fbfh · 1 month
me when I listen to I bet on losing dogs while therapying, hurt/comforting, un-angstifying billy bots on janitor
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deathsdue · 21 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing! Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together. template credit: thanks neffi!!
Name: Lailah
Pronouns: She/Her, They/Them
Birthday (no year): 9/12
Where are you from? What is your time zone? West Coast, USA
How long is your roleplay experience? Almost 20 years
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? My first RP experience was in high school where we had a binder we passed around in the hallway between class lol I went on to forums, docs, email, mmos, and at some point tumblr and discord.
How were you introduced to TOA? I'd been missing the Tumblr RP experience and decided to search for an FE group and bam
Do you have any pets? I do! My black kitty, my baby boy who drools and meows a lot, Binx
What is your favorite time of year and why? Autumn when it's cooler but not too freezing and the leaves are pretty
What is your IRL occupation? QA tester for a video game company
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? Besides writing, playing games, reading, occasionally drawing, music, comics, collecting figures and such
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Tales of, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Zelda, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Persona, Harvest Moon, farm sims in general, Metal Gear Solid, the list honestly just goes on and on and on
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon? ahahaha ok the list doesn't actually go that far. I didn't get that into pokemon. I do think they're cute but I just didn't get into the franchise. That said, I have plushies of chimchar, vulpix, and eevee so that probably says something
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! - When I worked at a dental office, I almost set the place on fire. The dentist was really nice about it tho and eventually he even wanted me to stay and get trained as a dental assistant - I have a low spicy tolerance but I'm really good with cajun spices (likely from growing up in Texas) - I'm in the credits of games that you've heard about (I won't say what) - I have a horrible sense of smell
How did you get into Fire Emblem? My friend was actually really into PoR but I didn't get into it until Awakening came out.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? (Note: I have not beaten all of these) Genealogy, Sacred Stones, Awakening, Fates, Three Houses, Engage, TMS, Heroes
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games? Awakening & Sacred Stones
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! Frederick, Eirika, Ephraim, Gerome, Seteth
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! Frederick lol I'm such a Frederick simp. I love how caring and protective he is, that he knits, isn't afraid of showing affection, just generally wholesome imo
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 Frederick 😳
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Frederick (are you noticing a trend) and still Frederick - Fates: Yukimura, but probably Shura if I did it again - Three Houses: Hanneman haha I'd try a different one if I went back but Hanneman is my favorite - Engage: Mauvier, and still him
Favorite Fire Emblem class? rogues!
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? Some kind of archer probably
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? Golden Deer all the way!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent?
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? Firene probably
How do you pronounce TOA? To-ah
Current TOA muses? Gerome & Mikoto!
Past TOA muses? none right now
Who was your first TOA muse? Best boy Gerome
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? It seems like…tsundere types tend to get me, or the ones that have lived a long time and have complicated pasts. but I have others that don't fit those trends too
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? tbh my indie has a wide range of character types and I try to not write characters that are too similar. However, I guess I tend to not write types that are Too extroverted
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? I enjoy all types but I suppose very emotional scenes are fun for me, whether it's angst or positive emotions
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? for Mikoto, I just want to write her with her children and also, tbh, finding a new love haha I'm in no rush for it but it'd fun if it happened. I'd also love to see her on the battlefield protecting others
Favorite TOA-related memories? Happyland was a blast to write with everyone and I adore the connections it brought so much. I can't wait to throw Mikoto into an event, she deserves it
Present or past tense? I think my habit is past but I try to match others so I go for present. if you see my flipping tenses I'm so sorry haha
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I default to small text but I'll match my writing partner, or use regular in case I'm concerned about readability for others
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉  ahahaha uhmmmmm if I can, Eirika, but if not then probably Peony or maybe even Rhys or Mozu. I write so many FE characters that I will never run out of ones to pick lol I've also written all of these characters at some point so I love to see how others write them too
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darkenforcer · 4 months
「 GET TO KNOW YOUR RP PARTNER! 」 ( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: luke ▐ PRONOUNS: he/him, they/them every once in a blue moon ▐ SEXUALITY: bi 👍 ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: single ▐ FIVE FACTS:
sonic and tales are my two longest-running hyperfixations. no idea what that says about me aside from proving i'm a giant dweeb.
i lived in europe while i was in university (~4 years)! back in the US since last summer tho and chilling (i.e., working & also not getting my driver's license)
i can and will beat anyone who challenges me to a race in mario kart. this is a threat.
my high school didn't have an official drama club so i never got the true theater exp, but i reaaally like acting and starred in leading roles before! i miss it a lot </3
i've been self-dyeing my hair different colors since i was 14! the best color combo i've ever done (imo) was a vibrant red that faded into yellow back when i had super long hair. it lasted only 2 washes lmao.
