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gennianydots · 2 years ago
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Anyone order a soulmate AU? 🤌🏼😍
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cindol · 2 years ago
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Me and her are so alike.
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themosthatedbeingg · 9 months ago
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"It's almost a clean sweep. I suppose it will be held against me for the rest of time."
“It counts as a clean sweep in my book darling , we were destined to be together~” he takes her in his arms and kisses her sweetly .
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sanayeon · 11 months ago
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reyesstrand · 5 months ago
anyone else emotional about the placement of this infamous framed photo here
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look how far they’ve come……
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adhdduckie · 11 months ago
CATS AND WITCHES; sam winchester x fem!witch!reader
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my masterlist
irl moots pls dni, i'll actually die if you mention this irl.
on the radio; at last by etta james
word count: 7.4k
synopsis; early seasons sam and dean were passing through a small town, where they see an ad about an unnatural disappearance of a girl, there were reports of large feline mammals around the victim's house before the disappearance, and the girl who disappeared mentioned having strange visions. sam and dean decide to check it out because of the large reward for any information. SOULMATESSSS
t.w; swearing, violence, supernatural stuff
sam has spent the last 3 days in the car, and he's bored out of his mind. the Winchester brothers had just finished a vampire hunt the week before, and were travelling around north of texas to find their father.
they were sitting in a small diner booth, going through some newspapers to see if there were any supernatural reports. sam was sipping a mug of some pretty bad coffee, but he had no other alternatives.
"here's one." dean says, turning around the newspaper he was looking at. sam sets down his coffee, picking it up and his eyes are caught by the red circle around the missing advert.
"the disappearance of a girl." sam reads aloud. he looks up from the paper, looking at dean with a raised eyebrow.
"keep reading." dean replies, nodding his head.
"reward of twelve thousand dollars if you can find her, and bring her home. come to * address, **** town, north texas for more information, regarding before her disappearance." he finishes.
dean whistles. "that's a lot of money. is she special or something? or is her family just rich?"
"how do we know it's a supernatural disappearance and not a kidnapping or something like that?" sam asks, setting the paper down as he speaks to dean.
"well, they wouldn't be offering such a large sum if it was a kidnapping. but it's probably worth checking out anyway, with that large of a sum. plus, i checked the map, it's only an hour's drive from here." dean replies, swallowing the rest of his breakfast.
"we could use the money anyway." dean says, as a way to convince sam.
"fine." is sam's response, and they both get up from their breakfast, throwing cash onto the table, before heading back to baby.
sam steps out of the car, looking up at the large mansion before him.
"damn." dean whistles, shutting baby's door.
"this better be worth our time." sam says as they stride towards the large mahogany door.
Sam noticed that the closer they got to your house, there was a pull at his stomach. Something seemed so familiar but so alienating at the same time. The closer he got, the stronger the pull in his stomach got as well. maybe it was something bad he had at the diner. he knew it looked way too suspicious for such a cheap meal.
Sam’s knocked out of his reverie, his hand clutching his abdomen as dean knocks quite aggressively, and a "coming!" is heard from the other side of the door.
seconds later, a small woman stands in front of the door, and dean and sam both have to crane their necks down to look at her properly. she's wearing a pair of old jeans and a large shirt, and she looks like your typical old auntie that you'd find at a market, bartering for cheaper prices.
"how can i help you?" she asks them.
dean holds up the newspaper advert, showing it to her. "we're here to hear more about the disappearance of a girl? we think we might be able to help." he responds.
the old auntie looks them up and down, sizing them up. she huffs, and opens the door further for both of them to come in. "My name is Miss jones. Would you like tea or coffee? Mrs. L/N will see you soon."
"coffee would be good, thanks." sam responds, and dean chimes the same. miss jones gestures towards one of the pristine white couches, as she goes to make the coffee, with a teeter in her step.
"mrs l/n! there's someone at the door who thinks they can help with Miss Y/n's disappearance." miss jones yells up the large swirling stairs, which are both dark and elegant.
"alright alright. I'll be down soon, make sure they're comfortable!" is the response from the top of the spiral staircase. The seemingly disembodied voice is regal and smooth, sounding as if it seems to curl around the brain.
the couch is plush and comfortable, the room is majestic and comforting, some soft classical music seems to slither into the room from a study, and there are loads of what they assume to be family pictures everywhere.
heels clack against marble staircases as a woman walks down the stairs, her eyes seeming to dim when they look at sam and dean.
"hello, my name is mrs l/n. I do hope that you're comfortable." she asks them, reaching out to sam and dean in a handshake. her hand is soft to the touch, but it's a very firm handshake.
mrs l/n sits in front of them both, her legs crossed over the other at the thigh. She's dressed in a smart suit and pants, as if she's ready for a photoshoot. ms jones comes in from the kitchen, placing down two hot mugs of the best smelling coffee in front of the boys, with a wide assortment of finger sandwiches.
sam and dean share a look, picking up a small sandwich each.
