#SPN 7x10
angelsdean · 1 year
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the winchester sons + sports: It's about how sports --often baseball in particular-- represent normal. The first thing John says to Dean is if Sam is ready to toss a ball around. Then we see the sports-themed mobile above Sam's crib, specifically featuring baseball objects. John tries to entice Dean to talk and be "normal" again post-Mary with a baseball. Bobby forgoes hunting practice to just play catch with Dean and let him be a normal kid. Twelve year old dean considers joining the baseball team when they finally stick around somewhere for a longer stretch of time. But there are no trophies in John's storage locker from Dean's baseball games. We wonder if he ever joined the team at all. What Dean does find from when he was twelve is his first sawed-off. What represents dean's childhood? a gun. Dean kills someone for the first time when he is twelve. When Adam is twelve John starts visiting him and taking him to baseball games. When Sam is twelve he is on the soccer team. That same year, 1995, Dean is abandoned by John and experiences being a normal kid. He wins the state wrestling championship. Sonny proudly displays the award on his wall nearly two decades later.
[ 1x01, John's Journal, 3x03, 7x10, spn wiki, 4x19, 3x03 outline, 9x07 ]
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bloodydeanwinchester · 2 months
kids ain't supposed to be grateful.
they're supposed to eat your food and break your heart
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spn-rewatch-ventzone · 3 months
I love when Dean goes dark mode and just says some of the most threatening things I’ve ever heard.
Roman laughs at his threats so he just really intensely says, “You’re either laughing because your scared or laughing because your stupid.”
Makes me go wild
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shirtlesssammy · 3 months
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Dean Winchester every day -- 136/326
Supernatural 7x10//Death's Door
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classycoffeecat · 4 months
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!?! the same fucking episode numbers?!?! HELP HELP!!
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2sw · 2 years
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Because it's real.
Supernatural S7E10 Death's Door
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s7e10 death's door (w. sera gamble) / the magicians s4e5 escape from the happy place (w. mike moore, showrunners sera gamble & john mcnamara)
No, deep like… crap you do not want to think about. So you bury it. You shove other crap over it and you don't go there ever. The one you seek though is difficult to find, it’s hidden well, even from you, it hides in the place you think of least because… you don’t wish to. Why? Because it’s so terrible.
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shallowseeker · 1 year
The script for 7x17 Born-Again Identity wasn't all that different from what aired.
The thing that made it hit so tensely romantic n' horrifically raw (to the point that it made everyone uncomfortable, allegedly) was probably this seemingly innocuous little line: "Just-- take it. Please."
It's not just the symbolism of the coat being a symbol of their relationship, (though it is certainly that). The coat, like the Leviathan blossom in season 15, is a little smooshed, but it's still there, against all the odds. But this "just take it, please," line is just so desperate. It sounds dangerously close to "giving away your heart." Please.
Just take it. Please. Just take it. Please.
All the monsters, and Chuck, throughout the series, "just want your heart," (ex., the werewolf to Dean in 13x23 script), but Dean already gave it to Cas.
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He goes to the car trunk. Digs... Comes up with Cas's folded, stained COAT. DEAN: Dumb to keep. I know. I saw you-- dissolve or whatever. But, just in case. 'Casue I never stopped wanting to fix it either. So we got something in common. (re: the coat) Just-- take it. Please.
The script also calls to mind 7x10 Death's Door, where Bobby laments his fight with Karen, and not being able to fix their last fight. Bobby's dying act was to help direct them toward the whereabouts of Emanuel.
And then, after Dean finds Cas, he is so, so reluctant to tell Cas the awful truth, partially in order to spare him the pain of it. He knows that Cas, in his core, cares about doing the right thing. He knows that this will hurt him.
And...he's so afraid of Cas disappearing. Sam's dying, and Dean needs his help, but he's also, really, really taking an emotional hit by all of this.
Cas says, "Tell me. I'll be fine." And Dean is generally unhinged and distressed about that possibility: "How do you know?" Because being an angel is "bloody and corrupt," and Dean knows that it hurts Cas to be tangled up in all of it.