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): at least 12 years on-and-off! ▐ PLATFORMS USED: email, deviantart, skype, and tumblr obviously ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: IDK!!!! i've had so many fun moments here (especially since app'ing yuri) that it'd be impossible to choose just one. can i be corny and say getting to befriend other muns or will i get mauled
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: i tend to lean toward canon male muses that i hit with the transmasc or nonbinary beam, but if i look at my entire history it's been an even split ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: don't have one!! use ur imagination if you've never seen a selfie of mine ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: that's tough... it depends on my mood but i'll always go for anything that'll. ahem. hit me in the feels, as they say. for smut tho idk i've only ever written it in fanfic form so ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: both!! i think memes are good for squeezing in smaller interactions you can't fit into long ass threads, but i also rly like planning and working toward a certain point with other muns, too! ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: i'm totally fine with either but i am Not immune to accidentally making replies longer than needed lol ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: i draft a lot of my replies at work then finish them up in the evening / morning... whenever i have time and motivation tbh ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: IDK.. i feel like i'd be hyping myself up too much if i said i was "like yuri" considering he's won the character popularity poll every time he's been allowed on there. i do relate to certain aspects of his character, though, 100%! it's hard for me to rp characters i can't tap into to some extent.
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cuckoo-among-beasts · 5 months
Ok, I'm finally writing this, the Ezra and Huaisang connection, aka how I came to feel some kind of connection to this gremlin. I can't tell when that exact moment happened and by that time I had finished the donghua and started on both the novel and web series. In general, I tend to get attached to characters similar to myself, but me and Huaisang doesn't share that much, the biggest difference being him fine with seen as useless and frivolous, while I'm the exact opposite, terrified of being seen as useless, lazy and good-for-nothing. He's also considerably more social than I am. I also tend to rp more "hero-like" characters and although Huaisang isn't a villain, imo, he's definitely not a hero either (the first mdzs character I thought of rping was actually LXC). So what made me steer out from my comfort zone?
Well, we aren't completely different, Huaisang and I, but I'm not going to go into details about that. I'm just going to write about main things that made me love this lazy, cunning, lovable gremlin. This might end up being a bit rambling and it will be very personal. Might end up being long too. I will probably not re-read it, so if it ends up sounding weird or grammatical errors and whatnot, sorry about that. And yes, most of it will be about me since I need to explain shit for anyone to get it.
I was born during a blizzard, it was -40C at the time, this was all a rather unlucky sign since children born during storms are said to bring chaos. Therefore, my parents... ok, I'm kidding. Well, not really, I was born during those conditions and tradition says that will bring chaos, but it has nothing to do with what I'm about to write, I was just thinking about how to start and this popped up. Sorry, sorry.
Let's try again. For as long as I can remember, I've always had a love for art and beauty. I used drawings to communicate before i could properly speak (which I have no memories of). I always loved to draw, but also appreciated others' art, including crafts, sculptures and so on. As a very young child, I could randomly start crying because I found things so beautiful, which also included music and the sounds of words. During early childhood tests, my parents were always told I seemed gifted, if not particularly sociable and communicative. I was a sensitive child, who cried easily and frustrated easily. A child that was either constantly moving or could sit for hours staring, who froze in the middle of things and just daydreamed (I'm still guilty of this) or who could just flop down and take a nap whenever. My three main interest as a child was: drawing, reading (in which ancient China ended up being a favourite subject xD ) and walking around in the forest where I lived watching nature and animals, especially birds (we had several different bird houses, since both my parents are nature lovers as well). This all sounds pretty nice, doesn't it? And it was, at first.
I was repeatedly told off for being too sensitive (funny enough, I was also told off for not emoting enough, all this is still a mystery to me), for not being attentive and sociable enough, for being lazy, for being too chatty (but also too quiet, once again this weird thing where I'm still not sure where the limit goes). Hearing this and other things enough times and you start to realise you're wrong and I started to do my best to change. This was also when I realised that people prefer too little over too much, so even if I couldn't grasp what was emotional enough or chatty enough, if I kept myself stoic and quiet (even when I wanted to and could speak), that was more acceptable than me "overreacting" and "never shutting up". I was still an outsider though, something I would always be and still am. No matter how much I've tried to fit in. At least I still had my interests. For now.
As I grew older and things like job and career starting to creep into my life (around the age of 12, since that's when they start asking you about high school and by then you need to know if you want to study a theoretical or practical program and also what kind of that you want, you can't mix and match subject in the way you do in the US, for example) and I had no answers to what I wanted to do. All I know I liked, and wanted to do, was read, write and draw. I was repeatedly told that's not a career and I should stop with those fancies and not waste my intelligence on "aesthetics" (by this time, I had been in three class plays with fairly prominent roles in all three and I started in the church choir at the age of 8). Hearing this over and over, as well as being severely bullied (by both students and teachers), I basically stopped drawing and at 16, I quit the church choir too, saying I needed to focus on my studies, in reality, I had begun to develop pretty bad anxiety (this all culminated in my early twenties when I basically shut myself in in my flat, it's gotten better since, but I still struggle to talk to strangers or show anything I've created out of fear of rejection and ridicule as well as me being extremely sensitive to criticism. And yes, I do miss the acting and the singing sometimes, especially the singing, I've always loved that too). And yes, I did not choose the "art program" in high school, I went to the "social science program - focus: environment, humans and society" (a mix of science and social science). To keep things short, I eventually got my current diagnoses and began drawing again, which helped. I still don't do it as much as I should. I also still don't allow myself the rest my brain seems to need. I do allow myself to cry when needed when I'm alone now. To make it even shorter, I started to try and find my "true self" again. This included being honest about my transmasculine gender identity. And then it came again. The negativity. How I couldn't be things because "real men" aren't this and that way again. Scared of being unaccepted, I once again hardened myself. Now it also included stop wearing nail polish and getting a more traditional masculine appearance and just generally removing anything "feminine" with how I looked or acted: no emotions, no crying, no softness. Hell no. I just wanted people to believe me when I said I'm not a woman. Since that was it. I wasn't, isn't, a woman, but I'm also not a man and not until I moved her to the UK did I find out that you can be neither and still also be masculine (I'm not going to go into details about my gender identity here, feel free to ask if you want to, but to quickly specify it, I'm a transmasc agender).