"we're sam and dean. we saw your advert in the paper, mrs. we thought we might be able to help. you see, we specialise in a sort of detective work." dean says, instantly switching on the charisma.
Mrs. L/N sighs. "at this point, i would accept anyone's help for this. the best P.Is we hired were unable to find anything." she pulls out a handkerchief from her suit front pocket, dabbing at her wet eyes, ever the picture of regality.
"i suppose you'd like to hear more about it, right?" She asks.
the boys both nod, picking up some more of the sandwiches. ms jones takes the already empty plate back to the kitchen, filling it up with more assortments for the boys.
"it started last month. my daughter, who i believe is about your age, maybe a couple years younger, she's twenty. a wonderful soul." she sobs, her regal and composed demeanour cracking before them.
the boys wait for her to compose herself before continuing.
"she came home from university, and she was so shaken up. it was easter break, so i was very excited to see her again. she only visits every school break, you know? she seemed so off. i asked her what was wrong, but she kept saying that she was fine, and she was just upset about not obtaining 100% on her end of term exam. i didn't believe her, of course, i could tell it was something more than that."
the boys lean forward, only subconsciously reaching for the delicious small finger sandwiches. mrs l/n cracks a small smile at that, and continues on.
"I persisted, and she finally told me that it was because she kept seeing things. she told me that one night when walking back to her apartment after a late class, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She didn't think too much of it at first, before she realised it was a large feline. she said she didn't really react, as she was with a large group of her friends, and it was unlikely that it would attack. but every night that week, she said she saw it again.”
“on the final night before she came home, she saw it again while she was getting out of a cab after a night out with friends. she finally saw it properly. she described it as a dark hulking mass that seemed to be made entirely of shadows and horrors. she said she couldn't sleep that night."
at this, the brothers share an interesting look, like a demon or something. or perhaps a familiar of a witch that she had angered.
"She chalked it up to her inebriated state, but it kept eating at her. after she told me, she broke down in tears. i told her she was fine, and she didn't have to worry about it. she was safe in our house. you know, we've always believed in the paranormal, as her father was a very cautious man. we have salt and iron rock brigades in the walls of the house and the marble floors."
sam and dean look surprised at this, having a quick glance around the room. mrs l/n laughs. "i know. i found it silly at first, but my husband has had this house in his family for generations."
"that night when she finally came home, after telling me everything, she retired to her room. the next morning i had gone into her bedroom to look for her to tell her breakfast was ready, and she-" mrs l/n sobs.
"she?" sam supplies. dean's too busy stuffing his face with the plate of cakes that were just set in front of him.
"she wasn't there! there were scratch marks, so deep and etched as if there was something trying to ruin the walls." mrs l/n wails. flailing her arms about. "i'm so-" she hiccups. "i'm so sorry. i'm not usually like this. i miss my daughter, i'm so worried about her."
"we understand. we'll do everything we can to help you. is it possible for us to inspect the scratch marks, and also check out ms y/n's room?"
"of course." is mrs' l/n's response. "you both look so hungry, you must need a lot of food to help you. take up the cake plates with you. and if you want anything else, just yell for either miss jones or i. her room is the one on the third floor, with the flowers and vines on the door." she gives them a watery smile, picking up the plates from the table, holding it up to them.
"thank you mrs. l/n." sam and dean respond, taking the plates, standing up from the couch, as ms jones shows them the way.
'be careful. there's a dark energy in that room." Ms jones whispers to them, as they follow behind her teetering form as she hobbles up the stairs.
"oh don't worry, we're used to it." dean responds, as she points out the room to them, before hobbling back down the stairs to mrs. l/n.
"i hope the winchester brothers are careful." mrs l/n says to ms jones. "I wouldn't want john to get mad at me if they're horribly injured." she turns to the small woman beside her.
"they've grown quite big. especially sam. he's so much bigger now." mrs l/n states.
"why didn't you tell them you know them?" ms jones responds.
"they would probably ask me to tell them where john is, and i can't do that." mrs l/n sighs.
"mrs l/n is not as snobby as i expected her to be. she's quite nice." dean says to sam, as they stand outside of your room's door.
"i know. what do you think happened to her daughter?" sam asks as he pushes open your door.
dean takes in a deep breath at the sight before him.
"shit." he whispers out. "what happened here?"
your (normally) tidy room is in shambles. cupboards are on the floor, clothes spilling out of them. there's money strewn across the floor, making it look like a robbery scene. there's glass shards on the floor of your room, meaning your room has been broken into. which is strange, considering your room is on the third floor.
the only thing that makes it not look like a robbery and a kidnapping, is the deep scratches on the marble floor, in the solid walls, and in your bed bannisters.
"fuck, man." dean muffles out through a large bite of cake. "that's some really awesome cake." he says.
"seriously? shouldn't we focus on this instead?" sam says, rolling his eyes.
