smolldust · 2 months
Hoodie N Speedpaint!!
CW for slight flashing and fast camera movements
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Finished piece :D
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a-sky-of-diamonds · 1 year
Martyn’s Evo and Limited Life Poem Connections
I was watching Martyn’s finale, and I knew the poem at the end sounded familiar. And it struck me: just compare the poem at the end of Limited Life :
There are some who watch,
We are those who listen.
Not yet free, still you flee,
From weighted decision.
To a poem found in a book written by the Listeners in Evo’s final episode:
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...This has some meaning to it, guys.
(Theories/analysis and original meaningful tags (I had to repost this because the original wasn’t showing up, and I’d made a LOT of tags I’m not writing them out again) under the cut):
So firstly, this doesn’t need explaining, but it’s literally the same thing! The first two lines are identical, and the third? The rhyming! is the same! It even uses ‘free’ and ‘flee’ again (swapped around, which is very interesting). And recission/decision? The SAME SOUNDS. Right there.
The meanings are very interesting as well. In Evo, it’s all about instructing the players to leave (through a portal, presumably out of the server). They’re not free but there’s the possibility to be, etc. But the interesting thing is the last phrase, ‘complete your recission’. One of the definitions of recission is the undoing of a contract – I haven’t watched the whole of Evo so correct me if I’m wrong, but could there have been some sort of unknown contract, even if metaphorical, between the players and the Watchers? And by leaving they’d finally break it (which they would have been doing by listening more and more to the Listeners at the end)?
In the Life series, we know Martyn’s not free yet, as with all the other Life and Evo members – something went wrong with their escape and they were recaptured. That means that whatever those rules or agreements were, he hasn’t managed to escape from it. The Listeners are seemingly trying to help at the end of Limited Life, restoring what I assume to be Martyn’s soul from its cracked state – could those possibly be due to that connection with the Watchers? And how they managed to contact him? Are the Listeners helping to break that?
...But in the poem at the end of Limited Life, they say Martyn’s “still not free”, and still fleeing from some sort of decision. He’s still under the eyes of the Watchers, they’re still in contact – that has to be part of what it means, but I’m curious about the line “still you flee/from weighted decision”? What decision is he fleeing from, I wonder? Does there need to be some action on his part to break contact with the Watchers, to complete the original Evo poem? Is it a statement on his character – throughout the series, Martyn has been quite passive in terms of playing the game itself the way it’s ‘meant’ to be played, and also when following the whims of the Watchers, not exactly making decisions entirely for himself? Is it both? Also, it seems like him fleeing may be tied to him not being free – what does this mean?
I don’t have answers to all of that yet, but it’s really interesting, and the poem is such a cool callback to Evo – and the fact that they’re linked probably means something in and of itself.
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meowzcw · 25 days
I finally drew my oc A-Sans normally on here instead of kawaii doodles 🔥🔥 (By the way he stole that jacket off a coat rack like a hermit crab, that's why it's like size asgore)
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Reblogs are appreciated ‼️
His/au backstory down below if you wanna read 🦟 just a warning it's not original or anything and there's obv a lot of hcs and things picked from the multiverse because why not I just made him for fun 🎉
it's missing some info but those parts are mostly from Frisk's side of things since they're what caused everything to happen 🐺
Frisk basically got trapped in the underground for 7 years since the barrier wouldn't open due to one of the souls dying out and one day they selfishly yet desperately decided to go through with a genocide route for the first time, they didn't want to but they felt as if there was no other way
Sans met Frisk in judgment hall to stop them obvi and he tried to talk them out of continuing but Sans sucks at saying the right things so Frisk continued on anyways- Frisk struck first and got him on the face and Sans in return charged up his very op everything attack which is a one shot kill (can explain in another post if anyone's interested 🌹 it's a bit long but in short Frisk hopped into the core and some things bugged out bad, including stats of some monsters) and Frisk struck him again in the last second.
They died at the same time and due to the fact Sans shouldn't be able to use a move like that he ended up glitching out of the timeline into a battle sequence like out-code where the fight couldn't progress or end because Frisk wasn't there to do any actions. While Frisk continued into the judgment hall, except Sans wasn't there and things started to glitch out when they tried to go past the area. so they were forced to give up and go back to how it was before the genocide route. Just without Sans there
Sans got stuck in there for a few months until Error accidentally opened up the area during a silly fight with Ink- which Ink swiftly ditched Error to go check it out
Sans grew paranoid after being in there for so long so he started fighting Ink the second he saw movement thinking it was Frisk, but he was even more confused when he saw someone that looked exactly like him just in different clothes so he panicked and teleported outta there. And since he had dust all over him at the time Ink obvi wanted to know what happened, so he went to go look for him.
Ink soon found him and reassured him that he didn't need to worry about anything since everyone in his AU was alive, but advised him not to go back since Frisk might try another genocide run and succeed.
Sans accepted that and took his advice, Ink then explained the whole multiverse business, AU's and such, since Sans was pretty confused. He then asked Sans for his name since they didn't do a proper introduction, which Sans decided to call himself "A-Sans" because pretty much everyone that's usually out of their au is a sans.
A-Sans took Ink's advice the wrong way and forced himself to stop worrying about anything involving his AU since everyone was alive unlike those in the multiverse that were more unfortunate. which was hard to do since he missed everyone, felt guilty for leaving them behind all miserable and such so he took up drinking to help him stop worrying about it all.
Now he just hangs around in busy areas to nap all day by himself, people avoid talking to him because of the dust on his face and assume he killed someone.
-End 🔥
Personality wise A is very laid back and friendly, usually sleepy. He doesn't hold grudges and he forgives easily if it isn't too bad. He doesn't blame Frisk for what they did, he just wishes he was able to do something sooner to help them out before they got to that state.
And sorry if I repeat things or explain it all weird 🙏 it was 11am when I wrote this and I didn’t slept a wink but Imk if you have any questions!
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c-r-yeet · 2 months
Timelapse of my ihnmaims art here
(So sorry for reposting AGAIN. Apparently I got a glitch that made my post invincible, even I couldn’t see it, and I CAN’T stand it lmaooo)
Audio from cojone66 on TikTok (which was edited from Red Sex - Vessel cause it fits for my one minute vid lol.
Sorry that the quality is sloppy, I have to make it smaller so the cropping doesn’t look weird.
Also, thank you everyone for your compliments over my art, I’ve never been happier. Thank you!🥰
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spider-jaysart · 10 months
Damian, but 5 years old and actually hanging out with Tim
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Happy Thanksgiving btw everyone!!💖🦃
(The Tumblr glitch where posts don't show up in the tags happened again, so I'm reposting it)
(Readable version below the cut, since some parts might be confusing with how kind of messy it was done)
Panel 1:
Damian, pulling onto Tim's hood: Drake! Stop talking to your friends and boyfriend and come play with me!
Tim, facetiming Bernard, Kon, Cassie, and Bart: Ack! Okay, okay! Just give me a minute! I've gotta go now guys!
Panel 2:
Tim: Wait, why do you get to be Batman in this game?
Damian: Because I am
Tim: Well, can I be Nightwing then?
Damian: No
Damian, pulling out his Nightwing plushie: This is Nightwing
Tim: But that's a doll!
Damian: Shush!
Panel 3:
Damian, now in a Nightwing costume: I change my mind! I'm Nightwing!
Tim: Seriously??
Panel 4:
After an hour of playing with eachother:
Damian, hitting Tim as part of the game: Hiyah!
Tim: Ow! What the heck?!
Panel 5:
Tim: That's it! I'm not playing with you anymore! I'm not your punching bag!
Panel 6:
Damian: Fine! Nightwing doesn't need sidekicks anyways! I'll just play with Titus!
Tim: Go ahead then!
Panel 7:
Damian: I will!
Panel 8 and 9:
Tim: Walking away
Damian: Sniff!
Tim: Stops
Panel 10:
Tim: Are you crying?
Damian: No!
Panel 11:
Tim: Hey, I'm sorry. We can keep playing, okay? You just gotta stop hitting me, alright?
Damian: (Sob)
And then the last panel is just Damian and Tim napping together after playing for so long
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pinkisposting · 4 months
The characters and story have so much potential with some more up to date writing and modern game mechanics guys please! The foundation is SO there.
(this is a repost if you saw the version that was glitched af I posted by accident I'm so sorry)
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caapsiizzereads · 1 year
Freedom felt like summеr then on the coast
Jamie Tartt x f!reader
Summary: just summertime fluff, you and Jamie having the time of your lives in Brazil and falling in love along the way
Words: 2,9k
Warnings: language, as usual
A/n: sorry to everyone who already saw this post yesterday, but tumblr was really testing my patience and i accidentally deleted it😀😀 so i’m reposting it now and if it glitches again i’m deleting my whole account🥰
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Sunset on the coast is always a great view, even more so if you’re watching it from a boat smoothly gliding through the ocean. You can feel the tiny sprinkles of water landing on your skin, the ocean breeze blowing through your hair, and Jamie’s fingertips lightly moving on your thigh as he’s comfortably leaning against your side. Despite having spent the day just hiking around the island and relaxing on the beach, you both feel a bit tired, so an hour-long boat ride is actually a good opportunity to rest before you have to drive back to Rio for another hour.
You get off the boat and walk back to the shore. Jamie’s hair is a mess, wavy from all the humidity (he says it’s annoying, but you actually find it adorable) and tangled from the wind. You run your hand through it, trying to somewhat fix it, and he smiles softly at you.
You’re walking towards your car, and Jamie puts his hand out palm up.
“Oh, come on!”
“You’ve had four caipirinhas!”
“And I’m good.” You’ve driven in worse states…
“You drove here, only fair if I drive back. Just to be safe.” Jamie is still holding his hand up, now looking at you expectantly.
“Fine.” You roll your eyes, but put the car keys in his open hand. “But I’m still picking the music.”
“What happened to ‘driver picks the music’?” Jamie asks teasingly, even though he really has no intention to argue with you on that.
“It changed to (Y/n) picks the music anyway.”
You are waiting for your drink by the bar, mouthing the words of the song and your body slightly moving to the rhythm. The bartender passes you your drink, and you happily pick it up and start making your way through the dancing crowd back to Jamie. Jamie is vaguely aware that someone is trying to pull him into a dance, but he can’t take his eyes off you. You have a carefree smile on your face, your body keeps gracefully moving with the song, and you’re clearly enjoying yourself. Another girl sways in your way, and you take her hand, making her spin as you smile breezily at each other. It reminds him of the first time he saw you two days ago.
Jamie can’t believe he’s only known you for two days. He’s not much of a believer in love at first sight, but what he felt for you that night is definitely real. Desire? Infatuation? Awe? Whatever it was, it’s only been growing stronger.
The moment you hinted that you wanted to take Jamie home with you that night, he felt like he won a fucking lottery. He wasn’t oblivious to all the eyes that were on you that night, and so weren't you. Yet you still chose him. And not even in his wildest dreams could he imagine where that would lead him.
You’ve never heard an accent like this before, so you ask him where he’s from. Jamie tells you that he’s from Manchester, England, and he’s in Rio to shoot a commercial for Nike.
“Are you like a model or something?” you laugh.
“A football player.”
“Ooo, are you good?” you looked at him, intrigued.
“Fucking great,” he declares proudly.
“Good. Imagine if I slept with a shitty football player… That would be embarrassing.”
The following day was supposed to be Jamie’s last in Brazil, but he just couldn't get the idea off his mind. So after the shoot was over, he told Keeley that he was going to stay there for a few more days. She was there in the bar with him the previous night, so it didn’t take much for her to figure out what that dreamy look on Jamie’s face was all about. She gave him a cheeky smile and wished him a good time.
And two days later, here he is, having the best fucking time as you make his way back to him, give him a kiss, and pull him into a dance with you.
“So what do you do?”
“I’m an engineer.”
“So you, like, build machines and stuff?”
“Almost,” you chuckle. “I build bridges. Well, not by myself. I’m more of, like, an architect but for bridges.”
“That’s cool. Bridges are cool.” Now that he thinks about it, Jamie realizes that he has no idea how those things are actually built.
“Women in STEM,” you mouth theatrically.
Back at your Airbnb bedroom, you both are lying on your sides, your head on the pillows and Jamie’s head on your thigh, facing each other.
“What do you wanna do tomorrow?” you ask.
“I don’t know. Whatever you want.”
“We’ve been doing what I want for two days, tomorrow we’re going to do what you want,” you insist. “Come on, surely there’s something.”