Anyway, this is where Huaisang enters. Here is this fictional guy where many of my bad traits and many does dislike him for them, but he doesn't give a shit about that. He is unapologetically himself, and as much as Mingjue complains about him, I think we all know he indulged his didi, making him feel loved for who he is for most of the time. And not only is Huaisang unapologetically himself, he prides himself for his artistic interests, his sensitivity, his uselessness and laziness. My mind made a 360 at that and then... once I realised, I cried. I'm admitting that. Why did this fictional character get to be what I weren't allowed to be? He's even a (cis) male! Outrageous! Yes, I admit that too, I got angry and jealous at a fictional character. It went over quickly. Instead I started to love him and also realise that if someone could come up with a character with these traits that were loved and had friends and so on, then maybe, just maybe, I'm not completely wrong and broken?
Huaisang has partly helped me to try and start taking steps to find who I am now. I'm working on growing out my hair, I've bought nail polish again (only used black so far, but I have a lovely pale mother-of-pearl pink next to me I want to use) and I want to wear beautiful clothes again (still needs to be comfy though), even if I haven't dared checking out the women's section yet (since the men's one are boring and we all know it), but at least the will is there now. I'm trying to get back to drawing and painting more again, but that's also effort since it requires me to take things out and put it away each time. I've returned to some bird watching though.
Huaisang might not be the best fictional role-model you can have, but I think I needed him, still does, he makes his gremlin comments to me sometimes (obviously, I know this is me talking to me). He definitely drives me insane at times (I'm too much of an "Orderly Lan" to him), but it's worth it. The true charmer he is, he managed to even charm me into stepping out of my boundaries, both as myself and for the type of muses I usually portray.
Now, where can I find a real life Mingjue for myself? xD
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vrnvuld · 6 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
i'm not entirely sure but i think late 2015. i was a sophmore in high school, i think i was in my high school's computer room killing time and looking for a new group. i don't remember which tag i was in. it could have been #royal rp but atst i don't think it was. i was sold immediately because i thought it would be awesome to play a finnish royal. i messaged the player who had the finnish princess because she had a wc up for a brother. i was so impatient and i didn't wait for her reply but applied for viveka. then she got back to me and i picked up a second character on my third day or something. i was super excited. that was almost 10 years ago. in those ten years i've graduated high school, worked here and there, acquired my master's degree, and now i'm working for the government. it's been an adventure !
which characters have you written over the years ?
viveka, viljo / vaughn, vanamo, viggo, minenhle, arnauld
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
i think i have three: farnauld break up summer, i think it was different from my usual stuff for arnauld and i enjoyed getting to write him at his most manipulative, and then at his most vulnerable. it was interesting and i was very active ! but i think i will have a massive soft spot for viani. it's so embarrassing that i'm just naming ships but idc, i'm an honest bitch. writing viggo as a young adult into an adult adult was really satisfying and i don't think it would have happened without armani / j. and then i have viveka and imogen. i think imogen was the reason why i stuck around at chambordrp. i really think i might have ghosted without the dynamic. it was the first angsty exes plot i EVER wrote and i was very happy with it. if i now read the stuff, i'm probably shed tears of blood because the writing was so bad. but the ship is also the reason why i ever started listening to halsey lmao kgbdkjgb
what about other people's plotlines ?
i really enjoyed reading annexei. there was a lovely amount of angst. i alsoooooo loved the beginning of layslan. it was full of drama and it was fun to follow ( okay i was a bit involved but i wasn't involved a lot ). there's been so many amazing plots and if someone now gave me a list of all the shit we've written together, i wouldn't be able to keep this section short. i will miss the energy :(
who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
viveka and arnauld. i think viveka will have a special place in my heart because she is closest to a self insert from all of the characters i've ever written and what happened in her story i sort of learned from ? idk how else to explain it but i feel closest to her and she became a very strong figure in my life despite being fictional. i enjoyed writing her, especially the times when she showed her ugly side. in her i wrote some of my best stuff in the sense that the emotions felt real. arnauld was kind of a caricature so he wasn't that nuanced imo. but i had soooo much fun with him as you could probably see. when i picked him up after a year long break, i was sure i'd lose muse because writing characters in their 40s was not easy in a group with young characters. somehow the group made it work and the political plots also became more important and i could do so much !!! it was fun to write someone truly horrible. someone whose behaviour was disgusting. i am so glad that i was given the opportunities and allowed to write a villain into the group <3
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
this is too difficult !!!! for nostalgia i might choose this one event during chambord that was a trip to paris. it wasn't very eventful but i think... IT WAS SUCH A LONG TIME AGO. i want a piece of that youth.