"i can eat cake at the same time."
sam sets down his plates, shrugging off his heavy bag full of iron salt and iron chains.
it seems as if your mother had left it the way she found it, to help with any investigations made into your disappearance.
sam walks closer to the large claw marks on your bed bannisters. the sheets are intact, and it seems like whatever took you woke you up from the glass shattering.
the sheets are a mess, and your pillow is on the floor. there's a bat beside your bed, which seems to be smeared with some blood on the handle.
"shit. what kind of princess has a bat beside her bed?" dean says, noticing Sam's gaze.
"her mom told us she was really freaked out. she probably put it there for her own protection." sam responds, rolling his eyes.
sam runs his fingers over the deep etches in the bedframe, pausing when he feels a pulse of energy.
"that's weird." he states absentmindedly to himself, not noticing dean standing behind him, still holding onto what must be his third plate of chocolate cake.
"what?" He mumbles around the cake.
sam turns his head, still crouching low as he runs his fingers to the next deep scratch. there's something pulling at him, so he follows it, but he stoops low to pick up his bag, beckoning dean behind him.
sam's followed it into a deep, dark forest. it's a couple of miles from your house, a large secluded forest.
dean complains about the temperature as he walks, but the deeper they go into the forest, the more they realise that something is wrong.
well, not wrong, but it feels, heavy. not temperature wise, but an aura that seems lonely and sad. it settles on the shoulders, causing the walk to get harder and slower.
dean's lugging the bags, complaining of the weight as he hobbles. He's still injured from their last hunt, and he's been slow and in pain recently.
a couple of branches snaps in the distance, and they both pause. It's not an animal. they're silent there on out, and walk towards the sound. The pull is getting stronger.
there's a figure hooded in the dark, and sam and dean share a look. what is it this time, a demon, a cold maiden or a wailing banshee?
the closer they get, they realise it's not any of the aforementioned. the figure is small, human-like. their hands are corporeal, foraging in the grass for herbs. the pull he feels is getting stronger. in sam's haste to get closer, to see what they're looking at, he steps on a branch, and it cracks loudly.
In the forest, you’ve been foraging, the entire day, you had been feeling a light tug on your stomach, and you just thought it was because your familiar had been away. You had been feeling a pull in your stomach, but just as the branch cracks, it gets stronger. your head shoots up, and you freeze.
what you first think you see is a moose, but the longer you look, it's a pair of two boys. the one who's startled you is taller than the other, and he's the one that you thought was a moose. but what scares you the most is the fact they're both carrying two large heavy bags, not knowing what they might hold inside. so you do the first thing that comes to your mind, you run.
sam recognizes you from the images, and just as he realises the look in your eyes is fear, it's too late. you're already running.
sam sprints after you, wanting to talk and understand why you've seemed to stage your own abduction, but when dean catches up to sam, he tells him to stop, and the more he chases, the more likely you're to run.
"why is she here? why is she okay?" sam asks dean. dean just shrugs, and thinks for a second.
"she was probably sick of her home life or something." dean finally responds, picking up the bags that sam had dropped. dean frowns before finishing. "but you said that you felt a pulse of dark energy, right?"
sam nods in response. curiosity gets the best of him, and he wants to know why you were running. and for the large bounty, they have to bring you back.
they follow the pull that sam feels, the force pulling him closer to you.
"what. the fuck." you're thinking as you sprint through the forest. you're wondering how they found you, and what were they going to do to you?
you make it back to the small cottage you found in the woods years ago, having made it more habitable as time had passed.
slamming the door behind you, you lean against it, sliding down until you're sitting.
"fuck. who were they?" you ask yourself, praying that they won't be coming after you.
you stand, setting down the basket you had used to collect the mushrooms on the sink, petting the maine coon that sits next to you, he purrs, rubbing his head against your hand, you’re glad that he’s back.
suddenly, you hear the front door creak open, and the moose boy and what seems to be his brother now that you have had a proper look, are standing there.
you freeze, standing up and immediately picking up the large knife on the counter. "what do you want?" you demand, brandishing it at them.
the moose boy, who's broad and tall, drops the bags they were carrying on the threshold of your house. his hands, which are large like the rest of him, are held up in a sign of surrender, a sign that they weren't going to hurt you.
"we don't wanna hurt you. we just wanna talk." he says to you. his voice is deep, and if he wasn't a total stranger who barged into your house, you'd describe it as soothing.
"the fuck you mean you wanna talk? who are you? how did you find me?" you grumble, whirring the knife around and around your hand.
dean laughs, scoffing a little. "she's not as princess as I thought. How is she mrs. l/n's daughter?" he says to sam.
you overhear him, pausing. "what do you mean? how do you know my mother?" you demand, holding the knife further up.
"she's the one who hired us to find you. she thinks you've been taken." sam states slowly, approaching you as if you're an easily startled deer.
you lower your knife, setting it down. you'll trust these boys for now. they don't seem so bad. your maine coon, ares, however, disagrees. he snarls, shifting into his larger form. he's the size of a tiger in that form. the whiteness of his fur melting into a dark, staticky one.
dean lets out a yell in surprise, and hits sam in the face. the whisps of darkness of ares's fur are tinted with a red, and they float towards you.