Jamie hasn’t really thought about it. You’re good at navigating your way around and you know what you want, and Jamie has been happy to just follow your lead.
On your first full day together you wanted to go to the Tijuca National Park because you wanted to see the waterfalls. You were definitely right about that because the nature here is absolutely spectacular. Then you spent the rest of the day just wandering around the city and then watched the sunset from the Sugarloaf Mountain because that view was absolutely insane.
“Yep, looks good,” you decide after a quick look. You stole Jamie’s sunglasses earlier today, and you have no intention of giving them back until the end of your trip. They look better on you anyway. And these plasticky green ones seem like a totally good replacement. “Or…” you switch the glasses on Jamie’s face to a pair with a yellow frame. “Do you like these better? They have pink ones too,” you grin at him.
“Okay, I’ll get it if you get…” Jamie’s eyes stop on arguably the ugliest t-shirt in the store, “this.”
You know what he’s trying to do here, but you’re not letting him win that easily. You pick the t-shirt a couple of sizes bigger than yours, roll up the sleeves, and tie the bottom in a knot. “So, how do I look?”
Jamie’s mouth falls open. He doesn’t know whether he’s impressed or disappointed because you are still annoyingly attractive. “You could pull off a potato sack.”
“Bet.” You take your phone and start scrolling through your camera roll. In a minute, you turn your phone showing Jamie the picture. It’s from a few years ago, when you went to a Halloween party dressed as Marylin Monroe in her iconic potato sack look.
“Fuck me.” You were, in fact, rocking a potato sack.
“Already did,” you wink at him.
Today, you went to Ilha Grande. It was quite a long way, but it was totally worth it: the island had this very calm and relaxing atmosphere, the locals were very friendly, the beach was great, and the food was as good as always. It was a nice break from the busy Rio.
Jamie thinks about where he wants to go. There’s one thing that immediately comes to mind.
“Maracanã Stadium. We don’t have to go to a match, can just walk around. You know it’s one of the largest stadiums in the world?” Jamie gets visibly excited.
“There are matches?” You thought he said it was off-season.
“Yes. The Brazilian League has a different schedule, they are playing now. But we don’t have to go.”
“No, let’s go! If you want to. And if you don’t mind explaining what the fuck is going on to me.” You’re not much of a football fan, but the excited look on Jamie’s face is totally worth it.
Perk of a huge stadium: you can get tickets to the upcoming match literally the night before.
“How did you get into football? Like, did you always know that it’s something you wanna do professionally?”
Maybe it’s the knowing that in a few days he will probably never see you again, maybe it’s the fucked out state of his brain, maybe it’s just you and that thing about you that makes it feel safe to talk about things, but there, in the security of your dark bedroom, Jamie finds himself telling you the full history behind him and football. He tells you about his father and the impact he made, about his failures and regrets, about his accomplishments and dreams.
You don’t speak up much, just letting Jamie talk and use your hand as a fidget toy, and when he’s finished, the room goes quiet.
You squeeze his fingers, which are laced with yours. “Are you happy?”
He thinks on it for a moment. “Yeah.”
“You’ll be alright, then.” You smile at him, and it makes him feel so warm and content on the inside that he has no choice but to believe you.
The stadium is really fucking impressive and really fucking huge, and Jamie looks like a child in a candy store. He supplies you with an endless amount of trivia about the exhibits at the Stadium and the 2014 World Cup, which apparently had its final here. Your contribution to this conversation is that Pitbull and Jennifer Lopez wrote the theme song for it.
After the match, you go to the local Aquarium, which, according to Jamie and confirmed by Wikipedia, is the biggest in South America, but in reality, it ends up being pretty mediocre. Really makes you crave some seafood for dinner, though. This is a little bit barbaric, but at least you’re in it together.
You’re walking down the streets of Rio de Janeiro. They are filled with music, partying crowds, and friendly smiles – a carefree atmosphere all around you. Tomorrow is your last day here, and then you will go your separate ways.
Never in his life has Jamie felt this way. It’s like being in the spotlight of your attention is addicting. You are a lot, but he can never get enough of you. He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to just pack up his stuff and move one with his life now. He pushes the thought out of his mind. That's for him to worry about later. Right now, the air is warm, and your hand is in his, and life is fucking mint.
“So where are you going next?” Jamie asks while mindlessly tracing invisible patterns on your skin.
You pick up your phone and show Jamie a digital drawing of a bridge. “Budapest.”
“You're gonna build this?” Jamie’s eyes go wide.
“That’s the plan.”
“This is fucking insane.” He looks at you in fascination. “Do you have pictures of the other ones you did?”
You show Jamie the pictures of the three other bridges that you’ve worked on. In between, there’s a photo of you on a construction site, wearing a shirt, a skirt, and a hard hat. Jamie giggles when he sees it and takes your phone in his hands.
“What are you doing?”
“Sending it to myself,” he grins, pressing the AirDrop button. He accepts it on his phone and looks at it thoughtfully for a moment. “I can’t imagine you doing all of this. Not ‘cause I think you can’t or anything, just, like, you being all serious and wearing pencil skirts.”
You laugh. “Okay, first of all, pencil skirts are not required, but I look fucking hot in them. And second, you’d be so disappointed. Daily life me is so lame. I’m a terrible workaholic. My ideal night off is just staying at home with food, wine, and TV, alone. I thought about getting a dog, but I’ve killed every plant I’ve ever bought. I don’t even have hobbies, I just either work or do fucking nothing,” you chuckle.
Jamie looks at you dreamily. “I would’ve loved to get to know the lame you.”
A part of you wants to indulge this scenario, but you quickly push it away, not letting the moment sit for too long. “Okay, I showed you mine, now show me yours,” you smile eagerly.
Jamie opens a picture of the team, telling you a little bit about everyone. He tells you about his rocky history with Roy, about Sam and how you would totally love him because everyone does, about Isaac and his barbering skills that Jamie is still yet to use, some funny stories about the players and coaches. Your conversation only quiets when the sun starts to rise and you slowly doze off to sleep.
“C’mere.” You stand by the edge of the bed where Jamie is sitting, and he tilts his head to look up at you with a pleased smile as you start applying spf to his face like you’ve been doing it every morning. Jamie always wears his spf, but he just likes it better when you do it for him.
“I was thinking…”
“I don’t like this already.”
“Oi!” he pokes at your thigh, and you grin teasingly at him. “I was thinking…” he starts again. “Maybe we could, like, exchange numbers? Instagrams?”
“Jamie.” You stop him. You’ve mentioned once briefly that it’s not your first vacation fling, and you don’t do the whole exchanging contact information thing. He knows this.
The wistful look in Jamie’s eyes doesn’t help at all. “But I like this. Don’t you?” He affectionately runs the back of his hand along your leg.
“Oh, I fucking love this. But the expiration date is exactly what makes it so good. We don’t have anything to worry about, we don’t owe each other anything. We just have a really good time, and then we go back to our lives.”
Maybe Jamie doesn’t want to just go back to his life, but he knows that arguing here is useless and it’s better to just enjoy your last day here together.
You go to the Botanical Garden and have lunch at Parque Lage, beautiful sceneries. The night, as usual, ends with getting drunk at the bar and then going back home and having some mindblowing sex.
“Does it always feel like this?” He doesn’t need to explain, you exactly what he means. This is an answer in itself.
“No.” You can give him that much.
You get up and get ready together. Your flights are only a couple of hours apart, so it makes sense for you to just go to the airport together. There’s some heaviness in the air between you that hasn’t been there before.
You arrive at the airport, go through all the regular procedures, and settle in the waiting area.
The boarding for your flight is announced, and when most of the crowd disappears, you get up. Jamie stands up too.
“It was really nice to meet you, Jamie Tartt,” you smile tenderly at him.
“Yeah, you too.” He envelopes you in a tight hug.
“Come on, London boy, keep your head up.” You kiss him on the corner of his lips before you turn around and walk away through your gate.
Jamie smiles to himself. You were still wearing his sunglasses on the top of your head.
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It’s been six weeks since Jamie was back in London. He would say that everything has gone back to normal and he doesn’t miss you at all, but that would be one big dirty lie. Because the truth is that not a day goes by that he doesn’t think about you. He looks at the pictures that he made of you a bit too often, he checks every new person who follows him on Instagram, hoping to see your name, he keeps the sunglasses that you jokingly bought for him in his drawer. Everyone on the team has heard about you at this point. He even googled that fucking bridge in Budapest, how pathetic is that.
Today is Richmond's first match of the season. It’s a home match against Leeds United, so it shouldn’t be that hard. The team is in great spirits, and everyone is feeling very optimistic about the match.
They were right because they win the match with a final score of 3-0. Great start to the new season.
Jamie’s talking with Sam on his way from the Stadium, when Sam interrupts him and nods ahead with a mischievous smile. Jamie turns to look, and he’s met with a familiar face looking back at him. He knows he’s staring, but he just can’t believe his eyes.
“So you didn’t lie, huh,” you smile smugly at him. “You are pretty good.”
“You’re here,” he mutters, mostly to convince himself that it’s real.
“I accidentally stole your sunglasses. Thought you’d want them back.”
Suddenly, Jamie recalls a news headline he saw not so long ago. “They are making a new bridge in West London.”
“We are.”
You burst into laughter when you got the offer a day before you were supposed to sign the Budapest contract. You don't usually believe in stuff like fate, but if that’s not it, then what is?
“You’re here,” Jamie repeats excitedly now. He closes the distance between you and pulls you into a hug, slightly lifting you from the ground. When he puts you back down, he still keeps his hands on you, like he’s afraid you’ll disappear again if he lets go.
“It’s a big bridge. Gonna take a while.”
“Good,” he breathes, pressing his forehead against yours. “Hope it fucking takes forever.”
A/N: the alternative title for this fic was ‘I just wanna burn this bridge to see if you’ll come right back to me’, but we’re sticking with Taylor themed titles for now
A/N 2: reader’s job is a reference to Jamie’s line from s2 if you haven’t figured by now… and there are two(?) Taylor Swift references in this fic too
A/N 3: yes, i totally did an excessive research on Rio’s landmarks for this
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resowrites · 7 months
Six More Weeks Of Winter - drabble.
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Summary: Henry’s prank on the reader massively backfires…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Reader/Wife!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, brief sexy talk, fake message style, language, pet names, dialogue heavy, nondescript reader/OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: <600
A/N: Sorry about all the recent post deletions, I just got fed up of the same ones always glitching on my page. I hope this drabble makes up for it (I’ve already had to reupload three times 🙄) and I’ll be back to writing properly when work’s a bit less crazy - R x
Remember, this is pure fiction (as in completely made up), and not in any way meant to reflect reality. My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting.
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Six More Weeks Of Winter - drabble.
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To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
@fanfictionaddiction99 @luclittlepond @caffeinatedfestivalsheep @summersong69 @ushijimbo @livesinfantasyland @jackjanira @thearcana-moonlight
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skylarsblue · 2 years
✦Slashers With A Strong S/O✦
✦Note; Gender Neutral Reader, fluff, no warnings! I added a few for my own enjoyment, hope you don't mind! 
✦Michael: He/Him, Jason: He/Him, Billy: He/It, Bubba: He/They/She, Bo: He/Him, Vincent: They/He, Danny: He/They
❀Michael Myers❀
Oh, he has no idea how to feel. This is OG Myers, he's got a pretty average build. 5'10", 190-somethin' pounds. Though he has super-human strength, for some reason, there are certainly people bigger than him. He knows this...he doesn't have to like it though. He likes being this strong and imposing figure that makes hearts sink. The fact he likes you is amazing as it is, the fact he doesn't feel a little threatened by you is even more bewildering.
Do not try to pick him up for no reason/out of nowhere. Not in the beginning, at least. You don't want to push your luck. As strong as you may be, he's immortal, so he'll find a way to ensure you know your place. He doesn't like being overpowered.
That being said, there are certain scenarios where your strength comes in handy, and it's in these times he'll begrudgingly admit to himself that he likes it. For example, when he's wounded enough to actually affect his ability to walk. Don't tease him as you princess carry him, but he is silently appreciative, as embarrassing as it is.
Michael's just very aware when he's in a position that's vulnerable. He's never liked that feeling, so it'll take a long time for him to be comfortable with the knowledge that you're powerful enough to hoist him up without breaking a sweat. Give it some time though and he'll start to enjoy it. He'll never admit it though.