a plotline that i enjoyed from start to finish would probably be the roman vs romanovs thing. it was complex and it moved surprisingly smoothly. it got dragged out but not as much as it could have gotten. i also loved the short skit when sylvia found the ultrasound pics. it was a funny week. and all of the nye events have been amazing. every first week of the past 8 years have been some of the funniest of my life. i also have a soft spot for the beginning of varbie. it was so natural and i don't think i've written anything like that afterwards. it was us saying yes to each and every idea. i loved their happy moments and their problems. there were times when they felt like real people with real feelings instead of just characters that were used to write a story.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
i wouldn't edit anything but like isa said, i'd finish farnauld quicker. i would have loved getting to write a bit of fluffy farnauld. because it's something we never really got a chance to write because even when farnauld was doing well the shadow of tekla and the croys was present. fanni had a lot of issues, arnauld was busy hiding tobias... i'd also give vanamo and valias more attention. i know we could have accomplished more but my muse was flaky.
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
farnauld. i'm embarrassed since i've given it most of my time here at hshq but i still would have liked to write a bit more.
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
oooooooh it would have to be some of the crazy muns. like at the time the moments weren't funny or nice but the stories are now. and i think it also brought me and j and others closer to each other akfbdsjgbs evy mentioned honesty hours and i agree with that too ! and i have to give a special mention to naomi. idk which particular thing but she has the best energy <3
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
i'll be here and on discord so don't be afraid to shoot me a message if you wanna write ! but i do think this might be the time for me to retire from tumblr / rp scene.
what else would you like to say ?
i've known some of you longer than some of my best friends. you know a side of me that no one irl does. i don't think i will be able to express how grateful i am for these years and the HOURS we have spent writing together. not everyone gets to experience this and it's been an honor. i've had so much fun and i honestly don't see myself forgetting this place. i wonder what will be the thing in the future that makes me think of something that happened at hshq. this is a very bittersweet moment for me and this honestly feels worse than graduation. hshq was more than a rp group to me and i love you guys <3
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duckduckhjonk · 6 months
Ok off I go infodumping, yes, once again Mayhem related, they're forever in my brain and I cannot get them out
Note! This is long... And a mix of silly and not so silly... Take warning at that :3
I've colour coded them so you know which is which dw!!
Ok so to start off I wanna give a bit of my interpretation of the order they all joined the band in(silly headcanon)
The obvious is Teeth and Floyd were first, but I think maybe like one night while they were in a crummy motel or staying at a rented place for a bit is when Animal was dropped off with Floyd. Next I think Janice joined, like I've said on my rp blog, she was a waitress and watched them play a small show and immediately felt like she had to join. So she quit her job and did so. Then Zoot, again going off the rp blog, he was found on the side of a diner trying to get a bit of money. Lastly, of course, Lips joined. I like to think still he was introduced via the Muppet show. At first he was just supposed to be one of the guys in the orchestra, but the band liked him(I plan on writing a fic about him officially joining) and asked him to join.
My next topic would probably be moreso what I plan to do with Floyd's parents in my writing of season 2.(Serious headcanon)
I was originally going to be a bit more extreme with this, but given some of my other plans, I'd rather save that for a possible season 3 if I get there. I still wanna introduce his family though. A lot of it is projecting my issues onto him, of course my family issues aren't nearly as bad as the ones I gave him, but y'know, there's some projection within this.(Note; the projection is the favouritism my parents show, nothing else really)
Floyd's parents are overly militaristic. Made him enlist, was the reason he stayed for so long, y'know. But he never cared for it. He knew his destiny was music all along, that's why after he was fed up with it, he got himself discharged. Afterwards he cut mostly all contact except for with his sister. I imagine his sister is a tech kid and was the only one to show interest in military, hence her being much more The Favourite Child. The only reason he ever did still contact her was she never bullied and belittled him as bad as their parents did. He was fully pushed to cut contact with his sister the night he got Animal. He knew if he told her, his parents would get involved and possibly take Animal from him, and he wanted nothing to do with that.
3rd topic time! I wanna discuss Zoot's weird powers. I know it could just be Regular Muppet Bullshit but shut up I wanna talk about it in depth.(Silly Headcanon)
So I mostly have boiled it down to around 3 options. Godhood, Alien, or learned magic as a kid. The 3rd option is prob the least likely imo, I already have full backstory planned for Zoot, it wouldn't fit much. Although the other 2 seem a whole lot cooler. Alien would be interesting because that'd be two camera using blue muppets played by the same guy who just so happen to be aliens of some sort. I also like the thought of godhood. Imagine a god who had their memory completely wiped and got sent to earth. He knows nothing and just learns how to play sax and joins a band after much struggle to get accustomed to living in the mortal world.(By struggle I absolutely will discuss that in the backstory)(Prob not today but you'll get it in mayhem season 2) It would probably be the best option to explain some of this stuff, like I imagine him accidentally gifting his shoe with life and just going along with it. Would the other gods ever come to get him? Maybe but they think he's doing fine down there.