"no! ares. stop." you demand, and he turns his head to your side, baring his teeth. "it's fine for now." you state.
dean and sam know what you are now. a witch, with a rare familiar. "fuck." sam whispers. "yeah." dean agrees.
ares snarls again, before shifting back into his original form.
a few minutes later, your door is closed, and the three of you are settled around your small kitchen, steaming cups of herbal tea set up in all of their hands.
your mug is small in sam's hand, and it would be funny how out of place he looks in the small hut if you weren't so worried. he really does remind you of a moose.
"okay, moose. tell me everything." you state, pointing at sam.
"first of all, moose? what the hell is that?" he asks, bewildered. dean laughs, smacking him on the back.
"i dunno. you remind me of one." you shrug, but you point at him again.
"okay, your mom hired us to look for you since she's super worried. you just up and disappeared. " dean interjects.
"but the real question is, what the hell are you doing?" sam finishes.
you let out a deep sigh. In the last couple of days, you've felt so stressed about this. whatever these powers are, they're so annoying. what have you done to deserve this?
"the cat you saw, ares, he's supposed to be my familiar." you tell them everything, about how your powers manifested, how ares had found you to help you control your powers better, how you ran away because you were scared of hurting your friends and your loved ones.
"ares did the scratching for me, in the wood. he broke the glass for me, to make it look like a burglary. i did my best." you finish, and you're feeling tears well up in your eyes.
"hey." sam soothes you, resting a hand on your shoulder. his palm is warm and heavy, and you briefly wonder what it would be like to hold it.
"i'm learning to control my powers too, we should work together." he suggest and dean sends him a funny look.
your mom cries and hugs when she sees you, and gives the money that was promised to the two boys.
"why did you leave?" she begs you for answer, her arms still wrapped around you.
dean and sam, you now know their names, are sat on your couch again, eating some food.
"i was scared. I didn't want to hurt you." you tell her, mumbling into her hair.
"you could never. I should have warned you that it was coming." your mom tells you, patting your head softly. this gets everyone's attention.
"you knew?" sam, dean and you all say at the same time. you catch the eyes of sam, and he smiles at you supportively. Is it weird that it's supportive, even though you've only known him a couple hours?
"yeah. it's been passed down through generations, but it skipped me." she shrugs, telling everyone. "it's funny, because when we were younger, john-" she slaps a hand over her own mouth.
"fuck." she whispers out, but it's muffled.
"you knew our father?" sam asks your mum, standing up from his seat. she sighs, and shakes her head.
"i knew him, but i don't know where he is." she says sadly.
your mom tells you all of how she grew up with him, and that they were neighbours. Her father and john’s, were good friends. You even spent some time with sam and dean when you were younger, but just didn’t remember as you were too young.
Everyone nods in understanding, and you finally feel better.
“Mom?” you ask quietly, dragging her to the side. Unknown to you, sam’s watching you with a small smile, but dean notices.
“You whipped already, moose?” dean teases sam. “What-? No.” sam responds, but he feels his face heat up.
“I’m just wondering what led me to her before.” he says, trying to change the topic.
“Who knows. You could be soulmates.” dean jokes, thinking about their shared demon blood.
“Maybe.” he mumbles halfheartedly, not really listening.
“Mum?” you ask as you pull your mom to the side to talk to her.
“Yes, sweetheart?” she responds.
“Uhm, i want to go with them.” you say.
“What?” your mom panics. “Are you sure? It’s not going to be safe.” she says.
“I know. But i want to learn how to control the powers properly. There are some things I want to learn, some things i need to see that if i don’t leave, i’ll never see.” you tell her, trying your best to convince her.
“I see.” she responds. She’s got her poker face on, the one that won her 10 thousand dollars at a casino in las vegas when you were 11. You don’t know what she’s going to say, but you hope that she’ll let you go. “What’s something you want to learn?” she finally asks you.
You stare at her in bewilderment, your ears reddening before you speak. “Before sam and dean found me, i felt this pull in my stomach. I feel it now, and it only seems to be slacker when i’m with the two of them. I want to learn what that is.”
Your mom laughs so hard, she ends up wiping tears from her eyes. “I see.” she wheezes.
“What?” you ask her.
“Nothing, nothing. You’ll figure it out eventually.” she says, giggling to herself again.
You groan, “but can i go? I want your blessing.” you beg.
“Yes you can. But you must be safe, and remember to call me at least once a week, so that i know you’re still alive and safe. I’ll kill the both of them if they even let you get hurt.” she says, threatening loud enough that sam and dean stop whispering between themselves enough to look up at you both.
Sam’s got a sheepish grin on his face, and dean’s got a smirk, as if he’s saying that he knows something you don’t.
The next year is a mess.
You spend all of your time with the boys, getting close enough to both of them to consider them both your best friends.
Dean’s like a brother to you. And Sam, well sam-… he’s different.
Everytime you see him, you can’t help but smile. Every room he’s in with you seems brighter than it was before he went in, and you love every single second of your life that you spend with him.
