phrased 👏
If they could build the ultimate sandwich what would be on it?
Jensen says he does build the ultimate sandwich. He gets either a fresh bagel or a Portuguese bun, does a spread of siracha, layers some extra crispy bacon, a fried egg, a nice thick tomato, crispy hash brown, and pepper jack cheese.
Before he answers the question he looks at Jared and Jared's reaction lets me know he already knew what Jensen was going to say.
Jared quips that's the next episode of The Bear. Then he says that for him he thinks it's more about timing because you wanna do it during low tide, not high tide or it'll wash it away, and when I tell y'all I was so confused about what the hell this man was talking about then I realized he was making a dad joke about SAND WITCHES 🤦‍♀️
He doesn't know what to answer he goes meat, mustard, hot, Portuguese buns then changes it to Italian buns and says he has to say that cause he's married to an Italian and I love Jensen's expression of wtf.
His favorite sandwich was at a place called Artisan Cheese Gallery, he didn't build it but it was a Spanish turkey, and there's a book, Tom Colicchio's sandwich book and he doesn't remember the name of it but they've been making one of the sandwiches in there for years and it's heated in a waffle press almost with red peppers, cheese, you can choose your meat they use turkey, a little aioli but for him a proper sandwich is toasty and brown.
Jensen says he's the type of guy who puts potato chips or French fries in the sandwich cause it gives it a little crunch. Jared shakes his head no and says you can also take a bite of the sandwich and then put a chip in your mouth but Jensen says it's not the same. I agree with him, it's not the same. x
And to wrap up the panel, what is something that is universally loved but they don't like?
Jensen says pickles. Jared asks what about mushrooms or onions, and he replies that he doesn't like mushrooms or fruit on his pizza.
Jared doesn't like olives if there's a little slice of olive on his pizza that is hidden all he can taste is olive. He also doesn't love chocolate, he doesn't think he's ever bought chocolate if it's around he'll snack on it if he's bored but he's not a chocolate guy, he doesn't like fruit on desserts like strawberry cheesecake, and he also doesn't like peanut butter cookies. x
J2 Main Panel Minncon
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For every $10 you donate to RIP Medical Debt, you will 1) be erasing about $1,000 in medical debt and 2) be entered in a raffle to win one of the items listed below. The more total donations we receive, the more scripts will be made available as prizes.
If donations reach $3000 total, we'll add:
Set: 1.13 'Route 666' - Studio Draft (REPRO); 2.05 'Simon Said' & 2.06 'No Exit' episode arenas signed by Samantha Ferris at Crossroads 6 (Brighton, UK) and Chad Lindberg at Salute to Supernatural: San Francisco 2023; 3.10 'Dream a Little Dream of Me' - Call Sheet: Day 3 of 8 signed by Cindy Sampson at Salute to Supernatural: Nashville 2023
3.04 'Sin City' - Production Draft signed by Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki at Creation Tour: Las Vegas 2023; Jim Beaver at Creation Tour: New Jersey 2023. Set includes Blue Revisions.
3.08 'A Very Supernatural Christmas' - Production Draft signed by Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki at Creation Tour: Minneapolis 2023. Set includes Blue and Pink Revisions.
13.04 'The Big Empty' - Blue Draft signed by Misha Collins at Creation Tour: Charlotte 2023. Item is missing Act 5 but we'll include a copy of the Act 5 from our Yellow Draftand the Preliminary One Line Schedule from 13.12 'Various & Sundry Villains'.
15.02 'Raising Hell' - Pink Draft signed by Rob Benedict at Salute to Supernatural: Nashville 2023; Osric Chau at Creation Tour: Minneapolis 2023. Set includes Yellow and Green Pages.
Jericho 1.18 'A.K.A.' - Blue Draft (Robbie Thompson's first episode of prime-time television).
The Winchesters - 'Pilot' - 4th Network Draft signed by Drake Rodger, Jojo Fleites, Meg Donnelly, and Gil McKinney at Creation Tour: Dallas 2023; Nida Khurshid at Creation Tour: Atlanta 2023; Jensen Ackles, Louden Swain (Rob Benedict, Michael Borja, Billy Moran, Stephen Norton), and Ruth Connell at Creation Tour: New Orleans 2023; Jim Beaver and Richard Speight Jr. at Creation Tour: New Jersey 2023; Tom Welling at The Official Lucifer Convention: New Jersey 2023; Alexander Calvert at Momento Con 2023.
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xlynnbbyx · 1 year
Here is the schedule for all of Jared & Jensen stuff for the con in Minneapolis, Minnesota this weekend. 