Don't expect him to koala you, ever. But at some point, he'll start to be okay with you carrying him up the stairs when he's hurt from a hunt, or moving him to the couch during those rare times he gets sick from his poor wound care.
All and all, he'll never admit to liking your strength, but eventually, he'll come to find it useful. Just don't push your luck. He'll still stab you if you forget his terrifying reputation.
❀Jason Voorhees❀
Well, if he likes you, he trusts you a whole lot. Jason's all or nothing when it comes to comfort/trust. This means, unlike Michael, he doesn't really have any worries or insecurities over your strength. He thinks it's rather impressive actually! Depending on your height, if you're like...under 5'8"? He's gonna be double impressed.
Living in the woods and being self-sustainable is hard work. It requires a lot of physical labor. Carrying lumber around, building things, carrying heavy metal to set up his traps, fixing up the cabins. Jason can do it with ease, but it can get pretty tiresome when that's all he does. Lugging around logs of firewood and dead bodies. A corpse doesn't pull its own weight, after all.
Having you around and willing to help is extremely helpful! He's too polite to go out of his way to ask for your help, but when you do it anyways, it makes his stomach feel all weird. What gives him the shock of his life...(afterlife?) is when you lift him up for the first time.
He lets out a surprised grunt and looks around like a freaked-out cat. Processing the fact his significant other hoisted his 6'5", 200+ pound ass right off the ground without any struggle. It makes him admittedly a bit flustered.
He'd prefer if you gave him a little warning before you do it, it kinda freaks him out when you lift him all of a sudden, but that doesn't mean he dislikes it. Quite the contrary! He won't ask for it but when you lift him up and hold him there, it makes him feel safe. It reminds him of being a kid, when his mother would carry him virtually everywhere. Bringing back those old memories before he lost her is an easy way to make Jason melt.
He'll constantly worry about being too heavy, and he'll weakly insist you stop lifting him. He doesn't want you hurting yourself! Of course, you know better, and it makes his heart happy that you insist on doing it anyway.
❀Billy Lenz❀
Billy's a bit iffy with touch. Sometimes he can't get enough, other times he shuts down completely at the lightest tap. But he trusts you which means you get a pass more often. It likes your touch! Your touch doesn't mean bad things!
Billy's not very heavy or big. It's rather slim, actually. Bit of a twig, really. About 5'6", not including the heels on his boots, and maybe around 125 pounds soaking wet. Picking him up really isn't that difficult, to be honest. Still! It'll make him light up when you hold him aloft like a cat. On an excitable day, it'll squirm and giggle relentlessly.
On days where he's really not lucid, but not hyperactive either, he likes to cling to you like a koala. It doesn't matter if he's in the way, he's stuck to you for a while. It's probably the best time to cuddle it in all honesty. He won't talk much, doesn't really move either, just settles against you. Letting you be the anchor in reality so he doesn't drift off into space. It prefers that dynamic much more than panic attacks.
He tries to pick you up once and he fails, absolutely. Billy's a climber and he can hoist his own body weight just fine, but it's a different scenario when lifting someone else. Though the experience definitely makes him like how strong you are a lot more than before. Now it's twice as impressive.
Sometimes he squirms around when you lift him up. Be cautious of his legs, especially if you got a pair of nuts. Those boots are pretty damn effective at crotch shots.
❀Bubba Sawyer❀
Oh, Bubs is so flustered so quick, bro. Bubba is a big, big baby. Just shy of 6'6" and over 300 lbs. No one can just lift him. They haven't been lifted up since they were a kid, and even then it was rare. He's always been heavier set and his eldest brother often insisted it was a pain to lift him.
Here you come though, buff as hell, raising her off the ground like she weighs nothing. It definitely makes them all giddy. Bubba will start squeaking and squealing, flapping his hands all excitedly. Please carry Bubba like a princess, they'll swoon so hard.
It's guaranteed he'll be really worried about your back though. He's been hyper-aware of his weight for a long time, it's an insecurity they've always dealt with. All of her brother's comments definitely make her worry that you'll hurt yourself trying to carry her.
As a result of this? Carry him more, it'll make him melt completely. Go ahead and shower him with compliments while you hold him off the ground. It's the easiest way to make Bubba fall for you even harder. If y'all weren't already married, you will be now, it's sealed.
Sometimes Chop-Top & Nubbins will bother you to do the same with them. Bubba will let out little noises of discontent, they like to be the only one you pick up and carry. It's special for them! Though they won't insist you say no to his brothers, he will feel all fuzzy if you insist it's a Bubba-Only Privilege.
No matter your size, weight, or height? She'll return the favor. Bubba's used to heavy lifting, he's a butcher farmhand! It's only fair he share the experience, plus, it feels nice to have you close to him all day. Worry not about her arms, she was built for this!
❀Danny -Jed Olsen- Johnson❀
Ghostface is all over that shit man. He's so into it. If you're a victim, it's annoying, because it makes his job harder. But you're not! Not anymore, anyway, so he gets to appreciate all that strength. The knowledge you could probably whoop his ass definitely gives him a feeling of warmth in his face...and groin.
Danny's athletic and fit, but he's not Pyramid-Head levels of buff by any means. 5'11", bout 190 somethin' pounds. They're strong enough to lift twice their body weight with minimal struggle, but it's not every day you come across someone who can carry you like it's nothing.
I imagine you probably did it first in order to prove a point. Danny likes to tease, they probably make a little comment about being stronger than you, only for you to pick him up like it was nothing. It definitely catches him off guard for a bit, which is hard to do! As soon as it processes though? He's back to flirting with a smug-ass grin. He's a little shit.
After that, they'll try to get you to do it again, usually by annoying you or insisting it was a fluke and that you're not as strong as you look. It's only because he's secretly too embarrassed to admit he just likes being held. Danny's a switch and you can fight me on that. He won't admit it but he likes being carried like a pretty princess sometimes, makes him feel all cute.
One day, he'll come home all exhausted and annoyed. A day when their job was stressful, probably his coworkers being bitches, the coffee machine wouldn't work. It's times like that when he wants to go batshit crazy. Drop the Jed persona and stab everyone in sight.
They won't say a word when they walk into whatever room you're in, storming up to you at great speed. He stops right in front of you and stares at you for a bit, then after a beat of silence, he opens his arms and makes the grabby hand motion. Tips of their ears are bright red. He'll hush you really dramatically if you make a comment, but he melts when you pick him up. Just kinda chills there until the annoyance of everyday life finally settles back down. This one instance turns into a habit, for sure.
❀Bo Sinclair❀
Did someone say FRAGILE MASCULINITY?! Yeah, Bo's gonna be real fuckin' huffy for a while. Like Michael, he doesn't like the idea of being vulnerable, nor does he like the idea of his significant other being stronger than him. He's been conditioned into a traditional headspace. He's the provider! He's the stronger one! That's the rule!
It'll take a long time before he's completely comfortable with the fact he finds how easily you lift heavy things attractive. Given that's essentially the complete opposite of his usual "type". Weak, submissive, someone easy to assert power over. He was raised in a circumstance where he was always weaker, so as a result, he tries to pursue the other role. Being the strong and imposing figure.
It'll probably be like two years before you can lift him up without Bo getting genuinely upset. Doing it before then will probably lead to a fight that he'll brood over for a few days.
Man still bitches when you do it though, he just won't insist on screaming at you for hours. The best case scenario to do this is probably when a visitor goes rogue and hurts him enough to where he needs help walking. Complaining the whole time, he'll let you carry him back to the couch, as long as you ensure his brothers don't see.
Like with Jason, if you're on the shorter side, it'll confuse him. Wondering where you keep all that strength in your little body. He'll get a bit competitive, but he won't inform you that you two are competing. It makes him frustratingly turned on when he sees you toss a body like it's nothing, or lift a giant truck tire without breaking a sweat. Bo will deny it up until he literally can't anymore. He'll spill it to you but if you make a single teasing comment, he's kickin' you in the shin and storming off.
Oh, and bonus? You have a secret advantage at tapping into that well-guarded sub-space portion of Bo's brain. Just be gentle cause he is EXTREMELY fragile, a lot more than he lets on.
❀Vincent Sinclair❀
Well, you probably started as a visitor, which means they have to kill you. So in that situation, he finds your strength extremely aggravating. It's very annoying. But! You're not a victim anymore and so now he has no trouble admitting they find it incredibly attractive.
Between both of his brothers, he ranks second in physical strength to Bo, but that doesn't mean he's weak at all. We all saw how easily he can cut off a fuckin' head with two knives. Or impale a skull with a broken pipe. They're extremely dangerous and strong. Now that being said, you being stronger than them makes them feel...well, it makes them feel something for sure.
Lifting Vincent up isn't that hard. He's not light necessarily, but he's not that heavy either. No, it's the fact you can carry him around that makes them all flustered. It's one thing to lift someone, but to continuously support their weight whilst walking around like it's nothing? It's something Vincent hyperfixates on every time you do it.
Vincent's very touch-starved. Like, extremely. Though it makes his face burn when you throw them over your shoulder, he melts all the same. He won't actively encourage it like Danny, but he will try to subtly hint when he wants to be picked up. Hoping you'll notice the signs and do it on your own to save them the embarrassment of actually asking.
If Bo isn't around, Vincent loves nothing more than to cling to you while you do household chores. Admittedly, he gets a little too into it if you switch his weight onto your hip and hold him up with one arm. As if they needed any more confirmation that you're buff as hell. You'll probably hear them squeak and quickly try to force down the embarrassment. He's never considered himself the submissive type, somewhere in the middle instead, but you DEFINITELY MAKE THEM QUESTION.
When doing maintenance on the House of Wax, sometimes you'll lift them on your shoulders so they don't have to break out the ladder. He'll struggle to lose himself in the art of wax with your hands holding his thighs steady. And Bo never lets him live it down if the man notices just how much Vincent likes you showing off how strong you are
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The Pain Of Pining- Lady Lesso x EverFem!Reader
Synopsis: Oh to face the embarrassment of rejection.
Warnings: Basically a Drabble, Lesso being an idiot, technically mutual pining, angst, hurt/no comfort.
Word Count: 1k
A/n: Let me know if you want a part two, I’d be interested in that. Btw, this is my first h/nc fic (and yes I’m aware it’s not that sad, the next one I have is fs though, but if I post that depends on how this one does) I have posted so let me know if you guys like them. Likes, comments, and reblogs are all welcomed!
© This is my work, you have no right to repost my work for any reason without my explicit permission, all rights reserved.
You didn't want to believe it. You felt like a damn fool, standing there dumbfounded. You had leapt onto your momentary confidence but you now desperately wanted to take it back.
Lesso stood there with a stoic mask, though internally her body and mind were screaming at her to take it back.
You just asked her out, and she just rejected you.
And not even a let-you-down-gently way, but a way that made you feel small and idiotic. In a way like, how dare you ask the Dean of Evil out?
Your stomach churned and you felt like you were going to be sick, "I-I'm sorry, I must've misread the situation." You wanted to turn around and run but your body wanted you to stay, creating a sort of glitch in your movements.
But you left before Lesso could get any more words in, you had heard enough. You couldn't take the sheer embarrassment of the rejection.
But you thought that the liking was mutual, the way she'd return all of your flirting quips with ease.
Lesso's heart lurched within her as she watched you walk away. This is was the only thing she'd been waiting for, and she just destroyed it.
You had spent the rest of the day locked away in your quarters, crying. Technically, it was the entirety of the whole last week but who's keeping track? Well, Dovey was. And Lesso too, but she'd never let onto it.
Dovey tried daily, tried getting you out of your room and just eat a warm meal. To do something. But how can you go and eat a meal next to the woman who vehemently rejected you, how could you face that embarrassment?
On the third day, you finally explained that to Dovey. She, at the very least, deserved an explanation. Much to Lesso's dismay. Dovey practically talked off Lesso's ear when she heard what she had done.
"What do you have to say for yourself?!"
"Well, she's an Ever," That being the one and only reason Lesso said no. "Need I say more?"
"YES! What is the matter with you?! The poor girl is too embarrassed to face you! Why do you think she's been absent at meal times?!" Dovey was beyond frustrated with her evil counterpart.
And boy did Lesso understand why. Only during Dovey's thirty-minute rant did Lesso realize the extent of your feelings.
When you finally had the courage to get over your embarrassment, you were acting as if Lesso wasn't there. You acted as if she wasn't in the room, or as if she were simply invisible. And Lesso didn't know if she should be completely frustrated with that, or to understand it.