The bond isn’t so strong when you’re together, but it’s only quiet when you’re touching him. If it’s hands pressed together, his arm resting on your shoulder, you tucked into his side, as long as you’re touching, it’s restful.
It’s hard sometimes, the life of a hunter. Your witch abilities help them on the hunt, and the added protection of ares is really good too.
You’re in a pickle, a couple of times. The work is dangerous, and not many make it to an older age.
This last hunting trip is going to kill you, you decide as soon as dean describes what’s going on.
A small rickety sports bar has been popping up all over the country, a popular couple’s bar named ‘hearts aligned.’ the story is that everytime a couple walks in, the chances are that the couples don’t come back out.
It seems to be this strangeness that is attracting all these couples to keep coming anyway. It’s ridiculous how people think that it’s cool because of that, and instead of staying away, they keep coming back.
So this is what leads you to now. Your smaller hand wrapped around sam’s larger one, as you entered the bar. you swear you can hear dean sniggering miles away back at the hotel rooms at the mere thought of your forced proximity with his baby brother.
Of course, dean found out that you liked sam, he became annoying to the point where he found numerous excuses for why he couldn’t do hunts, preferring to stay at the bunker than go out.
“Oh, my back hurts. Since you’re younger, you and moose can go do this one.” he’ll say, as he pushes you and sam out the door. He always sends you a wink.
Moose has now become a nickname for sam. It wasn’t on purpose, no matter how many times sam accuses you of finding the least suitable nickname for him.
Sam and you, wrapped up together as you wait in the lobby of the bar. The smell of sweat and love hangs heavy in the air, sticking to your skin like honey.
You don’t like it. You don’t like how natural it feels to be tucked into sam’s side, his hand resting on your waist. You don’t like how it feels so natural that he’s pressing light kisses to your hairline, like you’re something precious that he’s afraid to be away from for even a second.
You really hate how he’s playing the role of an affectionate boyfriend so well, and you know as soon as this is over, you’re never going to be able to get over it. You’re gonna get addicted if this keeps going on.
Not to mention, you hate how because of your short dress, you're cold, and somehow without you even saying anything, Sam's noticed. You didn’t even say anything, and he wrapped himself around you with the sole goal to warm you up.
And it works, he does. The body heat he emits is more than enough to warm you up, without being too warm. His hand, resting on your hip, is warm even through the fabric of your dress.
And most of all, you hate how the pull that you’ve felt in the pit of your stomach that’s been there since you’ve met the brothers, isn’t tight, for once. It feels as if that the closer you are to him, the more relaxed you feel.
“You okay?” sam whispers into your ear, playing the role of the beloved concerned boyfriend well. You shiver slightly, the warmth of his voice does that to you. It’s impressive how as soon as you feel the slightest bit off, that he notices. It’s as if he’s fine tuned himself into all the subtle shifts of your moods.
“Yeah.” you whisper in response. He does notice the shiver, but he chalks it up to the aircon vent blowing cold air at your back. He moves so that he’s in the way of the aircon’s cold blast, his warm front pressing into your back.
You let out a small huff of air, comfortable with his proximity and his warmth. “How long do you think this’ll take, moose? I’m getting tired.” You whisper to him, the music strangely quiet for a bar. To make sure he hears you better, you turn your face to him, bringing your lips closer to his ear.
He fights a difficult battle, trying everything in his willpower not to blush. That damn nickname, you… Everything, it’s killing him. “Dunno, shouldn’t be that much longer.” he responds in what he hopes is a confident, strong tone.
The longer you stay at the bar, the quieter it gets. Some couples leave giggling and laughing, dragging their partner’s hand with a mischievous smile.
You feel the bar getting colder, and a quick glance at the thermostat proves you right. “Anytime now.” he whispers again.
Suddenly, there’s a guttural screech, and the rest of the bar goers flee the premises, leaving you and sam alone in the bar. He steps away from you, pulling out the revolver supplied with rock salt, and bares it at the source of the screech.
As you unclasp the thigh guard, you pull out your own gun, similar to his. It was a gift from him on your birthday, engraved with your initials and a small cat.
You point it where sam is pointing his gun. You feel goosebumps raising on your arms, the hairs standing up as you hear a little scuttle. If you weren’t so fine tuned into sam, you wouldn’t have noticed how the hairs on the back on his neck stick up as well.
You want to smooth them down, but it really isn’t the time for that.
The scuttling gets louder, the sound of nails on a blackboard screeches through the bar as the music abruptly stops. The screeching gets louder, scuttling like a beetle as it gets closer, so loud that you think it’s right next to you, but you can’t see anything at all.
You pause, feeling your heart momentarily stop. Slowly craning your neck up to the ceiling, you almost scream. A year into the business, and you’re still not prepared.
▷ —-------------------- (crack)
The sound of the chair being knocked over as you scramble away from- from- whatever that thing is.
It’s got long dark hair, which is dangling. A feminine shape, with a covered face, but you can feel eyes staring at you with a glowering menace even without seeing it. Even no longer directly below it, you can feel it staring at you.