**Note: Since the con is in Minneapolis all times will be central standard time. Also the tag for this con on Twitter(refusing to call it X) will be #CreationMN. I guess creation isn’t going to use SPN tag anymore. If it’s not solely Supernatural con anymore they need to change the name from Creation Con. Like call it J2 & Friends Con or something.**
Saturday September 9th
Photo Ops
Jensen, Jared & Baby- 1:50pm
Jensen(solo)- 2:30pm
Jensen & Misha- 3:15pm
Jensen, Drake, Meg & Jojo- 3:30pm
Jared & Misha- 4:35pm
Jared(solo)- 3:50pm
Meet & Greet
Jared M&G- 2:45pm
Jared VIP-  3:15pm
Jensen VIP- 4:00pm
Jensen M&G- 4:15pm
Jensen(non photo items only)- 5:15pm
Jared(non photo items only)-  5:15pm
Sunday September 10th
Jensen & Jared Gold Panel(half hour long)- 11:00am
Jensen & Jared main panel(a hour long)- 3:00pm
Photo Ops
Jensen, Jared, Misha, & Mark S- 12:15pm
Jensen(solo)- 12:25pm
Jensen & Jared- 12:40pm
Jensen, Jared, & Jake- 1:30pm
Jared & Misha- 1:40pm
Jensen & Misha- 1:45pm
Jensen, Jared & Misha- 1:55pm
Jared(solo)- 2:10pm
Jared, Jake, Mitch, & Keegan- 4:20pm
Jared & Keegan- 4:30pm
Meet & Greet
Jensen & Jared: 11:40am
Jensen (8x10 headshots and photo ops pics only)- 4:45pm
Jared (8x10 headshots and photo ops pics only)- 4:45pm
**Next con after this is DC which is September 29th to Oct 1st I don’t think Jensen or Jared has any other con before then. But for Creation there is only 4 cons left for this year(that is including DC)**
Not going to lie the dc one hurts a bit cause I was supposed to go to dc con. I was supposed to go up Saturday try to get there before registration closes to go ahead and get registered. Then stay the night in a hotel near the con. Then go Sunday Oct 1st to finally meet Jensen since my bday is Oct 24th this was going to be an early birthday gift for me. But sadly unseen circumstances have squashed that. So I am a little bit bummed it’s not happening. Hopefully someday it will happen. 
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cubn-bfc · 2 years
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Fans of Mark Sheppard-
Great news for the SPN+ 2023… Mark Sheppard Is joining the tour!
Mark Sheppard (“Crowley” in Supernatural and “Nathaniel Hagan” in Walker: Independence) is hitting the road ahead in select cities on the Salute to Supernatural and More 2023 Tour.
Mark will be appearing at these 2023 shows: Atlanta (March 3-5), New Orleans (March 31-April 2), Charlotte (August 18-20), Minneapolis (Sept. 8-10) & Jacksonville (Nov. 3-5).
He’ll be appearing on Sunday, taking photos and signing in-person autographs for those with his a la carte tickets.
Check out all the great SPN+ conventions and join us for a most excellent hunt at your favorite destination!
Tickets are on sale tomorrow — we’ll send out an e-blast when they’re on sale, so make sure you’re signed up for our mailing list!
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wormb · 1 year
SPN fans 🤝 Furries
The Hyatt Minneapolis this weekend
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laf-outloud · 1 year
occasionally I've seen an ad when it was coming to my area
Oh, maybe that's why I've never seen commercials before. They've never been in my area. LOL!
Maybe in the past but nope, not today. I live in Massachusetts and the ad was for upcoming cons in Chicago, San Francisco, Charlotte, Minneapolis, DC, JAcksonville, Honolulu, and Nashville.
I recorded it just in case so I could probably send it to you in a dm if you wanted to see it?
Huh, interesting. I thought maybe CE was just purchasing ad time in select markets for the nearby cons, but if they're advertising all locations, I wonder if they're buying national ad time. if so, they're really going all out. It feels like a pretty desperate move, but it does make sense. Besides SPN being over for nearly three years now, the US is in an inflationary period. When that happens, people spend less money on luxuries like fan conventions. Creation needs all the help it can get.
And if you want to send me the commercial, you're welcome to. I would be interested to see it for curiosities sake, but I don't want you to worry about it if it looks like it might be difficult to get it across.
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unslippingknots · 7 years
I am seriously having so much fun. Like, I am getting out of my comfort zone and I am trying my best to keep myself from thinking that people will judge me. Because so far I have not been judged. I shared with a complete story how I was depressed and the time I was contemplating suicide, cried and got emotional, and I was met with "I know we just met but I'm super proud of you for getting thru it and moving forward." I feel so accepted. I signed up for the karaoke party tonight and if I sing I'm going to act like I can do this. If not, I still signed up and that was better than not. This is just day one and I am already so excited.
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wanderingcas · 4 years
people are being tear gassed for standing outside on their front porches. peaceful protestors are being shot with rubber bullets without any warning, simply for standing in the street. there's been sightings of KKK members in 5 different areas in the Minneapolis area. reporters are being tear gassed and shot at by the cops for filming the protests, even though the curfew doesn't apply to them.
that's where we're at in Minneapolis.
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kakinkead · 6 years
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#j2sday Jensen and Jared giving some comfort to a fan at the Creation entertainment Minneapolis convention. (Unfortunately I do not know the identity of the fan) . . . #jensen #jensenackles #deanwinchester #jared #jaredpadalecki #samwinchester #Creationent #supernatural #spn #spnfandom #spnfamily #conphotography #conlife #minncon #minneapolis #atthewhimofthewindsphotography #con #convention #comfort #j2sday #j2panel (at Minneapolis Convention Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuDfdIiHRna/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kwrxo1vfp0d1
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padaleckigallery · 6 years
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#jarpad #jaredpadalecki #sneakypetesultimatefunbar #minneapolis #supernatural #spn #spnminn2018 https://www.instagram.com/p/BpxERrinyzq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ukkz3frm6zps
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annazima · 1 year
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J2 | SPN Minneapolis | gold panel
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pezdezpencil · 6 years
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Headed to Minnecon! LETS GO!!
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