She chose frustration. She was frustrated because she missed the small smile that you had reserved for just her. She was frustrated because you no longer made any attempts to be the one person sitting closest to her. She was unbelievably frustrated because she couldn't see the admiration for her in your eyes any longer, she couldn't look into them at all.
But mainly, it wasn't really frustration with you. It was with herself. She had no one to blame but her.
It threw everyone off when you came to the meeting the cheeriest you've been in a fortnight. The way you had a smile on your face without having to hear a joke, the way you barely sat still in your seat.
Dovey was delighted, to say the least.
Just as you stood for the meeting's dismissal, Dovey asked the question everyone had, "It's nice to see you with a smile dear, what's the cause?"
"I've got something to look forward to tonight!"
Dovey's excitement was beginning to match yours, "Oh? Like what?" Lesso tried her damndest to hide her interest in the conversation.
"I've got a date tonight!" You answered excitedly, well, you were excited about the distraction but not the actual date, simply because it wasn't with the person you wanted most.
Lesso's heart just fell to her stomach. No, there's no way someone else has you. Not when it should be her.
Just when your eyes panned over to the woman you were due to spend your evening with, Lesso said something, more of a mumble, and you heard it, but you hoped you heard wrong.
Tears instantly violated your eyes as you watched her stand, "What? What did you just say?"
"Please, don't have someone waiting on you!"
She rushed towards you, "Please-"
"Don't! Don't do this. This isn't fair."
"It should be me-"
"No! You don't get to decide you suddenly want me when you can't have me!" Tears had started falling down your face, you hated that people were watching this unfold, "You can't just throw me away for later until you decide you finally want me. You don't get to do that."
Lesso frowned, she didn't see it as throwing you away, but that's what it was, "Don't, don't go on that date tonight. Please..." Lesso was finding it increasingly harder to deny her need for you.
"Why? For you?" That stung Lesso a bit, you knew that as you saw her wince. "You don't want me to be with you... You don't want me to be with someone else... How miserable do I have to be before you're happy?"
"I don't want you miserable."
"Then what the hell do you want?!"
"You! I want you!"
You shook your head, wiping the tears off your face, "Then you should have thought about that before. I'm not waiting around for you to decide what the hell you want." You turned and walked away.
Lesso watched. She watched again as you walked away. She wanted to yell after you. To tell you that you wouldn't have to wait for anything else. That she was ready to want you, to cherish you. But you didn't want to hear any of that.
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @v3nusxsky @just-your-casual-nerd @pebbleswritessometimes @bigolgay @scream-queenlover @darkth1ngs @hxzxrdous @sgelessoanddoveykissing
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its-a-me-mango · 7 months
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yo mango, i found this in twitter(x). a creator in twitter sented this.
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Oh boy, yes this is the response I was referring to in my other post, and I have some things to say about it.
TL;DR: Clarification is nice but it shouldn't be up to the employees to apologise for something that upper management should've taken accountability for anyway. I'm not accepting everything as "fixed" until Celeste says anything else.
Obligatory "we don't know everything so don't jump to conclusions!!!" disclaimer (personally I love jumping to conclusions I love drama lol)
(also my stance on what I'm doing with this account is at the bottom of it so go take a look if you wanna know what I'm gonna do)
Ok first off, let's start positive, good to have some accountability and a bit of clarification on what's happened, considering I honestly thought GLITCH was just gonna keep quiet and hope for it to brush over, having the manager tell their side of the story is a good thing.
That's all the positives I have towards this apology because the rest are all negative.
For starters, why is the manager taking full accountability for this, while yes they made the decision, the higher ups should be taking accountability, at the end of the day Jasmine is an employee of GLITCH. Normally when something happens within a company, the company itself will put out a statement taking accountability for the actions of their staff. This hasn't happened yet, it's not Jasmine's full responsibility for this, there should be recognition from the company of their mistake.
I get if they're taking a while to make a response, but it's not hard to put out a statement saying "hey, we fucked up, sorry". It would be miles better than having an employee put it out IN THEIR FAN DISCORD SERVER OF ALL PLACES, thank got it got reposted because none of us would know others.
Furthermore, what is the main message from this, the main reason for this happening? "Oops I forgot". That's such a shitty excuse, especially for a manager. I completely understand getting overworked as hell, from what I've seen Jasmine is also the manager for a lot of other things at GLITCH, and if GLITCH's Glassdoor reviews are anything to go by, overworking employees seems to be their biggest flaw.
Something like this slipping their mind would be fair and understandable under those circumstances, but that's what upper management is for, it's up to them to make sure people do what they're employed to do, that includes making sure the appropriate messages are sent out, especially for big changes like this. Of course no one likes to have a boss that questions everything you do, but having someone check that all the appropriate messages are sent out is pretty damn important for running a company.
This is ultimately a show of poor management on GLITCH's behalf, had they communicated better not just with Celeste but also with each other, this entire situation would've been avoided.
I don't think this is some catastrophic downfall that can never be resolved, it actually can be resolved quite easily. All it involves is an admission of negligence on GLITCH's side and a proper apology to be sent and accepted by Celeste. Obviously I'm not gonna go demanding such things be made public but treating this like GLITCH's downfall is just kinda silly, this can be fixed.
Yes this is bad, and you should feel upset/angry about this all happening, seeing voice actors being treated poorly and "forgotten" about sucks and doesn't reflect well on GLITCH at all, if you don't want to support GLITCH right now that's completely reasonable, but this isn't worth wishing the companies downfall over. Advocate for change, not carnage.
There is also the possibility that this whole "apology" is bullshit. More comments from SMG2's now former VA have come out about this apology.
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If this is all true, then that's just as bad on GLITCH's side. Ultimately we won't know the entire story until Celeste makes any other comment, however given how taxing this has all been on her, it's understandable if she doesn't say anything now, or ever to be honest.
My love and support goes out to Celeste during this time. I hope she and GLITCH can come to some kind of agreement that allows everyone to move on.
Anyway, so about me now, haiiii
I'm likely gonna mostly hault making SMG4 art for a while due to this, I love this series and I don't like to see this all happen to it, but I care more about treating voice actors fairly and making sure they're given the respect they deserve, if that involves stopping my support for GLITCH for now then so be it. I'm hoping this gets resolved, if that does happen i'll go back to normal, if not thennnnn I'll deal with that when it happens.
I'm still happy to interact with people in this community still, there's a few ideas and pieces I want to make for other people still, things like AU arts and DTIYS's, so I'll be doing that, but as for new SMG4 art and memes, not right now. (lets face if the SMG4 community on Tumblr is so far removed from everyone else it's basically our own series out here lmao)
I'll still draw Mango don't worry, he's basically my persona so I can detach him from SMG4 for now, my silly lil guy isn't going anywhere.
I understand that a lot of people are upset by this and are trying to block it out and carry on as normal. While I understand why most of you are taking that stance, I know a lot of you are teens and SMG4 is a source of comfort for a large chunk of you, please don't just ignore all this happening. I don't even care if you take an inconclusive stance on this, just please don't block it out entirely and pretend it's not happening, that's just not fair on Celeste.
I'll be doing my best to keep up with this as much as possible. I know I've come across as overly critical during all this, but I don't like seeing people act like GLITCH has done nothing wrong and never can. It's ok if a company you like has done something shitty, they do that all the time, but its not ok to let them get away with it and pretend it never happened, that's just covering for their shitty actions. I'm not going to cover for GLITCH's shitty actions which is why I'm speaking up about it and will continue to do so until some kind of resolution is reached.
Anyway I've talked enough, if you're reading haii hello thanks for reading the whole thing , if you skimmed to the bottom I'm shooting you with lasers (/j). We'll see what comes of all this but until then take care. <3
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icomplexmind · 2 years
Ocean Eyes - Part 2
Neteyam/Ao’nung x Fem!Metkayina!Reader
Summary: Why can’t relationships be easy?
Notes: THIS IS A REPOST!! When I first posted this, my account was glitched and none of my posts were showing up on tag pages. To anyone who has already read this, please interact again and sorry to those on my taglist who are getting an additional mention. This is part two in my Ocean Eyes series! Part 1 is above, please read that before beginning this. Thank you so much to everyone who read, liked, and reblogged the previous part. I was not expecting the fic to reach 800+ notes, I didn’t even think it was that good 😭! This would’ve been done so much earlier but life has been very stressful for me so it kinda got put on the backburner until I could recover. Credit to @keisobe​ for the idea of purple blush! Reader’s name is Loran because I’m really bad at using (Y/N) in my writing. All three main characters are aged 16. Feedback and encouraging comments are appreciated.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, jealousy, swearing, discussions of overwhelming parental expectations, mentions of blood and injuries, fighting, Ao’nung being an ass
Taglist: @bella661818 @berryaide @vaness20 @flower-lise @arminsgfloll
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“Have a good day Loran.” Your mother says, planting a kiss on your forward. “Make us proud, daughter.” Your father follows up, giving your shoulder a loving squeeze.
Before you leave, your mother calls out to you. “Come back later today, we’ll be clearing out the fish traps together! It shouldn’t take long.” You nod and smile as you leave the marui.
Your mind is clouded by the events of yesterday. The electric feeling of Neteyam’s hands on you, the way you couldn’t help but to stare during the ilu lesson, and Ao’nung’s vague conversation with you.
There wasn’t time to think about that though. You had duties to complete around the village and did not want to face your parents’ rage if they weren’t done correctly.
You complete your tasks as you’d do any other day. You gather fish, tend to the ilus, and assist other villagers with their own chores. After a few tiring hours, you finish and find a quiet place to relax.
It’s a secluded area on the shore, letting you be alone with your thoughts and the sea. You sit down, close your eyes and take a deep breath, clearing your mind.
“Loran?” Neteyam’s voice comes from behind, quiet enough for you to not be startled by it. However, you feel your body immediately tense up. Can’t you just have a moment of silence?
“Hey Neteyam,” You turn around and look up at him. “How was your first night?” You ask curiously, thinking of how difficult it must be to have to adapt to a completely new lifestyle and surroundings so quickly.
Neteyam sits next to you on the sand. “It wasn’t... bad. It took me an especially long while to fall asleep, but eventually I did,” He smiles at you. “I actually fell asleep thinking of you.”
“What?!” You can’t catch yourself before shouting, eyes widening in complete shock. Neteyam immediately raises his hands, realizing how his sentence sounded.
“I-I didn’t mean it like that!” He stammered, shaking his head. “What I meant was how you were so patient and encouraging in all of the lessons yesterday. It made me feel welcomed.”
You nodded, calming yourself before responding. “Have you been feeling welcomed? By anyone else, I mean?” Neteyam looks down and scratches his head. “No, not really. Tsireya has been sweet, but her attention is mostly directed towards Lo’ak.”
“I guess me and Tsireya have been doing the same thing. I haven’t exactly been balanced in teaching your siblings, have I?” You awkwardly laugh, meeting his gaze.
“I wouldn’t hold it against you. Ao’nung was a surprisingly great teacher for Tuk, and Kiri didn’t need much help with anything to begin with.” Neteyam says with a nudge to your shoulder. The comfortable silence follows, the both of you listening to the sounds of the ocean for a while.
“I saw you running around the village this morning. What was that all about?” Neteyam questions, an intrigued look on his face.
“I have duties that I have to complete daily. This was actually one of my lighter days!” You laugh weakly. “I usually work for a couple of hours longer, and everything has to be perfect or my parents will get so angry.”
“It’s so suffocating,” You pause and look up at Neteyam. “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m dumping all of this on you. You’re going through more than-” He shushes, taking your hand in his.
“Loran, I understand everything you’re saying. I can’t speak for being an only child, but I can speak for being the oldest. I always felt like I had to be perfect to please my parents and set a good example for my siblings. I often still feel that way,” Neteyam sighs. “But don’t think you can’t talk to me about this, alright?”
Your heart swells, all of your feelings being validated in that very moment. You exhale deeply, holding back heavy tears.
“Thank you Neteyam, thank you. You have no idea how happy this makes me feel.” You wrap your arms around him, embracing him in a tight hug. After a short while, you let go, looking down at the sand.
“I’m here for you.” Neteyam says softly, lifting your chin to face him with his hand. Your breath hitches, realizing how close your faces are together. Your brain and heart are in a tug-of-war, but your heart wins. You move your head towards Neteyam, and he does the same, closing the distance between the two of you.