Sam gets in a protective stance, blocking its view of you by stepping in front of it.
‘Well…what have we click click here?” it rasps, voice disoriented and deep, clicking, sounding at the back of its dry throat, reminding you of the sounds the velociraptors in Jurassic world made.
You raise the gun, pointing it right between where the eyes would be on a normal person. Sam reaches out behind him, just checking to see if you’re behind him still, making sure you’re still safe.
“awww. such a cute hunter couple.” it snarls, dropping from the ceiling. its bones crack as it moves, body bending backwards as it stalks towards you.
suddenly it pauses. “you don't see that often, anymore.” it mumbles to itself, one grotesque finger drawing a line connecting the two of you, and the next thing you know, you're thrown together against the wall as it stalks closer.
“fuck.” sam groans as his back hits the wall, and you let out a hiss of pain, tied to his chest as you flail around, trying to move.
something invisible is pinning you in place. you're embarrassed to say that even in such a dangerous position, your heart is thumping aggressively in your chest, practically bursting out.
the thing is drawing close, and it's enough to get you to snap out of your reverie, and you remember that it's neither the time nor the place for this.
“Hmm. soulmates? So rare. You both can’t be human then.” it grumbles, its finger bending back with an unnatural crack.
‘What the fuck.’ you’re thinking as you both are struggling. Using your powers, you send a blast, making the thing fall back, scuttling its old bones as it regains its stance, prowling towards you.
In the time that it loses its balance, you and sam find yours. He pulls you up to his feet quickly, retrieving both of your guns as he points it at the thing, his other hand behind him, ensuring that you’re behind him.
In the end, you end up taking it out, sending it back to a demon dimension, and dragging your sorry asses back to your hotel rooms, where dean, is lying comfortably on the bed, with a beer in his hand.
You glare at him, beaten up and bloody, cuts all over your face from falling face first into a window. You’ve healed all the serious injuries, but don’t have enough energy to do the rest.
“I take it went well?” dean asks smugly, stretching out his limbs as if he’s done anything remotely productive. (spoiler alert. He hasn’t. He’s just gotten back from the bar)
“She was an elder-being. Thanks for the warning, dean.” sam growls, eyebrows furrowed as he hobbles over to lie on the bed.
“Hey! Don’t get the bedsheets bloody, we’ll be charged more.” you say, hitting him lightly, wincing when you hear him let out a hiss of pain.
“Shit.” sam whimpers, holding his arm, slightly above the slash in his arm. It’s not bleeding heavily anymore, but you bet it’s painful as hell, especially with those long ass nails raking at him.
“I’m sorry!! I didn’t mean to. Wait, I'll help patch you up. ” you tell him pushing him down so he sits on the edge of his bed in dean and his’ room.
Dean lets out a grunt as he jumps to his feet, already having enough of whatever flirting will happen soon.
“Right, i’m heading down to the bar, gonna check out the ladies.” he says, striding over to the door.
“Weren’t you just at the bar?” you ask him with a raised brow.
“Yeah, but they’re probably already missing me.” he responds, winking at ya. You can hear sam groaning slightly from the pain, turning your eyes away from dean to watch sam, you hear the door click closed behind you
You roll your eyes, pulling out the medical kit to pay attention to how injured sam might be.
“That was really stupid of you, moose. Jumping out a window?” you chastise him, a worried furrow in your brows as you pull out the necessary ointments.
Sam stares at you, his fingers itching at his side, wanting to smooth out the furrow in your brows. He thinks about what the demon thing said, and wants to talk about it, but he wants you to be comfortable first.
“Are you injured anywhere?” he asks, his hand reaching up and doing what he wants. His touch is gentle and soft, and even as he smooths the furrow out of your brow, his thumb lingers, before he pulls back. You miss his touch instantly, skin tingling where his thumb rested.
“Just a couple of scratches. Nothing as serious as your arm.” you respond, grimacing slightly as you really look at his cut.
“Yeah, but i’m still worried about you.” he responds, frowning.
“Don’t. Be more worried about yourself, since you’re the one in pain right now.” you chastise him, trying to pull the edges of his shirt away from the cut, letting out a sigh when he
“You gotta take off your overshirt, sam. I don’t wanna have the fabric sticking to the cut, or infecting it.” you tell him, stepping back while you wait for him to do as you ask.
He winces as he pulls it over his head, his white undershirt stained from the blood only on one side.
“You see? And you’re still telling me that you’re worried about me.” you say, pointing to the cut.
As you end up cleaning it up first, you’re in a comfortable silence. You keep thinking about the eldritch woman, and what she said about a soulmate bond. It would make a lot of sense, how for all this time, you’ve always been drawn to him.
Not just physically, but what seems to be mentally too, you notice all of his quirks, his hobbies, his preferences, and what he would deem his faults. They’re not faults to you, they’re just him, and you love him.
Unknown to you, he’s thinking the same. Maybe not to the same extent of what you're thinking, but to a similar extent. He’s curious about what happened, and he wants to know more, to know if you feel the same pull he does.