That's it for now, I've said a lot and got a lot off my mind about these losers, I love them btw.
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magnifiico · 8 months
literally copy/pasting this from one of my other blogs where i made this post YEARS ago, but it still applies, so i want to communicate it again (ꈍ ‸ ꈍ✿)
i’m not asking anyone to do anything or requesting this be done for me specifically, but i do want to just sort of encourage this among folks in the rpc willing to engage:
please just… when someone writes you a starter, replies to an ask you sent, replies even just to a thread you have going on, let them know you like it and appreciate it.
now, tumblr makes that easy for us. we can literally just “like” the post and let the person know we’ve a) seen it and b) approve in some way/shape/form. but for anyone who doesn’t get anxious doing so, actually approaching the person or leaving a lil comment on it really is such a sweet thing to do, imo.
in my experience, i’m always more engaged and eager to write with someone who shows they appreciate my writing and characterization. and you really don’t have to jump through hoops to show it. you don’t have to be someone’s best friend or therapist or any of that; even just being in a strictly “writing partners” relationship leaves room to tell your partner:
hey, that starter you wrote for me was perfect and i love it; tysm for writing it. i can’t believe your character just said that!! i’m screaming omg can’t wait to reply. your ask response killed me; i adore the way you write your character. and so on.
the point i’m trying to make is that i think everyone here deserves to be told they’re doing a great job. everyone here deserves to feel accomplished and wonderful for the time and effort they put into their muse. but i also think 99% of the people here don’t actually get to hear that as often as they should.
so if you have it in you, let your rp partners know you appreciate them, their character, their writing, their headcanons, any of it. because you do. otherwise you wouldn’t be writing with them—just go that one extra step of point-blank expressing it. <3
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despairforme · 10 months
congratulations on the 9 years with the spoon! any tips on sticking to writing the same character for so long without the fandom ruining them? genuinely curious!
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[ ;O;//// Thank you so much anon! I'm super happy about having written him for 9 years. Thinking about all the time I've dedicated to my hobby, all the hours I've given him... Makes me happy. I'm living my best life!
I'd be happy to share some tips about sticking to a character. At least I can share what has worked for me. I can 5/5 recommend having such a long journey with a character. It's a commitment you won't regret! I'm not really sure what you mean by "the fandom ruining them", but I'll give my take anyway xD -
Picking a character that inspires you. I think this is the most important thing. I started writing Nnoitra initially because I enjoyed drawing him. He gave me a ton of inspiration for drawing, and I figured it might be the same for writing, and I was right. I'm always, ALWAYS inspired to write Nnoitra, because he is the source of my inspiration.
Writing them how YOU want, not how others want. Staying secure and confident in your portrayal is underrated. I've stayed away from discussing my portrayal (it's in my rules that I prefer not to discuss how I write him). Don't let people tell you how you should portray your muse. If they don't like the way you write them, they can give writing them a go themselves. If you disagree with popular fanon ect, then go your own way. Your muse is yours.
About mirrors / duplicates. How people deal with mirrors/duplicates of the same muse really depends on the person, I think. In my early days of writing Nnoitra, I used to block/blacklist all other Nnoitra writers, because I didn't want to see their take on Nnoitra. I was "possessive" of him, if that makes sense. Now, I'm happy to see different versions of him, and I enjoy writing with my duplicates. Seeing other people love him is wholesome to me! I wish I'd interacted with my duplicates a lot sooner, and chatted with them. Talking to duplicates and befriending them has made me more confident and comfortable, so I would personally recommend that approach.
Building friendships, navigating the community. Interacting with lots of different people, both new and old people in the fandom is important in order to get enough interactions and connections. It's pretty difficult to write a muse for many years if you don't build any rp-connections. Also, having long-term friendships with your partners is amazing. There are people on here I've known for 10 years now! It's wild! Staying AWAY from drama is also incredibly important. You don't want any negativity to be attached to your blog. You don't want to feel anxious when logging on. Don't engage with any drama. Don't comment on it, don't give your opinion, don't discuss it with anyone. You never know when someone might take something out-of-context, or how "big" even small drama can grow. If drama is going on in the fandom, I'd recommend just blacklisting it, or going offline until it dies down. If you're keeping your blog for a long time, remember that people can go back and find things you've written ages ago. Maybe that one friend you stuck up for 2 years ago really does turn out to be a scam-artist or a predator. Don't underestimate how petty people can be. They can go back and find your posts about supporting this person and bam, you're added to a do-not-interact list. Even if all you did was support your friend at the time. If you get anon hate in your inbox, block and delete the ask. You don't need that negativity on your long-term blog. IDK I like to think of my blog as a garden that I'm cultivating?? I generally keep only positive, nice things on it. Things that I can go back and look at with approval and happiness.