“Loran!” Ao’nung shouts, his expression furious. You shriek and move away from Neteyam at the sound of his voice. “Ao’nung, it’s not what it-”
“Your mom needs you to help her with the fish traps,” He cuts you off, voice quieter yet laced with malice. “Let’s get going.”
You bite your lip and stand up, giving Neteyam an apologetic look. You want to say sorry, goodbye, anything, but you just can’t seem to speak.   Ao’nung places his hand on your back, leading you to your family’s marui.
“Please don’t tell my parents.” You say weakly, heart pounding in your chest. Ao’nung doesn’t respond, keeping his eyes trained forward.
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“Where have you been, Loran? You’re usually never late.” Your mother asks as you walk into the marui. Ao’nung looks down at you, a sly smirk on his face. “I’ve been- I was-” You stumble over your words, struggling to keep eye contact with your mother as her gaze becomes more suspicious.
“It was my fault,” Ao’nung speaks up, rubbing small circles on your back to calm you down. It surprises you, but you don’t interject. “I wanted to show her a cave I found but I lost track of time.”
“Ah, it’s fine then. I didn’t have the best time management skills when I was your ages either.” Your mother says with a chuckle, upsetting you a tad. Of course she’d pretend to be understanding with Ao’nung around. She’d reprimand you for way longer than necessary if you had returned alone.
“I could accompany Loran to clear out the fish traps,” Ao’nung says, an innocent smile plastred on his face. “I wouldn’t want to take up your time.” Your mother replies, shaking her head. “It’s no problem at all. I don’t have anything better to do today.” He says with a laugh.
Your mother nods, grinning. “You are such a sweet boy,” She exits the marui, but pauses and turns around. “No fooling around!” She winks and walks away, making you immediately cover your face in embarrassment. You hear Ao’nung snicker, making you groan.
Ao’nung calls over his ilu and you do the same. You bond with your ilu and pet it, taking off to the first trap with Ao’nung close behind. The short ride is quiet and somewhat tense, both of you having something to say to each other.
As you’re gathering fish from the first trap, Ao’nung speaks. “You know I’d never say anything to make your parents mad at you, right?” His voice almost sounds hurt, making you hesitate before talking.
“I know, I know. But you seemed so angry, and sometimes you can behave a little irrationally when you’re upset.” You say the last part pointedly, glancing over to him as you continue to collect the fish.
“Why wouldn’t I be angry? I caught you and forest boy making out! How’d you expect me to act?” Ao’nung hissed. “We didn’t even kiss! I wasn’t expecting you to act like a child about it.” You snapped back, glaring at him. “Oh, but you almost did, right? If I hadn’t found you, his tongue would be halfway down your throat!” He said, voice accusatory.
“Ao’nung!” You scream, silencing him. “That’s just inappropriate. I would never allow something like that to happen and you know it.” You huff, clearing out the rest of the fish and resetting the trap.
You both move on to the next trap, which is further away from the village. The uncomfortable silence is broken as Ao’nung begins working on the second fish trap. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. I trust you Loran, I know you. I don’t trust that- that skxawng.”
“I get what you’re saying Ao’nung. But... that’s not your decision to make for me. We’re not children anymore.” You solemnly say. “I understand that, and I’m not trying to make decisions for you. All I’m saying is you’ve only known him for a few days, just keep that in mind.” Ao’nung sighs as he resets the trap.
“I’d appreciate it if you stopped doubting me. Neteyam gets me, he-”
“He knows you better than your best friend of ten years, is that right?” Ao’nung’s bitter voice interrupts you.
“What the hell is wrong with you, Ao’nung? You always have something negative to say about Neteyam and you keep accusing me of things without context. If you had let me finish, I would’ve said that he goes through exactly what I do with his parents. Do your parents exhaust you with unreachable expectations and daily tasks that make you work for hours on end?” You feel tears well up in your eyes, Ao’nung moving his ilu closer towards yours as he listens to your words.
“I hate fighting with you,” You sob, trying your best to wipe away your tears as they fell. “This is such a stupid thing to argue about. You make such a big deal out of it and I want to know why.” You feel Ao’nung’s arms wrap around your body, pulling you close to him in a comforting hug.
He wants to tell you why he feels so strongly against Neteyam, but it just isn’t the time to do so. For now, Ao’nung simply runs his fingers through your hair as your sobs slowly turn into sniffles, and eventually shallow breaths.
“So... will you stop being a jealous asshole?” You chuckle, making him smile. “I can’t make any promises,” Ao’nung starts, making you pout. “But I’ll try my best, okay?” He wipes the rest of your tears away.
“I knew you were jealous all along.” A smug grin spreads across your face. Ao’nung laughs in response. “You’re right, I was. Really though, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you so upset.”
You nod, taking his hands in yours. “I forgive you,” You say, giving his hands a gentle squeeze. “I do have to ask though, what made you so jealous in the first place? Nobody could ever replace you as my best friend, Ao’nung.”
“That wasn’t the problem.” You immediately pick up on how nervous Ao’nung’s voice sounds. It’s shaky and slow, like he’s trying to put together a sentence for the first time. “What was the problem then?” You ask, confused.
“Loran, please don’t be mad once I tell you this.” He stares directly at you, tone slightly less anxious. “I won’t be, is everything alright?” You question further, worried that there’s something wrong.
Ao’nung gingerly cups your face with his hands, letting out a long exhale before beginning to speak. “You’re my everything, Loran. Sometimes, sometimes...” He bites his lip hard, almost making it bleed. “Sometimes I want to be more. More than just your best friend.”
His words make your brain short-circuit, barely processing everything that he just said. “Ao’nung- I don’t... I don’t know what to say.” You stutter, his words ringing in your mind.
“I messed up, didn’t I? I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have told you, I-” Ao’nung begins to ramble but you shush him, covering his mouth with your hand. “Ao’nung, I just need some time to process this. I’m glad you told me, you didn’t mess up at all, okay?”
Ao’nung nods but looks down, not seeming fully convinced. “You don’t believe me?” You tease, eyeing him playfully. Before Ao’nung has a chance to respond, you softly kiss him on the cheek. It’s quick, but leaves a lingering warmth on your lips. A purple blush spreads across his dumbfounded face, making you giggle.
“We can’t forget why we came out here in the first place, remember? Let’s finish resetting all the traps.” You say with a smile as your ilu swims away. Ao’nung tries and fails to form words, so he just nods and follows you.
Eclipse has nearly fallen by the time you and Ao’nung finish gathering the fish and resetting the traps. You let out a sigh of relief, thankful to Eywa that you made it to the village on time.
After dropping off the fish to the sellers in the village's main marketplace, you reach the outside of your family’s marui. Before walking in, Ao’nung taps you on the shoulder. “Forgetting something?” He says with his arms opened, beaming. You know he had been spending the entirety of the day after your kiss building up courage, amusing you. “No, I don’t think I have.” You tap your chin in mock response, slowly walking towards him.
Ao’nung’s arms encircle you in a hug and he rests his head on yours. You can hear how fast his heart is beating, making you snicker. “What’s so funny?” He questions, and you hear his voice become a little less confident. “It’s nothing. You’re such a softie, that’s all.” You reassure him, feeling his body relax.
“Only for you.” You hear him whisper under his breath, making your heart flutter. The hug lasts for a long time, neither of you wanting to let go of each other. You never realized how safe and comfortable you always felt in his embrace until that moment.
“I don’t think we can hug all night, Ao’nung.” You say with a giggle, gently breaking up the hug. “What’s stopping us?” Ao’nung responds with a smirk, making you hit him on the arm.
“You’ve been planning to say that for the last few hours, haven’t you? You’re such a skxawng!” Your eyes can’t help but roll as you speak. “Come on, you know that was a good one.” He winks, making you cover your face to hide the blush creeping across your cheeks.
“Don’t push your luck,” You huff and try your best to put on an annoyed expression, walking away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, good night.” You say, smiling at him one last time before entering the marui.
You fill in your mother and father on the events of the day, purposefully omitting anything about Neteyam from your story. Dinner is quiet, other than small talk and general conversation.
Your mind once again withholds sleep from you though, the almost-kiss with Neteyam and Ao’nung’s confession are impossible thoughts to silence. How long had Ao’nung been keeping his feelings from you? How would a kiss on the lips feel, especially from a guy like Neteyam? However, one short sentence remains louder than the rest.
You’re my everything, Loran.
Just thinking about it made you feel flustered. No one had ever said something to you that made you feel so... special. You couldn’t stay up all night thinking though, you had yet another long day of chores tomorrow. Trying your best to just think about that, you were able to convince your brain to allow you to fall asleep.
࿐  ࿐ ࿐  
You hum to yourself as you walk towards the ilu enclosure, carrying a basket full of fish to feed them for the day. Your ears perk up at the sound of a distant voice, unmistakably Ao’nung’s.
“Oh, another four-fingered freak.” His mocking laugh follows, alerting you to the fact that he’s messing with someone.
After you find someone to handle your task, you rush off towards the direction of the laughing and teasing. You can tell it’s a group by how the voices overlap. “Leave us alone!” Kiri shouts as you near, making you quicken your pace even more.
Finally reaching the shoreline, you duck under a bush, observing the situation closely before deciding to step in. “Baby tail!” One of the boys jeer, making the rest of them laugh as they push Lo’ak around and try to grab his tail.
You get ready to stand up and shut the group down, but your breath catches in your throat as you see Neteyam storm towards Ao’nung. He grabs Ao’nung’s shoulder and yanks him away from Lo’ak, a hostile look on his face.
“You heard what she said. Leave them alone.” Neteyam pokes his finger into Ao’nung’s chest, voice deadpan and serious. “Big brother coming-” Another idiot speaks up, but Ao’nung silences them.
Neteyam raises his finger, pointing directly at Ao’nung’s face. “Back off, now.” Neteyam’s voice sounds more threatening as his finger lowers back down to Ao’nung’s torso, lightly pushing him.
To your surprise, Ao’nung doesn’t respond. He simply raises his hands in the air and steps back with a smirk on his face. “Smart choice.” Neteyam says with a nod before turning to face the rest of the guys.
“From now on, I need you to respect my sister.” Neteyam glares at each one of them, his eyes piercing Ao’nung’s last. One of the boys hisses at Neteyam, but is once again quieted by Ao’nung. Even though you’re only a spectator, you can still feel the crushing tension of the whole situation.
“Let’s go.” Neteyam ushers his brother and sister away from the group, keeping his eyes trained on Ao’nung the whole time. He doesn’t turn away until Lo’ak and Kiri have passed him.
“Bye bye!” One of the boys laughs, making you roll your eyes. Can’t they just let it go? “Look at them, the whole family. They’re all freaks.” Ao’nung says, making Lo’ak stop dead in his tracks. He turns around and walks up to the group.
You watch him closely, wondering what he’s planning on doing. “I know this hand is funny. Look, I’m a freak. It’s alien,” Ao’nung tilts his head to the side, an amused grin on his face. “But it can do something really cool. First, I ball it up really tight like this. Then...”
You cover your mouth to muffle your gasp as Lo’ak punches Ao’nung in the jaw, then delivers two more punches directly to his face. Ao’nung falls to the ground, blood trickling from his nose.
“It’s called a punch bitch! Don’t every touch my sister again.” Lo’ak shouts, Ao’nung still down on the sand. Ao’nung quickly gets up and hisses at Lo’ak, tackling him to the ground.
Neteyam joins in to defend his brother, and things become an all-out brawl. You spring out the bush, running to Kiri’s side and watch them all fight. “Stop it!” Kiri shouts, both of you watching as the fighting becomes more intense. “This is stupid!” You follow, stamping your foot down. Ao’nung perks up at the sound of your voice, but barely even gets to glance out you before Neteyam’s fist connects with his cheek.
You hear Kiri laugh as the group shouts incoherently in pain, whining about tail and ear pulling. Her laughing makes you giggle, and eventually both of you are cracking up.
࿐  ࿐ ࿐  
“Loran, we were just messing-” You shush Ao’nung, pointing your finger at his face. “No, you weren’t! You were being a bully, Ao’nung. I hate when you get around those guys because all they do is encourage your awful behavior. I should beat you up myself!” You raise your hand to slap Ao’nung, who closes his eyes and winces.
“I’m not going to hit you, but you really make me want to.” You lower your hand, walking away from him. “I’m sorry, it shouldn’t have gone that far. I was going to leave them alone anyway!” He keeps the pace next to you, explaining himself further.