You end up stitching the rest of his cut up, and when you’re done, you collapse onto the bed in exhaustion. Letting out a deep, tired sigh, you throw your arm over your eyes, blocking out the light.
Sam’s still sitting on the edge of his bed, but he’s turned to stare at you. He watches the way your chest rises and falls with each breath you take, and even with the sound of music drifting into the room from the bar downstairs, he can hear the little puffs of air you let out.
He calls your name, and you shift your arm upwards, resting against your forehead as you stare down at him.
“Yeah?” you ask.
“..what do you think she meant about the soulmate bond?” sam asks. He’s probably the most nervous he’s ever been right now, but it’s a kind of nervousness that is elating, making his heart race in his chest.
You blink at him, just assuming that that was just going to be something else swept under the carpet of your friendship if you didn’t bring it up. Like lingering stares, touches that are wayyyy too long to just be friendly, and the way he’s just too fine tuned into you.
“Uh. Maybe what it quite literally means?” You finish, trying not to show just exactly how terrified you are right now, since this is a topic you thought you’d never talk about. Like how dean really really needs a love life, not just one night stands.
Sam can’t help but roll his eyes, and he feels slightly less stressed about bringing this topic up now, since you sound to him as if you’ve been thinking about it too.
You really want to talk about it, but you really don’t want to sound too desperate.
“You know that’s not what I mean, y/n.” he tells you, shifting so that his legs are no longer hanging off the edge of the bed, and he’s looking right at you. His arm is tender, and the little movement is enough to make him wince.
Sitting up to look at him properly, you sigh. You don’t know what to say, really.
“Do you feel it?” he asks, shyly. “The soulmate bond?” He thinks of all the times he’s even thought that you might have reciprocate his feelings, and he thinks he has a solid chance right now.
You don’t think you’re gonna get rejected, but it’s still slightly unnerving to bring something as serious as this up, because if it doesn’t work out, your entire dynamic will be destroyed, and you will not only lose the love of your life, but your best friend, and in the process, you could lose dean, too.
“Yeah. i just didn’t know what it was before.” you tell him, scratching the back of your neck nervously, wincing when you scratch at a injury you didn’t notice before.
Sam lightens up obviously, the physical embodiment of puppy eyes. He looks at you now, and he laughs.
“What?” you ask him, slightly nervous.
“I feel it too, you know?” he tells you. “I felt it that day in the woods, i felt it when you left my side for even a moment, I felt it when we were together. I just thought it was some kind of overattachment to you.”
This makes you laugh, and he pulls you closer by your arm.
“I felt it in the woods, that day when I thought you were a moose, I felt it when I sat in the passenger seat of baby, I felt it when you were injured in the hospital.” you respond, thinking of all the times where the bond vexed you, and made you happy.
Sam stares down at you, pulling you into his side properly. You’re tucked into under his arm as he presses a chaste kiss to the tips of your fingers, to the palm of your hand, your forearm, as he slowly makes his way up to your face.
In between each kiss, he whispers out to you; “I've felt you everywhere in my life since the first day I met you. In my head, my lungs, in my space. You are the air I breathe, and without you, I'm scared I’ll die.”
he pauses when he reaches your jaw, pausing, giving you time to push him away if you don’t want this.
“yeah? “ you respond smugly, gloating now that you’re aware of just how much you affect him. You’re breathless, waiting for the kiss that you feel you’ve been missing your entire life.
This is the only moment that matters, the part where you finally come together. With that, he kisses you. The kiss is sweet and soft, a promise of more to come.
He pulls back, forehead resting against yours and your breaths mingle together, but it isn’t enough. You need more for all the times you’ve been afraid he’s hurt or worse, dead.
You pull him closer by the collar of his undershirt, and kiss him. You kiss him like crazy, and he reciprocates, kissing you harder. This kiss is everything you’ve lost, come back to you.
When you finally pull apart, you’re giggling, and he chuckles, pressing another chaste kiss to your forehead, whispering how much he loves you.
You fall asleep entangled together, ankles crossed over his as he rests his arm over your waist, your head tucked between his neck and his shoulder.
Dean comes back from the bar, switching on the light of the room, and he quite literally does a double take when he sees the two of you entangled together, even in sleep.
He does everything in his power not to wake you up with screams of “i knew it” and “it’s about damn time”. He’s happy to see his brother so content, even in sleep, there’s a smile on sam’s face.
Dean pulls out his phone, sending a quick text to mrs l/n; who’s number he got to stay in touch with updates of his father.
‘You owe me ten bucks.’ he types out.
The screen lights up with a response from mrs l/n.
‘What!? Already? I thought it would be later.’ is the reply, and he laughs at that.