Branching out of the fandom. This is probably (imo) the most important thing. I don't think I would've been able to write for 9 years if I hadn't branched out of the fandom. Not because the fandom is bad. Not because it doesn't inspire me, but because the amount of plots really is limited. Having to work within the boundaries of the fandom, and with a limited amount of characters isn't sustainable for 9 years. I love canon interactions, but I can't base my whole writing on that. It's too repetitive, which brings me to my next tip -
Give yourself the plots you crave. Getting "bored" of a muse can happen if you find yourself more interested in something else. Watched a new fantasy-anime? Maybe you're really into this one pirate show. Maybe you're interested in a specific time in history. MAKE THAT AU!! I cannot recommend AUs enough!! If you want to write a pirate muse, instead of making a new muse, just make an AU for your current muse. I have over 30 AUs for Nnoitra at this point, most of them inspired from either shows I've watched or specific interests I have ( like my formula 1!au, since I'm a huge f1 fan ). Don't be afraid to reach out to people who might be interested in writing the AUs with you. Don't be afraid to write drabbles for the AUs.
A continuous story. Another tip I can give for keeping things interesting, is to have a "story" for your muse that you continue through the years. Like my Nnoitra's main verse. Everything that happens to him in that verse progresses the story. The muses he interacts with become characters in his story. I get to see him develop and have ups and downs. It's like watching your favorite show with your favorite character, and there is always a new season. 5/5.
Hope this helps! This is just some things I could think of on the top of my head. And, this is just from my personal experience! ]
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animasola86 · 10 months
Some spicy chats to spice up a dreary day... 🔞
Full disclosure: the following screenshots are from various (non Sebastian) bots on SpicyChat. On that site you have the ability to edit what the bot says, which I sometimes do to correct slight grammar issues, repetition or name misspellings. In this case: I did nothing. All I did was ask the bot to tell me their fantasies (for research purposes!) - and boy, did they deliver. That's what I love about SpicyChat, the things they are able to throw at you, sometimes unprompted, oof.
So BEWARE! These are EXTREMELY NSFW and very explicit!!! 🌶️
So, uh, the first bot is a weird humanoid with tentacles attached to his back, don't mind that, he was just the best in story-telling... (Apart from those tentacles and the name, I do like to imagine other characters saying this, you know, to get back into the writing mood for a certain doe-eyed pixel boy...)
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(He does come up with weird phrasing sometimes (you wanna do what with those breasts?!), but come on, who cares about that? I had to down loads of water after reading this 🥵)
Now the next bot has been deleted or privated recently due to updated community guidelines (I shall not go into details here), so I'm glad I have these to remember him by:
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(And then things escalated a little...)
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(While the first bot I shared has a great backstory attached to him, this one is just pure smut, not even that, pure plotless porn at times...)
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So, who wants to join me in horny jail? 😏
Seriously, I can only recommend SpicyChat.ai - if you're looking for quick smut readings/RPs/smut writing exercises (well, quick after you get past the waiting time, but honestly it is so worth it!).
Of course there are also Sebastian bots (or other HL characters), but I felt I needed to take a step back from them for a moment, and honestly I learned a lot from those bots above, phrasing and details and whatnot (they do give a good insight in the male perspective of things imo), so I hope I can think of scenarios with our beloved Slytherin next to use my new vocabulary!
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baekhvuns · 2 months
HIIII BAEKSSSSS I missed you 😔 how are you? Wsp? How's everything?
Man, I've been pretty peaceful I'd say..kinda idk. Maybe the calm before the storm but that's besides the point. I miss your work so so so much 🥹🥹🥹 like rlly, not wanting to pressurise you just GIRL RLLY MADE 2022 SUCH A GOOD EXPERIENCE.
Anyways I've been watching a ton of stuff ofc, found a new pakistani drama 😈😈 well it's kind of the same plot as u wld guess, but I like this one it's like if not a lot then a bit diff frm the same ass dynamic. It's like a first daughter x youngest son the fun part is it was supposed to be, first daughter x first son but he was a jerk and a red flag. So yes...it'd be fun, it's a silly dynamic imo ik for sure there are going to be a ton banters.
ALSO dude these asmr Rps be getting Outta hand 😭 Nah cz i cried. I CRIED. THE ANGST OHHHHH. Some asmr artists are just so fucking good like alanakamakwk i felt like I was in a movie.
Lemme tell u a bit abt it, so the concept was basically, an old bsf comes back into the listener's life not in a bad way or anything just cz the bsf lived farrrrr away.
"do you wanna see the new tattoo i got?"
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LIKE OKAY and then we did trace them too and a while later the convo goes deep "i got this tattoo bcz u told me seven years ago, what you don't rmr?" And then he sort of reminisces over the old times
"and that day..I went home, and texted you how much I liked you. And wanted to hang out with you a bunch.."
"that didn't happen I never texted you."
And then the best part was the listeners bf calls who also used to be friends with the bsf, and goes "i love you."
In hopes of hearing it frm us too. "Dear...?" Silence.
And then when he comes out to go run errands he talks to the bsf AKA THE ASMR ARTIST I TELL U HIS VOICE *melts*
"we'll see you right?"