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DEAN (snapping) Think it's that cut and dry? Really?! (then) You know what he did. So what, tell him, he'll take it in stride? He could snap, disappear-- who knows!
On the heels of this:
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DEAN: No. Honestly-- I don't know if he's dead. All I can say is...whole thing couldn't be messier. (then, quieter) I could always shake if off. Anything. Might take a while, but I could. Then... Cas did this. And I just can't, I don't know why. CAS: It doesn't matter why. DEAN: What? Course that matters--
Of course it matters, because it's Dean's feelings. It's different! He doesn't know why! It's The Piece of the Puzzle that Dean keeps tearing at, not letting it scab over. It's the thing he's been working to understand about himself, from his outsized reactions to Cas not trusting him in season 6 to his incredible devastation at the events of season 7.
This will lead him to a dawning acceptance of why he can't shake Cas in season 8, and that will lead Dean to a sad, calm resolve to accept...whatever it will be.
(Text Attributions// Supernatural scripts here via @spnscripthunt. Transcripts are located here via SPNWiki. Visit their Tumblr to donate.)
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collarbjt · 5 months
SPN 710
bobby plz being alive…Those Winchester brothers are good hunter, everybody knows but they still need you Bobby. Winchester bros always coming back from the death, you can do it too Bobby! Just comeback plzzzzzzzzzzz
Karen is really beautiful wow
I missed Rufus, the good hunter and also the good friend of Bobby
Am I the only one who thinks Bobby’s mother and Karen seems so similar to each other?
Nooo go away ripper!
Okay Bobby if you died, you’ll broke another one’s heart. So don’t go away, just stop these flash Reminiscence scenes that every fictional characters playing before they died
Young Dean and Bobby playing the ball…..🥹 Bobby is a good father of Winchesters
Okay Bobby’s sperm provider is jerk, another worst parent in this show is showed up
Don’t go Bobby, just… don’t go.
Because he’s always fine. I’m with Dean…😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
What ripper told him is kinda touched, he did everything what he can, I agree, but than don’t take him please
That’s a crap, drunken bully, Bobby cannot be compared to you.
“They grew up great, they grew up heroes”……….Truly Bobby is Super great father of Winchesters!!!!!! Yeah that bully deserves the bullet on his head
The ripper in this episode is a really good worker. He is punctual-rigorous, doesn’t lose his target, witty, and also makes people ease. He’s like the best representative of the DEATH itself. But don’t let him go..plzzzzzz
IDIOTS is last line of Bobby? Wtf… no GOD NO please save him again give his life back again
Winchesters are fighting about licorice and banana peanut butter sandwich…Their father looking at it. Please come back Bobby 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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transchesters · 1 month
bobby taking rufus with him on his journey through his head while he’s dying is sooo sweet. you telling me these are two heterosexuals???
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bloodydeanwinchester · 2 months
bobby telling his wife that he doesn't want to have kids because he breaks everything he touches
and then learning later in the episode that this was a thing his abusive father used to say to him 😭😭😭
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spn-rewatch-ventzone · 3 months
Bye Bobby :(
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spnwin-reader · 7 months
Sam would be odd man out on snacks even had his parents survived:
JOHN: Licorice drops? Nice choice.
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Woe to Sam, continually and perpetually outnumbered, even when Jack joins the family. Hell, even when he eats, Cas like pork rinds and crap food.
Who will eat terrible rabbit-food alongside Sam? No one.
(Maybe Henry?)
SPNwin 1x01, SPN 7x10
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classycoffeecat · 4 months
on a scale from SPN to 911, how did your Bobby do in 7x10?
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Season 7 moments where there is no mention of Sam's Lucifer hallucinations other than him pressing on the stitched up cut on his hand.
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disasterbijedi · 2 years
mary facing her worst memory to escape her mind ...  just like bobby did to escape his coma just moments before his death
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