“It’s not me you should be apologizing to, Ao’nung! You should be saying sorry to Kiri, Lo’ak, and Neteyam.” You say with an eyeroll, making him pout. “I’ll apologize to them, I swear.” Ao’nung moves in front of you, stopping you from walking. “Okay?” His fingers intertwine with yours, caressing your hands in the mesmerizing way he always does. “I’m sorry.”
It takes all of your determination to let go of Ao’nung, taking a deep breath before speaking. “I don’t forgive you. At least, not yet. I want to see you apologize to them myself.” You cross your arms, and look up at him. A frown spreads across his bruised face, followed by a groan.
“Aw, I’m sorry. It must be so hard for you to take accountability for your actions. You’re so brave for taking up this monumental task.” You say, each word dripping with sarcasm as you begin to walk again.
“I’ll do it, I promise! I just need some time, and I’m sure they do too. I mean, the fight just ended.” Ao’nung pleads, making you consider the decent point he made. “You know what, that’s fair. You should wait. In fact, I think that you should use this time to reflect on your actions! With that being said, this conversation is over.”
Ao’nung opens his mouth to speak, but quickly decides not to say anything to upset you further. He watches as you walk away, hoping that he hasn’t ruined your relationship.
࿐  ࿐ ࿐  
You see Neteyam on his way to his family’s marui, deep in conversation with Lo’ak. “Neteyam, Lo’ak!” You shout, running up from behind him. “Are you both alright? I saw the whole thing on the beach.” You notice the dried blood on Lo’ak’s nose and Ao’nung’s busted lip, along with a few other injuries.
“I am so sorry about what happened. I feel like I could’ve stopped it sooner.” Neteyam places his hand on your shoulder. “It’s not your fault, Loran. Ao’nung is the one we blame.” His voice is tender and kind, relaxing you. You see Lo’ak’s knowing smirk from behind Neteyam, making you slightly embarrassed.
“Why don’t you stick around? I’m sure Neteyam would love- ow!” Neteyam elbows Lo’ak in the side, making him cry out in pain. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, it’s totally fine.” Neteyam shakes his head politely.
“As long as I’m not intruding, I’d love to join you. The two of you, I mean.” Neteyam smiles in response to your words, Lo’ak only chuckles.
“Has Ao’nung always been a skxawng, Loran? You’ve known him a long time, right?” Lo’ak asks, making you giggle at his forwardness. “Yeah, I’ve known him since we were really young. He’s always been a bit rough around the edges, but he isn’t a bad guy. I’m basically the one who keeps him in check.” You chuckle, thinking about all the memories the two of you share.
“He’s never done anything like this before though, it shocked me. I’m angry about it too, you two and Kiri deserve an apology,” You sigh, crossing your arms. “I’m... kind of glad you guys beat those four up. They deserved it.”
Neteyam and Lo’ak laugh in unison, causing you to as well. The three of you continue to talk until you reach the marui. You’re the last to step inside, a bit hesitant about entering the Sully’s home since the parents probably don’t know you well.
“What is the one thing I asked? The one thing?” A deep, commanding voice from behind startles you, and you turn around to see Jake Sully glaring at his sons. He looks over to you, a confused expression on your face.
“Who’s this?” Jake points to you and you can’t help but look down, berating yourself mentally for tagging along. “Her name is-” Neteyam starts, but Lo’ak interrupts him.
“Loran. You know, the girl Neteyam won’t shut up about?” Neteyam immediately facepalms and you cover your face with your hands, feeling your face getting hot with embarrassment.
“It’s nice to meet you Loran, now go wait outside.” Jake nods to you, then points to the entrance. You nod back and rush out, but can’t help but eavesdrop on the conversation. You’re far enough to not be seen or discovered as soon as someone walks outside the marui, but close enough to hear almost everything.
You hear Jake repeat the first question he asked. “Stay out of trouble.” Lo’ak responds. “Stay out of trouble, right.” There’s a very brief pause before Neteyam speaks. “It was my fault.” You shake your head, knowing that he’s lying.
“No I don’t think so, you’ve got to stop taking the heat for this knucklehead.” Jake demands as you realize that this isn’t the first time Neteyam has tried to protect Lo’ak. It doesn’t surprise you in the slightest.
“Dad, Ao’nung was picking on Kiri. He called her a freak.” Lo’ak explains, and you hear his father’s exasperated sigh. “Go apologize to Ao’nung.” Jake says, eliciting a shocked “What?” from Lo’ak.
“He’s the chief’s son, do you understand? I don’t care how you do it, just go make peace. Just go!” Lo’ak leaves shortly after Jake’s words, barely giving you enough time to hide yourself better. Luckily, he doesn’t see you. Ao’nung has gotten away with many things due to being the son of the Olo'eyktan, and this time seems to be no different. It makes you even more frustrated the longer you think about it.
“Hey, so what’d the other guys look like?” You hear Jake ask Neteyam. “Worse. A lot worse.” You stifle a giggle, still not wanting to give away your position. “That’s good. Now get out of here.” You wait for Neteyam to pass you before slowly leaving your hiding spot.
“Neteyam!” You catch up to him once again, trying your best to make it look like you ran a good distance. “What happened? Where are you going?” You do an awful job at faking ignorance, and you see Neteyam raise an eyebrow. “I’m going to apologize to Ao’nung. But you already know that, right?” He smirks, causing you to sigh.
“You’re not mad at me for listening in, are you?” You question, looking away. “No, I’m not upset. Anyone would do the same in your situation, including me.” Neteyam shrugs as he begins to walk forward. You follow close behind.
“Why did you say the fight was your fault? Lo’ak started it, but I don’t even blame him considering that Ao’nung made that an opportunity in the first place. If anyone, you should’ve blamed Ao’nung.” You can’t help but be confused. You wouldn’t call yourself selfish, but you’d never take the blame for someone who’s guilty.
“I just can’t help it. My dad is pretty hard on all of us, but especially Lo’ak. I thought it’d be easier to take the blame since I know he wouldn’t react as negatively. I think I’ve been doing it too much, though. It’s not working anymore.” Neteyam chuckles softly as you listen intently.
“I don’t think you should be the one apologizing to Ao’nung. It should actually be reversed. He’s avoided responsibility constantly just because of who his parents are. It’s been like that since we were young.” You admit bitterly.
“How long have the two of you known each other?” Neteyam asks curiously. “Our parents have always been close, so I got to know him when I was very young. We’ve been friends for over ten years. I’d call him my best friend, and I think he’d say the same.” Neteyam gives you an unreadable expression, making you a bit nervous. “What’s wrong?”
“The two of you are so different, that’s all.” His words make you snicker, so you question him further. “How so?”
“Your personalities are so wildly different. You’ve always been patient and friendly, easy to get along with. Ao’nung is the opposite of that. I just wonder how the two of you managed to get along.” Neteyam says, making you laugh. “It takes a lot of patience to deal with someone like Ao’nung. But he has his moments, his great moments that make me so happy.” You’re about to ramble, but notice Neteyam’s conflicted expression and stop yourself.
“Sorry, this isn’t about him. I didn’t mean to get carried away.” You mutter, awkwardly fiddling with your hands. “No, it’s fine. I asked, I’m not upset at you.” He reassures you, his calm voice making you settle down.
“How about we take our mind off of what happened today? It was stupid and it shouldn’t happen again,” Neteyam nudges you. “I have a place in mind where we can unwind and relax.” You nod in agreement, your heartbeat quickening at the thought of being alone with Neteyam once again.
࿐  ࿐ ࿐  
Neteyam takes you to a familiar place, the secluded beach where the two of you almost kissed. When you realize the location, you feel your stomach doing somersaults. He notices your expression and puts a comforting hand on your back.
“I only chose this place because it was close and quiet, that’s all.” Neteyam sits down on the sand, patting the spot next to him. You follow suit, the sounds of the ocean making you feel just as calm as you did the first time you were here.
“I know you don’t think it’s my fault, but I’m still really sorry for not breaking up the group on the beach earlier. I could’ve stepped in before the fighting started but I didn’t, I feel like such a coward,” You sigh, looking down at the sand. “I made you get hurt, you and Lo’ak.”
“Loran, please. You shouldn’t blame yourself. I don’t blame you, nor does Lo’ak.” Neteyam reaffirms, placing his hand in yours. “I know you’re not mad. But I’m mad at myself. Your lip is busted and-” Neteyam shushes you, giving your hand a gentle squeeze before speaking.
“Loran, I don’t care about what happened at the beach anymore. It’s why I wanted us to come here, to forget about it. Plus, I think I look pretty cool with a busted lip, don’t you agree?” His silly tone makes you laugh, tension melting away from your body. “Yes, I agree.” You say with a playful eyeroll.
“Let’s talk about something else.” Neteyam says as he inches his way closer to you. “Like what?” You ask, feeling your face getting warmer as he gets closer.
“Like how beautiful you look today.”
Your heart nearly jumps out of your chest after he says that, and you awkwardly laugh in response. “T-thank you.” You can barely get the words out of your mouth and a goofy smile spreads across your face. Neteyam has almost kissed you before, so why are you still so flustered when he talks to you like this?
“Loran, can I ask you a question?” Neteyam asks with a small smile on his face, amused by how nervous you are. “Sure.” You manage to say clearly, looking up at him with slightly more confidence. “Can we finish what we started yesterday?”
And just like that, the tiny amount of resolve that you built up came tumbling down. The thought of his lips on yours made you completely unable to speak. After a short pause, you nodded slowly.
Neteyam’s movements are slow and delicate, cupping your face in his hands as he brings your face closer to his. You feel your body implode in on itself as your lips connect, every sensation you feel being heightened tenfold. It’s unlike any feeling you’ve ever felt, and you can’t help but melt into the kiss.
The way Neteyam kisses you is sweet and tender, yet longing. You feel his hands make their way up your back, lightly pulling you closer. You ignore the subtle, metallic taste of blood on his lips, focusing entirely on the indescribable sensation of his lips on your and his hands moving up and down you.
Eventually, the two of you pull away from each other. You don’t stop staring at him until he laughs at how astonished you look. “Was that- was that your first time kissing someone?” Neteyam says, catching his breath. You snap yourself out of your trance. “Y-yes! Was it yours too?” You ask, your voice still shaky. You smile when he nods in response.
“That was amazing,” You say, warmth radiating throughout your body. “I’ve never felt that way before, ever.”
Neteyam puts his arm around you. “I’ve been wanting to do that since I first saw you.” He whispers into your ear, making you blush even more than you already have been.
“It was your original idea to kiss me, wasn’t it?” You smirk at him, and he shrugs with a laugh. “And if it was?” Neteyam responds with a knowing grin. “Then... I guess you succeeded.” You giggle, laying your head on his shoulder.
The two of you remain in that position, listening to the waves crash softly onto the sand and simply enjoying the presence of one another in bliss.
࿐  ࿐ ࿐
Additional Notes: I got a LOT of comments on the last part telling me to recategorize my story from “x reader” to “x oc”. I will not be doing that. Simply put, I have seen others do the exact same thing and not have one person question them or point it out. However, I will be adding the x oc tag to this and future Ocean Eyes posts. Part 3 will come (as long as this is successful PLSFHJDHV) and I hope you enjoyed reading! If you want to be added to the taglist for future parts, just let me know. I usually update my profile about future parts so follow me if you want to stay updated on the progress of my future works. Thank you for reading!! 💙
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personasintro · 1 year
I’m sorry, I’m sorta new but why won’t you just post mutual help on tumblr? So I’m assuming all the chapters are on Ao3
Because MH has too many chapters and it just didn’t fit to be on tumblr. I started reposting it here but I combined more than the half of the story into less chapters. Tumblr sometimes glitches when the post is too long and overall, it’s just more of a nuisance with all the links and all that.
That’s why Wattpad was almost perfect for this kind of story 🙇‍♀️
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seabirdtxt · 1 year
Hi, I’m Bird. welcome to my sideblog! i hope you have a good time :) thanks for reading! 🩵
Ask box is: On hold
WIP tracker
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Rules & TOS:
- I am using this blog as a place to put my self-indulgent fandom fics. i don't proofread or beta my stuff so if i make typos no i didn't 🫡
- blank blogs please do not +follow! i will assume you are a bot and block/softblock you. You can remain empty/anon as long as you have some profile customization and maybe a post/reblog or two
- you can send asks/requests and i'll tackle 'em asap but please don't expect too much of the social aspect from me, i struggle with socialization like a feral cat
- i write reader fics. this means: gender neutral, no physical description/indicators, no gender-biased nicknames clothes or scenarios, you/yours and they/them pronouns only.