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porcelainvino · 11 months ago
Unpopular Opinion Ask Game: 🏳️‍🌈💛
Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
i already answered this one but now that i think about it more, maybe transman!kurt????? maybe idk i think i like that he’s a feminine(ish) man/amab person more :3 DON’T GET ME WRONG, TRANSMEN CAN BE FEMININE but i think i saw someone headcanon him as a transman because he “looks like a girl” or something and it has ruined me 😭😭😭 like ohhhhh that’s not…
What is a popular ship you just can't get behind, and why?
hmmmmmmmm kurt x any other man besides blaine but in a SERIOUS context. i love a silly little kurt ship (ex: my better!glee puckurt storyline) but when people are like “KURT AND [man that isn’t blaine] ARE SOULMATESSSS” it’s weird to me 😭 i think saying that any couple are “soulmates” is cringe by itself but something about all these mediocre men……. like tbh i don’t think i even like klaine that much when i think about it but like…………… why would you ship him seriously with any of these guys… they’re all so lame……… i’m sorry…..
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dearvitya · 2 years ago
just finished my third (or fourth???) reread of the league of the green carnation. i’m sobbing. THEIR LOVE TRANSCENDS TIMEEEE. THEY ARE SOULMATESSSS.
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mistninja · 2 years ago
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Also. Nighteyes #1 fitz/fool truther
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kixxmi · 3 months ago
WHY ARE WE LOWKEY SOULMATESSSS. Like we’re married he just isn’t informed of this information yet ☺️
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ch-4-eri · 4 days ago
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Lesbians can’t have shit.
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crymeariveronceagain · 3 years ago
Keefe being raised by the Neverseen and Sophie being raised by the Black Swan
The first time he saw the Moonlark it was on the battlefield.
Of course he would. That's what his life was like.
She stood in her black cloak, he stood in his.
Their eyes scanned each other.
And for the first time, as soon as they locked eyes, the world shimmered into overwhelming color around them. There was more than white and gray and black. There was green, blue, brown, red, orange. Smoke billowed up into the blue sky and yellow flames dusted the ground.
Keefe gaped.
Turned back to the girl, the Moonlark, the person he'd been raised to destroy.
"Shit," she said. "It's you."
"How am I gonna explain this to my mom," he gasped, still in awe of color.
"You're not," the Moonlark said, taking a step towards him across the flaming ground. She held out her hand, open, and he wondered if hse wanted him to cut it off, or she wanted him to hold hers. "We've got two choices here, Lodestar. Listen close."
"To what?" He didn't know what to think of her. "Kill each other or kiss each other?"
She shot an annoyed look at him. "You can come with me, and we run off together. Or, we split up and never, ever, ever mention this again to anyone."
"How do I know you won't use it against us," Keefe said.
She rolled her eyes. "I'm part of a secret terrorist organization. I can keep a secret as well as you can. And you know that this would ruin the both of us."
Keefe had nothing to say to that. He knew exactly what his mother would think if this got out. So he stared at the Moonlark, his soulmate, the person he was destined to love forever, the person he'd been created to destroy, and he mulled it over.
"Well?" she said, simply. "I've got two minutes before I need to get back to my..." she trailed off, shaking her head. "I have two minutes before they need me to be somewhere. Make up your mind now or never, Lodestar."
And he only had one thought than made sense in his mind.
He'd never cared much for fire, anyway.
"Let's go."
The Moonlark smiled, and pulled off her cloak. "Leave your knife, Lodestar."
He dropped everything he had, except for his tunic, in the dirt next to everything she had. No knives, no cloaks, no tracking necklaces, nothing that could tie them to their organizations.
Just two genetically mutated teenagers.
He reached out, and took her hand.
She let a tiny grin traipse across her lips.
And they ran.
They didn't look back.
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charlieism · 3 years ago
hi sorry me again yes I'm annoying BUT
"let me help you."
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thedeathdeelers · 4 years ago
I think you are absolutely hilarious and I feel like if I ever met you in real life I would desperately want to be your friend. Your ability to whip out soft and angsty dribbles with like two lines of inspiration is both scary and awe-inspiring. I love seeing you pop up on my dash because I always know you're gonna have the best take or AU idea and I get a little giddy every time I see you screaming SOULMATES
this is so sweeeeet omg 🥺🥺 thank you so much ♥️♥️
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justkeyyy · 13 days ago
Ughhhhhhh!! I literally love them!! Soulmates!!! SOULMATESSSS!!!!
(Not mines btw)
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You can't have one without the other.
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#the work they put into making him vocalise how broken he was without aaron was so good#when’s the last time a man got to mourn a relationship on the soap (not death ik) without being made to look dramatic stupid or#comedic like this wasnt him going off the rails this was him experiencing this LOSS and it was done so well  - @littlelooneyluna
this is the biggest mood!! 
like the constant emphasis on how devastating it was for aaron and robert to break up and how difficult (impossible) it was to truly move on is the best thing ever
further than that i am forever grateful for the consistency of the narrative being that aaron and robert are it for each other, that despite the dramas and the angsts (of which they’ve had many) they are the love of each other’s lives and no one can compare. there has been such an emphasis on how much and how intensely these two love each other, on how that’s never gonna stop, for pretty much the entirety of their run
show me a soap couple who got that good a treatment tbh!
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