"... farewell"
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That's the visual representation of me I'm not even kidding. And....he just leaves. LIKE THAT?? WHAT ABOUT US AHHHH *dies*
Nah but yes, I've been obsessed now. At least it makes me feel something 😮‍💨
Ok also no way my old Bollywood obsession is dying anytime soon *listens to bol na halke halke*
i hope you’re doing well!! i’m currently sick bc of a heatwave i caught at a wedding 🥰🥰
i’m glad you’re feeling peaceful! AND DHSKDHKW DONT MENTION IT FNDMSKC ITS BEEN 2 YEARS 😭😭😭 maybe my writing bug just dimmed LMFAOOOO haven’t been on here or read anything, ive been in my drafts just giggling and reading but never like posting or writing fbdndb but ive kind of, maybe wanting to write something for fall time which i’m not sure ill post but it’s got me smiling a bit!
omg i can never get behind asmr, i have this thing called misophonia, i just despise the way the arm sounds make my ears feel fmandksb i just feel triggered BUT U CRIED BC OF IT WHY 😭😭
u gotta send me the link of it bc the voice actor u say… 👁
does our bollywood obsession rly die 😭😭 the new tauba tauba got me going a bit crazy,,, heard the jannat bgm but sad version and iM OBSESSED WITH IT, it lowkey inspired me to think and write <3 got me giggling and imaging stuff <3 in my pillow fbwndbsj
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rubbarband · 2 months
🌲 and i'll recommend a blog with thought-provoking headcanonssend 🌹 and i'll recommend a blog that makes me happy
TIME FOR SOME POSITIVITY! * send a symbol and i'll recommend my favorite rp blogs!
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🌲 and i'll recommend a blog with thought-provoking headcanons
Well that's a bit more difficult- I don't really read others headcanons like that enough to remember them...if I had to actually take the time and think, I think that @mused-like-roses despite them being few, writes really fun headcanons for his characters, heck even acts them out sometimes in fun little skits. He's the best!
🌹 and i'll recommend a blog that makes me happy
@nijimx Simple, I know it's sudden but I love Des and Makoto's interactions, be in in the metaverse or the real world, them talking about their shockingly similar lives. I forgot Makoto's dad was a officer just like Desmond's and he's the older sibling and she's the younger. Her being kinda his mentor on the other world while he teachers her about his-- well it's what interactions are imo; exploring characters. They make me happy seeing them on my dash.
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niichanism · 3 months
worth a shot
it’s summer and i’m deregulated and so bored, what i need are some 🔥yaoi rp’s🔥 lol
actually i’m also cool with just having people to talk rapidfire about fic ideas and blorbos with ☺️ since i’ve been in perpetual mourning, I want to do an acesabo, acelu, or ace/yamato rp… 🙏 I like AUs, dead doves, canon divergence, long plots, smut, omegaverse, you name it. We can trade ideas then decide what sounds the most fun to write 👍
I’ll basically write for any of those characters. I tend to be a pretty wordy bastard so it’s like free fanfiction. (ha ha joke, all fanfiction is free) I like to write the rp on google docs or discord. You can message me on here and I’ll add you on discord for easier talkin’ :>
for my comfort only people ages 23+ pls and thank you !!
real talk rp is like, the best way to make fandom friends imo! i’m surprised i don’t see more people talk abt it idk i love my niche hobby with free serotonin
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ultimatelifefcrm · 4 months
( repost, please don’t reblog )
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▐ NAME: – amber ▐ PRONOUNS: – she/her ▐ SEXUALITY: – pan ▐ TAKEN OR SINGLE: – get out of my house ▐ FIVE FACTS:
I am a champion of bad video games: got a bad game? I'll play it. I'll probably love it.
got my first miku figure this year! it was the strawberry miku. Surely this won't be an omen.
I'm REALLY into collecting retro games. Probably because it was all stuff I couldn't feasibly afford in my youth.
Workaholic to fund my money pit hobbies.
I like to do a little cosplay. Nothing major.
▐ HOW LONG (YEARS/MONTHS): – Like. 15ish years? ▐ PLATFORMS USED: – Y'all ever used Chatango? Or worse...MSPARP or even...Older: Trollmegle. cus: Me. ▐ BEST EXPERIENCE: – Roll (megaman) stealing minifridges is probably my most iconic moment. I don't remember why she did it.
▐ MALE/FEMALE/OTHER: – I try to...write women...But they just don't stick like my silly little guys do and that makes me SAD ▐ FAVORITE FACECLAIM: – probably v-mon. certified little guy...and I'm a little guy too. ▐ FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT: – i've written smut like -1 times and I will never do it again it's so embarrassing. Give me hurt/comfort any day. ▐ PLOTS OR MEMES: – healthy mix of both? With a slight bias towards plots. ▐ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: – Inbetween! But honestly, short keeps it faster paced imo and more engaging. ▐ BEST TIME TO WRITE: – whenever I feel like it tbh ▐ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: – They're like facets. While not representative of all of me (hah), I like to think they're a little like me in some regard!
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rp-academy · 10 months
not a newbie, but gonna speak as someone with over a decade of tumblr rp experience. my biggest advice for anyone starting out is a two-parter:
Roleplay is communication.