- do not call my Reader she/her, or any fem-aligned nicknames. im dead serious, this is a ‘block on sight’ thing, it kicks up my dysphoria and it's the same reason i won't read fem!reader fics. i won't block for the first time, but if you commented on something or sent an ask/request and I deleted/didn't respond, this is probably why. I'm giving y'all the benefit of the doubt that maybe you didn't check my page first though! but continued behavior will earn a block .
- i’m not holding a taglist atm, you either perceive me or don't. (if i ever write smth longer that warrants a taglist i’ll be sure to mention it!)
- no bigotry or discrimination allowed, please use your good judgement when consuming media, etc. there will be no bitchin in my kitchen!
- no reposting, copying, or heavily referencing! plaigarism is the 8th cardinal sin 😊 yes this includes feeding my writing to AI. don't do it.
- re: above ^ making stuff inspired by/expanding on concepts is totally fine though! i'm inviting everyone to come play in my sandbox :3c if you do, please tag me! i'd love to see and rb from you 🥰 (AI is still 100% off the table though)
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Request Rules:
currently in genshin/sagau fandom so mostly stick to those themes please! (and do let me know if you want canon or other AU settings! otherwise i'll assume sagau)
i won't do crossovers sorry! i'm not too knowledgeable on many other media or fandoms and i'd rather not butcher something im not familiar with!
willing to write both platonic and romantic! (specific character romance with the male characters only, sorry, but platonic is free game!)
i write kinda slow tbh, so please don't send me anything that is time sensitive or has a deadline bc i probably won't make it in time :')
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General Tags:
Writing -> #seabird.txt
Doodles -> #seabird.png
Asks/replies -> #seabird.inbox
Personal -> #seabird.exe
Reblogs -> #seabird.rb
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Masterlist below the cut:
Glitch in Irminsul AU
SAGAU setting, where the Irminsul tree behaves like a GIT repository, and the Creator's arrival accidentally merged old branches into the current data.
Blog Tag - [p1] [p2] [p3] [p4] [p5]
Bloodletting AU
SAGAU cult au, the Creator descends to Teyvat with no obvious godly powers and is rejected by the acolytes, until it's discovered that their golden blood has strength-enhancing properties.
Blog Tag - [p1] [p2]
[rb1] [rb2]
Voice of God AU
SAGAU cult au, set pre-isekai. The Shouki no Kami is powered up and connected to Scaramouche, who then experiences a sudden jarring connection to the Creator.
Blog Tag - [p1] [p2] [p3]
Wish Upon series
Stardust AU, canon setting. Wanderer tries to catch a fallen star to get a blessing from Celestia and obtain a heart. Instead, he gets you.
Blog tag - [p1]
Misc. fics
Not aligned to any specific AU or series!
[200 Follower Event tag]
[Creator!Reader and Cyno's bad jokes] [dollmaker!Reader and the scara gang]
🔞 [18+ tag] 🔞
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supop · 2 years
What do you think BTS will do next as soloists? Which member has been the most impressive in Chapter 2?
Hi hey hello :) I’ve been MIA for months but I’m surprised to see I’ve still been getting lots of asks. Did you miss me? Did ya did ya did ya? Going by the number of messages in my inbox I’d say, yes :) Sorry for ghosting you guys; I simply got bored with BTS and stopped keeping up with the group as whole. Meanwhile, their solo era has been fun to observe, huh? Some things I expected, other things I did not. I’m sure you’ve all missed supop thoughts. So, without further adieu, here are my guesses for 2023-2024, in no particular order:
Truthfully, I’ve been trying to post for the past 3 days but tumblr is glitching, and none of my posts are saving. Just as I was about to say F it.... if you can read this, then the issue must be fixed, right? This post hasn’t been proofread, so ignore any grammatical errors and the weird use of punctuation. I have a flight to catch soon, so I’ll answer more asks when I land, and as always.... keep it cute~
Individual YouTube channels (starting off with this because there’s been rumors about it for months now; I doubt all members will have one, but I feel like j-hope or Jungkook may go this route. I actually started to believe it when j-hope posted about his new Leica camera a while back. I know he’s into photography, but there’s always a deeper meaning behind everything he does/posts and he’s been carrying that camera around to all the events he’s been attending; maybe it’s just me overthinking, but it’s giving vlog material at the very least. Each member has a YouTube topic channel, but this will likely be a platform for more direct professional/business use where other creatives are featured or personal use for vlogging, trips, unedited material etc. without constant company oversight; aka without every single piece of content being scheduled by bighit/hybe and distributed via weverse; I also wonder if any more of them will get solo shows like Suchwita on the BangtanTV channel)
Individual Twitter accounts (this one seems farfetched, but so were their instagrams at one point; if they do indeed go this route I can eventually see some members leaving it up to the company to handle their respective social medias while others take a more hands-on approach with their fans—since instagram alone already seems like a struggle for some; they can also repost content from instagram which would also give them more individual exposure since the two social media platforms tend to have completely different audiences; it would also be nice for collaborators/brands/media to be able to tag them directly instead of @ the group account; finally, there’s a reason why each member has stuck to uploading all personal content on their respective instagrams since Dec 2021, so expect the group Twitter to become even more desolate than it already is if this does happen)
Individual TikTok accounts (Instagram, YouTube and Twitter....then why not TikTok too? It would make more sense when it comes to promoting their solo music and once again connecting with their respective audiences/fanbases; it only makes sense for solo artists to promote their solo work on solo accounts especially when their music and personalities are all so different; that’s 7 different audiences that should be catered to instead of trying to fit everyone into one big purple-colored box. All 7 members together represent BTS, but no single member is a representation of BTS; there’s a reason why JITB is completely different from anything BTS has released as group, and it’s the same reason why Indigo is so different from JITB; someone who likes JITB may not care for 90% of BTS’s discography and the same would apply to other members’ solo albums that have yet to be released; this is the obvious truth, but armys will continue to delude themselves as if the term bias doesn’t exist.)
Individual Facebook pages (and lastly, Facebook because all artists need a Facebook page to be able to link their music to their personal Instagram accounts; the BTS official Instagram account has it but when you scroll through you only see JK and RM’s music, which to me isn’t fair to other members who have music under their official Spotify profiles; the members are artists first, right? not influencers, therefore, artistry should be respected in a similar manner)
Opening their comment section on Instagram (limited comments are boring, but i don’t blame them; I’d sure they’re well aware that a select group of their “fans” are unhinged; just look at the way those same “fans” have attacked people who they’ve deemed to be “wrongly” associated with them or people they’ve “accidentally” followed; honestly I’m also worried about the occasional wave of hate/d.threats some members would receive in their comment sections from deranged akgaes; I will never understand not liking someone, yet going out of your way to invade their public accounts or content posted related to them just to spew hateful nonsense or send d.threats about how much you don’t like them; take a breather because it’s never ever that deep. And if you ever feel the need to take it that far towards anyone (celebrity figure or not), then may your pathetic existence quickly reach its expiration date; people also seem to have a lot more balls on instagram, so it’s a good thing Instagram’s safety features are a lot better than Twitter’s—i.e., the report and block buttons def work)
Following more people on Instagram (lol honestly following 0 people isn’t anything new from the celebrity pov and we can all thank Bey for establishing that, but following only your 7 group members is just...meh; are they gonna live as 7 for the rest of their lives? No, but they probably have to keep it this way otherwise there’s a possibility that every single non-bts related account on their following list would be harassed and stalked to oblivion by deranged fans; not to mention as it is, BH/Hybe staff already do such a great job at leaking private info related to BTS, you would think their proximity to such high-profile celebrities would result in ironclad NDAs but I guess not...sigh when will we be free)
Individual brand deals/endorsements (this one is already under way and was really really obvious from the start because we all know “7 or nothing”—not necessarily their bond but the way they’ve been marketed to fans—has always been nothing more than a sales gimmick; seriously not every member will have the skillset that a specific brand is looking for, so let’s let the ones who shine, shine; instead of trying to sell the lackluster ones as a package deal; “buy one get one free” should never apply to people; for the members yet to be announced there’s been rumors of various brands so let’s just wait and see...hopefully no controversial brands are chosen.
Individual fashion global ambassadorships (similar to the above, except I think only the members interested in fashion should get involved in this, but then again, this is the k-entertainment industry we’re talking about, and as of late ambassadorships have become part of the whole “album promo” package deal; either way I’m sure the money is good for BTS, and at the end of the day it’s a win-win; interest or not, the artist gets paid and the brand gets “exposure”) **side note: ambassadorships are cool, but the real deal would be with whichever brand pursues a true partnership with the artist by creating a collaborative fashion line or collection that expresses their artistic vision through fashion and/or even a performance that speaks to the brand’s image. pretty red carpet and campaign pictures are nice, but what the world needs is a tangible piece that can be held or tangible memory that can be seen. I think that’s what truly separates the artist-turned-fashion icon/creative director/business mogul from the rest.
More fashion week appearances (so far we’ve gotten Louis Vuitton, Dior, Hermès. I’m glad j-hope didn’t/hasn’t yet? signed with LV otherwise we never would’ve gotten 3 completely different, yet ultimately iconic looks from him in the span of just 3 days; Jimin for Dior; Suga for Valentino; other members may also attend shows for the brands they will be announced as Global/House Ambassadors) **another side note: Hobi wore clothes from LV’s unreleased collection which is rare feat in itself and he was also invited behind the scenes, shown the collection prior to the show, and he entered and exited the venue via a private entrance that was reserved for VIPs. I also saw a photo of Hobi with the Arnaults. Do you know how difficult it is to meet them? You can’t just meet them lol, they’d first have to want to meet you. And Hoseok did that with not 1, but 3 (maybe 4 because 2 of the brothers attended the Dior show) members of the family, including the LVMH CEO himself. It’s not even enough to be a high-profile celebrity; You usually have to have a long-standing working relationship with them or with one of their brands which means their connection with Hoseok must run pretty deep, and they have plenty of trust in him as a global representative. The same thing applies to Hermès. They do no care how rich or famous you are. Before you’re even able to purchase one of their bags directly, you’d have to be a longtime/VIP shopper. Even then getting a bag isn’t guaranteed. You’ll forever be on a waitlist, it could even take years, until you’re invited to purchase one. You also can’t pick and choose which model or color of bag you want lol. Everyone knows about the Birkin, but most are lucky to even be offered a Kelly for purchase. And not only did Hoseok meet with their executives, they also gifted him a Haut à courroies 50 bag (the one in his airport photos upon arrival from Paris) which is one of their largest bags, and is more difficult to secure than a regular Birkin. In short, he got the full VVIP treatment from both rival brands. Who else can relate? With that said, more than an ambassadorship, there could be a j-hope fashion line or a collection of some sort in the works; or perhaps he was doing field research to decide which brand will be in charge of designing his world tour outfits....who knows, only time will tell; as for fashion week there’s still New York, London, Milan, more in Paris, and even Seoul; appearances and shows will depend on the brand)
More solo magazine covers (this also isn’t anything new but even Hybe’s nugu groups with zero impact and lots of payola are already getting solo covers in top magazines, attending fashion week, and having brand ambassadorships under their belts, so it’s ridiculous it took BigHit/Hybe almost a decade to allow bts members the same opportunity)
Vogue, GQ, Hot Ones? video interviews (as much as I love a good magazine interview, there’s nothing better than being able to observe body language; I was surprised when we got GQ’s ‘10 things Jin’, but it only proves that more spontaneous less unscripted interviews where the gp can easily tune in are no longer beyond the realm of possibilities; which means I’m expecting Vogue to come through with any of the following: Life in Looks, 24 Hours with, 73 Questions, Get Ready with, Beauty Routine, etc; more 10 things with GQ; and Hot Ones would be great)
More solo interviews (see tv appearances)
More solo TV appearances w/Korean media (I know that new Mnet program is currently in the works; and I’m kind of hoping for more popular variety shows and broadcasts; anything that would promote their music domestically vs. the fan-targeted content posted on BangtanTV)
More solo TV appearances w/Western media (it’s no secret that Korean media can be restrictive when it comes to artistic expression, so similar appearances at tv programs like late night shows for an interview and performance would be great; just like they’ve done for many years as a group, so it’s ridiculous how they’re not getting a similar promotional rollout for their solo careers)
More solo red carpet appearances (this one technically isn’t a stand alone event, but you can include any activities here that aren’t necessarily centered around them or any of the other ones I’ve listed; like them getting invited to a movie premiere of a friend of a friend’s)
More solo performances (probably minor ones because I really don’t think any of them will put on a performance as major or as lengthy as the scale of Hobipalooza’s headliner setlist and preparation; unless of course its j-hope himself; as for festival performances, there’s of course Lollapalooza, but we also have Coachella, Rolling Loud, Something in the Water, Wireless Festival, Splash Festival, Made in America, The Governors Ball; most of these festivals have a primarily hip-hop/rap-centric audience, so don’t expect vocal line to make any appearances. I can’t speak for Yoongi or Namjoon, but I doubt Hoseok will be interested in doing anything less than a headlining stage. Otherwise expect performances at the usual Western music award shows, year-end Asian music award shows, and South Korea’s music bank/inkigayo)
Solo world tour announcement (we can dream right?)