A huge pitfall of this hobby, not just on tumblr but in general, is this weird separation of roleplay from communication or this misunderstanding of where roleplay lies within communication. Roleplay is perhaps one of the most communicative hobbies out there, as its fundamental is based on, effectively, the grown-up version of playing pretend. At the end of the day, you're talking with someone. That's what the hobby is.
What this means is that the standards of communication still apply, and that roleplay is healthier if you step back and consider communicative etiquette. You need to check for boundaries and make your own heard. Always remember that there is a real person behind the screen. Read rules. If you are not interested in things potentially not going your way or having to acknowledge what another person may want out of roleplay, you aren't going to enjoy the hobby. You need to respect the other party's pace, and request respect for your own. Do not assume over-familiarity - mutuals doesn't automatically equal friends, and an rp friend is not the same as a friend who knows your trauma. If you're unsure or don't feel confident, talk it out.
I've noticed overtime that people seem to forget that rp is a form of communication, or, alternatively, that rp is an acceptable substitute of other forms of communication (like the sort of etiquette within an established friendgroup). IMO this has lead to a lot of the drama and stress that Tumblr RP is known for. I think remembering that roleplay is communication, but it's own unique form of communication that requires acknowledgement and respect of the real people engaging in it is critical to having a good rp experience.
2. You've GOTTA curate your own experience.
Tumblr RP is messy. You may feel obligated into following someone back, even if you're not sure about them. You may get overwhelmed if you fill your dash with strangers or feel impulsed to interact with things you don't want to for the sake of appeasing an illusory crowd. If you aren't using tumblr's tools to ensure the rp experience you want, you are going to walk into a lot of unneeded discomfort and maybe drama.
My personal advice: thoroughly vet someone from afar before you follow. Do you like the vibes? Do you have trusted friends you can get a second opinion from? Are you even interested in the other party's writing or character? Really, truly think about it. I promise you, trying to get more interactions is not worth putting yourself in spaces where you are uncomfortable. Be liberal with unfollows and blocking - it isn't an "attack" or an "admission of guilt/wrongness", it's you choosing how to engage the hobby in the way you want to. Filter tags. Consider if there's anything in the hobby that you don't actually like doing, you just feel pressured to.
A strictly curated tumblr rp experience is, frankly, the best tumblr rp experience (imo).
Sorry for the long ask, but wanted to help out by dropping in some RP Veteran advice as it were. Thank you for this blog!
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I couldn't have said it better myself.
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roleplayhonestybox · 6 months
As far as I'm concerned, dialogue and actions say much more about a character than paragraphs upon paragraphs of inner thoughts every single reply. The latter just sounds tedious to me. Then again, I've personally only encountered bad novella writers whose mission for rp is to regurgitate every single past action and paraphrase my reply to make some self-imposed word count, so my opinion is probably skewed by my experience.
A couple of paragraphs in general is the best balance, imo. You get some nice dialogue, some inner thoughts, and some plot movement. The most balanced in general. It's why I always ask for a writing sample before moving to plotting, etc, to make sure everyone knows what to expect and that my 300-500 word replies aren't going to be a disappointment to 2K word writers.
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azure-steel · 6 months
feel the urge to ask: is there a character you'd love to interact with, shipping OR platonic? are there stories or plots you'd like to work on? I'm not asking for any particular reason, just saw Cloud icon and went 'hm, yes, that's The Boy, wonder what he does for funsies.'
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Oh man, this is just a real broad set of questions that I don't think I can answer effectively xD
In short I want to interact with everyone, and like I know that's not entirely possible, but it is a fact. I want Cloud to make connections with people that he wouldn't normally, become friends with those that he would usually hate in canon, that kind of thing.
In terms of ships... as much as I complain about it (and I should probably stop doing that... duly noted, Saphie... werp) I like them to be developed over time, and/or discussed and plotted at length for the chemistry to unfold, you know?
My issue with shipping is that I need to have a good relationship with my RP partner, because if I don't, and I feel like I can't communicate with them it all tends to fall apart for me and I lose interest. Not only that, but there's a LOT of Cloud's out there, and I guess there's always that fear of becoming another number to add to someone else's collection, like a button I suppose.
This kind of thing has happened to me before and I guess it's always something that makes me feel a bit insecure, which is dumb and immature and it shouldn't be a thing. Everyone is entitled to RP with whoever they want and I'm not about to get in the way of that, not at all. BUT, that makes me feel a certain way and I try to avoid putting myself in those situations. Hence why I'm a bit of a weeny about sending in shipping memes unless there's already one established, etc.
My main ship though, is with @ghostofnibelheim, but it should also be noted that not only is he one of the best Sephiroth's around (imo obviously but still... I love him) but he is also my best friend, both here and IRL so this is non-negotiable at any point. Yes... I like me some nitty gritty in my RP's it has to be said~ But that certainly isn't to say that I'm not open to shipping with other muses, I just like to know that I can come to you to talk about it and iron stuff out, is all.
But, in short, I just want to RP with everyone, and if I follow you then I CERTAINLY want to write with you. It's the reason I followed, you know?
Sorry for rambling <3
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