More solo music collaborations (there’s been many rumors on this one so let’s way and see; hopefully collabs involving actual good music and more collabs with artists that don’t cater to the demographic of bubblegum pop music lovers; seriously enough is enough with the abysmal lyrics and the lack of good production on some of these collabs)
More solo albums (duh! and emphasis on the solo part; as much as I love a good feature or collab, there’s no good reason for those featured artists to be eating you up on your own song, much less album; features should add to the album, not make the album itself—especially when you’re a musician who aims to establish an individual identity and move away from the idea that you’re nothing without bts/without other people propping you up; next: jimin -> suga -> jungkook -> v ; in that order of album release is my guess)
More solo singles/EPs (the 94s; Namjoon has been hinting a lot at releasing new music, so likely an EP; I think Hoseok will also release another album before he enlists, if not an EP; I think they both have more options than other members since they’ve already officially debuted as soloists)
Subunit singles/EPs (once all of vocal line have released their solo albums, i can see BH trying to push for subunits; don’t expect full on albums with only 2 or 3 members on it, but I can definitely see a single or two or more happening; again likely with vocal line)
More OSTs (original soundtracks; again with vocal line)
More individual enlistments (they all technically have until early/mid 2024 to enlist if the tentative 2025 BTS reunion is supposed to happen, but once you taste the high life of individual freedom can you ever really go back to the mundane days of group work? Yoongi has until the end of 2023, Hoseok and Namjoon both have until the end of 2024, Jimin and Taehyung 2025, Jungkook 2027; I’m curious to see—to the absolute horror of armys—if anyone, especially maknae line, will put off their enlistment past 2024....I think Hybe was foolish to announce a “comeback” date; only doing so to calm investors and give themselves an additional 2 years to “ease their dependency on BTS” by bridging the profit gap between them and all their other groups; well if all else fails, i guess they’ll have the company stans to rely on)
or Paired enlistments (again? I really doubt a 2025 reunion will happen simply because a lot of things aren’t adding up at the moment, but if they enlist in pairs it may be a sure sign otherwise. It still makes me laugh how this time last year armys were so sure they’d be getting a bts world tour announcement only for it to be a hiatus + enlistment announcement instead. The signs of exhaustion from the members and lack of effort with the group in all aspects were way too obvious. I will never understand why fans keep deluding themselves. Seriously what group at the peak of success releases an anthology as an album? With only 3 new songs? And the purple warriors ate it right up. They could’ve at least put the demos on streaming platforms. Don’t even get me started on the 3 english songs that took over a year of “convincing” before the members agreed. Lmao my point is bts have never 100% been open about their plans, yet we all know they plan and settle things months in advance. Which means enlistment had likely already been decided on prior to the second leg of the ptd concerts. And yet, they showed no signs of it and acted like everything was swell. Even RM said the 2025 date was tentative; there’s also the Expo 2035 to consider, but after all those infrastructure problems, I’m pretty sure Busan won’t win the bid. People should accept that if the members want to keep doing their thing solo after 2025, then that’s okay. If they come back as a group, then that’s okay too. These days most of them seem happier and lighter being able to do their own thing without being tied down to the rigorous schedules that come with being “7”. So, why pressure them to do anything more as a group just to fulfill the selfish desires and needs of fans?)
Dating news ??? (this isn’t a big deal either and it’s none of our business but all it really takes is one member to open the floodgates of deranged hyperventilated tears; although it’d probably be in their best interests to continue to keep their personal lives private for that very obvious reason)
Grammys attendance (BTS has several nominations, but I doubt all 6 members will attend; j-hope’s Equal Sign was submitted for “Best Song for Social Change”; there’s been hints of a Pharrell collab involving RM; I doubt the Recording Academy will want to miss out on that BTS viewership clout so I expect at least one or two members to attend and maybe we’ll even get a performance from them)
Met Gala attendance !!!!!! (first comes FW....then comes....seriously, j-hope is just wow and this has to be said. I’ve seen the photos/videos from PFW and modeling/posing aside, not only does his entire aura change, but even his etiquette and mannerisms change depending on where he’s at and what he has on. It’s like the outfit and environment molds itself to him. It’s almost as if cameras were created for the sole purpose of capturing his presence. You know how Koreans have this thing of calling someone “Human [insert brand name here]” j-hope is like that but with every brand. As a longtime lover of fashion, it’s rare to see someone be able to digest every style so well. I can actually count on one hand the number of celebrities who are able to pull it off. He fits perfectly in everywhere he goes, and it’s no wonder why every show gave him the best seat in the house next to all their executives and other notable figures in the fashion industry. It’s amazing, not only do brands love him but so did all the photographers/journalists. He gives you something to write about just by simply existing. So it wouldn’t be a stretch to expect the star of this year’s Paris Fashion Week to finally make his Met Gala debut this May, right? Imagine j-hope attends, goes all out and does one of those behind the scenes ‘get ready with me’ videos with Vogue. Do you see the vision? He’s the only member who has a genuine passion for fashion, does his research, looks good in everything he wears, and isn’t just content with wearing whatever a stylist hands him. He’s also the only member who I’ve seen several designers go out of their way to praise. This year’s Met theme is super flexible too and I’m sure there’s lots of brands that would absolutely love to see j-hope ‘The MVP of Fashion Week’ dressed in their designs)
Hope On The Street Comeback (putting this out there just because there’s rumors that people saw him filming something dance related in Paris; what could it be? maybe for his YouTube channel? a MV? maybe LV ad campaigns or commercials of him dancing? one of the models danced at their recent show so i’m sure they’re open to incorporating more of that type of creative expression in their marketing; either way, if the rumors are true, then naturally we’ll find out soon enough because it’s j-hope)
Drama/Movie roles (lead, second lead, or guest appearances; I don’t think any of them will go this route until they’ve at least released a solo album because if they’re actually serious about their solo music careers, it’s much easier to take an established artist-turned-actor seriously, than it is to take an amateur actor-turned-artist seriously—especially in these fragile times of solo uncertainty for many)
Contract renewal announcement (their contracts expire in 2024?, but I don’t think all of them will renew with BigHit/Hybe; I doubt there’ll be any news on this until later this year at the earliest...although there may be leaks and speculation here and there; since solo activities are in full force—besides re-releasing BTS’s entire catalog as vinyls and repackaged special editions—I’m curious to know what other ways hybe plans to milk them during their hiatus in order to keep pumping that BTS money into their new groups and push a BTS successor. Gotta keep those investors happy, right? Hybe has always had a lot of internal issues with their staff and the way things are handled. Hybe has also spent the last two years promoting their plans to “reduce dependency on BTS”, and have been investing in any and every venture, to the point that their slogan “we believe in money” should be changed to “we believe in profit”. If you notice any positive deviations in the company’s usual behavior regarding how the members are being managed, then they’re likely trying to butter them up behind the scenes to get them to renew. I’m also curious about the current status of their contracts, and if any new conditions were added regarding their solo work; I feel like some may have already renewed but, again, I could be wrong; half the members have already sold a portion of their 1.2% in collective hybe shares; all it really takes is for one member to leave the company and I’m pretty sure at least half would follow suit; there’s power in solidarity)
That’s all that comes to mind for now. As for your second question (which member has been the most impressive in chapter 2) if it wasn’t already obvious, the answer is: j-hope. It’s only been 6 months, and between his solo debut, critically-acclaimed album, multiple iconic performances, being the star of Paris Fashion Week, documentary on the way. Who else is doing it like him? He’s been booked and busy since the group’s hiatus was announced, accomplishing all that in just 6 months. He set the bar high for himself and continues to raise it. 2022 was the year of HOPE and there’s no signs of him slowing down in 2023. He deserves all the recognition he’s getting because not only is he the most impressive, he’s also produced the most impressive results overall. Let’s put bias aside and face the facts because anyone who says otherwise is a l-i-a-r.
I’m sure the haters are gonna say “he only accomplished all those things because he was the first one to release his album”. Well, any of the other 6 could’ve released theirs first, yet here we are 6 months later where some of them still have nothing close to a finished album and are busy idling their time away. Any reason they give for not being in the studio working is an excuse. Not to mention j-hope was working on his solo debut and preparing solo performances while BTS was still active as a group, meanwhile others were what? Taking vacations? Partying? Playing video games? Not that there’s anything wrong with doing any of that. If you want to rest, then by all means rest, but don’t expect to be on the same level or have the same results as someone who consistently works hard like j-hope. Even with the group being inactive it was only j-hope showing up to every award show in the name of BTS (Jin enlisted, but what were the other 5 busy doing)? Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.
“Effort plays an important role in trying to stay where I am now. I will always try my best because efforts will never betray me.” — j-hope, 2018; “Efforts never betray you....All my efforts have never betrayed me....Looking back, the efforts I made didn’t betray me, in the end.” — j-hope, 2023
And “j-hope always has a plan”, so it’s only natural for him to never miss out on a golden opportunity to show the world who he is and what he’s capable of doing. It’s one thing to be talented, it’s another thing to have excellent work ethic, strong social skills, the confidence and charisma to pull off anything. Not to mention he’s always super genuine, humble and polite with everyone he meets—and we can’t forget that heart-shaped smile. These attributes go a long way and are invaluable especially when you work in industries as cutthroat as music or fashion where first impressions are always a make or break. That sort of discipline and awareness isn’t built overnight. I’ve seen some videos of j-hope’s PFW interactions (with executives, photographers, and just recently, his bodyguards) and it always makes me go: “wow I want to meet him, I want to talk to him, he seems like a really nice guy, he’s a natural model, he’s super good-looking, I can’t help but smile too”. So, imagine how all those people on the receiving end of his affections feel? Exactly. Hence why j-hope will continue to be invited into those exclusive spaces. His body language is always warm and inviting, he’s good at connecting with people from all walks of life. Even something as simple as a smile or wave is enough to make someone’s day and j-hope gets that. The more time passes, the more obvious it becomes that he’s the main reason BTS even lasted this long as a group. Other members don’t call him “갓이홉” (god j-hope) for nothing. **final side note: even the way j-hope reposted all those photos from local photographers on his IG story is so ¡wow! Lots of celebrities wouldn’t even bother. Not only is he giving them more exposure in such a competitive industry, he’s also letting them know how much he appreciates their work. And some of these photographers often run around FW for free in order to build up their portfolios. Now, you never know who could’ve watched his story, saw those photos he reposted, and offered them a job. It’s little things like that, that go a long way, because guess what? The next time he comes back to Paris the same photographers will be happy and ready to capture him on their cameras. In fact, notice how some of them posted even more photos of him after that repost? Exactly. j-hope should really teach a masterclass on networking and building connections; the first thing on the agenda? Making the best first impressions. The second thing? The subtle art of personal branding. Don’t try to give Bighit/Hybe any credit either because as we’ve seen from some lackluster solo activities and the incredibly botched debut solo album rollouts (especially j-hope’s and especially when compared to the debut of other groups under the same company), thus far, BH/H does not give enough fvcks about BTS as soloists to invest money into them individually. the same way they’re currently doing for their other groups; they might care for some members more than others so a sponsored opportunity or two may come in the realm of that possibility, but they definitely value “OT7” above all because that’s where they believe the money lies. Ultimately, how each member’s solo career will turn out relies heavily on their ambition, respective goals, personal initiative, the drive to want more and to be more in their own right. They may be at the top as a group, but as soloists they’re just getting started.
I wrote this post about a year ago, and it seems that Hoseok has finally given us an answer. He’s clearly in it for the long haul and plans to have a very long and very flourishing career in both music and fashion; chess, not checkers~
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zippydoodlez · 8 months
aaaaaaaaa cuphead edit :D (it didnt post dou to glitch so sorry if this is repost)
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